Proposal For Research Conclave 2020

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23rd September, 2019

To: The Director - Management

From: Dr. Rajeev Johari

Subject:- Proposal to organize Research Conclave on “Five Trillion Dollar Economy:

Targets and Challenges for New India” Tentative date- 18th January’’2020

Respected Madam,

The Department of Management, ITS Mohan Nagar proposes to organize Research Conclave
2020 that aims to examine the above theme in all its dimensions so as to encourage
widespread discussions on all facets. The central idea is to provide a forum for free and fair
exchange of ideas between industry and academia.

Recently India has set a target to become a $ 5 trillion dollar economy by 2024. This will
entail the country growing at an average annual rate of 12 % for the next five years. In order
to achieve such an ambitious target multiple considerations come into the picture. There has
been a number of important shifts in motion in recent times like those in global trade; the
emergence of data – which has been further bolstered through the predicted arrival of the
Internet of Things; the move towards digitalization which had already started across the
world and is now a major initiative in India as well; the increasing role of intellectual
property and talent as a means of value creation and the unprecedented growth of services.

Given the global scene that is projected to be heading for recession, our country too cannot
remain uninfluenced. The present scene in our country based on performance focused on
agriculture and manufacturing sector points at downswing. However other sectors hold
immense potential for economy uplift given their efforts on reform initiatives. The conclave
will thus touch upon the following sectors of economy: Service, Manufacturing, Agriculture,
Banking, Infrastructure, MSME. It will feature deliberations on these sectors from dignitaries
as in bureaucrats, bankers, academicians, researchers from think tanks, corporate honchos etc.

The objectives:

1. Practical exposure to students and industry practitioners on current state of economy

and challenges with respect to its different sectors.
2. Outlining of strategic tools, techniques and measures in force at the hands of policy
planners and makers towards restructuring of industrial and sectoral framework.
3. Recommendations on sector boosting mechanisms especially revival of agriculture
sector and manufacturing units presently facing production imbalances.
Enclosed herewith is the tentative budget for the same for your consideration and approval of
the conclave proposal.


Dr. Rajeev Johari

Budget Estimate for Research Conclave 2020

S.No. Particulars Rate Rs../Unit Units Amount Expected

(Rs./) Revenue
1. Conclave Kit By the 50
for Business Institute
2. Photography By the
and Video Institute
3. Certification 10 100 1000
for Delegates
and volunteers
4. Sapling By the
5. Honorarium to @5000 10 50000
the Speakers
6. Banners By the
(Backdrop)/ Institute
Flex boards
7. High Tea for 70 60 70 4200
8 Lunch for 70 250 70 17500
9. Miscellaneous 7000
10. Delegate fee 1000 35 35000
11. Sponsorship 30000
12. Gifts and To be borne
momentoes to by the
guests institute
Total 79700 65000

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