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DepEd Order No. 42, s.


Grades 1 – 12 School: BALETE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade & Section: Grade 7 & 8
Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jeffrey Angelo C. Geronimo Subject: EIM G7 & 8
Date & Time: Quarter: Third

The learner demonstrates an understanding of one’s Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills
A. Content Standards
The learner recognizes his/her PeCS and prepares a list of PeCS of a practitioner/entrepreneur in electrical
B. Performance Standards
installation and maintenance.
LO 1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PeCS) needed in electrical installation
and maintenance
C. Learning Competencies
1.2 Assess practitioner’s PeCS: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits
1.3 Compare one’s PeCS with those of a practitioner /entrepreneur
II. CONTENT Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
A. References
1. Curriculum guide pages TLE_PECS7/8-00-1
2. Teacher’s guide pages
3. Learner’s materials pages
4. Textbook Pages Page 1
5. Additional materials from N/A
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson What are the different characteristics of an entrepreneur?

B. Establishing a purpose for the

How important is evaluating PECs of a successful entrepreneur?

C. Presenting examples/instances of Present a video about “The Real Entrepreneurs”.

the new lesson (

D. Discussing new concepts and What is the video all about?

practicing new skills What are his/her secret in becoming an entrepreneur?
Activity-Based using 3As
 What are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur?
E. Discussing new concepts and
 How these characteristics helped individual to become a successful entrepreneur?
practicing new skills
 What will you do if you will encounter problems in your journey on becoming a successful

F. Developing mastery What characteristics should an entrepreneur have?

Interview one or two successful electricians or entrepreneurs in your town whose type of business is related
with Electrical Installation and Maintenance. Focus your interview on the PECs and other business-related
attributes that helped them become successful. Analyze the results of the interview and reflect on the
similarities and/or differences.

G. Finding practical application of Sample Interview Guide

concepts and skills in daily living Name of Proprietor/Practitioner: ___________________________ Age: _______________
Number of Years in Business: _________ Business Name: ___________________________
Business Address: _____________________________________

What were your preparations before you engaged in this type of business or job?
What are your special skills and characteristics which are important in your present business?
How did you solve business-related problems during the early years of your business operations?
Did you follow the tips from a successful businessman or practitioner before engaging in your business?
What are your best business practices that you can share with many aspiring students like me?
What are the salient characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills and traits that have made you successful in this
Based on the activity done, what are the characteristics of an entrepreneur that make them successful?
Compare your characteristics with them.

Personal Entrepreneurial
Similarities Differences
H. Making Generalization and 1. Characteristics
abstraction about the lesson 2. Attributes
3. Lifestyle
4. Skills
5. Traits
Direction: Identify what is being described in each statement.

____1. He is always ahead of others and able to become a leader in the field of business
____2. An entrepreneur always looks for and takes action on opportunities
____3. An entrepreneur is able to make repeated efforts or to take different actions to overcome an obstacle
I. Evaluating learning that get in the way of reaching goals.
____4. An entrepreneur is able to take action on how to seek information to help achieve business objectives
or clarify business problems
____5. An entrepreneur acts to do things that meet certain standards of excellence which gives him greater

J. Additional Activities for

Based on the interview in the different field of business, do you think this will be helpful someday? How?
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities
C. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well?
D. What difficulties did I encounter
E. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:

Jeffrey Angelo C. Geronimo

TLE Teacher

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