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23, Jalan Satu,

Taman Bersatu,
09100 Baling,
Dear Ali,
Greetings, my dear friend. Recently, I heard 1) through the grapevine that you have

been taking drugs. This is a rather 2) grave issue and your future is 3) at stake . As your

friend I am very concerned and worried as drugs have a lot of negative effects. Therefore, I

4) have taken it into my own hands to give you some advice about this matter.

Firstly, let’s talk about your mood swings. I’m sure you’ve been experiencing ups and

downs in your emotions, right? As a result, you cannot focus well on your academic 5) pursuits.

You’re still a student, so this effect will 6) throw you under the bus. All the hard work, time and

energy that you have put into your studies will 7) go down the drain just because of the drugs

you are taking.

Apart from that, you will face relationship problems with your own family and friends. I

know this is quite personal, but you are definitely risking your 8) reputation when you take

drugs. You will 9) be in nobody’s good books, as nobody wants to be 10) associated with a

drug addict. I don’t want you to 11) end up on the streets and believe me when I say that no

drug is worth the precious connection you have with your loved ones and also God.

Next, taking drugs will land you in financial problems. You shouldn’t 12) squander all

your money on these deadly pills and be more thoughtful of what you spend on. Every pill that

you take is 13) burning a hole in your pocket as well as causing your future to become more

and more 14) dim. The fun and pleasure that you are experiencing now will come back to haunt

you in the future.

Furthermore, taking drugs gives you 15) hallucinations that impact your rational

thought. Have you seen those news reports of drug addicts killing their own family members in a

fit of rage and 16) delusion? It’s scary for me to think that you might become one of those
crazed addicts. Also, your health is at risk and you are exposed to untreatable illnesses such as

HIV due to sharing of infected needles.

It is never too late to stop taking drugs, so here are some solutions that can help you

towards doing that. The most important step is to identify the root cause of why you are taking

drugs. I think one of the reasons you are doing this is because of your exam stress. Therefore,

you should learn how to manage your stress effectively and avoid turning to pills when under


Other than that, consult a medical doctor for treatment that can help you stay drug-free.

Counselling sessions are also effective in helping your sort out your emotional problems.

Otherwise, you can head to the nearest Anti-Drug Agency to seek help from the professionals or

talk to ex-drug addicts to see how they have stopped taking drugs. Dump your toxic friends who

are influencing you negatively, and surround yourself with positive people. You should fill your

spare time with family members and loving friends who will drive you towards a progressive


I shall stop my letter here. I hope you heed my advice, and I pray that you will move

ahead from this dark time.

Your friend,

pursuits go down the burning a hole in end up on the
drain your pocket streets
squander through the throw you under have taken it
grapevine the bus into my own
associated dim at stake delusion
grave be in hallucinations reputation
good books

1. Pursuits (noun) The act of pursuing something, to which one gives time

Pursue (verb) - One of Ali’s pursuits is he wants to study in America.

2. squander Waste (ex: money, time…etc)

He squandered all of his money on buying drugs.

3. Associated (verb) Make a connection between people, become involved

Association He became a drug addict after he associated with negative peers.

4. grave Serious or sad (people), serious (issue), kubur

Taking drugs is a grave issue among young people nowadays.

5. go down the drain Something is wasted (ex: time, energy, money, love)

All his love went down the drain when his ex cheated on him.
6. through the Heard some gossip
I heard through the grapevine that Faris got married to Neelofa.
7. dim Not clear, a stupid person

I couldn’t find my way through the jungle as the light was getting
8. be in (somebody’s) Build a good relationship with someone
good books
Jazmi tried to get into Mr. Nik’s good books because he wanted to get A
for his Accounts subject.
9. burning (burned/ Expensive
burn) a hole in your
My Iphone Pro Max 11 burned a hole in my pocket.
10. throw you under the Very negative effects
Taking drugs will throw you under the bus.
11. at stake (phrasal In danger (ex: life, money, health, future, relationship)
My life is at stake.
12. hallucinations Illusion

Taking drugs can cause hallucinations.

13. end up on the Homeless and poor
He ended up on the streets after he spent all his money gambling.
14. have taken it into Become responsible for something, you do it on your own
my own hands
I took it into my own hands to advise my friend about his drug addiction.
15. delusion Wrong belief

He was under the delusion that he was the most handsome guy in the
16. reputation Good name

If you take drugs, your reputation will be at stake.

23, Jalan Satu,

Taman Bersatu,
09100 Baling,
Dear Ali,
Greetings, my dear friend. Recently, I heard through the grapevine that you have been

taking drugs. This is a rather grave issue and your future is at stake. As your friend I am very

concerned and worried as drugs have a lot of negative effects. Therefore, I have taken it into

my own hands to give you some advice about this matter.

Firstly, let’s talk about your mood swings. I’m sure you’ve been experiencing ups and

downs in your emotions, right? As a result, you cannot focus well on your academic pursuits.

You’re still a student, so this effect will throw you under the bus. All the hard work, time and
energy that you have put into your studies will go down the drain just because of the drugs you

are taking.

Apart from that, you will face relationship problems with your own family and friends. I

know this is quite personal, but you are definitely risking your reputation when you take drugs.

You will be in nobody’s good books, as nobody wants to be associated with a drug addict. I

don’t want you to end up on the streets and believe me when I say that no drug is worth the

precious connection you have with your loved ones and also God.

Next, taking drugs will land you in financial problems. You shouldn’t squander all your

money on these deadly pills and be more thoughtful of what you spend on. Every pill that you

take is burning a hole in your pocket as well as causing your future to become more and

more dim. The fun and pleasure that you are experiencing now will come back to haunt you in

the future.

Furthermore, taking drugs gives you hallucinations that impact your rational thought.

Have you seen those news reports of drug addicts killing their own family members in a fit of

rage and delusion? It’s scary for me to think that you might become one of those crazed

addicts. Also, your health is at risk and you are exposed to untreatable illnesses such as HIV

due to sharing of infected needles.

It is never too late to stop taking drugs, so here are some solutions that can help you

towards doing that. The most important step is to identify the root cause of why you are taking

drugs. I think one of the reasons you are doing this is because of your exam stress. Therefore,

you should learn how to manage your stress effectively and avoid turning to pills when under


Other than that, consult a medical doctor for treatment that can help you stay drug-free.

Counselling sessions are also effective in helping your sort out your emotional problems.

Otherwise, you can head to the nearest Anti-Drug Agency to seek help from the professionals or

talk to ex-drug addicts to see how they have stopped taking drugs. Dump your toxic friends who
are influencing you negatively, and surround yourself with positive people. You should fill your

spare time with family members and loving friends who will drive you towards a progressive


I shall stop my letter here. I hope you heed my advice, and I pray that you will move

ahead from this dark time.

Your friend,

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