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Chapter 2


This chapter presents a summary of readings on related literature and related

studies which have significant bearing to the present study.

Foreign Literature

In an article entitled “Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance”

written last June 2012 by Irfan Mushtaq & Shabana Nawaz Khan of Mohammad Ali
Jinnah University Islamabad, Pakistan, it states that students are most essential asset
for any educational institute. The social and economic development of the country is
directly linked with student academic performance. The students’ performance
(academic achievement) plays an important role in producing the best quality
graduates who will become great leader and manpower for the country thus
responsible for the country’s economic and social development.

However, Multiple factors come to play when it comes to academic

performance of a learner, which need to be considered should one want to perform
better. Different people believe that different factors affect learners differently
under different circumstances (Ndapewa & Mbandeka 2012).

According to Muzenda ( 2013) teachers are regarded as the most imperative

school-based factor that influences students’ achievement levels. Poor academic
performance by numerous students in higher education and training public and
private institutions has gained significant attention by most researchers in the field
of educational management. Previous studies on the subject on the subject on
students’ academic performance by Al-Mutairi (2011) and Kang’ ahi et al (2012)
indicate although there exist several factors that influence students’ academic
performances, but teachers competence remains one major determinants of
students students’ academic performance.

Additionaly in another article entitled “Effect of Classroom Management on

Academic Performance” written by Prof. Thomas Brown last October 15, 2012 it
stated teachers play important roles in the classroom management. Effective
teaching and learning and learning cannot happen in a class that is not well managed.
Students tend to be disorderly, disrespectful and do not follow rules and procedures
in a classroom that is poorly managed and this affects student’s performance. This is
because the teachers struggle to deliver instructions and students do not learn well.

Aside from improving the classroom behavior of students to improve the

academic performance of students, Harry K. Wong (n.d) in his article entitled, “There
is Only One Way to Improve Student Achievement,” he stated that a student
achievement is a result of good classroom management. He added that it is teaher
practices that govern student learning. What the teacher does in the classroom to
structure and organize a learning environment is the most important factor that will
increase student achievement.

Local Literature

In an educational institution, the students are the main character in the plot,
without them, the school, the teachers, and facilities will be worthless. The topmost
priority of educators is the quality of students’ performance in academic standards
(Junio & Liwag, 2016).

However,In the Philippines in order to give quality education the DepEd Order
32 (2011) , teachers development is one of the focus in education sector right now,
policies and guidelines were prepared by the Civil Service Commission (CSC),
National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), Commission on Audit ( COA) to reformulate policy guidelines
on designing training and development (T&D) is the process by which an
organization or institution provides professional development activities to enhance
individuals with knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to perform their
functions effectively.

Also, DepEd Order 34 (2014), investing in education and skills for the youth to
help achieve a dynamic economic growth and stability.
In addition, the teacher is the key figure in school. The success of the school
and the students in terms of each educational progress rests on the active
awareness and leadership of the teacher in carrying out its programs. The teacher
then is expected to initiates techniques and strategies that create meaningful and
favourable atmosphere in which educational process is successfully taking place
(Amado, 2015)

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