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[G.R. No. 154645. July 13, 2004.]

MILAGROS JOAQUINO a.k.a. MILAGROS J. REYES , petitioner, vs .

all surnamed REYES , respondents.



Though registered in the paramour's name, property acquired with the salaries and
earnings of a husband belongs to his conjugal partnership with the legal spouse. The
liation of the paramour's children must be settled in a probate or special proceeding
instituted for the purpose, not in an action for recovery of property.
The Case
Before the Court is a Petition for Review 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
seeking to nullify the February 4, 2002 Decision 2 and the August 14, 2002 Resolution 3 of
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 45883. The CA disposed as follows:
"WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal is hereby partially DENIED
and the Decision dated May 30, 1994, of the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City,
Branch 111 in Civil Case No. 9722-P is MODIFIED to read, as follows:
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiffs and
against the defendant as follows:
'a. Declaring the house and lot registered under Transfer
Certi cate of Title No. 90293 (26627-A) of the Registry of Deeds of Metro
Manila, District IV as conjugal partnership property of the late Spouses
Rodolfo and Lourdes Reyes;

'b. Ordering the [petitioner] to surrender possession of said

subject property, pursuant to the applicable law on succession, to the
respective estates of the late Rodolfo Reyes and Lourdes Reyes and to pay
a reasonable rental of P10,000.00 a month, to the same juridical entities,
upon their failure to do so until possession of the property is delivered; and

'c. To pay [respondents] attorney's fees in the sum of

P20,000.00 and to pay the costs.'" 4

The questioned Resolution, on the other hand, denied petitioner's Motion for
The Facts
The CA narrated the facts as follows:
"[Respondents] led a Complaint for reconveyance and damages, dated
January 23, 1982, before the Court of First Instance of Rizal, containing the
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following allegations:

'. . . The complaint alleges that [respondent] Lourdes P. Reyes is the

widow of Rodolfo A. Reyes who died on September 12, 1981; that
[respondents] Mercedes, Manuel, Miriam and Rodolfo, Jr. are the legitimate
children of [respondent] Lourdes P. Reyes and the deceased Rodolfo A.
Reyes; that for years before his death, Rodolfo A. Reyes had illicit relations
with [petitioner] Milagros B. Joaquino; that before his death, . . . Rodolfo A.
Reyes was Vice President and Comptroller of Warner Barnes and Company
with an income of P15,000.00 a month and, after retirement on September
30, 1980, received from said company bene ts and emoluments in the
amount of P315,0[1]1.79; that [respondent] wife was not the recipient of
any portion of the said amount.

'The complaint further alleges that on July 12, 1979, a [D]eed of

[S]ale of a property consisting of a house and lot at BF Homes, Parañaque,
Metro Manila was executed by the spouses Ramiro Golez and Corazon
Golez in favor of [petitioner] Milagros B. Joaquino for which Transfer
Certi cate of Title No. 90293 of the Register of Deeds of Metro Manila,
District IV was issued in the name of [petitioner] Milagros B. Joaquino; that
the funds used to purchase this property were conjugal funds and earnings
of the deceased Rodolfo A. Reyes as executive of Warner Barnes and
Company as [petitioner] Joaquino was without the means to pay for the
same; that [petitioner] executed a Special Power of Attorney in favor of
Rodolfo A. Reyes to mortgage the property to Commonwealth Insurance
Corporation in order to pay the balance of the purchase price; that said
Rodolfo A. Reyes executed a mortgage in favor of Commonwealth
Insurance Corporation for P140,000.00 and to guaranty payment thereof,
he secured a life insurance [policy] with Philam Life Insurance Corporation
for the said amount, assigning the proceeds thereof to Commonwealth
Insurance Corporation; that the monthly amortizations of the mortgage
were paid by said Rodolfo A. Reyes before his death and at the time of his
death, the outstanding balance of P110,000.00 was to be paid out of his
Philam Life Insurance [p]olicy. TaDAIS

'The complaint nally alleges that the deceased had two cars in
[petitioner's] possession and that the real and personal properties in
[petitioner's] possession are conjugal partnership propert[ies] of the
spouses Lourdes P. Reyes and Rodolfo A. Reyes and one-half belongs
exclusively to [respondent] Lourdes P. Reyes and the other half to the
estate of Rodolfo A. Reyes to be apportioned among the [other
respondents] as his forced heirs. [Respondents] therefore, pray that the
property covered by T.C.T. No. 90293 be declared conjugal property of the
spouses Lourdes P. Reyes and Rodolfo A. Reyes and that [petitioner] be
ordered to reconvey the property in [respondents'] favor; that the two cars in
[petitioner's] possession be delivered to [respondents] and that [petitioner]
be made to pay actual, compensatory and moral damages to [respondents]
as well as attorney's fees.'

xxx xxx xxx

"[Petitioner] eventually led her Answer, dated August 1, 1982, the

allegations of which have been summarized by the trial court in the following

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'In her Answer, [petitioner] Milagros B. Joaquino alleges that she
purchased the real property in question with her own exclusive funds and it
was only for convenience that the late Rodolfo Reyes facilitated the
mortgage over the same; that although the late Rodolfo Reyes paid the
monthly amortization of the mortgage as attorney-in-fact of [petitioner], the
money came exclusively from [her].

'[Petitioner] further alleges in her answer, by way of special and

a rmative defenses, that during all the nineteen (19) years that [she] lived
with Rodolfo Reyes from 1962 continuously up to September 12, 1981
when the latter died, [petitioner] never had knowledge whatsoever that he
was married to someone else, much less to [respondent] Lourdes P. Reyes;
that [petitioner] was never the bene ciary of the emoluments or other
pecuniary bene ts of the late Rodolfo Reyes during his lifetime or after his
death because [she] had the nancial capacity to support herself and her
children begotten with the late Rodolfo Reyes. [Petitioner] prays for a
judgment dismissing [respondents'] complaint and for the latter to pay
unto [petitioner] moral and exemplary damages in such amounts as may
be determined during the trial, including atto[r]ney's fees and the costs of
the suit. . . ..'
xxx xxx xxx

"On February 2, 1993, [respondent] Lourdes Reyes died.

"Subsequently, the trial court granted the complaint based on the following
factual findings:

'Lourdes Reyes was legally married to Rodolfo Reyes on January 3,

1947 in Manila. They have four children, namely: Mercedes, Manuel,
Miriam and Rodolfo Jr., all surnamed Reyes and co-[respondents] in this
case. Rodolfo Reyes died on September 12, 1981. At the time of his death,
Rodolfo Reyes was living with his common-law wife, Milagros Joaquino, . .
. with whom she begot three (3) children namely: Jose Romillo, Imelda May
and Charina, all surnamed Reyes.

'During his lifetime, Rodolfo Reyes worked with Marsman and

Company and later transferred to Warner Barnes & Co., where he assumed
the position of Vice-President [Comptroller] until he retired on September
30, 1980. His monthly salary at Warner Barnes & Co. was P15,000.00 . . .
and upon his separation or retirement from said company, Rodolfo Reyes
received a lump sum of P315,011.79 in full payment and settlement of his
separation and retirement benefits.

'During the common-law relationship of Rodolfo Reyes and

[petitioner] Milagros Joaquino and while living together, they decided to
buy the house and lot situated at No. 12 Baghdad Street, Phase 3, BF
Homes, Parañaque, Metro Manila. A Deed of Absolute Sale dated July 12,
1979 was executed in favor of [petitioner] Milagros Joaquino and Transfer
Certi cate of Title No. S-90293 covering the said property was issued in
the name of [petitioner only] on July 20, 1979.

'To secure the nances with which to pay the purchase price of the
property in the amount of P140,000.00, [petitioner] executed on July 20,
1979, a Special Power of Attorney in favor of Rodolfo A. Reyes for the
latter, as attorney-in-fact, to secure a loan from the Commonwealth
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Insurance Company. An application for mortgage loan was led by
Rodolfo Reyes with the Commonwealth Insurance Company and a Real
Estate Mortgage Contract was executed as collateral to the mortgage loan.
The loan was payable in ten (10) years with a monthly amortization of
P1,166.67. The monthly amortizations were paid by Rodolfo Reyes and
after his death, the balance of P109,797.64 was paid in full to the
Commonwealth Insurance by the Philam Life Insurance Co. as insurer of
the deceased Rodolfo A. Reyes.'" 5

On appeal to the CA, petitioner questioned the following ndings of the trial court: 1)
that the house and lot had been paid in full from the proceeds of the loan that Rodolfo
Reyes obtained from the Commonwealth Insurance Company; 2) that his salaries and
earnings, which were his and Lourdes' conjugal funds, paid for the loan and, hence, the
disputed property was conjugal; and 3) that petitioner's illegitimate children, not having
been recognized or acknowledged by him in any of the ways provided by law, acquired no
successional rights to his estate.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
A rming the RTC, the CA held that the property had been paid out of the conjugal
funds of Rodolfo and Lourdes because the monthly amortizations for the loan, as well as
the premiums for the life insurance policy that paid for the balance thereof, came from his
salaries and earnings. Like the trial court, it found no su cient proof that petitioner was
nancially capable of buying the disputed property, or that she had actually contributed her
own exclusive funds to pay for it. Hence, it ordered her to surrender possession of the
property to the respective estates of the spouses.

The appellate court, however, held that the trial court should not have resolved the
issue of the liation and the successional rights of petitioner's children. Such issues, it
said, were not properly cognizable in an ordinary civil action for reconveyance and
damages and were better ventilated in a probate or special proceeding instituted for the
Hence, this Petition. 6
Petitioner submits the following issues for the Court's consideration:
Whether or not it has been indubitably established in a court of law and
trier of facts, the Regional Trial Court, that petitioner's three [3] illegitimate
children are . . . indeed the children of the late Rodolfo Reyes.

Whether or not it is legally permissible for [respondents] to make a mockery

of the law by denying [the] liations of their [two] 2 illegitimate sisters and one [1]
illegitimate brother when in fact the very complaint led by their mother, the
lawful wife, Lourdes[,] shows that her husband Rodolfo had illicit relations with
the petitioner Milagros and had lived with her in a house and lot at Baghdad

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Whether or not the fact that the Court of Appeals made a nding that the
house and lot at Baghdad Street are conjugal property of lawfully wedded
Rodolfo and Lourdes including the insurance proceeds which was used to pay the
nal bill for the house and lot, this will prevail over Articles 19 and 21 of the Civil

Whether or not the Supreme Court should enforce the rule that the parties
to a lawsuit should only tell the truth at the trial and in [their] pleadings . . ..
Whether or not the legitimate children of the late Rodolfo Reyes should
respect their father's desire that his illegitimate children should have a home or a
roof over their heads in consonance with his duty to love, care and provide for his
children even after his death." 7

The issues boil down to the following: 1) the nature of the house and lot on Baghdad
Street (BF Homes Parañaque, Metro Manila); and 2) the propriety of ruling on the liation
and the successional rights of petitioner's children.
The Court's Ruling
The Petition is devoid of merit.
First Issue:
The Conjugal Nature of the Disputed Property
Before tackling the merits, we must rst point out some undisputed facts and
guiding principles.
As to the facts, it is undisputed that the deceased Rodolfo Reyes was legally
married to Respondent Lourdes Reyes on January 3, 1947. 8 It is also admitted that for 19
years or so, and while their marriage was subsisting, he was actually living with petitioner.
It was during this time, in 1979, that the disputed house and lot was purchased and
registered in petitioner's name.
Plainly, therefore, the applicable law is the Civil Code of the Philippines. Under Article
145 thereof, a conjugal partnership of gains (CPG) is created upon marriage 9 and lasts
until the legal union is dissolved by death, annulment, legal separation or judicial separation
of property. 1 0 Conjugal properties are by law owned in common by the husband and wife.
1 1 As to what constitutes such properties are laid out in Article 153 of the Code, which we
"(1) That which is acquired by onerous title during the marriage at the
expense of the common fund, whether the acquisition be for the partnership, or
for only one of the spouses; ADSTCI

(2) That which is obtained by the industry, or work, or as salary of the

spouses, or of either of them;
(3) The fruits, rents or interests received or due during the marriage,
coming from the common property or from the exclusive property of each

Moreover, under Article 160 of the Code, all properties of the marriage, unless
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proven to pertain to the husband or the wife exclusively, are presumed to belong to the
CPG. For the rebuttable presumption to arise, however, the properties must rst be proven
to have been acquired during the existence of the marriage. 1 2
The law places the burden of proof 1 3 on the plaintiffs (respondents herein) to
establish their claim by a preponderance of evidence 1 4 — evidence that has greater weight
or is more convincing than that which is offered to oppose it. 1 5
On the other hand, Article 144 1 6 of the Civil Code mandates a co-ownership
between a man and a woman who are living together but are not legally married. Prevailing
jurisprudence holds, though, that for Article 144 to apply, the couple must not be
incapacitated to contract marriage. 1 7 It has been held that the Article is inapplicable to
common-law relations amounting to adultery or concubinage, as in this case. The reason
therefor is the absurdity of creating a co-ownership in cases in which there exists a prior
conjugal partnership between the man and his lawful wife. 1 8
In default of Article 144 of the Civil Code, Article 148 of the Family Code has been
applied. 1 9 The latter Article provides:
"Art. 148. In cases of cohabitation not falling under the preceding
Article, only the properties acquired by both of the parties through their actual
joint contribution of money, property, or industry shall be owned by them in
common in proportion to their respective contributions. In the absence of proof to
the contrary, their contributions and corresponding shares are presumed to be
equal. The same rule and presumption shall apply to joint deposits of money and
evidence of credit.
"If one of the parties is validly married to another, his or her share in the co-
ownership shall accrue to the absolute community or conjugal partnership
existing in such valid marriage. If the party which acted in bad faith is not validly
married to another, his or her share shall be forfeited in the manner provided in
the last paragraph of the preceding Article.

"The foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise apply even if both parties
are in bad faith."

Thus, when a common-law couple have a legal impediment to marriage, only the
property acquired by them — through their actual joint contribution of money, property or
industry — shall be owned by them in common and in proportion to their respective
With these facts and principles rmly settled, we now proceed to the merits of the
first issue.
The present controversy hinges on the source of the funds paid for the house and
lot in question. Upon the resolution of this issue depends the determination of whether the
property is conjugal (owned by Rodolfo and Lourdes) or exclusive (owned by Milagros) or
co-owned by Rodolfo and Milagros.
The above issue, which is clearly factual, has been passed upon by both the trial and
the appellate courts, with similar results in favor of respondents. Such nding is generally
conclusive; it is not the function of this Court to review questions of fact. 2 0
Moreover, it is well-settled that only errors of law and not of facts are reviewable by
this Court in cases brought to it from the Court of Appeals or under Rule 45 of the Rules of
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Court. 2 1 This principle applies with greater force herein, because the CA came up with the
same factual findings as those of the RTC.
Even then, heeding petitioner's plea, we have gone through the pleadings and the
evidence presented by the parties to nd out if there is any circumstance that might
warrant a reversal of the factual findings. Unfortunately for petitioner, we have found none.
Indeed, a preponderance of evidence has duly established that the disputed house
and lot was paid by Rodolfo Reyes, using his salaries and earnings. By substantial
evidence, respondents showed the following facts: 1) that Rodolfo was gainfully employed
as comptroller at Warner, Barnes and Co., Inc. until his retirement on September 30, 1980,
upon which he received a sizeable retirement package; 2 2 2) that at exactly the same time
the property was allegedly purchased, 2 3 he applied for a mortgage loan 2 4 — intended for
"housing" 2 5 — from the Commonwealth Insurance Company; 3) that he secured the loan
with a real estate mortgage 2 6 over the same property; 4) that he paid the monthly
amortizations for the loan 2 7 as well as the semi-annual premiums 2 8 for a Philam Life
insurance policy, which he was required to take as additional security; and 5) that with the
proceeds of his life insurance policy, the balance of the loan was paid to Commonwealth
by Philam Life Insurance Company. 2 9
All told, respondents have shown that the property was bought during the marriage
of Rodolfo and Lourdes, a fact that gives rise to the presumption that it is conjugal. More
important, they have established that the proceeds of the loan obtained by Rodolfo were
used to pay for the property; and that the loan was, in turn, paid from his salaries and
earnings, which were conjugal funds under the Civil Code.
In contrast, petitioner has failed to substantiate either of her claims — that she was
nancially capable of buying the house and lot, or that she actually contributed to the
payments therefor.
Indeed, it does not appear that she was gainfully employed at any time after 1961 3 0
when the property was purchased. Hearsay are the A davits 3 1 and the undated
Certification 3 2 she had presented to prove that she borrowed money from her siblings and
had earnings from a jewelry business. Respondents had not been given any opportunity to
cross-examine the a ants, who had not testi ed on these matters. Based on the rules of
evidence, the A davits and the Certi cation have to be rejected. In fact, they have no
probative value. 3 3 The CA was also correct in disregarding petitioner's allegation that part
of the purchase money had come from the sale of a drugstore 3 4 four years earlier.
Under the circumstances, therefore, the purchase and the subsequent registration of
the realty in petitioner's name was tantamount to a donation by Rodolfo to Milagros. By
express provision of Article 739(1) of the Civil Code, such donation was void, because it
was "made between persons who were guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of the

The prohibition against donations between spouses 3 5 must likewise apply to

donations between persons living together in illicit relations; otherwise, the latter would be
better situated than the former. 3 6 Article 87 of the Family Code now expressly provides
"Art. 87. Every donation or grant of gratuitous advantage, direct or
indirect, between the spouses during the marriage shall be void, except moderate
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gifts which the spouses may give each other on the occasion of any family
rejoicing. The prohibition shall also apply to persons living together as husband
and wife without a valid marriage." (Italics supplied)
Regarding the registration of the property in petitioner's name, it is enough to stress
that a certi cate of title under the Torrens system aims to protect dominion; it cannot be
used as an instrument for the deprivation of ownership. 3 7 It has been held that property is
conjugal if acquired in a common-law relationship during the subsistence of a preexisting
legal marriage, even if it is titled in the name of the common-law wife. 3 8 In this case, a
constructive trust is deemed created under Article 1456 of the Civil Code, which we quote:
"Art. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the person
obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust for the
benefit of the person from whom the property comes."

The registration of the property in petitioner's name was clearly designed to deprive
Rodolfo's legal spouse and compulsory heirs of ownership. By operation of law, petitioner
is deemed to hold the property in trust for them. Therefore, she cannot rely on the
registration in repudiation of the trust, for this case is a well-known exception to the
principle of conclusiveness of a certificate of title. 3 9
Second Issue:
Ruling on Illegitimate Filiation
Not Proper
It is petitioner's alternative submission that her children are entitled to a share in the
disputed property, because they were voluntarily acknowledged by Rodolfo as his children.
Claiming that the issue of her children's illegitimate filiation was duly established in the trial
court, she faults the CA for ruling that the issue was improper in the instant case.
Her position is untenable.
Indeed, it has been ruled that matters relating to the rights of liation and heirship
must be ventilated in the proper probate court in a special proceeding instituted precisely
for the purpose of determining such rights. 4 0 Sustaining the appellate court in Agapay v.
Palang, 4 1 this Court held that the status of an illegitimate child who claimed to be an heir
to a decedent's estate could not be adjudicated in an ordinary civil action which, as in this
case, was for the recovery of property.
Considerations of due process should have likewise deterred the RTC from ruling on
the status of petitioner's children. It is evident from the pleadings of the parties that this
issue was not presented in either the original 4 2 or the Supplemental Complaint 4 3 for
reconveyance of property and damages; that it was not pleaded and specifically prayed for
by petitioner in her Answers 4 4 thereto; and that it was not traversed by respondents' Reply
to the Supplemental Complaint. 4 5 Neither did petitioner's Memorandum, 4 6 which was
submitted to the trial court, raise and discuss this issue. In view thereof, the illegitimate
liation of her children could not have been duly established by the proceedings as
required by Article 887 of the Civil Code. 4 7
In view of the foregoing reasons, the CA cannot be faulted for tackling the propriety
of the RTC's ruling on the status of the children of petitioner, though she did not assign this
matter as an error. The general rule — that only errors assigned may be passed upon by an
appellate court — admits of exceptions. Even unassigned errors may be taken up by such
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court if the consideration of those errors would be necessary for arriving at a just decision
or for serving the interest of justice. 4 8
The invocation by petitioner of Articles 19 4 9 and 2 1 5 0 of the Civil Code is also
unmeritorious. Clearly, the illegitimate liation of her children was not the subject of inquiry
and was in fact not duly established in this case. Thus, she could not have shown that
respondents had acted in bad faith or with intent to prejudice her children. These are
conditions necessary to show that an act constitutes an abuse of rights under Article 19.
5 1 She also failed to show that respondents — in violation of the provisions of Article 21 of
the Civil Code — had acted in a manner contrary to morals, good customs or public policy.
Moreover, we note that the issue concerning the applicability of Articles 19 and 21
was not raised by petitioner in the trial court or even in the CA. Hence, she should not be
permitted to raise it now. Basic is the rule that parties may not bring up on appeal issues
that have not been raised on trial. 5 2
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED, and the assailed Decision and
Resolution of the Court of Appeals AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner. CEcaTH

Davide, Jr., C .J ., Ynares-Santiago, Carpio and Azcuna, JJ ., concur.

1. Rollo, pp. 10–53.
2. Id., pp. 119–133. Sixth Division. Penned by Justice Teodoro P. Regino and concurred in
by Justices Eugenio S. Labitoria (Division chairman) and Rebecca de Guia-Salvador
3. Id., p. 161.
4. CA Decision, pp. 14–15; rollo, pp. 132–133.
5. Id., pp. 2–9 & 120–127.
6. The case was deemed submitted for decision on October 7, 2003, upon the Court's
receipt of respondents' Memorandum, signed by Atty. Edgar B. Francisco of Francisco &
Francisco. Petitioner's Memorandum, signed by Atty. Teresita S. de Guzman of the
Public Attorney's Office (PAO), was received on July 30, 2003.
7. Petitioner's Memorandum, pp. 19–20; rollo, pp. 250–251.
8. Exhibit "A," Marriage Contract between Rodolfo and Lourdes Reyes.
9. In the absence of a marriage settlement, the conjugal partnership of gains (CPG) is
10. Article 175 of the Civil Code.

11. Article 143 of the Civil Code.

12. Diancin v. CA, 345 SCRA 117, 122, November 20, 2000; Francisco v. CA, 359 Phil. 519,
526, November 25, 1998; Tan v. CA, 339 Phil. 423, 430–431, June 10, 1997.

13. This is defined under §1 of Rule 131 of the Rules of Court as follows:
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"Section 1. Burden of Proof . — Burden of proof is the duty of a party to present
evidence on the facts in issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by the amount
of evidence required by law."
14. §1, Rule 133 of the Rules of Court.

15. Jison v. CA, 350 Phil. 138, 173, February 24, 1998.
16. Article 144 of the Civil Code reads in full:
"ART. 144. When a man and a woman live together as husband and wife, but they
are not married, or their marriage is void from the beginning, the property acquired by
either or both of them through their work or industry or their wages and salaries shall be
governed by the rules on co-ownership."
17. Tumlos v. Spouses Fernandez, 386 Phil. 936, 950, April 12, 2000; Valdes v. RTC, Br. 102,
Quezon City, 328 Phil. 1289, 1296, July 31, 1996; Juaniza v. Jose, 89 SCRA 306, 308,
March 30, 1979.
18. Tumlos v. Spouses Fernandez, supra.
19. Agapay v. Palang, 342 Phil. 302, 310, July 28, 1997.
20. Twin Towers Condominium Corporation v. CA, 398 SCRA 203, 222, February 27, 2003;
Yu Bun Guan v. Ong, 419 Phil 845, 854, October 18, 2001; Boneng v. People, 363 Phil.
594, 600, March 4, 1999.
21. Ninoy Aquino International Airport Authority v. CA, 398 SCRA 703, 710, March 10, 2003;
Spouses Calvo v. Spouses Vergara, 423 Phil. 939, 947, December 19, 2001; Sps. Uy
Tansipek v. Philippine Bank of Communications, 423 Phil. 727, 733, December 14, 2001.
22. This was released by Warner Barnes & Co., Inc.; Exhibit "C," records, p. 15; rollo, p. 62.
23. See Exhibit "F," Deed of Absolute Sale dated July 12, 1979.
24. See Exhibit "I," Application for Mortgage Loan.
25. Exhibit "I-1."

26. See Exhibit "H." The mortgage was executed by Milagros Joaquino to secure the loan of
Rodolfo Reyes, whom she had appointed as her attorney-in-fact, also on July 12, 1979.
See also Exhibit "G," Special Power of Attorney.
27. See Exhibit "J," Ledger of Payments re Account of Rodolfo Reyes.

28. Ibid.
29. See Exhibit "K," Certification dated August 18, 1982 from Commonwealth Insurance
Company, which confirmed that Philam Life Insurance Company had paid the balance
of the mortgage loan account of Rodolfo Reyes.
30. Her Service Record, Exhibit "4," showed that she was employed only until July 19, 1961,
as clerk at the Office of the Governor of Cebu.
31. Exhibits "10" and "40." These Affidavits, dated April 7, 1986 and November 27, 1987,
were executed by Teresa Joaquino-Bermejo and Jesus B. Joaquino — petitioner's sister
and brother, respectively.
32. See Exhibit "39."

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33. De la Torre v. CA, 381 Phil. 819, 829, February 8, 2000; Midas Touch Food Corporation
v. National Labor Relations, 328 Phil. 1033, 1044, July 29, 1996.
34. The Absolute Deed of Sale over the drugstore was executed on February 14, 1975.
Exhibit "3," Folder of Exhibits.
35. Article 133 of the Civil Code

36. Arcaba v. Vda. de Batocael, 370 SCRA 414, 422, November 22, 2001; Matabuena v.
Cervantes, 148 Phil. 295, 298–299, March 31, 1971.
37. Adriano v. CA, 385 Phil. 474, 485–486, March 27, 2000 (citing Padilla v. Padilla, 74 Phil.
377, 383, October 4, 1943).

38. Belcodero v. Court of Appeals, 227 SCRA 303, 307–308, October 20, 1993 (cited in
Adriano v. CA, supra).
39. Adriano v. CA, supra; Padilla v. Padilla, supra.
40. Agapay v. Palang, supra, p. 313.
41. Supra.
42. Records, pp. 7–11.
43. Id., pp. 115–117.
44. Id., pp. 27–19 and pp. 113–115, respectively.
45. Id., pp. 124–125.
46. Id., pp. 206–219.
47. The Article requires that all cases of illegitimate filiation must be duly proved.
48. De Vera Jr. v. CA, 419 Phil. 820, 834, October 18, 2001; Diamonon v. Department of
Labor and Employment, 384 Phil. 19, 23, March 7, 2000.

49. Article 19 of the Civil Code, which embodies the principle of abuse of rights, provides:

"Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of
his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith."
50. Article 21 of the Civil Code reads as follows:

"Art. 21. Any person who willfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner
that is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for
the damage."
51. Barons Marketing Corp. v. CA, 286 SCRA 96, 105, February 9, 1998.
52. Lazaro v. CA, 423 Phil. 554, 558, December 14, 2001; Magellan Capital Management
Corporation v. Zosa, 355 SCRA 157, 170, March 26, 2001; Sumbad v. CA, 308 SCRA 575,
596, June 21, 1999.

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