Sika Retarder: Technical Data Sheet

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Technical data sheet .95

Sika Retarder
® ®

set retarding concrete admixture


SikaRetarder is a modified-phosphate based, perfectly watersoluble, chloride-free, liquid concrete

SikaRetarder exhibits a specific, controlled set-retarding action on cement and a secondary plasticizing
Complies with UNI 7104-72 and ASTM C 494-81 type B specifications.


SikaRetarder is specifically studied for those applications in which, due to technical or economical reasons,
a casting take-up is to be avoided, or the cement setting is to be retarded.
Some typical applications are as follows:
• large volume castings, to the purpose of achieving a regular development of the hydration heat;
• long distance hauling of concrete, even at high environment temperature;
• foundation castings in submersed caisson;
• casting of formwork subjected to dilatation of light deformation due to the weight of concrete;
• avoiding casting take-up in large structures where monolithic structure is required.

SikaRetarder assures remarkable advantages both from a technical and from an economical point of view,
in that it allows the cement setting to be retarded in a perfectly controllable way.
With the use of SikaRetarder the following advantages can also be obtained:
• easier processing of concrete event at a low water/cement ratio;
• increased mechanical strength of concrete;
• reduced shrinkage and fluage;
• improved adhesion of concrete to reinforcement;
• reinforcement and metal equipment are not affected at all;
• compatibility with further Sika additives for concrete, such as Plastiment BV 40, Plastocrete, Frioplast,
• no draw-backs on said concrete due to possible excess dosage.

Directions for use

SikaRetarder should be diluted in a ratio ranging from 0.2 to 2% w/w of cement (200÷ 2000 grs per 100 kg
of cement), depending on the required setting time.
SikaRetarder should be dispensed directly into the mixing water prior to the addition of binder and inert

SikaRetarder can not be used together with antifreeze additives.

The technical recommendations for use, that we give by word of mouth or in writing, as our field service to customers or applicators, is based on our experiences, correspondent to
the state of the art of our scientific and practical knowledge, and shall not be understood as binding, and proves neither any legal contract relationship, not a collateral obligation
under the contract of sale and purchase. The above recommendations do not relieve Buyer from his/her responsability to personally test our products, as to their suitability for the
intended use. As to the rest, our standards Sales terms and conditions shall apply. The content of this sheet shall be understand as binding - solely to the purpose of the veracity of
its content - only provided that it is complete with the applicable stamp and approval signature appended thereon at our office, and by a person duly athorized thereto. Any
difference whatsoever from the above mentioned original, as to its content and/or use, shall not involve any responsability on the part of the Sika Company. In addition, the
customer is requested to check that this sheet and the possible reported values apply to the batch of product of his/her interest are still valid considering that they can be replaced
in successive sheet versions and/or due to new formulations of the product. In case of doubt contact our Technical Office before use.
Technical data sheet .95 SikaRetarder/page 2 of 2

Technical specifications

Description: set retarding concrete admixture

Form: liquid

Action: specific: retardant

secondary: plasticizing

Package: 25 kg plastic drums

220 kg plastic drums

Specific weight: 1.20 ± 0.05 kg/lt at 15°C

Dosage: ranging from 0.2 to 2% based on the weight of cement, depending on the
required se-retarding effect.
Setting time for concrete treated with SikaRetarder depends not only the
additive amount, but also on the chemical composition of the cement, the
environment temperature, the water/cement ratio and so on.
Therefore, it can be suggested that the exact dosage of SikaRetarder be
determined by preparing on the building site one or more series of
experimental mixtures with varing amounts of product added.

Storage: 2 years in closed package protected against freeze.

SikaTechnical Service will be to offer a complete building-site assistance to the customers

Sika Italia S.p.A.

20123 Milano - Via E. De Amicis 44 - Tel. 02.72126.1 Fax 02.8055649
Stabilimenti: Como Rebbio e Cerano (NO)

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