Et Al. Et Al. - V (A Gy) / E

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approximations to the collapse loads. Its continued use in 3.

It assumes that the dissipation of excess pore pressures occurs

practice therefore appears justified. only in the vertical direction; any lateral dissipation of excess
4. Improvements have also been made in the area of non- pore pressures is ignored.
homogeneous and layered soils. Theoretically sound and Three-dimensional analyses involve, in one form or another,
relatively simple to use design methods are now available for the integration of vertical strains to obtain the settlement of the
cases involving the following: foundation. In a three-dimensional situation employing the the­
(a) Clays where the undrained shear strength increases ory of elasticity, the vertical strain £[ may be obtained in terms
linearly with depth, of the increments of applied stress. Alternative forms of the
(b) Two layers of clay, and strain versus stress increment relationship are as follows:
(c) A layer of sand overlying relatively soft clay.
The work of Booker and Davis (Figure 3.14), Merifield et al. £[ = (Actv - V ( A g z +AGy)/E (4.1a)
(Figure 3.16) and Okamura et al. (Equations (3.21) and
(3.22) and Figure 3.21) have been influential with regard to e, =1/3[(Aq/G) + Ap'/K] (4.1b)
cases (a), (b) and (c) listed above, and the judicious use of
their results in practical design is recommended. where Acrv = increment in vertical stress; Act*, A.ay = increments
5. Sophisticated experimental and theoretical studies have in horizontal stresses in x and y direction; Aq = increment in de­
highlighted the brittle nature of footing system behaviour that viator stress; Ap ’ = increment in mean principal effective stress;
can occur when relatively thin stronger soils, loaded by sur­ E = Young’s modulus; G = shear modulus; K = bulk modulus.
face footings, overlie much weaker materials. In applying the above equations, the stress increments are
6- It would appear that to date the problem of predicting the usually computed from elasticity theory. Appropriate values of E
bearing capacity of multiple layers of soil lying beneath a and v must also be used in Equation (4.1): undrained values for
footing and within its zone of interest remains beyond the immediate (undrained) strains and drained values for total
means of relatively simple hand calculation methods. The (undrained plus consolidation) strains. In Equation (4.1b), for the
major reason that relatively little progress has been made to undrained case in a saturated soil, K = °°, while in a saturated
date seems to be the large number of different cases that may soil, K can be related to the constrained modulus D by the fol­
be encountered in practice and still require analysis. Some lowing elasticity relationship:
problems of this type were addressed in section 3.3, and only
in the simplest case of three layers of clay could simple de­ K = (l + v')D/[3(l-v')] (4.2)
sign rules be deduced. This problem area requires further in­ where v' = drained Poisson’s ratio of the soil.
vestigation. The values of E, G and K in the above equations can be re­
lated to stress or strain levels, as discussed in Section 8, so that
non-linear soil behaviour can be accounted for in a simple man­
4 SETTLEMENT OF SHALLOW FOOTINGS ner. A fuller discussion of these procedures is given by Lehane
4.1 Introduction and Fahey (2000).
The main objective of this section is to examine and evaluate 4.2.1 One-dimensional versus three-dimensional settlement
some procedures for predicting the settlement of shallow foun­ analysis
dations in the light of relatively recent research. Ideally, such an To examine the possible significance of the limitations of one­
evaluation should consider both the theoretical “correctness” of dimensional analysis, two very simple hypothetical examples are
the methods and also their applicability to practical cases. How­ considered. The first involves a uniformly loaded circular foot­
ever, primary attention will be paid here to identifying the short­ ing resting on the surface of a homogeneous layer of overcon­
comings and limitations of the methods when compared to mod­ solidated clay, in which the soil stiffness is uniform with depth.
em theoretical approaches. Two common problems will be The second involves the same footing on a layer of soft normally
considered: consolidated clay in which the soil stiffness increases linearly
- Settlement of shallow foundations on clay with depth, from a small initial value at the soil surface. The re­
- Settlement of shallow foundations on sand. lationship between the one-dimensional compressibility, mv, and
In each case, an attempt will be made to suggest whether the drained Young’s modulus, E \ '(for three-dimensional analysis)
prediction methods considered can be adopted, or alternatively, is assumed to be that given by elasticity theory for an ideal two-
adapted to provide an improved prediction capability. phase elastic soil skeleton, as is the relationship between the
undrained Young’s modulus Eu and E \ i.e.
4.2 Shallow foundations on clay
(l + v/)(l-2v/)
Estimation of settlement and differential settlement is a funda­ (4.3)
(l- v ') r
mental aspect of the design of shallow foundations. For founda­
tions on clay, Table 4.1 summarizes some of the available tech­
niques and their capabilities. The traditional approach, first 3E '
Eu = (4.4)
developed by Terzaghi, employs the one-dimensional method in 2(1 +v' )
which the settlement is assumed to arise from consolidation due
to increases in effective stress caused by the dissipation of ex­ where v'= drained Poisson’s ratio of soil skeleton.
cess pore pressures. Because of its still widespread use, it is of Figure 4.1 shows the ratio of the one - dimensional settle­
interest to examine the capabilities and shortcomings of the ment (excluding creep) to the correct three-dimensional total fi­
method, when compared with more complete two- and three- nal settlement (Davis and Poulos, 1968). For the overconsoli­
dimensional methods. dated clay layer, the one-dimensional analysis gives a good
The one-dimensional method has the following limitations: approximation to the correct total settlement when the drained
1. It assumes that the foundation loading causes only vertical Poisson’s ratio of the soil layer is less than about 0.35, even for
strains in the subsoil relatively deep soil layers. The one-dimensional analysis tends to
2. It assumes that all the settlement arises from consolidation, under-predict the settlement as the drained Poisson’s ratio of the
and that settlements arising from immediate shear strains are soil increases or the relative layer depth increases. For the soft
negligible clay layer, the one-dimensional analysis again gives a remarka­
bly good approximation to the total final settlement if the
drained Poisson’s ratio of the soil layer is 0.35 or less.


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