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situations where the peak strength w ill not be mobilised simulta­ Finite element analyses of retaining walls have

walls have also shown

neously along the entire potential failure surface, or throughout the significant implications o f construction details and installa­
the entire region of failing soil. The most important practical im­ tion sequence. Potts and Fourie (1984, 1985) and Fourie and
plication of this type of real soil behaviour arises in the case of Potts (1989) have demonstrated such effects for a propped can­
passive wall failure. For example, Rowe and Peaker (1965) tilever wall in clay. They showed that sophisticated numerical
demonstrated quite clearly in their experiments that the maxi­ analyses can provide predictions of the depths of embedment re­
mum force exerted by the wall, and sustained by the retained quired for equilibrium that agree remarkably well with those cal­
soil, is much less than is calculated on the basis of the available culated using simple lim it equilibrium solutions, regardless of
peak strength, if strain softening occurs. the initia l value of the horizontal total stress assumed to act in
the soil. However, in contrast, the values of the prop force and
7.2.4 Soil-structure interaction maximum bending moment are much higher than values pre­
As indicated previously, classical solutions for wall pressures as­ dicted by the lim it equilibrium methods whenever the assumed
sume that the wall itse lf is a perfectly rigid structural member. In initial horizontal stresses are relatively large.
practice, many walls, particularly those constructed using sheet Finite element analyses reported by various authors, e.g.,
piling or concrete diaphragm walls, w ill not behave rigidly, but Kutmen (1986), Higgins et al. (1989) and Gunn et al. (1992),
w ill flex significantly under the influence of the earth pressures have shown the sensitivity of the bending moments calculated
acting on them. This problem was studied extensively by Rowe for the wall to the details of the construction procedure.
(1952), who provided a method for estimating the effects of soil-
structure interaction on the maximum bending moments induced
in the wall section (see also C IR IA, 1974). W all-soil structural 7.3 Design approaches
interaction has also been the topic o f much recent research, par­ The first stage in the design process for an earth retaining struc­
ticularly involving the use of sophisticated numerical modelling, ture is usually an assessment of which type of structure is most
mostly making use of finite element methods. These more recent appropriate for the problem at hand. This is followed by ide ntifi­
advances w ill be reviewed separately below. cation of the possible ways in which the structure may fail to
perform satisfactorily. As mentioned previously, collapse of the
7.2.5 Construction details structure is not usually the sole consideration. Its behaviour in
In general, earth pressures at rest are reduced to limiting active service, often well before the collapse condition is approached, is
values by movement of the wall away from the soil. Movements also of significant concern. The design process may proceed
of the wall towards the soil of much larger magnitude are needed through various iterations and stages, from preliminary to final
to increase the at rest pressure to lim iting passive values. The design. Throughout this process calculations are usually required
extent of wa ll movement relative to the retained soil therefore to identify the lim it states o f the proposed structure, and the de­
determines the proportion o f the lim it pressure that applies. As sign adjusted so that these conditions are satisfactorily avoided.
noted by Pullar (1996), this movement may be derived from a As noted by Clayton et al. (1993) and others, the following con­
variety of sources including deflection of the wall itself, com­ ditions need to be considered:
pression or translation of the support system (e.g., shoring or an­ - moment equilibrium must be satisfied, i.e., the structure
chors), movements needed to mobilise a sufficient proportion of should not overturn,
the passive soil resistance in front of a wall to maintain equilib­ - horizontal force equilibrium must be satisfied, i.e., the struc­
rium at an intermediate stage of excavation, or simply rigid body ture should not slide,
rotation or translation o f the wall relative to the soil. Significant - vertical force equilibrium must be satisfied, e.g., bearing ca­
influences on these possible sources o f wall and soil movement pacity of the soils on which the structure is founded should be
are the method and sequence of construction adequate,
Some particular examples of the significance of construction - earth pressures should not overstress any part of the structure,
sequence on the earth pressures acting on retaining walls have e.g., in bending or shear,
been identified by several workers, including Potts and Fourie - the general stability of the soil around the structure must be
(1984) and Clayton et al. (1993). Increasingly, the construction maintained, e.g., slope failure, base failure and overall insta­
of excavations and retaining systems in urban environments re­ bility must be avoided, and
quires that lateral wall displacements must be minimized in order - deformations of the structure should be acceptable.
to prevent damage to adjacent buildings. I f lateral movements Some of these conditions are illustrated in Figure 7.1.
must be kept small then it is like ly that the wall w ill be required
to support earth pressures that are much higher than those corre­ It should be clear from the above list of important design con­
sponding to the active condition. This effect is particularly sig­ siderations that earth retaining structures must be analysed for
nificant for overconsolidated clays, in which values of the at-rest many different conditions, and therefore in many different ways.
earth pressure coefficient may be as large as 2. Thus if it is as­ Traditionally, hand calculations have generally been carried out
sumed that at rest conditions are sustained in the longer term, as using lim it equilibrium methods, i.e., where it is assumed that
might be the case for a relatively rigid support system, then prop the wall is at a state of failure or collapse. However, with the in­
forces and bending moments which are many times those calcu­ creasing need to restrict displacements of the retaining structure
lated on the basis of active pressures w ill be required (Potts and itself as well as the ground adjacent to the structure, more com­
Fourie, 1984). plex computer analyses have been developed.
Despite the fact that few designers have, until recently, taken
the (initial) in situ earth pressures into account, many walls have 7.3.1 Limit equilibrium methods
not failed. This apparent discrepancy between the conventional The lim it equilibrium techniques include methods based on sim­
design assumptions and reality has been attributed to the effects ple active and passive earth pressure distributions for cantilever
of the wall installation process (Clayton et al., 1993), which are wall, and others such as those known as the “free earth support
particularly significant for excavation walls. This type of wall method” and the “fixed earth support method” for propped or
usually involves the excavation of a hole (often supported by anchored walls. Each of the latter methods also involves par­
bentonite slurry) prior to placement o f concrete and reinforcing ticular assumptions about the earth pressures acting on the wall.
steel. The total horizontal stress on the boundary of this hole w ill A comprehensive review of these methods is included in many
be reduced as a result o f excavation, and the initia l value may texts, e.g., Clayton et al. (1993).
not be reinstated by the placement of concrete, even in the long For relatively small earth retaining structures, the lim it analy­
term. As a consequence, many walls constructed in this manner sis techniques are widely used for design. In most analyses it is
may not experience full at rest earth pressure conditions. assumed that the wall moves sufficiently to reduce the initia l in


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