Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - Sena: Grammar

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Group: Score: / _ Final Grade: Teacher: Dinia Palacios Bernal

1. VOCABULARY: Colors and adjectives.

Which words have a positive meaning? Which words have a negative meaning?
What is your favorite color?


A. Complete these conversations.

1. A: Excuse me. How much are those jeans?

B: Which ? Do you mean ?
A: No, the light blue .
B: Oh, are $59.95
A: Almost $60. Are you kidding?
Guide 3

2. A: I like backpack over there.

How much it?
B: Which ?
A: The red .
B: it’s $27.49. But green is only
A: OK let me see it, please.

3. LISTENING: look at theses. Listen to Tim and Sandra shopping. Complete the chart.
Item Price Buy it? Reason
Yes No
1 In line-skates.
2 Cap.
3 Sunglasses.
4 Watch

4. ADJECTIVES Materials What are these things made of? Identify each one. Use the words from the list.

Plastic Gold Leather Cotton Rubber Silk Silver Wool

Useful expressions
 That’s cheap.
 That’s reasonable.
 That’s OK
 That’s not bad.
 That’s expensive.

Page 2 of 4
Taken from Interchange 1 Third Edition by Cambridge University Press.
Guide 3
5. GRAMMAR: Preferences, comparisons with adjectives.
Which one do you prefer? That one is cheaper than the wool one. Spelling
I prefer the leather one. This one is nicer than … Cheap Cheaper
Which one do you like better / more? The leather jacket is prettier than … Nice Nicer
I like the leather one better. It looks bigger than …. Pretty Prettier
Its more stylish than … Big Bigger

Silk Polyester Small Medium Cotton Wool

1 A: which dress is 2 A: Is this blue T-shirt 3 A: Look at these pants! Which one
(pretty), the yellow one or the green (large) the red and white one? do you like (good)?
one? B: No, the red and white one is B: I prefer the green cotton ones.

B: well, the green one is silk. And silk (big). It’s a They are
is medium. The blue one is a small. (stylish) the wool ones.
(expensive) than polyester.

6. WRITING: Comparing prices. Compare the prices in your country with the prices in the US.


Cup of coffee


Paperback book

Page 3 of 4
Taken from Interchange 1 Third Edition by Cambridge University Press.
Guide 3

A. Read the article. Answer these questions. Then write the number of the paragraph where you find each answer.

a. How many people use eBay? d. What is eBay?

b. What do people think about eBay? e. Where can you shop on eBay?
c. How do you sell items on eBay? f. What can you buy and sell on eBay?

B. Find these statements in the article. Which are facts? Which are opinions? Check ( ) fact or opionion

Page 4 of 4
Taken from Interchange 1 Third Edition by Cambridge University Press.

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