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Goods and Service Tax - Question Bank

(CA Final, CMA Final and CS Professional)

CA. Yachana Mutha Bhurat

Ch.No Chapters Page no.

1. GST In India 1.1 - 1.16

2. Supply Under GST 2.1 - 2.17

3. Levy And Collection Of Tax 3.1 - 3.9

4. Reverse Charge Mechanism 4.1 - 4.14

5. Composition Scheme 5.1 - 5.15

6. Time Of Supply 6.1 - 6.24

7. Value Of Supply 7.1 - 7.38

8. Input Tax Credit 8.1 - 8.51

9. Job Work 9.1 - 9.12

10 Registration 10.1 - 10.21

11 IGST ACT 11.1 - 11.22

12 Tax Invoice, Debit and Credit Notes 12.1 - 12.10

13 Accounts And Records 13.1 - 13.14

14 Returns 14.1 - 14.7

15 Payment Of Tax, TDS, TCS 15.1 - 15.12

16 Refunds 16.1 – 16.10

17 Assessment And Audit 17.1 – 17.9

18 Inspection, Search, Seizure Arrest 18.1 - 18.8

19 Demands And Recovery 19.1 - 19.10

20 Liability To Pay In Certain Cases 20.1 - 20.6

21 Appeals And Revisions 21.1 - 21.11

22 Advance Ruling 22.1 - 22.7

23 Offences And Penalties 23.1 - 23.3

1 – GST IN INDIA – An Introduction

1. Write a short note on various Lists provided under Seventh Schedule to the
Constitution of India. (ICAI Material)
Answer: It Contains 3 lists which enumerate the matters under which the union and
the state government have the authority to make laws:

Schedule VII
List I (referred as Union
List III (referred as the
List): List II (referred to State
concurrent List): This list
This list enumerates the List):
enumerates the matters in
matters in respect of This list enumerates the
respect of which both the
which the parliament has matter in respect of which the
parliament & Legislature of
an legislature of any state has an
any state have power to
exclusive right to make exclusive right to make laws.
make laws.

2. Discuss how GST resolved the double taxation dichotomy under previous indirect tax
laws. (ICAI Material)
Answer: Input tax Credit (ITC) of CGST and SGST / UTGST is available throughout the
supply chain,

Comprehensive Tax Structure: A comprehensive tax structure covering both

goods and services viz. Goods and Services Tax (GST) addresses these problems.
Simultaneous introduction of GST at both Centre and State levels has integrated
taxes on goods and services for the purpose of set-off relief and ensures that
both the cascading effects of CENVAT and service tax are removed and a
continuous chain of set-off from the original producer’s point/ service provider’s
point up to the retailer’s level/ consumer’s level is established.
One Single Tax: In the GST regime, the major indirect taxes have been
subsumed in the ambit of GST. The erstwhile concepts of manufacture or

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sale of goods or rendering of services are no longer applicable since the tax is
now levied on “Supply of Goods and/or services”.

3. Explain the concept of “Dual GST” (ICAI Material)

Answer: India has adopted a Dual GST model view of the federal structure of the
country. Consequently, Centre and States simultaneously levy GST on taxable
supply of goods or services or both which, takes place within a State or Union
Territory. Thus, tax is imposed concurrently by the Centre and States, i.e.
Centre and States simultaneously tax goods and services. Now, the Centre also
has the power to tax intra-State sales & States are also empowered to tax
services. GST extends to whole of India including the State of Jammu and

4. List the Central and State levies which have been subsumed in GST in India.
(ICAI Material), (ICAI MTP)
Answer: Following are the taxes subsumed under GST: -

Taxes to be Subsumed under GST

Central Taxes to be subsumed States Taxes to be Subsumed

Central Excise Duty VAT / Sales Tax

Luxury Tax on lottery, Betting and

Additional Excise Duty
Service Tax Octroi and Entry Tax
Additional Custom Duty
(Commonly Known as Purchase tax
Countervailing Duty)
States Surcharges and cesses so far they
Central Sales Tax
relate to supply of goods and services

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Central Surcharges so far they
relate to supply of goods and -

5. Bring out the salient features of cross utilization of Input Tax Credit (ITC) under
the GST law? (Nov -17 CA Final)
Answer: Input Tax Credit (ITC) of CGST and SGST / UTGST is available throughout
the supply chain:

 But cross utilization of credit of CGST and SGST / UTGST is not possible i.e.
CGST credit cannot be utilized for payment of SGST / UTGST and SGST / UTGST
credit cannot be utilized for payment of GST.
 However, cross utilization is allowed between CGST / SGST / UTGST and IGST
i.e. credit of IGST can be utilized for the payment of CGST / SGST / UTGST and
vice versa.

6. Write a short note on GST Council. (RTP ICAI)

Answer: Article 279A of the Constitution empowers the President to constitute a joint
forum of the Centre and States namely, Goods & Services Tax Council (GST

 The provisions relating to GST Council came into force on 12th September, 2016.
President constituted the GST Council on 15th September, 2016.
 The GST Council shall consist of the following members, namely:—
(a) the Union Finance Minister is the Chairperson;
(b) the Union Minister of State in charge of Revenue or Finance is the Member;
(c) The Minister in charge of Finance or Taxation or any other Minister nominated
by each State Government are the Members.
 The GST Council shall make recommendations to the Union and the States on
important issues like tax rates, exemptions, threshold limits, dispute resolutions
etc. The GST council has decided the threshold exemption, composition threshold,
GST rates, GST legislations including rules and notifications.

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Practical Questions:
7. Following Intra State Supply made by following persons:
 Transaction 1 – Taxable Supply of Rs. 10000/- made by Mr. A to Mr. B
 Transaction 2– Taxable Supply of Rs. 12000 (after 20 % value addition) made
by Mr.B to Mr. C
 Calculate total tax paid by various person to respective government and the
amount of Input tax credit availed under respective transaction.
 Transaction 1: Intra-State Supply
In case of local supply of goods/ services, the supplier would charge dual GST i.e., CGST
and SGST at specified rates on the supply
Supply of Goods / Services by A to B
Amount (In

Value Charged for Supply of Goods / Services 10000

Add: CGST @ 9% 900

Add: SGST @ 9 % 900
Total Price Charged by A from B for Local supply of
Goods / Services

The CGST & SGST charged on B for supply of goods/services will be remitted by A to
the appropriate account of the Central and State Government respectively.
A is the first stage supplier of goods/services and hence, does not have credit of CGST,

Transaction 2: Supply of goods/services by B to C – Value addition @ 20%

B will avail credit of CGST and SGST paid by him on the purchase of goods/ services and
will utilise such credit for being set off against the CGST and SGST payable on the supply
of goods/services made by him to C.

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Amount (In
Value Charged for Supply of Goods / Services (Rs. 10000 x
Add: CGST @ 9 % 1080
Add: SGST @9 % 1080
Total Price Charged by B from C for local supply of Goods
/ Services
Computation of CGST, SGST payable by B to Government
Amount (In
CGST Payable 1080
Less : Credit of CGST -900
CGST Payable to Central Government 180
SGST Payable 1080
Less: Credit of SGST -900
SGST Payable to State Government 180
Note: Rates of CGST and SGST have been assumed to be 9% each for the sake
of simplicity.
Statement of Revenue Earned by Central and State Government
Revenue to
Revenue to Central
Transaction State
Supply of Goods / Services by A to
B 900 900
Supply of Goods / Services by B to
C 180 180
Total 1080 1080

8. Following Inter State Supply made by following persons:

 Transaction 1 – Mr. X of “State 1” made taxable supply of Rs. 10000 to Mr. A

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of “State 1” chargeable @ 18% (CGST & SGST@9% each).
 Transaction 2 – Mr. A of “State 1” made taxable supply of Rs. 12000 (after
value addition of @ 20% i.e. Rs. 2000) to Mr. B of “State 2” chargeable @
18% (IGST @18%)
 Transaction 3 – Mr. B of “State 2” made taxable supply of Rs. 14400 (after
value addition of @20% i.e. 2400) to Mr. C of “State2”
Solution: In case of inter-State supply of goods/ services, the supplier would charge IGST
at specified rates on the supply.
 Transaction 1: Supply of Goods / Services by “X” of State 1 to “A” of State 1

Particulars Amount (In Rs.)

Value charged for Supply of Goods / Services 10000

Add: CGST @9% 900
Add: SGST @9% 900
Total Price Charged by X for Intra State Supply 11800

 Transaction 2: Supply of Goods / Services by “A” of State 1 to “B” of State 2

– Value Addition @ 20%
Amount (In
Value Charged for Supply of Goods / Services (Rs. 10000 x
Add: IGST @ 18 % 2160
Total Price Charged by A from B for Inter State Supply 14160

Computation of IGST Payable to Government by “A”

Amount (In
IGST Payable 2160
Less: CGST Payable -900
Less: SGST Payable -900
IGST Payable to Central Government 360

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The IGST charged on B of State 2 for supply of goods/services will be remitted by A
of State 1 to the appropriate account of the Central Government. State 1 (Exporting
State) will transfer SGST credit of Rs. 900 utilised in the payment of IGST to the
Central Government.

 Transaction 3: Supply of goods/services by B of “State 2” to C of “State 2” –

Value addition @ 20%
B will avail credit of IGST paid by him on the purchase of goods/services and will utilise
such credit for being set off against the CGST and SGST payable on the local supply of
goods/services made by him to C.

Particulars Amount (In Rs.)

Value Charged for Supply of Goods / Services (Rs. 12000 x
Add: CGST @9% 1296
Add: SGST @9% 1296
Total Price Charged by B from C for Local supply of Goods
/ Services

Computation of CGST, SGST Payable to Government by “B”.

Particulars Amount (In Rs.)

CGST Payable 1296

Less: Credit of IGST -1296
CGST Payable to Government 0
SGST Payable 1296
Less: Credit of IGST (Rs. 2160 - Rs. 1296) -864
SGST Payable to Government 432
Central Government will transfer IGST credit of Rs.864 utilised in the payment of SGST
to State 2 (Importing State).

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Statement of Revenue earned by Central and State Government.
Revenue to Revenue to Revenue to
Transaction Central State 1 State 2
Government Government Government
Supply of goods / Services by X to
A 900 900
Supply of goods/ Services by A to B 360
Transfer by State 1 to Centre 900 -900
Supply of goods / Services by B to
C 432
Transfer by Centre to State 2 -864 864
Total 1296 0 1296

9. The following are details of purchases and sales etc., effected in Smart Pvt. Ltd. a
registered manufacturer under CGST Act, 2017;
1) Purchased fabric material from Local dealer Rs. 47040 (including GST @ 12%)
2) Purchased textile material from local dealer Rs. 94500 (including GST @ 5%)
3) Purchased machinery for manufacture of taxable goods Rs. 318600 (including GST
@ 18%) depreciation @ 15% is charged.
4) Other direct and indirect expenses Rs. 44570
5) Profit margin on total cost @ 10%
6) For the month November, 2017 only 80% production is sold within the state and
applicable GST rate being 18%.
Calculate the amount of CGST and SGST payable after utilizing input tax credit for
the month of November, 2017 and no opening balance of input tax credit is available.

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 Computation of Total Sales Value:
Sr Amount (In
No Rs.)
1 Purchase fabric material from local dealer (Rs.47040 x 100/112 (WN) 42000
2 Purchase of textile material from local dealer (94500 x 100/105) (WN) 90000
3 Depreciation expenses (3,18,600 x 18/118) x 15% 40500
4 Other direct & Indirect expenses 44570
5 Total cost of goods manufactured 217070
6 Cost of goods sold ( 80% of goods produced were sold) 173656
7 Add : Profit margin @ 10% 17366
8 Total Sales Value 191022
Note 1: Credit will be available for CGST and SGST charged by local suppliers .Hence
the same is not to be included in the cost.

Computation of CGST and SGST payable for the month of November,2017 after utilizing The
available input tax credit.
Particulars CGST SGST

Output tax liability for the month of November, 2017 @ 18% (Being
CGST 9% and SGST 9%) (i.e, 191,022 * 18%) 17192 17192
Less : Eligible input tax credit in respect of purchase of :-
Fabric material (42000 x 12%) 2520 2520
Textile material (90000 X 5%) 2250 2250
Capital goods (270000 X 18%) 24300 24300
Total Input Tax Credit (B) 29070 29070
Total Credit Available after Utilisation towards Output Tax Liability
11878 11878
and to be carried forward. (B-A)
Note: Output tax payable shall be NIL because ITC amount is in excess of Output
Tax Payable and balance ITC shall be carried forward to next month.

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Multiple Choice Questions: (MCQs)

Q 1. GST Stands for:

a Good and Simple Tax
b Geographical Sales Tax
c Geographical Service Tax
d Goods and Services Tax
Answer: d: Goods and Services Tax

Q 2. In India GST became effective from

a 30 June 2017
b 8 August 2017
c 1 July 2017
d 1 October 2017
Answer: c; 1 July 2017

Q 3. GST is a based consumption tax.

a Origin
b Destination
c Supply
d Both (b) and (c) are correct.
Answer: b; Destination

Q 4. Which of the following tax is not subsumed in GST?

a Value Added Tax@5% (VAT)
b Basic Customs Duty (BCD)
c Additional Customs Duty, commonly known as Countervailing Duty (CVD)
d Special Additional Duty of Customs – 4% (SAD)
Answer: b: Basic Customs Duty (BCD)

Q 5. For the purpose of GST, which constitution amendment was passed?

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a Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016
b Constitution (151st Amendment) Act, 2016

c Constitution (99th Amendment) Act, 2016

d Constitution (111th Amendment) Act, 2016

Answer: a; Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016

Q 6. Newly Article empowering president to constitute of GST Council?

a 279A
b 366
c 269A
d 246A
Answer: a: 279A

Q 7. Who shall be the Chairman of the GST Council?

a A Union Finance Minister.

b President of India.

c Prime Minister of India.

d d Chief Justice of India.

Answer: a; Union Finance Minister

Q 8. Which Article of the Indian Constitution defines the GST?

a Article 289

b Article 366(12A)

c Article 279A

d Article 246A
Answer: b; Article 366(12A)

Q 9. Shall be levied on the inter – State Supply.

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c Service Tax
Answer: a; IGST

Q 10. GST is payable in the

a State where the goods or services or both are finally consumed.

b State where the goods or services or both are procured.
c State where the goods are manufactured
d All of the above
Answer: a; State where the goods or services or both are finally consumed.

Q 11. Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the Government of India to levy
IGST in case of inter– State supply?
a Article 246A
b Article 279
c Article 269A(1)
d Article 366(26A)
Answer: c; Article 269A (1)

Q 12. Tobacco products shall be subject to which of the following taxes?

a Excise duty
c Excise Duty plus GST
Answer: c; Excise Duty plus GST

Q 13. Alchohal liquor for human consumption shall be subject to which of the following

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a State Excise duty
c State Excise duty and Vat
Answer: c; Excise Duty plus Vat

Q 14. When was GST implemented in State of Jammu & Kashmir?

a 8th July 2017

b 1st July 2017

c 1st June 2017

d 30th June 2017

Answer: a; 8th July 2017

Q 15. Which website is used for filing GST returns?

Answer: a;

Q 16. What is the meaning of the cascading effect?

a Dual taxation
b Double Taxation
c Tax on personal income
d Charging tax on tax
Answer: d; Charging tax on tax

Q 17. Which of the following are special category states?

a Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya

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b Assam, Mizoram, Punjab, Nagaland
c Assam, J&K, Daman & Diu, Meghalaya
d Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, Manipur
Answer: a; Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya

Q 18. Definition of “services” is given in

a Article 279
b Article 366(26A)
c Article 246A
d Article 270
Answer: b; Article 366(26A)

Q 19. HSN stands for

a Harmony system number

b Harmonised system nomenclature
c Harmonised systematic number
d High-level system network
Answer: b; Harmonised system nomenclature

Q 20. While computing compensation to states, tax revenue of this tax/ these
taxes is excluded
a petroleum crude, diesel, petrol, ATF and natural gas
b Alcohol for human consumption
c entertainment tax collected by local authorities
d All of the above
Answer: d; All of the above

Q 21. The first committee to design GST model was headed by-

a Dr Manmohan Singh

b bAtal BIhari Vajpayee

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c cDr Chidambaram

d dVijay kelkar
Answer: C; Dr Chidambaram

Q 22. GST Laws are implemented on the recommendation of

a Central Government
b Respective State Government
c GST Council

d Finance Minister
Answer: c; GST Council

Q 23. President of India did gave assent to the Central GST Law?

a 12th April 2017

b 12th May 2017

c 1st July 2017

d 5th April 2017

Answer: d: 12th April 2017

Q 24. In which section is Common portal referred to?

a Sec 7 of CGST Act, 2017
b Sec 20 of CGST Act, 2017
c Sec 9 of CGST Act, 2017
d Sec 146 of CGST Act, 2017
Answer: d: Sec 146 of CGST Act, 2017.

Q 25. Which country has first adopted GST

a France

b Canada

c Malaysia

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d Singapore
Answer: a France

Q 26. India has adopted which model of GST?

a Dual model

b Single model

c Bagchi Poddar model

d None of the above

Answer: a Dual Model

Q 27. Which taxes are not subsmed in GST

a Customs duty

b Stamp duty

c Excise on Liquior

d All of the above

Answer: d all of the above

Q 28. Credit of CGST cannot be utilized against payment of




d None of the above

Answer: SGST

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2 – Introduction to Supply
Exercise Questions & Answers:

Q 1. What is the taxable event under GST? (ICAI Material)

Answer: Taxable event under GST is supply of goods or services or both. CGST and SGST/
UTGST will be levied on intra-State supplies. IGST will be levied on inter-State

Q 2. What is the tax treatment of composite supply and mixed supply under GST? (ICAI
Answer: Composite supply shall be treated as supply of the principal supply. Mixed supply
would be treated as supply of that particular goods or services which attracts the
highest rate of tax.

Q 3. Supply of all goods and/or services is taxable under GST. Discuss the validity of
the statement. (ICAI Material)
Answer: The statement is incorrect. Supplies of all goods and services are taxable except
alcoholic liquor for human consumption. Supply of petroleum crude, high speed diesel,
motor spirit (commonly known as petrol), natural gas and aviation turbine fuel shall
be taxable with effect from a future date. This date would be notified by the
Government on the recommendations of the GST Council.

Q 4. Whether transfer of title and/or possession is necessary for a transaction to

constitute supply of goods? (ICAI Material)
Answer: Title as well as possession both have to be transferred for a transaction to be
considered as a supply of goods. In case title is not transferred, the transaction
would be treated as supply of service in terms of Schedule II(1)(b) of the CGST
Act. In some cases, possession may be transferred immediately but title may be

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transferred at a future date like in case of sale on approval basis or hire purchase
arrangement. Such transactions will also be termed as supply of goods.

Q 5. Examine whether the following activities would amount to supply under section 7
of the CGST Act: (ICAI Material)
(a) Damodar Charitable Trust, a trust who gets the eye treatment of needy people done
free of cost, donates clothes and toys to children living in slum area.
Answer: Section 7 of the CGST Act, inter alia, provides that supply must be made for a
consideration except the activities specified in Schedule I and in course or
furtherance of business. Since, both these elements are missing, donation of clothes
and toys to children living in slum area would not amount to supply under section
7 of the CGST Act.

(b) Sulekha Manufacturers have a factory in Delhi and a depot in Mumbai. Both these
establishments are registered in respective States. Finished goods are sent from
factory in Delhi to the Mumbai depot without consideration so that the same can
be sold
Answer: Legal Provision:
 Schedule I of CGST Act, inter alia, stipulates that supply of goods or services or
both between related persons or between distinct persons as specified in section
25, is supply even without consideration provided it is made in the course or
furtherance of business.
 Further, where a person who has obtained or is required to obtain registration in a
State in respect of an establishment, has an establishment in another State, then
such establishments shall be treated as establishments of distinct persons [Section
25 of the CGST Act].
Discussion & Conclusion: In view of the same, factory and depot of Sulekha
Manufacturers are establishments of two distinct persons. Therefore, supply of
goods from Delhi factory of Sulekha Manufacturers to Mumbai Depot without
consideration, but in course/furtherance of business, is supply under section 7 of
the CGST Act.

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(c) Raman is an Electronic Commerce Operator in Chennai. His brother who is settled
in London is a well-known lawyer. Raman has taken legal advice from him free of
cost with regard to his family dispute.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per Schedule I of CGST Act, inter alia, stipulates that import of
services by a taxable person from a related person located outside India, without
consideration is treated as supply if it is provided in the course or furtherance of
business. Explanation to section 15, inter alia, provides that persons shall be deemed
to be “related persons” if they are members of the same family. Further, as per
section 2(49) of the CGST Act, 2017, family means, —

(i) the spouse and children of the person, and

(ii) the parents, grand-parents, brothers and sisters of the person if they are
wholly or mainly dependent on the said person.

Discussion of the case: In the given case, Raman has received free of cost legal
services from his brother. However, in view of section 2(49) (ii) above, Raman
and his brother cannot be considered to be related as Raman’s brother is a well-
known lawyer and is not wholly/mainly dependent on Raman. Further, Raman has
taken legal advice from him in personal matter and not in course or furtherance of

Conclusion: Consequently, services provided by Raman’s brother to him would not

treated as supply under Section 7 of CGST Act read with schedule II.

(d) Would your answer be different if in the above case, Raman has taken advice in
respect of his business unit in Chennai?
Answer: In the above case, if Raman has taken advice with regard to his business unit,
services provided by Raman’s brother to him would still not be treated as supply
under section 7 of the CGST Act read with Schedule I as although the same are
provided in course or furtherance of business, such services have not been received
from a related treated as supply under section 7 of the CGST Act read
with Schedule I.

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Q 6. State whether the following supplies would be treated as supply of goods or supply
of services as per Schedule II of the CGST Act: (ICAI Material)

(a) Renting of immovable property

Answer: Supply of services

(b) Goods forming part of business assets are transferred or disposed of by/under
directions of person carrying on the business, whether or not for consideration.
Answer: Supply of goods

(c) Transfer of right in goods without transfer of title in goods.

Answer: Supply of services

(d) Transfer of title in goods under an agreement which stipulates that property
shall pass at a future date.
Answer: Supply of goods

Q 7. Determine whether the following supplies amount to composite supplies: (ICAI


(a) A hotel provides 4 days-3 night’s package wherein the facility of breakfast and
dinner is provided along with the room accommodation.

(b) A toothpaste company has offered the scheme of free toothbrush along with the
Answer: Under composite supply, two or more taxable supplies of goods or services or both,
or any combination thereof, are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with
each other, in the ordinary course of business, one of which is a principal supply
[Section 2(30) of the CGST Act]. In view of the same,

(a) Since, supply of breakfast and dinner with the accommodation in the hotel are
naturally bundled, said supplies qualify as ‘composite supply’.

(b) Since supply of toothbrush along with the toothpaste are not naturally bundled,
said supplies do not qualify as ‘composite supply’.

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Q 8. Whether goods supplied on hire purchase basis will be treated as supply of goods or
supply of services? Give reason. (ICAI Material)
Answer: Supply of goods on hire purchase shall be treated as supply of goods as there is
transfer of title, albeit at a future date as per Schedule II

Q 9. State the necessary elements for a supply to be chargeable to GST. (ICAI Material)
Answer: The following elements are required to be satisfied for a supply to be chargeable to
GST, i.e.-

a) the activity involves supply of goods or services or both;

b) the supply is for a consideration unless otherwise specifically provided for;

c) the supply is made in the course or furtherance of business;

d) the supply is a taxable supply and

e) The supply is made by a taxable person.

Q 10. Modest Ltd., registered in Delhi dealing in supply of electronic items transferred some
of its stock to its unit located in Haryana (inter-state transfer). Whether such self-
supplies are taxable under GST? (ICAI Material)

Answer: Legal Provision: The definition of supply given u/s 7 of CGST Act, 2017 is an inclusive
one. It does not specify that supply is to be made by one person to another. So,
self-supplies are to be treated as supply in terms of section 7 of CGST Act. Further,
section 25(5) provides that where a person who has obtained or is required to obtain
registration in a State or Union territory in respect of an establishment, has an
establishment in another State or Union territory, then such establishments shall be
treated as establishments of distinct persons.
Clause (2) of Schedule I of CGST Act, 2017 inter alia provides that supply of goods
between distinct persons as specified in section 25 made in the course or furtherance
of business is to treated as supply even if made without consideration.
Discussion of the case: Inter-state self-supplies such as stock transfers, branch
transfers or consignment sales shall be taxable under IGST even though such

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transactions may not involve payment of consideration. Every supplier is liable to
register under the GST law in the State or Union territory from where he makes a
taxable supply of goods or services or both in terms of Section 22 of the CGST Act.
However, intra-state self- supplies are not taxable subject to not opting for
registration as business vertical.

Conclusion: Yes, transfer of stock made by Modest Ltd. are taxable under GST.

Q 11. Examine whether the following activities would amount to supply under section 7 of
the CGST Act?

I. Hitkari Charitable Trust, a trust engaged in providing medical relief free of cost,
donates books & Stationary to children living in slum area.

Answer: Section 7 of the CGST Act, provides that supply must be made for a consideration
except the activities specified in Schedule I and in course or furtherance of business.
Since, both these elements are missing, donation of books and stationery to children
living in slum area would not amount to supply under section 7 of the CGST Act.

II. Karishma Manufacturers have a factory in Jaipur & a Depot in Delhi. Both these
establishments are registered in respective states. Finished goods are sent from the
factory to the depot without consideration so that the same can be sold.

Answer: Schedule I of CGST Act, provides that supply of goods or services or both between
related persons or between distinct persons as specified in section 25, is supply even
without consideration provided it is made in the course or furtherance of business.
According to section 25(5) of the CGST Act 2017, where a person who has obtained
or is required to obtain registration in a State in respect of an establishment, has an
establishment in another State, then such establishments shall be treated as
establishments of distinct persons for the purposes of this Act. In view of the same,
factory and depot are establishments of two distinct persons. Therefore, supply of
goods from Factory to depot without consideration, but in the course of furtherance
of business, is supply under section 7 of the CGST Act.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 6

Q 12. Agrawal Carriers is a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) engaged in transportation of
goods by road. As per the general business practice, Agrawal Carriers also provides
intermediary and ancillary services like loading/unloading, packing/unpacking,
transhipment and temporary warehousing, in relation to transportation of goods by
road. –

VB With reference to the provisions of GST law, analyse whether such services are
to be treated as part of the GTA service, being a composite supply, or as
separate supplies

Answer: Legal Provision: Composite supply means a supply made by a taxable person to a
recipient consisting of two or more taxable supplies of goods or services or both,
or any combination thereof, which are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction
with each other in the ordinary course of business, one of which is a principal
supply [Section 2(30) of the CGST Act].
Discussion of the case: The GTA provides various intermediary and ancillary services,
such as, loading/unloading, packing / unpacking, transhipment and temporary
warehousing, which are provided in the course of transport of goods by road. These
services are not provided as independent services but as ancillary to the principal
service, namely, transportation of goods by road. The invoice issued by the GTA for
providing the said service includes the value of intermediary and ancillary services.
Conclusion: In view of this, if any intermediary and ancillary service is provided in
relation to transportation of goods by road, and charges, if any, for such services
are included in the invoice issued by the GTA, such service would form part of the
GTA service, being a composite supply, and would not be treated as a separate
supply. However, if such incidental services are provided as separate services and
charged separately, whether in the same invoice or separate invoices, they shall be
treated as separate supplies.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 7

Additional Question For Practice
Q 1.Sahab sales, an AC dealer in Janakpuri, Delhi, needs 4 AC for his newly constructed
house in Safdarjung Enclave. Therefore he transfers 4 ACs [on which ITC has been
claimed by it] from its stock. For the said purpose. Examine whether the said
activity amounts to supply u/s 7 of CGST Act, 2017.

Further, a Janakpuri resident, Rahul, approached Sahab sales. He sold an AC to

Sahab sales for Rs. 5000. Rahul had bought the said AC six months before for his
residence. Does sale of the AC by Aakash to sahib sales amounts to supply u/s 7
of CGST Act, 2017?
Answer: Section 7 of CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that in order to qualify as supply;

 the activity involves supply of goods or services or both;

 the supply is for a consideration unless otherwise specifically provided for;

 the supply is made in the course or furtherance of business;

Further, Schedule I of the CGST Act, 2017 illustrates the activities to be treated
as supply even if made without consideration. One such activity is permanent
transfer or disposal of business asset where ITC has been availed on such assets,
i.e. said activity be treated as supply even if made without consideration. In view
of said provision permanent transfer of air conditioner by Sahab sales from its
stock for personal use at its residence, though without consideration, would amount
to supply.

However, sale of AC by Rahul to Sahab sales will not qualify as supply u/s 7 of
CGST Act, 2017 as although it is made for a consideration, but it is not in the
course or furtherance of business.

Q 2. Manan is an Electronic Commerce Operator in Delhi. His father who is settled in

London is a well known Lawyer. Manan has taken legal consultancy from him free
of cost with regard to his family dispute. Would your answer be different if in the
above case, Manan has taken advise in respect of his business unit in delhi? Examine
whether the activitie would amount to supply under section 7 of the CGST Act?

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 8

Answer: Schedule I of the CGST Act provides that import of services by a taxable person
from a related person located outside India, without consideration is treated as
supply if it is provided in the course or furtherance of business. In the given case
, Manan has received legal consultancy from his father free of cost in a personal
matter & not in the course of furtherance of business. Hence services provided by
Manan's father to him would not be treated as supply under section 7 of the CGST
Act. In the above case, if Manan has taken advice with regard to his business unit,
services provided by Manan's father to him would be treated as supply under section
7 of the CGST Act as the same are provided in the course of furtherance of
business though received from a related person.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 9

Multiple Choice Questions

Q 1. The definition of goods under section 2(52) of the CGST Act does not include-
a. Money and securities
b. Growing crops
c. Actionable claims
d. Grass
Answer: a; Money and Securities

Q 2. The definition of Money as per Section 2(72) of CGST Act includes:

a Cheque / promissory Notes
b Foreign currency
c Indian Legal tender
d All of the above
Answer: d; All of the above

Q 3. The definition of Person as per Section 2(84) of CGST Act includes:

a Individual
d All of the above
Answer; d: All of the above

Q 4. The definition of Works Contract as per Section 2(119) of CGST Act Includes:
a. Construction, fabrication, completion, erection, installation, etc. of immovable
b. Construction, fabrication, completion, erection, installation, etc. of movable
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 10

Answer: a; Construction, fabrication, completion, erection, installation, etc. of
immovable property.

Q 5. is excluded from the definition of goods as well as services

a. Only Money
b. Only Securities
c. Securities and Money
d. None of the Above
Answer: c; Securities and Money.

Q 6. The definition of Agent as per Section 2(5) means:

a. A person who arranges or facilitates the supply of goods or services or both,
but does not include a person who supplies such goods or services or both on
his own account
b. A person who carries on the business of supply or receipt of goods or services
or both on behalf of another
c. Both (a) or (b)
d. None of the above
Answer: b; A person who carries on the business of supply or receipt of goods or
services or both on behalf of another.

Q 7. Under which Schedule, Activities to be treated as Supply even if the same is

made without consideration.
a. Schedule IV
b. Schedule III
c. Schedule II
d. Schedule I
Answer: D; Schedule I

Q 8. Under which Schedule, The activities / transactions which shall be treated

neither as a supply of goods or services

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 11

a. Schedule IV
b. Schedule III
c. Schedule II
d. Schedule I
Answer: Schedule III

Q 9. Which of the following activity to be treated as Supply under Schedule I even

if made without consideration

a. Permanent transfer or disposal of business asset where ITC has been availed.

b. agent to principal of vice -versa, if agent supplies / receives goods on

behalf of principal

c. supply of goods and/or services between related person, except gift upto
Rs. 50,000 to employees

d. All of the above

Answer: d; All of the above

Q 10. Import of services for a consideration is treated as Supply?

a. Transaction in the course or furtherance of business

b. whether or not in the course or furtherance of business

c. Not a Supply

d. none of the above

Answer: b: whether or not in the course or furtherance of business.

Q 11. Which of the following taxes leviable on imports?

a. Excise Duty

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 12

b. Service Tax



Answer: D; IGST

Q 12. Gift up to value of Rs. 50,000 in a year to an employee & Gifts in

value in excess of Rs. 50,000
a. shall not be treated as “Supply”, shall be taxable as ‘Supply’

b. shall be taxable as ‘Supply’, shall not be treated as “Supply”

c. Both activity not covered under supply

d. None of the above

Answer; a: shall not be treated as “Supply”, shall be taxable as ‘Supply’

Q 13. Which of the followings Activities which are neither supply of goods nor supply
of services:

a. Services by any court or tribunal

b. Services related to funeral, burial, Crematorium or mortuary including

transportation of the deceased

c. Services by employee to employer in relation to his employment.

d. All of the above

Answer: d: All of the above

Q 14. Composite supply is taxable at which tax rate?

a. Tax rate as applicable on principal supply
b. Tax rate applicable on supply attracting the highest rate of tax

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 13

c. Tax @ 28%
d. Tax rate as applicable on respective supply
Answer: a; Tax rate as applicable on principal supply

Q 15. Mixed supply is taxable at which tax rate?

a. Tax rate applicable on supply attracting the lowest rate of tax

b. 12%

c. Tax rate applicable on supply attracting the highest rate of tax

d. None of the above

Answer: C; Tax rate applicable on supply attracting the highest rate of tax

Q 16. Which factor helps in determining composite supply & Mixed supply

a. Whether the two supply are naturally bundled

b. No of items

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Answer: a, Whether the two supply are naturally bundled

Q 17. What does Composite Supply means under GST?

a. Comprises of two or more taxable supplies of goods or services or both
b. Are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other
c. in the ordinary course of business and one of which is principal supply
d. All of the above

Answer: d; All of the above

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 14

Q 18. A job worker performed certain dyeing operations on fabrics. Whether this is to
be treated as Supply of Goods or Supply of Services?
a. Supply of Goods
b. Supply of Services
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer: b; Supply of Services

Q 19. Whether Renting of immovable property to be treated as Supply of Goods or

Supply of Services?
a. Supply of Goods
b. Supply of Services
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer: b; Supply of Services

Q 20. Which of the following is a mixed supply?

a. Goods are packed and transported with insurance

b. Supplier of machinery providing erection and commissioning services
c. Goods transport agency arranging for loading and unloading facility
d. None of the above
Answer: d ; None of the above

Q 21. XYZ industries has a unit in Nagpur and a branch office in Raipur. Nagpur
Unit transfers stock to Raipur unit without consideration. Whether the same
will be treated as supply or not?
a. Yes
b. No
c. May be
d. None of the above

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 15

Answer: a; Yes

Q 22.Supplier of Goods or Services means

a. shall mean the person supplying the said goods or services or both
b. and shall include an agent acting as such on behalf of such supplier
c. in relation to the goods or services or both supplied
d. all of the above
Answer: d; All of the above

Q 23. Reliance ltd. Donated old furniture to charitable organisation and have also
claimed the ITC at the time of purchase of the same, whether the same will
amount to supply and liable to GST or not?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. None of the above
Answer; a: Yes

Q 24. Any gift made by an employer to an employee shall be considered as supply.

What is the limit prescribed for the same?
a. More than 50,000
b. Less than or equal to 50,000
c. Less than 75000
d. More than 75000
Answer: a; More than 50,000.

Q 25. Transfer of rights in goods to be treated as Supply of Goods or Supply of

a. Supply of goods
b. Supply of services
c. Either of two at the option of authority

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d. None of the above
Answer; b: Supply of Services

Q 26. “Temporary transfer or permitting use or enjoyment of any intellectual property

right” whether to be treated as “Supply of Goods” or “Supply of Services”?
a. Supply of goods
b. Supply of services
c. Either of two at the option of authority
d. None of the above
Answer; b: Supply of Services

Q 27. Which of the following are naturally bundled?

a. A packet of Chocolate, Sweets & Cake
b. Supply of Lodging facility along with food in Hotel
c. Both a & b
d. Only b
Answer: d; Only b

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 2. 17

3 – Levy & Collection of tax
Exercise Questions & Answers:

Q 1. What do you mean by Inter State and Intra State Supply?

Answer: Refer relevant para of Section 7 & Section 8 of IGST Act, 2017 of Main book.

Q 2. Are Exports and supplies to SEZ units/Developers out of the ambit of GST?
Answer: No, they are leviable to GST under IGST Act, 2017. However, the tax burden
on the same will be neutralized by granting refunds to persons making such
supplies u/s 16 of IGST Act as Zero-rated supplies subject to such safeguards,
conditions and procedures as may be prescribed. As per section 7 of IGST Act
the supplies made to and from SEZ are deemed to be treated as an inter State

Q 3. Mention the commodities kept outside the purview of GST?

Answer: Goods and services Tax (GST) is a tax on supply of goods or services or both,
except supply of alcoholic liquor for human consumption. So, alcohol for human
consumption is kept out of GST by way of definition of GST on constitution.

Five petroleum products viz. petroleum crude, motor spirit (petrol), high speed
diesel, natural gas and aviation turbine fuel have temporarily bene kept out
and GST council shall decide the date from which they shall be included in

Q 4. A hotel owner provided accommodation in Haryana, through an electronic

commerce operator –Cool Trips. The hotel owner is not liable to get registered
as per the provisions of section 22(1) of the CGST Act. Who is the person liable
to pay GST in this case? Would your answer be different if the Electronic
Commerce Operator Cool Trips does not have a physical presence in India?

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 1

Answer: Legal Provision: Government may notify [on the recommendations of the GST
Council] specific categories of services the tax on intra-State supplies of which
shall be paid by the electronic commerce operator if such services are supplied
through it. Services by way of providing accommodation in hotels through
electronic commerce operator are a specified service for said purpose.
Discussion & Conclusion: Thus, person liable to pay GST in this case is the
Electronic Commerce Operator Cool Trips. All the provisions of the GST law shall
apply to such electronic commerce operator as if he is the supplier liable for
paying the tax in relation to the supply of such services.
Cool Trips does not have a physical presence in India, person liable to pay tax is
the person representing the Electronic Commerce Operator -Cool Trips for any
purpose in India.

Q 5. Mr. Y, a resident of Mumbai, submits a cab request to speed cabs for travelling
from Mumbai to Nasik. Speed cabs is a mobile application owned and managed
by Speed Technology Ltd. Located in Mumbai in India. The application
facilitates a potential customer to connect with persons providing cab service
under the brand name of speed cabs;

After Mr. Y pays the cab charges using his debit card, he gets details of the
driver, Mr Y and the cabs registration number. With reference to the GST Act,
discuss who is liable to pat GST in this case. Will your answer be different, if
speed technologies Ltd. Is located in New York and does not have the
representation in India?
Answer: As per section 9(5) of CGST Act and 5(5) of IGST Act, the government via
notification 17/2017 CT and notification no. 14/2017 of IGST Act has notified
services the tax on such supplies shall be paid by ECO if such services are
supplied through it. Services by way of transportation of passengers by a radio
taxi, motorcab, maxicab, and motorcycle is one such services among the
notified category.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 2

In the given case the above liability to pay GST shall be upon the speed
technologies ltd located in India
In 2nd case if speed technologies ltd located in New York i.e. a Non-Taxable
territory and also does not have a representation in India then he shall appoint
a person in the taxable territory i.e. India for the purpose of paying tax and
such person shall be liable to pay tax.

Q 6. Define Taxable Territory & Non-Taxable Territory?

Answer: As per section 2(109), taxable territory means the territory to which the provision
of the CGST applies i.e. whole of territory of India
Whereas a Non-taxable territory has been defined u/s 2(79) of CGST Act as a
Non-taxable territory means the territory which is outside the taxable territory.

Q 7. Differentiate between a taxable supply and Non-taxable supply under GST?

Taxable Supply Non-Taxable Supply
As per Section 2(108) of CGST Act, As per Section 2(78) of CGST Act, means
means supply of goods or services or supply of goods or services or both which
both which is leviable to GST under is not leviable to GST under this act or
this act under IGST
Falls under the purview of Supply as Does not fall under the purview of Supply
per Section 7 of CGST Act as per Section 7 of CGST Act
E.g. - Supply of Refrigerator, Air
E.g. - Supply pf Petrol & Diesel.
Conditioner Etc.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 3

Multiple Choice Questions

Q 1. What are taxes levied on an Intra-State Supply?

c Both CGST and SGST

Answer: C Both CGST and SGST

Q 2. What is the maximum rate for CGST & SGST tax rate?

a 40%

b 20%

c 28%

d 56%

Answer: b: 20%

Q 3. Which Section provides for Inter State Supply?

a Section 7 of IGST Act, 2017

b Section 8 of IGST Act, 2017

c Section 9 of CGST Act, 2017

d Section 5 of IGST Act, 2017

Answer: A: Section 7 of IGST Act, 2017

Q 4. If Location of supplier and place of supply of goods are in two different states,
two different union territories or a state or a union territory. Then it is treated

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 4

a Intra State Supply

b Inter State Supply

c Export of goods

d None of the above

Answer: B: Inter State Supply

Q 5. Which of the following supply shall be considered as an Inter State Supply

as per Section 7 of IGST Act, 2017?

a when the supplier is located in India and the place of supply is outside India

b to or by a Special Economic Zone developer or a Special Economic Zone unit

c in the taxable territory, not being an intra-State supply and not covered
elsewhere in this section

d All of the above

Answer: D: All of the above

Q 6. Lucky Ltd has 2 units in India Unit 1 in Mumbai and Unit 2 in Ahmedabad. State
whether 2 units will be considered as an establishment of distinct persons.

a Both Unit will be considered as an establishment of distinct persons.

b Both Unit will be considered as a separate entity.

c Both of above

d None of the above

Answer: A: Both Unit will be considered as an establishment of distinct persons.

Q 7. Which of the goods have been kept outside the ambit of GST?

a Petroleum Crude

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 5

b High Speed Diesel

c Motor Spirit

d All of the above

Answer: D: All of the above

Q 8. Which of the following services have been notified by government where tax shall
be paid by ECO if such services supplied through it.

a Services by way of transportation of passengers by a radio- taxi, motor cab, maxi

cab and motor cycle.

b Services by way of providing accommodation in hotels, inns, guest houses, clubs,

campsites or other commercial places meant for residential or lodging purposes,

c Services by way of house-keeping, such as plumbing, carpentering etc.

d All of the above

Answer: D: All of the above

Q 9. Which of the following services have been notified by government where tax shall
be paid by ECO if such services supplied through it.

a GTA Services

b Sponsorship Services

c Legal Services

d Services by way of transportation of passengers by a radio- taxi, motor cab, maxi

cab and motor cycle.

Answer: D: Services by way of transportation of passengers by a radio- taxi, motor

cab, maxi cab and motor cycle.

Q 10. Comment whether the statement is correct or not: If the ECO is located in

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 6

taxable territory then the Person liable to pay Tax is the ECO, If the ECO
doesn’t have physical presence in the taxable territory then Person liable to
pay Tax is the person representing ECO.

a Yes

b No

c Both of the above

d All of the above

Answer: A: Yes.

Q 11. Examine the type of transaction: Mr Kamal (Supplier) of Mumbai supplied some
goods to Mr Ankit (Recipient) of Pune. Here location of Supplier and Place of
Supply are in same states.

a Intra State Supply since location of supplier and place of supply are in same

b Inter State Supply since both are in different city

c Both of the above

d None of the above

Answer: A: Intra State Supply since location of supplier and place of supply are in
same states.

Q 12. Which section provides GST Liability on E Commerce Operator under CGST Act.

a Section 9 (3) of CGST Act, 2017

b Section 9 (4) of CGST Act, 2017

c Section 9 (5) of CGST Act, 2017

d Section 5 (5) of IGST Act, 2017

Answer: C: Section 9 (5) of CGST Act, 2017

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 7

Q 13. If the ECO is located in taxable territory then the person liable to pay tax is:
a Supplier of Service
b Recipient of Service
d None of the above
Answer: C: ECO

Q 14. Imports will be treated as

a Interstate Supply
b Intrastate Supply
c Neither of two
d Any one depending upon state in which imported
Answer: Interstate supply

Q 15. Reverse Charge is applicable on

a All Goods
b All Services
c Both
d Notified Goods and services
Answer: d. Notified Goods and services

Q 16. If Mr. A of Mumbai supplies goods to Unit XYZ Ltd in SEZ in Mumbai which
tax will be levied ?
d None of the above
Answer: a IGST

Q 17. Minimum IGST Rate for Goods is

a 0.05%
b 0.1%

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 8

c 0.2%
d 0.01%
Answer: 0.1%

Q 18. Minimum IGST Rate for Services is

a 5%
b 3%
c 0.25%
d 12%
Answer: 5%

Q 19. Supply of goods or services or both when the supplier is located in India and the
place of supply is outside India shall be treated as
a Intra state supplies
b Interstate supplies
c Exports
d Imports
Answer: b interstate supplies

Q 20. Mr. John came to India for 2 months on a visit to India. He stays in Mumbai
and purchases goods from a shop in mumbai, Which tax should be levied the
said purchase?
c Both CGST and SGST
Answer: D: IGST

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 3. 9

4 – Reverse Charge Mechanism
Exercise Questions & Answers:

Q 1. Who is responsible to pay taxes?

Answer: Generally, the supplier is liable to pay taxes. However, following are certain
i. Reverse Charge: Supply of goods or services or both, as may be notified by the
government on the recommendations of the Council under sec 9(3) or as per sec 9(4)
supplies made by unregistered person, the tax on which shall be paid by the recipient
under reverse charges; and
ii. E-Commerce: Categories of services as may be notified by the Government on the
recommendation of Council the tax on which shall be paid by the electronic community
operator if such services are supplied through it.

Q 2. State difference between reverse charge u/s 9(3) and u/s 9(4)?
Answer: Following is the difference between Reverse charge u/s 9(3) and 9(4).
Section 9(3) Section 9(4)
Applicable in case of supply of goods or services Applicable in case of supply of taxable goods or
or both, notified by the Government on Services of both by an unregistered supplier to a
recommendation of council registered person
It Does no matter whether the supplier is It Only where supplier is an unregistered person
registered or not
Example: Tax in respect of Services of advocate Example: M/s Usha Auto parts trading co. is an
availed by a business entity is payable on unregistered supplier who sold tools to M/s XYZ
reverse charge basis. Here the liability to pay Pvt. Ltd being a registered person. Here the
GST shall be upon the Business entity. liability to pay GST shall be upon XYZ Pvt. Ltd.
Note: If the goods or services are not listed or Note: This has been suspended till 30th Sept
the recipients not notified, then reverse charge 2019
under this sec does not apply.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 4. 1

Q 3. What is the effect of reverse charge on input tax credit?
Answer: As regards the recipient who pays tax on reverse charge basis, tax so paid would be
available as credit subject to section 17. As regards the supplier whose tax is paid by the
recipient, value of such supply will be treated as ‘exempt supply’ of the Supplier &
Supplier is not eligible for ITC u/s 17.
For example: An lawyer has provided legal services to M/s Priya Pvt. Ltd. worth Rs 500000
& GST @ 18% i.e. Rs 90,000 is levied on this service. The liability to discharge the GST
of Rs 90000 shall be upon M/s Priya Pvt. Ltd. & the credit of tax so paid would be
available as credit to M/s Priya Pvt. Ltd. being the recipient.

For the supplier it shall be treated as an exempt supply & not eligible for ITC u/s 17.

Q 4. In accordance with the provisions of GST Act, Give answers to the following pertaining
to Reverse Charge:
1. Is GST payable for both the components – CGST and SGST (or UTGST)?
2. Is GST on reverse charge basis payable on inter – State supply also?
3. Is reverse charge applicable on supply of goods also or is it only on supply of services?
4. In case supplier eligible to threshold exemption, is reverse charge applicable?

1. Yes, GST in India is a dual – tax and the provision of the CGST Act are applicable
2. Yes, provisions identical to section 9(3) and 9(4) of the CGST Act are available in
section 5(3) and 5(4) of the IGST Act.
3. Payment of tax on reverse charge is applicable on both goods & services.
4. Supplier may not have paid tax due to threshold benefit but this does not excuse
recipient from liability under section 9(4) which is attracted if ‘supplier is not
registered’ & recipient is registered. Thus, even though the supplier is eligible under
threshold exemption reverse charge is applicable. However, the provision of Section
9(4) is deferred till 30.09.19. In case of 9 (3) even if the supplier is eligible for
threshold exemption it does not excuse recipient from liability to pay tax u/s 9(3).

Q 5. M/s Sibbal, a firm of lawyers rendered legal advice to Mr. Kapil, an architect, and PQR
Ltd Consultancy agency during October, 20XX. Both Mr. Kapil and PQR Ltd are not

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 4. 2

entitled threshold exemption in the said financial year. Who is liable to pay GST in this
case? your answer be different if Mr. Kapil and PQR Ltd. Sought legal advice from Mr.
A, a lawyer.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per Notification No. 13/2017 Central tax and Notification No. 10/2017
IGST Act, In case services supplied by an individual advocate including a senior advocate
by way of legal service, to a business entity. The liability to pay GST shall be upon the
Discussion and Conclusion: In the given case, as the services are provided by firm of
lawyers M/s Sibbal to PQR ltd and Mr. Kapil a business entity thus the liability to pay
GST shall be upon PQR ltd and Mr. Kapil. The answer will not change even in case where
Mr. Kapil and PQR ltd seek legal advice from individual lawyer.

Q 6. From the following information determine the person liable to pay Goods & Service tax
both supplier and Recipient or located in India-

i. Mr. Ankit is an agent of Life Insurance Co. The insurance company pays commission
(excluding tax) Rs 8 Lakh to him. Mr. Ankit claims that No. GST leviable on services
provided by him as his value of taxable service does not exceed Rs 20 lakhs.

ii. LMN Ltd. availed service of Kamal Goods transport agency for transportation of goods
by road from factory located in New Delhi to its Jaipur depot and paid freight of Rs

iii. AT Jewelers Ltd paid Rs 30 Lakhs for sponsorship of Miss India beauty pageant for
sponsorship services.

iv. Legal services provided by VHB & Co. a partnership firm of New Delhi to Tata Motors
Ltd Mumbai Rs 70,00,000

v. Service provided by a director of a company (not in capacity of employee) to the

company: Rs 10 lakh.
Answer: The provisions applicable are as per section 9(3) of CGST Act and 5(3) of IGST Act,
the Government via notification 13/2017 CT and Notification No. 10/2017 of IGST Act.

i. In this case Life Insurance Company will be liable to pay GST on reverse charge basis.
Hence, GST liability shall be Rs 800000 i.e. on the value of commission Mr. Ankit’s
claim that his turnover does not exceeds Rs. 20 lakhs has no relevance here, because
under reverse charge/threshold limit is not available.

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ii. If GTA pays tax @ 12% with ITC: In such case normal charge is applicable and GTA
is liable to pay tax. If GTA pays tax @ 5% without benefit of ITC: Then reverse
charge shall be applicable and GST shall be paid by XYZ Ltd. since it is liable to pay
freight for transportation of goods.

iii. In this case sponsorship services are received by AT Jewelers Ltd. Hence, it will be
liable to pay goods & service tax under reverse charge mechanism.

iv. In this case goods & service tax shall be paid by Tata Motors Ltd. as the liability to
pay tax is on the business entity under reverse charge mechanism.

v. In case of any service provided by director of company of body corporate to company

the goods & service tax is payable by company or body corporate.

Q 7. Falcon Ltd, Nagpur had appointed a senior advocate Mr. Salve for representation of
company’s legal matter at Mumbai as regarding to representation of the matter there.
Determine the GST liability as who is liable to pay? Would your answer differ if Falcon
Pvt Ltd. appoints local advocate Mr. Sagar if further appoints Mr Salve for representation.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 9(3) of CGST Act, In case of service provided by on
individual advocate including a senior advocate by way of legal services directly or
indirectly to any business entity located in the taxable territory the liability to pay GST
shall be upon the recipient i.e. reverse charge is applicable.
Discussion and Conclusion: No, liability to pay tax is on Falcon Pvt Ltd. (Nagpur) even
through Mr. Salve appointed through another advocate Mr. Sagar.

Q 8. Bank of Baroda located in Nagpur appointed Mr. Govind as a recovery agent for collecting
outstanding balance of loan from one of its customer Mr. Govind provided service to Bank
of Baroda for which is charged a fee. Determine the tax implications as per GST Act.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 9(3) of CGST Act, read with Notification No. 13/2017
Central tax (Rate) and Notification No. 10/2017 IGST Act Service supplied by a recovery
agent to banking company in such a case reverse charge shall be applicable. Thus the
liability to pay GST shall be upon the recipient.
Conclusion: In the given case Bank of Baroda shall be liable to pay GST for services
provided by Mr. Govind as a recovery agent.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 4. 4

Q 9. Sudha Murthy a renowned writer and author of book transferred the copyright of his
published book to Film Production ltd for a consideration. Examine the tax implications
as per GST Act?
Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 9(3) of CGST Act read with Notification No. 13/2017
Central tax (Rate) and Notification No. 10/2017 IGST Act, Services supplied by an author
by way of transfer or permitting the use of enjoyment of a copyright covered under sec
13(1) (a) of the Copyright Act, 1957 relating to original literary, dramatic, musical or
artistic works to a publisher, music company, producer or the like reverse charge shall be
Conclusion: Thus in the given case the liability to pay GST shall be upon Film Production
ltd as it is the recipient of service.

Q 10. Tirupati urban cooperative housing society availed the transport services of Verma
transports Pvt. Ltd. for transport of goods by road on a consignment agreement.
Determine the tax implication as per GST.

Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 9(3) of CGST Act read with Notification No. 13/2017
Central tax (Rate) and Notification No. 10/2017 IGST Act, Supply of Services by a goods
transport agency (GTA) in respect of transportation of goods by road to-
(c)Any co-operative society established by or under any law; The liability to pay GST
shall lie upon the recipient of service as per reverse charge mechanism.

Conclusion: Thus in the given case Tirupati cooperative housing society shall pay the GST.
If GTA has opted to pay GST @ 5% only then reverse charge will be applicable (a)
Sharma transport charged @ 12% (b) claimed ITC (c) Normal charge.

Q 11. M/s X & Sons, tax consultant of Zenson Ltd., have advised them that reverse charge
mechanism is applicable only to services. Examine the validity of the advice given by M/s
X & Sons.

Answer: The advice given by M/s X & Sons is not valid in law. The reverse charge mechanism
applies to supplies of both goods and services, as notified by the Government on the
recommendations of the GST Council vide section 9(3)/5(3) of CGST/IGST Act, 2017.
Notification No. 13/2017-Central Tax (Rate) have been issued. Similar notifications have
been issued under IGST Act also.

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Reverse charge also applies to supplies received by a registered person from unregistered
persons under section 9(4)/5(4) of CGST/IGST Act, 2017. However, the provision of
reverse charge liability on supplies received from unregistered persons, as provided in
sections 9(4) and 5(4) of the CGST Act and the IGST Act respectively, have been kept
in abeyance till 31.03.2018.

Q 12. State person liable to pay GST in the following independent cases provided recipient is
located in the taxable territory:

a) Services provided by an arbitral tribunal to any business entity.

b) Sponsorship services provided by a company to an individual.

c) Renting of immovable property service provided by the Central Government to a

registered business entity.
Answer: a) Since GST on services provided or agreed to be provided by an arbitral tribunal to
any business entity located in the taxable territory tax is payable under reverse
charge, in the given case, GST is payable by the recipient - business entity.
b) GST on sponsorship services provided by any person to anybody corporate or
partnership firm case. In this case services have been provided to an individual,
reverse charge provisions will not be attracted. GST is payable under
forward charge by the supplier – company.

c) As per Sl. No. 5A, services supplied by CG, SG, Union Territory / Local authority
by way of renting of immovable property to a person registered under CGST Act, 2017
then the recipient of services being a registered person shall be liable to pay taxes
under reverse charge basis. Applying the above provision in given case business entity
being a registered person shall be liable to pay tax.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 4. 6

Multiple Choice Question

Q 1. Mr. A has supplied services to Mr. B which are covered under RCM. Both of them
are located in Maharashtra. Which tax shall be paid?
c Central Sales Tax (CST)
Answer: a; CGST & SGST

Q 2. Goods transportation agency (GTA) is registered and does not avail the ITC. He
provides GTA services to another registered person. Will this transaction fall under
RCM? What shall be the GST Rate?
a RCM Applicable, Rate – 5%
b Forward Charge Applicable, Rate – 12%
c Forward Charge Applicable, Rate – 18%
d Supply is exempt
Answer: a; RCM Applicable, Rate – 5%

Q 3. Reverse charge is applicable:

a Only on intra-State supplies

b Only on inter-State supplies

c Both intra-State and inter-State supplies

d None of the above

Answer: c; Both Intra – State and Inter State Supplies

Q 4. Who are the persons liable to pay tax under reverse charge mechanism?
a Registered Supplier
b Registered Recipient
c Unregistered Supplier

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d Unregistered Recipient
Answer: b; Registered Recipient

Q 5. What are the supplies to which the reverse charge mechanism could be applied?
a. Outward supplies of Goods or Services or both
b. Supply which is not liable to GST
c. Exempted Supply of Goods or Services
d. Inward supplies of Goods or Services or both
Answer: d; Inward supplies of Goods or Services or both

Q 6. Input tax credit in case of reverse charge mechanism can be availed by:
a Recipient of Goods or Services
b Supplier of the Goods / Services
c Transporter
d Both a and b
Answer: a; Recipient of Goods or Services

Q 7. Is ITC available to the supplier, supplying goods / services under Reverse Charge
a Yes
b No
c Both a and b
d None of the above
Answer: b: No.

Q 8. Is Reverse Charge mechanism applicable to E – Commerce Operator?

a Yes
b No
c Not Applicable
d As may be prescribed by authority.
Answer: a; Yes.

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Q 9. What is the manner of payment of tax under Reverse charge?
a Through Electronic credit Ledger
b Through Electronic cash Ledger
c Through Electronic liability Ledger
d None of the above
Answer: b; Through Electronic cash Ledger.

Q 10. Can the person avail the input tax credit of the tax paid under RCM?
a Yes
b No
c May be
d None of the above
Answer: a: Yes

Q 11. Mr. Pramod a lawyer provides representational services to Xylo Ltd. having a turnover
of Rs.15 lakhs. Is RCM applicable?
a. Yes
b. No
c. May be
d. None of the above
Answer: b: No

Q 12. Central Government gave a piece of land on rent to M/s ABC Pvt. Ltd., registered
in Delhi who shall pay tax? Is RCM applicable?
a. CG – RCM Applicable
b. CG – RCM Not Applicable
c. ABC Ltd. – RCM Applicable
d. ABC Ltd. – RCM not Applicable
Answer: c: ABC Ltd. – RCM Applicable
Q 13. RIL Ltd. appointed Mrs. Neeta Ambani as their independent director and paid him
the sitting fees. Is this supply covered under RCM?

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a. Yes, RCM Applicable
b. No
c. Supply of Director is Exempt
d. None of the above
Answer: a: Yes, RCM Applicable

Q 14. Comment on the correctness of the sentence – “Person can take the credit of the
tax paid under RCM only when he has paid the tax.”
a Correct
b Incorrect
c Partly Correct
d None of the above
Answer: a; Correct

Q 15. Supply under reverse charge mechanism involves movement of goods / provision of
services by:
a. Registered supplier to registered recipient
b. Unregistered supplier to registered recipient
c. (a) and (b), both
d. None of the above
Answer: c; a & b both

Q 16. Can Input tax credit standing in the Electronic credit ledger be utilized for payment
of tax under Reverse Charge Mechanism?
a Yes
b No
c Not applicable
d none of the above
Answer: b: No.

Q 17. Which of the following services covered under RCM?

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a Services by Director
b Services by Insurance Agent to Insurance Company
c GTA Services
d All of the above
Answer: d: All of the above

Q 18. Mr A avails a service on which tax amounting to Rs. 40000/- is payable under
Reverse charge basis and he is having Rs. 45000 in his credit ledger. State whether
he can utilise the same for payment of tax under RCM basis?
a Pay Rs. 40000/- using credit ledger
b Pay Rs. 40000/- using cash ledger
c Pay Rs. 20000/- using credit ledger and balance using cash ledger.
d Any of the above
Answer: b: Pay Rs. 40000/- using cash ledger

Q 19. GTA is under expansion mode and is acquiring lot of trucks for the transportation.
It wants to take the ITC on such capital goods. What rate shall he charge in order
to avail the ITC?
a 18%
b 12%
c 5%
d 28%
Answer: b: 12%

Q 20. Mr. Rahul, a lawyer provides representational services to ABC Pvt Ltd. having a
turnover of Rs. 25 Lakhs. Whether RCM is applicable on such supply?
a Yes
b No
c May be
d None of the above
Answer: A: Yes

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Q 21. Bank of India appoints Mr. Abhay as a recovery agent in order to recover the
amount paid to a defaulter Mr. B. who shall pay the tax in this supply?
a Bank of India (Recipient)
b Mr Abhay (Supplier)
c Mr B
d Supply of such services is exempt
Answer: a: Bank of India (Recipient)

Q 22. Which of the following services are covered under Reverse Charge Mechanism of
CGST Act, 2017?
I. Legal Consultancy
II. Goods Transport Agency
III. Manpower Supply
IV. Rent-a-Cab
a i & iii
b i & iv
c i & ii
d All the above
Answer: c: I & II

Q 23. In case of GTA services provided to an Individual not registered under GST and not
a business entity, liability to pay GST is on
a Supplier
b Recipient
c Both
d Exempt
Answer: d: Exempt

Q 24. In case of sponsorship services provided by Mr. A to M/s AB Ltd., liability to pay
GST is on:
a Mr. A (Supplier)

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b M/s AB Ltd. (Recipient)
c Both
d None of the above
Answer: b: M/s AB Ltd. (Recipient)

Q 25. In case of renting of land, inside an Industrial estate, by State Government to a

registered manufacturing company, GST is:
a Exempted
b Normal Charge Applicable
c Reverse Charge Applicable
d None of the above
Answer: C: Reverse Charge Applicable
Q 26. Sitting fees received by director of XYZ Ltd., is liable for GST in the hands of the

a Director
b XYZ Ltd.
c Both of above
d None of the above
Answer: b: XYZ Ltd.

Q 27. Reverse charge under section 9(3) of the CGST Act is applicable on:-
a Only on Notified services
b Only on Notified Goods
c Notified goods & Services
d None of the above
Answer: c: Notified goods & Services

Q 28. In case M/s. PQR Ltd., a registered person, has availed rent-a-cab service from
M/s ABC Travels (Proprietor) service then which one of the following is true:
a Reverse charge is applicable as this is a notified service.
b Reverse charge is applicable is not applicable.

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c Joint charge is applicable
d None of the above
Answer: b: Reverse charge is applicable is not applicable.

Q 29. Shraddha Sharma, a Playback Singer sings a song for Saregama India Ltd. for
consideration of Rs. 5 Lakh. Who is liable to pay tax on the same.
a Shraddha Sharma (Supplier of Service)
b Saregama India Ltd. (Recipient of Service)
c Service is Exempt from GST
d None of the above
Answer: B: Saregama India Ltd. (Recipient of Service)

Q 30. As per IGST Provisions, Goodluck Ltd. of Mumbai imports some machinery from
China through sea by taking transportation services from COSCO Shipping Co. (a
vessel transport company located outside India) and pays the freight for the same.
Who is liable to pay tax on freight charges.
a COSCO Shipping Co. (Supplier of Service)
b Goodluck Ltd. (Recipient of services)
c Service is exempt
d None of the above
Answer: B: Goodluck Ltd. (Recipient of services)

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5 – Composition Scheme
Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Pepper & Salt Ltd., registered in Madhya Pradesh has the turnover amounting to Rs. 80 lakh
in the FY 2017-18. It wants to avail the benefit of composition scheme in the FY 2018-19.
You are required to advise Pepper and Salt Ltd. regarding the availability of composition
scheme in the year 2018-19. Would your answer be different if Pepper & Salt Ltd. Would be
engaged in Arunachal Pradesh?

Answer: Legal Provision: Pepper & Salt Ltd. can avail the benefit of the composition scheme in
the year 2018-19 as the threshold for composition scheme is Rs. 1 Crore of aggregate turnover
in the preceding financial year* under section 10(1) of CGST Act, 2017. The benefit of
composition scheme can be availed up to the turnover of Rs. 1 Crore in current financial year.
However, it has to be ensured that Pepper & Salt Ltd. fulfills the following conditions as
given under section 10(2) of CGST Act, 2017:-

(a) Pepper & Salt Ltd. is not engaged in the supply of services other than supplies of food
articles (restaurant service).

(b) It is not engaged in making any supply of goods which are not taxable under the CGST
Act/SGST Act/ UTGST Act.

(c) Pepper & Salt Ltd. do not make any inter-State outward supplies of goods.

(d) It does not supply goods through an electronic commerce operator.

(e) It does not manufacture ice cream, pan masala and tobacco etc.

The limit of aggregate is Rs. 75 lakhs for 9 special category states viz 1. Arunachal
Pradesh, 2. Assam, 3. Manipur, 4. Meghalaya, 5. Mizoram, 6. Nagaland, 7. Sikkim, 8.
Tripura, and 9. Himachal Pradesh.
Conclusion: If Pepper & Salt Ltd. is registered in Arunachal Pradesh, it can not avail
the benefit of composition in the year 2018-19 as its turnover in the preceding financial
year (Rs. 80 lakhs) exceeds the threshold limit (Rs. 75 lakhs).

Q 2. A person availing composition scheme in Haryana during a financial year crosses the turnover
of Rs. 1 crore during the course of the year i.e. he crosses the turnover of Rs. 1 crore in
December? Will he be allowed to pay tax under composition scheme for the remainder of

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the year, i.e. till 31st March?
Answer: No. The option to pay tax under composition scheme lapses from the day on which
the aggregate turnover of the person availing composition scheme during the financial year
exceeds the specified limit (` 1 crore). He is required to file an intimation for withdrawal
from the scheme in prescribed form within 7 days from the day on which the threshold
limit has been crossed.

Q 3. Determine whether the supplier in the following cases are eligible for composition levy
provided their turnover in preceding year does not exceed Rs. 1 crore:

(i) Mohan is engaged in providing only legal services in Rajasthan and is registered
in the same State.

(ii) Sugam Manufacturers has registered offices in Punjab and Haryana and supplies
goods in neighbouring States.

i. Legal Provision: A supplier of services engaged in the supplies other than the supplies
referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II of CGST Act i.e. supply by
way of or as part of any service or in any other manner whatsoever, of goods, being
food or any other article for human consumption or any drink, is not eligible for
composition levy.
Discussion & Conclusion: Since Mohan provides legal services, he is not eligible for
composition scheme.
ii. As per Section 10(2) of CGST Act, 2017. Since supplier of inter-State outward
supplies of goods is not eligible for composition levy, Sugam Manufacturers is not
eligible for composition levy.

Q 4. Mohan Enterprises has two registered business verticals in Delhi. Its aggregate turnover
for the preceding year for both the business verticals was Rs. 90 lakh. It wishes to pay tax
under composition levy for one of the vertical in the current year while under normal levy
for other vertical. You are required to advice Mohan Enterpises whether he can do so?

Answer: Legal Provision: As per Section 10(2), A registered person with an aggregate turnover in
a preceding financial year up to Rs. 1 crore is eligible for composition levy in Delhi. Since
the aggregate turnover of Mohan Enterprises does not exceed Rs. 1 crore, it is eligible for
composition levy in the current year.
CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 2
However as per proviso to section 10(2), all registered persons having the same
Permanent Account Number (PAN) have to opt for composition scheme. If one such
registered person opts for normal scheme, others become ineligible for composition
Discussion & Conclusion: Thus, Mohan Enterprises either have to opt for composition
levy for both the verticals or under normal levy for both the verticals.

Q 5. Mr. Amar is running a consulting firm and also a readymade garment showroom which are
registered under same PAN. Turnover of the showroom is Rs. 55 lakh and Receipt of the
consultancy firm is Rs. 15 Lakh in the preceding financial year.
a) Whether Mr. Amar is eligible for Composition Scheme? Whether there is any difference if
Mr. Amar wants to opt for composition only for Showroom?
b) If instead of consulting agency Mr. Amar is running a Restaurant, whether he is eligible
for composition?
c) If the turnover of garment showroom is Rs. 1.5 Cr in the preceding financial year and
there is no consulting firm whether he is eligible for Composition?

Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 2(6) of CGST Act, Aggregate turnover includes all supplies
made by all the persons registered under same PAN to be computed on all India basis.
As per section 10(2)(a) of CGST Act, any person engaged in supply of services is ineligible
for composition levy.
a) Mr. Amar is providing services in consulting firm hence he is not eligible for composition
scheme. If one of the businesses is ineligible to opt for composition then all other
business registered under the same PAN shall automatically ineligible for the composition
scheme. So Mr. Amar is not eligible for composition scheme only for showroom.
b) Restaurant services are eligible for the composition scheme. Hence Mr. Amar is eligible
for Composition Scheme. As per section 10(2)(a) exception is given to this category.
c) No, Mr. Amar is not eligible for composition scheme as turnover of his firm exceeds Rs.
1 Cr in the preceding F.Y as per section 10(1) of CGST Act 2017.

Q 6. XYZ ltd is a manufacturing company located in Bangalore. During the financial year 2016-
17 total value of supplies including inward supplies taxed under reverse charge basis are
1,04.00,000. The breakup of supplies is as follows:-
i. Intra state supplies of goods chargeable to Nil rate of GST- Rs.15,00,000
ii. Intra state supplies made under forward charge - Rs.75,00,000

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iii. Intra state supplies of goods exempted under section 11 of CGST act Rs.9,00,000
iv. Inward supplies of goods on which tax is payable under RCM - Rs.5,00,000

Explain whether XYZ is eligible to opt for Composition scheme in Financial year 2017-18.

Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 10 (1) of CGST Act, a registered person whose aggregate
turnover in the preceding financial year does not exceed 1 crore may opt for payment of tax
under composition scheme (notification no 46/2017 of central tax)
Firstly, we shall compute the aggregate turnover as per section 2 (6) of CGST Act,
which means the aggregate value of –
 all taxable supplies (excluding the value of inward supplies on which tax is payable
by a person or reverse charge basis)
 exempt supplies
 export of goods or services or both and
 interstate supplies of persons having the same permanent account number , to be
computed on all india basis
 excludes :- central tax , state tax ,union territory tax , integrated tax , and cess

Computation of aggregate turnover for the above cases :-

Sr No Particulars Amount (In Rs. )

1 Supplies chargeable to nil rate of GST 1500000

2 Supplies made under forward charge 7500000
3 Supplies of goods under exempted category 900000
Inward supplies of goods on which tax is payable under RCM (to
4 0
be excluded)
Total 9900000

Since, the aggregate turnover does not exceed Rs. 1 Crore during the preceding financial year
i.e. 2016-2017, thus XYZ ltd shall be eligible to opt for composition scheme for the financial
year 2017-2018.

Q 7. Laksh Ltd. is a manufacturing Company located in Karnataka, has been registered under
composition scheme furnishes the following information for the financial year 2018-19. It
requires you to determine its composition tax liability and total tax liability in financial year
2018-2019 total value of supplies including inward suppliers taxed under reverse charge basis
are Rs. 82,00,000. The breaking of suppliers is as follows :-

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 4

i) Intra state suppliers of auto spares V units chargeable to 12% GST Rs. 24,00,000
ii) Intra state suppliers of auto spares X units chargeable to 5% GST Rs. 36,00,000
iii) Inward suppliers on which tax payable under RCM (GST Rate 12%) Rs.640,000
iv) Intra state suppliers wholly exempt under section 11 of CGST Act Rs. 15,60,000

Answer: The composite tax liability of Laksh Ltd. shall be as under:

1) Computation of turnover in state and composite tax for financial year 2018 -

Sr No Particulars Amount (In Rs.)

1 Intra state suppliers of auto spares “Y” units 2400000

2 Intra state suppliers of auto spares “X” units 3600000
Inward suppliers on which tax payable under
3 Nil
RCM (GST Rate 12%)

4 Intra state suppliers wholly exempt under section 11 of CGST Act 1560000

Total Turnover in State 7560000

CGST @ 0.5% 37800
SGST @ 0.5% 37800
Total Composite Tax 75600

2) Tax payable under reverse charge basis:

Sr No Particulars Amount (In Rs. )

Inward supplies on which tax payable under RCM 640000

Rate of GST 12%
Tax payable under RCM 76800

Therefore, total tax payable by Laksh Ltd. is Rs. 1,52,400 i.e., composite tax + tax Payable
under RCM.

Q 8. Mr. Zaid, registered in Himachal Pradesh is engaged in making inter-State outward supplies
of apparels. The aggregate turnover of Mr. Zaid in the financial year 2017-18 is 70 lakh. He
opted for composition levy in the year 2018-19 and paid tax for the quarter ending June,
2018 under composition levy. The proper officer has levied penalty on Mr. Zaid in addition to
the tax payable by him.
You are required to examine the validity of the action taken by proper officer.
CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 5
Answer: Legal Provision: Section 10(1) of CGST Act, 2017 inter alia provides that the benefit of
composition levy can be availed by a registered person if the aggregate turnover in the
preceding financial year does not exceed Rs. 1 crore. However, the said threshold is reduced
to Rs. 75 lakh in case of special category states. Further, section 10(2) inter alia specifies
that registered person is eligible to opt for composition levy if he is not engaged in making
any inter-state outward supplies of goods.
D i s c u s s i o n : In the present case, Mr. Zaid is engaged in making inter-State outward
supplies of goods. So, he is not eligible to opt for composition levy irrespective of aggregate
turnover in the preceding financial year. Moreover, section 10(5) provides that if a person
who has paid under composition levy is found as not being eligible for compounding then
such person shall be liable to penalty to an amount equivalent to the tax payable by him
under the provisions of the Act i.e., as a normal taxable person and that this penalty shall
be in addition to the tax payable by him.
Conclusion: Thus, levy of penalty on Mr. Zaid is valid in law in terms of section 10(5).
The action taken by proper officer is valid in law.

Q 9. Trend Footwear, a registered supplier in Jaipur dealing in local supply of loafers and wedges,
wants to opt for composition scheme with effect from 01 April, 20XX. Its aggregate turnover
in the preceding financial year is Rs.78 lakh. Besides dealing in supply of loafers and wedges,
he also has a rental income of Rs. 1,35,000 per month from the basement of a commercial
building located in Jaipur.
You are required to discuss, whether Trend Footwear can opt for composition scheme?

Answer: Legal Provision: Section 10(1) of CGST Act, 2017 inter alia provides that registered
person, whose aggregate turnover in the preceding financial year does not exceed one crore
rupees, can opt to pay tax under composition scheme in the current year.
However, section 10(2) inter alia provides that registered person is eligible to opt for
composition scheme if he is not engaged in the supply of services other than restaurant
Discussion: In the present case, Trend Footwear is engaged in the supply of services other
than restaurant services, as Trend Footwear has rental income from the basement of a
commercial building, so it cannot opt for composition scheme irrespective of its aggregate
turnover in the preceding financial year.
Conclusion: Here, Trend Footwear cannot opt for composition scheme.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 6

Q 10. Bansal and Chandok is a partnership firm of Chartered Accountants in Jaipur (Rajasthan).
The firm specialises in bank audits providing services to banks across India. It has an
annual turnover of Rs. 110 lakh in the preceding financial year.

With reference to the provisions of the CGST Act, 2017, examine whether the firm can
opt for the composition scheme. Will your answer change, if-

(a) the turnover of the firm is Rs. 90 lakhs?

(b) Bansal and Chandok is not a partnership firm of Chartered Accountants but a partnership
firm providing support services to restaurants like booking tables, advertisement etc.?

Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 10(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, a registered person, whose
aggregate turnover in the preceding financial year did not exceed Rs. 1 crore, may opt to
pay, in lieu of the tax payable by him, an amount calculated at such rate as may be
Further, sub-section (2) of section 10 lays down that the registered person shall be eligible
to opt for composition levy if:—

(a) he is not engaged in the supply of services other than restaurant services;

(b) he is not engaged in making any supply of goods which are not leviable to tax under
CGST Act; 2017

(c) he is not engaged in making any inter-State outward supplies of goods;

(d) he is not engaged in making any supply of goods through an electronic commerce operator
who is required to collect tax at source under section 52; and

(e) he is not a manufacturer of such goods as may be notified by the Government on the
recommendations of the Council.

Discussion: Basis above provisions, a firm of Chartered Accountants, being a supplier of

professional services (other than restaurant services) is not eligible to apply for composition
scheme. Therefore, it has to discharge its tax liability under regular provisions at the
applicable rates.


(a) The answer will not change even if the turnover of the firm had been ` 90 lakh since the
ineligibility of the firm to opt for composition scheme is not linked with the turnover of
the firm, but with the nature of the services supplied by the firm.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 7

Therefore, since even with turnover of ` 90 lakh the ineligibility in respect of nature of services
supplied by firm exists i.e., the firm provides professional services and not restaurant services;
it will not be eligible for composition scheme.

(b) The answer will not change even if the firm is providing support services to restaurants as only
the supplier providing restaurant services per se are eligible for composition scheme.

Q 11. Shubhlaxmi Foods is engaged in supplying restaurant service in Maharashtra. In the preceding
financial year, it has a turnover of ` 90 lakh from the restaurant service and ` 10 lakh from the
supply of farm labour in said State. Further, it has also earned a bank interest of ` 10 lakh
from the fixed deposits. Shubhlaxmi Foods wishes to opt for composition scheme in the current
year. You are required to advise Shubhlaxmi Foods on the same.

Would your answer be different if Shubhlaxmi Foods is engaged in milling of paddy into rice on
job work basis instead of supply of farm labour and the turnover from the said activity is ` 9

Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 10(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, a registered person, whose
aggregate turnover in the preceding financial year did not exceed Rs. 1 crore, may opt to pay,
in lieu of the tax payable by him, an amount calculated at the specified rates if, inter alia, he
is not engaged in the supply of services other than restaurant services.

However, the restriction on service provider not to be engaged in any service other than restaurant
service for being eligible for composition levy has been relaxed vide Order No. 01/2017 CT dated
13.10.2017. The said order clarifies that:

a) if a person supplies goods and/or services referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule
II of the said Act (restaurant service) and also supplies any exempt services including services
by way of extending deposits, loans or advances in so far as the consideration is represented
by way of interest or discount, said person shall not be ineligible for the composition scheme
under section 10 of the CGST Act, 2017 subject to the fulfilment of all other conditions
specified therein.

b) in computing his aggregate turnover in order to determine his eligibility for composition scheme,
value of supply of any exempt services including services by way of extending deposits, loans
or advances in so far as the consideration is represented by way of interest or discount, shall

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 1. 8

not be taken into account.

Discussion: In the given case, the two other services provided by Shubhlaxmi Foods apart from
the restaurant service, viz. the services of supply of farm labour and services by way of extending
deposits where the consideration is represented by way of interest, are exempt from GST vide
Notification No. 12/2017 CT (R) dated 28.06.2017.

Thus, in view of the aforementioned order, since other services supplied by Shubhlaxmi Foods
apart from restaurant service are exempt services, Shubhlaxmi Foods is not ineligible for the
composition scheme.

Further, in computing his aggregate turnover in order to determine the eligibility of Shubhlaxmi
Foods for composition scheme, value of supply of exempt services - supply of farm labour and
bank interest shall not be taken into account. Thus, the aggregate turnover of Shubhlaxmi
Foods is ` 90 lakh (turnover from restaurant services).

Conclusion: From the aforesaid discussion, it can be inferred that Shubhlaxmi Foods is eligible
for composition scheme.

However, if Shubhlaxmi Foods is engaged in milling of paddy into rice instead of supply of
farm labour, it will not be eligible for composition levy since as per Order No. 01/2017 CT, a
person supplying restaurant services is eligible for composition levy only when other services
provided by it are exempt services and milling of paddy into rice on job work basis is not an
exempt service as clarified by Circular No. 19/19/2017 GST dated 20.11.2017.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 9

Multiple Choice Questions

Q 1. What is the threshold limit of turnover in the preceding financial year for opting to
pay tax under composition scheme for States other than special category States?
a. Rs. 20 lacs
b. Rs. 10 Lacs
c. Rs. 50 Lacs
d. Rs. 1 Crore
Answer: d: Rs. 1 Crore

Q 2. What is the threshold limit of turnover in the preceding financial year for opting to
pay tax under composition scheme for special category states?
a. Rs. 75 Lacs
b. Rs. 20 Lacs
c. Rs. 50 Lacs
d. Rs. 1 Crore
Answer: a: Rs. 75 Lacs

Q 3. What is the rate applicable under CGST to a registered person being a manufacturer
opting to pay taxes under composition scheme?
a. 2.5%
b. 1%
c. 0.5%
d. No composition for manufacturer
Answer: C: 0.5 %

Q 4. What is the rate applicable under CGST to a registered person being a hotelier
(providing restaurant and accommodation services) opting to pay taxes under
composition scheme?
a. 1%

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 10

b. 0.5%

c. 2.5%

d. Not eligible for composition scheme thus liable to pay normal tax

Answer: D: Not eligible for composition scheme thus liable to pay normal tax

Q 5. Mr. Roshan, a trader in Mumbai has opted for composition scheme of taxation under
GST. Determine the rate of total GST payable by him under composition scheme:
a. 0.5% CGST & 0.5% SGST
b. 2.5% CGST & 2.5% UTGST
c. 5% IGST Only
d. 2.5 % UTGST Only
Answer: A: 0.5% CGST & 0.5% SGST

Q 6. A Business Person has 3 Business vertical and opted to register 1 vertical under
Composition scheme and other 2 under normal scheme. State Whether he can do so
or not?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, subject to prior approval of the Central Government
d. Yes, subject to prior approval of the concerned State Government
Answer: B: No

Q 7. Which of the following persons can opt for composition scheme?

a. Person making any supply of goods which are not leviable to tax under this Act;
b. Person making any inter-State outward supplies of goods and services (except
restaurant services);

c. Person effecting supply of goods through an e- commerce operator liable to collect

tax at source
d. Person providing restaurant services
Answer: D: Person Providing Restaurant Services

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Q 8. Can composition scheme be availed if the registered person effects inter-State
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, subject to prior approval of the Central Government
d. Yes, subject to prior approval of the concerned State Government
Answer: B: No

Q 9. A dealer registered under composition scheme, can he avail the ITC on inward supply?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, subject to prior approval of the Central Government
d. Yes, subject to prior approval of the concerned State Government
Answer: B: No

Q 10. Can a registered person opting for composition scheme collect tax on his outward
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, subject to prior approval of the Central Government
d. Yes, subject to prior approval of the concerned State Government

Answer: B: No

Q 11. Which of the following will be excluded from the computation of ‘aggregate
a. Value of taxable supplies
b. Value of exempt Supplies
c. Non-taxable supplies
d. Value of inward supplies on which tax is paid on reverse charge basis
Answer: D: Value of inward supplies on which tax is paid on reverse charge basis

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 12

Q 12. If a person registered under composition scheme and turnover crosses the specified
limit during the year, state whether the assessee will continue to pay tax under the
composition scheme during the remaining part of the year?
a. He will cease to remain under the composition scheme from the quarter following
the quarter in which the aggregate turnover exceeds threshold limit
b. He can continue under composition scheme till the end of the financial year
c. He will be liable to pay tax at normal rates of GST on the entire turnover for the
financial year
d. He will cease to remain under the composition scheme with immediate effect
Answer: D: He will cease to remain under the composition scheme with immediate effect

Q 13. Which form has to be filed for withdrawal from composition levy?
a. GST CMP 04
b. GST PCT 2
c. GST CMP 03
d. GST MIS 1
Answer: A: GST CMP 04

Q 14.Tax rate applicable in hands of Restaurant under composition scheme –

a. 2% (CGST + SGST)
b. 5% (CSGT + SGST)
c. 18% (CGST + SGST)
d. 2.5% (CGST + SGST)
Answer: B: 5% (CSGT + SGST)

Q 15.Which of the following persons are not eligible of composition scheme?

a. The scheme is not available for services sector, except restaurants.
b. Supplier of goods which are not taxable under the CGST Act/SGST Act/UTGST Act
is not eligible to register under this scheme
c. Tax payers making inter - state supplies is not eligible for composition

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 13

d. All of the above
Answer: D: All of the above

Q 16. What is the tax rate applicable on a composite dealer falling under Reverse Charge
a. Said Supply is Exempt
b. Taxable as applicable to normal taxpayer
c. RCM not applicable in composite supply
d. none of the above
Answer: b: Taxable as applicable to normal taxpayer

Q 17. Is RCM applicable on supplies procured by a composition dealer?

a. Yes
b. No
c. May be
d. None of the above
Answer: a: Yes

Q 18. In which of the following special category states limit of turnover for composition
scheme will be Rs. 1 Crore?
a. Arunachal Pradesh
b. Assam
c. Himachal Pradesh
d. Uttarakhand
Answer: D: Uttarakhand

Q 19. A person is engaged in supplying of restaurant services along with that he is also
engaged in supplying of services which is wholly exempt from GST. State whether
he is eligible for composition scheme or not?
a. Yes
b. No

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 5. 14

c. Eligible if turnover crosses limit of Rs. 1 crore
d. Eligible but prior intimation of commissioner is required
Answer: A: Yes

Q 20. Definition of Aggregate turnover includes

a. the aggregate value of all taxable supplies (excluding the value of inward supplies
on which tax is payable by a person on reverse charge basis),
b. exempt supplies, exports of goods or services or both and
c. inter-State supplies
d. All of the above
Answer: D: All of the above

Q 21. Definition of Exempt Supply includes

a. Supply of goods or services which attract nil rate of tax

b. Which may be wholly exempt from tax

c. And includes non-taxable supply

d. All of the above

Answer: D: All of the above

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6 – Time of Supply
Exercise Questions & Answers:

Q 1. The time of liability to pay GST is independent of the time of supply of goods/
services. Discuss the correctness of the statement?
Answer: The said statement is not correct. Liability to pay arises at the time of
supply of goods as explained in Section 12 and at the time of supply of services
as explained in Section13 of CGST Act. The time is generally the earliest of one
of the three events, namely receiving payment, issuance of invoice or completion
of supply. Different situations envisaged and different tax points have been
explained in the aforesaid sections.

Q 2. Explain the meaning of continuous supply service and date of issue of invoice?
also, determine time of supply for continuous supply service.
Answer: Continuous supply of services in terms of section 2(33) of the CGST Act, 2017
means supply of services which is provided or agreed to be provided continuously
or on recurrent basis, under a contract for a period exceeding three months with
periodic payment obligations and includes supply of such services as the
Government may subject to such conditions as it may be notification specify issue
of invoice: In terms of provision of section 31(5)–
(a) Where the due date of payment is ascertainable from the contract, the
invoice shall be issued on or before the due date of payment
(b) Where the due date for payment is not ascertainable from the contract, the
invoice shall be issued before or at the time when the supplier of service
receives the payment.
(c) Where the payment is linked to the completion of an event, the notice shall
be issued on or before the date of completion of that event.
Determination of Time of Supply: The time of supply will be determine as per Sec
13(2) in following manner:

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 1

Case Time of Supply
The date of issue of invoice by the
If the invoice is issued within the
supplier or the date of receipt of payment whichever
period prescribed under sec 31(2)
is earlier.
The date of provision of service or the date of
If the invoice is not issued within the
receipt of payment whichever is
period prescribed under sec 31(2)
If a case where the provisions of The date on which the recipient shows the
cause (a) or (b) do not apply receipt of services in his books of account

Q 3. Determine the time of supply in the following cases assuming that GST is payable
under reverse charge:
Date of Date of issue of
receipt of Date of payment by recipient of goods invoice by supplier
goods of goods
1 01 July 2018 10 August 2018 29 June 2018
2 01 July 2018 25 June 2018 29 June 2018
Part payment made on June 30 and balance amount
3 01 July 2018 29 June 2018
paid on July 20

Payment is entered in the books of account on June

4 05 July 2018 28 and debited in recipient’s bank account on June 01 June 2018

Payment is entered in the books of account on June

5 01 July 2018 30 and debited in recipient’s bank account on June 29 June 2018

01 August
6 10 August 2018 29 June 2018

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 2

Answer: Determination of time of Supply as per the relevant provision of CGST Act.
Date of payment Date of Time of
Date of receipt following 30
Sr No by recipient of issue of invoice by supply of
of goods days from
goods supplier of goods goods
date of
1 01 July 2018 10-08-2018 29-06-2018 30-07-2018 01 July 2018
2 01 July 2018 25-06-2018 29-06-2018 30-07-2018 25-06-2018
June 30 for
Part payment
part payment
made on June 30
made and
3 01 July 2018 and balance 29-06-2018 30-07-2018
amount paid on
1 for balance
July 20
Payment is
June 28 (i.e.,
entered in the
books of account
payment is
on June 28 and
4 05-07-2018 01-06-2018 02-07-2018 entered in
debited in
the books of
recipient’s bank
account of
account on June
the recipient)
Payment is
June 26 (i.e.,
entered in the
books of account
payment is
on June 30 and
5 01 July 2018 29-06-2018 30-07-2018 debited in the
debited in
recipient’s bank
account on June

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 3

July 30 (i.e.,
31st day from
6 01-08-2018 10-08-2018 29-06-2018 30-07-2018
issuance of

Q 4. Determine the time of supply in the following cases assuming that GST is payable
under reverse charge:
Sr Date of issue of invoice by
Date of payment by recipient for supply of services
No supplier of services
1 10 August 2018 29 June 2018
2 10 August 2018 01 June 2018
Part payment made on June 30 and balance amount
3 29 June 2018
paid on September 1
Payment is entered in the books of account on June
4 28 and debited in recipient’s bank account on July 01 June 2018
Payment is entered in the books of account on June
5 30 and debited in recipient’s bank account on June 29 June 2018

Answer: Determination of Time of Supply as per the relevant provision of CGST Act, 2017.
Time of
Date of payment by Date of Date immediately
Sr supply of goods
recipient for supply of issue of invoice by following 60 days
No [Earlier of (1) &
services supplier of services from invoice
1 10-08-2018 29-06-2018 29-08-2018 10-08-2018
2 10-08-2018 01-06-2018 01-08-2018 01-08-2018

Part payment made on June 30 for part

3 29-06-2018 29-08-2018
June 30 and balance payment and

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 4

amount paid on August 29 for
September 1 balance amount.

Payment is entered in
June 28 (i.e.
the books of account
when payment is
on June 28 and
4 01-06-2018 01-08-2018 entered in the
debited in recipient’s
books of account
bank account on July
of the recipient)
Payment is entered in
June 26 (i.e.
the books of account
when payment is
on June 30 and
5 29-06-2018 29-08-2018 debited in the
debited in recipient’s
recipient’s bank
bank account on June

Q 5. Kabira Industries Ltd engaged the services of a transporter for road transport of

a consignment on 17th June and made advance payment for the transport on

the same date, i.e., 17th June. However, the consignment could not be sent

immediately on account of a strike in the factory, and instead was sent on 20th

July. Invoice was received from the transporter on 22nd July. What is the time
of supply of the transporter’s service?

Note: Transporter’s service is taxed on reverse charge basis.

Answer: Legal Provision: Time of supply of service taxable under reverse charge is the
earlier of the following two dates in terms of section 13(3):

a) Date of payment

b) 61st day from the date of issue of invoice

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Discussion & Conclusion: In this case, the date of payment precedes 61st day
from the date of issue of invoice by the supplier of service. Hence, the date of

payment, that is 17th June, will be treated as the time of supply of service
[Section 13(3)(a)]

Q 6. Raju Pvt Ltd. receives the order and advance payment on 5th January for carrying

out an architectural design job. It delivers the designs on 23rd April. By

oversight, no invoice is issued at that time, and it is issued much later, after
the expiry of prescribed period for issue of invoice. When is the time of supply
of service?

Answer: Legal Provision: Since the invoice has not been issued within the prescribed
time period, time of supply of service will be the earlier of the following two
dates in terms of section 13(2)(b):

(a) Date of provision of service

(b) Date of receipt of payment

Discussion and Conclusion: The payment was received on 5th January and the

service was provided on 23rd April. Therefore, the date of payment, i.e., 5th
January is the time of supply of the service in this case

Q 7. Investigation shows that 150 cartons of ceramic capacitors were despatched on

2nd August but no invoice was made and the cartons were not entered in the
accounts. There was no evidence of receipt of payment. What is the time of
supply of 150 cartons for the purpose of payment of tax?

Answer: Legal Provision: As per Notification No. 66/2017 CT dated 15.11.2017, a

registered person (excluding composition supplier) has to pay GST on the
outward supply of goods at the time of supply as specified in section 12(2)(a)
i.e., date of issue of invoice or the last date on which invoice ought to have

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 6

been issued in terms of section 31.

Discussion: In this case since the invoice has not been issued, the time of supply
will be the last date on which the invoice is required to be issued.

Conclusion: The invoice for supply of goods must be issued on or before the

despatch of goods i.e., on 2nd August. Therefore, time of supply of the goods

will be 2nd August, the date when the invoice should have been issued.

Q 8. An order is placed on Ram & Co. on 18th August for supply of a consignment of
customised shoes. Ram & Co. gets the consignment ready and informs the

customer and issues the invoice on 2nd December. The customer collects the

consignment from the premises of Ram & Co. on 7th December and electronically
transfers the payment on the same date, which is entered in the accounts on

the next day, 8th December. What is the time of supply of the shoes for the
purpose of payment of tax?

Answer: Legal Provision: As per Notification No. 66/2017 CT dated 15.11.2017, a registered
person (excluding composition supplier) has to pay GST on the outward supply
of goods at the time of supply as specified in section 12(2)(a) i.e., date of issue
of invoice or the last date on which invoice ought to have been issued in terms
of section 31.

Discussion and Conclusion: In this case, the invoice is issued before the removal
of the goods and is thus, within the time limit prescribed under section 31(1).

Therefore, time of supply is the date of issue of invoice, which is 2nd December.

Q 9. Meal coupons are sold to a company on 9th August for being distributed to the
employees of the said company. The coupons are valid for six months and can be
used against purchase of food items. The employees use them in various stores for
purchases of various edible items on different dates throughout the six months.

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What is the date of supply of the coupons?

Answer: As the coupons can be used for a variety of food items, which are taxed at
different rates, the supply cannot be identified at the time of purchase of the
coupons. Therefore, the time of supply of the coupons is the date of their

Q 10. A firm of advocates lawyers issues invoice for services to ABC Ltd. on 17 th Feb.
The payment is contested by ABC Ltd. on the ground that on account of
negligence of the firm, the company’s case was dismissed by the Court for non-
appearance, which necessitated further appearance for which the firm is billing

the company. The dispute drags on and finally payment is made on 3rd November.
Identify the time of supply of the legal services.

Note: Legal services are taxable on reverse charge basis.

Answer: Legal Provision: Time of supply of services that are taxable under reverse
charge is earliest of the following two dates in terms of section 13(3):

c) Date of payment [3rd November]

d) 61st day from the date of issue of invoice [19th April]

Discussion and Conclusion: The date of payment comes subsequent to the 61st

day from the issue of invoice by the supplier of service. Therefore, the 61st day

from supplier’s invoice has to be taken as the time of supply. This fixes 19th
April as the time of supply.

Q 11. Modern Security Co. provides service of testing of electronic devices. In one

case, it tested a batch of devices on 4th and 5th September but could not

raise invoice till 19 th November because of some dispute about the condition
of the devices on return. The payment was made in December. What is the

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 8

method to fix the time of supply of the service?

Answer: Legal Provision: The time of supply of services, if the invoice is not issued in
time, is the date of payment or the date of provision of service, whichever is
earlier [Section 13(2)(b)]. Discussion and Conclusion: In this case, the service

is provided on 5th September but not invoiced within the prescribed time limit.

Therefore, the date of provision of service, i.e., 5 th September, will be the time
of supply.

Q 12. An online portal, Best Info, raises invoice for database access on 21st February
on Roy & Bansal Ltd. The payment is made by Roy & Bansal Ltd. by a demand

draft sent on 25th February, which is received and entered in the accounts

of Best Info on 28th February. Best Info encashes the demand draft and
thereafter, gives access to the database to Roy & Bansal Ltd from 3 March.

In the meanwhile, the rate of tax is changed from 1st March 2017. What is
the time of supply of the service of database access by Best Info?

Answer: As issuance of invoice and receipt of payment (entry of the payment in Best
Info’s accounts) occurred before the change in rate of tax, the time of supply

of service by the online portal is earlier of the date of issuance of invoice (21st

February) or date of receipt of payment (28th February) i.e., 21st February.

This would be so even though the service commences after the change in rate
of tax [Section 14(b)(ii)].

Q 13. Mr. P supplied goods for the value of Rs. 10,000 to its customer Miss Prem on
01.01.2018 on the condition that payment for the same will be made within a
week. However, Miss Prem made payment for the said goods on 02.02.2018 and
thus paid interest amounting to Rs. 500. What is the time of supply with regard
to addition in the value by way of interest in lieu of delayed payment of

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Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 12(6) of CGST Act, 2017, the time of supply
with regard to an addition in value on account of interest, late fee or penalty or
delayed payment of consideration shall be the date on which the supplier received
such additional consideration. Discussion and Conclusion: Thus, time of supply in
respect of interest would be the date on which the supplier has received such
additional consideration, i.e. 02.02.2018. Further, Mr. P is required to make

payment of tax on or before 20th of March, 2018.

Q 14. Investigation shows that ABC & Co carried out service of cleaning and repairs of
tanks in an apartment complex, for which the Apartment Owners’ Association

showed a payment in cash on 4th April to them against work of this description.
The dates of the work are not clear from the records of ABC & Co. ABC & Co
have not issued invoice or entered the payment in their books of account.

Answer: Legal Provision: The time of supply cannot be determined vide the provisions
of clauses (a) and (b) of section 13(2) as neither the invoice has been issued
nor the date of provision of service is available as also the date of receipt of
payment in the books of the supplier is also not available. Therefore, the time
of supply will be determined vide clause (c) of section 13(2) i.e., the date on
which the recipient of service shows receipt of the service in his books of

Discussion and Conclusion: Thus, time of supply will be 4th April, the date on
which the Apartment Owners’ Association records the receipt of service in its
books of account.

Q 15. Gas is supplied by a pipeline. Monthly payments are made by the recipient as
per contract. Every quarter, invoice is issued by the supplier supported by a
statement of the goods dispatched and payments made, and the recipient has
to pay the differential amount, if any. The details of the various events are:

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 10

August 5,
September Payments of Rs. 2 lakhs made in each month
5, October 6
Statement of accounts issued by supplier, with invoice for
October 03
the quarter July – September
Differential payment of Rs. 56,000 received by supplier for
October 17 the quarter July – September as per statement of

Answer: Legal Provision: As per Notification No. 66/2017 CT dated 15.11.2017, a

registered person (excluding composition supplier) has to pay GST on the
outward supply of goods at the time of supply as specified in section 12(2)(a)
i.e., date of issue of invoice or the last date on which invoice ought to have
been issued in terms of section 31.

As per section 31(4), in case of continuous supply of goods, where successive

statements of accounts or successive payments are involved, the invoice is issued
before or at the time of each such statement is issued or, as the case may be,
each such payment is received. Therefore, invoice should be issued on August 5,
September 5 and October 6 when monthly payments of ` 2 lakh are received.

Discussion and Conclusion: Thus, time of supply will be August 5, September 5

and October 6 respectively for goods valued at ` 2 lakh each. Time of supply for
goods valued at ` 56,000 will be October 3, the date of issuance of invoice.

Q 16. Determine the time of supply from the given information.

Supplier invoices goods taxable on reverse charge basis to Bridge &
May-04 Co. (30 days from the date of issuance of invoice elapse on June
May-12 Bridge & Co receives the goods
May-30 Bridge & Co makes the payment

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 6. 11

Answer: Legal Provision: The time of supply, being the earliest of the three stipulated
dates namely,

 receipt of goods,

 date of payment and

 date immediately following 30 days of issuance of invoice [Section 12(3)].

(Here, date of invoice is relevant only for calculating thirty days from that

Conclusion: Here, May 12 will be time of supply

Q 17. Determine the time of supply from the given information.

Supplier invoices goods taxable on reverse charge basis to Pillar &
May 4 Co. (30 days from the date of issuance of invoice elapse on June
June 12 Pillar & Co receives the goods, which were held up in transit
July 3 Payment made for the goods

Answer: Here, June 4, 31st day from the date of supplier’s invoice, will be the time of
supply, being the earliest of the three stipulated dates namely, receipt of goods,
date of payment and date immediately following 30 days of issuance of invoice
[Section 12(3)].

Q 18. Determine the time of supply from the given information.

Booking of convention hall, sum agreed Rs 15000, advance of

6th May
Rs. 3000 received

Function held in convention hall
Invoice issued for Rs. 15000, indicating balance of Rs. 12000
27th October

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3rd November Balance payment of Rs. 12000 received

Answer: As per section 31(2) read with rule 47 of CGST Rules, the tax invoice is to be
issued within 30 days of supply of service. In the given case, the invoice is not
issued within the prescribed time limit. As per section 13(2)(b), in a case where
the invoice is not issued within the prescribed time, the time of supply of service
is the date of provision of service or receipt of payment, whichever is earlier.

Therefore, the time of supply of service to the extent of Rs. 3,000 is 6th May as
the date of payment of Rs. 3000 is earlier than the date of provision of service.

The time of supply of service to the extent of the balance Rs. 12,000 is 15th
September which is the date of provision of service.

Q 19. Pillai Pvt. Ltd. of Chennai is in business of providing taxable goods. It received an
order from Raghu Pvt. Ltd. to deliver the goods (which involved movement of
goods) at their office located in Mumbai. Following are the details provided.
Determine the Time of Supply in the following cases:
Sr Date of Removal Date of Invoice Date when goods made Date of recipient
No. available to recipient of Payment
1 2/11/2018 3/11/2018 4/11/2018 15/12/2018
2 3/10/2018 1/10/2018 4/10/2018 25/11/2018
3 4/11/2018 4/11/2018 6/11/2018 10/10/2018

Answer: Legal Provision: As per Section 12 of the CGST Act, 2017, the time of supply
of goods shall be the earliest of the following:
(a) Date of issue of invoice; or
(b) Last date of issue of invoice; or

Note : As per Sec 31(1) in case of movement of goods the invoice shall be
issued before or at the time of removal of goods for supply to the recipient

(c) Date on which payment is entered in books of accounts of the supplier; or

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(d)Date on which payment is credited to the bank account.

Sr No Date of Date of Time of

Removal Invoice supply
1 02/11/2018 03/11/2018 02/11/2018
2 03/10/2018 01/10/2018 01/10/2018
3 04/11/2018 04/11/2018 04/11/2018

Note: As per N/N 66/2017 – CT Dated 15/11/2017, time of supply of goods shall be as
per section 12(2) (a) i.e. Invoice or last date of invoice. Thus in case of supply
goods TOS is not on invoice received & the above provision is applicable to all
registered persons.

Q 20. Fortune Ltd has purchased for its employees 100 vouchers dated 14/12/2017 worth
₹ 2000 each from ABC Ltd, a footwear manufacturing company for specific
footwear. The vouchers were issued by ABC 15/12/2017. The vouchers can be
encashed at retail outlets of ABC Ltd. The employees of XYZ Ltd. encashed the
same on 01/01/2018, Determine the time of supply for the same.

Answer: Legal Provision: In terms of Section 12(4) of the CGST Act, 2017, time of
supply of vouchers shall earliest of the following:
(a) Date of issue of voucher, if the supply is identifiable at that point; or
(b) Date of redemption of voucher, in all other cases.

Discussion: As per the above stated Section time of supply shall be the date of
issue of voucher if the supply is identifiable at that point. In the above case
supply is identifiable as it specifically pertains to footwear.

Conclusion: Hence, time of supply is 15/12/2017

Q 21. Ms Vidhi purchased a gift voucher from shoppers stop (a departmental store) Rs.

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2500 on 30/10/2017 and gifted it to her friend on occasion of her birthday on
04/12/2017 friend encashed the same on 01/01/2018. Determine the supply

Answers: Legal Provision: In terms of Section 12(4) of the CGST Act, 2017, time of
supply of voucher shall be earliest of the following:
(a) Date of issue of voucher, if the supply is identifiable at that point; or
(b) Date of redemption of voucher, in all other cases.

Discussion: As per the above stated Section time of supply shall be the date of
redemption of the voucher in case the supply is not identifiable at that point. The
voucher given is that of a departmental store offering a variety of products and
the voucher can be purchase any product.

Conclusion: hence, time of supply is 1/1/2018

Q 22. Mr. A a registered supplier supplied certain goods to Mr. B on 6 Months credit
with a penalty clause in the agreement levying a penalty of 12% p.a. of the
invoice value in case of delayed payment. The invoice was dated 01/12/2017 and
invoice value was ₹ 2000. Mr. B could not make the payment on the due date
due, to unavoidable reasons. He however made the payment of the invoice value
on 01/06/2018. Mr. A raised a debit note for the penalty amount. There being
dispute on this, the matter was in arbitration which was finally resolved with Mr.
B agreeing to pay half of the penalty amount. The amount was paid by12/12/2018
Determine the time of supply.
Answer: Legal Provision: The above case falls within the purview of Section 12(6) of
CGST Act. The time of supply to the extent it relates to an addition in the value
of supply by way of interest, late fee or penalty for delayed payment of any
consideration shall be the date on which the supplier receives such addition in
value. i.e. Date of Receipt of Payment.

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Discussion: As per the above stated Section time of supply to the extent it relates
to an addition value of supply by way of interest, late fee or penalty for delayed
payment consideration shall be the date on which the supplier receives such
addition in value.

Conclusion: For the amount received as penalty the time of supply shall be

Q 23. Excel Security Co. provides service of testing of electronic devices. In one case, it
tested a batch of devices on 4th and 5th September but could not raise invoice
till 19th November because of same dispute about the condition of the devices on
return. The payments made in December. What is the method to fix the time of
supply of the service?
Answer: The time of supply of services, it the invoice is not issued in time is the date
of payment the date of provision of service, whichever is earlier [Section 13(2)
(b)]. In this case service is provided on 5th September but not invoiced within
the prescribed time. Therefore, the date of provision of service, i.e. 5th September,
will be the time or supply.

Q 24. Determine whether the following services amount to continuous supply of following
XYZ & Co., a firm of interior decorators, enters in to a contract with Mr. X
01.08.2018 for doing up the interiors of his newly constructed home for
consideration of ₹ 60 lakh. As per the terms of the contract, XYZ & Co. will
complete work by 31.01.2019 and consideration will be paid in six equal installments
on the, of each month covered during the period of contract.

Answer: Legal Provision: As per sec 2(33) of CGST Act, “Continuous supply of services”
supply of services which is provided, or agreed to be provided, continuously or on
basis, under a contract, for a period exceeding three months with periodic

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obligations and includes supply of such services as the Government may, subject
conditions, as it may, by notification, specify.

Conclusion: Since in the given case, service is provided for a period of six months
obligation of periodic payment, the same will amount to continuous supply of

Q 25. Mr. X took telecommunication service from Idea Cellular Ltd. For the month of
January, 2019 amount was ₹ 5,000. He made a payment of ₹ 5,500 with an
instruction to excess payment against next month’s bill, and hence the same was
adjusted by case of his next month bill payable on 5/3/2018 (invoice issued on
same date). Determine the time of supply with regard to such excess payment in
light of the GST law.

Answer: legal Provision: As per the Section 13(2) where the supplier of taxable service
receives an amounts to one thousand rupees in excess of the amount indicated
in the tax invoice, the of supply to the extent of such excess amount shall, at
the option of the said shall be the date of issue of invoice in respect of such
excess amount. Excess amount above case is ₹ 500.
Conclusion: Hence, time of supply is 5/3/2018

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Multiple Choice Questions

Q 1. Which of the section governs the provisions regarding determining time of supply
of goods?
a. Section 12 of CGST Act, 2017
b. Section 7 of CGST Act, 2017
c. Section 11 of CGST Act, 2017
d. Section 13 of CGST Act, 2017
Answer: a; Section 12 of CGST Act, 2017

Q 2. Which of the section governs the provisions regarding determining time of supply
of Services?
a. Section 12 of CGST Act, 2017
b. Section 7 of CGST Act, 2017
c. Section 11 of CGST Act, 2017
d. Section 13 of CGST Act, 2017
Answer: D; Section 13 of CGST Act, 2017

Q 3. As section 12, what is the date of receipt of payment?

a. Date on which payment is entered in the books of account
b. Date on which payment is credited to the bank account
c. Either of (a) or (b)
d. Earlier of (a) or (b)
Answer: D; Earlier of (a) or (b)

Q 4. As per Section 13, supplier of taxable Services receives an amount up to in

excess of the amount indicated in the tax invoice, the time of supply to the extent
of such excess amount shall, at the option of the said supplier, be the date of
issue of invoice in respect of such excess amount.
a. 1000
b. 100

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c. 500
d. 5000
Answer: A; 1000

Q 5. As per section 12, Time of supply of goods in case of reverse charge mechanism
will be earlier of following –

a. Date of receipt of goods

b. Date on which the payment is made

c. Date immediately following 30 days from the date of issue of invoice by the

d. Earlier of (a) or (b) or (c)

Answer: D; Earlier of (a) or (b) or (c)

Q 6. Where the goods being sent or taken on approval for sale or return are removed
before the supply takes place, the invoice shall be issued
a. Before or at the date of supply
b. 6 months from the date of removal
c. Earlier of (a) or (b)
d. Later of (a) or (b)
Answer: C; Earlier of (a) or (b)

Q 7. The time of supply to the extent it relates to an addition in the value of supply
by way of interest, late fee or penalty for delayed payment of any consideration
shall be the date.
a. on which the supplier receives such addition in value. i.e. Date of Receipt of
b. Date of invoice in relation to such payment
c. Earlier of (a) or (b)
d. Neither of (a) or (b)
Answer: A; on which the supplier receives such addition in value. i.e. Date of Receipt of

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Q 8. Continuous supply of services means a supply of services which is provided, or
agreed to be provided, continuously or on recurrent basis, under a contract, for a
period exceeding with payment obligations.
a. 1 year, annual
b. 3 months, periodic
c. 6 months, half yearly
d. 1 year, periodic
Answer: B; 3 months, periodic

Q 9. In case of supply by associated enterprises, where the supplier of service is located

outside India, the time of supply shall be the
a. date of entry in the books of account of the recipient of supply or
b. the date of payment,
c. earlier of (a) or (b)
d. Later of (a) or (b)
Answer: C; earlier of (a) or (b)

Q 10. Mr. Harish has received the payment, but has not deposited the cheque in the
bank account, what is the date of receipt of payment?
a. Date of receipt of payment
b. Date of credit in the bank account
c. Date on which payment is entered in the books of account of the supplier
d. Earlier of (b) or (c)
Answer: D; Earlier of (b) or (c)

Q 11. As per Section 14, Determine the amount of GST in case of supply of service of
Rs.10,00,000 on 04.09.2018 and invoice has also been issued on the same date. The
date of payment is 30.8.2018. the CGST rate has been increased from 5% to 12%
w.e.f. 1.9.2018.
a. Rate – 5 %, GST – Rs. 50000
b. Rate – 12%, GST – Rs. 120000

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c. Rate – 5%, GST – Rs. 120000
d. Rate – 12%, GST – Rs. 50000
Answer: B; Rate – 12%, GST – Rs. 120000

Q 12. GST Council, has issued Notification No. to specify that a registered
person (excluding composition supplier) should pay GST on the outward supply of
goods at the time of supply as specified in section 12(2)(a) i.e., date of issue of
invoice or the last date on which invoice ought to have been issued in terms of
section 31.
a. Notification no. 10/2017 – CT dated 15.11.2017
b. Notification no. 66/2017 – CT dated 15.11.2017
c. Notification no. 70/2017 – CT dated 15.11.2017
d. None of the above
Answer: B; Notification no. 66/2017 – CT dated 15.11.2017

Q 13. As per section 14, In which of the following situations, ‘Old rate’ shall be
a. When the supply of goods and receipt of payment has been done after the change
in rate of tax but issue of invoice is before the change in rate of tax.
b. When the goods have been supplied before the change in rate of tax but issue of
invoice and receipt of payment is after the change in rate of tax.
c. When the goods have been supplied after the change in rate of tax but issue of
invoice and receipt of payment is before the change in rate of tax.
d. When the supply of goods and issue of invoice has been done after the change in
rate of tax but receipt of payment is before the change in rate of tax.
Answer: C; When the goods have been supplied after the change in rate of tax but issue
of invoice and receipt of payment is before the change in rate of tax.

Q 14. Mr. A entered into a contract with Mr. C and agreed to make the payment by

30th September, 2018. If the payment is not made in time, then he shall pay late

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fees Rs.100 / day. No payment of late fees has been made so far. What shall be
the time of supply in respect of the late fees due on Mr. A?
a. 30th September, 2018
b. 31st October, 2018
c. TOS has not arisen since payment of late fees has not been made
d. None of the above.
Answer: C; TOS has not arisen since payment of late fees has not been made

Q 15. What is time of supply of goods, in case of forward charge?

a. Date of issue of invoice

b. Due date of issue of invoice

c. Date of receipt of consideration by the supplier

d. Earlier of (a) & (b)

Answer: D; Earlier of (a) & (b)

Q 16. Mr Roshan made some purchase of shoes from Metro shoes worth Rs. 5000/- and
got a free voucher worth Rs. 1500/- which is redeemable at any outlet of metro
shoes. Here what will be time of supply of voucher issued?

a. Date of issue of voucher

b. Date of redemption of voucher

c. Earlier of (a) & (b)

d. Later of (a) & (b)

Answer: A; Date of issue of voucher

Q 17. What is the time of supply of service if the invoice is issued within 30 days from
the date of provision of service?

a. Date of issue of invoice

b. Date on which the supplier receives payment

c. Date of provision of service

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d. Earlier of (a) & (b)

Answer: D; Earlier of (a) & (b)

Q 18. What is the time of supply of service in case of reverse charge mechanism?

a. Date of payment

b. Date immediately following 60 days from the date of issue of invoice

c. Date of invoice

d. Earlier of (a) or (b)

Answer: D; Earlier of (a) or (b)

Q 19. Value of services rendered is Rs. 1,00,000/. Date of issue of invoice is 5th October
2018. Advance Received is Rs. 25,000/- on 20th September 2018. Balance amount
received on 7th October 2018. What is the time of supply for Rs. 1,00,000/-

a. 5th October 2018 for Rs. 1,00,000/-

b. 20th September 2018 for Rs. 1,00,000/-

c. 20th September 2018- Rs.25,000/- and 5th October 2018 for Rs. 75,000/

d. 20th September 2018- Rs. 25,000/- and 7th October 2018 for Rs. 75,000/-

Answer: C; 20th September 2018- Rs.25,000/- and 5th October 2018 for Rs. 75,000/-

Q 20. There was increase in tax rate from 20% to 24% w.e.f.1.09.2018. Which of the
following rate is applicable when services are provided after change in rate of tax
in September 2018, but invoice issued and payment received, both in August, 2018:

a. 20% as it is lower of the two

b. 24% as it is higher of the two

c. 20% as invoice and payment were received prior to rate change

d. 24% as the supply was completed after rate change

Answer: C; 20% as invoice and payment were received prior to rate change

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Q 21. There was increase in tax rate from 20% to 24% w.e.f.1.9.2018. Which of the
following rate is applicable if the supplier has not opted for composition levy say
Sita Manufacturers, Delhi supplies goods to Aakash Electronics, Dehradun. Further,
Goods were removed from its factory in Delhi on 31.08.2018; invoice is issued on
31.08.2018 and payment is received on 4.09.2018.

a. 20% as it is lower of the two

b. 24% as it is higher of the two

c. 20% as date of invoice and dispatch of goods from factory, has happened before
change of rate

d. 24% as both, payment and completion of supply, has happened after change of

Answer: C; 20% as date of invoice and dispatch of goods from factory, has happened
before change of rate

Q 22. The time limit for issue of tax invoice in case of continuous supply of goods:
a. At the time of issue of statement of account where successive accounts are involved
b. At the time of receipt of payment, if payments are received prior to issue of accounts
c. On a monthly basis
d. As and when demanded by the recipient.
Answer: A; At the time of issue of statement of account where successive accounts are

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7 – Value of Supply
Exercise Questions & Answers:

Q 1. In accordance with the provisions of GST Act, Give answer for the following
pertaining to supply:
1. Are the valuation provisions similar for both Inter – state and intra – state
2. Will the valuation rules provided in Section 15 apply to IGST payable on
import of goods?
3. Will the Customs Valuation apply to IGST payable on import of services?
Answer: Answer to above questions are mentioned below:

1) As per sec 9 of CGST Act, levy is on into state supply where value shall be
determined as per sec 15 of CGST act. Also, as per sec 5 of IGST Act, levy is
on interstate supply of goods or services where value shall be determined as
per sec 15 of CGST Act. Hence, Valuation provisions are similar for interstate
& interstate supply.
2) As per proviso to sec 5(1) IGST is payable on imported goods, where value
shall determined as per the provisions of Customs Act, Hence provision of sec
15 is not applicable for calculation IGST on imported goods.
3) No, Value of import services shall be determined as per the provisions of sec
15 CGST Act read with Rules.

Q 2. Can any addition be made to the contracted price when ‘Transaction Value’ is
Answer: Yes. Section 15 of CGST Act, provides for inclusions to the transaction value (on
which GST will be payable). The below are broadly, the inclusions prescribed:

(a) Any taxes, duties, ceases, fees and charges levied under a law other than the
GST law, if charged separately by the suppliers;
(b) Any amount that the supplier is liable to pay in relation to such supply but
which has been incurred by recipient, but not included in the price;

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(c) Incidental expenses, including commission and packing, charged by the supplier
to the recipient, and any amount charged for anything done by the supplier
in respect of the supply until delivery of goods or supply of services;
(d)Interest or late fee or penalty for delayed payment of any consideration for
any supply; and
(e) Subsidies directly linked to the price excluding subsidies provided by the

Q 3. In certain cases, the selling price of the final product is less since subsidy is
received from Government. Are subsidies received from Government required to be
included in the transaction value?
Answer: As per the definition of Consideration, any subsidy received from the government
shall not be treated as a part of consideration for supply of goods or services.
Also, as per sec 15(2)(e), Subsidies received by the supplier, from Central / State
Governments are not required to be included in the transaction value of supplies
affected by him, even if the subsidies are directly linked to the supplies made by
Hence, Subsidy received from Government is not to be added in the transaction

Q 4. In accordance with GST Act, Give answer to the following pertaining to value of
1. Are transport charges for supply, paid by the supplier required to be included
in the transaction value?
2. Will GST be applicable on any interest charged for payment after the credit
1) As per Section 15(2)( c ) All the expenses incurred by the supplier, in relation
to the supply, - are required to be included, also expenses related to anything
done by supplier to be added in value in the transaction value to the extent
they are charged for.

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Even if the contract is for delivery of goods ex – factory, and the supplier incurs
the cost of transportation on behalf of the recipient for delivery of goods to the
recipient, the cost should be included in the transaction value if the supplier
charged the recipient for the same.
2) As per section 15(2)(d) Interest, penalty or late fee charged from the customer
would also be liable to GST. As per provision of Sec 13(6) of Time of supply the
GST liability on such values can be paid only on receiving such additional amounts.

Q 5. Mr. Lokesh has conducted a market survey for Mr. Vishal. However, Mr. Lokesh
has not charged any fee for such services as Mr. Vishal happens to be his best
friend is GST payable on such free service? Explain.
Answer: As per Section 7(1)(a) of CGST Act, when any supply of goods or services are
made or agrees to be made for consideration in the course of business then it is
liable to GST.
Thus free supply of goods or service not liable to GST unless it is covered in
Schedule I. In the given case Mr. Lokesh & Mr. Vishal both are best friends &
not related party here not covered in Schedule I.
Hence, no GST is payable on free supply of service by Mr. Lokesh

Q 6. Asha Traders dealing in supply of garments and details mentioned below:

a) Value of Taxable Supply of garments is Rs 45,000
b) Subsidy directly linked to the supply and received from a Trust engaged in
promotion of such garment is Rs 12,000
c) Subsidy from Central Government for promoting such units is Rs 9,000,
determine the Transaction Value of supply as per section 15 of CGST Act.
Answer: Computation of value of supply as per section 15 of CGST Act

Particulars Amount
Value of taxable of supply of garments 45000
Subsidy received from trust (As per Section 15(2)(e) since
the subsidy is not received from CG or SG so it will be
included in value of supply) 12000

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Subsidy received from government of India (As per section
15{2)(e) of CGST ACT, 2017 such subsidy amount shall not
be included) 0
Value of taxable of supply 57000

Q 7. M/s. Sam Pvt. Ltd. supplied tool parts to ABC Pvt. Ltd. for a consideration of Rs.
2,50,000 exclusive of taxes. ABC Pvt. Ltd. also gave some material to M/s. Sam
Pvt. Ltd. as consideration for such supply whose value was Rs. 50,000 exclusive
of Taxes M/s. Sam has supplied the same goods to another person at a price of
Rs. 3,25,000 inclusive of GST @ 18% Determine the value of supply.
i) What would your answer be if price of Rs. 3,25,000 is not available at the time
of supply of goods to ABC Pvt. Ltd.
ii) What would your answer be in above case if open market value of supply is
also not available but at the time of supply of goods by M/s. Sam. Identical goods
have been supplied at value of Rs. 3.17,000 excluding taxes.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per Sec. 15 value of Supply shall be transactions value if:
- buyer and seller are not related and
- price is not sole consideration;
As per Rule 27 of CGST Rules, 2017 where the supply of goods or services is for
a consideration not wholly in money, the value of the supply shall:
a) be the open market value of such supply
b) if the open market value is not available, be the sum total of consideration
in money and any such further amount in money as is equivalent to the
consideration not in money and if such further amount is known at the time of
c) If the value of supply is not determinable under clause (a) or clause (b) be
the value if supply of goods or services or both of like kind and quality.
Determination of value of taxable supply for the given cases:

In case where open market value is available then it shall be taken as value of
supply this shall be determined as under:

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Particulars Amount
Price charged from another recipient 325000
Less: GST included in the above price
(Rs. 325000 x 18/118) 49576
Open market value of supply of goods 275424

Thus, the value of supply shall be Rs. 275,424

I. If open market value is not available, the value of taxable supply shall be
determined as under:
Particulars Amount
Consideration in money 250000
Value of Non-monetary consideration –Value of goods
Known at time of supply 50000
Value of taxable supply 300000

II. If open market value is not available as well as value of equivalent

consideration is not available then value of supply shall be value of like
kind and quality i.e., Rs. 3,17,000

Q 8. Determine the value of supply and the GST liability, to be collected and paid
by the owner, with the following particulars:
Particulars Amount
Rent of the commercial building 1800000
Maintenance charges collected by local society from the
owner and reimbursed by the tenant 250000
Owner intends to charge GST on refundable advance, as
GST is applicable on advance 600000
Municipal taxes paid by the owner 300000

Rent and maintenance charges are exclusive of GST.

GST rates applicable on renting of business premises is as follows:

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Provide suitable explanations where required.

Answer: Computation of Value of Taxable Supply

Particulars Amount
Rent of the commercial building 1800000
Maintenance charges collected by the local society from the
owner and reimbursed by the tenant [ Note-1] 250000
Refundable advance [Note-2] Nil
Municipal taxes paid by the owner [Note-3] Nil
Value of Supply 2050000
CGST @ 9% 184500
SGST @ 9% 184500


i. Being reimbursed by the tenant, such charges ultimately form part of the rent
paid by the tenant to the owner and thus, will form part of the value.

ii. Being refundable, the advance is in the nature of security deposit which does
not constitute consideration in terms of section 2(31) of the CGST Act, 2017
and thus, is not includible in the value.

iii. Being an expenditure incurred by the supplier, the same is not includible in
the value, assuming that such taxes are not charged to the recipient.

Q 9. Cool Trade Links Pvt. Ltd. is a registered manufacturer of premium ceiling fans.
It sells its fans exclusively through distributors appointed across the country.
The maximum retail price (MRP) printed on the package of a fan is Rs. 10,000.
The company sells the ceiling fans to distributors at Rs. 7,000 per fan (exclusive
of applicable taxes). The applicable rate of GST on ceiling fans is 18%. The
stock is dispatched to the distributors on quarterly basis - stock for a quarter
being dispatched in the second week of the month preceding the relevant quarter.

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However, additional stock is dispatched at any point of the year if the company
receives a requisition to that effect from any of its distributors. The company
charges Rs. 1,000 per fan from distributors towards packing expenses. The
company has a policy to offer a discount of 10% (per fan) on fans supplied to
the distributors for a quarter, if the distributors sell 500 fans in the preceding
quarter. The discount is offered on the price at which the fans are sold to the
distributors (excluding all charges and taxes). The company appoints Gupta

Sales as a distributor on 1st April and dispatches 750 fans on 8th April as stock
for the quarter April-June. Gupta Sales places a purchase order of 1,000 fans
with the company for the quarter July-September. The order is dispatched by

the company on 10th June and the same is received by the distributor on 18th

June. The distributor makes the payment for the fans on 26th June and avails
applicable input tax credit. The distributor reports sales of 700 fans for the
quarter April-June and 850 fans for the quarter July-September. Examine the
scenario with reference to section 15 of the CGST Act, 2017 and compute the
taxable value of fans supplied by Cool Trade Links Pvt. Ltd. to Gupta Sales for
the quarter July-September.

Note: The supplier and the recipient of supply are not related and price is the
sole consideration for the supply. Make suitable assumptions, wherever
Answer: Legal Provision: Section 15(3)(a) of the CGST Act allows discounts to be
deducted from the value of taxable supply if the same is given before or at the
time of the supply and if such discount has been duly recorded in the invoice
issued in respect of such supply. In other words, pre-supply discounts recorded
in invoices are allowed as deduction. Further, post supply discounts are also
allowed as deduction from the value of supply under section 15(3)(b) of the
CGST Act if-
(i) such discount is established in terms of an agreement entered into at or
before the time of such supply and specifically linked to relevant invoices;

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(ii) input tax credit as is attributable to the discount on the basis of document
issued by the supplier has been reversed by the recipient of the supply.

Discussion & Conclusion: In the given case, Gupta Sales is entitled for 10%
discount on fans supplied by Cool Trade Links Pvt. Ltd. for the quarter July-
September as it has sold more than 500 fans in the preceding quarter April-
June. However, since the entire stock for the quarter July-September has already
been despatched by Cool Trade Links Pvt. Ltd. in the month of June, the
discounts on the fans supplied to Gupta Sales for the quarter July-September
will be a post-supply discount.
Such post-supply discount will be allowed as a deduction from the value of supply
since the discount policy was known before the time of such supply and the
discount can be specifically linked to relevant invoices (invoices pertaining to
fans supplied to Gupta Sales for the quarter July- September) provided Gupta
Sales reverses the input tax credit attributable to the discount on the basis of
document issued by Cool Trade Links Pvt. Ltd.

The value of supply will thus, be computed as under:

Amount (In

Price at which the fans are supplied to Prakash Sales [Note 1] 7000

Add: Packing expenses [Note 2] 1000

Less: Discount [Note 3] -700
Value of taxable supply of one unit of fan 7300
Value of taxable supply of fans for the quarter
July-September [Rs. 7,300 x 1,000]


(1) The value of a supply is the transaction value, which is the price actually
paid or payable for the said supply, in terms of section 15(1) of the CGST

(2) The value of supply includes incidental expenses like packing charges in

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terms of section 15(2)(c) of the CGST Act.

(3) Since all the conditions specified in section 15(3)(b) of the CGST Act
have been fulfilled, the post-supply discount will be allowed as deduction
from the value of supply presuming that Gupta Sales has reversed the
input tax credit attributable to such discount on the basis of document
issued by Cool Trade Links Pvt. Ltd. The input tax credit to be reversed
will work out to be Rs. 1.26 lakh [1,000 x (7,000 x 10%) x 18%].

Q 10. Samriddhi Advertisers conceptualised and designed the advertising campaign for a
new product launched by New Moon Pvt Ltd. for a consideration of Rs. 5,00,000.
Samriddhi Advertisers owed Rs. 20,000 to one of its vendors in relation to the
advertising service provided by it to New Moon Pvt Ltd. Such liability of Samriddhi
Advertisers was discharged by New Moon Pvt Ltd. New Moon Pvt Ltd. delayed
the payment of consideration and thus, paid Rs. 15,000 as interest.

Assume the rate of GST to be 18%. Determine the value of taxable supply made
by Samriddhi Advertisers.
Answer: Computation of Value of Taxable Supply

Particulars Amount
Service charges 500000
Payment made by New Moon Pvt. Ltd to vendor of Samriddhi
Advertisers [Liability of the supplier being discharged by the
recipient, is includible in the value in terms of section 15(2)(b)] 20000
Interest for delay in payment of consideration [Includible in the
value in terms of section 15(2)(d) – Refer note below] (rounded
off) 12712
Value of taxable Supply 532712

Note: The interest for delay in payment of consideration will be includible in the
value of supply but the time of supply of such interest will be the date when
such interest is received in terms of section 13(6). Such interest has been assumed

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to be inclusive of GST and the value computed by making back calculations
[Interest /100 + tax rate) x 100].

Q 11. AKJ Foods Pvt. Ltd. gets an order for supply of processed food from a customer.
The customer wants the consignment tested for gluten or specified chemical
residues. AKJ Foods Pvt. Ltd. does the testing and charges a testing fee for the
same from the customer. AKJ Foods Pvt. Ltd. argues that such testing fess should
not form part of the consideration for the sale as it is a separate activity. Is his
argument correct in the light of section 15?

Answer: Legal Provision: Section 15(2) mandates the addition of certain elements to
transaction value to arrive at taxable value. Clause (c) of section 15(2) specifies
that amount charged for anything done by the supplier in respect of the supply at
the time of or before delivery of goods or supply of services shall be included in
taxable value.

Discussion & Conclusion: Since AKJ Foods Pvt. Ltd. does the testing before the
delivery of goods, the charges therefor will be included in the taxable value.
Therefore, AKJ Foods Pvt. Ltd.’s argument is not correct. The testing fee should
be added to the price to arrive at taxable value of the consignment.

Q 12. A philanthropic association makes a substantial donation each year to a reputed

private management institution to subsidise the education of low-income group
students who have gained admission there. The fee for these individuals is reduced
thereby, coming to Rs. 3 lakh a year compared to Rs. 5 lakh a year for other
students. What would be the taxable value of the service of coaching and instruction
provided by the institution?
Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 15(2)(e), the value of a supply includes subsidies
directly linked to the price, excluding State Government and Central Government
subsidies. In this case, the subsidy is not from the Government but is from a
philanthropic association.

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Conclusion: Therefore, the subsidy is to be added back to the price to arrive at
the taxable value, which comes to Rs. 5 lakh a year.

Q 13. Mezda Banners, an advertising firm, gives an interest-free credit period of 30 days
for payment by the customer. Its customer ABC paid for the supply 32 days after
the supply of service. Mezda Banners waived the interest payable for delay of two
days. The Department wants to add interest for two days as per contract. Should
notional interest be added to the taxable value?
Answer: This is a supply that is valued as per transaction value under section 15(1) as
the price is the sole consideration for the supply and the supply is made to
unrelated person. The concept of transaction value has been expanded to include
certain elements like interest which are actually payable. Once waived, the
interest is not payable and is therefore, not to be added to transaction value.

Q 14. Easy Coupons Ltd. sells coupons that are redeemable against specified luxury food
products at retail outlets. Each coupon has a face value of Rs. 900 but is redeemable
for supplies worth Rs. 1000. What is the value of supply of such coupon under GST
Answer: In terms of rule 32(6) of the CGST Rules relating to valuation, the value of a
coupon is the money value of the goods redeemable against it. Therefore, though
the coupon is sold for Rs.900, its value is Rs.1000.

Q 15. The supplies of commodity ‘y’ to the market are channelled through a State
Marketing Corporation which conducts an auction each day to arrive at the price.
Gupta and Co. supplies commodity ‘y’ through the State Marketing Corporation.
How will this supply of ‘y’ by Gupta and Co. be valued for paying tax?
Answer: Legal Provision: The State Marketing Corporation is an ‘agent’ in the meaning
of the expression as defined in section 2(5), which includes an auctioneer.
Therefore, the value of supply of ‘y’ will be determined in terms of rule 29 of
CGST Rules relating to valuation.

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There is no open market for the first supply of commodity ‘y’, as it is compulsorily
supplied to the State Marketing Corporation. However, Gupta & Co. has the option
of valuing the supply of ‘y’ at 90% of price of goods of like kind and quality sold
by the State Marketing Corporation to its unrelated customers.
If the value cannot be determined by this method, it needs to be determined
on the basis of the cost plus 10% mark up as per rule 30 or on the basis of
Best Judgement Method as per rule 31, in that order.

Q 16. A pharmaceutical company supplies a drug intermediate to its own unit in another
State for conversion into formulations. The product is exclusive to this company, and
there is no market sale in India of this drug intermediate. Goods of like kind and
quality are also not available. How will the value of the supply of this drug
intermediate be determined under GST laws?
Answer: Since the supply is made to a distinct person, the same will be valued in
accordance with rule 28 of CGST Rules relating to valuation.

There is no open market value of the drug intermediate as also there are no like
goods. Therefore, value of supply of such drug intermediate will be determined in
terms of clause (c) of rule 28 i.e., by using rule 30. Thus, the value of supply of
such drug intermediate will be 110% of its cost of production or manufacture.
However, if the recipient unit is eligible for full ITC, the value declared in the
invoice will be deemed to be the open market value of the drug intermediate and
thus, the invoice value will be the value of taxable supply.

Q 17. Siddhi Ltd. exported some goods to Samson Inc. of USA. It received US $ 9,000
as consideration for the same and sold the foreign currency @ Rs. 61 per US
dollar. Compute the value of supply of money changing service under GST law and
rules made thereunder in the following cases:-

a RBI reference rate for US dollar at that time is Rs. 62 per US dollar.

b RBI reference rate for US dollars is not available.

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c What would be the value of supply if US $ 9,000 are converted into UK
£ 4,500. RBI reference rate at that time for US $ is ` 63 per US dollar
and for UK £ is ` 101 per UK Pound.

a Rule 32 of CGST Rules, 2017 inter alia provides that for a currency, when
exchanged from, or to, Indian Rupees (INR), the value shall be equal to
the difference in the buying rate or the selling rate, as the case may
be, and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reference rate for that currency
at that time, multiplied by the total units of currency. Hence, in the
given case, value of taxable service would be as follows:-

(RBI reference rate for $ – Selling rate for $) × Total units of US $

=Rs. (62-61) × 9,000

=Rs. 9,000

b If the RBI reference rate for a currency is not available, the value shall
be 1% of the gross amount of Indian Rupees provided or received, by the
person changing the money.

Hence, in the given case, value of taxable service would be as follows: -

1% of Rs. (61 × 9,000)

=Rs. 5,490.

c Here neither of currencies exchanged are in INR. Hence value supply shall
be % of lesser of 2 amounts the person changing money would have
received by converting them to INR on that day at reference rate of RBI
Value 1 = $ 9000 x Rs. 63 / $ = Rs. 567000
Value 2 = £ 4,500 x Rs. 101 / £ = Rs. 454500
Hence value of supply shall be 1 % of lower of above i.e. Rs. 4545 (1% of
Rs. 454500)

Q 18. A manufacturer of machinery supplied a special machine to LM Furnishers.

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Following details are provided in relation to amounts charged:

Sr No Particulars Amount
Price of machinery excluding taxes (before cash
1 discount) 600000
2 Transit insurance 11000
3 Packing charges 9000
4 Extra charges for designing the machine 20000
5 Freight 12000

Charges mentioned in (ii) to (v) are not included in (i) above. Other
information furnished is -

1. Cash discount @ 2% on price of machinery has been allowed to the

customer at the time of supply and also recorded in invoice.

2. GST rate – 18%.

Calculate value of supply of the special machine.

Answer: Computation of value of special machine

Particulars Amount
Price of machinery 600000
Add: Transit insurance [Note 1] 11000
Packing charges [Note 2] 9000
Extra design charges [Note 3] 20000
Freight [Note 1] 12000
Total 652000
Less: 2% cash discount on price of machinery [`
6,00,000 x 2%] [Note 4] -12000
Value of Taxable Supply 640000


i. The given supply is a composite supply involving supply of goods (special

machine) and services (transit insurance and freight) where the principal
supply is the supply of goods.

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As per section 8(a) of the CGST Act, 2017, a composite supply is treated as a
supply of the principal supply involved therein and charged to tax accordingly.
Thus, tax rate applicable to the goods (special machine) has been considered

ii. All incidental expenses including packing charged by the supplier to the

recipient of a supply are includible in the value of supply in terms of

section 15(2)(c) of CGST Act, 2017.

iii. Any amount charged for anything done by the supplier in respect of the

supply of goods at the time of, or before delivery of goods is includible in

the value of supply in terms of section 15(2)(c) of CGST Act, 2017. Thus,
extra designing charges are to be included in the value of supply.

iv. Cash discount was given at the time of supply and also recorded in invoice,

so the same is not to be included while computing value of supply in terms

of section 15(3)(a) of CGST Act, 2017.

Q 19. MNO is manufacturer of tobacco products, during the manufacturing process

certain incidental expenses have been incurred by MNO ltd which amounts to a
total of Rs 75,000, purchase value of tobacco is Rs 1,75,000 also is subject to levy
of excise duty charged of Rs 37,500 and GST is to be levied @ 28%. Compute
the transaction value.
Answer: Computation of transaction value as per section 15 of CGST Act,
Particulars Amount
Purchase value of tobacco 1,75,500
Add: incidental expenses (As per Section 15(2) any incidental 75,000
expenses are to be included in value of supply)
Excise duty (Note) 37,500
Transaction value 2,87,500
GST @28% 80,500

Note: 1.As per section 15(2) (a) of CGST Act 2017, any taxes, duties, cases, fees
and charges levied under a law other that the GST law, if charged separately

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by the supplied should be included in the transaction value. Thus excise duty
levied upon such goods shall be included.

Q 20. Mr. Shubham located in Nagpur purchases 1000 Parker ink pens worth Rs 500000
from SK enterprises wholesalers located in Pune. Mr. Shubham’s wife is an
employee is SK Enterprises. The price of each Parker pen in the open market is
Rs. 400/ Per unit. The supplier additionally charges Rs 4000 for delivery of the
goods to the business premises of recipient. Determine the value of supply as
GST Act.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per sec 15(1), Value of supply is transaction value i.e. price
actually paid or payable for supply where
 Buyer & Seller are not related &
 Price is sole consideration
Discussion & Conclusion: In given case, Mr. Shubham’s wife is employee in SK
enterprises, they are not treated as related person henceforth the value of supply
is actual price i.e. Rs. 500000 & delivery charges of Rs 4,000 to be included i.e.
Rs 5,04,000.
Note: Delivery charges incidental expenses as per sec 15(2)(c) to be added to
transaction value.

Q 21. An assessee sold certain goods to ABC Ltd. for Rs 30,000 (excluding GST and
other taxes) on 15.10.2017. The buyer, ABC Ltd. is a related person as defined
under GST Act. It did not sell the goods, but used it as intermediary product.
The cost of production of the said goods determined as per CAS – 4 was Rs
14,000. Determine the value of supply in the given case.
Answer: Legal Provision: The given case falls under the ambit related person it seems to
be stock transfer of goods where supply of goods is been used as an intermediary
in manufacture of product.
The transaction value shall not be accepted whereas value shall be computed as
per Rule 28 of CGST Rules, which is specific for supply to related person.

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Discussion & Conclusion: Thus, the value of supply shall be the open market value
or like kind & quality if available but in the given case it’s not given and also
value of goods of like kind & quality not available and so we shall apply Rule 30
of CGST Rules i.e. value of supply = 14,000*110% = Rs 15,400.
If the buyer eligible for ITC then declared value is treated as open market value.

Q 22. M/s Mayur Ltd, Delhi is an authorized money changer registered under FEMA,
1999 has entered the following transaction of supply of money changing:
1. 500 transactions of conversion of Dollar into Indian Rupees of Rs 30000 per
2. 600 transactions of conversion of Dollar into Indian Rupees of Rs 1,20,000 per
3. 800 transactions of conversion of Indian Rupees in Dollar of Rs 5,00,000 per
4. 300 transactions of conversion of Dollar into Euro of Rs 100 lakhs per
Compute the value of taxable supply and GST payable where M/s Mayur Ltd opted
for option under Rule 32(2) (b) of CGST Rules. GST rate applicable is 18%


Particulars Rs
1. Conversion of Dollar into INR (up to Rs 1,00,000) 1,50,000
(Rs 30,000 X 1%) = Rs 300
Hence higher amount of Rs 300 to be considered Rs 300 x 500
2. Conversion of Dollar into INR (up to Rs 10,00,000) 6,60,000
Rs 1,000 + (Rs 20000)*o.5%
Rs 1100 x 600 transactions
3. Conversion of INR into Dollar (up to Rs 10,00,000) 24,00,000
Rs 1,000 + (Rs 4,00,000)*o.5%
Rs 3,000 x 800transactions
4. Conversion of Dollar into Euro (exceeding Rs 10,00,000) 43,50,000

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Rs 5,500 + (Rs. 9000000) x 0.1%
Rs 14500 x 300 transactions [subject to a maximum of Rs 60,000]

Q 23. Mr. Jai a 2nd hand car dealer purchases from Mr. Veeru and further sells the
very same car to Mr. Gabbar after painting and renovation. The purchase price is
Rs 300000 whereas the sale price is Rs 3,50,000 Mr. Jai has not taken input tax
credit paid on purchase of such goods. Determine the value of supply as per GST.
What would be your answer if ITC was taken on such goods?
Answer: Legal Provision: As per Rule 32(5) of CGST Rules, where a taxable supply is
provided by a person dealing in buying and selling of second hand goods i.e.,
used goods as such or after such mines processing which does not change the
nature of the goods and where no input tax credit has been availed on the
purchase of such goods.
Discussion & Conclusion: Thus, the value of supply shall be the difference between
the selling price and the purchase price i.e. Rs 50,000 (Rs 3,50,000 - Rs 3,00,000)
as per GST Act.
If in case ITC was taken on such goods then the answer will be different as in
that case the supplier would not be eligible to opt of marginal scheme and the
GST shall be charged on the entire sales value i.e. on Rs 3,50,000/-

Q 24. Mr. Ramu has taken a loan on 01-01-2018 from SREI Finance corp ltd. worth of
Rs 5,00,000 and he purchased a i10 Car. He has defaulted in paying the loan
amount and subsequently the lending company repossessed the i10 car from Mr.
Ramu on 01.06.2018. The said goods were sold by the SREI Finance corp on 01-
02-2020. Determine the value of supply for levy of GST?
Answer: Legal Provision: As per proviso to Rule 32(5) of CGST rules, the purchase value
of goods repossessed from a defaulting barrower, who is not registered, for the
purpose of recovery of a loan or debt shall be deemed to be the purchase price
of such goods by the defaulting barrower reduced by 5% for every quarter or part

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thereof, between the date of purchase and the date of disposal by the person
making such repossession.
Discussion & Conclusion: Thus, in the given case purchase value for lending
company will be Rs 275000 (Rs 5,00,000 – 5% per quarter i.e. January 2018 to
February 2020 = 9 quarter).

Q 25. Power Engineering Pvt. Ltd., a registered supplier, is engaged in providing expert
maintenance and repair services for large power plants that are in the nature
of immovable property, situated all over India. The company has its Head Office
at Bangalore, Kamataka and branch offices in other States. The work is done
in the following manner.
 The company has self-contained mobile workshops, which are container
trucks fitted out for carrying out the repairs. The trucks are equipped with
items like repair equipment’s, consumables, tools, parts etc. to handle a wide
variety of repair work.
 The truck is sent to the client location for carrying out the repair work.
Depending upon the repairs to be done, the equipment, consumables, tools,
parts etc. are used from the stock of such items carried in the truck.
 In some cases, a stand-alone machine is also sent to the client's premises
in such truck for carrying out the repair work.
 The customer is billed after the completion of the repair work depending
upon the nature of the work and the actual quantity of consumables, parts
etc. used in the repair work.
 Sometimes the truck is sent to the company's own location in other State(s)
from where it is further sent to client locations for repairs.
 Work out the GST liability [CGST & SGST or I GST, as the case may be] of
Power Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore on the basis of the facts as described,
read with the following data for the month of November 20XX.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 7. 19

Sr. No. Particulars Amount
Truck sent to own location in Tamil Nadu
A (i) Value of items contained in the truck – Rs. 3,00,000
(ii) Value of truck- Rs. 25,00,000
Truck sent to a client location in Tamil Nadu for carrying out
repairs. Stand- alone machine is also sent in the truck to
client location for repairs
B (i) Value of items contained in the truck – Rs. 2,85,000
(ii) Value of stand-alone machine - Rs. 4,00.000
(iii) Value of truck-Rs. 20,00,000 (Billing for repairs to be
done afterwards depending upon the actual items used)
Truck sent to a client location in Karnataka for carrying out repairs
(i) Value of items contained in the truck - Rs. 1,06,000
(ii) Value of truck-Rs. 20,00,000 (Billing for repairs to be
done afterwards depending upon the actual items used)
Invoices raised for repair work carried out in Tamil Nadu [including
D 7000000
the invoice for repair work done in 'B'] -
Invoices raised for repair work carried out in Karnataka [including
E 1200000
the invoice for repair work done in 'C']

Also, specify the document(s), if any, which need to be issued by Power

Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for the above transactions. All the given
amounts are exclusive of GST, wherever applicable. Assume the rates of taxes
to be as under:

Items used for repairs

CGST - 6% SGST - 6% IGST - 6%
Container truck Stand-alone machines
CGST - 2.5% SGST - 2.5% IGST - 2.5%
Works contract for repairs and maintenance of immovable property
CGST - 9% SGST - 9% IGST - 9%

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You are required to make suitable assumptions, wherever necessary
Answer: Computation of GST Liability of power Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore for
the month of November 20XX

N Particulars Notes Amount
Items sent in container truck to own location in Tamil nadu
Note 1 36000
– IGST @12%
Container truck sent to own location in Tamil nadu Note 2 -

Standalone machine sent in container truck to client location

Note 3 -
in Tamil nadu , for carrying out repairs
B Container truck sent to client location in Tamil nadu Note 3 -
Items sent in container truck to client location in Tamil nadu,
Note 4 -
for carrying out repairs
Container truck sent to client location in Karnataka Note 3 -
C Items sent in container truck to client location in Karnataka,
Note 4 -
for carrying out repairs
Invoices raised for repair work carried out in Tamil Nadu: Note 5 & 1260000
IGST @18% 6
Invoices raised for repair work carried out in Karnataka: CGST
E Note 5 & 7 2160000
9% +SGST 9%

Total GST Liability

Working Notes:

i. Movement of goods without any considerations to a distinct person as

specified in section 25 (4) of the CGST Act, 2017 is deemed to be a supply
in terms of schedule I of the said Act. the purchase value is taken as taxable
value, being the open market value in terms of rule 28 (a) of the CGST

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rules 2017. (However, if the regional office is eligible to take full input tax
credit, any value may be declared in the tax invoice and that will be taken
to be the open market value in terms of the second provision to the same

In the given case,

 The location of the supplier is in Bangalore (Karnataka ) and

 The place of supply of items at which the movement of goods terminates
for delivery to the recipient i.e. Tamil nadu in terms of section 10(1) (a)
of the IGST Act, 2017.

Therefore the given supply of items is an inter –state supply as the location
of the supplier and the place of supply are in two different states [section
7(1) (a) of IGST Act, 2017] thus the supply is leviable to IGST in terms of
section 5(1) of the IGST Act, 2017. Since the activity is a supply, a tax
invoice is to be issued by power engineering pvt. ltd in terms of section 31(1)
(a) of the CGST act, 2017 for sending the items to its own location in Tamil

ii. As per section 25(4) of the CGST Act, 2017 a person who has been obtained
more than one registration ,whether in one state or union territory or more
than one state or union territory shall in respect of each such registration
,can be treated as ‘distinct person’. Schedule I to the CGST Act, 2017
specifies situations where activities are to be treated as supply even if made
without consideration. Supply of goods and/or services between ‘distinct
persons’ as specified in section 25 of the CGST Act, 2017 , when made in
the course or furtherance of business is one such activity included in schedule
I under para 2. However, in view of the GST councils recommendations it has
been clarified that the inter-state movement of various modes of conveyances
between “distinct persons” as specified including trucks carrying goods or
passengers or both for repairs and maintenance may be treated neither as
a supply of goods nor supply of services and therefore will not be leviable to
IGST applicable CGST/SGST/IGST, however shall be leviable on repairs and

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maintenance done for such conveyance [circular no.1/1/2017/GST dated
07.07.2017] Since the activity is not a supply, tax invoice is not required to
be issued by power engineering pvt. ltd however a delivery challan is to be
issued by the company in terms of rule 55(1) (c) of CGST rules 2017 for
sending the truck to its own location in Tamil nadu.

iii. Supply of goods without consideration is deemed to be a supply inter alia

when the goods are supplied to a distinct persons. however in this case
stand-alone machine and container truck are move to client location and not
between distinct persons, hence the same will fall outside the scope of
definition of supply and will not be leviable to GST Here again a delivery
challan is to be issued in terms of rule 55(1) © of CGST rules 2017 for
sending the stand alone machines and container truck to client location.

iv. As per section 2(119) of the CGST Act, 2017, “works contract” means a
contract for, inter alia, repair, maintenance of any immovable property
wherein transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other
form) is involved in the execution of such contract.

In this case, the supplier provides maintenance and repair services for power
plants that are in the nature of immovable property and uses consumables
and parts, wherever necessary, for the repair. Hence, the contract is the
contract is that of a works contract.

Further, as per section 2 (30) of the CGST Act,2017, a works contract is a

‘ composite supply’ as it consists of taxable supplies of both goods and
services which are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with each
other. The composite supply of works contract is treated as supply of service
in terms of para 6 ( a ) of Schedule II to the CGST Act, 2017 The items
used in relation to the repair and maintenance work could be consumables
or could be identifiable items/parts. In either case, the transfer of prop0erty
in goods is incidental to composite supply of works contract service. Thus,
the value of the items actually used in the repairs will be included in the

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invoice raised for the service and will be charges to tax at that point of

Here again, a delivery challan is to be issued in terms of rule 55(1) (c) of

CGST Rules, 2017 for sending the items for carrying out the repairs.

v. The activity is a composite supply of works contract, which is treated as

supply of service. As per section 8 (a) of the CGST Act, 2017 a composite
supply is treated as a supply of the principal supply involved therein and
charged to tax accordingly.
Since the activity is a supply of service, a tax invoice is to be issued by
Power Engineering Pvt. Ltd. In terms of section 31 (2) of the CGST Act,

vi. In the given case.

 The location of the supplier is in Bangalore (Karnataka) ; and
 The place of supply of works contract services relating to the power plant
(immovable property) is the location at which the immovable property
is located i.e., Tamil Nadu in terms of section 12(3)(a) of the IGST Act,
Therefore, the given supply is an inter- State supply as the location of
the supplier and the place of supply are in two [different State Section
7(1) (a) of IGST Act, 2017] Thus, the supply will be leviable to IGST in
terms of section 5 (1) of the IGST Act, 2017.

vii. In the given case, the location of the supplier and the place of supply of
works contract services are within the same State. Therefore, the given supply
is an intra-State supply in terms of section 8(1) of IGST Act, 2017 and thus,
chargeable to CGST and SGST.

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Q 26. ABC Ltd. Noida (Uttar Pradesh) is a supplier of machinery used for making bottle
caps. The supply of machinery is effected as under :-
 The wholesale price of the machinery (excluding all taxes and other expenses
at which it is supplied in the ordinary course of the business to various
customers is Rs. 42,00,000. However the actual price at which the machinery
is supplied to an individual customer varies within a range of + 10% depending
upon the terms of contract of supply with the particular customer.
 Apart from the price of the machinery, ABC Ltd. charges from the customer
the following incidental expenses:
A. associated handling and loading charges of Rs. 10,000
B. installation and commissioning charges of Rs. 100000
The machinery can be dismantled and erected at another site, if required. The
above charges are compulsorily levied in every case of supply of machinery.
 Transportation of machinery to the customer’s premises is arranged by ABC
Ltd. through a third-party service provider (Goods Transport Agency (GTA).
The customer enters into a separate service contract with the GTA. and pays
the freight directly to it.
 The Company provides one-year free warranty for the machinery. However, the
Company also provides an extended two-year warranty on payment of additional
charge of Rs. 300,000
 A cash discount of 2% on the price of the machinery is offered at the time
of supply if the customer agrees to make the payment within 15 days of the
receipt of the machinery at his premises. In the event of failure to make the
payment within the stipulated time, the company recovers
A. the discount given; and
B. charges interest @ 1% per month or part of the month on the total
amount due from the customer (towards the machinery supplied) from
the date of making the supply till the date of payment. However, no
interest is charged on the tax dues.
 For every machinery supplied ABC Ltd. receives a grant of Rs. 200,000 from
its holding company DEF Ltd.

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ABC Ltd. has supplied a machinery to D. Pvt. Ltd. on August 1, 20XX at a price
of Rs. 40,00,000 (excluding all taxes) D. Pvt. Ltd. has its corporate office in New
Delhi. However, the machinery has been installed at its manufacturing unit
Located in Gurugram (Haryana) D. Pvt. Ltd. has paid the freight directly to the
GTA and opted for two-year warranty. Discount @ 2% was given to D Pvt. Ltd.
as it agreed to make the payment within 15 days. However, D Pvt. Ltd. paid the
consideration on 31st October, 20XX.

Assume the rates of taxes to be as under:

Electric Motor Making Machine
CGST - 6% SGST - 6% IGST - 6%
Service of transportation of Goods
CGST - 2.5 % SGST - 2.5% IGST - 2.5%
Other Supply involved in the above supply
CGST - 9 % SGST - 9 % IGST - 9 %
Calculate the GST payable [CGST & SGST or IGST, as the case may be] on the
machinery and support your conclusions with legal provisions in the form of
explanatory notes.

Make suitable assumptions, wherever needed.

Answer: Computation of GST Liability of Sudhir Works:

Particulars Amount
Price of machine [Note 1] 4000000
Handling and loading charges [Note 2] 10000
Installation and commissioning charges [Note 2] 100000
Transportation cost [Note 3] Nil
Additional warranty cost [Note 4] 300000
Grant from Randhir Engineering Ltd. [Note 5] 200000
Total price of the machine 4610000
Less: 2% cash discount on price of machinery = Rs. 40,00,000 × 2% [Note 6] -80000
Taxable value of supply 4530000
Tax liability for the month of August, 20XX [Note 10]

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IGST @ 12% [Note 7 and Note 8] 543600
Tax liability for the month of November, 20XX [Note 10]
Interest collected @ 3% on Rs. 44,10,000 [Note 9] 132300
Add: Cash discount recovered [Note 9] 80000
Cum-tax value of interest and cash discount 212300
IGST = (Rs. 2123000 / 112) x 12% 22746
Total IGST payable on the machinery 566346

1. As per section 15(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, the value of a supply is the
transaction value i.e., the price actually paid or payable for the said supply
when the supplier and the recipient of the supply are not related and the price
is the sole consideration for the supply. It is assumed that Sudhir Works Ltd.
and Durga Pvt. Ltd are not related and the price is the sole consideration for
the supply.
2. All incidental expenses charged by the supplier to the recipient of a supply
are includible i n the value of supply in terms of section 15(2)(c) of CGST
Act, 2017. Any amount charged for anything done by the supplier in respect of
the supply of goods at the time of, or before delivery of goods is includible in
the value of supply in terms of section 15(2)(c) of CGST Act, 2017.
3. Transportation cost has not been included in the value of supply of the
machinery as it is a separate service contract between the customer and the
third-party service provider. The customer pays the freight directly to the
service provider.
The supplier (Sudhir Works Ltd.), in this case, merely arranges for the
transport and does not provide the transport service on its own account. Tax
will be separately levied on the supply of service of transportation of goods
under reverse charge.
4. Warranty cost is includible in the value of the supply since transaction value
includes all elements of the price excluding those that can be specifically
excluded as per section 15 of the CGST Act.

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5. Subsidies directly linked to the price excluding subsidies provided by the Central
Government and State Governments are includible in the value of supply in
terms of section 15(2)(e) of the CGST Act, 2017.
6. Cash discount was deducted by Sudhir Works Ltd. upfront at the time of supply
on September 1, 20XX and hence, the same is excluded from the value of
supply as it did not form part of the transaction value.

7. In the given case-

i.e., New Delhi in terms of section 10(1)(d) of the IGST Act, 2017.

Therefore, the given supply is an inter-State supply as the location of the

supplier and the place of supply are in two different States [Section 7(1)(a)
of IGST Act, 2017]. Thus, the supply will be leviable to IGST in terms of section
5(1) of the IGST Act, 2017.

8. The given supply is a composite supply involving supply of goods (machinery)

and services (handling and loading and installation and commissioning) where
the principal supply is the supply of goods.
As per section 8(a) of the CGST Act, 2017, a composite supply is treated as
a supply of the principal supply involved therein and charged to tax accordingly.
Thus, tax rate applicable to the goods (machinery) has been considered.

9. Interest for the delayed payment of any consideration for any supply is
includible in the value of supply in terms of section 15(2)(d) of the CGST
Act, 2017. Further, discount recovered will also be includible in the value of
supply as now the transaction value i.e., the price actually paid for the
machinery is devoid of any discount.

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The cash discount not allowed and interest have to be considered as cum tax
value and tax payable thereon has to be computed by making back calculations
in terms of rule 35 of CGST Rules, 2017.
10. It has been assumed that the invoice for the supply has been issued on 1 st
August 2018, the date on which the supply is made. Thus, the time of supply
of goods is 1st August 2018 in terms of Section 12(1)(a) of the CGST Act,
As per Section 12(6) of CGST Act, 2017, the time of supply in case of addition
in value by way of interest, late fees, penalty etc. for delayed payment of
consideration for goods is the date on which the supplier receives such addition
in value.

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Multiple Choice Questions

Q.1 As per section 15(1), transaction value of supply shall be -

a. which is the price actually paid or payable for the said supply of goods or services
or both
b. where the supplier and the recipient of the supply are not related and
c. The price is the sole consideration for the supply
d. All of the above
Answer: D: All of the above.

Q.2 The rate of exchange for determination of value of taxable goods shall be the
applicable rate of exchange as
a. Notified by Board u/s 14 of Customs Act, 1962
b. Rate as per GAAP
c. Rate as prescribed by GST Council
d. Prevailing Rate as per RBI
Answer: A: Notified by Board u/s 14 of Customs Act, 1962

Q.3 Consideration excludes:

a. Payment in money or otherwise for supply
b. Monetary value of an act or forbearance
c. Subsidy by the Central and State Government
d. All of the above.
Answer: C: Subsidy by the Central and State Government

Q.4 As per Section 15(2)(a), value of supply shall exclude:

a. Any taxes, duties, cesses, fees etc


c. Compensation Cess
d. Both (b) and (c)
Answer: d: Both (b) and (c)

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Q.5 What are the deductions allowed in transaction value?
a. Discounts specified in the invoice
b. Any payment made by customer on behalf of supplier
c. Packing charges
d. All of the above
Answer: a: Discounts specified in the invoice

Q.6 What are the conditions to be satisfied for excluding any expenditure incurred by
a supplier as a pure agent of the recipient of supply under valuation?
a. The supplier acts as a pure agent of the recipient of the supply, when he makes
the payment to the third party on authorization by such recipient.
b. The payment made by the pure agent on behalf of the recipient of supply has
been separately indicated in the invoice issued by the pure agent to the recipient
of service
c. The supplies procured by the pure agent from the third party as a pure agent of
the recipient of supply are in addition to the services he supplies on his own
d. All of the above
Answer: D: All of the above

Q.7 Incidental expenses, including commission and packing, charged by the supplier
to the recipient of a supply and any amount charged for anything done by the
supplier in respect of the supply of goods or services or both at the time of, or
before delivery of goods or supply of services should be :
a. Included in the value
b. Excluded from the value
c. As may be prescribed by GST Council

d. None of the above

Answer: A: Included in the value

Q.8 The value of supply should include

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a. Any non-GST taxes, duties, cesses, fees charged by supplier separately
b. Interest, late fee or penalty for delayed payment of any consideration for any
supply of goods or services
c. Subsidies directly linked to the price except subsidies provided by the Central and
State Government
d. All of the above
Answer: D: All of the above

Q.9 When can the transaction value be rejected for computation of value of supply
a. When the buyer and seller are related and price is not the sole consideration
b. When the buyer and seller are related or price is not the sole consideration
c. It can never be rejected
d. When the goods are sold at very low margins
Answer: B: When the buyer and seller are related or price is not the sole consideration

Q.10 What deductions are allowed from the transaction value

a. Discounts offered to customers, subject to conditions
b. Packing Charges, subject to conditions
c. Amount paid by customer on behalf of the supplier, subject to conditions
d. None of the above
Answer: A: Discounts offered to customers, subject to conditions

Q.11 Rule 30 of the CGST Rules inter alia provides value of supply of goods or services
or both based on cost shall be ……………% of cost of production or manufacture or
the cost of acquisition of such goods or the cost of provision of such services

a. 100

b. 10

c. 90

d. 110

Answer: D: 110

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Q.12 As per Rule 31 of the CGST Rules, residual method for determination of value of
supply of goods or services or both will apply when:
a. Value of supply cannot be determined under Rules 27 to 30
b. Value of supply determined is more than the open market value of goods
c. Value of supply determined is more than the Value of supply of like kind and
d. All of the above
Answer: A: Value of supply cannot be determined under Rules 27 to 30

Q.13 In terms of Rule 32(7) of the CGST Rules, the value of taxable services provided
by such class of service providers as may be notified by the Government, on the
recommendations of the Council, as referred to in paragraph 2 of Schedule I of
the CGST Act between distinct persons as referred to in section 25, where ITC is
available, shall be deemed to be
a. Nil
b. Value as may be prescribed by GST council
c. 110% of value of Invoice
d. None of the above
Answer: A: Nil

Q.14 Mr. Santa located in Nashik purchases 10,000 Hero ink pens worth Rs.4,00,000 from
Lekhana Wholesalers located in Mumbai. Mr. Santa’s wife is an employee in
Lekhana Wholesalers. The price of each Hero pen in the open market is Rs.52. The
supplier additionally charges Rs.5,000 for delivering the goods to the recipient’s
place of business. The value of such supply will be :
a. Rs. 5,20,000
b. Rs. 5,25,000
c. Rs. 4,00,000
d. Rs. 4,05,000

Answer: D: Rs. 405000.

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Q.15 What will be the value of supply if Shashank supply Sony television set for Rs.
85000 along with the exchange of an old TV and if the price of the Sony television
set without exchange is Rs. 1,00,000, the open market value of the Sony television
set is:
a. Rs. 85000
b. Rs. 100000
c. Rs. 185000
d. None of the above
Answer: B: Rs. 100000

Q.16 Mr. X makes a supply of 30 shoes to Mr. Y. Here both are related persons. Mr. Y
as such intends to further supply such shoes to his customers for Rs. 3,000. Open
market value of such shoes is Rs.3,000. In such case, what shall be the value of
supply per shoes?
a. Rs. 3300
b. Rs. 3000
c. Rs. 2700
d. (b) or (c) at the option of supplier
Answer: D: (b) or (c) at the option of supplier

Q.17 Salim is selling a product to Salman for Rs. 40,000. Open market value of the
product is Rs.72,000. Both of them are related parties. Further, Salman is eligible
to claim the ITC on the product. What shall be the value of supply in this case?
a. Rs. 40,000
b. Rs. 72,000
c. Rs. 36000
d. Rs. 44,000

Answer: A: Rs. 40,000

Q.18 Mr. A sells the goods to Mr. B for Rs.20,000 on 1st April, 2018 and allows him a

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credit period on 15 days post that penalty of Rs.10 per day shall be levied on the

same for delayed payment. Mr. B makes a payment of Rs.20,150 on 30th April,
2018. What shall be the value on which tax shall be levied?
a. Rs. 20,000
b. Rs. 20,150
c. (a) or (b) whichever is lower
d. None of the above
Answer: B: Rs. 20150.

Q.19 ABC consultancy firm is engaged to register a company for XYZ Ltd. Other than
professional fees ABC consultancy also recovers fees paid to ROC on behalf of the
XYZ Ltd. Determine Value of Supply?
a. Professional Fees
b. ROC fees paid on behalf of XYZ Ltd.
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
Answer: A: Professional Fees

Q.20 ABC Enterprises sold a bike for Rs .40,000 to XYZ Enterprises. Open market price
of the bike is Rs.80,000. Both firms are registered under the same PAN. Determine
the value of supply keeping in mind the fact that XYZ enterprises cannot take
the credit of the same.
a. Rs. 40000
b. Rs. 80000
c. Rs. 36000
d. Rs. 88000
Answer: B: Rs. 80000

Q.21 M Ltd. sold a product for Rs.34,000 to Mr. N. Open market value of such supply is
Rs. 60,000. Mr. N is selling the same like kind of product to his consumer for
Rs.60,000. Mr. N holds 30% share in M Ltd. Determine the value of supply for

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the purpose of levy of GST.

a. Rs.34000

b. Rs. 60000

c. Rs. 54000
d. Either (b) or (c), depending on the option of Mr. M
Answer: D: Either (b) or (c), depending on the option of Mr. M

Q.22 Mr. Arihant is selling a product for Rs. 11800/- (inclusive of tax)and applicable rate
of CGST and SGST is 9 % each. Determine the value of supply.
a. Rs. 11800
b. Rs. 10000
c. Rs. 10826
d. Rs. 13924
Answer: B: Rs. 10000

Q.23 Mr. Yash is an Air Travel agent. He collected INR 50,000 (Basic fare for domestic
booking) and INR 1,00,000 (Basic fare for International Booking). What shall be
the value of supply under this case?
a. Rs. 2,500
b. Rs.10,000
c. Rs.12,500
d. Lower of (a), (b) and (c)
Answer: C: Rs. 12500

Q.24 What are the conditions prescribed for deduction of discount from the value of
taxable supply, when made after supply?
a. Discount allowed is linked to the relevant invoices
b. Reversal of Proportionate ITC by the recipient of supply
c. The discount is given as per agreement entered into at or before such supply
d. All of the above

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Answer: D: All of the above

Q.25 Mr. Sharad purchased certain goods worth INR 20,000 from ABC Ltd. As a matter
of security, Mr. Sharad made a request to the supplier to provide for an additional
packaging on the given item for safe transportation which cost around INR 1500.
The supplier charged value of the additional packaging separately after the supply
was made. What is the final value of such supply made?
a. Rs. 20000
b. Rs. 21500
c. Lower of (a) & (b)
d. None of the above
Answer: b: 21500

Q.26 XYZ Pvt. Ltd. gives discount of 30% on the list price to its distributors as per its
contract. As per invoice raised on the items supplied per carton, the list price on
the same amounts to INR 10000. What shall be the taxable value of such supply,
given that the discount is allowed at the time of supply and shown in invoice?
a. Rs. 7000
b. Rs. 13000
c. Rs. 8000
d. Rs. 4200
Answer: A: Rs. 7000.

Q.27 What shall be the value of supply in case of Life Insurance Business services?
a. The gross premium charged from a policy holder reduced by the amount allocated
for investment, or savings on behalf of the policy holder
b. In case of single premium annuity policies, 10% of single premium charged from
the policy holder
c. 25% of the premium charged from the policy holder in the first year and 12.5%
of the premium charged from the policy holder in subsequent years
d. Either of the above options
Answer: D: Either of the above options depending upon the type of policy

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Q.28 When are the provisions of Valuation Rules applicable?
a. Price is not the sole consideration
b. Parties are related
c. Supplies are notified
d. All of the above
Answer: D: All of the above

Q.29 ABC Private Ltd. being a registered person under GST purchased 2000 USD from
XYZ at the rate of INR 70 per USD. RBI reference rate as on the date was INR
70.50. What shall be the value of such supply?
a. Rs. 1000
b. Rs. 2000
c. Rs. 500
d. Rs. 140000
Answer: A: Rs. 1000

Q.30 ABC Pvt. Ltd. being a registered person under GST sold 2000 USD to XYZ at the
rate of INR 70 per USD. RBI reference rate is not available. What shall be the value
of such supply?
a. Rs. 140000
b. Rs. 1400
c. Rs. 500
d. Rs. 1000
Answer: B: Rs. 1400

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8 – Input tax Credit
Exercise Questions & Answers

1. What is input tax?

Answer: Input tax means the central tax (CGST), State tax (SGST), integrated tax
(IGST) or Union territory tax (UTGST) charged on supply of goods or services or both
made to a registered person. It also includes tax paid on reverse charge basis and
integrated goods and services tax charged on import of goods. It does not include tax
paid under composition levy.

2. What are the conditions necessary for obtaining ITC?

Answer: Following four conditions are to be satisfied by the registered taxable person
for obtaining ITC:

a) he is in possession of tax invoice or debit note or such other tax paying

documents as may be prescribed;

b) he has received the goods or services or both;

c) the supplier has actually paid the tax charged in respect of the supply to the
Government; and

d) he has furnished the return under section 39.

3. One of the conditions to claim credit is that receiver is possession of tax invoice
or debit note or any other taxpaying documents. What are the taxpaying documents on
which Input Tax Credit is available?
Answer: The taxpaying documents have been prescribed under Rule 36 of the CGST
The ITC shall be availed by a registered person [including the Input Service Distributor
(ISD)] on the basis of any of the following documents:
 An invoice issued by supplier of goods or services or both;
 An invoice raised by the recipient in case of inward supplies on account of reverse
charge mechanism supplies, subject to payment of tax;

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 A debit note issued by a supplier of goods or services or both;
 A bill of entry or any similar document prescribed under the Customs Act, 1962
or Rules made there under for the assessment of integrated tax on imports;
 An Input Service Distributor (ISD) Invoice or ISD Credit Note or any other
document issued by an Input Service Distributor for distribution of credit.

4. Can a person take ITC without payment of consideration for the supply along
with tax to the supplier?
Answer: Yes, the recipient can take ITC. However, he is required to pay the consideration
along with tax within 180 days from the date of issue of invoice. This condition is not
applicable where tax is payable on reverse charge basis and Schedule 1 cases.

5. What is the time limit for taking ITC and reasons therefor?
Answer: Refer point (vi) “Time limit for availing ITC: Due date of filing return for the
month of September of succeeding financial year or date of filing of annual return,
whichever is earlier” under Heading No. 3 “Eligibility and Conditions for Taking Input
Tax Credit [Section 16]”.

6. What is the ITC entitlement of a newly registered person?

Answer: A person applying for registration can take input tax credit of :
 Inputs held in stock and
 Inputs contained in semi- finished or
 Finished goods held in stock

on the day immediately preceding the date of grant of registration. If the person
was liable to take registration and he has applied for registration within thirty days
from the date on which he became liable to registration, then ITC of inputs held in
stock and inputs contained in semi- finished or finished goods held in stock on the day
immediately preceding the date on which he became liable to pay tax can be taken.

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7. What is the tax implication of supply of capital goods by a registered person who
had taken ITC on such capital goods?

Answer: In case of supply of capital goods or plant and machinery on which ITC has
been taken, the registered person shall pay an amount equal to the ITC taken on the
said capital goods or plant and machinery reduced by 5% per quarter or part thereof
from the date of invoice or the tax on the transaction value of such capital goods,
whichever is higher. However, in case of refractory bricks, moulds and dies, jigs and
fixtures when these are supplied as scrap, the person can pay tax on the transaction

8. A flying school imports an aircraft for use in its training activity, and takes ITC
of the IGST paid on the import. The departmental audit raises an objection that aircrafts
fall within the definition of “conveyance” in section 2(34) of the Act and that ITC is
not allowed on conveyances. Offer your comments.
Answer: Under section 17(5)(a)(i)(C) of the CGST Act, ITC is allowed on aircraft if
they are used to make the taxable supply of imparting training on flying an aircraft.
Therefore, the credit is correctly taken.

9. A taxable person is in the business of information technology. He buys a motor

vehicle for use of his Executive Directors. Can he avail the ITC in respect of GST paid
on purchase of such motor vehicle?
Answer: No. As per section 17(5)(a), ITC on motor vehicles can be availed only if the
taxable person is in the business of transport of passengers or is providing the services
of imparting training on driving/flying/navigating motor vehicles or is in the business of
supply of motor vehicles.

10. A technical testing agency tests and certifies each batch of machine tools before
dispatch by BMT Ltd. Some of these tools are dispatched to a unit in a SEZ without
payment of GST as these supplies are not taxable. The finance personnel of BMT Ltd.
want to know whether they need to carry out reversal of ITC on the testing agency’s
services to the extent attributable to the SEZ supplies. Give your comments.

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Answer: Under section 16(2) of the IGST Act, credit of input tax is allowed to be taken
for inward supplies used to make zero rated supplies. Under section 17 of the CGST Act
also, ITC is disallowed only to the extent it pertains to supplies used for non-business
purposes or supplies other than taxable and zero-rated supplies. Supplies to SEZ units
are zero rated supplies in terms of section 16(1) of IGST Act. Thus, full ITC is allowed
on inward supplies of BMT Ltd. used for effecting supplies to the unit in the SEZ.

11. A garment factory receives a Government order for making uniforms for a
commando unit. This supply is exempt from tax under a special notification. The fabric
is separately procured for the supply, but thread and lining material for the collars are
the ones which are used for other taxable products of the factory.
The turnover of the other products of the factory and exempted uniforms in July is Rs.
4 crore and Rs. 1 crore respectively, the ITC on thread and lining material procured in
July is Rs.5000 and Rs. 15000 respectively. Calculate the eligible ITC on thread and
lining material.
Answer: Thread and lining material are inputs which are used for making taxable as
well as exempt supplies. Therefore, credit on such items will be apportioned and credit
attributable to exempt supplies will be added to the output tax liability in terms of rule
42 of the CGST Rules, 2017.
Credit attributable to exempt supplies = Common credit x (Exempt turnover/ Total
Common credit = Rs.15000 + Rs.5000 = Rs. 20000
Exempt turnover = Rs. 1 Crore
Total turnover = Rs. 5 Crore [Rs. 1 Crore + Rs. 5 Crore]
Credit attributable to exempt supplies = (Rs. 1 Cr / Rs. 5 Cr) x Rs. 20000 = Rs.
Ineligible credit of Rs.4000 will be added to the output tax liability for the month
of July. Credit of Rs.16,000 will be eligible credit for the month of July.

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12. Mr. A, a registered person was paying tax under Composition Scheme up to 30th

July. However, w.e.f. 31st July, Mr. A becomes liable to pay tax under regular scheme.
Is he eligible for ITC?
Answer: Mr. A is eligible for ITC on inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-

finished or finished goods held in stock and capital goods as on 30th July. ITC on
capital goods will be reduced by 5% per quarter or part thereof from the date of invoice.

13. Mr. A, a registered person entered into a contract with Mr. B an Architect for
design of a project model for his office. As on 10/06/2018, Mr. A paid an advance amount
of Rs. 85,000 toward such supply of service to Mr. B. However, the balance amount
pertaining to the given contract was paid on completion of service i.e. on 15/09/2018.
Determine whether in the given case Mr. A avail ITC against advance payment made by
Answer: Legal Provision: As per sec 16 of CGST Act, A registered person shall be entitled
to the credit of input tax if:
1. He is possession of a tax invoice issued by a supplies registered under this act.
2. He has received goods or services or both
Discussion: In the case, the contract is for supply of service for which Mr. A has pad an
advance amount on 10/06/2018 but the service has not been completed yet. Thus, he
shall not be entitled for ITC against the advance payment made by him.

14. One of the conditions to claim credit is that the receiver has received the goods.
Is there any provision for deemed receipt of goods in case of transfer of document of
title before or during the movement of goods?
Answer: Yes. Explanation to Section 16(2)(b) of the CGST Act provides for deemed
receipt of goods where the goods are delivered by the supplier to the recipient or any
other person on the direction of the recipient, whether acting as agent of otherwise,
before or during movement of goods.

15. Viraj located in Pune is the supplier of raw material & Mr. Sane a trader located
in Goa is registered taxable person. Mr. Viraj supplied raw material to Mr. Sane. During

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 5

the movement of the goods from Pune to Goa, Mr. Sane directed Mr. Viraj to supply the
raw material to his agent Mr. Ravi, located in Hubli (Karnataka). Accordingly, Mr. Viraj
delivered raw material to Mr. Ravi. Who shall be termed as a recipient as per provisions
of CGST Act?
Answer: Legal Provision:-As per explanation to sec 16(2)(b) of the CGST Act provides
for deemed receipt of goods where the goods are delivered by the supplier to the recipient
of any other person on the direction of the recipient, whether acting as agent of
otherwise, before or during movement of goods.
Conclusion:-As per the above stated provision, it shall be deemed that Mr. Sane
has received the goods from Mr. Viraj when he has delivered the goods to Mr. Ravi an
agent of Mr. Sane. Thus recipient shall be Mr. Sane.

16. M/s Asha Trading Co. purchased certain goods from Venus traders, Mumbai who
agreed to deliver the goods as per the contract the supply of goods was in following
Date of receipt of Instalment Value of goods
01.09.18 1st Rs. 15000
01.10.18 2nd Rs. 35000
01.11.18 Last Rs. 42000
Total Rs. 92000

The above goods are subject to CGST and SGST @ 6% each. Invoice of Rs. 92,000 was
issued along with supply of first lot of goods. Explain in accordance with the provisions
of CGST Act, whether M/s Asha Trading Co. is eligible to take input tax credit on
proportionate basis.
Answer: No, M/s Asha Trading Co, is not eligible to take credit on proportionate basis,
as per proviso to section 16(2) where the goods against an invoice are received in lots
of instalments, the registered person shall be entitled to take credit upon receipt of the
last lot or instalment. Therefore in the given case M/s Asha shall be eligible to claim
ITC only upon receipt of last instalment i.e. as on 1.11.2018.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 6

17. Lemon Pvt. Ltd purchased machinery as on 20.07.2018 for its unit in Gujarat ,
worth ₹ 1250000 & GST @ 12% was levied i.e. ₹ 1,50,000 thus total cost of machinery
including taxes was ₹ 14,00,000. The machinery was put to use as on 26.07.2018. In the
given case if Lemon Pvt. Ltd has capitalized the value of machinery including its tax
component of ₹ 150000. Determine whether Lemon Pvt. Ltd shall be eligible to claim
the input tax credit paid on purchase of Machinery?
Answer: As per section 16(3) of GST Act, if registered person has claimed depreciation
on the tax component of cost of capital goods then ITC on such tax component not
allowed. The GST paid on purchases of machinery i.e. 150000 has also been capitalize it
is deemed that depreciation must be claimed by Lemon Pvt. Ltd and hence not eligible
to claim input tax credit on such tax component.

18. XYZ Ltd is engaged in manufacture of taxable goods. Compute the ITC available
with XYZ Ltd. for the month of October, 2018 from the following particulars :- (ICAI)
S. Inward GST Amount Remarks
No. supplies
1. Input ‘A’ 1,00,000 One invoice on which GST
payable was ₹ 10,000 is missing
2. Input ‘B’ 50,000 Inputs are to be received in two
installments. First installment
has been received in October,
3. Capital goods 1,20,000 XYZ Ltd. has capitalized the
capital goods at full invoice value
inclusive of GST as it will avail
depreciation on the full invoice
4. Input services 2,25,000 One invoice dated 20.01.2018 on
which GST payable was ₹ 50,000
has been received in October,

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 7

1. All the conditions necessary for availing the ITC have been fulfilled.
2. ABC Co. Ltd. is not eligible for any threshold exemption.
3. The annual return for the financial year 2017 – 2018 was filed on 15th September,
Answer: Computation ITC available with XYZ Ltd. for the month of October, 2018

S. No. Inward supplies GST

1. Inputs ‘A’ 90,000
[ITC cannot be taken on missing invoice. The registered person
should have the invoice in its possession to claim ITC – Section
16(2) (a)] (1,00,000 – 10,000)
2. Inputs ‘B’ Nil
[When inputs are received in installments. ITC can be availed only
on receipt of last installment – First proviso to section 16(2)]
3. Capital goods Nil
[Input tax paid on capital goods cannot be availed as ITC, if
depreciation has been claimed on such tax component – Section
4. Input services 1,75,000
[As per section (4), ITC on an invoice cannot be availed after the
due date of furnishing of the return for the month of Sept.
following the end of financial year to which such invoice pertains
the date of filling annual return, whichever is earlier. Since the
annual return for the FY 2017- 2018 has been filed on 15th
September, 2018 (prior to due date of filing the return for Sept.
2018 i.e. 20th October, 2018), ITC on the invoice pertaining to FY
2017 – 2018 cannot be availed after 15th September, 2018. [Note
– Rs.2,25,000 – Rs.50,000 i.e. invoice receives in Oct 2018]
Total 2,65,000

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 8

19. Whether input tax paid on Motor vehicle and other conveyances which is used
for courier agency, outdoor catering, pandal and shamiana and tour operator is eligible?
Answer: The restriction of input tax credit on motor vehicles and conveyances provided
under section 17(5) (a) is on such motor vehicles / conveyances except when they are
used for further supply of vehicles / conveyances, transportation of passengers. Importing
training or for transportation of goods only.
Therefore, input tax credit will be available when it is used by courier agency, outdoor
catering, pandal and shamiana and tour operator as it covers use of vehicles for
transportation of goods / transportation of passengers.
Generally, motor vehicle is used for transportation of goods in case of courier
agency, pandal, shamiyana.

20. Whether benefit of input tax credit would be available if the company procures
health insurance services for benefit of its employees Procurement of such services is
mandatory under Factories Act.
Answer: Yes. Section 17(5) (b) (iii) of the CGST Act provides that tax paid W.R.T rent
a cab services, life / health insurance services will be eligible as input tax credit where
the Government notifies that such services are obligatory for an employer to provide to
its employees under any law for the time being in force.

21. A consignment of 5000 KGS of inputs was received. The GST @ 5% paid as per
invoice was Rs. 5000. While the inputs were in transit, 500 KGS were destroyed and it
was found that these were not usable. State eligibility of inputs tax credit as per GST
Act ?
Answer: Legal Provision:- As per section 2(59) of CGST act 2017, “input” means any
goods other than capital goods used or intended to be used by a supplier in the course
or furtherance of business.
As per section 16(2) (b) a registered person shall be entitled to claim the credit of any
input tax in respect of any supply of goods provided he has received the goods.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 9

As per section 17(5) of CGST act 2017 input tax credit shall not be available in respect
of the following supplies & as per clause (h) of section 17(5), goods lost, stolen,
destroyed, written off or disposed of by way of gift or free samples credit is not available.
Discussion:- As per above provisions of CGST act 2017, in the given case as inputs lost
in transit and not yet received by the recipient and thus does not satisfies the criteria
to avail ITC so no credit shall be available for 500 KGS of inputs destroyed in transit.
Conclusion:- Hence in the above case, input tax credit is not available to the extent of
500 KGS of inputs destroyed in transit as not yet received by the recipient. But the
manufacturer shall be eligible to take input tax credit of remaining inputs 4500 KGS i.e.
Rs. 4500/- on receipt of such inputs.

22. Determine the eligibility of input tax credit for the following cases as per sec
17(5) of GST Act:-
 A taxable person is in business of information technology. He buys a motor vehicle
for use of his Executive Directors. Can he avail the ITC in respect of GST paid on purchase
of such motor vehicle?
 RIL ltd conducted its 25th Annual General Meeting at its head office in Mumbai
and availed services of Shree Caterers for the occasion. Shree caterers charged ₹ 450000
plus GST @ 18% for supply of outdoor catering services. Determine whether RIL ltd can
avail input tax credit of GST paid on outdoor catering service.
 Pawan Ltd is a registered person engaged passenger transport services. It
purchased two motor vehicles for ₹ 2500000 plus GST @ 28% for its business as on
10.10.2017. Determine whether Pawan Ltd can avail the benefit of input tax credit of the
GST paid by it on motor vehicles
Answer: Computation of GST payable by Mr. X on outward supplies
 No. ITC on motor vehicles can be availed only if the taxable person is in the
business of transport of passenger or goods or is providing the services of importing
training on motor vehicles.
 As per section 17(5) (b), input tax credit shall not be available in respect of
supply of outdoor catering service. Thus, RIL ltd is not entitled to avail input tax credit
of GST paid on outdoor catering services availed form Shree caterers.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 10

 As per section 17(5) (a), input tax credit shall not be available in respect of
motor vehicles and other conveyances but as per exception given input tax credit shall
be available if it is used for making taxable supplies as in the given case RIL ltd is
engaged in transportation of passengers it will be entitled to tale credit of GST amounting
to ₹ 7,00,000 i.e. {2500000*28%}

23. Ceramity Ltd. has following units:

A: Factory in Hassan, Karnataka; closed from 2017-18 onwards, no turnover.

B: Factory in Tumkur, Karnataka; turnover of Rs. 27 crores in 2017-18;

C: Service centre in Hyderabad, Telangana; turnover of Rs. 1 crore in 2017-18;

D: Service centre in Chennai, Tamil Nadu; turnover of Rs. 2 crores in 2017-18; Ceramity
Ltd.’s corporate office functions as ISD.

It has to distribute ITC of Rs. 9 lakh for December, 2018. Of this, an invoice involving
tax of Rs. 3 lakh pertains to technical consultancy for Tumkur unit.

What should be the distribution of the credit?

Answer: As per rule 39(d) of CGST Rules relating to ITC, -

 Rs.3 lakh is attributable to Tumkur unit, and will be transferred to Tumkur unit only.

 Of the remaining Rs.6 lakh, Hassan unit will not be entitled to any credit as ITC is
distributed to only those recipients which supply goods and /or services.

 Rs.6 lakh have to be distributed among Tumkur unit and the service centres in
Hyderabad and Chennai in proportion of their turnover in the previous FY, that is, in

 Tumkur unit will get (27 crore / 30 crore) x 6 lakh = Rs.5.4 lakh

 Hyderabad service centre will get (1 crore /30 crore) x 6 lakh = Rs.20,000; and

 Chennai service centre will get (2 crore /30 crore) x 6 Lakh = Rs. 40,000.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 11

24. Oberoi Industries is a manufacturing company registered under GST. It
manufactures two taxable products ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and one exempt product ‘Z’. The turnover
of ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ in the month of April, 20XX was Rs. 2,00,000, Rs. 10,00,000 and Rs.
12,00,000. Oberoi Industries is in possession of certain machines and purchases more of
them. Useful life of all the machines is considered as 5 years.

From the following particulars furnished by it, compute the amount to be credited to the
electronic credit ledger of Oberoi Industries and amount of common credit attributable
towards exempted supplies, if any, for the month of April, 20XX.

Particulars GST Amount

Machine ‘A’ purchased on 01.04.20XX for being exclusively used for

non-business purposes
Machine ‘B’ purchased on 01.04.20XX for being exclusively used in
manufacturing zero- rated supplies
Machine ‘C’ purchased on 01.04.20XX for being used in
manufacturing all the three products – X, Y and Z
Machine ‘D’ purchased on April 1, 2 years before 01.04.20XX for
being exclusively used in manufacturing product Z. From
01.04.20XX, such machine will also be used for manufacturing
products X and Y.
Machine ‘E’ purchased on April 1, 3 years before 01.04.20XX for
being exclusively used in manufacturing products X and Y. From
01.04.20XX, such machine will also be used for manufacturing
product Z.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 12

Answer: Computation of GST payable by Mr. X on outward supplies
Ineligible to be
credit credited
to E CrL
Machine ‘A’
[Since exclusively used for non-business purposes, ITC is 19200
not available under rule 43(1)(a) of CGST Rules, 2017]
Machine ‘B’
[For ITC purposes, taxable supplies include zero- rated
supplies under rule 43(1)(b) of CGST Rules, 2017. Hence,
full ITC is available]
Machine ‘C’
[Commonly used for taxable and exempt supplies 96000 96000
– Rule 43(1)(c) of the CGST Rules, 2017]
Machine ‘D’
[Owing to change in use from exclusively exempt to
both taxable and exempt, common credit to be reduced by
ITC @ 5% per quarter or part thereof in terms of proviso 115200 115200
to rule 43(1)(c) of CGST Rules, 2017]
= Rs. 1,92,000 – Rs. 76,800 (` 1,92,000 × 5% × 8
Machine ‘E’
[Owing to change in use from exclusively taxable to
both taxable and exempt, common credit to be reduced by
ITC @ 5% per quarter or part thereof in terms of proviso 115200
to rule 43(1)(d) of CGST Rules, 2017]
= Rs. 2,88,000 – Rs. 1,72,800 (` 2,88,000 × 5% × 12

Total common credit 326400

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 13

Common credit for the tax period (in the given case, a
month) under rule 43(1)(e) of CGST Rules, 2017 5440
= Rs. 3,26,400÷ 60
Common credit attributable to exempt supplies in April,
20XX under rule 43(1)(g) of the CGST Rules, 2017
= (Turnover of exempt supplies/Total turnover) × Common
credit 2720
= (12,00,000/24,00,000) × Rs. 5,440
[Such credit, along with the applicable interest, shall be
added to the output tax liability of Oberoi Industries]
Amount to be credited to the electronic credit ledger of
Oberoi Industries for the month of April, 20XX

25. Mr. X, a supplier of goods, pays GST under regular scheme. Mr. X is not eligible
for any threshold exemption. He has made the following outward taxable supplies in a
tax period:
Details of Outward Supply
Inter State Supply of Goods 300000
Intra State Supply of Goods 800000
Details of Inward Supply
Inter State Purchase of Goods 50000
Intra State Purchase of Goods 300000

Mr. X has following ITCs with him at the beginning of the tax period:

Particulars Amount
CGST 30000
SGST 30000
IGST 70000

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i.Rate of CGST, SGST and IGST to be 9%, 9% and 18% respectively.
ii.Both inward and outward supplies are exclusive of taxes, wherever applicable.
iii.All the conditions necessary for availing the ITC have been fulfilled.
Compute the net GST payable by Mr. X during the tax period.
Make suitable assumptions as required.

Answer: Computation of GST payable by Mr. X on outward supplies

Sr No Particulars Amount Amount

Intra-State supply of goods

1 CGST @ 9% on Rs. 8,00,000 72000
SGST @ 9% on Rs. 8,00,000 72000 144000
Inter-State supply of goods
2 IGST @ 18% on Rs. 3,00,000 54000
Total GST Payable 198000

Computation of Total ITC

Particulars CGST @ 9% IGST @ 18%
Opening ITC 30000 30000 70000
Add: ITC on Intra-State purchases of
27000 27000 0
goods valuing Rs.3,00,000
Add: ITC on Inter-State purchases of
0 0 9000
goods valuing Rs.50,000
Total ITC 57000 57000 79000

Computation of GST payable from cash ledger

Particulars CGST @ 9% SGST @ 9% IGST @ 18%
GST payable 72000 72000 54000

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 15

(57000)- CGST (57000)- SGST
Less: ITC
(15000)- IGST (10000)- IGST

Net GST Payable Nil 5000 Nil

Note: Credit of IGST shall be available against IGST, CGST and SGST in that sequence

26. Determine the amount of input tax credit available to Priya Manufacturing Co.
Ltd. in respect of following items procured by them in the month of November, 2018:

Sr. No Description of goods ITC Amount

1 Food & Beverages procured for traders meeting program 15,000
2 Inputs used for pipeline structure layout outside factory 1,00,000
3 Goods destroyed in transit 15,000
4 Goods used for provision of services during warranty period 15000
5 Inputs used for testing & quality control check 25000
6 Inputs used in trial runs 35000

Answer: Computation of Input tax credit available to Priya Manufacturing Co. Ltd:-
SI. Description of goods ITC Amount
1 Food & Beverages procured for traders meeting program [WN Nil
– 1]
2 Inputs used for construction of pipeline structure layout outside Nil
factory [WN – 2]
3 Goods destroyed in transit [WN – 3] Nil
4 Goods used for provision of services during warranty period 15000
{Used in course of business, thus ITC will be available}
5 Inputs used for testing & quality control check {Used in course 25000
of business, thus ITC will be available}

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 16

6 Inputs used in trail runs 35000
Total Input Tax credit available 75000

1) As per section 17(5) clause (1) No input tax credit shall be available in case of supply
of food and beverages, outdoor catering, beauty treatment, health services, cosmetic and
plastic surgery except where an inward supply of goods or services or both of a particular
category is used by a registered person for making an outward taxable supply of the
same category of goods or services or both or as an element of a taxable composite or
mixed supply;
2) As per section 17(5) (d), goods or services or both received by taxable person for
construction of an immovable property (other than plant or machinery) on his own
account including when such goods of services or both are used in the course or
furtherance of business & as per explanation provided for plant and machinery which
excludes pipelines laid outside the factory, thus no input tax credit respect of inputs used
for such construction.
3) As per section 17(5) (h) of CGST act input tax credit pertaining to goods destroyed
in transit shall not available.

27. ABC Co. Ltd. is engaged in the manufacture of heavy machinery. It procured the
following items during the month of July.
No Paid
Electrical Transformer to be used in the
1 520000
manufacturing process
2 Trucks used for the transport of raw material 100000
3 Raw material 200000
Confectionery items for consumption of
4 25000
employees working in the factory
Determine the amount of ITC available with ABC Co. Ltd., for the month of July by
giving necessary explanations for treatment of various items.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 17

i.All the conditions necessary for availing the ITC have been fulfilled.
ii.ABC co. Ltd is not eligible for any threshold exemption
Answer: Computation of ITC Available with ABC Co. Ltd for the month of July

Sr No Items GST Paid

Electrical transformers [Being goods used in the course or
1 furtherance of business, ITC thereon is available in terms of 520000
section 16(1)]
Trucks used for the transport of raw material [Though ITC on
motor vehicles has been specifically disallowed under section
2 100000
17(5)(a), ITC on motor vehicles used for transportation of goods
is allowed under section 17(5)(a)(ii)]
Raw material [Being goods used in the course or furtherance of
3 200000
business, ITC thereon is available in terms of section 16(1)]
Confectionery items for consumption of employees working in the
factory. [ITC on food or beverages is specifically disallowed
4 unless the same is used for making outward taxable supply of Nil
the same category or as an element of the taxable composite or
mixed supply-Section 17(5)(b)(i)]
Total ITC 820000

28. Raghu veer ltd a registered manufacturer engaged in taxable supply of electric
goods has made purchases of the following goods during the month of September, 2017.
The value of such goods has been capitalized in the books of accounts of Raghuveer ltd.
Determine the amount of input tax credit available to Raghuveer Ltd.

SI. Goods description Input Tax (₹)

1 Pollution control equipment used inside the factory 1,85,000
2 Moulds and dies used for manufacture in factory 34,000

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 18

3 Machinery purchased on which depreciation has been 2,45,000
claimed for full value including input tax thereon
4 Capital Goods used as parts purchased from a 25,000
composition dealer
Answer: Computation of input tax credit available to Raghu Veer ltd:

SI. No Particulars ₹
1 Pollution control equipment used inside the factory 1,85,000
2 Moulds and dies used for manufacture in factory 34,000
3 Machinery purchased on which depreciation has been Nil
claimed for full value including input tax thereon
4 Capital Goods used as parts purchased from a Ni
composition dealer [WN.3]
Total input tax credit available 2,19,000

1. As per section 2(19) of CGST Act, ”Capital goods” means goods, the value of
which is capitalized in the books of account of the person claiming the input tax credit
and which are used or intended to be used in the course of furtherance of business.
i. Pollution control equipment
ii. Moulds and dies
Which are used or intended to be used in the course of furtherance of business are
eligible for ITC as capital goods.
2. As per section 16(3) of CGST Act, No input tax credit shall be available where the
registered person has claimed depreciation on the tax component of the cost of capital
goods and plant and machinery under the provisions of the income – tax Act. 1961, the
input tax credit on the said tax component shall not be allowed.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 19

3. As per section 17(5) (e), No input tax credit shall be available in respect of goods
or services or both on which tax has been paid under section 10 i.e. composition tax.

29. M/s XYZ, a registered supplier, supplies the following goods and services for
construction of buildings and complexes -
 Excavators for required period at a per hour rate
 Manpower for operation of the excavators at a per day rate
 Soil – testing and seismic evaluation at a per sample rate.
The excavators are invariably hired out along with operators. Similarly, excavator operators
are supplied only when the excavator is hired out.

M/s XYZ receives the following services:

 Annual maintenance services for excavator;
 Health insurance for operators of the excavators;
 Scientific and technical consultancy for soil testing and seismic evaluation.

For a given month, the receipts (exclusive of GST) of M/s XYZ are as follows:
 Hire charges for excavators - ₹ 18,00,000
 Service charges for supply of manpower for operation of the excavator - ₹ 20,000
 Service charges for soil testing and seismic evaluation at three sites – 2,50,000

The GST paid during the said month on services received by M/s XYZ is as follows:
 Annual maintenance for excavators - ₹ 1,00,000
 Health insurance for excavator operators - ₹ 11,000
 Scientific and technical consultancy for soil testing and seismic evaluation - ₹
Compute the net GST payable by M/s XYZ for the given month.
Assume the rates of GST to be as under:

Hiring out of excavators – 12%

Supply of manpower services and soil – testing and seismic evaluation services –

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 20

Note:- Opening balance of input tax credit of GST is nil

Answer: Computation of Net GST Liability to be paid
Particulars GST payable

Gross GST liability [WN – 1] 2,63,400

Less : Input tax credit [WN – 2] 2,00,000
Net GST liability 63,400

W.N. – 1: Computation of net GST payable by M/s XYZ

Particulars Computation GST Payable
1. Hiring charges for excavators 18,00,000 * 2,16,000
2. Services charges for supply of 20,000 * 12% 2,400
Manpower for operation of excavators [Note 1]
3. Service charges for soil testing and seismic 2,50,000 * 18% 45,000
evaluation [Refer Note 2]
Gross GST liability 2,63,400

1) As per section 8(a) of the CGST Act, 2017, the composite supply is treated as
the supply of the principal supply. Therefore, the supply of manpower for operation of
the excavators will also be taxed at the rate applicable for hiring out of the excavator
(principal supply), which is 12%.
Since the excavators are invariable hired out along with operators and excavator
operators are supplied only when the excavator is hired out, it is a case of composite
supply under section 2(30) of the CGST Act, 2017 wherein the principal supply is the
hiring out of the excavator.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 21

2) Soil testing and seismic evaluation services being independent of the hiring out of
excavator will be taxed at the rate applicable to them, which is 8%.
W.N. – 2: Computation of input tax credit available for set off
Particulars ITC available
Annual maintenance services for excavators [Refer Note 1,00,000
Health insurance for excavator operators [ Refer Note -
Scientific and technical consultancy [Refer Note 1] 1,00,000
Total input tax credit available 2,00,000

1) As per section 17(5) (d) of the CGST Act, 2017 credit on goods and / or services
received by a taxable person for construction of an immovable property on his own
account is blocked. Here, though the excavators are used for building project, the same
are not used by M/s XYZ on its own account for construction of immovable property;
instead they are used for outward taxable supply of hiring out of mac
Therefore, the annual maintenance Service for the excavators are not to be covered in
section 17 of the CGST Act, 2017 and the credit thereon will be available. The same
applies for scientific & technical consultancy for construction projects because in this
case also the service is used for providing the outward taxable supply of soil testing and
seismic evaluation service and not for construction of immovable property.

2) As per section 17(5) (b) (iii) of the CGST Act, 2017 allows input tax credit on
health insurance only when:
(a) The Government notifies the services as obligatory for an employer to provide to
its employees under any law for the time being in force; or
(b) The said service is used for making an outward taxable supply of the same category
of service or as part of a taxable composite or mixed supply.
In the given case the health insurance service does not fall under any of the given
categories, thus the credit will not be allowed.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 22

30. LTD Ltd is engaged in supplying goods to its customer within the state and it’s
not liable for registration under section 22 of CGST Act, 2017. From 20.01.2018 onwards,
it started interstate supply of taxable good for this purpose it applied for registration on
28.01.2018 and same has been granted to him. The liability of CGST, SGST and IGST for
the month of January, 2018 is ₹ 32,000, 32000 and ₹ 45,000 respectively and LTD Pvt.
Ltd has to make e – payment of tax on due date i.e. on 20.02.2018. LTD Pvt. Ltd has
provided the following details of stock of input held on 19.01.2018 and taxes paid thereon:-
Particulars CGST SGST
A. Inputs received on 12.12.2017 lying in stock 4,500 4,500
B. Inputs received on 16.01.2018 lying in semi – finished 5,600 5,600
C. Inputs received on 26.11.2017 lying in finished stock 8,500 8,500

Determine the amount of input tax credit eligible for ABC Pvt. Ltd.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 18(1) (a) of CGST Act, a person who has
applied for registration under this Act within thirty days from the date on which he
becomes liable to registration and has been granted such a person who has applied for
registration under this Act within thirty days from the date on which he becomes liable
to registration i.e. 19.01.2018.
A registered person shall not be entitled to take input tax credit under sub – section (1)
in respect of any supply of goods or services or both to him after the expiry of one year
from the date of issue of tax invoice relating to such supply.

Particulars CGST SGST

@ 9% @ 9%
A. Inputs received on 12.12.2017 lying in stock 4500 4500
B. Inputs received on 16.01.2018 lying is semi – finished 5600 5600
C. Inputs received on 26.11.2017 lying in finished stock 8500 8500
Total eligible input tax credit 18,600 18,600

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 23

31. Reema Electronics paying tax under composition scheme has crossed the threshold
and becomes liable to pay tax under regular scheme on 04.02.2018. Can it avail input
tax credit and if so calculate the amount of ITC available? The details of Input tax
credit available with Reema Electronics as on 03.02.2018 is as follows:
Particulars CGST SGST
Inputs lying in stock as on date (Invoice dated 14.01.2018) 6400 6400
Inputs lying semi – finished goods in stock as on date 5600 5600
(Invoice dated 24.11.2017)
Capital goods procured on 20.10.2017 invoice dated 22.10.2017 12,000 12,000

Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 18 of CGST Act, where any registered person
ceases to pay tax under section 10, he shall be entitled to take credit of input tax in
respect of inputs held in stock, inputs contained in semi – finished or finished goods
held in stock and on capital goods on the day immediately preceding the date from which
he becomes liable to pay tax under section 9.
Discussion & Conclusion: Therefore, in given case Reema Electronics shall be entitled
from 04.02.2018 to avail credit available as on 03.02.2018.
As per Rule 40 of CGST Rules, 2017, the capital goods credit is to be claimed
after reducing the tax paid as on such capital goods by 5% point per quarter of a year
or part thereof from the date of invoice.
Particulars Input tax Eligible
{GST+SGST} credit
Inputs lying in stock as on date (Invoice dated 12,800 12,800
Inputs lying in semi – finished goods in stock as on 11,200 11,200
date (Invoice dated 24.11.2017)
Total Input tax credit available 24,000 24,000

Input tax credit available to Reema Electronics in respect of capital goods:

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 24

Particulars Amount
Date of invoice of Capital Goods 22.10.2017
Date from which Reema Electronics are liable to pay tax under 04.02.2018
section 9
No of quarters from date invoice 2
CGST and SGST paid on capital goods procured on 21.10.2017 24,000
ITC to be reduced by Rs. 24000*5%*2 quarters 2,400
Credit (CGST and SGST) as available on capital goods 21,600

32. Aman Pvt. Ltd a registered person supplying taxable goods in Jaipur has opted
to pay tax on composition scheme under section 10 with effect from 01.12.2018. It provides
the following information relating to balance of input tax credit lying as on 31.11.2018:
1. Inputs lying in stock as such valued at Rs. 76,000 (includes CGST & SGST @
2. Input tax on capital goods purchased on 01.05.2018 is Rs. 88,000
3. Balance in Electronic credit ledger is Rs. 1,55,000
Determine whether VRL Pvt. Ltd is eligible for input tax credit lying on 01.12.2018.
Answer: Legal Provision: As per section 18(4), where any registered person who has
availed of input tax credit opts to pay tax under section 10 or, where the goods or services
or both supplied by him become wholly exempt, he shall pay an amount, by way of debit
in the electronic credit ledger or electronic cash ledger, equivalent to the credit of input
tax in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi – finished or finished
goods held in stock and on capital goods, reduced by such percentage points as may be
prescribed, on the day immediately preceding the date of exercising of such option or, as
the case may be, the date of such exemption:
Provided that after payment of such amount, the balance of input tax credit, if any,
lying in his electronic credit ledger shall lapse.
Payments Amount (₹)
Inputs lying in stock (76,000*18/118) 11593

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 25

Input tax on capital goods used for 11 months, taking 77,733
residual life as 5 years (88,000*53/60) i.e. 53
months being remaining residual life of capital good)
Amount to be paid by VRL Pvt. Ltd (CGST + SGST) 89326

Working Note:- As per Rule 44(3) of CGST Rules, where the tax invoices related to
inputs lying in stock are not available, the registered person shall estimate the amount
under Rule 44(1) based on the prevailing market price of goods on the date of opting
for composition scheme.
The aforesaid amount can be paid by utilizing the balance in Electronic credit ledger. The
balance in Electronic credit ledger = 155000 – 89326 = Rs. 65674 shall lapse.

33. XYZ Pvt. Ltd. is a registered manufacturer of auto parts in Kolkata, West Bengal.
The company has a manufacturing facility registered under Factories Act, 1948 in Kolkata.
It procures its inputs indigenously from both registered and unregistered suppliers located
within as well as outside West Bengal as also imports some raw material from China.
The company reports the following details for the month of November, 20XX:

Payments Rs. (in Receipts Rs. (in

Lakhs) Lakhs)
Ram material 3.5 Sales 15
Consumables 1.25
Transportation charges for bringing the 0.70
Material to factory 5.0
Salary paid to employees on rolls 1.60
Premium paid on life insurance policies
taken for specified employees 0.50
Audit fee 0.30
Telephone expenses 0.10
Bank charges

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 26

All the above amounts are exclusive of all kinds of taxes, wherever applicable. However,
the applicable taxes have also been paid by the company.
Further, following additional details are furnished by the company in respect of the
payments and receipts reported by it:
1. Raw material amounting to ₹ 0.80 lakh is procured from Bihar and ₹ 1.5 lakh is
imported from China. Basic customs duty of 0.15 lakh, education cesses of 0.0045 lakh
and integrated tax of ₹ 0.2978 lakh are paid on the imported raw material. Remaining
raw material is procured from supplier located in West Bengal.
Out of such raw material, raw material worth ₹ 0.30 lakh is procured from unregistered
suppliers; the remaining raw material is procured from registered suppliers.
Further, raw material worth ₹ 0.05 lakh purchased from registered supplier located in
West Bengal has been destroyed due to seepage problem in the factory and thus, could
not be used in the manufacturing process.
2. Consumables are procured from registered supplier located in Kolkata and include
diesel worth ₹ 0.25 lakh for running the generator in the factory.
3. Transportation charges comprise of ₹ 0060 lakh paid to Goods Transport Agency
(GTA) in Kolkata and ₹ 0.10 lakh paid to horse pulled carts. GST applicable on the
services of GTA is 5%.
4. Life insurance policies for specified employees have been taken by the company
to fulfill a statutory obligation in this regard. The Government has notified such life
insurance service under section 17(5) (b) (iii) (A). The life insurance service provider is
registered in West Bengal.
5. Audit fee is paid to M/s Goyal & Co., a firm of chartered Accountants registered
in West Bengal, for the statutory audit of the preceding financial year.
6. Telephone expenses pertain to bills for landline phone installed at the factory and
mobile phones given to employees for official use. The telecom service provider is
registered West Bengal.
7. Bank charges are towards company’s current account maintained with a Private
Sector Bank registered in West Bengal.
8. The breakup of sales is as under:

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 27

Sales in West Bengal - ₹ 7 lakh
Sales in States other than West Bengal - ₹ 3 lakh
Export under bond - ₹ 5 lakh
The balance of input tax credit with the company as on 1.11.20XX is:
CGST - ₹ 0.15 lakh
SGST - ₹ 0.08 lakh
IGST - ₹ 0.10 lakh
Compute eligible input tax credit and net GST payable [CGST, SGST or IGST, as the case
may be] by XYZ Pvt. Ltd. for the month of November 20XX.
Note :-
1. CGST, SGST & IGST rates to be 9%, 9% and 18% respectively, wherever
2. The necessary conditions for availing input tax credit have been complied with
by XYZ Pvt. Ltd., wherever applicable. You are required to make suitable assumption,
wherever necessary.

Answer: Computation of Net GST Liability to be paid

W.N. 1: Computation of input tax credit available with XYZ Pvt. Ltd. in the month of
November 20XX
SI. Particulars Eligible input tax credit
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

1. Raw material
Raw material purchased from Bihar [refer 14,400 14,400
Note 1(i)]
Raw material imported from China [refer 29,781 29,781
Note 1(ii)]

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 28

Raw material purchased from unregistered Nil Nil Nil
suppliers within West Bengal [refer Note
Raw material Destroyed due to seepage Nil Nil Nil
[refer Note 1(iii)]
Remaining raw material purchased from 7,650 7,650 15,300
West Bengal [Refer Note 1(i)]
Total 7,650 7,650 44,181 59,481
2. Consumables [Refer Note 2] 9,000 9,000 18,000
3. Transported charges for bringing the raw 1,500 1,500 3,000
material to factory [refer Note 3]
4. Salary paid to employees on rolls [Refer Nil Nil Nil Nil
Note 4]
5. Premium paid on life insurance policies 14,400 14,400 28,800
taken for specified employees [Refer Note
6. Audit Fee [refer Note 6] 4,500 4,500 9,000
7. Telephone expenses [Refer Note * 6] 2,700 2,700 5,400
8. Bank charges [Refer Note 6] 900 900 1,800
40,650 40,650 44,181 1,25,481

Computation of net GST payable

Particulars CGST Rs. SGST Rs. IGST Total

Rs. Rs.
On Intra – State sales in West Bengal 63,000 63,000 1,26,000
On inter – state other than West Bengal 54,000 54,000
On exports under bond [Note 7] Nil Nil Nil Nil
On inward supply of GTA services under reverse 1,500 1,500 3,000
charge [Note 3]
Total output tax liability 64,500 65,500 54,000 1,83,000

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 29

Less: Cash paid towards tax payable under 1,500 1,500 3,000
reverse charge [Note 10]
Less: input tax credit [Note 8]
Opening balance of input tax credit on (15,000) (8,000) (10,000 (33,000
01.11.20XX ) )
Input tax credit availing during the month (46,650) (40,650) (44,181 (1,25,48
) 1)
Net GST payable 7,169 14,350 Nil 21,519

1. (i) Credit of input tax (CGST & SGST / IGST) Paid on raw materials used in the
course or furtherance of business is available in terms of section 16(1) of the CGST Act.
(ii) IGST paid on imported goods qualifies as input tax in terms of section 2(62) (a)
of the CGST Act. Therefore, credit of IGST paid on imported raw materials used in the
course or furtherance of business is available in terms of section 16(1) of the CGST Act.
(iii) All intra – State procurements made by a registered person from an unregistered
supplier have been exempted from CGST leviable thereon till 31.03.2018 [ Notification
No. 8/2017 CT (R) dated 28.06.2017 as amended by Notification No. 38/2017 CT (R)
dated 13.10.2017]. Therefore, since no GST is paid on such raw material, there does not
arise any question of input tax credit on such raw material.
(iv) Input tax credit is not available on destroyed inputs in terms of section 17(5) (h)
of the CGST Act.
2. Consumables, being inputs used in the course or furtherance of business, input
tax credit is available on the same in terms of section 16(1) of the CGST Act. However,
levy of CGST on diesel has been deferred till such date as may be notified by the
Government on recommendations of the GST council [section 9(2) of the CGST Act].
Hence, there being no levy of GST on diesel, there cannot be any input tax credit of the

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 30

3. In respect of intra – state road transportation of goods undertaken by a GTA,
who has not paid GST @ 6%, for any person registered under the GST law, CGST is
payable under reverse charge by the recipient of service. The person who pays or is liable
to pay freight for the transportation of goods is treated as the person who receives the
service [Notification No. 13/2017 CT (R) dated 28.06.2018]. Thus, V – Supply Pvt. Ltd
will pay GST under reverse charge on transportation service received form GTA.
Further, tax payable under section 9(3) of the CGST/SGST Act
qualifies as input tax in terms of clauses (b) and (d) of section 2(62) of the CGST
Act. Thus, input tax paid under reverse charge on GTA service will be available as input
tax credit in terms of section 16(1) of the CGST Act as the said service is used in course
or furtherance of business.
Furthermore, Intra – State services by way of transportation of goods by
road except the services of a GTA and a courier agency are exempt from CGST vide
Notification No. 12/2017 CT (R)dated 28.06.2017. Therefore, since no GST is paid on
such services, there cannot be any input tax credit on such services.
4. Services by employees to employer in the course of or in relation to his employment
is not a supply in terms of section 7 read with para 1 of Schedule 111 to the GST Act.
Therefore, since no GST is paid on horse pulled cart services, there cannot be any input
tax credit on such services.
5. Input tax credit on supply of life insurance service in not blocked if the Government
has made it obligatory for an employer to provide such service to its employees [section
17(5) (b) (iii) (A) of the CGST Act]. Therefore, GST paid on premium for life insurance
policies will be available as input tax credit in terms of section 16(1) of the CGST Act
as the said service is used in the course of furtherance of business.
6. Audit fee, telephone expenses and bank charges are all services used in the course
or furtherance of business and thus, credit of input tax paid on such service will be
available in terms of section 16(1) of the CGST Act.
7. Export of goods is a zero rated supply in terms of section 16(1) (a) of the IGST
Act. A zero rated supply under bond is made without payment of integrated tax [section
16(3) (a) of the IGST Act].

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 31

8. Since export of goods is a zero rated supply, there will be no apportionment of
input tax credit and full credit will be available [section 16 of the IGST Act read with
section 17(2) of the CGST Act].
9. As per section 49(5) of the CGST Act, input tax credit of –
a. IGST is utilized towards payment of IGST, CGST and SGST in that order.
b. CGST is utilized towards payment of SGST and IGST in that order.
c. SGST is utilized towards payment of SGST and IGST in that order.
10. Section 49(4) of the CGST Act lays down that the amount available in the
electronic credit ledger may be used for making payment towards output tax. However,
tax payable under reverse charge is not an output tax in terms of section 2(82) of the
CGST Act. Therefore, tax payable under reverse charge cannot be set off against the
input tax credit and thus, will have to be paid in cash.
11. CGST and SGST are Chargeable on intra – state inward and outward supplies and
IGST is chargeable on inter – state inward and outward supplies.

34. XYZ Ltd is a manufacturer of washing machine. It has made various civil
constructions in a factory. Following purchases are made for construction during the
month of July 2017.
Inward Supply GST Paid (In Rs.)
Cement & steel purchased for factory building 80000
Cement & bricks are purchased for construction of storage
tank 50000
Cement & steel purchased to build support structure of
machinery 40000

Can XYZ ltd take input tax credit of above purchases against GST payable on outward
supply of washing machine?
Answer: Legal Provision:- As per section 2(59) of CGST act 2017, “input” means any
goods other than capital goods used or intended to be used by a supplier in the course
or furtherance of business.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 32

As per section 17(5) (d), input tax credit not available in respect of goods or services or
both received by a taxable person for construction of an immovable property (other than
plant or machinery) on his own account including when such goods or services or both
are used in the course or furtherance of business.
The expression “plant and machinery” means apparatus, equipment, and machinery fixed
to each by foundation or structural support that are used for making outward supply of
goods or services or both and includes such foundation and structural supports but
1. Land, building or any other civil structure;
2. Telecommunication towers; and
3. Pipelines laid outside the factory premises.
Discussion:- In the given case XYZ ltd is a manufacturer of washing machine, as supply
of washing machine is his business on which GST is charged. Any inputs used in process
of manufacture of washing machine shall be eligible for inputs tax credit.
As per the meaning assigned to “plant & machinery” in the case mentioned above inputs
used to build support structure for machinery qualifies for the expression.
Conclusion:- On basis of above analysis, hence to conclude
Inputs used for Eligible or Not
Construction of factory building No
Construction of storage tank No
Build support structure of
machinery Yes

35. ‘ All-in-One Store’ is a chain of departmental store having presence in almost all
metro cities across India. Both exempted as well as taxable goods are sold in such
Stores. The Stores operate in rented properties. All-in-One Stores pay GST under regular

In Mumbai, the Store operates in a rented complex, a part of which is used by the
owner of the Store for personal residential purpose.

All-in-One Store, Mumbai furnishes following details for the month of October, 20XX:

(i) Aggregate value of various items sold in the Store:

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 33

Taxable items – Rs. 42,00,000
Items exempted vide a notification – ` Rs. 12,00,000
Items not leviable to GST – ` Rs. 3,00,000
(ii) Mumbai Store transfers to another All-in-One Store located in Goa certain taxable
items for the purpose of distributing the same as free samples. The value declared in
the invoice for such items is Rs. 5,00,000. Such items are sold in the Mumbai Store at
Rs. 8,00,000.

(iii) Aggregate value of various items procured for being sold in the Store:

Taxable items – Rs. 55,00,000

Items exempted vide a notification – Rs. 15,00,000
Items not leviable to GST – `Rs. 5,00,000
(iv) Freight paid to goods transport agency (GTA) for inward transportation of taxable
items – Rs. 1,00,000

(v) Freight paid to GTA for inward transportation of exempted items – Rs. 80,000

(vi) Freight paid to GTA for inward transportation of non-taxable items – Rs. 20,000

(vii) Monthly rent payable for the complex – Rs. 5,50,000 (one third of total space
available is used for personal residential purpose).

(viii) Activity of packing the items and putting the label of the Store along with the
sale price has been outsourced. Amount paid for packing of all the items – Rs.

(ix) Salary paid to the regular staff at the Store – Rs. 2,00,000

(x) GST paid on inputs used for personal purpose – Rs. 5,000

(xi) GST paid on rent a cab services availed for business purpose – Rs. 4,000.

(xii) GST paid on items given as free samples – Rs. 4,000

Given the above available facts, you are required to compute the following:

A. Input tax credit (ITC) credited to the Electronic Credit Ledger

B. Common Credit

C. ITC attributable towards exempt supplies out of common credit

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 34

D. Eligible ITC out of common credit

E. Net GST liability for the month of October, 20XX Note:

(1) Wherever applicable, GST under reverse charge is payable @ 5% by All-in-One
Stores. Rate of GST in all other cases is 18%.

(2) All the sales and purchases made by the Store are within Maharashtra. All the
purchases are made from registered suppliers. All the other expenses incurred are also
within the State.

(3) Wherever applicable, the amounts given are exclusive of taxes.

(4) All the necessary conditions for availing the ITC have been complied with.


A. Computation of ITC credited to Electronic Credit Ledger

As per rule 42 of the CGST Rules, 2017, the ITC in respect of inputs or input
services being partly used for the purposes of business and partly for other purposes,
or partly used for effecting taxable supplies and partly for effecting exempt
supplies, shall be attributed to the purposes of business or for effecting taxable

ITC credited to the electronic credit ledger of registered person [‘C1’] is calculated
as under-

C1 = T - (T1+T2+T3)
T = Total input tax involved on inputs and input services in a
tax period.
T1 = Input tax attributable to inputs and input services intended
to be used exclusively for non-business purposes
T2 = Input tax attributable to inputs and input services
intended to be used exclusively for effecting exempt supplies
T3 = Input tax in respect of inputs and input services on which
credit is blocked under section 17(5) of the CGST Act, 2017

Computation of total input tax involved [T]

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 35

Particulars Amount
GST paid on taxable items [` 55,00,000 x 18%] 990000
Items exempted vide a notification [Since exempted, no GST] 0
Items not leviable to tax [Since non-taxable, no GST ] 0
GST paid under reverse charge on freight paid to GTA for inward
transportation of taxable items - [` 1,00,000 x 5%] 5000
GST paid under reverse charge on freight paid to GTA for inward
transportation of exempted items - [` 80,000 x 5%] 4000
GST paid under reverse charge on freight paid to GTA for inward
transportation of non-taxable items - [` 20,000 x 5%] 1000
GST paid on monthly rent - [` 5,50,000 x 18%] 99000
GST paid on packing charges [` 2,50,000 x 18%] 45000
Salary paid to staff at the Store [Services by an employee to
the employer in the course of or in relation to his employment
is not a supply in terms of para 1 of the Schedule III to CGST
Act, 2017 and hence, no GST is payable thereon]. 0
GST paid on inputs used for personal purpose 5000
GST paid on rent a cab services availed for business purpose 4000
GST paid on items given as free samples 4000
Total input tax involved in a tax period (October, 20XX) [T] 1157000

Computation of T1, T2, T3

Particulars Amount
GST paid on monthly rent attributable to personal purposes [1/3 of
Rs. 99,000]
GST paid on inputs used for personal purpose 5000
Input tax exclusively attributable to non-business purposes [T1] 38000

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 36

GST paid under reverse charge on freight paid to GTA for inward
transportation of exempted items. [As per section 2(47) of the
CGST Act, 2017, exempt supply means, inter alia, supply which may
be wholly exempt from tax by way of a notification issued under
section 11. Hence, input service of inward transportation of exempt
items is exclusively used for effecting exempt supplies.]
GST paid under reverse charge on freight paid to GTA for inward
transportation of non-taxable items. [Exempt supply includes non-
taxable supply in terms of section 2(47) of the CGST Act, 2017. 1000
Hence, input service of inward transportation of non-taxable items
is exclusively used for effecting exempt supplies.]
Input tax exclusively attributable to exempt supplies [T2] 5000
GST paid on rent a cab services availed for business purpose [ITC
on rent a cab service is blocked under section 17(5)(b)(iii) of the
CGST Act, 2017 as the same is not used by All-in-One Store for
providing the rent a cab service or as part of a taxable composite or 4000
mixed supply. It has been assumed that the Government has not
notified such service under section 17(5)(b)(iii)(A) of the CGST
Act, 2017].
GST paid on items given as free samples [ITC on goods inter alia,
disposed of by way of free samples is blocked under section 4000
17(5)(h) of the CGST Act, 2017].
Input tax for which credit is blocked under section 17(5) of the
CGST Act, 2017 [T3] **

**Since GST paid on inputs used for personal purposes has been considered while
computing T1, the same has not been considered again in computing T3.

ITC credited to the electronic credit ledger

C1 = T - (T1+T2+T3)

= Rs. 1157000 – (Rs. 38,000 + Rs. 5,000 + Rs. 8,000)

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 37

= Rs. 1106000

B. Computation of Common Credit

C 2 = C1 - T 4

Where, C2 = Common Credit

T4 = Input tax credit attributable to inputs and input services intended to be used
exclusively for effecting taxable supplies

Computation of T4,
Particulars Amount
GST paid on taxable items 990000
GST paid under reverse charge on freight
paid to GTA for inward transportation of 5000
taxable items
Input tax exclusively attributable to taxable
supplies [T4]

Common Credit C2 = C1 - T4

= Rs. 1106000 – Rs. 995000

= Rs. 111000

C. Computation of ITC attributable towards exempt supplies out of common credit

ITC attributable towards exempt supplies is denoted as ‘D1’ and calculated as -

D1 = (E ÷ F) x C2


‘E’ is the aggregate value of exempt supplies during the tax period, and

‘F’ is the total turnover in the State of the registered person during the tax period
Aggregate value of exempt supplies during October, 20XX
= Rs. 1500000 (Rs. 1200000 + Rs. 300000)

Total turnover in the State during the tax period

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 38

= Rs. 65,00,000 (Rs. 42,00,000 + Rs. 12,00,000 + Rs. 3,00,000 + Rs. 8,00,000)

Note: Transfer of items to Store located in Goa is inter-State supply in terms of section
7 of the IGST Act, 2017 and hence includible in the total turnover. Such supply is to be
valued as per rule 28 of the CGST Rules, 2017. However, the value declared in the invoice
cannot be adopted as the value since the recipient Store at Goa is not entitled for full
credit. Therefore, open market value of such goods, which is the value of such goods
sold in Mumbai Store, is taken as the value of items transferred to Goa Store.

D1 = (1500000 ÷ 6500000) x 111000

= Rs. 25,615 (rounded off)

D. Computation of Eligible ITC out of common credit

Eligible ITC attributed for effecting taxable supplies is denoted as ‘C3’, where, -
C 3 = C2 - D 1
= ` 1,11,000 - ` 25,615

= Rs. 85,385

E. Computation of Net GST liability for the month of October, 20XX

Particulars Amount

GST liability under forward charge

Taxable items sold in the store [` 42,00,000 x 18%] 756000
Taxable items transferred to Goa Store [` 8,00,000 x 18%] 144000
Ineligible ITC [ITC out of common credit, attributable to exempt
Total output tax liability under forward charge 925615
Less: ITC credited to the electronic ledger -1106000
ITC carried forward to the next month -180385
Net GST payable [A] Nil
GST liability under reverse charge

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 39

Freight paid to GTA for inward transportation of taxable items
- [` 1,00,000 x 5%]
Freight paid to GTA for inward transportation of exempted items
- [` 80,000 x 5%]
Freight paid to GTA for inward transportation of non-taxable items
- [` 20,000 x 5%]
Total output tax liability under reverse charge [B] 10000
Net GST liability [A] + [B]
As per section 49(4) of the CGST Act, 2017 amount available in
the electronic credit ledger may be used for making payment
towards output tax. However, tax payable under reverse charge is 10000
not an output tax in terms of section 2(82) of the CGST Act,
2017. Therefore, tax payable under reverse charge cannot be set off
against the input tax credit and thus, will have to be paid in cash.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 40

Multiple Choice Questions

Q 1. Input tax credit is available only when the purchase made is used in

a. The course or furtherance of business

b. Other than business expenses

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. Depends upon criteria

Answer: A: The course or furtherance of business

Q 2. Input tax Credit is available on all supplies which are used or intended to be used
in the course or furtherance of business. Input tax credit will be available under
which of the following situations?

a. GST paid on motor vehicle used in the course and furtherance of business.

b. GST paid on club membership fees.

c. GST paid on goods or services or both used for personnel consumption.

d. IGST @18% paid on inputs purchased from a vendor in Bangalore where the supplier
is registered in Rajasthan.

Answer: D: IGST @18% paid on inputs purchased from a vendor in Bangalore where the
supplier is registered in Rajasthan.

Q 3. In case supplier has deposited the taxes but the receiver has not received the documents, is
receiver entitled to avail credit?

a. Yes, it will be auto populated in recipient monthly returns

b. No as one of the conditions of 16(2) is not fulfilled

c. Yes, if the receiver can prove later that documents are received subsequently

d. None of the above

Answer: B: No as one of the conditions of 16(2) is not fulfilled

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Q 4. Whether depreciation on tax component of capital goods and Plant and Machinery and input
tax credit is Permissible?

a. Yes

b. May be

c. Input tax credit is eligible if depreciation on tax component is not availed

d. None of the above

Answer: C: Input tax credit is eligible if depreciation on tax component is not availed

Q 5. Can Banking Company or Financial Institution withdraw the option of availing actual
credit or 50% credit anytime in the financial year?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes, with permission of Authorized officer

d. None of the above

Answer: B: No

Q 6. Where a supplier of goods or services pays tax under sections 74,129 and 130 (fraud, willful
misstatement etc.), then receiver of goods can avail its credit:

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes, with permission of Authorized officer

d. Yes, after receipt of invoice for goods or services

Answer: B: No

Q 7. In case of Voluntary registration input tax credit can be availed

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a. On stocks held on the day immediately preceding the date from which he becomes liable to
pay tax under the provisions of this Act

b. On stocks held on the day immediately preceding the date of grant of registration under the
provisions of this Act.

c. On stocks held on the day immediately preceding the date of application of registration
under the provisions of this Act.

d. None of the above

Answer: B: On stocks held on the day immediately preceding the date of grant of registration
under the provisions of this Act.

Q 8. In case of ISD whether distributor and recipient should have same PAN

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes, if in same state and different in other state

d. None of the above

Answer: A: Yes

Q 9. Can the credit distributed by an ISD exceed the amount available for distribution?

a. Yes

b. No

c. May Be

d. None of the above

Answer: B: No

Q 10. Whether credit on capital goods can be taken immediately on receipt of the goods?

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a. Yes, If the amount of ITC is up to Rs. 50000

b. Credit is available in 36 Instalments

c. Yes, Full credit is available

d. Credit is available at the time when asset is capitalised in books of accounts

Answer: C: Yes, Full credit is available

Q 11. The tax paying documents in section 16(2) is:

a. Bill of entry, Invoice raised on RCM supplies

b. Challan issued under Rule 55

c. GST Returns for relevant period

d. Any of the above

Answer: A: Bill of entry, Invoice raised on RCM supplies

Q 12. The time limit to pay the value of supply with taxes to the supplier to avail
the input tax credit is

a. 90 Days

b. 30 Days

c. 6 Months

d. 180 Days

Answer: d: 180 Days

Q 13. In case of supply of plant & machinery on which ITC is taken, tax to be paid on

a. Amount equal to ITC availed less 5% for every quarter or part thereof

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b. Tax on transaction value

c. Higher of above two

d. Lower of above two

Answer: C Higher of above two

Q 14. As per Section 17(5), ITC of works contract services is available if the recipient is
availing such services for further supply of same kind of services

a. Correct

b. In Correct

c. Partly Correct

d. None of above

Answer: A: Correct

Q 15. As per Section 17(5), in respect of Goods / services used for personal consumption
then ITC cannot be availed:

a. Yes

b. No

c. Depends on supplier

d. None of above

Answer: A: Yes

Q 16. As per Section 17(5), ITC on purchase of motor vehicle can be claimed by –

a. further supply of such vehicles or conveyances

b. transportation of passengers

c. imparting training on driving, flying, navigating such vehicles or conveyances

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d. All of the above

Answer: D: All of the above

Q 17. Maximum time limit for availing ITC is

a. The date of filing of annual return

b. Due date of filing return u/s 39 for the month of September

c. Earliest of above two

d. Later of above two.

Answer: C: Earliest of above two

Q 18. ITC can be availed on

a. Possession of prescribed invoice/ debit note

b. Receipt of goods/services

c. Tax on such supply has been paid to government and return being furnished by the

d. Fulfilling all the above conditions

Answer: D: Fulfilling all the above conditions

Q 19. The input tax credit on purchase invoice dated 2nd May 2017 was omitted to be

taken. The accountant realized this mistake on 1st November 2018. Can he now
claim the credit?

a. Yes, Since Annual return is not filed

b. No, Since 20th October’18 is elapsed

c. Yes credit can be taken without limit

d. None of the above

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Answer: B: No, Since 20th October’18 is elapsed

Q 20. Mr. A, a registered person omitted to take the ITC of the August 2017 month.

He has filed his GST annual return on 30th June, 2018. By when he could have
availed the ITC?

a. 30th June, 2018

b. 31st July, 2018

c. 31st December, 2018

d. 20th October, 2018

Answer: A: 30th June, 2018

Q 21. In case of goods received in lots, ITC is availed at the time of :

a. At the time of receipt of 1st Instalment

b. After the receipt of last instalment

c. After 50% goods is received

d. None of the above

Answer: B: After the receipt of last instalment

Q 22. Mr. Rohit, a practicing Chartered Accountant purchased 3 laptops each having tax
elements of Rs.40,000 in his firm name two laptops he utilized in his office whereas
one laptop he gifted to his Friend. What is the amount of ineligible ITC?

a. Rs. 20000

b. Rs. 40000

c. Rs. 80000

d. None of the above

Answer: B: Rs. 40000

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Q 23. Mr. Kapil, an Trader located in Pune, imports some goods from China. Whether he
will get the credit of IGST levied on import of goods ?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes, if amount of IGST is more than Rs. 50000

d. None of the above

Answer: A: Yes

Q 24. Haldirams Pvt Ltd. Is engaged in Making supply of packed food items. On the
occasion of Diwali co distributed some of the packets to its employees as a gift.
State whether ITC on the same will be allowed or Not ?

a. No, Since the same is ineligible credit as per Section 17(5)

b. Yes, Since the same is eligible credit as per ITC Rules

c. Yes, if the amount of ITC is More than Rs. 5000

d. None of the above

Answer: B: No, Since the same is ineligible credit as per Section 17(5)

Q 25. Krishna Motors is a car dealer selling cars of an international car company. It also
provides maintenance and repair services of the cars sold by it as also of other cars.
Determine the amount of input tax credit available with the help of the following
information regarding expenses incurred by it during the course of its business
Particulars GST paid
Cars purchased from the manufacturer for making further supply 20,00,000
of such cars.
[Two of such cars are destroyed in accidents while being used for
test drive by potential customers. GST paid on their purchase

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 8. 48

is ` 1,00,000]
Works contract services availed for constructing a car shed in its 50,000

a. Rs. 1900000

b. Rs. 2110000

c. Rs. 1950000

d. Rs. 2050000

Answer: A: 1900000

Q 26. Kamlesh hires a works contractor for repairing his factory building on a lumpsum
payment of Rs. 11,80,000. He debits half of the expenditure in the profit and loss
account and the remaining half in the building account.

a. Rs. 90000

b. Rs. 106200

c. Rs. 212400

d. Nil

Answer: A: 90000

Q 27. In which of the following cases Input tax credit cannot be taken on:

I. A software professional providing technical consultancy buys a motorcycle for use

of his employee.

II. A motor driving school buys a car for being used in imparting motor driving

III. A flying school imports an aircraft for use in its training activity.

IV. A manufacturer buys a small truck for the purpose of transporting its inputs and
finished goods.

a. (iii)

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b. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

c. (i)

d. (i), (iii)

Answer: C: (i)

Q 28. Mr. X becomes liable to pay tax on 1st August, 2018 and has obtained registration

on 15th August, 2018. Such person is eligible for input tax credit on inputs held in
stock as on:

a. 1st August, 2018

b. 31st July, 2018

c. 15th August, 2018

d. He cannot take credit for the past period

Answer: B: 31st July, 2018

Q 29. Eligibility of credit on capital goods in case of change of scheme from Composition
scheme to Regular scheme

a. Eligible during application for Regular scheme

b. Not eligible

c. Yes, immediately before the date from which he becomes liable to pay tax under the
Regular scheme

d. None of the above

Answer: C: Yes, immediately before the date from which he becomes liable to pay tax
under the Regular scheme

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Q 30. A person is entitled to take credit of input tax as self-assessed in the return and credited
to Electronic credit ledger on

a. Final basis

b. Provisional basis

c. Partly Provisional and partly final basis

d. None of the above

Answer: B: Provisional Basis

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9 – Job Work Procedure

Multiple Choice Questions

Q 1. Should the principal referred to in Section 143 be registered?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes, Principal is located in other than special category states

d. None of the above

Answer: A: Yes

Q 2. When will the inputs and/or capital goods sent to job-work become a supply?

a. When the inputs and/or capital goods sent to job-worker are not received within 1 year
or 3 years respectively

b. When the inputs and/or capital goods sent to job-worker are not supplied, with or without
payment of tax, from the job-workers place within 1 year or 3 years respectively

c. Both under (a) or (b)

d. None of the above

Answer: C: Both under (a) or (b)

Q 3. From when will the period of one or three years be calculated under Section 143?

a. The day when such inputs and/or capital goods sent to job-worker

b. The day when the job-worker receives the said goods, in case the job-worker receives the
goods directly

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above

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Answer: C: Both (a) and (b)

Q 4. Will a principal who sends moulds, dies, jigs, tools and fixtures to job worker's place liable to
pay GST on such removal?

a. No, it is not a supply

b. Yes, if not received within time limit

c. No, as capital goods as referred in section 143 excludes moulds, dies, jigs, tools and

d. None of the above

Answer: C: No, as capital goods as referred in section 143 excludes moulds, dies, jigs, tools
and fixtures.

Q 5. Can a principal supply inputs and/or capital goods from the job-worker's premises?

a. Yes, only when the job-worker is registered

b. Yes, even if the job-worker is unregistered by declaring the job-worker's premises as his
additional place of business

c. Yes, irrespective of whether the job-worker is registered or not, principal is engaged in the
supply of goods which are notified by the Commissioner on this behalf

d. All of the above

Answer: D: All of the above

Q 6. Mr. X has sent his goods to Mr. Y on job-work on 07-05-2017. From when it will be considered
as deemed supply if not received back within one year?

a. 06-05-2018

b. 07-05-2017

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c. 03-11-2018

d. Not Taxable

Answer: B: 07-05-2017

Q 7. If the inputs are not received back within the prescribed limit by the principal then, who is
responsible to pay the GST?

a. Job worker

b. Principal

c. Job worker is responsible when sending such inputs and Principal needs to reverse the ITC
taken earlier.

d. None of the above

Answer: A: Principal

Q 8. If the inputs and/or capital goods are not received or returned within the prescribed
time limit:

a. It shall be deemed to be a supply on the day such inputs and/or capital goods are sent to
job-worker and the principal to discharge the GST along with interest.

b. No consequences

c. The job-worker to discharge GST on expiry of the prescribed time limit.

d. Principal to reverse the input tax credit taken on such inputs and or capital goods.

Answer: A: It shall be deemed to be a supply on the day such inputs and/or capital goods are
sent to job-worker and the principal to discharge the GST along with interest.

Q 9. In case of Job work Principal can avail the ITC on inputs and capital goods if Inputs
are received within and capital goods are received within .

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 9. 3

a. Inputs – 1 Year and Capital Goods – 3 Years

b. Inputs – 1 Year and capital Goods – 2 Years

c. Inputs - 6 Months and capital goods – 18 Months

d. Inputs – 30 days and capital goods – 60 days

Answer: A: Inputs – 1 Year and Capital Goods – 3 Years

Q 10. In case of Job work transaction, The principal can avail ITC on goods sent to job-
worker which relates to

a. Inputs

b. Capital goods

c. Inputs/capital goods directly sent to job-worker

d. All of the above

Answer: D All of the above

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 9. 4

Additional Question for Practice for ITC and Job Work

Q 1.Is it mandatory that job worker and principal be located in the same State or Union
territory for the applicability of job work provisions under GST law? Discuss.
Answer: No, this is not mandatory that job worker and principal be located in the same
State or Union territory for the applicability of job work provisions under GST law.
The provisions relating to job work have been adopted in the IGST Act vide section
20 of the IGST Act. Therefore job-worker and principal can be located either is
same State or in same Union Territory or in different States or Union Territories.

Q 2. Mr. X, a registered person supplied the following goods to Miss Neetu for further
processing on job work basis.
S. No. Goods Particulars
1 P Taxable under GST
2 Q Exempted vide an exemption notification under CGST Act
3 R Non-taxable under GST

You are required to examine whether the provisions of job work will be applicable to
all categories of goods?
Answer: Legal Provision: The provisions of job work are not applicable to all categories of
goods. The provisions relating to job work are applicable only when registered person
intends to send taxable goods. In other words, these provisions are not applicable
to exempted or non-taxable goods or when the sender is a person other than
registered person.
Discussion: Thus, in the present case, the provisions of job work are not applicable
to “Q” being an exempted good and “R” as the same is not taxable good. Thus, job
work provisions will apply only to “P”, the same being taxable good.

Q 3. Alok Pvt Ltd, a registered manufacturer, sent steel cabinets worth Rs. 50 lacs under
a delivery challan to M/s Prem tools, a registered job worker, for job work on

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28.01.20XX. The scope of job work included mounting the steel cabinets on a metal
frame and sending the mounted panels back to job Alok Pvt Ltd. The metal frame is
to be supplied by M/s Prem Tools has agreed to a consideration of Rs. 5 lacs for the
entire mounting activity, metal waste is generated which is sold by M.s Prem tools
for Rs. 45000. M/s Prem tools sent the steel cabinets mounted on the metal frame
to Alok Pvt Ltd. On 03.12.20XX.
Assuming GST rate for metal frame as 28%, for metal waste as 12% and standard
rate for services as 18%. You are required to compute the GST liability of M/s Prem
Tools. Also give reasons for inclusions or exclusions of the value of cabinets in the
job charges for the purpose of payment of GST by M/s Prem Tools.
Answer: As per Schedule II, any treatment or process which is applied to another person’s
goods is a supply of services and accordingly is subject to GST.
In the given case, M/s Prem tools (Job worker) undertakes the process of mounting
the steel cabinet of Alok Pvt Ltd. (Principal) on metal frames. In view Schedule II
to the CGST Act, the mounting activity classifies as service even though metal
frames are also supplied as a part of the mounting activity. Accordingly, the job
charges will be chargeable to rate of 18%, which is the applicable rate for services.
Further, the value of steel cabinets will not be included in the value of taxable
supply made by M/s Prem Tools as the supply of cabinets doesn’t fall within the
scope of supply to be made by M/s Prem Tools. M/s Prem Tools is only required to
mount the steel cabinets, which are to be supplied by Alok Pvt Ltd. on the metal
frames, which are to be supplied by it.
As regards sale of waste generated during the job work, since M/s Prem Tools is
registered, the tax leviable on the supply will have to be paid by it in terms of
section 143(5) of CGST Act. Such supply will be treated as supply of goods and
subject to GST rate applicable for metal waste
Accordingly, the GST liability of M/s Prem Tools will be computed as under:
Particulars Amount
Job Charges 500000
GST @ 18% (A) 90000
Sale of Metal waste 45000

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GST @ 12 % (B) 5400
Total GST Payable (A+B) 95400

Q 4. Genie Engineers had a mould delivered directly to a job worker from the supplier for
making certain precision parts for use in the factory of Genie Engineers. As per
agreement, the mould was to remain with the job worker as long as work was being
sent to him.

After four years a departmental audit team that visited the job worker noticed the
mould and traced it to Genie Engineers. GST was demanded from Genie Engineers
for taking ITC without receiving the mould and furthermore for not bringing the
mould back after three years of delivery to the job worker. How should they respond
to this?

Answer: Genie Engineers should reply on the following lines:

Under section 19(6) of CGST Act, the principal may take ITC on capital goods sent
to a job worker for job work without being first brought to his place of business.

The capital goods sent for job work should either be returned to the principal or
must be supplied from the job worker’s premises within 3 years from sending them
to the job worker or direct receipt by the job worker from the supplier. If the above
time-lines are not met, it is deemed that the capital goods were supplied by the
principal to the job worker (in other words, tax will be payable on them) on the day
they were sent out to the job worker [Section 19(6)].

However, sub-section (7) of section 19 provides that the time-limit of three years in
sub-section (6) for bringing back the capital goods from the job worker does not
apply to moulds.
Hence, Genie Engineers have correctly taken the ITC on moulds.

Q 5. Happy ltd a registered person is engaged in providing taxable as well as exempted

services. Turnover of Happy ltd. during the month of November 2017 is as under:

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 9. 7

Amount (In
Description of Goods Rs.)
Value of exempted supply of services 1500000
Value of Zero rated taxable supply of services 400000
Value of Taxable supply of services 2600000
Services made for personal use 5,00,000
Total 5000000

Amount of Input tax credit for the month of November,2017 are as under:
Particulars CGST SGST IGST

Total input tax credit available 175000 175000 175000

The above Input tax credit on input services
includes the following:
i) Credit of input services used only for
32000 32000 17400
providing exempted services
ii) Credit of input services used for providing
taxable services (including zero rated 72,000 72,000 14000
iii) Credit of input services used for
supplying 25000 25000 8600
services for personal use
iv) Credit availed on inputs which are not
15000 15000 6200
eligible under section 17(5)

Determine the amount of input tax credit of Happy ltd for the month of November
2017, as per Rule 42 of CGST rules also calculate the amount to be added to output
tax liability of Happy ltd.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 9. 8

Answer: Computation of input tax credit eligible for the period of November 2017.
Particulars CGST SGST IGST
Total input tax credit in a tax period T 175000 175000 68000
Less: -
Credit of input services used for supplying
T1 25000 25000 8600
services for personal use
Credit of input services used only for
T2 32,000 32,000 17400
providing exempted services
Credit availed on inputs which are not
T3 15000 15000 6200
eligible under section 17(5)
Amount of ITC to be credited to electronic
C1 103000 103000 35800
credit ledger C1 =T –[T1+T2+t3]
Less : credit of input services used for
providing taxable services (including zero T4 72000 72000 14000
rated supplies )
Common credit of input & input services
used for providing supply of services C2 C2 31000 31000 21800
=C1 –T4
Total inadmissible common credit as per rule
10850 10850 7630
42 (1) D1 +D2{W.N 1}
Net eligible common credit C3 =C2 -
C3 20150 20150 14170
Total credit eligible i.e [T4 + C3] 92150 92150 28170
Amount to be added to output tax 10850 10850 7630

W.N. 1 :- Calculation of input tax credit amount attributable to exempt supplies and
supply made for non-business use :

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 9. 9

Particulars CGST SGST IGST
Aggregate value of exempted supply of
E 1500000 1500000 1500000
Total turnover for November 2018 F 5000000 5000000 5000000
Credit attributable towards exempt supplies D1
D 9300 9300 6540
= [E/F] *C2
Credit attributable for supplies made for non
business purpose as per clause (i) of rule F 1,550 1,550 1090
42 (1) D2 =5%*C2
Total inadmissible common credit as per rule
10850 10850 7630
42 (1) D1 + D2

Q 6. Sarani Weavers at Mumbai is an input service distributor and intends to distribute

input tax credit u/s 20 of the CGST Act, 2017, for the month of March 2018. The
following are the details available for such distribution:
Turnover of the last
ITC specifically applicable to the branch
Branch quarter (Amt. in
(Amt in Rs.)
IGST - Rs. 12000
10,00,000 CGST - Rs. 3000
SGST - Rs. 3000
Madhugiri Branch 5,00,000 Nil
Kosala Branch 15,00,000 Nil
IGST - Rs. 150000
Mumbai HO 20,00,000 CGST - Rs. 15000
SGST - Rs. 15000

Inputs /Input services used commonly by all branches against which lTC available is:

CGST – Rs. 60000

SGST – Rs. 60000

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IGST – Rs. 120000

Madhugiri branch uses inputs to manufacture exempted products.

All branches are outside Maharashtra. Turnover excludes duties & taxes payable to
Central and State Government.
Determine the input tax distribution.

Answer: As per section 20 of the CGST Act read with rule 39 of CGST Rules, 2017:
(i) Total GST credit (CGST+ SGST + IGST) of Rs. 18,000 specifically attributable to
Ganganagar Branch will be distributed as IGST credit of Rs. 18,000 only to Ganganagar
Branch. [Since recipient and ISD are located in different states.]
(ii) IGST credit of ` 1,50,000, CGST credit of Rs. 15,000 and SGST credit of Rs. 15,000
specifically attributable to Mumbai HO will be distributed as IGST credit of Rs.
1,50,000, CGST credit of Rs. 15,000 and SGST credit of Rs. 15,000 respectively, only
to Mumbai HO. [since recipient is located in the same State in which ISD is located.]
(iii) CGST credit of Rs. 60,000, SGST credit of Rs. 60,000 and IGST credit of Rs. 1,20,000
have to be distributed among the three branches and Mumbai HO in proportion of
their turnover of the last quarter.
Ganganagar Branch will get – ` 48,000 [`2,40,000 x (10,00,000/50,00,000)] as IGST credit
Madhugiri Branch will get - ` 24,000 [`2,40,000 x (5,00,000/50,00,000)] as IGST credit
The credit attributable to a recipient is distributed even if such recipient is making
exempt supplies.
Kosala Branch will get - ` 72,000 [`2,40,000 x (15,00,000/50,00,000)] as IGST credit

Mumbai HO will get – Rs. 24,000 [60,000 x (20,00,000/50,00,000)] as CGST

credit, Rs. 24,000 [60,000 x (20,00,000/50,00,000)] as SGST credit and ` 48,000
[1,20,000 x (20,00,000/50,00,000)] as IGST credit.
1. In the above answer, Mumbai HO has been assumed as a Branch for the purpose of
distribution of credit. However, it is also possible to answer the question by not
assuming Mumbai HO as the branch for the purpose of distribution of credit. In
that case, common credit will be distributed among Ganganagar, Madhugiri and
Kosala branches.

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2. The aggregate amount of input tax credit for inputs/ input services used commonly
by all the branches is assumed to be the ITC pertaining to only input services.

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Chapter 10 – Registration under GST

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Determine the effective date of registration in following cases:

a) The aggregate turnover of Dhampur Industries of Delhi has exceeded ` 20 lakh on 1st September. It

submits the application for registration on 20th September. Registration certificate is granted to it

on 25th September.

b) Mehta Teleservices is an internet service provider in Lucknow. Its aggregate turnover exceeds Rs. 20

lakh on 25th October. It submits the application for registration on 27th November. Registration

certificate is granted to it on 5th December.

a. Every supplier becomes liable to registration if his turnover exceeds Rs. 20 lakh [in a State/UT other
than Special Category States] in a financial year [Section 22]. Since in the given case, the turnover

of Dhampur Industries exceeded Rs. 20 lakh on 1st September, it becomes liable to registration on
said date.

Further, since the application for registration has been submitted within 30 days from such date,
the registration shall be effective from the date on which the person becomes liable to registration
[Section 25 read with rule 10 of the Chapter III - Registration of CGST Rules, 2017]. Therefore, the

effective date of registration is 1st September.

b. Since in the given case, the turnover of Mehta Teleservices exceeds Rs. 20 lakh on 25th October, it
becomes liable to registration on said date.

Further, since the application for registration has been submitted after 30 days from the date such
person becomes liable to registration, the registration shall be effective from the date of grant of

registration. Therefore, the effective date of registration is 5th December.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 10. 1

Q 2. Alpha Pvt. Ltd., Pune provides house-keeping services. The company supplies its services exclusively
through an e-commerce website owned and managed by Clean Indya Pvt. Ltd., Pune. The turnover
of Alpha Pvt. Ltd. in the current financial year is Rs. 18 lakh.
Advise Alpha Pvt. Ltd. as to whether they are required to obtain GST registration. Will your advice
be any different if Alpha Pvt. Ltd. sells readymade garments exclusively through the e-commerce
website owned and managed by Clean Indya Pvt. Ltd.?

Ans: Legal Provision: As per section 22 of the CGST Act every supplier of goods or services or both is
required to obtain registration in the State/ Union territory from where he makes the taxable supply
if his aggregate turnover exceeds Rs. 20 lakh [Rs. 10 lakh in case of specified Special Category
States] in a financial year.

However, section 24 of the said Act enlists certain categories of persons who are mandatorily required
to obtain registration, irrespective of their turnover. Persons who supply goods or services or both
through such electronic commerce operator (ECO), who is required to collect tax at source under
section 52, is one such person specified under clause (ix) of section 24.

However, where the ECO is liable to pay tax on behalf of the suppliers of services under a notification
issued under section 9(5), the suppliers of such services are entitled for threshold exemption.

Further, persons making supplies of services, other than supplies specified under section 9(5)
through an ECO who is required to collect tax at source under section 52, and having an aggregate
turnover, to be computed on all India basis, not exceeding an amount of Rs. 20 lakh [Rs. 10 lakh
for specified special category States] in a financial year, have been exempted from obtaining
registration vide Notification No. 65/2017 CT dated 15.11.2017.

Section 2(45) of the CGST Act defines ECO as any person who owns, operates or manages digital
or electronic facility or platform for electronic commerce.

Electronic commerce is defined under section 2(44) to mean the supply of goods or services or
both, including digital products over digital or electronic network. Since Clean Indya Pvt. Ltd.
owns and manages a website for e commerce where both goods and services are supplied, it will
be classified as an ECO under section 2(45).

Discussion and Conclusion: In the given case, Alpha Pvt. Ltd. provides house-keeping services through
an ECO. It is presumed that Clean Indya is an ECO which is required to collect tax at source under
52. However, house-keeping services provided by Alpha Pvt. Ltd., which is not liable for registration

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under section 22(1) as its turnover is less than Rs. 20 lakh, is a service notified under section 9(5).
Thus, Alpha Pvt. Ltd. will be entitled for threshold exemption for registration and will not be required
to obtain registration even though it supplies services through ECO.
In the second case, Alpha Pvt. Ltd. sells readymade garments through ECO. Such supply cannot be
notified under section 9(5) as only supplies of services are notified under that section. Since turnover
on all India basis of said person is not exceeding Rs. 20 lacs. Hence he is not liable to be registered
under the Act.

Q 3. Rishabh Enterprises – a sole proprietorship firm – started an air-conditioned restaurant in Virar,

Maharashtra in the month of February wherein the customers are served cooked food as well as
cold drinks/non-alcoholic beverages. In March, the firm opened a liquor shop in Raipur, Uttarakhand
for trading of alcoholic liquor for human consumption.
Determine whether Rishabh Enterprises is liable to be registered under GST law with the help of the
following information:
Particulars February March
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Serving of cooked food and cold drinks/non-alcoholic 5,50,000 6,50,000
beverages in restaurant in Maharashtra
Sale of alcoholic liquor for human consumption in 5,00,000
Interest received from banks on the fixed deposits 1,00,000 1,00,000
Supply of packed food items from restaurant in Maharashtra 1,50,000 2,00,000

You are required to provide reasons for treatment of various items given above.
Ans: Legal Provision: As per section 22 of the CGST Act, 2017, a supplier is liable to be registered
in the State/Union territory from where he makes a taxable supply of goods or services or both,
if his aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds Rs. 20 lakh.
However, if such taxable supplies are made from any of the specified special category States,
namely, States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim,
Tripura, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, he shall be liable to be registered if his aggregate
turnover in a financial year exceeds ` 10 lakh.
Discussion: In the given question, since Rishabh Enterprises is engaged in making taxable
supplies from Maharashtra which is not a specified Special Category State, the threshold limit
for obtaining registration is ` 20 lakh.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 10. 3

The threshold limit is not reduced to ` 10 lakh in this case, as sale of alcoholic liquor for human
consumption from Uttarakhand (one of the specified Special Category States) are non-taxable
supplies in terms of section 9(1) of CGST Act, 2017.

(i) As per section 2(6) of the CGST Act, 2017, aggregate turnover includes the aggregate
value of: all taxable supplies,

(ii) all exempt supplies,

(iii) exports of goods and/or services and

(iv) all inter-State supplies of persons having the same PAN.

The above is computed on all India basis. Further, the aggregate turnover excludes central tax,
State tax, Union territory tax, integrated tax and cess. Moreover, the value of inward supplies
on which tax is payable under reverse charge is not taken into account for calculation of
‘aggregate turnover’.
In the light of the afore-mentioned provisions, the aggregate turnover of Rishabh Enterprises is
computed as under:
Computation of aggregate turnover of Rishabh Enterprises

Cumulative turnover
Turnover of
Particulars of February and
February (In Rs.)
March (In Rs. )

Serving of cooked food and cold drinks/non-

alcoholic beverages in restaurant in 5,50,000

Add: Sale of alcoholic liquor for human

- 5,00,000
consumption in Uttarakhand [Note-1]

Add: Interest received from banks on the
1,00,000 (Rs. 100000 + Rs.
Fixed Deposits [Note-2]

Add: Supply of packed food items from 3,50,000 (Rs. 150000

restaurant in Maharashtra + Rs. 200000)
Aggregate Turnover 8,00,000 2250000


1. As per section 2(47) of the CGST Act, 2017, exempt supply includes non-taxable supply.
Thus, supply of alcoholic liquor for human consumption in Uttarakhand, being a non-taxable
supply, is an exempt supply and is, therefore, includible while computing the aggregate

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2. Services by way of extending deposits, loans or advances in so far as the consideration is

represented by way of interest or discount (other than interest involved in credit card services)
is exempt vide Notification No. 12/2017 CT (R) dated 28.06.2017. Thus, interest received
from banks on the fixed deposits is an exempt supply and is, therefore, includible while
computing the aggregate turnover.

Conclusion: Rishabh Enterprises was not liable to be registered in the month of February since
its aggregate turnover did not exceed ` 20 lakh in that month. However, since its aggregate
turnover exceeds ` 20 lakh in the month of March, it should apply for registration within 30
days from the date on which it becomes liable to registration.

Q 4. Shagun started supply of goods in Vasai, Maharashtra from 01.01.20XX. Her turnover exceeded
` 20 lakh on 25.01.20XX. However, she didn’t apply for registration. Determine the amount of
penalty, if any, that may be imposed on Shagun on 31.03.20XX, if the tax evaded by her, as
on said date, on account of failure to obtain registration is ` 1,26,000.
Ans: Legal Provision: Where the aggregate turnover of a supplier making supplies from a State/UT
exceeds `20 lakh in a financial year, he is liable to be registered in the said State/UT. The
said supplier must apply for registration within 30 days from the date on which he becomes
liable to registration. However, in the given case, although Shagun became liable to registration
on 25.01.20XX, she didn’t apply for registration within 30 days of becoming liable to
Section 122(1)(xi) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that a taxable person who is liable to be
registered under the CGST Act, 2017 but fails to obtain registration shall be liable to pay a
penalty of:

(a) Rs. 10,000 or

(b) An amount equivalent to the tax evaded [Rs.1,26,000 in the given case], whichever

is higher.

Conclusion: Thus, the amount of penalty that can be imposed on Shagun is Rs. 1,26,000.

Q 5. Determine whether registration has to be obtained under GST in case of the following as per
provisions contained under CGST Act, 2017.
1) Fine oils is engaged in the business of machine oil as well as petrol and diesel. The total
turnover on supply of machine oil is only Rs. 8 lakhs and in case of petrol and diesel is Rs. 8

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 10. 5

2) Ram lal, an agriculturist, for supply of produce out of cultivation of land amounting to Rs. 21
Ans: Answers of the above mentioned questions are given below:
1. Supply of petrol and diesel is not leviable to GST, but supply of machine oil is taxable. In order
to determine whether Fine oils is liable for registration, turnover of both the supplies, non-
taxable as well as taxable would be taken into account for the threshold of Rs. 20 lakhs. Here
the turnover of machine oil, petrol and diesel exceeds Rs. 20 lakhs (Rs. 8.08 crores). Thus,
Fine oils is liable for registration.
2. As per section 23 of the CGST Act, an agriculturist, to the extent of supply of produce out of
cultivation of land is not liable for registration under GST. In the case of Mr. Ramlal, even
though the turnover of produce out of cultivation has exceeded Rs. 20 lakhs, he will not be
liable for registration.

Q 6. Pari & Sons is an unregistered dealer. On 10th August, 2017 aggregate turnover of Pari & Sons
exceeded Rs. 20,00,000. The firm applied for registration on 27th August, 2017 and was granted

the registration certificate on 1st September, 2017.

Under CGST Rules, 2017, you are required to advise Pari & Sons as to what is the effective date
of registration in its case. It has also sought your advice regarding period for issuance of revised
tax invoices.

Ans: Legal Provision: Section 22(1) of the CGST Act, 2017 provides that every supplier is liable to
be registered under this Act in the State or Union territory, other than special category States,
from where he makes a taxable supply of goods or services or both, if his aggregate turnover in
a financial year exceeds Rs.20 lakh.

Section 25(1) of the CGST Act, 2017 provides that a supplier whose aggregate turnover in a
financial year exceeds Rs. 20 lakh in a State/UT is liable to apply for registration within 30
days from the date of becoming liable to registration (i.e., the date of crossing the threshold
limit of ` 20 lakh).

Where the application is submitted within the said period, the effective date of registration is
the date on which the person becomes liable to registration vide rule 10(2) of the CGST Rules,
2017; otherwise it is the date of grant of registration in terms of rule 10(3) of the CGST Rules,

Discussion: In the given case, since Pari & Sons have applied for registration on 27.08.2017
which is within 30 days from the date of becoming liable to registration (10.08.2017), its
effective date of registration is 10.08.2017.

Further, every registered person who has been granted registration with effect from a date

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earlier than the date of issuance of registration certificate to him, may issue revised tax
invoices in respect of taxable supplies effected during this period within 1 month from the date
of issuance of registration certificate [Section 31(3)(a) of the CGST Act, 2017 read with rule
53(2) of CGST Rules, 2017].

Conclusion: In view of the same, Pari & Sons may issue revised tax invoices against the invoices
already issued during the period between effective date of registration (10.08.2017) and the
date of issuance of registration certificate (01.09 2017), on or before 01.10.2017.

Q 7. With the help of the following information in the case of M/s Jayant Enterprises, Jaipur
(Rajasthan) for the year 2017-18, determine the aggregate turnover for the purpose of registration
under the CGST Act, 2017.
Sr. No Particulars Amount
Sale of diesel on which Sale Tax (VAT) is levied by Rajasthan
(i) 1,00,000

Supply of goods, after completion of job work, from the place of Jayant
(ii) 3,00,000
Enterprises directly by principal.

(iii) Export supply to England (U.K.) 5,00,000

(iv) Supply to its own additional place of business in Rajasthan. 5,00,000

Outward supply on which GST is to be paid by recipient under reverse

(v) 1,00,000

All the above amounts are excluding GST.

You are required to provide reasons for treatment of various items given above.
Ans: Computation of aggregate turnover of M/s Jayant Enterprises for the FY 2017 -18
Particulars Amount
Supply of diesel on which Sales Tax (VAT) is levied by Rajasthan Government [Note-

Supply of goods, after the completion of job work, from the place of Jayant
Enterprises, directly by the principal [Note-2]

Export supply to England [Note-3] 5,00,000

Supply to its own additional place of business in Rajasthan1 [Note-4] Nil

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Outward supply on which GST is to be paid by recipient under reverse charge [Note-
Aggregate Turnover 7,00,000

Working Notes:

1. As per section 2(47) of the CGST Act, 2017, exempt supply includes non-taxable supply.
Thus, supply of diesel, being a non-taxable supply, is an exempt supply and exempt supply is
specifically includible in aggregate turnover in terms of section 2(6) of the CGST Act, 2017.

2. Supply of goods after completion of job work by a registered job worker shall be treated as
the supply of goods by the principal in terms of explanation (ii) to section 22 of the CGST
Act, 2017.

3. Export supplies are specifically includible in the aggregate turnover in terms of section 2(6)
of the CGST Act, 2017.

4. Supply made without consideration to units within the same State (under same registration)
is a not a supply and hence not includible in aggregate turnover.

5. Outward supplies taxable under reverse charge would be part of the “aggregate turnover” of
the supplier of such supplies. Such turnover is not included as turnover in the hands of

Section 22(1) of the CGST Act, 2017 provides that a supplier whose aggregate turnover in a
financial year exceeds Rs. 20 lakh [Rs. 10 lakh in Special Category States other than Jammu
and Kashmir] in a State/UT is liable to be registered.
The applicable turnover limit for registration, in the given case, will be Rs. 20 lakh as Rajasthan
is not a Special Category State. Although, the aggregate turnover of M/s Jayant Enterprises does
not exceed Rs. 20 lakh, it is compulsorily required to register in terms of section 24(i) of the
CGST Act, 2017 irrespective of the turnover limit as it is engaged in making inter-State supplies
in the form of exports to England.
Q 8. State the time-period within which registration needs to be obtained in each of the following
independent cases:

(a) Casual taxable person

(b) Person making inter-State taxable supply

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Ans: Section 25(1) of the CGST Act stipulates the time-period within which registration needs to
be obtained in various cases. It provides the following time-limits:
In case of Registration needs to be obtained
a person who is liable to be
within 30 days from the date on
registered under section 22 or
which he becomes liable to registration
section 24

a casual taxable person or a at least 5 days prior to the

non-resident taxable person commencement of business

In view of the aforesaid provisions:

(a) A casual taxable person must obtain registration at least 5 days prior to the commencement
of its business.

(b) As per section 24 of the CGST Act, person making inter-State taxable supply is liable to get
compulsorily registered. Therefore, such person must obtain registration within 30 days from
the date on which he becomes liable to registration.

Q 9. In order to be eligible for grant of registration, a person must have a Permanent Account Number
issued under the Income- tax Act, 1961. State one exception to it.

Ans: A Permanent Account Number is mandatory to be eligible for grant of registration. One
exception to this is a non-resident taxable person. A non- resident taxable person may be
granted registration on the basis of other prescribed documents instead of PAN. He has to
submit a self-attested copy of his valid passport along with the application signed by his
authorized signatory who is an Indian Resident having valid PAN and application will be
submitted in a different prescribed form [Section 25(6) & (7)].

Q 10. State which of the following suppliers are liable to be registered

a) Agent supplying goods on behalf of some other taxable person and its aggregate turnover does
not exceed Rs. 20 lakh during the financial year.
b) An agriculturist who is only engaged in supply of produce out of cultivation of land.

Ans: (a) Section 22 stipulates that every supplier becomes liable to registration if his turnover
exceeds Rs. 20 lakh in a State/UT [Rs. 10 lakh in Special Category States] in a financial year.
However, as per section 24, a person supplying goods/services or both on behalf of other taxable

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persons whether as an agent or not is liable to be compulsorily registered even if its aggregate
turnover does not exceed Rs. 20 lakh during the financial year.

(b) As per section 23, an agriculturist who is only engaged in supply of produce out of
cultivation of land is not required to obtain registration.

Q 11. What are the advantage of taking registration in GST?

Ans: Registration will confer following advantages to the business:
• Legally recognized as supplier of goods or services.
• Proper accounting of taxes paid on the input goods or services which can be utilized for payment
of GST due on supply of goods or services or both by the business.
• Legally authorized to collect tax from his purchasers and pass on the credit of the taxes paid on
the goods or services supplied to purchasers or recipients.
• Become eligible to avail various other benefits and privileges rendered under the GST laws.

Q 12. Can a person without GST registration collect GST and claim ITC?
Ans: No, a person without GST registration can neither collect GST from his customers nor can
claim any input tax credit of GST paid by him.

Q 13. If a person is operating in different States, with the same PAN number, can he operate with a
single registration?
Ans: No. Every person who is liable to take a registration will have to get registered separately for
each of the States where he has a business operation (and is liable to pay GST)

Q 14. Can a person having multiple business verticals in a State obtain separate registrations for each
business vertical?

Ans: Yes. In terms of the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 25, a person having multiple business
verticals in a State may obtain a separate registration for each business vertical, subject to
such conditions as may be prescribed.

Q 15. Is there a provision for a person to get himself voluntarily registered though he may not be liable
to pay GST?
Ans: Yes. In terms of sub-section (3) of section 25, a person, though not liable to be registered
under sections 22 or 24 may get himself registered voluntarily, and all provisions of this Act,
as are applicable to a registered taxable person, shall apply to such person.

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Q 16. Can the Department, through the proper officer, suo-moto proceed to register of a person?
Ans: Yes. In terms of sub-section (8) of section 25, where a person who is liable to be registered
under GST law fails to obtain registration, the proper officer may, without prejudice to any
action which may be taken under CGST Act, or under any other law for the time being in force,
proceed to register such person in the manner as is prescribed in the CGST Rules, 2017.

Q 17. Whether the registration granted to any person is permanent?

Ans: Yes, the registration certificate once granted is permanent unless surrendered, cancelled,
suspended or revoked.

Q 18. Is it necessary for the UN bodies to get registration under GST?

Ans: Yes. In terms of section 25(9) of the CGST Act, all notified UN bodies, Consulate or Embassy
of foreign countries and any other class of persons so notified would be required to obtain a
unique identification number (UIN) from the GST portal.
The structure of the said ID would be uniform across the States in conformity with GSTIN
structure and the same will be common for the Centre and the States. This UIN will be needed
for claiming refund of taxes paid on notified supplies of goods and services received by them,
and for any other purpose as may be notified.

Q 19. What is the responsibility of the taxable person making supplies to UN bodies?
Ans: The taxable supplier making supplies to UN bodies is expected to mention the UIN on the
invoices and treat such supplies as supplies to another registered person (B2B) and the invoices
of the same will be uploaded by the supplier.

Q 20. What is the validity period of the registration certificate issued to a casual taxable person and
non- resident taxable person?
Ans: In terms of section 27(1) read with proviso thereto, the certificate of registration issued to a
“casual taxable person” or a “non-resident taxable person” shall be valid for a period specified
in the application for registration or 90 days from the effective date of registration, whichever
is earlier. However, the proper officer, at the request of the said taxable person, may extend
the validity of the aforesaid period of 90 days by a further period not exceeding 90 days.

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Q 21. What happens when the registration is obtained by means of willful mis- statement, fraud or
suppression of facts?
Ans: In such cases, the registration may be cancelled with retrospective effect by the proper officer
[Section 29(2)(e)].

Q 22.Is there an option to take centralized registration for services under GST Law?
Ans: No, the tax payer has to take separate registration in every State from where he makes taxable

Q 23. What could be the liabilities (in so far as registration is concerned) on transfer of a business?

Ans: The transferee or the successor shall be liable to be registered with effect from such transfer
or succession and he will have to obtain a fresh registration with effect from the date of
such transfer or succession [Section 22(3)].

Q 24. At the time of registration, will the assessee have to declare all his places of business?

Ans: Yes. The principal place of business and place of business have been separately defined under
section 2(89) & 2(85) of the CGST Act respectively. The taxpayer will have to declare the
principal place of business as well as the details of additional places of business in the
registration form.

Q 25. What will be the time limit for the decision on the on-line registration application?
Ans: If the information and the uploaded documents are found in order, the proper officer has to
respond to the application within 3 common working days. If he communicates any deficiency
or discrepancy in the application within such time, then the applicant will have to remove the
discrepancy / deficiency within 7 days of such communication. Thereafter, for either approving
the application or rejecting it, the proper officer has 7 days’ time from the date when the
taxable person communicates removal of deficiencies. In case no response is given by the
proper officer within the said time line, the portal shall automatically generate the registration.

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Q 26.What will be the time of response by the applicant if any query is raised in the online application?

Ans: If during the process of verification, one of the tax authorities raises some query or notices
some error, the same shall be communicated to the applicant and to the other tax authority
through the GST Common Portal within 3 common working days. The applicant will reply to
the query/rectify the error/ answer the query within a period of 7 days from the date of receipt
of deficiency intimation.

On receipt of additional document or clarification, the relevant tax authority will respond within
7 common working days from the date of receipt of clarification.

Q 27. Does cancellation of registration impose any tax obligations on the person whose registration is
so cancelled?
Ans: Yes, as per section 29(5) of the CGST Act, every registered taxable person whose registration
is cancelled shall pay an amount, by way of debit in the electronic cash ledger, equivalent to
the credit of input tax in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-
finished or finished goods held in stock or capital goods or plant and machinery on the day
immediately preceding the date of such cancellation or the output tax payable on such goods,
whichever is higher.

Q 28. ABC Ltd. of Jaipur, Rajasthan has effected intra-State supplies of taxable goods
amounting Rs. 12,00,000 till 31-12-2017. On 01-01-2018 it has effected inter-State supply of
taxable goods amounting Rs. 1,00,000. ABC Ltd. is of the opinion that it is not required to get
registered under GST law since its aggregate turnover is not likely to exceed ? 20,00,000 during
financial year 2017-18. As a consultant of the company you are required to advise the company
relating to registration requirements.
Ans: The opinion of ABC Ltd. Is not correct. As per provisions of Section24 of CGST Act,2017 ,
person making interstate taxable supply are compulsorily required to obtain registration. Thus,
Section 24 is an overriding section that makes it mandatory to obtain registration by certain
prescribed persons even though the conditions prescribed u/s 22 are not met. Hence, ABC Ltd,
is mandatorily required to obtain registration.
As per provisions of Section 25 of CGST Act, 2017 every person who is liable to be registered
under section 22 or section24 shall apply for registration in every such State or Union territory
in which he is so liable within 30 days from the date on which he becomes liable to registration,

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 10. 13

in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed. Thus, ABC Ltd. Is required
to obtain registration up 31-01-2018

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1) Can a person without GST registration claim ITC and collect tax?

a. No

b. Yes

c. Only if he is located in special category states

d. Only with the prior permission of Central govt.

Answer: A: No

2) What is threshold limit for registration under GST?

a. Rs. 20 lacs / Rs. 10 Lacs in case of special category states

b. Rs. 10 Lacs for all over India

c. Rs. 1 Crore for all over India

d. Rs. 10 Lacs / Rs. 20 Lacs for special special category states

Answer: A: Rs. 20 lacs / Rs. 10 Lacs in case of special category states

3) In case where a person makes supply from multiple states and his aggregate turnover exceeds
threshold limit, he has to get registered.

a. All of the states

b. In only one state where turnover is greater than 20 lakhs

c. In states where turnover is greater than 20 lakhs

d. In any one of the states

Answer: A: All of the States

4) In case of job worker, once the work is being completed, the value of goods shall be included in
the turnover of .

a. Principal

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 10. 14

b. Job worker

c. Agent

d. None of the above

Answer: A: Principal

5) Mr. Jeet Ram, an agriculturist, located in the State of Uttar Pradesh, is a re-seller of agricultural
produce cultivated from land. His turnover for the period July, 2017 to March, 2018 is Rs.
20,00,000/-.He has made occasional inter-State taxable supplies also of Rs. 10,00,000/- of
handicraft goods to the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the month of March, 2018.

Compute the aggregate turnover of Mr. Jeet Ram for the financial year 2017-18 under the
CGST Act, 2017, and also state whether he is liable for registration under the Act or not.

a) Rs. Nil; Not liable for registration

b) Rs. 10,00,000/-; Not liable for registration

c) Rs. 35,00,000/-; Not liable for registration

d) Rs. 30,00,000/-; Liable for registration

Answer: A: Rs. Nil; Not liable for registration

6) Mr. Champak, located in the State of Himachal Pradesh, a job worker, is engaged in providing job
work services relating to silverware articles to his Principal, Mr. Mote Lal, in the State of Rajasthan.
The details of his turnover are as under:

For the period July, 2017 to March, 2018: Rs. 19,00,000/-.

Mr. Champak, has earned continuous rental income of Rs. 15,000/- per month from his
residential flat in Delhi for nine months from July, 2017 to March, 2018. He has also made
wholly exempt supplies of handicraft items of Rs. 50,000/- during the period, December,
2017 to March, 2018.

Compute the aggregate turnover of Mr. Champak for the financial year 2017-18 under the
CGST Act, 2017, and also state whether he is liable for registration under the Act or not.

a) Rs. 20,85,000/-; Liable for registration.

b) Rs. 20,35,000/-; Liable for registration.

c) Rs. 19,00,000/-; Not liable for registration.

d) Rs. 19,50,000/-; Liable for registration.

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Answer: A: Rs. 20,85,000/-; Liable for registration.

7) Where the business carried on by a registered person is transferred as a going concern, then will
the transferee be liable to register in GST?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Option of transferee

d) Depends on terms of transfer

Answer: A: Yes

8) Application for registration under GST has to be made in which form :

a) GSTREG - 01

b) GSTREG - 03

c) GSTREG - 06

d) GSTREG - 02

Answer: A: GSTREG - 01

9) If a person is located in Maharashtra, then what is limit of aggregate turnover above which the
person shall be liable for registration?

a) Rs. 20 lacs

b) Rs. 10 lacs

c) Rs. 5 Lacs

d) Rs. 1 crore

Answer: A: Rs. 20 lacs

10) A person making inter-state taxable supply of services is not required to obtain registration if
the aggregate turnover in India on all India basis doesn’t exceeds Rs. 20 lacs / Rs. 10 lacs (in
case of special category states)

a) Correct

b) Incorrect

c) At the discretion of proper officer

d) None of the above

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Answer: A: Correct

11) Mr. Rupesh is a dealer and has one office in Delhi and another in Mumbai. In order to determine
the eligibility of obtaining registration under GST the turnover of both the offices needs to be
considered. Whether the statement is correct?

a) Correct

b) Incorrect

c) Turnover of the both units to be considered with permission of CG

d) None of the above

Answer: A: Correct

12) Mr. Suresh of Mumbai is engaged in making export and supply to SEZ units and his aggregate
turnover in a year doesn’t exceed Rs. 20 lacs. Is he liable to register under GST?

a) Yes, since export and supply to SEZ is an interstate supply

b) No, since aggregate turnover doesn’t exceed Rs. 20 lacs

c) At the discretion of proper officer

d) None of the above

Answer: A: Yes, since export and supply to SEZ is an interstate supply

13) A person engaged in supply of services where the recipient of services is liable to pay tax under
RCM basis. Whether supplier of service is liable to register under GST?

a) Yes

b) No

c) At the discretion of proper officer

d) None of the above

Answer: B: No

14) Is it mandatory for e-commerce operator to obtain registration?

a) Yes

b) No

c) At the discretion of proper officer

d) None of the above

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Answer: A: Yes

15) Mr. Suresh works as an agent located in Delhi. Mr. Ramesh is a manufacturer and located
in Maharashtra. Mr. Suresh (Agent) agrees to purchase certain goods from New Delhi on
behalf of Mr. Ramesh (Principal) and supplies them to the customers. The aggregate
turnover of Mr suresh during an year is less than Rs. 20. State whether he is liable to
obtain registration under GST or not?

a) Yes, as per Section 24 he needs to obtain registration compulsorily

b) No

c) At the discretion of proper officer

d) None of the above

Answer: A: Yes, as per Section 24 he needs to obtain registration compulsorily

16) Sugam Services Ltd. is engaged in taxable supply of services in Madhya Pradesh. The turnover

of Sugam Services Ltd. exceeded Rs. 20 lakh on 1st November. It is liable to get registered
by 1 December [30 days] in the State of Madhya Pradesh. It applies for registration on 28th

November and is granted registration certificate on 5th December. The effective date of
registration of Sugam Services Ltd. is 1st November. State whether statement is correct or not

a) Yes

b) No

c) Partially correct

d) None of the above

Answer: A: Yes

17) Within how many days a person should apply for registration?

a) Within 30 days from the date he is liable for registration

b) Within 15 days from the date he is liable for registration

c) Within 7 days from the date he is liable for registration

d) Within 45 days from the date he is liable for registration

Answer: A: Within 30 days from the date he is liable for registration

18) GSTIN consists of how many digits?

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a) 10 Digits

b) 15 Digits

c) 7 Digits

d) 12 Digits

Answer: B: 15 Digits

19) The application shall be forwarded to the who shall examine the application and
the accompanying documents for GST registration.

a) Proper Officer

d) GST Portal

Answer: B: Proper Officer

20) A person having business verticals in a state obtain a separate registration for
each business vertical.

a) Single, shall

b) Multiple, Shall

c) Multiple, May

d) Single, May

Answer: B: Multiple, May

21) Who are liable to make advance deposit of tax at the time of registration ?

a) ISD

b) Job Worker

c) CTP and NRTP

d) Agent

Answer: C: CTP and NRTP

22) Which is valid application form for registration of CTP

a) GSTREG - 01

b) GSTREG - 02

c) GSTREG - 09

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d) None of the above

Answer: C: GSTREG - 09

23) Which of the following statement is correct for Casual taxable Person?

a) CTP is not required to obtain registration under GST

b) CTP is required to obtain registration if the aggregate turnover crosses Rs. 20 lacs

c) CTP may voluntarily apply for registration under GST

d) As per section 24 a CTP is compulsorily required to obtain registration

Answer: D: As per section 24 a CTP is compulsorily required to obtain registration

24) The registration certificate granted for NRTP is valid for days.

a) 30 days

b) 15 days

c) 90 days

d) 120 days

Answer: C: 90 Days

25) In case a person registered other than section 10(i.e. Composition Scheme) has not filed return
for months then registration granted shall be cancelled by proper officer.

a) 3 consecutive Months

b) 6 consecutive Months

c) 4 consecutive Months

d) None of the above

Answer: C: 6 consecutive Months

26) In case of firm if there is change in constitution of the firm due to change in Legal name of
Business then the firm has to apply for

a) Fresh Registration

b) Amendment of Registration

c) Cancellation of Registration

d) None of the above

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Answer: B: Amendment of Registration

27) What is the validity of registration certificate?

a) 1 year

b) 6 months

c) 5 years

d) Valid till it is cancelled

Answer:D: Valid till it is cancelled

28) As per Section 24, An E Commerce operator is liable to obtain registration irrespective of
aggregate turnover?

a) Correct

b) Incorrect

c) At the discretion of proper officer

d) None of the above

Answer: A: Correct

29) Within how many days an application for revocation of cancellation of registration can be made?

a) 30 days

b) 15 days

c) 20 days

d) None of the above

Answer: A: 30 days

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Chapter 11 – IGST Act – Place of Supply, Import, Export and Zero
Rated Supply

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Why does GST law provide separate rules for place of supply in respect of B2B (supplies to registered
persons) and B2C (supplies to unregistered persons) transactions?
Ans: In respect of B2B transactions, the taxes paid are taken as credit by the recipient so such
transactions are just pass through. GST collected on B2B supplies effectively create a liability for
the government and an asset for the recipient of such supplies in as much as the recipient is
entitled to use the input tax credit for payment of future taxes. For B2B transactions, the location
of recipient takes care in almost all situations as further credit is to be taken by recipient. The
recipient usually further supplies to another customer. The supply is consumed only when a B2B
transaction is further converted into B2C transaction. In respect of B2C transactions, the supply
is finally consumed and the taxes paid actually come to the government.

Q 2. M/s Kingsize Airlines has issued a ticket/pass to Mr. Saxena, the winner of annual lucky draw, for
travelling to anywhere in India . Determine the place of supply in this case.
Ans: Legal Provision: As per section 12(9) of the IGST Act, 2017, the place of supply of passenger
transportation service to a person other than a registered person, shall be the place where the
passenger embarks on the conveyance for a continuous journey. In the above case, the place of
embarkation will not be available at the time of issue of invoice as the right to passage is for
future use. Accordingly, place of supply cannot be the place of embarkation.
The proviso to section 12(9) provides that where the right to passage is given for future use and
the point of embarkation is not known at the time of issue of right to passage, the place of
supply of such service shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of 12(2). Conclusion:
Thus, in such cases, the default rule shall apply i.e., the place of supply of services made to
any person other than a registered person shall be the location of the recipient where the address
on record exists and the location of the supplier of services in other cases.

Q 3. In case of a domestic supply, what is the place of supply where goods are removed?
Ans: As per section 10(1)(a), the place of supply of goods is the location of the goods at the time at
which the movement of goods terminates for delivery to the recipient.

Q 4. What will be the place of supply if the goods are delivered by the supplier to a person on the
direction of a third person?
Ans: As per section 10(1)(b), it would be deemed that the third person has received the goods and the
place of supply of such goods will be the principal place of business of such person.

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Q 5. What is the place of supply where the goods or services are supplied on board a conveyance, such
as a vessel, an aircraft, a train or a motor vehicle?
Ans: As per section 10(1)(e), in respect of goods, the place of supply is the location at which such
goods are taken on board.
However, in respect of services, the place of supply is the location of the first scheduled point of
departure of that conveyance for the journey in terms of sections 12(10) and 13(11).

Q 6. The place of supply in relation to immovable property is the location of immovable property.
Suppose a road is constructed from Delhi to Mumbai covering multiple states.
What will be the place of supply of construction services?
Ans: Where the immovable property is located in more than one State, the supply of service is treated
as made in each of the States in proportion to the value for services separately collected or
determined, in terms of the contract or agreement entered into in this regard or, in the absence
of such contract or agreement, on such other reasonable basis as may be prescribed in this behalf
[Explanation to section 12(3) for domestic supplies].

Q 7. What would be the place of supply of services provided by an event management company for
organizing a sporting event for a Sports Federation which is held in multiple States?
Ans: In case of an event, if the recipient of service is registered, the place of supply of services for
organizing the event is the location of such person.
However, if the recipient is not registered, the place of supply is the place where event is held. Since
the event is being held in multiple states and a consolidated amount is charged for such services,
the place of supply will be taken as being in each state in proportion to the value of services so
provided in each state [Explanation to section 12(7)].

Q 8. Mr. X (a supplier registered in Uttar Pradesh having principal place of business at Noida) asks Mr.
Y of Ahmedabad, Gujarat to deliver 50 washing machines to his buyer Mr. 2 at Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Ans: In given case, goods are supplied by Mr. Y to Z on directions given by X As per Sec 10(1)(b), in
this case, the place of supply of goods is not the location of delivery of such goods (Jaipur) but
the principal place of business of third person i.e., principal place of business of Mr. X located at

Q 9. What is the place of supply of services by way of transportation of goods, including mail or courier
when the both the supplier and the recipient of the services are located in India?
Ans: If the recipient is registered, the location of such person is the place of supply. However, if the
recipient is not registered, the place of supply is the place where the goods are handed over for
transportation [Section 12(8)].

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Q 10. What will be the place of supply of passenger transportation service, if a person travels from
Mumbai to Delhi and back to Mumbai?
Ans: If the person is registered, the place of supply will be the location of recipient. If the person is
not registered, the place of supply for the forward journey from Mumbai to Delhi will be Mumbai,
the place where he embarks [Section 12(9)].
However, for the return journey, the place of supply will be Delhi as the return journey has to be
treated as separate journey [Explanation to section 12(9)].

Q 11. What is the place of supply for mobile connection? Can it be the location of supplier?

Ans: For domestic supplies

The location of supplier of mobile services cannot be the place of supply as the mobile companies
are providing services in multiple states and many of these services are inter-state. The
consumption principle will be broken if the location of supplier is taken as place of supply and all
the revenue may go to a few states where the suppliers are located.

The place of supply for mobile connection would depend on whether the connection is on postpaid
or prepaid basis. In case of postpaid connections, the place of supply is the location of billing address
of the recipient of service.

In case of pre-paid connections, the place of supply is the place where payment for such connection
is received or such pre-paid vouchers are sold. However, if the recharge is done through internet/e-
payment, the location of recipient of service on record will be taken as the place of supply.
For international supplies
The place of supply of telecom services is the location of the recipient of service.

Q 12. A person from Mumbai goes to Kullu-Manali and takes some services from ICICI Bank in Manali.
What is the place of supply?
Ans: If the service is not linked to the account of person, place of supply will be Kullu i.e., the location
of the supplier of services. However, if the service is linked to the account of the person, the place
of supply will be Mumbai, the location of recipient on the records of the supplier.

Q 13. An unregistered person from Gurugram travels by Air India flight from Mumbai to Delhi and gets
his travel insurance done in Mumbai.
What is the place of supply of insurance services?
Ans: When insurance service is provided to an unregistered person, the location of the recipient of
services on the records of the supplier of insurance services is the place of supply. So Gurugram
is the place of supply [Section 12(13)].

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Q 14. Quickdeal Enterprises (Ahmednagar, Gujarat) opens a new branch office at Hissar, Haryana. It
purchases a building for office from Ruhani Builders (Hissar) along with pre-installed office furniture
and fixtures. Determine place of supply of the pre-installed office furniture and fixtures.
Ans: Section 10(1)(c) of the IGST Act stipulates that if the supply does not involve movement of goods,
the place of supply is the location of goods at the time of delivery to the recipient. Since there is
no movement of office furniture and fixtures in the given case, the place of supply of such goods
is their location at the time of delivery to the recipient (Quickdeal Enterprises) i.e., Hissar, Haryana.

Q 15. Raman Row, a registered supplier under GST in Mumbai, is directed by Nero Enterprises, Kolkata to
deliver goods valued at Rs. 12,00,000 to Fabricana of Aurangabad in Maharashtra. Raman Row Makes
out an invoice at 9% tax rate under CGST and SGST respectively (scheduled rate) and delivers it
locally in Maharashtra.
Discuss and comment on the above levy of tax and determine the tax liability of goods in the above
Ans: The supply between Raman Row (Mumbai) and Nero Enterprises (Kolkata) is a bill to ship to
supply where the goods are delivered by the supplier [Raman Row] to a recipient [Fabricana
(Aurangabad)] or any other person on the direction of a third person [Nero Enterprises]. In such
a case, it is deemed that that the said third person has received the goods and the place of supply
of such goods is the principal place of business of such person vide section 10(1)(b) of IGST Act,
Accordingly, the place of supply between Raman Row (Mumbai) and Nero Enterprises (Kolkata)
will be Kolkata and thus, it will be an Inter – State supply liable to IGST. Hence, Raman Row
should charge 18% IGST on Rs. 12,00,000 which comes out to Rs. 2,16,000.
This situation involves another supply between Nero Enterprises (Kolkata) and Fabricana
(Aurangabad). The place of supply in this case will be the location of the goods at the time when
the movement of goods terminates for delivery to the recipient i.e., Aurangabad in terms of section
10(1)(a) of IGST Act, 2017. Thus, being an Inter – State supply, the same will also be chargeable
to IGST.

Q 16. AB Academy of Mumbai sells the class furniture to CD Academy; the branch is located in Mumbai
and the registered office in Bangalore. The furniture stays in the same classroom. Determine Place
of supply and nature of transaction.
Ans: Legal Provision: The above case falls within the purview of section 10(1) (c) of IGST Act 2017
Discussion: As per the above section place of supply of goods where the supply does not involve
movement of goods whether by the supplier or by the recipient the place of supply shall be the
location of such goods at the time of the delivery to the recipient in the above case place of supply
is Mumbai
Conclusion: Location of supplier of goods is Mumbai and place of supply of supply is Mumbai hence
it is intra state transaction CGST and SGST will be payable

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Q 17. RST Inc., a corn chips manufacturing company based in USA, intends to launch its products in India.
However, the company wishes to know the taste and sensibilities of Indians before launching its products
in India. For this purpose, RST Inc. has approached ABC Consultants, Mumbai, (Maharashtra) to carry out
a survey in India to enable it to make changes, if any, in its products to suit Indian taste.
The survey is to be solely based on the oral replies of the surveyees; they will not be provided any sample
by RST Inc. to taste. ABC Consultants will be paid in convertible foreign exchange for the assignment.
With reference to the provisions of GST law, determine the place of supply of the service. Also, explain
whether the said supply will amount to export of service?
Ans: As per section 13(2) of the IGST Act,2017, in case where the location of the supplier of sevices or the
location of the recipient of services is outside India, the place of supply of services except the services
specified in sub-sections (3) to (13) shall be the location of the recipient of services. Sub-sections (3)
to (13) provide the mechanism to determine the place of supply in certain specific situations.
The given case does not fall under any of such specific situations and thus, the place of supply in this
case will be determined under sub-section (2) of section 13 Thus, the place of supply of services in this
case is the location of recipient of services i.e., USA.
As per section 2(6) of the IGST Act , 2017 , export of services means the supply of any service when,
a) The supplier of service is located in India;
b) The recipient of service is located outside India,
c) The place of supply of service is outside India;
d) The payment for such service has been received by the supplier of service in convertible foreign
exchange; and
e) The supplier of service and the recipient of service are not merely establishments of a distinct person
in accordance with Explanation 1 in section 8.
Since all the above five conditions are fulfilled in the given case, the same will be considered as an export
of service.

Q 18. Mr. Dhiraj, an unregistered person and a resident of Pune, hires the services of M/s Nice Ltd.
an event management company registered in Delhi, for organising of the new product launch in

(a) Determine the place of supply of services provided by M/s Nice Ltd.

(b) What would your answer be in case the product launch takes place in Bangkok?

(c) What would your answer be in case Mr. Dhiraj is a registered person and product launches
take place in Bengaluru and Bangkok?

Ans: Answer to above mentioned questions will be as follows:

a) As per section 12(7)(a)(ii) of IGST Act, 2017, when service by way of organization of
an event is provided to an unregistered person, the place of supply is the location where

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the event is actually held and if the event is held outside India, the place of supply is the
location of recipient.
Since, in the given case, the service recipient [Mr. Dhiraj] is unregistered and event is
held in India, place of supply is the location where the event is actually held i.e.,
Bengaluru. The location of the supplier and the location of the recipient is irrelevant in
this case.

b) However, if product launch takes place outside India [Bangkok], the place of supply will be
the location of recipient i.e., Pune.
c) When service by way of organization of an event is provided to a registered person, place of
supply is the location of recipient vide section 12(7)(a)(i) of IGST Act, 2017.

Therefore, if Mr. Dhiraj is a registered person, then in both the cases i.e., either when
product launch takes place in Bengaluru or Bangkok, the place of supply will be the
location of recipient i.e., Pune.

Q 19. ABC Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, provides support services to foreign customers in relation to procuring goods
from India. The company identifies the prospective vendor, reviews product quality and pricing and
then shares the vendor details with the foreign customer. The foreign customer then directly places
purchase order on the Indian vendor for purchase of the specified goods. ABC Pvt. Ltd. charges its
foreign customer cost plus 10% mark up for services provided by it.

For the month of December, 20XX, the company has charged US $ 1,00,000 (exclusive of GST)
to its foreign customer. With reference to the provisions of GST law, examine whether the company
is liable to pay IGST or CGST and SGST.

Note: GST @ 18% is applicable on supply of the support services provided by ABC Pvt. Ltd. Rate of
exchange is ` 65 per US $.

Ans: Legal Provision: Section 2(13) of the IGST Act, 2017 defines “intermediary” to mean a broker, an
agent or any other person, by whatever name called, who arranges or facilitates the supply of
goods or services or both, or securities, between two or more persons, but does not include a
person who supplies such goods or services or both or securities on his own account.
Discussion: In this case, since ABC Pvt. Ltd. is arranging or facilitating supply of goods between
the foreign customer and the Indian vendor, the said services can be classified as intermediary
If the location of the supplier of services or the location of the recipient of service is outside
India, the place of supply is determined in terms of section 13 of the IGST Act, 2017. Since, in
the given case, the recipient of supply is located outside India, the provisions of supply of
intermediary services will be determined in terms of section 13 of the IGST Act, 2017.
As per section 13(8)(b), the place of supply in case of intermediary services is the location
of the supplier i.e., the location of ABC Pvt. Ltd. which is New Delhi. Further, as per section

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8(2) of the IGST Act, 2017, supply of services where the location of the supplier and the place
of supply of services are in the same State is treated as intra- State supply.
Conclusion: Therefore, since in the given case, both the location of ABC Pvt. Ltd. and the place
of supply of the service provided by it are in New Delhi, the supply of service will be an intra-
State supply leviable to CGST & SGST.
Assuming that the given rate of exchange is prevailing on the date of time of supply of services,
the CGST and SGST liability will be worked out as under:

CGST = Rs. 5,85,000 (1,00,000 x 65 x 9%)

SGST = Rs. 5,85,000 (1,00,000 x 65 x 9%)

Q 20. A Ltd of Mumbai received an order from B Ltd. Price is inclusive of freight. A Ltd is to deliver goods
to B Ltd which is located in a SEZ in Mumbai. Determine place of supply of the same.
Ans: Legal Provision:- The above case falls within the purview of section 10(1) (a) and section 8 (1) of IGST
Discussion:- Location of supplier of Goods is Mumbai. As per Section 10(1) (a) of IGST Act place of
Supply of Goods where the supply involves movement of goods, whether by the supplier or the recipient
or by any other person, the place of supply of such goods shall be the location of the goods at the time
at which the movement of goods terminates for delivery to the recipient. In the above case place of
supply is Mumbai.

Q 21. Mr. A, a Cost and Management Accountant located in Maharashtra providing Cost Auditing Service.
Determine place of supply if he provides service to
a) A registered person located in Maharashtra
b) A registered person located in Karnataka
c) A non – registered person located in MP
d) A non – registered person whose address does not exist on record
Ans: The given cases fall under the provisions of section 12 of IGST Act, wherein the location of supplier of
service and recipient of service both are located in India.
a. Legal Provision – As per section 12(2)(a) of IGST Act
Discussion – The above section states that where supply of service made to a registered person
the place of supply shall be the location of such person. In the above case the recipient is located
in Maharashtra; hence the place of supply shall be Maharashtra.
Conclusion – Since the service provider and place of supply are both in Maharashtra (inter-state)
CGST + SGST will be triggered.
b. Legal Provision – As per section 12 (2) (a) of IGST Act
Discussion – The above section states that where supply of service made to a registered person
the place of supply shall be the location of such person. In the above case the recipient is located
in Karnataka; hence the place of supply shall be Karnataka.

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Conclusion – Since the service provider and place of supply are pertaining to different state
(inter-state) IGST will be triggered.
c. Legal Provision – As per section 12 (2) (b) (i) of IGST Act
Discussion – Where supply of service is made to any person other than a registered person the
place of supply shall be the location of the recipient where the address on record exists. In the
above case the place of supply shall be MP as this address is available.
Conclusion – In the above case the service provider is located in Maharashtra and recipient is
located in MP, hence IGST will be triggered.
d. Legal Provision – As per section 12 (2) (b) (ii) of IGST Act
Discussion – Where supply is made to any person other than a registered person place of supply
shall be location of supplier of services in all other cases. In the above case the address of
recipient does not exist on record hence the place of supply shall be location of supplier of service
which is Maharashtra.
Conclusion – As the location of supplier and place of supply are both in Maharashtra CGST +
SGST will be triggered.

Q 22. Determine the place of supply of services for the following cases:-
1. DEO Consultants (Kolkata) impart GST training to account and finance personnel of Sun Cement Ltd.
(Guwahati, Assam registered person) at the company’s Kolkata office.
2. Mr. Suresh (unregistered person based in Noida) signs up with Excellent Linguistics (New Delhi) for
training on English speaking at their New Delhi Centre
Ans: Legal Provision – As per sec 12 (5) is applicable to determine, the place of supply of service, relation to
training & performance appraisal
1. As per sec 12(5) of IGST Act, the recipient is registered, the place of supply is the location of the
registered person i.e., Guwahati.
2. As per sec 12(5) of IGST Act, the recipient is unregistered, the place of supply is location where
service are performed i.e., New Delhi.

Q 23. Damini Industries has recruited Super Event Pvt. Ltd., an event management company of Gujarat, for
organizing the grand party for the launch of its new product at Bangalore. Damini Industries is registered
in Mumbai. Determine the place of supply of the services provided by Super Events Pvt. Ltd to Damini
Will your answer be different if the product launch party is organized at Dubai?
Ans: Section 12(7)(a)(i) of IGST Act, 2017 stipulates that when service by way of organization of an event
is provided to a registered person, place of supply is the location of recipient.
Since, in the given case, the product launch party at Bangalore is organized for Damini Industries
(registered in Mumbai), place of supply is the location of Damini Industries i.e., Mumbai.

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In case the product lunch party is organized at Dubai, the answer will remain the same, i.e. the place of
supply is the location of Damini Industries – Mumbai.

Q 24. Shaan company of Mumbai has temporarily imported x – ray machine from its customer located in Japan
for repairs. Determine POS in following cases
1. The said goods have been re – exported to Japan after carrying out the necessary repairs without
being put to any use in Mumbai.
2. The said goods have been re – exported after repair but used for other purpose
Ans: The answer to above mentioned questions are given below:
1. Legal Provision – The above case falls within the purview of section 13(3) (a) of IGST Act
Discussion – Location of Service Provider is Mumbai. As per the proviso to the above stated section
nothing contained in this clause shall apply in the case of service supplied in respect of goods which
are temporarily imported into India for repairs and are exported after repairs without being put to
any other use in India, than that which is required for such repairs.
Hence, here the general section of section 13 (2) of IGST Act shall be applicable wherein the place
of supply shall be the location of the recipient of services which in the instant case is Japan.
Conclusion – A location of supplier is Mumbai & Place of supply is Japan. Hence IGST will be
triggered. As the above case falls within the purview of export as per section 16 of IGST Act, supply
can be made without payment of IGST under a Bond or Letter of Undertaking or IGST can be paid
and a refund for the same can be claimed.
2. Legal Provision – The above case falls within the purview of section 13(3)(a) of IGST Act
Discussion – Location of Service Provider is Mumbai. As per the above section place of supply is
the location where the services are actually performed for services supplied in respect of goods which
are required to be made physically available by the recipient of services to the supplier of services,
or to a person acting on behalf of the supplier of services in order to provide the services.
Conclusion: In the above case place of Supply is Mumbai.
Q 25. Determine the place of supply of services for the following case:-
a) An interior designer based at Mumbai, renders his services in July 2017, to an MNC based at USA,
for construction of a shopping mall at Dubai. Determine the Place of Supply in the above situation
and discuss if the service is taxable in India
b) Mr. C, an architect (New Delhi), provides professional services to Mr. Z of New York in relation to
his immovable property located in Pune.
c) Mr. C, an architect (New Delhi), enters into a contract with Mr. Z of New York to provide
professional services in respect of immovable properties of Mr. Z located is Pune and New York.
Ans: The answer to above mentioned questions are given below:

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Legal Provision – For the given case above section 13 (4) of IGST Act is applicable the service is
directly pertaining to immovable property.
Thus, the place of supply of services for the following cases shall be:-
a. In the above case the location of service provider is India (Mumbai) and the place of supply is the
place where the immovable property is located, in the instant case it is Dubai.
IGST will be triggered as the above case falls within the purview of export as per section 16 of IGST
Act. Supply can be made without payment of IGST under a Bond or Letter of Undertaking or IGST
can be paid and a refund for the same can be claimed.
b. The place of supply is the location of immovable property i.e., Pune.
c. As per sec 13(6) since the immovable properties are located in more than one location including a
location in the taxable territory, the place of supply is the location in the taxable territory i.e., Pune.

Q 26. Arijit who is a well – known playback singer from Delhi organizes an event in America for which he
hires and uses the services of a German based event organization. Discuss the place of supply and GST
if applicable.
Ans: Legal Provision – Section 13(5) of IGST Act is applicable as the service is of artistic nature.
Discussion – As per the above stated section the place of supply for services supplied which is
artistic in nature shall be the place where the event is actually held. In the above case the event
is held in America. Hence, place of supply is America. Location of Service Provider is Germany as
this is where the event organizer is located.
Conclusion – No GST will be triggered as the above locations Pertain non – taxable territories.
Q 27. Mr. Sumit has a permanent residence at Ahmedabad. He has a savings bank account with Ahemedabad
Branch of Safe and Sound Bank. On April 1, 2018, Mr. Sumit opened a safe deposit locker with the
Ahmedabad Branch of Safe and Sound Bank. Mr. Sumit went to USA for official work in December,
2018 and has been residing there since then. Mr. Sumit contends that since he is a non – resident
during the year 2019 – 2020 in terms of the Income – tax Act, GST cannot be levied on the locker fee
charged by Safe and Sound Bank for the year 2019 – 2020. Examine the correctness of the contention
of Mr. Sumit.
Ans: Legal Provision – The above case falls within the purview of Section 13(8) of IGST Act.
Discussion – As per the above stated section the place of supply shall be the location of the supplier
of services, for services supplied by a banking company to account holders. In the above case Mr.
Sumit is an account holder with Ahemedabad Branch of Safe and Sound Bank and is receiving
services pertaining to safe deposit locker. The location of supplier is Ahmedabad and place of supply
is Ahmedabad.
Conclusion – Since both the location of supplier of supplier and place of supply is Ahmedabad CGST
+ SGST will be triggered.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 11. 10

It is important to note that GST and Income Tax Act are two separate Acts and have no dependency
and interrelation with each other. If by the Income Tax Act, Mr. Sumit is a non – resident, then
it’s not necessary that the same status will be created on him, through GST as well. Any services
provided in a taxable territory and not falling under negative list is chargeable to GST. The above
case does not falls within the purview of Section 7 Schedule 111 of CGST Act.

Q 28. Determine the place of supply for the following services:-

1. A travel agent registered in New Delhi books a tour famous Indian cities for a Dubai resident
2. Mr. D, an unregistered person based in New Delhi, leaves for a European holiday. He hires a car
from London, UK for 20 days
Ans: Legal Provision – As per sec 13(8) of IGST Act the place of supply for specified category of services
shall be location of supplier of services
Thus as per above provision the place of supply of services shall be:-
1. The place of supply is the location of the supplier of services i.e., New Delhi. As it falls under the
ambit of intermediate services
2. The place of supply is the location of the supplier of services i.e., London. As it falls under the
ambit of hiring of means of transport up to period of 1 month.

Q 29. PQ Trade Links of Hyderabad are appointed as commission agent by a foreign company for sale of its
goods to Indian customers. In lieu of their services, PQ Trade Links receive a fixed percentage of
commission from the concerned foreign company.
Ans: Legal Provision – The above case falls within the ambit of Section 13(8) (b) of IGST Act
Discussion - As per above Section the place of supply of intermediary services shall be the location of
the supplier of services. In the above case the place of supply is Hyderabad. Definition of Intermediary
as per Section 2(13) of IGST Act: means a broker, an agent or any other person, by whatever name
called, who arranges or facilitates the supply of goods or services or both, or securities, between two or
more persons, but does not include a person who supplies such goods or services or both or securities on
his own account.
Conclusion – Location of service provider is Hyderabad & Place of supply is Hyderabad hence, CGST +
SGST will be triggered in the above case

Q 30. AM Ltd. of Mumbai (having diversified businesses) has provided the following services, whose values are
listed below. Computes its GST liability @ 12%
1. Services provided to a company located in Dubai in relation to organization of a festival celebration
event in Dubai ₹ 4 lakh

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 11. 11

2. Services provided to a unregistered company located in Jammu being an unregistered person in
relation to fashion show in Jammu ₹ 3 lakh
3. Services provided to a unregistered company located in Dehli in relation to fashion show in Jammu
₹ 3 lakh
4. Services of allowing downloading of digital content from various websites ₹ 4 lakh, the recipient of
which is located in Singapore
No. Particulars Provision Discussion Conclusion GST
IGST is triggered. As per
section 16 of IGST Act
this is export of service
Place of Supply shall be and can be dealt with in
Services provided the place where the two ways:
1 in relation to Section event is actually held. In 1) Export without the
organization of a 13(5) of the above case event is payment of IGST = Rs. 400,000*12 %
festival IGST Act held in Dubai. Hence, under a Bond or = Rs. 48,000
celebration event place of supply is Dubai. Letter of
outside India Location of service Undertaking
provider is Mumbai 2) Pay IGST and claim
(India) a refund
2 Services provided Place of Supply shall be IGST will be triggered
in relation to the place where the (inter-state)
fashion show in event is actually held. In
Jammu Section the above case the event
12(7) is held in Jammu. = Rs. 300,000* 12%
Location of service = Rs. 36,000
provider is Mumbai,
Place of supply shall be
the place where the
event is actually held. In
Services provided the above case the event
to a company in is held in Jammu.
Delhi in relation Section Location of service IGST will be triggered = Rs. 300,000* 12%
3 to fashion show 12 (7) provider is Mumbai, (inter-state) = Rs. 36,000
in Jammu Maharashtra. Here it
does not matter whether
the services are provider
to a company in Delhi

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 11. 12

IGST is triggered. As per
section 16 of IGST Act
Place of supply is the this is export of service
location of the recipient and can be dealt with in
Services of of services. Here the two ways:
allowing recipient is located in 1) Export without the = Rs. 400,000*12
4 downloading of Section Singapore. Hence, place payment of IGST %
digital content 13(12) of supply is Singapore. under a Bond or = Rs.
from its website Location of service Letter of 48,000
provider is Mumbai, Undertaking
Maharashtra 2) Pay IGST and claim
a refund

Q 31. Mr. Z, a supplier registered in Hyderabad (Telangana), procures goods from China and directly
supplies the same to a customer in US With reference to the provisions of GST law, examine whether
the supply of goods by Mr. Z to customer in US is an inter-State supply?
Ans: The transaction undertaken by Mr. Z is neither import nor export of goods in terms of Customs Act,
1962. However, it is an inter-State supply in terms of provisions of section 7(5)(a) of the IGST Act,
2017 which provides that when the supplier is located in India and the place of supply is outside
India, supply of goods or services or both, shall be treated to be a supply of goods or services or both
in the course of inter-State trade or commerce.

Chapter 11 –Place of Supply

Multiple Choice Questions

1) What is the significance of Place of Supply under GST?

a. The place of supply determines whether a transaction is intra – State or inter – State

b. The place of supply determines the place where the supplier is supposed to deliver his goods

c. The place of supply determines the location of the recipient of goods

d. All the above

Answer : A : The place of supply determines whether a transaction is intra – State or inter – State


2). A service is said to be imported into India when the place of supply of such service is:

a. in non-taxable territory

b . in India

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c. at the location of recipient

d. none of the above

Answer : b in India

3). Mr. A an importer located in Chennai taken some repairs and maintenance service from

Mr. C located in Dubai. The Location of machinery is in Chennai. The supply of service by

Mr. C to Mr. A is said to be:

a. Export of service

b. Import of service

c. Inter-state supply of service

d. both b & c

Answer : d. both b & c

4). A taxable service provider wants to claim the benefit of export services. He wants to know the

conditions to be fulfilled for a service to be qualify as export of service. The conditions


a. supplier of service is located in India

b. recipient of service is located outside India

c. payment for such supply is received in convertible foreign exchange

d. All of the above

Answer : d. All of the above

5). Supply to own establishment located outside India is treated as export in case of:

a. Export of Goods

b. Export of Service

c. Export of Goods or Services both

d. not treated as export

Answer: a. Export of Goods

6). Mr.Veer imported some taxable goods from USA. When the goods was on High Seas Mr. Veer

sold the goods to Mr. P State the levy of tax on supply of goods by Mr. Veer to Mr. P

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a. IGST will be levied on high seas sale

b. IGST will be levied at the time of clearance from custom on value including additions due to

high seas sale.

c. No tax will be levied.

d. CGST & SGST will be levied

Answer: c. No tax will be levied

8). Sam Ltd. of Maharashtra contracts with Tam Ltd. Rajasthan to sell his old used furniture for

Rs. 150000. The goods will be delivered to Tam Ltd. at Gujarat to his new branch (not Registered under
GST). Identify the place of supply if the delivery was made by Sam his own risk

a. Maharashtra

b. Rajasthan

c. Gujarat

d. none of above

Answer : c. Gujarat

9). Where will be the place of supply when goods are supplied on the direction of the third party (bill to
ship model)

a) Location of the recipient

b) location of the supplier

c) location of the third party

d) none of the above

Answer : c) location of the third party

10). Mr. A in Goa delivers goods in Goa itself to B. Such delivery was on direction of C situated at

Pune, which of the following is true,

a. A will charge IGST to C

b. A will charge CGST and SGST to B

c. Both of above

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d. None of the above

Answer : A. A will charge IGST to C

13). Pure Refineries (Mumbai, Maharashtra) gives a contract to PQ Ltd. (Ranchi, Jharkhand) to

assemble a power plant in its Kutch, Gujarat refinery. Determine Place of supply.

a) Mumbai, Maharashtra

b) Ranchi, Jharkhand

c) Kutch, Gujarat

d) None of the above

Answer : c) Kutch, Gujarat

14). Place of supply where the goods are supplied on board a conveyance such as vessel, an

aircraft, a train or motor vehicle?

a. Location of supplier

b. Location of recipient

c. Location at which such goods are taken on board

d. None of these

Answer : c. Location at which such goods are taken on board

15). Where will be the place of supply of goods supplied in a train which is heading towards

Delhi From Thiruvananthapuram if the goods were taken on board from Coimbatore?

a. Thiruvananthapuram – kerala

b. Coimbatore- Tamil Nadu

c. Delhi

d. none of the above

Answer : C. Coimbatore- Tamil Nadu

17). Ms. S, an unregistered person, (New Delhi) is travelling from New Delhi to Kanpur, Uttar

Pradesh in a train. The train starts at New Delhi and stops at three stations before

reaching Kanpur. The food items were loaded into the train at Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh)2nd

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station. Ms. S buys dinner on board the train. Determine POS

a. New Delhi

b. Kanpur

c. Aligarh

d. none of the above

Answer : c. Aligarh

18). Determine the place of supply of goods.

(i) XYZ Ltd of Jaipur imported certain goods from PQR of Canada. The goods were imported through vessel
and delivery of goods was taken at Mumbai Port.

(ii) Ms. M imports electric kettles from China for her Kitchen Store in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Ms. M is
registered in Uttar Pradesh.

a. Jaipur, Noida

b. Jaipur, China

c. Canada, China

d. Canada, Noida

Answer : a. Jaipur, Noida

19). If Mr. A of Jaipur, is constructing a house in Goa and appoints Mr. B of Pune to provide

architectural services with regard to construction of house located in Goa, then th e

place of supply shall be ____________________

a. Goa

b. Jaipur

c. Pune

d. All of above can be the place of supply

Answer : a. Goa

20). Mr. P of Mumbai, an interior decorator has provided service of beautification of a flat in

Mumbai. The flat belongs to a person who is resident of Kashmir. What is the place of supply?

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a. Location of Mr. P Mumbai

b. location of flat , Mumbai

c. Pune

d. All of above can be the place of supply

Answer : b. location of flat , Mumbai

21). Mr. Alex, a Chartered Accountant practicing in Jaipur has undergone plastic surgery in a

Chennai based hospital and for this it hires services of senior doctor & consultant from

USA. The POS shall be:

a. location of recipient of service – Jaipur

b. location of supplier of service – USA

c. location where service is actually performed– Chennai

d. None of the above

Answer : c. location where service is actually performed – Chennai

22). A registered supplier supply services of training and performance appraisal to various

unregistered person. Identify the POS:

a. Location of such person

b. Location of recipient of service

c. Location of supplier of service

d. Location where service is actually performed

Answer: d. Location where service is actually performed

22). The POS of supply of passenger transport service by a registered person to a person

other than registered person is:

a. location at which the passenger embarks on the conveyance for a continuous journey

b. location of recipient of such service

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c. location of supplier of such service

d. location of such person

Answer: A. location at which the passenger embarks on on the conveyance for a continuous journey

23). Mr. C (registered person in Chennai) has come to Delhi on a vacation. He buys prepaid

Delhi Metro Card from Delhi Metro (New Delhi) for hassle free commute in the National

Capital Region. Determine place of supply for service answer:

a. Chennai

b. New Delhi

Answer : a. Chennai

24). Mr. X is travelling from Delhi to Mumbai in an Airjet flight. He desires to watch an English

movie during the journey by making the necessary payment.

a. Delhi – being the location of first schedule point of departure

b. Mumbai - being the location of last schedule point of the conveyance

c. Delhi – being the location from where the passenger embarks on the flight

d. none of above

Answer : a. Delhi – being the location of first schedule point of departure

25). Mr. X (New Delhi) imports a machine from Germany for being installed in his factory at

New Delhi. To install such machine, Mr. X takes the service of an engineer who comes to

India from Germany for this specific installation. Determine place of supply.

a. location of Mr. A New Delhi

b. location of supplier, Germany

c. location of machine, New Delhi

d. none of the above

Answer : c. location of machine, New Delhi

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 11. 19

26). A software company located in United States of America (USA) takes services of a software

company located in Bangalore to service its software in USA. The Indian software company

provides its services through electronic means from its office in India.

a. United States of America (USA)

b .Bangalore

c. None of the above

d. both a & b of the above

Answer : b .Bangalore

27) . Mr. Anil of Mumbai avail the hotel service located in China. The place of supply will be:

a. Mumbai – under reverse charge

b. China – under normal charge

c . China – being the place where hotel (i.e. immovable property) is located

d. Either b or c above

Answer: C. China – being the place where hotel (i.e. immovable property) is located

28). An Indian company located in pune provided services to a Dubai firm, in relation to

organization of IPL in Dubai. Determine the place of supply

a. Dubai

b. India

c. Pune

d. All of above can be the place of supply

Answer : a. Dubai

29). A Soil testing company from Japan performed some testing services in India (25%),

Nepal(35%) & Bhutan(40%). What will be the place of supply?

a. India – being the location in taxable territory

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b. Bhutan – being maximum portion of service performed there

c. India, Nepal & Bhutan

d. Either a or b above

Answer : a. India – being the location in taxable territory

30). A Craft Company from China conducted an exhibition of handy crafts goods in various

parts of India such as in Rajasthan (40%), Maharashtra (30%), West Bengal (20%) and

Assam (10%). State the place of supply of such service.

a. Rajasthan

b. Maharashtra

c. China

d. Rajasthan, Maharashtra, West Bengal & Assam

Answer : d. Rajasthan, Maharashtra, West Bengal & Assam

31). Mr. Ambani of Mumbai hires an aircraft of foreign company for 5 days for business tour.

Determine the place of supply of service.

a. location of supplier of service

b. location of recipient of service

c. location where service is performed

d. location where passenger embarks for journey

Answer : b. location of recipient of service

33). Mr. Oswal, of Delhi a stock broker arranges securities for Mr. Alex of Netherland a foreign

investor. The transaction is carried out at BSE Mumbai. The POS shall be:

a. Delhi

b. Mumbai

c. Netherland

d. none of the above

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Answer: b. Mumbai

37). Mr. Timmy Ferreira, a makeup artist at Kolkata, goes to Jaipur, Rajasthan for doingthe

makeup of Ms. Simran Kapoor, a Bollywood actress based in Mumbai. Determine the place

of supply. answer:

a) Kolkata

b) Jaipur

c) Mumbai

d) All of above can be the place of supply

Answer : b) Jaipur

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Chapter 12 - Tax Invoice, Debit Note and Credit Note

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Jai, a registered supplier, runs a general store in Ludhiana, Punjab. Some of the goods sold by him
are exempt whereas some are taxable. You are required to advise him on the following issues:

(i) Whether Jai is required to issue a tax invoices in all cases, even if he is selling the goods to the end

(ii) Jai sells some exempted as well as taxable goods valuing ` 5,000 to a school student. Is he
mandatorily required to issue two separate GST documents?

(iii) Jai wishes to know whether it’s necessary to show tax amount separately in the tax invoices issued
to the customers. You are required to advise him.
Ans: Answers to above mentioned questions are given as below:
i. No, he is not required to issue tax invoice in all cases. As per section 31(1) of the CGST Act,
2017, every registered person supplying taxable goods is required to issue a ‘tax invoice’. Section
31(3)(c) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that every registered person supplying exempted goods
is required to issue a bill of supply instead of tax invoice.
Further, rule 46A of the CGST Rules, 2017 provides that a registered person supplying taxable as
well as exempted goods or services or both to an un-registered person may issue a single ‘invoice-
cum-bill of supply’ for all such supplies.
However, as per section 31(3)(b) of the CGST Act, 2017 read with rule 46 of the CGST Rules,
2017, a registered person may not issue a tax invoice if:

(i) value of the goods supplied < ` 200,

(ii) the recipient is unregistered; and

(iii) the recipient does not require such invoice.

Instead, such registered person shall issue a Consolidated Tax Invoice for such supplies at the close of
each day in respect of all such supplies.

ii. As per rule 46A of the CGST Rules, 2017, where a registered person is supplying taxable as well
as exempted goods or services or both to an unregistered person, a single “invoice-cum-bill of
supply” may be issued for all such supplies. Thus, there is no need to issue a tax invoice and a
bill of supply separately to the school student in respect of supply of the taxable and exempted
goods respectively.
iii. As per section 33 of the CGST Act, 2017 read with rule 46(m) of the CGST Rules, 2017, where
any supply is made for a consideration, every person who is liable to pay tax for such supply
shall prominently indicate in all documents relating to assessment, tax invoice and other like
documents, the amount of tax which shall form part of the price at which such supply is made.

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Hence, Jai has to show the tax amount separately in the tax invoices issued to customers.

Q 2. Sultan Industries Ltd., Delhi, entered into a contract with Prakash Entrepreneurs, Delhi, for supply of
spare parts of a machine on 7th September. The spare parts were to be delivered on 30th September.
Sultan Industries Ltd. removed the finished spare parts from its factory on 29th September.
Determine the date by which invoice must be issued by Sultan Industries Ltd. under GST law.
Ans: As per the provisions of section 31, invoice shall be issued before or at the time of removal of goods
for supply to the recipient, where the supply involves movement of goods. Accordingly, in the given
case, the invoice must be issued on or before 29th September.

Q 3. MBM Caretakers, a registered person, provides the services of repair and maintenance of electrical
appliances. On April 1, it has entered into an annual maintenance contract with P for its Air
Conditioner and Washing Machine. As per the terms of contract, maintenance services will be
provided on the first day of each quarter of the relevant financial year and payment for the same
will also be due on the date on which service is rendered. During the year, it provided the services
on April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1 in accordance with the terms of contract. When should
MBM Caretakers issue the invoice for the services rendered?

Ans: Continuous supply of service means, inter alia, supply of any service which is provided, or agreed
to be provided continuously or on recurrent basis, under a contract, for a period exceeding 3 months
with the periodic payment obligations.
Therefore, the given situation is a case of continuous supply of service as repair and maintenance
services have been provided by MBM Caretakers on a quarterly basis, under a contract, for a period
of one year with the obligation for quarterly payment.
In terms of section 31, in case of continuous supply of service, where due date of payment is
ascertainable from the contract (as in the given case), invoice shall be issued on or before the due
date of payment.
Therefore, in the given case, MBM Caretakers should issue quarterly invoices on or before April 1, July
1, October 1, and January 1.

Q 4. The aggregate turnover of Sangri Services Ltd., Delhi exceeded Rs. 20 lakh on 12th August. He
applied for registration on 3rd September and was granted the registration certificate on 6th
September. You are required to advice Sangri Services Ltd. as to what is the effective date of
registration in its case. It has also sought your advice regarding period for issuance of Revised Tax

Ans: Legal Provision: As per section 25 read with CGST Rules, 2017, where an applicant submits
application for registration within 30 days from the date he becomes liable to registration, effective
date of registration is the date on which he becomes liable to registration. Since, Sangri Services
Ltd.’s turnover exceeded Rs. 20 lakh on 12th August, it became liable to registration on same day.

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Further, it applied for registration within 30 days of so becoming liable to registration, the effective
date of registration is the date on which he becomes liable to registration, i.e. 12th August.

As per section 25 read with CGST Rules, 2017, where an applicant submits application for
registration within 30 days from the date he becomes liable to registration, effective date of
registration is the date on which he becomes liable to registration. Since, Sangri Services Ltd.’s
turnover exceeded ` 20 lakh on 12th August, it became liable to registration on same day. Further, it
applied for registration within 30 days of so becoming liable to registration, the effective date of
registration is the date on which he becomes liable to registration, i.e. 12th August.
Conclusion: Therefore, in the given case, Sangri Services Ltd. has to issue the Revised Tax Invoices
in respect of taxable supplies effected during the period starting from the effective date of
registration (12 August) till the date of issuance of certificate of registration (6th September)
within 1 month from the date of issuance of certificate of registration, i.e. on or before 6th

Q 5. Shyam Fabrics has opted for composition levy scheme in the current financial year. It has
approached you for advice whether it is mandatory for it to issue a tax invoice. You are required to
advice him regarding same.
Ans: A registered person paying tax under the provisions of section 10 [composition levy] shall issue,
instead of a tax invoice, a bill of supply containing such particulars and in such manner as may be
prescribed [Section 31(3)(c) read with CGST Rules, 2017].

Q 6. Discuss the provisions relating to issuance of refund voucher under CGST Act and rules thereunder.
Ans: Where, on receipt of advance payment with respect to any supply of goods or services or both the
registered person issues a Receipt Voucher, but subsequently no supply is made and no tax invoice is
issued in pursuance thereof, the said registered person may issue to the person who had made the
payment, a Refund Voucher against such payment.

Q 7. Is a registered person liable to pay tax under reverse charge under section 9(3) of the CGST Act
required to issue an invoice? Discuss the relevant provisions under CGST Act and rules thereunder.
Ans: Refer para No. 15 in Main Book

Q 8. Discuss the provisions relating to issuance of credit and debit notes under CGST Act and rules
Ans: Refer para No. 22 in Main Book

Q 9. What is the time period within which invoice has to be issued for supply of services?
Ans: Refer Section 31 in Time of Supply Chapter in Main Book

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 12. 3

Q 10. What is the time period within which invoice has to be issued in a case involving continuous supply
of goods?
Ans: Refer Section 31 in Time of Supply Chapter in Main Book

Q 11. What is the time period within which invoice has to be issued in a case involving continuous supply
of services?
Ans: Refer Section 31 in Time of Supply Chapter in Main Book

Q 12. What is the time period within which invoice has to be issued where the goods being sent or taken
on approval for sale?
Ans: Refer Section 31 in Time of Supply Chapter in Main Book

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 12. 4

Chapter 12 – Tax Invoice

Multiple Choice Questions

1) A continuous supply of goods requires one of the following as a must:

(a) The goods must be notified by the Commissioner in this behalf

(b) The contract for supply lasts for a minimum period of 3 months

(c) The supply is made by means of a wire, cable, pipeline or other conduit

(d) Supplier invoices the recipient on a regular or periodic basis

Answer. d) Supplier invoices the recipient on a regular or periodic basis

2) Tax Invoice must be issued within ______________from the date of removal of goods

sent or taken on approval for sale or return.

a. 3 months

b. 30 days

c. 15 days

d. 6 months

Answer: d) 6 months

3). Which documents is to be issued by the consignor instead of tax invoice for transportation

of goods for job work?

a. E – way bill

b. Delivery Challan

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c. Debit Note

d. Receipt Voucher

Answer: b) Delivery Challan

4) Bill of Supply is issued by the registered person –

a. Paying tax under composition scheme

b. Supplying exempted goods or services or both

c. (a) and (b) both

d. None of the above

Answer: c) (a) and (b) both

4A. M/s. Rajdhani (P) Ltd., registered in Delhi, wishes to transport the taxable goods to one


its business Vertical having same PAN and registered within same State. Which document

shall be issued by the Company in this situation?

(a) Delivery Challan

(b) Tax Invoice

(c) Bill of Supply

(d) Invoice-cum-bill of supply

Answer:- b) Tax Invoice

5). In case of supply of services, the tax invoice shall be prepared in the manner of:

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(a) Only original

(b) Two copies

(c) Three copies

(d) Four copies.

Answer:- b) Two copies

6). A person operating in composition issue a tax invoice to a customer. Is the person correct


raising the invoice

a) Yes

b) No

c) Yes, but tax amount should not be separately shown

d) None of the above

Answer:- b) No

7). Invoice cum Bill of Supply may be issued by registered person

a. Supplying taxable as well as exempted goods and / or services

b. Supplying taxable goods and exempted services

c. Supplying taxable services and exempted goods

d. Supplying taxable as well as exempted services

Answer: a) Supplying taxable as well as exempted goods and / or services

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8). Invoice shall be prepared in (I) ___________ in case of taxable supply of goods and in

(ii)_____________ in case of taxable supply of services.

a) (i) Triplicate, (ii) Duplicate

b) (i) Duplicate, (ii) Triplicate

c) (i) Duplicate, (ii) Duplicate

d) None of the above

Answer:- a) (i) Triplicate, (ii) Duplicate

9). A registered taxable person shall, on receipt of advance payment w.r.t. any supply, issue

a. Debit note

b. Credit note

c. Receipt voucher

d. Tax invoice

Answer: c) Receipt voucher

10). Is it mandatory to indicate the word “Revised invoice” on revised tax invoice?

a. Yes

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b. No

c. Yes, but if the value exceeds Rs.5,000

d. Yes, but if the value exceeds Rs.500

Answer: a) Yes

11). In case of taxable supply of services, tax invoice shall be issued within __________ from

the date of supply of service provided that the supplier is other than an insurer / banking company

/ financial institution / non – banking financial company ?

a. 15 days

b. 30 days

c. 45 days

d. 60 days

Answer: b) 30 days

12). If prices are increased renegotiations, the supplier should issue

a. Credit note with GST

b. Debit note without GST

c. Credit note without GST

d. Debit note with GST

Answer: d) Debit note with GST

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 12. 9

13). Law permits collection of tax on supplies effected prior to registration, but after applying



(a) Yes, but only on intra-State supplies, if the revised invoice is raised within one month

(b) Yes, but only on intra-State supplies effected to unregistered persons, if the revised

invoice is raised within one month

(c) Yes, on all supplies, if the revised invoice is raised within one month

(d) No, tax can be collected only on supplies effected after registration i s granted.

Answer. c) Yes, on all supplies, if the revised invoice is raised within one month

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 12. 10

Chapter 13 – Accounts and Records

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Sindhu Enterprises is a supplier of goods. Its turnover has exceeded Rs. 2 crore in current financial
year. Discuss whether Sindhu Enterprises is required to get its accounts audited by the CA or CMA
under GST law.
Ans: Section 35(5) of the CGST Act read with rule 80 of the CGST Rules, 2017 provides that every
registered person must get his accounts audited by a Chartered Accountant or a Cost Accountant if
his aggregate turnover during a FY exceeds ` 2 crores. Since the turnover of Sindhu Enterprises has
exceeded Rs. 2 crore in current financial year, it has to get its accounts audited by a Chartered
Accountant/ Cost Accountant.

Q 2. Mala Services Ltd. is a supplier of management consultancy services. It has approached you to
ascertain the period for which the books of accounts or other records need to be maintained?
Ans: Section 36 of the CGST Act stipulates that every registered person required to keep and maintain
books of account or other records in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 35
shall retain them until the expiry of 72 months from the due date of furnishing of annual return
for the year pertaining to such accounts and records.

However, a registered person, who is a party to an appeal or revision or any other proceedings before
any Appellate Authority or Revisional Authority or Appellate Tribunal or court, whether filed by him
or by the Commissioner, or is under investigation for an offence under Chapter XIX, shall retain the
books of account and other records pertaining to the subject matter of such appeal or revision or
proceedings or investigation for a period of one year after final disposal of such appeal or revision or
proceedings or investigation, or for the period specified above, whichever is later.

Q 3. Essel Groups has started making taxable supplies. You are required to advice it about the accounts
and records required to be maintained by it as required under section 35(1) of the CGST Act, 2017.
Ans: Section 35(1) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that a true and correct account of following is to
be maintained:
i. production or manufacture of goods;
ii. inward and outward supply of goods or services or both;
iii. stock of goods;
iv. input tax credit availed;
v. output tax payable and paid
vi. Such other particulars as may be prescribed.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 13. 1

Q 4. Swad Restaurant has opted for composition scheme in the current financial year. Discuss the records
which are not to be maintained by a supplier opting for composition levy as enumerated in rule 56
of the CGST Rules, 2017.
Ans: Following records are not required to be maintained by a supplier who has opted for composition scheme
as per rule 56(2) and (4) of the CGST Rules, 2017:
i. Stock of goods: Accounts of stock in respect of goods received and supplied by him, and such accounts
shall contain particulars of the opening balance, receipt, supply, goods lost, stolen, destroyed, written off
or disposed of by way of gift or free sample and the balance of stock including raw materials, finished
goods, scrap and wastage thereof.
ii. Details of tax: Account, containing the details of tax payable (including tax payable under reverse
charge), tax collected and paid, input tax, input tax credit claimed, together with a register of tax
invoice, credit notes, debit notes, delivery challan issued or received during any tax period.

Q 5. ABC Manufacturers Ltd. engages Raghav & Sons as an agent to sell goods on its behalf. For the
purpose, ABC Manufacturers Ltd. has supplied the goods to Raghav & Sons located in Haryana.
Enumerate the accounts required to maintained by Raghav & Sons as per rule 56(11) of the CGST
Rules, 2017.
Ans: Rule 56(11) of the CGST Rules, 2017 provides that every agent shall maintain accounts depicting

(a) Particulars of authorisation received by him from each principal to receive or supply goods or services on
behalf of such principal separately;

(b) Particulars including description, value and quantity (wherever applicable) of goods or services
received on behalf of every principal;

(c) Particulars including description, value and quantity (wherever applicable) of goods or services
supplied on behalf of every principal;

(d) Details of accounts furnished to every principal; and

(e) Tax paid on receipts or on supply of goods or services effected on behalf of every principal.

Q 6. State the requirement of books of accounts required to be maintained by person engaged in works
contract service.
Ans: Refer relevant para. i.e. Rule 56(14) in Main Book

Q 7. State the period of retention of books of accounts?

Ans: Refer relevant para. i.e. Section 36 in Main Book

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 13. 2

Q 8. With reference to the provisions relating to the electronic way bill (E-way bill) as prescribed under
the GST laws, answer the following questions:
I. Sindhi Toys Manufacturers, registered in Punjab, sold electronic toys to a retail seller in Gujarat, at
a value of ` 48,000 (excluding GST leviable @ 18%). Now, it wants to send the consignment of
such toys to the retail seller in Gujarat.

You are required to advise Sindhi Toys Manufacturers on the following issues:

(a) Whether e-way bill is mandatorily required to be generated in respect of such movement
of goods?

(b) If yes, who is required to generate the e-way bill?

(c) What will be the consequences for non-issuance of e-way bill?

II. Power Electricals Ltd., a registered supplier of air-conditioners, is required to send from Mumbai
(Maharashtra), a consignment of parts of air-conditioner to be replaced under warranty at various
client locations in Gujarat. The value of consignment declared in delivery challan accompanying the
goods is ` 70,000. Power Electricals Ltd. claims that since movement of goods to Gujarat is caused
due to reasons other than supply, e-way bill is not mandatorily required to be generated in this case.
You are required to examine the technical veracity of the claim made by Power Electricals Ltd.

III. Beauty Cosmetics Ltd. has multiple wholesale outlets of cosmetic products in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
It receives an order for cosmetics worth Rs. 1,20,000 (inclusive of GST leviable @ 18%) from
Prasannaa, owner of a retail cosmetic store in Delhi. While checking the stock, it is found that order
worth Rs. 55,000 can be fulfilled from the company’s Dadar (Mumbai) store and remaining goods
worth Rs. 65,000 can be sent from its Malad (Mumbai) store. Both the stores are instructed to
issue separate invoices for the goods sent to Prasannaa. The goods are transported to Prasanna in
Delhi, in a single conveyance owned by Radhey Transporters. You are required to advise Beauty
Cosmetics Ltd. with regard to issuance of e-way bill(s).

i. (a) Rule 138(1) of the CGST Rules, 2017 provides that e-way Bill is mandatorily required to be
generated if the goods are moved, inter alia, in relation to supply and the consignment value
exceeds ` 50,000. Further, explanation 2 to rule 138(1) stipulates that the consignment value of
goods shall be the value, determined in accordance with the provisions of section 15, declared in
an invoice, a bill of supply or a delivery challan, as the case may be, issued in respect of the said
consignment and also includes CGST, SGST/UTGST, IGST and cess charged, if any, in the document
and shall exclude the value of exempt supply of goods where the invoice is issued in respect of
both exempt and taxable supply of goods.
Accordingly, in the given case, the consignment value will be as follows:

= Rs. 48,000 × 118%

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= Rs. 56,640.

Since the movement of goods is in relation to supply of goods and the consignment value exceeds Rs.
50,000, e-way bill is mandatorily required to be issued in the given case.

(b) An e-way bill contains two parts namely, Part A to be furnished by the registered person who is
causing movement of goods of consignment value exceeding ` 50,000/- and part B (transport
details) is to be furnished by the person who is transporting the goods.

Where the goods are transported by the registered person as a consignor or the recipient of
supply as the consignee, whether in his own conveyance or a hired one or a public conveyance, by
road, the said person shall generate the e-way bill on the common portal after furnishing
information in Part B [Rule 138(2)].

Where the goods are transported by railways or by air or vessel, the e-way bill shall be generated by
the registered person, being the supplier or the recipient, who shall, either before or after the
commencement of movement, furnish, on the common portal, the information in Part B [Rule

Where the goods are handed over to a transporter for transportation by road, the registered person
shall furnish the information relating to the transporter on the common portal and the e-way bill
shall be generated by the transporter on the said portal on the basis of the information furnished
by the registered person in Part A [Rule 138(3)].
Where the consignor or the consignee has not generated the e-way bill and the aggregate of the
consignment value of goods carried in the conveyance is more than ` 50,000/, the transporter,
except in case of transportation of goods by railways, air and vessel, shall, in respect of inter-State
supply, generate the e-way bill on the basis of invoice or bill of supply or delivery challan, as the
case may be, and may also generate a consolidated e-way bill on the common portal prior to the
movement of goods [Rule 138(7)].

(c) It is mandatory to generate e-way bill in all cases where the value of consignment of goods being
transported is more than Rs. 50,000/- and it is not otherwise exempted in terms of rule 138(14) of
CGST Rules, 2017. If e- way bills, wherever required, are not issued in accordance with the
provisions contained in rule 138, the same will be considered as contravention of rules. As per
section 122(1)(xiv) of CGST Act, 2017, a taxable person who transports any taxable goods without
the cover of specified documents (e-way bill is one of the specified documents) shall be liable to
a penalty of ` 10,000/- or tax sought to be evaded (wherever applicable) whichever is greater.
Moreover, as per section 129(1) of CGST Act, 2017, where any person transports any goods or
stores any goods while they are in transit in contravention of the provisions of this Act or the
Rules made thereunder, all such goods and conveyance used as a means of transport for carrying
the said goods and documents relating to such goods and conveyance shall be liable to detention or

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ii. The goods to be moved to another State for replacement under warranty is not a ‘supply’. However,
rule 138(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, inter alia, stipulates that every registered person who causes
movement of goods of consignment value exceeding Rs. 50,000:

a. in relation to a supply; or

b. for reasons other than supply; or

c. due to inward supply from an unregistered person,

shall, generate an electronic way bill (E-way Bill) before commencement of such movement.

Thus, in the given case, since the consignment value exceeds Rs. 50,000, e-way bill is required to be
mandatorily generated. Therefore, the claim of Power Electric als Ltd. that e-way bill is not
mandatorily required to be generated as the movement of goods is caused due to reasons other than
supply, is not correct.

iii. Beauty Cosmetics Ltd. would be required to prepare two separate e-way bills since each invoice value
exceeds Rs. 50,000 and each invoice is considered as one consignment for the purpose of generating e-
way bills.
The FAQs on E-way Bill issued by CBIC clarify that if multiple invoices are issued by the supplier
to one recipient, that is, for movement of goods of more than one invoice of same consignor and
consignee, multiple e-way bills have to be generated. In other words, for each invoice, one e-way
bill has to be generated, irrespective of the fact whether same or different consignors or consignees
are involved. Multiple invoices cannot be clubbed to generate one e-way bill. However, after
generating all these e-way bills, one consolidated e-way bill can be prepared for transportation
purpose, if goods are going in one vehicle.

Q 9. A truck contains 3 consignments based on 3 invoices, invoice 1 for Rs. 55000/-, invoice 2 for Rs.
35000/- and invoice 3 for Rs. 90000/-, how many e-way bill will be generated.
Ans: E-way bill will be generated bill/invoice wise i.e. when value of invoice exceed Rs. 50000/- therefore, in
this case e-way bill will be generated for invoice 1 & 3 only

Q 10. Mr. Rahul sent goods for job work worth Rs. 25000/- from delhi to UP, whether E-way bill needs to
be generated?
Ans: In case of Inter-state movement of goods for job work, it is mandatory to generate EWB irrespective
of amount, therefore in this case EWB needs to be generated.

Q 11. Mr. Raj an unregistered person sent Handicraft goods worth Rs. 45000/- from Delhi to Punjab, whether
EWB needs to generate?
Ans: In case of movement of handicraft goods, it is mandatory to generate e-way bill irrespective of
amount, therefore in this case EWB needs to be generate even though Mr Raj is an unregistered
person he is required to generate an E way bill

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 13. 5

Chapter 13 – Accounts, Records and E-way Bill

Multiple Choice Questions

1). Who is required to maintain records u/s 35?

a. Every registered person

b. Every owner or operator of warehouse or godown or any other place used for storage of goods

c. Every transporter

d. All of the above

Answer:- d). All of the above

2). Records u/s 35 shall be maintained at

a. Principal address of Proprietor / Partner /Director

b. Principal place of Business mentioned in registration certificate

c. At accountant office

d. All of the above

Answer:- b) Principal place of Business mentioned in registration certificate

3). Who has to maintain records u/s 35, irrespective of, whether he is a registered person or not?

a. Every owner or operator of warehouse or godown

b. Every owner or operator of any other place used for storage of goods

c. Every transporter

d. All of the above

Answer:- d). All of the above

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4). Accounts maintained by the registered person shall be preserved for a period of

a. 60 months from the due date of furnishing of annual return

b. 72 months from the due date of furnishing of annual return

c. 84 months from the due date of furnishing of annual return

d. 96 months from the due date of furnishing of annual return

Answer:- b). 72 months from the due date of furnishing of annual return

5). If due date of filing the annual return is 31.12.2019, then the books of record of 2018 -19

must be maintained for how many years?

a) 31.12.2023

b) 31.12.2020

c) 31.12.2025

d) 31.12.2024

Answer:- c) 31.12.2025

6). Which of the records are not to be maintained by an agent?

a) Particulars of authorisation on received by him from each principal to receiv e or supply


or services on behalf of such principal separately

b) Raw materials or services used in the manufacture

c) Tax paid on receipts or on supply of goods or services effected on behalf of every principal.

d) Details of accounts furnished to every principal

Answer:- b) Raw materials or services used in the manufacture

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7). Who among the following, even if not registered, is required to maintain records

a. Owner or operator of warehouse

b. Owner or operator of go down

c. Owner or operator of any other place used for storage of goods

d. Every transporter

e. All the above

Answer:- e). All the above

8). Which of the following statements are true w.r.t. accounts and records?

1) All accounts and records are to be retained for 6 years.

2) Stock record is to be maintained by all registered dealers except the dealers registered under

composition scheme.

3) Stock record is to be maintained by all registered dealers including composition dealers.

4) Monthly product on records are to be maintained by all dealers except the dealers who have

taken option for composition.

5) Monthly product on records are to be maintained by a deslers including composition dealers

6) Records are to be maintained at principal place of business.

7) Records are to be maintained at principal place of business as also at all additional places of

business. Which of the above are correct?

a. 1,2,5,6

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b. 1,3,5,7


d. 1,2,4,6

Answer:- d). 1,2,4,6

9) What shall be limit of generation of e – way bill in case of inter – State movement of goods


a principal to a Job worker?

a. Rs. 50,000

b. Rs. 1,00,000

c. Rs. 20,000

d. No limit

Answer:- d). No limit

10). In what circumstances the transporter need to issue e-way bill if the supplier has not issued


a) If the single consignment document is less than Rs. 50,000

b) If aggregate of all the consignment exceeds Rs. 50,000 but individually the consignment


not exceed Rs. 50,000

c) If the aggregate consignment does not exceed Rs. 50,000

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d) None of the above

Answer:- b) If aggregate of all the consignment exceeds Rs. 50,000 but individually the

consignment does not exceed Rs. 50,000

11). Is it mandatory to generate an e way bill in case where goods are transported within a State

from the place of consignor to the place of transporter and the distance as such is less

than 50 kms.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Optional

d. None of the above

Answer:- c) Optional

12). in how many parts E-way bill has been bifurcated as per Form GST EWB-01

a. Part A

b .Part B

c. both a & b

d. None of the above

Answer:- c). both a & b

13). Mr. Tushar got his goods transported through an ecommerce operator worth of Rs. 1,00,000.


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Tushar however was not able to fill Part A of Form GST EWB – 01. What are the alternatives

to stand the viability of such movement of goods?

a. Movement of goods shall stand cancelled

b. E – commerce operator on an authorization from Mr. Tushar shall generate e – way bill

c. Either A and B at the option of proper officer

d. None of the above

Answer:- b). E – commerce operator on an authorization from Mr. Tushar shall generate e –

way bill

14). An over dimensional cargo containing a consignment or goods or cargo, takes a visit of

58 km in total. What shall be the validity of E way bill generated as per the provision under

this case?

a. 2 days

b. 3 days

c. 4 days

d. None of the above

Answer:- b. 3 days

15). Can validity of an expired E – way bill be extended?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Only in case of trans – shipment or circumstances of exceptional nature

d. None of the above

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Answer:- c. Only in case of trans – shipment or circumstances of exceptional nature

16). Goods are handed over by consignor to transporter on Friday evening at 17:00 hrs and

the transporter starts the movement of goods on Monday evening at 17:00 hrs after generating


way bill. When will the validity period for e-way bill end if the distance is upto 75 Km?

(a) Tuesday at 24:00 hrs

(b) Monday at 24:00 hrs

(c) Tuesday at 17:00 hrs

(d) Saturday at 24:00 hrs

Answer:- a) Tuesday at 24:00 hrs

17). An Army battalion took a shift from Maharashtra to Kashmir. As a consequence there was

movement of goods from such place. Is the Ministry of Defence liable to generate e – way bill

under this case?

a. Yes

b. No

c. As no

fied by the appropriate authority

d. None of the above

Answer:- b. No

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18). What is the significance of consolidated E – way bill?

a. Useful where single consignment is being transported through multiple vehicles

b. Useful where multiple consignments are being transported in one conveyance

c. Useful in both the cases

d. None of the above

Answer:- b. Useful where multiple consignments are being transported in one conveyance

19). Who can create consolidated E – way bill under the GST regime?

a. Consignor

b. Consignee

c. Transporter

d. All of the above

Answer:- c. Transporter

20). M/s ABC is having a turnover of less than 1.5 crores and does not mean on HSN code on his

E– way Bill. Whether such E- way bill generation is possible without HSN codes?

a. Yes

b. No

c. At the option of proper officer

d. None of the above

Answer:- b. No

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21). Rakesh & Company has got multiple retail outlets of cosmetic products in Mumbai. He

receives an order from a customer of Kerala worth Rs. 1,20,000/- at one store. While

checking the stock

he found that order worth Rs. 55,000/- can be fulfilled from his one store situated in Dadar


remaining goods worth Rs. 65,000/- can be sent from his another store situated in Malad. He

instructs both the stores to bill separately the goods to Kerala customer. Which one of the

below is TRUE?

a) He would be required to prepare one e-way bill since one order shall be considered as one

consignment for the purpose of e-way bills.

b) He will not be required to prepare e-way bill.

c) Rakesh & Company would be required to prepare 3 e-way bills. One for movement from

Dadar Store, one for movement from Malad store and one consolidated for movement from

Transporter to Customer.

d) He would be required to prepare two separate e-way bills since each invoice value exceeds

Rs.50,000/- and each invoice shall be considered as one consignment for the purpose of generating

e-way bills

Answer: d) He would be required to prepare two separate e-way bills since each invoice

value exceeds Rs. 50,000/- and each invoice shall be considered as one consignment for the

purpose of generating e-way bills

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Chapter 14 – Returns

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Mr. X, a composition tax payer, did not render any taxable supply during the quarter July-September.
Is he required to file any goods and service tax return?
Ans: Composition tax payer is required to furnish return u/s 39 for every quarter even if no supplies have been
effected during such period. In other words, filing of Nil return is also mandatory. Therefore, Mr. X is
required to file quarterly return even if he did not render any taxable supply during the quarter July-

Q 2. If a return has been filed, how can it be revised if some changes are required to be made?

Ans: In GST since the returns are built from details of individual transactions, there is no requirement for
having a revised return. Any need to revise a return may arise due to the need to change a set of
invoices or debit/ credit notes. Instead of revising the return already submitted, the system allows
changing the details of those transactions (invoices or debit/credit notes) that are required to be
amended. They can be amended in any of the future GSTR- 1 in the tables specifically provided for the
purposes of amending previously declared details.

As per section 39(9), omission or incorrect particulars discovered in the returns filed u/s 39 can be
rectified in the return to be filed for the month/quarter during which such omission or incorrect
particulars are noticed. Any tax payable as a result of such error or omission will be required to be paid
along with interest. The rectification of errors/omissions is carried out by entering appropriate
particulars in “Amendment Tables” contained in GSTR-1.

Q 3. Which type of taxpayers need to file Annual Return?

Ans: Every registered person, other than ISD’s, casual/non-resident taxpayers, TDS/TCS deductors, are required
to file an annual return in Form GSTR-9. Taxpayer under composition scheme are required to file
annual return in Form GSTR-9A. Casual tax payers, non-resident taxpayers, ISDs and persons
authorized to deduct/collect tax at source are not required to file annual return.

Q 4. Is an Annual Return and a Final Return one and the same?

Ans: No. Annual Return has to be filed by every registered person paying tax as a normal taxpayer. Final
Return has to be filed only by those registered persons who have applied for cancellation of
registration. The Final return has to be filed within three months of the date of cancellation or the
date of cancellation order.

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Q 5. Do Input Service Distributors (ISDs) need to file separate statement of outward supplies with their
Ans: No, the ISDs need to file only a return in Form GSTR-6 and the return has the details of credit
received by them from the service provider and the credit distributed by them to the recipient units.
Since their return itself covers these aspects, there is no requirement to file separate statement of
outward supplies.

Q 6. Is it compulsory for a taxpayer to file return by himself?

Ans: No. A registered taxpayer can also get his return filed through a Goods and Services Tax Practitioner.

Q 7. M/s. Sahu & Co. a registered firm has filed its GST Return in GSTR-1 for the month of February, 2018
declaring an outward supply of Rs. 300 lakhs. The return was filed within the due date of its filing.
However, on a subsequent reconciliation of the return with the books of accounts it was found that 5
invoices having a total value of Rs. 20 lacs towards supply made to local parties were inadvertently
omitted to be reported. Sahu & Co. have approached you for an advice as to the course of action to be
adopted to rectify the omission ?
Ans: As per GST law, the mechanism of filing revised returns for any correction of errors/omissions has been
done away with. The rectification of errors/omissions is allowed in the subsequent Returns. However,
no rectification is allowed after furnishing the return for the month of September following the end
of the financial year to which such details pertain or furnishing of the relevant annual return,
whichever is earlier.
Hence, the omission in the month of Feb 2018 can be included in the Return for the month when the
omission is noticed. The tax and interest @ 18% due on the turnover omitted to be reported for the
month of Feb 2018 has to be paid along with the taxes for the month in which the omission is noticed.
However, such rectification will be allowed only within the prescribed period as mentioned above.

Q 8. Discuss the provisions of return Form GSTR-3B as contained in sub rules (5) and (6) of rule 61 of
CGST Rules, 2017.
Ans: Provisions of return Form GSTR-3B as contained in sub rules (5) and (6) of rule 61 of the CGST
Rules, 2017 are as under:
FORM GSTR-3B is notified as the form for return by the Commissioner when the due dates for
furnishing GSTR-1 and GSTR-2 get extended. GSTR-3B is a simple return containing summary of
outward and inward supplies liable to reverse charge, eligible ITC, payment of tax etc. Thus, GSTR-
3B does not require invoice-wise data of outward supplies. GSTR-3B can be submitted electronically
through the common portal, either directly or through a notified Facilitation Centre.
Currently, return in Form GSTR-3B is being notified as the monthly return to be filed by the registered
persons who are required to file GSTR- 3. Presently, the due date of submission for GSTR-3B is being
notified as 20th day of the month succeeding the relevant month.

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Chapter – 14 Return
Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which return is required to be furnished for outward supplies made by the registered

(a) Form GSTR-1

(b) Form GSTR-2

(c) Form GSTR-4A

(d) Form GSTR-6

Answer:- a) Form GSTR-1

2. In Form GSTR-01 which of the following information is to be filed?

(a) detail of outward supplies of taxable goods/supplies

(b) Details of inward supplies of taxable goods/supplies

(c) detail of tax deducted

(d) Detail of amount deposited in cash ledger

Answer:- a) detail of outward supplies of taxable goods/supplies

3. Every tax payer paying tax under section 10 (Composition levy) shall file the return in

(a) Form GSTR 3 by 18th of the month succeeding the quarter

(b) Form GSTR 4 by 18th of the month succeeding the quarter

(c) Form GSTR 4 by 18th of the succeeding month

(d) Form GSTR 4 by 20th of the month succeeding the quarter

Answer:- b) Form GSTR 4 by 18th of the month succeeding the quarter

4. In case of monthly returns, taxes will be payable _________.

a. Before filing the return

b. At the time of filing return

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 14. 3

c. After or at the time of filing return

d. Before or at the time of filing return

Answer:- d) Before or at the time of filing return

5. Challan in FORM GST PMT-06 generated at the common portal shall be valid for a period
of ------.

a) 7 days

b) 15 days

c) 20 days

d) 30 days

Answer:- b) 15 days

6. Which class of person is required to file monthly details of outward supplies of goods or

or both in Form GSTR-1?

a) Non resident taxable person

b) Person required to deduct tax at source

c) Person who has opted to pay tax under composition scheme

d) None of the above

Answer:- d) None of the above

7. Filing of return on quarterly basis by a regular person is -------.

a) Mandatory

b) Optional

c) Optional for persons having turnover >Rs. 5 Crores

d) Mandatory for persons having turnover >Rs. 5 crores

Answer:- b) Optional

8. Input Service Distributor (ISD), Tax Deductor & Tax Collector are required to file return

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 14. 4

a. Annually

b. Quarterly

c. Monthly

d. Half-Yearly

Answer:- c) Monthly

9. Every registered taxable person who has made outward suppliers in the period between the

date on which he become liable to registration till the date on which is registration has been

granted shall declare the same in the

a. First return filed by him after grant of registration

b. First two return filed by him after grant of registration



Answer:- a). First return filed by him after grant of registration

10. Every registered person whose aggregate turnover during a financial year-------- shall get
his accounts audited

a. exceeds 2 crore rupees

b. exceeds 1.5 crore rupees

c. exceeds 1 crore rupees

d exceeds 2.5 crore rupees

Answer:- a) exceeds 2 crore rupees

11. Every registered person whose aggregate turnover during a financial year exceeds 2 crore

Rupees shall get his accounts audited and furnish a copy of audited annual accounts and a

Reconciliation statement, duly certified, in

a. Form GSTR-9

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b. Form GSTR-9C

c. Form GSTR-11

d. Form GSTR-11A

Answer:- b) Form GSTR-9C

12. Annual audit report is required to be certified by practicing

a. CA

b. CMA

c. CA or CMA

d. CA and CMA both

Answer:- c) CA or CMA

13. Final return shall be furnished in

a. Form GSTR-8

b. Form GSTR-9

c. Form GSTR-10

d. Form GSTR-11

Answer:- c) Form GSTR-10

14. The due date of filing Final Return is ______.

(a) 20th of the next month

(b) 18th of the month succeeding the quarter

(c) Within 3 months of the date of cancellation or date of order of cancellation, whichever is

(d) 31st December of next financial year

Ans:- c) Within 3 months of the date of cancellation or date of order of cancellation,

whichever is later

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15. A goods and services tax practitioners can undertake the following activities if authorized
by the taxable person.

a. Furnish details inward and outward supplies.

b. Furnish monthly / quarterly return

c. Furnish Annual and Final return

d. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

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Chapter 15 – Payment of Tax, TDS and TCS

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. How many types of electronic ledger are there?

Ans: There are 3 types of ledger:
a) Electronic cash ledger
b) Electronic credit ledger
c) Electronic liability register

Q 2. Explain the following terms in brief:



Ans: Refer Relevant Para in main Book

Q 3. Are principles of unjust enrichment applicable for payment made under GST?
Ans: Yes, as per Section 49 (9) of the CGST Act, 2017 every person who has paid the tax on goods
or services or both under this Act shall, unless the contrary is proved by him, be deemed to have
passed on the full incidence of such tax to the recipient of such goods or services or both.

Q 4. State the name of output tax under GST, where any of the input tax credit under GST can be
Ans: IGST. IGST, CGST, SGST, UTGST i.e. all input tax credit can be availed against output tax liability
known as IGST.

Q 5. Can one use input tax credit for payment of interest, penalty, and payment under reverse charge?
Ans: No, as per Section 49 (4) of the CGST Act, 2017 the amount available in the electronic credit
ledger may be used for making any payment towards ‘output tax’.
As per Section 2 (82) of the CGST Act, 2017, output tax means, the CGST/SGST chargeable
under this Act on taxable supply of goods and/or services made by him or by his agent and
excludes tax payable by him on reverse charge basis. Therefore, input tax credit cannot be used
for payment of interest, penalty, and payment under reverse charge.

Q 6. ABC limited filed the return for GST under section 39(1) for the month of November on 20th,
December showing self assessed tax of Rs. 2,50,000 which was not paid.
Explain what are the implications for ABC limited as per relevant provisions?

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Ans: As per section 2(117) of CGST Act, “valid return” means a return furnished under sub-section
(1) of section 39 on which self-assessed tax has been paid in full.
Hence, in such a case, the return is not considered as a valid return and also input tax credit will
not be allowed to the recipient of supplies.

Q 7. Who is liable to pay GST? Explain in the context of general and special circumstances.

Ans: General rule - Supplier of goods or services is liable to pay GST.

Specific circumstances –

• Import supplies – Recipient of goods or services has to pay tax under reverse charge

• The Government may, on the recommendations of the Council, by notification, specify

categories of services the tax on intra-State supplies, of which shall be paid by the
electronic commerce operator, if such services are supplied through it

• TDS – If total value of supply under contract > ` 2.5 lakhs, then Central and State
Government, Local authority, Government agencies is liable to deduct TDS and pay the
same to the government

• TCS - E-commerce operators are required to collect tax (TCS) on the aggregate value of
supply reduced by returns in a month

Q 8. What will happen if the deductor fails to issue TDS Certificate within the time prescribed?
Ans: As per section 51(4) of the CGST Act, 2017, if any deductor fails to furnish to the deductee the
certificate, after deducting the tax at source, within five days of crediting the amount so deducted
to the Government, the deductor shall pay, by way of a late fee, a sum of one hundred rupees
per day from the day after the expiry of such five days period until the failure is rectified, subject
to a maximum amount of five thousand rupees.

Q 9. Whether the rate of tax of 1% notified under section 52 is CGST or SGST or a combination of
both CGST and SGST?
Ans: The rate of TCS as notified under CGST Act, 2017 is payable under CGST and the equal rate of
TCS is expected under the SGST Act also, in effect aggregating to 1%.

Q 10. Is every e-commerce operator required to collect tax on behalf of actual supplier?
Ans: Yes, every e-commerce operator is required to collect tax where consideration with respect to the
supply is being collected by the e-commerce operator.

Q 11. What are the main features of GST payment process?

Ans: Key Features of Payment process:

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• Electronically generated challan from GSTN common portal in all modes of payment and
no use of manually prepared challan;
• Facilitation for the tax payer by providing hassle free, anytime, anywhere mode of
payment tax;
• Convenience of making payment online;
• Logical tax collection data in electronic format;
• Faster remittance of tax revenue to the Government Account
• Paperless transaction
• Speedy Accounting and reporting
• Electronic reconciliation of all receipts
• Simplified procedure for banks
• Warehousing of Digital Challan

Q 12. PQR ltd has the following tax liabilities under the provisions of act –
Sr. Particulars Amount
1 Tax liability of CGST, SGST/UGST, IGST for supplies made during August 1,00,000
2 Interest & Penalty on delayed payment and filing of returns belonging 20,000
to August 2017
3 Tax liability of CGST, SGST/UGST, IGST for supplies made during 1,20,000
September 2017
4 Interest & Penalty on delayed payment and filing of returns belonging 20,000
to September 2017
5 Demand raised as per section 73 or section 74 under CGST Act, 2017 8,00,000
belonging to July 2017
6 Demand raised as per the old provisions of Indirect Tax 1,00,000
PQR ltd has Rs. 5,00,000 in Electronic Cash Ledger, Suggest PQR ltd in discharging the
tax liability
Ans: Balance in Electronic cash ledger can be used in the following manner to discharge tax
liability by x Ltd
Particulars Amount
Balance available in Electronic cash ledger 5,00,000
Tax liability of CGST, SGST/UGST, IGST for supplies made during August 2017 1,00,000

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Interest & Penalty on delayed payment and filing of returns belonging to August 20,000
Tax liability of CGST, SGST/USGST, IGST for supplies made during September 1,20,000
Interest & Penalty on delayed payment and filing of returns belonging to 20,000
September 2017
Demand raised as per section 73 or section 74 under CGST Act, 2017 2,40,000
Balance in electronic cash ledger Nil
The balance amount of Rs. 5,60,000 (₹ 8,00,000 - ₹ 2,40,000) towards demand raised under
section 73 or section 74 under CGST Act, 2017 to be discharged before discharging liability of
demand rose under old provisions of Indirect Taxes.

Q 13. The following are details of purchases and sales etc. effected by Smart Pvt. Ltd. a
registered manufacturer under CGST Act, 2017:
1. Purchased fabric material from local dealer ₹ 47040 (including GST @ 12%)
2. Purchased textile material from local dealer ₹ 94500 (including GST @ 5%)
3. Purchased machinery for manufacture of taxable goods ₹ 3,18,600 (including GST @
18%), Depreciation @ 15% is charged.
4. Other direct and indirect expenses ₹ 44,570.
5. Profit margin on total cost @ 10%
6. For the month November, 2017 only 80% production is sold within the state and
applicable GST rate being 18%.
Calculate the amount of CGST and SGST payable after utilizing input tax credit for the
month of November 2017 and no opening balance of input tax credit is available.
Ans: Computation of Invoice Value and Tax liability:
Sr. No. Particulars Amount
1 Purchase fabric material from local dealer (₹ 47040*100/112) 42,000
2 Purchase of textile material from local dealer (94500*100/105) 90,000
3 Depreciation expense [(3,18,600*18/118)*15%] 40,500
4 Other direct & indirect expense 44,570
5 Total Cost of goods manufactured 2,17,070
6 Cost of goods sold (80% of goods produced were sold) 1,73,656
7 Add: Profit margin @ 10% 17,366
8 Total Sales Value 1,91,022

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Working note:
Credit will be available for CGST and SGST charged by local suppliers. Hence the same is not
to be included in the cost.
Computation of CGST and SGST payable for the month of November, 2017 after utilizing the
available input tax credit
Particulars CGST SGST
Output tax liability for the month of November, 2017 @ 18% 17,191 17,192
(Being CGST 9% and SGST 9%) [i.e. 1,91,022*18%]
Less: Eligible input tax credit in respect of purchases of -
Fabric material (42,000 * 12%) 2520 2520
Textile material (90,000 * 5%) 2250 2250
Capital goods (2,70,000 * 18%) 24,300 24,300
Total input tax credit 29,070 29,070
CGST/SGST credit to be carried forward 11,879 11,879

Q 14. In the month of September, Mr. Sumit has to made outward supplies of Rs. 1000000 on which
he has to pay tax @ 12% i.e. Rs. 1,20,000. The amount of input tax credit available as on date
was Rs. 70,000. The last late to file GSTR1 is 10th of the next month i.e. 10th October. Ashok
made the payment on 5th December. Calculation of interest payment of tax is as follows:
Ans: Tax payable Rs. 1,20,000. Interest shall be calculated from the next day of the due date
of payment i.e. 21st October to the actual date of payment i.e. 5th December. Interest is
120000 * 18% * 46/365 = Rs. 2,772/-

Q 15. M/s Asha Pvt. Ltd. reduced the amount of ₹ 2,25,000 from the output tax liability in
contravention of the provision of section 42(10) of CGST Act, 2017 in the month of January
2018 (vide invoice date 12/01/2018), which is ineligible credit at invoice level. As a result a
show cause notice was issued by Central Tax Department under section 74 of CGST Act along
with interest. M/s Asha ltd paid the tax and interest on 5th March 2018. Find the interest
liability payable if any. Note:- Ignore the penalty
Ans: As per sec 42(10) read with section 50(30) of the CGST Act, 2017 amount reduced from the
output tax liability in contravention of the provision of section 42(7) shall be added to the
output tax liability of the recipient in his return for the month in which such contravention
takes place and such recipient shall be liable to pay interest on the amount so added at the
rate specified in section 50(3) of CGST Act 2017. Therefore, applicable rate of interest is @
24% per annum.

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Due date for January month return is 20th Feb 2018.
Interest = Rs. 1923/- (Rs. 2,25,000 * 24 13/365)

Q 16. LP Ltd., obtains registration for paying taxes under section 9 of CGST Act. He asked his tax manager
to pay taxes on quarterly basis. However, LP Ltd’s tax manager advised the Co. to pay taxes on monthly
basis. You are required to examine the validity of the advice given by tax manager?
Ans: The advice given by tax manager is valid in law. Payment of taxes by the normal tax payer is
to be done on monthly basis by the 20th of the succeeding month. Cash payments will be
first deposited in the Cash Ledger and the tax payer shall debit the ledger while making
payment in the monthly returns and shall reflect the relevant debit entry number in his return.
However, payment can also be debited from the Credit Ledger. Payment of taxes for the month
of March shall be paid by the 20th of April. Composition tax payers will need to pay tax on
quarterly basis.

Q 17. Who is liable to deduct tax at source?

Ans: The Central Government or state Government may mandate the following person to deduct tax at
(a) A department or establishment of the Central or State Government, or
(b) Local authority, or
(c) Government agencies, or
(d) Such person or category of person as may be notified, by the Central or a State Government
on the recommendations of the Council.

Q 18. What is the threshold limit for tax deduction at source?

Ans: The threshold limit for tax deduction at source is Rs. 2.5 Lakh. For the purpose computation of threshold
limit, contract value needs to be considered and not the invoice value or payment amount. However, for
the purpose of ascertaining the threshold limit, the value of supply shall be considered as the amount
excluding taxes.

Q 19. What will happen if the deductor fails to issue TDS Certificate within the time prescribed? (ICAI)
Ans: As per section 51(4) of the CGST Act, 2017, if any deductor fails to furnish to the deductee the
certificate, after deducting the tax at source, within five days of crediting the amount deducted to the
Government, the deductor shall pay, by way of a late fee, a sum of one hundred rupees per day from
the day after the expiry of such five days period until the failure is rectified subject to a maximum
amount of five thousand rupees.

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Q 20. M/s Asha Pvt. Ltd. has its place of business in Mysore supplied goods worth ₹ 2,75,000 the value of
supply includes GST @ 5% during the month of August to a Govt. Agency located at Bangalore.
Determine the amount of tax to be deducted at source.
Ans: As per section 51(4) of the CGST Act, 2017, if any deductor fails to furnish to the deductee the
certificate, after deducting the tax at source, within five days of crediting the amount deducted to the
Government, the deductor shall pay, by way of a late fee, a sum of one hundred rupees per day from
the day after the expiry of such five days period until the failure is rectified subject to a maximum
amount of five thousand rupees.
As per section 51 of CGST ACT, The Government has mandated the following categories:-
(a) A department or establishment of the Central Government or State Government or
(b) Local authority
(c) Such persons or category of persons as may notified by Government on recommendations
of the council
To deduct tax at the rate of one percent from the payment made of taxable goods or services
or both, where total value of such supply exceeds 2,50,000 rupees. For the purpose of deduction
of tax specified, the value shall be taken as the amount excluding GST amount.
In the given case the amount of tax to be deducted shall be computed as follows:
Particulars Amount
a) Value of supply (including GST) 2,75,000
b) Less: GST @ 5% [Value of GST = 2,75,000 * 5/105] 13,095
c) Value of supply (excluding GST) 2,61,905
d) Amount of TDS [e + f] 5,238
e) CGST @ 1% of (c) 2,619
f) SGST @ 1% (c) 2,619
Thus as computed above the amount of TDS to be deducted by the Govt. Agency shall be Rs. 5,238.

Q 21. Aasma Ltd. had supplied goods to a local authority for Rs. 7,56,000 (inclusive of GST @ 12%).
Determine the amount of tax to be deducted at source. Also determine the interest liability if the
amount of tax deducted at source on 15.10.2017 is deposited as on 20.12.2017.

Ans: As per the provisions of section 50(1) of the GST Act, the local authority has to deduct tax @ 1%
from the payment made or credited to the supplier of taxable goods or services or both. Where the
total value of such supply under a contract, exceeds ₹ 2,50,000. Such tax has to be paid to the
government by the deductor within 10 days after the end of the month in which such deduction is
made otherwise interest shall be levied @ 18% p.a. for the period for which the tax or any part
thereof remains unpaid. Hence, the amount of tax to be deducted at source shall be 1% CGST & 1%
SGST of Rs. 6,75,000 [7,56,000 – 81000 i.e. GST @ 12%] = Rs. 13,500.

Computation of interest on delay in deposit of TDS:-

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Sr. No. Particulars
A Due date of deposit of TDS 10.11.2017
B Date of payment of GST 20.12.2017
C Period of delay (in days) (b-a) 40
D Amount of TDS 13.500
Interest payable @ 18% for delay in payment [d * 266
18% * c / 365 days]

Q 22.Mr. X is a supplier selling his own products through a web site hosted by him. Does he fall under the
definition of an “electronic commerce operator”? Whether he is required to collect TCS on such supplies?
Ans: As per the definitions in Section 2(44) and 2(45) of the CGST Act, 2017, Mr. X will come under the
definition of an “electronic commerce operator”. However, according to section 52 of the Act ibid, TCS
is required to be collected on the net value of taxable supplies made through it by other supplier where
the consideration is to be collected by the ECO. In cases where someone is selling their own products
through a website, there is no requirement to collect tax at source as per the provisions of this section.
These transactions will be liable to GST at the prevailing rates.

Q 23.If we purchase goods from different vendors and are selling them on our website under our Own billing.
Is TCS required to be collected on such supplies? (ICAI)
Ans: No. According to section 52 of the CGST Act, 2017, TCS is required to be collected on the net value
of taxable supplies made through it by other suppliers where the consideration is to be collected by
the ECO.

Chapter 15– Payment of Tax

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Which of the following registers / ledgers are maintained at the GST Portal?

a. Electronic liability ledger

b. Electronic cash ledger

c. Electronic credit ledger

d. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 15. 8

2). Payment made through challan will be credited to which registers / ledgers?

a. Electronic Tax liability register

b. Electronic Credit Ledger

c. Electronic cash ledger

d. All of the above

Answer: c) Electronic cash ledger

3). While making purchases the dealer has to pay GST which is available as credit while

payment for outward supply. Such credit is reflected in GST portal in,

a. Electronic Cash ledger

b. Electronic liability ledger

c. Electronic Credit ledger

d. All of the above

Answer: c) Electronic Credit ledger

4). The major heads in the electronic cash ledger, electronic liability register and challan for
deposit of Tax are.

a. IGST, CGST, SGST, UTGST & GST Compensation Cess

b. Tax, Interest, Penalty, Fee, others and total

c. Total – cash, liability

d. All of the above

Answer: a) IGST, CGST, SGST, UTGST & GST Compensation Cess

5). Credit available in Electronic Credit Ledger can be used for payment of

a. Output Tax

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b. Output Tax and Interest

c. Output Tax, Interest and Penalty

d. Output Tax and Tax under reverse charge

Answer: a) Output Tax

6). Payment of tax, interest or penalty for each month shall be made by debiting

__________on or before the due date of filing return.

a. Electronic Cash Ledger

b. Electronic Credit Ledger

c. Electronic Liability Ledger

d. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: d) Both (a) and (b)

7). Which of the following statement is correct: -

a. Payment of GST can be done by Cash

b. Payment of GST can be done by Cheque

c. Payment of GST Can be done by Internet banking

d. Payment of GST can be done within 24 hours of filing of Monthly / Quarterly return

Answer:- c) Payment of GST Can be done by Internet banking

8). Where a person has claimed refund of any amount from the electronic cash ledger, the

amount shall be debited to the _______________ .

a. Electronic Credit Ledger

b. Electronic Liability Ledger

c. Electronic Cash Ledger

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d. Whichever has the higher balance of above

Answer:- c) Electronic Cash Ledger

9). Balance in electronic credit ledger under IGST can be used against which liability?

a. IGST Liability only

b. IGST and CGST liability

c. IGST, CGST and SGST liability

d. None of them

Answer:- c) IGST, CGST and SGST liability

10). M/s. Kuber Anand is registered under GST. He has output tax liability as under-

CGST: Rs. 85,00,000

SGST: Rs. 85,00,000

IGST: Rs. 1,05,00,000

It has input tax credits as under-

CGST: Rs. 1,50,00,000 including credit of Rs.75,00,000 carried forward from TRAN-1

SGST: Rs. 30,00,000

IGST: Rs. 1,20,00,000

Calculate the amount of tax to be deposited in cash?

a. CGST: Nil; SGST: Rs. 55,00,000; IGST: Nil

b. CGST: Rs. 10,00,000; SGST: Rs. 55,00,000; IGST: Nil

c. CGST: Nil; SGST: Rs. 50,00,000; IGST: Nil

d. CGST: Nil; SGST: Rs. 40,00,000; IGST: Nil

Answer:- d) CGST: Nil; SGST: Rs. 40,00,000; IGST: Nil

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11). Mr. A was liable to pay GST of Rs.10,000 on 20.8.2018 but he failed to pay. Later he

to pay tax on 26.10.2018. what would be the period for which interest has to be paid by

a. 66 days

b. 67 days

c. 68 days

d. 70 days

Answer:- b) 67 days

12). From which date interest is liable in case of excess input tax credit claimed?

a. From the late date of the month in which credit is claimed

b. From the due date for filing GSTR-02 of the month in which credit is claimed

c. From the due date for filing GSTR-03 of the month in which credit is claimed

d. From the date of utilization of credit

Answer:- c) From the due date for filing GSTR-03 of the month in which credit is

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Chapter 16 – Refund

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Is there any time limit for sanctioning of refund under section 54 of the CGST Act, 2017?
Ans: Yes, refund has to be sanctioned within 60 days from the date of receipt of application complete in
all respects. If refund is not sanctioned within the said period of 60 days, interest @ 6% p.a. will
have to be paid in accordance with section 56 of the CGST/SGST Act.
However, in case where provisional refund to the extent of 90% of the amount claimed is refundable
in respect of zero-rated supplies made by certain categories of registered persons in terms of sub-
section (6) of section 54 of the CGST/SGST Act, the provisional refund has to be given within 7
days from the date of acknowledgement of the claim of refund.

Q 2. Discuss the provisions relating to refund of the amount of advance tax deposited by a casual taxable
person under section 27(2) of the CGST Act, 2017.
Ans: The amount of advance tax deposited by a casual taxable under section 27(2), shall be refunded
only when such person has, in respect of the entire period for which the certificate of registration
granted to him had remained in force, furnished all the returns required under section 39 [Section
Further, refund of any amount, after adjusting the tax payable by the applicant out of the advance
tax deposited by him under section 27 at the time of registration, shall be claimed in the last return
required to be furnished by him [Fourth proviso to rule 89(1)].

Q 3. In case of refund under exports of goods, whether BRC/FIRC is necessary for granting refund?
Ans: In case of refund on account of export of goods, the refund rules do not prescribe BRC/FIRC as a
necessary document for filing of refund claim. However, for export of services details of BRC/FIRC is
required to be submitted along with the application for refund.

Q 4. A taxable person has mistakenly paid CGST and SGST for an inter-State supply. Subsequently, when he
discovers the same, can he adjust the IGST liability against the wrongly paid CGST and SGST?
Ans: Section 77, inter alia, stipulates that a registered person who has paid the Central tax and State tax or,
as the case may be, the central tax and the Union territory tax on a transaction considered by him to
be an intra-State supply, but which is subsequently held to be an inter-State supply, shall be refunded
the amount of taxes so paid in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
The IGST liability cannot be adjusted against the CGST and SGST wrongly paid.

Q 5. State the exceptions to the principle of unjust enrichment as applicable to refund claims.

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Ans: The principle of unjust enrichment is applicable in all cases of refund except in the following cases:-

i. Refund of tax paid on zero-rated supplies of goods or services or both or on inputs or input
services used in making such zero-rated supplies.

ii. Unutilized input tax credit in respect of (i) zero rated supplies made without payment of
tax or, (ii) where the credit has accumulated on account of rate of tax on inputs being
higher than the rate of tax on output supplies.

iii. refund of tax paid on a supply which is not provided, either wholly or partially, and for
which invoice has not been issued.

iv. refund of tax in pursuance of section 77 of CGST/SGST Act i.e. tax wrongfully collected
and paid to Central Government or State Government.

v. if the incidence of tax or interest paid has not been passed on to any other person.

vi. such other class of persons who has borne the incidence of tax as the Government may

Q 6. With reference to section 54(3) of the CGST Act, 2017, mention the cases where refund of
unutilised input tax credit is allowed.

Ans: As per section 54(3) of the CGST Act, 2017, a registered person may claim refund of unutilised
input tax credit at the end of any tax period in the following cases:

i. Zero rated supplies: Supply of goods/services/both to an SEZ developer/unit or export of

goods or services or both. However, refund of unutilized input tax credit shall not be
allowed if:

a. the goods exported out of India are subjected to export duty;

b. the supplier of goods or services or both avails of drawback in respect of CGST or

claims refund of the IGST paid on such supplies.

ii. Accumulated ITC on account of inverted duty structure: Where the credit has
accumulated on account of rate of tax on inputs being higher than the rate of tax on
output supplies (other than nil rated or fully exempt supplies), except supplies of goods or
services or both as may be notified by the Government on the recommendations of the

Q 7. State five cases where refundable amount shall be paid to the applicant, instead of being credited
to Consumer Welfare Fund under CGST Act, 2017.
Ans: Section 54(8) of the CGST Act, 2017 provides that the refundable amount shall be paid to the
applicant, instead of being credited to the Consumer Welfare Fund, if such amount is relatable to—

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i. refund of tax paid on zero-rated supplies of goods and/or services or on inputs or input services used
in making such zero-rated supplies;
ii. refund of unutilized ITC in case of zero rated supplies made without payment of tax or accumulated
ITC on account of inverted duty structure;
iii. refund of tax paid on a supply which is not provided, either wholly or partially, and for which invoice
has not been issued, or where a refund voucher has been issued;
iv. refund of tax paid on a transaction treating it to be an intra-State supply, but which is subsequently
held to be an inter-State supply or vice-versa;
v. the tax and interest, if any, or any other amount paid by the applicant, if he had not passed on
the incidence of such tax and interest to any other person; or
vi. the tax or interest borne by notified class of applicants.

Q 8. State the provision of refund of IGST paid on export of Goods / Services

Ans: Refer Rule 96A in main Book

Q 9. State who are entitled for refund u/s 55?

Ans: Refer Section 55 in main Book

Q 10. M/s. RLL Ltd. filed an application for refund of tax amounting Rs. 5,00,000 on 1- 10-2017. The
refund was granted on 25-12-2017. Compute the amount of interest, if any payable to RLL Ltd as
per provisions of Section 56 of the CGST Act, 2017.
Ans: If any tax ordered to be refunded under section 54 (5) to any applicant, and such tax is not refunded
within 60 days from the date of receipt of application under section 54 (1 ), interest at @ 6% p.a
shall be payable in respect of such refund from the date immediately after the expiry of 60 days from
the date of receipt of application till the date of refund of such tax. The relevant computation is as
Particulars Amount
Amount of refund (A) 500000
Date of making application (B) 01-10-2017
60 days period from the date of application expires on - [C] =
[B ] = + 60 days 30-11-2017
Date of making refund [D] 25-12-2017
No. of days for which interest to be granted [E] =[D] – [ C] 25
Interest on refund @ 6% {A} * {E} X 6% + 365
2055 2055

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Chapter 16 – Refund

Multiple Choice Questions

1). Which among the following are zero rated supplies?

a. Exports

b. Supplies to SEZ

c. Exports and Imports

d. Both (a) and (b)

Ans:- d . Both (a) and (b)

2). The time limit for filing refund claim is ___________from the relevant date.

a. One year

b. Two years

c. One and half year

d. Half year

Ans:- b. Two years

3). A registered person can claim refund any unutilized input tax credit on zero rated supplies


payment of tax or the credit accumulated on account of inverted tax rate structure:

(a) at the end of the tax period, but before the expiry of 2 years from the relevant date.

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(b) before the expiry of the tax period.

(c) before the expiry of 3 years from the relevant date.

(d) before the expiry of 18 months from the relevant date.

Ans:- (a) at the end of the tax period, but before the expiry of 2 years from the relevant date

4). _____________ will be treated as application for refund in case of IGST paid on goods


a. GSTR – 3

b. Form GST RFD-01A

c. Shipping Bill / Bill of Export


Ans:- c. Shipping Bill / Bill of Export

5). Refund shall not be paid to the applicant if the amount of refund is less than

a. Rs. 1000

b. Rs. 5000

c. Rs. 7000

d. Rs. 10000

Ans;- a . Rs. 1000

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6). What is the maximum time limit allowed to proper officer for issuing order (whether in favour

or against the refund application?

a. 15 days

b. 60 days

c. 45 days

d. 6 months

Ans:- b . 60 days

7). Interest on refund amount is required to be paid after expiry of from the date of receipt of

the application

a. 60 days

b. 90 days

c. 180 days

d. 240 days

Ans:- a. 60 days

8). The interest shall be payable @ _______ for withholding the refund amount.

a. 5%

b. 7%

c. 6%

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d. 6.5%

Ans:- c. 6%

9). Refund amount is credited to________, if the amount is refundable to applicant and

to_________, if the amount is not refundable to applicant.

a. Bank account of the registered applicant, Consumer application fund

b. Bank account of the unregistered applicant, Consumer application fund

c. Bank account of the registered applicant, Consumer Welfare Fund

d. Consumer Welfare Fund, Bank account of registered applicant

Ans:- c. Bank account of the registered applicant, Consumer Welfare Fund

10). Which of the following options is not available to exporters :

a. Pay IGST on exports and claim refund of IGST

b. Clear goods for export without payment of IGST and claim refund of ITC

c. If part supplies are exports, he can utilize that credit for payment of GST on supplies within


d. None of the above

Ans:- d . None of the above

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11). Mode of calculation of refund of ITC in zero rated supplies is as follows:

a. Refund Amount = (Turnover of zero-rated supply of goods + Turnover of zero-rated supply of

services)*Net ITC / Adjusted Total turnover

b. Refund Amount = (Turnover of zero-rated supply of goods + Turnover of zero-rated supply of

services)*Net ITC / Gross Total turnover

c. Refund Amount = Turnover of zero-rated supply of goods * Net ITC / Adjusted Total turnover

d. Refund Amount = Turnover of zero-rated supply of services* Net ITC / Adjusted Total


Ans:- a . Refund Amount = (Turnover of zero-rated supply of goods + Turnover of zero-rated

supply of services)*Net ITC / Adjusted Total turnover

12). Mode of calculation of refund in case of inverted duty structure :

a. Refund Amount = {[(Turnover of inverted rated supply of goods and services)* Net ITC] /

Adjusted Total turnover}- tax payable on such inverted rated supply of goods and services

b. Refund Amount = {[(Turnover of inverted rated supply of goods and services)* Net ITC] /


Total turnover}- tax payable on such inverted rated supply of goods and services

c. Refund Amount = {[(Turnover of supply of goods and services)* Net ITC] / Adjusted Total

turnover}- tax payable on such supply of goods and services

d. Refund Amount = {[(Turnover of inverted rated supply of goods and services)* Net ITC] /


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turnover}- tax payable on such inverted rated supply of goods and services

Ans:- a. Refund Amount = {[(Turnover of inverted rated supply of goods and services)* Net

ITC] / Adjusted Total turnover} - tax payable on such inverted rated supply of goods and services

13). Mr. Z comes to India as a tourist. here he took some services worth Rs. 1,00,000 having tax

element of say Rs. 20,000. What amount of tax shall be allowed as refund?


b) 1,00,000

c) 80,000

d) 0

Ans:- d) 0

14). The applicant is not required to furnish certificate of CA or CMA if the amount of refund

claimed is

Less than:-

a. Rs. 6 lacs

b. Rs. 2 lac

c. Rs. 10 lac

d. Rs. 20 lac

Ans:- b . Rs. 2 lac

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15). Mr. A has claimed refund of GST of INR 10,000/-. He asks you the possibilities where refund

can be withheld by the department?

a) If a person has failed to furnish any return, refund will be withheld till he files such return.

b) If the registered person is required to pay any tax, interest, or penalty which has not been

stayed by the appellate authority / Tribunal court, till he pays such interest or penalty, refund

will be withheld. The proper officer can also deduct unpaid taxes, interest, penalty, late fee, if any,

from the refundable amount.

c) The commissioner can withhold any refund if the order of refund is under appeal and he is

of the opinion that grant of such refund will adversely affect revenue in the said appeal on

account of malfeasance or fraud commited.

d) In all of the above circumstances, refund can be withheld

Ans:- d) In all of the above circumstances, refund can be withheld

16) . M/s XYZ ltd. filed & application for refund of tax amounting 10 lakh on 01 Oct 2018. the

refund was granted on 25 Dec 2018. Compute the amount of interest, if any payable to XYZ ltd.

As per the provision of Sec 56 of CGST Act 2017 ?

a. 4110



d. Nil

Ans:- a. 4110

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Chapter 17 – Assessment and Audit

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Is summary assessment order to be necessarily passed against the taxable person?

Ans: No. In certain cases, like when goods are under transportation or are stored in a warehouse, and the
taxable person in respect of such goods cannot be ascertained, the person in charge of such goods
shall be deemed to be the taxable person and will be assessed to tax.

Q 2. Whether principal of natural justice is must to be followed before passing assessment order against
the taxable person?
Ans: Yes, principal of natural justice is must to be followed before passing assessment order against the
taxable person seeking to impose any financial burden on him.

Q 3. In what cases, assessment order passed by proper officer may be withdrawn?

Ans: Assessment Order passed by proper officer may be withdrawn in the following cases:-
(i) Assessment of Non-filers of return – The best judgment order passed by the Proper Officer under
section 62 of CGST Act shall automatically stand withdrawn if the taxable person furnishes a valid
return for the default period (i.e. files the return and pays the tax as assessed by him), within thirty
days of the receipt of the best judgment assessment order
(ii) Summary Assessment – A taxable person against whom a summary assessment order has been passed
can apply for its withdrawal to the jurisdictional Additional/Joint Commissioner within thirty days of
the date of receipt of the order. If the said officer finds the order erroneous, he can withdraw it and
direct the proper officer to carry out determination of tax liability in terms of section 73 or 74 of
CGST Act. The Additional/Joint Commissioner can follow a similar course of action on his own motion
if he finds the summary assessment order to be erroneous.

Q 4. What recourse may be taken by the officer in case proper explanation is not furnished for the
discrepancy detected in the return filed, while conducting scrutiny under section 61 of CGST ACT?
Ans: If the taxable person does not provide a satisfactory explanation within 30 days of being informed
(extendable by the officer concerned) or after accepting discrepancies, fails to take corrective action
in the return for the month in which the discrepancy is accepted, the Proper Officer may take recourse
to any of the following provisions:

(a) Proceed to conduct audit under section 65 of the Act;

(b) Direct the conduct of a special audit under section 66 which is to be conducted by a Chartered
Accountant or a Cost Accountant nominated for this purpose by the Commissioner; or

(c) Undertake procedures of inspection, search and seizure under section 67 of the Act; or

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(d) Initiate proceeding for determination of tax and other dues under Section 73 or 74 of the Act.

Q 5. Who can conduct audit of taxpayers?

Ans: There are three types of audit prescribed in the GST Act(s) as explained below:

(a) Audit by Chartered Accountant or a Cost Accountant: Every registered person whose
turnover exceeds the prescribed limit, shall get his accounts audited by a chartered accountant
or a cost accountant. (Section 35(5) of the CGST Act)

(b) Audit by Department: The Commissioner or any officer of CGST or SGST or UTGST authorized
by him by a general or specific order, may conduct audit of any registered person. The
frequency and manner of audit will be prescribed in due course. (Section 65 of the CGST

(c) Special Audit: If at any stage of scrutiny, inquiry, investigations or any other proceedings, if
department is of the opinion that the value has not been correctly declared or credit availed
is not with in the normal limits, department may order special audit by chartered accountant
or cost accountant, nominated by department. (Section 66 of the CGST Act)

Q 6. Explain the procedure for finalization of Provisional Assessment

Ans: Refer Section 60 in Main Book

Q 7. Kulbhushan & Sons has entered into a contract to supply two consignments of certain taxable goods.
However, since it is unable to determine the value of the goods to be supplied by it, it applies for
payment of tax on such goods on a provisional basis along with the required documents in support of
its request.

On 12.01.20XX, the Assistant Commissioner of Central Tax issues an order allowing payment of tax on
provisional basis indicating the value on the basis of which the assessment is allowed on provisional
basis and the amount for which the bond is to be executed and security is to be furnished.

Kulbhushan & Sons complies with the same and supplies both the consignments of goods on 25.01.20XX
thereafter paying the tax on provisional basis in respect of both the consignments on 19.02.20XX.

Consequent to the final assessment order passed by the Assistant Commissioner of Central Tax on
21.03.20XX, a tax of Rs. 1,80,000 becomes due on 1st consignment whereas a tax of Rs. 4,20,000
becomes refundable on 2nd consignment.

Kulbhushan & Sons pays the tax due on 1st consignment on 09.04.20XX and applies for the refund
of the tax on 2nd consignment same day. Tax was actually refunded to it on 05.06.20XX.
Determine the interest payable and receivable, if any, by Kulbhushan & Sons in the above case.

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Ans: Legal Provision: Section 60(4) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that where the tax liability as per the
final assessment is higher than under provisional assessment i.e. tax becomes due consequent to
order of final assessment, the registered person shall be liable to pay interest on tax payable on supply
of goods but not paid on the due date, at the rate specified under section 50(1) [18% p.a.], from the
first day after the due date of payment of tax in respect of the goods supplied under provisional
assessment till the date of actual payment, whether such amount is paid before/after the issuance
of order for final assessment.
In the given case, due date for payment of tax on goods cleared on 25.01.20XX under provisional
assessment is 20.02.20XX.
In view of the provisions of section 60(4), in the given case, Kulbhushan & Sons is liable to pay
following interest in respect of 1st consignment:

= Rs. 1,80,000 × 18% × 48/365

= Rs. 4,261 (rounded off)

Further, section 60(5) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that where the tax liability as per the final
assessment is less than in provisional assessment i.e. tax becomes refundable consequent to the order
of final assessment, the registered person shall be paid interest at the rate specified under section
56 [6% p.a.] from the date immediately after the expiry of 60 days from the date of receipt of
application under section 54(1) till the date of refund of such tax.
However, since in the given case, refund has been made (05.06.20XX) within 60 days from the date
of receipt of application of refund (09.04.20XX), interest is not payable to Kulbhushan & Sons on tax
refunded in respect of 2nd consignment.

Q 8. How tax authorities conduct audit ?

Ans: The proper officer authorised to conduct audit of the records and books of account of the registered
person shall, with the assistance of the team of officers and officials accompanying him, verify the
documents on the basis of which the books of account are maintained and the returns and statements
furnished under the Act and the rules made thereunder, the correctness of the turnover, exemptions
and deductions claimed, the rate of tax applied in respect of supply of goods or services or both, the
input tax credit availed and utilized, refund claimed, and other relevant issues and record the observations
in his audit notes.

During the course of audit, the authorised officer may require the registered person,—

a) To facilitate the verification of accounts/records available or requisitioned by the authorities,

b) to provide such information as the authorities may require for the conduct of the audit, and

c) to render assistance for timely completion of the audit.

The proper officer may inform the registered person of the discrepancies noticed, if any, as observations
of the audit and the said person may file his reply and the proper officer shall finalise the findings of
the audit after due consideration of the reply furnished.

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Q 9. What is meant by commencement of audit of tax authorities ?
Ans: The term ‘commencement of audit’ is important because audit has to be completed within a given time
frame in reference to this date of commencement. Commencement of audit means the later of the

a) The date on which the records/accounts called for by the audit authorities are made
available to them, or

b) The actual institution of audit at the place of business of the taxpayer.

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Chapter 17– Audit & Assessment
Multiple Choice Questions

1). What is the time period within which the proper officer is required to reply on application for

provisional assessment?

a. 90 days from the date of decision of applicant

b. 60 days from the date of decision of applicant

c. 90 days from the date of receipt of such request

d. 60 days from the date of receipt of such request

Ans: c. 90 days from the date of receipt of such request

2). What are the circumstances in which provisional assessment can be obtained?

a. Value of supply cannot be ascertained

b. Rate of tax cannot be ascertained

c. (a) or (b)

d. (a) and (b)

Ans:- c . (a) or (b)

3). What is the rate of interest for refund and if the order is passed by the Court for such

a. 9% p.a.

b. 12% p.a.

c. 18% p.a.

d. 24% p.a.

Ans:- a. 9% p.a.

4). Under provisional assessment, if a registered person liable to pay tax has not paid on due

date, then he shall be liable to pay interest @___________ from the first day after due
date till the actual date of payment.

a. 6% p.a.

b. 12% p.a.

c. 18% p.a.

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d. 24% p.a.

Ans:- c. 18% p.a.

5). What is the time period specified for the final assessment order by the proper officer?

a. 1 month from the date of provisional assessment

b. 3 months from the date of provisional assessment

c. 6 months from the date of provisional assessment

d. 9 months from the date of provisional assessment

Ans:- c. 6 months from the date of provisional assessment

6). Which of the following is correct for extending the time period of 6 months for the final

assessment order?

a. Extension up to 6 months by the Additional/joint Commissioner, Extend further up to 4 years

by the Commissioner

b. Extend up to 18 months by the Commissioner, Extend further up to 3 years by the


c. Extension up to 6 months by the Commissioner, Extend further up to 4 years by the

Additional Commissioner

d. Extend up to 18 months by the Additional Commissioner, Extend further up to 3 years

by the Commissioner

Ans:- a. Extension up to 6 months by the Additional/joint Commissioner, Extend further

up to 4 years by the Commissioner

7). What is the time period allowed to an unregistered taxable person for furnishing a

reply to the proper officer?

a. 15 days

b. 21 days

c. 30 days

d. 45 days

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Ans:- a. 15 days

8). What are the conditions where the proper officer may opt for summary assessment of an


a. Evidence showing tax liability

b. Prior permission of Additional Commissioner or Joint Commissioner

c. Reason to protect the Interest of Revenue

d. All of the above

Ans:- d. All of the above

9). In case of summary assessment, where the taxable person is not identified and s uch tax

liability is related to supply of goods, then the person ________shall be treated as taxable

person and shall be liable to pay tax.

a. Supplying such goods

b. In charge of such goods

c. Delivering such goods

d. None of the above

Ans:- b. In charge of such goods

10). Mr. A has failed to furnish a return u/s 39. For which proper officer issued a notice for

assessment. What is the condition for which such assessment order shall be deemed to have
been withdrawn?

a. File a valid return within 30 days of serving notice

b. File a valid return within 15 days of serving notice

c. File a valid return within 30 days of serving of assessment order

d. File a valid return within 45 days of serving notice

Ans:- c. File a valid return within 30 days of serving of assessment order

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11). What are the consequences, where a registered person fails to furnish the return required u/s

39, even after the service of a notice for assessment?

a. The proper officer may proceed to assess the tax liability of the said person to the best of
his judgment.

b. Issue an assessment order within a period of 3 years from the date specified u/s 44

c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None of the above

Ans:- a. The proper officer may proceed to assess the tax liability of the said person to
the best of his judgment

12). “Commencement of Audit” shall mean the date on which the records and other documents

a. Date on which all the documents & information called for by the tax authorities, are made

available by the registered person

b. The actual institution of audit at the place of business

c. (a) or (b), whichever is earlier

d. (a) or (b), whichever is later

Ans:- d. (a) or (b), whichever is later

13). Commissioner may extend the period of audit u/s 65 by a further period __________.

a. 1 month

b. 3 months

c. 4 months

d. 6 months

Ans:- d. 6 months

14). Prior to the conduct of audit u/s 65 the registered person shall be informed, by way of a

sufficiently in advance:

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a. not less than fifteen working days

b. not less than thirty working days

c. not less than ten working days

d. No prior intimation required

Ans:- a. not less than fifteen working days

15). The expenses of the examination and audit of records under special audit, including the

remuneration of CA or CMA , shall be determinedand paid by the_______________.

a. Commissioner

b. Any Officer authorized by the Commissioner

c. Deputy / Assistant Officer of Central Tax

d. Additional Commissioner / Joint Officer of Central

Ans:- a. Commissioner

16). A special Audit under GST is conducted by :

a) The CGST Officials

b) The SGST Officials

c) Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant

d) Any of the above

Ans:- c) Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant

17). Special audit u/s 66 can be directed at any stage of scrutiny, enquiry, investigation or any
other Proceedings having regard to nature and complexity of the case if, any officer not below the
rank of Assistant Commissioner:

a. Is of the opinion that the value has not been correctly declared

b. the credit availed is not within the normal limits

c. assessee does no co-operate

d. (a) or (b)

Ans:- d. (a) or (b)

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Chapter 18 – Inspection, search and Seizure

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Who can order for carrying out “Inspection” and under what circumstances?

Ans: A Joint Commissioner or an officer higher in rank can give such authorization only if he has reasons to
believe that :

a) taxable person has done one of the following:-

• suppressed any transaction of supply of goods or services;

• suppressed stock of goods in hand;

• claimed excess input tax credit;

• contravened any provision of the Act to evade tax;

b) Any person engaged in transporting of goods has kept goods which have escaped payment
of tax or has kept his accounts or goods in a manner that is likely to cause evasion of tax,
whether or not he is a registered taxable person.

c) An owner or an operator of a warehouse or a godown has kept goods which have escaped
payment of tax or has kept his accounts or goods in a manner that is likely to cause
evasion of tax.

Q 2. Who can order for search and seizure under the provisions of CGST Act?

Ans: Where the proper officer, not below the rank of Joint commissioner, either pursuant to an
inspection carried or otherwise, has a reason to believe that-
• Any goods liable o confiscation, or
• Any documents or books or things, which in his opinion shall be useful for or relevant to any
proceedings under this act:

Are secreted in any place, he-

• May authorise in writing any other central tax officer to search and seize, or
• May himself search and seize such goods, documents or books or things.
Detention of goods which cannot be seized: Where it is not practicable to seize any such
goods, the proper officer or any officer authorized by him, may-

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• Serve on the owner or the custodian of the goods an order that-
• He shall not remove, part with, or otherwise deal with the goods.
• Except with the previous permission of such office
Q 3. What are the duties of the person to whom summons has been issued?
Ans: Refer relevant para “Precautions to be observed while issuing summons” in main book

Q 4. What is meant by the term “arrest”? When can the proper officer authorize ‘arrest’ of any person
under CGST Act?
Ans: Refer relevant para no. 10 & 11 in Main Book

Q 5. Explain the procedure for carrying out Inspection, search and seizure
Ans: Inspection search and seizure 9(Rule 139 of CGST Rules, 2017)
1. Authorization by officer not below rank of Joint Commissioner for conduct of Inspection,
search and seizure (Rule 139(1) : When the proper officer not below the rank of a Joint
Commissioner has reasons to believe that a place of business or any other place is to be visited
for the purposes of inspection or search or as the case may be seizure in accordance with the
provisions of Section 67, he shall issue an authorization In FORM GST INS-01 authorizing any
other officer subordinate to him to conduct the inspection or search or as the case may be
seizure of goods, documents, books or things liable to confiscation
2. Seizure order (Rule 139(2) : Where any goods, documents, books or things are liable for seizure
under section 67(2), the proper officer or an authorized officer shall made an order of seizure in
3. Custodian to keep safe custody of goods and not to remove them except with Previous
permission of Proper Officer (Rule 139(3) : The proper officer or an authorized officer may
entrust upon the owner or the Custodian of goods, from whose custody such goods or things are
seized, the custody of such goods or things for sale upkeep and the said person shall not remove
part with or otherwise deal with the goods or things except with the previous permission of such
4. Prohibitory order (Rule 139(4) : Where it is not practicable to seize any such goods, the proper
officer or the authorized Officer may serve on the owner or the custodian of the goods, an order
or prohibition in FORM GST INS-03 that he shall not remove, part with, or otherwise , deal with
the goods except with the previous permission of such officer.
5. Preparation of inventory of seized goods (Rule 139(5) : The officer seizing the goods,
documents, books or things shall prepare an inventory of such goods or documents or books or
things containing, inter alia, description, Quantity or unit, make, mark or model, where applicable,
and get it signed by the Person from whom such goods or documents or books or things are

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Q 6. What is search warrant and also state its contents ?
Ans: The written authority to conduct search is generally called search warrant. The competent
authority to issue search warrant is an officer of the rank of Joint Commissioner or above. A
search warrant must indicate the existence of a reasonable belief leading to the search. Search
Warrant should contain the following details:
I. the violation under the Act,
II. the premise to be searched,
III. the name and designation of the person authorized for search,
IV. the name of the issuing officer with full designation along with his round seal,
V. date and place of issue,
VI. serial number of the search warrant,
VII. Period of validity i.e. a day or two days etc.

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Chapter 18 – Inspection, Search and Seizure

Multiple Choice Questions

1) ___________ denotes an action of a Government machinery to go, look through)

examine carefully a place, area, person, object etc. in order to find something concealed or for the

purpose of discovering evidence of a crime.

a. Search

b. Seizure

c. Inspection

d. Recovery

Ans: a . Search

2) . ____________ means the taking into custody of a person under some lawful command or


a. Seizure

b. Arrest

c. Inspection

d. Search

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 18. 4

Ans: b. Arrest

3) . Who will authorize the conduct of inspection?

a. GST Commissioner

b. Proper Officer not below the rank of Joint Commissioner

c. State Commissioner

d. Central Commissioner

Ans b. Proper Officer not below the rank of Joint Commissioner

4) . Which are the places of business / premises which can be inspected by the proper officer

under this section?

a. Any places of business of a taxable person

b. Any places of business of a taxable person engaged in the business of transporting goods

c. Any places of business of an owner or an operator of a warehouse or go down or any other


d. All of the above

Ans: d. All of the above

5) In which of the following cases, the proper officer has the power of making conduct of

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inspection, search and seizure?

a. The taxable person has suppressed any transaction relating to supply of goods or services

b. The taxable person has claimed ITC in excess of his entitlement

c. The taxable person engaged in the business of transporting goods is keeping goods which have

escaped payment of tax

d. All of the above

Ans: d. All of the above

6) . Seized goods can be released on____________basis u/s 67(6).

a. Provisional

b. Permanent

c. Temporary

d. Periodical

Ans: a. Provisional

7) Section 68 authorizes the proper officer to conduct transit checks for inspection of goods.


a. Yes

b. No

c. Partially Correct

d. None of the above

Ans: a. Yes

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 18. 6

8) All arrests should be made as per the provisions of...................

a. Code of Criminal Procedure,1973

b. Civil Procedure Code

c. Indian Penal Code

d. Foreign Exchange Management Act

Ans: a. Code of Criminal Procedure,1973

9) Is officer bound to communicate the grounds of arrest in case of non bailable & cognizable


a. Yes

b. No

c. Optional

d. Yes, it permitted by the GST Council

Ans: b. No

10) If a person is arrested for a cognizable offence, he must be informed in writing of the grounds


arrest and he must be produced before a Magistrate within______________.

a. 24 hours of his warrant

b. 24 hours of his arrest

c. 24 hours of his seizure

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d. 48 hours of his arrest

Ans b. 24 hours of his arrest

11) If a taxable person has done the following act, inspection can be ordered:

(a) Suppression of any transaction of supply of goods or services

(b) Suppression of stock of goods in hand

(c) Contravention of any provision of the GST law to evade tax

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 18. 8

Chapter 19 – Demand and Recovery

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Mohan Enterprises is entitled for exemption from tax under GST law. However, it collected tax from
its buyers worth Rs. 50,000 in the month of August. It has not deposited the said amount collected
as GST with the Government. You are required to brief to Mohan Enterprises the consequences of
collecting tax, but not depositing the same with Government as provided under section 76 of the
CGST Act, 2017.
Ans: It is mandatory to pay amount, collected from other person representing tax under GST law, to the
Government. Every person who has collected from any other person any amount as representing
the tax under GST law, and has not paid the said amount to the Government, shall forthwith pay
the said amount to the Government, irrespective of whether the supplies in respect of which such
amount was collected are taxable or not.

For any such amount not so paid, proper officer may issue SCN for recovery of such amount and
penalty equivalent to amount specified in notice. The proper officer shall, after considering the
representation, if any, made by the person on whom SCN is served, determine the amount due
from such person and thereupon such person shall pay the amount so determined along with
interest at the rate specified under section 50 from the date such amount was collected by him to
the date such amount is paid by him to the Government.

Q 2. Discuss briefly the time limit for issue of show cause notice as contained under sections 73 and 74
of the CGST Act, 2017.

Ans: The provisions relating to ‘relevant date’ as contained in CGST Act, 2017 are as under:
i. In case of section 73 (cases other than fraud/suppression of facts/willful misstatement), the time-
limit for issuance of SCN is 2 years and 9 months from the due date of filing Annual Return for
the Financial Year to which the demand pertains or from the date of erroneous refund.

ii. In case of section 74 (cases involving fraud/suppression of facts/willful misstatement), the time-
limit for issuance of SCN is 4 years and 6 months from the due date of filing of Annual Return for
the Financial Year to which the demand pertains or from the date of erroneous refund.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 1

Q 3. Is there any time limit prescribed for adjudication of the cases under CGST Act, 2017? If yes,
discuss the same.

Ans: The provisions relating to time-limit for adjudication of cases as contained in section 73 and 74 of
the CGST Act, 2017 are as under:
i. In case of section 73 (cases other than fraud/suppression of facts/willful misstatement), the time
limit for adjudication of cases is 3 years from the due date for filing of annual return for the
financial year to which demand relates to [Section 73(10)].
ii. In case of section 73 (cases other than fraud/suppression of facts/willful misstatement), the time
limit for adjudication of cases is 3 years from the due date for filing of annual return for the
financial year to which demand relates to [Section 73(10)].

Q 4. A person is chargeable with tax in case of fraud. He decides to pay the amount of demand along
with interest before issue of notice. Is there any immunity available to such person?

Ans: Yes. Person chargeable with tax, shall have an option to pay the amount of tax along with interest
and penalty equal to 15% per cent of the tax involved, as ascertained either on his own or
ascertained by the proper officer, and on such payment, no notice shall be issued with respect to the
tax so paid [Section 74(6)].

Q 5. Briefly discuss the modes of recovery of tax available to the proper officer.
Ans: The proper officer may recover the dues in following manner:
i. Deduction of dues from the amount owned by the tax authorities payable to such person.
ii. Recovery by way of detaining and selling any goods belonging to such person;
iii. Recovery from other person, from whom money is due or may become due to such person or who
holds or may subsequently hold money for or on account of such person, to pay to the credit of the
Central or a State Government;
iv. Distrain any movable or immovable property belonging to such person, until the amount payable is
paid. If the dues not paid within 30 days, the said property is to be sold and with the proceeds of
such sale the amount payable and cost of sale shall be recovered.
v. Through the Collector of the district in which such person owns any property or resides or carries
on his business, as if it was an arrear of land revenue.
vi. By way of an application to the appropriate Magistrate who in turn shall proceed to recover the
amount as if it were a fine imposed by him.
vii. By enforcing the bond/instrument executed under this Act or any rules or regulations made
viii. CGST arrears can be recovered as an arrear of SGST and vice versa [Section 79]

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 2

Q 6. Rajul has been issued a show cause notice (SCN) on 31.12.2021 under section 73(1) of the CGST
Act, 2017 on account of short payment of tax during the period between 01.07.2017 and 31.12.2017.
He has been given an opportunity of personal hearing on 15.01.2022. Advice Rajul as to what should
be the written submissions in the reply to the show cause notice issued to him.

Ans: The written submissions in reply to SCN issued to Rajul are as follows:

i. The show cause notice (SCN) issued for normal period of limitation under section 73(1) of
the CGST Act, 2017 is not sustainable.

ii. The SCN under section 73(1) of the CGST Act, 2017 can be issued at least
3 months prior to the time limit specified for issuance of order under section 73(10) of
the CGST Act, 2017. The adjudication order under section 73(10) of the CGST Act, 2017
has to be issued within 3 years from the due date for furnishing of annual return for the
financial year to which the short-paid tax relates to.
The due date for furnishing annual return for a financial year is on or before the
31st day of December following the end of such financial year [Section 44 of the CGST
Act, 2017]. Thus, SCN under section 73(1) of the CGST Act, 2017 can be issued within 2
years and 9 months from the due date for furnishing of annual return for the financial
year to which the short-paid tax relates to.

iii. The SCN has been issued for the period between 01.07.2017 to 31.12.2017 which falls in the
financial year (FY) 2017-18. Due date for furnishing annual return for the FY 2017-18 is
31.12.2018 and 3 years’ period from due date of filing annual return lapses on 31.12.2021.
Thus, SCN under section 73(1) ought to have been issued latest by 30.09.2021.

iv. Since the notice has been issued after 30.09.2021, the entire proceeding is barred by
limitation and deemed to be concluded under section 75(10) of the CGST Act, 2017.

Q 7. Richmond has self-assessed tax liability under IGST Act, 2017, as Rs. 80,000. He fails to
pay the tax within 30 days from the due date of payment of such tax.Determine the
interest and penalty payable by him explaining the provisions of law, with the following
particulars available from his records:
Date of collection of tax 18th December, 2017

Date of payment of tax 26th February, 2018

No Show Cause Notice (SCN) has been issued to him so far, while he intends to discharge his
liability, even before it is issued to him, on the assumption that no penalty is leviable on him as
payment is made before issue of SCN.

Ans: Due date for payment of tax collected on 18.12.2017 is 20.01.2018. However, since tax is actually

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 3

paid on 26.02.2018, interest @ 18% p.a. is payable for the period for which the tax remains unpaid
[37 days] in terms of section 50 of CGST Act, 2017 read with Notification No. 13/2017 CT dated
28.06.2017. Amount of interest is:
= Rs. 80,000 × 18% × 37/365 = Rs. 1,460 (rounded off)

As per section 73(11) of CGST Act, 2017, where self-assessed tax/any amount collected as tax is not
paid within 30 days from due date of payment of tax, then, inter alia, option to pay such tax before
issuance of SCN to avoid penalty, is not available.

Consequently, penalty equivalent to

(i) 10% of tax, viz., Rs. 8,000 or
(ii) Rs. 10,000, whichever is higher,

is payable in terms of section 73(9) of CGST Act, 2017. Therefore, penalty of Rs. 10,000 will
have to be paid by Richmond.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 4

Chapter 19– Demand & Recovery

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Different designations have been prescribed to function as a proper officer on the basis of

___________ for issue of notice and demand.

a. Subordinate level of Central Tax Officers

b. Seniority level of Central Tax Officers

c. Monetary limit of the tax involved

d. Type of tax involved

Ans:- c . Monetary limit of the tax involved

2) What is the time limit for issue of order in case of reasons other than fraud, misstatement



a. 1 year

b. 2 years

c. 3 years

d. 5 years

Ans:- c. 3 years

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 5

3) Repeat notices can be sent to the assessee on the same grounds on which once a SCN has

been issued. Comment.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Partially correct

d. None of the above

Ans:- a. Yes

4) What is the prescribed monetary limit of Central Tax for Superintendent of Central Tax for

issuance of show cause notices and orders under Section 73 and 74?

a. Not exceeding Rupees 10 lakhs

b. Above Rupees 10 lakhs and not exceeding Rupees 1crore

c. Above Rupees 1 crore without any limit

d. Not exceeding Rupees 20 lakhs

Ans;- a. Not exceeding Rupees 10 lakhs

5) What is the prescribed monetary limit of Integrated Tax for Superintendent of Central

Tax for issuance of show cause notices and orders under Section 73 and 74 read with

Section 20 of the IGST Act?

a. Not exceeding Rupees 10lakhs

b. Above Rupees 10 lakhs and not exceeding Rupees 1crore

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 6

c. Above Rupees 1 crore without any limit

d. Not exceeding Rupees 20 lakhs

Ans:- d. Not exceeding Rupees 20 lakhs

6) What is the rate of interest that needs to be paid in case of default as per section 73?

a. 5%

b. 12%

c. 18%

d. 28%

Ans:- c. 18%

7) . What is the rate of penalty for default u/s 74 if the payment has been made after issue



a. 10 %

b. 12 %

c. 15 %

d. 25 %

Ans:- d. 25 %

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8) . The notice should be issued at least ________before me limit of issue of order u/s 23.

a. 1 month

b. 2 months

c. 6 months

d. 3 months

Ans:- d. 3 months

9) What is the time limit for issue of order in pursuance of the direction of the Appellate

Authority or Appellate Tribunal or a Court, from the date of communication of the said


a. 30 months

b. 18 months

c. 2 years

d. 5 years

Ans:- c. 2 years

10) Any amount of demand debited in the electronic liability register shall stand ------------

given by the appellate authority or Appellate Tribunal or Court & the electronic liability

register shall be

credited accordingly.

a) Reduced to the extent of relief

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b) Increased to the extent of relief

c) Similar to the extent of relief

d) Either (a) or (b)

Ans: a) Reduced to the extent of relief

11) Maximum number of monthly installments permissible under section 80 is:

a. 36

b. 12

c. 48

d. 24

Ans:- d. 24

12) What liabilities can be recovered on account of first charge on the property of such taxable

person or such person as per section 82 of the CGST Act, 2017?

a. Tax

b. Interest

c. Penalty

d. All of the above

Ans:- d. All of the above

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 9

13) When Commissioner is not required to serve fresh notice to recover the Government dues?

a. Demand amount is reduced

b. Already proceedings of recovery of Government dues is served before disposal of

appeal, revision of application or other proceedings

c. Demand amount is enhanced

d. Both (a) and (b)

Ans:- d. Both (a) and (b)

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 19. 10

Chapter 20– Liability to pay in certain Cases

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who shall be liable to pay the tax, interest or penalty due up to the time of such transfer of


a. Transferor

b. Transferee

c. Transferor and transferee jointly and severally

d. Either (a) or (b)

Ans: c. Transferor and transferee jointly and severally

2. Who shall be liable to pay the tax, interest or penalty with effect from the date of transfer

of business?

a. Transferor

b. Transferee

c. Transferor and transferee jointly and severally

d. Either (a) or (b)

Ans: b. Transferee

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 20. 1

3. When two or more companies are amalgamated, the liability to pay tax on supplies between

the effective date of amalgamation order and the date on amalgamation order would be on:

a. Transferee

b. Respective companies

c. Any one of the companies

d. None of the above

Ans: a. Transferee

4. In case of amalgamation between two companies, such companies shall be treated as two

distinct companies till–

a. Till the date of the Court order

b. Till the effective date of merger

c. Till the date of cancellation of registration

d. None of the above

Ans: a. Till the date of the Court order

5. Within how much time the Commissioner is required to notify the liqui dator of the amount

payable in respect of tax, interest or penalty?

a. One month

b. Two months

c. Three months

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d. Four months

Ans: c. Three months

6. Who shall be liable to pay the dues of tax, interest and penalty of the private company in

case of its winding up whether before or after its liquidation?

a. Shareholders

b. Every person who is director at the time of winding up of the company shall jointly and

severally be liable.

c. Every person who was director of the company at time during the perio d, for which the tax

was due, shall jointly and severally be liable.

d. Liquidator

Ans: c. Every person who was director of the company at time during the period, for which the

tax was due, shall jointly and severally be liable

7. The director shall not be liable under section 88 if he proves to the satisfaction of the

Commissioner that such non recovery is not attributed to any gross neglect, misfeasance or

breach of duty in relation to the affairs of the company. Comment.

a. Correct

b. Incorrect

c. Partially correct

d. None of the above

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Ans: a. Correct

8. If the estate or any portion of the estate of a taxable person is under the control of the

Court of Wards, Administrative General etc., and the tax due from such taxable person is

liable to be paid by-

a. Court of Wards.

b. Taxable Person

c. Legal representative of taxable person

d. None of the above

Ans: a. Court of Wards

9. Within how much time the retiring partner is required to make intimation to the


a. 15 days

b. 1 month

c. 45 days

d. 2 months

Ans: b. 1 month

10. The liability of the retiring partner shall continue until the date __________ if such

partner fails to intimate the Commissioner within the prescribed time limit.

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a. Of full recovery of the dues

b. Of his retirement

c. On which such intimation is received by the Commissioner

d. On which the retiring partner sends his intimation

Ans: d. On which the retiring partner sends his intimation

11. Who shall be liable to pay tax, interest or penalty in case of partition of HUF or AOP?

a. Only Karta or head of AOP

b. All the members of HUF or AOP jointly or severally

c. Only major members

d. All members except Karta

Ans: b. All the members of HUF or AOP jointly or severally

12. In case of reconstitution of partnership firm who will be liable to pay tax, interest or


a. All the partners of the firm prior to the date of reconstitution and after the date of


hall be jointly and severally

b. All the partners of the firm prior to the date of reconstitution shall be jointly and severally

c. All the partners of the firm after the date of reconstitution shall be jointly and severally

d. None of the above

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Ans: a. All the partners of the firm prior to the date of reconstitution and after the date of

reconstitution shall be jointly and severally

13. In case of discontinuance of the AOP, the liability of the member exists in respect of the

tax dues imposed__________

a. Prior to the date of discontinuance

b. After the date of discontinuance

c. Both prior and after the date of discontinuance

d. None of the above

Ans: c. Both prior and after the date of discontinuance

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 20. 6

Chapter 21 – Appeals and Revision
Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Does CGST law provide for any appeal to a person aggrieved by any order or decision passed against
him by an adjudicating authority under the CGST Act? Explain the related provisions under the CGST
Ans: Yes. Any person aggrieved by any order or decision passed by an adjudicating authority under the
CGST Act has the right to appeal to the Appellate Authority under section 107. The appeal should be
filed within 3 months from the date of communication of such order or decision. However, the
Appellate Authority has the power to condone the delay of up to 1 month in filing the appeal if there
is sufficient cause for the delay. The appeal can be filed only when the admitted liability and 10%
of the disputed
tax amount is paid as pre-deposit by the appellant.
However, no appeal can be filed against the following orders in terms of section 121:-
• An order of the Commissioner or other authority empowered to direct transfer of proceedings from one
officer to another officer;
• An order pertaining to the seizure or retention of books of account, register and other documents; or
• An order sanctioning prosecution under the Act; or
• An order passed under section 80 (payment of tax in instalments).

Q 2. Describe the provisions relating to Departmental appeal to Appellate Authority under section 107 of
the CGST Act.
Ans: Section 107(2) provides that Department can file a “review application/appeal” with the
Appellate Authority.
The Commissioner may, on his own motion, or upon request from the SGST/UTGST Commissioner,
examine the record of any proceedings in which an adjudicating authority has passed any
decision/order to satisfy himself as to the legality or propriety of the said decision /order. The
Commissioner may, by order, direct any officer subordinate to him to apply to the Appellate
Authority within 6 months from the date of communication of the said decision/order for the
determination of such points arising out of the said decision/order as may be specified him.
The AA can condone the delay in filing of appeal by 1 month if it is satisfied that there was
sufficient cause for such delay [Section 107(4)]. Such application shall be dealt with by the AA as if
it were an appeal made against the decision/order of the adjudicating authority [Section 107(3)].
There is no requirement of making a pre-deposit in case of departmental appeal.

Q 3. Specify the amount of mandatory pre-deposit which should be made along with every appeal before
the Appellate Authority and the Appellate Tribunal. Does making the pre-deposit have any impact on
recovery proceedings?
Ans: Refer relevant para in Main Book

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 21. 1

Q 4. With reference to section 108, elaborate whether a CGST/SGST authority can revise an order passed
by his subordinates.
Ans: Section 2(99) defines “Revisional Authority” as an authority appointed or authorised under the CGST Act for
revision of decision or orders referred to in section 108.
Section 108 of the Act authorizes such “revisional authority” to call for and examine any order passed
by his subordinates and in case he considers the order of the lower authority to be erroneous in so far
as it is prejudicial to revenue and is illegal or improper or has not taken into account certain material
facts, whether available at the time of issuance of the said order or not or in consequence of an
observation by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, he may, if necessary, can revise the order
after giving opportunity of being heard to the noticee. The “revisional authority” can also stay the
operation of any order passed by his subordinates pending such revision.
The “revisional authority” shall not revise any order if-
(a) The order has been subject to an appeal under section 107 or under section 112 or under
section 117 or under section 118; or
(b) The period specified under section 107(2) has not yet expired or more than three years have
expired after the passing of the decision or order sought to be revised.
(c) The order has already been taken up for revision under this section at any earlier stage.
(d) The order is a revisional order

Q 5. The Appellate Tribunal has the discretion to refuse to admit any appeal. Examine the correctness of
the above statement.
Ans: The statement is partially correct. Though the Appellate Tribunal does have the power to refuse to
admit an appeal, it cannot refuse to admit ANY appeal. It can refuse to admit an appeal where –

• the tax or input tax credit involved or

• the difference in tax or the difference in input tax credit involved or
• the amount of fine, fees or penalty determined by such order,

does not exceed Rs. 50,000.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 21. 2

Q 6. Hariharan had filed an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal against an order of the Appellate Authority
where the issue involved related to place of supply. The order of Appellate Tribunal is also in favour of
the Department. Hariharan now wants to file an appeal against the decision of the Appellate Authority
as he feels the stand taken by him is correct.
You are required to advise him suitably with regard to filing of an appeal before the appellate forum
higher than the Appellate Tribunal.
Ans: As per section 117(1) of the CGST Act, an appeal against orders passed by the State Bench or Area
Benches of the Tribunal lies to the High Court if the High Court is satisfied that such an appeal
involves a substantial question of law.
However, appeal against orders passed by the National Bench or Regional Benches of the Tribunal
lies to the Supreme Court and not High Court. As per section 109(5) of the CGST Act, only the
National Bench or Regional Benches of the Tribunal can decide appeals where one of the issues
involved relates to the place of supply.
Since the issue involved in Hariharan’s case relates to place of supply, the appeal in his case would
have been decided by the National Bench or Regional Bench of the Tribunal. Thus, Hariharan will
have to file an appeal with the Supreme Court and not with the High Court.

Q 7. Mr. A had filed an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal against an order of the Appellate Authority
where the issue involved related to place of supply. The order of Appellate Tribunal is also in favour
of the Department. Mr. A now wants to file an appeal against the decision of the Appellate
Authority as he feels the stand taken by him is correct. You are required to advise him suitably
with regard to filing of an appeal before the appellate forum higher than the Appellate Tribunal.
Ans: As per section 117(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, an appeal against orders passed by the State Bench or
Area Benches of the Tribunal lies to the High Court if the High Court is satisfied that such an
appeal involves a substantial question of law. However, appeal against orders passed by the National
Bench or Regional Benches of the Tribunal lies to the Supreme Court and not High Court. As per
section 109(5) of the Act, only the National Bench or Regional Benches of the Tribunal can decide
appeals where one of the issues involved relates to the place of supply. Since the issue involved in
Mr. A’s case relates to place of supply, the appeal in his case would have been decided by the
National Bench or Regional Bench of the Tribunal. Thus, Mr. A will have to file an appeal with
the Supreme Court and not with the High Court.

Q 8. With reference to the provisions of section 120 of the CGST Act, 2017, list the cases in which appeal
is not to be filed.
Ans: Following are the cases:
• The Board may, on the recommendations of the GST Council, issue orders or instructions or
directions fixing monetary limits for regulating filing of appeal or application by the CGST officer.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 21. 3

• Non-filing of appeal/application by a CGST officer on account of such monetary limits fixed by the
Board shall not preclude such officer from filing appeal or application in any other case involving the
same or similar issues or questions of law.
• No person, who is a party in application or appeal can contend that the CGST Officer has acquiesced
in the decision on the disputed issue by not filing an appeal or application (on account of monetary
• The Appellate Tribunal or Court hearing such appeal or application shall have regard to circumstances
for non-filing of appeal or application by the CGST officer on account of monetary limits fixed by
the Board.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 21. 4

Chapter 21 – Appeals & Revision

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the time limit provided for filing an appeal to an Appellate Authority?

a. 3 months from issue of order

b. 3 months from communication of order

c. 1 month from receipt of order

d. Cannot file an appeal

Ans: b. 3 months from communication of order

2. What is the further extension in terms of time period provided to an appellant for filing an

appeal to an Appellate Authority?

a. 15 days

b. 1 month

c. 1.5 months

d. 2 months

Ans: b. 1 month

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 21. 5

3. What is the time limit provided to the commissioner to get an appeal filed against

any order passed or proceedings carried under an Adjudicating Authority under the Act?

a. 3 months

b. 4 months

c. 5 months

d. 6 months

Ans: d. 6 months

4. The adjudicating authority determined Rs. 50 lakh as tax, interest and penalty to be payable

by Mr. X on account of wrong availment of input tax credit. Mr. X wants to prefer an

appeal before the first Appellate Authority against such orders. Out of Rs. 50 lakh, Mr. X

admitted Rs. 15 lakh as his liability and wants to litigate for Rs. 35 lakh. Calculate the amount

of pre-deposit to be paid by Mr. X.

a) Rs. 18,50,000/-

b) Rs. 22,00,000/-

c) Rs. 50,00,000/-

d) Rs. 15,00,000/-

Ans: a) Rs. 18,50,000/-

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5. What is the time period provided for filing memorandum of cross objection by such

person against whom an appeal has been preferred?

a. Within 30 days of notice received

b. Within 45 days of notice received

c. Within 60 days of notice received

d. None of the above

Ans: b. Within 45 days of notice received

6. Who can file an appeal before the Appellate Authority against the ruling of the authority?

a) Any taxable person

b) Jurisdictional officer or the aggrieved applicant

c) Any person concerned belonging to same industry as that of the applicant

d) Any of the above

Ans: b) Jurisdictional officer or the aggrieved applicant

7. What are the instances under which an appeal can be heard by a single member of the


a. Tax or Input Tax Credit amount involved in appeal does not exceed INR 5 lakhs

b. Difference in the tax or ITC amount does not exceed INR 5 lakhs

c. Fine, fee or Penalty determined in an order appealed against does not exceed INR 5 lakhs

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 21. 7

d. Any of the above

Ans d. Any of the above

8. Whom shall a person appeal if aggrieved by the order of decision of National or Regional

Benches of Appellate Tribunal?

a. Supreme Court

b. High Court

c. District Court

d. None of the above

Ans: a. Supreme Court

9. What are the instances under which an appeal shall be refused to be admitted by the

Appellate Tribunal?

a. Where amount of tax or ITC involved is less than INR 50,000/-

b. Where amount of difference in tax or ITC is less than INR 50,000/-

c. Where amount of fine, Fee, Penalty, determined in an order is less than INR 50,000/-

d. Any of the above

Ans: d. Any of the above

10. Who shall a person appeal if aggrieved by the order of decision of High Court?

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a. Supreme Court

b. High Court

c. District Court

d. None of the above

Ans: a. Supreme Court

11. The Appellate Authority or the Appellate Tribunal shall not take any additional evidence

produced unless the adjudicating Authority or an officer authorised in this behalf by the said

authority has been allowed a reasonable opportunity ______________

a. To examine the evidence or documents or to cross-examine any witness produced by the


b. To produce any evidence or any witness in rebuttal of the evidence produced by the

appellant under sub-rule

c. Either (a) or (b)

d. None of the above

Ans: c. Either (a) or (b)

12. What is the time period prescribed to the Appellate Authority to decide an appeal under

the Act?

a. 6 months

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b. 1 year

c. 2 years

d. 3 years

Ans: b. 1 year

13 . What is the time period provided within which a retired officer of commercial tax department

of any State Government or Union Territory or of board cannot represent himself as an

authorized representative?

a. 6 months

b. 1 year

c. 2 years

d. 3 years

Ans: b. 1 year

14. What is non-appealable order or decisions?

a. An order of the Commissioner or other Authority empowered to direct transfer of proceedings

from one officer to another officer.

b. An order pertaining to the seizure or retention of books of account, registered and

other documents.

c. An order sanctioning prosecution under this Act.

d. All of the above

Ans: d. All of the above

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15. What are the instances under which an order passed by the Appellate Tribunal could be

amended by the Tribunal itself?

a. Where any error is apparent from record

b. If any error is brought to its notice by the Commissioner or Commissioner of State tax or

the Commissioner of the Union Territory tax or the other party to the Appeal

c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None of the above

Ans: c. Both (a) & (b)

16 . Which of the following can be considered as the authorized representatives

for the purposes of this Act?

a) A CA/CS with a valid certificate of practice

b) A Lawyer practicing in any court in India

c) A retired officer of the Tax Department of any State Government or of the Excise Dept.

whose rank was minimum Group-B gazetted officer.

d) All of the above

Ans: d) All of the above

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Chapter 23 – Advance Ruling

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. Which are the matters enumerated in Section 97 for which advance ruling can be sought?
Ans: Refer Para 2 in Main Book

Q 2. What is the objective of having a mechanism of Advance Ruling?

Ans: The broad objectives for setting up a mechanism of Advance Ruling are:

• provide certainty in tax liability in advance in relation to an activity proposed to be undertaken

by the applicant;
• attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
• reduce litigation
• pronounce ruling expeditiously in a transparent and inexpensive manner

Q 3. To whom will the Advance Ruling be applicable?

Ans: An advance ruling pronounced by AAR or AAAR shall be binding only on the applicant and on the
concerned officer or the jurisdictional officer in respect of the applicant. This clearly means that an
advance ruling is not applicable to similarly placed other taxable persons in the State. It is only
limited to the person who has applied for an advance ruling.

Q 4. What is the time period for applicability of Advance Ruling?

Ans: The law does not provide for a fixed time period for which the ruling shall apply. Instead, it has been
provided that advance ruling shall be binding till the period when the law, facts or circumstances
supporting the original advance ruling have not changed.

Q 5. Can an advance ruling given be nullified?

Ans: Refer Para 8 in Main Book

Q 6. Ranjan intends to start selling certain goods in Delhi. However, he is not able to determine (i)
the classification of the goods proposed to be supplied by him [as the classification of said goods
has been contentious] and (ii) the place of supply if he supplies said goods from Delhi to buyers
in U.S.

Ranjan’s tax advisor has advised him to apply for the advance ruling in respect of these issues. He
told Ranjan that the advance ruling would bring him certainty and transparency in respect of the
said issues and would avoid litigation later. Ranjan agreed with his view, but has some

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 22. 1

In view of the information given above, you are required to advise Ranjan with respect to following:

(i) The tax advisor asks Ranjan to get registered under GST law before applying for the advance
ruling as only a registered person can apply for the same. Whether Ranjan needs to get

(ii) Can Ranjan seek advance ruling to determine (a) the classification of the goods proposed to be
supplied by him and (b) the place of supply, if he supplies said goods from Delhi to buyers in

(iii) Ranjan is apprehensive that if at all advance ruling is permitted to be sought, he has to seek it
every year. Whether Ranjan’s apprehension is correct?

(iv) The tax advisor is of the view that the order of Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) is final and
is not appealable. Whether the tax advisor’s view is correct?

(v) Sambhav - Ranjan’s friend - is a supplier registered in Delhi. He is engaged in supply of the
goods, which Ranjan proposes to supply at the same commercial level that Ranjan proposes to

He intends to apply the classification of the goods as decided in the advance ruling order to be
obtained by Ranjan, to the goods supplied by him in Delhi. Whether Sambhav can do so?

Ans: Answers to above mentioned Questions are given below:

I. Advance ruling under GST can be sought by a registered person or a person desirous of
obtaining registration under GST law [Section 95(c) of the CGST Act, 2017]. Therefore, it is not
mandatory for a person seeking advance ruling to be registered.

II. Section 97(2) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates the questions/matters on which advance ruling can
be sought. It provides that advance ruling can be sought for, inter alia, determining the
classification of any goods or services or both. Therefore, Ranjan can seek the advance ruling for
determining the classification of the goods proposed to be supplied by him.

Determination of place of supply is not one of the specified questions/matters on which advance
ruling can be sought under section 97(2). Further, section 96 of the CGST Act, 2017 provides that
AAR constituted under the provisions of an SGST Act/UTGST Act shall be deemed to be the AAR in
respect of that State/Union territory under CGST Act also.

Thus, AAR is constituted under the respective State/Union Territory Act and not the central Act. This
implies that ruling given by AAR will be applicable only within the jurisdiction of the concerned
State/Union territory.

It is also for this reason that the questions on determination of place of supply cannot be raised
with the AAR. Hence, Ranjan cannot seek the advance ruling for determining the place of supply of
the goods proposed to be supplied by him.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 22. 2

III. Section 103(2) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that the advance ruling shall be binding unless the
law, facts or circumstances supporting the original advance ruling have changed. Therefore, once
Ranjan has sought the advance ruling with respect to an eligible matter/question, it will be binding
till the time the law, facts and circumstances supporting the original advance ruling remain same.

IV. No, the tax advisor’s view is not correct. As per section 100 of the CGST Act, 2017, if the
applicant is aggrieved with the finding of the AAR, he can file an appeal with Appellate Authority for
Advance Ruling (AAAR). Similarly, if the concerned/ jurisdictional officer of CGST/SGST does not
agree with the findings of AAR, he can also file an appeal with AAAR.

Such appeal must be filed within 30 days from the receipt of the advance ruling. The Appellate
Authority may allow additional 30 days for filing the appeal, if it is satisfied that there was a
sufficient cause for delay in presenting the appeal.

V. Section 103 of the CGST Act provides that an advance ruling pronounced by AAR is binding only on
the applicant who had sought it and on the concerned officer or the jurisdictional officer in respect
of the applicant. This implies that an advance ruling is not applicable to similarly placed other
taxable persons in the State. It is only limited to the person who has applied for an advance ruling.

Thus, Sambhav will not be able to apply the classification of the goods that will be decided in the
advance ruling order to be obtained by Ranjan, to the goods supplied by him in Delhi.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 22. 3

Chapter 22– Advance Ruling

Multiple Choice Questions

1). Which of the following may make an application for Advance Ruling?

a. Jurisdictional Officer

b. Applicant

c. Both Applicant & Jurisdictional Officer

d. Proper officer

Ans:- b. Applicant

2). The AAR shall comprise of:

(a) One member from amongst the officers of Central tax and one member from amongst

officers of State tax/Union Territory tax.

(b) One sitting High Court Judge.

(c) (a) & (b)

(d) (a) and (b)

Ans. a) One member from amongst the officers of Central tax and one member from
amongst the officers of State tax/Union Territory tax.

3). Under which of the following matters Advance Ruling can be sought,

a. E-way bill requirements

b. Input credit admissibility of tax paid

c. Transitional credits specified in chapter XX

d. All of the above

Ans:- b. Input credit admissibility of tax paid

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 22. 4

3). What is the time period within which the application made to the authority be withdrawn?

a. 10 days of date of application

b. 10 days of date of first hearing

c. 30 days

d. No provision of withdrawal

Ans:- d. No provision of withdrawal

5). A copy of Advance Ruling signed and certified shall be sent to _____________.

a. Applicant

b. Concerned Officer

c. Jurisdictional Officer

d. All of the above

Ans:- d. All of the above

6). When can the AAR reject the application for the advance ruling?

a. Issue raised is already decided in case of the applicant under this Act

b. Issue raised is already pending in case of the applicant under this Act

c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None of the above

Ans:- c. Both (a) & (b)

7). What is the condition under which the Advance Ruling shall not be binding?

a. Applicant is unsatisfied with the ruling

b. Ruling is general in nature

c. Change in law or facts

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 22. 5

d. None of the above

Ans:- c. Change in law or facts

8). When can the Authority declare the advance ruling pronounced as void?

a. If ruling is obtained by suppression of material facts

b. If the applicant is in the business of supplies on which clarification has been sought

c. If the applicant does not engage in the business of supplies after 6 months of obtaining
the ruling

d. If a Supreme Court judgment is pronounced on the same issue and the judgment is

exactly the opposite of the clarification issued under the ruling

Ans:- a. If ruling is obtained by suppression of material facts

9). Who can apply for rectification of error on record?

a. Applicant

b. Concerned officer or Jurisdictional Officer

c. Advance Ruling Authority or the Appellate Authority on its own accord can rectify the

d. All of the above

Ans:- d. All of the above

12). The fee for filing an appeal before AAAR by the applicant is:

a. Rs. 25000/- under CGST Act

b. Rs. 25000/- under SGST Act

c. Rs. 10000/- each under CGST and SGST Act

d. Rs. 25000/- under any of the above Act

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Ans: c. Rs. 10000/- each under CGST and SGST Act

11). The fee for filing an application for Advance Ruling is:

a. Rs. 5000/- under CGST Act

b. Rs. 5000/- under SGST Act

c. Rs. 5000/- each under CGST and SGST Act

d. Rs. 10000/- under any of the above Act

Ans:- c. Rs. 5000/- each under CGST and SGST Act

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected] 22. 7


Chapter 23 – Offences and Penalties

Exercise Questions & Answers

Q 1. What are the various type of offences which may be committed by a taxable person liable to
penalty? What is the quantum of penalty for an offence mentioned under section 122(1)?
Ans: Refer Section 122 in main book

Q 2. Is there any penalty prescribed for a person other than the taxable person?
Ans: Yes, Section 122(3) provides for levy of penalty extending to Rs.25,000/- for any person who-
 aids or abets any of the 21 offences,
 deals in any way (whether receiving, supplying, storing or
transporting) with goods that are liable to confiscation,
 receives or deals with supply of services in contravention of the Act,
 fails to appear before an authority who has issued a summon,
 fails to issue any invoice for a supply or account for any invoice in his books of accounts.

Q 3. Mr. X, an unregistered person under GST purchases the goods supplied by Mr. Y who is a registered
person without receiving a tax invoice from Mr. Y and thus helps in tax evasion by Mr. Y. What
disciplinary action may be taken by tax authorities to curb such type of cases and on whom?
Ans: Both Mr. X and Mr. Y will be offender and will be liable to penalty as under:
Mr. X – Penalty under section 122(3) which may extend to Rs. 25,000/-;
Mr. Y – Penalty under section 122(1), which will be higher of following, namely
(i) Rs. 10,000/- or
(ii) 100% of tax evaded.

Q 4. Suppose, in the above case, a disciplinary action is taken against Mr. X and an adhoc penalty of `
20,000/- is imposed by issue of SCN without describing contravention for which penalty is going
to be imposed and without mentioning the provisions under which penalty is going to be imposed.
Should Mr. X proceed to pay for penalty or challenge SCN issued by department?
Ans: The levy of penalty is subject to a certain disciplinary regime which is based on jurisprudence,
principles of natural justice and principles governing international trade and agreements. Such
general discipline is enshrined in section 126 of the Act. Accordingly—
 no penalty is to be imposed without issuance of a show cause notice and proper hearing in the
matter, affording an opportunity to the person proceeded against to rebut the allegations levelled
against him,
 the penalty is to depend on the totality of the facts and circumstances of the case, the
penalty imposed is to be commensurate with the degree and severity of breach of the provisions
of the law or the rules alleged,
 the nature of the breach is to be specified clearly in the order imposing the penalty,
 the provisions of the law under which the penalty has been imposed is to be specified.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected]


Since SCN issued to Mr. X suffers from lack of clarity about nature of breach which has taken
place and about provision of law under which penalty has been imposed, SCN issued by department
may be challenged.

Q 5. Shagun started supply of goods in Vasai, Maharashtra from 01.01.20XX. Her turnover exceeded Rs.
20 lakh on 25.01.20XX. However, she didn’t apply for registration. Determine the amount of penalty,
if any, that may be imposed on Shagun on 31.03.20XX, if the tax evaded by her, as on said date,
on account of failure to obtain registration is Rs. 1,26,000
Ans: Where the aggregate turnover of a supplier making supplies from a State /UT exceeds Rs. 20 lakh in
a financial year, he is liable to be registered in the said State/UT. The said supplier must apply for
registration within 30 days from the date on which he becomes liable to registration. However, in
the given case although Shagun became liable to registration on 25/01/20XX, she didn’t apply for
registration within 30 days of becoming liable to registration.
Section 122(1)(xi) of the CGST Act, 2017 stipulates that a taxable person who is Liable to be
registered under the CGST Act, 2017 but fails to obtain registration shall be liable to pay a penalty
of :
(a) Rs. 10000, or:
(b) an amount equivalent to the tax evaded (Rs. 1,26,000 in the given case)
Whichever is higher,
Thus, the amount of penalty that can be imposed on Shagun is Rs. 1,26,000

Q 6. Examine the implications as regards the bailability and quantum of punishment on prosecution,
in respect of the following cases pertaining to the period December, 2017 under CGST Act, 2017;

I. 'M' collects Rs. 245 lakh as tax from its clients and deposits Rs. 241 lakh with the Central
Government. It is found that he has falsified financial records and has not maintained proper records.

II. 'N' collects Rs. 550 lakh as tax from its clients but deposits only Rs. 30 lakh with the Central
Government. Further, the amount of Rs. 520 lakh collected as tax is not paid to the Government
beyond 3 months from the due date of payment of tax.

What will be the implications with regard to punishment on prosecution of 'M' and 'N' for the offences?
What would be the position, if 'M' and 'N' repeat the offences?

It may be assumed that offences are proved in the court.

Ans: The answer to above questions are given below:
i. As per section 132(1)(d)(iii) of the CGST Act, 2017, failure to pay any amount collected as tax
beyond 3 months from due date of payment is punishable with specified imprisonment and fine
provided the amount of tax evaded exceeds at least Rs. 100 lakh. Therefore, failure to deposit Rs. 4
lakh collected as tax by ‘M’ will not be punishable with imprisonment.
Further, falsification of financial records by ‘M’ is punishable with imprisonment up to 6 months or
with fine or both vide section 132(1)(f)(iv) of the CGST Act, 2017 and the said offence is bailable

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected]


in terms of section 132(4) of the CGST Act, 2017 assuming that falsification of records is with an
intention to evade payment of tax due under the CGST Act, 2017.
ii. Failure to pay any amount collected as tax beyond 3 months from due date is punishable with
imprisonment upto 5 years and with fine, if the amount of tax evaded exceeds Rs. 500 lakh in
terms of section 132(1)(d)(i) of the CGST Act, 2017.
Since the amount of tax evaded by ‘N’ exceeds Rs. 500 lakh (Rs. 550 lakh - Rs. 30 lakh), ‘N’ is
liable to imprisonment upto 5 years and with fine. Further, the imprisonment shall be minimum 6
months in the absence of special and adequate reasons to the contrary to be recorded in the judgment
vide section 132(3) of the CGST Act, 2017. Such offence is non-bailable in terms of section 132(5)
of the CGST Act, 2017.
If ‘M’and ‘N’ repeat the offence, they shall be punishable for second and for every subsequent offence
with imprisonment upto 5 years and with fine in terms of section 132(2) of the CGST Act, 2017.
Such imprisonment shall also be minimum 6 months in the absence of special and adequate reasons
to the contrary to be recorded in the judgment.

CA Yachana Mutha Bhurat 09669357770 [email protected]

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