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Unit 3: Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Subject: Math Grade Level: 6th grade

Samuel Fleming
Overall Goal of Lesson: Students will learn how to solve one step equations involving one variable.

Instructional Objectives: By the end of this class the students should be able to solve two step equations
and in different ways
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & ELPS: Key Vocabulary: Variable, Multiply, and Divide
For mathematics 6.10A Add, subtract

Higher Order Questions: Has anybody thought of where they might have had to use this in the past?

Student Activities: (Keep in mind the following: Scaffolding, Independent or Cooperative activities, Groupings,
Reading, Writing, Listening, Hands-On/Minds-On, Connections to previous knowledge, etc.)

Listening to lecture and then using hands on activities to further the lesson
Modifications/ELL Strategies: Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Give a bell ringer on
Use manipulatives to construct physical something the kids are intrigued by, math involving money,
models to test and confirm their answers food, or sports
Time Teacher Input/Lesson Activity:
30 min Students will learn how to solve for one variable. For example: If you have 2x=6, you must
divide both sides of the equation by 2. This is the opposite operation that is currently

10 min
Modeling: Using white board or projector I will be able to list the steps of the process.

5 min
Guided Practice: Once we found the steps to use, we will demonstrate through a few
5 min problems.

Independent Practice: Give a few problems to do by themselves and as they work walk
around the room asking high order questions.
5 min
Lesson Closure: Answer any questions the students may have. Pack up materials and pass
out homework.
The next
Assessment Methods/Strategies: Give out a paper with multiple questions to evaluate their
knowledge on the lesson.

Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.): Paper and pencils needed.

Reflection: Learning this lesson will help with the end of year examine and help start a basic
understanding for when they move up grades and to more complex problems.

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