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What Is This Module About?

Do you remember your mother telling you to eat vegetables? Or the time
you tried picking your neighbor’s mangoes? For sure, you had many
experiences involving plants in some way, which made you realize how
important they are to us. They give us shade on a sunny day, food on the
table, cure for our diseases, a house to live in, and so on. We derive so much
from plants. Don’t you think it’s time for us to give them something in return?

Plants, like us, have needs too. They require special attention and care.
To do this, we should take time to get to know them better, learn to look after
them, and give them the proper care.

This module is divided into three lessons. These are:

Lesson 1 — Plants Make the World Go Round

Lesson 2 — Can You Tell Which Part?

Lesson 3 — How Well Do You Know Your Plants?

What Will You Learn From This Module?

It is important to gain knowledge about plants and plant life for us to give
them the care that they need. This module aims to help you learn about the
importance of plants in our daily lives and how to value them. After
completing this module, you should be able to:

♦ explain the importance of plants in our surroundings;

♦ cite uses of plants;

♦ distinguish the different parts of a plant and identify the function/s of

each part; and

♦ identify plant parts and their uses.

Let’s See What You Already Know

Why don’t you first check what you already know about plants? Here are
some exercises for you to do:

A. Read each statement carefully. Draw a flower ( ) on the line if the

statement is true. Draw a leaf ( ) if it is false.

_____1. The roots are the breathing parts of a plant.

_____2. The products that you use such as paper, pencils, wooden
chairs and tables are made from plants.

_____3. Trees provide shelter and shade.

_____4. Flowers may be used for decoration.

_____5. The seeds are the reproductive parts of a plant.

_____6. All plant leaves may be eaten.

_____7. Trees help control rainwater from flooding low areas.

_____8. The thatched roof of the bahay kubo is made of Nipa


_____9. Plants do not need to be taken care of.

_____10. We can live without trees and plants.

B. Rearrange the letters below to form a word that will fit the description
or definition that follows.

1. T S M E S

They are plant structures

that support the leaves
and buds. They serve as
passageways for water,
minerals, and sugars.

2. E T E R S

A kind of plant that has only one

stem called the trunk. They are
classified under woody plants.
They grow tall.

3. W R O L E F

This is the part of the plant that

makes the seeds. This is also called
the reproductive part of the plant.
Usually, this is brightly colored and
is commonly used for decorative

4. G O K A N K G N

This is a common vegetable that

grows in the water. Its stems and
leaves are eaten. It is an ingredient
of sinigang.

5. R E P A P

This is a product derived from trees.

You write on it.

Well, how was it? Do you think you fared well? You may compare your
answers with those found in the Answer Key on pages 36–37.

If all your answers are correct, very good! You may still study the module
to review what you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more
new things as well.

If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This only goes to show that this
module is for you. It will help you to understand some important concepts
that you can apply in your daily life. If you study this module carefully, you
would learn the answers to all the items in the test and a lot more! Are you

You may go now to the next page to begin Lesson 1.


Plants Make the World Go Round

Look at your surroundings. Do you see different trees and plants around
you? Do you know how important they are in our lives? The fruit you ate for
breakfast, the paper you are writing on — do you know that these come from

In this lesson, you will learn how important these trees and plants are to us
and to animals as well. After studying this lesson, you should be able to:

♦ explain the importance of trees and plants in the environment;

♦ cite uses of plants; and

♦ give examples of plant products.

Let’s Read

Below is a popular poem by Joyce Kilmer about trees. Read on!

I think I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree,
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; A tree that
looks at God at day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear a nest of robins
in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow
has lain; who intimately lives
with rain. Poems
are made
by me,
a tree.

Joyce Kilmer

What do you think is the author telling us about trees?

Answer the questions below. Write your answers in the blanks provided.

1. What do you think does the line, “A tree that may in Summer wear a
nest of robins in her hair” suggest?


2. What does “who intimately lives with rain” suggest?


The line “A tree that may in Summer wear a nest of robins in her hair” tells
us that trees provide shade and shelter to birds. It is in trees that different
birds build their nests. The birds live and lay their eggs in their nests which
they build in trees. The line “who intimately lives with rain” suggests that trees
have an important role in controlling rainwater. The roots of trees absorb
water from rain and prevent flooding in low areas.

Let’s Think About This

Read the poem once more. The poem mentions the close relationship that
trees have with animals. Trees give shelter to birds and insects, and shade to
other animals. Do you notice how the birds rest on the trees around you? We
can also read from the poem the close association of trees and Mother Earth.
The trees give support to the land. Its roots absorb water from the rain.

Trees and plants are vital to the earth’s ecosystem and food web. Both
animals and man depend on plants for food. Without plants and trees,
complex life forms like human beings could never have evolved.

Let’s Try This

Below are illustrations that show the different uses we get from plants and
trees. Match the illustrations with their correct descriptions. Write the letter in
the box provided before each picture.

A. Plants and trees provide us with many useful tools such as paper and
pencil, furniture, and even medicines.

B. Plants provide us and the animals food such as fruits and vegetables.
These give us many important nutrients to remain healthy.

C. Green plants produce oxygen that is essential for us and for the
animals to live. Plants, aside from giving us fresh air to breathe, also
help beautify our surroundings.

D. Trees have extensive roots that give support to the land and that
effectively absorb water. Trees therefore are very helpful in the
prevention of floods and landslides.

E. Animals and humans use plants and trees for shelter. Plants and trees
also provide animals protection from predators. These are animals
that kill and eat other animals.

1. 2.


4. 5.

You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
pages 37–38.

Let’s Think About This

Plants are very important in our lives. Do you notice how many times you
see plants in a day?

In your notebook or paper, record the times you saw plants and used
plant products in one day. Also include the kinds of plants that you
encountered and some other observations. You may ask help from your co-
learners and friends in doing this activity.

You may first want to look at my example below before doing your own.

9:38 am, breakfast

I ate banana (which came from plants) for breakfast. The banana was
yellow and sweet.

10:15 am, while walking to Maria’s house

I saw many ipil-ipil trees along the road. There were also some
acacia trees. Some maya birds were resting on the branches of the

11:46 am, lunch with Maria at her house

We ate rice and pinakbet for lunch. The vegetables in pinakbet are
eggplant, okra, string beans, ampalaya, tomatoes, and squash.

3:12 pm, doing homework with Maria

Maria and I did our homework using paper and pencil.

Now, I think you are ready to make your own record and observation
sheet. Show your work to your Instructional Manager or Facilitator.

Let’s Read

Sometimes, we are too busy with many tasks that we forget how
important plant life is to us. Let us try to identify one by one the significant
roles plants play in our lives. Read the comic strip below.
While going to your friend’s house, You get curious and so you also
you notice some neighbors. They are look at the poster.
looking at the poster on the bulletin board
of the barangay hall.

You overhear Mang Mario telling Aling Nene.

I think this project is

really great. Plants
are very important to
us. Do you know that
humans and animals
both depend on plants
for food?

Yes, we should
encourage everybody to
join this activity. We
benefit so much from
trees and plants.
Without them, we will
not have our houses,
paper to write on,
medicine, chairs and
tables, and a lot more!

That is because
trees give shelter to
Really, Nanay? The other animals such as
day I saw a bird’s nest on birds. Trees also
one of our acacia trees. give shade to
humans and to
other animals. Just
imagine if there are
no trees left!

The barangay captain then adds:

Our birds and

animals will have
no homes
anymore! They
might die! It will
also be very hot.
There will be no
shade from the
Without trees, there will be floods and landslides! What
a disaster! Our homes and properties will be destroyed
and people could die, too!

That is why we Then let us all
should join this unite and join
greatactivity. the tree
Plantsgivelife. planting! We
Do you know that should plant
the air we trees instead of
breathe contains cutting them
oxygen that the down. If we
plants produce? value our lives,
Plants also help we should also
make our air value our plants
fresh. and trees.

What important information have you learned from the discussion above?
If you were able to speak during the conversation, what will you say? Can
you add other benefits that we can get from plants and trees? Write them in
the box below.

You may want to compare your answer with that found in the Answer Key
on page 38.

Let’s Try This

Look around you. Can you pinpoint the things that come from trees and
plants? Below is an illustration of the room of a young man named Dennis.
Observe carefully all the things in his room. List down on the lines provided
the things that come from plants or trees. Write as many as you can. Good

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

You may want to compare your answers with those found in the Answer
Key on page 39.

Let’s Learn

We get many materials and products that we use in our daily lives from
plants. Trees provide us with wood that we use to build our homes. Wood
can also be made into different furniture such as tables and chairs. Materials
such as pencils and wooden toys as shown below are also made of wood or
plant products.

Aside from these, paper is a very important product that trees provide us.

Plants are very beneficial to us not only because they provide us with
fruits and vegetables. They are very beneficial to us because they also contain
substances that can be made into medicines that help to cure us.

Let’s See What You Have Learned

A. Study the incomplete sentences below. Fill in the blanks with the
word or group of words that best completes the sentences. Choose
your answers from the words inside the box and write them in the
blanks provided.

oxygen predators vegetables

shade and shelter cotton wood

protection paper landslides and floods

1. Trees and plants produce _________________ that is essential

for humans and animals to live. Trees and plants give us fresh
air to breathe.

2. The extensive roots of trees support the land and absorb

rainwater to prevent _________________.

3. Birds and many other animals seek _________________.

4. Trees and plants also provide animals _________________

from _________________.

5. _________________ are plants that we eat.

6. Some materials we get from trees and plants include

_________________, _________________, and

B. Analyze the situations below then answer the questions that follow.

1. You were walking along your neighborhood when you noticed

that some children were playing with santan plants. You saw
them pulling out the stems, leaves, flowers, and roots, and using
them in their games. After they played with them, they threw the
plant parts all over the place.

a. Was it proper for the children to play with the plants?

___Yes ___No

b. Will you call the attention of the children about this?

___Yes ___No

c. If yes, what will you tell them?


d. How will you explain to the children that plants are very
important to us? What would you say to them?


2. Some men from your barangay have been caught in illegal

logging. Illegal logging is the cutting of trees in forests
without permission from the government. Your neighbors have
decided to talk to them and give them a lecture.

a. If you will be given the chance to speak up, what will you


b. What are the different benefits that we get from trees?


You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
pages 39–40.

Let’s Remember

They provide
Trees and
animals and
plants give us
humans shelter
food from
and protection
which we get
from predators. Active participation is
needed in the
preservation of our

e very important in our environm
Plants and trees
Other useful materials
Trees are we get from plants
effective in the include paper,
prevention of medicines, pencil and
floods and furniture.


Can You Tell Which Part?

Like human beings, plants too have different functional parts. Each part
has its own role to perform. Each one is significant and supports each other
so that the plant can survive. Just like in your family, each member has
specific tasks that should be accomplished so that there will be harmonious
living. Each part of the plant should function properly so that the plant will
remain healthy.

After reading this lesson, you should be able to:

♦ identify the different parts of a plant and differentiate them from each
other; and

♦ explain the function/s of each part.

Let’s Try This

On the next page is an illustration of a tree. Can you tell its different

Write the names of the parts in the boxes provided. You may choose
your answers from the box below.

branch arm trunk fingers

leg roots fruit flowers

leaves wings mouth heart

seed fins hand feet




You may compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 40.
Did you get everything correct? If so, that’s great! If not, that’s okay. Just read
on to know more!

Let’s Study and Analyze

We have learned in the previous lesson that trees are necessary in our daily
lives. It is then important that we know them well. The different parts of a tree
are the roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruits, flowers, and seeds. It is not only
enough that we can identify these parts. It is more important that we know
what they are for!

Our eyes are for seeing. Our ears are for hearing. Our legs are for
walking. Like our body parts, plant parts also have different functions. Do
you know the functions of each part?

Illustrated below are the different plant parts. Beside each one is its
function or the role it plays. Can you identify which part is being described?
Encircle the correct answer from the group of words.

These are the parts that anchor the plant

to the ground. They absorb water and
nutrients from the soil so that the plant or
tree may grow.

leaves roots flower

They carry the water and nutrients taken
up by the roots to the leaves. They also
support the leaves and anchor the plant.

stem leaves flower

They are called the breathing part of the

plant. This is because they have openings
that allow water and air to enter in and out.
These are the sites of photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the process of making
food for the plant.

roots fruit leaves

These parts are known as the

reproductive parts of the plant. They are
important in the making of the seeds. They
usually have bright colors and fragrance.

fruit flowers stems

They are the parts that give rise to new


roots fruit seeds

These plant parts contain the seeds.

Most of them are usually eaten.

seeds stem fruits

You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
page 41.

Did you answer all of them correctly? If yes, that’s excellent! You really
know your plants! If not, you may want to review some of your answers.

Let’s Learn

Look outside your window and observe the trees and plants in the
surroundings. Can you distinguish the different parts? Can you tell their

Each part has its own purpose and special work to do. The trees and the
plants around you live because their parts perform their duties. In the same
manner, you are alive because your heart, your brain, your lungs and your
other organs are functioning properly.

I am sure that by now you can identify correctly the different parts of a
plant. The parts of a plant include the following:

♦ Roots

♦ Stems

♦ Leaves

♦ Flowers

♦ Seeds

♦ Fruit

Can you tell what they are for? Can you tell the special roles they do?

Try pulling out a big plant from the
ground. It’s not a very easy thing to do, isn’t
it? That is because the roots secure the plant
to the ground. Aside from that, roots also
absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
Like you, plants need to drink and take
nutrients so that they will grow healthy.

Stems are the ones responsible for
the transport of water. Stems bring
water and food from the roots to the
leaves. They are like the roads and
highways where the cars and buses are.
Without them, we will not be able to go
to other parts and places. Notice how
the leaves are attached to the stems.
When you pull out a leaf from the stem,
what do you observe? You will see
after some time that the leaf has dried
and turned yellow. Why? This is because the leaf can no longer receive
water and nutrients that pass through the stem.

The leaves are the sites where the food for the plant is processed. They
are just like your kitchen! They are the parts where photosynthesis takes
place. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants produce food from
water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight.


Flowers are very pretty and they

beautify the environment. But they have an
important role to do. They are the
reproductive parts of a plant that make
seeds. Without them, there will be no new
plants. These flowers also give rise to the


Can you guess what many people

consider to be the most important plant
part? Yes, fruits! They are really very
delicious and very nutritious. They are the
fleshy parts of the plant. They vary in
size, shape, color and taste. Inside these
fruits are the seeds.

These seeds, in turn, grow into new

plants when planted in soil.
Let’s See What You Have Learned

Match the plant parts in Column A with their functions in Column B.

Draw a line from the drawing of the plant part to the dot beside the correct
function. The first one is done for you.

Column A Column B

1. roots • contained in fruits; give

rise to new plants when
planted in soil

2. stems • transport water and

nutrients from the roots
to the leaves

• reproductive parts of
a plant; they make the
3. leaves seeds and give rise to fruits

• part that produces food;

site of photosynthesis

• anchor the plant to the

4. flowers ground; absorb water
and nutrients from the

• fleshy part of the plant

5. fruit that contains the seeds

6. seeds

You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
page 41.

Let’s Remember

Plants are made up of different parts. Each part has specific functions to
perform. These parts also work together so that the plant will remain healthy.
Do you still remember what they are? Below is a summary for you.

♦ Roots – anchor the plant to the ground; absorb water and

nutrients from the soil.

♦ Stems – transport water and nutrients from the roots to the

leaves; also help anchor the plant and hold the

♦ Leaves – where food is produced; where photosynthesis occurs.

♦ Flowers – the reproductive parts of plants; they give rise to fruits.

♦ Fruit – the fleshy part of the plant; this encloses the seed.

♦ Seed – usually located inside the fruit; when planted, it gives rise
to a new plant.


How Well Do You Know Your Plants?

Our country is gifted with various plants. There are many plants around
you that are of different colors, shapes, and sizes. Can you identify plants
found in your home and in your community? Can you see similarities and
differences among them?

We learned in Lesson 1 that plants are very important to us. We also

learned the different parts of plants and their functions. These plant parts have
other uses in our daily lives, too!

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

♦ name common plants found at home and in the community;

♦ identify similarities and differences among plants; and

♦ identify plants and plant products that are useful at home and in the

Let’s Try This

Look at some trees and plants around you. Can you name them? Can you
look for similarities among them?

Try observing these trees and plants. Then, answer the questions that
Ipil-Ipil Camote
Kangkong Mango
Sampaguita Pechay
Banana Santan
Gumamela Coconut

1. Look at the flowers of the gumamela, sampaguita, and santan.

Compare their colors.

2. The ipil-ipil, coconut, and mango are all trees. What do they have in

3. From the list above, which plants and trees bear fruits and have parts
that can be eaten?
You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
page 42.

Let’s Learn

Different kinds of trees and plants are found everywhere. These plants
differ in many aspects such as in plant parts. But there are plants that have
some very similar characteristics, too.

We can look for certain similarities in plants and group them together.
This grouping would make it easier for us to identify them and differentiate
them from other plants.

Just like what you did in Let’s Try This, you observed the traits that are
common to the plants. For example, gumamela, sampaguita, and santan all
have flowers but they may differ in the color of the flowers.

Gumamela Sampaguita

The ipil-ipil, coconut, and mango trees are tall and have one hard stem
called the trunk. The coconut and mango trees bear fruits that we can eat.

Coconut tree and

Ipil-ipil Mango tree and the
the coconut
mango fruits

Some other plants have other parts that can be eaten, too. The kangkong
is a water plant whose leaves and stems may be eaten. This is also true for
pechay. Kangkong and pechay are both common vegetables. The camote is
usually called a root crop. This means the camote that we eat is actually the
enlarged root of the plant. We can also eat its leaves and stems.

Kangkong Camote Pechay

Let’s Study and Analyze

Collect leaves from the following plants:

♦ Banana ♦ Mango ♦ Guava

♦ Santan ♦ Mayana ♦ Anahaw

♦ San Francisco ♦ Makahiya

♦ Kangkong ♦ Bougainvillea

Lay the leaves on a table and observe them carefully. Then fill in Table 1
below with your observations.

Table 1
Leaf (small, medium, Color
San Francisco

Having observed these leaves, we may classify them or put them into
groups. Let us put together all the plants that have same leaf qualities. Fill in
Table 2 below.

Table 2

Plants that have

small leaves
Plants that have
medium-sized leaves
Plants that have
large leaves
Plants that have
smooth leaves
Plants that have
non-green leaves

You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
pages 42–43.

Let’s Try This

We have discussed in Lesson 1 that plants are very beneficial to us. They
are a very important part of our lives. In Lesson 2, we took up the different
parts of the plant. Now, let us try to learn about how each part of the plant is
beneficial to us. The different parts of the plant include the flower, stem,
leaves, roots, fruits, and seeds.

Under Set I are illustrations of some plant products useful to us. Do you
know what they are for? Can you distinguish what plant part they are? Match
Set I with the corresponding plant part in Set II. Write the letter of the plant
part in Set II in the box beside the drawing.

Set I

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


Set II

A. fruit E. leaves and stems

B. tree trunk F. seeds
C. flowers and leaves G. leaves
D. root
You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
pages 43–44.
Let’s Learn

The flowers of plants usually have bright and beautiful colors. They are
useful to us because they can be used for decorations to beautify the home
and the community.

Guava fruits are only one of the many fruits that we eat. Most plants bear
fruits that are very useful because they provide us with food. Other parts of
the plants may be eaten as well. Examples are carrots and kangkong. Carrots
are actually the roots of the plant. The leaves and stems of the kangkong are
what we eat.

Seeds of plants have uses, too. Aside from being eaten like the seeds of
the watermelon and squash, they also give flavor and color to foods like the
seeds of achuete.

Tree trunks are very important because they give us wood. Wood can be
made into chairs and tables that we use. Of course, wood may also be used
to build our homes.

The leaves of the nipa are very useful for many Filipinos. They are sun-
dried, woven together and made into roofs. Do you notice the thatched roofs
of bahay kubo? People living along the sea usually make their roofs out of
nipa leaves.

Nipa leaves are also used for making banig and fans or for wrapping
suman, and other things.

Let’s Try This

How well do you know the plants around you? Do you know how useful
they are to us?

Below is a table. In the first column are five common plants that you
usually see around you. In the second column, write the parts that are
beneficial to us. In the third column, write their uses. I have given an example
to guide you.
Plants Parts
1. Banana a. fruit
b. leaves

2. Coconut

3. Papaya

4. Tamarind (Sampalok)

5. Camote

You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
page 44.
Let’s See What You Have Learned

A. Write the missing letters to complete each sentence.

1. The l _ _v _ s and _t _ _ _ of kangkong may be eaten.

2. Mango, banana, and guava are trees that bear _ _ _ it_ that we
can eat.

3. We group together plants that have s_ _ _la_ _ _ _es.

4. The _h a_ _ _ed roof of the bahay kubo is made from n_ _ _


5. It is easier to identify plants when we g _ _ u _ them together.

B. Below are plant parts that have practical uses to us. Explain how the
plant part is beneficial to you and to the community. Write your
answers in the blanks below.

1. Sampaguita flowers
2. Trunk of the narra tree
3. Malunggay leaves
4. Nipa leaves

5. Banaba leaves
6. Ginger root
7. Langka seeds
You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
pages 44–45.

Let’s Remember

In this lesson, you have learned the following:

♦ Plants may be grouped together according to their similarities.

♦ The different parts of plants have many practical uses to us.

• Fruits, leaves, stems, seeds, and roots of some plants may be


• The trunk of trees provides wood for things like chairs and

• Leaves of plants may be used for making roof, banig, fans, hats
and other things, and for wrapping food.

Let’s Sum Up

In this module, you learned the importance of plants in our environment.

We have discussed how plants are beneficial to man and to animals as well.
We also mentioned the different products that we get from plants and trees.
Do you still remember them?

Since we know that plants are important, we wanted to understand them

better. We did this by identifying the different parts of the plant. Then, we
also discussed the functions of each one. You learned from the first part of
the module that each part of the plant is significant. Each one performs a role
that will help make the plant survive and remain healthy.

In the last part of the module, you learned to look into the similarities of
plants. You learned that grouping them together according to their similarities
will make it easier for you to identify them. In this lesson, you learned about
the different parts of some common plants and their practical uses to us.

Now that you know plants better, I am sure that you will take care of
them. Keep in mind that they are very important to us. Always remember that
without them, we cannot survive in this planet.

What Have You Learned?

A. How well do you know plants? Label the parts of the plants below.
Write your answers in the boxes provided.

1. (7 points)



2. (4 points)



B. Encircle the word or group of words inside the parentheses to

complete the sentence.

1. (Roots, Stems, Fruits) anchor the plants to the ground.

2. Plants and trees give (plastic, metal, shelter).

3. Fruits contain the (leaves, stem, seeds) that give rise to new

4. (Watch, Paper, Ballpen) is a very important plant product.

5. Widespread (planting, cutting, taking care) of trees will result to

flashfloods and landslides.

6. (Metal, Wood, Rubber) comes from tree trunks and are made
into different furniture like chairs, tables, and cabinets.

7. (Nipa, Banana, Coconut) leaves are used to make thatched roof

for bahay kubo, banig, fans, hats, and for wrapping food like

8. The (flowers, stems, leaves) of pechay, kangkong, and camote

may be eaten.

9. The (flowers, leaves, roots) of gumamela, bougainvillea, and
santan are colorful and may be used for decoration.

10. Carrots, potatoes, and camote are examples of (fruits, root

crops, vegetables).

You may compare your answers with those found in the Answer Key on
pages 45–46. If your score is:

16–21 Very good! You learned a lot from this module. You may now
proceed to the next module.

10–15 Review the parts of the module that you did not understand well.

0–9 You need to study the whole module again. But don’t worry. Just
study hard and I’m sure you’ll get the right answers next time.

Answer Key

A. Let’s See What You Already Know (pages2–4)

A. 1. ______

The leaves are the breathing parts of the plant. The leaves
have openings that allow air and water to go in and out.

2. ______

We get many different products from plants. Paper, pencil,

and wood all come from trees. Wood may be made into
different furniture such as chairs, tables, and cabinets.

3. ______

Trees give man and animals shade and a place to live in. We
rest under the trees and take shelter when it is very hot or
when it is raining. Also, the wood and some plant parts can
be used to build our homes. The animals also seek shade
and shelter in the trees and in other plants. Plants and trees
also give them protection from other animals that hunt them.

4. ______

Many plants grow flowers of different shapes, sizes, colors,

and fragrance. They are used to decorate and beautify the
home and the community.

5. ______

The flowers are the reproductive parts of the plant, not the
seeds. The flowers are important in the formation of the
seeds which give rise to new plants.

6. ______

Not all kinds of plant leaves may be eaten. Some plants are
actually poisonous to humans. The plants that we eat are
called vegetables and fruits.

7. ______

Trees have extensive roots that absorb rainwater. With many

trees still left in our forests, rainwater will be absorbed by the
roots and be prevented from flooding low areas.

8. ______

The Nipa leaves are dried and woven together to be made

into roofs for the Nipa hut or bahay kubo.

9. ______

Plants are living things and they have needs, too. They
should be given the proper care and attention for them to
grow and remain healthy.

10. ______

We cannot live without trees and plants. We depend on them

for many things essential for us to live. We depend on them
for food, shelter, medicine, and many other things.

B. 1. stems

2. trees

3. flower

4. Kangkong

5. paper

B. Lesson 1
Let’s Try This (pages 7–8)

1. B

You can see from the picture that the family is eating different
kinds of fruits and vegetables that come from plants. These give
us nutrients to keep our bodies healthy.

2. C

The picture shows that many trees and green plants will give us
fresh air to breathe. The oxygen that they produce is essential for
us to live. Clean, fresh air is good for our well-being.

3. D

Trees in our forests are very helpful in preventing landslides and

flashfloods. Trees have large roots that effectively absorb water
from rain and support the land.

4. A

The picture shows the different products that come from plants
and trees. Shown in the picture are paper, pencil, medicine, and a
table from bamboo.

5. E

Animals and humans rely on trees and plants for shelter. When it
is raining or it is very hot, we take shelter under the trees.
Animals also take refuge in trees and other plants from other
animals that may harm them.

Let’s Read (pages 9–11)

If I were able to speak during the conversation I will tell them that
trees and plants are indeed very important in our lives. We cannot
survive without them because we depend so much on them. They
give us the air we breathe, the food that we eat, and practically all the
things that we use every day. It is from trees and plants where we get
materials to build our houses.

We should take care of our plants and trees because they also
take care of us. Active participation in forest conservation and tree
planting is needed. We should also plant trees and different kinds of
plants in our homes and in our neighborhood. Let us make our
surroundings green!

You may want to show your answer to your Instructional

Manager, family members, friends, and fellow learners and ask what
they think about it. You may also ask them other benefits that we can
get from plants and trees and what we can do to conserve them.
Good luck!

Let’s Try This (page 12)

Plant Pencil
Study table Fruits
Paper Butong pakwan
Cabinet Bed
Cotton Medicine

The study table, chair, cabinet, bed, and pencil are made of wood.
Wood is obtained from the trunk of the trees. When trees are cut
down, the tree trunks are cut up and processed into different sizes
and thickness. These are then made into different furniture.

Cotton is produced from the cotton plant.

Trees bear different kinds of fruits that we can directly pick from the
trees and eat.

The butong pakwan is watermelon seeds. The seeds of the

watermelon are dried and flavored so that they can be eaten.

Let’s See What You Have Learned (pages 14–15)

A. 1. oxygen
2. landslides and floods
3. shade and shelter
4. protection; predators
5. Vegetables
6. paper, cotton, wood

B. 1. a. No. It is improper for the children to play with the

santan plants and throw them all over the place after
playing with them. Pulling out the different parts damage
the plants. If they are severely damaged, they wilt and

b. Yes. I will get the attention of the kids and make them
stop with what they are doing.

c. I will tell the kids that playing with the plants by pulling
their different parts is improper. I will tell them that this
damages the plants severely and eventually leads to their

d. I will tell the children that they should treat the plants in a
nice way. Trees and plants provide us with so many
important things like food and shelter. What will happen
if all of them die? We will have no food and we cannot
breathe because there is no oxygen. Our surroundings
will not be beautiful without plants, trees, and flowers.

2. a. If I were given the chance to speak up I will tell the illegal

loggers that they should stop what they are doing.
They should stop illegal logging because this activity
destroys our environment. Illegal logging causes the
depletion of our natural resources, especially our trees.

b. I will tell them that trees are very important in our lives.
We benefit so much from the trees in our forests. Trees
have large roots that absorb rainwater and prevent
flashfloods. These roots also support the soil and
prevent landslides. Aside from these, our trees give us
oxygen and fresh air.

C. Lesson 2
Let’s Try This (pages 17–18)






Let’s Study and Analyze (pages 18–19)

1. leaves roots flower

2. stem leaves flower

3. roots fruit leaves

4. fruit flowers stems

5. roots fruits seeds

6. seeds stems fruits

Let’s See What You Have Learned (page 22)

Column A Column B

1. roots • contained in fruits; give

rise to new plants when
planted in soil

2. stems • transport water and

nutrients from the roots
to the leaves

3. leaves • reproductive parts of

a plant; they make the
seeds and give rise to
4. flowers
• part that produces food;
site of photosynthesis

5. fruit • anchor the plant to the

ground; absorb water
and nutrients from the soil

6. seeds • fleshy part of the plant

that contains the seeds

D. Lesson 3
Let’s Try This (pages 24–25)

1. The flowers of the gumamela may be pink, red, or yellow. The

color of the sampaguita is white. The color of the santan flower
may be red, pink, yellow, or orange.

2. The ipil-ipil, coconut, and mango trees have one large stem
called the trunk. They also have the other plant parts such as
branches, leaves, roots, fruits, and seeds. The fruits of the
coconut and mango trees are commonly eaten.

3. The plants that bear fruits and have parts that may be eaten are
the following: banana, mango, coconut, kangkong, camote,

We eat the fruits of the banana, mango, and coconut. We also

drink the liquid inside the coconut. We eat the stems and leaves
of the kangkong and pechay. The enlarged root, stems, and
leaves of the camote are what we eat.

Let’s Study and Analyze (pages 26–27)

Table 1
Leaf (small, medium, Color (s
Banana Large Green Sm
Santan Small Green Sm
Kangkong Small Green Sm
San Francisco Medium Green with Sm
Anahaw Large Green Ro
Mango Medium Green Sm
Mayana Medium Violet Ro
Bougainvillea Small Green Sm
Makahiya Small Green Sm
Guava Medium Green Ro

Table 2
Plants that have Santan, Kangkong, Bou
Small Leaves Makahiya
Plants that have
San Francisco, Mango,
Medium-Sized Leaves
Plants that have
Banana, Anahaw
Large Leaves
Plants that have Banana, Santan, Kangk
Smooth Leaves Francisco, Mango, Bou
Plants that have
San Francisco, Mayana
Non-green Leaves

Let’s Try This (page 28)

1. C

Flowers and leaves are used to decorate homes and our


2. A

Most fruits are very beneficial to us because we can eat them.

3. D

Some plants have enlarged roots that may be eaten. Examples

are carrots, camote, turnip, and potatoes.

4. E

The leaves and stems of some plants, especially the vegetables,

may be eaten.

5. G

Leaves of some plants like the coconut and nipa have practical
uses such as for roofs of bahay kubo, for banig, fans, hats, and
other useful things.

6. B

The trunks of trees are important sources of wood. Wood may

be made into furniture such as chairs, tables, and cabinets. It is
also from tree trunks that paper is made.

7. F

Seeds of some plants may be eaten like the watermelon and

squash seeds. The seed of the achuete is useful in cooking
because it adds flavor and color to food.

Let’s Try This (page 30)

Plants Parts
1. Banana a. fruit
b. leaves

2. Coconut a. fruit

b. leaves
c. trunk

3. Papaya a. fruit

4. Tamarind (Sampalok) a. fruit

b. leaves

5. Camote a. root
b. leaves
c. stems

Let’s See What You Have Learned (pages 31–32)

A. 1. leaves; stems

2. fruits

3. similarities

4. thatched; nipa

5. group

B. 1. Sampaguita flowers are used for decoration. They are used
in our country to decorate altars, cars and homes because of
their fragrance and beautiful flowers.

2. The trunk of the narra tree is important because it provides

us wood and lumber for houses and furniture. Narra is
known for its quality and strength.

3. Malunggay leaves are beneficial because they can be eaten.

4. The nipa leaves are very useful because they can be made
into the roof of nipa huts or bahay kubo. They are also used
to make hats, fans, banig, and for wrapping suman.

5. Banaba leaves are important because they are herbal

medicine. They can be boiled to cure illnesses like urinary
tract infection and hypertension.

6. The ginger root is a common ingredient in Filipino foods.

They are used to add flavor to food.

7. Langka seeds are also important to us because they can be


E. What Have You Learned? (pages 33–35)

A. 1.











B. 1. Roots

2. shelter

3. seeds

4. Paper

5. cutting

6. Wood

7. Nipa

8. leaves

9. flowers

10. root crops

Anchor Support
Beneficial Useful, advantageous
Classify Put into groups or classes; arrange
Conserve Save; protect; guard; reserve
Ecosystem An area including all the living things, their physical
surrounding, and the natural cycles
Effective Capable; competent
Essential Important; necessary
Fertilization The process when sex cells unite
Food web A diagram that shows “who eats whom” in an ecosystem
Fragrance Sweet smell
Habitat Where living things live; home
Organisms Living things
Predators Animals that kill and eat other animals
Provide Give; supply
Refuge Protection; security
Reproduce Multiply; procreate


Lozano, L.F., T.A. Amasol and F.R. Mayari. Science for Young Minds 5,
Diwa Scholastic Press Inc., 1996.

Urban Programs Resource Network.

January 22, 2001, date accessed.

The Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture, The University of

Arizona. 1998. Arizona Master Gardener Manual, Botany: Plant
Parts and Functions. <
plantparts.html>. January 22, 2001, date accessed.


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