Raccomandazioni Finali - Eng

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19-20-21 November 2009


In organising this conference on the deaf person in the life of the Church, the Pontifical Council for
Health Care Workers wanted to send a strong message in order to emphasise the attention that the
questions and issues connected with handicap at the level of hearing of deaf people, as living
members of the Church, deserves. As the Holy Father, at the audience granted to those taking part
in this twenty-fourth international conference, stressed: “you are not only recipients of the
proclaiming of the message of the Gospel but you are also, to the full, those who proclaim it
because of your baptism.”

Indeed, the novelty of this conference, as compared to the others organised in the past on various
kinds of handicap, lies in having wanted to emphasise that handicap at the level of hearing which is
purely sensorial should necessarily be treated separately from other physical disabilities when one
speaks about faith and religious practice.


In order to achieve the full integration of deaf people into the life of the Church, this assembly

1. That there should be a central office of the Church at national levels which attends to
and coordinates pastoral care for deaf people.

2. That every diocese should have at least one priest with the necessary skills and training
in this specific field so that he can be the point of reference for deaf people for the sacraments
(penitence in particular), the liturgy and catechesis.

3. That there should be for seminarians a course to direct them towards this special form
of pastoral care and that they should be encouraged to deepen their knowledge about the
world of deaf people and also that those seminarians who are interested in sign language
should, possibly, increase their knowledge of it.

4. That greater attention should be paid by bishops to the question of deaf people and they
should ensure that in the pastoral and catechetical programme of their dioceses there is also
space for catechesis and pastoral care for and with deaf people and that some deaf people
should also belong to this group.

5. That in the large cities a church/parish should be identified where the liturgy allows the
active participation of people who have hearing problems.

6. That in the planning of parish and diocesan pastoral care especial attention should be
paid to deaf people and their families. The presence of a deaf person would be advisable as
well as parents who could contribute to such planning.

7. There should be a Catholic website that addresses the current questions of our faith. In
this website it should also be possible to follow Holy Mass and homilies and, when the
occasion arises, to have a better understanding of ethical questions of political relevance.

8. That deaf people should also be given an opportunity to take part in courses on the
religious sciences organised at a diocesan level.

9. To meet the needs of deaf people who do not know sign language and those who have
become deaf or adults afflicted by deafness, it is recommended to pastors of souls that places
of liturgy be equipped with video screens.

10. At a national level structures should be identified for the promotion of vocations and
the formation of deaf candidates for the religious and priestly life.

11. That dioceses should have a register of certified interpreters who can work in churches.

12. As the Holy Father emphasised, every obstacle to the full social integration of deaf
people should be removed through the implementation first and foremost of appropriate laws,
conventions and protocols that seek to create those juridical conditions that are designed to
favour the integration of deaf people in educational, training and work environments so that
they can make their talents bear fruit (Mt 25:14-30) and contribute at all levels, each
according to their own talents and capacities, to the good of society as a whole.

The experience of these three days, while on the one hand they have given us joy and hope,
on the other they have led us to work increasingly and always in a better way to ensure that
the cry, indeed the cry of Jesus – EPHPHATHA! – Be opened!, echoes in the hearts of all deaf
people who are near to us or who are to be found throughout the world.

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