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SURTORY « CoM Republic of the Philippines ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City wr erty Ze RESOLUTION NO. _ 94 __, Series of 2018 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE INSTALLED GENERATING CAPACITY AND MARKET SHARE LIMITATION PER GRID AND NATIONAL GRID FOR 2018 ‘WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 45 (a) of Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) and Section 4 (a), Rule 11 of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) formulated and adopted the Guidelines for the Determination of Installed Generating Capacity in a Grid and the National Installed Generating Capacity and Enforcement of the Limits of Concentration of Ownership, Operation or Control of Installed Generating Capacity; ‘WHEREAS, the subject Guidelines took effect on February 22, 2006; ‘WHEREAS, under Section 3, Article IT of the said Guidelines, the ERC set the 2017 installed generating capacity and the Market Share Limitation per Grid and National Grid as per Resolution No. 05, Series of 2017 dated May 23, 2017, as follows: Grid Installed % Market Installed Generating Share Generating Capacity (KW) | Limitation as | Capacity Limit jis per RA 9136 «&w) Luzon 14,570,958.44 30% 4,371,287.53, Visayas 3,077,848.70 30% 923,354.61 Mindanao 3,021,116.91 30% 906,335.07 National 20,669,924.05 25% 5,167,481.01 WHEREAS, the foregoing installed generating capacity per Grid and National Grid and market share limitation determination shall be adjusted by the ERC on or before the 15t* day of March of the sticeeeding years and/or as often as may be necessary; WHEREAS, the ERC held in abeyance the issuance of resolution setting the annual installed generating capacity and market share limitation per grid and national grid in 2016 for the ERC to complete its study on the existing Guidelines; 1 se or /S Approved for'e\ Postin i uN N. WHEREAS, the ERC, on 23 May 2017, issued Resolution No. 5, Series of 2017, setting the 2017 annual installed generating capacity and market share limitation per grid and national grid for the year 2017 which is anchored on Resolution No. 26, Series of 2005. This is rooted in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the EPIRA mandating that the control test should be employed. WHEREAS, the said Resolution was likewise issued in light of all the ERC’s observations in a Policy/Position Paper to be submitted to the Department of Energy (DOE) and Joint Congressional Power Commission (JCPC) for appropriate legislation regarding the issues on the proper determination of the market share of a person or entity covered by the market share limitation per grid and national grid in accordance with Section 45(a) of the EPIRA; WHEREAS, the ERC has yet to issue the Policy/Position Paper to be submitted to the DOE and JCPC for appropriate legislation regarding the issues on the proper determination of the market share of a person or entity covered by the market share limitation per grid and national grid in accordance with Section 45(a) of the EPIRA; ‘WHEREAS, there is a need to publish the adjusted installed generating capacity per Grid and National Grid and market: share limitations per Grid and National Grid set by the ERC for 2018; WHEREAS, the ERC, as part of its monitoring activities, shall continuously monitor to ensure that no generation company nor other entity violates or breaches the market share limitations per Grid and National Grid for the year 2018; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to its mandate to promote free and fair competition in the generation and supply of electricity to achieve greater operational and economic efficiency and to ensure consumer protection and enhance the competitive operation of the markets for generation and supply of electricity, the ERC RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES to set the 2018 installed generating capacity per Grid and National Grid and market share limitations per Grid and National Grid. The same shall remain and shall be strictly enforced and implemented until the next adjustment thereto which may be on or before the 15% day of March of 2019 and every year thereafter, as follows: Grid Installed % Market Installed Generating Share Generating Capacity (kW) | Limitation | Capacity Limit as per RA «kw) 9136 2 Luzon 15,175,967.44 30% 4,552,790.23 Visayas 3,194,888.00 30% 958,466.40 Mindanao 3,496,261.91 30% 1,048,878.57 National 21,867,117.35 25% 5,466,779.34 This Resolution and its Appendix “A”, hereto attached and made as an integral part of this Resolution, shall take effect immediately following their publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines or in the Official Gazette. Let copies of this Resolution be furnished the University of the Philippines Law Center-Office of the National Administrative Register (UPLC-ONAR) and all parties concerned. SO ORDERED. Pasig City, February 27, 2018. iii ct acxesvsyotvananena EMITTER erson ickace a DOg-NON — GLORIA VICTORIA C/YAP-TARUC Commissioner Commissioner JOSEFINA PA° A.MAGPALE-ASIRIT GERONIMO D. STA. ANA ‘Commissioner Commissioner Vv Pokal 15.375,967.44 KW. ? aoe Installed ‘ Name of Power Nameplate Name of Owner Location Fuel Type Generating lant Rating Pl wzcann| Oenerain Scere ane Tar [Unie stragenem ——|oitayaThemal Pores Fa rit, kin ee ee ee espeeon SAL) OFA Sione | —eso.008) ci ! 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