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You Can't Get There From Here: Uber Slow On Diversity

Kimona Smikle
Human Resource Management
Dr. Harrell Carter
February 4, 2019

In this case You Can't Get There From Here: Uber Slow On Diversity shows a report on
Uber showing that diversity and inclusion is a priority to them however things did take a twist
under the management of Travis Kalanick (Uber’s founder and Chief Executive). Uber
employees describe the firm’s work environment amid some managers as Machiavellian and
merciless. There were troubles addressing issues of sexual misconduct and workforce diversity.
Uber then had to take into consideration the business and put into actions ways on squashing the
scandals. Uber addresses that they want to create an environment where everyone can be
themselves by deepening their commitment to diversity, strengthen their business and better
serve their customers.

1. Susan Fowler’s complaint of being the target of sexual harassment by her manager would
be categorized as falling under which employment law?

The employment law I believe Susan Fowler’s complaint would fall under is the Hostile work
environment claims which is when sexual harassment makes your workplace environment
intimidating, hostile, or offensive. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and
other verbal sexual conduct is hostile environment sexual harassment when:
 the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work
performance or the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working

2. Which type(s) of harassment was Ms. Fowler exposed to?

Ms. Fowler was exposed to harassment by a supervisor/ her manager. “Ms. Fowler purported
that her manager was not punished because he ‘was a high performer’;” yet other female
employees reported similar incidents with the same manager, leading Ms. Fowler to believe that
HR was covering up for her manager.
If the harassment is a hostile work environment, then the employer can also be liable, but it has a
possible defense, if it can show that the employer exercised reasonable care to prevent and
promptly correct any harassment and the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of the
company's preventive or corrective measures.

3. What actions, if any, has Uber taken to limit their liability relative to sexual harassment
The actions Uber took to limit their liability relative to sexual harassment charges were to
apologize for some of their managers’ action, had a board member and several female executive
provide testimonials on the firm’s positive work environment, and began to probe workplace
policies and procedures.

4. Uber’s diversity report indicates that 36 percent of Uber’s workforce is made up of

women (15% in technical jobs); 50% of Uber’s employees in the United States are white,
while 9% are black and 6% are Hispanic. Are they in violation of any EEOC and
Affirmative Action Laws?
There was no violation of EEOC and Affirmative action laws because EEOC means no
discrimination in giving a job and promotion by sex, race, color etc. Therefore, Uber is not
discriminating because they have varied employees. The racial configuration are all hired on
their ability to work and not because of their color. Moreover, the job should be given on the
ability of a person no matter what is the background.
The Affirmative Action Laws seek to give jobs to minority groups, which are oppressed by the
society and women. Uber is abiding by this law greatly.

5. Why does diversity matter in general and more specifically to Uber?

Diversity matters in general at a workplace because it is the characteristic of mixed manpower

that provides a wide collection such as experiences, abilities, strengths, thought processes and
knowledge. This range is the differences in their age, race, gender, ethnicity, etc. Diversity to me
is a part of the culture of the organization.
At Uber, diverse workplace is quite critical to sustain the company’s employer brand. Various
scandals of sexual harassment at Uber had come in news and hence, the company needed to
project that they are a good employer brand. Hence, they worked on their policies and tried to
integrate more diverse workforce. High diversity measure would reflect the inclusive work
environment and would try to project Uber as a good employer brand.

6. What benefits and challenges does Uber derive from a more diverse workforce?
Benefits are increasing the teamwork skills in employees, provide larger range, amount of human
resources, and increase the interpersonal skills of employees while some challenges can be
difficulties in resource sharing, problem of workforce security and safety may create partial and
discriminate at work place.

Work Cited

1) Anderson, A. (n.d.). Uber International C.V. Hoovers retrieved April 4, 2017, from

2) Uber. (n.d.). how do we want Uber to look and feel? Retrieved April 4, 2017, from

3) Fowler, S. (2017, February 19). Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber.
Retrieved April 12, 2017, from

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