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Veterinary Guide
to Aurizon ®
Vetoquinol &

Leading the way forward

in the treatment of
otitis externa
With the launch of Aurizon®, Vetoquinol brought
a unique option for the treatment of otitis
externa to you the vet.
Using Aurizon® you can offer your patients and
their owners high cure levels, the convenience
of once-a-day application, and the confidence of
fast pain relief.

“Fast pain relief,

high clinical cure
levels, once daily
® Clotrimazole
Antifungal/anti-yeast activity is required in many cases
of otitis externa. Clotrimazole delivers the performance you

The technology that Key points on Clotrimazole

• Clotrimazole is a well-researched antifungal agent.

delivers the benefits • In a number of studies, Clotrimazole has demonstrated

superior activity against Malassezia pachydermatis
compared with nystatin and miconazole3 4

The active ingredients: Sensitivity of 42 strains of Malassezia pachydermatis to a range of commonly

used antifungal agents3

Marbofloxacin, MIC90 (μg/ml) % resistant strains

Clotrimazole 5 0

Nystatin 40 7

Dexamethasone Miconazole 20 2

Used exclusively in veterinary medicine, marbofloxacin
is a third generation fluoroquinolone and is the first
molecule in its class to be licensed for topical use in otitis
externa. In the form of Marbocyl P tablets and Marbocyl SA
injection, marbofloxacin is already a well known and trusted

Key points on marbofloxacin

•  Marbofloxacin has a bactericidal action that destroys
DNA at the heart of the bacterial cell.
•  Allows you to reduce reliance on topical aminoglycoside
Malassezia pachydermatis, isolated in up to 82%
• Uniquely also available for systemic use. of otitis externa cases in dogs4
(Marbocyl P (palatable) Tablets & SA Injection)
• When used systemically the safety profile compares Dexamethasone
well to that of many of the aminoglycoside antibiotics
frequently used in other ear preparations. Anti-inflammatory activity is vital for a successful outcome
in many cases of otitis externa. As a proven and trusted
anti-inflammatory, Dexamethasone is the third and final
The broad spectrum of marbofloxacin ingredient of Aurizon®.
affords the level of confidence you need in
Key points on Dexamethasone
Oititis externa:
• Helps break the destructive cycle of pain, irritation and
Sensitivity of bacteria isolated from 196 dogs with otitisexterna to a self trauma.
range of common topical ear antibiotics1
• Reduces inflammation, which is vital if the normal
100 Marbofloxacin architecture of the ear is to be restored.

60 Fusidic Acid



0 Marbofloxacin shows superior activity against Pseudomonas

Staphylococci Enterobacteriaceae Pseudomonads Streptococci spp. Independent researchers2 and Vetoquinol’s
Epidemiosurveillance Scheme1 have monitored sensitivity
levels and confirm activity against Pseudomonas spp. has
been maintained.
Conventional suspension Aurizon® micronized suspension

 . Rougier S, et al, (2005) A comparative study of two antimicrobial/anti-inflammatory formulations in the treatment of canine otitis externa. Vet Dermatol. Oct;16(5):299-307. 2. Lloyd D, Kynaston A, & Lamport A, (2003) Sensitivity in vitro to fluoroquinolones of isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from canine infections. BSAVA Congress 2003 Scientific Proceedings 584.
3. Uchida Y, Nakade T, Kitazawa K, (1990) In vitro activity of five antifungal agents against Malassezia pachydermatis. Jpn .J. Vet. Sci.; 52(4):851-853. 4. Kiss G, Radvanyi Sz & Szigeti G,(1997) New combination for the therapy of canine otitis externa I Microbiology of otitis externa. Journal of Small Animal Practice; 38:51-56.
Clinical cure rates ®
With Aurizon®, excellent efficacy means
high clinical cure rates.

The technology that

In a randomised, comparative, blinded study using
15 centres throughout Europe, 140 dogs with acute or
subacute otitis externa showed excellent results when

delivers the benefits

treated with Aurizon® 1. Aurizon® was compared with
a UK licensed preparation containing a combination of
polymixin, miconazole and prednisolone. Both products
were given according to their approved dosages with
Aurizon® being used just once daily and the reference
product twice daily. If not considered cured after 7 days,
a further 7 days of treatment was given. No additional Once daily
treatment other than ear cleaning was permitted.
Aurizon® for otitis: one of the few occasions
Overall cure rate at the end of treatment when one is better than two.
The frequency of application is an important consideration
40 in choosing ear treatments. With Aurizon® you get the
30 41.2% high cure levels and fast pain relief you demand but
you can also offer your clients the convenience of
0 once-a-day application:
Aurizon® Reference Product

The potential benefits are there

The statistically significant benefits seen in for everybody:
the Aurizon® group when compared with those
treated with the reference product were:
• For the owner
• Superior overall clinical response rate Reduced work and increased ease of use
• Superior pain control • For your patient
• Reduction in amount of pus produced
Less frequent handling of painful ears

• For you
Fast pain relief Increased confidence in owner compliance and
increased owner satisfaction
With Aurizon , excellent efficacy in otitis ®

also means fast pain relief

In the same comparative study1, Aurizon® treated dogs Put the first treatment in during the consultation
were shown to be in significantly less pain than those and by the check-up in 1 week your client need
treated with the reference product. only have applied Aurizon® 6 times (Compared
with 13 for the other leading products).
Pain Control

Aurizon® Reference Product Further benefits

Aurizon® also offers other features to
aid ease of application and increase

% of animals with a normal pain score

• Soft cannula to reduce pain on application
• See-through cannula to make application easier for
• Low viscosity, micronised, suspension improves
spreading of Aurizon® throughout the ear canal
• Ceruminolytic base to aid break-up of wax

Day 7 Day 14

1. Rougier S, et al, (2005) A comparative study of two antimicrobial/anti-inflammatory formulations in the treatment of canine otitis externa. Vet Dermatol. Oct;16(5):299-307.

ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS Resistance to clotrimazole is very rare among the fungi that
cause superficial mycosis. In studies on the mechanism of
Each mL contains 3 mg marbofloxacin, 10 mg clotrimazole and
action, the minimum fungicidal concentration of clotrimazole
1 mg dexamethasone acetate.
caused leakage of intracellular phosphorus compounds in
For the treatment of otitis externa in dogs of both bacterial the ambient medium with concomitant breakdown of cellular
and fungal origin respectively due to bacteria sensitive to nucleic acids and accelerated potassium efflux. These
marbofloxacin and fungi, especially Malassezia pachydermatis, events began rapidly and extensively after addition of the
sensitive to clotrimazole. drug. Clotrimazole is very poorly absorbed following dermal
application (plasma concentration <0.04 μg/mL).
Dexamethasone acetate is a synthetic glucocorticoid
Marbofloxacin is a synthetic bactericidal agent belonging to
exhibiting anti-inflammatory and antipruritic activity. Topical
the fluoroquinolone family that acts by inhibiting DNA gyrase.
corticosteroids can be absorbed from normal intact skin. Once
It exhibits a broad spectrum of activity against Gram-positive
absorbed through the skin, topical corticosteroids are handled
bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus intermedius) and against
through the pharmacokinetic pathways similar to systemically
Gram-negative organisms (Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
administered corticosteroids. Dexamethasone acetate plasma
Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis).
concentrations reached
Pharmacokinetic studies in dogs at the therapeutic dosage
1.25 mg/mL on the 14th day of treatment. Dexamethasone
have shown that marbofloxacin plasma concentrations peak at
absorption was not increased by the inflammatory process
0.06 μg/mL on the 14th day of treatment. Marbofloxacin binds
induced by otitis.
weakly to plasma proteins (<10% in dogs) and is eliminated
slowly, mainly in the active form, with over 2/3 being excreted INDICATIONS
in the urine and 1/3 in the faeces. Aurizon® is indicated for the treatment of otitis externa in dogs
Clotrimazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent that of both bacterial and fungal origin respectively due to bacteria
is used for the treatment of dermal infections caused by sensitive to marbofloxacin and fungi, especially Malassezia
various species of pathogenic dermatophytes and yeasts. pachydermatis, sensitive to clotrimazole.
The primary action of clotrimazole is against dividing and
growing organisms. In vitro, clotrimazole exhibits fungistatic
and fungicidal activity against isolates of Trichophyton rubrum,
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum,
Microsporum canis, Candida spp., and Malassezia pachydermatis.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE After verifying that the eardrum is intact, shake well and instil
drops as follows:
– Apply ten drops into the ear once daily for 7 to 14 days.
DO NOT USE in food producing animals.
– After 7 days of treatment, the veterinary surgeon should
USE ONLY in situations where sensitivity testing indicates no
evaluate the necessity to extend the treatment for a further
alternative antibiotic.
7 days.
This product is contraindicated for use in dogs with known
– After application the base of the ear may be massaged
perforation of the tympanic membrane.
briefly and gently to allow the preparation to penetrate the
Marbofloxacin is contraindicated in immature dogs as it lower part of the ear canal.
has been shown to cause arthropathy. Marbofloxacin is
contraindicated in dogs known to be hypersensitive. SAFETY DIRECTIONS
DO NOT USE on pregnant or lactating bitches and dogs Harmful if swallowed. May irritate the eyes and the skin.
intended for breeding purposes. Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. Avoid
contact with eyes and skin. If product in eyes, wash it out
DO NOT USE in dogs with known hypersensitivity to any of the
immediately with water. Wash hands after use.
active constituents.
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information
Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
Discard unused contents within two months of initial
opening. When the product is intended for use in several PRESENTATION
dogs, use a single cannula for each dog. 1 x 20 mL bottle with 2 cannulae
Thoroughly clean and dry the external ear.
Remove foreign material, crusted and dried debris etc with a
non-irritating solution. Dispose of empty container by wrapping with paper and
putting in garbage.
Clip excessive hair from the treatment area. Before instilling
any medication into the ear, examine the external ear canal STORAGE
thoroughly to be certain the tympanic membrane is not
Store below 25°C (Air conditioning). Protect from light.
ruptured in order to avoid the possibility of transmitting
Do not freeze.
infection to the middle ear as well as damaging the cochlea or
01/2016 AUR

vestibular apparatus from prolonged contact. Discontinue use APVMA Approval No. 67225/55519
if hearing or vestibular dysfunction is noted during treatment.



Phone: 1800 032 355 Fax: 1800 648 460

Unit 302.2, 6-12 Boronia Road, Da Vinci Business Park,
Brisbane Airport, Qld, 4008
PO Box 112 Pinkenba QLD 4008 | ABN: 6400 6949 480

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