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Site Preparation and Resistance to Contaminants

and Moisture
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Site Preparation and

Resistance to Contaminants
and Moisture

MJ Billington


Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier
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First edition 2007

Copyright © 2007, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

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Author biography

M J Billington is a Chartered Building Surveyor. He has a lifetime’s involvement

in the construction industry having worked at one time or another in design, con-
struction and control (both private and public sectors). He was formerly Senior
Lecturer in building control and construction at De Montfort University, Leicester,
before leaving to join the private sector, where he continued to act as visiting
lecturer at a number of universities. He has published many technical papers and a
number of books on building regulations and building defects, and is a contributor
to Knights Guide to Building Control Law and Practice. Currently, he is Managing
Director of Construction Auditing Services Limited, a company that specializes in
latent defects insurance technical auditing, and is Managing Director of Centass
Ltd, a Building Regulations Competent Person Scheme for replacement windows
and doors.
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List of figures xi
List of tables xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xvii
About this series of books xix
About this book xxi


CHAPTER 1 Series introduction 3

1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 What are the Building Regulations? 4
1.3 How are the Regulations administered? 6
1.3.1 Local Authority Building Control 6
1.3.2 Approved Inspectors 7
1.4 Why are the Building Regulations needed? 7
1.4.1 Control of public health and safety 7
1.4.2 Welfare and convenience and other controls 8
1.4.3 The new system and the extension of control 8
1.4.4 The future of building control in England and Wales 9

CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Part C 11

2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 The 2002 review of Part C and Approved
Document C 13
2.2.1 The affects of climate change 13
2.2.2 Moisture ingress 14
2.2.3 Flooding 14
2.2.4 Land affected by contaminants 15
2.2.5 Radon 15
2.3 The requirements of Part C 16
2.4 Ways of satisfying the Regulation requirements 17
2.4.1 Approved Documents and other sources of guidance 17
2.4.2 Legal status of Approved Documents 18
2.5 The Environmental Protection Act and other
legislation affecting development of
contaminated land 19
2.5.1 Consultation with regulatory authorities 21
2.6 Work on historic buildings 22
viii Contents


CHAPTER 3 Clearance or treatment of unsuitable material 27

3.1 Preparation of site – site investigation 27
3.1.1 Site investigation – sources of guidance 29
3.2 Preparation of site – clearance or treatment
of unsuitable material 34
3.2.1 General 34
3.2.2 Shrinkable clay soils 35
3.2.3 Building on fill 38

CHAPTER 4 Resistance to contaminants 41

4.1 Introduction 41
4.1.1 Sources of contamination 42
4.1.2 Naturally occurring contaminants 44
4.2 Resistance to contaminants – risk assessment 46
4.2.1 Introduction and general concepts 46
4.2.2 Risk assessment stages 47
4.2.3 Hazard identification and assessment 48
4.2.4 Risk estimation and evaluation 51
4.2.5 Further guidance 54
4.3 Resistance to contaminants – remedial measures 57
4.3.1 Introduction 57
4.3.2 Treatment 57
4.3.3 Containment 58
4.3.4 Removal 59
4.4 Resistance to contaminants – risks to buildings,
building materials and services 63
4.5 Radon gas contamination 65
4.5.1 Introduction 65
4.5.2 Basic protection against radon 68
4.5.3 Full protection against radon 70
4.6 Contamination of landfill gas 70
4.6.1 Introduction 70
4.6.2 Properties of landfill gases 70
4.6.3 Movement of landfill gases 72
4.6.4 Building near landfill sites and on gas contaminated
land – risk assessment 72
4.6.5 Building near landfill sites and on gas contaminated
land – gas-control measures 78

CHAPTER 5 Subsoil drainage 81

5.1 Provision of subsoil drainage 81
5.2 Building in areas prone to flooding 82
5.3 Problems caused by subsoil water 84
Contents ix


CHAPTER 6 Floors 89
6.1 Regulation requirements 89
6.2 Definitions 89
6.3 Protection of floors next to the ground 90
6.3.1 Floors supported directly by the ground 91
6.3.2 Suspended timber ground floors 95
6.3.3 Suspended concrete ground floors 99
6.3.4 Resistance to damage from interstitial condensation
for ground floors and floors exposed from below 100
6.3.5 Resistance to surface condensation and mould
growth in floors 102

CHAPTER 7 Walls 105

7.1 Regulation requirements 105
7.2 Definitions 105
7.3 Protection of walls against moisture from
the ground 106
7.4 Weather resistance of external walls 109
7.4.1 Solid external walls 111
7.4.2 External cavity walls 114
7.4.3 Weather resistance and cavity insulation 116
7.4.4 Impervious claddings for external walls 120
7.4.5 Impervious claddings for external walls –
alternative approach 123
7.5 Cracking of external walls 129
7.6 Detailing of joints between walls and door and
window frames 131
7.7 Door thresholds 132
7.8 Resistance to damage from interstitial condensation
for external walls 135
7.9 Resistance to surface condensation and mould
growth in external walls 135

CHAPTER 8 Roofs 137

8.1 Regulation requirements 137
8.2 Definitions 137
8.3 Weather resistance of roofs 138
8.4 Resistance to damage from interstitial condensation
in roofs 139
8.4.1 Roofs with a pitch of 15◦ or more 141
8.4.2 Roofs with a pitch of less than 15◦ 142
8.5 Resistance to surface condensation and mould
growth in roofs 142
x Contents


Appendix: Summary of references 149

Index 201
List of figures

Figure 3.1 Approved Document C Diagram 1 – Distribution of shrinkable clays

and principal sulphate/sulphide-bearing strata in England and Wales 36
Figure 4.1 Source–Pathway–Receptor – typical site conceptual model 48
Figure 4.2 Resistance to contaminants – risk assessment stages 49
Figure 4.3 Approved Document C – Annex A: Guidance, Diagram A1
The process of managing land affected by contaminants 52
Figure 4.4 Basic protection against radon 69
Figure 4.5 Additional protection against radon 71
Figure 4.6 Landfill gas protection details: (a) Beam and block floor with
open void; (b) In situ slab with EPS void former; (c) Raft foundation
with membrane on top of slab 79
Figure 5.1 Subsoil drainage: (a) Single subsoil drain; (b) Interception
of multiple subsoil drains 84
Figure 6.1 Floors – general guidance 91
Figure 6.2 Ground-supported floor 92
Figure 6.3 Suspended timber floor 96
Figure 6.4 Suspended concrete ground floors 100
Figure 7.1 Protection of walls against moisture from the ground 107
Figure 7.2 Weather resistance of external walls – principles: (a) Solid
external wall; (b) Impervious cladding;
(c) Weather-resistant cladding; (d) Cavity wall 110
Figure 7.3 Solid external walls – moisture exclusion 112
Figure 7.4 Weather resistance and insulation of external walls: (a) Internal
insulation; (b) Partially filled cavity; (c) External insulation;
(d) Fully-filled cavity; (e) Brick-clad timber-framed wall;
(f) Tile-clad timber-framed wall 115
Figure 7.5 Approved Document C – Diagram 12: UK zones for exposure
to driving rain 117
Figure 7.6 Example checked rebate window reveal detail – areas of severe
or very severe exposure to driving rain 132
Figure 7.7 Accessible threshold – exposed areas 133
Figure 8.1 Roof void ventilation – roofs pitched at 15◦ or more 143
Figure 8.2 Roof void ventilation – roofs pitched at less than 15◦ 144
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List of tables
Table 3.1 Approved Document C, Table 1 – Volume change potential for some
common clays 37
Table 4.1 Approved Document C, Table 2 – Examples of sites likely to contain
contaminants 42
Table 4.2 Approved Document C, Table 3 – Examples of possible contaminants 50
Table 4.3 Twelve-volume set of CIRIA Remedial treatment for contaminated land
publications 61
Table 7.1 Approved Document C, Table 4 – Maximum recommended exposure
zones for insulated masonry walls 118
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Unfortunately, it is a fact that the Building Regulations and Approved Documents

get more complex with every update, often requiring the services of specialist
professionals to make sense of the provisions (which even they find difficult to
understand!). New areas of control are being introduced each year and the scope
of the existing regulations is being extended with each revision.
The current Approved Documents only provide detailed guidance in the design
of extremely simple and straightforward buildings using mainly traditional tech-
niques. Larger and more complex buildings require access to other source
documents but, although these are referred to in the Approved Documents, no
details of their contents or advantages of use are given. Therefore, the Approved
Documents are becoming less and less useful to anyone concerned with the design
and construction of any but the most simple of buildings, and are in danger of
becoming merely an index of references.
To date, currently published guidance works on the Building Regulations and
Approved Documents have tended merely to restate the official guidance in a
simpler fashion with additional illustrations. Some of these works have restructured
the guidance in an attempt to make it more user-friendly, but have not really
added value. Additionally, where the Approved Documents have made reference
to alternative guidance sources the texts have tended to do the same – without
attempting to state what advantages might be gained by using a different approach
and without giving even the most basic details of what might be contained in the
reference texts.
In early 2003, the author approached the publishers of this book, Elsevier,
with an idea for a new kind of building control guidance publication. The aim
would be to present a series of books, each one covering a separate Approved
Document, which would provide users with much more detailed guidance than the
Approved Documents currently provide. Furthermore, these would be written by
experienced engineers, surveyors, architects and building control surveyors, etc.,
who had relevant specialist knowledge and hands-on experience.
This book is the third in the series and concentrates on Part C and its accom-
panying Approved Document C dealing with site preparation and resistance to
contaminants and moisture. The text covers the latest amendment to Part C which
came into force on 1 December 2004.
Part 1 of this book is introductory and gives a broad overview of the Building
Regulations and the control system. It also includes an introduction to Part C
and Approved Document C and sets out the factors which were considered in the
revision of the previous (1992) edition of Approved Document C.
xvi Preface

Part 2 covers site preparation and resistance to contaminants. The guidance on

resistance to contaminants has undergone a great deal of revision, due mostly to
new regulations made under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
This has resulted in the provision of new guidance on the risk assessment of sites.
Part 3 deals with resistance to moisture. Here, the most significant changes
involve new guidance on avoiding the occurrence of interstitial condensation in
floors, walls and roofs, and on measures to prevent surface condensation and
mould growth. To achieve this, some of the guidance that was previously located
in Approved Document F Ventilation (concerning ventilation of flat and pitched
roofs) has been updated and relocated in Approved Document C.
The aim of this book (and this series of books) is to provide a convenient,
straightforward, comprehensive guide and reference to a complex and constantly
changing subject. It must be stressed that the books in this series are a guide to
the various regulations and approved and other documents, but are not a substitute
for them. Furthermore, the guidance in the Approved and other source documents
is not mandatory and differences of opinion can quite legitimately exist between
controllers and developers or designers as to whether a particular detail in a building
design does actually satisfy the mandatory functional requirements of the Building
The intended readers are all those concerned with building work – architects and
other designers, building control officers, approved inspectors, building surveyors,
clerks of works, services engineers, contractors, and teachers in further and higher
education, etc. – as well as their potential successors, the current generation of
The law in this book is stated on the basis of cases reported and other material
available to us after 1 November 2006.
MJ Billington

The author wishes to thank the editorial and production team at Elsevier for their
help, patience and dedicated support in the publication of this book.
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About this series of books

Whether we like it or not, the Building Regulations and their associated

government-approved guidance documents get more complex with every update,
often requiring the services of specialist professionals (services engineers, fire
engineers, etc.) to make sense of the provisions. New areas of control are being
introduced each year and the scope of the existing regulations is being extended
with each revision.
The technical guidance given in the current Approved Documents is only of
use in the design of extremely simple and straightforward buildings using mainly
traditional techniques. For larger and more complex buildings it is usually better
(and more efficient in terms of building design) to use other sources of guidance
(British and European Standards, Building Research Establishment Reports, etc.)
and although a great many of these other source documents are referenced in the
Approved Documents no details of their contents or advantages of use are given.
The current Approved Documents usually fail to provide sufficient guidance
just when it is needed, that is, when it is proposed to deviate from the simple solu-
tions or attempt to design something slightly unusual, thus encouraging adherence
to traditional and (perhaps) unimaginative designs and details, and discouraging
innovation in the majority of building designs.
This series of books, by addressing different parts of the Building Regulations
in separate volumes, will enable each Part to be explored in detail.
The information contained in the Approved Documents is expanded not only by
describing the traditional approach but also by making extensive reference to other
sources of guidance contained in them. These ‘alternative approaches’ (as they are
called in the Approved Documents) are analysed and their most critical parts are
presented in the text with indications of where they can be used to advantage (over
the traditional approach).
As this is a new concept in building control publications our aim is to develop
the series by including examples of radical design solutions that go beyond
the Approved Document guidance but still comply with the Regulations. Such
innovative buildings already exist, one example being the Queen’s Building at
De Montfort University in Leicester, which makes extensive use of passive stack
ventilation instead of traditional opening windows or air conditioning.
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About this book

This book presents a detailed analysis of Part C – Site preparation and resistance to
contaminants and moisture – of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 and its
accompanying Approved Document. Approved Document C became operative on
1 December 2004 and essentially, replaced the former 1992 edition which related
to the Building Regulations 1991.
In deciding to revise this Part of the Regulations the Government identified three

Option 1. Do nothing.
Option 2. Carry out minimal changes involving a simple update of the references
in Approved Document C and publicize good practice.
Option 3. Substantially amend the Building Regulations and the technical guid-
ance in Approved Document C.

It is probably no surprise that they chose the third option! An outline of the
amendments is given in Chapter 2.
When the new Approved Document was published is was immediately apparent
that not only had it increased greatly in size, but the number of references to other
sources of information had also greatly increased – from 35 separate references in
the 1992 edition to 110 in the 2004 edition.
From the viewpoint of a user (who might or might not be a specialist), the
questions that arise from allowing so many references to appear in what is supposed
to be a technical guidance document are:

• How relevant are each of the references to me?

• Do I need to buy them all, or just some of them?
• If I need to buy some, which ones should I get?

We have tried to address these questions in this book by reviewing all the references
where possible (and some of them are over 300 pages in length) and by presenting
these reviews in TWO places:

• within the text where they appear logically, in line with the Approved Document
guidance, and
• In a summarized version in Appendix 1, in order to give a quick reference source.
xxii About this book

After carrying out these reviews it is apparent that the references can be divided
into three categories:

(a) those that are non-technical and are of universal application

(b) those that are best suited to building professionals (designers, surveyors,
contractors, etc.) because of their technical content
(c) those that are needed only by specialists (soil and geotechnical engineers, build-
ing control bodies, Environment Agency staff, etc.) because of the specialist
nature of their contents.

Our aim is that these analyses should help readers make an informed choice as to
which of the reference documents they really need and in this way save time and
This book is aimed at designers, builders, students on construction- and building-
related surveying courses, building control professionals and anyone else with an
interest in the built environment. Its purpose is to keep them better informed and
more able to deal with a complex and evolving area of law which directly affects

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Series introduction

1.1 Introduction

Although we may not be aware of it, the influence of the Building Regulations is
around us all of the time.
In our homes building regulations affect and control the:

• size and method of construction of foundations, walls (both internal and

external), floors, roofs and chimneys
• size and position of stairs, room exits, corridors and external doors
• number, position, size and form of construction of windows and external doors
(including glazing)
• methods for disposing of solid waste
• design, construction and use of the services such as:
◦ above and below ground foul drainage taking the waste from kitchen and
bathroom appliances (including the design and siting of the appliances
◦ rainwater disposal systems including gutters and downpipes from roofs and
drainage from paths and paving
◦ electrical installations
◦ heating and hot water installations using gas, oil or solid fuel
◦ fire detection and alarm systems
◦ mechanical ventilation systems
• design and construction of the paths outside the house that:
◦ lead to the main entrance, and
◦ are used to access the place where refuse is stored.
4 Using the Building Regulations

In a similar manner, they also affect the places where people go when away from
their homes such as:

• factories, offices, warehouses, shops and multi-storey car parks

• schools, universities and colleges
• leisure, sport and recreation centres
• hospitals, clinics, doctors surgeries, health care centres and other health care
• hotels, motels, guest houses, boarding houses, hostels and halls of residence
• theatres, cinemas, concert halls and other entertainment buildings
• churches and other places or worship.

In fact, anything that can normally be considered to be a building will be affected

by building regulations. But it is not just the design and construction of the building
itself that is controlled.
The regulations also affect the site on which the building is placed in order to:

• lessen the effect of fire spread between neighbouring buildings

• permit access across the site for the fire brigade in the event of fire
• allow access for disabled people who may need to get from a parking place or
site entrance to the building
• permit access for refuse collection.

1.2 What are the Building Regulations?

When asked this question most people (assuming that they have even heard of the
regulations) will usually bring to mind a series of A4 documents with green and
white covers and the words ‘Approved Document’ on the front! These documents
are not, of course, the Building Regulations, but have come to be regarded as such
by most builders, designers and their clients, and it is this misconception that has
led to a great deal of confusion regarding the true nature of the building control
system and the regulations. When applied to England and Wales, the Building
Regulations consist of a set of rules that can only be made by Parliament for a
number of specific purposes. The purposes include:

• ensuring the health, safety, welfare and convenience of persons in or about

buildings and of others who may be affected by buildings or matters connected
with buildings
• furthering the conservation of fuel and power
• preventing waste, undue consumption, misuse or contamination of water.
Series introduction 5

The regulations may be made ‘with respect to the design and construction of
buildings and the provision of services, fittings and equipment in or in connection
with buildings’.
Originally (in Victorian times), the regulations (or byelaws as they were known
then) were concerned only with public health and safety, but in the late twentieth
century additional reasons for making building regulations were added so that it
would now seem possible to include almost anything under the banner of ‘welfare
and convenience’.
The Regulations are of two types:

(a) Those that deal with issues of procedure or administration such as:
• the types of work to which the regulations apply
• the method of making an application to ensure compliance and the
information that must be supplied to the controlling authority
• the frequencies and stages at which the control authorities must be informed
of the work
• details of the testing and sampling that may be carried out by the controlling
authorities to confirm compliance
• what sorts of work might be exempted from regulation control
• what can be done in the event of the work not complying with the regulations.
(b) Those that describe the ‘standards’ which must be met by the building (called
‘substantive’ requirements) such as:
• the ability of the building to:
◦ retain its structural integrity
◦ resist the effects of fire and allow people to escape if a fire should occur
◦ resist dampness and the effects of condensation
◦ resist the passage of sound
◦ minimize the production of carbon dioxide by being energy efficient
◦ be safe to use, especially where hazards of design or construction might
exist, such as on stairways and landings or in the use of glass in windows,
doors or as guarding
◦ maintain a healthy internal environment by means of adequate ventilation.
• the safe installation and use of the building’s services including:
◦ electric power and lighting
◦ boilers, open fires, chimneys, hearths and flues
◦ unvented heating and hot water systems
◦ sanitary installations and above and below ground drainage
◦ foul and waste disposal systems
◦ mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems
◦ lifts and conveyors.
6 Using the Building Regulations

Because the regulations are phrased in functional terms (i.e. they state what must
be achieved without saying how this must be done) they contain no practical
guidance regarding methods of compliance. The intention of this approach is that
it gives designers and builders flexibility in the way they comply and it does not
prevent the development and use of innovative solutions and new materials and
methods of construction. Of course, much building work is done in traditional
materials using standard solutions developed over many years and based on sound
building practice. To assist designers and contractors in these accepted methods
the government has provided non-mandatory guidance principally in the form
of ‘Approved Documents’, there being an Approved Document that deals with
each substantive provision of the Building Regulations. This does not prevent the
use of other ‘official’ documents such as and Harmonised Standards (British or
European), and the adoption of other methods of demonstrating compliance such
as, past experience of successful use, test evidence, calculations, compliance with
European Technical Approvals, the use of CE-marked materials, etc.

1.3 How are the Regulations administered?

For most types of building work (new build, extensions, alterations and some use
changes) builders and developers are required by law to ensure that they com-
ply with the Regulations. At present this must be demonstrated by means of an
independent check that compliance has been sought and achieved.
For this purpose, building control is provided by two competing bodies – local
authorities and Approved Inspectors.
Both building control bodies will charge for their services. They may offer
advice before work is started, and both will check plans of the proposed work and
carry out site inspections during the construction process to ensure compliance
with the statutory requirements of the Building Regulations.

1.3.1 Local Authority Building Control (LABC)

Each local authority in England and Wales (unitary, district and London boroughs
in England and county and county borough councils in Wales) has a Building
Control section. The local authority has a general duty to see that building work
complies with the Building Regulations unless it is formally under the control of
an Approved Inspector.
Individual local authorities co-ordinate their services regionally and nation-
ally (and provide a range of national approval schemes) via LABC Services.
Series introduction 7

Full details of each local authority (contact details, geographical area covered,
etc.) can be found at

1.3.2 Approved Inspectors

Approved Inspectors are companies or individuals authorized under Sections 47

to 58 of the Building Act 1984 to carry out building control work in England and
The Construction Industry Council (CIC) is responsible for deciding all appli-
cations for Approved Inspector status. A list of Approved Inspectors can be
viewed at the Association of Consultant Approved Inspectors (ACAI) web site
Full details of the administrative provisions for both local authorities and
Approved Inspectors may be found in Chapter 5 of the accompanying book in this
series Using the Building Regulations – Administrative Procedures, first edition
2005 (published by Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 0 7506 6257 3).

1.4 Why are the Building Regulations needed?

1.4.1 Control of public health and safety

The current system of building control by means of government regulation has

its roots in the mid-Victorian era. It was originally set up to counteract the truly
horrific living and working conditions of the poor working classes who had flocked
to the new industrial towns in the forlorn hope of making a better living. Chapter 2
of the first book in this series (Using the Building Regulations – Administrative
Procedures, details as above) describes the factors which caused this exodus from
the countryside and the conditions experienced by the incomers; factors which led
to overcrowding, desperately insanitary living conditions and the rapid outbreak
and spread of disease and infection. There is no doubt that a punitive system of
control was needed at that time for the control of new housing, and the enforcement
powers given to local authorities (coupled with legislation that dealt with existing
sub-standard housing) enabled the worst conditions to be eradicated and the spread
of disease to be substantially halted.
The Victorian system of control based purely on issues of public health and
safety enforced by local authorities continued to be effective for the next 100 years,
the only major change being the conversion of the system from local byelaws to
national regulations in 1966.
8 Using the Building Regulations

1.4.2 Welfare and convenience and other controls

The first hint of an extension of the system from one based solely on public health
and safety came with the passing of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act in
1974 (the 1974 Act). Part III of the 1974 Act was devoted entirely to changes in
the building control system and regulations, and it increased the range of powers
given to the Secretary of State. Section 61 of the 1974 Act enabled him to make
regulations for the purposes of securing the welfare and convenience (in addition
to health and safety) of persons in or about buildings. Regulations could also be
made now for furthering the conservation of fuel and power and for preventing the
waste, undue consumption, misuse or contamination of water. The 1974 Act was
later repealed and its main parts were subsumed into the Building Act 1984.

1.4.3 The new system and the extension of control

Initially, the new powers remained largely unused and it was not until the coming
into operation of the completely revamped building control system brought about
by the 1984 Act and the Building Regulations 1985 that the old health and safety
based approach began to change. The 1984 Act also permitted the building control
system to be administered by private individuals and corporate (i.e. non-local
authority) bodies called Approved Inspectors in competition with local authorities,
although enforcement powers remained with local authorities. The new powers
have resulted in the following major extensions of control to:

• heating, hot and cold water, mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems
• airtightness of buildings
• prevention of leakage of oil storage systems
• protection of LPG storage systems
• drainage of paths and paving
• access and facilities for disabled people in buildings (although the reference to
disabled people has now been dropped)
• provision of information on the operation and maintenance of services controlled
under the regulations
• measures to alleviate the effects of flooding in buildings
• measures to reduce the transmission of sound within dwellings and between
rooms used for residential purposes in buildings other than dwellings.

Furthermore, a consultation in 2004 put forward proposals intended to facilitate the

distribution of electronic communication services (broadband) around buildings
in a proposed Part Q, presumably under the banner of convenience.
Series introduction 9

As the scope of control has increased, the government has attempted to simplify
the bureaucratic processes that this increase would undoubtedly lead to by allowing
much work of a minor nature and/or to service installations to be certified as
complying by a suitably qualified person (e.g. one who belongs to a particular
trade body, professional institution or other approved body).

1.4.4 The future of building control in England and Wales

This section derives its title from a government White Paper (Cmnd 8179) pub-
lished in February 1981. In paragraph 2 of this document the Secretary of State set
out the criteria which any new building control arrangements would be required
to satisfy. These were:

• maximum self-regulation
• minimum government interference
• total self-financing
• simplicity in operation.

One out of four (total self-financing) may not seem to be a particularly good
result and it has often been the case that the average local authority Building
Control Officer has been inadequately prepared through inappropriate education
and training to take on the task of assessing compliance with many of the regulation
changes listed above. It has been claimed that this problem has been solved by the
introduction of Approved Inspectors onto the building control scene. Since these
are staffed almost entirely by ex-local authority Building Control Officers it would
seem that the net result of the partial privatization of building control has only
been to redistribute a finite number of similar people without any improvement
in education or training, although the adoption of a more commercial attitude by
Approved Inspectors may be a good or bad thing depending on your point of view.
It seems almost inevitable (without a change of government or in government
thinking) that the areas of control will increase and that more ‘suitably qualified
people’ will be entitled to certify work as complying with the regulations. It is also
likely that local authorities will remain as the final arbiter in matters of enforce-
ment although it likely that their direct involvement in day-to-day building control
matters will diminish, to be taken over by the private sector. Indeed, most building
control work on new housing is already dealt with by the private sector.
Although the broad subject area covered by the Building Regulations is roughly
the same across the European Union (and in former British colonies such as Canada,
Australia and New Zealand) the main difference between the system in England
and Wales and that in other countries lies in the administrative processes designed
10 Using the Building Regulations

to ensure compliance. Our mix of control mechanisms encompassing both public

(local authority) and private (Approved Inspector) building control bodies offers
choice but also potential conflict. The system is further complicated by the exis-
tence of certain ‘self-certification’ schemes for the installation of, for example,
replacement windows and doors or combustion appliances, and some work which
has to comply with the regulations but is ‘non-notifiable’ if carried out by a suitably
qualified person.
In fact, we are the only country in the EU with such a ‘mixed economy’. Most
countries (Scotland and Northern Ireland, Denmark, The Netherlands, the Irish
Republic, etc.) use a system run exclusively by the local authority. In Sweden the
building control system was privatized in 1995 so that the work of plan checking
and site inspections is carried out by a suitably qualified ‘quality control supervisor’
employed by the building owner, although the local authority still has to be satisfied
that the work is being properly supervised and may carry out spot checks and
inspections to confirm this.
Some years ago the UK government consulted on proposals to extend control of
work governed by the Building Regulations to a range of bodies (some of which
could be engaged in design and construction) provided that they were suitably
qualified and insured. This would mean, for example, that a firm of architects
would be able to take complete control of their own building control processes for
work that they had designed without using a local authority or Approved Inspector.
Such a market-led system would seem to be in accordance with the all the aims
listed at the beginning of this section and, provided that the necessary safeguards
could be put in place to prevent corruption and to build public confidence, it would
seem to be a sensible way forward. The consultation exercise did not result in any
companies being approved to control their own work, although the current system
of self-certification of compliance by suitably qualified persons did come out of
the exercise. Whether this was caused by political interference, objections from
the building control establishment or lack of confidence by companies who still
wanted the comfort of a third party to do their regulation checking for them, is not

Introduction to Part C

2.1 Introduction

The current (2004) edition of Approved Document C became operable on

1 December 2004 with the coming into force of the Building (Amendment)
Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/1465). It replaced the 1992 edition (which related to the
Building Regulations 1991). Since 1992 there have been several changes relevant
to the subject matter covered by Part C. British Standards are being replaced by
European ones, the number of regions needing protection from radon has increased,
and increased levels of insulation mean that greater consideration needs to be
given to condensation risks. The most significant changes concerned contaminated
land due to new regulations made under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection
Act 1990. This in turn meant that the relevant technical guidance for Building
Regulations needed to be revised.
Until the 2004 amendments there were four Requirements under Part C of
Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations:

• C1: Preparation of site

• C2: Dangerous and offensive substances
• C3: Subsoil drainage
• C4: Resistance to weather and ground moisture.

During the review and consultation process on the amendment of Part C it was
proposed that the principal requirements should be reduced from four to two,

• C1: Preparation of site and resistance to contaminants

• C2: Resistance to moisture.
12 Using the Building Regulations

The rationale for this was that the layout of the 1992 edition of Approved
Document C did not logically follow the construction process, since site prepara-
tion and resistance to contaminants is concerned with the activities that involve
modifying the ground to allow the building to be erected, whereas resistance to
moisture deals with all parts of the building envelope in order to exclude the
weather and dampness and to create an environment where condensation is less
likely to occur.
The following is a summary of the main changes that were brought about by the
publication of the 2004 edition of Approved Document C:

• C1 Site preparation and resistance to contaminants

◦ Site preparation – Site investigation is now recommended as the method for
determining how much unsuitable material should be removed.
◦ Resistance to contaminants
– Requirement C1(2) (see section 2.3 below) now applies to the material
change of use of a building (material change of use is fully described in
Chapter 4 of the accompanying book in this series Using the Building
Regulations – Administrative Procedures, first edition 2005, (published by
Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 0 7506 6257 3)).
– Remedial measures for dealing with land affected by contaminants have
been expanded to include biological, chemical and physical treatment
– The area of land that is subject to measures to deal with contaminants now
includes the land around the building.
– Guidance on protection from radon is expanded to include buildings other
than dwellings.
◦ Sub-soil drainage – Guidance is included relating to sub-soil drainage and
the risk of transportation of waterborne contaminants.
• C2 Resistance to moisture
◦ New guidance is included on reducing the condensation risk to floors, walls
and roofs.
◦ Guidance is now provided on the use of moisture resistant boards for the
flooring in bathrooms, kitchens and other places where water may be spilled
from sanitary fittings or fixed appliances.
◦ Additional references are given for assessing the suitability of cavity walls
for filling.
◦ Check rebates are now recommended in the most exposed parts of the country
at the interface between walls and doors and windows.
◦ New guidance points to the need for better attention to detail in exposed
areas where level access is provided to support Part M, Access to and
Introduction to Part C 13

use of buildings, to ensure adequate provision is made for resistance to

◦ Former Requirement F2: Condensation in roofs, has been transferred to Part C
as it deals with effects on the building fabric rather than ventilation for the
health of occupants.

2.2 The 2002 review of Part C and Approved Document C

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) initiated a review of Part C
and Approved Document C in December 2002. In all, 329 bodies deemed to be
representative of the issues to be addressed by Part C were consulted, with replies
being required to be returned by 10 March 2003. In the event, a considerable
amount of interest was shown in the consultation exercise and it was not until
1 December 2004 that Part C came into force. The review considered the impact
of the following key issues on Part C:

• the affects of climate change

• moisture ingress
• flooding
• land affected by contaminants
• radon.

2.2.1 The affects of climate change

The review of Part C, referred to above, commenced with a study of what might
need to be addressed in Part C should the UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP)
1998 scenarios come to pass. It was concluded that the most likely effects with
respect to Part C are:

• increased risk of flooding

• increased risk of summer drought (which in turn may cause shrinkage or cracks
in buildings)
• greater risk of rain penetration as a result of increased driving rain
• possible mobilization of ground contaminants (due to increased surface run-off
or raised groundwater levels).

New scenarios were published by UKCIP in April 2002 resulting in a review of

the 1998 findings. If the 2002 scenarios come to pass there are likely to be more
14 Using the Building Regulations

hot summers, winter precipitation will increase and there will be more very wet
winters. The greatest effects of this are likely to arise from more frequent flooding
and increased driving rain, hence the need to improve and clarify the guidance in
these areas in Approved Document C.

2.2.2 Moisture ingress

Under the 1992 edition of Approved Document C the sections that dealt with
moisture were oriented towards external sources, e.g. the ground, driving rain,
etc. Interstitial condensation from the water vapour produced within buildings
has become more important as insulation levels rise and novel constructions with
impermeable claddings are introduced, and it was felt that this area of moisture
production was dealt with inadequately. Also, the rise in external vapour pressure
expected under climate change will reduce the effectiveness of ventilation.
Additionally, since the publication of the 1992 edition of Approved Document C
changes to Approved Document M (Access to and use of buildings) have included
the need for level access to new dwellings (including guidance on the design of
level thresholds). This, of course, has implications for the design both of floors
and walls since it is important that water does not penetrate the building fabric at
door openings as it could, in turn, cause dampness.

2.2.3 Flooding

The widespread flooding in England and Wales in the autumn of 2000, with severe
property damage, focused attention on the various associated issues. These include:
• siting of buildings to avoid flood risk
• protection of buildings by embankments, etc.
• appropriate design and use of materials to minimize damage from flooding
• methods of rapid drying and reinstatement of flooded buildings.

Some of these issues, especially guidance on siting buildings to prevent flooding

and appropriate embankments are covered in planning guidance (e.g. Planning
Policy Guidance Note PPG 25 Development and flood risk, DTLR 2001, see
section 5.1 below) and Environment Agency publications, and so are not pertinent
to Building Regulations. However, there is still a need to consider appropriate
construction techniques for use in areas with a high flood risk. It should be noted
that Building Regulations can only address health, safety, welfare and convenience
of people. They cannot be made for property protection. Further references on
Introduction to Part C 15

buildings subjected to contaminant-affected floodwater may be found in section 4.4


2.2.4 Land affected by contaminants

The regulatory and technical frameworks dealing with land affected by contam-
inants have changed significantly since the publication of the 1992 edition of
Part C.
New planning advice Development of land affected by contamination is cur-
rently out for consultation. In due course it will replace the existing guidance on
contaminated land in Planning Policy Guidance Note PPG 23 Planning and pol-
lution control, ODPM 1997, and will apply in England (PPG 23 is outlined in
section 2.5 below). This planning advice will complement the contaminated land
regime introduced under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA),
which came into force in April 2000. The regime provides a framework to identify
and remove unacceptable risks due to contamination and to bring damaged land
back into beneficial use. The EPAcontaminated land regime applies to existing land
use whereas much of the remediation of land affected by contamination (even that
identified under the EPA) will be through the planning system. This reflects the fact
that the best means of paying for remediation is often by redevelopment. Despite
this, the raft of policy and technical guidance that supports the EPA regime needs
to be acknowledged not only in planning advice, but also in Building Regulations.
Accordingly, the guidance in support of Part C has been extended to take account
of this.
In order to meet future housing needs and to alleviate the pressure on greenfield
sites the government’s planning policy guidance is proposing that 60% of the
required additional housing be built on land that has seen a previous use, and this
includes sites that have been subject to a contaminative use (see Planning Policy
Guidance Note PPG 3 Housing, March 2000).

2.2.5 Radon

At the time the last edition of Part C was published (1992) radon protec-
tive measures were only required in Cornwall, Devon and parts of Derbyshire,
Northamptonshire and Somerset. This reflected the findings of surveys of radon
measurements in existing dwellings undertaken by the National Radiological
Protection Board (NRPB) at that time. Since 1992 the NRPB has carried out
further surveys including completing national surveys of England and Wales
(see NRPB Radon in dwellings in England: 1997 review, NRPB-R293, 1997;
16 Using the Building Regulations

NRPB Radon atlas of England, NRPB-R290, 1996; NRPB Radon in dwellings in

Wales: Atlas and 1998 review, NRPB-R303, 1998). Results of these studies were
published between 1996 and 1998, and the resulting maps show that most counties
in England and Wales have some areas that can be described as ‘Radon Affected
The new areas identified by the NRPB’s findings are used to delineate places
where radon protection is required in new dwellings. This was published in BR 211,
Radon: guidance on protective for new dwellings (see section 4.5.1 below). This
publication includes both technical guidance and maps showing where protection
is required. The amended guidance was not a result of an amended requirement it
was simply bringing the guidance into line with current practice.

2.3 The requirements of Part C

The requirements of Part C are as follows:

• C1 Preparation of site and resistance to contaminants

(1) The ground to be covered by the building shall be reasonably free from
any material that might damage the building or affect its stability, including
vegetable matter, topsoil and pre-existing foundations.
(2) Reasonable precautions shall be taken to avoid danger to health and safety
caused by contaminants on or in the ground covered, or to be covered by
the building and any land associated with the building.
(3) Adequate sub-soil drainage shall be provided if it is needed to avoid:
(a) the passage of ground moisture to the interior of the building
(b) damage to the building, including damage through the transport of
waterborne contaminants to the foundations of the building.
(4) For the purposes of this requirement, ‘contaminant’ means any substance,
which is or may become harmful to any persons or buildings including
substances, which are corrosive, explosive, flammable, radioactive or toxic.
• C2 Resistance to moisture
The walls, floors and roof of the building shall adequately protect the building
and people who use the building from harmful effects caused by:

(a) ground moisture

(b) precipitation including wind-driven spray
(c) interstitial and surface condensation
(d) spillage of water from or associated with sanitary fittings or fixed
Introduction to Part C 17

2.4 Ways of satisfying the Regulation requirements

2.4.1 Approved Documents and other sources of guidance

Under Section 6 of the Building Act 1984 the Secretary of State may approve
any document for the purpose of providing practical guidance with respect to the
requirements of the Regulations. Such documents (known as Approved Docu-
ments) are intended to be written and illustrated in comparatively straightforward
technical terms and are updated at intervals after extensive consultation with a
wide range of interested parties who are deemed to be representative of the par-
ticular issues covered by the Approved Document under preparation or revision.
Part C of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 is supported by Approved
Document C entitled ‘Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and mois-
ture’. The most recent edition of Approved Document C (2004) replaced the former
1992 edition.
Unfortunately, the Building Regulations and their associated Approved
Documents have been getting more complex with every update, often requiring the
services of specialist professionals (services engineers, fire engineers, specialists
in soil engineering, etc) to make sense of the provisions.
New areas of control are being introduced each year (a proposed Part Q covering
electronic communications services is currently under discussion) and the scope
of the existing regulations is being extended with each revision.
Furthermore, the current Approved Documents are principally of use in the
design of extremely simple and straightforward buildings using mainly traditional
techniques. For larger and more complex buildings it is usually better (and more
efficient in terms of building design) to use other sources of guidance (British and
European Standards, Building Research Establishment Reports, etc.) and although
these other source documents are referenced in the Approved Documents no details
of their contents or advantages of use are given. As an example of this, the 2004 edi-
tion of Approved Document C contains numerous footnote references on virtually
every page to no fewer than 109 other sources of guidance.
Additionally, it is often the case that the current Approved Documents fail to
provide sufficient guidance just when it is needed, i.e. when it is proposed to
deviate from the simple solutions or attempt to design something slightly unusual.
Arguably, this has the tendency to encourage adherence to traditional and (perhaps)
unimaginative designs and details, and can actively discourage innovation in many
modern building designs.
This book (and the others in this series) has been specifically developed to
improve on the current situation by addressing different parts of the Build-
ing Regulations in separate volumes, thus enabling each Part to be explored in
18 Using the Building Regulations

Each volume expands on the Approved Document guidance by not only describ-
ing the direct guidance given, but also by making extensive reference to the other
sources of guidance contained in them. These ‘alternative approaches’ (as they
are often described in the Approved Documents) are summarized and the most
critical parts of them are presented in the text with indications as to their rela-
tive efficacy. Additionally, these guidance documents vary greatly in complexity.
At one end of the spectrum some references are clearly designed for use by spe-
cialists, such as soils or structural engineers (and involve an advanced level of
knowledge of physics, chemistry and mathematics), whereas at the other end there
are references pitched at do-it-yourself enthusiasts! In reviewing the references in
Approved Document C we have tried to give an indication as to who they would
benefit (and whether or not they would be worth acquiring). This information is
summarized in the Appendix.

2.4.2 Legal status of Approved Documents

There is no legal obligation to use the Approved Documents when carrying out a
building project to which the regulations apply. The applicant is perfectly entitled
to choose whether or not to use all or some of the relevant Approved Documents or,
indeed, some parts of them. However, care should be taken in certain circumstances
not to mix up Approved Document guidance with that from other guidance sources
referred to in the specific Approved Document.
Therefore, the legal obligation is to meet the requirements of the Regulations,
not the Approved Document guidance. This leaves the designer/developer with
the option of devising his or her own solution or of following other authoritative
guidance. There may even be circumstances in which it would be unneces-
sary or inappropriate to follow the guidance in the Approved Document in full,
or the Approved Document may offer no guidance on a particular situation
being faced.
If adherence to the Approved Document guidance is not mandatory, to what
extent do they provide the designer with the confidence that he or she is indeed
satisfying the requirements of the regulations and what, if any, is the nature of
their legal status? Section 7 of the Building Act 1984 provides that if the guid-
ance in the Approved Documents is followed and it is alleged in any proceedings
that the Regulations have been contravened – ‘proof of compliance with such a
document may be relied on as tending to negative liability’. Conversely, if the
guidance in the Approved Documents has not been followed and it is alleged that
the Regulations have been contravened – ‘a failure to comply with a document
that at that time was approved for the purposes of that provision may be relied
upon as tending to establish liability’. Put more simply, the onus will be on the
Introduction to Part C 19

designer/developer to establish that he or she has met the requirements in some

other way and he or she may be called upon by the building control body to demon-
strate this by other means. It should be noted that proof of non-compliance with
an Approved Document does not necessarily mean that the regulation has been
A full discussion of ways in which the Regulations may be satisfied is given
in Chapter 7 of the accompanying book in this series – Using the Building
Regulations – Administrative Procedures, published by Elsevier Butterworth
Heinemann ISBN 0 7506 6257 3.

2.5 The Environmental Protection Act and other legislation

affecting development of contaminated land

The guidance given on resistance to contaminants in Chapter 4 is for the pur-

poses of the Building Regulations and their associated requirements. It should be
noted that there may be further provisions for dealing with contaminants contained
in planning guidance or legislation made under the regime set out in Part IIA
of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA) which may be supplementary
to the requirements of the Building Regulations. Part IIA (Sections 78A–78YC)
was inserted into the EPA by virtue of the Environment Act 1995 and came into
force on 21 September 1995. Section 78B places a duty on local authorities
(as defined in Section 78A) to inspect their area from time to time for the pur-
pose of identifying any contaminated land. Local authorities are also required
(in collaboration with the Environment Agency) to identify ‘special sites’ where
the contamination is particularly serious and these will then generally be dealt
with by the Agency instead of the local authority. Disputes between the local
authority and the Environment Agency over the identification of a special site
have to be referred to the Secretary of State for a decision. When land has been
identified as contaminated, the controlling authority is required to issue a ‘reme-
diation notice’ on the appropriate person. This will specify the measures which
must be taken to remediate the land and will give a timescale. There are consul-
tation measures built in to the procedure and there are rights of appeal in cases of
The Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2000 make detailed provi-
sions of a procedural nature to help give full effect to the Part IIA regime, and
the statutory guidance provides a basis for enforcing authorities to apply the
Where contaminants are removed, treated or contained as part of the construction
works, waste management law may apply. If waste is removed for off-site disposal,
20 Using the Building Regulations

the ‘Duty of Care’ and/or special waste requirements will apply. This will include
compliance with the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991.
These regulations impose requirements under Section 34(5) of the EPA on any
person who is subject to the duty of care as respects the making and retention of
documents and the furnishing of copies of them.
Regulation 2 requires the person transferring (transferor) any controlled waste
and the person receiving that waste (transferee) to complete and sign a transfer
note at the same time as the written description of the waste is transferred. The
transfer note must contain certain information such as:

• the identity of the waste in question

• its quantity
• how it is stored
• the time and place of transfer
• the name and address of the transferor and the transferee
• whether the transferor is the producer or importer of the waste.

One of the most effective means of remediating land affected by contaminants is

by way of redevelopment. The redevelopment process is subject to controls under
the Town and Country Planning Acts, and Local Planning Authorities follow the
guidance in Planning Policy Guidance Note PPG 23 Planning and pollution con-
trol, ODPM, 1997. This 67-page PPG gives guidance on the relevance of pollution
controls to the exercise of planning functions and gives advice on the relationship
between authorities’ planning responsibilities and the separate statutory responsi-
bilities exercised by local authorities and other pollution control bodies, principally
under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Water Resources Act 1991.
In particular, it advises that local planning authorities should not seek to dupli-
cate controls which are the statutory responsibility of other bodies (including local
authorities in their non-planning functions). It makes clear that close co-ordination
among all concerned will be needed to ensure speedy decisions in a complex
network of essential regulation. It also provides guidance to planning authori-
ties on the implementation of the European Commission (EC) Waste Framework
Although environmental protection, planning and Building Regulations have
different purposes, their aims are similar. Consequently, the processes for assess-
ing the effects of pollutants and contaminants are similar. An investigation or
assessment to determine the characteristics of a site (see Chapter 3, section 3.1 and
Chapter 4, section 4.2) can be further developed for Building Regulations purposes
when the form and construction of the buildings are known. If appropriate data are
gathered at the early stages it should not be necessary to completely re-evaluate a
site for Building Regulations purposes.
Introduction to Part C 21

2.5.1 Consultation with regulatory authorities

During the processes of site investigation, risk assessment and remediation it

is quite possible that unexpected events may occur or there may be a change
in the expected outcomes. In these case there are likely to be other regula-
tory authorities which may have an interest in the land affected by the contami-
The following examples illustrate some likely scenarios:

• The district council should be informed if contaminants are found on a

site where the presence of contamination has not been formally recognized
through the planning process (also contaminants from the site may be affect-
ing other land or contaminants may be reaching the site from neighbouring
• The contamination identified may differ from that which has been previously
discussed and agreed with the local planning authority (LPA) or Environmental
Health department. This may result in the need for additional discussions with
these bodies.
• When a contaminated site is redeveloped, all land quality issues will need to be
set out in documents in support of planning approval sent to the local planning
authority. Inevitably, the designs will be refined and this may impact on the
original risk assessment and remediation strategy. The local planning authority
may need to be informed if significant changes are apparent.
• If issues arise that are relevant to the local Environment Agency it may be
necessary to consult them. These include:
◦ specific duties relating to waste management and the protection of water
quality and resources
◦ where there is a potential impact on controlled waters if the site is designated
as a Special Site under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1991
(this may mean that an authorization is required, or specific hazards may have
been found)
◦ remedial measures that may themselves require prior authorization from the
Environment Agency (such as abstraction licensing for groundwater treat-
ment and waste management licensing for a number of activities involving
contaminated soils).
• The hazards of working on contaminated land should be recognized. This will
involve a risk assessment to meet the requirements of the Construction (Design
and Management) Regulations 1994 and working procedures will need to be
in accordance with the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
1996. This may necessitate giving notice to the Health and Safety Executive
prior to starting work.
22 Using the Building Regulations

2.6 Work on historic buildings

Because the Building Regulations apply not only to new buildings and exten-
sions but also to material changes of use or alterations to existing buildings,
a building project may include work on an historic building. Historic buildings

• listed buildings
• buildings situated in conservation areas
• buildings which are of architectural and historical interest and which are referred
to as a material consideration in a local authority’s development plan
• buildings of architectural and historical interest within national parks, areas of
outstanding natural beauty and world heritage sites.

Approved Document C recognizes the need to conserve the special characteristics

of such historic buildings and contains some guidance as outlined below. Addition-
ally, reference is made to BS 7913: 1998, Guide to the principles of conservation
of historic buildings (32 pages). This Standard provides guidance (in Clause 7) on
the principles that should be applied when proposing work on historic buildings.
The following topics are discussed:

• The principle of minimum intervention.

• The knowledge, experience and skill required of owners and occupiers and of
those who carry out maintenance and alterations.
• Systematic care including – routine maintenance and housekeeping, protection
against fire, protection against other disasters, the need to keep conservation
manuals and log books, the need to review the condition of the building every
five years and the need to plan for repairs and other work.
• Repair and restoration work including – having a conservative approach to
repair, the presumption against and the case for restoration, controls and records
in restoration work, materials and details in repair, and restoration work, systems
of construction and salvage, reuse and recycling.
• New works including – alterations, extensions and new buildings, the juxtapo-
sition of old and new work, criteria for alteration work, criteria for additions,
historic settlements and conservation areas, criteria for new buildings in historic
• The preparation and management of repair and other work including –
inspection, survey, research and investigation, approvals and consents, costs,
funding and feasibility, specification and preparation of contracts, the use of
preliminary contracts, administration and overseeing of repair contracts.
Introduction to Part C 23

• Research, investigation and recording.

• Interiors, fittings and associated contents.

The guide is intended to provide building owners, managers, archaeologists, archi-

tects, engineers, surveyors, contractors, conservators and local authority building
control officers with general background information on the principles of the con-
servation of historic buildings, when considering conservation policy, strategy and
Therefore, when work is carried out on a historic building, the aim should
be to improve resistance to contaminants and moisture where it is practically
possible to do so, without prejudicing the character of the historic building or
increasing the risk of long-term deterioration of the building fabric or fittings. The
local authority’s conservation officer should always be consulted when trying to
arrive at an appropriate balance between improving resistance to contaminants and
moisture, and historic building conservation.
It is recognized in Approved Document C that some particular types of work
in historic buildings may warrant sympathetic treatment (perhaps benefiting from
advice from conservation professionals). Examples include:

• the need to avoid excessively intrusive gas protective measures

• ensuring that moisture ingress to the roof structure is limited and the roof can

In the latter case Approved Document C recommends the use of SPAB Information
Sheet 4 The need for old buildings to breathe, 1986 (4 pages). The aim of this brief
information sheet is to examine the differences between traditional and modern
materials when used for maintenance purposes and to draw conclusions about the
way old buildings should be treated. The information sheet provides guidance on
understanding the behaviour of old walls and the problems caused by the use of
impervious materials. The differences between traditional and modern materials
used for paint systems, external renders, pointing and internal plaster are consid-
ered in turn and the paper concludes with a discussion of the correct treatment
of old buildings. This paper is essential reading for all concerned with the repair,
maintenance and upkeep of old buildings.
Other issues affecting roofs in historic buildings include:

• the sealing of existing service penetrations in a ceiling and the provision of

draught proofing to any loft hatches where it is not possible to provide dedicated
ventilation to pitched roofs
24 Using the Building Regulations

• keeping new loft insulation clear of the eaves so that any adventitious ventilation
is not reduced.

With regard to the need to avoid excessively intrusive gas protective measures,
Approved Document C contains the following tips:

• Reduce the rate at which gas seeps into buildings, mainly through floors, by
using edge located sumps or sub-floor vents since these are less intrusive than
internal sumps or ducts that may involve taking up floors.
• When taking up flagged floors index the stones and record their layout so as
to facilitate relaying when work is completed. See also BRE Report BR 267
Major alterations and conversions: a BRE guide to radon remedial measures in
existing dwellings, 1994 (15 pages). This report is one of a series giving practical
advice on methods of reducing radon levels in existing dwellings. The report
offers advice on radon-protective measures that can be taken during the planning
and implementation of major alteration or conversion works to a building in
radon-affected areas. It describes how certain precautionary measures can help
to reduce indoor radon levels, and can make it easier to resolve any future radon
problem. This is particularly relevant when converting redundant farm or other
outbuildings into living accommodation, or carrying out major works such as
floor replacement in older properties.
• Disperse radon by using ventilation strategies such as positive pressurization.
These systems can often be accommodated in an unobtrusive manner.
• If internal mechanical ventilation is used to disperse ground gases, it may affect
the functioning of combustion appliances and may lead to the spillage of products
of combustion into the building. Guidance on this can be found in Good Building
Guide 25 Buildings and radon (see section 4.5.1 below).

Site preparation and

resistance to contaminants
This page intentionally left blank

Clearance or treatment
of unsuitable material

3.1 Preparation of site – site investigation

In order to prepare a site for construction work it will usually be necessary to carry
out a site investigation. This will entail a study of site conditions to determine their
probable influence on the design, construction and subsequent performance of a
building. The following items may be encountered and are discussed in Approved
Document C:

• unsuitable material such as turf and roots

• mature trees which might affect services, floor slabs, oversite concrete and
• pre-existing foundations, services and other infrastructure, and buried tanks
• fill or made up ground
• contaminants
• high water table, which might necessitate sub-soil drainage to avoid damage to
the building.

Additionally, the site investigation will identify the type and nature of the sub-soil
and its load-bearing capacity which will be of use in the design of foundations in
accordance with Part A, Structure of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000
(a book in this series is in preparation for Part A).
The site investigation will normally consist of the following stages:

(1) Planning stage. In this stage the objectives, scope and requirements of the
investigation are set so as to enable it to be planned and carried out efficiently
and so that the required information may be provided.
28 Using the Building Regulations

(2) Desk study. A desk study is a review of the historical, geological and environ-
mental information about the site. The information can be obtained much more
quickly and cheaply than information from boreholes and trial pits and a great
deal of factual information is publicly available in the UK from sources such as
geological maps, Ordnance Survey sheets, aerial photographs, computer satel-
lite databases, geological books and records, local authority building control
data, mining records, reports of previous site investigations etc.
(3) Site reconnaissance or walk-over survey. The site reconnaissance or walk-
over survey aids the design of the main investigation in that it identifies actual
and potential physical hazards. The object of the walk-over survey is to check
and make additions to the information already collected during the desk study.
The site and its surrounding area are visited and covered carefully on foot.
When carrying out a walk-over survey it is also possible to gather information
from local authorities, local inhabitants and people working in the area, such as
builders, electricity and gas workers. On completion of the survey a structured
report can be produced from the information gathered at the site and from the
local enquiries.
(4) Main investigation and reporting. This will usually include an examination
of the geotechnical properties of the ground and should be designed to verify
and expand information previously collected from the desk study and site
walk-over survey. The investigation will usually include intrusive and non-
intrusive sampling and testing by means of trial pits and boreholes to provide
soil parameters for design and construction.

In determining the extent and level of investigation it will be necessary to consider

the type of development proposed and the previous use of the land. Typically the
site investigation should include:

• susceptibility to groundwater levels and flow

• underlying geology
• ground and hydro-geological properties.

A geotechnical site investigation should:

• identify physical hazards for site development

• determine an appropriate design
• provide soil parameters for design and construction.

Where there is concern that the site might be affected by contaminants, a combined
geotechnical and geo-environmental investigation should be considered. Section 2
of Approved Document C Resistance to contaminants (which is considered in
Clearance or treatment of unsuitable material 29

Chapter 4) contains guidance on assessing and remediating sites affected by


3.1.1 Site investigation – sources of guidance

A number of guidance sources are given in Approved Document C. Comprehen-

sive guidance on site investigations in general may be found in British Standard
5930: 1999 Code of practice for site investigations, whereas for low-rise buildings
the following documents may also be consulted:

• BRE Digest 322 Site investigation for low-rise building: procurement, 1987
• BRE Digest 318 Site investigation for low-rise building: desk studies, 1987
• BRE Digest 348 Site investigation for low-rise building: the walk-over survey,
• BRE Digest 381 Site investigation for low-rise building: trial pits, 1993
• BRE Digest 383 Site investigation for low-rise building: soil description, 1993
• BRE Digest 411 Site investigation for low-rise building: direct investigations,
• BS 8103: Part 1: 1995 Structural design for low rise buildings.

British Standard 5930: 1999 Code of practice for site investigations

BS 5930 is a document of over 200 pages dealing with the investigation of sites
for the purposes of:

• assessing their suitability for the construction of civil engineering and building
• gaining knowledge of the characteristics of a site that affect the design and
construction of civil engineering and building works and the security of
neighbouring land and property.

The expression ‘site investigation’ is used in its wider sense in the Code where
it encompasses more than just the exploration of ground. BS 5930 uses the term
‘ground investigation’ to cover this but recognizes that the treatment of ground
investigation is always likely to be more detailed than the treatment of other aspects
of site investigation.
The Code is divided into the following sections:

• Section 1: Preliminary considerations – deals with technical, legal or environ-

mental factors that are usually taken into account when selecting a site (or in
30 Using the Building Regulations

determining the suitability of a selected site) and in the preparation of the design
of the works.
• Section 2: Ground investigations – discusses general aspects and planning of
ground investigations. The objectives of ground investigations are to:
◦ obtain reliable information to produce an economic and safe design
◦ assess any hazards (physical or chemical) associated with the ground
◦ meet tender and construction requirements.
The investigation should be designed to verify and expand information previ-
ously collected.
• Section 3: Field investigations – describes methods of ground investigation
including excavation, boring, sampling, probing and tests in boreholes.
• Section 4: Field tests.
• Section 5: Laboratory tests on samples.
• Section 6: Description of soils and rocks – deals with the terminology and sys-
tems recommended for use in describing and classifying soil and rock materials
and rock masses.
• Section 7: Reports and interpretation – deals with the preparation of field
reports and final borehole logs, the interpretation of the data obtained from
the investigation and the preparation of the final report.

The Code is a key document for practitioners in the field of site investiga-
tion. Other users, such as designers, building control staff and general builders
may also find it useful in giving a general understanding of the scope of
site investigation and the techniques of ground investigation. For these pur-
poses, Sections 1 and 2 will found most useful since they augment the lim-
ited information given in Approved Document C and described in section 3.1

BRE Digests – series covering site investigation for low-rise building

This series of BRE Digests is specifically aimed at low-rise housing and is written
in non-technical language giving practical advice on all issues concerned with site
investigation. They are particularly useful for the non-specialist (and for students).
The topics discussed include:

• Procurement of the site investigation work (Digest 322, 8 pages) such as the
value of site investigation, the steps that should be involved, and the contractual
methods that can be employed to engage suitable specialists to carry out the
work. The Digest recommends that at least 0.2% of the cost of the project
should be spent on site investigation and goes on to describe two systems for
Clearance or treatment of unsuitable material 31

carrying out the work as follows:

◦ System I deals with the appointment of a geotechnical adviser with the sep-
arate employment of a contractor for physical work, testing and reporting as
◦ System II covers package deal contracts, with desk study, planning and exe-
cution of field and laboratory work and reporting being carried out by one
company or a consortium.
The Digest goes on to describe the advantages and disadvantages of each
procurement system
• Desk studies (Digest 318, 12 pages). These involve the collection of as much
information as possible about a site from sources such as geological maps,
Ordnance Survey maps, air photographs, geological books, civil engineering
magazines, mining records and reports of previous site investigations. This
information can be obtained much more cheaply and quickly than that obtained,
for example, from boreholes and trial pits. The Digest discusses the influence
desk studies can have on the identification of ground problems and contains a
very useful checklist covering questions which need to be answered in order to
assess which ground problems might occur. These are related to:
◦ topography, vegetation and drainage
◦ ground conditions
◦ the proposed structure.
The Digest is completed with a series of seven case studies illustrating the use
of various types of published information obtained during desk studies.
• The walk-over survey (Digest 348, 8 pages). The Digest describes the objectives
of the walk-over survey (to check and make additions to the information already
collected during the desk study) and shows the importance of visiting the site
and its surrounding area and covering it carefully on foot. During this process,
questions can be asked of local authorities, local inhabitants and people working
in the area, such as builders, electricity and gas workers, in order to obtain the
benefit of their local knowledge before the production of a structured report
based on the information gathered. The Digest covers the process of carrying out
the survey (including a list of basic tools that can be used) and gives examples
of features that can be observed and recorded as part of the survey. A list of
possible local sources of information is given and brief notes are provided on
the following topics:
◦ Topography of the site, including slope angles
◦ Expected groundwater conditions
◦ Geological setting
◦ Location, size and species of any trees, shrubs or hedges, either at present or
in the past, with notes on dates when removed
32 Using the Building Regulations

◦ Chemical aggressivity of ground and groundwater

◦ Probability of pre-existing slope instability
◦ Position of existing and demolished structures
◦ Possible extent and dates of mineral extraction and mining in the area
◦ Evidence for the existence of made ground on site
◦ Possible locations for structures
◦ Likely types and loading of structures
◦ Access for excavators and boring/drilling rigs during ground investigation
◦ Position of services (e.g. electricity, water, gas, telephone, sewers).
• Trial pits (Digest 381, 12 pages). Shallow trial pits can provide an economic
and versatile way of examining soil conditions in situ. The Digest recommends
that the investigation, rather than the cost, should be the controlling factor in
the selection of the investigatory methods. Trial pits can be dug mechanically
or by hand and are used to:
◦ facilitate detailed examination of the ground down to a depth of about 4 m
◦ obtain undisturbed samples – usually done by driving sample tubes into the
base or sides of the trial pit, or by taking high-quality block samples cut from
a bench formed in the trial pit
◦ for more intensive in situ testing, e.g. plate-bearing tests
◦ to examine qualities of the ground such as, ease of excavation or subsequent
behaviour of excavated ground.
It may not always be necessary to carry out in situ tests in the case of low-rise
buildings if accurate soil descriptions can be made. The digest describes the
techniques of trial pit excavation and the characteristics of various types of soil
when excavated, including methods of support. Since the primary purpose of
excavating trial pits is to examine the type and sequence of geological deposits
found on the site, an essential part of the examination is a complete description
of the soils and rocks present (including fill in made up ground). The digest
describes techniques for logging the trial pit information and provides an exam-
ple of a blank and completed form that can be used for this purpose. Techniques
for obtaining undisturbed samples are described as well as backfilling methods.
The Digest lists the following important points on a trial pit log:
◦ date of excavation
◦ location of pit on the site
◦ ground level of pit
◦ overall dimensions of the pit
◦ excavation techniques used
◦ ease of excavation
◦ groundwater conditions encountered
◦ stability of sides of trial pit
◦ whether logged from the surface or in situ
◦ full soil description and stratum depths
Clearance or treatment of unsuitable material 33

◦ exact location and orientation of undisturbed samples relative to pit floor and
◦ exact location relative to pit floor and sides of disturbed samples and in situ
◦ in situ testing.
• Soil description, (Digest 383, 12 pages). The Digest explains how to make an
accurate description of the soil. Although rock descriptions are not considered
in any detail many aspects of soil description are also applicable to them. The
Digest discusses the two main aspects of the field identification and engineering
description of soils. These are:
◦ material characteristics which reflect the mineralogy of the soil grains and the
range of grain sizes present
◦ the in situ soil characteristics which are related to such factors as the density
of packing of the soil particles and to any discontinuities that may be present
in the soil mass (e.g. joints and fissures).
• Other important information concerns:
◦ the geological formation
◦ the age and composition of a deposit
◦ special features that apply such as the presence of voids, tree roots or human-
made objects.
• Each homogenous soil layer of a profile should be described systematically
using the following terms:
◦ soil type
◦ moisture condition
◦ colour
◦ consistency (or strength)
◦ structure
◦ other special features
◦ origin
◦ groundwater conditions.
The Digest describes the characteristics of different soil materials in terms of
grain size and shows how this may be related to plasticity. The importance of
moisture condition of the soil is discussed and the significance of soil colour is
brought out. Other issues covered include soil consistency, strength of granular
soils, consistency of clay soils, and strength of silts and peat. Structural features
of soil are also discussed in terms of discontinuities and bedding.
• Direct investigations, (Digest 411, 12 pages). Direct investigations are carried
out to:
◦ check the information from the desk study
◦ obtain any additional information required to ensure safe and economic
34 Using the Building Regulations

Advice is given on planning direct investigations which should consist of:

◦ identifying the depths of investigation required at different locations around
the site (e.g. boreholes should always penetrate completely through made
ground or infilling)
◦ identifying suitable in situ and laboratory testing methods for the expected
soil conditions and the parameters required
◦ deciding on the number of exploratory holes and the sampling and testing
frequency, making allowances for the presence of unforeseen ground or
groundwater conditions.
• It will also be necessary to record the basis of the planned site investigation
and the expected ground conditions. The specialist contractor who carries out
the work will then know if the ground conditions he or she encounters are
unforeseen (in which case it may be necessary to alter the scope of the field or
testing work).
• This digest repeats, updates and consolidates a great deal of the information
provided by those described above and is most useful if a general idea of the
scope and nature of site investigation is required.

British Standard 8103: Part 1: 1995 Structural design for low rise buildings:
code of practice for stability, site investigation, foundations and ground
floor slabs for housing
This 32-page document gives recommendations for the structural design of low-rise
housing and covers the stability of the structure, site investigation and foundations
and ground floor slabs used in the construction. Foundations comprising strip foot-
ings or trench fill founded in normal ground are the only type described. The parts
of the Standard concerned with site investigation are contained in Section 6 and
provide a brief summary of the information covered by the references mentioned
above. On its own, Section 6 is of little use if the other references have been
obtained. However, when taken as a whole the Standard provides much useful
information on foundations and ground floor slabs and, curiously, information on
the tying of timber floors and roof structures to walls.

3.2 Preparation of site – clearance or treatment

of unsuitable material

3.2.1 General

The ground to be covered by the building is required to be reasonably free from

any material that might damage the building or affect its stability. This includes
vegetable matter, topsoil and pre-existing foundations. (See Requirement C1(1).)
Clearance or treatment of unsuitable material 35

Decaying vegetable matter could be a danger to health and it could also

cause a building to become unstable if it occurred under foundations. Approved
Document C, therefore, recommends that the site should be cleared of all turf and
vegetable matter at least to a depth to prevent future growth. This might not apply
to buildings used solely for storage of plant or machinery in which the only persons
habitually employed are store people, etc. engaged only in taking in, caring for or
taking out the goods. Other similar types of buildings where the air is so moisture-
laden that any increase would not adversely affect the health of the occupants are
also excluded.
Below-ground services (such as foul or surface water drainage) should be
designed to resist the effects of tree roots. This can be achieved by making services
sufficiently robust or flexible and with joints that cannot be penetrated by roots.
Consideration should be given to the removal of roots where they could pose a
hazard to below-ground services.
Where a site has been previously built on it will be necessary to consider if it
contains any pre-existing foundations, services, buried tanks and any other infra-
structure etc. that could be a danger to persons in and about the building and
any land associated with the building. In this context, Approved Document C
defines building and land associated with the building as ‘the building and all
the land forming the site subject to building operations which includes land under
the building and the land around it which may have an effect on the building
or its users’. This definition is further clarified in paragraph 2.11 of Approved
Document C where it refers to the ‘area of the site subject to building operations’,
i.e. ‘those parts of the land associated with the building that include the building
itself, gardens and other places on the site that are accessible to users of the building
and those in and about the building’.

3.2.2 Shrinkable clay soils

Where shrinkable clays soils are present on a site, the presence of mature trees can
exacerbate the tendency of the soil to cause heave and subsidence and this may lead
to damage to services, floor slabs and oversite concrete. On such soils, the poten-
tial for damage should be assessed and Approved Document C gives guidance, in
general terms, on the likely potential for volume change for some commonly occur-
ring clays. Reference should be made to Diagram 1 from Approved Document C
(reproduced here in Figure 3.1) to ascertain the type of clay that might be occur-
ring. When used with Table 1 from Approved Document C (shown in Table 3.1)
the volume change potential can be approximately assessed.
For more detailed guidance, reference may also be made to BRE Digest 298 Low-
rise building foundations: the influence of trees in clay soils, 1999. In shrinkable
36 Using the Building Regulations

London Clay

Kimmeridge Clay
Oxford Clay

Lower Lias Clay

Gault Clay

Weald Clay

Mercia Mudstone
(Keuper Marl)

Limit of main areas


North of this line much of the strata are

covered with glacial deposits that are
generally low in sulfate

Figure 3.1 Approved Document C – Diagram 1: Distribution of shrinkable clays and principal
sulfate/sulfide-bearing strata in England and Wales

clay soils, soil shrinkage caused by the removal of water by trees can lead to
foundation subsidence. Conversely, soil swelling can occur following tree removal
as the soil moisture levels recover. This can lead to foundation heave. This 8-page
Digest gives simple guidance on minimizing these effects in clay soils and discusses
some dangers in current foundation practice. It is highly recommended for anyone
concerned with the design and construction of low-rise buildings on shrinkable
Clearance or treatment of unsuitable material 37

Table 3.1 Approved Document C, Table 1 – Volume change

potential for some common clays

Clay type Volume change potential

Glacial Till Low
London High to very high
Oxford and Kimmeridge High
Lower Lias Medium
Gault High to very high
Weald High
Mercian mudstone Low to medium

clay soils. Topics covered by the Digest include:

• trees, clay, climate and ground movement – a discussion of the mechanisms

involved by both direct and indirect action and the types of foundation movement
that can occur
• the proximity of trees to buildings – how to establish a ‘safe’ distance
• trees in relation to new and existing foundations – new tree planting, the presence
of existing trees and the removal of trees
• preventing heave damage to trench fill foundations.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove significant quantities of soil. Approved

Document C makes reference to a number of sources of guidance which are outlined
as follows:

• BRE Digest 241 Low rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 2, 1993.
This Digest reviews the use of traditional and trench fill strip foundations
on sites containing shrinkable clay soils where trees and other vegetation are
present. The use of very deep trench fill foundations (up to 3 m) is criticized
and advice is given on the use of driven mini-shell pile foundations and short-
bored pile foundations as an alternative to traditional strip. The precautions
that should be taken when using piled foundations in shrinkable clays are
described and a useful comparison is given between the costs of installing
piled, trench fill and traditional strip foundations. Surprisingly, piled foun-
dations with reinforced ground beams proved to be the most cost-effective
• BRE Digest 242 Low rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 3, 1993.
(Note: Although this document is referred to in Approved Document C, the
author was unable to trace it, even after searching the BRE web site.)
38 Using the Building Regulations

• The Foundation for the Built Environment (FBE) report Subsidence damage
to domestic buildings: lessons learned and questions remaining, Foundation
for the Built Environment (FBE), 2000. This 35-page publication, written by
R. M. C. Driscoll and M. S. Crilly and published by the BRE Centre for Ground
Engineering and Remediation, is the first in a developing series of publications
about the wide-ranging research projects commissioned by the FBE to assist
those working in the construction and associated sectors. The report contains
some useful research evidence on the nature of the problem of subsidence, and
reviews the findings and contents of some of the Digests mentioned above.
Of particular interest is Chapter 2 ‘Lessons learned’ and Chapter 3 ‘Questions
remaining’. These chapters discuss the fundamental technical issues in terms
of the soil, the tree, the weather, the foundations and the building. They con-
sider the factors concerned in dealing with a case of damage by reference to
its significance and its causes and the practicalities of diagnosing subsidence.
Remedies for subsidence damage are considered as are methods for avoiding it.
Other issues covered by the report include the socioeconomic factors, insurance
cover, geographical loading, and the position in other countries. Future techni-
cal developments are covered in Chapter 4. Overall, the report provides useful
background reading on the problems of, and solutions to, subsidence damage to
domestic buildings; however, its lack of practical construction examples means
that it cannot be used as a substitute for some of the BRE Digests and other more
practical references mentioned above.
• The National House Building Council (NHBC) Standards Chapter 4.2 Building
near trees, 2003 (52 pages). This is one of a range of standards produced by the
NHBC for use in connection with their Buildmark 10-year housing warranty.
This publication describes the design standard required, restates the statutory
requirements and considers the design and construction of foundations suitable
for building in shrinkable soils and where trees are adjacent to dwellings. It can
also be useful in assessing the effects of remaining trees on services and building
movements close to the building. Like all the NHBC Standards this one is easy
to read, well illustrated and relatively non-technical. It is aimed at designers and
contractors of new housing.

3.2.3 Building on fill

Sites which contain fill or made ground can present particular problems related
to the compressibility of the ground and its potential for collapse when wetted.
Appropriate remedial measures may need to be taken to prevent differential
settlement from causing damage to the building.
Clearance or treatment of unsuitable material 39

Guidance on these issues may be found in BRE Digest 427 Low-rise buildings on
fill and BRE Report BR 424 Building fill: Geotechnical aspects, 2001.
Digest 427 (Low-rise buildings on fill) is in three parts.
Part 1 (8 pages) provides a general introduction, describes the causes of settle-
ment of fill and gives guidance on the likely magnitude of settlement in different
situations including data on the compressibility of various fill materials. A simple
classification of fill materials is based on estimated fill movements.
Part 2 (12 pages) recommends that construction on existing filled areas should
be preceded by careful investigation of the site which should be both appropriate
and adequate. The site investigation may indicate that ground treatment is required
before construction to improve the load-carrying properties of the fill, reducing or
forestalling the effects of the unexpected. This Part describes approaches to site
investigation, techniques for improving the load-carrying characteristics of non-
engineered fills (such as dynamic compaction, rapid impact compaction, vibrated
stone and concrete columns) and aspects of foundation design for use on fills.
Part 3 (8 pages) presents guidance for the specification and control of fills which
are to be placed so that they can safely support low-rise buildings without the
occurrence of damaging movements. Such fills are described as foundation fills.
When new fill is to be placed, careful selection of the material and controlled
placement should ensure that the fill forms an adequate foundation material. Part 3
is particularly relevant to building developments where relatively small volumes of
fill are being placed and, consequently, the resources available for design, testing
etc. are quite limited.
Digest 427 gives guidance only of a general nature and it must be recognized that
the services of civil, structural and geotechnical engineers will usually be needed.
BRE Report BR 424 Building fill: Geotechnical aspects by J. A. Charles and
K. S. Watts (208 pages) provides a detailed account of BRE research findings
and their significance for appropriate and successful building developments on
fill. Part A deals with the engineering behaviour of fills, and Part B examines
construction on fills. Brief case histories of field performance are presented in
Part C and these mostly describe sites where BRE has made measurements of
fill behaviour, but some additional case histories, in which monitoring has been
carried out by other parties are included where necessary to give a more complete
picture. (Parts A and B make extensive use of these records.) Field monitoring
has shown that in most situations the fill settlement that damages buildings has
causes other than the weight of the building. This means that the concept of bearing
capacity is not adequate to define the load-carrying characteristics of many fills.
Settlements caused by other physical factors, and in some cases by chemical or
biological processes, need to be assessed. A particular hazard for poorly compacted
partially saturated fills is a reduction in volume which can occur when the fill is
first inundated with water.
40 Using the Building Regulations

This extremely detailed report will be essential reading for all professionals who
are specifically concerned with the appraisal of fill materials on site (especially for
the development of ‘brownfield’ sites) but it does contain a great deal of highly
technical ground engineering material which will only be of interest to trained
engineers. If information of a general nature is required then BRE Digest 427 is
recommended instead.

Resistance to

4.1 Introduction

Reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent any contaminants found on or in

the ground from causing a danger to health and safety (see requirement C1(2)). This
is, of course, the ground covered (or to be covered) by the building and includes
any land associated with the building (see definition in section 3.2.1 above).
There is a special definition of contaminant for the purposes of requirement
C1(2) – any substance which is or could become harmful to persons or build-
ings including substances, which are toxic, corrosive, explosive, flammable or
The term ‘contaminated land’ is defined in Part IIA of the Environmental
Protection Act 1990 as ‘any land which appears to the local authority in whose
area it is situated to be in such a condition, by reason of substances in, on or under
the land, that significant harm is being caused, or there is a significant possibility
of such harm being caused, or pollution of controlled water is being or is likely
to be caused’. This harm can be to any thing (receptor) that could be harmed by
substances in the land, whereas the Building Regulations can only be concerned
with the health and safety of persons in or about buildings.
Contaminants which occur on sites can be liquids, solids or gases and can arise
out of a previous use of land, especially where this was related to an industrial
undertaking. In recent years problems have arisen from the emission of landfill
gas from waste disposal sites where it is common for biodegradable waste to be
buried. Even sites which have been used for rural purposes, such as agriculture,
may be contaminated by pesticides, fertilizer, fuel and oils and decaying matter
of biological origin. In 1984 the author remembers encountering an edge-of-town
42 Using the Building Regulations

greenfield site contaminated with the carcasses of cattle slaughtered in an outbreak

of foot and mouth disease from the 1950s.

4.1.1 Sources of contamination

Where a site is being redeveloped, knowledge of its previous use, from planning
or other local records, may indicate a possible source of contamination. Table 2
to Section 2 of Approved Document C (AD C) (reproduced here in Table 4.1)
lists a number of site uses that are likely to contain contaminants. It should
not be considered to be an exhaustive list. It is derived from the Industry Pro-
file guides published by the former Department of the Environment (Department
of the Environment Industry Profiles, 1996). Each of these profiles considers a
different industry which has the potential to cause contamination. The particu-
lar contaminant associated with the industry is identified together with details of
where it may be found on the site and the routes it might take to migrate to other

Table 4.1 Approved Document C, Table 2 – Examples of sites likely to contain contaminants

Animal and animal products processing works

Asbestos works
Ceramics cement and asphalt manufacturing works
Chemical works
Dockyards and docklands
Engineering works (including aircraft manufacturing, railway engineering works,
shipyards, electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing works)
Gas works, coal carbonisation plants and ancillary by-product works
Industries making or using wood preservatives
Landfill and other waste disposal sites
Metal mines, smelters, foundries, steel works and metal finishing works
Munitions production and testing sites
Oil storage and distribution sites
Paper and printing works
Power stations
Railway land, especially the larger sidings and depots
Road vehicle fuelling, service and repair: garages and filling stations
Scrap yards
Sewage works, sewage farms and sludge disposal sites
Textile works and dye works
Resistance to contaminants 43

Further information on the assessment of land affected by contaminants is

presented in Defra/Environment Agency Contaminated Land Research Report
CLR 8 Potential contaminants for the assessment of land, 2002 (this is referred to
incorrectly in AD C as Priority contaminants for the assessment of land). CLR 8
identifies priority contaminants (or families of contaminants), selected on the
basis that they are likely to be present on many current or former sites affected
by industrial or waste management activity in the United Kingdom in sufficient
concentrations to cause harm; and that they pose a risk, either to human health,
buildings, water resources or ecosystems. It also indicates which contaminants
are likely to be associated with particular industries. The primary purpose of the
selection has been to provide the Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs (DEFRA) with a guide to the substances it should cover in its research
work on contaminated land. CLR 8 deals with the criteria for selection, the risks
such contaminants are likely to pose, and the reasoning behind non-selection of
certain substances.
CLR 8 is one of a series of reports published by DEFRA and the Environment
Agency that is relevant to the assessment of the risks to human health arising from
long-term exposure to soil contamination. These reports take into account the wider
DEFRA and predecessor department’s guidelines on assessing and managing envi-
ronmental risk (Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR),
Environment Agency and Institution of Environmental Health (IEH), 2000). It is
strongly recommended that each report in the series should be read in conjunction
with the others, and Table 1.1 in CLR 8 provides more information on the content
of each report. These are summarized as follows:

• CLR 7 Assessment of Risks to Human Health from Land Contamination: An

Overview of the Development of Soil Guideline Values and Related Research
(DEFRA and Environment Agency, 2002) (40 pages). CLR 7 serves as an intro-
duction to the other reports in the series. It sets out the legal framework, in
particular the statutory definition of contaminated land under Part IIA of the
Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990, the development and use of Soil
Guideline Values, and references to related research.
• CLR 9 Contaminants in Soil: Collation of Toxicological Data and Intake Values
for Humans (DEFRA and Environment Agency, 2002) (48 pages). This report
sets out the approach to the selection of tolerable daily intakes and Index Doses
for contaminants to support the derivation of Soil Guideline Values.
• CLR TOX 1–10 (DEFRA and Environment Agency, 2002). These reports detail
the derivation of tolerable daily intakes and Index Doses for the following con-
taminants, which are arsenic, benzo[a]pyrene, cadmium, chromium, inorganic
cyanide, lead, phenol, nickel, mercury and selenium.
44 Using the Building Regulations

• CLR 10 The Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment Model (CLEA):

Technical Basis and Algorithms (DEFRA and the Environment Agency, 2002)
(162 pages). This report describes the conceptual exposure models for each stan-
dard land use that are used to derive the Soil Guideline Values. It sets out the
technical basis for modelling exposure and provides a comprehensive reference
to all default parameters and algorithms used.
• CLR GV 1–10 (DEFRA and Environment Agency, 2002). These reports set
out the derivation of the Soil Guideline Values for the following contaminants,
which are arsenic, benzo[a]pyrene, cadmium, chromium, cyanide (free, simple,
and complex inorganic compounds), lead, phenol, nickel, mercury (inorganic
compounds) and selenium.
• CLR 11 Model Procedures for the Management of Contaminated Land (DEFRA
and the Environment Agency, 2004) (204 pages). This report incorporates
existing good technical practice, including the use of risk assessment and risk
management techniques, into a systematic process for identifying, making deci-
sions about and taking appropriate action to deal with contamination, in a way
that is consistent with UK policy and legislation.

These reports will mainly be of use to regulators, developers and their advis-
ers who will be interested in the selection because it identifies contaminants that
are important on a national basis. The selection can also be used for the assess-
ment of individual sites. However, if the selection is put to this use it should be
noted that it will not be necessary to investigate all the selected substances on
every industrial site, and, depending on their particular industrial histories, some
sites might need to be investigated for substances that are not included in the

4.1.2 Naturally occurring contaminants

In certain parts of the country, the following naturally occurring contaminants can
arise from the underlying geology:

• mining areas:
◦ certain heavy metals, such as cadmium and arsenic
◦ gases such as methane and carbon dioxide (mainly from coal mining areas)
• carbon dioxide and methane gases arising from organic rich soils and sediments
(such as peat and river silts) (see section 4.6 below).

Further information on these contaminants including their geographical extent,

associated hazards, site investigation methods, and protective measures that
Resistance to contaminants 45

can be taken can be obtained from the following Environment Agency publi-

• in England – Environment Agency R & D Technical Report P291 Informa-

tion on land quality in England: Sources of information (including background
• in Wales – Environment Agency R & D Technical Report P292 Informa-
tion on land quality in Wales: Sources of information (including background

Environment Agency R & D Technical Report P291 (113 pages) and Environ-
ment Agency R & D Technical Report P292 (98 pages) taken together present an
overview of information on land quality in England and Wales, carried out for the
Environment Agency who are required, under the Environment Act (1995), to form
an opinion on the state of pollution of the environment. The main objective of the
study was to identify data sets that can be used to assess land contamination. This
included a review of existing knowledge on background levels of contaminants
in English soils. The research was undertaken by extensive literature review and
through consultation with Environment Agency staff and external organizations,
in order to identify a wide range of land quality information, including soil survey
data, environmental monitoring data, research studies, and land use information.
Particular emphasis was placed on identifying data sets representative of land qual-
ity at regional to national scales, rather than collating site-specific and local scale
information. Results of the study indicated a number of knowledge gaps in land
quality information which need to be addressed in order to prioritize research needs
and formulate national policies.
These reports will be of interest only to policy makers and developers, when
making decisions about the quality of land which it is intended to develop.
A number of information sources are identified which may be useful in providing
data on particular contaminants at particular sites.
Other naturally occurring contaminants include:

• the radioactive gas radon

• sulphates.

Contamination by radon gas and its products of decay has led to concern over
the long-term heath of occupants of affected buildings. Measures to protect build-
ings and occupants against ingress of radon gas are considered in section 4.5
below. Sulphate attack affects concrete floor slabs and foundations and can cause
failure and disruption. Measures can be taken (such as the use of sulphate-
resisting cement) in those areas where naturally occurring sulphates are present.
46 Using the Building Regulations

Diagram 1 and Table 1 from Approved Document C (illustrated in Figure 3.1

and Table 3.1 respectively) show the principle areas of sulphate-bearing strata in
England and Wales. Reference may also be made to BRE Special Digest SD1
Concrete in aggressive ground, 2003, where guidance will be found on investiga-
tion, concrete specification and design to mitigate the effects of sulphate attack.
This 70-page document aims to provide practical guidance to concrete design-
ers, contractors, specifiers and producers on the specification of concrete to resist
chemical attack. It will also be of use to ground specialists in the assessment of
ground in respect of aggressiveness to concrete. The Digest is divided into 6 Parts
(A to F) as follows:

Part A – introduction, describes the problem of chemical attack and outlines the
scope and structure of the remainder of the publication.
Part B – describes modes of chemical attack and considers the mechanisms of the
principal types, (such as sulphate and acid attack) and the action of aggressive
carbon dioxide.
Part C – covers assessment of the chemical aggressiveness of the ground. It gives
procedures for classifying a location in terms of Aggressive Chemical Environ-
ment for Concrete Class (ACEC Class) for both natural ground and brownfield
Part D – gives recommendations for the specification of concrete for general cast-
in-situ use in the ground. In some cases, where conditions are highly aggressive,
additional protective measures (APMs) are recommended.
Part E – gives recommendations for specifying surface-carbonated precast concrete
for general use in the ground.
Part F – includes design guides for specification of specific precast concrete prod-
ucts, including pipeline systems, box culverts, and segmental linings for tunnels
and shafts. Part F also covers specification of precast concrete masonry units
(concrete blocks) for aggressive ground conditions.

4.2 Resistance to contaminants – risk assessment

4.2.1 Introduction and general concepts

In order to develop potentially contaminated land safely it is necessary to carry

out a risk assessment. This is normally done by adopting a tiered approach in
which an increasing level of detail is required as the tiers are worked through.
For a full risk assessment it will be necessary to progress through the following
Resistance to contaminants 47

three tiers:

• preliminary risk assessment

• generic quantitative risk assessment (GQRA)
• detailed quantitative risk assessment (DQRA).

The need for a risk assessment will usually be identified during the first stages of the
site investigation (desk studies and site walk-over survey). Once this need has been
identified, a preliminary risk assessment must always be undertaken. The extent
to which it is necessary to do a more detailed risk assessment will depend on the
situation and outcome of the preliminary assessment. This may indicate that it will
be necessary to do only one or other (or both) of the more detailed risk assessments.
The general approach to risk assessment described above is based on the concept
of the relationship between the source of contamination (the contaminants found
on or in the ground), the pathway taken by the contaminants (e.g. ingestion, inhala-
tion, direct contact, attack on building materials and services) and the receptor of
those contaminants (i.e. buildings, building materials and services and people).
This ‘source–pathway–receptor’ relationship, or pollutant linkage, is illustrated in
Figure 4.1.
The development of contaminated land has the inevitable consequence of intro-
ducing receptors (buildings, building services, building materials and people) onto
the development site. In order to mitigate the effects of the pollutants on the recep-
tors the pollutant linkages must be broken. This can be achieved in a number of
ways, for example, by:

• using physical, chemical, biological or other processes to treat the contaminant

so as to eliminate or reduce its toxicity or harmful properties
• removing or blocking the contaminant pathway (e.g. by installing barriers to
prevent migration or protective layers to isolate the contaminant)
• removing or protecting the receptor (perhaps by the use of appropriately
designed building materials, or by changing the form or layout of the
• removing the contaminant by excavating the contaminated material.

4.2.2 Risk assessment stages

For each of the tiers mentioned above (preliminary risk assessment, generic
quantitative risk assessment (GQRA) and detailed quantitative risk assessment
(DQRA)) AD C recommends that the Defra/Environment Agency Contaminated
Land Research Report CLR 11 Handbook of model procedures for the management
48 Using the Building Regulations

Key to contaminant pathways Receptors of contaminants

Attack on building structure and services • Buildings
• Building services
Inhalation of contaminants • Building materials
• People
Ingestion of contaminants

Direct contact with contaminants

Inhalation of contaminants in soil

particles, dust, vapours, etc.

Ingestion of contaminants
in soil/dust, food and water
in water

in food

Attack on building fabric and services

Contaminants on or in ground/soil

Figure 4.1 Source–Pathway–Receptor – typical site conceptual model

of contaminated land, 2003 should be consulted (see section 4.1.1 above for
a summary of this document). At the time that AD C was published this was
only a consultation draft. It has since been published (in September 2004) as
Contaminated Land Report 11 Model procedures for the management of land con-
tamination, and it may be of considerable help when developing a site affected
by contamination since it describes the stages of risk assessment that should be
followed in order to identify risks and make judgements about the consequences
of contamination for the affected site. These stages are summarized in Figure 4.2
and described in more detail below.

4.2.3 Hazard identification and assessment

One of the needs of the preliminary site assessment is to provide information

on any possible contamination of the site and surrounding area due to its past
Resistance to contaminants 49

Obtain sufficient Establish contaminant

information to gain Hazard sources, pathways and
an initial identification receptors. Develop initial
understanding of conceptual model for site
potential risks

Interpret results (use Collect further information.

generic criteria and Undertake exploratory site
Hazard investigations.
assessment Refine understanding of
Analyse potential for
unacceptable risks risks and likelihood of
pollutant linkages

Use collected data to

Undertake detailed ground
estimate risks posed by
Risk investigations.
contaminants to defined
estimation Collect sufficient data to
receptors under defined
enable risk to be estimated
conditions of exposure

Take into account

Review all site data.
nature and scale of
Risk Decide whether estimated
any uncertainties
evaluation risks are acceptable or
associated with risk
estimation process

Figure 4.2 Resistance to contaminants – risk assessment stages

and present uses (see Table 2 from the AD C – reproduced here in Table 4.1 –
for typical uses that might give rise to site contamination). The site walk-over
survey may reveal signs of possible contaminants. Table 3 from AD C (which
is reproduced in Table 4.2) gives some examples of the signs that may indicate
particular contaminants; however, this is not a comprehensive list and should be
used with caution since it is merely indicative.
Information provided by the desk study and site walk-over survey will be
of primary importance in the design of the exploratory and detailed ground
Clearly, the site assessment and risk evaluation should be concentrated on the
area of the site subject to building operations. Therefore, the following parts of a
site should be remediated to the requirements of the Building Regulations:

• those parts of the land associated with the building itself

• gardens
50 Using the Building Regulations

Table 4.2 Approved Document C, Table 3 – Examples of possible contaminants

Signs of possible contaminants Possible contaminant

Vegetation Metals
(absence, poor or unnatural growth) Metal compounds
Organic compounds
Gases (landfill or natural source)
Surface materials Metals
(unusual colours and contours may Metal compounds
indicate wastes and residues) Oily and tarry wastes
Other mineral fibres
Organic compounds including phenols
Combustible material including coal and
coke dust
Refuse and waste
Fumes and odours Volatile organic and/or sulfurous
(may indicate organic chemicals) compounds from landfill or petrol/solvent
Corrosive liquids
Faecal animal and vegetable matter
(biologically active)
Damage to exposed foundations of existing Sulfates
Drums and containers Various
(empty or full)

• other places on the site that are accessible to users of the building and those in
and about the building.

An incremental approach to remediation of a site (perhaps including lower levels

of remediation) may be acceptable where part of (or the remainder of) the land
associated with the building is accessible to a lesser extent to the user, or those in
and about the building, than the main parts of the buildings and their respective
gardens. This could also apply to areas adjacent to such land. This incremental
approach may also apply in the case of phased redevelopment of very large sites
where it may be possible to limit remediation to the part of the site that is actually
being developed at any particular time. In all cases reliance will be placed on the
risk evaluation and remediation strategy documentation in order to demonstrate
that restricted remediation is acceptable. It should be noted that this will place the
onus on the applicant to show why part of a site may be excluded from particular
remediation measures.
Resistance to contaminants 51

The scope of the Building Regulations is limited to matters concerning health,

safety, welfare and convenience; therefore, even if the adjacent land is not subject
to Building Regulations, it may still be subject to planning control legislation
or to control under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. In fact,
a substantial amount of guidance on the assessment of contaminated land has been
published to support the implementation of this Act. Most of this guidance is
contained in the joint Defra/Environment Agency Contaminated Land Research
Reports (CLRs) referred to in section 4.1.1 above. Additional guidance on these
reports is given below and an outline of the process is shown in Diagram A1 from
Appendix A of Approved Document C (see Figure 4.3).
Additionally, if any substance is found which is at variance with any preliminary
statements made about the nature of the site, the Planning Authority should be
informed before any intrusive investigations are carried out.

4.2.4 Risk estimation and evaluation

During the risk estimation phase, detailed ground investigations will be carried
out. These must provide sufficient information for:

• confirmation of a conceptual model for the site

• the risk assessment itself
• the design and specification of any remedial works.

The ground investigations are likely to involve collection and analysis, by the use
of invasive and/or non-invasive techniques, of:

• soil
• soil gas
• surface and groundwater samples.

Since elevated groundwater levels could bring contaminants close to the sur-
face (both beneath the building and in any land associated with the building)
an investigation of the groundwater regime, levels and flows is essential for most
Therefore, if land affected by contaminants is to be developed, the health and
safety of both the public and workers should be considered. Guidance on the
protection of workers and the general public can be found in:

• HSE Report HSG 66 Protection of workers and the general public during the
development of contaminated land, 1991 (23 pages). HSG 66 addresses the
Define the context Define the context & set Define the context & set MANAGEMENT ACTION
& set the objectives or refine the objectives or refine the objectives

Using the Building Regulations

Preliminary risk Identification of feasible Preparation of the
assessment remediation options implementation plan

Are Not Collect more Collect

there potential known site data more data,
risks? & review review
assessment objectives
Yes or monitor
Is Have Is the
Adjust plan until
further assessment No feasible options been No implementation plan
No agreement is
required? identified? agreed with all
using generic criteria
appropriate? Yes Yes Yes

Collect more
Generic quantitative site data Detailed evaluation of Design, implementation &
No risk assessment & review options verification of the works

Have the Adjust design
No there unacceptable Not known
Collect works been No and/or
more data, verified? arrangements
No &/or review for supervision
Yes Yes objectives Yes
Is Can the
assessment using No Yes
most appropriate option Are long
site specific criteria No (or combination of options) term monitoring data
appropriate? be selected? required?

Yes Yes Yes
Collect more Is
Detailed quantitative site data Development of the further
Long-term monitoring
risk assessment & review remediation strategy No remediation
& maintenance
assessment required?

Are Can an Review

Are the
No there unacceptable Not known appropriate strategy No decisions
monitoring data No
risks? be identified? taken earlier
NO FURTHER in the process NO FURTHER

Note: The process may apply to one or more pollutant linkages each of which may follow a different route. For some linkages, it
may be possible to stop at an early stage – others will progress all the way through the process.
The level of complexity of each stage may also very and in some cases may be very simple.

Figure 4.3 Approved Document C – Annex A: Guidance, Diagram A1 The process of managing land affected by contaminants
Resistance to contaminants 53

considerable hazards associated with contaminated land working and aspects

which developers and contractors need to consider under the Control of Sub-
stances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) and the precautions to
be taken during the development of the site. It does not deal with long-term
future use of contaminated land or advise on how the contamination should
be treated. It will be of use to all those involved in work on contaminated
land sites (e.g. surveyors, contractors, transport firms, etc.) who will need to
make an assessment of the potential risks to health entailed in the work, and
the precautions required to protect workers or the public. Those in control of
the sites should satisfy themselves that the various contractors have carried out
an assessment which is sufficient and suitable and that the specified control
measures are provided and used. In most cases this assessment should be in
• CIRIA Report 132 A guide to safe working practices for contaminated land,
1993 (239 pages). This lengthy document provides guidance on safe working
practices for contaminated sites by informing those involved about:
◦ their statutory responsibilities for health, safety and environmental protection
◦ the potential range of contaminants and hazards and how to plan and manage
the work accordingly
◦ safe working methods and the use of appropriate safety clothing and
The report covers the following main subject areas:
◦ Responsibilities and obligations – including health and safety at work leg-
islation, environmental impairment legislation, directors’ responsibilities,
statutory bodies and specialist consultations.
◦ Hazard sources, nature and context – including COSHH assessments, hazard
context, exposure routes and hazard identification information.
◦ Site assessment and investigation – including preliminary assessment, inves-
tigations and surveys and guidance.
◦ Planning and management of site activities – including risk assessments,
design phase, construction phase, staff organization and training, monitor-
ing and supervision, permit-to-work systems, confined spaces, reports and
record-keeping, and contractual arrangements.
◦ Site facilities – including site security, communication procedures, decon-
tamination, ventilation systems and neighbourhood protection.
◦ Personal protective equipment – including protective clothing and acces-
sories, respiratory protective equipment, selection of ensembles and the use
of protective clothing and respiratory protective equipment.
◦ Health surveillance and first aid – including site facilities and planning, first-
aid training, health surveillance of site workers and record-keeping.
54 Using the Building Regulations

The guide is intended for use by a wide readership ranging from the general
engineer to contaminated land specialists. It aims to demonstrate which activities
can be safely undertaken by the non-specialist and where particular expertize is
required. On very heavily contaminated sites and on sites contaminated with mate-
rials subject to specific regulations (e.g. asbestos), the advice and services of
experienced specialists should always be sought.
When considering health, risk estimation can be carried out using generic assess-
ment criteria such as contaminant Soil Guideline Values (SGVs) or relevant and
appropriate environmental standards. SGVs represent concentrations of contami-
nant which may pose unacceptable risks to health. The development of SGVs for
a range of priority contaminants is described in the Defra/Environment Agency
reports mentioned above. There is also a range of corresponding TOX reports
which contain the toxicological data used to derive the SGVs. For example,
CLR 10 describes the Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment Model (CLEA)
for deriving SGVs for three different site uses:

• residential
• residential with plant uptake
• commercial/industrial.

This enables the relative importance of each of the pollutant linkages to be consid-
ered. As an example of this approach, for a residential site use the assumption is
made that residents have private gardens and/or access to community open space
close to the home and that some of them may use their gardens to grow vegetables.
CLR 10 gives details of the conceptual model underpinning each of the standard
land uses.
As an alternative to the generic approach it is also possible to undertake a more
site-specific quantitative risk assessment using the principles of risk assessment or
a risk assessment model. For this, specialist advice should be sought.

4.2.5 Further guidance

For guidance on the investigation of sites potentially affected by contaminants, the

following documents may also be consulted:

• BS 5930: 1999 Code of practice for site investigations (discussed in section 3.1.1
• BS 10175: 2001 Investigation of potentially contaminated land. Code of practice
(82 pages) – This Standard provides guidance on, and recommendations for, the
investigation of potentially contaminated land or land with naturally enhanced
Resistance to contaminants 55

concentrations of potentially harmful materials, to determine or manage the

ensuing risks. It covers:
◦ setting the objectives of an investigation
◦ setting a strategy for the investigation
◦ designing the different phases of the investigation
◦ sampling and on-site testing
◦ laboratory analysis
◦ reporting
in order to obtain scientifically robust data on soil, groundwater, surface water
and ground gas contamination. The relevant guidance and recommendations
within the Standard need to be selected to ensure that the objectives of an inves-
tigation are achieved and that adequate data for the risk assessment are obtained.
It does not provide detailed guidance for every possible investigation scenario,
since this would not be feasible. Additionally, the Standard does not give rec-
ommendations on certain constraints or problems that can affect a site, such as
geotechnical aspects (covered by BS 5930), or the legal aspects, including the
need for licences, permits, etc. It does not include any procedures for the formal
assessment of the potential risks posed by contaminated land. It is intended for
use by those with some understanding of the risk-based approach to sites and
site investigations, therefore it is more suitable for the specialist investigator.
• National Groundwater & Contaminated Land Centre report NC/99/38/2 Guide
to good practice for the development of conceptual models and the selection
and application of mathematical models of contaminant transport processes in
the subsurface. This 120-page specialist document is aimed at hydrogeologists
and environmental professionals both internal and external to the Environment
Agency, who understand the concepts and processes of groundwater flow and
transport in the subsurface. Its purpose is to provide guidance on a generic
‘good practice’ approach to contaminant fate and transport modelling from
setting objectives to interpretation of results and validation. It highlights the
issues that need to be considered and tackled and points to existing guidance
or recognized standards and key references. It is not intended as a step-by-step
recipe book for how to set up and run models. It is available from web site:
• Environment Agency R & D Technical Report P5-065 Technical aspects of
site investigation, 2000. This two-volume document (Volume I, 101 pages
and Volume II, 181 pages) provides technical guidance on the investigation
of contaminated sites for use in a wide variety of contexts, including:
◦ Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
◦ the planning regime
◦ the Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) regime
◦ purchase or sale of land.
56 Using the Building Regulations

The document is intended to provide guidance principally to Environment

Agency staff who are involved in the management of site investigation projects.
However, the readership is intended to be wide ranging, including:
◦ Environment Agency and local authority officers
◦ those who fall under the regulatory regime and need to understand the Envi-
ronment Agency’s approach and requirements in relation to the investigation
of contaminated sites
◦ consultants and contractors engaged in site investigation projects.
The document is intended, primarily, to provide the specialist technical infor-
mation required when acting in a project management capacity dealing with
investigation of contaminated sites. The document should also assist in the
development of a nationally consistent approach to site investigation projects
in which the Environment Agency is involved by setting out what the Agency
believes to be the key issues relating to good site investigation practice. The
document includes an overview of good practice, technical information on the
many individual investigation activities and provides a standard format for a
site investigation report. The design/strategy aspects of site investigation are
not dealt with in any detail within this document. The completed document
provides the benefit of collective past experiences combined with ‘state of the
art’ technical developments. It is relevant to the investigation of different con-
taminant types in ground and groundwater on all sites where contamination
investigation is an issue.
• Environment Agency R & D Technical Report P5-066 Secondary model pro-
cedure for the development of appropriate soil sampling strategies for land
contamination (105 pages). The document comprises two parts:
◦ Part A contains explanatory material that discusses the relationship between
soil sampling and risk assessment, the importance of the Conceptual Model,
uncertainty and data quality, and key design parameters.
◦ Part B contains procedures for developing appropriate soil-sampling strate-
gies and for reviewing planned or completed work, and addresses only
those matters relevant to the development of sampling strategies for soils
and closely allied materials such as solid wastes, ground gases and
vapours, the leachable fraction, soil pore waters and non-aqueous phase
This specialist document is aimed at three main user groups:
◦ those who design soil sampling strategies, usually as part of a wider site
characterization exercise
◦ those who use factual information about the condition of a site and its setting
to assess health and environmental risks
◦ those who rely on the output of the first two groups and who need to be
satisfied about the technical validity of the work done.
Resistance to contaminants 57

These documents recommend the adoption of a risk-based approach, so that any

hazards that are present can be identified and quantified and an assessment can be
made of the nature of the risk they might pose. The design and execution of field
investigations are described together with suitable sample distribution strategies,
testing and sampling.

4.3 Resistance to contaminants – remedial measures

4.3.1 Introduction

If the risk assessment stage results in the identification of unacceptable risks to

the particular receptor (e.g. buildings, building services, building materials and
people), then appropriate remedial measures will be needed in order to manage
these risks. This will mean defining the risk management objectives in terms of
the need to break the pollutant linkages. Other objectives that will also need to be
considered include such items as:
• timescale and cost
• remedial works
• planning constraints
• sustainability.
The remedial measures that are adopted will depend on the contaminant that
has been identified. In general, three generic types of remedial measures can be
• treatment
• containment
• removal.

It should be noted that it may be necessary to obtain a waste management licence

from the Environment Agency where the containment or treatment of waste is
anticipated. It is also important to consider the affects of building work on sites
affected by contaminants. For example an existing control measure which included
a cover system (i.e. containment) could be breached if excavations were carried
out for foundations or underground services when an extension was added.

4.3.2 Treatment

Contaminants can be dealt with by a wide range of treatment processes using

biological, chemical and physical techniques. These can be carried out either on
58 Using the Building Regulations

or off the site and are designed to decrease one or more of the contaminant’s
features such as mass, concentration, mobility, flux or toxicity. Since the choice of
the most appropriate technique is highly site-specific, specialist advice should be

4.3.3 Containment

In general, the term ‘containment’ means encapsulation of material containing

contaminants. However, in the context of building development it is usually taken
to mean cover systems, sometimes incorporating vertical barriers in the ground to
control lateral migration of contaminants.
In a cover system, layers of materials are placed over the site in order to:

• interrupt the pollutant linkage between the contaminants and the receptors
• sustain vegetation
• improve geotechnical properties
• reduce exposure to an acceptable level.

Some parts of the structure of the building (foundations, substructure, ground floor,
etc.) may assist other containment measures in providing effective protection of
health from contaminants. However, the extent to which this is feasible will depend
on the circumstances and form of construction.
The following issues need to be addressed when using imported fill and soil for
cover systems:

• It should be assessed at source to ensure that it is not contaminated above

specified concentrations.
• It should meet required standards for vegetation (see BS 3882: 1994 Specifi-
cation for topsoil. This 34-page Standard specifies requirements for topsoils.
It establishes three grades of material and gives recommendations for the use
and handling of topsoil. It is not intended (or appropriate) for the grading,
classification or standardization of in situ topsoil or subsoil. Methods of sam-
pling are given in Annex A in the Standard. Methods for determination and
calculation of various compounds present in topsoil are given in Annex B to
Annex M and Annex P. The Standard is suitable for specialists in the analysis of
• Where intermixing of the soil cover with the contaminants in the ground can take
place it will be necessary in the design and dimensioning of the cover system to
consider its long-term performance. This may include the need for maintenance
and monitoring.
Resistance to contaminants 59

• Gradual intermixing of the soil and contaminants due to natural effects and
activities (e.g. by burrowing animals, gardening, etc.) should be taken into
• Excavations by householders for garden features, walls, ponds, etc., can
penetrate the cover layer leading to possible exposure to contaminants.

Further guidance on the design, construction and performance of cover layers

can be found in the Construction Industry Research and Information Association
(CIRIA) Special Publication SP124 Barriers, liners and cover systems for con-
tainment and control of land contamination, 1996 (280 pages). The publication
explains that containment and control can be achieved either by constructing suit-
able in-ground barriers or by using hydraulic measures. Barrier systems often have
to cope with both liquid and gaseous contamination. SP124 covers design crite-
ria, theory and practice for the full range of physical barriers. Guidance is given
relating to in-ground barriers, multi-layer cover systems and liners, the theoretical
basis for these systems and appropriate in situ and laboratory testing and analysis,
for design and performance monitoring. Experience with physical containment
is reviewed and presented in terms of the efficacy of these techniques, the need
for close quality control over materials and installation and how they may be
The structure of SP124 attempts to satisfy both the need for detailed informa-
tion and to describe the background and concepts necessary for the effective and
safe design and construction of in-ground physical barriers to contain and isolate
contamination as part of a remedial strategy for achieving beneficial reuse of land.
The need for, and use of, monitoring and the wider implication of the duty of care
(as defined for the UK by the Environmental Protection Act 1990) is discussed.
In general, the report reflects ‘good practice’ not only in the context of current
policy and regulations but also as they are expected to develop in the foreseeable
future and is applicable to most contaminated land situations including those which
do not conform with the classic ‘redevelopment’ scenario, such as highways and
active industrial sites.
It is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of potential users, including
project and development managers, consultants and contractors acting on behalf of
public and private development agencies, other clients of the construction industry,
central and local government, and other regulatory authorities.

4.3.4 Removal

Removal means the excavation and safe disposal to a licensed landfill site of
the contaminants and contaminated material. This can be achieved by targeting
60 Using the Building Regulations

the excavation on contaminant hot spots, or by removing sufficient depth of

contaminated material so that a cover system can be accommodated within the
planned site levels. Removal may not always be viable since it will depend on the
depth and extent of the contaminants on the site and the availability of suitably
licensed landfills.
Where removal is incorporated with a subsequent cover system any imported
fill should be assessed at source to ensure that there are no materials that will pose
unacceptable risks to potential receptors.
Further detailed guidance on treatment, containment and removal is given in
the Environment Agency/NHBC R & D Publication 66 referred to in section 4.2.5
and in the following CIRIA publications:

• CIRIA Special Publication SP102 Decommissioning, decontamination and

demolition, 1995
• CIRIA Special Publication SP104 Classification and selection of remedial
methods, 1995
• CIRIA Special Publication SP105 Excavation and disposal, 1995
• CIRIA Special Publication SP106 Containment and hydraulic measures, 1996
• CIRIA Special Publication SP107 Ex-situ remedial methods for soils, sludges
and sediments, 1995
• CIRIA Special Publication SP109 In-situ methods of remediation, 1995.

In fact these publications (which are specifically referred to in Approved Doc-

ument C) form part of a 12-volume set published by CIRIA under the general
heading Remedial treatment for contaminated land.
All the volumes in this series of publications are listed in Table 4.3.
The report (i.e. all 12 volumes) is intended for:

• owners of contaminated sites proposing to take remedial action as a prelude

to sale or disposal of land and property, as a precursor to redevelopment, as
part of a corporate environmental management programme, or because action
is needed to avert a public health and/or environmental threat
• non-specialist managers who, faced with redeveloping or remediating con-
taminated sites, need information and guidance for procurement and project
management purposes
• non-specialist civil engineering, architectural or construction advisers provid-
ing design, supervision and inspection services in collaboration with specialist
• contracting organizations providing groundworks, drilling, surveying, land-
scape, laboratory analysis, waste management services, etc. to remediation
Resistance to contaminants 61

Table 4.3 Twelve-volume set of CIRIA Remedial treatment for contaminated land publications

Volume Title Outline content Notes

I (SP101) Introduction and guide Aims, scope, contents list
and brief summaries
II (SP102) Decommissioning, Issues to be addressed and Referred to in AD C
(124 pages) decontamination and guidance on procedures (see summary at the
demolition end of section 4.3.4)
III (SP103) Site investigation and Issues to be addressed and
assessment guidance on procedures
IV (SP104) Classification and Classification and selection Referred to in AD C
(176 pages) selection of remedial of appropriate methods (see summary at the
methods and strategies end of section 4.3.4)
V (SP105) Excavation and disposal Description and evaluation Referred to in AD C
(55 pages) of methods and guidance (see summary at the
on procedures end of section 4.3.4)
VI (SP106) Containment and Description and evaluation Referred to in AD C
(139 pages) hydraulic measures of methods and guidance (see summary at the
on procedures end of section 4.3.4)
VII (SP107) Ex situ remedial Description and evaluation Referred to in AD C
(187 Pages) methods for soils, of methods and guidance (see summary at the
sludges and sediments on procedures end of section 4.3.4)
VIII (SP108) Ex situ remedial Description and evaluation
methods for of methods and guidance
contaminated on procedures
groundwater and other
IX (SP109) In situ methods of Description and evaluation Referred to in AD C
(190 pages) remediation of methods and guidance (see summary below)
on procedures
X (SP110) Special situations Information and guidance
relating to situations
outside the redevelopment
XI (SP111) Planning and Issues to be addressed and
management guidance on procedures
XII (SP112) Policy and legislation Information on policy,
administration and legal
frameworks in UK and
62 Using the Building Regulations

• regulatory bodies having responsibility for public and occupational health

and safety, and protection of the environment, at all stages of managing a
contaminated site.

The report assumes that readers will have a basic understanding of the nature of
the problems of land contamination.
It is interesting that only selected volumes are referred to in Approved Docu-
ment C since CIRIA makes it clear in its Foreword to each volume that the entire
report is intended to be used ‘as a single source of information and guidance on the
assessment and remediation of contaminated sites’. It goes on to say that ‘Although
each Volume is self-contained to the extent that it covers the principal issues and
procedures relevant to the subject area, reference to other Volumes may be neces-
sary for more detailed information and discussion on specific aspects. Extensive
cross referencing between the various Sections and Volumes is provided to help
users locate this more detailed information where necessary’.
Therefore, it would be prudent for users falling within the above categories to
obtain the full report. The contents of the volumes referred to in AD C are outlined
as follows:

• SP 102 (Volume II) deals with design and implementation of post-closure

operations for contaminated sites. Planning, monitoring, health and safety, envi-
ronmental protection and other post-treatment management tasks are covered.
Emphasis is placed on the importance of site surveys before and after decom-
missioning, decontamination and site clearance, on problems related to public
health and the environment, and on the additional costs that may be incurred
through poor planning and execution of site clearance operations.
• SP104 (Volume IV) provides a classification of the techniques available for the
treatment of contaminated sites. Their typical characteristics and requirements
are described. A step-by-step approach to the selection of appropriate techniques
is given, this includes setting objectives, identifying constraints, evaluating
site information and testing of various treatment options against the selection
• SP105 (Volume V) deals with the excavation of contaminated material prior
to disposal (on- or off-site) or as a precursor to other forms of treatment.
Issues considered include the applicability, limitations, effectiveness and prac-
tical requirements of excavation, and the technical, administrative and legal
implications of on and off-site disposal.
• SP106 (Volume VI) provides information and guidance on engineering-based
remedial methods, specifically physical containment and hydraulic control mea-
sures. These include cover layers, vertical and horizontal barriers, liner systems,
control or isolation of contaminated groundwater, management of the hydraulic
Resistance to contaminants 63

regime, maintenance of favourable hydraulic gradients across physical barriers,

and removal of contaminated groundwater from a site. Technical and opera-
tional parameters are considered and supporting examples and references are
• SP107 (Volume VII) deals with physical, chemical and biological methods of
removing or rendering harmless the contaminants in solid materials after exca-
vation from the ground. Guidance is given on the requirements for equipment,
process controls and ongoing monitoring, and on material handling proce-
dures. The effectiveness, limitations and practical implementation of the various
techniques are discussed.
• SP109 (Volume IX) describes the techniques available for removing, destroying
or rendering harmless contaminants while they are in place in the ground. The
applications to which they are suited, and their operational characteristics and
requirements are considered and compared with ex situ remedial treatments.

4.4 Resistance to contaminants – risks to buildings, building

materials and services

Receptors of contaminants include not only people but also buildings, building
materials and services on sites. The hazards to these receptors might include:

• Aggressive substances – which may affect the long-term durability of construc-

tion materials such as concrete, metals and plastics (e.g. organic and inorganic
acids, alkalis, organic solvents and inorganic chemicals such as sulphates and
• Combustible fill – which may lead to subterranean fires, if ignited, and con-
sequent damage to the structural stability of buildings, and the integrity or
performance of services (e.g. domestic waste, colliery spoil, coal, plastics,
petrol-soaked ground, etc.).
• Expansive slags – which may expand some time after deposition (usually when
water is introduced onto the site) causing damage to buildings and services
(e.g. blast furnace and steel making slag).
• Contaminant-affected floodwater – floodwater may be contaminated by sub-
stances in the ground, waste matter or sewage. Building elements that are close
to or in the ground, such as walls or ground floors may be affected by this
contaminated water. The following documents contain guidance on resistant
◦ Preparing for floods: interim guidance for improving the flood resistance of
domestic and small business properties, DTLR, 2002 (100 pages). The aim of
the guide is to show how the flood resistance of properties may be improved.
64 Using the Building Regulations

Sections 1 and 2 provide a general introduction and some background infor-

mation on the causes and impact of flooding. Section 3, which is aimed
principally at existing homeowners and small business owners provides
information on assessing the risks of flooding, and guidance on selecting
appropriate measures to improve the flood resistance of properties. Infor-
mation is also provided on measures to prevent or reduce the volume of
floodwater entering the building, including the use of temporary flood bar-
riers and other permanent measures to improve the flood resistance of the
building structure. Section 3 also provides outline advice on the special con-
siderations that apply to properties of special architectural or historic interest,
and gives references to more detailed guidance provided by English Heritage.
Section 4 is for use by developers, local authorities, building control bodies
and others involved with new development in high flood risk areas. It provides
guidance on the forms of construction that are most appropriate for devel-
opments at risk of flooding. Section 5 provides more technical information
on the permanent measures that can be taken to improve the flood resis-
tance of both existing and new buildings with subsections discussing walls,
floors and building services and fittings (such as electrical wiring and fitted
cupboards). This section is aimed principally at builders but may also be of
interest to property owners. Section 6 provides a summary of the key steps to
reducing the consequences of flooding as outlined within the guide. Section 7
includes a list of related publications for further reading, and Section 8 gives
guidance from the Environment Agency’s Floodline service. Case studies
are included throughout the guide to give real-life examples of what steps
homeowners and small business owners have taken to protect their properties
from flooding. The guide is intended for use by property owners, developers,
local planning authorities and others involved in construction of new build-
ings, and renovation of existing buildings, where their buildings are at risk of
◦ BRE for Scottish Office Design guidance on flood damage for dwellings, TSO,
1996 (31 pages). This guide covers issues affecting design (i.e. risk of flood-
ing, site considerations, entry of water into dwellings, floodwater containing
salt, silt or sewerage, wetting and drying, materials and constructions); the
effects of water on materials (masonry and concrete, timber, wall finishes,
metals, insulation); guidance on construction and details (including ground
supported floors, suspended timber floors, suspended concrete floors, solid
and cavity masonry walls, framed walls, secondary elements such as parti-
tions, walls and doors, finishes, building services and fittings). Section 5 of
the guide contains sources of further information. This is a simple, eminently
practical guide, which will be of great use to anyone involved in the design,
construction, renovation, repair and alteration of houses in flood risk areas.
Resistance to contaminants 65

Although the main receptors with these hazards are the building, the building
materials and the building services, ultimately the health of the occupants may
be put at risk. In particular, potable water pipes made of polyethylene may be
permeated by hydrocarbons.
Additionally, the Environment Agency document Assessment and management
of risks to buildings, building materials and services from land contamination,
2001 (98 pages), contains further guidance. This document considers the risks
to buildings, building materials and services that may be associated with land
contamination in terms of four principal hazards:
• the presence of aggressive substances (e.g. inorganic and organic acids, alkalis,
organic solvents, and inorganic salts such as sulphates and chlorides, which may
affect the long-term performance and durability of construction materials used
in contaminated ground)
• the presence of combustible materials which, if ignited may lead to subterranean
fires and consequent damage to the structural stability of buildings, and the
integrity/performance of site services
• the presence of expansive slags, which has implications for structural stability
and serviceability
• the presence of unstable fills, which has implications for structural stability and
The document advises how to:
• identify the potential hazards mentioned above
• carry out the site investigation and associated analysis and testing necessary to
properly assess the risks
• assess the risks posed by the hazards including use of relevant generic assessment
criteria, where available
and is aimed at all those involved in the management of land contamination
including regulators, specialist consultants and contractors, construction clients,
developers, main contractors, sub-contractors, consulting engineers and other con-
struction professionals, and producers of construction materials. It will also enable
a wide audience to appreciate the issues involved.

4.5 Radon gas contamination

4.5.1 Introduction

Radon is a naturally occurring, colourless and odourless gas which is radioactive.

It is formed in small quantities by the radioactive decay of uranium and radium,
66 Using the Building Regulations

and thus travels through cracks and fissures in the subsoil until it reaches the
atmosphere or enters spaces under or in buildings.
It is recognized that radon gas occurs in all buildings; however the concentra-
tion may vary from below 20 Bq/m3 (the national average for houses in the UK)
to more than 100 times this value. The National Radiological Protection Board
(NRPB) has recommended an action level of 200 Bq/m3 for houses. The lifetime
risk of contracting lung or other related cancers at the action level is about 3%.
Geographical distribution of houses at or above the action level is very uneven,
with about two-thirds of the total being in Devon and Cornwall.
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is reviewing the areas where preventa-
tive measures should be taken as information becomes available from the NRPB
and the British Geological Survey (BGS). This information has been placed in the
Building Research Establishment (BRE) guidance document Radon: guidance on
protective measures for new dwellings (BRE Report BR 211: third edition 1999)
(54 pages), obtainable from Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford,
WD2 7JR) which will be updated as necessary.
A common basis for radiation protection legislation in all member states of
the European Union has been established in a European Council Directive. This
Directive has been put into effect in the UK by virtue of the Ionising Radiations
Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/3232). These regulations set a national reference level
for a range of radioactive substances including radon gas and they require employ-
ers and self-employed persons responsible for a workplace to measure radiation
(including radon) levels on being directed to do so.
Reference may also be made to BRE Report BR 293 Radon in the workplace,
1995, which provides guidance for existing non-domestic buildings. This 51-page
report deals with:

• radon and its health effects

• legislation including the employer’s responsibility in the workplace (see SI
1999/3232 above). (Care should be taken when using this section since the
report predates the 1999 Regulations and discusses the earlier 1985 Ionising
Radiations Regulations.)
• measurement of radon in the workplace
• identifying the extent of the problem where it has been recognized that a building
has an elevated indoor radon level
• background information on the building obtained by speaking to the building
owner, manager or user
• construction survey of the property
• choosing a solution – which may be:
◦ generic (sealing, positive pressurization, sumps, underfloor ventilation,
ventilation (other than positive pressurization), or
Resistance to contaminants 67

◦ solutions for complicated situations (e.g. where there are floors of mixed
construction, basements or stepped construction)
• who should carry out the survey of the building and installation of remedial
• retesting for radon
• additional protection for landfill gas
• new buildings, extensions and major alterations and conversion works.

It also contains a useful appendix with 12 case studies.

The report is aimed principally at employers and those who control buildings
used for work purposes, or their representatives. The guidance should also be of
interest and assistance to those, such as surveyors and builders, concerned with
specifying and carrying out the necessary remedial measures.
The guidance in BR 211 has been developed to show radon protective measures
in dwellings. No guidance exists at present for radon protection in new workplaces
(BR 293 deals with existing workplaces). However, for domestic-sized workplaces
with heating and ventilation regimes similar to those in dwellings (such as small
office buildings and primary schools) some of the techniques described in BR 211
for installing radon-resistant membranes, may be suitable. The guidance in BR 211
can also be used as the basis for radon protection of other building types provided
that caution is exercised.
Although no guidance is currently available in the 1999 edition of BR 211 for
suspended timber ground floors in new dwellings, it is understood that the ODPM
is sponsoring research into how this form of construction could provide adequate
protection against radon.
BR 211 identifies those areas where either basic or full radon protection is needed
by reference to a series of maps derived from:

• statistical analysis of radon measurements of existing houses carried out by the

NRPB (Annex A of BR 211)
• an assessment of geological radon potential prepared by the British Geological
Survey (Annex B of BR 211).

Use of the maps in accordance with directions given in BR 211 will determine
whether basic, full or no protection is needed.
Areas most at risk include parts of:

• Devon
• Cornwall
• Somerset
• Gloucestershire
68 Using the Building Regulations

• Oxfordshire
• Northamptonshire
• Leicestershire and Rutland
• Lincolnshire
• Staffordshire
• Derbyshire
• West Yorkshire
• Northumberland and parts of southern Cumbria
• most of Wales.

As more information becomes available from the NRPB it is likely that further areas
will be covered by the need for radon precautions. Current information on the areas
delineated by ODPM for the purposes of Building Regulations can be obtained
from local authority building control officers or from approved inspectors. When
it is necessary to make changes to areas delineated as requiring radon protection
these will be notified to building control bodies and will be posted on the ODPM
web site. The results will be published in due course.
Interim guidance on radon measures in domestic buildings (including conser-
vatories and extensions) may be found in Good Building Guide 25 Buildings
and radon, 1996 (12 pages). The guide is divided into four sections and supple-
ments existing guidance by drawing together different areas of BRE radon-related
research. The first part of the guide describes the benefits of passive sump systems,
i.e. systems that are not fan assisted (sump systems are usually very effective at
reducing indoor radon levels). The second part shows how a single fan-assisted
system can be used to treat several adjoining houses. Compared to installing sev-
eral separate systems, a communal system of this type is quicker and cheaper to
install and causes less disruption. Other sections describe how to safeguard against
the spillage of combustion products when using a radon remedial system, and how
to protect new extensions and conservatories against the entry of radon. Papers in
the Good Building Guide series produced by the BRE are aimed at non-specialists.
The material is presented in an easily readable form with minimal technical jargon
and plenty of simple illustrations. Anyone requiring more detailed information
on radon protection should consult the other reference sources mentioned in this

4.5.2 Basic protection against radon

Basic protection may be provided by an airtight, and therefore radon-proof, bar-

rier across the whole of the building including the floor and walls. This could
Resistance to contaminants 69

consist of:

• polyethylene (polythene) sheet membrane of at least 300 micrometre (1200

gauge) thickness
• flexible sheet roofing materials
• prefabricated welded barriers
• liquid coatings
• self-adhesive bituminous-coated sheet products
• asphalt tanking.

It is important to have adequately sealed joints and the membrane must not be
damaged during construction. Where possible, penetration of the membrane by
service entries should be avoided. With careful design it may be possible for the
barrier to serve the dual purpose of damp-proofing and radon protection, although
the damp-proof course to a cavity wall should be in the form of a cavity tray to
prevent radon entering the building through the cavity.
Some typical details are shown in Figure 4.4.

Suspended concrete floor Ground-supported concrete

with radon barrier floor with radon barrier

Avoid service entries through

membrane if possible;
where unavoidable use
Detail A Detail B example such as Detail B
Key section

Cavity partially filled with

insulation to permit ventilation,
or fill cavity with fully Taped Service pipe/duct
permeable insulation membrane
Screed or other positioned Tape
topping over slab to
avoid slip
Weepholes plane at wall/ ‘Top hat’ seal
slab junction
Radon-proof Radon-proof barrier
barrier Reinforced
Void concrete slab
Airbricks or
ventilators on two
opposite sides
(min. 1500 mm2 per
metre run of wall) Detail B
natural ventilation Showing service penetration of membrane

Detail A
Showing how to avoid slip plane at wall/slab junction

Figure 4.4 Basic protection against radon

70 Using the Building Regulations

4.5.3 Full protection against radon

In practical terms, a totally radon-proof barrier may be difficult to achieve.

Therefore, in high-risk areas it is necessary to provide additional secondary
protection. This might consist of:

• natural ventilation of an underfloor space by airbricks or ventilators on at least

two sides
• the addition of an electrically operated fan in place of one of the airbricks to
provide enhanced subfloor ventilation
• a subfloor depressurization system comprising a sump located beneath the floor
slab, joined by pipework to a fan. It may only be necessary to provide the sump
and underfloor pipework during construction thus giving the owner the option
of connecting a fan at a later stage if necessary.

Examples of these methods are shown in Figures 4.4 and 4.5.

It should be noted that the above brief notes on BR 211 are intended to give an
idea of the content of that document. Designers of buildings in the delimited areas
should consult the full report.

4.6 Contamination of landfill gas

4.6.1 Introduction

Landfill gas is typically made up of 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide,
although small quantities of other gases such as hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide and a
wide range of trace organic vapours (called volatile organic compounds or VOCs in
Approved Document C) may also be present. The gas is produced by the breakdown
of organic material by micro-organisms under oxygen-free (anaerobic) conditions
on biodegradable waste materials in landfill sites. Gases similar to landfill gas can
also arise naturally from coal strata, river silt, sewage and peat. Additionally, atmo-
spheres which are deficient in methane and oxygen (usually referred to as stythe
or black-damp by miners) and which are rich in carbon dioxide and nitrogen can
be produced naturally in coal-mining areas. Volatile organic compounds can also
arise as a result of spillages of petrol, oil and solvents.

4.6.2 Properties of landfill gases

The largest component of landfill gas, methane, is a flammable, asphyxiating

gas with a flammable range between 5% and 15% by volume in air. If such
Resistance to contaminants 71

Fan in roof space,

outlet must not
terminate in roof space

External pipework
outlet to be above If needed, pipework may
eaves, well away be run externally (see
from entries into opposite) of internally

If internal, provide
service penetrations
as Detail B, Fig. 4.4
Pipe capped off
to prevent entry of
vermin until,
and if, needed
Radon sump centrally placed in
building - see detail below

concrete floor as
Fig. 6.2

110 mm diameter Clean, permeable

uPVC pipe fill

Loose laid honeycombed


Figure 4.5 Additional protection against radon

a concentration occurs within a building and the gas is ignited, it will explode.
Methane is lighter than air.
The other major component, carbon dioxide, is a non-flammable, toxic gas
which has a long-term exposure limit of 0.5% by volume and a short-term expo-
sure limit of 1.5%. It is heavier than air. Volatile organic compounds are both
inflammable and toxic, and can have strong unpleasant odours. A build-up to haz-
ardous levels of any of these gases within buildings will result in harm to health
and will compromise safety.
72 Using the Building Regulations

4.6.3 Movement of landfill gases

The proportions of the two main landfill gases and the amount of air mixed with
them will largely determine the properties of the landfill gas since they remain
mixed and do not separate, although the mixture can remain separate from sur-
rounding air. These landfill gases will migrate from a landfill site as a result of
diffusion through the ground and this migration may be increased by rainfall or
freezing temperatures as these conditions tend to seal the ground surface. The gases
will also follow cracks, cavities, pipelines and tunnels, etc., as these form ideal
pathways. Landfill gas emissions can be increased by rapid falls in atmospheric
pressure and by a rising water table. Thus, landfill gas may enter buildings and
may collect in underfloor voids, drains and soakaways.

4.6.4 Building near landfill sites and on gas contaminated

land – risk assessment

The risk assessment stages referred to in section 4.2.2 above should be followed for
methane and other landfill gases. Further investigations for hazardous soil gases
may also be required if the ground to be covered by a building and/or any land
associated with the building is:

(a) on, or within 250 m of a landfill site or within the likely sphere of influence
of a landfill. In these cases the policy of the Environment Agency regarding
building on or near landfill sites should be followed
(b) on a site where biodegradable substances (including made ground and fill)
have been deposited on a large scale
(c) on a site where the previous use has meant that spillages of petrol, oil and
solvents could have taken place (such as vehicle scrap yards)
(d) in an area where naturally occurring gases (e.g. methane, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen sulphide and VOCs) may be present (such as old mining areas and
spoil heaps).

In these specific instancesApproved Document C recommends use of the following

guidance documents covering hazardous soil gases in the contexts referred to in
(a) to (d) above:

• Guidance on the generation and movement of landfill gas as well as techniques

for its investigation are given in HMIP Waste Management Paper No 27 The
control of landfill gas, TSO, 2nd edition 1991 (82 pages). The paper discusses
Resistance to contaminants 73

the main factors responsible for the formation of landfill gas and goes on to
◦ the properties of the gas mixture
◦ factors affecting its migration
◦ methods of assessing, monitoring and controlling the gas
in order to give information on the options available for its management. The
paper does not consider the management and control of leachate, even though
it is recognized to be closely associated with gas. The paper is written in non-
technical terms and is a useful way of gaining an understanding of the behaviour,
monitoring and control of landfill gas. Appendix B on Main relevant legisla-
tion should be viewed with caution due to the publication date of the paper
(1991) since much of it has now been superseded. The paper would be of use
to anyone concerned with the development of land on or near landfill sites.
Complementary guidance is given in a publication by the Chartered Institution
of Wastes Management (CIWM) entitled Monitoring of landfill gas, 2nd edition
1998. This guidance document provides detailed information on all aspects of
gas generation and monitoring under a variety of conditions. Case studies are
presented to illustrate the problems associated with monitoring landfill gas. The
document also provides useful information on the appropriateness of specific
monitoring techniques and methods for distinguishing landfill gas from other
sources of gas.
• Guidance on the geographical extent, associated hazards and methods of site
investigation of methane, carbon dioxide and oil seeps from natural sources and
mining areas can be found in BGS Technical Report WP/95/1 Methane, carbon
dioxide and oil seeps from natural sources and mining areas: characteristics,
extent and relevance to planning and development in Great Britain, 1995. This
should be read in conjunction with a report sponsored by the former Department
of the Environment entitled Methane and other gases from disused coal mines:
the planning response, TSO, 1996 (72 pages). Under certain circumstances,
hazardous mine gases can seep to the surface from abandoned underground coal
workings. Such emissions have affected reclamation and construction sites,
residential, commercial and industrial properties. Fatalities and injuries have
occurred but they are rare. The study which resulted in the publication of this
report was aimed at identifying a suitable planning response to reduce mine gas
emission risks in respect of new development, without placing unnecessary con-
straints on land use. The study also has relevance to the detection, investigation
and treatment of mine gas emissions affecting existing development. The report
will provide advice suitable for use by planners, developers, land and property
owners, insurers and others, in current and past coal-mining areas.
• Additionally, the following three documents published by CIRIA (which are
part of CIRIA’s continuing programme on Methane and associated hazards to
74 Using the Building Regulations

construction) contain relevant information on methane and other gases includ-

ing means of generation and movement within the ground, detection and moni-
toring methods, and investigation strategies (in all five reports in this series are
referred to below).
◦ CIRIA Report 130 Methane: its occurrence and hazards in construction, 1993
(139 pages). The report starts with a summary of the physical and chemical
properties of methane and other landfill gases and explains their hazardous
characteristics. An explanation is given of how and in what situations methane
is formed, how it moves or can be moved in the ground, and how the source of
the methane can be identified. Case histories and scenarios of typical situations
are used to show how and where methane can affect construction projects. The
report and its appendices provide information which will enable construction
professionals to recognize potential methane problems and to initiate the
process of finding solutions for them. Engineering solutions, however, are
not put forward as these are the subject of subsequent CIRIA projects. The
report is aimed at providing guidance for construction professionals who
may have to take methane (and other gases often present with it) into account
during the construction process. Although there are some sections of general
interest, much of the report requires advanced knowledge of chemistry and
◦ CIRIA Report 131 The measurement of methane and other gases from the
ground, 1993 (99 pages). This report provides guidance on the detection,
measurement and monitoring of gases in the ground. Although the report is
centred on methane, other hazardous gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulphide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen may be present with methane, or
occur separately, and the report provides guidance for these gases. Within
the context of safe working, comprehensive guidance is given on detecting
gas, identifying the source, measuring and sampling different gases, and on
the interpretation of the results. Factors which affect the investigation of gas,
such as meteorological conditions, gas in groundwater, etc. are discussed.
The use of monitoring systems on a site and within buildings is described.
An appendix lists standards and codes relevant to safety in site investigations
for gas. This should be used with caution since many of the references are out
of date due to the age of the publication (1993). The report will be of most
use to specialist companies directly involved in the detection, measurement
and monitoring of gases from the ground, and for those people responsible
for commissioning their services.
◦ CIRIA Report 150 Methane investigation strategies, 1995 (84 pages). This
report gives guidance for good practice in the design and execution of site
investigations for methane and associated gases in the ground. The report was
prepared following a comprehensive review of current guidance documents
Resistance to contaminants 75

and detailed consultation with practitioners, developers, local authorities, fun-

ders and insurers. The guidance given is intended to be indicative rather than
prescriptive, and the importance of site specificity is emphasized. The report
gives an account of the literature review and consultations, and describes
good practice for site investigations with the aid of tables, a flowchart and
examples. Emphasis is given to the procedures and strategies which should
be adopted rather than specific techniques, although a brief account of these
is also given. The report is of a specialist nature and will be of most use to
those people responsible for commissioning methane investigations.

When a site investigation is carried out for methane and other hazardous gases,
consideration should be given to the following matters:

• In order fully to characterize gas emissions, measurements should be taken over

a sufficiently long period of time (including periods when gas emissions are
likely to be higher, e.g. during periods of falling atmospheric pressure).
• It is also important to establish:
◦ the concentration of methane and other gases in the ground
◦ the quantity of gas generating materials and their rate of gas generation
◦ gas movement in the ground
◦ gas emissions from the ground surface.

Measurements taken of the surface emission rates and borehole flow rates will
give an indication of the gas regime in the ground. For further guidance on this
reference should be made to:

• CIRIA Report 151 Interpreting measurements of gas in the ground, 1995

(103 pages). This report reviews the limitations of current gas measurement
techniques and recommends ways to standardize and improve not only the tech-
niques of measurement, but also the ways to develop sound interpretations. Its
purpose is to assist those planning, undertaking and interpreting gas investiga-
tions to take sensible measurements and to make sense of the measurements
taken. The report shows how the systems of measurement affect the values
measured, how external conditions alter the gas regime and how, by recogniz-
ing what has and has not been measured, the results of the measurements can be
interpreted in the site context. Since the report contains highly technical infor-
mation, it will be of most use to engineers allowing them to test the validity of
gas measurements and their meaning.
• CIRIAReport 152 Risk assessment for methane and other gases from the ground,
1995 (70 pages). This report proposes a rational methodology for gas hazard
evaluation and risk assessment appropriate for a wide range of construction
76 Using the Building Regulations

situations and ground gases (but particularly focusing on methane and carbon
dioxide). The report outlines the principles of risk assessment and applies them to
the context of ground gas entering a building thus relating the risks presented by
these gases to other tolerable risks and specifically to those of natural gas supply
mains. Whilst this document is mainly for the use of construction professionals,
(it sets out good practice in gas hazard evaluation and risk assessment and shows
how these can be applied to particular situations) much of it is non-technical
and will be of use to all those concerned with risk assessments of sites where
the presence of ground gases is suspected, since it draws together the guidance
given in the earlier CIRIA reports in this series on factors contributing to the
risk. It also acts as a guidance document to assessors of risk of gas ingress in
development situations.

The gas regime on the site can also be altered by construction activities under-
taken as part of building development. For example, surface gas emissions can be
increased by the site strip, by piling, and by excavations for foundations and below
ground services; and dry biodegradable waste can be pushed into moist, gas-active
zones by dynamic compaction.
Reference was made in section 4.2.4 above to the use of contaminant Soil Guide-
line Values (SGVs) when estimating the risk to health and safety of the public on
a site. It should be noted that there are no Soil Guideline Values for methane and
other gases.
Therefore, in the context of traditional housing the assessment of gas risks needs
to take into account two possible contaminant pathways for human receptors:

(a) direct entry of gas into the dwelling through the substructure (where it will
ultimately build up to hazardous levels)
(b) later exposure of the householder in garden areas by:
(i) the construction of outbuildings (e.g. garden sheds and greenhouses) and
extensions to the dwelling
(ii) the carrying out of excavations for garden features (e.g. ponds).
Guidance on the carrying out of risk assessments for methane and other ground
gases can be found in CIRIA Report 152 referred to above and in Contaminated
Land Research Report CLR 11 (see section 4.1.1 above).

The following documents describe a range of ground gas regimes (defined in terms
of soil gas concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide as well as borehole flow
rate measurements) which can also be helpful in assessing gas risks:

• CIRIA Report 149 Protecting development from methane, 1995 (192 pages).
This report examines the need for buildings to be protected from hazards arising
Resistance to contaminants 77

from methane and other gases. It sets out the principles for providing adequate
protection in different situations of gas regime and by building type. The report
describes the specific components of a protective system which include:
◦ in-ground barriers (vertical, horizontal and of different materials)
◦ in-ground venting and active abstraction of gas
◦ venting for buildings
◦ the installation of gas membranes
◦ the operation and management of gas monitoring and alarm systems.
The range of gas-control systems used for different gas regimes in the ground is
shown and the particular needs and constraints of providing protection to exist-
ing buildings, services and substructures are described. Guidance is given on the
long-term management of gas-control systems. This report provides a practical
guide to current accepted good practice on the selection, design and performance
of methane protection measures for new and existing building development
including associated works. Since the comments made in the report are based on
information gathered from various sources (i.e. from consultations with experts,
practitioners, clients and owners of development, public utility engineers and
those with a statutory or regulatory responsibility for development) it will be of
great use to all these readers.
• DETR/Arup Environmental PIT Research Report: Passive venting of soil gases
beneath buildings, 1997 (in two volumes – Volume 1, 60 pages and Volume 2,
56 pages). Passive gas protective systems are described in documents produced
by BRE (especially BRE Report 414, see below) and CIRIA (see above). How-
ever, the information in these documents is of a practical nature and is essentially
limited to guidance on general principles of use. This report provides quantita-
tive information on the relative performance of various ventilation media and
guidance on the design of passive gas protective measures. This report is highly
technical and (unlike BRE 414, for example) contains very little practical guid-
ance (e.g. Volume 2 contains example outputs of computational fluid dynamics
modelling). Topics covered include:
◦ site investigation requirements
◦ factors influencing ventilation performance
◦ example gas regimes studied
◦ design considerations for ventilation layer
◦ open voids
◦ expanded polystyrene shuttering
◦ geocomposite drainage blankets
◦ granular blankets
◦ granular blankets with drain networks
◦ membranes
◦ summary of gas dispersal characteristics of ventilation media.
78 Using the Building Regulations

The report is intended to be used by consultants, engineers and contractors who

are engaged in the design of buildings on or near low gas potential sites. The
guide is also intended to provide a reference document to regulators, such as
Local Authority Building Control and Environmental Health Officers, to assist
them in their assessment of ventilation schemes for particular developments.

The above discussion has mainly been in the context of housing development.
In the context of non-domestic development the focus might be on the building
only, but the general approach is the same.

4.6.5 Building near landfill sites and on gas contaminated

land – gas-control measures

The investigations into gas risks carried out in accordance with the advice given
above may conclude that the risks posed by the gases which are present are unac-
ceptable. If this is the case, then appropriate remedial measures may be required
to manage the risks. These can be applied to the building alone or, where the risks
on any land associated with the building are deemed unacceptable, this could even
mean adopting site-wide gas control measures which could include:

• removal of the material generating the gas, or

• covering together with systems for gas extraction.

CIRIA Report 149 (referred to above) or BRE Report 414 (referred to below)
contains further guidance on this. In general, where site-wide gas-control measures
are thought to be needed then expert advice should be sought.

Gas-control measures – dwellings

Practical guidance on construction methods to prevent the ingress of landfill gas
in buildings is not given in Approved Document C. Instead, the reader is referred
to BRE/Environment Agency Report BR 414 Protective measures for housing on
gas-contaminated land, 2001 (70 pages) where detailed practical guidance on the
construction of protective measures may be found. BRE Report 414 effectively
replaces BRE Report 212 which was referred to in previous editions of AD C but
is now referred to no longer.
Gas-control measures for dwellings are normally passive (i.e. the gas flow is
driven by temperature differences (stack effect) and the effects of wind) and con-
sist of a barrier which is gas resistant, across the entire walls and floor of the
dwelling. Below this will be an extraction (or ventilation) layer from which gases
Resistance to contaminants 79

can be dispersed and vented to atmosphere. In order to maximize the driving forces
of natural ventilation it will be necessary to consider the design and layout of
Figure 4.6 gives typical examples of some of the constructional details contained
in the BR 414.

Gas resistant
damp-proof Grout check
membrane membrane


Gas resistant

150 mm Beam
min. and block

Airbrick Damp-proof
Airbrick course
Open void solum polystyrene void
laid to fall and former

(a) (b)

membrane Seal in areas
Grout check of exposure
membrane Cavity tray to high wind

Reinforced Polyfoam fill

concrete raft supporting membrane
50 mm sand or foundation
lean mix concrete Concrete
blinding cavity fill

Well graded
inert fill


Figure 4.6 Landfill gas protection details: (a) Beam and block floor with open void; (b) In situ slab with
EPS void former; (c) Raft foundation with membrane on top of slab
80 Using the Building Regulations

Gas-control measures – non-domestic buildings

In non-domestic buildings gas control measures are based on the same principles as
those used for housing, therefore the DETR/Arup Environmental report referred to
in the previous paragraph can also be used as a design guide. Since the floor areas
of non-domestic buildings can be considerably larger than those of dwellings and
the adequate dispersal of gas from beneath the floor must be ensured, it is usually
necessary to seek expert advice. With larger floor areas passive systems may not be
efficient at ensuring removal of gases, therefore mechanical systems (which may
include monitoring and alarm systems) may be necessary. Such systems also need
to be calibrated and continually maintained so they are more appropriate for non-
domestic buildings where there is scope for this. Since special sub-floor ventilation
systems are carefully designed to ensure adequate performance, they should not be
modified unless a specialist review of the design is undertaken. It should be noted
that the use of continuous mechanical ventilation for the removal of landfill gases
in dwellings is not recommended since there is a risk of interference by users and
maintenance of the system cannot be guaranteed. Consequently, a failure might
result in a sharp increase in indoor methane concentration with the possibility of
an explosion occurring.
It should be noted that the above brief notes on BR 414 are intended to give an
idea of the content of that document. Designers of buildings which are likely to
be affected by landfill gas should consult the full report and any of the references
mentioned in sections 4.6.1 to 4.6.5 above.

Subsoil drainage

5.1 Provision of subsoil drainage

Subsoil drainage must be provided if it is necessary to avoid:

• the passage of moisture from the ground to the inside of the building, or
• damage to the fabric of the building. This includes damage to the foundations
of the building caused by the transport of waterborne contaminants.

The provisions in AD C assume either that the site of the building will not be
subject to general flooding or, if it is, then suitable steps are being taken. Interest-
ingly, although flood resistance is not covered by the Building Regulations 2000
at present, there is a presumption in planning guidance that development should
not take place in areas that are at risk of flooding (see Planning Policy Guidance
Note PPG 25 Development and flood risk, DTLR, 2002). This 59-page planning
guidance document explains how flood risk should be considered at all stages of
the planning and development process in order to reduce future damage to prop-
erty and loss of life. The planning system seeks where possible to reduce and
certainly not to increase flood risk. It should help ensure that flood plains are
used for their natural purposes, continue to function effectively and are protected
from inappropriate development. The guidance also outlines how flood risk issues
should be addressed in regional planning guidance, development plans and in the
consideration of planning applications.
82 Using the Building Regulations

5.2 Building in areas prone to flooding

Where local considerations might necessitate building in areas which are prone to
flooding, the following guidance is offered to mitigate some of its effects:

• The existence of elevated groundwater levels or the flow of subsoil water

across a site may be alleviated by the provision of adequate subsoil drainage
(see below).
• The creation of blockages in drains and sewers caused by flooding can lead to
backflow of sewage into buildings through low-sited toilets and gullies etc. This
can be mitigated by the use of anti-flooding devices and non-return valves (see
the CIRIA publication C506 Low cost options for prevention of flooding from
sewers, 1998, 105 pages). This guidance document summarizes the results of a
CIRIA project in which low-cost options for preventing flooding from sewers
were identified and information collected on their suitability and effectiveness.
Anti-flooding devices are dealt with in Appendix A1 of the publication. Different
types are described together with the extent of their use, their cost and their
reliability and effectiveness. The document is aimed at the needs of drainage
engineers and planners working for sewerage undertakers, local authorities,
contractors and developers.
• In areas where the design of the below-ground drainage system is such that
foul water drainage also receives rainwater, these systems may surcharge in
periods of heavy rainfall. This could lead to increased risks of localized flood-
ing within properties in low-lying areas or in those which contain basements
unless preventative measures are taken. Some guidance on protection is given in
Approved Document H Drainage and waste disposal which may be summarized
as follows:
◦ Under conditions of heavy rainfall, combined and rainwater sewers are
designed to surcharge, whereby the water level in the manhole rises above
the top of the pipe. This may also happen to some foul sewers if they receive
rainwater. Therefore, on some low-lying sites properties may be at increased
risk of flooding if the ground level of the site (or the level of a basement) is
below the level at which the drainage connects to the public sewer. The sew-
erage undertaker should be consulted in such cases to determine the extent
and frequency of the likely surcharge.
◦ Where a basement contains sanitary appliances and the sewerage undertaker
considers that the risk of flooding due to surcharging is high, the drainage
from the basement should be pumped. For low risks, an anti-flooding valve
should be installed on the drainage from the basement.
◦ For low-lying sites (i.e. those not containing basements) where the risk is
low, protection for the building may be achieved by the provision of an
Subsoil drainage 83

external gully sited at least 75 mm below floor level in a position so that

any flooding from the gully will not damage any buildings. Higher risk areas
should have anti-flooding valves or pumped drainage systems. Anti-flooding
valves should:
– be of the double valve type
– be suitable for foul water
– have a manual closure device
– comply with prEN 13564 Anti flooding devices for buildings.
Normally, a single valve should serve only one building and information about
the valve should be provided on a notice inside the building. The notice should
indicate the location of any manual override and include necessary maintenance
information. Some parts of the drainage system may be unaffected by surcharg-
ing. These parts should bypass any protective measures and should discharge
by gravity.
• The passage of groundwater through a floor can be dealt with using water
resistant construction (see section 6.3 below).
• The entry of water into underfloor voids can be addressed by making provi-
sion for the inspection and clearing out of such locations beneath suspended

The following publications may also be consulted for further guidance on flooding
and flood resistant construction:

• Preparing for floods: interim guidance for improving the flood resistance of
domestic and small business properties, DTLR, 2002 (see section 4.4 above).
• BRE for Scottish Office Design guidance on flood damage for dwellings, TSO,
1996 (see section 4.4 above).
• CIRIA/Environment Agency Flood products. Using flood protection products –
a guide for home owners, 2003 (12 pages). This handy guide is aimed specif-
ically at home owners (and tenants, presumably) and is designed to help its
target audience to assess the risk that flooding entails and to understand the dif-
ferent routes through which floodwater may enter. It explains what protection
can be expected from flood protection products and other measures that house-
holders can take to reduce floodwater from entering their property. Although
the publication has been produced for homeowners with DIY or other technical
experience, the information may also be useful for owners of small business
properties. To accompany the guide, CIRIA has produced a series of advice
sheets with more technical information on improving the flood resistance of
buildings. These advice sheets and other up-to-date information on reducing the
impacts of flooding can be downloaded from CIRIA’s web site
84 Using the Building Regulations

5.3 Problems caused by subsoil water

Subsoil water may cause problems where:

• there is a high water table (i.e. within 0.25 m of the lowest floor in the building)
• surface water may enter or adversely affect the building
• an active subsoil drain is severed during excavations
• the stability and properties of the ground are adversely affected by groundwater
beneath or around the building
• groundwater flows are altered by general excavation work for foundations and

Existing subsoil drain

Access point

Either re-route Building

drain around Or relay subsoil
building drain under
Access point
New pipework to be in Existing subsoil drain
non-porous, jointed pipes


Existing drains subsoil drains
intercepted and
run via new
jointed pipes
to existing drain



Figure 5.1 Subsoil drainage: (a) Single subsoil drain; (b) Interception of multiple subsoil drains
Subsoil drainage 85

Where problems are anticipated it will usually be necessary either to drain the
site of the building or to design and construct it to resist moisture penetration.
Subsoil drainage should also be considered where contaminants are present in the
ground, in order to prevent the transportation of waterborne contaminants to the
foundations or into the building or its services.
Severed subsoil drains which pass under the building should be intercepted and
continued in such a way that moisture is not directed into the building. Figure 5.1
illustrates a number of possible solutions.
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Resistance to moisture
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6.1 Regulation requirements

Requirement C2 of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 deals with resis-

tance to moisture. It requires the floors, walls and roof of a building to adequately
protect it and the people who use it from harmful effects caused by:

• moisture from the ground

• precipitation and wind-driven spray
• surface and interstitial condensation
• water spilt from or associated with sanitary fittings and fixed appliances.

Guidance on the application of Requirement C2 to floors in Approved Document C

is given in Section 4. It covers:

(a) ground-supported floors, suspended timber ground floors and suspended

concrete ground floors when these are exposed to ground moisture
(b) interstitial condensation risk in ground floors and upper floors exposed from
(c) surface condensation risk and mould growth on any floor type.

6.2 Definitions

In Approved Document C the following definitions apply with regard to Require-

ment C2:

FLOOR – the lower horizontal surface of any space in a building including any
surface finish which is laid as part of the permanent construction. This would,
90 Using the Building Regulations

presumably, exclude carpets, linoleum, tiles, etc., but would include screeds
and granolithic finishes.
GROUNDWATER – liquid water (i.e. not water vapour, ice or snow etc.), either
flowing through the ground or as a static water table.
INTERSTITIAL CONDENSATION – water vapour being deposited as liquid
water within or between the layers of the envelope of the building.
MOISTURE – water present as a liquid, gas (e.g. water vapour) or solid (e.g. ice
or snow etc.).
PRECIPITATION – moisture in any form falling from the atmosphere, such as
rain, sleet, snow or hail, etc.
ROOF – any part of the external envelope of a building that makes an angle of less
than 70◦ to the horizontal.
SPRAY – wind-driven droplets of water blown from the surface of the sea or
other bodies of water close to buildings. The salt content of sea spray makes it
especially hazardous to many building materials.
SURFACE CONDENSATION – water vapour being deposited as liquid water on
visible surfaces within the building.
VAPOUR CONTROL LAYER – typically, this is a membrane material which is
used in the construction, with the purpose of substantially reducing the transfer
of water vapour through any building in which it is incorporated.
WALL – any opaque part of the external envelope of a building that makes an
angle of 70◦ or more to the horizontal.

6.3 Protection of floors next to the ground

Ground floors should be designed and constructed so that:

• the passage of moisture to the upper surface of the floor is resisted (this might
not apply to buildings used solely for storage of goods in which the only persons
habitually employed were store people, etc. engaged only in taking in, caring
for, or taking out the goods. Other similar types of buildings where the air is
so moisture laden that any increase would not adversely affect the health and
safety of the occupants might also be excluded)
• they will not be adversely affected by moisture from the ground
• they will not be adversely affected by groundwater
• the passage of ground gases is resisted. This relates back to Requirement
C1 (2) (see section 4.1 above) where floors in certain localities may need to be
constructed to resist the passage of hazardous gases such as methane or radon.
The remedial measures shown in sections 4.5.2 to 4.6.5 above can function as
both a gas resistant barrier and damp proof membrane if properly detailed
Floors 91

Surface finish
Floor (includes surface
finish if part of permanent

Floor may be:

• supported by ground, or
Moisture (includes liquid water, • exposed from below, or
water vapour, ice, etc.) • any other type of floor

Figure 6.1 Floors – general guidance

• the structural and thermal performance of the floor is not adversely affected by
interstitial condensation. This also applies to floors exposed from below
• surface condensation and mould growth is not promoted under reasonable
occupancy conditions. This applies to all floors (not just those next to the

This guidance is illustrated in Figure 6.1.

6.3.1 Floors supported directly by the ground

The requirements mentioned above can be met, for ground-supported floors, by

covering the ground with dense concrete incorporating a damp-proof membrane,
laid on a hardcore bed. If required, insulation may also be incorporated in the floor
This form of construction is illustrated in Figure 6.2 and unless the floor is
subjected to water pressure, such as occurs with buildings on very permeable
strata like chalk, gravel or limestone (see note on the use of BS 8102 below), the
construction of the floor should take into account the following points:

• Well-compacted hardcore less than 600 mm thick laid under the floor next to the
ground should not contain water-soluble sulphates or deleterious matter in such
quantities as might cause damage to the concrete. In situations where the use
of a ground-supported floor would require a hardcore bed deeper than 600 mm
there is a danger that excessive settlement might occur leading to cracking of
the floor slab. Under such conditions a suspended floor construction would be a
better alternative. Broken brick or stone is the best hardcore material. Clinker is
dangerous unless it can be shown that the actual material proposed is free from
sulphates etc., and colliery shales should likewise be avoided. In any event, the
builder might well be liable for breach of an implied common law warranty of
92 Using the Building Regulations

Insulation below slab Insulation above slab 100 mm min.

Damp-proof thickness of ST2
membrane below concrete or ST4
concrete slab if reinforced
Concrete mixes to
Insulation BS 8500

1200 gauge (300 mm)

polythene membrane laid
on bedding material for protection

Screed or floor finish to protect membrane

Polythene as above or 3 coats cold unless membrane is pitchmastic or similar
applied bitumen solution or similar material acting as floor finish
membrane above Insulation
concrete slab 100 mm min.
thickness of ST2
concrete or ST4
if reinforced
Concrete mixes to
Clean broken brick or similar
BS 8500
inert hardcore

Figure 6.2 Ground-supported floor

fitness of materials (see Hancock v. B. W. Brazier (Anerley) Ltd [1966] 2 All

ER 901), where builders were held liable for subsequent damage caused by the
use of hardcore containing sulphates. Information on the choice of hardcore
materials may be found in BRE Digest 276 Hardcore, 1992 (4 pages). This
short, practical paper provides information on hardcore, considers the suitability
of some of the materials in common use and discusses some of the problems that
can arise. It deals with water-soluble sulphates, swelling due to chemical and
volume changes in the material, consolidation of hardcore and materials used
for hardcore. Like most other BRE Digests, this one is of universal application
to all concerned with the built environment.
• A damp-proof membrane (DPM) may be provided above or below the concrete
floor slab and should be laid continuous with the damp-proof courses in walls,
piers, etc. If laid below the concrete, the DPM should be at least equivalent
to 300 µm (1200 gauge) polyethylene (e.g. polythene). It should have sealed
joints and should be supported by a layer of material that will not cause damage
to the polythene. If a polyethylene sheet membrane is laid above the concrete,
there is no need to provide the bedding material. It is also possible to use a
three-coat layer of cold applied bitumen emulsion (or equivalent material with
similar moisture and water vapour resistance) in this position. These materials
Floors 93

should be protected by a suitable floor finish or screed. Surface protection does

not need to be provided where the membrane consists of pitchmastic or similar
material which also serves as a floor finish. There is one particular case where
the membrane should be placed below the concrete slab, and that is where
the ground contains water-soluble sulphates or other deleterious material that
could contaminate the hardcore (see also BRE Special Digest SD1 Concrete in
aggressive ground, 2003 in section 4.1.2 above).
• The minimum thickness for the concrete slab is 100 mm (although the struc-
tural design for the slab may require it to be thicker) designed to mix ST2 in
BS 8500. Reinforced concrete should be to mix ST4 in BS 8500. BS 8500
(full title – BS 8500-1: 2002 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS
EN 206-1. Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier (52 pages)) is
essential reading for all people concerned with the specification and ordering
of concrete for use on site. Approved Document C recommends that pre-
scribed concrete mixes be used (ST1, ST2, ST4, etc.); however, BS 8500
actually offers the specifier five approaches to the specification of concrete as
◦ designated concretes (see Section 4.2 of the BS – see following bullet point)
◦ designed concretes (see Section 4.3 of the BS – more flexibility is offered
to the specifier than with designated concretes, which does not cover every
application and every constituent material)
◦ prescribed concretes (see Section 4.4 of the BS – allows the specifier to
prescribe the exact composition and constituents of the concrete)
◦ standardized prescribed concretes (see Section 4.5 of the BS – appropriate
where concrete is site-batched on a small site or obtained from a ready-mixed
concrete producer who does not have accredited third-party certification)
◦ proprietary concretes (see Section 4.6 of the BS – appropriate where it is
required that the concrete achieves a performance, using defined test methods,
outside the normal performance requirements for concrete.
• Insulants located below floor slabs should:
◦ have sufficient strength to resist the weight of the slab
◦ be able to carry the anticipated floor loading
◦ be able to support any overloading during construction
◦ if placed below the damp-proof membrane have low water absorption (in
order to resist degradation) and, if necessary, be resistant to contaminants in
the ground.
• Approved Document C Section 4 gives no guidance on the position of the floor
relative to outside ground level. Since this type of floor is unsuitable if sub-
jected to water pressure, it is reasonable to assume that the top surface of the
slab should not be below outside ground level unless special precautions are
94 Using the Building Regulations

If it is proposed to lay a timber floor finish directly on the concrete slab, it is

permissible to bed the timber in a material that would also serve as a damp-proof
membrane. No guidance is given regarding suitable DPM materials. However
12.5 mm of asphalt or pitchmastic will usually be satisfactory for most timber
finishes and it may be possible to lay wood blocks in a suitable adhesive DPM.
If a timber floor finish is fixed to wooden fillets embedded in the concrete, the fillets
should be treated with a suitable preservative unless they are above the DPM –
see BS 1282: 1999 Wood preservatives Guidance on choice, use and application
(16 pages). This British Standard provides an overview of wood preservation
and the factors for consideration in the selection, and application of appropriate
wood preservatives and in the use of preservative-treated timber. It also shows
how the many British and European standards relating to specific aspects of wood
preservation interrelate, and indicates which standards have further bearing on the
topics raised. It covers:

• biological hazards (staining fungi, mould fungi, wood rotting fungi and wood
boring beetles)
• natural durability
• the need for preservation
• types of preservatives and their characteristics (tar oil preservatives, waterborne
preservatives and organic solvent preservatives)
• safe handling of preservatives
• assessing preservative efficacy
• the quantity of preservative required
• application of preservatives (industrial pre-treatment, preparation of wood prior
to treatment, application techniques and in situ treatment)
• characteristics, handling and disposal of treated wood (drying, strength, com-
patibility with other materials, combustibility of treated wood, protection of
wood treated with boron or light organic solvent preservative, machining and
sanding treated wood and safety.

This is a non-technical standard and will be of use to anyone concerned with the
treatment of wood in the built environment such as architects, building surveyors,
specialist timber treatment companies and contractors.
Clause 11 of CP 102: 1973 Protection of buildings against water from the ground
(34 pages) may be used as an alternative to the above. This code deals with the
methods of preventing the entry of groundwater and surface water into a building
from the surrounding areas. It makes recommendations for the drainage of adjoin-
ing areas, for special waterproof or water-resisting types of construction below
ground level and for the damp-proofing of walls and floors at or near ground level.
Clause 11 deals specifically with damp-proofing of floors where there may be
Floors 95

capillary rise of moisture but not with those where water can exert a hydrostatic
pressure. It covers:

• principles of damp-proofing
• factors influencing the degree of protection (such as temperature gradient,
presence of aggregates containing alkali salts, degree of impermeability,
• continuity of membrane with the damp-proof course in the surrounding walls
• preparation of site (need for subsoil drainage, support for the membrane,
embedment of timber)
• work on site for waterproof flooring materials (such as mastic asphalt and
pitchmastic flooring)
• work on site for sandwich membranes (mastic asphalt, bitumen damp-proof
courses, hot laid pitch or hot bitumen, cold bitumen solution)
• damp-proofing for suspended timber floors.

Although limited due to its age (there are many new materials that are not covered
by this code) the principles described remain sound and will be of particular use
to designers, surveyors and contractors engaging in renovation and repair work.
The code is well illustrated and easy to read, and will be of use to students.
Where groundwater pressure is evident, recommendations may be found in
BS8102: 1990 Code of practice for protection of structures against water from the
ground. This 40-page code of practice provides guidance on methods of dealing
with and preventing the entry of water from surrounding ground into a building
below ground level. The main methods described are the use of applied water-
proofing finishes, watertight construction and drained cavity construction. The
code does not cover the use of embedded heating in basements, floors and walls
or for the special requirements in connection with the design and construction
of cold stores. The code contains a useful amount of practical information on the
waterproofing of buildings against ground moisture and will be of use to designers,
general and specialist contractors, and regulatory authorities.
Again, the recommendations of Clause 11 of CP 102: 1973 may be used instead
of the above, especially if the floor has a highly vapour-resistant finish.

6.3.2 Suspended timber ground floors

The performance requirements mentioned above may be met for suspended timber
ground floors by:

• covering the ground with suitable material to resist moisture and deter plant
96 Using the Building Regulations

• providing a ventilated space between the top surface of the ground covering and
the timber
• isolating timber from moisture-carrying materials by means of damp-proof

A suitable form of construction is shown in Figure 6.3 and is summarized below:

• The ground surface should be covered with at least 100 mm of concrete to

BS 8500 mix ST1 (see section 6.3.1 above for details of BS 8500), if unre-
inforced. It should be laid on clean broken brick or similar inert hardcore
not containing harmful quantities of water-soluble sulphates or other materi-
als which might damage the concrete. (The Building Research Establishment
suggests that over 0.5% of water-soluble sulphates would be a harmful quan-
tity.) Alternatively, the ground surface may be covered with at least 50 mm of
concrete, as described above, or inert fine aggregate, laid on a polythene DPM
as described for ground-supported floors above. The joints should be sealed and
the membrane should be laid on a protective bed such as sand blinding.

Ventilation area
1500 mm2 per
metre run of external
wall or 500 mm2/m2 of
floor area (whichever
is greater) in two
opposing walls Damp-proof
150 mm
min. clear 75 mm min.


Ground-covering material:
100 mm min. thickness of ST1 concrete
50 mm concrete or inert fine aggregate on
polythene DPM on blinding
laid so that top surface not below the highest
ground level or, on sloping sites, install land
drainage on outside at highest level of adjoining
ground and/or fall ground covering material to
drainage outlet above lowest level of
adjoining ground

Figure 6.3 Suspended timber floor

Floors 97

• Since it undesirable for water to collect on top of the ground-covering material

under a timber floor, the ground-covering material should be laid so that either
its top surface is not below the highest level of the ground adjoining the building
or, where the site slopes, it might be necessary to install land drainage on the
outside at the highest level of the ground adjoining the building and/or fall
the ground-covering material to a drainage outlet above the lowest level of the
adjoining ground.
• There should be a space above the top of the concrete of at least 75 mm to
any wall-plate and 150 mm to any suspended timber (or insulation where pro-
vided). This depth may need to be increased where the building is constructed
on shrinkable clays in order to allow for heave.
• There should be ventilation openings in two opposing external walls allowing
free ventilation to all parts of the sub-floor. An actual ventilation area equiv-
alent to 1500 mm2 per metre run of external wall or 500 mm2 /m2 of floor
area (whichever area is greater) should be provided and any ducts needed to
convey ventilating air should be at least 100 mm in diameter. Ventilation open-
ings should be fitted with grilles so as to prevent vermin entry but these grilles
should not unduly resist the flow of air. It may be difficult, where there is
a requirement for level access to the floor, to provide the ventilators in the
position shown in Figure 6.3 since the top surface of the floor may well be
nearer to the ground. The problem can usually be solved using offset (periscope)
• Damp-proof courses of impervious sheet materials, slates or engineering bricks
bedded in cement mortar should be provided between timber members and sup-
porting structures to prevent transmission of moisture from the ground. BS 5628:
Code of practice for use of masonry. Part 3: 2001 Materials and components,
design and workmanship (132 pages) gives guidance on the choice of suitable
materials. Part 3 of the BS gives general recommendations for the design, con-
struction and workmanship of masonry, including materials and components and
the main aspects of design. Information on damp-proof courses is contained in
Section 5.5.5 of the BS, the performance of individual materials being given
in its Table 3. Information on workmanship is given in Annex A, Section A5
of the BS. This Standard is essential reading for all people concerned with the
specification and detailed design of buildings.
• In areas where water may be spilled (such as bathrooms, utility rooms and
kitchens) boards used for flooring should be moisture resistant, irrespective of
the storey in which they are located. Softwood boarding should be:
◦ a minimum of 20 mm thick, and either
◦ from a durable species (see BRE Digest 429 Timbers and their natu-
ral durability and resistance to preservative treatment (8 pages) where an
98 Using the Building Regulations

explanation of the classification of durability and treatability for timber may

be found. The Digest classifies these properties for over 150 species – see
Table 3 from the Digest. It is concerned with natural durability only in rela-
tion to fungal decay and not to resistance to attack by insects and marine
borers), or
◦ treated with a suitable preservative.
Chipboard is particularly susceptible to moisture damage, so where this is used
as a flooring material it should be:
◦ of one of the grades recommended as having improved moisture resistance
specified in:
– BS 7331:1990 Specification for direct surfaced wood chipboard based on
thermosetting resins (16 pages). The standard specifies the requirements
for six types of direct surfaced wood chipboard for interior applications as
❍ in high humidity conditions

❍ in low and normal humidity conditions

The required grades may be found in Table 1 of the BS as DH/C3 (high wear
resistance and improved moisture resistance), DH/C5 (high wear resis-
tance, improved moisture resistance and enhanced mechanical properties),
DG/C3 (general purpose and improved moisture resistance) and DG/C5
(general purpose, improved moisture resistance and enhanced mechanical
properties). The manufacturer is required to mark each batch of boards
or panels on the package or on the material itself with the following
❍ number and date of the British Standard (i.e. BS 7331:19901)

❍ classification

❍ manufacturer

❍ batch number, or

– BS EN 312 Part 5 Particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for

load-bearing boards for use in humid conditions: 1997 (16 pages). Par-
ticleboards are required to comply with Tables 1 and 2 of the Standard.
Table 1 relates to the mechanical and swelling properties of the boards
(bending strength, modulus of elasticity in bending, internal bond, swelling
in thickness after 24 hours), whereas Table 2 contains requirements for
moisture resistance (either internal bond after cyclic test and swelling in
thickness after cyclic test, or internal bond after boil test). Each panel has
to be clearly and indelibly marked by the manufacturer, with the following
❍ the manufacturer’s name, trademark, or identification mark

❍ the number of the European Standard (i.e. EN 312-5)

❍ the nominal thickness

Floors 99

❍the formaldehyde class

❍the batch number, or the production week and year.
Each of the above three references will be of particular use to people concerned
with the specification and detailed design of timber floors.
◦ laid, fixed and jointed in the manner recommended by the manufac-
turer with the identification marks facing upwards in order to demonstrate

Again, the recommendations of Clause 11 of CP 102: 1973 (see section 6.3.1

above) may be used instead of the above, especially if the floor has a highly
vapour-resistant finish.

6.3.3 Suspended concrete ground floors

Moisture should be prevented from reaching the upper surface of the floor and
the reinforcement should be protected against moisture if the construction is to be
considered satisfactory.
Suitable suspended concrete ground floors may be of precast construction with
or without infilling slabs or they may be cast in situ.
Normally, for in situ construction the concrete should be at least 100 mm thick
(unless required to be thicker by the structural design) and it should contain a
minimum of 300 kg of cement per m3 of concrete. The reinforcement should be
protected by at least 40 mm cover.
Precast concrete construction offers another solution and this can be built with
or without infilling slabs or blocks. The reinforcement in this case should have at
least the thickness of cover required for moderate exposure.
A damp-proof membrane should be provided if the ground below the floor has
been excavated so that it is lower than outside ground level and it is not effectively
drained. The space between the underside of the floor and the ground should
be ventilated. The space should be at least 150 mm in depth (measured from
the ground surface to the underside of the floor or insulation, if provided) and
the ventilation recommendations should be as for suspended timber floors (see
paragraph 6.3.2).
If the building is located in an area where flooding might be a problem, it
may be necessary to include a means of inspecting and clearing out the sub-floor
voids beneath suspended floors. Further guidance on this can be obtained from the
DTLR publication Preparing for floods: interim guidance for improving the flood
resistance of domestic and small business properties, DTLR, 2002 (see section 4.4
above for details of this publication).
These recommendations are summarized in Figure 6.4.
100 Using the Building Regulations

Provide damp-proof
Ventilation area membrane if ground below
1500 mm2 per metre Screed or floor is lower than outside
run of external wall or floor finish Insulation ground and not effectively
500 mm2/m2 of floor drained
area (whichever is
greater) in two
opposing walls
150 mm min.
clear ventilated
air space

In situ concrete floor slab at least

100 mm thick (300 kg cement per m3
concrete) with min. 40 mm cover to
reinforcement or
precast concrete floor slab (with or
without infill slabs) with at least the
thickness of cover to the reinforcement
for moderate exposure

Figure 6.4 Suspended concrete ground floors

6.3.4 Resistance to damage from interstitial condensation for

ground floors and floors exposed from below

Ground floors and floors exposed from below (such as those above an open parking
bay under a building or an open passageway), should be designed and constructed
so that their structural and thermal performance are not adversely affected by
interstitial condensation. No actual guidance is given in Approved Document C,
the reader merely being referred to other sources of guidance such as:

• Clause 8.5 and Annex D of BS 5250: 2002 Code of practice for the control
of condensation in buildings. This 82-page British Standard code of practice
describes the causes and effects of surface and interstitial condensation in build-
ings and gives recommendations for their control. The principles of control and
the recommendations given can be applied generally to both new and existing
buildings, although some constructions (e.g. curtain walling or those around
cold stores and those buildings with unusually high internal humidities) are
outside the scope of the Standard since they would need specialized treatment.
Floors 101

The Standard includes recommendations for heating, ventilation and construc-

tion which can control condensation and gives methods of calculation to help
assess and quantify risk. Methods are given to determine the occurrence and
assess the effects of:
◦ surface condensation, or mould growth (one of its associated effects)
◦ interstitial condensation.
Clause 8.5 is specifically related to floors and covers the following main types:
◦ suspended, where the floor structure spans a void or crawlspace
◦ solid, where the floor rests directly on prepared ground
◦ externally exposed floors, where the building shape results in the underside
of a floor being exposed to the outside air.
Design considerations are described and design details are given for the three
types of floors. Annex D contains a summary of the calculation methods for
assessing the risk of surface condensation and mould growth; and interstitial
condensation. BS EN ISO 13788 (see below) should be consulted for the full
calculation methods. This is an easily readable Standard and will be of most use
to building designers, contractors, owners, managers and occupiers.
• BS EN ISO 13788: 2001 Hygrothermal performance of building components
and building elements. Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface
humidity and interstitial condensation. Calculation methods. This 40-page
Standard gives calculation methods for:
◦ The internal surface temperature of a building component or building element
below which mould growth is likely, given the internal temperature and rela-
tive humidity – the method can also be used to assess the risk of other surface
condensation problems.
◦ The assessment of the risk of interstitial condensation due to water vapour
diffusion. The method used assumes built-in water has dried out and
does not take account of a number of important physical phenomena
– the dependence of thermal conductivity on moisture content
– the release and absorption of latent heat
– the variation of material properties with moisture content
– capillary suction and liquid moisture transfer within materials
– air movement through cracks or within air spaces
– the hygroscopic moisture capacity of materials.
Consequently the method is applicable only to structures where these effects
are negligible. This Standard is mainly aimed at specialists with the required
level of knowledge of physics and higher mathematics and is not really for
the general reader.
• BRE Report BR 262 Thermal insulation: avoiding risks, 2002 (85 pages). This
excellent guide discusses the more important technical risks associated with
102 Using the Building Regulations

meeting the requirements of building regulations for thermal insulation. Tech-

nical risks are highlighted and these are followed by actions that could be taken
to avoid the risk. The report is divided into five sections relating to the major
elements of the building. These sections are broken down into subsections to
reflect alternative construction methods and the impact of the position of insula-
tion within the construction. Each section concludes with a list of quality control
checks for use on site. Illustrations outline generic construction principles and
good practice details. The guide does not try to impose its own solutions on
designers and builders since it recognizes that they may have established details
that are equally suitable. Section 5 of the report deals specifically with floors
under the following headings:
◦ Concrete ground floors insulated below the structure
◦ Concrete ground floors insulated above the structure
◦ Concrete ground floors insulated at the edge
◦ Suspended timber ground floors
◦ Concrete and timber upper floors
◦ Quality control checks for floors
As with most of the BRE’s publications this report should form part of the
reference library of all those concerned with the design, construction and use of

6.3.5 Resistance to surface condensation and mould growth

in floors

In order to resist surface condensation and mould growth in floors it is necessary

to ensure that the surface is maintained above the dewpoint temperature. This will
depend on the outside temperature, the temperature of the room in which the floor
surface is situated and the relative humidity of the room. It can be affected by
ventilation, by thermal bridging of construction elements at junctions and by the
degree of thermal insulation provided in the flooring elements.
Therefore, in all floors, care should be taken to design the junctions between the
elements so that thermal bridging is avoided. This can be done by following:

• the recommendations in the report Limiting thermal bridging and air leakage:
robust construction details for dwellings and similar buildings, published by The
Stationery Office, 2002 (in 8 volumes). The Robust Details have been prepared
to assist the construction industry in achieving the performance standards pub-
lished in the Building Regulations Approved Documents L1A, L1B, L2A and
L2B (2006 edition). They are intended to reduce risks and potential problems
Floors 103

that can arise as a result of building to higher energy efficiency standards

such as:
◦ interstitial condensation risk which can lead to the deterioration of the
◦ surface condensation risk which can lead to mould growth
◦ blockage of essential ventilation paths which can lead to condensation
building up in places such as roof or floor voids
◦ risk of rain penetration
◦ higher heat loss than expected
◦ higher air leakage than expected – leading to unforeseen but significant heat
losses and occupant discomfort.
There are certain advantages to be gained by using the Robust Details. For
example, on new dwellings the requirement for air pressure testing is restricted
to a single unit of each dwelling type in a development if the approved details
are followed, whereas if they have not been adopted then a greater number of
dwellings will need to be tested (the exact number being determined by the num-
ber of dwellings of each type in the development). The Robust Details cover
constructions of the following general types (the parts that cover floor details
are in brackets):
◦ Section 2. Masonry: External Wall Insulation (parts 2.11 to 2.20)
◦ Section 3. Masonry: Cavity Wall Insulation: Full-Fill (parts 3.13 to 3.22)
◦ Section 4. Masonry: Cavity Wall Insulation: Partial-Fill (parts 4.13 to 4.22)
◦ Section 5. Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation (parts 5.12 to 5.20)
◦ Section 6. Timber Frame (parts 6.11 to 6.18)
◦ Section 7. Light Steel Frame (parts 7.07 to 7.13).
The details have been rigorously analysed to confirm they are robust, if con-
structed with reasonable attention to workmanship and supervision. Therefore
they will be of great practical use to both designers and contractors and are
essential reading, or
• the guidance of BRE Information Paper IP17/01 Assessing the effects of thermal
bridging at junctions and around openings (8 pages). This information paper
gives guidance on assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and
around openings in the external elements of buildings and how to assess their
effect on the overall heat loss. It assumes that the reader has an understand-
ing of the principles, and familiarity with the calculation, of the fabric heat
loss through the plane external elements of buildings. The paper deals specif-
ically with non-repeating thermal bridges (such as junctions of floor and roof
with the external wall and details around window and door openings) where
the additional heat flow due to the presence of this type of thermal bridge is
determined separately. It gives the requirements for limiting the risk of surface
condensation or mould growth at these thermal bridges and describes how to
104 Using the Building Regulations

assess their thermal performance and how to incorporate the additional heat
loss through such thermal bridges with that through the building fabric as a
whole. Although the mathematics required to carry out the essential calculations
may seem daunting at first, three example calculations are given which demon-
strate the processes involved. Unfortunately, these are based on design methods
(elemental, target U-value and trade-off) from the now obsolete 2002 edition of
Approved Document L. Therefore, these methods are no longer deemed to be
acceptable ways of satisfying the regulation requirements for conservation of
fuel and power. It would seem that the information paper will only be of use to
specialists dealing with energy use in buildings.

Additionally, ground floors should be designed and constructed so that the thermal
transmittance (U-value) does not exceed 0.7 W/m2 K at any point.


7.1 Regulation requirements

Requirement C2 of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 deals with resis-

tance to moisture. It requires the floors, walls and roof of a building to adequately
protect it and the people who use it from harmful effects caused by:

• moisture from the ground

• precipitation and wind-driven spray
• surface and interstitial condensation
• water spilt from or associated with sanitary fittings and fixed appliances.

Guidance on the application of Requirement C2 to walls is given in Approved

Document C in Section 5.

7.2 Definitions

In Approved Document C the following definitions apply with regard to Require-

ment C2:

FLOOR – the lower horizontal surface of any space in a building including any
surface finish which is laid as part of the permanent construction. This would,
presumably, exclude carpets, linoleum, tiles, etc., but would include screeds
and granolithic finishes.
GROUNDWATER – liquid water (i.e. not water vapour, ice or snow, etc.), either
flowing through the ground or as a static water table.
106 Using the Building Regulations

INTERSTITIAL CONDENSATION – water vapour being deposited as liquid

water within or between the layers of the envelope of the building.
MOISTURE – water present as a liquid, gas (e.g. water vapour) or solid (e.g. ice
or snow etc.).
PRECIPITATION – moisture in any form falling from the atmosphere, such as
rain, sleet, snow or hail, etc.
ROOF – any part of the external envelope of a building that makes an angle of less
than 70◦ to the horizontal.
SPRAY – wind-driven droplets of water blown from the surface of the sea or
other bodies of water close to buildings. The salt content of sea spray makes it
especially hazardous to many building materials.
SURFACE CONDENSATION – water vapour being deposited as liquid water on
visible surfaces within the building.
VAPOUR CONTROL LAYER – typically, this is a membrane material which is
used in the construction, with the purpose of substantially reducing the transfer
of water vapour through any building in which it is incorporated.
WALL – any opaque part of the external envelope of a building that makes an
angle of 70◦ or more to the horizontal.

7.3 Protection of walls against moisture from the ground

The term ‘wall’ means vertical construction, which includes piers, columns and
parapets and may include chimneys if they are attached to the building. Windows,
doors and other openings are not included, but the joint between the wall and the
opening is included.
Walls should be constructed so that:

• the passage of moisture from the ground to the inside of the building is resisted
(this might not apply to buildings used solely for storage of goods in which the
only persons habitually employed were storemen, etc. engaged only in taking
in, caring for or taking out the goods. Other similar types of buildings where the
air is so moisture-laden that any increase would not adversely affect the health
and safety of the occupants might also be excluded)
• they will not be adversely affected by moisture from the ground
• they will not transmit moisture from the ground to another part of the building
that might be damaged.

The requirements mentioned above can be met for internal and external walls by
providing a damp-proof course of suitable materials in the required position.
Walls 107

Solid external Internal wall External

wall cavity wall

DPC of suitable
material to
prevent moisture
150 mm
150 mm

Wall DPC and Min.

slab DPM 225 mm

Cavity tray to
protect inner Min. 150 mm
leaf drop to tray

Weep hole

Protection of
Cavity wall on ground beam or raft cavity wall over

Figure 7.1 Protection of walls against moisture from the ground

Figure 7.1 illustrates the main provisions, which are summarized below:

• The damp-proof course may be of any material that will prevent mois-
ture movement. This would include bituminous sheet materials, engineering
bricks or slates laid in cement mortar, polyethylene or pitch polymer
• The damp-proof course and any damp-proof membrane in the floor should be
• Unless an external wall is suitably protected by another part of the building, the
damp-proof course should be at least 150 mm above the outside ground level.
• Where a damp-proof course is inserted in an external cavity wall, the cavity
should extend at least 225 mm below the level of the lowest damp-proof course.
Alternatively, precipitation (see definition in section 7.2 above) can be prevented
108 Using the Building Regulations

from reaching the inner leaf of the wall by the use of a damp-proof tray. This may
be particularly useful where a cavity wall is built directly off a raft foundation,
ground beam or similar supporting structure, and it is impractical to continue
the cavity down 225 mm. Where a cavity tray is inserted, weep holes should
provided every 900 mm in the outer leaf in order to allow moisture collecting
on the tray to pass out of the wall. In some circumstances, such as above a
window or door opening, the cavity tray will not extend along the full length of
the exposed wall. Here stop ends should be provided to the tray and at least two
weep holes should be provided.

For walls which are not subject to groundwater pressure, reference should be
made to the relevant recommendations of Clauses 4 and 5 of BS 8215: 1991
Code of practice for design and installation of damp-proof courses in masonry
construction (20 pages). This British Standard contains recommendations for the
selection, design and installation of damp-proof courses (DPCs) in both solid and
cavity masonry constructions. Clauses 4 and 5 deal respectively, with materials
and design. The Standard covers DPC materials in the following three groups:

• flexible materials (e.g. sheet lead, sheet copper, bitumen DPC, bitumen/sheet
metal composites, polyethylene, bitumen polymer, pitch polymer
• semi-rigid materials (e.g. mastic asphalt)
• rigid materials (e.g. dense bricks and slates, bedded in cement mortar).

Any chosen DPC material should comply with the standards listed in Table 1 of BS
8215. Clause 5 – Design, provides information on the selection of the appropriate
DPC material. Selection will depend on a number of factors, notably:

• exposure conditions of the site and the building

• provision of primary protection
• the degree of integration between the DPC and other parts of the construction
• the form of construction (e.g. solid or cavity masonry wall).

This Standard is essential reading for all people concerned with the specification
and detailed design of buildings.
For walls subject to groundwater pressure, including basement walls, reference
should be made to BS 8102: 1990 Code of practice for protection of structures
against water from the ground (see section 6.3.1 above). This code of practice
provides guidance on methods of dealing with and preventing the entry of water
from surrounding ground into a building below ground level. Guidance on the
design and construction of tanking systems is given in Section 3 of the code. The
principle tanking methods described are mastic asphalt, bitumen sheet, internally
Walls 109

applied cementitious waterproof render, polyurethane resin and self-adhesive

rubber bitumen membrane. For each tanking method advice is given on:

• externally applied tanking

• internally applied tanking
• pumping
• site preparation
• thickness and finish, number of layers, etc.

The code contains a useful amount of practical information on the waterproofing

of buildings against ground moisture and will be of use to designers, general and
specialist contractors, and regulatory authorities.

7.4 Weather resistance of external walls

In addition to resisting ground moisture, external walls should:

• resist the passage of precipitation to the inside of the building (this might not
apply to buildings used solely for storage of goods in which the only persons
habitually employed were store people, etc. engaged only in taking in, caring
for, or taking out the goods. Other similar types of buildings where the air is
so moisture-laden that any increase would not adversely affect the health and
safety of the occupants might also be excluded)
• not transmit moisture due to precipitation to other components of the building
that might be damaged
• be designed and constructed so as not to allow interstitial condensation to
adversely affect their structural and thermal performance
• not promote surface condensation and mould growth under reasonable occu-
pancy conditions.

There are a number of forms of wall construction which will satisfy the above

• a solid wall of sufficient thickness holds moisture during bad weather until it
can be released in the next dry spell
• an impervious or weatherproof cladding prevents moisture from penetrating the
outside face of the wall
• the outside leaf of a cavity wall holds moisture in a similar manner to a solid
wall, the cavity preventing any penetration to the inside leaf.

These principles are illustrated in Figure 7.2.

Outside T Inside

Rain or Moisture penetration

snow restricted to outer
part of wall

finish to protect Thickness T depends on type of
face brick or block and severity
of exposure


Impervious No penetration
cladding beyond outside face

Masonry or framing;
any penetration of
moisture beyond
cladding is checked by

Slates or
tiles on battens
and felt


Brick, block or
Brick or block
framed structure;
outer leaf
outer leaf is
permitted to become


Figure 7.2 Weather resistance of external walls – principles: (a) Solid external wall; (b) Impervious
cladding; (c) Weather-resistant cladding; (d) Cavity wall
Walls 111

7.4.1 Solid external walls

The thickness of a solid external wall will depend on the type of brick or block
used and the severity of exposure to wind-driven rain. This may be assessed for a
building in a given area by using BS 8104: 1992 Code of practice for assessing
exposure of walls to wind-driven rain (75 pages). This British Standard gives
recommendations for two methods for assessing exposure of walls in buildings
to wind-driven rain (i.e. the local spell index method and the local annual index
method). Although this code is not appropriate in respect of the weathertightness
of components such as windows, the performance of such components can be
influenced by the design of the surrounding structure and Appendix E from the
code may be helpful in this respect. Features of this code of practice are that it
allows calculations of driving rainfall for different orientations, it allows annual
average values to be calculated as well as quantities for the worst likely spell
in any three-year period and it allows corrections to be made for ground terrain,
topography, local shelter, and the constructional characteristics of the building
concerned. The code is relatively easy to use and contains in Appendix A, a number
of worked examples using the wind-driven rain maps illustrated in Appendix B and
topography factors in Appendix C. The code will mainly be of use to designers and
specifiers when anticipating the possible use of solid wall construction in masonry.
Reference may also be made to BS 5628 Code of practice for use of masonry
Part 3: 2001 Materials and components, design and workmanship (see section 6.3.2
above). Information on masonry construction is contained in Sections 5.6 and 5.11
of the code. Information on workmanship is given in Annex A, Section A5. This
Standard is essential reading for all people concerned with the specification and
detailed design of buildings.
In conditions of very severe exposure it may be necessary to use an exter-
nal cladding. However, in conditions of severe exposure a solid wall may be
constructed as shown in Figure 7.3. The following points should also be considered:

• For brickwork or stonework the wall should be at least 328 mm thick.

• For dense aggregate blockwork the wall should be at least 250 mm thick.
• For lightweight aggregate or aerated autoclaved concrete the wall should be at
least 215 mm thick.
• The brickwork or blockwork should be rendered or given an equivalent form of
• Rendering should have a scraped or textured finish and be at least 20 mm thick
in two coats. This permits easier evaporation of moisture from the wall.
• The bricks or blocks and mortar should be matched for strength to prevent
cracking of joints or bricks, and joints should be raked out to a depth of at least
10 mm in order to provide a key for the render.
112 Using the Building Regulations

Coping to protect
top of wall
DPC under coping


DPC over lintel

Render: 20 mm thick
in two coats.
1:1:6 cement:lime:sand
Window opening if on brickwork or lightweight
blockwork 1:½:4
on dense concrete
blocks; rake out joints to
depth of 10 mm

DPC under sill

Scraped or
textured finish
DPC to prevent
saturation of
internal wall
below roof



Wall construction:
min. 328 mm brickwork;
250 mm dense
concrete blockwork;
215 mm lightweight

Figure 7.3 Solid external walls – moisture exclusion

Walls 113

Further guidance on mortar mixes is given in BS EN 998: Specification of mor-

tar for masonry Part 2: 2002: Masonry mortar (24 pages). This part of BS EN
998 specifies requirements for masonry mortars (bedding, jointing and point-
ing) for use in masonry (e.g. facing and rendered masonry, load-bearing or
non-load-bearing masonry structures, including internal linings and partitions,
for building and civil engineering). It defines for fresh mortars the perfor-
mance related to workable life, chloride content, air content, correction time
(for thin layer mortars) and density. For hardened mortars it defines the perfor-
mance related to compressive strength, bond strength, durability and thermal
properties and density. All performances are measured according to the corre-
sponding test methods contained in separate European Standards. The standard
◦ materials (inorganic binders, aggregate, admixtures, additions and mixing
◦ requirements (properties of fresh mortar, workable life, chloride content, air
content, properties of hardened mortar, additional requirements for thin layer
mortars and mixing of mortar on site)
◦ designation and classification of masonry mortar
◦ marking and labelling
◦ evaluation of conformity.
There are two annexes covering, in Annex A, the sampling for initial type testing
and independent testing of consignments, and in Annex B, the use of masonry
units and masonry mortar. This Standard is essential reading for all people
concerned with the specification and detailed design of buildings.
• The render mix should not be too strong or cracking may occur. A mix of 1:1:6
cement:lime:well graded sharp sand is recommended for all walls except those
constructed of dense concrete blocks where 1:1/2:4 should prove satisfactory.
Further details of a wide range of render mixes according to the severity of
exposure and the type of brick or block may be obtained from BS 5262: 1991
Code of practice for external renderings (46 pages). This code of practice gives
recommendations for cement-based external renderings on all common types
of background. It includes renderings on both new and old backgrounds and
the maintenance and repair of existing work. Renderings for liquid retaining
structures such as tanks and manholes and renderings applied as a background
for any form of cladding are not included. The code covers materials, design,
backgrounds, work on site and maintenance and repair, and contains a series of
tables giving constituents of mixes as follows:
◦ Table 1. Mixes suitable for rendering
◦ Table 2. Severe exposure: recommended rendering specifications
◦ Table 3. Moderate and sheltered exposure: recommended rendering specifi-
114 Using the Building Regulations

◦ Table 4. Summary of precautions for rendering on to various types of new

◦ Table 5. Summary of recommendations for rendering on to contaminated or
deteriorated existing backgrounds.
The code is easily readable and will be invaluable to anyone concerned with the
specification and detailing of building work involving rendering.
• It is, of course, possible to obtain a wide range of premixed and proprietary
mortars and renders. These should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
• Where the top of a wall is unprotected by the building structure it should be pro-
tected to resist moisture from rain or snow. Unless the protection and joints form
a complete barrier to moisture, a damp-proof course should also be provided.
• Damp-proof courses, trays and closers should be provided to direct moisture
towards the outside face of the wall in the positions shown in Figure 7.3.
• Insulation to solid external walls may be provided on the inside or outside of the
wall. Externally placed insulation should be protected unless it is able to offer
resistance to moisture ingress so that the wall may remain reasonably dry (and
the insulation value may not be reduced). Internal insulation should be separated
from the wall construction by a cavity to give a break in the path for moisture.
(Some examples of external wall insulation are given in Figure 7.4.)

7.4.2 External cavity walls

In order to meet the performance requirements, an external cavity wall should

consist of an internal leaf which is separated from the external leaf by:

• a drained air space, or

• some other method of preventing precipitation from reaching the inner leaf.

An external cavity wall may consist of the following:

• An outside leaf of masonry (brick, block, natural or reconstructed stone).

• Minimum 50 mm uninterrupted cavity. Where a cavity is bridged (by a lintel,
etc.) a damp-proof course or tray should be inserted in the wall so that the
passage of moisture from the outer to the inner leaf is prevented. This is not
necessary where the cavity is bridged by a wall tie, or where the bridging occurs,
presumably, at the top of a wall and is then protected by the roof. Cavity walls
may also be bridged by cavity barriers and fire stops where other parts of the
Building Regulations require this (such as Part B or Part E). Where an opening
Walls 115

Solid walls Cavity walls

Cavity minimum 50 mm
Insulation Insulation
External residual cavity

External Internal
Internal face face

(a) (b)

protection for
insulation Internal

External Internal
face Internal face

(c) (d)
Framed walls

External face Internal face External face

Breather Breather
membrane membrane

control layer Vented and
drained cavity
Vented and
drained cavity
in frame

Frame depth

(e) (f)

Figure 7.4 Weather resistance and insulation of external walls: (a) Internal insulation; (b) Partially
filled cavity; (c) External insulation; (d) Fully-filled cavity; (e) Brick-clad timber-framed wall; (f) Tile-clad
timber-framed wall
116 Using the Building Regulations

is formed in a cavity wall, the jambs should have a suitable vertical damp-proof
course or the cavity should be provided with a suitable cavity closure so as to
prevent the passage of moisture.
• An inside leaf of masonry or framing with suitable lining.
• In order to ensure structural robustness and weather resistance in the wall,
masonry units should be laid on a full bed of mortar and the cross joints should
be continuously and substantially filled.
• Where a cavity is only partially filled with insulation, the remaining cavity
should be at least 50 mm wide (see Figure 7.4).

Alternatively, the relevant recommendations of BS 5628 Code of practice for use

of masonry. Part 3: 2001 Materials and components, design and workmanship may
be followed (see sections 6.3.2 and 7.4.1 above for details). Factors affecting rain
penetration of cavity walls are indicated in the code in Clause

7.4.3 Weather resistance and cavity insulation

Since the installation of cavity insulation effectively bridges the cavity of a cav-
ity wall and could give rise to moisture penetration to the inner leaf, it is most
important that it be carried out correctly and efficiently. Approved Document C
lists a number of British Standards, codes of practice and other documents that
cover the various materials that may be incorporated into a cavity wall. It also
sets out a simple method for determining the minimum width of cavity, whether
filled or clear, for various exposure conditions, various insulating methods and
various forms of wall construction. Diagram 12 from Approved Document C
is reproduced here in Figure 7.5. When used with Table 4 (reproduced here in
Table 7.1) the suitability of a wall for installing insulation may be determined as

(1) From Diagram 12 determine the national exposure (e.g. zone 1, 2, 3 or 4).
(2) Modify this result by either adding 1 to the exposure zone if local conditions
accentuate wind effects (e.g. open hillsides or valleys where the wind is fun-
nelled onto the wall), or subtract 1 from the exposure zone where the walls do
not face into the prevailing wind.
(3) Select a form of wall construction from impervious cladding, rendered finish
or facing masonry.
(4) Choose an insulation method from built-in full fill, injected fill (UF foam or
other material), partial fill, internal insulation or fully filled cavity.
(5) Select the appropriate cavity width by reference to the exposure zone figure.
Walls 117

Exposure Approx. wind-driven rain*

zones (litres/m2 per spell)

1 Sheltered Less than 33

2 Moderate 33 to less than 56.5


3 Severe 56.5 to less than 100

4 Very severe 100 or more

*Max. wall spell index

from BS 8104


Londonderry Newcastle

Belfast Middlesborough
Enniskillen Darlington

Bradford York Hull

Liverpool Grimsby
Colwyn Bay
Sheffield Lincoln
Bangor Skegness

Peterborough Norwich
Llandrindod Wells Northampton Cambridge

Luton Colchester
Swansea Cardiff London
Bristol Guildford
Taunton Dover
Exeter Southampton
Brighton Eastbourne


Figure 7.5 Approved Document C – Diagram 12: UK zones for exposure to driving rain

BRE Report 262 Thermal insulation: avoiding risks (see section 6.3.4 above)
contains further information regarding the use of Table 4. Section 3 of the report
deals specifically with walls under the following headings:

• Rain penetration through cavity and solid walls

• Masonry cavity walls
• Masonry walls with internal insulation
Table 7.1 Approved Document C, Table 4 – Maximum recommended exposure zones for insulated masonry walls

Wall construction Maximum recommended exposure zone for each construction

Using the Building Regulations

Insulation method Min. width of Impervious cladding Rendered finish Facing masonry
filled or clear
Full height Above Full height Above Tooled Processed Flush sills
cavity (mm)
of wall facing of wall facing flush joints mortar and copings
masonry masonry joints
Built-in full fill 50 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
75 4 3 4 3 3 1 1
100 4 4 4 3 3 1 2
125 4 4 4 3 3 1 2
150 4 4 4 4 4 1 2
Injected fill not UF foam 50 4 2 3 2 2 1 1
75 4 3 4 3 3 1 1
100 4 3 4 3 3 1 1
125 4 4 4 3 3 1 2
150 4 4 4 4 4 1 2
Injected fill UF foam 50 4 2 3 2 1 1 1
75 4 2 3 2 2 1 1
100 4 2 3 2 2 1 1
Partial fill
Residual 50 mm cavity 50 4 4 4 4 3 1 1
Residual 75 mm cavity 75 4 4 4 4 4 1 1
Residual 100 mm cavity 100 4 4 4 4 4 2 1
Internal insulation
Clear cavity 50 mm 50 4 3 4 3 3 1 1
Clear cavity 100 mm 100 4 4 4 4 4 2 2
Fully filled
Cavity 50 mm 50 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
Cavity 100 mm 100 4 4 4 3 3 1 2
Walls 119

• Masonry walls with external insulation

• Walls of timber-framed construction
• Quality control checks for walls.

It is also possible to determine the suitability of a wall for installing insulation into
the cavity by following the calculation or assessment procedure in current British
or CEN standards. When partial fill materials are to be used, the residual cavity
should not be less than 50 mm nominal.
The following points should also be taken into account:

• Rigid materials (boards or batts) which are built in as the wall is constructed
should be the subject of current certification from an appropriate body or a
European Technical Approval and the work should be carried out to meet the
requirements of that document.
• Urea-formaldehyde foam inserted after the wall has been constructed should
comply with BS5617: 1985 Specification for urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam
systems suitable for thermal insulation of cavity walls with masonry or concrete
inner and outer leaves (16 pages). This British Standard specifies the property
requirements, the properties of the components and the production parameters,
of urea-formaldehyde foam systems suitable for injection into external masonry
or concrete cavity walls to provide improved thermal insulation. Owing to the
problems that have been encountered with this product in the past (incorrect
production and application can lead to the release of toxic fumes into the prop-
erty) it is seldom used today as a cavity insulant. As a result of this, it should
also be installed in accordance with BS5618: 1985 Code of practice for thermal
insulation of cavity walls (with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves)
by filling with urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems (62 pages). This British
Standard code of practice describes recommendations for the installation of UF
foam systems which are dispensed on site, to fill the cavities of suitably situated
and constructed external walls of maximum height 12 m, which have masonry or
concrete inner and outer leaves, thereby providing additional thermal insulation
to such walls. It defines what are suitably situated and constructed external walls
and indicates essential procedures and precautions for the filling process (e.g.
before work is commenced the wall should be assessed for suitability and the
work should be carried out by a person operating under an Approved Installer
Scheme that includes an assessment of capability). Walls built of random rubble
are not covered by this code. Because of the health risks associated with the
use of UF foam, it is subject to its own Part of the Building Regulations (see
Building Regulations 2000, Part D and Approved Document D).
• Other insulating materials inserted after the wall has been constructed should
have certification from an appropriate body and be installed in accordance with
120 Using the Building Regulations

the appropriate installations code. Before work is commenced the wall should be
assessed for suitability and the work should be carried out by a person operating
under an Approved Installer Scheme that includes an assessment of capability.
Alternatively, the insulating material should be the subject of current certification
from an appropriate body or a European Technical Approval. The work should
be carried out to meet the requirements of the relevant document by operatives
directly employed by the document holder. Alternatively, they may be employed
by an installer approved to operate under the document.
• Where materials are being inserted into a cavity wall of an existing house,
the suitability of the wall for filling should be assessed, before installation, in
accordance with BS 8208: Part 1: 1985 Guide to assessment of suitability of
external cavity walls for filling with thermal insulation (30 pages). This Part
of BS 8208 gives guidance on factors to be considered when assessing the
suitability of existing external cavity walls with masonry and/or concrete leaves
for filling with thermal insulants. It applies to cavity walls where:
◦ the height of the cavity wall does not exceed 12 m (see Clause 2.4)
◦ vertical members of structural frames do not bridge the cavity (see Clause 2.1)
◦ there is no existing cavity insulation.
Special attention should be given to the condition of the external leaf of the wall,
(e.g. its state of repair and type of pointing). Some materials that are used to fill
existing cavity walls may have a low risk of moisture being carried over to the
internal leaf of the wall. In cases where a third party assessment of such a cavity
fill material contains a method of assessing the construction of the walls and
exposure risk, the procedure set out in Diagram 12 (see Figure 4.5) and Table 4
(see Table 7.1) may be replaced by that method. This standard is intended for
people who are appropriately qualified and experienced and are properly trained
to carry out assessments of cavity walls for filling with insulants. Additionally,
because certain features of a building may only become apparent at the time of
carrying out the work, it is essential also that installation technicians are trained
in assessment.

Further information regarding the insulation of external walls is illustrated in

Figure 7.4.

7.4.4 Impervious claddings for external walls

The principles of external claddings are illustrated in Figure 7.2(b) and (c) where
it is shown that they should:

• resist the passage of precipitation to the inside of the building

• not be damaged by precipitation
Walls 121

• not transmit moisture due to precipitation to any part of the building that might
be damaged.

It is possible to design cladding so that it can either hold precipitation (even if wind
driven) at the face of the building (impervious cladding), or allow precipitation to
penetrate beyond the face but stop it from getting beyond the back of the cladding.
Therefore the cladding should be either:

(a) jointless (or have sealed joints) and be impervious to moisture (such as sheets
of metal, glass, plastic or bituminous materials), or
(b) have overlapping dry joints and consist of impervious or weather-resisting
materials (such as natural stone or slate, cement based products, fired clay or

Dry jointed claddings should be backed by a material (such as sarking felt) which
will direct any penetrating moisture to the outside surface of the structure.
Moisture-resisting materials consisting of bituminous or plastic products lapped
at the joints are permitted but they should be permeable to water vapour unless
there is a ventilated space behind the cladding.
Materials that are jointless or have sealed joints should be designed to
accommodate structural and thermal movement.
Dry joints between cladding units should be designed either to resist precipitation
or to direct any moisture entering them to the outside face of the structure. The
suitability of dry joints will depend on the design of the joint and cladding and the
severity of exposure of the building to wind and rain.
All external claddings should be securely fixed and particular care should be
taken with detailing and workmanship at the junctions between window and door
openings and the cladding since these junctions are particularly susceptible to
the ingress of moisture. BS 8000: Part 6: 1990 Workmanship on building sites.
Code of practice for slating and tiling of roofs and claddings (30 pages) may be
of some assistance for claddings containing these materials. Part 6 of BS 8000
gives recommendations on basic workmanship and covers those tasks which are
frequently carried out in relation to slating and tiling of roofs and claddings of
The recommendations apply to the laying and fixing of clay and concrete tiles,
natural and fibre-reinforced cement slates and their associated fittings and acces-
sories. BS 8000 as a whole is unique in that, unlike other British Standards, it
draws together recommendations given in other codes of practice. Its purpose is
to encourage good workmanship by providing the following:

• the most frequently required recommendations on workmanship for building

work in a readily available and convenient form to those working on site
122 Using the Building Regulations

• assistance in the efficient preparation and administration of contracts

• recommendations on how designer’s requirements for workmanship may be
satisfactorily realized
• definitions of good practice on building sites for supervision and for training
purposes (Note: this guidance is not intended to supplant the normal training in
craft skills)
• a reference for quality of workmanship on building sites.

At present BS 8000 comprises the following Parts:

Part 1 Code of practice for excavation and filling

Part 2 Code of practice for concrete work
Part 3 Code of practice for masonry
Part 4 Code of practice for waterproofing
Part 5 Code of practice for carpentry, joinery and general fixings
Part 6 Code of practice for slating and tiling of roofs and claddings
Part 7 Code of practice for glazing
Part 8 Code of practice for plasterboard partitions and dry linings
Part 9 Code of practice for cement/sand floor screeds and concrete floor toppings
Part 10 Code of practice for plastering and rendering
Part 11 Code of practice for wall and floor tiling
Part 12 Code of practice for decorative wall-coverings and painting
Part 13 Code of practice for above ground drainage and sanitary appliances
Part 14 Code of practice for below ground drainage
Part 15 Code of practice for hot and cold water services (domestic scale).

Some materials, such as timber claddings, are subject to rapid deterioration unless
properly treated. These materials should only be used as the weather-resisting part
of a roof or wall if they can meet the conditions specified in Approved Document
to support Regulation 7. As the name suggests, this approved document supports
Regulation 7 of the Building Regulations 2000 which states that:
Building work shall be carried out –

(a) with adequate and proper materials which –

(i) are appropriate for the circumstances in which they are used,
(ii) are adequately mixed and prepared, and
(iii) are applied, used or fixed so as adequately to perform the
functions for which they are designed; and
(b) in a workmanlike manner.
Walls 123

The Approved Document gives guidance on the choice and use of materials, and on
ways of establishing the adequacy of workmanship. It should be noted, however,
that under the building regulations, materials and workmanship are controlled only
to the extent of:

• securing reasonable standards of health and safety for persons in or about build-
ings for Parts A to D, F to K, N and P of Schedule 1 (except for paragraphs H2
and J6)
• conserving fuel and power in Part L
• providing access to buildings for people in Part M.

It should be noted that the weather-resisting part of a roof or wall does not include
paint or any surface rendering or coating which does not of itself provide all the
weather resistance. Where the cladding is on the façade of a timber framed building
or is itself supported by timber components the construction should be ventilated
so that rapid drying out of any penetrating moisture is ensured. Furthermore, the
cladding to framed external walls (see Figure 7.4(e) and (f)) should be separated
from the insulation or sheathing by a vented and drained cavity with a membrane
that allows water vapour to pass through it but resists the passage of liquid water
on the inside of the cavity.
Insulation may be incorporated into the roof or wall cladding provided that it is
protected from moisture (or is unaffected by it). Possible problems may arise due
to interstitial condensation and cold bridges in the construction. Further guidance
on this may be found in BRE Report BR 262 Thermal insulation – avoiding risks
(see section 6.3.4 above).

7.4.5 Impervious claddings for external walls – alternative


Relevant recommendations of the following alternative guidance sources can

be used instead of the somewhat generalized guidance given in Approved
Document C:

• British Standard Code of Practice 143 Code of practice sheet roof and wall
coverings. The BS Code of Practice 143 consists of a series of parts dealing
with different sheet roofing and walling materials. The parts of the code referred
to in Approved Document C are as follows:
◦ Part 1: 1958 Corrugated and troughed aluminium (16 pages) – deals with
aluminium alloy corrugated and troughed sheeting conforming to BS 2855
124 Using the Building Regulations

used as covering for roofs and sides of buildings. It contains information

on weathering, contact with other materials, fire hazard and other char-
acteristics, and makes recommendations relating to materials, design and
◦ Part 5: 1964 Zinc (22 pages) – deals with zinc roof covering and gives rec-
ommendations based on accepted good practice in the United Kingdom for
laying zinc roofs on the Roll Cap System. In this system the sheets are fully
supported and have their sides turned up against shaped wood rolls spaced
to suit the width of the sheets. The rolls are covered with an independent
capping which completes the joint. Joints between the ends of sheets are
made either by means of drips or welts depending on the pitch. Recom-
mendations are given for the whole of the roof covering above the upper
surface of the constructional base for both flat and pitched roofs. Flashings
and gutters are also dealt with in so far as they are integral parts of the roof
◦ Part 10: 1973 Galvanised corrugated steel (22 pages) – deals with the use
of galvanized corrugated steel sheets for roofing and cladding in build-
ing. Recommendations are given on materials and design, construction
and maintenance, together with information on weathertightness, durabil-
ity, thermal insulation, fire hazard, rainwater drainage from roofs and other
◦ Part 12: 1970 (1988) Copper (30 pages) – deals with methods of covering a
roof or wall with copper sheet or strip in accordance with established practice.
There are alternative methods of laying which are not included in the tech-
niques described, as they are generally variations of traditional roof practice.
Recommendations are given in regard to the whole of the coverings above
the wooden rafters for pitched roofs, and above the joists or the upper surface
of the constructional base for flat roofs and walls. Flashings and gutters are
dealt with in so far as they are integral parts of the covering.
◦ Part 15: 1973 (1986) Aluminium (34 pages) – gives recommendations for the
installation of aluminium fully supported roof and wall coverings in accor-
dance with established practices. It includes information on appropriate alloys
and forms of aluminium, durability, contact with other materials, sizes and
weights of sheet and strip, protection and storage. Gutters and flashings are
dealt with in so far as they form an integral part of the main roof covering.
The code deals with coverings, substructures and accessories placed above
the rafters or the upper surface of constructional bases, but does not apply to
aluminium roof decking or deck units.
◦ Part 16: 1974 Semi-rigid asbestos bitumen sheets (32 pages) – deals
with semi-rigid asbestos bitumen sheets (referred to as SRABS) and gives
recommendations based on accepted good practice for laying fully supported
Walls 125

semi-rigid asbestos bitumen sheet roofs using the roll cap and rib systems.
Recommendations are given for the whole of the roof covering above the
upper surface of the constructional base for both flat and pitched roofs. Flash-
ings and gutters are dealt with in so far as they are integral parts of the roof
Although they are rather out of date now, the various parts of the code are
easy to read and contain numerous drawings and details to illustrate the design
and construction principles. They are of use to anyone concerned with the
design, construction, repair and maintenance of sheet roof and wall coverings
in traditional materials.
• BS 6915: 2001 Specification for design and construction of fully supported lead
sheet roof and wall coverings (48 pages). This Standard gives recommendations
for the design and construction of fully supported coverings of rolled lead sheet,
conforming to BS EN 12588, applied to external wall and roof surfaces. The
recommendations apply primarily to fixing the lead in situ and cover the design
and fixing of the whole of the covering above the substructure that supports it,
including the design and fixing of gutters and flashings. References are made
to coverings that are based on the use of preformed panels to which the main
principles of design also apply. General information on the properties of lead
roof coverings is given in Annex A in the Standard. The recommendations of this
Standard apply mainly to rolled lead sheet. Sand cast lead sheet, manufactured
by established and reputable manufacturers, is produced in thicknesses and
weights similar to codes 6, 7, 8 and 9 of BS EN 12588:1999 and is used mainly
for replacement work on old and historic buildings and for ornamental leadwork.
It has a relatively smooth surface one side and a sand-faced texture on the other.
For all practical purposes where the composition of the metal is similar, there is
no significant difference in the working or fixing recommendations of sand cast
lead sheet and rolled lead sheet. Where the composition of the metal is different,
the manufacturer should be consulted. It should be noted that the colour coding
system used for rolled lead sheet does not apply to sand cast or direct method
lead. This is a very useful document containing a large number of practical
details and much useful advice. It will be of use to anyone concerned with the
design, construction, specification, repair and maintenance of lead sheet roof
and wall coverings.
• BS 8219: 2001 Profiled fibre cement. Code of practice (20 pages). This BS code
of practice gives recommendations for design specific to the use of profiled fibre
cement sheets for roof and wall cladding on buildings, and recommendations
for basic workmanship and tasks carried out in relation to the installation of
profiled fibre cement sheets for roofing and external wall cladding including
associated fittings and accessories. The code takes into account the change to
non asbestos reinforced fibre cement profiled sheets and accessories together
126 Using the Building Regulations

with the introduction of proprietary self-drilling fastener systems. The code

◦ classification – fibre reinforced profiled sheets should be classified in accor-
dance with BS EN 494 (the characteristics of profile shapes and longitudinal
and cross breaking strengths are provided in Table 1 of the code)
◦ checking, handling and working, site storage of materials and preparation
◦ installation of sheets
◦ safety and general precautions.
The code will be of use to anyone concerned with the design, construction,
repair and maintenance of fibre cement sheet roof and wall coverings.
• BS 8200: 1985 Code of practice for design of non-loadbearing external vertical
enclosures of buildings (84 pages). The purpose of this code of practice is to
provide a systematic framework within which an enclosure can be designed and
constructed. It is intended to be used by designers as a comprehensive checklist,
incorporating useful guidance, and not for inclusion in specifications or other
contract documents. In order to achieve this, the code makes extensive reference
to other publications which cover detailed considerations of performance and
design. The designer, whether he is designing a walling system for a specific
building or group of buildings, or a component for general use, will need to refer
to all sections of the code, using the process referred to in Section 3. In giving
recommendations for the design of non-loadbearing external vertical enclosures
of buildings, the code covers the following four main areas:
◦ performance criteria – recommendations for establishing the performance
required of the walling, using the data assembled in Appendices B to F
(Appendix B Climate, Appendix C Locality, Appendix D Activity criteria,
Appendix E Noise criteria, Appendix F Side effects of activities)
◦ design – guidance on the design of the enclosure to satisfy the require-
ments established in Section 2 (Performance criteria). Section 3 (Design)
when read with Appendix H, also contains a recommended process for the
◦ Workmanship and contract management: recommendations for ensuring that
the design is realized on site.
◦ Maintenance: recommendations for ensuring that the performance of the
enclosure is maintained during its life.
The code is intended to be used primarily by designers to assist in the design
process. Additionally it will assist the designer in his role of supervisor, assessor
and adviser to his or her client. It will also be of use to those to whom a designer
looks for support in the execution of the design, i.e. manufacturers, erector and
main contractor.
• BS 8297: 2000 Code of practice for design and installation of non-
loadbearing precast concrete cladding (48 pages). This BS code of practice
Walls 127

gives recommendations and guidance for the design, manufacture, trans-

port and installation of non-load-bearing precast concrete cladding in the
form of:
◦ units supported by and fixed to a structural frame or wall
◦ units used as permanent formwork in part or in whole.
Recommendations are included on the precautions which have to be taken to
enable the cladding to perform its function satisfactorily, such as the need to pro-
vide for permanent and temporary movements of the structure due to shrinkage
and elastic deformation under load. The minimum standards needed are given
as well as details of the materials and methods of fixings most frequently used.
Although the code applies primarily to new buildings, many provisions may
be applicable to alterations or refurbishment of existing buildings. Guidance is
given on the manufacture of units and their surface finish and methods of test.
It should be noted that the procedure for structural design given in the code
is based on limit state design and an abbreviated method of determination of
design wind loadings for low-rise buildings is given in Annex A of the code.
The code covers:
◦ materials and components
◦ design of cladding units
◦ position and detail of joints
◦ support and attachment of units to the structure
◦ surface finish of cladding units
◦ manufacture
◦ handling and transportation of cladding units
◦ on-site erection and fixing
◦ performance testing of cladding units
◦ inspection and maintenance.
It does not cover load-bearing cladding, units incorporating glass reinforced
cement, or the design of the supporting structure to which the cladding is
attached. The code contains a great deal of practical information and will be
of use to designers, contractors, manufacturers and regulators concerned with
the use of non-load-bearing precast concrete panel construction.
• BS 8298: 1994 Code of practice for design and installation of natural stone
cladding and lining (48 pages). This BS code of practice contains recommenda-
tions for the design, installation and maintenance of mechanically fixed facing
units of natural stone as a cladding and lining where these are:
◦ held to a structural background by metal fixings, or
◦ attached to precast concrete units (i.e. stone faced concrete cladding units).
It does not include load-bearing cladding or cladding held only by adhesion,
any type of cladding supported or held in position around the perimeter of
stones or series of stones by metal framing, or the use of stone cladding as
128 Using the Building Regulations

permanent formwork to in situ concrete. The code is divided into six sections as

Section 1: General
Section 2: Materials and components
Section 3: Design
Section 4: Workmanship in production
Section 5: Workmanship on site
Section 6: Maintenance.

Recommendations concerning traditional stone masonry including ashlar may

be found in BS 5390, although this document is not referred to in Approved
Document C. This practical and informative code will be of use to all concerned
with the design, installation and maintenance of mechanically fixed facing units
of natural stone.
• MCRMA (Metal Cladding and Roofing Manufacturers Association) Technical
Paper 6 Profiled metal roofing design guide, revised edition 2004 (32 pages).
Profiled steel or aluminium sheets are used in various roof constructions such as
single-skin and double-skin systems, secret fix, site-assembled or factory-made
composite panels and under-purlin linings. The guidance in the technical paper
applies in principle to all of these constructions; however, it is particularly aimed
at the double-skin system with trapezoidal or secret fix profiled sheets (the most
common type of metal roof construction used in the UK). Sinusoidal profiles
(e.g. corrugated iron) are not used for modern industrial and commercial roofs
and they are not covered by the guide. Secret fix systems and composite panels
(see next reference) are both described fully in separate MCRMA technical
guides. The technical paper covers the following:

1.0 Typical construction and assemblies

2.0 Components
3.0 Weathertightness
4.0 Thermal Performance
5.0 Interstitial condensation
6.0 Acoustics
7.0 Performance in fire
8.0 Structural performance
9.0 Durability
10.0 Sustainability
11.0 Construction details and accessories
12.0 Site work
Walls 129

13.0 Inspection and maintenance

14.0 References.

This excellent paper provides non-technical and highly readable information

which will be of use to both specialists and non-specialists alike. It is well
illustrated and covers basic principles of metal roof design. One note of caution –
the section on thermal performance is now out of date and Approved Document
C refers to the 1996 edition of this paper since it predated the latest revision.
• MCRMA Technical Paper 9 Composite roof and wall cladding panel design
guide, 1995 (20 pages). This paper covers the materials, methods of manufacture
and performance of metal composite roof and wall cladding panels. Whilst it
may be of use in giving an indication of the general principles for the design and
installation of these products the paper is now well out of date, especially with
regard to thermal performance. The reader would be better advised consulting
individual manufacturers where often excellent design details may be freely
downloaded from the Internet.

7.5 Cracking of external walls

This very brief section which was added into the 2004 edition of Approved
Document C is curious in that it rather states the obvious, that severe rain pene-
tration may occur through cracks in masonry external walls! It goes on to give the
reasons for the cracking as being thermal movement in hot weather or subsidence
after prolonged droughts and advises that this should be taken into account when
designing the building. There are of course many causes of cracking in external
walls including moisture movement in clay brickwork, cavity wall tie failure, sul-
phate attack, frost action, swelling and shrinking of clay soils, mining subsidence,
faulty drains, etc. etc. In order to assist the reader the following reference sources
are given in the Approved Document:

• BRE Building Elements. Walls, windows and doors (Performance, diagnosis,

maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects) 1998 (302 pages). This excel-
lent, well illustrated and informative book cannot be easily summarized in just
a few paragraphs, however the preface gives an idea of the book’s scope, as
◦ It covers all kinds of external walls, both loadbearing and non-load-bearing;
windows and doors.
◦ It describes both good and bad features of walls, windows and doors and the
joints between them.
130 Using the Building Regulations

◦ It concentrates on those aspects of construction which, in the experience of

BRE, lead to the greatest number of problems or greatest potential expense,
if carried out unsatisfactorily.
The book also contains a number of case studies in some of the chapters which
have been selected from the files of the BRE Advisory Service and the former
Housing Defects Prevention Unit. These represent the most frequent kinds of
problems on which BRE has been consulted. The book is structured so that
Chapter 1 contains a general discussion of principles whereas Chapters 2 to 10
contain practical information on a number of different external enclosure types.
Cracking is dealt with throughout the book, as the causes and effects of this will
depend on the type of walling being considered. The book is primarily aimed at
building surveyors and other professionals performing similar functions (such
as architects and builders) who maintain, repair, extend and renew the national
building stock. It will also be of use to students.
• BRE Report BR 292 Cracking in buildings: 1996 (106 pages). The purpose of this
report is to describe the science behind the different causes of cracking thereby
enabling surveyors and others who investigate the phenomenon to understand
the causes and hence be able to offer diagnoses and remedies. The report sets
out basic information on the science of materials behaviour which is relevant to
understanding how and why cracks occur. The report is structured as follows:
◦ Part 1 – deals with the underlying science (i.e. the physics and chemistry)
underlying the changes of size in materials and components. This also includes
basic data (such as quantifying size changes and distortions in building mate-
rials) which is essential both in designing to avoid cracking damage and in
the diagnosis of the causes of damage in existing structures. Part 1 goes on
to describe the mechanisms by which the size changes potentially produce
intolerable strain, and consequent distortion or cracks.
◦ Part 2 – deals with the causes of cracking by setting them in real building con-
texts. Each building element is taken in turn and the information is presented
in a common format, typically:
– design principles
– practical detailing
– site practices
– diagnostic principles
– remedial work or repairs.
The report is aimed at three main interest groups:
◦ construction professionals (architects, surveyors and contractors)
◦ litigators (building failure investigators, loss adjusters and expert witnesses)
◦ building owners and maintenance staff
to enhance the interest that they have in relation to their own particular role, and
also to provide a general appreciation of the subject and some understanding
Walls 131

of the interests of the other parties in the building process. The report is highly
readable and well illustrated and the way that it is set out means that it will be
readily accessible to all members of the above groups.
• BS 5628: Part 3: 2001 Code of practice for use of masonry. Materials and
components, design and workmanship (see sections 6.3.2, 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 above
for more information on this Standard).

The first two references are both excellent information sources. The author has also
found the publication Common Defects in Buildings published by The Stationery
Office to be invaluable, especially in the diagnosis of defects with particular
reference to cracking in external walls. BS 5628 is more relevant to choice of

7.6 Detailing of joints between walls and door and window


In many cases, the most vulnerable part of the construction regarding moisture
penetration due to precipitation is at the junction between the wall and any door,
window or other openings into the building. The joint formed at such junctions

• resist the passage of precipitation to the inside of the building

• not transmit moisture due to precipitation to other parts of the building that
might be damaged
• not be damaged by precipitation.

The usual way of satisfying these performance criteria is by the use of suitably
placed damp-proof courses to direct moisture to the outside. These should be

(a) where moisture flowing downward would be interrupted by an obstruction,

such as a lintel
(b) where a sill under a door, window or other opening (including any associated
joint) might not form a complete barrier to the transfer of precipitation
(c) where the construction of a reveal at a door, window or other opening (including
any associated joint) might not form a complete barrier to the passage of rain
or snow.

Modern methods of construction often lead to rather wide cavities due to the addi-
tional thicknesses of insulation now required by Part L (see Approved Document L
132 Using the Building Regulations

25 mm rebate to allow for

tolerances in building and
fitting of window

Outer leaf Sealant

Window frame

Insulated cavity
Inner leaf

Internal finish omitted for clarity

Figure 7.6 Example checked rebate window reveal detail – areas of severe or very severe exposure to
driving rain

for guidance) and the need in some cases for a drained 50 mm wide cavity in addi-
tion to the insulation where the cavity is only partially filled (see section 7.4.3
above). In such cases most window and door frames will not fully cover the cavity
closer. This will necessitate lining the reveal with plasterboard, dry lining, a ther-
mal backing board or even a support system. The internal reveal may also be wet
plastered provided that the plaster is applied to a suitable backing such as expanded
metal lathing or similar support system.
In areas of the country where the exposure to driving rain is in zone 4 (see section
7.4.3 above and Figure 7.5) additional precautions should be taken to prevent the
penetration of precipitation. Approved Document recommends the use of checked
rebates at all window and door frames. In this form of construction (Figure 7.6)
the frame is set back behind the outer leaf of masonry. An alternative to this might
be by the use of a proprietary finned cavity closer.

7.7 Door thresholds

Approved Document M, Access to and use of buildings (see Using the Building
Regulations, Part M Access, first edition 2006), specifies that in general the access
into a dwelling or block of flats from the outside should be provided with an
Walls 133

accessible threshold, irrespective of whether the approach is level, ramped or

stepped. Exceptionally, if the approach has to be stepped and for practical reasons
a step into the dwelling is unavoidable, the rise should be no more than 150 mm.
Clearly, this has implications for the weatherproofing of the building since there
is a danger that precipitation and groundwater could enter the building at door
openings. In order to prevent this, Approved Document C recommends that the
external landing should slope away from the doorway at a fall of between 1 in 40 and
1 in 60. In order to encourage run-off, the door sill should have a maximum slope
of 15◦ . Some additional recommendations are illustrated in Figure 7.7. Additional
advice may be obtained from the following publications:

• BRE Good Building Guide 47 Level external thresholds: reducing moisture

penetration and thermal bridging, 2001 (8 pages). This Good Building Guide
describes some of the technical risks associated with the design of level thresh-
olds and some detailing solutions. The guide gives advice on designing level


Drainage slot
Max. slope
on sill 15° Internal transition unit
Fall on external Weather seal if necessary
landing between 1 in
40 and 1 in 60 Min. 125 mm

The drainage channel and adjacent

paving and threshold are usually
made up from precast concrete or
other pre-formed components

Figure 7.7 Accessible threshold – exposed areas

134 Using the Building Regulations

thresholds, not only for wheelchair users but also for those with walking diffi-
culties, who would find even small steps and threshold bars extremely difficult.
Minimum spatial dimensions are indicated (taken from Approved Document M)
and the three principal elements of an accessible or level threshold are described
and illustrated as:
◦ the external landing and its drainage
◦ the threshold, the sill and its junction with the external landing
◦ the internal junction of the threshold with the floor finish.
The BRE Good Building Guides have been developed to provide practitioners
with concise guidance on the principles and practicalities for achieving good
quality building. The guides are designed to encourage and improve mutual
awareness of the roles of different trades and professions. They are well illus-
trated and are written in clear non-technical terms and are suitable for anyone
concerned with the built environment.
• Accessible thresholds in new buildings: guidance for house builders and
designers. TSO, 1999 (23 pages). The aim of this guide is to:
◦ suggest design solutions that will make the thresholds of dwellings more
accessible to wheelchair users and people with limited mobility, whilst
minimizing the risk of water entering the building
◦ help designers achieve solutions that do not conflict with other aspects of
Building Regulations.
The guide sets out the objectives in terms of the function or purpose of the
main elements of the threshold and its surroundings, and then gives guidance
on possible solutions. These solutions are not exhaustive because of the large
number of combinations of elements and components involved. However, they
are based on the experience of housing providers and builders, as well as indi-
viduals and groups concerned with disability issues. The guide is structured as

Section 1: The external landing and its drainage – landing size, landing surface,
landing drainage, drainage slots and channels
Section 2: The threshold, the sill and its junction with the external land-
ing – drained landings, landings without drainage, timber sills, sill profile,
weatherproofing, detailing beneath the sill
Section 3: The internal junction of the threshold with the floor finish – floor
finish level, internal junctions
Appendix: Example threshold details.

This is the principal reference for the design of accessible thresholds and is a
necessity for all who are concerned with the design, construction and regulation
of dwellings.
Walls 135

7.8 Resistance to damage from interstitial condensation for

external walls

In general, external walls will satisfy the requirements of the Building Regulations
regarding resistance to damage from interstitial condensation if they are designed
and constructed in accordance with:

• Clause 8.3 of BS 5250: 2002 Code of practice for the control of condensation
in buildings (see section 6.3.4 above for more details of this code). Clause 8.3
describes ways of minimizing harmful interstitial condensation within a wall by:
◦ specifying materials of decreasing vapour resistance from inside to outside
where possible
◦ avoiding service openings through a vapour control layer. Where this is not
possible, they should be kept to a minimum and any openings taped and/or
◦ providing vented airspaces with openings to the outside
◦ ensuring that external claddings which require the use of a membrane to
avoid rainwater penetration (or a membrane to protect the insulation), are of
the breather type meeting the requirements of BS 4016,


• BS EN ISO 13788:2001 Hygrothermal performance of building components

and building elements. Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface
humidity and interstitial condensation. Calculation methods (see section 6.3.4
above for more details of this Standard).

In swimming pools and other buildings where high levels of moisture are generated,
there is a particular risk of interstitial condensation in walls and roofs (see 8.4
below) because of the high internal temperatures and humidities that exist. In
these cases specialist advice should be sought when these are being designed.

7.9 Resistance to surface condensation and mould growth

in external walls

In order to resist surface condensation and mould growth in external walls it is

necessary to ensure that the surface is maintained above the dewpoint temperature.
This will depend on the outside temperature, the temperature of the room in which
the wall surface is situated and the relative humidity of the room. It can be affected
by ventilation, by thermal bridging of construction elements at junctions and by the
136 Using the Building Regulations

degree of thermal insulation provided in the wall elements. Therefore, in external

walls, care should be taken to design the junctions between the elements so that
thermal bridging is avoided. This can be done by following the recommendations in
the report Bridging and air leakage: robust construction details for dwellings and
similar buildings, published by The Stationery Office (TSO, 2001) (see section
6.3.5 above) or by following the guidance of BRE Information Paper IP17/01
Assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and around openings (see
section 6.3.5 above). Additionally, externals walls should be designed and con-
structed so that the thermal transmittance (U-value) does not exceed 0.7 W/m2 K
at any point.


8.1 Regulation requirements

Requirement C2 of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 deals with resis-

tance to moisture. It requires the floors, walls and roof of a building to adequately
protect it and the people who use it from harmful effects caused by:

• moisture from the ground

• precipitation and wind-driven spray
• surface and interstitial condensation
• water spilt from or associated with sanitary fittings and fixed appliances.

Guidance on the application of Requirement C2 to walls is given in Approved

Document C in Section 5.

8.2 Definitions

In Approved Document C the following definitions apply with regard to Require-

ment C2:

FLOOR – the lower horizontal surface of any space in a building including any
surface finish which is laid as part of the permanent construction. This would,
presumably, exclude carpets, linoleum, tiles, etc., but would include screeds
and granolithic finishes.
GROUNDWATER – liquid water (i.e. not water vapour, ice or snow, etc.), either
flowing through the ground or as a static water table.
INTERSTITIAL CONDENSATION – water vapour being deposited as liquid
water within or between the layers of the envelope of the building.
138 Using the Building Regulations

MOISTURE – water present as a liquid, gas (e.g. water vapour) or solid (e.g. ice
or snow, etc).
PRECIPITATION – moisture in any form falling from the atmosphere, such as
rain, sleet, snow or hail, etc.
ROOF – any part of the external envelope of a building that makes an angle of less
than 70◦ to the horizontal.
SPRAY – wind-driven droplets of water blown from the surface of the sea or
other bodies of water close to buildings. The salt content of sea spray makes it
especially hazardous to many building materials.
SURFACE CONDENSATION – water vapour being deposited as liquid water on
visible surfaces within the building.
VAPOUR CONTROL LAYER – Typically, this is a membrane material which is
used in the construction, with the purpose of substantially reducing the transfer
of water vapour through any building in which it is incorporated.
WALL – any opaque part of the external envelope of a building that makes an
angle of 70◦ or more to the horizontal.

8.3 Weather resistance of roofs

The roof of a building should:

• resist the penetration of precipitation to the inside of the building

• not be damaged by precipitation
• not transmit precipitation to another part of the building that might be damaged
• be designed and constructed so as not to allow interstitial condensation to
adversely affect its structural and thermal performance
• not promote surface condensation and mould growth under reasonable occu-
pancy conditions.

The recommendations for impervious external wall claddings mentioned in

section 7.4.4 above apply equally to roof covering materials.
The performance requirements for external wall and roof claddings can also be
met if they comply with:

• British Standard Code of Practice 143 Code of practice sheet roof and wall
coverings (this includes recommendations for aluminium, zinc, galvanized
corrugated steel, copper and semi-rigid asbestos bitumen sheet)
• BS 6915: 2001 Specification for design and construction of fully supported lead
sheet roof and wall covering
• BS 8219 Profiled fibre cement. Code of practice
Roofs 139

• BS 8200: 1985 Code of practice for design of non-loadbearing external vertical

enclosures of buildings
• MCRMA Technical Paper 6 Profiled metal roofing design guide, revised edition
• MCRMA Technical Paper 9 Composite roof and wall cladding panel design
guide, 1995.

The above documents (which are described in section 7.4.5) contain details of the
materials to be used and contain design guidance including fixing recommenda-

8.4 Resistance to damage from interstitial condensation

in roofs

This section was originally contained in Part F Ventilation of Schedule 1 to the

Building Regulations 2000 – requirement F2. With the extension of Part C to cover
condensation risk in the 2004 amendment it was logical to transfer these provisions
to Part C and they have been omitted from the 2006 edition of Part F.
The guidance given in the current Approved Document C is much less detailed
than that originally contained in Approved Document F and is now stated in per-
formance terms and by reference to other sources of guidance where particular
design details are illustrated. The current trend of continually referring to addi-
tional sources of guidance is making the Approved Documents much less useful
to the practitioner as, in many cases, they can only be regarded as a directory and
not as a direct source of technical guidance in their own right.
When condensation occurs in roof spaces it can have two main effects:

• the thermal performance of the insulant materials may be reduced by the presence
of the water
• the structural performance of the roof may be affected due to increased risk of
fungal attack.

Approved Document C recommends that interstitial condensation in roofs should

be limited such that the thermal and structural performance of the roof will not be
adversely affected.
It should be noted that the provisions of AD C apply to roofs of any pitch even
though a roof which exceeds 70◦ in pitch is required to be insulated as if it were a
wall. Additionally, small roofs over porches or bay windows, etc., may sometimes
be excluded from the requirements of requirement C2(c) if there is no risk to health
or safety.
140 Using the Building Regulations

In swimming pools and other buildings where high levels of moisture are gener-
ated, there is a particular risk of interstitial condensation in walls and roofs because
of the high internal temperatures and humidities that exist. In these cases specialist
advice should be sought when these are being designed.
For cold deck roofs (where the insulation is placed at ceiling level and can
be permeated by moisture from the building) requirement C2(c) can be met by
the provision of adequate ventilation in the roof space. In such roofs it is obvi-
ously essential that moist air is prevented from reaching the roofspace where it
might condense within or on the insulation layer and this is particularly important
above areas of high humidity such as bathrooms and kitchens. Weak points in the
construction where this might occur include:

• gaps and penetrations for pipes and electrical wiring (these should be filled and
• loft access hatches (where an effective draught seal should be provided to reduce
the inflow of warm moist air).

The requirements can be met for both flat and pitched roofs by following the
relevant recommendations of:

• Clause 8.4 of BS 5250: 2002 Code of practice: the control of condensation in

buildings. This code is described in general in section 6.3.4 above. Clause 8.4
recommends that the following should be considered in order to avoid interstitial
◦ extract moisture at source (to reduce the risk of water vapour transferring
from occupied areas to the roof )
◦ minimize water vapour penetration to the cold side of a roof construction
by keeping constructional gaps and holes in ceilings to a minimum and by
sealing holes for service openings after the service has been installed
◦ make sure that vapour control layers are adequately lapped and sealed and
their integrity is maintained, and seal around the perimeter of the vapour
control layers and at junctions and penetrations caused by such things as light
cables, service runs and access hatches
◦ place ventilation openings on the longer sides of a typical rectangular roof to
achieve adequate cross ventilation
◦ ensure that where ventilation openings are sited at intervals, they are of
equivalent area to the continuous openings recommended and avoid stag-
nant air pockets due to inadequate through-flows and where possible exceed
the minimum opening areas given in the codes
◦ design ventilation openings so that they:
– cannot be blocked (e.g. by dust, airborne debris, paint or frost)
– prevent ingress of rain, snow, birds and large insects.
Roofs 141

The code recommends that a nominal mesh/grill size of 4 mm be adopted

(this also avoids excessive airflow resistance)
◦ consider using proprietary ventilators where these will avoid problems, or be
more practicable in use
◦ maintain minimum defined free airspaces throughout both ventilation prod-
ucts and roof voids
◦ take care to prevent moisture from wet processes used in the roof construction
(or rain during construction) from being trapped between the waterproof roof
covering and a vapour control layer positioned at a lower level.
• BS EN ISO 13788: 2001 Hygrothermal performance of building components
and building elements. Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface
humidity and interstitial condensation. Calculation methods (see section 6.3.4
above for more details of this Standard)
• Further guidance may also be found in the 2002 edition of BRE Report BR 262
Thermal insulation: avoiding the risks. This report is discussed in general
in section 6.3.4 above. Advice on avoiding condensation in roofs is given in
Section 2 of the report under the following headings:

2.1 Condensation within roof spaces

2.2 Condensation on the inside of extract ducts passing through unheated roof
2.3 Condensation at thermal bridges
2.4 Risks associated with electrics
2.5 Freezing of water in pipes and cisterns
2.6 Increased heat loss where insulation is not full depth.

Much of this guidance is reproduced from BS 5250 and is discussed below.

The following guidance is based on that which was originally contained in

Approved Document F which was in turn based on the guidance provided in
BS 5250. It covers only a few typical examples of commonly found forms of
construction where the insulation is placed at ceiling level (cold deck roofs). For
full details and for other forms of construction reference should be made to BS 5250
Clause 8.4 (see above).

8.4.1 Roofs with a pitch of 15◦ or more

Pitched roofs should be cross-ventilated by permanent vents at eaves level on

the two opposite sides of the roof, the vent areas being equivalent in area to a
continuous gap along each side of 10 mm width. Ridge ventilation equivalent to
142 Using the Building Regulations

a continuous gap of 5 mm should also be provided where the pitch exceeds 35◦
and/or the spans are in excess of 10 m.
Mono-pitch or lean-to roofs should have ventilation at eaves level as above,
and at high level either at the point of junction or through the roof covering at the
highest practicable point. The high-level ventilation should be equivalent in area
to a continuous gap 5 mm wide (see Figure 8.1).
In recent years vapour permeable underlays have come onto the market. If these
are used without continuous boarding below the tiling battens it is not necessary to
ventilate the roof space below the underlay. However, BS 5250 recommends that
in these circumstances, a ventilated space should be formed above the underlay
by using 25 mm battens and counterbattens and provision of ventilation at low
level equivalent to a 25 mm continuous gap and high-level equivalent to a 5 mm
continuous gap. Simply relying on fortuitous ventilation through the tile/slate joints
should not be relied on to ventilate this space adequately.

8.4.2 Roofs with a pitch of less than 15◦

In low-pitched roofs the volume of air contained in the void is less and therefore
the risk of saturation is greater.
This also applies to roofs with pitch greater than 15◦ where the ceiling follows
the pitch of the roof. The high level ventilation should be equivalent in area to a
continuous gap 5 mm wide.
Cross-ventilation should again be provided at eaves level but the ventilation gap
should be increased to 25 mm width.

8.5 Resistance to surface condensation and mould growth

in roofs

In order to resist surface condensation and mould growth in roofs and roof spaces,
care should be taken to design the junctions between the elements and the details
of openings, such as windows, so that thermal bridging and air leakage is avoided.
This can be done by following:

• the recommendations in the report Limiting thermal bridging and air leakage:
robust construction details for dwellings and similar buildings, published by
The Stationery Office (TSO, 2001) (see above, section 6.3.5). The Robust
Details cover constructions of the following general types (the parts that cover
Roofs 143

Ventilation opening
at highest level practicable
equivalent in area to
continuous 5 mm gap

Detail A

Double-pitched roof

at eaves level

Quilt or other insulation

should not interrupt
free flow of air

Detail A
opening equivalent to
continuous 10 mm gap

opening equivalent to
continuous 5 mm gap

50 mm gap

Detail B

opening equivalent to Insulation following pitch of roof
continuous 25 mm gap

Figure 8.1 Roof void ventilation – roofs pitched at 15◦ or more

144 Using the Building Regulations

roof details are in brackets):

Section 2. Masonry: External Wall Insulation (parts 2.01 to 2.08)

Section 3. Masonry: Cavity Wall Insulation: Full-Fill (parts 3.01 to 3.08)
Section 4. Masonry: Cavity Wall Insulation: Partial-Fill (parts 4.01 to 4.08)

Detail CC

at eaves level

50 mm free
air space

Ventilation opening
equivalent to Detail C
continuous 25 mm gap Joists parallel to air path

Detail DD

at eaves level

Minimum 50 mm
deep counter
Intermittent battens
supporting battens

Detail D
Ventilation opening Joists at right angles to air path
equivalent to
continuous 25 mm gap

Figure 8.2 Roof void ventilation – roofs pitched at less than 15◦
Roofs 145

Section 5. Masonry: Internal Wall Insulation (parts 5.01 to 5.08)

Section 6. Timber Frame (parts 6.01 to 6.08)
Section 7. Light Steel Frame (parts 7.01 to 7.04),


• the guidance of BRE Information Paper IP17/01 Assessing the effects of thermal
bridging at junctions and around openings (see section 6.3.5 above),


• the guidance in MCRMA Technical Paper 14 Guidance for the design of metal
roofing and cladding to comply with approved document L2: 2001, 2002 revi-
sion (44 pages). This publication produced by the Metal Cladding and Roofing
Manufacturers Association (MCRMA) in collaboration with BRE, was origi-
nally intended to assist designers, manufacturers and installers of metal walls
and roofs to comply with the requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations
which came into force in April 2002. Since those regulations have now been
superceded by the 2006 revision of Part L and the 2006 edition of Approved
Document L (see L2A and L2B) those parts of the 2001 edition quoted in
Approved Document C are now obsolete. Until a new edition is published there
is little point in obtaining the 2001 edition although the sections in the technical
paper on infrared surveys and air leakage testing are of some general interest.
The guidance is designed to be relevant to both twin skin and composite panel

Additionally, roofs should be designed and constructed so that the thermal

transmittance (U-value) does not exceed 0.35 W/m2 K at any point.
A free airspace of at least 50 mm should be provided between the roof deck and
the insulation. This may need to be formed using counter-battens if the joists run
at right angles to the flow of air (see Figure 8.2).
Where it is not possible to provide proper cross-ventilation an alternative form
of roof construction should be considered.
It is possible to install vapour checks (called vapour control layers in BS 5250)
at ceiling level using polythene or foil-backed plasterboard, etc., to reduce the
amount of moisture reaching the roof void. This is not acceptable as an alternative
to ventilation unless a complete vapour barrier is installed.
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This page intentionally left blank
Appendix: Summary of references
Note: Many references are repeated throughout Approved Document C. In this summary we have tended to note the first
appearance only of each reference.

Full title of Reference Reference Target readership Nature of guidance Level of

reference location in location in expertise
Approved this book required
Document C
Environmental Section 0 Section 2.5 Regulators and Act of Parliament. General
Protection Act paragraph 0.9 professionals appreciation of
1990 Part IIA dealing with legal texts.
(sections 78A – contaminated land
78YC) issues.
Environmental Section 0 Section 2.5 Regulators and Statutory Instrument. General
Protection paragraph 0.9 professionals appreciation of
(Duty of Care) dealing with legal texts.
Regulations contaminated land
1991 issues. Companies
moving contami-
nated waste.
Planning Policy Section 0 Section 2.5 Regulators and Planning guidance General
Guidance Note paragraph 0.10 professionals document which appreciation of
PPG 23 dealing with gives guidance on the legal guidance

Planning and contaminated land relevance of documents.
pollution issues. pollution controls to
control, ODPM, the exercise of
1997 planning functions.

Using the Building Regulations
BS 7913: 1998 Introduction Section 2.6 Building owners, Designed to provide Descriptive and
Guide to the page 7 managers, target audience with informative –
principles of archaeologists, general background non-technical.
conservation of architects, engineers, information on the
historic surveyors, principles of the
buildings contractors, conservation of
conservators and historic buildings,
local authority when considering
building control conservation policy,
officers. strategy and
SPAB Introduction Section 2.6 All concerned with Aims to examine the Descriptive and
Information page 7 the repair, differences between informative –
Sheet 4 – The maintenance and traditional and non-technical.
need for old upkeep of old modern materials
buildings to buildings. when used for
breathe, 1986 maintenance
purposes and to draw
conclusions about the
way old buildings
should be treated.
BRE Report BR Introduction Section 2.6 All concerned with Offers advice on Descriptive and
267 Major page 8 carrying out work to radon-protective informative –
alterations and existing dwellings in measures that can be does not require
conversions: a radon-affected areas. taken during the high levels of
BRE guide to planning and technical
radon remedial implementation of expertise.
measures in major alteration or
existing conversion works to
dwellings, 1994 buildings in
radon-affected areas.
British Standard Section 1 Section 3.1.1 Key document for Deals with the Sections 1 to 3
5930:1999 paragraph 1.2 practitioners in the investigation of sites descriptive and
Code of field of site for the purposes of: informative not
practice for site investigation. May • assessing their requiring high
investigations also be of use to suitability for the levels of
designers, building construction of technical
control staff and civil engineering knowledge.
general builders in and building Subsequent
giving a general works, and sections require
understanding of the • gaining knowledge specialist soils
scope of site of the engineering
investigation and the characteristics of a knowledge.

techniques of ground site that affect the
investigation. design and

Using the Building Regulations
Sections 1 and 2 will construction of
found most useful in civil engineering
augmenting the and building works
limited information and the security of
given in Approved neighbouring land
Document C and and property.
described in
section 3.1.
BRE Digest 322 Section 1 Section 3.1.1 Particularly useful Procurement of the Non-technical
Site paragraph 1.2 for the non-specialist site investigation giving practical
investigation for (and for students). work, e.g. the value advice on
low-rise of site investigation, various issues
building: the steps that should concerned
procurement, be involved, and the with site
1987 contractual methods investigation.
that can be employed
to engage suitable
specialists to carry
out the work.
BRE Digest 318 Section 1 Section 3.1.1 Particularly useful Discusses the Non-technical
Site paragraph 1.2 for the non-specialist influence desk giving practical
investigation for (and for students). studies can have on advice on
low-rise the identification of various issues
building: desk ground problems and concerned
studies, 1987 contains a very useful with site
checklist covering investigation.
questions which need
to be answered in
order to assess which
ground problems
might occur.
BRE Digest 348 Section 1 Section 3.1.1 Particularly useful Describes objectives Non-technical
Site paragraph 1.2 for the non-specialist of the walk-over giving practical
investigation for (and for students). survey (to check and advice on
low-rise make additions to various issues
building: the information already concerned
walk-over collected during desk with site
survey, 1989 study) and shows the investigation.
importance of
visiting the site and
its surrounding area

and covering it
carefully on foot.

Using the Building Regulations
BRE Digest 381 Section 1 Section 3.1.1 Particularly useful Describes how Non-technical
Site paragraph 1.2 for the non-specialist shallow trial pits can giving practical
investigation for (and for students). provide an economic advice on
low-rise and versatile way of various issues
building: trial examining soil concerned
pits, 1993 conditions in situ. with site
BRE Digest 383 Section 1 Section 3.1.1 Particularly useful Explains how to Non-technical
Site paragraph 1.2 for the non-specialist make an accurate giving practical
investigation for (and for students). description of the advice on
low-rise soil. various issues
building: soil concerned
description, with site
1993 investigation.
BRE Digest 411 Section 1 Section 3.1.1 Particularly useful Repeats, updates and Non-technical
Site paragraph 1.2 for the non-specialist consolidates a giving practical
investigation for (and for students). great deal of the advice on
low-rise information provided various issues
building: direct by Digests described concerned
investigations, above and is most with site
1995 useful if a general investigation.
idea of the scope and
nature of site
investigation is
BS 8103: Section 1 Section 3.1.1 May be of use to Gives Descriptive and
Part 1:1995 paragraph 1.2 designers, building recommendations for informative but
Structural control staff and the structural design requires a
design for low general builders. of low-rise housing certain amount
rise buildings and covers the of technical
stability of the expertise and an
structure, site understanding
investigation and of low-rise
foundations and building
ground floor slabs construction.
used in the
BRE Digest 298 Section 1 Section 3.2.2 Highly Gives simple Descriptive,
Low-rise paragraph 1.5 recommended for guidance on informative and
building anyone concerned minimising these non-technical.
foundations: the with the design and effects in clay soils
influence of construction of and discusses some
trees in clay low-rise buildings dangers in current
soils, 1999 on shrinkable clay foundation practice.

Using the Building Regulations
BRE Digest 241 Section 1 Section 3.2.2 Highly Reviews the use of Descriptive and
Low rise paragraph 1.5 recommended for traditional and trench informative.
buildings on anyone concerned fill strip foundations Does not
shrinkable clay with the design and on sites containing require high
soils: Part 2, construction of shrinkable clay soils levels of
1993 low-rise buildings where trees and other technical
on shrinkable clay vegetation are expertise.
soils. present.
Subsidence Section 1 Section 3.2.2 Mainly of use to Contains some useful Descriptive and
damage to paragraph 1.5 building surveyors research evidence on informative.
domestic and companies the nature of the Non-technical
buildings: specialising in repair problem of background
lessons learned of subsidence subsidence, and reading.
and questions damage. reviews the findings
remaining, and contents of some
Foundation for of the Digests
the Built mentioned above.
Environment Lacking in technical
(FBE), 2000 detail.
National House Section 1 Section 3.2.2 Essential reading for Practical guidance on Descriptive and
Building paragraph 1.5 designers, building assessing the risks of informative not
Council contractors and building near trees. requiring high
(NHBC) regulatory bodies. levels of
Standards technical
Chapter 4.2 knowledge.
Building near
trees, 2003
BRE Digest 427 Section 1 Section 3.2.3 Designers and Gives guidance only Descriptive and
Low-rise paragraph 1.8 building contractors of a general nature informative but
buildings on fill and it must be requires an
(Parts 1 to 3) recognised that the understanding
services of civil, of the behaviour
structural and of fill materials.
engineers will
usually be needed.

Using the Building Regulations
BRE Report Section 1 Section 3.2.3 Essential reading for Provides a detailed Contains a great
BR 424 paragraph 1.8 all professionals account of BRE deal of highly
Building fill: who are specifically research findings and technical
Geotechnical concerned with the their significance for ground
aspects appraisal of fill appropriate and engineering
materials on site. successful building material which
developments on fill. will only be of
interest to trained
Defra/ Section 2 Section 4.1.1 Regulators, Identifies priority Mainly
Environment paragraphs developers and their contaminants (or descriptive and
Agency 2.2 and 2.9, specialist advisers. families of informative.
Contaminated and Annex A contaminants) and Useful as an
Land Research indicates which introduction
Report CLR 8 contaminants are and guide to the
Potential likely to be other reports in
contaminants associated with this series (see
for the particular industries. below).
assessment of Provides the DEFRA
land, 2002 with a guide to the
substances it should
cover in its research
work on
contaminated land.
CLR 7 Section 2 Section 4.1.1 Regulators, Sets out the legal Mainly
Assessment paragraph 2.9 developers and their framework and the descriptive and
of Risks to and Annex A specialist advisers. development and use informative.
Human Health of Soil Guideline
from Land Values, and has
Contamination: references to related
An Overview of research. Contains
the Develop- summaries of other
ment of Soil reports in the series
Guideline so useful background
Values and reading.
Related Research
(DEFRA and
Agency, 2002)
CLR 9 Section 2 Section 4.1.1 Regulators, Sets out the approach Contains
Contaminants paragraph 2.9 developers and their to the selection of information of a
in Soil: and Annex A specialist advisers. tolerable daily specialist
Collation of intakes and Index nature. Not for
Toxicological Doses for general reading.
Data and Intake contaminants to
Values for support the
Humans derivation of Soil

(DEFRA and Guideline Values.
Agency, 2002)

Using the Building Regulations
CLR TOX 1–10 Section 2 Section 4.1.1 Regulators, These reports contain Contains
(DEFRA and paragraph 2.9 developers and their toxicological data information of
Environment and Annex A specialist advisers. used to derive Soil a specialist
Agency, 2002) Guideline Values. nature. Not for
general reading.
CLR 10 The Section 2 Section 4.1.1 Regulators, Describes the Contains
Contaminated paragraph 2.9 developers and their conceptual exposure information of
Land Exposure and Annex A specialist advisers. models for each a specialist
Assessment standard land-use nature. Not for
Model (CLEA): that are used to general reading.
Technical Basis derive the Soil
and Algorithms Guideline Values.
and the
Agency, 2002)
CLR GV 1–10 Section 2 Section 4.1.1 Regulators, These reports set out Contains
(DEFRA and paragraph 2.9 developers and their the derivation of the information of
Environment and Annex A advisers. Soil Guideline Values a specialist
Agency, 2002) for a range of nature. Not for
contaminants. general reading.
CLR 11 Model Section 2 Section 4.1.1 Regulators, Incorporates existing Descriptive and
Procedures paragraph 2.9 developers and their good technical informative
for the and Annex A specialist advisers. practice into but highly
Management of a systematic process specialised. Not
Contaminated for identifying, for general
Land (DEFRA making decisions reading.
and the about and taking
Environment appropriate action to
Agency, 2004) deal with
Environment Section 2 Section 4.1.2 Of interest only to An overview of Descriptive and
Agency R & D paragraph 2.3 policy makers and information on land informative
Technical developers, when quality in England but highly
Report P291 making decisions specialised. Not
Information on about the quality of for general
land quality land which it is reading.
in England: intended to develop.
Sources of


Using the Building Regulations
Environment Section 2 Section 4.1.2 Of interest only to An overview of Descriptive and
Agency R & D paragraph 2.3 policy makers and information on land informative
Technical developers, when quality in Wales. but highly
Report P292 making decisions specialised. Not
Information on about the quality of for general
land quality in land which it is reading.
Wales: Sources intended to develop.
of information
BRE Special Section 2 Section 4.1.2 Of use to concrete Contains guidance Descriptive and
Digest SD1 paragraph 2.5 designers, on investigation, informative but
Concrete in contractors, specifiers concrete specification some parts
aggressive and producers on the and design to require
ground, 2003 specification of mitigate the effects of knowledge of
concrete to resist sulphate attack. concrete
chemical attack. chemistry.
Also of use to
ground specialists in
the assessment of
ground in respect of
aggressiveness to
HSE Report Section 2 Section 4.2.4 Health and safety Addresses the Descriptive,
HSG 66 paragraph 2.14 staff for all hazards associated informative and
Protection of contractors and with contaminated non-technical.
workers and the others working on land working and
general public contaminated sites. aspects which
during the developers and
development of contractors need to
contaminated consider under
land, 1991 COSHH Regulations
including the
precautions to be
taken during the
development of the
CIRIA Report Section 2 Section 4.2.4 Intended for use by a Provides guidance on Descriptive and
132 A guide to paragraph 2.14 wide readership safe working informative.
safe working ranging from the practices for More detailed
practices for general engineer to contaminated sites. than the
contaminated contaminated land previous
land, 1993 specialists. reference.

Using the Building Regulations
BS 10175: 2001 Section 2 Section 4.2.5 Intended for use by Provides guidance Descriptive and
Investigation of paragraph 2.9 those with some on, and informative but
potentially understanding of the recommendations for, mainly aimed at
contaminated risk-based approach the investigation of the specialist.
land. Code of to sites and site potentially
practice investigations, contaminated land or
therefore more land with naturally
suitable for the enhanced
specialist concentrations of
investigator. potentially harmful
materials, to
determine or manage
the ensuing risks.
National Section 2 Section 4.2.5 Aimed at Provides guidance on Specialist
Groundwater & paragraph 2.9 hydrogeologists and a generic ‘good highly technical
Contaminated environmental practice’ approach to publication. Not
Land Centre professionals both contaminant fate and for general
report internal and external transport modelling reading.
NC/99/38/2 to the Environment from setting
Guide to good Agency. objectives to
practice for the interpretation of
development of results and validation.
models and the
selection and
application of
models of
processes in the
Environment Section 2 Section 4.2.5 Principally aimed Provides technical Volume I –
Agency R & D paragraph 2.9 at Environment guidance on the descriptive and
Technical Agency staff investigation of informative and
Report P5-065 involved in the contaminated sites basically
Technical management of site for use in a wide non-technical.
aspects of site investigation variety of contexts. Volume II –
investigation, projects. Can also be Well illustrated
2000 (Volumes of use to local examples of
I and II) authority officers standard forms
and consultants and and procedures.
contractors engaged
in site investigation

Using the Building Regulations
Environment Section 2 Section 4.2.5 Specialist document Contains explanatory Descriptive and
Agency R & D paragraph 2.9 aimed at: material that Informative but
Technical • designers of soil discusses the of specialist
Report P5-066 sampling relationship between nature not for
Secondary strategies soil sampling and general reading.
model • those who need to risk assessment, and
procedure for assess health and contains procedures
the development environmental for developing
of appropriate risks on sites, and appropriate soil
soil sampling • those who rely on sampling strategies.
strategies for the output of the
land first two groups.
Construction Section 2 Section 4.3.3 Designed to meet Explains that Some sections
Industry paragraph 2.20 the needs of a wide containment and are descriptive
Research and range of potential control can be and
Information users, including achieved either by informative, but
Association project and constructing suitable it does contain a
(CIRIA) development in-ground barriers or large amount
Special managers, by using hydraulic of specialist
Publication measures. information.
SP124 Barriers, consultants and
liners and cover contractors acting on
systems for behalf of public and
containment and private development
control of land agencies, other
contamination, clients of the
1996 construction
industry, central and
local government,
and other regulatory
CIRIA Special Section 2 Section 4.3.4 Owners of Deals with design Descriptive and
Publication paragraph 2.22 contaminated sites. and implementation informative but
SP102 Non-specialist of post-closure of specialist
Decommissioning, civil-engineering, operations for nature not for
decontamination architectural or contaminated sites. general reading.
and construction The report
demolition, 1995 advisers providing assumes that
design, supervision readers will
and inspection have a basic
services in understanding
collaboration with of the nature of
specialist advisers. the problems

of land

Using the Building Regulations
CIRIA Special Contracting Provides a
Publication organizations classification of the
SP104 working on techniques available
Classification remediation for the treatment of
and selection of projects. contaminated sites.
remedial Regulatory bodies
methods, 1995 having responsibility
CIRIA Special for public and Deals with the
Publication occupational health excavation of
SP105 and safety in relation contaminated
Excavation and to a contaminated material prior to
disposal, 1995 site. disposal (on or
off-site) or as a
precursor to other
forms of treatment.
CIRIA Special Section 2 Section 4.3.4 Owners of Provides information Descriptive and
Publication paragraph contaminated sites. and guidance on informative but
SP106 2.22 Non-specialist civil engineering-based of specialist
Containment engineering, remedial methods, nature not for
and hydraulic architectural or specifically physical general reading.
measures, 1996 construction containment and The report
advisers providing hydraulic control assumes that
design, supervision measures. readers will
and have a basic
inspection services understanding
in collaboration with of the nature of
specialist advisers. the problems
Contracting of land
organizations contamination.
CIRIA Special working on Deals with physical,
Publication remediation chemical and
SP107 Ex-situ projects. biological methods
remedial Regulatory bodies of removing or
methods for having responsibility rendering harmless
soils, sludges for public and the contaminants in
and sediments, occupational health solid materials after
1995 and safety in relation excavation from the
to a contaminated ground.
CIRIA Special site. Describes the tech-
Publication niques available for
SP109 removing, destroying
In-situ methods or rendering harmless
of remediation, contaminants while
1995 they are in place in
the ground.

Using the Building Regulations
Preparing for Section 2 Section 4.4 Intended for use by The aim of the guide Non-technical
floods: interim paragraph property owners, is to show how the practical
guidance for 2.23 developers, local flood resistance of guidance.
improving the planning authorities properties may be
flood resistance and others involved improved.
of domestic and in construction of
small business new buildings, and
properties, renovation of
DTLR, 2002 existing buildings,
where their
buildings are at risk
of flooding.
BRE for Section 2 Section 4.4 Of great use to Covers issues A simple,
Scottish Office paragraph anyone involved affecting design, the eminently
Design 2.23 in the design, effects of water on practical guide.
guidance on construction, materials and
flood damage renovation, repair guidance on
for dwellings, and alteration of construction and
TSO, 1996 houses in flood risk details.
Assessment and Section 2 Section 4.4 Aimed at all those Considers the risks to Descriptive and
management paragraph involved in the buildings, building informative but
of risks to 2.24 management of land materials and requires some
buildings, contamination services that may be knowledge of
building including regulators, associated with land risk analysis.
materials and specialist consultants contamination in
services from and contractors, terms of four
land construction clients, principal hazards.
contamination, developers, main
Environment contractors,
Agency 2001 sub-contractors,
consulting engineers
and other
professionals and
producers of con-
struction materials.
BRE Report Section 2 Section 4.5.1 Essential reading Identifies those areas Descriptive and
BR 211 Radon: paragraph for designers, where either basic or informative
guidance on 2.40 contractors, full radon protection non-technical
protective regulators and is needed by guidance.
measures for developers. reference to a series
new dwellings of maps and provides

(third edition practical guidance on
1999) measures to be taken.

Using the Building Regulations
Ionising Section 2 Section 4.5.1 Employers and Statutory Instrument. General
Radiations paragraph self-employed appreciation
Regulations 2.40 persons responsible of legal texts.
1999 (SI for a workplace.
BRE Report Section 2 Section 4.5.1 Aimed principally at Provides guidance Descriptive and
BR 293 paragraph employers and those on radon protection informative.
Radon in the 2.40 who control for existing Non-technical
workplace, buildings used for non-domestic practical
1995 work purposes, or buildings. It also guidance.
their representatives. includes information
Should also be of on the employer’s
interest and responsibility under
assistance to SI 1999/3232.
surveyors and
builders etc.,
concerned with
specifying and
carrying out the
necessary remedial
Good Building Section 2 Section 4.5.1 Essential reading for Provides interim An easily
Guide 25 paragraph designers, guidance on radon readable guide
Buildings and 2.40 contractors and measures in domestic with minimal
radon, 1996 house owners. buildings (including technical jargon
conservatories and and plenty
extensions). of simple
HMIP Waste Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Useful to anyone Discusses the main Written in
Management paragraph concerned with the factors responsible non-technical
Paper No 27 2.29 development of land for the formation of terms and is a
The control on or near landfill landfill gas in order to useful way of
of landfill sites. give information on gaining an
gas, TSO, the options available understanding
2nd edition for its management. of the
1991 behaviour,
monitoring and
control of
landfill gas.

Using the Building Regulations
Chartered Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Useful to anyone Provides detailed Descriptive and
Institution of paragraph concerned with the information on all informative but
Wastes 2.29 development of land aspects of gas more specialist
Management on or near landfill generation and than HMIP
(CIWM) sites. monitoring under a Waste
entitled variety of conditions. Management
Monitoring of Paper No 27.
landfill gas,
2nd edition
Methane and Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Provides advice Aimed at identifying Descriptive and
other gases paragraph suitable for use by a suitable planning informative,
from disused 2.29 planners, response to reduce and
coal mines: the developers, land and mine gas emission non-technical.
planning property owners, risks in respect of
response, TSO, insurers and others, new development,
1996 in current and past without placing
coal mining areas. unnecessary
constraints on land
CIRIA Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Provides guidance Contains relevant Although there
Report 130 paragraph for construction information on are some
Methane: its 2.29 professionals who methane and other sections of
occurrence and may have to take gases including general interest,
hazards in methane (and other information which much of the
construction, gases often present will enable report requires
1993 with it) into account construction advanced
during the professionals to knowledge of
construction recognize potential chemistry and
process. methane problems mathematics.
and to initiate the
process of finding
solutions for them.
CIRIA Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Useful to specialist Provides guidance on Descriptive and
Report 131 paragraph companies directly the detection, informative but
The measurement 2.29 involved in the measurement and of specialist
of methane detection, monitoring of gases nature not for
and other gases measurement and in the ground. general reading.
from the monitoring of gases
ground, 1993 from the ground and
for people
responsible for

commissioning their

Using the Building Regulations
CIRIA Report Section 2 Section 4.6.4 The report is of a Contains guidance Descriptive and
150 Methane paragraph specialist nature and for good practice in informative but
investigation 2.29 will be of most use the design and of specialist
strategies, 1995 to those people execution of site nature not for
responsible for investigations for general reading.
commissioning methane and
methane associated gases in
investigations. the ground.
CIRIA Report Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Useful to engineers Reviews the Contains highly
151 Interpreting paragraph allowing them to test limitations of current technical
measurements 2.30 the validity of gas gas measurement information
of gas in the measurements and techniques and suitable for
ground, 1995 their meaning. recommends ways specialists.
to standardize and
improve not only
the techniques of
measurement but also
the ways to develop
sound interpretations.
CIRIA Report Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Mainly for the use Proposes a rational Descriptive and
152 Risk paragraph of construction methodology for gas informative but
assessment for 2.30 professionals, but hazard evaluation of specialist
methane and also acts as a and risk assessment nature not for
other gases guidance document appropriate for a general reading.
from the ground to assessors of risk wide range of
of gas ingress in construction
development situations and ground
situations. The gases.
non-technical parts
will be of use to all
those concerned
with risk
assessments of sites
where the presence
of ground gases is
CIRIA Report Section 2 Section 4.6.4 Of use for experts, Examines the need A practical
149 Protecting paragraph practitioners, clients for buildings to be guide to current
development 2.36 and owners of protected from accepted good
from methane, development, public hazards arising from practice.
1995 utility engineers methane and other Descriptive and
and those with a gases. informative but
statutory or of specialist

regulatory nature not for
responsibility for general reading.

Using the Building Regulations
DETR/Arup Section 2 Section 4.6.4 For use by Provides quantitative Highly
Environmental paragraph consultants, information on the technical and
PIT Research 2.34 engineers and relative performance contains very
Report: Passive contractors who are of various ventilation little practical
venting of soil engaged in the media and guidance guidance.
gases beneath design of buildings on the design of
buildings, 1997 on or near low gas passive gas
(in two potential sites. Also protective measures.
volumes) as a reference
document to
BRE/ Section 2 Section 4.6.5 Essential reading Contains practical Descriptive and
Environment paragraph for designers, guidance on informative.
Agency 2.34 contractors, construction methods Non-technical
Report BR 414 regulators and to prevent the ingress practical
Protective developers when of landfill gas into guidance.
measures for considering buildings.
housing on gas- developing near
contaminated landfill sites.
land, 2001
Planning Policy Section 0 Section 5.1 Regulators, Planning guidance General
Guidance Note paragraph professionals and document which appreciation of
PPG 25 0.8 developers dealing explains how flood legal guidance
Development with possible risk should be documents.
and flood risk, development in considered at all
DTLR, 2002 areas at risk of stages of the planning
flooding. and development
process in order to
reduce future damage
to property and loss
of life.
CIRIA Section 3 Section 5.2 Aimed at the needs Summarizes the Descriptive and
publication paragraph of drainage results of a CIRIA informative but
C506 Low cost 3.6 engineers and project in which low of specialist
options for planners working for cost options for application and
prevention of sewerage preventing flooding not for general
flooding from undertakers, local from sewers were reading.
sewers, 1998 authorities, identified and
contractors and information collected
developers. on their suitability
and effectiveness.

Using the Building Regulations
CIRIA/ Section 0 Section 5.2 Aimed specifically Designed to help its A handy
Environment paragraph at home owners target audience to non-technical
Agency Flood 0.8 (and tenants, assess the risk that guide of
products. Using presumably). flooding entails and universal use in
flood protection to understand the areas prone to
products – a different routes flooding.
guide for home through which
owners, 2003 floodwater may enter.
BRE Digest 276 Section 4 Section 6.3.1 Like most other Provides information Descriptive,
Hardcore, 1992 paragraph BRE Digests, this on hardcore, informative and
4.7 one is of universal considers the non-technical.
application to all suitability of some of
concerned with the the materials in
built environment. common use and
discusses some of the
problems that can
BS 8500-1: Section 4 Section 6.3.1 Essential reading for Offers guidance to Specialist
2002 Concrete. paragraph all people concerned the specifier on five document
Complementary 4.7 with the approaches to the dealing with
British Standard specification and specification of concrete
to BS EN ordering of concrete concrete. specification.
206-1. Method for use on site.
of specifying
and guidance
for the specifier
BS 1282: 1999 Section 4 Section 6.3.1 Useful to anyone Provides an overview Descriptive,
Wood paragraph concerned with the of wood preservation informative and
preservatives 4.11 treatment of wood and the factors for non-technical.
Guidance on in the built consideration in the
choice, use and environment such as selection, and
application architects, building application of
surveyors, specialist appropriate wood
timber treatment preservatives and
companies and in the use of
contractors. preservative-treated

Using the Building Regulations
CP 102: 1973 Section 4 Section 6.3.1 Of particular use to Deals with the Well illustrated
Protection of paragraph designers, surveyors methods of and easy to
buildings 4.12 and contractors preventing the entry read.
against water engaging in of ground water and
from the ground renovation and surface water into a
(Clause 11) repair work. Also of building from the
use to students. surrounding areas.
BS 8102: 1990 Section 4 Sections Of use to designers, Provides guidance on Well illustrated
Code of paragraph 6.3.1 and 7.3 general and methods of dealing and easy to
practice for 4.12 specialist with and preventing read.
protection of contractors, and the entry of water
structures regulatory from surrounding
against water authorities. ground into a
from the ground building below
ground level.
BRE Digest 429 Section 4 Section 6.3.2 Useful to anyone Contains an Descriptive,
Timbers and paragraph concerned with the explanation of the informative and
their natural 4.15 treatment of wood classification of non-technical.
durability and in the built durability and
resistance to environment such as treatability for timber.
preservative architects, building
treatment surveyors, specialist
timber treatment
companies and
BS 7331: 1990 Section 4 Section 6.3.2 Of particular use to Specifies the Descriptive and
Specification for paragraph people concerned requirements for six informative.
direct surfaced 4.15 with the types of direct
wood chipboard specification and surfaced wood
based on detailed design of chipboard for interior
thermosetting timber floors. applications.

Using the Building Regulations
BS EN 312 Section 4 Section 6.3.2 Of particular use to Specifies the Descriptive and
Part 5 paragraph people concerned requirements for informative.
Particleboards. 4.15 with the mechanical and
Specifications. specification and swelling properties
Requirements detailed design of of the boards and
for load-bearing timber floors. contains
boards for use requirements for
in humid moisture resistance.
BS 5250: 2002 Section 4 Section 6.3.4 Of use to building Describes the causes Descriptive and
Code of paragraph designers, and effects of surface informative.
practice for the 4.21 contractors, owners, and interstitial
control of managers and condensation in
condensation in occupiers. buildings and gives
buildings. recommendations for
Appendix D. their control.
BS EN ISO Section 4 Section 6.3.4 Mainly aimed at Gives calculation See target
13788: 2001 paragraph building design methods for: readership. Not
Hygrothermal 4.21 specialists with the • the internal surface for general
performance of required level of temperature of a reading.
building knowledge of building
components and physics and higher component or
building mathematics. building element
elements. below which
Internal surface mould growth is
temperature to likely
avoid critical • the assessment of
surface humidity the risk of
and interstitial interstitial
condensation. condensation due
Calculation to water vapour
methods diffusion.
BRE Report As with most of the Discusses the more Descriptive,
BR 262 Thermal BRE’s publications important technical informative and
insulation: this report should risks associated with non-technical.
avoiding risks, form part of the meeting the Well illustrated.
2002 reference library of requirements of
all those concerned building regulations
with the design, for thermal

construction and use insulation.
of buildings.

Using the Building Regulations
Limiting Section 4 Section 6.3.5 Essential reading Details prepared Descriptive,
thermal paragraph and of great practical to assist the informative and
bridging and air 4.22 use to both designers construction industry non-technical.
leakage: robust and contractors. in achieving the Well illustrated.
construction Essential for performance
details for building control standards published
dwellings and bodies. in the Building
similar Regulations
buildings, Approved Documents
published by L1A, L1B, L2A and
The Stationery L2B (2006 editions).
Office, 2002.
(in 8 volumes)
BRE Section 4 Section 6.3.5 Will only be of use Gives guidance on Assumes
Information paragraph to specialists dealing assessing the effects readers
Paper IP17/01 4.22 with energy use in of thermal bridging at understand the
Assessing the buildings and since junctions and around principles, and
effects of publication of the openings in the are familiar
thermal 2006 edition of external elements of with the
bridging at Approved Document buildings and how to calculation, of
junctions and L (4 volumes) is assess their effect on heat loss
around now out of date. the overall heat loss. through the
openings external
elements of
BS 8215: 1991 Section 5 Section 7.3 Essential reading for Contains Descriptive,
Code of paragraph 5.6 all people concerned recommendations for informative and
practice for with the the selection, design non-technical.
design and specification and and installation of Well illustrated.
installation of detailed design of damp-proof courses
damp-proof buildings. (DPCs) in both solid
courses in and cavity masonry
masonry constructions.
Clauses 4 and 5
BS 8104: 1992 Section 5 Section 7.4.1 Useful for designers Gives Relatively easy
Code of paragraph 5.8 and specifiers when recommendations for to use and
practice for anticipating the two methods for contains in
assessing possible use of solid assessing exposure of appendix A,
exposure of wall construction in walls in buildings to a number of
walls to masonry. wind-driven rain (i.e. worked
wind-driven the local spell index examples.
rain method and the local
annual index

Using the Building Regulations
BS EN 998: Section 5 Section 7.4.1 Essential reading for Specifies Descriptive and
Specification of paragraph 5.9 all people concerned requirements for informative.
mortar for with the masonry mortars
masonry Part 2: specification and (bedding, jointing
2002: Masonry detailed design of and pointing) for use
mortar masonry in in masonry.
BS 5262: 1991 Section 5 Section 7.4.1 Invaluable to anyone Gives Easily readable,
Code of paragraph concerned with the recommendations for descriptive and
practice for 5.9 specification and cement-based informative.
external detailing of building external renderings
renderings work involving on all common types
rendering. of background.
BS 5628 Code Section 4 Section Essential reading for Part 3 of the BS gives Descriptive,
of practice for paragraph 6.3.2, 7.4.1 all people concerned general recommenda- informative and
use of masonry 4.14 and and 7.4.2 with the tions for the design, non-technical.
Part 3: 2001 Section 5 specification and construction and Well illustrated.
Materials and paragraph detailed design of workmanship of
components, 5.8 buildings. masonry, including
design and materials and
workmanship components and the
main aspects of
BS5617: 1985 Section 5 Section 7.4.3 Due to the problems Specifies the property See note under
Specification paragraph that have been requirements, the target
for urea- 5.15 encountered with properties of the readership.
formaldehyde this product in the components and the
(UF) foam past it is seldom production parame-
systems suitable used today as a ters, of urea-
for thermal cavity insulant. formaldehyde foam
insulation of systems suitable for
cavity walls with injection into
masonry or external masonry or
concrete inner concrete cavity walls
and outer leaves to provide improved
thermal insulation.
BS5618: 1985 Section 5 Section 7.4.3 Due to the problems Describes See note under
Code of practice paragraph that have been recommendations for target
for thermal 5.15 encountered with the installation of UF readership.
insulation of this product in the foam systems which
cavity walls past it is seldom are dispensed on site,
(with masonry used today as a to fill the cavities of
or concrete inner cavity insulant. suitably situated and
and outer leaves) constructed external
by filling with walls of maximum
urea-formaldehyde height 12 m, thereby

(UF) foam providing additional
systems thermal insulation to
such walls.

Using the Building Regulations
BS 8208: Part 1: Section 5 Section 7.4.3 Intended for people Gives guidance Specialist
1985 Guide to paragraph who are on factors to be document not
assessment of 5.15 appropriately considered when for general
suitability of qualified and assessing the reading.
external cavity experienced and are suitability of existing
walls for filling properly trained external cavity walls
with thermal to carry out with masonry and/or
insulation assessments of concrete leaves for
cavity walls for filling with thermal
filling with insulants. insulants.
BS 8000: Section 5 Section 7.4.4 Essential reading for This part of Descriptive and
Part 6: 1990 paragraph all people concerned BS 8000 gives informative but
Workmanship 5.25 with the recommendations on lacking
on building specification, basic workmanship illustrations.
sites. Code of detailed design and and covers those
practice for construction of slate tasks which are
slating and and tile roofs and frequently carried out
tiling of roofs claddings. in relation to slating
and claddings and tiling of roofs
and claddings of
British Standard Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Essential for anyone The code consists of Easy to read
Code of paragraph concerned with the a series of parts and contain
Practice 143 5.28 design, construction, dealing with different numerous
Code of repair and sheet roofing and drawings and
practice sheet maintenance of walling materials. details to
roof and wall sheet roof and wall illustrate the
coverings coverings in design and
(various parts) traditional materials. construction
BS 6915: 2001 Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Essential for anyone Gives Easy to read
Specification paragraph concerned with the recommendations for document
for design and 5.28 design, construction, the design and containing a
construction of specification, repair construction of fully large number of
fully supported and maintenance of supported coverings practical details
lead sheet roof lead sheet roof and of rolled lead sheet, and much
and wall wall coverings. conforming to BS EN useful advice.
coverings 12588, applied to
external wall and
roof surfaces.

Using the Building Regulations
BS 8219: 2001 Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Essential for anyone Gives Easy to read
Profiled fibre paragraph concerned with the recommendations for document
cement. Code of 5.28 design, construction, design specific to the containing a
practice repair and use of profiled fibre large number of
maintenance of fibre cement sheets for practical details
cement sheet roof roof and wall and much
and wall coverings. cladding on useful advice.
buildings, and
recommendations for
basic workmanship
and tasks carried out
in relation to the
installation of
profiled fibre cement
BS 8200: 1985 Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Intended to be used Provides a systematic Specialist
Code of paragraph primarily by framework within document not
practice for 5.28 designers to assist in which an enclosure for general
design of non- the design process. can be designed and reading.
loadbearing Will also assist constructed.
external vertical designer in his role
enclosures of of supervisor,
assessor and advisor
to his client and
will be of use
erector and main
BS 8297: 2000 Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Essential for Gives Specialist
Code of paragraph designers, recommendations document but
practice for 5.28 contractors, and guidance for the containing a
design and manufacturers and design, manufacture, large number of
installation of regulators concerned transport and practical details
non- with the use of installation of and much
loadbearing non-load-bearing non-load-bearing useful advice.
precast concrete precast concrete precast concrete
cladding panel construction. cladding in the
form of:
• units supported by
and fixed to a
structural frame or
wall, and
• units used as

formwork in part
or in whole.

Using the Building Regulations
BS 8298: 1994 Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Essential for all Contains Specialist
Code of paragraph concerned with the recommendations for document but
practice for 5.28 design, installation the design, practical and
design and and maintenance of installation and informative.
installation of mechanically fixed maintenance of
natural stone facing units of mechanically fixed
cladding and natural stone. facing units of
lining natural stone as a
cladding and lining
where these are:
• held to a structural
background by
metal fixings, or
• attached to precast
concrete units (i.e.
stone faced
concrete cladding
MCRMA Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Of use to all Applies to profiled This excellent
Technical paragraph concerned with the steel or aluminium paper provides
Paper 6 Profiled 5.28 design, construction sheets used in various non-technical
metal roofing and regulation of roof constructions and highly
design guide, profiled metal such as single skin readable
revised edition roofing. and double skin information.
systems, secret fix,
site assembled or
factory made
composite panels and
under purlin linings.
MCRMA Section 5 Section 7.4.5 Of use to designers Covers the materials, This paper
Technical paragraph and contractors in methods of provides
Paper 9 5.28 giving an indication manufacture and non-technical
Composite roof of the general performance of metal and highly
and wall principles for the composite roof and readable
cladding panel design and wall cladding panels. information,
design guide, installation of these however, it is
1995 products, but should now well out of
not be used for date, especially
thermal design as it regarding
is well out of date. thermal

Using the Building Regulations
BRE Building Section 5 Section 7.5 Primarily aimed at Covers all kinds of An excellent,
Elements. paragraph building surveyors external walls, both well illustrated
Walls, windows 5.18 and other loadbearing and and informative
and doors professionals non-load-bearing; book.
(Performance, performing similar windows and doors.
diagnosis, functions (such as Describes both good
maintenance, architects and and bad features of
repair and the builders) who walls, windows and
avoidance of maintain, repair, doors and the joints
defects) 1998 extend and renew between them.
the national building Concentrates on
stock. It will also be those aspects of
of use to students. construction which,
in the experience of
BRE, lead to the
greatest number of
problems or greatest
potential expense, if
carried out
BRE Report Section 5 Section 7.5 Aimed at three main Describes the science Highly readable
BR 292 paragraph interest groups: behind the different and well
Cracking 5.18 • Construction causes of cracking illustrated.
in buildings: professionals thereby enabling Set out so as
1996 (architects, surveyors and others to be readily
surveyors and who investigate the accessible to
contractors) phenomenon to all members of
• Litigators understand the causes the groups
(building failure and hence be able to opposite. Does
investigators, loss offer diagnoses and require some
adjusters and remedies. knowledge of
expert witnesses) basic chemistry
• building owners and physics.
and maintenance
BRE Good Section 5 Section 7.7 Mostly intended for Describes some of Well illustrated
Building paragraph practitioners to the technical risks and written
Guide 47 5.33 encourage and associated with the in clear
Level external improve mutual design of level non-technical
thresholds: awareness of the thresholds and some terms.
reducing roles of different detailing solutions.
moisture trades and
penetration and professions.

bridging, 2001

Using the Building Regulations
Accessible Section 5 Section 7.7 Essential for all who The aim of this guide Well illustrated
thresholds in paragraph are concerned with is to: and written
new buildings: 5.33 the design, • suggest design in clear
guidance for construction and solutions that will non-technical
house builders regulation of make dwelling terms.
and designers. dwellings. thresholds more
TSO, 1999 accessible to
disabled people,
whilst minimising
the risk of water
entering the
building, and
• help designers
achieve solutions
that do not conflict
with other
aspects of Building
MCRMA Section 6 Section 8.5 This edition is no This publication was No longer
Technical paragraph longer applicable. originally intended to applicable.
Paper 14 6.14 assist designers,
Guidance manufacturers and
for the design of installers of metal
metal roofing walls and roofs to
and cladding to comply with the
comply with requirements of
approved Part L of the Building
document Regulations which
L2: 2001, 2002 came into force in
revision April 2002. These
have now been
superceded thereby
rendering much of
this publication
obsolete, although
the sections on
infra-red surveys and
air leakage testing are
of some general


This page intentionally left blank

(Page numbers for figures have suffix f, those for tables have suffix t)

ACAI see Association of Consultant Approved Inspectors, 7, 8, 9, 10

Approved Inspectors Assessing exposure of walls to
AD C see Approved Document C wind-driven rain: code of
Approved Documents, xv, xvi, xix, 4, 6, practice BS 8104 (1992),
17, 123 111, 187
Approved Document C (AD C), xv, xvi, Assessment and management of risks to
xvii, xxi, 17, 43, 47, 48 buildings, building materials and
alternative approaches, 18 services from land contamination
and cavity walls, 116 (Environment Agency 2001),
changes on publication, 12 65, 171
CIRIA publication, 60, 62 Assessment of Risks to Human Health
cladding for walls, 123–29 from Land Contamination Report
concrete, 93 CLR7 Defra/Environment Agency,
condensation in roofs, 139 43, 159
and cracking of walls, 129–31 Association of Consultant Approved
gas protective measures, 24 Inspectors (ACAI)
guidance sources, 29 (website), 7
hazardous soil gases, 72
and historic buildings, 22, 23 Barriers, liners, and cover systems for
and moisture ingress, 14 containment and control of land
operational in 2004, 11 contamination CIRIA Publication
requirements for subsoil drainage, 81 124 (1996), 59, 166–67
resistance to contaminants, 28 BRE see Building Research
resistance to moisture, 89–90 Establishment
review in 2002, 13 British Geological Survey (BGS), 66
site investigation, 27 Methane, carbon dioxide and
sources of contamination, 42 oil seeps from natural sources
sulphate-bearing strata, 46 Technical Report WP/95/1
types of clay, 35 (1995), 73
Approved Document F (ventilation), British Standards:
xvi, 139 Assessing exposure of walls to
Approved Document H (drainage and wind-driven rain: code of practice
waste disposal), 82 BS 8104 (1992), 111, 187
Approved Document L, 104 Code of practice for design and
Approved Document M (Access to installation of damp-proof courses
and use of buildings), 14, in masonry construction BS 8215
132, 134 (1991), 108, 187

202 Index

British Standards: (cont.) Investigation of potentially

Code of practice for design and contaminated land: code of
installation of natural stone practice BS 10175 (2001),
cladding and lining BS 8298 54–55, 164
(1994), 127–28, 194 Particle boards specifications.
Code of practice for design and Requirements for load-bearing
installation of non-loadbearing boards for use in humid conditions
precast concrete cladding BS 8297 BS EN 312, 98–99, 184
(2000), 126–27, 193 Profiled fibre cement. Code of practice
Code of practice for design of BS 8219 (2001), 125–26, 138, 192
non-loadbearing external vertical Protection of buildings against water
enclosures of buildings BS 8200 from the ground CP 102 (1973),
(1985), 126, 138, 192 94–95, 182
Code of practice for external renderings Specification for design and
BS 5262 (1991), 113, 188 construction of fully supported
lead sheet roof and wall covering
Code of practice for protection of
BS 6915 (2001), 125,
structures against water from the
138, 191
ground BS 8102 (1990),
95, 182 Specification for direct surfaced wood
chipboard BS 7331 (1990),
Code of practice for site investigations
98, 183
BS 5930 (1999), 29, 54, 151–52
Specification for topsoil BS 3882
Code of practice for the control of (1994), 58
condensation in buildings BS
Specification for urea-formaldehyde
5250 (2002), 100–101, 135,
foam systems suitable for thermal
140–41, 184
insulation of cavity walls BS 5617
Code of practice for thermal insulation (1985), 119, 189
of cavity walls by filling with Specification of mortar for masonry BS
urea-formaldehyde BS 5618 EN 998 (2002), 113, 188
(1985), 119, 189 Structural design for low rise buildings
Code of practice for use of masonry BS BS 8103 (1995), 29, 34, 155
5628 (2001), 97, 111, 116, 131, 188 Wood preservatives. Guidance on
Code of practice sheet roof and wall choice, use and application BS
coverings CP 143, 123–25, 1282 (1999), 94, 181
138, 191 Workmanship on building sites. Code of
Concrete BS 8500-1 (2002), 93, 181 practice for slating and tiling of
Guide to assessment of suitability of roofs and claddings BS 8000
external cavity walls for filling with (1990), 121, 122, 190
thermal insulation BS 8208 Building Act (1984), 7, 8, 17
(1985), 120, 190 Building (Amendment) Regulations
Guide to the principles of conservation (2004), 11
of historic buildings BS 7913 Building Control Officer, 9
(1998), 22, 150 Building Control Section of local
Hygrothermal performance of building authorities, 6
components and building elements Building near trees (NHBC), 38, 157
BS EN ISO 13788 (2001), 101, Building Regulations (1985), xv, xvi, xix,
135, 141, 185 3–24
Index 203

administration, 6–7 C3 Subsoil drainage, 11

Approved Inspectors, 7 C4 Resistance to weather and ground
Local Authority Building Control moisture, 11
(LABC), 6–7 historic buildings, 22–24
definitions, 4–6 avoiding unnecessarily intrusive
Approved Documents, 4, 6 measures for gas protection, 24
European Technical Approvals, 6 principles of conservation, 22–23
Harmonised Standards, 5, 6 references to Approved Document C,
procedures, 5 22, 23, 24
purposes, 4–5 Requirements after 2004, 11
regulations dealing with resistance to moisture, 11, 12
administration, 5 site preparation and resistance to
testing and non-compliance, 5 contaminents, 11, 12
types of work and timing, 5 requirements of Part C, 16
substantive requirements, 5 C1 preparation of site and resistance
ability, strength and durability of to contaminents, 16
buildings, 5 C2 resistance to moisture, 16
safety and environmental issues, 5 2002 review, 13–16
effect on homes and offices, 3–4
effects of climate change, 13–14
design and services, 3
flooding, 14–15
site requirements, 4
land affected by contaminants, 15
size and construction methods, 3
moisture ingresss, 14
future of building control, 9–10
radon, 15–16
mixed economy of control
in UK, 10 ways of satisfying the Regulation
necessary criteria, 9 requirements, 17–19
White Paper (1981), 9 alternative approaches, 18
need for Building Regulations, 7–10 Approved Documents, 17–18
control of public health and safety, 7 disadvantages, 17
extended extension of control, 8–9 legal status, 18–19
Health and Safety at Work Building Regulations 2000, xxi, 17, 27,
Act (1974), 8 81, 89, 105, 119, 122, 137, 139
welfare and convenience, 8 requirement C2 of Schedule 1 deals
Part C of the Building Regulations, with moisture, 89, 105
11–24 requirement F2 of Schedule 1 deals with
Approved Document C, 12 condensation, 139
consultation with regulatory Building Research Establishment (BRE):
authorities, 21 Advisory Service, 130
Environmental Protection Act Assessing the effects of thermal bridging
legislation, 19–20 at junctions and around openings
and contaminated land, 19 BRE IP 17/01, 136, 145, 186
‘duty of care,’ 20 Building fill: Geotechnical aspects BR
transfer of waste, 20 424 (2001), 39, 158
four Requirements prior to 2004, Buildings and radon BRE Good
C1 Preparation of site, 11 Building Guide 25 (2001), 24, 68
C2 Dangerous and offensive Concrete in aggressive ground BRE
substances, 11 Special Digest SD1(2003), 93, 162
204 Index

Building Research Establishment (BRE): Buildings and radon BRE Good Building
(cont.) Guide 25 (2001), 24, 68, 173
Cracking in buildings BR 292 (1996),
130–31, 197 Centre for Ground Engineering and
Design guidance on flood damage for Remediation (Building Research
dwellings TSO (1996), 64, 83, 170 Establishment), 38
Hardcore BRE Digest 276 (1992), Chartered Institution of Waste
92, 180 Management (CIWM) Monitoring
Level external thesholds: reducing of landfill gas (1998), 73, 174
moisture penetration and thermal CIRIA see Construction Industry
bridging BRE Good Building Research and Information
Guide 47 (2001), 133–34, 197 Association
Low-rise building foundations: the Classification and selection of remedial
influence of trees in clay soils BRE methods CIRIA Publication SP104
Digest 298 (1999), 35, 155 (1995), 60, 168
Low-rise buildings on fill BRE Digest CLEA see Contaminated Land Exposure
427, 39, 40, 157 Assessment Model
Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay Common defects in buildings (Stationery
soils BRE Digest 241 (1993), Office), 131
37, 156 Concrete BS 8500-1 (2002), 93, 181
Major alterations and conversions: a Construction (Design and Management)
BRE guide to radon remedial Regulations (1994), 21
measures in existing dwellings Construction (Health, Safety and
BR 267 (1994), 24, 151 Welfare) Regulations (1996), 21
Construction Industry Council (CIC), 7
Protective measures for housing on
Construction Industry Research and
gas-contaminated land BR 414
Information Association (CIRIA)
(2001), 78, 178
Barriers, liners, and cover systems for
Radon: guidance on protective
containment and control of land
measures for new dwellings
contamination Publication 124
BR 211 (1999), 29, 37, 171
(1996), 59, 166–67
Radon in the workplace BR 293 (1995), Classification and selection of remedial
66, 172 methods Publication SP104 (1995),
Site investigation for low-rise building 60, 168
BRE Digests, 29, 152–54 Containment and hydraulic measures
Thermal insulation: avoiding risks Publication SP106 (1996), 60, 168
BR 262 (2002), 101–2, 117, Decommissioning, decontamination and
123, 141, 185 demolition Publication SP102
Timbers and their natural durability and (1995), 60, 167
resistance to preservative Ex-situ remedial measures for soils,
treatment BRE Digest 429 (1992), sludges and sediments Publication
97, 183 SP107 (1995), 60, 169
Walls, windows and doors Excavation and disposal Publication
(performance, diagnosis, SP105 (1995), 60, 168
maintenance, repair and avoidance Flood products. Using flood protection
of defects) BRE Building Elements products – a guide for home
(1998), 129–30, 196 owners (2003), 83, 180
Index 205

Guide to safe working practices for Decommissioning, decontamination and

contaminated land Report 132 demolition CIRIA Publication
(1993), 53, 163 SP102 (1995), 60, 167
Interpreting measurements of gas in the DEFRA see Department for
ground Report 151 (1995), 75, 176 Environment, Food and Rural
Low cost options for prevention of Affairs
flooding from sewers Publication Defra/Environment Agency:
C506 (1998), 60, 82, 179 Assessment of Risks to Human Health
Measurement of methane and other from Land Contamination Report
gases from the ground Report 131 CLR7, 43, 159
(1993), 74, 175
Contaminants in Soil: Collation of
Methane: its occurrence and hazards in toxicological data and intake
construction Report 130 (1993), values for humans Report CLR9,
74, 175 43, 51, 159
Methane investigation strategies Report
Contaminated Land Exposure
150 (1995), 74–75, 176
Assessment Model (CLEA)
Protecting development from methane Report CLR10 (2002), 44,
Report 149 (1995), 76–77, 177 54, 160
Risk assessment for methane and other
Index Doses for contaminants CLR
gases from the ground Report 152
TOX 1-10 (2002), 43, 160
(1995), 75–76, 177
Model procedures for the management
Containment and hydraulic measures
of contaminated land Report
CIRIA Publication SP106 (1996),
CLR11 (2004), 44, 47–48,
60, 168
76, 161
Contaminants in Soil: Collation of
toxicological data and intake Potential contaminants for the
values for humans Report CLR9 assessment of land Report CLR8
Defra/Environment Agency, 43, (2002), 43, 158
51, 159 Soil Guideline Values CLR GV1-10
Contaminated Land (England) (2002), 44, 160
Regulations (2000), 19 Department for Environment, Food and
Contaminated Land Exposure Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 43
Assessment Model (CLEA) Report Department for Transport, Local
CLR10 (2002), 44, 54 Government and the Regions
The control of landfill gas HMIP (1991), (DTLR), 63–64
72, 173 Development and flood risk PPG25
Control of condensation in buildings (2002), 14, 81, 179
BS 5250 (2002), 100–101, Preparing for floods (2002), 63–64, 83,
140–41, 184 99, 170
Control of Substances Hazardous to Department of Environment, Transport
Health Regulations and the Regions (DETR), 43
(COSHH), 53
DETR/Arup Environmental PIT
Research Report Passive venting of
soil gases below buildings (1997),
damp-proof membrane (DPM), 92 77–78, 178
De Montfort University, Leicester, xix Department of the Environment, 73
206 Index

Design and installation of damp-proof European Technical Approvals, 6

courses in masonry construction European Union, 9
BS 8215 (1991), 108, 187 Ex-situ remedial measures for soils,
Design guidance on flood damage for sludges and sediments CIRIA
dwellings BRE TSO (1996), 64, Publication SP107 (1995),
83, 170 60, 169
DETR see Department of Environment, Excavation and disposal CIRIA
Transport and the Regions Publication SP105 (1995), 60, 168
Development and flood risk PPG25
(DTLR 2001), 14, 81, 179 FBE see Foundation for the Built
DPM see damp proof membrane Environment
DTLR see Department for Transport, floors, 89–104
Local Government and the definitions of terms, 89–90
Regions protection of ground floors, 90–104
general guidance, 91f
Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, xv, ground-supported floor, 91, 92f, 93–95
7, 12 application of British Standards,
Environment Act (1995), 19, 45 94–95
Environment Agency, 21 concrete slab thickness, 93
Assessment and management of risks to damp-proof membrane, 92–93
buildings, building materials and hardcore problems, 91–92
services from land contamination insulants, 93
(2001), 65, 171 timber floor laid on concrete slab, 94
Information on land quality in England resistance to damage from interstitial
Technical report P291, condensation, 100–102
45, 161 BRE report 262 on thermal
Information on land quality in Wales insulation, 100–102
Technical report P292, British Standard code of practice
45, 162 recommendations, 100–101
Secondary model procedure for the risk of condensation, 101
development of appropriate soil resistance to surface condensation,
sampling strategies for land 102–4
contamination Technical Report advantages of using Robust Details,
P5, 56–57, 166 102–3
Technical aspects of site investigation avoidance of thermal bridging to
(2000), 55, 165 maintain surface above dewpoint
Environmental Health Officers, 78 temperature, 102
Environmental Protection Act (1990) BRE Paper Assessing the effects of
(EPA), xvi, 11, 15, 19, 20, 41, 51, thermal bridging, 102–4
59, 149 suspended concrete ground floors,
Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) 99, 100f
Regulations (1991), 20, 149 guidance and recommendations, 99
European Commission Waste Framework suspended timber ground floors,
Directive, 20 95–99
European Council Directive: damp proof courses, 97
Ionising Radiations Regulations (1999), guidance and recommendations,
66, 172 96–98
Index 207

Particle boards specifications. Industry Profiles (Department of the

Requirements for load-bearing Environment), 42
boards for use in humid conditions Institution of Environmental Health
BS EN 312, 98–99, 184 (IEH), 43
Specification for direct surfaced Interpreting measurements of gas in the
wood chipboard BS 7331 (1990), ground CIRIA Report 151 (1995),
98, 183 75, 176
suitable construction, 95, 96f, 97 Ionising Radiations Regulations
requirement C2 of Schedule 1 to the European Council Directive
Building Regulations, 89 (1999), 66, 172
Foundation for the Built Environment
(FBE) report on subsidence Level external thresholds: reducing
damage to domestic buildings, moisture penetration and thermal
38, 156 bridging BRE Good Building
Guide 47 (2001),
Good Building Guides: 133–34, 197
Buildings and radon, 24, 68, 173 Limiting thermal bridging and air
Level external thresholds, 133–34, 197 leakage: robust construction
Guide to good practice for the details for dwellings and similar
development of conceptual models buildings (Stationery Office),
and the selection and application 102–3, 136, 142, 186
of mathematical models of Local Authority Building Control
contaminant transport processes in Officers, 78
the subsurface NGCLC report Local Authority Building Control
NC99/38/2, 55, 164–65 Services (LABC) (website),
Guide to safe working practices for 6–7
contaminated land (CIRIA 1993), Low cost options for prevention of
53–54 flooding from sewers CIRIA
Publication C506 (1998), 60,
Hancock v B.W.Brazier (Anerley) Ltd 82, 179
(1966), 92
Hardcore BRE Digest 276 (1992), Measurement of methane and other gases
92, 180 from the ground CIRIA report 131
Harmonised Standards, 5, 6 (1993), 74, 175
Health and Safety at Work Act Metal Cladding and Roofing
(1974), 8 Manufacturers Association
Health and Safety Executive, 21, 51, (MCRMA):
53, 163 Composite roof and wall cladding panel
Her Majesties Inspectorate of Pollution design guide Technical Paper 9
(HMIP): (1995), 129, 139
Waste Management Paper 27 The Guidance for the design of metal roofing
control of landfill gas (1991), and cladding to comply with
72, 173 approved document L2 Technical
Hygrothermal performance of building Paper 14 (2001), 145
components and building elements Profiled metal roofing design guide
BS EN ISO 13788 (2001), 101, Technical Paper 6 (2004),
135, 141, 185 128–29, 139
208 Index

Methane: its occurrence and hazards in Protection of buildings against water

construction CIRIA report from the ground CP 102 (1973),
130(1993), 74, 175 94–95, 182
Methane and other gases from disused Protection of structures against water
coal mines: the planning response from the ground BS 8102 (1990),
Dept of the Environment (1996), 95, 108–9, 182
73, 174 Protection of workers and the general
Methane investigation strategies CIRIA public during development of
Report 150 (1995), 74–75, 176 contaminated land HSE Report
Monitoring of landfill gas CIWM (1998), HSG 66 (1991), 51, 53, 163
73, 174 Protective measures for housing on
gas-contaminated land BR 414
(2001), 78, 178
National Groundwater & Contaminated
Land Centre, 55
National Housebuilding Council (NHBC) Radon: guidance on protective measures
Standard: building near trees for new dwellings BR 211 (1999),
(2003), 38, 157 29, 37, 171
National Radiological Protection Board Radon in the workplace BR 293 (1995),
(NRPB) 66, 172
Radon: guidance on protective for new resistance to contaminants, 41–80
dwellings, 16 contamination of landfill gas, 70–80
Radon atlas of England (1996), 16 components of a protective
Radon in dwellings in England system, 77
(1997), 15 gas composition, 70
Radon in dwellings in Wales (1998), 16 gas control,
recommended action level 200 measures for dwellings, 78–80
Bq/m3, 66 gas protection details, 79f
The need for old buildings to breathe in non-domestic buildings, 80
(1986) (SPAB Information gas risk to humans by either direct
sheet 4), 23, 150 entry or gradual exposure, 76
guidance documents, 72–78
BGS Technical Report WP/95/1
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Methane, carbon dioxide and oil
(ODPM), 13, 15, 20, 66, 149
seeps from natural sources, 73
BR 414 Protective measures for
Planning Policy Guidance Notes: housing on gas-contaminated land
Development and flood risk PPG25 (2001), 78, 178
(DTLR 2001), 14, 81, 179 CIRIA Report 151 Interpreting
Housing PPG3, 15 measurement of gas in the ground
Planning and pollution control PPG23 (1995), 75, 176
(ODPM 1997), 15, 20, 149 CIRIA Report 130 Methane: its
Potential contaminants for the occurrence and hazards in
assessment of land Report CLR8 construction (1993),
Defra/Environment Agency 74, 175
(2002), 43, 158 CIRIA Report 150 Methane
Preparing for floods DTLR (2002), investigation strategies (1995),
63–64, 83, 99, 170 74–75, 176
Index 209

CIRIA Report 149 Protecting British Geological Survey (BGS),

development from methane (1995), 66, 67
76–77, 177 Good Building Guide 25 (1996),
CIRIA Report 152 Risk assessment of 66, 67
methane and other gases from the National Radiological Protection
ground (1995), 75–76, 177 Board (NRPB), 66, 67, 68
CIWM Monitoring of landfill gas Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
(1998), 73 (ODPM) (website), 66, 67, 68
Dept of the Environment Methane SI 1999/3232 European Council
and other gases from disused coal Directive, 66
mines: the planning response remedial measures, 57–63
(1996), 73, 174 containment, 58–59
DETR/Arup Environmental PIT barriers and liners for containment
Research Report Passive venting of and control of land contamination
soil gases below buildings (1997), (CIRIA SP 124 (1996)), 59
77–78, 178 definition, 58
HMIP Waste Management Paper 27 maintenance, 58–59
control of landfill gas (1991), objectives, 58
72–73, 173 specification for topsoil (BS 3882
movement of gas, 72 1994), 58
passive gas protection systems, 77–78 Environment Agency license, 57
properties of landfill gas, 70–71 objectives of risk management, 57
risk assessment in specified cases, 72, treatment, 57–58
78–80 removal, 59–63
Soil Guideline Value (SGV), 76 definition, 59–60
definition of ’contaminated land,’ 41 guidance from, 60
naturally occurring contaminants, 44–46 CIRIA publications - remedial
areas of sulphate-bearing strata, 36f, treatment for contaminated land,
37t, 46 60, 61t
descriptions of publications referred
Concrete in aggressive ground (BRE
to in Approved Document C, 62–63
Digest SD1), 46
Environment Agency publications, 60
guidance from Environment Agency
risk assessment, 46–57
R & D Technical Reports P291 and
P292, 44–45 further guidance documents
recommending a risk-based
heavy metals, methane and carbon
approach, 54–57
dioxide, 44
BS 5930 (1999) Code of practice for
radon gas and sulphates, 45
site investigations, 54
radon gas contamination, 65–70
BS10175 (2001) Investigation of
areas at risk, 67–68 potentially contaminated land.
basic protection, 68–69 Code of practice, 54–55
airtight barrier, 68, 69f Environment Agency R&D Technical
definition, 66 Report P5-066 Secondary model
full protection, 69f, 70, 71f procedure for the development of
guidance from, appropriate soil sampling
BR 211, BR 293 Building Research strategies for land contamination,
Establishment (BRE), 66–67 56–57, 166
210 Index

risk assessment (cont.) hazards arise from aggressive or

Environment Agency R&D Technical combustible substances, slags and
Report P5-065 Technical aspects of floodwater, 63
site investigation 2000, sources of contamination, 42–44
55, 165 reports by Defra/Environment Agency,
National Groundwater & 43–44
Contaminated Land Centre report sites likely to contain contaminants,
guide to good practice, 55, 42t
164–65 Robust Details, 102–3, 142
hazard identification and assessment, roofs, 137–45
48–51 Requirement C2 of the Building
contamination of sites, 42t, 49 Regulations 2000, guidance and
examples of possible definition of terms, 137–38
contamination, 50t resistance to damage from interstitial
incremental approach to condensation in roofs, 139–42
remediation, 50 effects of condensation, 139
process of managing land affected by guidance from,
contamination, 51, 52f Code of practice for the control of
preliminary, generic (GQRA) and condensation in buildings BS 5250
detailed (DQRA) stages, (2002), 100–101, 140–41, 184
47–48, 49f Hygrothermal performance of
Handbook of model procedures for building components and building
the management of contaminated elements BS EN ISO 13788
land (Defra/Environment Agency (2001), 101, 135, 141, 185
Report CLR 11), 47–48 Thermal insulation: avoiding the
source-pathway-receptor relationship, risks BRE report BR 262 (2002),
47, 48f 101–2, 117, 123, 141, 185
treatment pf the contaminant to roof ventilation, 143f, 144f
mitigate the effects, 47 roofs with a pitch of less than 15◦ ,
risk estimation and evaluation, 51–54 142, 144f
Contaminated Land Exposure roofs with a pitch of 15◦ or more,
Assessment Model (CLEA), 141–42, 143f
51–54 weak points in construction, 139
ground investigation to analyse soil, resistance to surface condensation and
gas and water, 51 mould growth in roofs, 142–45
guidance from HSE and CIRIA avoidance of thermal bridging and air
reports, 51, 53–54 leakage, 142
Soil Guideline Value (SGV) using guidance from,
toxicological data, 54, 76 Assessing the effects of thermal
risks to buildings, building materials bridging at junctions and around
and services, 63–65 openings BRE Paper IP17/01, 136,
guidance from DTLR, Environment 145, 186
Agency and BRE, 63–65 Guidance for the design of metal
Environment Agency Floodline roofing and cladding to comply
Service, 64 with approved document L2
reducing floodwater entering MCRMA Technical Paper 14
buildings, 63–65 (2001), 145, 199
Index 211

Limiting thermal bridging and air BRE digests on shrinkable soils, 37

leakage: robust construction low-rise buildings on shrinkable soil
details for dwellings and similar (241) Parts 2 and 3, 37
buildings TSO (2001), 102–3, 136, distribution of clay in England and
142, 186 Wales, 36f
roof void ventilation, 144f, 145 Foundation for the Built Environment
weather resistance of roofs, 138–39 (FBE) report on subsidence
guidance from, damage to domestic buildings, 38
Code of practice for design of National Housebuilding Council
non-loadbearing external vertical (NHBC) Standard: building near
enclosures of buildings BS 8200 trees (2003), 38
(1985), 126, 139, 192 volume change potential for clay
Code of practice sheet roof and wall soils, 37t
coverings BS CP 143, 123–25, desk study, 28
138–39, 191 environment and contamination, 28–29
Composite roof and wall cladding extent defined by Approved
panel design guide MCRMA Document C, 35
Technical Paper 9 (1995), 129, geology and groundwater
139, 195 properties, 28
Profiled fibre cement. Code of identification of sub-soil and existing
practice, 138 structures, 27
Profiled metal roofing design guide planning stage, 27
MCRMA Technical Paper 6 removal of vegetable matter, topsoil and
(1996), 128–29, 139, 194 structures, 34–35
Specification for design and reporting, 28
construction of fully supported sources of guidance, 29–34
lead sheet roof and wall covering Approved Document C, 29
BS 6915 (2001), 125, BRE Digests on site investigations,
138, 191 29–34
performance requirements, 138 desk studies (318), 31
direct investigations (411), 33–34
Secondary model procedure for the procurement of site investigation
development of appropriate soil work (322), 30–31
sampling strategies for land soil description (383), 33
contamination Environment trial pits (381), 32–33
Agency Technical Report P5-066, walk-over survey (348), 31–32
56–57, 166 British Standard 5930: 1999 Code of
site preparation and investigation, 27–40 practice for site investigations,
clearance of site, 34–40 29–30
building on fill, 38–40 seven sections to produce a key
BRE guidance on building on fill, document, 29–30
38–40 used to assess site suitability and
building fill: Geotechnical aspects define site characteristics, 29–30
(Report 424), 39–40 British Standard 8103: 1995 structural
low-rise buildings on fill (Report 427) design for low rise
3 parts, 39 buildings, 34
shrinkable clay soils, 35–38 survey, 28
212 Index

Society for the Preservation of Ancient Using the Building

Buildings (SPAB), 23, 150 Regulations-Administrative
The Stationery Office (TSO), 64, 72, 73, Procedures (2005), 7, 12
83, 102, 131, 134, 136, 142, 170,
173, 174, 198 walls, 105–36
Subsidence damage to domestic buidings British Standards,
(FBE), 38, 156 Code of practice for thermal insulation
subsoil drainage, 81–85 of cavity walls with
building in areas prone to flooding, urea-formaldehyde foam BS 5618
82–83 (1985), 119, 189
guidance provided by, cracking of external walls, 129–31
Approved Document H Drainage and guidance from,
waste disposal, 82
Code of practice for use of masonry.
BRE Design guidance on flood
Materials and components, design
damage for dwellings (1996),
and workmanship BS 5628 (2001),
97, 111, 116, 131, 188
CIRIA/Environment Agency Flood
Common defects in buildings
Products. Using flood protection
(Stationery Office), 131
products – a guide for home
Cracking in buildings BR 292 (1996),
owners (2003), 82–83
130–31, 197
CIRIA publication C506 Low cost
Walls, windows and doors
options for prevention of flooding
(performance, diagnosis,
from sewers (1998), 60,
maintenance, repair and avoidance
82, 179
of defects) BRE Building Elements
DTLR PPG 25 Development and
(1998), 129–30
flood risk (2002), 81
detailing of joints between walls and
DTLR Preparing for floods
door and window frames, 131–32
(2002), 83
checked rebate construction, 132f
possibility of surcharging, 82
damp proof courses, 131
use of anti-flooding devices, 82–83
door thresholds, 132–34
necessary to stop moisture entering the
accessible theshold recommendations,
building and damaging the
fabric, 81
construction, 133f
subsoil water problems, 84f, 85
guidance from,
Accessible thresholds in new
Technical aspects of site investigation buildings: guidance for house
Environment Agency Technical builders and designers TSO
report P5 (2000), 55, 165 (1999), 134, 198
Thermal insulation: avoiding risks Level external thresholds: reducing
BR 262 (2002), 101–2, 117, moisture penetration and thermal
123, 141, 185 bridging BRE Good Building
Town and Country Planning Acts, 20 Guide 47 (2001), 133–34, 197
protection of walls against moisture
UK Climate Impacts Programme from the ground, 106–9
(UKCIP), 13 construction requirements, 106, 107f,
Using the Building Regulations, Part M 108–9
Access (2006), 132 damp proof course, 107–8
Index 213

guidance from, Code of practice for design of

Code of practice for design and non-loadbearing external vertical
installation of damp-proof courses enclosures of buildings BS 8200
in masonry construction BS 8215 (1985), 126, 139, 192
1991, 108, 187 Code of practice for design and
Code of practice for protection of installation of natural stone
structures against water from the cladding and lining BS 8298
ground BS 8102 1990, 95, (1994), 127–28, 194
108–9, 182 Code of practice for design and
tanking methods, 109 installation of non-loadbearing
Requirement C2 of Building precast concrete cladding BS 8297
Regulations 2000, guidance and (2000), 126–27, 193
definition of terms, 105–6 Composite roof and wall cladding
resistance to damage from interstitial panel design guide MCRMA
condensation for external walls, Technical Paper 9 (1995), 129,
135 139, 195
guidance from, Copper CP 143 (1988), 124
Code of practice for the control of Corrugated and toughened
condensation in buildings BS5250 aluminium CP 143 (1958),
(2002), 135 123–24
Hygrothermal performance of Galvanised corrugated steel CP 143
building components and building (1973), 124
elements BS EN ISO 13788 Profiled fibre cement. Code of
(2001), 101, 135, 141, 185 practice BS 8219 (2001), 125–26,
resistance to surface condensation and 192
mould growth in external walls, Profiled metal roofing design guide
135–36 MCRMA Technical Paper 6
guidance from, (2004), 128–29, 139, 194
Assessing the effects of thermal Semi rigid asbestos bitumen sheet
bridging at junctions and around CP143 (1974), 124–25
openings BRE IP 17/01, 136, Specification for design and
145, 186 construction of fully supported
Bridging and air leakage: robust lead sheet roof and wall coverings
construction details for dwellings BS 6915 (2001), 125,
and similar buildings TSO (2001), 138, 191
136 Zinc CP 143 (1964), 124
weather resistance of external walls, design and construction 110f,
109–29 120–121
construction methods, 109, 110f guidance from,
design requirements, 109 Regulation 7 of the Building
external cavity walls, 114–16 Regulations 2000, 122–23
construction, 114, 115f, 116 Workmanship on building sites.
impervious claddings for external Code of practice for slating
walls, 120–29 and tiling of roofs and
alternative approach guidance, claddings BS 8000 (1990),
123–29 121, 122, 190
Aluminium CP 143 (1986), 124 jointless or overlapping, 121
214 Index

walls (cont.) Guide to assessment of suitability of

solid external walls, 111–14 external cavity walls for filling with
guidance from, thermal insulation BS 8208
Code of practice for assessing (1985), 120, 190
exposure of walls to wind-driven Specification for urea-formaldehyde
rain BS 8104 (1992), 111, 187 foam systems suitable for thermal
Code of practice for external insulation of cavity walls BS 5617
renderings BS 5262 (1991), (1985), 119, 189
113, 188 maximum exposure times for
Code of practice for use of masonry insulated masonry walls,
BS 5628 (2001), 97, 111, 116, 118t
131, 188 UK zones for exposure to driving
Specification of mortar for masonry rain, 117f
BS EN 998 (2002), 113, 188 Water Resources Act (1991), 20
insulation, 114, 115f
recommended construction, 111, 112f
Association of Consultant Approved
rendering, 113–14
Inspectors, 7
strength of mortar, 113
weather resistance and cavity insulation, LABC Services, 7
116–20 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
construction, 115f (ODPM), 13, 15, 20, 66, 149
determining suitability of wall for Wood preservatives. Guidance on choice,
insulation, 116, 117f, 118t, 119–20 use and application BS 1282
guidance from, (1999), 94, 181
Code of practice for thermal Workmanship on building sites. Code of
insulation of cavity walls with practice for slating and tiling of
urea-formaldehyde foam BS 5618 roofs and claddings BS 8000
(1985), 119, 189 (1990), 121, 122, 190

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