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There’s Magic in Graphs:

How Data Visualization Leads to

Better Decision Making

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |

The Age of Big Data

72% of businesses are currently
collecting data that they will never
be able to use.
But that doesn't mean that the data isn't useful; it only means that
the data isn't being used properly. Companies today are collecting
"big data"; data sets that are so large and unwieldy that they simply
can't be processed through traditional means (e.g. spreadsheets,

In the world of big data, a key consideration is that 65% of the

population are visual learners; they need to see their data in order to
understand it.

Organizations are finding themselves in a situation where they are

increasingly data rich and information poor, so the only way to drive
value out of this tremendous amount of data being collected today
is to process it correctly.

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Why Data Visualization Matters
"The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures," according
to computer scientist Ben Shneiderman. Data visualization
creates a method through which ordinary people can better
consume and understand large volumes of data. When data is
properly visualized, patterns become obvious. Visualizations can
help individuals quickly draw simple, actionable conclusions.

The ideal state is for companies to spend less time compiling

large volumes of data and leverage data visualizations to better
identify and mitigate risks as well as proactively uncover
valuable opportunities. Without data visualization, readers
instead need to compile and compress the information on their
own. Not only does this take more time and effort, but it can
also lead different people to different conclusions.

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Tables vs. Charts
To understand the benefits of data visualization, consider a
standard graph of revenue over time.

In spreadsheet format, a reader might see the following data:

January $14,129
February $16,784
March $18,978
April $17,241
May $19,929

To comprehend this simple data, the reader must read each line
and then compare each new line to the subsequent line. Only
once they've done that will they be able to come to the
conclusion that revenue went up, briefly went down, and then
continued to go up. In the format of a graph, however, the
reader would instantly be able to see that revenue was trending

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
They would be able to visually recognize a small dip in revenue
that was quickly recovered from, and they would even be able
to see some additional information–such as the fact that
revenue only dropped in April and that it never went below
January. That is just the start. Organizations will layer on
comparatives (prior year values, targets, etc.) into the
visualizations to quickly assess performance and trends against
key benchmarks.

"There is magic in graphs. The

profile of a curve reveals in a
flash a whole situation…”
- Henry D. Hubbard

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Process: How Data
Visualization Works
Henry D. Hubbard, the creator of the periodic table of
elements, once said, "There is magic in graphs. The profile
of a curve reveals in a flash a whole situation - the life
history of an epidemic, a panic, or an era of prosperity.
The curve informs the mind, awakens the imagination,
convinces." Data visualization helps the data to tell its

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
The Psychology Behind Visuals
When you look at a picture, your mind takes in the entirety of the scene
immediately. This is the way your brain is meant to process things:
environmentally. But when you look at data, your brain must first read the
information, comprehend the information, and then understand the
information in relation to context. All of these things are "artificial" and
take much longer.

Building a data visualization takes advantage of this instinctive need to

understand our surroundings. We understand when things
are closer or farther from each other (scatterplot diagrams) or when
things are moving up or moving down (line graphs). We understand
when something looks bigger or smaller (pie charts) or when something
is taller or shorter (bar graphs). A visualization is able to impart this
information nearly immediately. The only question when creating a data
visualization is exactly what information needs to be displayed.

Of course, this also leads to another point: data visualization can also
be misleading. If the right data isn't presented in the right way, it's very
easy for the viewer to draw conclusions that simply aren't there. This is
why data visualization must be primarily about presenting good data in a
non-biased way.

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Data visualization can both present data and also present it in a
specifically compelling way. Consider the annual report
completed by Caritas Kontakladen, which used both
photographs and data to make an engaging sequence of
points. These points are tremendously memorable and easily
digested, which is important for an organization that is focused
on outreach. This information can be understood by anyone at
a glance. Alternatively, this information could have been
compiled in the form of spreadsheets or written reports, but it's
very unlikely that it would have been as easy to understand. In
this annual report, the visualizations are also being used to
make a point about the data, which is another area in which
visualizations can excel. Visualizations cross the boundary
between pure data and entertainment.

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
At the other end of the spectrum, there are companies that use
their visualizations to study logistics, such as shipping and
transportation. Setosa was able to use a visualization to identify
areas in which transportation may "bunch," thereby vastly
increasing wait time. The visualization of bunching both
illuminates why the bunching happens and what its
consequences are. These types of visual simulations tell a
complete story with large sets of data in a very short amount of
time. There could be an extensive amount of data used in such
a visualization, ranging from simply when busses stopped where
to where each bus was on their route every minute. The more
accurate this simulation becomes, the more information a
viewer will be able to glean.

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Business Tools for Data Visualization
In order to extract quick and effective meaning and spot trends of large
datasets, modern businesses require the use of technology. Most
businesses have more than just a few data points to plot in a pretty
picture and need to trust systems to manipulate, process and display
data in appropriate graphs and charts. For years, Excel® has been the
primary tool used by many businesses to turn tables into visuals.
Spreadsheets are relatively easy to use and contain features for easy
chart creation; however, cannot intelligently process large volumes of
data and require a significant amount of manual work to produce one-
off charts.

Data stored in Excel and shared does not provide the highest level of
security, tables often contain static data that has an expiry date
(becomes quickly outdated), and the integrity of the data can be a
concern as it can be overwritten or formulas can be broken. The next
best option is to employ expert statisticians and program coders to
create custom business analysis applications and algorithms–a very
lengthy and expensive solution not practical for small and medium-
sized companies.

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
The good news is that many technology solutions now exist that
allow fast, accurate, and secure analysis and visualization of
company data without spreadsheets or programming.

According to Dashboard Insight, the last two decades have seen

the field of data visualization explode into dozens, and even
hundreds of focus areas.

Dashboards and data discovery tools, scorecard applications,

analytics suites, and an assortment of other integrated software
tools enable businesses, researchers, and individuals to explore
their data in new and increasingly imaginative ways. In fact,
there is now such a healthy selection of available solutions that
a new hurdle has emerged. The onus rests on companies to
properly analyze their unique data analysis needs and to find a
solution that fits.

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Big data isn't going away. There will be 40 zettabytes of data in
the world by 2020, and this is growing exponentially. Without
the appropriate analysis, most of this data will never be used.

Data visualization empowers organizations to create actionable

conclusions from their data, thereby leading to both better and
faster decision making. But that doesn't mean that it's easy. As
noted, data visualization can also be misleading if it's not
completed with properly cleansed data (identifying and
addressing any records that may be corrupt or inaccurate)—the
visualization itself is only useful if the data is accurate and

All of this often requires the service of a professional data

visualization company. While data visualization tools are readily
available on the market, it often allows companies to get started
but often requires the expertise of a professional services firm to
help formulate and deploy a real solution (rather than simply
installing a tool).

Professional services firms, like CRGroup, can help companies

with their data visualization needs with key insights around
business technology (integrations, data warehousing, data
cleansing, data transformation, etc.) and the best practices on
how businesses and industries can competitively leverage these

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
About CRGroup
Since 1989, Corporate Renaissance Group (CRGroup) has been
delivering expert consulting services and proven technology
systems to help organizations streamline, automate, and extract
insight from data for improved decision making and business
performance. We can design and take your data analysis and
business intelligence initiatives from concept to reality. We use
our expertise with top data visualization and business
intelligence software solutions to deliver complete end-to-end
solutions that rapidly and cost-effectively meet even the most
unique data warehousing, analysis and reporting requirements.

[email protected]

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Explore CRGroup solutions for data visualization, business
intelligence, and corporate performance management:
Global leader in rapid-fire business intelligence
software. Tableau lets you graphically analyze virtually
any structured data to produce beautiful charts,
graphs, dashboards and reports within minutes. Data
visualization & analytics at your fingertips.

Microsoft Power BI™

Easy to use, cloud-based analytics solution that allows
companies to quickly create dashboards & share reports,
while directly connecting to data from a variety of
sources. Power BI empowers users to interact with data
in real time, on any device.

Trusted by over 3,000 organizations worldwide, BOARD is
the #1 decision making platform available offering flexible
and easy-to-use software for business intelligence,
corporate performance management, and advanced

Adaptive Insights™
Cloud-based planning, forecasting, reporting and
analysis. Accessible from anywhere, Adaptive Insights
helps maximize your visibility into plans, forecasts,
revenue, expenses and headcount to become agile,
responsive and reliable.

Not sure which solution is right for you? We can help!

Contact us to get started or to book your free data visualization assessment.
1-800-576-6215 [email protected]

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |
Carter, J. (January 20, 2016). Is big data a big failure? Retrieved from
1313340 | Lima, M. (August 30, 2009). Information Visualization Manifesto. Retrieved from
| Charlie. (March 22, 2016). Storytelling Through Data Visualization. Retrieved from | Mellor, C. (December 10, 2012). Are you ready for the 40-zettabyte year? Retrieved from | Dashboard Insight (September 13, 2013). The History of Data Visualization.
Retrieved from

How Data Visualization Leads to Better Decision Making

© 2017 Corporate Renaissance Group All Rights Reserved 1.800.576.6215 | [email protected] |

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