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The Triton Review

Volume 32 Issue 7 An independent student voice since 1973 February 29, 2016

In This Issue: Tritons’ Baseball Season

illness : page 4

Martial Arts club : page 5

Photo by Jonathan Hung

The EdCC Triton Baseball gearing up and practicing for the upcoming season that starts on Feb 27, come and check out their skills.

By Arata Denno his motivation, “A motivation in this sea- league… We have a very similar vision
Staff Writer son is to continue to improve every single about this, and I believe it’s going to be an
day at the thing we do.” advantage.”
Sports are comprehensible signs of the
Then they talked about how the team They have to collect small successes
flow of the season in the United States, and
has altered between the last season and this for making the big success. This vision is
now baseball season is beginning with the
season. Weber answered “Several players shared between all of teammates, including
coming of spring in both the professional
backed. We lost some position players, but players and coaches.
baseball league and college leagues. The
Deadpool Review : page 6 Tritons Baseball plays their first game of
we brought in this year all of them ready to Furthermore, they talked to me about
play. This is the big thing for us.” Actually, their personal experiences with their team-
the 2016 season on February 27 in the Tri-
Gullinger couldn’t play in the last season mates, and strong trusts between team-
ton Field.
because of his injury. mates could be found in these episodes.
The Tritons are the athletic team of
However, he came back to the ground The unity of the Tritons, including
Edmonds Community College, and the
and could get ready to play in this season. both players and coaches, is very solid and
Tritons Baseball has been showing great
Weber continued, “And the biggest differ- strong, and they are absolutely trusting
performances since 2014 season. They fin-
ence from last year to this year would be to each other, although their backgrounds are
ished 39-8 and won the Northwest Athlete
get more balance in order than last year… diverse with birthplaces and ages.
Association Conference Championship
The second half of the lineup is basically A captain has responsibilities about
(NWAACC) in the 2014 season.
strong with the top of us.” relationships of teammates, but they are
Unfortunately, the Tritons Baseball
In addition, pitchers’ conditions have not nervous about it. “We absolutely love
lost their NWAACC title in the last season;
more improved than last year’s. Storedahl that every guy has a locker here. We are
however, they finally finished 34-12, and
noted, “Our pitching was, the overall of us happy to be here and to be part of here.
their win/lose percentage was 73.9 percent.
were young pitching staffs. Three sopho- It’s, moreover, family,” Gullinger said.
This rate was the second biggest percent in
Beast-Mode : page 10 the whole of the conference, so it means
mores were freshmen in the last year, and I The great relationship will be one of their
think everyone does the job in the coming biggest weapons for competing with other
that they are still one of the strongest team
season. colleges.
Student Voices p. 3 in the conference.
Freshmen also have improved so much Field players are going to start this
As one of students of Edmonds Com-
in this year.” Therefore, while pitchers in season without missing any players, and
News p. 4-5 munity College, how Tritons Baseball will
the Tritons were young in the last season, pitchers could make steady progress from
get their championship title back is, there-
they could be more mature and grow their the last season. The batting order became a
A&E p. 6-7 fore, the most interesting thing to me.
skills from last season to this season. Also, more balanced line-up than the last season.
At this time, I could get an oppor-
freshmen in this year are still improving. A They got a strategic alteration and
Lifestyles p. 8 tunity to interview three players, including
pitcher is the mainstay of baseball defense, progressing on both the offence and the
Steven Weber, Gale Gullinger, and Riley
so this alteration will increase the team’s defense. I suggest you to go to watch and
Opinion p. 9 Storedahl. Weber is a first baseman and the
defensive ability. support their games. This year’s Tritons
infield captain, Gullinger is a right fielder
Sports p. 10 and the outfield captain, and Storedahl is a
About their vision of the 2016 sea- will show you wonderful games.
son, Gullinger told me “Our strength is The Tritons’ first game day is com-
Games & Comics p. 11-12 At first, I asked about their motivation
our mindset. We have to win each piece ing on February 27, and you can find more
of a puzzle before we can put them all to- information about the Tritons’ schedule at
for this new season. Weber said, “We are
gether for the shiny picture…We need to their website. Visit
trying to be the best and to excel at every-
win the first game, and we need to win the ics/.
thing we do.” Also, Gullinger stated about
2 FebruaryJune
29, 2016
1, 2015
Have story ideas? - Is something going on around campus?
Comments on
Campus Safety
- Letters to the editor are a good way to Being on a college campus is fun but It’s good to have some cash on you at
it’s easy to gain a false sense of security all times, just in case. Perhaps your credit
let us know what’s working and what’s not. and feeling of safety when surrounded by card won’t work or your debit card gets
Or want to write for us? your peers. lost. You never want to be stuck in a scary
Drop us a line at: It’s important to acknowledge and re- situation because you don’t have the nec-
[email protected] member that you don’t always know who essary funds to get out of it as quickly as
you can trust, even when you’re in the col- possible.
lege campus bubble. 5. Locate the emergency system ar-
While the threat of danger may not al- eas on campus
ways be your first assumption, it’s impor- Most campuses have emergency call
tant to be prepared should a situation ever buttons or phones scattered throughout
present itself. campus for students to utilize in the event
Additionally, there are easy ways to of an emergency. Find out what your
prevent yourself from becoming more vul- campuses system is and locate the areas
nerable than necessary or putting yourself in which the systems are placed. Should
into potentially harmful situations. you ever find yourself in trouble, it will be
While we certainly hope that these much easier if you know where you can
situations won’t arise, it’s always best to call for help.
be prepared for any given situation, just in 6. Know your way around campus
case. In addition to paying attention to your
Whether you’re going to college for surroundings; you should know your sur-
the first time or are returning for another roundings as well.
year, it’s important to review and remem- Take time to become familiar with
ber top safety tips to ensure you’re taking campus landmarks and streets so that you
the right precautions. are able to navigate your way around – or
The following college safety tips out of an area, should you need to.
can help you avoid dangerous situations 7. Never stay at a party when your
or help you should you find yourself in a friend leaves
risky situation. No, you don’t need to call it an early
1. Don’t allow technology to make night just because one of your friends does.
you unaware of your surroundings But, what you should do is ensure you al-
Everyone with headphones, a smart- ways have a minimum of one person with
phone and an MP3 player knows – the you that you know (and know you can
minute you’re plugged in, you barely exist trust).
anymore! You stare at your phone, zoned Being alone in a party setting isn’t
out; not knowing what is going on around smart – go home if you’re going to be alone
you. This, in essence, is exactly what you because it is not worth the risk to stay – no
should be avoiding. matter how nice everyone there seems.
When you start to find yourself be- 8. Avoid becoming inebriated and
coming unaware of what’s going on around losing control
you is the time you need to consider turn- If you’re getting to the point that you
ing the music down, putting your phone don’t have control of yourself or your
away and opening your eyes to what’s surroundings, you need to stop and think
A Student Publication of Todd M Clayton Jr happening. about the types of situations you’re putting
Edmonds Community College The key to getting out of a poten- yourself in.
20000 68th Ave W. Lynnwood, WA Business Manager tially dangerous situation is to recognize it It’s far too easy for others to take ad-
98036 Justin Bisacky as such. This is nearly impossible if you vantage of you or a situation if you can’t
425.640.1315 [email protected] aren’t even aware of the situations you’re think or act rationally.
walking into. 9. Always have emergency contacts
Editor-in-Chief Copy Editor 2. Never walk alone at night on you or in your device
Todd M Clayton Jr Gayle Johnson Walking around alone and in the dark If you have a smartphone, program
[email protected] is basically asking for trouble. Sure, there emergency numbers into it. It’s one of the
Photographers are times that you need to get from point first spots hospitals check if you’re admit-
Section Editors: Jonathan Hong A to point B which may occur at night, ted alone because they are able to bypass
but you should always abide by the buddy your pass code in order to access your con-
Ian Moffet - Opinion Faculty Advisor system so that, should something happen, tacts.
[email protected] Rob Harrill you’re not on your own. Whatever items you have on a regular
[email protected] 3. Utilize locks basis are good spots to keep emergency in-
Lindsey Major- News While it’s easy to become relaxed formation.
[email protected] Business Advisor in college life, there are some habits that 10. Consider carrying pepper spray, a
Vacant should always remain standard. Locking whistle or taking a self-defense course
Review Staff - Sports your doors, especially when you’re alone The hope is certainly that you’d never
[email protected] Writers: Kara Martinez, Lucas Barringer, or asleep, should be one of them. need to make use of these defense mecha-
Nicholas Sorenson, Joshua McClusky, Aside from allowing yourself to be nisms, however, having them with you can
Review Staff- A&E Nana Aisyah, Arata Denno, Rhys Egner, vulnerable, it’s also much easier for theft make a life-saving difference in harmful
[email protected] Maiah Godek, Arielle Knot, Gustavo to take place if you’re essentially provid- situations you otherwise might not be able
Rodriquez, Joel Wahlenmaier, Dylan ing easier access to burglars. to get out of.
Layout & Design Phifer 4. Carry some emergency cash

The Triton Review is a student-written and -produced newspaper for Edmonds Community College and the surrounding community. The opinions expressed in the Triton Review
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Triton Review staff or of the college.
Mission Statement
The Triton Review is a student-run newspaper at Edmonds Community College that serves the student readership by reporting on issues and events as they relate to the campus
community and by supporting the open exchange of a diverse range of viewpoints and opinions.
The Triton Review strives to be impartial in its reporting and adheres firmly in its First Amendment rights.

Newspaper Policy
1. The Triton Review covers issues and events as they relate to the Edmonds Community College campus community and surrounding areas.
2. The Triton Review editorial staff reserves the right to comment editorially on any issues the staff finds newsworthy and important.
3. The Triton Review resists the influence of advertisers or special interest groups on the selection of news content or editorial expression.
4. The Triton Review will consider for publication signed letters to the editor or contributed opinion pieces reflecting student opinion on relevant topics, as well as those of other
on or off-campus constituents when submitted according to publication guidelines.
5. The Triton Review strives to uphold State and Federal Laws and Edmonds Community College policies, particularly the Office of Student Life Code of Ethics and the Society
of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics.

Letters to the Editor

The Triton Review welcomes letters to the editor. Letters submitted should be no more than 400 words, signed legibly, and accompanied by a phone number in order to verify
authenticity. Some letters may not be printed due to limited space, because they are similar to other letters received on the same subject, are potentially libelous, or are illegible. The
Triton Review reserves the right to edit letters.
The eviewR Students Voices 3
Dear Triton, ...
If you have a burning question or problem feel free to drop it off in the folder taped
to our door on the second floor of Brier, room number 234; We look forward to helping
Around campus and
the community
you in any way possible.
Dear Triton, ... is helping one student at a time.

Dear Triton - time for the two of you to take a break.

I have been in a relationship with Questions about BFET?
Final exams
my girlfriend, “Allison,” for two years, Dear Triton, Mar. 1
Mar. 15,-18
but lately there have been frequent rough hey there there’s this girl that i’ve 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
patches. I’m 18 and a college student. I known for years now. whenever i see her.
love Allison, but the relationship is taking we fool around a little and that’s about it. Campus Tour Hospitality & Event Planning Drop-
a toll on us physically and emotionally. now i want more than that, but how do i Mar. 3, In Advising
We have had to deal with separation know if she really does want me or only 10 – 10:45 a.m. Mar. 8,
ever since we got together. She’s the only wants know what i mean? i’ve 12:30 – 2 p.m.
one with a car and a “real” job. I work on asked her, but never really gotten a straight Hospitality & Event Planning Drop-
campus in a work-study program in ex- answer. just a little giggle or something In Advising
change for reduced tuition. I try to help Al- like that. what do you think? Mar. 1,
lison as much as I can to reduce the stress - Eagerly Waiting 12:30 – 2 p.m.
on her.
She has asked me to transfer schools, Dear Eagerly,
but I’d like to stay where I am because I I’m pretty sure her giggle and eva-
feel I will have the ability to make some- siveness is her way of telling you that she
thing of myself. I have suggested that doesn’t want any more than she’s already
maybe we need to go our separate ways so got. She doesn’t want to enter into a con-

From Our Readers

she doesn’t have to pull the majority of the versation which could result in a loss of the
weight, but she gets upset and accuses me current situation, but also isn’t ready for it
of not loving her. What should I do? to progress any further. Try talking to her
-- Stressed Student about it again in a week or so, and again
after that. Letters to the Triton Review Editor
Dear Stressed Student, At that point, if you’re not able to Dear Editor: ment concerning if sodomites should be
First let me suggest what NOT to do. get a straight answer out of her she’s ob- Our politicians stink. Obama has done put to Death here is what the new Testa-
Do not allow Allison to pressure you into viously not relationship material because nothing beneficial, other than breaching the ment says.
changing schools. It is important that you that would require that she has good com- Constitution tons of times and by forcing Romans is clearly stating that homo-
complete your education, and there is no munication skills. So, you’ll just have to the Middle Class to pay for poor people’s sexuals are “worthy of death” (see Romans
guarantee that the financial arrangement take what you get. Regardless, you’re only medical insurance, thus creating an incen- 1:26-32) and it is impossible to refute Ro-
you have with this school can be replicated asking for trouble by staying in a situation tive for low class people not to work. Bush mans 13 which clearly justifies the death
somewhere else. where you’re not truly happy or getting out has led us to 15 years of hurtful war in the penalty “princes are not a terror to the good
You and Allison are young, and long- of it what you want. Middle East. work, but to the evil … if thou do that
distance relationships are often hard to Be honest, be prepared for what As for Trump, well, he is trashing the which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the
maintain. That she is carrying the lion’s you’re asking for, and the possible results Republican party by using racist public re- sword in vain. For he [the ruler] is God’s
share of the load right now is unfortunate, and everything should work out in the marks as bait to get the media’s attention minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon
but it won’t last forever. If she’s unwilling end. while convincing the country that all Re- him that doeth evil” (Romans 13:1-4).
to accept that, then I agree that perhaps it’s publicans are racist bigots who want im- Imagine, it is not only murderers or
migrants in camps. homosexuals, but the promoters of such
On the other hand, Bernie Sanders evil acts also deserve death.
has been able to attract most of the young f Jesus told Peter to sheath his sword,
people’s votes by promising them free does this mean “no swords are ever al-
stuff, but failing to mention how he will lowed”? This also would be an extreme.
tax the middle and upper classes so much It is also an extreme to think that “Je-
that living in America will be like living in sus would never whip gays” had they been
Communist Russia in the 1960 (and yes, in the Temple.
my family lived under Communism). My Did the money changers simply flee
question for you is, can you please wake running after the sheep and pigeons? To
up America enough to stop the train wreck say that Jesus would never whip the sod-
that is American politics. omites begs another question: instead of
Sincerely, using a leather whip
William Scott Farhat He used a Fire whip and added some
18 year-old Washingtonian Brimstone and killed each and every one
of the evil sodomites at Sodom and Go-
Dear Editor: morrah. So after showing this young Man
A Person asked me if I thought it how God & Jesus feel about homosexuals,
was ok for a Man to be Gay & still have a Man having relations as if with a Women
a Personal relationship with GOD . I am is an ABOMINATION.
no expert on this subject I do know what GOD does not like it. I am not Judg-
the Bible says in the Old Testament “If a ing and if you’re Gay & you’re reading
man has sexual relations with a man as this please know GOD wants you to talk
one does with a woman, both of them have with him concerning this issue, he will
done what is detestable. They are to be put guide you. Don’t hurt your self there are
to death; their blood will be on their own many reasons people might be Gay I am
heads.” (Leviticus 20:13) not saying all gays are going to hell I sim-
But arguing for the death penalty as ply showed what the Bible says. Also the
“a life for a life” could be argued as “an BIBLE says our God is a Merciful God, so
eye for an eye”. This would debunk the go to him & Talk with GOD. I promise he
notion that all Levitical laws are obsolete. will guide you and direct you in the path of
How could these re-explain “vengeance is righteousness.
mine” along with their support of the death GOD throws our Transgressions as far
penalty and that we should not uproot the as to the east is to the west. If we ask in Je-
tares lest we also uproot the wheat? sus Name all things are Possible. I sincere-
It was the Holy Spirit who spoke ly hope that whomever reads this it applies
through Paul in Romans 1 which taught because I let the Spirit guide me I wasn’t
that sodomites are “worthy of death” and going to write about this at all. just know
Paul was basing this on what we discussed that there is a living GOD who knows you
so far when the (Theophany) of Christ intimately & everything that happened to
rained fire and brimstone from His Father. you GOD knows & he will restore your
(noun soul & renew you mind!
a visible manifestation to humankind Sincerely,
of God or a god). Justin Matthews
It is not just stated in the Old Testa- 19 year-old Mountlake Terrace
4 February 29, 2016 June 1, 2015

Being Sick Is Not an Imperfection

By Anonymous denly believe. It told me that hope is a lie.
Staff Writer My anxiety manifest itself as the lies I told
myself as an adult, and the excuses I made
Mental illness is not something to as a teenager. My anxiety demonstrates it-
fear; it should be discussed. self in many different ways, such as addic-
Mental illness, or talking about it, is tive behavior and social withdrawal. My
not something that one should be ashamed entire life is a paradox.
of. Having been professionally diagnosed Mental illness is not silly or dramatic.
with slight depression and anxiety, I ex- It is a disease. You can’t just simply “snap
perience the stigma and dilemma that is out of it.” Is that the same thing you would
facing the United States. We acknowledge say to a cancer patient? My illness slow-
that mental illness is not a choice; then why ly took me over, and made me someone
it is met with fear and shame of not meet- whom I do not recognize.
ing society’s standards of “good enough?” I eventually realized that it was not
I did not choose my illness. It all healthy to continue as I was. I had to be
comes to me like a flood. My depression honest with myself, and even admitting it
haunts me in the back of my mind, waiting cost me a lot of self-awareness and sleep-
to pounce on its prey when I’m defense- less nights. It took me a lot to admit that I
less, much like a guy who jumps out on am sad, or depressed, or that my obsessive
you out of nowhere in a dark alley every tendencies become too much and difficult
time you come home at night. It is a battle to control.
that I may never win. Mental illness is not a sign of weak-
It was locked inside my mind. Get- ness, nor it is self-centered. Mental illness-
ting out of bed in the morning should not es are not adjectives. It is a silent system
feel like you are running a marathon. If I for the most part; that is why it is time to Photo by Ally Holterman
get out of the house, I consider that I did talk. Vulnerability is hard, but essential to Many students as well as other people suffer from one kind of mental illness or another,
a good thing for the day. Depression is the overcome the stigma. We should be opened about it and talk it through with others that can help.
celebration of my worst moments, my fear, In light of this issue on campus, we tive college environments. If not treated, stantly question your happiness. I learned
guilt, mistakes, and regrets. It is the deep- need to have more open discussions about the prevalent issues of depression, anxi- that above all, we are capable of overcom-
est loneliness I have experienced. the prevalence and importance of mental ety, eating disorders, addiction, and sui- ing our illness.
My anxiety drowns me. I feel weird well being, and be willing to work with cide may result in students dropping out of We are not helpless. We are capable of
and on edge most of the time. I am not sure students who express suicidal thoughts and school or could lead to other self-destruct- making the right choices; to seek profes-
of myself or my decisions, and I am always depression. ing symptoms. sional help, support from loved ones, and
on the verge of self-sabotage. Imagine that According to research conducted by To prevent this, the campus needs to most importantly, to believe in ourselves.
it can happen with no warning. My impul- the National Alliance on Mental Illness on foster a culture that regards mental health Waiting for someone to notice your prob-
sive, destructive thoughts are out of con- college campuses, it shows that one in four as a component that builds students’ suc- lem will never have a positive outcome.
trol. students have diagnosable illness, and 40 cess and self-efficacy that is just as impor- That is what you have to tell yourself. It
Fighting these unkind thoughts is chal- percent of those who are suffering do not tant as learning fluency. can take days, weeks, months, or even
lenging and uncomfortable. The worst part seek help. Students are most likely to feel Whether or not students are willing to years, but you will get better. Be your own
of all is not knowing what you will sud- anxious and/or overwhelmed by competi- seek help, the College needs to be visibly hero, because that is what we have in all of
concerned and invest in the improvement us. Depression and anxiety do not define
of students’ mental health condition. Even us, and raising awareness of my illnesses
though there are already numerous campus helps people to be aware.
resources for students seeking help, such For those who swept mental issues
as the Counseling and Resource Center aside and opposed acknowledging mental
that offers free and confidential student illness, please understand that we are strug-
counseling services to promote an effective gling. Show kindness and compassion. Do

we > Me
and supportive network for us. not refuse to express your concerns, or to
We hope to see further campaigns and discuss it because of the connotations that
campus-led organizations in the impor- society has placed on those who suffer.
tance of wellness and how to live a more Do not allow stigma to put up barri-
positive life. Some examples would be ers around communication and awareness
to facilitate confidential student support regarding the matter. People who suffer
groups, to change the perception about do not need someone who understands us
mental health issues. wholeheartedly. We just need acknowl-
These groups could be a tool to pro- edgement, to be free from societal con-
vide relief and stress management, and notations. We do not ask you to bear our
to create paths to both mental and physi- burden or take responsibility for us; we
cal wellness. Santa Rosa Junior College just hope to feel your acceptance. We un-
in California has established a coalition derstand that it is a hard concept to grasp,
program called “PEERS” that focuses on without concrete evidences such as blood
changing the practices of society that may tests and lab results.
interfere with establishing treatment and It is a chemical imbalance, and it is
awareness for individuals, families and complicated. Nevertheless, mental illness
communities that are struggling with men- should be acknowledged just as equally.
tal health issues. It should not continue to be ignored or si-
To overcome the bias and stigma that lenced.
is present in our society, change must be Because of the touchy subject of this
made in both ways. To all of us who strug- article, the student writer wished to have
gle, we should not use our disease as an her name not be put on the article. So We
excuse, nor should we romanticize it. Do as the staff made the decision to make the
not use it as a cry for attention and con- article written by anonymous.

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The eview 5 News
Martial art club Dogs as police officers

a big hit at EdCC

By Miah Godek Times”. He was the only dog of the three
Staff Writer canines with Bellevue PD that did not have
a bulletproof vest. Earlier this month his
The morning of Friday February 12, armor was purchased using grant money
police dog Nicky of the Las Vegas Police from Ben Roethlisberger Foundation and
Department K-9 unit was sent into a home the Bellevue Police Foundation. His Kev-
to detain an armed man resisting arrest. lar vest was custom-fitted and could not be
Nicky was able to bite and injure the made until Ozzy turned two years old, in
suspect though the dog came away from order to ensure he would not outgrow it.
the incident bleeding profusely and leaving The fact that Ozzy apprehended 11
a trail of blood in the house. The suspect suspects without a vest and all before he
had stabbed Nicky nearly 15 times about reached adulthood is an outstanding ac-
the face and head with a machete. Nicky complishment, if not extremely dangerous
was rushed to a veterinary hospital and has and questionably warranted.
recovered well. He is expected to continue The outcome of any incident cannot be
working with his unit once he is fully re- foreseen, and so many times a K-9 officer
covered. can be sent into a situation and the outcome
The suspect was charged with several can end up much worse than anticipated.
crimes including resisting an officer with a There are many pros and cons of us-
firearm, damaging state property, and mis- ing canines in law enforcement, including
treating a police animal. Mistreating a po- that many animal rights activists would
lice animal is a felony and can be punished describe this use of animals as an infringe-
with jail time and a fine up to $10,000. ment on the animals’ rights.
Many other police dogs have not been They argue that the use of dogs in law
quite as fortunate as Nicky. Countless K-9 enforcement breaches the animals’ right to
Photo by Stephen Morton lives are lost each year from shootings be free. Additionally, breeding of police
Students practicing their martial art skills during a club meeting on Mondays at the and stabbings. Police dogs are the unsung
Seaview gym on the EdCC campus.
dogs contributes to the issue of overpopu-
heroes of our communities. They dedi- lation. Police dogs are often sent into situ-
By Lucas Barringer a hiatus the club has been undergoing for cate themselves and their lives to fighting ations where they can be injured or killed,
Staff Writer the past several weeks. crime. though they did not choose to put them-
Overworked and under-supported, Canines are used in the police force selves at risk. K-9 officers are often sent
In the wake of the recent Gold Park club president Starr had to halt all club for sniffing out drugs, lost people, and ca-
attack, it’s become exceedingly clear that into situations that are thought to be too
meetings back in early January until she davers. They can chase down suspects on dangerous for humans.
ultimately, you can’t depend upon others could afford to make the time to support foot much faster than their human partners,
to keep you safe. While carrying a weapon Criminals are more likely to shoot or
the club once more. As a busy college stu- and are trained to bite and latch onto the attack a dog than a person and also they
isn’t always legal or practical, becoming dent it’s not difficult to understand the need arm of a suspect, in order to stop them but
one is both. However, self-defense train- are charged with a much lesser crime for
to prioritize, and unfortunately in this case not injure them badly. They are most suc- attacking a K-9 officer than for attacking a
ing is probably not realistically attainable there was nobody who was willing to as- cessful when the suspect is unarmed.
within the budget of a college student. human police officer.
sume the responsibility of running the club Kevlar vests, which are bulletproof However, all of the statements afore-
Fortunately, there exists a solution here on as she envisioned. and stab-proof, can be made for the K-9 of-
campus. mentioned show the value that K-9 officers
One person did, however, elect to run ficers but even with a bulletproof vest, the have in protecting their human partners.
Martial Arts Club offers Edmonds the club in a different format by the name face and head of the dog are still exposed.
Community College students the opportu- Dogs are an incredibly loyal and loving
of “Spartan Defense Studios.” Luckily for The vests also cost a whopping $2400, ac- species and have great importance to help-
nity to learn and practice numerous styles everyone involved, Jessica has since been cording to the “Seattle Times”. Most fund-
of martial arts and their applications in self- ing human life.
able to make the time needed to revive the ing for K-9 units, if not all depending on K-9 officers are a vital part of our po-
defense. The club was started in fall quarter club in its intended form and spare us of the location, comes entirely from dona-
2015 by club president Jessica Starr with lice departments and of the safety of our
such an adolescent label. tions and grants. This causes many K-9 communities. They need to be recognized
the assistance of director of EdCC security Martial Arts Club will soon resume units to be underfunded and consequently,
and former FBI agent, Dan Guerrero. for their heroism and unwavering bravery.
regular meetings and has a public Face- many K-9 officers do not get the protection However, police officers must be careful
With the combined backgrounds of book page under the same name. Alterna- they need.
these two figures, as well as those of the when sending their canine partners into
tively, if Facebook isn’t your thing, you K-9 Officer Ozzy, a 2-year-old Ger- potentially dangerous situations so that
members and guests of the club, there’s no can reach Jessica at j.starr8219@edmail. man Shepherd in the Bellevue Police De-
shortage of training on offer. Aikido, Muay no unnecessary harm comes to our canine partment, has apprehended 11 suspects in friends.
Thai, Jiu Jitsu, Karate and kickboxing have the last 9 months, according to the “Seattle
all been focuses of the club at one time or

Scalia and the constitution

another, providing plenty of diversity in
style for those who desire the opportunity
to learn. This notion of diversity is very
much a staple of the club. In the words of
club president Starr, “EdCC focuses on di- realize that “lame duck” doesn’t appear in net, where nothing is bad form.
versity, and it is important for this club to the Constitution. Obama could undo Scalia’s hold on
be diverse.” But then, so many on the right have the law and tilt the highest court in the op-
It’s no secret that diversity is a key simply refused to accept the legitimacy of posite direction with his nomination. Those
element of the culture here at EdCC; this Mr. Obama as chief executive from the get- on the right are appalled at the very idea.
imperative also serves a practical purpose. go, even though he’s been elected to two of It could change everything. Well, if not
“By learning different styles, you learn dif- these four-year terms -- not three-year. Af- everything, it could reverse decades of a
ferent ways to defend yourself,” explained ter all, they fantasize, he’s not even eligible starboard course for affirmative action, di-
Jessica. No individual martial art is a one- to serve, since he was born somewhere vorce, gun control, labor rights, campaign
size-fits-all method. Each has its values This shouldn’t be necessary, but ap- else, no matter what the overwhelming evi- finance, etc., replacing Scalia’s barbed re-
and deficiencies. By having a diverse pool parently Republicans need a little consti- dence shows, that demeaning need to come gressiveness with a progressive agenda.
of self-defense knowledge to pull from, tutional review. So for Mitch McConnell up with proof shouldn’t have been neces- So no wonder the GOPs will pull out
you will be more capable of preventing a and the rest of the partisans, let’s turn to sary, except, you know, he’s, uh, different. all stops to prevent that from happening on
tragedy like the recent assault we’re all too Article 2, Section 2, which is about the re- They don’t need to say how he’s different; President Obama’s watch, in the hope that
familiar with. sponsibilities of the president. Can all of everyone knows what they mean. the election will put a Republican in the
It’s not all serious business though: us see it there, the part that reads “he shall Maybe that’s why they’ve taken the White House and maintain their control of
Jessica stated that within the club meet- nominate, and by and with the advice and words “advice and consent” and twisted the Senate. Both of those are mighty iffy
ings, “My vision is to do self-defense along consent of the Senate, shall appoint am- them into “divide and dissent.” Because right now, but in the words of their leading
with different styles of martial arts.” Be- bassadors, other public ministers and con- they can. political philosopher Donald Trump, “De-
yond being purely a matter of training for suls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all Sen. McConnell is correct that ap- lay, delay, delay!”
dire situations, martial arts can also be a other officers of the United States”? pointing a Supreme Court justice is per- President Obama says that he’s go-
recreational activity. Exercise is known to Does everyone notice it says “shall,” haps the most significant legacy a presi- ing to, in fact, fulfill his responsibility and
alter one’s brain chemistry in such a way that it’s not optional? I ask because the dent can leave behind. That’s because the nominate a Scalia replacement in “due
as to reduce stress and increase confidence, GOP consensus is that he should hold off Supremes are there for life. Scalia had been course.” The Republicans insist they’ll
and acting out your Karate Kid fantasies is naming a replacement for Justice Antonin on the SCOTUS bench since 1986, and in block him or her. Did we need more proof
an effective way to do it. Scalia, because President Barack Obama the “thoughts and prayers” platitudes sur- that the high court is really low politics in
Right now is perhaps the best time to is in the final year of his term. Apparently rounding his sudden death at 79, he is be- robes?
pay attention to the club as well, as they they’ve overlooked the part where Article ing remembered as a sharply intellectual,
are currently undergoing a resurgence and 2 states “He shall hold his office during the ferocious conservative voice. He was actu- (c) 2016 Bob Franken
will return in full force by this upcoming term of four years”? Perhaps they didn’t ally an ultra-right winger, but it is bad form Distributed by King Features Synd.
spring quarter. This is, however, following to say so right now -- except on the Inter-
6 A&E FebruaryJune
29, 2016
1, 2015

Where to invade next Deadpool a hero on Film

Photo by Nicolas Genin

US film director Michael Moore is interviewed as he takes part in a May Day demon-
stration at Alameda in Lisbon on May 1, 2015.
By Joshua McClusky cation, humane policing procedures, and
Staff Writer drug decriminalization) as policies that he
wants the American people to consider. As
Michael Moore’s recent movie,
the film progresses, Moore notes that many
“Where to Invade Next”, is a powerful and
of these policies have roots in the United
timely film that explores the social services
and cultures of foreign countries in order to
The irony is not lost on Moore, or his
bring beneficial social policies back to the
interviewees. The concepts of cruel and
United States.
unusual punishment are an important part
Released on December 23, 2015, the
of the U.S. Constitution, but (as the movie
film follows Moore as he “invades” vari-
shows) has been better implemented by
ous foreign countries (Italy, Finland, Nor-
way, Tunisia, and Germany among others)
and “takes” the policies that help their citi-
Dichotomies throughout the movie
zens, in order to bring those policies to the
continue to emphasize the importance of
people of the United States.
understanding the uniqueness of the Unit-
Moore’s invasions into each country
ed States. Photo by Gage Skidmore
reveal the stark disparities between the
The cultural disparities highlighted in Ryan Reynolds dressed in his Deadpool costume, posing for a publicity photo for the
United States and other first world coun-
the film serve to create a movie that feels release of the movie.
tries by contacting and interviewing every-
more like a story of humanity and our col-
one from the hourly workers at a clothing By Rhys Egner “Deadpool” pulls absolutely no
lective progress, instead of an analytical
factory, to the CEO of Ducati, to the chefs Staff Writer punches in mocking the studio for only
breakdown of the differences between the
at an elementary school and the students snagging two X-Men from Bryan Singer’s
United States and portions of the world.
they cook for. “Deadpool” is an odd beast of a film, acclaimed films, with the character out-
While the movie carries an under-
Almost every one of the interviewees utilizing a character that for many comic right addressing how odd it is that there
standably heavy tone, Moore’s admission
expresses shock and disbelief at the lack of book readers is best known for his ability are only two mutants in the whole of the
to being an optimist paints a picture of a fu-
services available to the average citizen in to play off of other heroes. Surprisingly movie. The thing is, “Deadpool” makes the
ture that can only improve as time goes on.
the United States. enough, it doesn’t just work--it actually re- obvious limitations of its budget work fan-
“Where to Invade Next?” is a humor-
Interestingly (and hilariously), Moore sults in one of the most genuine superhero tastically well.
ous, shocking, and important movie, which
goes to almost every location in every films of the last decade. Of these aforementioned X-Men, Co-
could finds its place not only in the box of-
country with an American flag, planting it The wisecracking, fourth-wall break- lossus serves as the typical hero of the film,
fice, but in the libraries of people interested
and declaring certain policies (such as uni- ing, ultra-violent “merc with a mouth” has prodding Deadpool to be a hero (or rather,
in the state of the world, past and present.
versal health care, subsidized higher edu- become a mainstay in “Marvel Comics”for to stop slaughtering villains en masse),
being what amounts to a Looney Tunes and quite literally dragging him around
character in an otherwise “serious” (to the when that doesn’t work. Negasonic, on the
absolute stretch of the term) comic book other hand, acts as the analogue for folks
world. Brought to the silver screen, “Dead- sick and tired of the Deadpool character.
pool” (Ryan Reynolds) is almost exactly She’s the quintessential jaded teenager
as he was in the original comics: a cartoon who’s bored of the “lol so random” nature
character in a world of straight-faced he- of “Deadpool”, which in turn provokes an
roes. amusing bit of response from the character
The rapid-fire wit employed in “Dead- himself. While she only gets a few scenes
pool” is wonderfully on-point, not unlike in the film, she’s definitely better off than
the plethora of jokes found in every min- her comic book counterpart, who had a
ute of Leslie Nielsen’s beloved The Naked grand total of one appearance before being
Gun films. That said, the character can killed off.
only work on his own for so long before he “Deadpool’s” greatest success is mak-
starts grating on people’s nerves, including ing the character work on screen. While
the audience. So it’s to “Deadpool’s” credit the movie may not work as a film, it’s one
that it actually manages to keep the charac- of the best possible productions that could
ter out of the spotlight when he’s started to have been made for the character. Under
outstay his welcome. any other director, Deadpool would’ve
Unfortunately, this does lead to some been made into a needlessly edgy charac-
story and pacing issues that would abso- ter, possibly with his mouth sewed shut,
lutely destroy any other film. “Deadpool” giant swords sprouting from his arms, and
opens in media res, and happily bounds lasers shooting from his eyes.
between there and innumerable flashbacks Thankfully, that’s not what we get
that lead into its second act--the start of the here: we get an honest-to-god genuine
film. It’s not the best-executed instance of performance from Ryan Reynolds, who
opening into the action, but it works well manages to give Deadpool the love he’s
enough because of how it effectively doles oh-so-desperately needed. When the flash-
out the character of Deadpool in doses. backs aren’t confusing viewers with how
As mentioned previously, Deadpool is blatantly they’re thrown in, his alter ego of
at his best when he gets to play off other Wade Wilson gets to shine (and put on a
heroes. Thus, the production team at Fox little Reynolds charm) as well.
brought in the littlest guns they had from There’s enough here to please any fan
the X-Men license: the Russian-accented of superhero films in general. But for the
CGI model Colossus (voiced by Stefan love of god, don’t take your little sibling
Kapicic) and the indefinitely annoyed Ne- to”Deadpool”; it’s most definitely not a
gasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hil- kid’s movie.
The eview A&E 7
Old memories become new art
By Joel Wahlenmaier
Staff Writer

In time, all of our memories become

fuzzy. This concept can be explored in
many ways, and on the Edmonds Commu-
nity College campus, it is displayed on the PICKS OF THE WEEK
third floor of Lynnwood Hall in the form of “Macbeth” (R) -- Shakespeare’s
an art exhibit. creepiest, most treacherous tragedy gets an
Three artists, who are also founders amazing adaptation, lifted way up by stars
and managers of a non-profit art gallery Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard.
that had been dedicated to cultural diver- Director Justin Kurzel does an outstanding
sity and people of color, came together for job using the original setting of medieval
the art exhibit called “Epilogue.” “Epi- Scotland, mining pure foreboding and des-
logue” explores identity, growth, and dis- olation from the foggy moors and weather-
covery through creating new pieces from blasted heaths. The audience is supposed to
old pieces that current professor and co- see Macbeth as a monster, and yet still pity
chair of the EdCC Visual Arts Department, him, a dual-task well trusted to Fassbender.
Minh Carrico, as well as artists SuJ’n Chon Cotillard can make a whisper sound like an
and Carina A. del Rosario, shared with immutable command.
each other at the start. From each other’s
work, they have drawn inspiration for their “Peanuts” (PG) -- Charlie Brown,
new ideas in this collaboration. Snoopy and the whole ensemble of Charles
Spliced and distorted images fill the Schulz kids star in this CG-animated fea-
exhibit with at least one set of interactive ture that digs up all of the charming details
images that have been mixed and matched without damaging the memories. Ol’ Char-
and can be mixed and matched even more. lie Brown is doing his thing of generally
These spliced images provide an example failing at everything he attempts, all while
of our own fuzzy memories that don’t quite struggling against his anxiety around the
seem intact. Not all pieces are just sheer Little Red-Haired Girl who’s just moved
imagery, however. Other pieces are solely into the neighborhood. Snoopy, mean-
text, exploring identity, discovery, and re- while, is focused mainly on his fantastical
flections on the past. dogfights against the dreaded Red Baron.
In a group interview that is linked It’s scary to think of the quaint, hand-
on EdCC’s website, Carrico, Rosario and drawn feel of the old Charlie Brown ani-
Photo by Todd Clayton mations getting flung into the hyper-loud
Chon discuss their feelings and approach Many of the memories of art that hangs in the Lynnwood Hall art gallery located with
towards Epilogue. world of colorful reboots and CG overstim-
in the EdCC library.
“We had talked about co-creating ulation. However, this Peanuts adaptation
some work together and ended up with this diversity and artists of color to help sup- with the name “Epilogue,” and then kind of keeps the original charm intact, adapting
idea of sharing our past portfolios with port and assist in the growth of colored art- this idea of phasing into this new purpose (mostly) smoothly to the new landscape.
each other and getting inspiration from ist’s work. “Epilogue”, in part, reflects on for IDEA Odyssey.”
each other’s past work but then creating this closure for the three. “The epilogue was a great way for us “In the Heart of the Sea” (PG-13) --
new work and using new meaning that we “We felt pretty inspired with this idea to start experimenting and to start explor- Based on the real-life ocean disaster that
weren’t necessarily as comfortable with or of not bringing forward work that we had ing different avenues.” Carrico added. inspired “Moby-Dick,” this special-effect-
just trying out since we were all photogra- already done, but creating new work, and The exhibit is open until March 14. heavy thriller never quite catches a strong
phers,” Chon said. really thinking about what it meant for us It’s certainly worth visiting up on the 3rd narrative wind. Setting out from Nantuck-
In the exhibit, the three also in- to go through this history together, and we floor of Lynnwood Hall and, hopefully, et in 1819, the Essex was a whaling ship
cluded their own statements about the ex- have talked a lot about this collective com- worth remembering for a long period of that taught the world how nature still had
hibit either in word form or in art form. ing full circle, and in this particular phase time before that, too, becomes fuzzy and a way of crushing mankind’s hubris with
“Upon reviewing my fellow of this life, kind of sun-setting,” Rosario we can begin to make new art, inspired by vengeful behemoth belly-flops. Lead by an
artists Carina A. del Rosario and SuJ’n said. “That’s actually how we came up the fuzzy memories of this art. inexperienced captain (Benjamin Walker)
Chon’s archives, I came across images that and a dashing, competent first mate (Chris
are eerily similar to my own photographs,” Hemsworth), the Essex goes from “whale
Carrico said. “I found myself feeling deja hunting” to “surviving on tiny boats” after
vu with each passing discovery.” battling an enormous and enraged sperm
Visitors are invited to visit mem- whale.
ories that have become distorted and mix While there’s plenty of noise and
them up even more in an interactive piece spectacle during the few action sequences,
of art on display in the exhibit by plac- much of the run time is a slow ride. Direc-
ing transparent images that have already tor Ron Howard gets a few spine-touching
been spliced with other images on top of moments when the whale is glimpsed and
a lit surface, and then by placing another you feel weightless, in awe of the ocean.
spliced set of images on top of that. The Hemsworth is generically heroic, and the
results will never be one unfragmented set- movie lacks a strong presence (sorry, com-
ting, as a result of deteriorating memories. puter whale) or compelling human drama.
As visitors mix and match, the end re-
sult may even be as far from a clear picture “Victor Frankenstein” (PG-13) -- In
as possible with a city half submerged in this re-telling of the classic horror tale,
water and the other half on a grassy plain, Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy try to
with two ketchup and mustard bottles jux- put a fresh jolt into an old flick. Radcliffe
ta-positioned onto the entire setting. provides narration and point-of-view as a
“Their [Rosario and Chon’s] im- more fleshed-out version of Igor -- he was
ages unlocked fragmented memories in my once a hunchy circus act, but young med-
life from decades past. I was captivated by student Frankenstein saw his potential and
the irregularity of recalling only snippets fixed his body, earning Igor’s loyalty. After
of those events,” Carrico said. “I began at- few trial resurrections with animal parts,
tempting to rebuild these pieces into a vi- the duo finally get around to making the
sual narrative that illustrates my frustration man-monster, but much of the movie goes
and challenges in remembering lost details by without a pulse.
in my life. TV RELEASES
The recollections of these events are “Grease Live!”
sometimes distorted, often transparent, and “Rookie Blue -- The Final Season”
occasionally overlapping.” “Hogan’s Heroes: The Complete Se-
This exhibit is a sort of a turning point ries”
for the three artists. It subliminally marks “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Sea-
the closure of their art gallery, IDEA Odys- son 1”
sey. IDEA (International District Engaged “Manhattan: Season 2”
in Arts) Odyssey was a non-profit collec-
tive art gallery that is dedicated to cultural (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
8 Lifestyle FebruaryJune
29, 2016
1, 2015

Heroin bar in the Seattle area

By Gus Rodriguez
Staff Writer

Does a heroin bar sound like the ideal

way to spend your tax money? If your an-
swer is yes, then you’re in for a surprise
since Seattle is considering being the first
city in the United States to allow its heroin
users to shoot up freely without the worry
of being convicted. Now that is an unusual
Q: I am so thrilled that “Scandal” is project to fund isn’t it?
back from winter hiatus. Can you give any Heroin has become a worrisome epi-
hints as to what to expect now? -- Kristin demic in the state of Washington. For the
H., via email 5th year in a row the amount of cases in-
A: As you know, Shonda Rimes’ camp volving heroin overdoses has gone up.
is pretty tight-lipped about plot points and According to a KING 5 news report, more
spoilers when it comes to the hit ABC dra- than 200 people died due to their addiction.
ma, but I did manage to squeeze the teeny- In addition to the number of deaths,
tiniest bit of info out of Joe Morton, who the number of empty syringes found in
plays Rowan Pope. He told me: “The only the street is also growing quite rapidly. In
thing I can tell you is that it is an election January alone, nearly 800 syringes were
year. Since this is Fitz’s last term in office, found in the alley ways of Seattle down-
I think there’s going to be lots of people town. This is a huge number and to think
affected by him moving out of that office its centralized in one area is frightening to
and trying to determine who’s going to imagine.
take his place.” As to whether that involves Despite there being around 1500 us-
Rowan (which you know it has to), he re- ers checking into rehabilitation facilities
plied: “You’re just going to have to wait every year in King County, there is still
and see it.” an extremely large number of users who
The versatile and accomplished actor are actively using the drug and have not
isn’t just resting on Rowan’s laurels either. yet looked for help. This being the case,
He’s hard at work getting ready to open his a proposal to reduce the number of active Photo by: Zachary Siegel
one-man show in NYC called “Turn Me users, heroin overdose fatalities, disposed
A photo of a typical heroin den, Seattle council wants to stop this and create new safe
Loose,” presented by John Legend, which syringes, and diseases caused by improper
place free from harm.
is based on the life of comedian/civil- injection, is currently under review.
rights activist Dick Gregory. Joe told me: The idea consists of opening a Safe to engage in a rehabilitation program than does.
“The point of the play is in some ways a Injection Site (SIS). A medical facility that someone who doesn’t. KOMO 4 news mentions in an article
will allow heroin users to consume their The clinic is three stories tall, with that in the coming future, experts from
call to action. A lot of his humor was ask-
own drugs under supervision of medical each floor serving its own purpose. The Vancouver BC will meet with experts from
ing the audience to take stock of their own
staff who will be able to intervene immedi- first floor is the Injection site, where a user Seattle in a hearing to discuss the funding
situation individually and as groups, and
ately if an overdose is to happen. has to register so that daily traffic can be of these projects. It is definitely a good
act -- do something to make it better. That
Materials for a clean and safe injec- recorded. After registering, the individual cause since human lives are being saved
is what he preaches, even if he’s doing a
tion such as syringes, tourniquets, and will wait until a booth is assigned and then and the streets are getting cleaner, after all
stand-up comedy routine. People should
cookers will also be provided to the users his/her injection can be monitored. After it is human nature to care for one another.
be researching everything they think they
in these facilities. the DIU (Drug Injection Use) takes place, This program does come with a price
need to understand about the world they’re
It might sound users are welcome to use that will ultimately trace back to you as
living in, and then they need to take that
crazy at first, how- the relaxation room the tax payer. This is a government funded
information and do something with it.”
*** ever, looking at the Junkies made a deci- in which they can project and too many people is a nonsense
evidence from other sion to get themsleves rest while the effect idea that will not lead to any major chang-
Q: I was watching this show on Ama-
clinics might actu- of the drug wears off. es.
zon called “Bosch.” I really liked it, but I
ally work. Insite is the
invovled in this kind of The second floor According to business student Dorian
haven’t heard whether it’ll be back for an-
other season. -- Paul T., via Facebook only Safe injection lifestyle..... is the Detox Center, Pennington at Edmonds Community Col-
which is reserved lege “Junkies made a decision to get them-
A: Rest easy, Paul. “Bosch,” the Ama- Site in North America -Dorian Pennington for the users who are selves involved in this kind of lifestyle and
zon exclusive drama series, returns on and has been running
for 13 years now, it ready and willing to don’t know how to get themselves out, and
March 11. The second season of the police
is located in Vancouver, British Columbia cleanse them- selves of their addic- I as a taxpayer should not pay for their
procedural, based on Michael Connelly’s
and it receives over 275,000 visitors per tion. They are offered an individual room mistakes” on the other hand there are also
novels and starring Titus Welliver, will take
year. in which they can stay up to 8 days without many people who support and believe that
its inspiration from Connelly’s “Trunk Mu-
According to their website, Insite fo- the use of any drugs, from there they are rehab facilities are the key to help those
sic,” “The Drop” and “The Last Coyote.”
cuses on reducing the fatalities caused by moved up to the third floor with addictions.
overdosing, reducing the amount of syring- The third floor is the Transitional and Every year millions of people are
Q: My friend in England told me about
es discarded in public, reducing the rates Recovery Program in which users can meet battling their addictions face to face all
a miniseries based on Agatha Christie’s
of infected people with HIV and Hepatitis with counselors that will help them in their by themselves and have lost all hopes of
“And Then There Were None,” which aired
C, and mainly increasing the number of journey to put an end to the addiction. receiving help. This is why I believe that
in the U.K. at Christmastime. Any chance
people that are referred to health and social While doing so, many activities are Rehab facilities are a good place to go for
we’ll get it here in the States? -- Jilly T.,
programs. also offered since the first step in rehab is the millions of people that need help free-
Insite is proud to say that they have to keep the user active. Yoga, therapy, book ing themselves from the negative impact of
A: The two-part whodunit miniseries
saved the lives of 2,395 users who have clubs, check groups and many other activi- their dependency on drugs. I also feel that
will air on Lifetime March 13 and 14. It
overdosed within the clinic due to the med- ties are available for those who are referred (SIS) is not always the perfect solution for
stars Douglas Booth, Charles Dance,
ical attention that they received. They also to this floor. all addictions since it might actually make
Maeve Dermody, Burn Gorman, Anna
take pride in the fact that any individual Seattle officials are exploring and con- it easier for the user to continue their habits
Maxwell Martin, Sam Neill, Miranda
Richardson, Toby Stephens, Noah Taylor who visits their clinic is 33% more likely sidering various ways to establish a clinic of injecting. Only time will tell.
that will offer the same options that Insite
and Aidan Turner.
Set in 1939, “And Then There Were

Arts & Entertainment Events

None” follows 10 strangers who are lured
to Soldier Island, an isolated rock near the
Devon coast in southern England. Cut off
from the mainland, each is accused of a
terrible crime. When members of the party March 3 Jean Killbourne March 8 March 9
start to mysteriously die, they all wonder Black Box Theatre EdCC Concert Band Performance End of the Quarter De Stress Mas-
who will survive, and who is the killer? 12:30 p.m. 7:30 - 9p.m. sages
Black Box Theatre 2 - 5 p.m.
Write to Cindy at King Features Week- March 7 Brier Lobby
ly Service, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, Symphonic Choir Winter Concert March 9
FL 32803; or e-mail her at letters@cindy- 7:30 -9 p.m. Conversation in the Humanities March 10 Black Box Theatre Jennifer Stuller End of Quarter De Stress Activities
7 - 8:30 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. Black Box Theatre Brier Lobby
The eview Opinion 9
Presidential Election 2016: who may
be the next leader of our country?
By Dylan Phifer lot of controversy over himself because of
Staff Writer his proposals, such as a plan to build a wall
against illegal immigrants, a plan to deport
In November of 2008, our country
all Muslims from the United States, and
elected Barack Obama to be the President
even cutting the top 1 percent’s tax breaks
of the United States. Eight years later,
even more.
Barack has had a nice run, taping together
Despite this, Trump is still the lead-
our economy while also contributing to
ing GOP candidate and is only growing in
the great social development we have seen
popularity. Bernie Sanders has also shown
over the past few years. It is time to pick
a great increase in popularity; his poll re-
out a new candidate, and choose who will
sults have grown greater than any other
lead our nation next.
candidates across this election. His grass-
So far, the line-up has been pretty
roots initiative has shown that, well, grass-
interesting; the famous business mogul
roots initiatives work as long as one has an
Donald Trump, former presidential candi-
established base of people to fall back on.
date and former first lady Hilary Clinton,
Hilary has been using her all to reach out
Vermont Senator and Democratic Social-
to millennials, as she has started to only re-
ist Bernie Sanders, and Texas Senator Ted
ceive sub-30 percent of the youth vote in
Cruz are considered to be the four in charge
most states.
right now, as they are the most likely to go
It hasn’t worked well; in fact, the
on to the ballot.
lies she has been caught up in have only
As for the pols themselves, it has been
weakened her relationship with our gen-
an interesting ride for some candidates;
eration. From receiving 15 years of min-
while Donald Trump has held his position
imum-wage worker pay for a one-hour
at the top for GOP Candidate polls, Ber-
speech, to not addressing the emails that
nie Sanders has shown an incredible surge
the FBI launched a case over, Clinton has
forward in recent polls, winning the New
been caught in quite a bit of negative press
Hampshire primary and only losing Iowa’s
caucus by just a coin toss.
In the Iowa caucus, the first across the
As Bernie surges forward, Trump con-
nation, Clinton led an incredibly incremen-
tinues to speak his mind, Hilary continues
tal lead over Sanders. She literally won by Photo by Morry Gash
to lie to us, and Cruz tries anything to gain
six coin tosses; all of which she won. Republican presidential candidates John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump,
votes. Let’s do an overview of the race to
Seems a little bit sketchy, right? This Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Rand Paul appear during Republican presi-
date, and what to expect in the near future,
may very well be the reason that millenni- dential debate at Milwaukee Theatre
as the Washington State caucus is only a
als do not like her. Cruz took a surprising what does this mean for Sanders, as far as see what happens; support for Sanders is
month away.
victory over Trump in the state, though this electability goes? Let’s consider this: in the huge, and you’re far more likely to find
It’s summer 2015. TV personality and
was mostly due to the fact that Trump was 2008 caucus, Hilary Clinton won with a 7 a Sanders flyer or ad in public than from
businessman Donald Trump formally an-
less willing to conduct interviews at this percent lead over Barack Obama. The rest any other candidate. As it stands, it is a
nounces his campaign for the U.S. Presi-
time and shied away from press while Cruz is history. So as we can see, Sanders shows huge toss-up between Clinton and Sanders,
dential Election of 2016. An almost un-
soaked it in. a very strong surge in this race, and there though the next few weeks and upcoming
known Senator from Vermont announces
After that, the first primary in the is a real possibility he could win it. But as campaign trail stops/elections may sway
his campaign for the Presidency as he
country took place in New Hampshire. it stands, Clinton does have the lead at this the mind of us Washingtonians.
wants to fight against poverty, for univer-
Sanders won this state by a small percent- point in time. It’s very likely Donald Trump will win
sal health care, social rights and more; his
age lead, showing that he actually had So what does this mean for Washing- the GOP side, as we have seen across the
name is Bernie Sanders.
true winning potential. Trump won on the ton? Our caucus is on March 26, only a nation. But it will be interesting to see who
Hilary Clinton, a leading candidate in
GOP side. In the latest caucus undergone month away. As we know, Washington has wins the Democratic: grass-roots leader
the election of 2008 who ended up losing
in our nation, Clinton won Nevada by a been known to be a rather liberal state. and activist Sanders, or deceiving and ma-
to Barack Obama, announces that she has
small (5% percent) lead on Sanders. So Because of this, it’ll be interesting to nipulative Clinton. We will see.
come back to fight for her seat in the Oval

Politics and the candidates

Office. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been
campaigning for a few months now, as he
is also in this race.
Now, the only candidates that seemed
Cruz went to Princeton and Harvard, and last April that was a ringingly stalwart ar-
electable at this time were Donald Trump
could be a member of the Northeastern gument for trade-promotion authority. Two
(thanks to his huge TV/business persona),
elite in good standing if he wanted to be. months later, when a brush fire erupted on
and Hilary Clinton (thanks to being a for-
But Cruz is cut from roughly similar the right over “Obamatrade,” Cruz abrupt-
mer First Lady and a Clinton). Bernie and
cloth. He wears his ambition on his sleeve ly reversed course and came out against
Ted did not stand a chance, though Cruz
and isn’t highly charismatic or relatable. If trade-promotion authority -- he cited pro-
has some momentum, thanks to his early
Cruz wins the nomination, it’ll be on the cedural reasons -- and then opposed the
campaign announcement. Throughout the
strength of intelligence and willpower. underlying trade agreement as well.
rest of the year, these candidates used all
He’ll have outworked, outsmarted and out- Is all the effort on Cruz’s part only in
the tactics they could to reel people into
maneuvered everyone else. the cause of a 1964-style ideological blow-
their campaigns; Hilary and Bernie’s cam-
Certainly, Cruz isn’t ascending on the out? No. The country’s too evenly divided
paigns started using social media to spread
basis of warm feelings from his colleagues. for another Goldwater-style landslide loss,
the word of what they seek in this nation.
Cruz portrays his unpopularity within the and Hillary Clinton is a deeply flawed can-
In the end, it has proven that Bernie’s so- The lazy conventional wisdom is that Senate as establishment distaste for him as didate.
cial media campaign is the winner; he truly Ted Cruz is the new Barry Goldwater, a lonely man of principle. But it’s a genu- But Cruz has major vulnerabilities.
resonated with the younger crowd that we doomed to suffer an electoral landslide de- ine personal dislike. He’s more ideologically defined than
are. feat should he win the Republican nomina- Not that Cruz cares. In fact, a key to George W. Bush in 2000 or Barack Obama
Not only did many of his proposals tion. what he has been able to achieve is his ap- in 2008, and his current theory of the gen-
and stances go viral, but Bernie has now Not only is this wrong about Cruz’s parent immunity to the reflexive desire to eral election -- that he need turn out only
gained the trust of over 70 percent of vot- general-election chances, it may compare be liked by people around you, a weakness conservatives -- is a comforting fable.
ing millennials. Throughout the rest of Cruz to the wrong 20th-century Republi- to which almost all of us fall prey. Cruz Marco Rubio and Chris Christie are
the year, Trump and Cruz simply used the can forebear. The better analogue for Cruz is free of the peer pressure that typically both, in their own ways, more winsome,
campaigning strategy of hosting rallies, might be Richard Nixon, not in the crudely makes all senators, at some level, team and it’s easier to see how each of them
meeting people, etc., basic publicity stunts pejorative sense, but as another surpass- players. could pick off Obama states. But Cruz has
to gain votes. Then 2016 came about. ingly shrewd and ambitious politician who Cruz is a Reagan Republican, al- always understood that you have to win the
In early 2016, it was clear that the lacked a personal touch but found a way to though with considerable flexibility. When primary to win the general. Whoever is go-
aforementioned four would be the only win nonetheless. Rand Paul seemed to be on the ascen- ing to beat him better know what he’s do-
ones still around for the primary nomi- First, all the caveats. Obviously and dancy a couple of years ago, Cruz was a ing -- because Cruz certainly does.
nation. Marc Rubio shows close, but not most importantly, Cruz is not a paranoiac. Reagan Republican with Paulite accents.
strong enough poll results and Martin He’s more ideological than Nixon. And he When Donald Trump began to dominate, Rich Lowry is editor of the National
O’Malley has simply faded into the back- has none of Nixon’s insecurity, in fact the Cruz became a Reagan Republican with Review.
ground. Rubio is still running in the race, opposite. Nixon went to tiny Whittier Col- Trumpian tendencies.
though. Trump has, like always, stirred a lege and resented the Northeastern elite; Cruz penned an op-ed with Paul Ryan (c) 2016 by King Features Synd., Inc.
10 Sports FebruaryJune
29, 2016
1, 2015

Looking Back on Marshawn Lynch

By Kara Martinez
Staff Writer
Marshawn Lynch, the star running
back for the Seahawks, confirmed on Feb-
ruary 3 via Twitter that he is officially retir-
ing from the NFL.
His retirement announcement was
nothing less than what you’d expect from
the man who spoke few words, but knew
exactly how to let the public know in his
own unique way. It was an absolutely per-
fect announcement, given his demeanor
and personality. Despite being a man with
little to say, Marshawn Lynch had a fan-
tastic nine-year career in the NFL, six of
which were spent playing with the Seattle
Seahawks (the first three with the Buffalo
There are many reasons for the Se-
ahawks (and their fans, of course) to thank
Marshawn Lynch. And oddly enough, one
of those reasons is because the timing of
his retirement couldn’t have been better
His 2015 season with the Seahawks
was the most injury-filled of his entire ca-
reer, so retiring when he did was of great
benefit to himself and the team. “I don’t
think it will affect the team as much, emo-
tionally maybe, but there is potential in the
new running back Thomas Rawls,” said Photo by Kelly Bailey
Christopher Ramirez, former student of Lynch during the Seahawks’ 2011 NFC Wild Card game against the New Orleans Saints. One of Lynch’s best moments in sports
EdCC. “Fans are already liking him and I history
had a feeling Lynch would retire sooner or zona Cardinals back in 2014. According er, EdCC alumni and now News Assistant use to build that edge, that swagger, that
later.” to, this is the lon- for the “Seattle Times.” “They were 7-9, belief that they could beat anyone on any
All-in-all, Marshawn Lynch’s retire- gest run recorded in his career, where he facing the defending Super Bowl Cham- day.”
ment announcement was exactly his, and went into full-on “beast mode” and broke pions. As far as we (my dad and I) knew, Looking back on Marshawn Lynch’s
didn’t need any explanation from him at all. through the tackle, in which he passed sev- this could be the last playoff game we saw career with the Seattle Seahawks, it is safe
It spoke louder than words could have ever eral of the Cardinals’ defenders to run for in Seattle for a decade. Keep in mind, this to say that he will go down in history with
done, and it was his original way of saying the score. It was without a doubt a promi- was before Marshawn Lynch was a folk the franchise. Marshawn Lynch made a lot
goodbye to football. “I think Lynch should nent highlight in his NFL career. hero in this town. He had been traded to of memories for Seahawks fans to look
have stayed longer with the Hawks,” said One of the most memorable traits Seattle from Buffalo just before the trade back on and smile, because he was noth-
Christopher, adding that, “Lynch retired about Marshawn Lynch is not only his love deadline, and hadn’t really played that in ing short of a successful running back for
earlier than most running backs in the for football, but his love for Skittles as a Seahawks uniform to that point. But that the team.
league. I sure am going to miss him.” well. He was once fined for wearing Skit- was the run that changed everything.” “He sure was a unique player,” said
Lots of Seahawks fans like Christo- tles cleats on the field, but he always made And indeed it was. The running back Christopher, “completely different from
pher are bummed to hear about his retire- sure to keep a package of the candy on held nothing back and went into full most players in the league.” It’s a bitter-
ment. Now that Lynch’s the sidelines to eat after “beast mode,” and charged down the field sweet feeling to know he’s officially retir-
career in the NFL is scoring touchdowns. He 67 yards for a touchdown, which in turn ing, but his time as a Seahawk, as well as
over, it’s time to remi- Honestly, I didn’t loved Skittles so much helped clinch the victory, as well as estab- the legacy he left, will live on forever. To
nisce and look back that he even filmed a lish him as one of the best running backs end on a solid note, Brett said, “Regardless
at some of his most expect the Se- Skittles infomercial, and in the NFL. of his future perception, Marshawn Lynch
memorable and excit- ahawks to win the there couldn’t have been This famous play became known as is one of my favorite players, and we will
a better endorsement for “Beast Quake” because Seahawks fans never, ever, see a player like him again.”
ing moments wearing a
Seahawks uniform, and game . the candy. were so excited and were jumping up and Thank you, Beast Mode, for the mem-
Not only was Mar- down, which literally made the ground ories and for keeping the Seahawks spirit
overall more reasons to -Brett Miller shawn Lynch known for shake. “That run was the first big play of alive over the last six years. You will be
thank Marshawn Lynch.
According to Se- his actions on the field, the Pete Carroll era,” Brett added, “and missed, one of but off the field as well. was something the Seahawks were able to
Marshawn Lynch’s greatest plays was Being a man with little to say, he had a dis-
when he ran a 40-yard touchdown during like for speaking with the media. Perhaps

Athletic Events
the NFC championship against the San one of his best moments was on Media Day
Francisco 49ers in 2014. for Super Bowl XLIX. According to sport-
His run was unbelievable, from the, the running back faced a
way he was able to break through the $500,000 fine from the league if he did not
tackle and full-on sprint just before falling make himself available to the media. When
into the end zone. San Francisco had one of Lynch had a turn to speak, he answered Mar. 3 3 Days Men’s Basketball NWAC Regional Home
the most impressive defenses at the time, every question with some variation of the
so this was a big accomplishment. Lynch phrase “I’m just here so I won’t get fined.” Mar. 5 12 p.m. Baseball @ Lane CC Away
was one of the few players able to break Word has it that he even trademarked his
through their formation and ultimately signature answer. This is an example of
score on the Seahawks’ behalf. how Marshawn Lynch did things his own Mar. 5 12 p.m. Softball at Inter-Regional Away
One of his next most memorable mo- way, which makes him stand out from the
ments as a Seahawk was when he ran a rest. Mar. 6 12 p.m. Baseball @ Lane CC Away
24-yard touchdown against the Green Bay And last but not least, almost every
Packers in the National Football Confer- Seahawks fan can remember the ‘Beast Mar. 103 Days Men’s Basketball @ NWAC Away
ence (NFC) championship the following Quake’, which occurred in 2010 during
year. This exact run was the cherry on top the NFC Wild Card game against the New
of one of the most unlikely and impressive Orleans Saints. Lynch had the most memo- Mar. 12 1 p.m. Softball @ Clark Away
comebacks, not only in Seahawks history, rable run of his entire career during this
but in NFL post-season history overall. game. Mar. 13 1 p.m. Baseball @ Yakima Valley Away
According to, it was part of According to, Lynch
yet another big post-season performance had rushed for 100 yards in the NFL post-
for Lynch, who rushed for 157 yards on 26 season and was still a long way from be- Mar. 19 11 a.m. Baseball vs Yakima Valley Home
carries. coming one of the most beloved players in
Another impressive highlight in franchise history. Mar. 19 2 p.m. Yakima Valley vs Tacoma Home
Marshawn Lynch’s career is when he ran “Honestly, I didn’t expect the Se-
a 79-yard touchdown against the Ari- ahawks to win the game,” said Brett Mill-
The eview Comics & Games 11

1. MUSIC: Who was known as “The

Godfather of Soul”?
2. TELEVISION: What was the name
of the yellow character on the children’s
show “Teletubbies”?
3. SPORTS: What competition fea-
tures activities such as clean, jerk and
4. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of
dried fruit are prunes?
famous playwright once observed, “The
course of true love never did run smooth”?
6. MATHEMATICS: What number
does the prefix giga- represent?
President Aaron Burr. Most of his accom- 7. U.S. STATES: Which U.S. state
plishments are not common knowledge, shares only one border with another state?
though -- and they deserve to be. Born into 8. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the Suez
poverty on the Caribbean island of Nevis, Canal?
the illegitimate son of a Scots merchant, 9. PRESIDENTS: Which U.S. presi-
Hamilton began work as a clerk at the age dent was born with the name Leslie King?
* It was American mythologist Joseph of 11. His employers were so impressed 10. MOVIES: In the Disney movie
Campbell who made the following sage with his intelligence that they paid for him “Aladdin,” how long was the genie inside
observation: “The cave you fear to enter to attend school in America, where he be- the lamp before Aladdin released him?
holds the treasure you seek.” came involved in revolutionary politics.
* If you’re an aficionado of barbed He was a lieutenant colonel by the age of
wire, be sure to head to LaCrosse, Kansas, 20 and managed to marry into one of the 10. 10,000 years
during the first weekend of May. Collec- most distinguished families in New York. 9. Gerald Ford
tors gather there every year for the Antique In addition to writing most of the Feder- 8. Egypt
Barbed Wire Swap and Sell Festival. alist Papers, Hamilton founded the New 7. Maine
* You might be surprised to learn that York Post, the U.S. Coast Guard and the 6. 1 billion
both men and women have an Adam’s ap- U.S. Mint. 5. William Shakespeare
ple; it’s more visible on men because men * Marie de Medici, queen of France 4. Plums
have larger larynxes and because women in the early 17th century, once had a gown 3. Weightlifting
tend to have more fatty tissue in their made that was embellished with more than 2. Laa-Laa
necks. 3,000 diamonds and 30,000 pearls. 1. James Brown
* You doubtless know of Alexander *** Answers
Hamilton, one of America’s Founding Fa- Thought for the Day: “He who is only
thers, as the nation’s first Secretary of the just is cruel. Who on earth could live were
Treasury, and you’ve probably heard that all judged justly?” -- Lord Byron
he was fatally wounded in a duel with Vice (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
(c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
12 Comics & Games February 29, 2016
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) What- Congratulations. Your good intentions are
ever decisions you’re faced with this week, finally recognized, and long-overdue ap-
rely on your strong Aries instincts, and base preciation should follow. Keep working
them on your honest feelings, not necessar- toward improvements wherever you think
ily on what others might expect you to do. they’re necessary.
TAURUS (April 30 to May 20) Your SCORPIO (October 23 to November
sensitive Taurean spirit is pained by what 2) Try to look at your options without pre-
you feel is an unwarranted attack by a judging any of them. Learn the facts, and
miffed colleague. But your sensible self then make your assessments. Spend the
should see it as proof that you must be do- weekend enjoying films, plays and musi-
ing something right. cal events.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) More SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to De-
fine-tuning might be in order before you cember 21) Someone might want to take
can be absolutely certain that you’re on the advantage of the Sagittarian’s sense of fair
right track. Someone close to you might play. But before you ride off to right what
offer to help. The weekend favors family you’ve been told is a wrong, be sure of
get-togethers. your facts.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) The CAPRICORN (December 22 to Janu-
week continues to be a balancing act ‘twixt ary 19) You might be surprised to learn that
dreaming and doing. But by week’s end, not everyone agrees with your ideas. But
you should have a much better idea of what this can prove to be a good thing. Go over
you actually plan to do and how you plan them and see where improvements can be
to do it. made.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) Changing AQUARIUS (January 20 to Febru-
your plans can be risky, but it can also be ary 18) After taking advice on a number
a necessary move. Recheck your facts be- of matters in recent months, expect to be
fore you act. Tense encounters should ease called on to return the gesture. And, by the
by midweek, and all should be well by the way, you might be surprised at who makes
weekend. the request.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) PISCES (February 19 to March
You might still be trying to adjust to recent 20) Reassure everyone concerned that a
changes. But things should improve con- change of mind isn’t necessarily a change
siderably as you get to see some positive of heart. You might still want to pursue a
results. An uneasy personal matter calls for specific goal, but feel a need to change the
more patience. way you’ll get there.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to last issue puzzles

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