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Rabies Virus

Entry into break in skin Incubation Period

(bites, abrasions, mucosa) (4 days to 2 years)

 Pain
PHASE  Headache
 Malaise
 Sore throat
 Anorexia
 Increased
 Pupillary dilation
 Increased thick saliva EXCITEMENT
production/foaming of
mouth, excessive PHASE
 Gradual weakness of muscle groups:
 Anxiety and fear muscle spasm, ocular palsy, vertigo,
 Hydrophobia facial and masseter palsy, loss of tendon
reflexes, neck stiffness.
 Pronounced muscular
 HR shifting from tachycardia (100-120)
stimulation and general to bradycardia (40-60).
tremor PARALYTIC  Cheyne- Strokes respiration
 Mania and  Local sensation diminished
PHASE (pain,heat,cold)
hallucinations with lucid
 Incoordination
intervals  General arousal
 convulsions  Bladder and intestinal retention
(damage to the innervation of the
musculature of intestine and bladder)
Coma  Hydrophobia disappear but with slight
difficulty swallowing.
 Ascending paralysis, flaccid paralysis of
extremities until it reaches the
respiratory muscle
 Apathy, stupor


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