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Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade Team Exposed

Learn To Trade
forex trading school

Capital Index
forex trading broker

forex trading charting software

The Greg Secker Foundation

philanthropic activities

Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade Team Exposed | Page 1 of 16


A. 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus (Bonus: 1-Day Breakthrough to Live Trading), costing Php85,000.00 per person 3

Contents, Their Promise, The Truth

B. Unlimited Wealth Programme, costing Php375,000.00 per person 8

Contents, Their Promise, The Truth

C. What can Php85,000.00 do for you or your family? 12

D. Some of the many misleading statements of the Learn To Trade team 12

E. Some proofs of Learn To Trade’s massive advertisements (with models, actors, and actresses pretending to be forex traders and happy families) in Google,
Yahoo, Facebook, emails, etc. to get people’s attention to enroll in their programs 13

F. Mind-boggling year-on-year forex trading education awards of Learn To Trade 14

G. An open letter to Greg Secker 15

H. Additional readings and some identified websites of Greg Secker, Learn To Trade, SmartCharts, and Capital Index 16


Lying and dishonesty never work – and it is a great human tragedy that people think dishonesty can work "for a good motive". –Ayn Rand
Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade Team Exposed | Page 2 of 16
A. 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus (Bonus: 1-Day Breakthrough to Live Trading), costing Php85,000.00 per person

A common marketing strategy of Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team is to make you believe that you can easily earn in forex trading by simply clicking buy
or sell when their SmartCharts software tells you to do so. To convince potential students to enroll in Greg Secker’s 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus, the
Learn To Trade team will make them watch a video of the SmartCharts software in action, where Greg Secker is shown doing a few clicks and earning 5-figures
USD in his forex trade.
You-- Fantastic way to earn income in forex trading?
Answer-- No, because:
a. Greg Secker was just lucky with that trade, or
b. Greg Secker hired a forex trader, who carefully studied the possible
outcome of the forex trade with the currency pair and Greg Secker
simply acted to make anyone believe that the SmartCharts software is

Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team are liars.

The truth is you will not earn in forex trading unless you studied well
from a reliable forex trading mentor/school and you patiently practice
forex trading for months or for a year or more. You will actually lose
money when you follow the SmartCharts software because it is
unreliable in its forex trade (buy/sell) signals – yes, in all the software’s forex trading strategies. Plus, if you win or lose in your forex trade, a part of your money
called a broker’s spread will go to Capital Index which is co-owned by Greg Secker.

Student-- Assisting forex traders/coaches with live funded forex trading Capital Index accounts are using the SmartCharts software during the course in Learn To
Trade, so it was just a show?
Answer-- Yes. Most of those assisting forex traders/coaches were hired by Greg Secker to make it appear and make you believe that the SmartCharts software is

Enrolled students revealed that during the Bonus: 1-Day Breakthrough to Live Trading with the 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus – they were losing money
during their forex trading training from their live funded forex trading Capital Index accounts, even if they were following the SmartCharts software and the
instructions of the focal forex trader/coach.

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Student-- I've seen the contents of the SmartCharts software, I saw that there are tutorials for the various forex trading strategies and livestream videos with it,
are you telling us that those materials will not help us earn in our forex trading?
Answer-- Yes. They will not help you earn in forex trading, following their materials will make you lose money. The tutorial videos with the SmartCharts software,
labeled Strategy on its tab in the Connect area-Tutorial, are just preview videos of the software’s forex trading strategies – they lack forex trading details that
may help you earn and prevent losses in your forex trading. While the livestream videos are just shows of hired forex traders, they will show you their big-time
live forex trading accounts. You will want to be like them too – so to be "like them", the Learn To Trade team will lure you to enroll in their Unlimited Wealth
Programme, costing Php375,000.00 per person, which is being heavily promoted during the 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus.

2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus (Bonus: 1-Day Breakthrough to Live Trading), costing Php85,000.00 per person
Contents Their promise The truth
Learn Forex Home Study Kit Preview the course highlights on the USB before you attend the The kit contains simple introduction videos of forex trading and
course to ensure you are familiar with the essential trader the preview videos of the SmartCharts software’s forex trading
jargon used on our course… This is also a great revision tool strategies. It has no forex trading depth.
when moving onto implementing the strategies after the course.
The kit’s forex trading time frames are for UK and not adjusted
to the Philippine time frame.
2-Day Learn Forex Course The Learn Forex Program is a full immersion two-day course. We The course is a mere repetition, with a focal forex trader/coach,
have two very exciting days planned for you! of the Learn Forex Home Study Kit. It is not exciting at all.

You-- Will the focal forex trader/coach discuss about the

SmartCharts software’s forex trading strategies?
Answer-- No. The software’s forex trading strategies will not be
discussed thoroughly. The basics of manual forex trading will
also not be taught in the course.

The assisting forex traders/coaches during the course are not

accommodating of forex trading questions and their utmost
attention is in marketing to you their “advance” program – the
Unlimited Wealth Programme, costing Php375,000.00 per
Limited seats/slots available Join now! Limited seats available. You-- Limited seats/slots available like 50, 30 or 20?
Answer-- Certainly not limited seats/slots available. Greg Secker
is a businessman and he will certainly make ways to get your

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Php85,000.00. You may have already seen (many times) Learn
To Trade’s massive advertisements (with models, actors, and
actresses pretending to be forex traders and happy families) in
Google, Yahoo, Facebook, your emails, etc. enticing you and
other people to enroll in their programs.
Php300,000.00 prize for one Raffle prize money for one lucky student only. The Php300,000.00 prize “money” is for a non-withdrawable and
lucky student non-transferable live funded forex trading Capital Index account
awarded to the raffle-winner student. The prize may be
converted as payment for the Unlimited Wealth Programme by
the raffle-winner student.

You-- Did the winners receive their Php300,000.00 prize money?

Answer-- No. The winning students were made to believe that
they will at the soonest time receive their prize.
Coaching Sessions Three (3) 1-on-1 30-minute coaching sessions with a forex You may have thought that the coaching sessions are meant to
trader/coach. supplement the kit and the course, and to answer your
questions in forex trading when using the SmartCharts software
– but the sessions are actually marketing sessions for you to join
the Unlimited Wealth Programme.

You will be assigned a forex trader/coach who will only answer a

few questions regarding forex trading and the SmartCharts
software. Further, the forex trader/coach will not tell tips and
tricks on how you will earn or even prevent losses in forex
trading with or without the SmartCharts software.

The coaching sessions are valid for two (2) months only and is
non-negotiable. Most of the coaches are only available from 8am
to 5pm on week days.
Lifetime Access To Our Lifetime access. Lifetime access to fooling you.
Graduate Website
Bonus: 1-Day Breakthrough to Now that we have given you the tools, it is vital you put your It is a terrible forex trading day for you, if you have a live
Live Trading knowledge into action and start making money! Your exciting funded forex trading Capital Index account, because you will
‘Breakthrough’ to Live Trading - Bonus Day 3 is sponsored by a lose money even if you follow the step-by-step instructions of

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broker and to qualify it is conditional that you must have a live the focal forex trader/coach and the trade (buy/sell) signals of
funded trading account with a minimum balance of at least the SmartCharts software. The Bonus: 1-Day Breakthrough to
₱69,950 so that you are properly prepared to trade the markets Live Trading is a verified non-money making experience with the
live under the guidance of our top traders. Learn To Trade team.

You-- Earn in forex trading by simply clicking buy or sell when

the SmartCharts software tells you to do so?
Answer-- No, it is a lie. Again, it is confirmed that the software’s
trade (buy/sell) signals are unreliable in any of its forex trading

You now realize that Greg Secker’s 2-Day Learn Forex Program
plus Bonus and the SmartCharts software are horrible and
deceitful forex trading products.
Pricing Php462,295.00 per person on the enrollment form then the There is no price for a devious product.
Learn To Trade team will offer it to you for Php85,000.00.
Guarantee (The Learn To Trade team is silent about the matter and they No money back guarantee, goodbye to your Php85,000.00 plus
will not explain their Terms and Conditions to their potential and your paid USD89.00 per month SmartCharts software
existing students.) subscription. Read Learn To Trade’s Terms and Conditions
(intentionally printed by their team in very small letters) and
you will find-out that its contents are against consumer rights –
no warranties, no guarantees and impossible refunds. They are
clear violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines (R.A. No.
7394) and other applicable laws.
Refund of down payment (The Learn To Trade team is silent about the matter and they If you do not want to continue to enroll in the program and you
will not explain their Terms and Conditions to their potential and have just made a down payment, for example Php20,000 or
existing students.) Php5,000.00 or any amount – the Learn To Trade team will not
refund your money. A clear violation of the Consumer Act of the
Philippines (R.A. No. 7394) and other applicable laws.

You-- What if I request for a refund for my down payment?

Answer-- You will be left hanging, the Learn To Trade team will
not answer any more of your calls, emails, messages. If ever
they will reply to you, they will tell you that you should have

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read and understood Learn To Trade’s Terms and Conditions
before you enrolled in any of their programs.

You-- Is Php85,000.00 worth it for the 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus?
Answer-- No. Please do not waste your money in enrolling in any of Greg Secker’s programs. Forex trading is not for everybody but Greg Secker thinks otherwise
– Greg Secker suggests that forex trading is for everybody. That’s a dangerous suggestion coming from Greg Secker. He is a coldhearted businessman and will
only think of ways to get your money.

You-- Is the monthly subscription for the SmartCharts software priced USD89.00 per month worth it?
Answer-- No. The SmartCharts software is overrated and a failure for its unreliable forex trade (buy/sell) signals. If the SmartCharts software is really a topnotch
software, then it should be the most used and best reviewed by the forex trading community despite its hefty price tag.

Student-- How can I cancel my monthly subscription from the SmartCharts software?
Answer-- Here's an official cancellation instruction from the SmartCharts software team ([email protected]) “9.3. You may terminate your
Subscription at any time by emailing [email protected]. You must send us a cancellation notice stating your full name and log-in email address no
less than 30 days before your next subscription charge date. If you do this, termination will take effect on the day before the next subscription charge date. If you
give notice of less than one month, you will be charged your normal subscription rate for the following month which is non-refundable. Charges paid in advance
for any unexpired subscription term will not be refunded.” To cancel your Smartcharts software subscription, you need to give them a cancellation notice of more
than 30 days of your subscription and you will still pay USD89.00 if you cancelled less than 30 days of your subscription. In addition, refunds are impossible for
your unexpired subscription and for any of your payments made in advance.

You-- How to be a forex trader?

Answer-- To be a forex trader is to be aware that there are forex traders/schools (sometimes with forex trading charting software) who really wants to help
people to learn and earn in forex trading. You will just have to give yourself the time to join forex forums/Facebook groups/websites, to read reviews, and to ask
forex traders on what to do to become a successful forex trader. If they are selling their forex trading products, most of their products are affordably priced
because they understand your capacity to pay.

You-- Where to start in my journey to be a forex trader?

Answer-- Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines can help. Search for the best forex trading education/school/mentor/course and skip those search results
that are with advertisements. Study two or three of the most recommended so you will not be experiencing "information overload" and lose interest in forex
trading. Reliable forex traders will remind you to focus – finish one (forex trading) course until successful. Get a forex trading community-tested live forex trading
indicator if you really need one. But please, before getting a live forex trading indicator, always read reviews and test it.

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B. Unlimited Wealth Programme, costing Php375,000.00 per person

During the 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus, the Learn To Trade team will announce to their students about an “advance” program – the Unlimited Wealth
Programme, costing Php375,000.00 per person. They will snatch more than three (3) hours from the 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus just to heavily
promote their “advance” program.

There are three (3) major marketing efforts of the Learn To Trade team to make the students join their “advance” program:
First marketing, a nicely dressed person will show-up and tell the students that Greg Secker will let them use USD25,000.00 of his forex trading account, which
will be transferred to their live trading account when they will enroll in their “advance” program. They will announce that the seats/slots are limited. Further,
when the students will income/win during their forex trades, the student will get 80% while the Greg Secker Foundation will get 20%. They will show the students
the testimonial videos of their previous students who they claim are earning Php2,000.00 or more per trade because they joined the Unlimited Wealth
You-- Are the testimonials for real?
Answer-- No. Their testimonials are faketimonials (fake testimonials) to woo the Learn Forex Program plus Bonus students to avail their Unlimited Wealth
Programme. The Learn To Trade team cannot even invite successful students (if they truly exist) from their “advance” program, with live funded forex trading
Capital Index accounts, to appear for a questions-and-answers activity.

Second marketing, they will disturb the students during their lunch/break time and they will tell them that there is a one-on-one forex trading planning session,
which is actually a one-on-one marketing session, to convince every student to join the Unlimited Wealth Programme.

Third marketing, they will again reiterate the promises they said in the two (2) previous marketing efforts of their “advance” program. In addition, they will
inform the students – that a student must earn consistent 3% forex trade income/win when enrolled in the Unlimited Wealth Programme for three consecutive
months with their live funded forex trading Capital Index account while using the SmartCharts software to get the USD25,000.00.

Unlimited Wealth Programme, costing Php375,000.00 per person

Contents Their promise The truth
Momentum Coaching To help you create a tailored trading plan with your Trader coach The contents of the Unlimited Wealth Programme should have
over 12 dedicated one-on-one 30minute coaching sessions valid been the contents of the 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus.
for 12 months.
Remember that when the Learn To Trade team is promoting the
Live Trading Bootcamps – Live trading days designed for you to take your trading to 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus, they promised that
Beginners optimum levels. anyone will have a stream of income from forex trading because

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they boldly claimed that it is a fully-immersive forex trading
MasterTrader Forex Three-day premium program focusing on advanced trading program. They even furthered that the 2-Day Learn Forex
strategies with six one-on-one coaching sessions to enable Program plus Bonus is an adequate forex trading program and
successful implementation. you will get back your investment (cost of the program) in just a
few months because forex traders/coaches will be hands-on to
Live Trading Bootcamps – Live trading days designed for you to take your trading to help all the students in understanding the forex strategies of the
Advanced optimum levels. SmartCharts software.

Social Evenings A fantastic opportunity to mingle with the Trading Team and You-- The Unlimited Wealth Programme is a superb forex trading
other Unlimited Wealth peers. program, right?
Answer-- No. The program’s contents are simple webinars,
Wealth Stream Live streaming website allowing you to view Live Trading Skype chats, and a lot of recorded forex trading sessions similar
Bootcamp and Master Trader Forex courses if you are unable to to the livestream videos with the SmartCharts software. You will
attend. be bankrupt and a fake master forex trader after the program.

The coaching sessions are valid for twelve (12) months only and
is non-negotiable. Most of the coaches are only available from
8am to 5pm on week days.
Limited seats/slots available Limited seats available. “Limited seats/slots available” is another common marketing
for the Unlimited Wealth strategy of Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team to make
Programme you join the Unlimited Wealth Programme and his other
programs. Greg Secker is a businessman and Php375,000.00 is
a big amount in the Philippines. Greg Secker will certainly make
ways to get your Php375,000.00. Again, Learn To Trade floods
their advertisements (with models, actors, and actresses
pretending to be forex traders and happy families) in Google,
Yahoo, Facebook, emails, etc. to entice many people to enroll in
their programs.
USD25,000.00 or To be given to the students of this program, subject to the You-- USD25,000.00 is mine forever?
approximately condition that the student is consistently earning 3% forex trade Answer-- Not at all. Not only did the Learn To Trade team
Php1,300,000.00 for your income/win for three consecutive months while enrolled in the shamelessly wasted the time and the money of the students of
forex trading account from Unlimited Wealth Programme. the 2-Day Learn Forex Program plus Bonus because of their
Greg Secker marketing efforts for their “advance” program. They did not tell
everything about their “advance” program – that if a student

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When the USD25,000.00 will be given to the student and the incurred a loss of just 5% in three (3) consecutive forex trades
student incomes/wins in its forex trades – the Greg Secker and the person’s income/win averaged less than what was
Foundation will get 20% while the student will get 80%. agreed upon – Capital Index will automatically get back Greg
Secker’s money. Capital Index is co-owned by Greg Secker.

The USD25,000.00 is a non-withdrawable and non-transferable

“fund” (it is still Greg Secker’s money) in the student’s live
funded trading account with Capital Index.

The Learn To Trade team did not tell their students about a
penalty clause in the Unlimited Wealth Programme, where “For
any perceived violation of a student and without any warning –
the broker will take back the USD25,000.00, the student will
have no access in the graduates’ website, and the forex trading
charting software will be inaccessible. Both the paid program fee
and the paid software subscription fee for that month will not be
refunded.” The student can appeal for reconsideration but it will
be a long and a costly process – for an uncertain result.

You-- Did the students who enrolled or finished and succeeded

with the conditions of the Unlimited Wealth Programme receive
Answer-- No. The students who enrolled or finished and
succeeded with the conditions of the program did not receive
their USD25,000.00 because the Learn To Trade team has so
many lies for not giving it to them.
SmartCharts software Same software but with access to advance strategies for Same software but with access to “advance” strategies for
students enrolled in this program. students enrolled in this program. Again, it is a lie that you will
earn in forex trading by simply clicking buy or sell when the
SmartCharts software tells you to do so.

You-- More earnings with the “advance” strategies added to your

access in the SmartCharts software?

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Answer-- No. The software is unreliable in its forex trade
(buy/sell) signals in any of its strategies.

Enrolled students in this program disclosed that some of the

forex traders/coaches with Learn To Trade will even teach you to
understand various forex strategies outside the unreliable
SmartCharts software. You now have to learn the MetaTrader4
software, the psychology, price action, among others for forex
Lifetime Access To Our Lifetime access. Lifetime access to fooling you.
Graduate Website
Pricing Php1,300,000.00 per person on the enrollment form then the There is no price for a devious product.
Learn To Trade team will offer it to you for Php375,000.00.
Guarantee (The Learn To Trade team is silent about the matter and they No money back guarantee, goodbye to your Php375,000.00 plus
will not explain their Terms and Conditions to their potential and your paid USD89.00 per month SmartCharts software
existing students.) subscription. Read Learn To Trade’s Terms and Conditions
(intentionally printed by their team in very small letters) and
you will find-out that its contents are against consumer rights –
no warranties, no guarantees and impossible refunds. They are
clear violations of the Consumer Act of the Philippines (R.A. No.
7394) and other applicable laws.
Refund of down payment (The Learn To Trade team is silent about the matter and they If you do not want to continue to enroll in the program and you
will not explain their Terms and Conditions to their potential and have just made a down payment, for example Php50,000 or
existing students.) Php25,000.00 or any amount – the Learn To Trade team will not
refund your money. A clear violation of the Consumer Act of the
Philippines (R.A. No. 7394) and other applicable laws.

You-- What if I request for a refund for my down payment?

Answer-- You will be left hanging, the Learn To Trade team will
not answer any more of your calls, emails, messages. If ever
they will reply to you, they will tell you that you should have
read and understood Learn To Trade’s Terms and Conditions
before you enrolled in any of their programs.

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C. What can Php85,000.00 do for you or your family?

To mention a few:
1. It can pay the tuition fee of your child or children or your brother or sister,
2. It can pay the hospital bills of a relative who is sick or injured,
3. It can cover the cost of repair of your house damaged by a typhoon,
4. It can pay the fee for a reliable and affordable forex trading course that delivers its promises

Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team is asking Php375,000.00 per person for their devious Unlimited Wealth Programme so imagine what good
Php375,000.00 can do for you or your family.

D. Some of the many misleading statements of the Learn To Trade team

“Tinawagan ako ni Greg Secker na maging speaker ninyo for this seminar, hindi naman ako maka-hindi dahil this is about your financial freedom”

“Yung Learn Forex Program ay 2 days, yung pang-3rd day ay money-making agad ng mga students namin gamit ang SmartCharts, mababawi mo agad yung
pinambayad mo sa Learn Forex Program”

“The Learn Forex Program is already enough for anyone, 2 days na full forex trading course at 1 day live forex trading, marunong ka ng mag-trade”

“Basta pag nagbiblink ang buy or sell button sa SmartCharts, iclick mo lang at sigurado na yun na pera, madami nga kaming students na retirees at seniors na”

“Sure yun na Php10,000.00 a week pataas ang kikitain mo agad after one week lang ng pag-attend mo sa Learn Forex, yung past students namin ay kumikita na,
mas malaki pa nga sa Php10,000.00, hindi pa sumali yan sa advance program namin”

“Si Greg Secker, madalas mag-trade gamit ang SmartCharts, madami siyang trading videos sa Learn To Trade websites at sa kanyang foundation”

“I was in London with Greg Secker a week ago and he is so happy to know that there are individuals like you pursuing financial freedom, he wants you to be on
top, he wants you to join the Unlimited Wealth”

“If you are still in a bad 8-to-5 job then it is time to enroll in the Unlimited Wealth Programme, your job may be stressing you so it is about time to escape it by
joining the Unlimited Wealth”

“A richer life awaits, join the Unlimited Wealth, we all know that it is not impossible to be wealthy with the SmartCharts software and with the help of our
supportive forex traders, we assure you that you will get back your investment in the shortest time possible”

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E. Some proofs of Learn To Trade’s massive advertisements (with models, actors, and actresses pretending to be forex traders and happy
families) in Google, Yahoo, Facebook, emails, etc. to get people’s attention to enroll in their programs

You-- Who is a forex trader on those advertisements?

Answer-- None. Really, none.

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F. Mind-boggling year-on-year forex trading education awards of Learn To Trade

Shockingly, Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team have been receiving awards for their forex trading education. Those award-giving bodies are disregarding
the loads of complaints of potential and existing students against Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team – the dishonest ways that they do their business and
their horrible and deceitful forex trading products. It’s really easy to conclude that the awards given to Learn To Trade are being bought by Greg Secker.

This material’s contents are revealed real experiences of students from the different batches in Greg
Secker’s programs. Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team may alter or change the marketing
strategies or names or contents or prices of their programs, but nevertheless their forex trading
programs and the SmartCharts software are horrible and deceitful forex trading products.

Greg Secker and his Learn To Trade team can deny the contents of this material but they cannot
disprove them.

If you believe otherwise about this material, then buy any of Greg Secker’s forex trading products and
judge it for yourself.

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G. An open letter to Greg Secker

Dear Greg Secker,

Good day to you and your team!

You are no Robin Hood for stealing the money of many good Filipino people thru your horrible forex trading programs and unreliable SmartCharts software. I
hope you asked where your Filipino students got their money to pay your programs.

You are never on the same level with Mr. Richard Branson. Your Learn To Trade team boasts that Mr. Branson is praising your forex trading products but there is
no official statement from Mr. Branson that he is praising your forex trading products. You are corrupt and you love to victimize people of poor countries.

No thank you for your help in building houses in Lemery, Iloilo which was ravaged by Typhoon Haiyan (local Typhoon Yolanda) because we know where your
money is coming from. Your “good deeds” cannot replace the wicked ways that you are doing to many Filipinos and to many people around the world. You crook.

Our message to your Filipino teammates, our kababayans – shame on you.

Your victims and praying for justice,

The Filipinos

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H. Additional readings and some identified websites of Greg Secker, Learn To Trade, SmartCharts, and Capital Index

Red flags about Greg Secker
and search the internet for more red flags!

About Greg Secker in Wikipedia

About Capital Index in Wikipedia

Consumer Act of the Philippines (R.A. No. 7394)

Some identified websites of Greg Secker, Learn To Trade, SmartCharts, and Capital Index

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