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1. The Star Jewels Privilege Card is the Membership Card issued pursuant to this Program. The Member is the Individual
whose application to take part in this program is accepted. Membership means membership in this Program. Program
means the Star Jewels Privilege Card plan operated pursuant to these Terms and Conditions by Star Jewels. Star Jewels has
the ABN 89 116 407 806 and the Telephone (02) 8338 0971.
2. By signing the application form or using a Star Jewels Privilege Card hereafter the Card each Member (and applicant)
accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any variations made from time to time to these Terms
and Conditions.
3. Membership in the Program is subject to acceptance of application. Membership only established on receipt and
acceptance of original application of the Member by the Company. Star Jewels may refuse any application in their absolute
4. Each Card will remain the property of Star Jewels and must be returned on demand. It is not a credit or a payment card.
Any lost Card may at the discretion of the Company be replaced. A Member must notify Star Jewels immediately if Card is
stolen or lost. Star Jewels is not liable for any delay in replacing a Card.
5. Member’s Card can only be used by the Member and is not transferable. Member’s Card can only be used on presentation
and must be accompanied with adequate personal identification such as a Drivers License or another form of Photographic
6. Membership entitles the Member to promotional offers on participating products at participating Star Jewels stores.
Nothing shall prevent Star Jewels offering promotional offers to individuals who are not Members.
7. Promotional offers at the Star Jewels stores may change from day to day and it’s the Member’s responsibility to check
whether a promotional offer is available on a product. Star Jewels at its sole discretion will determine what promotional
offers are offered to Members and makes no guarantee as to the availability of any promotional offers.
8. The Member hereby irrevocably holds harmless Star Jewels, its related bodies corporate, employees, directors, suppliers
and agencies from all claims, suits, demands, actions, proceedings which the Member has or in the future may have against
Star Jewels, its related bodies corporate, employees, directors, suppliers and agencies, and shall indemnify and release Star
Jewels, its related bodies corporate, employees, suppliers, directors, related companies and agencies from all and any
claims for damages or otherwise in the terms of, and arising out of this Program to the full extent permitted by law. The
term “related bodies corporate” has the same meaning as in the Corporations Act 2001.
9. To the extent permitted by law, Star Jewels will not be liable for any delays, disruptions, omissions or errors in the
operation of the Program including technical or mechanical malfunctions, and will not be liable for any loss caused by any
such delays, disruptions, omissions or errors.
10. The Member acknowledges and agrees that all decisions pertaining to this Program rests solely with Star Jewels and its
decision is final.
11. Without in any way limiting the operation of, and in accordance with Clause 10, Star Jewels at its sole discretion can at all
times: (i) change, amend or vary these Terms and Conditions; (ii) change, amend, vary, withdraw or cancel any
promotional offer offered to Members; (iii) exclude a Member from, or cancel a Member’s membership in, the Program,
without prior notice to a Member.
12. Star Jewels gives no warranty as to the continuing availability of the Program. Star Jewels may, in its absolute discretion,
at any time cancel the Program in whole (or in part) upon reasonable notice (“reasonable notice” being no less than 1
13. Without limiting Clauses 11and 12 in any way, Members will be taken to have received notice of any changes to these
Terms and Conditions if Star Jewels notifies the Member of the change by any method including, but not limited to the use
of email and or posting details of the changes on the Star Jewels website.
14. Without in any way limiting the rights of Star Jewels as set out in Clause 12 and 13, if a Member is in breach of these
Terms and Conditions, at any time, then Star Jewels may cancel the Member’s membership with the Program and any
Member whose membership is cancelled may no longer access Member promotional offers or any other related benefits.
15. To the extent permitted by law, Star Jewels, its related bodies corporate, employees, directors, suppliers and agencies is
not liable for any loss or damage suffered by Members resulting from such withdrawals, cancellations, variations or change
as set out in Clauses 11, 12 or 14 or arising from the Program.
16. Privacy: Star Jewels, and/or its agents on its behalf, collects the Member’s personal information in order to operate the
Program. If this information is not provided then the Member may not participate in the Program. By making an
application, unless otherwise advised, the Member consents and authorises Star Jewels and for any other third party
(including without limitation a related body corporate, agents, contractors) to use this personal information for the purpose
of conducting the Program. In addition this personal information and any other information that is obtained via the
Program may be used by Star Jewels, for future marketing, promotional, research, product development and planning
purposes in any form of media (including without limitation to communications made via ‘electronic messages’ as defined
in the Spam Act 2003). A request by the Member to access, update or correct any information should be directed to Star
Jewels, Suite 208, 247 Coward Street, Mascot NSW 2020.
17. Governing Law: The Terms and Conditions and membership in the Program are governed by and will be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of NSW, irrespective of where the application for membership has been completed
by the Member or submitted. Any action or other legal process with respect to any matter or thing in connection with these
Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise agreed to by Star Jewels, must be instituted and carried on only in the appropriate
Court or tribunal of NSW.
18. 20. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects any rights a Member may have and which by law may not be excluded
under any statute including the Trade Practices Act (1974

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