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Personal Development

Activity: Response Letter for My Mom

Dear Mom,
Yes, I am thinking that life is completely and totally unfair because sometimes I feel that I
don’t exists in this world. And many questions in my mind why it would happen.
Mom I think no because there are some people also experience like this. Sometimes in
Facebook we can express all the feelings we have and by that all the pained I have will out. When
I felt that no one besides me can understand this. Because on the Facebook there are some
people or my friends there also have like this problem.
I am sorry for that mom, because I do not keep the things you by for me. I know that you
work hard for me to sustained all the needs and wants of me. I am sorry for that because I didn’t
give it a value and I’m just being a matured one.
Mom your wrong because I’m not obsessed with and terrified by boys. Because all I want
right now is to be single and a free life. And I want my in age right now is to be you with our family
I want to treasure every moment of it I want to spend all the time the you were her because you
know that l we don’t know the time. Because time is gold.
There are times that I feel I’m beautiful and also I’m not. Yes I try to be left out mom you
know it in my past right I feel so down in that time because I expect that he will stay for forever
and always at myside supporting and loving me . I think that he feel the same at me but I’m wrong
it was not. I know that this year level in grade 11 is very hard there are times that I want to give
up but my mind doesn’t. I know that life is not an easy . Many trials and obstacles will come on
me mom but I try my best to be better for you and for our family I know that our life was not
good like others but I want to be it okay.
Yes, mom sorry because I don’t want to hear you I admit it that I’m just selfish to you.
Sometimes you word is always like the same when you where angry at me. In that way I felt
sometimes that I have a hearing problem because you always back the words you said at me. I’m
so sorry for that my mom I’m just brat at you. I don’t keep my ears on you when you said it. And
I’m very sorry because I think that I only experience like this.
No mom you are my friend. I know that we are not equals because your my mom I’m just
your daughter. Yes, I accept it that I need to follow on your rules because you are my mother you
know what is best for me and all you want for me is too good. Because right now I know that I
can’t live without you because I always depend on you in all my needs and support you have.
I know it mom but sometimes I just so lazy because I don’t listen on it. Every time you ask
me to do I’m just say it later or wait. Because sometimes mom I feel that I’m just a maid of you.
I’m so sorry for that because I don’t understand what you feel I’m just thinking by my own self.
That’s what we are right now mom. You all want for me is to make my best but not a high
expectation one came from you and always have a passing grades not a red one. I understand
this because I also want this. For me you are not a tiger mom for me because if you are I think
that I’m not in our house with you. Yes I don’t rely it on my great friendship all I need to do is be
determine , and work hard for aiming my goals in the future.
I know that beauty will fades but our beauty in our hearts will not. Yes I know it mom
because you don’t want me be arrogant with it. You all want is to be a simple one that didn’t put
others down. You want me to be respectful with others. Yes mom I think it I’m sorry for that right
now when I read the letter you wrote for me I very sad because I just thinking myself and I don’t
feel the feelings you have right now.
I know this mom because you are my mom. All the things I experience I think you too
experience some of this. Yes I know this and thank you that even if I’ve done wrong you always
at my side give some words that would motivate me to brave that wouldn’t give up easily.
I’m sorry for this my mom, because sometimes I think that you don’t love me. Yes I hated
you sometimes but it will disappeared easily and back again . I know that I will experience this in
the future because I also want to have my own family. And I want to be more closer to my children
because I don’t want to be like us like me that sometimes I don’t have a respect on you. I admit
that I’m not good towards on you. So I want to make it alright with my children in the future. And
I them to close for me that they are able to share all the things happened on them.
I’m very sorry for all I’ve done mom. I hope that it was not late for us to be okay. I hope
you forgive me. From now on I will follow all your rules and command. I love you so much mom
and it won’t be the last for us. I love you repeatedly until forever you are my everything.

Your ever loving,


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