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MCQS related to company’s name reservation process:

1. Company which, through inadvertence or otherwise, is registered by a name in contravention of the

provisions of section 10 or the name was obtained by furnishing false or incorrect information-

(a) May, with approval of the registrar, change its name

(b) Shall, if the registrar so directs, within twenty-one days of receipt of such direction, change its name
with approval of the registrar:

2. A company may, by special resolution and with approval of the registrar signified in writing, change its

3. Where a company changes its name it shall, for a period of three months from the date of issue of a
certificate by the registrar continue to mention its former name along with its new name on the outside
of every office or place in which its business is carried on


4. Minimum number of members to form a:

a) Public listed Company is 3

b) Public company is 3

c) Private company is 2

d) SMC is 1

5. The memorandum and articles shall, when registered, bind the _company_ and the _members_ to
the same extent

6. (6) the certificate of incorporation shall state the following particles

(a) The name and registration number of the company;

(b) The date of its incorporation

c) Whether it is a private or a public company;

(d) whether it is a limited or unlimited company;

(e).if it is limited, whether it is limited by shares or limited by guarantee.

7. All moneys payable by a subscriber in pursuance of his undertaking in the memorandum of

association against the shares subscribed shall be a debt due from him and be payable in cash within
thirty days from the date of incorporation of the company.

8. The receipt of subscription money from the subscribers shall be reported by the company to the
registrar on a specified form within forty-five days from the date of incorporation of the company,
accompanied by a certificate by a practicing chartered accountant

9. In case of a company having share capital, the subscribers to the memorandum become holders of
the initial shares

10. A company shall have a registered office to which all communications and notices shall be addressed
and within a period of thirty days of its incorporation, notify to the registrar in the specified manner.

Notice of any change in situation of the registered office shall be given to the registrar in a specified
form within a period of fifteen days after the date of change

11. No subscriber of the memorandum shall take less than one share

12. There may, in the case of company limited by shares

And there shall, in the case of a company limited by guarantee or an unlimited company,

Be registered with the memorandum, articles of association signed by the subscribers to the
memorandum and setting out regulations for the company

13. A public company may be converted into a private company with the prior approval of the
Commission in writing by passing a special resolution
14. in case of conversion of a listed company into a private company, the Commission shall give notice of
every application made to it, to the securities exchange and shall take into consideration the
representation if any, made to it by the securities exchange

15. ) A private company may be converted into a single-member company with prior approval of the
Commission in writing by passing a special resolution in this behalf by the private company amending its
memorandum and articles of association

15. —A company having share capital shall issue only fully paid shares which may be of different kinds
and classes as provided by its memorandum and articles: Provided that different rights and privileges in
relation to the different kinds and classes

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