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Prepared for
Intertech Limited

Created by
Mirror Technologies

Submitted on 17 of October, 2019.
Cover letter
Dear Intertech Ltd ,

Thank you for reaching out to Mirror Technologies for your e-commerce website needs. Given our
experience in e-commerce web design, including SEO and marketing, we are confident in our ability
to help you achieve your goals.

After you have reviewed our proposal, please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have
any questions.

This proposal is valid for a period of 7 days from the date above. Sincerely,

Olalekan Adepoju
Mirror Technologies
In this proposal parties would be referred to as the following:
Mirror Technologies = “The Service Provider” or “Service Provider”
Intertech Limited = “The Client”

We understand the scope of this project is to design and develop a professional e-commerce website
for Intertech Ltd. We have received your specifications and requirements document and proposal to
deliver on all functionality as described therein.

We understand the importance of simplicity in user experience for any e-commerce website, as well
as your need for high-end design and we propose to deliver on all fronts. Please review the
attached samples e-commerce projects we have successfully completed.

We propose to use the following technologies for this project:

• WordPress: It is an amazing platform to build a eCommerce site on, because it is backed by a lot of
developers around the world, it can handle users with its enormous database and also handle security
although more security preferences will be added to its existing security.
It will enable us develop a convenient user interface for The Client to be able to upload products and
update designs as needed.
• cPanel: The cPanel is going to be the control panel for the site has all technical functions of the site will
be handled by the cPanel.
• SSL: This will add an extra layer of security to the already secured WordPress, this will enable us encrypt the
details of your customers to avoid hackers and malicious software from stealing your customers data.
• Cloudflare: This will help stop attackers from shutting down your site, and it is also useful in speeding up
the load time of the entire website. Even when there is an issue on the server, Cloudflare will still serve
your site to the customers.
Scope of Work and Deliverables
Mirror Technologies will perform the work as described in each phase of the project below:

Planning Stage

1. Determine main goals of user pathways.

2. Determine the website flow
3. Prepare wireframes
4. Optimize the NAV

Total hours: 48 Hours

Total estimated cost: ₦ 40,000

Web Design

1. Finalize graphical theme of website and web application (colors, general look and feel, etc.)
2. Finalize layout and structure design
3. Create all graphical elements

Total hours: 1 Week

Total estimated cost: ₦ 50,000

Front-end Development

1. Web pages coding

2. Integration of latest front-end technologies to enhance UX

Total hours: 1 Weeks

Total estimated cost: ₦ 50,000
Back-end Development

1. Integrate databases
2. Application programming
3. Programming of administration (backend)
4. Integration of e-commerce features, including shopping cart, checkout etc.

Total hours: 2 Weeks

Total estimated cost: ₦ 70,000

Domain Name, Hosting and Quality Assurance

1. Purchase domain name for the platform

2. Purchasing hosting service for the platform
3. Testing to ensure no errors in code and the application is generally bug free
4. Configuration and setup of host server
5. Migration to the live server

Total Hours: 48 Hours

Total Estimated QA Cost: ₦ 40,000

Total Cost = ₦ 250,000

Project Schedule
We estimate that the project will take approximately [Time] .

Stage Start date Finish Date

Planning st nd
21 of October, 2019 22 of October, 2019

Web Design rd th
23 of October, 2019 30 of October, 2019

Front-End Development st th
31 of October, 2019 7 of November, 2019

Back-End Development th nd
8 of November, 2019 22 of November, 2019

Quality Assurance rd th
23 of November, 2019 24 of November, 2019
Payment Schedule

A deposit of 70% will be due upon contract signing. The remaining balance will be paid in
accordance with the following schedule:

• Schedule 1
• A deposit of 70% = 175,000 will be made on contract signing.
• Schedule 2
• The remaining balance will be paid right after the project is concluded, before completely
handing over to the client.
Terms and Agreement
The terms of this agreement may be changed upon the discretion and agreement of
both The Service Provider and The Client.

Signature of both parties below indicates the acceptance of this proposal and entrance into a
contractual agreement by both parties.

For: Mirror Technologies For: Intertech Ltd

Olalekan Adepoju Name:

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