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Sl.NO. Subject Page numbers

1. List of abbreviations c

2. Background 1–3

3. A. Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna 4

(i) Dastkar Shashktikaran Yojna. 4-7

(ii) Design & Technology Upgradation 8 - 11

11 - 17
(iii) Human Resource Development
(iv) Direct Benefit to Artisans. 17 – 22
(v) Infrastructure and Technology Support. 22 – 30
B. Mega Cluster 31 - 33

4. Marketing Support & Services. 34 - 46

5. Research and Development 47 - 48

List of Abbreviations

AICTE All India Council for Technical Education

BCDI Bamboo & Cane Development Institute
CDI Craft Development Institutes
CEPC Carpet Export Promotion Council
COHANDS Council of Handicrafts Development Corporations
CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
DA Dearness Allowance
EPCH Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts
O/o DC(H) Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)
GSB Gandhi Shilp Bazar
HRD Human Resource Development
IICD Indian Institute of Crafts and Design
IICT Indian Institute of Carpet Technology
INR Indian National Rupee
ITI Industrial training Institutes
MHSC Metal Handicraft Service Centre
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NCDPD National Centre for Design and Product Development
NER North Eastern Region
NGO Non-governmental organization
NID National Institute of Design
NIFT National Institute of Fashion Technology
RD&TDC Regional Design and Technical Development Centres
TPO Trade Promotion organizations
TA Travel Allowance
UC Utilisation Certificate
UGC University Grants Commission
HMCM Handicrafts Mega Cluster Mission
NLAS National Level Apex Society


Handicrafts constitute an important segment of the de-centralized/unorganized sector of

our economy. It is mainly a rural based sector which has its reach in backward and in-
accessible areas. Originally, handicraft started as a part time activity in the rural areas,
however it has now transformed into a flourishing economic activity due to significant
market demand over the years. Handicrafts have big potential as they hold the key for
sustaining not only the existing set of millions of artisans, but also for increasingly large
number of new entrants in the crafts activity. Presently, handicraft sector is contributing
substantially towards employment generation and exports but this sector has suffered
due to its unorganized nature along with additional constraints like lack of education,
capital, and poor exposure to new technologies, absence of market intelligence and poor
institutional framework.

At present, the office of Development Commissioner (Handicraft) is implementing the

following seven schemes for promotion and development of handicraft sector:
(i) Baba Saheb Hastshilp Vikas Yojana
(ii) Design and Technology Up-gradation
(iii) Marketing Support and Services
(iv) Research and development
(v) Human and Resource Development
(vi) Handicrafts Artisans Comprehensive Welfare Scheme
(vii) Infrastructure and Technology Development Scheme

While Baba Saheb Hastshilp Vikas Yojana (AHVY) is a cluster specific scheme, the
remaining schemes cut across clusters dealing with specialized interventions. Further, a
synergy is missing between the various schemes which results in overall dilution in
expected outcome. Under the existing format, the AHVY scheme envisaged sanctioning
of a project to one implementing agency and it was entrusted with the responsibility of
undertaking all the specialized interventions. Experience shows that one implementing
agency normally does not have the expertise to execute the various specialized
interventions such as design development, skill upgradation, technology support,
marketing and infrastructural support. Furthermore, there is another basic flaw in the
scheme as it envisages ‘one shoe fits all’ approach which is not in sync with reality as the
needs and strengths of each cluster are unique.

This requires a change in the scheme design by adopting ‘a need based cluster specific’
approach. Therefore, it is proposed that an annual action plan will be prepared in
advanced by earmarking cluster specific interventions to be carried out in a time-bound
manner in the following year and implemented either departmentally or through various
expert agencies.

The following three pronged approach will be adopted to put the sector on high growth
trajectory as well as preserving existing cultural heritage:-
I. Promoting premium handicrafts products for the niche market.
II. Expansion of production base for utility-based, life style and mass
production handicrafts products.
III. Preservation and protection of heritage/languishing crafts.

Exquisite master-piece handicraft items with substantially high artistic content should
command a higher price in the market. Such high-premium medium- volume handicraft
products should be positioned in the niche market through strong promotional and
advertisement efforts with development of “Handcrafted in India” mark which will create
the willingness in customers to pay a much higher price. Growth of such products will be
ensured through selection and training of young promising artisans with imaginative and
artistic skills by the top-class master-craftsperson to facilitate the transfer of traditional
skills. Direct e-sales of such products with suitable marketing, sourcing and logistic
arrangements should result in many times higher incomes for the artisans and thus
arresting the large scale migration of artisans to other jobs. The artisans in the segment
will also be supported through direct assistance for tool-kits, education, social security

Utility-based home décor and furnishing handicraft products will need introduction of
substantial technology and mechanization of parts of the manufacturing process thereby
enabling mass production quality-enhancement and cost-reduction to face the challenges
of global competition. These issues will be addressed by empowering the artisan
communities through organizing them into community groups, handholding them to set
up and run Common Facility Centers equipped with training, modern technology,
improved tools, raw material, processing, designing facilities and also through assisting
them directly through bank account. Each such CFC will be linked with the market
through bulk buyers or exporters from the region. Smooth provisioning of other inputs
alongwith artisans’ welfare and other marketing support will also be ensured. Moreover,
there is a lack of adequate and authentic data on craftspersons, including their socio-
economic status, livelihood conditions and details of their families which has become a
major bottleneck adversely affecting planning and policy making for this sector. Hence,
comprehensive surveys will be undertaken for building comprehensive data-base which
will help in devising suitable interventions.

There are many crafts which represent India’s rich cultural heritage but some are on a
decline due to various economic and other factors. These crafts need to be preserved
and protected through various interventions like Handicrafts Museums, Hastkala
Academy etc. These heritage crafts can also be modified or re-designed to meet the
requirement of the present market demand and thereby preserving them. The lack of
proper processes and systems for identification, documentation and mapping of all crafts
and clusters is still a major challenge which will be addressed by carrying out studies and
surveys. The languishing crafts will be given additional design, training and marketing
support so that crafts are revitalised.

Promotion of handloom and handicraft will be linked with tourism keeping in view the
potential for foreign as well as domestic tourists, whose number has been increasing
steadily, due to higher disposable incomes and increase in the size of the middle class in
the country. Towards this end, the possibility of convergence between on-going
schemes of other Ministries such as Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture etc with the
active cooperation of the state governments will be explored. Development of
Destination Villages, Setting up state-of-the-Art exhibition-cum-sales Showroom, way
side amenities, souvenir shops and organization of state level fairs will be undertaken.

The National Handicraft Development Programme for development and promotion of
Handicrafts Sector will have the following three components:

i. Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana

ii. Marketing Support

iii. Research and Development

All the interventions like marketing, design, infrastructure, HRD etc., can be
implemented both in a cluster and in a standalone manner.

Eligible organizations
Eligible Non-Governmental Organizations, local statutory bodies, Apex cooperative
Societies and National level Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act,
etc.) and organization like COHANDS, EPCH, CEPC, Sector Skill Councils and its
affiliated Bodies, MHSC, IICT, NCDPD, HMCM, Hastkala Academy, NIFT, NID,
University Department., DRDA, NISIET, EDIs, and other similar bodies.
Central/ State Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporations and other Govt.
Corporations/ agencies promoted by State Government or organization promoted by
Financial Institutions/banks, university departments,
Any component can be implemented departmentally as well.

Mode of payment (except for those interventions where a mode of payment

has been specifically mentioned therein)
Funds will be released in 2 installments
50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first installment and balance amount
will be released as second and final installment in the shape of reimbursement after
receipt of requisite audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-19A format,
performance cum outcome report and other required documents, etc.
In case of departmental activity, 100% payment will be drawn as advance

A. Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna
(i) Dastkar Shashktikaran Yojana

(a) Community empowerment for mobilization of artisans into self-help

groups (SHGs) /Societies

Objective and methodology

Mobilization of the beneficiaries shall be undertaken in the clusters which needs to be

taken up for development. The Geographical identity of such clusters should be clearly
mentioned and limited to a village in Rural Areas or a ward in the Municipal areas. In
special cases a cluster may contain adjoining villages within a span or diameter of three
kilometers. This activity shall include mobilizing the artisans into SHGs, thrift and credit,
training of SHGs on various aspects of forming and running the community business
enterprise. With introduction of economic reforms through liberalization, privatization
and globalization, India has entered into a new era of economic development and
therefore, Community Empowerment programme for handicrafts sector/ cooperative/
SHGs is a must to empower the artisans by making them active entrepreneurs-cum-
primary stake holders of development and bringing them to a visible platform which will
help enhance their operational efficiency and competitiveness to face the new challenges
and make them viable and self-supporting economic entity. While undertaking
mobilization, care should be taken to leverage upon the SHGs already formed under
various programmes being implemented by Government. Only where it is not feasible to
do so, new SHGs, federation etc., should be formed.

Conduct survey of each artisan in the prescribed format
Mobilisation of artisans groups/SHG formation with office bearers,
Holding awareness camps for cluster artisans, discussion and formation of Annual
action Plan of the activities,
Opening of Bank accounts of SHGs.
Facilitating opening of Bank accounts of Individual artisans under Jan Dhan Yojna,
Issue of Artisans’ Identity Cards (AIC) to all cluster artisans,
Processing of the surveyed data in MS Excel Sheet format containing artisans’ details
such as identity card No., Photographs, Aadhar no., EPIC No., bank Account No. with
bank name.
Covering each artisan under RSBY and AABY Scheme,
Appointment of cluster Manager as per qualification and experience,
Formation and registration of Producer Company/ Federation/Institutions with at
least 50% of the Cluster artisans as members/ shareholders,

Financial assistance and funding pattern
Financial Assistance will be provided to the tune of INR 300/- per artisan for the
number of persons to be surveyed and mobilized for empowerment in the form of
grant in aid.
Financial assistance will be provided for a maximum of Rs 1 lakh per year for a
maximum of three years for formation of Producer Company/ Federation/Institution.
100% of the amount shall be released after registration as advance for the first year
to the organization for formation and registration of Producer Company/
Federation/Institutions. From the second year onwards the organization will be
provided 75% of their annual recurring expenditure in advance subject to a
maximum of Rs 1 lakh, which will be reduced to 50% for the third year subject to a
maximum of Rs 1 lakh. The grants will be released subject to the suitable conditions
fulfilled by the organizations. The amount will be provided directly to the account of
the organization.
In so far as possible existing SHGs formed under different schemes of Government
of India and State Government should be leveraged. In short formation of new SHGs
should be done only where no SHGs exist.

(b) Preparation of DPR/ DSR

Objective and methodology.

After formation identification of the SHGs/Society, the concerned Implementing Agency

will prepare a diagnostic study report (DSR) in consultation with the stake holders and
the Assistant Director of the local Marketing & Service Extension Centre for proposing
further interventions in the cluster. In case of bigger clusters the Third Party Consultant/
Appraisers/ Moderator will study the data base of the handicraft cluster and prepare a
composite DPR in consultation and participation of the artisans and the agency engaged
for empowerment and also local government which will include the diagnostic study,
interventions to be carried out in the cluster and the financial requirements for
implementing the programmes contained in the DPR. The moderator will also monitor
the programmes during the implementation. While preparing the DSR/DPR, following
activities may be taken into account:
Skill mapping of the cluster
Details of product range average inventory of the artisans, marketing avenues, and
working capital need.
Details of entrepreneur, master craftspersons, Shilp Gurus, National Awardees,
National Merit Certificate holders, State Awardees in the cluster.
Existing infrastructure (both Government and non-Government) in support of
handicraft development in the cluster.
Need Assessment and Gap Identification.
Sex caste and education ratio.
Details of local exporters/bulk buyers.
Details of other Government schemes being implemented.
The artisans’ organization should be successfully registered with at least 50% of the
cluster artisans as their members/shareholders.

The DSR/ DPR should clearly set the objectives in terms of increasing artisan income,
total production, and encouraging new persons to take up handicrafts as full time/part
time activity and should invariably contain the following details:
Project area (specification of village, Development Block and District with map)
Target Group indicating number of artisans

Project Goal:
(i) Expected increase in sales of all cluster artisans from Rs.--- Lakhs to Rs. ---
(ii) Expected increase in the average daily earning of cluster artisans from Rs.
___ to Rs. __
(iii) Preserving Heritage/ Languishing Arts/Crafts,

Problems to be addressed,
Details of need assessment done (if any) in the area before deciding on the project,
Proposed interventions with yearly programs and expected expenditure,
Proposed system of procuring Raw Materials,
Proposed methodology of manufacturing/ branding/marketing etc.

(i) Machinery & Equipment//Tools to be used:

(ii) Kind of Raw-materials to be used and supportive accessories etc.
(iii) Design & Technology to be adopted.
(iv) Branding and promotional activities.
(v) Product line such as Home Furnishing, Garments/Dress Materials, and Kitchen
items etc.
(vi) Market linkages incorporating 3(11) above.
(vii) Targeting different markets
(viii) Capacity to Supply on demand.

Proposed methodology of manufacturing/ branding/marketing etc.

Proposed training on salesmanship, marketing and leadership development among
the cluster artisans/groups to which make them competent to explore new markets
and successfully sell their produces
Proposed training on packaging, branding and e-marketing of handicrafts.
Proposed Plan for innovative methods of promoting cluster produces.


The DPR/DSR will be prepared by the implementing agency in consultation with

departmental officers. The requirements of handicrafts sector such as design input,
marketing support, and training requirement are well known and there is ample
institutional knowledge with the department in this regard. The departmental officers will
assist the Implementing agency in preparation of the proposal and implementation
thereof. Services of consultants for preparation of DPR may be taken only in cases
having sizable financial implications and depending upon requirement only. In case, it is
desirable to engage Third party Consultants/ Appraisers/Moderators, the same shall be
appointed by the O/o DC (Handicrafts) from among the empanelled agencies. The third
party Consultant should appoint a dedicated and qualified person for hand-holding
purposes for three years or the project duration whichever is earlier.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

Financial Assistance will be provide up to a maximum of Rs.2.00 lakh per annum per
appraiser/moderator for a period of 3 years in case of third party consultants. Nil in case
of implementing agency

(c) Project Management Cost including Wage compensation to cluster


Objective and methodology

Implementing agency will be responsible for over all project management,
implementation of various interventions in a timely and effective manner with a view
to facilitate bulk production and sourcing of goods. Towards this end, apart from
other things, implementing agency will appoint a cluster manager, who should be a
graduate. Graduates from IICT, NIFT, IIHT, BCDI, IRMA etc. will be preferred as
Cluster Managers. Agency will have the liberty to appoint a cluster manager subject
to the conditions of experience in cluster development and minimum educational
qualification of graduation. Further, an ex-serviceman for day to day management
of CFC, book-keeping etc may also be engaged.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

In case of implementing agencies, an amount of Rs 5 lakh per annum will be given

for a period of three years towards Project Management Cost. This will also include
engagement of IICT, NIFT, IIHT, BCDI, IRMA graduates etc as cluster managers for
handholding purposes and an ex-serviceman for day to day management of CFC,
book-keeping etc.
(d) – Comprehensive Development Support:

The Technological marketing, skill improvement, infrastructure and any other

requirement of the Clusters shall be met through the various interventions mentioned in
the National Handicraft Development Programme. Eligible agencies can apply for any
intervention provided that the requirement and necessity of the intervention has been
established in the diagnostic study and DPR. In case the Implementing Agency is not
eligible for a necessary intervention as per the DPR, it shall identify an eligible agency for
implementing that intervention and the same will be sanctioned to the eligible agency as
may be decided by the office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts).

The handicrafts Clusters sanctioned earlier and where project life has ended but
the interventions have either not started or implemented in a scattered/ ineffective way
will also be considered as per the need of the cluster. While identifying such clusters
tourism potential of the area should also be taken into consideration.

(A) (ii) Design & Technology Up-gradation.
(i) Design and Technology Development Workshop
The objective of the workshop is to develop new prototypes to suit the tastes and
preferences of contemporary market using the traditional skill of artisans and
introduction of new techniques and technologies for enhanced production
Duration and participation:
25 days subject to a minimum of 125 hours of training.
No. of participants per workshop: up to 30 artisans
One month can be taken for market survey, intelligence gathering and test
marketing, modifications, etc. including compulsory participation in one marketing
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The total financial ceiling is maximum of INR 3,37,500/-.
Assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)
The break-up of expenses is as follows:

Expense Head (for a training of 25 days (125 hrs.) for 30 permissible
artisans) assistance
a) Fee for one Designer or master craftsman * INR 55,000/- per 1,10,000
month including TA
(one month for market survey and one month for training)
b) Market survey, intelligence gathering and test marketing, 35,000
modifications and participation in one marketing event.
c) Compensation for the cost of raw materials for development of 40,000
prototypes (2 set of 10 prototypes)**
d) Cost of documentation 15,000
e) Wage compensation/ stipend for 30 participants @ INR. 150/- 1,12,500
per day for 25 days.
f) Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, telephone, 25,000
refreshments, publicity, repair of machinery, videography, etc.)

Total 3,37,500

* Mastercrafts perons engaged in the programme preferably should be Shilp

Guru/National Awardee/ National Merit Certificate Holder/State Awardee. If
Shilp Guru/National Awardee/ National Merit Certificate Holder/State Awardee
is not available in particular craft then the implementing agency shall approach
Regional Director concerned and he would finalize the name by constituting a
committee of AD(H) HM&SEC concerned.
**In special cases, if the cost per prototype is substantially higher than the
provisioned amount, special permission shall be sought from the office of DC
(H) and amounts shall be released based on the sanction.

(ii) Integrated design and technology development project
The project has three essential components comprising design development, technology
development, techniques/process and formulation and publication of crafts design/craft
technology to the large number of artisans for their skill up gradation.

Duration and participation

The duration of the project is retained at 5 months with the following break-up:
 3 months for design development (25 days – 125 hours per month)
 1 month for preliminary survey and
 1 months of market testing and refinement of the product and batch
No. of participants per project: 40 artisans
Financial assistance and funding pattern
Financial parameters are given in the following table:
Expense Head (for a duration of 5 months for 40 artisans) permissible
assistance (INR)
a) Fee for one Designer or master craftsperson* INR 55,000/- 2,75,000
per month including TA for a period of 5 months.

B Market survey, intelligence gathering and test marketing, 70,000

modifications, etc. including participation in 2 marketing
C Compensation for the cost of raw materials for development 100,000
of prototypes (2 set of 25 prototypes)**
D Cost of documentation, report, etc 50,000
E Wage compensation/ stipend to 40 crafts persons @ INR 4,50,000
150/- per day for 25 days per month for a period of 3
months (125 hrs. per month)
F Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, telephone, 50,000
refreshments, publicity, repair of machinery, videography,
Total 9,95,000/-
* Mastercrafts perons engaged in the programme preferably should be Shilp
Guru/National Awardee/ National Merit Certificate Holder/State Awardee. If Shilp
Guru/National Awardee/ National Merit Certificate Holder/State Awardee is not
available in particular craft then the implementing agency shall approach Regional
Director concerned and he would finalize the name by constituting a committee of
AD(H) HM&SEC concerned.
** In special cases, if the cost per prototype is substantially higher than the
provisioned amount, special permission shall be sought from the office of DC (H)
and amounts shall be released based on the sanction.
Assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H.

(iii) Assistance to exporter and entrepreneur for design prototype
The objective of the programme is to promote the organizations in export of handicrafts
for development of new and innovative items. The financial assistance is provided for
development of design prototypes for exporters and entrepreneurs by selecting or
involving reputed designers from India and abroad who will help in the development of a
range of products suitable for particular markets.
Duration and participation
Maximum duration of 6 months
Entrepreneurs/ exporters/ association of exporters
Entrepreneurs/ exporters/ association of exporters can be assisted maximum once
in a year.
Designers to be sourced through reputed institutions such as NID, NIFT, NCDPD
and others.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
Financial assistance of upto 40% of the designer fee upto a maximum of INR
20,000/- per month for six months.

Mode of payment
Assistance will be released directly to the design institution.
Funds will be released in 2 installments
First installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance
and balance as reimbursement on submission of audited statement of accounts of
expenditure and performance report of the event and its acceptance by the
competent authority.

(iv) Commercial market intelligence by way of design, trend and technical

colour forecast
The increasing need & requirement of the overseas buyers about the new designs &
trends has led to the implementation of this scheme during the 12th Plan Period. The
objective of the programme is to increase the knowledge of the entire handicrafts sector
about the new design trends & color forecasts so as to increase the exports from the
country by increasing the new design led product.
The scheme would be implemented through NID, NIFT, EPCH, CEPC, NCDPD and
other reputed design institutions.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The assistance will be provided with a maximum grant of upto INR 10 lakh
The components are as follows: Cost of Designing & Artwork, Cost of printing of
copies of trends book, Preparation of copies of CD with cover for the soft copy of the
trends book and miscellaneous expenses etc
Mode of Payment
Assistance would be given in two installments.
A maximum of 50% will be released as 1st Installment as Advance

Note on design support interventions:
 The maximum admissible financial assistance has been provided under each
scheme component. However, the sanction shall be based on the proposal
wherein the duration and participants will be defined. Accordingly the budget will
be reduced on pro-rata basis if the event is held for lesser number of days or if
there is lesser participation.
 Wage compensation shall be paid to artisans @ INR 150/- per day per trainee.
 Maximum fee for designer will be INR 55,000/- per month including TA wherein one
month is calculated as 25 working days.
 All components can be implemented departmentally by the offices of DC (H) at
any point in time. In such cased payment will be 100% and in advance.
 The word ‘Artisans’ will also include carpet weavers

(A) (iii) Human Resource Development

(i) Training through Established Institutions
The component aims at upgrading/imparting skills in different trade of Handicrafts in a
continuous and sustainable manner by creating an institutional framework. This shall be
achieved through regular training courses run by institutes as specified in the eligibility
section. The Handicrafts Sector Skill Council and its affiliated bodies will also be eligible
to receive grants under HRD Schemes. These programmes provide an opportunity for
the artisans to upgrade their skills, interact with other craftsmen and at the same time
creates livelihood opportunity for the masses by skilling them through training
progrmmes in different crafts.

Duration and participation:

Trainings of minimum 144 hrs and maximum 600 hrs duration will be imparted to
each participant and the eligible institute will train a minimum of 200 people in a
The training duration shall be between four weeks and four months. No course of
duration less than four weeks will be admitted. In exceptional cases the maximum
duration can be allowed to increase by 25 percent maximum with the approval of
DC (H).
In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered
as admissible for working out the financial assistance wherever financial
assistance is indicated on per day basis.

Vocational training institutions, Industrial training Institutes (ITI), polytechnics,
technical and other institutes recognized by central Government/concerned state
Government/universities/Handicrafts Sector Skill Council and such other
affiliating bodies.
Implementing Agency should have sufficient infrastructure to run the 5 year
Training Programme.
Other organizations which are imparting vocational trainings of Ministries of
Central Government.
The Institutes should have

at least 3 yrs of experience in imparting vocational training and has trained at
least 500 people.
sufficient premises for imparting the training
necessary power connection for operating machinery and tools
necessary administrative/technical staff for maintenance of requisite records and
imparting training
a systematic syllabus containing theory, wherever applicable, as well as practical

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

The assistance shall be in the form of capital grant and training grant. Total cost
for 5 year per Institute will be maximum Rs. 1.45 crore (capital grant and training
grant combined together).
One time capital grant of Rs. 25 lakh will be provided for the plan period. This
grant can be used for purchase of machineries, equipment, furniture and fixtures,
computers and related hardware and software, books and periodicals etc.
Training grant of maximum of Rs. 60/- per trainee per hour will be provided
subject to a maximum of Rs. 24 lakh per year.
The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)
The admissible head of expenditure for training grant will be as follows:
Sl. Expense Head Maximum Permissible
a) Fee for 2 trainers Rs. 15,000/- per trainer per
b) Wage compensation/stipend to Rs. 150/- per day per trainee
c) Compensation for raw material Rs. 40/- per day per trainee
d) Purchase of tools Rs. 500/- per trainee
e) Administrative charges 10% [total (a) to (d)]
including institutional charges excluding the items not
and handholding support admitted from (a) to (d)
f) Miscellaneous expenditure 5% of [total (a) to (e)]
(stationery, telephone, excluding the items not
refreshments, publicity, repair admitted from (a) to (e)
of machinery, videography, above
Mode of Payment
Assistance would be given in two installments.
A maximum of 50% will be released as 1st Installment as Advance

Note: A MoU will be signed by the Institution/ Implementing agency to run the training
programme clearly indicating the output and the outcome.

Note: The Training Project Sanctioned to various Institutions during XI Plan Period will be
funded for remaining period of the project on old pattern (i.e. pattern approved for XI Plan)
during XII Plan Period.
(ii) Handicrafts Training Program
To increase production base by involving more and more persons in this sector, large
number of training programmes in hard and soft skills are required to be undertaken to
fill the gap of the skilled workforce. Two type of skill training programs will be held
under this component:
a) Technical trainings
b) Soft skill training

(ii)(a) Technical trainings: Aims to train the persons in handicrafts and handmade
carpets including pattern making, stencil making, talim writing, mould making etc.

Duration and participation

Trainings of minimum 144 hrs and maximum 600 hrs duration will be imparted to
each participant. The training duration shall be between four weeks and four
months. No course of duration less than four weeks will be admitted. In
exceptional cases the maximum duration can be allowed to increase by 25 percent
maximum with the approval of DC (H).
In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered
as admissible for working out the financial assistance wherever financial
assistance is indicated on per day basis.
Batch size of min 20 participants will be allowed.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

Assistance of maximum of Rs. 95/- per trainee per hour .The assistance shall be in
the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC (H).
The admissible head of expenditure will be as follows:
S.No. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance
a Space rent and infrastructure including Rs. 5,000/- per month
b Wage compensation/ stipend for trainees Rs. 150/- per day per trainee
c Fee for 2 Master trainers Rs. 25,000/- per month per trainer
d Equipment and tools Rs. 40,000/-
e Compensation for wastage of raw Rs. 40/- per day per trainee
f Hand holding support post training Rs. 50,000/-
g Institutional charges per batch including Rs. 25,000/-
admin expenses
h Rental for carpet looms (if applicable) Rs. 800/- per loom per month for max
4 looms
i Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, 10% of total (a) to (h) excluding the
telephone, refreshments, publicity, repair items not admitted from (a) to (h)
of machinery, videography, etc.) above

Mode of payment
50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as first installment and balance amount
will be released as second and final installment in the shape of reimbursement after
receipt of requisite audited statement of expenditure, UC in GFR-19 A format, final
report on the training programme and other required documents, etc.

(ii) (b) Soft skill trainings: Aims to train the persons in non-Technical skills such as
micro finance/ entrepreneurship development/preparation of Business plans/preparation
of project reports/ packaging/ export procedures/Documentation etc. so that to enable
them in running their own enterprises smoothly.

Duration and participation

The program shall be for a period of minimum 2 days or 12 hours of training and
maximum of 12 days or 72 hours.
No course of duration less than two days will be admitted.
In exceptional cases the maximum duration can be allowed to increase by 25
percent maximum with the approval of DC (H).
In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered
as admissible for working out the financial assistance wherever financial
assistance is indicated on per day basis.
Batch size of min 20 participants will be allowed.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

Assistance of maximum Rs. 140 per trainee per hour will be provided as these are
highly specialized courses and technical experts from reputed institutions will be
required to be involved.
The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)
The admissible head of expenditure will be as follows:

Maximum Permissible
S.No. Expense Head
a Space rent and infrastructure including Rs.5,000/- per week
b Wage compensation/ stipend for trainees Rs. 150/- per day per trainee
c TA for trainee Rs. 1500/- per trainee
d TA/Honorarium for trainer (for 2 trainers) Rs. 10,000/- per trainer
e Boarding/lodging for trainer Rs. 1000/- per day per trainer
f Documentation/ study material Rs. 20,000/-
g Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, 10% of [total (a) to (f)]
telephone, refreshments, publicity, repair excluding the items not
of machinery, videography, etc.) admitted from (a) to (f)
(iii) Training through Guru Shishya Parampara
This component provides for handing over/transfer of traditional knowledge from master
craftsmen to the new generation ensuring the sustenance of the craft. New/Semi-skilled
artisans are provided training by master crafts persons.

These trainings will help add value to the quality of the outputs, help the artisans learn the
finishing techniques and also give them the exposure to innovative techniques which can be
achieved using improved tools and technology. The training will enable improved production
as well as productivity and help artisans adapt to new design and techniques

Duration and participation

The program should be for a minimum period of 2 months and maximum of 6
Under training through Guru Shishya Parampara Scheme in respect of Shilp gurus,
who have National Level Awards/recognition, Honorarium to be increased from
Rs.20,000/- to Rs. 30,000/- per month and for others to Rs.25,000/- per month.
Batch size of minimum 15 participants will be allowed.

Shilp Guru Awardee, National Awardee, National Merit Certificate, State Awardee
and other master crafts persons.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)
Financial assistance is directly given to Master crafts persons through field offices
under the following heads:

S.No. Expense Head Maximum Permissible

a Wage compensation/ stipend for Rs. 150/- per day per trainee
b Travel allowance to trainees Rs. 1500/- per trainee
c Honorarium to Master craftsperson Rs. 25,000/- per month. For Shilp
gurus the honorarium will be Rs.
30,000/- per month.
D Compensation for wastage of raw Rs. 1000/- per month /per trainee
E Tool kit to trainees Rs. 2,000/- per toolkit for each
f Miscellaneous expenditure 10% of total recurring [total (a) to
(stationery, telephone, refreshments, (e) excluding the items not admitted
publicity, repair of machinery, from a to e above]
videography, etc.)

In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will be considered
as admissible for working out the financial assistance wherever financial
assistance is indicated on per day basis.

(iv) Training the trainers

It is a course for master craftsperson /trainers for refreshing and honing up their skills
under which the master craftspersons /trainers are exposed to new designs, use of
improved tools and new production techniques and technologies.

The programme is organized to acquaint the trainers as well as other practicing master
craftsmen with the latest developments that have been taking place in the field of design
technology and production techniques. The programme would essentially address the
issues like new design concepts, use of improved tools, new production techniques, new
technologies, Production management and costing, Economic and commercial
intelligence, Packaging etc.

Duration and participation:

The program should be for duration of 4-8 weeks with a batch size of 20
participants. In a week maximum 6 days and in a month maximum 24 days will
be considered as admissible for working out the financial assistance wherever
financial assistance is indicated on per day basis.
The course will be from 144 hours to 300 hours. No course of duration less than
four weeks will be admitted. In exceptional cases the maximum duration in terms
of months can be allowed to increase by 25 percent maximum with the approval
of DC (H).

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

Maximum assistance of Rs. 100 per trainee per hour will be provided.
The assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H).The admissible
head of expenditure will be as follows:
S.No Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance
a Space rent and infrastructure
including services Rs. 10,000/-
b Fees of master craftsperson Rs. 500/- per day
c Assistant Rs. 300/- per day
d Transport allowance/Honorarium for Rs. 500/- per day
the faculty
e Wage compensation/ stipend for Rs. 150/- per day per participant trainee
participant trainees
f TA for participant trainees Rs. 1500/- per participant trainee
g Development of course material Rs. 25,000/-
h Cost of raw material for the workshop Rs. 1000/- per participant trainee
i Miscellaneous expenditure 10% of total recurring [total (a) to (h)
(stationery, telephone, refreshments, excluding the items not admitted from a to
publicity, repair , videography, etc.) h above]
j Air Fare, Boarding and Lodging, As per actual
Honorarium to foreign technologist,
invited for conducting training.

(v) Design mentorship and apprentice program
The component aims at providing mentorship and learning to final year/graduate/post
graduate students from reputed design institutes, recognized schools of fine arts and other
premiere design institutes recognized by AICTE / UGC / CSIR / Central/State Govt. and other
such affiliating bodies.
The component has the following objectives:
 To provide new designs, technology & product development to the handicraft
 To promote of dedicated cadre of designers and merchandisers for the
handicraft sector
 To provide regular design inputs to handicrafts clusters and exporting community
 To update the sector about the changing global scenario with reference to
innovative designs
 To support product development and upgrade quality
 Development & supply of market driven New / Innovative Design / Product lines
 Transforming designs into products with the help of Sr. designers / merchandisers
 To establish specific integrated design development approach
 To fill up the gap in the areas of Design & Product Development - the biggest
constraint in present handicraft sector
 Adoption of new design, pattern and product development on the principle of
Focused Products and Focused Markets

Duration and participation: 6 months and 50 participants.

Financial Assistance:
 The amount shall be reimbursed to respective institutions with the following caps per
trainee enrolled:
S.No. Expense Head Maximum Permissible Assistance
a Designer Fee
2 International designer Rs. 60,000/- per designer per month
4 Domestic designer Rs. 30,000/- per designer per month
b Apprentice allowance Rs. 5000/- per participant per month
c Raw material Rs. 2000/- per participant
d Miscellaneous expenditure (stationery, Rs. 5000/- per participant
telephone, refreshments, publicity,
repair of machinery, videography,
e Travel and logistics Rs. 5000/- per designer per month
Institutional charges Rs. 4000/- per participant

(A) (iv) Direct Benefit to Artisans

Under the Direct Benefit to the Artisans, the following interventions will be carried out:

(i) Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana (RGSSBY)/

Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana (RGSSBY) aims at financially enabling the
artisans’ community to access to the best of healthcare facilities in the country.

Eligibility to get the coverage
All craft persons will be eligible to be covered under the Scheme.

Pattern of Financial Assistance

GOI share = 75% of the total premium (90% in case of J&K and NER States)
*State’s share = 25% of the total premium ((10% in case of J&K and NER States).
Artisan’s share = Rs.30/- for registration
* In case of non-consenting states, the State share will also be contributed by GOI.
The above sharing formula will be subject to any modifications made by Ministry of
health and Family Welfare in RSBY Scheme.

Annual limit per family (1+4) Amount

Which includes self, spouse and three dependent
family members
IPD Rs.30,000/
OPD Rs.7,500/-

Except for OPD, the scheme shall align with RSBY in respect of remaining
parameters such as IP treatment and final limits decided per package for IP treatment by
Ministry of health and Family Welfare.


In states where RSBY is already under implementation and States have consented, the
RGSSBY will be implemented by Ministry of health and Family Welfare. The GOI premium
contribution amount will be released by O/O DC (H) to State Nodal agencies upon receipt
of intimation from Ministry of health and Family Welfare.
In states or districts, where RSBY is not being implemented or where the States
have not consented, the scheme will be implemented by O/O DC (H) through the service
provider selected on basis of ‘open tender’ and will be subject to the guidelines issued by
DC (H). Export Promotion Councils will also be eligible for grants under this component.
In addition grants will also be sanctioned for specialized welfare projects based on DPR
to be approved by PAMC under Mega Cluster Projects.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The O/o DC (H) will monitor the progress through its various field offices and by
convening meetings with the State Governments and Insurance Company from time to
time. Further, officers from the O/o DC (H) will also make periodical visits to the States
from time to time for physical inspection, to review the progress of implementation of
the Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana.

(ii) Bima Yojana for Handicrafts Artisans (Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY)

The objective of “Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY) for Handicrafts Artisans” is to provide
life insurance protection to the Handicrafts Artisans.
All crafts persons will be eligible to be covered under the “AAB “Yojana for Handicrafts
artisans subject to the conditions laid down by LIC from time to time. The present age
between 18-59 years living below & marginally above the poverty line were provided
insurance cover in the erstwhile JBY as well as in the newly merged AABY.

Pattern of Financial Assistance

GOI contribution Rs. 290/-

Artisans’ contribution Rs 80/-
LIC’s contribution Rs.100/-
Total premium Rs.470/-

The scheme details given are indicative and based on existing guidelines. These details
are subject to changes in scheme by LIC. However, in case LIC changes the premium or
share of respective stakeholders, then revised premium and shares will be applicable.

LIC of India will be implementing the scheme and the Central Government share
of premium is released to the LIC directly for coverage of Artisans under the scheme.

It is estimated to cover 8 lakhs artisans under the insurance coverage during the 12 th
Five Year Plan.
Benefits and conditions

The benefits and conditions of the Scheme will be per the guidelines issued by LIC from
time to time.

(iii) Support to artisans in indigent circumstances

During the 11th Plan period, this activity was perused as a separate non plan scheme.
However during the deliberations of the Working Group on Handicrafts, it was decided
that this being broadly a welfare measure, it should be included as a component under
the Welfare plan scheme for 12th Plan. Accordingly, the existing non plan scheme shall
be discontinued during the 12th Plan.
This scheme is proposed to support the artisans during their old age. The scheme is
designed to give a boost to the handicraft sector in India. The scheme is based on a co-
contribution model and provides pension in the old age and social security.

 Mastercraftmen who are the recipient of Shilp Guru Awards, National Awards or
Merit Certificates or State Awards in Handicrafts will be eligible for being
considered for financial assistance
 The annual income of the artisan will not be Rs 30,000/- (Rs Thirty thousand
only) or more.
 The applicant should not be a recipient of similar financial assistance from any
other source
 The artisan should not be less than 60 years of age on the date of application.
Age may be relaxed in case of artisan with disabilities.
Nature of assistance

Assistance from the government may be either in the form of monthly allowance or
lumpsum grant or both. In no case however, shall the assistance exceed Rs. 3000/-
(Rupees Three Thousand only) per month.

Fund Disbursement

The monthly pension is disbursed through Assistant Directors in the field formation of
the O/o DC (H). Funds are placed with the respective field officers on yearly basis and
are disbursed on monthly basis to the eligible applicants.

(iv) Credit Guarantee Scheme.

During the 11th Plan period, this activity was perused as a component of Ambedkar
Hastshilp Vikas Yojana. However during the deliberations of the Sub Group on
Handicrafts, it was decided that this being broadly a welfare measure, it should be
included as a component under the Welfare plan scheme for 12th Plan. Accordingly, this
component has been deleted from the Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana proposed for
12th Plan.

The component is envisaged to alleviate the problem of collateral security or 3rd party
guarantee and remove impediments to flow of credit to handicrafts sector.

 The handicraft artisans/ producers groups/Self Help Groups who are engaged in
manufacturing activities in Handicrafts Sector are covered under Credit Guarantee

Financial assistance
 This guarantee cover is extended to all the lending institutions (Member Lending
Institutions) that are member of CGTSME.
 To avail this facility CGTSME is paid following guarantee money:
● A onetime guarantee fee at specified rate of CGTSME (currently 1.5 per cent for
credit up to INR 2.00 Lakh) of the credit facility sanctioned, (comprising term loan
and/or working capital facility) to be paid upfront to the Trust by Office of the
Development Commissioner (Handicrafts).
● The annual service fee at specified rate of CGTSME (currently 0.75% per annum)
shall be paid by the O/o DC (H) within 60 days. This shall be calculated on the
outstanding amount to the debit of the borrower’s accounts covered under the
scheme as on March 31 of each year.
● The Scheme covers collateral free credit facility (term loan and working capital)
extended by Eligible Lending Institutions to artisans/ manufacturers involved in
manufacturing of Handicrafts upto INR 25 lakh per borrowing unit. The guarantee
cover of the CGTSI is available for eligible collateral free credits upto INR 25 lakh.
● The rate of interest and the duration of the loan shall be as per the norms of
lending banks i.e. the Member Lending Institutions of CGTSME.
● The coverage will be for three years.
● A provision for payment of service charge @ 5% of the total amount of guarantee
fee/ annual service charges remitted by the agency/ agencies every year to the
CGTSME, or actual, whichever is lesser will be paid to partners who facilitate
credit disbursal.

NOTE: The scheme details are subject to changes to SIDBI’s CGTSMI scheme

(v) Interest Subvention Scheme

This component is being introduced for the first time based on suggestions emerged
during the deliberations of the Working Group on Handicrafts. This scheme is facilitating
credit access for handicrafts artisans, through introducing interest subventions for
scheduled banks. It is proposed that a maximum of 7% interest subvention, subject to
actual, shall be available for artisans for loans taken from scheduled banks. Admissible
amount is upto INR 1,00,000/- for a period of 3 years.

 Handicraft artisan registered with the office of DC (H) subject to the guidelines
issued by DC (H) from time to time containing eligibility criteria, indentified crafts
and such other conditions as deemed fit.

Financial assistance
 An interest subvention of 7% is provided for artisans.
Funding pattern:
The amount will be reimbursed to banks

(vi) Issue of Identity Cards and creation of data-base

During the 11th Plan period, this activity was perused as a component of Ambedkar
Hastshilp Vikas Yojana. However during the deliberations of the Sub Group on
Handicrafts, it was decided that this being broadly a welfare measure, it should be
included as a component under the Welfare plan scheme for 12th Plan. Accordingly, this
component has been deleted from the Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana proposed for
12th Plan.

The identified artisans will be given Photo Identity card. Agencies having necessary
infrastructure to undertake the work will be identified by this office.

In addition, an aadhar linked data-base of artisans will be developed to enable better

targeting and monitoring.

Financial assistance
 Assistance to the tune of INR 50/- maximum per card, software and hardware
training for this work will be provided by this office.

(vii) Financial Assistance for supply of tools, safety equipments, looms,

furnace etc.
This scheme has been proposed for continuation in the 12th Plan period. The objective of
the scheme is to improve the productivity of the craftsmen and their income. Model
toolkits, safety equipment, looms, furnace etc. may be approved at DC(H) office before

Financial assistance and funding pattern:
The assistance will be upto a maximum of INR 10,000 per artisan depending on
the craft practiced. However in case of purchase of looms and furnaces etc. the
financial ceiling will be Rs.20, 000/- per unit including of required accessories.
Assistance shall be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid by O/o DC(H)
(viii) Shilp Guru Award, National Award & National Merit Certificate for
outstanding contribution in Handicrafts Sector.
The scheme is continued for implementation during the 12th Plan period with some
modification. The objective of the scheme is to give recognition to outstanding
craftspersons in the handicrafts sector. Under the scheme, Shilp Guru Awards, National
Awards and National Merit Certificates will be awarded to a craftsperson only once in a
lifetime to encourage master craftsperson’s to maintain excellence in craftsmanship and
keeping alive our old tradition. The component will be implemented by Hastkala
Academy or departmentally.

Outstanding craftsmen having vast experience in the handicraft sector

Financial assistance and funding pattern

Gold Medal, INR 2 lakh and Tamra Patra for Shilp Guru
INR 1 lakh and Tamra Patra for National Awardee
INR 75,000 for merit certificates
In addition, Shilp Guru will create two replicas of the masterpiece for which award
has been given. An assistance upto INR 2 lakhs will be given for the replica as
100% grant by the Office of DC (H) per Shilp Guru, subject to actuals.
INR 20,000 towards rail travel assistance for Shilp Guru and National Awardee.

Note on Direct Benefit to Artisans: Export Promotion Councils will also

be eligible for grants under the scheme and grants will be sanctioned
for such specialized welfare projects based on DPR to be approved by
PAMC constituted for Mega Cluster Projects.

(A) (v) Infrastructure and Technology Support.

(i). Urban Haat

The objective of this component is to setup a permanent marketing infrastructure in big
towns/ metropolitan cities to provide direct marketing facilities to the handicrafts
artisans/handloom weavers. This will enable them to sell their products round the year to
a wider target audience (or customer segment). Another important feature of the Haat is
that there will be adequate number of stalls selling authentic Indian cuisine of various
regions in the country by rotation. The Food & Craft Bazaar will provide leisure &
recreational facilities for domestic as well as international tourists on the lines of Dilli
Haat, which has already attained a prominent status amongst important domestic &
international buyers/ tourists. The haat shall be constructed in an area of not less than
8,000 sq. m. and will have a display gallery, food court etc. The stalls are allotted to
artisans on rotational basis on a nominal rent. In addition, weavers can also participate
in this scheme. . The implementing agencies will be encouraged to form SPVs with active

participation of the various agencies dealing with promotion of Tourism, Culture, Food,
Processing Industry, etc., involving the tour operators, hotel operators in addition to
those dealing with handloom and handicrafts for broad basing and ensure utilisation of
facilities for long duration for management and day-to-day running of the same.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for urban haat is INR 300 lakh for each unit.
80% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC(H) and 20% will
be contributed by the implementing agency
Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the
20 % contribution by the implementing agency.
Assistance will also be given for strengthening of existing urban haats subject to a
maximum financial limit of Rs 1.50 cr.
(ii). Mini Urban Haat
The objective of this component is to setup a permanent marketing infrastructure in
towns as well as on established tourist circuits in the form of way-side amenities to
provide direct marketing facilities to the handicrafts artisans/handloom weavers to
enable them to sell their products round the year and to a wider target audience (or
customer segment). The mini urban haat will have at-least 10 stalls and an area of not
less than 1000 sq mt. . The implementing agencies will be encouraged to form SPVs with
active participation of the various agencies dealing with promotion of Tourism, Culture,
Food, Processing Industry, etc., involving the tour operators, hotel operators in addition
to those dealing with handloom and handicrafts for broad basing and ensure utilisation
of facilities for long duration for management and day-to-day running of the same. At
the time of scrutiny of the proposals, the implementing agency will be asked to submit
the Detailed Project Report [DPR] containing such elements as management and
maintenance scheme, source of funding, revenue model, etc.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for the Mini Urban Haat is INR 200 lakh for each unit.
80% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 20% will
be contributed by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling.
In case of NER, 90% of the admissible amount will be contributed by the O/o the
DC (H) and 10% shall be borne by the implementing agency.
Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the
20/10% contribution by the implementing agency.
(iii). Emporia
Under this component, assistance would be provided for the setting up of emporia.
These would be setup in commercially viable locations in the implementing agencies’
own/rented building.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for emporia will be as mentioned in the table below:
Component Proposed per unit cost (INR lakh)
New emporia, class A Town 50
New emporia, class B Town 40
New emporia in rented
building 15
50% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 50% will
be contributed by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling specified in
above table.

(iv). Marketing and Sourcing Hubs in Urban Areas

(iv)(a) Marketing and Sourcing hubs in metros

It is proposed to setup Marketing Complexes (Hubs) for handicrafts in Metropolitan
Cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore etc. on the concept of “One Stop
Shopping”. It will provide a marketing platform to the wholesaler/retailers/consumers
and foreign buyers to reach the potential target segment by showcasing the entire
range of handicrafts products. Office of DC (H) will provide support towards cost of
construction and interior work for the proposed Marketing Hub.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for setting up a marketing hub facility is INR 1000 lakh
40% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 60% will
be contributed by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling specified in
above table. Towards this end, an SPV between the implementing agency and
CCIC/HHEC, who will represent Central Government share in the project, will be
formed, and appropriate revenue sharing/space provisioning arrangement
between implementing agency and CCIC/HHEC, as the case may be, will be
worked out and approved by the PAMC.
Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the
60 % contribution by the implementing agency

(iv) (b). Marketing and Sourcing Hub in non-metros

It is proposed to setup Sourcing Hubs in major craft clusters, towns and cities with
the objective of providing a marketing platform for the buyers. This will enable them
to source their requirements, round the year, from the producers from clusters in that
area. At present there is no such platform and as a result on the one hand buyers are
facing problem in sourcing their requirements for domestic and international markets
whereas on the other hand the producers are not aware of the markets for their
products. This facility will support in enhancing the production and sales from the
cluster and also aid in generating productive employment in the respective areas in
and around such hubs. These hubs will be setup on PPP mode.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for setting up a marketing hub in non-metro will be INR 500
40% of the admissible amount shall be borne by the O/o the DC (H) and 60% will
be contributed by the implementing agency subject to the ceiling specified in
above table. Towards this end, an SPV between the implementing agency and
CCIC/HHEC, who will represent Central Government share in the project, will be
formed, and appropriate revenue sharing/space provisioning arrangement

between implementing agency and CCIC/HHEC, as the case may be, will be
worked out and approved by the PAMC.
Land will be provided by implementing agencies and will be over and above the
60% contribution by the implementing agency

(v). Design and Craft Schools

This component is being introduced to fill up the lacuna of absence of an organized
formal institutional set up at any level in the country for imparting craft related skills.
Office of DC (H) has taken an effort to strengthen institutional set up in each state
throughout the country with the initiative of State.
The schools would conduct education programs to offer professional design and craft
instructions across a wide range of age groups, from traditional to contemporary and
for various levels of skill and experience.
The main objective of the school is to achieve all round development in the field of
Handicrafts and to revive the Languishing crafts with the help of training and to
provide maximum employment opportunities to the traditional and nontraditional
craftsmen for the constant progress of the handicrafts.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for the component shall be INR 250 lakh.
The financial assistance will be 100% from GOI to Central/State corporations and
The financial assistance will be 50% from GOI to reputed design institutions and
SPV of Handicraft Entrepreneurs. The remaining 50% contribution will be from the
implementing agency.
Land or building for the school will be provided by the implementing agencies and
will be over and above the 50% contribution by the implementing agency
The assistance would be available for cost of construction, Design Gallery, CAD
centre, Plant and Machinery, Equipments and Tools, Furniture and fixtures,
Display structure and Interior decoration.
(vi). Handicrafts Museum
The objective of the handicrafts museum is to establish a platform through which
India’s heritage traditional arts and craft can be popularized amongst artists,
scholars, designers and the interested public. The primary objective of the Museum is
to collect and preserve objects exhibiting exquisiteness in craftsmanship and
conceptual innovations in design or its functional aspects.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The funding shall on actual subject to a maximum of INR 100 lakh for each
The amount shall be for setting up of new museum and also for up gradation of
existing museum as per need assessment.
The financial assistance will be 100% from GOI for Central/State corporations and
The financial assistance will be 50% from GOI for reputed design institutions,
artisans’ federations and SPV of Handicraft Entrepreneurs.

(vii). Design Banks
The design bank is to be established with the objective of having a collection of
designs in electronic form and these digitized designs should be made available to
various users groups to enable them to diversify/innovate and also customize
products according to the domestic / international market needs. These banks shall
also provide details of availability of raw material, technology required, skilled human
resource and cluster from where these innovative products can be sourced/

Funding pattern
The financial ceiling for the total amount to be sanctioned for each Design Bank is
INR 60 lakh.
The assistance will be in the form of 100% assistance from Office of DC (H).

(viii). Craft Based Resource Center

The objective of this center is to create an institutional mechanism to provide a single
window solution in an identified craft for comprehensive handholding in the following
Technical & Technological information
Marketing Intelligence
Enterprise Development
Micro Finance Activity
Reporting/ Monitoring evaluation/ Experience share
Product Information
Raw material information
Cluster/ producer information
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The ceiling for the total amount to be sanctioned for each resource center is INR
100 lakh.
The assistance will be in the form of 70% assistance from Office of DC (H)
subject to the ceiling mentioned above and 30% will be contributed by the
implementing agency.

(ix). Common Facility Center

The objective of the common facility center is to ensure economy of scale, price
competitiveness, quality control, application of Design and Technology input on
continuous basis, scope of product diversification and higher unit value realization
and compliance with WTO compatible standards. Such a common facility will lead to
significant reductions in the cost of production, production of a diversified range of
high value products, sample development, reduction in the response times in order
execution and ensure high quality of final products.
Funding pattern
The financial ceiling for setting up a common facility center is INR 300 lakh.
The financial assistance by the Office of DC (H) shall be 70% subject to the ceiling
specified above. In case of CFCs under AHVY, financial assistance will be 100%.
Assistance will also be available for upgradation/ strengthening of existing CFCs
with a maximum of Rs 200 lakhs (70% of the total project cost)
S.No. Expenditure Item Funds
(INR Lakhs)
1) Building (Land to be provided either by Beneficiaries 50.00
or by State Govt./Panchayat)*
2) Tools Machinery and Equipment related to production 225.00
and testing including Computer installations,
packaging etc.
3) Fixed Assets 4.50
4) Expenditure towards training of machine operators 5.00
5) Contingency 3.00
6) Erection and Commissioning 12.50
TOTAL 300.00
* The CFC can also be set up in a rented/leased premise. In such case, maximum rent @
20000 per month will be granted for a period of three years, in the form of 100% GOI
(x). Raw Material Depot
Aim of this component is to make easy availability of quality, certified and graded raw
material to the artisans/entrepreneur at a reasonable rate.
Financial assistance and funding pattern:
The financial ceiling for a raw material bank is INR 200 lakh, and out of this INR
50 lakh will be earmarked for setting up of godown.
In respect of State/Central Corporations and any government bodies, funding will
be 100% by the GOI and other cases the funding will be on the pattern of 70%
by GOI and 30% by implementing agency.
The GOI assistance shall be provided to the eligible body in staggered manner for
capital rotation.
An MOU will be signed between the grantee and Office of the Development
Commissioner (Handicrafts) incorporating different aspects related to functioning
of Raw Material Bank. Accordingly, the yearly targets to be achieved in terms of
physical & financial parameters will be fixed and in case of non – achievement,
the Govt. will forfeit the raw material to the extent of grants released.
Further for a period of five years, yearly quantitative increase in corpus/stock of
raw material in may be fixed depending on the raw material which will be
indicative of functionality of Raw Material Bank.
Mode of payment:
The Organization / Implementing agency first has to submit a project report
indicating the management structure, inventory management, financial support
available, channel for distribution & its mechanism etc. Depending on the report
the financial support & its extent may be decided. At the most the grant may be
released in 4 installments.
1st installment of maximum 50 lakh will be released for setting up of godown.
2nd installment of subject to a maximum of INR 50 lakh shall be released once the
agency has constructed the godown.

3rd installment of INR 50 lakh will be released when the actual rotation of capital
has been 100% of the 2nd installment and at least a 5% increase in the raw
material corpus in terms of quantity has been achieved.
4th installment of INR 50 lakh will be released once the total capital rotation of
100% of the total grant sanctioned (2nd & 3rd installment) has been achieved. In
other words, if the value of raw material off take from the Raw Material Bank is
achieved to the tune of 100% of the amount of grant released and if the
earnings/ increase in the value of the corpus of raw material is 10% of the initial
corpus, the total grant provided will be considered as utilized if the total off take
after 4th installment becomes equal to 110% of the total grant released and
corpus has increased by 15%.
(xi) Technology Upgradation Assistance to Exporters/ Entrepreneurs
The objective is to extend the technological up gradation facility to
exporters/entrepreneurs. The facility center should be an infrastructure with modern
machinery including packaging machinery to support product, productivity, quality,
Exporters and Entrepreneurs.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The maximum amount of funds to be sanctioned is INR 60 lakh for each facility
The financial pattern would be based on 30:70 sharing between the Government
of India through the Office of the D.C (H) and the Exporters/ Entrepreneurs
MOU between exporters/entrepreneurs and Government of India (GOI) will be
signed before release of funds.
(xii). Testing Laboratories
Under this scheme, in order to standardize / certify raw materials/products, it is
proposed to
set up new labs,
Strengthen existing labs.
The objective is to offer total Testing and Quality Assurance support for handicrafts
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The financial assistance would be in the form of Grant-in-aid with a ceiling of INR
100 lakh for each testing laboratory.
This grant would be in the form of 100% through the Office of the D.C (H) to the
eligible institute/ organization.

(xiii). Crafts Village

Craft village is a modern day concept wherein craft promotion and tourism are being
taken up at single location. Artisans live and work at the same place and are also
provided with the opportunity to sell their products thereby ensuring livelihood. Craft
items are exhibited as well as sold here.

The O/o DC (H) would provide assistance both towards improving infrastructure in
existing villages where a substantial number of craftsmen practicing similar crafts are
residing and also setting up of new villages where craftsperson can be rehabilitated.
The aim would be to select villages that can be connected with some tourist circuit to
ensure sale of products. Under this component office of DCH will fund
improvements/creation of infrastructure which would include roads, sewerage, water,
street lights, footpaths, housing cum workshed, shops and display areas. These will
be undertaken by the implementing agency and the craftsmen will be rehabilitated
with new worksheds and display areas. The display areas will be in form of stalls
where the artisans can sell their product. Each project will be approved by a
committee headed by the Secretary.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The financial ceiling for the total amount sanctioned per unit will be INR 1000 lakh.
The funding pattern will be 70% by GOI and 30% by implementing agency and in
case of government agencies 100% by GOI.
Land will be provided by implementing agency and it will be over and above its
30% contribution, attributed in the funding pattern.

(xiv). Integrated Handicraft Park

The establishment of an Integrated Handicraft Park will provide a permanent platform
for the bringing together of the urban populace and crafts communities. The purpose
of setting up of Park is to setup an integrated facility which would facilitate the
production, finishing, packaging and sale of craft articles.
In the campus of the Handicraft Park, the following facilities shall be provided:
Training facilities
Work shed cum housing,
Dormitory for Ladies & Gents,
Raw material bank
Common Convention Centre,
Common facility centre
Guest House
Common effluent treatment facilities
Display areas/Shops/Showrooms
Other basic infrastructure facilities such as internal roads, electric supply,
water supply, boundary wall etc

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for the total amount sanctioned per unit will be INR 2500 lakh.

Mode of payment:
The funding pattern will follow 40:60 ratio, with 40% funded by government and
60% borne by implementing agency.
Land will be provided by implementing agency over and above its 60%
contribution, attributed in funding pattern.

(xv) Construction of office buildings & revitalizing existing institutions,
restructuring of regional design and technical centres, setting up of Hastkala
Academy, construction of craft and office Complexes at Vasant Kunj and
Okhla and any other infrastructure to be created at departmental level
This is proposed to be undertaken as a departmental activity. Need based projects
would be devised for each activity i.e. either restructuring or revitalizing of the
existing institutions and / or field / regional offices.
Financial assistance and funding pattern



i) Each project will be approved on the basis of DPR by the competent authority
(Secretary (T) and HMOT for projects upto Rs 100 Cr.). The amount for each
project, the funding pattern, the components of funding etc. will be decided by the
competent authority on case to case basis.
ii) For projects involving outlay of Rs. 10.00 crores or above, there should be a Project
Approval & Monitoring Committee [PAMC] under the Chairpersonship of Secretary
[Textiles]. The PAMC will have representative from IFW, Planning Commission,
Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Culture.
iii) For projects below Rs. 10.00 crores, the PAMC will be chaired by DC [HC]. The
PAMC should include representative from IFW.
iv) Apart from the eligible agencies mentioned against various components of the
scheme, the PAMC may also consider to include any other agency if it so deemed fit
as eligible implementing agency for any intervention under the scheme.
v) Evaluation studies to be got conducted and its findings to be submitted to PAMC
from time to time.
vi) GOI funding shall not be used for financing procurement of land.
Implementation strategy for Infrastructure projects.

For each Infrastructure projects under the components under infrastructure support, DPR shall
be prepared. Recurring expenditure will be borne by the implementing agencies. However, at
the time of appraisal, PAMC can allow funding for recurring expenditure for a maximum of two
years in deserving cases.

The timelines shall be decided based on the DPR submitted by the implementing agency.


Mega cluster approach is a Drive to scale up the infrastructural and production chain
at Handicrafts clusters which have remained unorganized and have not kept pace with
the modernization and development that have been taking place so far. Consequently,
there has not been any addition of fresh impetus of development and optimum
realization of output in the handicrafts sector, which is not only the backbone of long
traditional heritage and cultural linkages.

The prospect of this sector lies in infrastructural improvement, modernization of the

tools, machinery, process and product diversification and creating strong brands.
Innovative designs as well as technical know-how, furthered by brand building of the
native products hold the key to creating a niche market for the products manufactured
by the clusters. The proposed programme is expected to support the Up gradation of
infrastructural facilities coupled with market linkages and product development &

Handicrafts clusters are located in clearly identifiable geographical locations (clusters)

that specialize in specific products, with close linkages and inter dependence amongst
the key players in the cluster.

Further, during implementation of the Mega Cluster projects it has been observed
that in certain cases interventions are required to be implemented at various places
throughout the country in a particular craft for generating employment through skill up-
gradation and also for increasing the market base of the craft within the country as well
as in the International market. In such cases the mega Cluster Scheme would be
flexible to reach all corners of the country wherever the selected craft exists. The
activities may vary from soft to hard interventions. In short, Mega Clusters can be
implemented in a fixed geographical area as well as different places throughout the
country in a particular craft or in a state where crafts are identified on block/cluster level.

The Mega Clusters will be taken up for development through Handicrafts Mega
Cluster Mission (HMCM) or through Central/State Corporations as and when announced
in Union Budget or as per requirement and as per the DPR prepared for the purpose.


The objective is to develop these two clusters with world-class infrastructure. The
guiding principle behind the design of clusters would be to create world-class
infrastructure that caters to the business needs of the local artisans & SMEs to boost
production and export. In brief, the main objective of setting up these clusters is to
assist the artisans & entrepreneurs to set up world-class units with modern
infrastructure, latest technology, and adequate training and HRD inputs, coupled with
market linkages and production diversification. SPV is designed in such a way, which will
have Standard Models of units of SSI and SME with infrastructure that is customized to
give a competitive edge and these centres have greater potential to become globally

The broad objectives of the proposed program are as follows:
i. To enhance the competitiveness of selected two clusters in terms of increased
market share and ensuring increased productivity by higher unit value realization
of the products.
ii. To ensure effective integration of scattered artisans, building their grass roots
enterprises and linking them to SMEs in the sector to build critical mass for
customized interventions and ensure economies of scale in operations. This will
build a supply system that is geared to responding to large-scale orders, adhering
to quality and product standardization, which are pre-requisites of global markets.
iii. To generate additional livelihood opportunities to the people through specific
intervention in segmental sub sector industry and increase the incomes to the
artisans/craftsmen already engaged in this sector.
iv. To provide requisite support/ linkages in terms of adequate infrastructure,
technology, product diversification, design development, raw material banks,
marketing & promotion, social security and other components that are vital for
sustainability of artisans/craftsmen engaged in the Handicrafts sector.
v. The core elements of the strategy for the proposed program are given below:
vi. Proactive and strong technical and program management assistance for capacity
building, designing of the interventions and their implementation, through a
competent professional agency.
2. Funding pattern
Funds to the tune of 3% (max.) of project cost shall be earmarked for establishing
baseline data / DPR against which performance can be compared at the end of the
project. The total fund requirement will be as per the DPR. The maximum duration of the
project will be three years. 50% of the approved project cost will be released as
advance. Second Installment @ 40% of the approved project cost will be released on
utilization of 70% of ist installment. The last 10% amount will be released as
reimbursement on completion of project and submission of utilization report etc.
3. Implementation Methodology & Framework
A project of this nature, which is need based, multi stakeholder driven, holistic and
outcome oriented, would require institutional structure and processes that are capable
and conducive to achieving the objectives of the program. The following will be the
methodology and process through which the project would be implemented: -
i. Undertaking a detailed diagnostic study of the cluster in order to identify the
needs, gaps and also developing base line reference data.
ii. Preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) covering technical, financial,
institutional and implementation aspects, based on the diagnostic study. This
DPR would clearly establish the expected outcomes of each of the
interventions, which are measurable.
iii. Validation of the findings of the diagnostic study and the DPR by the key
stakeholders of the cluster including representative associations I federations
of the artisans, support institutions, service providers, State Government and
Central Government agencies.
iv. Approval of the DPR by PAMC under Ministry of Textiles.
v. Procurement of land, wherever needed for any of the interventions of the DPR,
by the SPV
vi. Implementation of the interventions as per the phasing mentioned in the DPR.
vii. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the interventions against
the outcomes defined in the DPR.
4. Project Approval and Monitoring Committee (PAMC)

The Detailed Project Report (DPR) shall be considered and approved by the Project
Approval and Monitoring Committee (PAMC). The PAMC shall accord further approvals
only after the comprehensive DPRs are in place. The implementation of the various
projects should also be reviewed periodically by the PAMC. The composition of the
PAMC would be:

Secretary (Textiles) Chairman

Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Member
Secretary of the Dept. dealing with Handicrafts in the state Member
Representative of IFW Member
District magistrate of the District Member
Additional Development Commissioner/Director (Handicrafts) Member

5. Deliverables/Advantages of the proposed Clusters

i. Employment Generation;
ii. Better living standards for the existing artisans.


i. Foreign Exchange earnings by export;

ii. Substantial Increase in quality and value added Production;
iii. Increase in the business of small entrepreneurs;
iv. Savings in cost by manufacturers in the cluster due to better infrastructure and
Government induced benefits;
v. Revenue generation to local bodies and State & Central Governments;
vi. Growth of industry in an organized form.

B. Marketing Support & Services.
The following interventions will be provided under marketing support:
(i) Domestic Marketing events

(i)(a) Assistance for organizing/participation in marketing events in India

In order to promote and Market Handicrafts financial assistance will be provided to
different eligible organizations to organize Craft Exhibitions in metropolitan
cities/state capitals / places of tourist or commercial interest/ other places. This will
provide direct marketing platform to the handicrafts artisans/SHGs/entrepreneurs
from various parts of the country.

(i)(a)(1)Gandhi Shilp Bazaar/Craft Bazars

In order to promote and Market Handicrafts financial assistance will be provided to different
eligible organizations to organize Gandhi Shilp Bazaars (GSB)/Crafts Bazar in metropolitan
cities/state capitals / places of tourist or commercial interest/ other places. This will provide
direct marketing platform to the handicrafts artisans/SHGs/entrepreneurs from various parts
of the country.
Gandhi Shilp Bazaars will be organized based on roster to be prepared considering important
fairs/festivals/prominent cities/ historical places/places of tourist interest etc. These bazaars
will be organized at-least once a year on the same location at a fixed time. This will enable
people of that area to source their requirement through these Bazaar organized and at the
same time will create a brand for such events in line with Surajkund Mela.
Further Shilp bazaars will also be organized at other locations, which will be occasion specific/
theme specific Craft Bazaars even if not featuring in the roaster if a situation so arises like in
case of major National/international events or other events which are important but not held
The opportunities to organize the Gandhi Shilp Bazar will not be adequate to cater to the
marketing needs of the sector therefore the financial assistance for organizing crafts bazaar
will also be considered for eligible organizations in order to provide maximum marketing
opportunities to the handicrafts artisans and their product.

Duration and participation:

Duration of 7-10 days and shall accommodate 60-100 stalls.

The eligible organization includes Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, other
institutions and organizations under central and state governments,
COHANDS/EPCH/CEPC/IICT/MHSC /NCDPD, Apex cooperative Societies and National level
Apex Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) and National level Apex
Societies (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) Societies and NGOs (registered
under society act/ trust act, etc.)

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial ceiling for GSB and Craft bazars is based on classification of towns:
o Class I (cities with population above 5,000,000): INR 20 Lakh
o Class II (cities with population between 5,000,000 and 1,000,000): INR 18 Lakh
o Class III (cities with population less than 1000000): INR 16.00 Lakh

The breakup of the available funds is as follows:

Expense head (for an event of 100 stalls for Maximum permissible assistance (INR)
period of 10 days )
class I class II class III
Space rental & Infrastructure including services 12,25,000 10,65,000 8,85,000
Publicity 200,000 170,000 1,55,000
TA (@ 2000 per participant) * 200,000 200,000 2,00,000
DA @ Rs. 100/- 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
Insurance 25,000 25,000 25,000
Service charges 50,000 40,000 35,000
Freight (@ 1000/- per person) 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
Misc including stationery, telephone, 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
refreshments, videography, documentation
charges etc
TOTAL 20,00,000 18,00,000 16,00,000

* In case of artisans from North East TA is proposed to be increased to Rs.

3,000/- per artisans.

In case of GSB, 100% funds shall be in the form of grant-in-aid and will be sanctioned by
the Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) to the eligible organizations.
In case of Craft Bazaars
o The financial assistance to the extent of 75% of the approved cost (subject to a
ceiling specified in table above) will be considered and balance 25% will have to
be borne by the eligible organization. The same will apply to Craft Bazaars being
organized in North-East.
o In case of Craft Bazaars being organized outside NER, 90% of approved cost shall
be provided as assistance and 10% shall be contributed by the organization
subject to condition of 100% participation of artisans of NER with a provision of
relaxation upto 20% in deserving cases by DC (H) only if sufficient number of
artisans from the North-East are not available. .
Bazaars with less than 60 participants or if organized for less than 7 days will not be
The stalls will be provided free of charge to the artisans and organizations are free to raise their
contribution through gate money/publicity/food stalls etc.
The maximum permissible assistance will not exceed Rs 1800/- per participant per day in class-
I city, Rs 1600/- per participant per day for class-II city, and Rs 1400/- per participant per day
in class-III city.
In case of craft bazars the permissible assistance will be reduce to 75% of the limit indicated
above depending on the class of cities.
Mode of payment
First installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance and balance as
reimbursement on submission of audited statement of accounts of expenditure and
performance report of the event and its acceptance by the competent authority.

Organizing large events with 100 artisans in a cities requires lot of capacity both financially and
logistically on the part of an organization and in the handicrafts sector which is fragmented and
rural in nature finding agency with such large reach among the artisans is not so easy. Therefore it
is proposed to provide financial assistance for smaller marketing events at local level to provide
marketing opportunity to group of artisans from the area. This will enable continuous availability of
marketing platform to the artisans/entrepreneaurs/SHGs without the limitation of logistics and
increase the penetration of the crafts to all parts of the country.
Duration and participation:
The exhibitions shall be organized for a period of 5 -7 days with participation from
minimum of 10 and maximum of 50 artisans
The eligible organization includes Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, other
institutions and organizations under central and state governments, COHANDS,
EPCH,CEPC, NCDPD, Apex cooperative Societies and National level Apex Societies
(registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) and National level Apex Societies
(registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) Societies and NGOs (registered under
society act/ trust act, etc.)
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The financial ceiling for exhibitions will be based on classification of towns:
o Class I (cities with population above 5,000,000): INR 8 Lakh
o Class II (cities with population between 5,000,000 and 1,000,000): INR 7 Lakh
o Class III (cities with population less than 1,000,000): INR 6 Lakh
The breakup of financial assistance is as follows:
Expense head (50 stalls for a period of Maximum permissible
7 days) assistance (INR)
Class I Class II Class III
Space rental & Infrastructure including
services 5,25,000 4,40,000 3,65,000
Publicity 1,30,000 120,000 100,000
TA (@ 2000 per participant) * 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
DA @ Rs. 100/- 50,000 50,000 50,000
Insurance 10,000 10,000 10,000
Service charges 25,000 20,000 15,000
Freight (@ 1000/- per person) 50,000 50,000 50,000
Misc including stationery, telephone, 10,000 10,000 10,000
refreshments, videography,
documentation charges etc
TOTAL 9,00,000 8,00,000 7,00,000
* In case of artisans from North East TA is proposed to be increased to Rs.
3,000/- per artisans.
o The financial assistance to the extent of 75% of the approved cost (subject to a
ceiling specified in table above) will be considered and balance 25% will have to
be borne by the eligible organization. The same will apply to Exhibitions being
organized in North-East.
o In case of Exhibitions being organized outside NER, 90% of approved cost shall be
provided as assistance and 10% shall be contributed by the organization subject
to condition of 100% participation of artisans of NER with a provision of relaxation
upto 20% in deserving cases by DC (H) only if sufficient number of artisans from
the North-East are not available. .
The stalls will be provided free of charge to the artisans
Exhibitions with less than 10 participants or if organized for less than 5 days will not be
The maximum permissible assistance will not exceed Rs 2300/- per participant per day in class-
I city, Rs 2000/- per participant per day for class-II city, and Rs 1700/- per participant per day
in class-III city.

Mode of payment

First installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance and balance as
reimbursement on submission of audited statement of accounts of expenditure and
performance report of the event and its acceptance by the competent authority.

(i)(a)(3) Hiring of built up space in events organized by other organizations

To enable the artisans to display and sell their products in established fair organized by
Department of Tourism or State and Central Governments and other organizations ., an
enabling provision is made for acquiring stalls in fairs for allotment to the artisans.

Duration and participation:

The participation in an event will be for a minimum of 2 days or the duration of the event
whichever is higher.
The number of stalls hired will not exceed 25% of the total stalls erected in the fair
subject to maximum of 100 stalls.

Departmental activity
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The admissible limits for participation are as follows:

Expense head (for 100 stalls) Maximum permissible

assistance (INR)
Hiring of stalls (@ 2,000 per stall per day) 500,000
Publicity 150,000
TA (@ 2000 per participant) * 2,00,000
DA @ Rs. 100/- 50,000
Freight (@ 1000/- per person) 1,00,000
Misc. including stationery, telephone, refreshments, 50,000
videography, documentation charges etc

TOTAL 10,50,000
* In case of artisans from North East TA is proposed to be increased to Rs. 3,000/- per

Note: In case the space is being hired from Government organizations, actual expenditure
may be considered.

Mode of payment:
100% advance to be placed with the field office.
The space rent will be paid by the field office directly to the organizer of the event.

(i)(a)(4) National Handicrafts Fair

The event will showcase the best of the Indian handicrafts in quality, design and versatility
from across the country. The objective of this new programme is to organize an exclusive fair
for handicraft products in India at a grand scale to increase visibility of the products in
domestic market. The program will also benefit entrepreneurs who are unable to participate
in the International fairs due to the high cost.

Duration and participation

100-300 including artisans/ exporters/ merchandiser/manufacturer may participate in the
The eligible organizations include Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, COHANDS,
EPCH, CEPC, NCDPD, TPOs, other institutions and organizations under central and state
governments, Apex cooperative Societies and National level Apex Societies (registered
under society act/ trust act, etc.) and National level Apex Societies (registered under
society act/ trust act, etc.) Societies.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The funding shall be provided to the extent of INR 1.00 Crore maximum for organizing
the event.
The break-up of financial assistance is as follows:

Expense head (for 300 participants) Maximum permissible

assistance (INR)
Space rental and Infrastructure including services 50,50,000
like water, electricity, etc
Publicity and event management 24,00,000
TA (@ 2000 per participant) * 6,00,000
DA @ Rs. 100/- 4,50,000
Freight (@ 1000/- per person) 3,00,000
Misc including stationery, telephone, refreshments, 10,00,000
videography, documentation charges, cultural
activities etc
Insurance 2,00,000
Total 1,00,00,000
* In case of artisans from North East TA is proposed to be increased to Rs.
3,000/- per artisans.

Mode of payment:
In case of handicraft fair the first installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be
released with the sanction and balance as reimbursement on submission of actual bills
and performance report of the event and its acceptance by the competent authority.

Duration and participation:

Duration of 07-15 days and shall accommodate 10-300 stalls.
(i) (b) Craft Awareness Programme
The component aims to support local level awareness programs that target general
public and spread awareness about our crafts. Such programs may be taken up at
schools or other places where reach to wider audience can be ensured.

Duration and participation

Program duration should be maximum of 3 days

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The funding shall be provided to the extent of INR 2.00 lakh which includes
expenditure towards space rent, infrastructure and services (water, electricity
etc.), Boarding and Lodging, TA, Freight, Insurance and miscellaneous etc.

(i) (c) Demonstration programme

The objective is to provide to organize small scale interaction programs to promote
handicrafts with the general public.
Duration and participation:
The event will be organized for maximum of 7 days with participation of artisans
as per requirement.
Financial assistance and funding pattern:
The funding for the component may be availed in isolation or in combination with
another promotional activity.
The funding shall be provided to the extent of INR 4.5 lakh which includes
expenditure towards space rent, infrastructure and services (water, electricity
etc), Boarding and Lodging, TA, Freight, Insurance and miscellaneous etc
(ii) Assistance for organizing/participation in marketing events abroad

(ii) (a) Participation in international fairs and exhibition abroad

With a view to promote exports of handicrafts and carpets the financial assistance
will be provided to eligible organizations for participation in international fairs and
exhibitions held in India and abroad.
Duration and participation:
Participation will be for the duration of the event.

Financial assistance and funding pattern

The financial capping for the component shall be INR 50 lakhs.
TA/DA of one officers as per Rules, boarding and lodging, to & fro air fare and air
freight of exhibits only for participants as indicated below, space rent,
infrastructure, publicity/ directory entry/interpreters and other administrative
expenditure for participation in international fairs.

The admissible components vary for different eligible participants as follows:

1 Shilp Guru/National Awardee/National Merit Certificate Holders – TA/DA, Hotel

accommodation, space rent for two times participation during the 12th Plan Period
(2012-13 – 2016-17). After two times, only space rent will be provided to the
interested participants in this category.
2 One representative from SHGs Federation/Entrepreneur is allowed to participate
for which only space will be provided.
To monitor the impact assessment of such participations, one officer of office of
DC (H) can also be deputed to the program.

(ii) (b) Folk Craft Festival of India/ Stand Alone Shows/ road shows
The folk craft festival of India/road shows /catalogue shows/thematic
exhibitions/stand alone shows/ special events/ programmes shall be organized in
India and abroad to create promote the products and create a brand image for Indian
handicrafts in international markets.
Duration and participation:
Maximum of 20 participants for the duration of the event.
The participants include Shilp Gurus/National Awardees/National Merit Certificate
Holders, representative of SHG Federation, entrepreneurs and exporters.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The funding shall be on actual subject to a maximum of INR 10 lakhs as fixed cost
and INR 10 lakhs per day maximum for the duration of the event
The funding will be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid from O/o DC(H)
The eligible agency shall receive assistance towards Space rent & infrastructure
for participants, Publicity Airfare for artisans, TA of coordinating officer, TA/DA
and expenditure on boarding and lodging, freight, Local conveyance, Misc
including expenditure for buyer seller meet
The financial assistance in respect of Shilp Gurus/National Awardees/NMC
Holders/SHG Federations/Entrepreneurs/Exporters shall be as in component 1.2.1.
In case of SHG Federations/ exporter/entrepreneurs only space rent will be
To monitor the impact assessment of such participations, one officer of office of
DC (H) can also be deputed to the program.

(ii) (c) Market studies abroad

The market is a dynamic in nature and changes frequently in terms of potentiality, taste,
fashion and consumer preference. In order to remain competitive, it is
necessary to gather above marketing intelligence through market surveys/
studies regularly. This helps in capturing business in virgin & emerging markets besides
strengthening our hold in the existing markets through better knowledge of market
demand trends and product preferences besides knowledge about techniques,
processes and materials/other inputs being used by the competing countries.

Funding pattern
The financial assistance is considered for TA/ DA (upto 5 persons), their boarding/
lodging, local conveyance, desk research/ collection of sample in India & abroad,
procurement of product catalogue, tools and implements, technology,
documentation/ report writing, Misc etc
The assistance will be in the form of 100% grant-in-aid from O/o DC(H) subject to
a ceiling of INR 20 lakh per study

(ii) (d) International craft exposure programme

This component has three sub-components, with details as follows:
Long and short term trainings cum exposure programs of
Artisans/Mastercraftspersons/ designers/ technologists abroad on subject of
designs, product innovations, techniques, technology, processing, finishing etc.
Financial assistance for Craftpersons/designers/technologist from abroad to visit
India & Vice-a-Versa for (a) studying designs and products and for creating
awareness on design and product requirements of international market, and (b)
for dissemination of information on latest production techniques, tools,
equipments and technology being adopted by different countries
Duration and participation:
Maximum of 10 participants for a period up to maximum of 1 month

Funding pattern & mode of payment

Financial assistance will be permissible towards airfare in economy class, DA as
per Rules, local hospitality, boarding and lodging, local conveyance, space rent ,
related infrastructure and services, institutional/consultant fee, , development of
prototype, documentation charges, TA and wage compensation for trainees in
India , raw material compensation and Misc , etc as per need on actual basis.
The eligible agencies shall receive 100% grant-in-aid from O/o DC(H) subject to a
maximum of 30 Lakhs

(ii) (e) Cultural Exchange Programme

Under this activity, of master craftpersons will be deputed under a Cultural Exchange
Programme for live demonstrations of the craft he/she practices. The participation in
Cultural Exchange Programme is arranged as per agreed terms & conditions between
Govt. of India and other countries. In addition, participation of master craftpersons
are also arranged for programmes being organized by Indian Embassies or in any
festival of significance abroad to promote Indian handicrafts. Master Crafts persons,
Shilp Gurus and National Awardees etc. To monitor the impact assessment of such
participations, one Officer of the Office of DC (Handicrafts) can also be deputed to
the programme.

Financial assistance and funding pattern:

The funding shall be on actual basis
The funds will be released as per the actual expenditure plus 15%
service charge in case of non-departmental activity or through Indian
Missions abroad.

(ii) (f) Compliance, social and other welfare measures
This sub component covers assistance for
Compilation of product specific common compliance code for use in International
market and assist them in attaining standardized certification
To create awareness about compliance among exporters/artisans/Manufacturers
and assist them to meet the compliance request
Legal fees for contesting cases and to take safeguards against issues like
countervailing duties, which will also include hiring of lobbyist, journey of officials
of Export Promotion Councils.
Any initiatives including labeling initiative to counter problems arising out of
national and international laws and regulations and standard in the areas of
environmental and social factors in exports including hiring of experts and
Any other measures including welfare measures as well as deputing delegations of
members and officers to resolve labour related or other social problems being
faced in export of Handicrafts.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
Maximum provision of Rs. 1.00 cr per organization/per acidity.
Assistance is based on actual need and requirement and is considered on merit of
the proposal.
Grant-in-Aid will be 100% in case of Export Promotion Councils. In case of
individuals, the expenditure will be shared between GOI and individuals in the
ratio of 70:30.

(iii)(a) Buyer seller meet in India

The objective of this event is to provide linkages to local artisans to showcase their
products to the major buyers of India ensuring integrated and inclusive development
of the Indian handicrafts.

Duration and participation:

The meet will be organized for up to 3 days with participation upto 50 buyers and
50 artisans

Central and State Handicrafts Corporations, COHANDS, EPCH, CEPC, NCDPD,
TPOs, other institutions and organizations under central and state governments,
and Apex cooperative Societies
NGOs (registered under society act/ trust act, etc.) and federation of SHG’s

Financial assistance and funding pattern
Financial assistance to the tune of INR 15 Lakh will be permissible towards buyer
seller meet. The financial break-up is as follows:
Expense head (for 3 days with participation from 50 Cost
buyers and 50 artisans) (INR)
Space rental and Infrastructure including services like water, 2,50,000
electricity, etc.
TA @ 10,000 per buyer (subject to actual) 5,00,000
Stay for buyers (@ 3000 per day per buyer) 4,50,000
TA for artisan (@ 1500 per artisan ) 75,000
Freight for artisan (@ 500 per artisan ) 25,000
Publicity 1,20,000
Insurance 20,000
Misc 60,000
TOTAL 15,00,000
The financial assistance to the extent of 80% of the approved cost (subject to a
ceiling specified in table above) will be contributed by O/o DC(H) and balance
20% will borne by the eligible organization.
In case of NER, 90% of approved cost shall be provided as assistance and 10%
shall be contributed by the organization.
In case of Departmental Activity, 100% funding by Government.

Mode of payment
The first installment of 50% of the sanctioned amount will be released as advance
and the balance as reimbursement on submission of bills and the event report
containing the pictures of the event.

(iii)(b) Buyers sellers meet abroad and reverse buyer seller meet in India
Since small exporting units cannot afford to participate in International Fairs
organized in India & abroad on their own, it is proposed to fund the umbrella
organizations mentioned in the eligibility clause for organizing International
Handicrafts Trade Fair/buyers sellers-meets in India and abroad. To monitor the
impact assessment of such participations, one Officer of the Office of DC
(Handicrafts) can also be deputed to the programme.

Duration of event:
The meet will be organized for up to 3-5 days
Financial Assistance and funding pattern
The funding shall on actual subject to a maximum INR 50.00 Lakh
The financial assistance will be permissible towards space rent, interiors, TA,
Publicity, Boarding and Lodging, Documentation and miscellaneous.
The financial assistance to the extent of 100% of the approved cost (subject to a
ceiling specified above) will be considered.

(iv) Marketing workshops
Marketing workshops will be organized at National/State/Local level departmentally to
discuss various problems faced in handicrafts sector with artisans and experts in
relevant fields like designer, technologist, exporters, buyers and financial institution

Duration and participation:

The workshops will be held for a minimum of 2 days.

Departmental Activity
Financial assistance and funding pattern:
The financial parameters for such workshop will be as under:
Event Minimum Number. maximum
of participants permissible
assistance (INR)

National level marketing Workshop 200 20,00,000

Regional Level Workshop 100 8,00,000
State level marketing workshop 80 5,00,000
Local level marketing workshop 40 2,00,000

(v) Workshops/ seminars/ symposiums/ programmes organized abroad

This component with the following objectives:
Awareness creation among foreign designers/technologists, buyers, media
persons, opinion makers as well as general public
Interaction with Govt. officials, trade representatives and buyers for topics like
improvements in the products, policies and designs
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The financial assistance will be permissible for resource person fee, to and fro Air-
fare/DA for one coordinator, Venue charges, Local conveyance TA/DA for local
resource person , publicity, invitation, sound system, refreshment, lunch, to and
fro freighting and packing/unpacking of goods, tools, insurance, etc.
The financial assistance will be on actual basis subject to max of INR 50 lakhs.

(vi) Rental for warehousing

This component aims are providing financial support for renting warehouses abroad.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
80% of the rental cost towards hiring of warehouses abroad to store handicraft
products shall be reimbursed subject to the maximum of Rs.25.00 lakh per unit.

(vii) Publicity and Brand Promotion

(vii) (a) Publicity via print and electronic media
Publicity and Brand promotion shall help highlight Indian handicraft products as quality
products and thus boost sales in India and abroad.
Further brand promotion shall also be targeted through the same component. Under this
programme comprehensive designing of large scale media campaign will be carried out
to promote the brand. The campaign shall involve both digital (television, online and
audio) and physical (press, billboard, in-store and street) advertising. It shall be floated
across various locations within and outside India; Advertising of the brand at
international and national fairs and events shall be carried out adopting a brand centric
approach and build on the same to increase sales of handicrafts by increasing brand
Financial assistance will be considered to the eligible organizations for publicity for the
following activities:
Large scale campaign to promote Handicrafts and the brand in lines of ‘Incredible
production of video films on various theme
general advertisement and publicity in print and electronic media
Special supplements in print and electronic media in connection with events like
National Award etc.
bringing out posters/hoardings/ other advertisement panels on handicrafts
official newsletters/ directory/souvenirs/calendars for publicity
printing of hand book of scheme/procedures of the Office of DC (Handicrafts)
Printing of yearly reports required under GFR to be placed before the Ministry/
Parliament etc.
purchase of books/ periodicals/ journals for the departmental library
Subscription for news papers/Magazines etc.
hoarding at strategic locations in the cities
blow-ups banners
bus back panels
kiosks/Railway/State transport advt panels and other such methods
publicity through IT related medium like dedicated web sites
catalogues shows on the internet and fashion show
publicity banners on the home pages of web sites
making of CD-ROMs for various marketing events and launching of the same on
Internet for enlightening/ awareness of the customers about the venue, name of
artisans and their artifacts for direct sales
printing of books/manuals/crafts directories/languishing crafts
audio visual publicity by screening of films on handicrafts at places like airport
lounges, Doordarshan/other private channels and screening of these films in various
departmental Crafts Bazaars/ Melas like Dilli Haat, Surajkund etc.
printing of publicity and propaganda material for incoming/ outgoing exhibitions to be
mounted as per Cultural Exchange Programmes and other events on recommendation
of Indian Embassies
printing/publication of brochures/catalogues/ folders/ state maps on handicrafts as
part of the marketing mix and to supplement the marketing efforts of Central/State
Corporations and Apex Bodies as per the prescribed guidelines
creating a brand image through hiring brand ambassadors
Organising cultural events through hiring off/tie-up with reputed designers and
organizing shows for the products
Design of Logo to represent ‘Handicraft brand’
Any other activity considered relevant for the purpose.
Financial assistance and funding pattern
The financial assistance of maximum INR 2.00 crore per activity shall be
provided under this component will be 100% Grant-in-Aid for eligible
organization. In case that the office of DC (H) undertake the activity
departmentally there will be no limit on the expenditure.

(vii) (b) Web Marketing

The objective of the sub-component is to support advertisements and other publicity
activities on the web media and also creation of e-marketing platform.
Financial assistance and funding pattern:
The funding for the component may be availed in isolation or in combination with
another promotional activity.

Notes on Marketing Support

 The maximum admissible financial assistance has been provided under each
scheme component. However, the sanction shall be based on the duration and
participants indicated in the proposal submitted. Accordingly the budget will be
reduced on pro-rata basis if the event is held for lesser number of days or if there
is lesser participation.
 All the participating artisans will be paid TA on actual with limit of INR 2,500 per
artisan or fare of sleeper class whichever is less subject to attendance in a
maximum of two events1 in a year. No TA will be paid to artisans residing within
the same municipality limit in which the venue lies.
 Freight of INR 1000/- per person shall be paid to all participants irrespective of
distance covered and goods transported.
 Where-ever special provision is made for Northeastern region (NER), it shall
include hosting event in other part of the country with 100% participation of
artisans of NER with a provision of relaxation upto 20% in deserving cases by DC
(H) only if sufficient number of artisans from the North-East are not available.

 The word ‘Artisans’ will also include carpet weavers.

(C) Research and Development.
The following interventions will be carried out under this component:
(i). Surveys & Studies on different topics

a. Surveys/ Studies of specific crafts for which adequate information is not

b. Problem relating to availability of raw material, technology, design, common
facilities, etc.
c. Living and working conditions of artisans in specific areas of crafts.
d. Market evaluation studies of specific crafts for either domestic or overseas
e. Techno-economic feasibility studies and post evaluation of the various
promotional projects programmes under taken in the handicrafts sector.
f. Areas requiring special study for uplift of the weaker sections viz. scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

(ii). Financial Assistance for preparation of legal, para legal, standards, audits and other
documentation leading to labeling/certification.

(iii). Financial Assistance to organizations for evolving, developing a mechanism for

protecting crafts including languishing crafts, design, heritage, historical knowledge base,
research and implementation of the same enabling the sector/segment to face

(iv). Conducting Census of Handicraft artisans of the country.

(v). Registration of Crafts under Geographical Indication Act & necessary follow up on

(vi). Assisting handicrafts exporters in adoption of global standards and for bar coding,
including handicrafts mark for generic products.

(vii). Financial Assistance for taking up problems/issues relating to brand building and
promotion of Indian handicrafts.

(viii). Conducting of workshops/seminars on issues of specific nature relating to

handicrafts sector

I. Guidelines for Sanction:-

A committee under the chairmanship of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)
will be formed for consideration of proposals. The proposal having
financial/funding implication above Rs. 50.00 Lakhs will be brought before the
Project Approval and Monitoring Committee, Chaired by Secretary (Textiles),
including a representative from IFW, Ministry of Textiles.

II. Financial Parameters
a) Eligible financial assistance for (i). [a to f]
S.N Head Maximum Maximum permissible
o. No. amount
(i) Project Leader 1 @Rs. 40,000/- p.m.
(ii) Senior Research 2 @Rs. 25,000/- p.m.
(iii) Junior Research 2 @Rs. 15,000/- p.m.
(iv) Investigator 3 @Rs. 12,000/- p.m.
(v) Computer Operator 2 @Rs. 10,000/- p.m.
(vi) Documentation & -- Rs. 1,00,000/-
(vii) T.A./D.A. -- @Rs. 18,000/- p.m.
(viii) Miscellaneous -- 10% of the total cost

Maximum period 12 months.

a) Eligible financial assistance for (ii) to (vii)
Need base and will be decided on case to case basis.

c) For Seminar & Workshops for (viii) -

Maximum permissible duration – 3 Days.
Financial assistance will be as under:-
S.No Head Maximum permissible limit amount
(i) Halls & Infrastructure Rs. 1,80,000/- for 3 days
(ii) Boarding & Lodging for Resource @Rs. 9,000 per day, per head
(iii) b) T.A. to Resource Persons @Rs. 12,000/- per persons or AC-I/Air fare
c) For International Experts economy class whichever is less
@Rs. 70,000/- per person or economy class
(iv) Honorarium to Resource Persons @Rs. 4,000/- per person
(v) T.A. to participants including journey @Rs. 2000/ per participant or AC-III tier
period * fare whichever is less
(vi) DA to the participants @Rs. 100/- per participant per day
(vii) Documentation & Videography Rs. 1,00,000/-
(viii Hire of Conveyance Rs. 2,00,000/- for 3 days
(ix) Refreshments & Tea, Lunch etc. @Rs. 400/- per participants per day
(x) Publicity including banners, Rs. 2,00,000/-
backdrops, pamphlet, booklet, etc.
Miscellaneous @10% of (i) to (ix)
* Rs. 3000/- for participants from NER.

In special cases limit can be increased with special approval of IFW.


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