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In India coal based thermal power plants are major source of electricity generation. The
production of electricity brings along few problems that is generation of huge amount of
Construction and Demolition (C&D) every year. We can use these Construction and
Demolition material after recycle as a Composite Materials. Composites are being more and
more important as it can helps in improving the quality of life. Now a day Composites are
used in Automobiles, Pipelines, Building, Roads, and Bridges. This review paper provides
information about how to recycle Industrial Waste and use of Composite Material in Civil
Engineering field and Construction Industry. Use of Waste Material not only make the
cement concrete less expensive, but to provide a blend of tailored properties of Waste
Materials and Portland cement for suitable specified purpose. In this way we have chosen
three Industrial Waste for blending with Portland cement that is Fly ash , Blast Furnace Slag
and Waste of Glass Industry. All these three Wastes after grinding properly were blended
with Ordinary Portland cement in different proportions. Then that of blended cement was
tested for various properties of cement such as Fineness, Standard Consistency, Soundness,
Setting time and Compressive Strength. As all these three Wastes in powder form are of
Cementations Materials. They are proved to be best when blended with cement. We have got
improved results related to most of the properties of cement as compared to that of Ordinary
Portland cement. All these waste proves the slogans true that are, “Ash to Cash” or “Refuse
to Resources” or “Wastes to Wealth”. So such waste can be blended with cement is the step
towards economy and obviously towards progress of the Nation.


Industrial wastes, environment, composite material, experiments on blended cement with

different proportions of wastes, construction, workability, and costs comparison.

The Industrial Waste Material that are commonly known as Blast Furnace Slag , Fly ash ,
Silica Fume(from power plant) , Recycled aggregates(from Demolition Sites). Partial
replacement of Portland cement with Waste Materials like Blast Furnace Slag, Fly ash, Silica
Fume, Recycled aggregates will be a great help in reducing environmental pollution and also
reduction in manufacturing of cement and other material that required for the Construction
Any Construction activity requires several materials such as Concrete, Steel,
Brick, Stone, Glass, Clay, Mud, and Wood and so on. However the cement concrete remains
the main construction material used in Construction Industries. For its suitability and
adaptability with respect to the changing environment, the concrete must be such that it can
conserve resources, protect the environment, economize and lead to proper utilization of
energy. To achieve this major emphasis must be laid on the use of wastes and by products in
cement and concrete used for new construction. The utilization of recycled aggregates is
particularly very promising as 75 percent of concrete is made of aggregates. The enormous
quantities of demolished concrete are available at various Construction Sites, which are now
posing a serious problem of disposal in urban areas. This can be recycled as used in concrete.

Concrete is the choice of material in Construction Industry due to its inherent

properties of versatility, economy, durability, and ease of Construction. Hence the use of
Industrial waste in Concrete has become popular in the recent years.

The following table presents a partial list of industrial waste materials that may
be used in highway construction:

Possible Usage of Industrial Waste Products in Highway Construction

Waste product Source Possible usage

Fly ash Thermal power station Bulk fill, Filler in bituminous mix, artificial

Blast Furnace slag Steel Industry Base/ Sub-base material, Binder in soil
stabilization (ground slag)

Construction and Construction Industry Base/ Sub-base material, bulk fill, recycling
Demolition waste

Glass waste Glass Industry Glass-fibre reinforcement, bulk fill

Cement Kiln Dust Cement Industry Stabilization of base, binder in bituminous


Waste Tyre Automobile Industry Rubber modified bitumen, aggregate

Mill Tailings Mineral Processing Industry Granular base/Sub-base, aggregates in
bituminous mix, bulk mix


Use of waste products is not only a partial solution to environment and ecological problems it
significantly improves the microstructure and consequently the properties of concrete. For
congenital materials, a number of tests are conducted and their acceptability is based on the
tests results and the specifications. This ensures the desirable level of performance of the
chosen material in terms of its permeability, volume, stability, strength, hardness, toughness,
durability, shape, viscosity, specific gravity, purity, safety, temperature susceptibility etc.
Whichever are applicable?

Following are some of the properties of waste materials that can be

commonly used in construction activities.


These are obtained as by products from thermal power stations. They can be used for
manufacturing of Portland Pozzolana cement by using 15-35% of fly ash. Cement concrete
lime, fly ash mortar, cellular concrete, bricks and tiles, established work are being used Now-
a-days these are best for its engineering and mechanical properties.

Physical Properties of Fly ash


Specific Gravity (G) 2.16

Fineness by Sieving
Sand Particles (%) 3.5
Silt Particles (%) 95.5
Clay Particles (%) 1.0
Proctor OMC (%) 22.0
Maximum dry density (gm/cc) 1.4

Chemical Properties of Fly ash


SiO2 58.78
Fe2O3 9.31
Al2O3 26.92
CaO 1.77
MgO 0.68
N2O 0.28
K2O 1.44
Loss on Ignition (%) by weight 0.72


These are obtained from the manufacturing of steel as by products. It is of three types:-

1. Air cooled type

2. Foamed type

3. Granular type

The use of this by products is replacement of aggregate in concrete as well as in light

weight aggregate. Now-a-days blast furnace slag cement is also being manufactured by using

Physical Properties of Blast Furnace Slag

Blast Sub base/

S. No. Physical Properties Test method Furnace Base Bituminous
Slag Course course

1. Aggregate Impact Value IS: 2386 ( Pt. 17-25% 40% Max. 30% Max.
IV )
2. Los angles abrasion Value IS: 2386 (Pt. 28-32% 50% Max. 35% Max.
IV )

3. Flakiness Index IS: 2386 (Pt. 12% 15% 35%

4. Elongation Index IS: 2386 (Pt. 9% 30% 30%

5. Water Absorption IS: 2386 (Pt. 1.5-3% - 2%

6. Specific Gravity Kg/m3 IS: 2386 (Pt. 2650 - -

7. Bulk Density Kg/m3 IS: 2386 (Pt. 1800 - -


Chemical Analysis of Blast Furnace Slag


SiO2 1-37
CaO 2-33
MnO Up to 6
FeO Up to 2.5
MgO 1-10
Al2O3 22-27


Recycled aggregates are aggregate obtained from Construction and Demolition waste (C&D),
from residential, commercial, industries structures. This aggregate can be reused in all the
construction activities with some % of volume of construction in order to have the some
mechanical properties of hardened concrete without deposing these waste materials in to the

Laboratory Results for Conventional and Recycled Aggregates

Description Specific Water Aggregate Aggregate Fineness

of Material Gravity Absorption Crushing Impact Modulus
(%) Value (%) Value (%)

Aggregate 2.85 1.2 18.59 12.46 6.27

Aggregate 2.48 3.8 27.13 24.62 6.77

Silica fume is a by product of producing silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys. One of the most
beneficial uses for silica fume is in concrete. The individual particles are extremely small,
approximately 1/100th the size of an average cement particle. Because of its fine particles,
large surface area and the high Sio2 content silica fume is a very reactive pozzolana when
used in concrete. It will be used in high strength or high performance concrete to improve the


The rapid Urbanization and Industrialization in India has resulted in large deposition of
plastic wastes. Plastic wastes consisting carry begs, cups, etc. can be used as a coating over
aggregate and this coated stone can be used for road construction as cement and asphalt


Discarded vehicle tires constitute an important part of waste material, which had historically
been disposed of into landfill. The production of waste by the tire industry has been a
growing problem, indicating the need for its reuse in the construction field. Rubber can be
added to asphalt, which in creates its durability and improve pavement quality and safety
conditions by absorbing the rubber elastic properties. Rubber can also be used for concrete
pavements for light traffics.

Blended cement is definitely cheaper than ordinary Portland cement.

Blended cement can be made in different proportion of ordinary Portland cement

with industrial wastes. As waste is useless and having no value saving is to be seen clearly.
Only transportation cost, we have to pay to for bringing waste from source to the
manufacturing place from where we can bring it.

Saving is the cost will be different at different places; depends upon distances of the
sources of wastes.

Minimum wastes promote not only reuse and recycling, but also and more importantly,
promotes prevention – designs that consider the entire product life cycle. These new designs
will strive for reduced materials use, use of recycled materials, and use of more benign
materials, longer product lives, repair ability, and ease of disassembly at end of life. It
strongly supports sustainability by protecting the environment, reducing costs and producing
additional jobs in the management and handling of wastes back into the industrial cycle. A
maximum use of waste materials may be applied to business, communities, industrial sectors,
schools and homes. Also the utilization of waste materials like solid wastes, hazardous waste
will protect the environment and lead to a much more productive, efficient, and sustainable
After testing blended cement with different proportions, following conclusions are

1. Standard Consistency of blended cement is comparatively less than that of ordinary

Portland cement. It means that W/C Ratio obtained is less than that of Portland
2. Ground blast furnace slag proves to best waste for blending with Portland cement as it
increases initial setting time and decreases the final setting time of cement
considerably. Fly ash and glass waste blended cement are also good in this case.
3. Fly ash based blended cement is comparatively more sound than that of the glass
waste blended cement and also than that of plain cement. But slag based blended
cement proved as unsound cement.
4. In case of compressive strength, glass waste blended cement imparts more strength
than that of the ordinary cement. So blended cement proved as improved material as
compared to O.P.C. in all the properties of cement. Blended cement is eco-friendly.
There is lot of saving in energy consumption while manufacturing such cement.

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