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Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

Chöd Practice
(Cutting Off the Truly-Existent ‘I’)


At the lotus feet of the venerable and precious guru, whose kindness is unequaled,
I pay homage with great respect and I take refuge in you. With your great compas-
sion, please help me to reach your attainment.

The Recitation of the Motivation for Going to Fearful

Places and of the Four Ways of Walking

PHET! I clearly recall the life-story of the founder Buddha who descended in
the past. In order to achieve the essence of great meaning with this body, I cut
myself off from the superstitions that create the eight worldly dharmas, such as
neglecting gods and ghosts and wanting to use them as my servants.

I will liberate all transmigrators, chiefly gods and ghosts, who have been my moth-
ers, from the great ocean of samsara and the two obscurations. As the nature of
whatever appears is primordially empty, (I see everything) as an illusory dance;
(thus my meditation on emptiness) becomes an antidote to the mind’s creations.

Walking like a brave tiger

PHET! I generate the divine pride of Heruka. The space above me is filled with
clouds of gurus and three sublime ones; hosts of dakas line up on my right; behind
me are multitudes of Dharma protectors. I go, controlling the right side of the path
with skillful means. I go, keeping great bliss as the heart of the path. I go, bringing
the gods and ghosts of the path under my influence. I go, to lead all beings as well
on the path to enlightenment.

Walking like Vajra Yogini’s heel steps

PHET! I generate the divine pride of Vajra Yogini. The space above me is filled
with clouds of gurus and three sublime ones; hosts of dakinis flock to my left;
behind me are multitudes of dharma protectors. I go, controlling the left side of
the path with wisdom. I go, watching with the wisdom-eye of emptiness. I go,
bringing the gods and ghosts of the path under my influence. I go, to lead all

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice
beings as well on the path to enlightenment.

Walking like a coiling black snake

PHET! I generate the divine pride of Vajra Yogini. The space above me is filled
with clouds of gurus and three sublime ones; hosts of dakas line up on my right;
hosts of dakinis flock to my left; behind me are multitudes of Dharma protectors.
I go, controlling the left and right sides of the path. I go, herding the gods and
ghosts of the path like cattle. I go, to lead all beings as well on the path to

Walking like the sky-goers’ dance

PHET! I generate the divine pride of Heruka. The space above me is filled with
clouds of gurus and three sublime ones; hosts of dakas line up on my right; hosts
of dakinis flock to my left; behind me are multitudes of dharma protectors. I go,
controlling the center of the path by dancing. I go, thinking that the gods and
ghosts of the path are frightened and possessed (by suffering). I go, to lead all
beings as well on the path to enlightenment.

Going by means of four modes

PHET! I view the body as a corpse and the mind as a corpse-bearer, the fearful
place as a cemetery and the gods and ghosts as jackals. In order to unite my
consciousness with space, I separate consciousness from matter, and I go, cutting
off the hosts of demons: fears and expectations.

After you have gone in that manner, perform at the place the visualization of the
three rounds of overwhelming, according to the written teachings. Those are the
stages of the preparatory practice.

As for the stages of the actual practice, there are two: the session and the break-time
retreat. The session comprises:

A. the preliminaries: training and purifying one’s mindstream through the

four great commentaries;
B. the actual practice: accumulating the two merits in order to lay imprints
for the two divine bodies;
C. the conclusion: dedicating the accumulated merit to the unsurpassable,
great enlightenment.

A. There are four preliminary great commentaries:

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

1. the commentary on refuge and generating bodhichitta, to make one’s mind-

stream a suitable receptacle; 2. the commentary on guru yoga, to be able to
receive blessings;
3. the commentary on the seven limbs and the mandala, to accumulate merit;
4. the commentary on the flowing of nectar from the letter AH, to purify
negativities and obscurations.

Refuge and Generating Bodhichitta

PHET! In the space before me is a lion throne on which is a lotus and a
moon-disc. Standing upon this is the guru, the Great Mother, Labkyi Dronma,
surrounded by an ocean of root and lineage gurus, meditational deities, three
precious sublime ones, and protectors of the teachings.

I and all transmigrators, without exception, equal to the extent of space take
refuge in the root and lineage gurus, in the hosts of meditational deities, and in
the supreme objects of refuge-Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha-until we attain the
essence of enlightenment. (3x)

In order to liberate transmigrators who are drowning in the ocean of suffering, I
will generate the sublime mind of enlightenment, and will practice sincerely and
without discouragement the deeds of those gone to bliss and their children of the
three times. (3x)

Guru Yoga Practice in Order to Receive Blessings

PHET! On my crown is a lotus and sun-disc. Upon this is Labkyi Dronma,
inseparable from my sublime guru, in the aspect of Vajra Varahi, red in color. Her
right hand holds a curved knife and her left holds a blood-filled skullcup.

Her left arm is adorned with a khatvanga tucked under her shoulder. Wrathful,
but smiling with bared fangs, she is adorned with bone ornaments. Naked, her
hair falling loose, she stands with her right leg bent and left leg outstretched, in
the midst of blazing light.

Her three places are adorned with the three syllables. Rays of light from the
HUNG invoke without obstruction Vajra Yogini, completely surrounded by hosts

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice
of peaceful and wrathful ones from emptiness, their natural abode. They become
inseparable (from Guru Vajra Varahi).

Again, rays of light radiate from the HUNG at her heart to collect with force evil-
doers, demons, interferers, and all sentient beings of the six realms. They settle
around me, just as swans gather to decorate a lotus pond.
Blow the thigh-bone three times.

The Seven Limbs and Mandala Offering to Accumulate

The Seven Limbs

PHET! I prostrate to you, Guru Vajra Varahi, who manifests in an enchanting
dancing pose from the play of Dharmakaya, the spontaneous great bliss; who has
glorious qualities and whose beauty captivates those who are firmly established
in the three realms.

I present outer, inner, and secret offerings as well as the offering of suchness. I con-
fess individually all negativities and obscurations of body, speech, and mind, and
rejoice in the perfectly pure virtues of the three times. Please turn the Dharma-
wheel of the three vehicles for transmigrators.

And remain in the nature of the three dharmas: permanence, (stability and
changelessness). I dedicate all merit towards attaining the state of the three divine

The Inner Mandala

On my skin, the great and powerful golden foundation, is sprinkled my blood
and oils as scented nectar. In the center of my intestines, the iron fence, and my
limbs, the four continents, is my spine transformed into Mount Meru, piled with
precious particles.

My eyes are the sun and the moon, and my two ears are the umbrella and victory
banner. My heart is the wish-fulfilling jewel. My external flesh and internal organs

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

completely transformed become perfect enjoyments desired by gods and humans.

As I am offering this pure mandala, a wish-granting sea, to you, oceans of gurus,
meditational deities, buddhas, bodhisattvas, and powerful protectors, I request
you to accept it with your compassion and grant me blessings and all attainments.

The Flowing of Nectar from the Letter AH to Purify Nega-

tivities and Obscurations

PHET! The founder-Buddha and the venerable Manjushri, Aryadeva, the sole
father Padampa, and so forth-the gurus of the lineage of method, the father
tantra-please bless my mindstream.

The Great Mother, Prajnaparamita, and the venerable Tara, Sukasiddhi, Machig
Labdron, and so forth-the gurus of the lineage of wisdom, the mother tantra-
please bless my mindstream.

The founder-Buddha, venerable Maitreya, Arya Asanga, his sole younger brother
Vasubandhu, and so forth-the gurus of the lineage of unification, the son tantra-
please bless my mindstream.

The great Vajradhara and the venerable Manjushri, Pawo Dorje, Losang Dragpa,
and so forth-the gurus of the lineage of blessing, the near lineageplease bless my

jampel Gyatso, Baso Chogyen, Chbkyi Dorje, Gyelwa Ensapa, Sangye Yeshe, and
Losang Chogyen-please bless my mindstream.

Losang Damcho, Losang Yeshe, Trinley Chopel, Losang Namgyel, Yeshe Gyeltsen,
and Losang Chojor-please bless my mindstream.

Yeshe Tendzin, Thubten Gyatso, Yeshe Dondrup, Tendzin Kaydrup, Kelsang Kay-
drup, and jampel Lhundrup-please bless my mindstream.
In the sublime Dharma land of Dechen Tashi Monastery is the supreme pillar
of the doctrine of the greatly blissful Smooth Protector (Tsongkhapa), Dechen

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice
Nyingpo, lord of love and compassionplease bless my mindstream.

At Mogchog Tashi Dechen Monastery is the protector of transmigrators, who was
guided by Dechen Nyingpo: the venerable Yeshe Jampa Rinpoche-please bless my

Losang Tsondru, possessor of the profound and clear wisdom of emptiness insep-
arable from infinite bliss, with the sound of PHET that proclaims the meaning
of the deep one, the unborn, you reveal the profound path-please bless my mind-

Venerable Vajra Yogini, who bestows non-deluding bliss, the gurus, meditational
deities, and three precious sublime ones, who never betray, and the ocean of
powerful protectors of the teachingsplease bless my mindstream.

Bless me to mentally abandon this life. Bless me to train in renunciation and bod-
hichitta. Bless me to realize selflessness, the absolute nature. Bless me to complete
the cutting-off of the object.

Having made requests in this way, from the holy body of the guru-deity nectar
and numerous rays of light emanate, absorb into the bodies of myself and others,
and purify obscurations, negativities, demons, and disease. I realize the mind
being empty of projections, its absolute nature.

Thus make requests with fervent longing. Then visualize that at the heart of the
endowed transcendent subduer (Vajra Varahi) in front of oneself is the wisdom
being, the Great Mother, at whose heart is a moon-disc and syllable AH. By reciting
AH twenty-one times a stream of nectar flows from this AH. Entering the bodies
and minds of oneself and all sentient beings, it purifies all negativities, obscurations,
diseases, demons and interruptions. Contemplate this.

B. The actual practice: accumulating the two merits in order to lay imprints for the
two divine bodies.
This has two parts:
1. offering one’s illusory body to accumulate the collection of merit;
2. meditating on the non-existence of the (truly-existent) nature to accumulate
the collection of wisdom.
1. Offering one’s illusory body to accumulate the collection of merit has four parts:

a. the white distribution: offering the refined parts of one’s body by transforming

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

them into nectar;

b. the red distribution: offering the remaining flesh and blood;
c. the blood distribution: offering the skin by transforming it into desired things;
d. giving Dharma and meditating on taking and giving.

The Stages of the White Distribution

PHET! Running from my crown center to my navel center is the central channel,
white outside and red inside, and the width of a bamboo arrow. Inside it, at the
navel, is my mind in the form of a drop, having the aspect of being about to leap
up and fly up. It shoots up to the heart of the guru, the sublime deity, through the
pathway of the supreme channel, avadhuti. PHET! PHET! PHET! PHET! PHET!

My old body has fallen down, abandoned, and it covers the billion universes with a
whitish, shining and glorious appearance.

PHET! My mind issues from the heart of the gurudeity in the aspect of a dakini
holding a curved knife. Like a vulture circling over meat I swoop down and slit the
body with my knife from the crown to the crotch.

I then cut from the heart to the tips of the right and left hands, and from the
crotch to the tips of the right and left feet. The peeled skin is spread out, reddish in
color. Above it, three human heads form a tripod.

On top of the tripod is placed the severed skull and into this are poured the
brains, juices, marrow, and all the refined parts of the body. Stirred three times
clockwise with the curved knife, they are transformed into an ocean of medicinal,
lifeprolonging, and wisdom nectars.

PHET! This ocean of clouds of non-deluding nectar which the heart-issued dakini
has scooped up with her skullcup I present as an offering to the hosts of root and
lineage gurus. Please bless me to be able to live in the stainless life-deeds.

I offer this as a torma to the hosts of meditational deities and dakinis. Please
grant me the general and supreme attainments. I present this as an offering to
the precious sublime ones, the revered guests. Please liberate me from the fears

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice
of samsara and nirvana.

I offer this as a thanksgiving to the protectors, the qualified guests. Please help me
to accomplish yogic activities. I offer this to pay my debt to the guests to whom I
am karmically indebted: the demons and interferers. May you abandon the mind
of harmfulness and attain the mind of love.

I give this as charity to the guests of my compassion: the six kinds of beings. May
you in turn be repaid for your kindness and may you be free from suffering.

In this way perform the white distribution.

The Stages of the Red Distribution

PHET! The remaining collection of flesh, blood and bones inexhaustibly fills
the whole of the billion worlds. With my mind clarified in the form of Wisdom
Dakini, waving my knife in space, I proclaim:

Blow the thigh-bone three times.

“PHET! The myriad gods and demons who appear and exist, and who dwell in
the realms from the peak of samsara to the hells, especially evil-doers, demons,
interferers, and local sprits-with loving mind, please gather and assemble here.”

Blow the thigh-bone three times.

“PHET! Listen, you who are gathered here, all you gods and demons who appear
and exist, without fighting and without overpowering each other, enjoy this
mountain of flesh and blood in the manner of mothers and children with one

“PHET! Eat meat, those who are fond of meat. Drink blood, those who are fond
of blood. Chew bones, you gods and demons who are fond of bones. Enjoy the
internal organs and so forth, as you please.
“PHET! All of you who are gathered here, you gods and demons who appear and
exist, enjoy this deluded body of flesh and blood. Abandon all evil and harmful
minds towards all transmigrators who are reborn, and actualize the minds of love

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

and compassion.

In this way perform the red distribution.

Performing the Manifold Distribution

My skin is cut into pieces, which become whatever each of you desires: necessities
of life such as bedding, also gold, silver, rich cloth, grain, medicine, mansions,
jewelry, clothing, and so forth. Please take all these things (as you like) and be
satisfied with them.

In this way perform the manifold distribution.

Giving Dharma and Meditating on Taking and Giving

All these transmigrators are my mothers and fathers. To repay the benefits of their
having cared for me with beginningless kindness, after giving my material body to
satisfy their needs, I will liberate them by giving Dharma.

“Like this, all compounded phenomena are impermanent. All deluding things are
in the nature of suffering. All phenomena are selfless and are merely dependent
arisings. By meditating on these, one attains the peace of nirvana.

“Do not commit any non-virtuous actions whatsoever. Put energy into perform-
ing perfect virtuous actions. Subdue your minds thoroughlyendeavour to engage
in this teaching of Buddha.”

I now take into the center of my heart all transmigrators’ negativities, sufferings,
and two obscurations in ugly forms such as poisonous weapons, black light,
thunderstorms, hail, scorpions, and spiders.

I transform my body, wealth, virtue, and the like into all desirable things that fulfill
beings’ wishes and into the blessings of the Buddhas’ cessations and realizations.
By obtaining these effortlessly, may all beings be liberated right now.
After giving Dharma and meditating on taking and giving, request (the guests) to
return home as follows:


Vajrayogini Chöd Practice
“PHET! Having ripened and liberated all of you transmigrators by giving my
material body and giving Dharma, I request you to return to your respective
abodes in the sky, earth, mountains, valleys, water, and rocks, and to keep your
minds in a benevolent state.”

Meditating on the Non-Existence of the (Truly-Existent)

Nature to Accumulate the Collection of Wisdom

The great Seventh Dalai Lama said:

“Looking at this side, neither the body ‘nor the mind exist as objects to be harmed.
Looking at that side, the harmer is also like the ‘snake’ projected onto a multicol-
ored rope.
May I realize decisively that holding merely-labeled dependent arisings to be truly
Is the projection of my hallucinating mind.”
With strong and definite understanding of the view as it is thus taught...

PHET! The three circles of giving are merely labeled as names and sounds. Oth-
erwise, they do not exist from their own side, even so much as a tiny particle.
Although all stable and moving phenomena appear to truly exist, they are empty,
like illusions.

Dedicating the Accumulated Merit to the Unsurpassable,

Great Enlightenment
PHET! Although the nature of phenomena is free of the projection (true exis-
tence), they appear in various aspects as mere labels. I dedicate whatever is the
unification of EVAM-method and wisdom-in order to attain the rupakaya and
dhamakaya, which are free from obscuration.

May I swiftly cut the root of self-cherishing with the sharp weapon of the union
of method and wisdom, by keeping purely the moral laws of Shakyamuni as the
foundation, living in solitary places praised by the victorious ones.

May the rocky mountain of the dualistic mind be swiftly destroyed by proclaim-
ing the dependently arisen, unborn thunder of PHET amidst the gathered clouds
of fervent compassion, and by the great blazing of the fiery meteor of emptiness.

Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

May I swiftly enter the ocean of the three divine bodies, not remaining in the
wastelands of samsara and nirvana, by soaring in the space of the great deeds of
Buddha’s children on the wings of the unified two collections.

May day and night be auspicious, always magnificent, by having pacified harmful
enemiesspirits and hindrances-with the blessings of the unsurpassable founder,
sublime greatest of the great, the Victorious One, the sun, Lord of Dharma.

May day and night be auspicious, always magnificent, by having pacified the
enemy, the tormenting delusions, with the blessings of the unsurpassable, sublime
Dharma, the absolute truth, and the blessings of the truth of holy Dharmanectar.

May day and night be auspicious, always magnificent, by increasing the collection
of virtues free of negativity with the blessings of the precious qualities of the
Sangha, who shine gloriously, and the blessings of the truth of the buddhas’ and
bodhisattvas’ beneficial deeds.

Perform fervent sealing with this dedication prayer. One can understand the prac-
tices of the break-time retreat and the stages of cutting off the end (by consulting)
the commentary to the Guide for Those Who Desire Liberation and Beautifying
Ornament of the Doctrine of the Ganden Lineage Practitioners and so forth.

This so-called (Practice) to Achieve Especially Quick Results in the Experience of

Method and Wisdom, which is only the recitation (part) of the Tardo Depon, (is
arranged) in verses that are easy to chant in tunes. It has been set up (in a form)
to be practiced comfortably by beginners, and without corrupting the advice of the
Ensa ear lineage, by Pabongka Tulku Jampa Tendzin Trinley Gyatso in his ordained
aspect, at the request of the renounced nun, Jampa Dekyong, of Tsetang Zarshi.

The prayer of requests to the lineage gurus included earlier, and the expressions of
auspiciousness of the sublime three at the end were composed by Mogchog Tulku and
republished by the Nepali, Jnana Manseng. By this merit, may the doctrine of the
Ganden ear lineage prosper and remain forever.

If one wishes to do the thought training prayer after the above prayers and dedica-
tions, then:
PHET! When my teacher, the Buddha, the endowed transcendent subduer, was
Prince Liberated from All on the path of mighty courage, he gave his son, daugh-
ter, and the kingship. In the same way, may I be able to give without clinging my
surroundings and possessions that are so dear to me.
Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

When he was born as King Great and Powerful Compassion, he fed the tigress
with his own flesh. In the same way, may I be able to give with joy this cherished
illusory body to the hosts of flesh-eaters.

When he was Prince Mighty Love he fed the yakshas with his own blood. In the
same way, may I be able to give with compassion the warm blood of my heart, so
difficult to part with, to the blooddrinkers.

When he was the son of a merchant, and irrigating water, he liberated fish by
reciting the names of those thus-gone. In the same way, may I be able to practice
the giving of holy Dharma to all beings who are destitute of Dharma.

When he was Prince Great Meaning of Virtue he was able to bear betrayal with
compassion. In the same way, may I cherish with great compassion those around
me who disturb with bad manners and perverse behavior.

When he was the bodhisattva-monkey he rescued the evil man from the well. In
the same way, may I be able to benefit evil beings without discouragement, and
compassionately guide them without expecting favors in return.

Alas! There is no one who has not been my mother and father. There is not a
moment of (pure) happiness in samsara. Therefore, may I be able to lead all my
mothers, including the gods and demons who appear and exist, from the realms
of samsara.

May I always have love for those spirits who are still here and who dwell on the
earth or in the sky, as well as for all beings who take birth and die. May they all
enjoy the Dharma, day and night.

By this merit, may I attain the state of seeing all existence and may I subdue the
enemy, the delusions. May I liberate transmigrators from the ocean of samsara
with its turbulent waves of old age, sickness, and death.

May day and night be auspicious, always magnificent, by having pacified harmful
enemiesspirits and hindrances-with the blessings of the unsurpassable founder,
Vajrayogini Chöd Practice

sublime greatest of the great, the Victorious One, the sun, Lord of Dharma.

May day and night be auspicious, always magnificent, by having pacified the
enemy, the tormenting delusions, with the blessings of the unsurpassable, sublime
Dharma, the absolute truth, and the blessings of the truth of holy Dharmanectar.

May day and night be auspicious, always magnificent, by increasing the collection
of virtues free of negativity with the blessings of the precious qualities of the
Sangha, who shine gloriously, and the blessings of the truth of the buddhas’ and
bodhisattvas’ beneficial deeds.

Just as the brave Manjushri has realized, as has Samantabhadra, things as they are,
I dedicate all these virtues in the best way, that I may follow after them.

Whatever dedication the victorious ones gone to bliss of the three times have
admired as the best, I also perfectly dedicate all these roots of virtue in that way,
and that I may perform good works.

May the venerable guru’s life be stable, and may perfectly pure actions prosper in
the ten directions. May the lamp of the teachings of Losang Dragpa always remain
to dispel the darkness of the three realm’s transmigrators.

May all signs of hindrances be pacified, and may all necessary conditions without
exception be achieved, so that the practice of the teachings of Tsongkhapa, the
Dharma king, may increase.

By the two accumulations of myself and others throughout the three times, may
the victorious Losang Dragpa’s teachings shine for a long time to come.


Vajrayogini Chöd Practice


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