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01 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Contents.

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Teacher’s Book

Uniscan Grup Educaţional

01 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Contents.qxp_01 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Contents 5/8/19 3:27 PM Page 2

Published by Express Publishing

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© Jenny Dooley, 2019

Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2019

First published 2019

Made in EU

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publishers.

This book is not meant to be changed in any way.

ISBN 978-1-4715-8320-9
01 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Contents.qxp_01 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Contents 5/8/19 3:27 PM Page 3

Introduction to the Teacher ....................................................... p. 4

Student’s Book

Welcome back ............................................................................ p. 9

Module 1 Our World .................................................................... p. 13

Module 2 Truth or Legend? ........................................................ p. 24

Module 3 Fit for life ..................................................................... p. 36

Module 4 In the news ................................................................. p. 47

Module 5 Be green .................................................................... p. 59

Module 6 Arts & Festivals ........................................................... p. 69

World Tales .................................................................................. p. 80

Presentation Skills Key ................................................................ p. 84

Fun Time & Songs Key ................................................................ p. 88

Going Green ............................................................................... p. 91

Evaluations Key ........................................................................... p. 98

Student’s Book Audioscripts ...................................................... p. 100

Evaluations (Student’s Self Assessment Forms and Progress

Report Cards) ............................................................................... p. 105


Workbook Key ............................................................................. p. 119

02 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Intro.qxp_02 ROM gr 5 L1 Ts bw Intro 5/8/19 3:28 PM Page 4

Introduction to the Teacher

This course is a modular course for learners studying contains grammar presentation of all the grammar
English for Grade 7, L1 Advanced. It allows flexibility of structures in the Student’s Book as well as videos
approach which makes it suitable for classes of all tightly linked to the texts in the course and activities
kinds, including large or mixed ability classes. for Ss to further practise their English and expand their
The course consists of six modules. Each module
consists of six lessons plus CLIL sections, Project Time, ELEMENTS OF THE COURSEBOOK
Presentation Skills & Values. The corresponding Each module begins with a modular spread that
module in the Workbook provides the option of contains: a brief overview of what will be covered in
additional practice. the module, pictures and words/phrases related to the
theme of the module, and exercises to practise the
Course Components vocabulary presented.
Student’s Book
The Student’s Book is the main component of the Each module contains the following sections:
course. Each module is based on specific themes Vocabulary
and the topics covered are of general interest. All Vocabulary is introduced in a functional and
modules follow the same basic structure. (see meaningful context. It is practised through a variety of
Elements of the Coursebook) exercises such as picture-word association and
completing set phrases in order to help Ss use
Workbook everyday English correctly.
The Workbook is in full colour and contains modules
corresponding to those in the Student’s Book containing Reading
practice in Vocabulary, Grammar, Everyday English & Each module contains reading texts, such as:
Reading. A Project section appears at the end of the dialogues, articles, blog entries, postcards, emails etc.
Workbook which gives Ss the opportunity to present These allow skills, such as reading for gist and reading
topics they have been taught in the Student’s Book. for specific information, to be systematically practised.

Teacher’s Book Grammar

The Teacher’s Book contains step-by-step lesson plans The grammar items taught in each module are first
and suggestions on how to present the material. It also presented in context, then highlighted and clarified
includes answers to the exercises in the Student’s Book by means of clear, concise theory boxes. Specific
and the Workbook, the audioscripts of all the listening exercises and activities methodically reinforce Ss’
material, suggested speaking and writing models as understanding and mastery of each item.
well as evaluation sheets.
Class Audio CDs Ss develop their listening skills through a variety of
The Class Audio CDs contain all the recorded tasks which employ the vocabulary and grammar
material which accompanies the course. This practised in the module in realistic contexts. This
includes the monologues/dialogues and texts in the reinforces Ss’ understanding of the language taught
Listening and Reading sections as well as the in the module.
Pronunciation/Intonation section and songs in the
Student’s Book. Speaking
Controlled speaking activities have been carefully
Digital Book designed to allow Ss’ guided practice before leading
The Digital Book contains all the material in the them to less structured speaking activities.
Student’s Book, Teacher’s Book and Audio CDs and
aims to facilitate lessons in the classroom. It also

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Everyday English American-British English Guide

Functional dialogues set in everyday contexts An American-British English Guide outlines and
familiarise Ss with natural language. The dialogues highlights differences between the two main
also present useful expressions so that students can international varieties of English.
practise everyday English.
Presentation Skills
Pronunciation This section helps learners develop their public
Pronunciation activities help Ss to recognise the speaking skills. It contains age-appropriate models
various sounds of the English language, distinguish and effective techniques to help Ss develop and
between them and reproduce them correctly. organise their presentations as well as useful tips to
support and guide them.
There are writing activities throughout the modules, Fun Time & Songs
based on realistic types and styles of writing, such as This section reviews the module in a fun way. It
emails, blog entries, stories, etc. This progress from includes board games that revise information
short sentences to paragraphs and finally to full texts, presented in the module. It also has songs that are
allows Ss to gradually build up their writing skills. connected to the themes of the modules. Listening to
lively, high quality songs is a humanistic activity which
Across Cultures/CLIL lowers the Ss’ affective filters and allows them to
Each module is accompanied by an Across Cultures/ absorb language more easily.
CLIL section.
• In each Across Cultures section, Ss are provided Going Green
with cultural information about aspects of English In this section Ss get the chance to discuss and
speaking countries that are thematically linked analyse information about green activities. In the end
to the module. Ss are given the chance to of every green topic Ss have to do a project on the
process the information they have learnt and theme they have worked on.
compare it to the culture of their own country.
• Each CLIL section enables Ss to link the themes of Evaluations
the module to a subject from their school There is an Evaluation section for every two modules
curriculum, thus helping them contextualise the for Ss to revise vocabulary, grammar and functional
language they have learnt by relating it to their language taught. This section is found at the end of
own personal frame of reference. Lively and the book and can be used upon completion of the
creative tasks stimulate Ss and allow them to respective modules.
consolidate the language they have learnt
throughout the module. Irregular Verbs
This page provides Ss with a quick reference list for
Progress Check verb forms they might be unsure of at times.
This section appears at the end of each module, and
reinforces Ss’ understanding of the topics, vocabulary Suggested teaching techniques
and structures that have been presented in the A Presenting new vocabulary
module. A Competences marking scheme at the end
Much of the new vocabulary in the course is
of every Progress Check section allows Ss to evaluate
presented through pictures. Ss are asked to match
their own progress and identify their strengths and
the pictures to listed words/phrases. (See Student’s
Book, Module 2, p.36, Ex.2.)
World Tales Further techniques that you may use to introduce
This section contains short illustrated literature extracts. new vocabulary include:
Ss are given the chance to take part in dialogues and
comprehend key information.
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• Miming. Mime the word you want to introduce. B Choral & individual repetition
For instance, to present the verb sing, pretend you Repetition will ensure that Ss are thoroughly familiar
are singing and ask Ss to guess the meaning of with the sound and pronunciation of the lexical items
the word. and structures being taught and confident in their
• Synonyms, opposites, paraphrasing, and giving ability to reproduce them.
definitions. Examples: Always ask Ss to repeat chorally before you ask them to
– present the word strong by giving a synonym: repeat individually. Repeating chorally will help Ss feel
‘powerful’. confident enough to then perform the task on their own.
– present the word strong by giving its opposite:
‘weak’. C Listening & Reading
– present the word weekend by paraphrasing it:
You may ask Ss to read and listen for a variety of
‘Saturday and Sunday’.
– present the word famous by giving its
• Listening for detail. Ss listen for specific information.
definition: ‘very well-known (person or thing)’.
(See Student’s Book, Module 3, p. 49, Ex. 7)
• Example. Use of examples places vocabulary into
• Listening and reading for gist. Ask Ss to read or
context and consequently makes understanding
listen to get the gist of the dialogue or text being
easier. For instance, introduce the words city and
dealt with. (See Student’s Book, Module 3, p. 53,
town by referring to a city and a town in the Ss’
Ex. 1c. Tell Ss that in order to complete this task
country: ‘Bucharest is a city, but Borsec is a town.’
successfully, they do not need to understand
• Sketching. Draw a simple sketch of the word or
every single detail in the dialogue/text.)
words you want to explain on the board. For
• Reading for detail. Ask Ss to read for specific
information. (See Student’s Book, Module 3, p. 48,
Ex. 2. Ss will have to read the text in order to do
tall the task. They are looking for specific details in the
text and not for general information.)
Main texts in the Student’s Book are accompanied by
videos that are included in the Digi material. The
• Use of L1. In a monolingual class, you may videos can be watched after Ss have read the text.
explain vocabulary in the Ss’ native language. Activities that accompany the videos can be done in
This method, though, should be employed in class or assigned as HW.
D Speaking
• Use of a Dictionary. In a multilingual class, Ss
may occasionally refer to a bilingual dictionary. • Speaking activities are initially controlled, allowing
for guided practice. (See Student’s Book,
The choice of technique depends on the type of word Module 1, p. 21, Ex. 3 where Ss use the same
or expression. For example, you may find it easier to structures to act out a dialogue.)
describe an action verb through miming than through • Ss are led to free speaking activities. (See Student’s
a synonym or a definition. Book, Module 3, p. 47 Ex. 2 where Ss are provided
with the necessary lexical items and structures.)

Note: The Check these words boxes can be E Writing

treated as follows: Go through the list of words All writing tasks in the course have been carefully
after Ss have read the text and ask Ss to explain designed to closely guide Ss to produce a successful
the words using the context they appear in. Ss can piece of writing.
give examples, mime/draw the meaning, or look
up the meaning in their dictionaries.

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• Make sure that Ss understand that they are writing • Written work:
for a purpose. Go through the writing task so that Do not over-correct; focus on errors that are
Ss are fully aware of why they are writing and who directly relevant to the point of the exercise. When
they are writing to. (See Student’s Book, Module 5, giving feedback, you may write the most
p. 89, Ex. 8. Ss are asked to write an email to their common errors on the board and get the class
English-speaking friend.) to attempt to correct them.
• It would be well-advised to actually complete the
task orally in class before assigning it as written Remember that rewarding good work and praising Ss
homework. Ss will then feel more confident with is of great importance. Post good written work on a
producing a complete piece of writing on their display board in your classroom or school, or give
own. ‘reward’ stickers. Praise effort as well as success.

F Assigning homework H Class organisation

When assigning writing tasks, prepare Ss as well as • Open pairs
possible in advance. This will help them avoid errors The class focuses its attention on two Ss doing the
and get maximum benefit from the task. set task together. Use this technique when you
want your Ss to offer an example of how a task is
Commonly assigned tasks include: done. (See Ex. 6 on p. 25 of the Student’s Book.)
Copy – Ss copy an assigned extract;
Dictation – Ss learn the spelling of particular words • Closed pairs
without memorising the text in which they appear; Pairs of Ss work together on a task or activity while
you move around offering assistance and
Vocabulary – Ss memorise the meaning of words and
suggestions. Explain the task clearly before
phrases or use the new words in sentences of their
beginning closed pairwork. (See Ex. 3 on p. 21 of
the Student’s Book)
Reading Aloud – Assisted by the Digital Book, Ss
practise at home in preparation for reading aloud in
• Stages of pairwork
– Put Ss in pairs.
Writing – After thorough preparation in class, Ss are – Explain the task and set a time limit.
asked to produce a complete piece of writing. – Rehearse the task in open pairs.
– In closed pairs, get Ss to do the task.
G Correcting students’ work – Go around the class and help Ss.
All learners make errors – it is part of the learning – Open pairs report back to the class.
process. The way you deal with errors depends on
what the Ss are doing. • Group work
Groups of three or more Ss work together on a
• Oral accuracy work:
task or activity. Class projects or role play are
Correct Ss on the spot, either by providing the
most easily done in groups. Again, give Ss a solid
correct answer and allowing them to repeat, or
understanding of the task in advance.
by indicating the error but allowing Ss to correct
it. Alternatively, indicate the error and ask other Ss
• Rolling questions
to provide the answer.
Ask Ss one after the other to ask and answer
questions based on the texts.
• Oral fluency work:
Allow Ss to finish the task without interrupting, but
I Using L1 in class
make a note of the errors made and correct
them afterwards. Use L1 in moderation and only when necessary.

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ICT – research
Abbreviations used in the Student’s/Teacher’s Books
T Teacher p(p). Page(s) sections to help Ss develop critical
S(s) Student(s) e.g. For example thinking skills
HW Homework i.e. That is
L1 Students’ native etc Et cetera games
language sb Somebody
Ex(s). Exercise(s) sth Something

Key to symbols used in the Student’s/Teacher’s Books

listening Video
short texts to familiarise Ss with the culture of
the English-speaking countries, and
groupwork Culture Spot develop cross-cultural awareness

words to be explained using the context sections to help Ss develop critical

each appears in VALUES thinking skills & values
grammar explanations or
Note vocabulary items CLIL sections that link the themes of the module
to a subject from the school curriculum

Grammar grammar explanations

03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack.qxp_03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 9

Welcome back
(pp. 8-9)
4 To practise questions words
1 a) To complete a timetable; practice • Ask Ss to read the text and then write questions
vocabulary for daily routine activities for which the underlined parts are the answers.
• Ask Ss to look at the table and write the • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
missing verbs from the list in the gaps. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 2 Where does he live?
Answer Key 3 Who is his best friend?
1 get 4 have 7 chat 4 When do they like going to the cinema?
2 do 5 do 8 watch 5 What sport does James like?
3 go 6 take 6 How often does he play basketball?

b) To practise prepositions of time 5 a) To practise vocabulary for shops &

• Read out the Note box. services
• Explain the task and give Ss time to • Explain the task and give Ss time to
complete it. complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 at 2 on 3 on 4 in 5 at 1 e 3 b 5 a 7 j 9 h
2 c 4 f 6 d 8 g 10 i
2 a) To complete a crossword
• Ask Ss to read the clues and complete the b) To categorise vocabulary for shops &
crossword. services
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to write the headings into their
Answer Key notebooks and then give them time to
1 GAMES 3 SHOPPING 5 BOOKS write the vocabulary from Ex. 5a under the
2 CINEMA 4 MUSIC 6 NET correct headings.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit further
b) To talk about free-time activities vocabulary.
Ask Ss to discuss their free-time activities in Answer Key
pairs and then ask various Ss to tell the class. shops: supermarket, clothes shop, florist’s,
Ss can use their own ideas. newsagent’s, baker’s
Suggested Answer Key services: library, post office, school, bank, hospital
I like playing computer games, reading books Suggested Answer Key
and going to the cinema. shops: butcher’s, toyshop, bookshop
services: police station, car park
3 To practise pronouns and the
possessives Game!
Have Ss play the game in teams with one point
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
for each correct guess. After a fixed time, swap
it. roles and then elicit the winner in each pair at
• Check Ss’ answers. the end.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 yours 5 you I’d like a dozen bread rolls, please. – baker’s
2 my 6 it Please take a seat. The doctor will be with you in
3 grandparents’ 7 them a moment. – hospital
4 Their 8 Tom and Jake’s
03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack.qxp_03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 10

Welcome back
(pp. 10-11) hot chocolate, U, –
apple pie, U/C, apple pies
1 To categorise vocabulary for pear, C, pears
food/drinks strawberry, C, strawberries
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write the potato, C, potatoes
headings into their notebooks and then write mushroom, C, mushrooms
the food/drinks under the correct headings. turkey, U, –
• Check Ss’ answers. cereal, U, –
Answer Key nuts, U, –
FRUIT & VEGETABLES: carrot, cabbage, spinach,
pear, strawberry, potato, mushroom 3 To practise plurals
MEAT: steak, chicken, turkey
• Go through the Note box about the plurals
DRINKS: orange juice, lemonade, hot chocolate
with Ss and then give Ss time to complete the
DESSERTS: ice cream, apple pie
OTHER: pizza, cornflakes, nuts
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
FRUIT & VEGETABLES: tomato, apple, peach
1 foxes 6 photos 11 vases
MEAT: lamb, beef
2 wives 7 knives 12 babies
DRINKS: tea, milk, water
3 chefs 8 spoons 13 kilos
DESSERTS: cake, cheesecake, fruit salad
4 cities 9 forks 14 wishes
OTHER: bread, pasta, rice
5 potatoes 10 kisses 15 brushes
• Elicit what the pictures show and then elicit
more words to go under each heading from
4 To practise partitives (phrases of
Ss around the class.
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to find the odd word.
1 steak 4 cabbage • Check Ss’ answers.
2 pear 5 ice cream
Answer Key
3 strawberry
1 sugar 3 cheese 5 meat
2 rice 4 cola 6 water
2 To practise countable/uncountable
nouns and plurals
5 a) To practise vocabulary for sports
• Go through the Note box. Countable-
Uncountable nouns with Ss. Give Ss time to label the pictures with the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete sports in the list and then check their answers.
it. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers and then elicit the plural 1 sky diving 7 bungee jumping
forms from Ss around the class. Write on the 2 martial arts 8 water skiing
board. 3 basketball 9 windsurfing
Answer Key 4 cycling 10 football
steak, U, – 5 ice skating 11 kayaking
cabbage, C, cabbages 6 tennis 12 snowboarding
pizza, U/C, pizzas
chicken, U, – b) To identify extreme sports
spinach, U, – • Give Ss time to look at the pictures and
ice cream, U/C, ice creams find which are extreme sports.
lemonade, U, – • Check Ss’ answers.
03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack.qxp_03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 11

Welcome back
Answer Key A: Excuse me, how can I get to the supermarket?
Extreme sports: sky diving, bungee jumping, B: Go to the end of Elm Street. Turn left onto Miles
waterskiing, windsurfing, snowboarding Avenue and then go past the hospital. The
supermarket is on the right opposite the
6 a) To practice types of entertainment
A: Thank you so much.
Give Ss time to choose the correct answer
and then check their answers. A: Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?
B: Go up Stream Street and turn right onto
Answer Key
Bendon Road. Go past the police station and
1 ballet 3 fashion show the cinema and then the post office is on the
2 concert 4 film left opposite Palm Road.
A: Thank you.
b) To talk about types of entertainment A: Excuse me, where’s the fire station?
Ask various Ss to tell the class which their B: Go down Reed Avenue and turn left onto
favourite type of entertainment is. Bendon Road. Go past the cinema and turn
Suggested Answer Key right onto Palm Road. The fire station is on the
My favourite type of entertainment is watching a left after the museum.
film. A: Thank you.

(pp. 12-13) Extra Activity

Ss play in closed pairs or in teams. Say the
1 To practise prepositions of place location of a shop/service. The other S/team finds
• Read out the Note box and explain the it. Swap roles and continue.
prepositions of place.
e.g. A: It’s opposite the petrol station.
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and then complete
B: Hotel.
the sentences.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
3 a) To categorise vocabulary for physical
1 in front of 4 next to
appearance, clothes and accessories
2 between 5 opposite
3 behind 6 on • Ask Ss to look at the categories in the table
and then give them time to write the words
in the list in the correct category in the table.
2 To give directions; to practice • Check Ss’ answers.
prepositions of movement
Answer Key
• Read out the Note box and explain the Age: young, mid-twenties, old, middle-aged
prepositions of movement. Height: tall, short
• Give Ss time to give directions from/to the Weight: slim, plump
places listed in closed pairs. Facial features: beard
• Monitor the activity around the class and then Hair: fair, wavy, short, curly, brown, straight, long,
ask some pairs to tell the class the directions. bald, white
Suggested Answer Key Eyes: blue, brown
A: Excuse me, where’s the stadium? Clothes: suit, shorts, shirt, blouse, trousers, dress, top,
B: Go up Stream Street and turn right onto skirt
Bendon Road. Take the second left onto Elm Shoes: high heels, trainers
Street and go past the park. Then turn right Accessories: gloves, glasses, scarf, baseball cap,
onto Miles Avenue. The stadium is on the left. bag, belt
A: Thank you. 11
03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack.qxp_03 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WelcBack 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 12

Welcome back
b) To describe people 4 To practice means of transport
• Ask Ss to look at the people in the pictures • Give Ss time to identify the means of transport
and use the words in Ex. 3a to help them in the pictures.
describe each one. • Elicit Ss’ answers.
• Elicit descriptions from various Ss around
Answer Key
the class.
1 tram 3 cable car
Suggested Answer Key
2 helicopter 4 boat
1 Sam is tall and slim with short, fair hair and a
beard. He is wearing a suit, a tie and black • Ask various Ss to tell the class which means of
shoes. transport they often/sometimes/never use.
2 Zoe is tall and slim with long, fair hair. She is in Suggested Answer Key
her mid-twenties. She is wearing a pink top, a I often use a tram to go to work.
brown skirt with a belt and high heels.
3 Finn is short and young. He has got short,
brown hair and is wearing glasses. He is
wearing a shirt, shorts and trainers.
4 Will is tall and plump. He is middle-aged. He’s
bald and has a beard. He is wearing a blue
shirt, trousers and black shoes.
5 Kate is old and short. She has got short white
curly hair. She is wearing a green dress and
black flat shoes. She is also carrying a brown

04 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1.qxp_04 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 13

Our World! Module 1

Topic 1d Everyday English 21
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of nature Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
curiosities, free-time activities, places to live and information, to role play a dialogue making plans, to
features of the countryside/city. learn 3-syllable word stress
Module page 14-15
1e Grammar 22-23
Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the module, Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise the (to-) infinitive/
to learn vocabulary for nature curiosities, to talk about -ing form
nature curiosities
Vocabulary: Nature curiosities (river, beach, cave, 1f Across Cultures 24-25
lake, desert, valley) Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read
for specific information (R/W/DS), to create/present an
1a Reading 16-17
imaginary city/village, to learn phrasal verbs with
Lesson Objectives: To scan a text, to listen and read come, to listen for specific information (gap fill), to write
for gist, to match the sections to the headings, to about a place in one’s country that appears in a film,
present and match free-time activities, to listen to to write a blog entry about a city in one’s country
survey results, to learn prepositions, to conduct a Vocabulary: Nouns (bat, population, neighbourhood,
survey, to write a survey report path, cart); Adverb (safely)
Vocabulary: Free-time activities (surf the Net, play
video games, spend time with family/friends, listen to 1 CLIL (Citizenship) 26
music, go to amusement parks, play sports, go to the Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to make
cinema, read books, go shopping); Nouns (issue, a leaflet about Green Neighbourhood Saturday
pocket money); Adjective (extra); Verbs (argue about, Vocabulary: Phrases (raise awareness, recycled art,
worry about) recyclable material); Verb (breathe)
1b Grammar 18-19 Flash Time 1 27
Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise the present Lesson Objectives: To talk and write about an ideal
simple, the adverbs of frequency, the present neighbourhood, to give a presentation on an ideal
continuous, present simple vs present continuous neighbourhood, to learn/talk about the value of
and the stative verbs cooperation
1c Vocabulary 20 Progress Check 1 28-29
Lesson Objectives: To learn vocabulary for places to Lesson Objectives: To test/consolidate vocabulary
live, to express an opinion about life in the countryside and grammar learnt throughout the module; to listen
vs life in the city for key information, to read for specific information, to
Vocabulary: Countryside (quiet, no public transport, write a blog entry, to match exchanges
friendly people, clean air, not much entertainment,
not many jobs, fresh food, little traffic, not close to
shops); City (lots of schools & universities, heavy traffic,
good public transport, theatres & cinemas, lots of
shops & malls, lots of jobs, pollution, crowds of people,
tall buildings, lots of services); Adjectives (stressful,
exciting, relaxing, interesting, boring, healthy, difficult)

04 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1.qxp_04 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 14

Module 1
What’s in this module?
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss Egypt is a country in North Africa with a long and
that these are the topics, skills and activities this unit influential history. The capital city is Cairo and the
will cover. population is 100.8 million people. The language
is Arabic and the currency is the Egyptian pound.
1 To present vocabulary for nature
Turkey is a country in western Asia and
southeastern Europe. 82 million people live there
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures. and the capital city is Ankara. The people speak
• Ask Ss to read the gapped sentences and
then give them time to complete the gaps
Colombia is a large country in the northern part
with the words in the list.
• Check Ss’ answers. of South America. The capital city is Bogota and
the population is around 49 million people. It is
Answer Key
home to some of the Amazon Rainforest.
1 Lake 3 Desert 5 river
2 beach 4 valley 6 cave Greece (the Hellenic Republic) is a country in
southeastern Europe with about 6,000 islands
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
and islets.
2 To talk about nature curiosities The capital city is Athens and the population is
Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of around 11 million people.
the class about features of nature curiosities in
their country.
Suggested Answer Key 1a • Reading
In Romania, we have got most of these features –
1 To scan a text
we don’t have a desert though! You can go
kayaking on Bistra River or go for a swim in the • Ask Ss to scan the text quickly and find the
Black Sea. Visit the Farcu Cave (Cave of Crystals) items listed.
which is amazing and you can also go on a bike • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
tour around Bra șov and admire the beautiful Suggested Answer Key
scenery. Don’t forget to visit Lake St. Ana that is two school subjects: Art, English
the only volcanic lake in Romania which is two sports: football, volleyball
located near Baile Tusnad. a famous singer: Eminem
a pet: cat
a drink: cola
Background Information
Australia (the Commonwealth of Australia) is a
2 To read for key information
continent and a country in the southern
• Ask Ss to read the headings.
hemisphere. The capital city is Canberra. It has
• Play the recording. Ss listen to and read the
got a population of over 25 million people. It has text and match the sections to the headings.
got a wide range of ecosystems and wildlife. • Check Ss’ answers.
The Galàpagos Islands are an archipelago of Answer Key
volcanic islands around the Equator in the 1 School life 3 House & Home
Pacific Ocean, 926 km west of Ecuador, to whom 2 Hobbies & Free time 4 Hopes & Fears
they belong. They are a national park and a
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
biological marine reserve. The population is
words in the Check these words box.
around 30,000 and the people speak Spanish. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

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Module 1
3 To make notes on a text, talk 4 To match free-time activities to pictures
about a person and compare lifestyles • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then ask Ss
• Ask Ss to make notes on the text under the what activities they show.
headings in Ex. 2. Then ask various Ss to tell the • Give Ss time to match the activities to the
class about Daniel. pictures.
• Ask Ss to make notes under the same headings • Check Ss’ answers.
about themselves. Answer Key
• Elicit how similar/different Ss’ lifestyles are to 1 go to amusement parks
Daniel’s. 2 go to the cinema
• Ask Ss to write their personal profile and check 3 go shopping
their answers. 4 surf the Net
Suggested Answer Key 5 play sports
Daniel 6 spend time with family/friends
School life: 8 am – 1 pm 7 read books
Hobbies & Free Time: plays football, volleyball, 8 play video games
listens to music, plays computer games, goes to 9 listen to music
House & Home: homework until 8, 4-bedroom flat, 5 To listen about survey results
with family • Listen to the recording and fill out the missing
Hopes & Fears: worries about future percentages.
Daniel starts school at 8 am and ends at 1 pm. • Check Ss’ answers.
He does homework in the evening until about 8.
Answer Key
In his free time, he plays football and volleyball
and listens to music. He also plays computer 1 70% 3 32% 5 15%
games and goes to the cinema. He lives with his 2 50% 4 43%
family in a four-bedroom flat. He worries about
• Ask Ss to look at the graph and read out the
the future.
(Me) • Give Ss time to refer to the graph and make
School life: 8 am – 1 pm similar sentences.
Hobbies & Free Time: play football, volleyball, • Elicit answers from Ss around the class
listen to music, go to cinema Answer Key
House & Home: homework until 8, two-storey In Daniel’s class, 70% like playing video games in
house with garden, with family their free time.
Hopes & Fears: worries about the future In Daniel’s class, 62% like spending time with
My life is very similar to Daniel’s. The only family/friends in their free time.
difference is that I live in a two-storey house with a In Daniel’s class, 50% like listening to music in their
garden and I don’t like computer games. free time.
In Daniel’s class, 32% like going to amusement
parks in their free time.
Background Information In Daniel’s class, 57% like playing sports in their
Bucharest is the capital city of Romania, free time.
a country in Europe. In Daniel’s class, 43% like going to the cinema in
their free time.
In Daniel’s class, 15% like reading books in their
free time.
In Daniel’s class, 5% like going shopping in their
free time.
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Module 1
6 To practice prepositions Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete Alex starts school at 8:00 am and finishes at 1:00
it. pm. He does homework in the evening until
• Check Ss’ answers. about 7. In his free time, he plays football and
likes to read books. He also plays computer
Answer Key
games and goes to the cinema. He lives with his
1 in 2 for 3 about 4 at, with
family in a three-bedroom flat. He wants to
• Ask Ss to start a Prepositions section in their become a dentist in the future.
notebook and list all the words that go with
the prepositions in alphabetical order. Ss can 1b • Grammar
also write an example sentence. Ss add items
1 To present/practise the present simple
as they go through this book. Ask Ss to revise
regularly. • Ask two Ss to read the cartoon aloud. Ask Ss to
identify the tense and uses. (Do you go: habit/
routine, closes: programme/timetable) Elicit
7 To conduct a survey and write a short
the forms and uses of the tense.
survey report
• Go through the theory and Grammar box with
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in small Ss. Ask Ss to give more examples using the
groups. Present Simple.
• Have Ss choose six of the activities in Ex. 4 and • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
then pass the survey around the class and it.
ask their classmates to tick the ones they do • Check Ss’ answers.
at the weekends.
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to turn their answers in
1 visit
percentages and write a short paragraph
2 have
analysing the results.
3 loves
• To simplify the task, Ss may only include a
4 Does the museum close
small even number of Ss in their survey to
5 don't go
make calculating the percentages easier.
e.g., in a class of 20, four Ss = 1/5 = 20%, 5 Ss =
1/4 = 25% etc. 2 To practise the present simple
• Check Ss’ answers. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
• Alternatively, assign the writing part of the task it.
as HW. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
The most popular weekend activities are 1 designs 4 doesn't like
shopping and playing sports. 80% of the class 2 Does your dad work 5 Do you know
play sports at the weekend and 75% go 3 live
shopping. 25% go to the cinema at the weekend,
but only 15% go to amusement parks. Only 10%
3 To practise the adverbs of frequency
read books.
• Ask Ss to study the theory box.
• Explain that adverbs of frequency go before
To write a presentation the main verb, but after the verb to be.
• Ask Ss to read their partner’s notes from Ex.3a. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
• Give them time to write a presentation about it.
their partner. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.

04 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1.qxp_04 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 17

Module 1
Answer Key • Explain that stative verbs (i.e. verbs that
1 usually go __ 4 __ are never describe a state not an action) don’t usually
2 __ is often 5 seldom visits __ have continuous forms (e.g. I love ice cream.
3 always stay __ NOT: I’m loving ice cream).
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
4 To present/practice the present
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
• Ask two Ss to read the cartoon aloud. Ask Ss to
identify the tense and uses. (Are you going: 1 a ... has ... (possesses)
action around the time of speaking – ’m b ... is having ... (is eating)
going: action happening now). Elicit the 2 a ... is smelling ... (is sniffing)
forms and uses of the tense. b ... smell ... (can detect with my nose)
• Go through the theory box and the Grammar 3 a ... are seeing ... (are meeting)
box on spelling with Ss. Ask Ss to give more b ... see ... (understand)
examples using this tense and time
expressions. 1c • Vocabulary
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete 1 To present vocabulary for places to live
• Ask Ss to read through the vocabulary in the
• Check Ss’ answers.
boxes and explain/elicit the meanings of any
Answer Key unknown words.
1 is travelling 3 are always taking • Then ask Ss to copy the table into their
2 isn't giving 4 is spending notebooks and complete it with the vocabulary
in the boxes.
5 To practise the present simple vs the • Check Ss’ answers and elicit any further ideas
present continuous from Ss around the class.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete Suggested Answer Key
it. Life in the
• Check Ss’ answers and then elicit reasons. Life in the city
Answer Key quiet, friendly lots of schools &
1 A: Does Mia usually study ... (habit/routine)
people, clean air,universities, good
B: ... is doing ... (action happening now)
fresh food, littlepublic transport,
2 A: Is Jack playing (action happening now)
B: ... often plays ... (habit/routine) traffic (safe streets)
theatres &
3 A: ... are you doing ... (action happening Positive cinemas, lots of
now) shops & malls, lots
B: ... am reading ... (action happening now) of jobs, lots of
4 A: Does the library open ... (programmes and services (near
timetables) hospitals)
B: ... never opens ... (programmes and no public heavy traffic,
transport, not pollution, crowds
much of people, tall
6 To practise stative verbs with the
Negative entertainment, not buildings (lots of
present simple vs the present continuous
many jobs, not crime)
• Ask Ss to study the Grammar box on stative close to shops
(school far away)

04 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1.qxp_04 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 18

Module 1
2 To practise new vocabulary and 1d • Everyday English
revise/learn adjectives
1 To read for specific information
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Ask Ss to read the first two exchanges and
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown
elicit their guesses as to where the speakers
decide to go.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key
Answer Key
Life in the city can be exciting because there are
The friends decided to go to London and Bath at
theatres and cinemas.
the weekend.
Life in the countryside can be relaxing because
there is little traffic.
Life in the city can be interesting because there 2 To act out a dialogue
are lots of services. • Give Ss time to take roles and act out the
Life in the countryside can be boring because dialogue in closed pairs.
there isn’t much entertainment. • Pay attention to Ss’ pronunciation and
Life in the countryside can be healthy because intonation.
there is clean air.
Life in the city can be difficult because there are
3 To role play a dialogue making plans
crowds of people.
• Read out the Note box.
• Explain the situation.
3 To express an opinion • Tell Ss that they can use the reviews and the
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then phrases from the Note box to complete the
ask various Ss to tell the class. task.
Suggested Answer Key • Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in
I think the countryside is the best place for me to Ex. 1 as a model.
live because of the quiet and calm. I would enjoy • Write this diagram on the board for Ss to
the beautiful scenery and the clean air, and it follow.
would be nice to live around friendly people, too.
Greet B & ask Respond.
To expand on a topic about weekend
• Read out the rubric and give Ss time to plans.
consider their answers. Suggest going Agree and ask where.
• Then ask various Ss to share their answers with on a trip.
the rest of the class.
Suggested Answer Key Suggest a place Mention a negative
& mention sth to point & suggest
Up in the mountains of Romania, you might find
see/do. another place.
the village Breb in Maramures. It’s a small village
in Romania that looks like paradise. The locals Reject idea giving Suggest visiting both
there keep their traditions and customs alive. reasons. places
They have a relaxing and healthy way of life. They
also like to produce their own fresh food.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then
ask various pairs to act out their dialogues in
front of the class.

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Module 1
Suggested Answer Key 5 go, (modal verb: can’t -inf without to)
A: Hey Andy, what are you doing this weekend? 6 to leave, (verb: need – to-inf)
B: Not a lot. Why? 7 wait, (modal verb: can – inf without to)
A: We could go on a day trip somewhere. 8 to travel, (verb: want – to-inf)
B: That sounds good. Where do you want to go?
A: How about Manchester? It’s got lots of 2 To practise the (to-) infinitive
entertainment like the Whitworth Art Gallery
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
and the National Football Museum.
• Check Ss’ answers.
B: Mmm, Manchester has really heavy traffic,
though. How about visiting Buxton? There are Answer Key
great parks there with beautiful scenery which 1 go 4 to try 7 spend
is very relaxing. 2 to get 5 drive 8 to watch
A: That’s true, but Buxton is too quiet for me. I’d 3 to speak 6 to help
prefer somewhere more exciting.
B: Why don’t we go on a two-day trip? We can 3 To practise the (to-) infinitive
have one day in Manchester and one day in • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Buxton to relax. • Check Ss’ answers.
A: Now that’s a brilliant idea!
Suggested Answer Key
Pronunciation I would love to visit the Cave of Crystals, in Mexico.
I can play the piano.
To practise 3-syllable word stress I would prefer to have a sandwich.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen I promise to study harder next semester.
and repeat chorally and/or individually. I want to buy a new pair of trainers.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and elicit the syllable
with the main stress. 4 To present/practice the -ing form
Answer Key • Ask two Ss to read the cartoon aloud. Elicit
1 museum 3 attraction 5 exciting what we use after looking forward to (-ing
2 gallery 4 engineer 6 yesterday form), going (after go we use the -ing form
when talking about activities) and love (-ing
1e • Grammar form). Tell Ss various verbs and expressions.
• Go through the theory with Ss.
1 To present/practise (to-) infinitive
• Ask Ss what we use after each verb or
• Ask two Ss to read the cartoon aloud. Elicit expression: (to)-inf or -ing form. Suggested list:
what we use after want (to-inf), can’t (inf agree, can, avoid, like, would love, can’t stand,
without to: modal), promise (to-inf). Tell Ss etc.
various verbs. Ss say what we use after each • Then give Ss time to complete the task.
verb to-inf or inf without to. Suggested list: • Check Ss’ answers and elicit reasons from Ss
manage, could, offer, ask, would prefer, etc. around the class.
• Go through the theory with Ss.
Answer Key
• Then give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit reasons from Ss 1 going, (verb: suggest -ing form)
around the class. 2 bring, (modal verb: can’t – inf without to)
3 preparing, (expression: be busy -ing form)
Answer Key
4 to travel, (verb: would love – to-inf)
1 to book, (verb: plan – to-inf) 5 sightseeing, (verb: go – talk about activity –
2 to find, (verb: need –to- inf) ing form)
3 to sit, (verb: would like – to-inf) 6 to explore, (verb: plan – to-inf)
4 to meet, (verb: promise – to-inf)
04 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1.qxp_04 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 20

Module 1
5 To practise (to-) infinitive and -ing form • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete Check these words box.
it. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 3 To create an imaginary
1 to come, visiting 4 leave, to get city/village
2 to show, go 5 trying, eating • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
3 shopping, wait 6 to relax, to swim it.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
6 To practise (to-) infinitive/-ing form Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and read out the example. Stratton is a small town in the fantasy land of
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the task. Jubilee. People there use horses and donkeys to
• Monitor the activity around the class. get around. People live in houses made from
mud and sticks. They aren’t poor, but they live a
Suggested Answer Key
simple life.
I like relaxing by the pool. I love trying local dishes.
I hate buying souvenirs. I dislike going sightseeing.
I avoid taking taxis. I would love to visit a museum. 4 To present and practise phrasal verbs
I look forward to going on guided tours. with come
• Read out the Phrasal Verbs box.
1f • Across Cultures • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
1 To listen and read for gist • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to read the title and look at the Answer Key
1 up with 2 across 3 to
• Elicit Ss’ guesses about the places and who
lives there.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find 5 To listen for specific information (gap fill)
out. • Explain the task and ask Ss to read the
Suggested Answer Key gapped text.
Gotham City is where Batman/Bruce Wayne lives. • Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen
Batman is the superhero character from comics, and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.
TV shows and films. The city is dark and dangerous Answer Key
and full of bad people. 1 centre 3 Palaces 5 museums
Hobbiton is a village in Middle-earth from J.R.R. 2 8.5 million 4 Palace
Tolkien’s fantasy books The Lord of the Rings and
The Hobbit. The hobbits, small people, live there.
6 To consolidate information
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
2 To read for specific information example.
• Ask Ss to read the statements. • Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer
• Then give Ss time to read the texts again and questions based on Ex. 5 following the example.
mark the statements accordingly. • Monitor the activity around the class and then
• Check Ss’ answers. ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of
Answer Key the rest of the class.
1 W 3 W 5 W Suggested Answer Key
2 DS 4 DS 6 R A: What is the population of the city?
B: It's 8.5 million people.
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Module 1
A: What is the nickname of the city? Suggested Answer Key
B: It's The City of Palaces. Romania is a famous film location for adventure
A: What sights are there? or thriller films. Its beautiful landscapes appear in
B: The Angel of Independence and the Palace ‘The Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’. In this film,
of Fine Arts. you can see Lake Vidraru, Bucharest, Corvin
A: What activities can you do there? Castle and more. Another film is ‘Transporter 3’
B: You can visit art galleries, museums and which shows the streets of the capital of
traditional markets. Romania, Bucharest. And let’s not forget to
admire the beauty of the Carpathian Mountains
7 To write a blog entry about a city in ‘Cold Mountain’. Romania is a beautiful
• Read out the task and the Note box and medieval country with unique buildings and
explain that this tip will help Ss to complete breathtaking landscapes, so it's no surprise why
the task successfully. directors like using this country on the big screen.
• Give Ss time to research online and collect
information about a city in their country and 1 • CLIL (Citizenship)
make notes under the headings provided. 1 To predict the content of a text, to listen
Then give Ss time to use their notes to write a and read for gist
blog entry about it.
• Ask Ss to look at the advert and elicit Ss’
• Ask various Ss to read their blog entries to the
guesses in answer to the questions.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW and check
out if their guesses were correct.
Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
The advert is for an environmental awareness
name: Brasov
day. Events include an exhibition of recycled art
where it is: central Romania
and tree planting.
population: 275,000
what visitors can see and do: visit the Town Hall
Square and the Black Church , go hiking on 2 To provide an alternative title & think of
Mount Tampa, go kayaking in the Danube Delta a slogan

Hey everyone! Elicit Ss’ suggestions from around the class.

I’d like to tell you about an amazing city I visit Suggested Answer Key
every year. Title: GET READY TO GO GREEN on 28th June
Brasov is one of the most beautiful cities in Slogan: “Use a Green-Aid for our future not a
Romania. It is located in central Romania and it grenade!”
has got a population of 275,000 people.
The city is unique with its medieval buildings. 3 To consolidate phrasal verbs
Many people like to visit the Town Hall Square
• Ask Ss to read the phrasal verbs in bold.
and the Black Church. However, others come to
• Give Ss time to match them to the synonyms
spend time hiking on Mount Tampa or kayaking
in the list.
in the Danube Delta. It’s a fantastic place!
• Check Ss’ answers.
Elena_016, 19/4, 09:54
Suggested Answer Key
Culture Spot (develop research skills) check out – look at
Read out the Culture Spot box and then give Ss drop off – take something somewhere and leave
time to research online and find out information it there
about a place in their country that appears in a pick up – collect
film. Ask Ss to present the places to the class. cut down on – reduce

04 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1.qxp_04 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 22

Module 1
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the 1 • Flash Time
words in the Check these words box.
1 To draw a map of one’s ideal
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and research
4 To make a leaflet
online about great neighbourhoods and
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in small collect ideas about their ideal neighbourhood
groups and research online for suggestions for each of the aspects listed.
about what people can do to make their • Have Ss draw a map and tell their ideas to the
neighbourhood green. rest of the class.
• Then give Ss time to prepare a leaflet covering
Suggested Answer Key
all the points mentioned.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW. My ideal neighbourhood is a place where the
• Display the leaflets around the classroom. streets have wide pavements and bicycle lanes.
There is a park with a playground for children.
Suggested Answer Key
People say hello to each other and they feel safe.
Green Neighbourhood Saturday It has a good public transport system, too. It’s a
There are lots of ways to make our place where there are lots of other facilities like a
neighbourhood green! supermarket, a post office, a cinema, a gym and
• Using electricity means burning fossil fuels, so there some nice cafés, too.
we should all try to cut down. Turn off the lights
when you’re not in a room and don’t leave 2 To listen for specific information
your computer on all night.
• Play the recording.
• We often don’t think about it, but there are
• Ss listen and take notes.
water shortages around the world, so we
• Then elicit which of the ideas in the recording
should be careful about the amount we use.
were the same as their ideas.
Don’t use a hosepipe to clean your balcony
or yard, turn off the tap when you’re brushing Suggested Answer Key
your teeth, and have showers instead of The recording mentions wide streets and people
baths. talking to each other and feeling safe. These are
• Most of what ends up in our bins is the also some of the features of my ideal
packaging that our food comes in. But, if you neighbourhood.
make smart choices, you can cut down on
the amount of food packaging that you put in 3 To give a presentation on one’s ideal
the rubbish. For example, you could shop at neighbourhood
farmers’ markets and choose supermarket
Give Ss time to prepare their presentation and
items that have as little packaging as
then ask various Ss to present their ideal
neighbourhoods to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
To expand the topic
Good morning everyone! What does your
• Read out the rubric and give Ss time to neighbourhood look like? Is it in a busy city or in
consider their answers. a quiet village? My ideal neighbourhood is a
• Then ask various Ss to share their answers with place in the city where people feel comfortable
the rest of the class. and safe. There are wide streets, beautiful
Suggested Answer Key buildings and a good public transport system.
I think there could be a bike ride to encourage There are lots of facilities such as a supermarket,
people to get around without their cars. a post office, a cinema and a gym. Children play
in the park while older people enjoy walking or

04 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1.qxp_04 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 1 5/8/19 3:29 PM Page 23

Module 1
reading their favourite book there in the mornings. 7 1 west 3 294 5 8
Police officers patrol my neighbourhood so 2 57 4 website
everyone feels safe. Would you like to live in my
ideal neighbourhood? I would! Thanks for listening. 8 1 W 2 R 3 DS 4 W 5 R

4 a) To discuss the value of cooperation 9 Hi readers,

I'm back! I know my last entry was a month ago,
• Ask Ss to read the statements and discuss
but I've got a good reason. Let me tell you about
which ones they agree/disagree with in
I don't live in a little village now; we've got a new
• Then ask various Ss to tell the class.
house in Bucharest. There are a lot of people
Suggested Answer Key here! In fact, Bucharest is the capital city of
I agree that working together is fun, it brings Romania and has got a population of 1.8 million
people together, it gives people more confidence, people! There is so much to see and do. I live in
it encourages people to talk, it means everyone Lipscani, a historic neighbourhood, and I love
makes decisions, and it makes the work easier. I going for walks. There are lots of shops,
disagree that it leads to more mistakes or that it restaurants and cafés to visit. The oldest buildings
takes more time. of Bucharest are here. There's a lot of heavy traffic,
so the air isn't very clean, but there are lots of
b) To express an opinion interesting things to see!
I really like life in Bucharest. What's the place you
Give Ss time to consider their answers and
live in like?
then ask various Ss to tell the class.
Leave a comment!
Suggested Answer Key
I think people should work together because 10 1 e 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 c
more people means more ideas and less work
because it is shared. Competences
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module
Progress Check 1 according to how competent they feel for each of the
1 1 cave 3 beach 5 spending listed activities.
2 pocket 4 amusement

2 1 traffic 4 neighbourhood
2 population 5 path
3 transport

3 1 works 4 freezes
2 Are 5 is studying
3 don’t

4 1 never walks 4 are staying

2 Do you need 5 is thinking
3 is always talking

5 1 cooking 3 going 5 to visit

2 hire 4 take

6 1 in 3 for 5 at
2 about 4 with
05 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 2.qxp_05 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 2 5/8/19 3:30 PM Page 24

Module 2 Truth or Legend?

Topic 2d Everyday English 37
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of landmarks Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role
& materials, weather, natural disasters and feelings. play a dialogue narrating an experience, to learn
intonation when expressing shock/surprise
Module page 30-31
2e Grammar 38-39
Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the module,
to learn vocabulary for landmarks & materials, to read Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise the past
for cohesion and coherence, to listen for specific continuous, to practice the past simple vs the past
information, to act out dialogues about landmarks & continuous
2f Across Cultures 40-41
Vocabulary: Landmarks & Materials (bricks, stone,
metal, concrete, marble) Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
information (multiple choice), to form adjectives (-ing/
2a Reading 32-33 -ed), to learn phrasal verbs with carry, to listen for
Lesson Objectives: To listen for gist, to read for specific specific information (multiple choice), to write a story
information (multiple choice), to consolidate information Vocabulary: Nouns (aftershock, emergency services);
in a text, to learn vocabulary for weather, to learn Verb (shake); Phrasal Verb (take off)
prepositions, to write about a myth related to weather 2 CLIL (History) 42
Vocabulary: Weather (hot, cloudy, snowing, warm,
raining, cold, chilly, windy, foggy, thunderstorm, sunny); Lesson Objectives: To read and listen for key information
Nouns (competition, angel, spirit, doorstep, smoke); (matching headings), to talk about the achievements
Phrase (feel sorry); Adjectives (wet, dry); Verb (ring) of ancient Rome, to write about achievements of
ancient Greece
2b Grammar 34-35 Vocabulary: Nouns (achievement, route,
Lesson Objectives: To revise/practise the past simple, accomplishment, concrete, lime); Adjective (eternal)
to learn subject/object questions, to write about the Verbs (cover, control, dry)
Flash Time 2 43
2c Vocabulary 36 Lesson Objectives: To create a poster, to give a
Lesson Objectives: To learn vocabulary for natural presentation on an achievement of the 20th century,
disasters & feelings, to talk about natural disasters & to learn about/discuss the value of achievement
feelings, to listen for specific information (multiple
Progress Check 2 44-45
matching), to talk/write about a natural disaster that
has occurred in your country Lesson Objectives: To test/consolidate vocabulary
Vocabulary: Natural Disasters (tsunami, earthquake, and grammar learnt throughout the module; to listen
flood, fire, tornado); Feelings (afraid, terrible, nervous, for specific information, to read for specific information,
surprised, tired, worried, brave, bored, scared, sad) to practice everyday English, to write a story

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Module 2
What’s in this module? A: What did they use to make Yakhchāl in Yazd?
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss B: They used mud bricks.
that these are the topics, skills and activities this A: What did they use to make Trajan's Market in
module will cover. Rome?
B: They used brick and concrete.
A: What did they use to make the Temple of
1 To present/practise vocabulary for
Kukulkan in Yacatán?
landmarks & materials; to read for cohesion &
B: They used large stone blocks.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the list
of words. Background Information
• Give Ss time to read the texts and fill in the Easter Island is a Chilean island in the middle
words from the list. of the Pacific Ocean. It is famous for its 887
• Check Ss’ answers. monumental statues, called moai. They were
Answer Key created by the Rapa Nui people. In 1995,
1 stone 3 bricks 5 metal UNESCO named Easter Island a World Heritage
2 marble 4 concrete Site and much of the island is protected.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. Polynesia is a region in Oceania of more than
1,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean. The
2 To listen for specific information indigenous people who inhabit the islands are
• Ask Ss to read the texts again and guess called Polynesians.
which statements are true/false. Athens is the capital and the largest city in
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check. Greece. It is one of the world’s oldest cities and
Answer Key has got lots of ancient monuments and two
The islanders made the Moai between 1250 and World Heritage Sites as well as many other
1500 AD. (True) monuments. Over 3 million people live there.
Phidias designed the Parthenon. (True) Greece (the Hellenic Republic) is a country in
The ancient Persians used Yakhchāl to keep ice Southern Europe at the southern tip of the
frozen even in the middle of summer. (True)
Balkan Peninsula. The capital city is Athens and
Trajan's Market was the world's first shopping
the population is around 11 million people.
mall. (False)
The Maya used metal tools to build the Temple of Yazd is a historical city which is the capital of
Kukulkan. (False) Yazd Province in Iran. The population is around
530,000 and it is a UNESCO World Heritage
3 To act out dialogues Site.
Iran is a country in Western Asia with a
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
example. population of more than 82 million people. The
• Then ask Ss to act out dialogues about the capital and largest city is Tehran.
landmarks’ materials in pairs following the Rome is the capital city of Italy. It was founded
example. in 753 BC and it is an ancient city with a rich
• Monitor the activity around the class and then history. It has a population of 4.2 million
ask some pairs to tell the class. people. It is a popular tourist destination and it
Suggested Answer Key is home to the Colosseum, the Castel
A: What did they use to make the Parthenon in Sant’Angelo, St Peter’s Basilica, the Trevi
Athens? Fountain and the Roman Forum.
B: They used marble.
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Module 2
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer
Italy is a country in southern Europe. About questions based on the text following the
60 million people live there and the capital example.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then
city is Rome. The people speak Italian and they
ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of
have a president and a prime minister.
the rest of the class.
Yucatán is a state in Mexico. It has 106
Suggested Answer Key
municipalities and its capital city is Mérida. It is
A: What did Cloud Shepherds look like?
located on the north part of the Yucatán B: Tall, old men with wet clothes.
Peninsula, south of the Gulf of Mexico. A: Why was it important to be polite to Cloud
Mexico is a country in North America. 132 Shepherds?
million people live there and the capital city is B: They became angry easily.
Mexico City. The people speak Spanish and A: What did they do when they were angry?
they have a president. The country is known for B: They sent bad weather to destroy crops,
its oil and silver production. damage houses and make travellers lose
their way.
A: What did Cloud Shepherds eat?
B: Smoke.
2a • Reading A: How did they start fires?
B: They threw lightning down from the sky to
1 To listen and read for gist
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and the title. Then
elicit Ss’ guesses on the myth.
• Ask Ss to read the dictionary definition. 4 To present vocabulary for the weather
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find • Direct Ss to the pictures and explain the types
out. of weather.
Suggested Answer Key • Give them time to fill in the missing word in the
I know that the Cloud Shepherds controlled the
• Check Ss’ answers.
weather in Polish myths.
Answer Key
2 cold 4 snowing 9 warm
2 To read for specific information
3 raining 6 cloudy 11 hot
• Ask Ss to read the text again and then for
questions 1-4 choose the correct answer (A-C).
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 5 To talk about the weather
• Check Ss’ answers. • Direct Ss to the picture.
Answer Key • Elicit answers to the question for each day of
the week from Ss around the class.
1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A
Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the It’s Sunday today. It’s sunny.
words in the Check these words box. It’s Monday today. It’s cloudy.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. It’s Tuesday today. It’s foggy.
It’s Wednesday today. It’s raining.
3 To consolidate information in a text It’s Thursday today. It’s snowing.
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the It’s Friday today. There’s a thunderstorm.
example. It’s Saturday today. It’s warm.

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Module 2
6 To learn prepositional phrases 2b • Grammar
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and choose the 1 To present/practise the past simple
correct prepositions.
• Ask two Ss to read the cartoon aloud. Ask Ss to
• Check Ss’ answers.
identify the tense and its uses. (played, didn’t
Answer Key know: past simple – past state). Elicit forms in
1 for 2 to 3 in 4 on affirmative/negative/interrogative.
• Go through the theory with Ss.
7 To write a short text about a myth • Refer Ss to the Grammar box section for spelling
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs to rules.
look up information on a myth related to • Explain and give Ss time to do the task.
weather from their country. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers Answer Key
in the next lesson. 1 took (I) 7 looked (R)
Suggested Answer Key 2 walked (R) 8 kept (I)
According to a Romanian myth the Solomonars 3 sang (I) 9 lived (R)
are great sorcerers of storms and winds and 4 saw (I) 10 went (I)
creators of the frost, mist and hail. People say that 5 wrote (I) 11 tried (R)
they are tall, red-haired men that always have 6 spoke (I) 12 slept (I)
their Magic Book with them and hold a piece of
wood in their hands in order to call the winds. A 2 To practise the past simple
Solomonar sometimes appeared to humans and • Explain the task and use the verbs from Ex.1.
tested their kindness. If the person he appeared • Give Ss time to complete it.
to refused to help him, then he would bring • Check Ss’ answers.
thunderstorms to destroy the person’s crops, but if
Answer Key
the person helped him then he would give many
1 lived 4 wrote 7 slept
2 went 5 sang 8 spoke
3 saw 6 walked
The weather forecast for next week says there’ll
be snow and temperatures below 0°C. What
can you do to protect yourselves? 3 To practise the past simple

Give Ss time to consider their answers and then • Explain the task.
ask various Ss to share their opinions with the class. • Give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
The first thing we should do is to try and stay
indoors. Make sure that we have the heating on 1 Did you visit 4 didn't drive
and always have an alternative heating source 2 didn't play 5 Did they go
in case of a power out. Don’t forget about the 3 took
water pipes. They can easily freeze and you could
run out of water, so what we should do is to let 4 To practice the past simple
the faucets drip even overnight in order to keep • Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
the water running. Now, if we need to go out we example.
should always wear layers of clothing to keep us • Then ask Ss to act out dialogues using the
warm and especially keep our hands and feet verbs from the list in pairs following the example.
warm to avoid frostbite. Last but not least, • Monitor the activity around the class and then
remember to hydrate your body and try to avoid ask some pairs to tell the class.
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Module 2
Suggested Answer Key • Then, explain the task and give Ss time to
A: Did you read a book? complete it.
B: Yes, I did. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
A: Did you listen to music? Answer Key
B: No, I didn’t. etc 1450 – Machu Picchu was built
80 years later the Inca left Machu Picchu (1530)
5 a) To practise the past simple 1911 – Hiram Bingham discovered Machu Picchu
• Explain the task. 1983 – Machu Picchu became a UNESCO World
• Give Ss time to complete it. Heritage Site
• Check Ss’ answers. 2007 – Machu Picchu won a place on the New
Answer Key Seven Wonders of the world list.
1 built 9 hid
7 To present/practise subject/object
2 didn't have 10 found
3 carried 11 knew
4 lived 12 discovered • Write/Show the examples in the theory box on
5 looked 13 shared the board. Explain that in the first example the
6 left 14 became question refers to the subject of the statement
7 arrived 15 won whereas in the second example it refers to the
8 didn't want object of the statement. Ask Ss to compare the
two questions. (Subject questions: verb in
b) To practise the past simple affirmative form – Object questions: verb in
(Interrogative) and comprehension to the question form) Read out the Note box to
text. understand intonation when you ask a question.
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Explain the task.
• Ask Ss to complete the task.
• Give Ss time to write the questions and
• Allow Ss some time to do the task in closed
answers in their notebooks.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 Who built Machu Picchu?
2 What did the fire destroy?
The Inca built Machu Picchu.
3 Who called the fire brigade?
2 What did Machu Picchu look like?
4 Whose house collapsed in the earthquake?
Machu Picchu looked like a small town.
3 How long did the Inca live in Machu Picchu? To develop research skills
The Inca lived in Machu Picchu for 80 years. • Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs to
4 When did Hiram Bingham discover Machu look up information about the Aztecs.
Picchu? • Assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers
Hiram Bingham discovered Machu Picchu in in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
5 What did Machu Picchu win in 2007?
The Aztecs built their empire in Mesoamerica
In 2007, Machu Picchu won a place on the
(central & southern Mexico) around the beginning
New Seven Wonders of the World list.
of the 13th century. They were the ones who
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. invented chocolate and took really good care of
their land. The Aztecs were not only good farmers;
6 To understand timeline they were great warriors as well. They grew their
• Read the text in Ex.5a again carefully and find empire by influencing many city states and getting
all the dates. them under their control. They also thought it was
very important to educate their children in order to
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Module 2
grow their empire, but not everyone had the same • Then ask various Ss around the class to make
education. Rich children went to specific schools a sentence using the other word.
to learn astronomy, philosophy, history and maths Answer Key
whereas children that were from lower classes 1 afraid 3 tired 5 scared
were trained as warriors or farmers. Young girls 2 surprised 4 brave
didn’t go to school; they only had to learn how to
Suggested Answer Key
take care of a household. Sadly, the Aztecs were
defeated by the Spanish two centuries later. 1 There was a terrible thunderstorm last night.
People today can visit the Teotihuacan (Pyramid of 2 I always feel nervous during thunderstorms.
the Sun) which is in Mexico City. This is one of the 3 We're worried about the fire in the national park.
remains of the Aztec civilisation and still has many 4 I was bored because the film wasn't interesting.
unsolved mysteries surrounding it. 5 Sheila was sad because it was raining hard
and she couldn’t go jogging.
2c • Vocabulary
5 To practise vocabulary for
1 To present vocabulary for natural
feelings; to describe a natural disaster
• Explain the task.
• Ask Ss to look at the photos and play the
• Give Ss time to consider their answers and
recording with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally
elicit answers from Ss around the class.
and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. Suggested Answer Key
One day, I was at school. I was at my desk in my
2 To practise new vocabulary Maths lesson. Suddenly, the classroom started
shaking. The teacher told us all to get under our
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
desks. We were afraid, but soon the shaking
• Check Ss’ answers.
stopped. Our teacher took us outside because
Answer Key she thought another small earthquake could
A FIRE C EARTHQUAKE happen. I felt a bit nervous about that, and I was
B FLOOD D TSUNAMI glad we were outside. We waited on the school
field until our parents came to pick us up. I was
3 To listen for specific information happy to see my dad when he arrived.
(multiple matching)
Culture Spot (develop research skills)
• Explain the task and ask Ss to listen to the
Read out the information in the box and then give
reports/dialogues carefully.
Ss time to research online and find out about a
• Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen
disaster in their country. Ask Ss to present the
and choose one of the disasters listed for
disaster to the class.
each report/dialogue.
• Check Ss’ answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Earthquakes usually strike Romania, especially in
the town of Vrancea. The most catastrophic
1 flood 3 earthquake
earthquake was on 4th March 1977. It had a
2 tsunami
magnitude of 7.2 and lasted about 55 seconds.
4 To present/practise vocabulary for This earthquake was the deadliest ever recorded
feelings in Romania. It killed about 1,578 people and nearly
32,900 buildings were destroyed. Consequently
• Explain the task and ask Ss to look up the
35,000 families were left without a home. This
meanings of any unknown words in their
earthquake is known in Romania as the Vrancea
earthquake or the Svishtov earthquake.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and check
their answers. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
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Module 2
2d • Everyday English • Monitor the activity around the class and ask
some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of
1 a) To predict the content of a dialogue the class.
Ask Ss to read the phrases and then guess what Suggested Answer Key
type of accident happened in the dialogue.
A: Hey, Daniel. Did you hear about the
Suggested Answer Key earthquake at your school?
I think the dialogue is about a tree falling onto a B: Well, I didn't just hear about it, I was there.
library. A: Really? Are you OK?
B: I'm OK now, but it was terrible. I was doing
b) To complete a dialogue some Maths exercises at the homework club
• Ask Ss to read the dialogue and then when the ground started shaking.
complete the gaps with the sentences (A-E). A: Seriously? I bet you were scared.
• Remind Ss that there is one extra sentence. B: I was! Books fell off the shelves and our
Answer Key teacher's water glass fell off her desk and
1 E 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B smashed!
A: How terrible! Was anyone hurt?
c) To listen for confirmation B: No, we were all OK.

Play the recording for Ss to listen and check

their answers to Ex. 1b.
Suggested Answer Key To learn intonation when expressing
Yes, my guess was correct. A tree fell onto a library, shock/surprise
but I didn't guess that it happened because of a • Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and
tornado. underline the stressed syllables.
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 To role play a dialogue narrating an • Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to
experience repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Explain the task. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Answer Key
Ex. 1 as a model as well as the headline to 1 That's horrible! 4 No way!
complete the task. 2 What a terrible accident! 5 How awful!
A B 3 Oh dear! 6 Oh no!
Ask B if they’ve heard Tell A you were there.
about an event. 2e • Grammar
1 To present/practise the past continuous
Ask B if they are OK. Tell A you’re OK and
describe what you • Ask two Ss to read the cartoon aloud. Ask Ss to
saw/heard. identify the tense and its uses in the affirmative.
(was sleeping – an action in progress when
React to B. Say how Respond to A. Explain another action interrupted it, were watching –
they must have felt. what happened. an action in progress at a specific time in the
past). Elicit forms in the affirmative.
Ask B if everyone is Respond to A. • Go through the theory with Ss.
OK. • Refer Ss to the Grammar box for more
React to B. Tell B Respond to A. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
they were lucky nothing • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
happened to them.
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Module 2
Answer Key b) To practise asking and answering
1 were working 4 were having questions in the past simple/continuous
2 was reading 5 was still sleeping • Explain the task and ask Ss to ask and
3 was playing 6 were talking answer questions in pairs.
• Give Ss time to do the task.
2 To present/practise the past continuous • Monitor the activity around the class.
• Ask two Ss to read the cartoon again. Ask Ss to Suggested Answer Key
identify the tense in the negative. (wasn’t
A: What was Ben doing when he heard the noise?
B: Ben was studying in his room.
• Go through the theory with Ss and elicit forms
A: What did he see when he opened the door?
in the negative.
B: He saw smoke at the end of the corridor.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
A: Who was standing outside?
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
B: Old Mrs Galton was standing outside.
Answer Key A: Where was the fire?
1 was listening to music at 6 pm. B: It was in the kitchen.
2 wasn't chatting online at 6 pm. A: How did Ben put out the fire?
3 wasn't watching TV at 7 pm. B: He used a fire extinguisher.
4 weren't sleeping at 7 pm.
5 wasn't doing (her) homework at 7:30 pm. 2f • Across Cultures
6 were having a snack at 8 pm.
1 To introduce the topic of a text; to
3 To present/practise the past continuous predict the content of a text and to listen and
• Ask two Ss to read the cartoon aloud. Ask Ss to read for key information
identify the tense. [Were you sleeping • Ask Ss to read the first paragraph and look at
(interrogative), No, I wasn’t. (short answer), the pictures.
was reading (affirmative)]. Elicit forms in the • Elicit Ss’ guesses as to why Jamie only stayed
interrogative & short answers. one night.
• Go through the theory with Ss. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text
• Give Ss time to complete the task. to find out.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Jamie only stayed one night in Kaikoura because
1 Was Justin sleeping … , … he wasn’t. there was an earthquake.
2 Were the children watching … , …they were.
3 Was Lucy cooking … , … she wasn’t.
2 To read for specific information
4 Were you going … , … I was.
(multiple choice)
4 a) To practise the past simple and the • Give Ss time to read the questions (1-3) and the
past continuous answer choices and then read the text again.
• Explain the task. • Ask Ss to choose their answers according to
• Give Ss time to complete it. what they read.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 happened 7 was screaming 1 A 2 C 3 C
2 was studying 8 grabbed
3 heard 9 ran • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of words
4 opened 10 looked in the Check these words box.
5 saw 11 were spreading • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
6 was standing 12 put out
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Module 2
3 To develop thinking skills Answer Key
• Give Ss time to come up with illustrations and 1 worried 3 excited 5 tired
a new version of Jamie’s story. 2 boring 4 interesting
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the
class. 5 To present and practise phrasal verbs
• Assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers with carry
in the next lesson. • Read out the Phrasal Verbs box.
Suggested Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
My holiday in Kaikoura was scary. As I was getting • Check Ss’ answers.
ready to go for a walk in the sun, I felt the ground Answer Key
shaking and I saw a crowd of people running up 1 off 2 out 3 on
the hill. They were screaming that a tsunami was
going to hit the city and we should run to safety. 6 a) To listen for key information/order of
They were right! I saw from afar a giant wave events
approaching the shore. When we reached the
• Explain the task and ask Ss to look at the
top of the hill, emergency helicopters picked us
pictures and think about what is
up and brought us to safety. What a relief!
happening in each one. Ask Ss to think of
To develop research skills words related to each picture.
• Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss
Read out the rubric and then give Ss time to
listen and complete the task.
research online and collect information about
• Check Ss’ answers.
ways to protect ourselves in case of an earthquake.
Ask Ss to present their research in class. Answer Key
1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B
Suggested Answer Key
The first thing we should do is to make sure heavy
b) To listen for key information (note
objects are secure and can’t move easily, watch
what we put on our shelves and try not to have any
heavy objects above our beds, because you never • Play the recording again and Ss take notes
know when an earthquake may happen. Then, under the headings provided.
during an earthquake, we must take cover in the • Give Ss time to compare their notes and
nearest space. If we are indoors, we should duck check their answers.
under a sturdy piece of furniture, cover ourselves Answer Key
with one hand and hold the furniture with the other. who: Paul and his parents
Then, we should stay there until the earthquake is when: one day on holiday
over. Another solution is to stand in any doorway of where: a beach
the house which is one of the strongest parts of a what happened: They heard people screaming
building and brace ourselves on the door until the and saw the sea coming in. It was a tsunami.
earthquake is over. If we are outdoors, we should do
the same thing with any shelter we find close to us. 7 To retell a story
Last but not least, remember that after the major • Ask Ss to read the words/phrases in the list
earthquake come the aftershocks which can be and then retell Paul’s story using them and the
dangerous, so it is safer to stay put for a few minutes. pictures to help them.
• Ask Ss to narrate the events in the order they
4 To practice word formation (-ing/-ed
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the Grammar box and give
them time to complete the task. Paul was walking on the beach with his parents
• Check Ss’ answers. when he heard people screaming. He saw a
05 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 2.qxp_05 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 2 5/8/19 3:30 PM Page 33

Module 2
tsunami was coming. He and his family started the headings to the paragraphs. Remind
running back to the hotel. They were very scared. Ss that one heading is extra.
Then a helicopter came and they climbed into it. • Then play the recording and Ss listen and
It flew away to safety. Paul and his family felt lucky check their answers.
to be alive. Answer Key
1 C 2 A
8 To write a story
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of
• Read out the Note box.
the words in the Check these words box.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write a
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their
story from Paul’s point of view about what
comments at the end.
happened to him.
• Tell Ss to use the pictures in Ex.6 and their
answers in Ex. 7 to help them. Remind Ss to use b) To consolidate new vocabulary
past tenses. Point out that Ss need to set the • Ask Ss to explain the words in bold using
scene (who, when, where, what) in the first their dictionaries as necessary.
paragraph, then present the events in the • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
order they happened. Ss end their story Suggested Answer Key
describing what happened in the end & main
last (v) – to exist for a period of time
characters’ feelings.
admire (v) – to respect
• Ask various Ss to read their stories to the class.
huge (adj) – very big
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check
realised (v) – to understand something
Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
see (v) – to observe with your eyes
Suggested Answer Key
Last year, my parents and I were on holiday. One
3 To consolidate information in a
day, we were walking along the beach.
text and express an opinion
Suddenly, we heard people screaming. I looked
up and saw a huge wave. “It’s a tsunami!” said Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
Mum. We ran towards the hotel. We made it to our ask various Ss to tell the class.
room just in time. From our balcony, we saw the Suggested Answer Key
sea cover the land. Houses and boats went past I was impressed that the Roman Empire covered
the hotel. I was very scared. over one million square miles. I was also
Finally, a helicopter came to rescue us. As we impressed that the ancient Romans had over
were flying away, I looked down. The tsunami had 50,000 miles of road, and that they used
destroyed nearly everything. I felt lucky to be alive. concrete over 2,100 years ago.

2 • CLIL (History) To develop research skills

1 To introduce the topic • Give Ss time to research online and collect
Ask Ss to read through the text and then elicit an information about ancient Greece and the
achievement of the ancient Romans from various achievements of this time.
Ss around the class. • Then ask Ss to use the information to write a
text about the achievements.
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask various Ss to read their texts to the class.
They built buildings with Roman concrete and we • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and have
can still see them today. Ss present their texts in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
2 a) To read and listen for key information
The Achievements of Ancient Greece
(matching headings)
Ancient Greece was a civilisation which lasted
• Ask Ss to read the text again and match
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Module 2
from around 2000 BCE to 146 BCE. The ancient In 1932, Amelia Earhart
Greeks achieved a lot in culture, science and became the first woman to fly
sport. solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
In the first place, the ancient Greeks wrote books
and plays which people still read today, such as In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee
The Iliad and The Odyssey. Ancient Greek myths introduced the World Wide Web
are still popular, too, and the characters appear to the public. It allowed people
in TV shows, books and films. In addition, a lot of to connect to the Internet.
modern languages use Greek words, especially
In 1994, the UK and French
in science and medicine.
governments opened the
The ancient Greeks had lots of new ideas about
Channel Tunnel. It connected
Maths. Students still learn about the ideas of
England and France through a
famous ancient Greek mathematicians like
tunnel under the sea.
Pythagoras, Euclid and Archimedes. The ancient
Greeks developed astronomy and made the first
3D models of the planets. They made huge In 1994, Nelson Mandela helped
advances in medicine, too. We still call end apartheid in South Africa
Hippocrates the ‘father of medicine’. Furthermore, and the country had its first
the ancient Greeks gave us the Olympics. They elections in which black people
thought that sports brought people together in could vote.
peace, and this is the reason we continue to
organise the Olympics today.
These are just some of the achievements of 2 To give a presentation on a 20th-century
ancient Greece that changed the world. achievement
• Explain the task and ask Ss to choose one of
2 • Flash Time their achievements from Ex. 1 and collect
more information about it. Ss then prepare a
1 To create a poster
presentation to give to the class.
• Give Ss time to research online for information • Ask various Ss to present their chosen
about six achievements of the 20th century achievement to the class adding slides if they
and prepare a poster. wish.
• Then, tell Ss to write a few words under each Suggested Answer Key
picture, as in the examples.
Good afternoon everyone. Every century has its
• Ss should put the events in chronological
firsts, doesn’t it? Well, one of the greatest
achievements of the 20th century was when
Suggested Answer Key Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly
Achievements of the 20th Century solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Before the flight,
Earhart was a famous pilot, but no one thought it
In 1927, Henry Ford invented the
was possible for her to fly on her own across the
Model T. It was the first car that
Atlantic. She set off on her journey from Harbour
ordinary people could afford.
Grace in Newfoundland in Canada. She had
been flying for 14 hours and 56 minutes when she
In 1928, Alexander Fleming landed in a field in Northern Ireland. It was an
discovered penicillin. It fights amazing achievement and Earhart became a
bacterial infections and has celebrity around the world. Her achievement was
saved millions of people’s lives. especially important in the fight for women’s
rights, especially in the USA. Are there any
questions? Thank you for listening.
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Module 2
3 To explain quotations and discuss the 6 1 Was Penny chatting 4 was studying
value of achievement 2 left 5 didn’t go
• Give Ss time to read the quotation and 3 was shining
discuss them in small groups.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. 7 1 R 2 R 3 W 4 W 5 R

Suggested Answer Key

8 1 A 2 B 3 C
I think the quotation means that you have to take
risks to achieve something important. 9 1 e 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 b

4 To express an opinion on the 10 On 13th June, Tom Smith was on holiday in

value of achievement Scotland when he decided to visit Loch Ness.
• Explain the meanings of any unknown words He knew a lot about the monster there and
in the list and then give Ss time to consider wanted to get a picture of it. It rained in the
their answers and discuss in pairs. morning, but when he arrived, the sun was
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the shining.
class. Then, around half an hour later, he spotted the
monster! It had a long neck and its head was like
Suggested Answer Key
a dinosaur’s. Tom tried to get a photo of the
A: I believe that to achieve great things you
monster, but he was so excited that he dropped
need to have a lot of different qualities.
his phone on the ground.
B: I agree. You need to be brave because you
There was no one else there, so no one believed
risk wasting a lot of time and effort if you fail.
that he saw the monster. But he’s sure he saw
A: Yes. Also, you need to be patient, because
something in the lake that day. Was it the Loch
your achievement might need a lot of time.
Ness Monster?
B: That’s true and you also need to be strong to
Leave a comment!
continue on your path despite problems.
A: Also, you need to be talented and clever so
that you can find the quickest and easiest
path towards your goal. Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module
according to how competent they feel for each of the
Progress Check 2 listed activities.

1 1 clouds 3 storm 5 snow

2 fog 4 sun

2 1 flood 3 earthquake 5 scared

2 tired 4 brave

3 1 to 2 out 3 on 4 in 5 for

4 1 built 4 hid
2 didn't go 5 didn't use
3 did he leave
5 1 was swimming 4 Were you sleeping
2 wasn't eating 5 was blowing
3 wasn't working

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Module 3 Fit for life

Topic 3e Grammar 54-55
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of activities & Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise time adverbs
sports and health problems. with the present perfect, to learn/practise the present
perfect vs the past simple, to learn/practise the
Module page 46-47 present perfect continuous and to learn the present
perfect vs the present perfect continuous
Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the module,
to learn vocabulary for activities & sports 3f Across Cultures 56-57
Vocabulary: Activities & Sports (gymnastics, escape
games, parkour, go-karting, online/video/computer Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
games, laser tag, rollerblading, bowling) information, to read for key information (multiple
choice), to present a sports event, to listen for specific
3a Reading 48-49 information (gap fill), to learn phrasal verbs with put
and to write a blog entry
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read
Vocabulary: Verbs (compete, encourage); Noun
for key information (multiple matching), to learn
(sprint); Phrases (group stretching, obstacle course)
phrases with do, have, make, take, to learn
prepositions, to talk about escape rooms, to listen for 3 CLIL (PHSE) 58
key information (multiple matching), to write a
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read
comment on a blog
for detailed understanding, to give a presentation on
Vocabulary: Nouns (tomb, clue, relief); Verb (shake);
ways to protect ourselves from germs
Phrase (get the hang of); Adjective (hooked)
Vocabulary: Nouns (germ, nutrient); Verbs (sneeze,
3b Grammar 50-51 rub, rinse)
Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise the present Flash Time 3 59
perfect, to learn/practise the difference of have been
and have gone Lesson Objectives: To do a quiz, to make a leaflet of
dos and don’ts for having a healthy lifestyle, to give a
3c Vocabulary 52 presentation on how to have a healthy lifestyle, to
learn about/discuss the value of health
Lesson Objectives: To learn health problems & what
to do Progress Check 3 60-61
Vocabulary: Health problems (a headache, a sore
throat, a stomach ache, a temperature, a cold, a Lesson Objectives: To test/consolidate vocabulary
runny nose, dry eyes, backache); Phrases (drink mint and grammar learnt throughout the module; to listen
tea, have a lozenge, take an aspirin/a painkiller/ for specific information, to read for specific
medicine, use some eye drops, use a nasal spray) information, to write a short blog post, to practice
everyday English
3d Everyday English 53
Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role
play a dialogue discussing a health problem, to learn
the pronunciation of silent letters

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Module 3
What’s in this module? 3a • Reading
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss 1 To listen and read for gist
that these are the topics, skills and activities this
• Ask Ss to read the title and the first paragraph.
module will cover.
• Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what the text is about.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read and find
1 To present vocabulary for activities & out.
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and give them The blog post is about the first time a boy and his
time to complete the task. friends visited an escape room.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
answers and repeat. 2 To read for key information (multiple
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to read the text again and choose
1 do gymnastics
the correct items in the sentences.
2 play escape games
• Check Ss’ answers.
3 do parkour
4 go go-karting Answer Key
5 play online/video/computer games 1 with more than one friend
6 play laser tag 2 historical
7 go rollerblading 3 Gemma
8 go bowling
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
words in the Check these words box.
2 a) To listen for specific information • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Give Ss time to consider their answers and 3 To consolidate comprehension of a text
then elicit various answers from Ss around and reference
the class • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
I usually go bowling with my friends on Friday Answer Key
evenings. I do gymnastics twice a week. I 1 a Pharaoh's tomb 3 Gemma
sometimes play online games. 2 Tom 4 escape room

b) To express a preference DESIGN YOUR OWN ESCAPE ROOM (develop

creative skills)
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Divide the class into small groups and give Ss
• Give Ss time to consider their answers and
time to think of a theme for an escape room
then elicit various answers from Ss around
and any related games/puzzles.
the class.
• Ask the different groups to tell the rest of the
Suggested Answer Key class.
I'd like to do parkour because it looks fun. I'd like
Suggested Answer Key
to play laser tag, too. I wouldn't like to go
Our escape room is like a room in a castle. You
rollerblading because I think I would fall over.
need to find where the treasure is to escape from
it. You have to look for clues to find where the
treasure is. Then, you have to put wooden blocks
together correctly to make the shape that is in a

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Module 3
picture on the wall. This opens the box where the makes it very exciting! Teens like solving puzzles
treasure is. In the same box there’s the key to help and working together under pressure – it's like a
you escape. computer game in real life!

4 To present and practise phrases with do, 7 To listen for key information (multiple
have, make, take matching)
• Read out the Note box. • Explain the task and ask Ss to read the lists of
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete names and themes. Point out that all the
it and then tell them to check their answers in themes will be mentioned in the recording but
their dictionaries. only five will be used in Ss’ answers. Check if Ss
• Then have Ss make sentences with five of the have any unknown words.
phrases. • Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. and complete the task.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers. You can play the recording
1 take 2 have 3 do 4 make with pauses for Ss to check their answers.

Suggested Answer Key Answer Key

1 I take a break every half an hour when I'm 1 d 2 e 3 f 4 b 5 c
doing my homework.
2 I always have a great time when I go 8 To write a comment to post on a blog
rollerblading with my friends. • Give Ss time to write the comment and then
3 I had a chat with my cousin on the phone last ask various Ss to read it out to the class.
night. • Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
4 I don't like doing chores.
Suggested Answer Key
5 I don't make a noise when I get up in the
Great entry, Tom! My name’s Maria and I went to
morning because my dad is still sleeping.
an escape room just last week. It was my first time
too and I had an amazing time! The theme was a
5 To practise prepositions prison. Some bad guys locked us in there and we
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete had an hour to escape! I was with three friends
it and then tell them to check their answers in from school and we worked together really well.
their dictionaries. In the end, we got out after just 45 minutes, and
• Ask Ss to have a section in their notebooks the man who was running the game said it was
and list all words that go with prepositions in one of the fastest times! I really enjoyed the
alphabetical order. Ask Ss to revise regularly escape room because we had to keep moving
and learn words with prepositions together. and thinking for the whole time.
Answer Key Posted by: Maria 16_197, 13/7, 22:00
1 of 2 in 3 at 4 on
3b • Grammar
6 To express an opinion; to develop 1 To the present perfect; to practise past
critical thinking skills participles
Ask Ss to discuss the question in small groups and • Ss’ books closed. Say then write on the board:
then ask some groups to share their opinions with I have worked hard today. Underline: have
the class. worked.
Suggested Answer Key • Explain that this verb is in the present perfect
and elicit the form (affirmative: have/has +
Escape rooms are popular with teens because
past participle).
they are fun but difficult. Racing against the clock
• Explain that the past participles of regular
06 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3.qxp_06 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3 5/8/19 3:30 PM Page 39

Module 3
verbs are formed by adding -ed to the end of Answer Key
the verb and that irregular verbs have their 2 has been 3 have been 4 has gone
own forms. Refer Ss to the list of Irregular verbs
at the back of the book.
4 To present/practise the present perfect
• Explain that we use the present perfect to talk
about actions that started in the past and
continue up to the present (I’ve worked here • Ss’ books closed. Say then write on the board:
since 2015.), completed past actions with Tom hasn’t worked hard today. Underline:
results we can see in the present (I’m tired. I’ve hasn’t worked.
studied a lot today) and experiences (I’ve • Explain that this verb is in the present perfect
been to Hawaii.). and elicit the form (negative: haven’t/hasn’t +
• Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the table past participle).
and the cartoon. • Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the table
• Elicit examples of the present perfect from the and the cartoon again.
cartoon (’ve just finished: present perfect - • Elicit examples of the present perfect from the
affirmative). cartoon (haven’t finished: present perfect -
• Read out the Grammar box for the uses of negative).
Present Perfect. • Refer Ss to the Grammar box for more
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Refer Ss to information.
the list of the irregular verbs at the back of • Explain the task and read out the example.
their books. • Give Ss time to complete the sentences then
• Check Ss’ answers. check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key Answer Key

2 run 5 seen 8 won 2 haven't spoken 5 hasn't played
3 changed 6 written 9 swum 3 hasn't read 6 haven't done
4 enjoyed 7 gone 4 haven't seen

2 To practise the present perfect 5 To present/practise the present perfect

affirmative interrogative

• Explain the task and read out the example. • Explain that in the interrogative of present
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences then perfect is with have/has + personal pronoun/
check Ss’ answers. noun + past participle.
• Explain/Elicit that we form short answers with
Answer Key
Yes/No + personal pronoun + have/has/
2 has swum 5 has broken haven’t/hasn’t.
3 has won 6 have changed • Ask Ss to read the table and the cartoon.
4 has written • Elicit examples of the present perfect from the
cartoon (Have you been: present perfect -
3 To distinguish between has/have been interrogative, No, I haven’t: present perfect –
and has/have gone short answer).
• Explain that with the present perfect we can • Explain the task and read out the example.
use both been and gone. Explain that been is • Give Ss time to complete the sentences then
the past participle of be and gone is the past check Ss’ answers.
participle of go. Answer Key
• Read out the Grammar box for uses of have 2 A: Have you ever played computer games
been/have gone. online?
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences and B: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
then check their answers.
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Module 3
3 A: Have you ever won a sports competition? 2 To talk about health problems
B: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. • Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs following the
4 A: Have you ever swum in the sea? example.
B: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. • Monitor the activity around the class and then
5 A: Have you ever watched a live football ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of
match? the class.
B: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
Suggested Answer Key
6 A: Have you ever done gymnastics?
B: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. A: What's wrong with Anna?
B: She's got a sore throat.
A: Has she taken anything for it?
6 To practise the present perfect B: Yes, she's had a lozenge.
• Explain the task and read out the example.
A: What's wrong with Mark?
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences then
B: He's got a stomach ache.
check Ss’ answers.
A: Has he taken anything for it?
Answer Key B: Yes, he's drunk mint tea.
2 Have you seen 4 haven't visited
A: What's wrong with Mike?
3 has taught 5 Has Beth left
B: He's got a temperature.
Your partner is on holiday. Find out what he/she A: Has he taken anything for it?
has/hasn’t done. B: Yes, he's taken an aspirin. etc
Give Ss time to complete the task in pairs and
then check their answers around the class. 3d • Everyday English
Suggested Answer Key 1 a) To predict the content of a dialogue
A: Have you tried local dishes?
Ask Ss to read the phrases/sentences and
B: No, I haven’t.
then guess what the dialogue is about.
A: Have you taken photos of the famous
Suggested Answer Key
B: Yes, I have. etc I think the dialogue is about someone with a
health problem.
3c • Vocabulary
b) To complete a dialogue
1 a) To present new vocabulary
Ask Ss to read the dialogue and then complete
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. the gaps with the sentences (A-E).
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to
Answer Key
repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. 1 D 2 E 3 B 4 A 5 C

c) To listen for confirmation

b) To present vocabulary on health
problems Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
their answers to Ex. 1a and 1b.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures (1-8) and
then read what to do to feel better a-e. Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to match the health problems Yes. I guessed the person had a health problem,
to the solutions and then check Ss’ answers but I didn't know that the health problem was a
around the class. headache.
Answer Key
1 c 3 a 5 c 7 d
2 b 4 c 6 e 8 c
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Module 3
2 To act out a dialogue Pronunciation
• Give Ss time to take roles and act out the To learn the pronunciation of words with
dialogue in closed pairs. silent letters
• Pay attention to Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and
underline the silent letters.
3 To role play a dialogue narrating a • Check Ss’ answers.
health problem • Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to
• Explain the task. repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Ex. 1 as a model as well as the vocabulary on Answer Key
p. 52 to complete the task. 1 interesting 4 wrong
A B 2 autumn 5 talk
Greet B. Ask what is Greet A and explain. 3 right 6 Wednesday
3e • Grammar
Feel sympathy. Ask Respond. 1 To present and practise time adverbs
when it started. used with the present perfect
• Read out the Grammar box, the cartoon and
Ask if B has done Respond and say
the example.
anything to feel better how you feel.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then
check their answers.
Suggest seeing a Agree and hope the
doctor. doctor will tell B what Answer Key
to do. 2 ever 4 for 6 never
3 already 5 yet 7 just
Confirm. Hope B to Thank A. Say
get better soon. goodbye to A. 2 To practise the present perfect vs the
past simple
Say goodbye to B. Read out the example and give Ss time to
complete the task and then check their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
A: Hi, Chris! What's wrong? You don't look well. Answer Key
B: Hi, Marta. I feel terrible. I've got a stomach 2 haven't played 5 came
ache. 3 Have you eaten 6 haven't finished
A: Oh! Poor you! When did it start? 4 didn't go
B: This morning when I woke up.
A: Really? Have you taken anything for it? 3 To practise the present perfect vs the
B: I've drunk mint tea, but it still hurts. past simple
A: Why don't you call the doctor?
• Read out the example and give Ss time to
B: I'm calling his office now. Maybe he can tell
complete the task.
me what to do.
• Check Ss’ answers.
A: I'm sure he can. Well, I hope you feel better
Answer Key
B: Thanks! Talk to you later. 2 didn't realise 6 played
A: OK. Bye! 3 has appeared 7 started
4 learned/learnt 8 hasn't become
5 wanted 9 has won

06 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3.qxp_06 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3 5/8/19 3:30 PM Page 42

Module 3
4 To present and practise the present 6 To practise the present perfect – present
perfect continuous perfect continuous
• Say then write on the board: Tom has been • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
talking on the phone for half an hour. • Check Ss’ answers.
Underline has been talking and explain that Answer Key
the verb is in the present perfect continuous. 1 A: have you been doing
Explain that we use this tense to place B: have been working
emphasis on the duration of an action which 2 A: have you been waiting
started in the past and continues up to the B: have just arrived
present and to describe an action that lasted 3 A: has Mary been teaching
for some time in the past and its result is visible B: has been
to the present. Explain that we form the
present perfect continuous in the affirmative 3f • Across Cultures
with personal pronoun + have/has + been +
1 To listen and read for specific
main verb with -ing, we form the negative with
personal pronoun + haven’t/hasn’t + been +
main verb with -ing and we form the questions • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the title.
with have/has + personal pronoun + been + • Elicit what Ss would like to know about Health
main verb with -ing. and Sports Day in Japan. Elicit various
• Ask Ss to read the theory box and the Note questions and write two on the board.
box. • Play the recording. Ss listen to and read the
• Read out the cartoon and elicit the present text and see if their questions were answered.
perfect continuous form (has been studying). Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences with When is Health and Sports Day in Japan? (On
the present perfect continuous forms of the the second Monday in October every year.)
verbs in brackets and then check Ss’ answers. What do they do on that day? (Most schools
Answer Key hold their annual Field Day with lots of athletic
1 have been cooking events and games for children and parents.)
2 Have they been watching
3 has been playing 2 To read for specific information
4 have you been doing (multiple choice)
5 haven’t been feeling • Ask Ss to read the text again and read the
questions and choose their answers
according to what they read.
5 To practise the present perfect continuous
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the points • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
following the example. words in the Check these words box.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments
ask some pairs to act out their exchanges. at the end.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
A: How long has your friend been playing 1 C 2 B 3 A
B: She's been playing basketball since she was Do you find this event interesting? Why? Why not?
10 years old. Elicit opinions from Ss around the class.
A: How long has your dad been driving a car? Suggested Answer Key
B: He has been driving a car for twenty years. I find this event very interesting. It includes fun
A: How long have you been learning English? games and sports. It is for all ages and it gets
B: I have been learning English for three years. people interested in having active lifestyles.
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Module 3
Suggested Answer Key
3 To present a sports event 1 The speaker is a teacher.
• Ask Ss to read the text again and make notes 2 He is talking to the pupils of the Cherrywood
under the headings in their notebooks. School.
• Ask Ss to use their notes to present the event 3 The announcement takes place in a school.
as if they were on TV and invite people to 4 The speaker’s intention is to persuade the
attend. Point out that Ss should start greeting pupils to get involved in the events of Sports
the viewers, then say their full name and Day.
where they report from, live.
Suggested Answer Key 5 To present/practise phrasal verbs with put
name of event: Health and Sports Day • Ask Ss to read the Phrasal Verbs box and then
place: Japan give them time to complete the sentences.
date: second Monday in October • Check Ss’ answers.
reason: celebrate a love of sports, promote an Answer Key
active lifestyle
1 up with 3 off
activities: huge variety of events, parade of all
2 on 4 on
the teams, group stretching, traditional track and
field events like the 100-metre sprint and the long
jump, unique Japanese games, tama-ire, o-tama 6 To write a blog entry
korogashi • Ask Ss to think of a sports event and make
Hello, this is Koki Shiono live from Tokyo. Today is a notes about it under the headings in Ex. 3.
national holiday here in Japan. It's called Health • Then give Ss time to use their notes to help
and Sports Day. We hold it every year on the them write a blog entry about the event.
second Monday in October. The event celebrates • Check Ss’ answers.
a love of sports, and promotes an active lifestyle. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW.
There is a huge variety of events. There is a parade Suggested Answer Key
of all the teams and group stretching before the name of event: Romanian Cup
sports begin. Then we have traditional track and place: Romania
field events like the 100-metre sprint and the long date: every August
jump. There are also unique Japanese games reason: competition for best Romanian football
such as tama-ire and o-tama korogashi. team
Health and Sports Day is a great day for all the activities: football matches
family. Why don't you all come and do something
fun and healthy? Hey everyone! Guess what!
I attended the Romanian Cup a few weeks ago.
4 a) To listen for specific information It is a football tournament that takes place every
August in Romania. All the famous football teams
• Ask Ss to read the gapped poster.
play there. I only went for two days because it is
• Then play the recording, twice if necessary,
difficult to get tickets. I saw a football match
and have Ss listen and fill in the gaps.
between two of the best football teams. I had a
• Check Ss’ answers.
great time. If you like football, you'll have a great
Answer Key time at this event. Have you ever been to this
1 8th 4 Kickboxing event?
2 9:30/nine thirty 5 Sports Posted by: Marcu – 18, 18/5, 19:42
3 16/sixteen
Culture Spot (develop research skills)
b) To listen for specific information Read out the information in the box. Give Ss time
• Play the recording again and ask Ss to to research online and find some sports events in
answer the questions. their country. Ask Ss to present them to the class.
• Check Ss’ answers. 43
06 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3.qxp_06 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3 5/8/19 3:30 PM Page 44

Module 3
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key Protection from Germs
In Romania, we have the Romanian Football
Cup, called Cupa Românien that takes place
every August and only the best Romanian Throw used tissues in
football teams compete. I would like to attend it the rubbish bin.
one day because I love football.

1 To listen and read for gist
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and explain the
• Elicit what Ss already know about the topic.
• Give Ss time to write down their questions.
• Ask various Ss around the class to read out
their questions.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to see if
their questions are answered.
Stay home when
Suggested Answer Key
you are sick.
What do germs do? (They try to stay alive by
getting into plants, animals and people.)
Are all germs bad for our health? (No. Some can
make us ill, but some help us.)

2 To consolidate information in a text

• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then find Cover your mouth and
what parts of the text the words in bold relate nose when you sneeze.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 Germs 4 soap
2 nutrients 5 your fingers
Good morning, everyone! Germs are everywhere,
3 your hands
but there are some simple ways we can protect
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the ourselves from them.
words in the Check these words box. First, it's important not to touch our eyes, nose
• Play the video for Ss to elicit their comments at and mouth because these are easy ways for
the end. germs to get into our bodies.
Second, if we are ill, we should stay away from
3 To develop research skills; to make a other people until we feel better, so that they
presentation don't catch our germs. It's also a good idea not
• Give Ss time to research online for information to get too close to people who are already ill, so
about ways to protect ourselves from germs. we don't get sick.
• Ask various Ss to present their research to the Finally, if you have a cold, you should cover your
class. mouth when you cough or sneeze. This stops the
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss germs spreading to other people.
to give their presentations in the next lesson. It's easy to stay healthy and clean with these tips!
Thank you for listening.
06 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3.qxp_06 ROM gr7 L1 Ts bw Mod 3 5/8/19 3:30 PM Page 45

Module 3
3 • Flash Time DON’T
• eat too much
1 a) To create a poster
processed food
• Give Ss time to read the words in the list • eat if you are not
and look up the meanings of any hungry
unknown words. • eat a lot of sweets
• Then give Ss time to read the quiz and • have negative
complete the gaps. thoughts
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 3 To give a presentation on healthy
1 eat 4 don't get 7 brush lifestyle
2 exercise 5 sleep • Explain the task and ask Ss to use the quiz
3 have 6 drink from Ex. 1 and their research from Ex. 2 to
prepare a presentation to
b) To do a quiz give to the class.
• Give Ss time to read the quiz again and • Ask various Ss to give their presentations to
tick (✓) the statements that are true for the class.
them and see how they did and compare Suggested Answer Key
with a partner. Good afternoon. Today is World Health Day.
• Ask various Ss around the class to tell the People say, "Being healthy and fit isn’t a fad or a
rest of the class how healthy they are. trend. Instead, it’s a lifestyle.” So, let’s talk about
(Ss’ own answers) how we can really live healthy lives day by day.
Firstly, we should eat at least five portions of fruit
and vegetables every day. Exercise is also very
2 To create a leaflet of dos and don’ts for important. Experts say we should exercise for half
having a healthy lifestyle an hour every day. We also need to drink lots of
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and give them water. Mental health is important – too – so, we
time to research online and find out more should try not to get stressed.
information about having a healthy lifestyle What about the don’ts of staying healthy? Well,
and prepare a leaflet of dos and don’ts. don’t eat if you’re not hungry or you may put on
• Tell Ss to add drawings or photos to illustrate weight! Also, don't stay up late. Our bodies need
their leaflet and then ask various groups to at least 8 hours’ sleep a night. And finally, don’t
present their leaflet to the class. forget to visit your dentist and doctor regularly for
Suggested Answer Key check-ups.
The Dos and Don’ts of a Healthy So, there are lots of things we can do to stay
lifestyle healthy, and some things we shouldn't do! It’s up
DO to each one of us to take care of ourselves, isn’t it?
• eat at least five Are there any questions? Thank you all very
portions of fruit and much.
vegetables each
day 4 To present the value of health
• meditate to relax the • Give Ss time to read the quotation and
mind and combat discuss it in small groups.
stress • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
• spend some time
outdoors every day
• have good posture and sit up straight

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Module 3
Suggested Answer Key 8 1 115 3 midnight 5 20
I think the quotation means that there is a 2 Monday 4 2
connection between mental health and physical
health. If you don't get stressed and you're happy, 9 1 W 2 R 3 W 4 W 5 R
then you can have good physical health, too.
10 Michaela_3499:
Hi everyone! Guess where I went last Thursday? To
5 To discuss the importance of
my cousin's school Sports Day in the UK. Students
regular exercise for health
in the UK don't finish school until July, but they
Ask Ss to discuss the question in pairs using the usually have Sports Day in June.
prompts and their own ideas and then ask I arrived at 10 o'clock with my aunt. The students
various Ss to share their answers with the class. were already there in their PE kits. We watched
Suggested Answer Key them take part in traditional competitions. My
A: It’s important to do regular exercise because it cousin won two running races! We saw some silly
improves your sleep. races, too. My favourite was the three-legged
B: I quite agree because if you’re tired from race – people were falling over all the time!
exercise, then it’ll be easier for you to fall asleep. I liked Sports Day in the UK a lot. The students
A: Yes! Also, regular exercise can help you keep don't win medals or prizes, but they get points for
a healthy weight. their house. This means that everyone in the
B: I totally agree. This can improve your confident. house works together, so there is a lot of
etc teamwork. Of course, the houses compete
against each other, but it's all very friendly. I
Progress Check 3 enjoyed the jokes and the water games! Have
1 1 take 3 make 5 take you ever been to a Sports Day in another
2 do 4 have country? What was it like?

2 1 cold 4 headache 11 1 e 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 a
2 stomach 5 temperature
3 sore Competences
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module
3 1 on 2 off 3 at 4 in 5 of according to how competent they feel for each of the
listed activities.
4 1 Have you seen 3 has/'s never run
2 have/'ve visited 4 haven't come

5 1 have/'ve been 4 has/'s been

2 has/'s gone 5 have/'ve gone
3 have/'ve been 6 have/'ve gone

6 1 ever 3 never 5 for

2 just 4 already

7 1 have been learning

2 Have they been waiting
3 haven’t been playing
4 has been writing
5 has been working

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In the news Module 4

Topic 4d Everyday English 69
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of modern Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to listen and
technology, jobs, using social media and means of read for cohesion & coherence (multiple matching),
communication. to role play a dialogue giving instructions, to learn
Module page 62-63 the pronunciation of /I/, /aI/

Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the module, 4e Grammar 70-71

to learn vocabulary for modern technology, to listen Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise the comparative
for gist, to give an opinion and superlative forms of adjectives
Vocabulary: Modern Technology (driverless bus,
drone, robot receptionist, virtual reality, flexible 4f Across Cultures 72-73
smartphone) Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
information, to read for key information (multiple
4a Reading 64-65
matching), to talk about video/mobile games, to
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to learn phrasal verbs with give, to listen for specific
read for key information (multiple choice), to learn information (gap fill), to create and present your
prepositions, to learn jobs, to design and present own video game, to write a forum entry
your own droids, to write a short text for a blog Vocabulary: Verbs (feature, rescue); Nouns (elf,
about a film with robots hedgehog); Adjectives (spiky, dizzy); Types of Games
Vocabulary: Jobs (artist, dentist, doctor, mechanic, (action/adventure, simulation, sports, platform,
nurse, pilot, photographer, secretary, shop assistant, strategy, problem-solving); Adjectives (interesting,
waiter); Verbs (behave, repair, project); Nouns boring, fun, exciting, easy, difficult)
(alien, fault, mechanic, saw, trouble); Phrasal Verb
(put out) 4 CLIL (ICT) 74
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to
4b Grammar 66-67
read for specific information (sentence completion)
Lesson Objectives: To learn the modal verbs Vocabulary: Nouns (anti-virus software, virus, padlock);
(can/can’t – could/couldn’t – may/may not – Adjective (up to date); Phrase (scam site)
might/might not, must/mustn’t, should/shouldn’t)
Flash Time 4 75
4c Vocabulary 68
Lesson Objectives: To rank 20th century inventions,
Lesson Objectives: To learn vocabulary for using to prepare a poster about a 20th century invention,
social media, to learn vocabulary for means of to give a presentation on a 20th century invention,
communication, to learn phrases for greetings/ to learn about/discuss the value of creativity
Vocabulary: Using social media (upload a Progress Check 4 76-77
file/photo, like a post/photo, send a friend request, Lesson Objectives: To test/consolidate vocabulary
download a file/photo, tweet/retweet a post, view and grammar learnt throughout the module; to
a profile, send an instant message, share a link); listen for specific information, to read for specific
Means of communication (send emails/letters/text information, to write a forum entry, to practice
messages, make phone calls, chat online, go on everyday English
social media, speak face-to-face)

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Module 4
What’s in this module? 4a • Reading
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell 1 To introduce the topic
Ss that these are the topics, skills and activities this
• Play the recording. Ss listen to the music
unit will cover.
and look at the pictures.
• Elicit what images come to mind from Ss
1 To present/practise vocabulary around the class.
relating to modern technology
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the The music makes me think about the future
headlines. and technology. The pictures show robots from
• Read out the list of words and explain/elicit the Star Wars films, and that makes me think
the meanings of any unknown words. Then about spaceships and space travel. The films
give Ss time to use them to complete the take place a long time ago, but the
gaps in the headlines. technology in the Star War galaxy is very
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. advanced.
Answer Key
1 BUS 4 VIRTUAL REALITY 2 To listen and read for detail
• Ask Ss to read the dictionary definition and
elicit what types of droids Ss think there are.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read and
2 To listen for gist find out.
• Explain the task and play the recording. Answer Key
• Ss listen and say which example of modern There are protocol droids that tell others how to
technology it is about. behave, and astromech droids that repair
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments spaceships.
at the end.
Answer Key
3 To read for specific information
The news report is about a driverless bus.
• Ask Ss to read the text again and choose
the correct word for each question from the
3 To express an opinion options (A-C).
Give Ss time to consider their answers to the • Give Ss time to complete the task.
questions and then Ss share their answers with • Check Ss’ answers.
their partners. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 A 2 C 3 B
I think that, in general, technology makes our
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
lives better in lots of ways. For a start, there are
words in the Check these words box.
a lot of amazing medical breakthroughs that
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
save lives. Also, we can communicate more
easily and travel faster thanks to technology. I
How can the droids in the text be useful
think the Internet has improved our lives in
during a space mission?
some ways, but it has also made our lives
Give Ss time to prepare their answers and then
worse in other ways. The Internet helps us by
ask various Ss around the class to share their
giving us access to lots of information, but it
ideas with the rest of the class.
also helps criminals to commit crimes more
easily and has created new types of crimes. In
addition, lots of people are addicted to using
the Internet.
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Module 4
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
C-3PO can be useful during a space mission This is our droid. He is white with a friendly face.
because he can give advice about how to He has got two legs and two very long arms.
behave if the crew meets any aliens. He can He works in hospitals. He can talk to patients
also talk to them because he knows 7 million and find out what is wrong with them. He can
languages. R2-D2 and BB-8 can be useful if the also use his long arms to do operations. His
spaceship needs repairing or if there is a fire name is Dr Droid.
on board.
8 To write a short article about a film
4 To learn prepositions with robots
• Explain the task and give Ss time to • Explain the task.
complete it. • Give Ss time to write their article following
• Check Ss’ answers. the directions and including all the points.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
1 to 2 with 3 on 4 at • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and
check their answers in the next lesson.
5 To present new vocabulary Suggested Answer Key
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to Mikel_4429: Have you seen any films with robots?
repeat chorally and/or individually. Here’s a great one!
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. I, Robot takes place in the year 2035. Robots
are everywhere and they help people with
6 To match jobs to descriptions daily tasks and chores.
• Explain the task and read out the example. The NS-5 is a tall, white robot. It's got two arms
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then and two legs like a person. There are lots of NS-5
check Ss’ answers. robots. They can do most of the things that
humans can. They can talk, but they haven't
Answer Key
got feelings and they follow their programming.
2 H – A secretary types letters and answers
VIKI is a supercomputer with a human face
the phone.
and voice. She can control all the other robots,
3 F – A pilot flies planes.
but she starts having her own ideas. She
4 I – A shop assistant serves customers in a
decides that she should control humans, too,
and she becomes the villain of the film.
5 D – A mechanic repairs cars.
Sonny is an NS-5. He looks like the other NS-5
6 G – A photographer takes photos.
robots, but he has got feelings and he has
7 A – An artist paints pictures.
dreams at night. Sonny is a very important
8 J – A waiter serves people food and drinks.
character in the film, because he makes us
9 E – A nurse cares for people who are ill.
think about when a robot stops being a
10 B – A dentist checks people's teeth.
machine and starts becoming a person.
Let me know if you liked it!
7 To design and present a droid;
to develop creativity What do you think your future profession will be?
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and come up Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
with ideas for a droid. ask Ss to share their answers with the class.
• Give Ss time to design a droid and then ask Suggested Answer Key
the groups to present it to the class including I think I will be a robot mechanic, because I love
what it looks like, what it can do and what it technology.
is called.

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Module 4
Find assembly instructions for a robot. • Ask Ss to read the table and explain their
Read out the ICT box and then give Ss time to uses.
research online and find assembly instructions • Explain the task and tell Ss to use the poster
for a robot. Ask Ss if they can follow them to as a point of reference.
build their own robot. • Give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
(Ss’ own answers)
Answer Key
4b • Grammar 1 mustn’t 3 mustn't 5 must
2 must 4 must
1 To present and practise modals
can/can’t – could/couldn’t
4 To practise modals must/mustn’t
• Ask Ss to read the cartoon. Direct Ss’ attention
to the bold words in the cartoon (Can – • Explain the task and give Ss time to
make a request, can’t – refuse,). Explain that complete it.
these verbs are modal verbs. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to read the table and explain their uses. Answer Key
• Refer Ss to the Note box for more information. 1 You must be careful when you use a knife.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete 2 You mustn’t touch the exhibits.
it. 3 You must tell him the truth.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 4 You mustn’t take pictures in here.
Answer Key 5 We must listen to our teacher.
2 can't 4 Could 6 Can
3 couldn't 5 can 5 To present/practise modals should/
2 To present/practise modals may/may • Ask Ss to read the table and explain their
not – might/might not uses.
• Ask Ss to read the cartoon again and direct • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
their attention to the word in bold (may – it.
express possibility). • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Ask Ss to read the Grammar box and explain Answer Key
their uses. 2 shouldn't 3 shouldn't 4 should
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. 6 To practice modals should/shouldn’t
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
Answer Key it.
2 Alex might come to the event. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
3 He might win the competition.
Suggested Answer Key
4 May we take food into the library?
Class Rules
5 Might I use your laptop, Mr Harris?
You should listen to your teacher.
3 To present and practise modals You shouldn’t make noise.
must/mustn’t You should raise your hand.
You shouldn’t eat in class.
• Ask Ss to read the cartoon. Direct Ss’ attention
to the bold words in the cartoon (must –
obligation and duty, mustn’t – to express
prohibition). Explain that these verbs are
modal verbs.
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Module 4
4c • Vocabulary b) To practice greetings/congratulating

1 To present vocabulary for using social • Explain the task and ask Ss to act out the
media dialogues pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class,
• Ask Ss to look at the social media icons (1-8)
then ask various pairs to report back to
and then read the functions (A-H) and
the class.
match them to each other.
• Check Ss’ answers. Suggested Answer Key
A: Hey John! You got your driving licence.
Answer Key
1 G 3 F 5 C 7 H
B: Thanks, Max.
2 B 4 D 6 E 8 A
A: Congratulations on your 14th birthday sis.
B: Thanks so much.
2 a) To present/practise vocabulary for
means of communication
4d • Everyday English
• Explain the task and ask Ss to match the
words/phrases in the columns to make 1 a) To read for cohesion & coherence
phrases. (missing sentences)
• Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to read the sentences and then read
Answer Key the dialogue again and complete the
1 d 2 e 3 c 4 a 5 b gaps.
Answer Key
b) To practise vocabulary for means 1 B 2 E 3 A 4 C 5 D
of communication; to talk about means of
communication b) To listen for key information
• Ask Ss to discuss which means of Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
communication they use in pairs following answers.
the example.
• Ask various Ss to tell the class.
2 To present topic-related vocabulary
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and ask Ss to match the
A: I prefer talking face-to-face with my family,
words/phrases in the columns to make
but I usually chat online or send text
messages to my friends because it's quick
• Check Ss’ answers.
and easy.
Answer Key
B: I send text messages, too. I make phone
calls a lot, and I often use social media. 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 d

3 a) To present vocabulary for 3 To role play a dialogue giving

greetings/congratulating instructions
• Ask Ss to read out the dialogues. • Read out the Grammar box.
• Then read out the Note box for more • Explain the task and the situation.
useful phrases. • Remind Ss that they can use the phrases in
• Elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Ex. 2 and the dialogue in Ex. 1 as a model.
• Ask Ss to work in closed pairs.
• Write this diagram on the board for Ss to

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Module 4
A B Answer Key
Ask B if they have Respond and ask A \I\ \aI\ \I\ \aI\
some free time. what they need. icon ✓ website ✓
public ✓ physics ✓
Tell B what you Respond and give
want to do. Ask B if first instruction. \I\ \aI\
they can help you. reply ✓
Confirm you have Give second busy ✓
done this. Ask for instruction.
next instruction. 4e • Grammar
Tell B what app Explain to A what 1 To present/practise comparative form
says to do next. this means.
• Ask two Ss to read out the cartoon. Ask Ss to
Ask B what to do Tell A how to do the identify which of the adjectives in bold are
next. next step. in the comparative or types of comparisons
(not as expensive as, better). Elicit how we
Thank B for help. End conversation.
form the comparative form of adjectives
• Monitor the activity around the class and and when we use them.
ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in • Go through the theory with Ss. Explain that
front of the class. we use the comparative form to compare
two people, things, places, etc. We usually
Suggested Answer Key
use than with comparative adjectives (e.g.
A: Holly, do you have a minute?
Janet is taller than Paul.).
B: Of course, Auntie. What do you need?
• Explain that with one-syllable and two-
A: I want to send a photo to my friend’s phone.
syllable adjectives, we form the comparative
Can you help me?
by adding -er (e.g. tall – taller).
B: OK, that’s easy. First of all, go to your apps.
• Explain that with adjectives of more than
Then click on the gallery icon.
two syllables, we form the comparative with
A: Alright, I’ve done that. What’s next?
more (e.g. expensive – more expensive –
B: Now, you need to select the photo you want
the most expensive).
to send.
• Explain that with some two-syllable adjectives,
A: OK, got it. It says to choose how to share the
such as clever, narrow, gentle, friendly, etc,
we form the comparative either with -er or
B: Yes, exactly. Once you do that you’re ready
with more (e.g. friendly – friendlier or friendly
to send it.
– more friendly).
A: How do I do that?
• Explain that with one-syllable adjectives
B: Just type in your friend’s number. It’s as easy
ending in -e, we add -r in the comparative
as that.
form (e.g. simple – simpler).
A: Thanks for your help, Holly!
• Explain that with one-syllable adjectives
B: No problem, Auntie.
ending in a vowel + a consonant, we double
Pronunciation the last consonant and add -er (e.g. fat –
To learn the pronunciation of /I/, /aI/
• Explain that with two-syllable adjectives
• Model the sounds. ending in -ly or -y, we change the -y to -i
• Play the recording. Ss listen and tick (✓) the and add -er (e.g. happy – happier).
correct box. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
• Play the recording again with pauses for Ss it.
to repeat chorally and/or individually. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
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Module 4
Answer Key • Explain that with adjectives of more than two
2 handier 5 more syllables, we form the superlative with the
3 braver 6 fitter most (e.g. expensive – the most expensive).
4 more exciting • Explain that with some two-syllable
adjectives, such as clever, narrow, gentle,
friendly, etc, we form the superlative either
2 To practise comparative
with -est or with most (e.g. friendly – the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete friendliest or friendly – the most friendly).
it. • Explain that with one-syllable adjectives
• Check Ss’ answers. ending in -e, we add -st in the superlative
Answer Key form (e.g. simple – the simplest).
2 more interesting 4 better • Explain that with one-syllable adjectives
3 easier 5 bigger ending in a vowel + a consonant, we
double the last consonant and add -est
3 To practise types of comparisons (e.g. fat – the fattest).
• Explain that with two-syllable adjectives
• We use (not) as + adjective + as to show
ending in -ly or -y, we change the -y to -i
that two people, things, etc are (not) the
and add s (e.g. happy – the happiest).
same (e.g. The black bag is not as
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
expensive as the brown one.).
• Go through the types of comparisons. Ask
• Check Ss’ answers.
Ss to make sentences using the structures.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete Answer Key
it. 2 the most popular
• Check Ss’ answers. 3 the largest
4 the cheapest
Answer Key
5 the furthest/farthest
2 I'm as tall as my brother.
6 the friendliest/the most friendly
3 My computer isn't so/as fast as my laptop.
4 Ordinary phones aren't so/as useful as
smartphones. 5 To practise superlative
5 Granddad's computer is as old as I am! • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
4 To present/practise superlative form • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask two Ss to read out the cartoon. Ask Ss to Answer Key
identify the superlative (the best, the most 2 the strangest 4 the oldest
expensive). 3 the best 5 the worst
• Elicit how we form the superlative form of
adjectives and when we use them. 6 To practise the comparative and
• Go through the theory with Ss. Explain that superlative forms
we use the superlative form to compare • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
one person/thing, etc with the entire group. it.
We usually use the with superlative • Check Ss’ answers.
adjectives (e.g. David is the tallest boy in
Answer Key
the class.).
• Explain that with one-syllable and two- 2 the fastest 4 smaller than
syllable adjectives, we form the superlative 3 the most difficult 5 more stressful than
by adding -est (e.g. tall – the tallest).

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Module 4
4f • Across Cultures and he never gives up. I think Sonic sounds
more fun because he can do lots of fun tricks
1 To introduce the topic in the game.
Elicit whether Ss play games on their devices
and on what devices do they play them. Are video games good or bad?
Suggested Answer Key Elicit answers to the question from various Ss
I play mobile games on my smartphone. I play around the class.
games on my computer, too. Suggested Answer Key
I think that video games are good overall. They
2 To listen and read for gist give teens the chance to completely concentrate
on something else. This helps them relax and feel
Play the recording. Ss listen to and read the text
less stressed about exams and other problems
and then elicit who the characters are and
they might have. It is important though not to
what special characteristics they have.
play for too long as you must/should not neglect
Answer Key your homework or friends and family.
The characters are Link and Sonic the
Hedgehog. Link is clever and brave. Sonic
5 To talk about types of games
never gives up.
• Ask two Ss to model the example.
• Then ask Ss to work in closed pairs and
3 To read for key information
discuss types of games and express likes/
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-6) and dislikes following the example.
underline the key words. • Monitor the activity around the class.
• Then give Ss time to read the text again
Suggested Answer Key
and choose the character for each of the
A: I think sports games are easy.
statements according to what they read.
B: Yes, they're a bit boring. Action and
• Check Ss’ answers. Elicit the type of texts.
adventure games are interesting.
Answer Key A: I like simulation games – they're fun.
1 S 2 L 3 L 4 L 5 S 6 S B: I agree. They can be difficult, but they're
The texts are blog entries/comments. always exciting.

• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the

words in the Check these words box. 6 To present/practise phrasal verbs with
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. give
• Ask Ss to read the Phrasal Verbs box and
4 To compare characters; to then give them time to complete the
develop critical thinking skills sentences.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Explain the task and give Ss time to think about
their answers. Ask various Ss around the class Answer Key
to share their opinions with the rest of the class. 1 in 2 up 3 back
Suggested Answer Key
Link and Sonic are both characters from 7 To listen for key information
computer games, but they are very different. • Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the gapped
Link looks like an elf, but Sonic is a blue text and guess what word each gap asks
hedgehog. Link is clever and brave and his for (e.g. verb, noun, number, etc).
mission is to rescue a princess. Sonic has to • Play the recording, twice if necessary. Ss listen
collect gold rings. He can run, jump and spin and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

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Module 4
Answer Key Culture Spot (develop research skills)
1 14th 4 T-shirts Read out the box and then give Ss time to
2 11 5 bands research online and find the most popular
3 games console video game characters in their country. Ask Ss
The announcement is informal. The speaker to present them to the class.
wants to inform listeners about a video Suggested Answer Key
competition. (Ss’ own answers)

8 To create a video game 4 • CLIL (ICT)

• Ask Ss to work in small groups and try and 1 To listen and read for gist
create a new video game. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the
• Give Ss time to prepare their ideas and text and find out what we need to do to
make notes under the headings. stay safe on the Internet.
• Then ask various groups to present their • Check Ss’ answers.
games to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
To stay safe on the Internet, we need to have
Our video game is Seven Seas. It's an action and anti-virus software on our devices, never open
adventure game about pirates. The main emails from strangers and sign out of our email
character is Stephen Stone. The story starts when accounts when we use a public computer. We
Stephen leaves England on a ship to the should also be careful when we shop online.
Caribbean, but pirates catch him and he joins
them. Stephen and his crew have to find treasure,
fight other pirates and escape from sea monsters. 2 To read for specific information
The game has got lots of levels, and the higher • Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then
you go, the harder it is to find the treasure. give them time to read the text again and
answer them.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
9 To write a forum entry
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write a words in the Check these words box.
forum entry about the main character in a • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
video game.
Answer Key
• Tell Ss to use their answers in Ex. 8 to help
them. 1 anti-virus software
• Ask various Ss to read their forum entries to 2 strong
the class. 3 could contain viruses
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and 4 type in the address yourself
check Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key 3 To consolidate information in a text
By Michaela_96, 24 May 2019, 11:17 am • Give Ss time to write down the ideas from the
My favourite video game character is Stephen text under the headings in their notebooks.
Stone from Seven Seas. He is a pirate with long • Then ask various Ss to tell the class.
black hair. He is brave and clever. He can fight Answer Key
with a sword, shoot arrows and climb. He is Do
special because he cares about his crew and • install anti-virus software and keep it up to
he never leaves one of them behind. He date
always goes back to rescue them. You should • have a strong password
check it out! It’s amazing! • keep your password secret
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Module 4
• sign out when you use a public computer 2 To listen for specific
• shop at Internet sites with a padlock icon information
Don’t • Give Ss time to consider their answers and
• open emails from people you don't know then ask various Ss to share their answers
• give out your personal information online with the class.
• click on links that send you to online shops • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
4 To compare prior knowledge The mobile phone allowed people to
with acquired knowledge communicate while on the go. The Internet
• Ask Ss to think about what they knew and allowed people to access and share
what they learnt and how the tips in the text information around the world and work from
can help them and write a few sentences home. It has also changed communication.
about it. The colour TV allowed people to access
• Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the entertainment in their homes and see live
class. events in faraway places. The personal
Suggested Answer Key computer allowed people to work faster and
I knew about using anti-virus software and made their jobs easier. The radio allowed
keeping my password secret. I also knew about people to learn about current events soon
not opening emails from strangers and not after they happened.
telling anyone my personal information. I
learned that links can take me to scam sites, so 3 To create a poster about a 20th
it's a good idea to type in the address myself. century invention
These tips can stop people from getting viruses • Ask Ss to research online and find out
on their devices and visiting scam sites. They can information about another 20th century
also help keep my personal information safe. invention and complete the table. Then give
Ss time to use their information to make a
4 • Flash Time poster.
1 To rank inventions in order of
• Ask various Ss to present their posters to the
Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to consider the importance of
name of invention: Rocket engine
the inventions in the pictures and decide
inventor: Robert Goddard
with their partner which one is the most/
date invented: 1926
least important and rank them in order.
description/how it helped
• Ask various pairs to compare their list with
people: The rocket engine
the rest of the class.
changed the world because
Suggested Answer Key humans can now travel into
We think that the Internet was the most space and explore it.
important invention of the 20th century. We
think that the mobile phone was the least
4 To give a presentation on a 20th
century invention
A5 The mobile phone • Explain the task give Ss time to prepare a
B1 The Internet presentation on one of the inventions in Ex.
C4 The colour TV 1 to give to the class.
D3 The personal computer • Ask various Ss to give their presentations to
E2 The radio the class.

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Module 4
Suggested Answer Key b) To discuss the qualities of
Good morning, everyone. When you think successful inventors
about an invention of the 20th century that Ask Ss to discuss the question in pairs using
changed the lives of people, what comes to the prompts and their own ideas and then
mind? … Perhaps the colour TV? … Maybe the ask various Ss to share their answers with
mobile phone? Well, I think of the Internet. the class.
The Internet began in 1969, when the
Suggested Answer Key
Department of Defence in the USA created
ARPANET, a network of computers. At the time, A: I think successful inventors need to think
not a lot of people realised how the Internet outside the box and ask questions about
would change people's lives. In fact, Clifford the world around them. This will result in new
Stoll, an American astronomer, said that the ideas.
Internet wouldn’t change anything. He, of B: True. I believe successful inventors should
course, was totally wrong because the Internet also see problems as challenges and not
changed the way people live in so many ways. be afraid to fail. They must really want to
For one, it allows people to access and share succeed.
information around the world at the click of a A: I agree. This means they won’t give up until
button. It also changed communication. Now, they achieve something.
distance is not an issue and working from home
or even in another country is possible. There are Progress Check 4
also many more educational opportunities 1 1 virtual reality 4 drone
because of the Internet. 2 bus 5 robot
The Internet changed our lives and brought the 3 smartphone
world a lot closer together. As the American
author Dave Berry once said, “The Internet is 2 1 photographer 4 shop assistant
the most important single development in the 2 waiter 5 mechanic
history of human communication ...”, and I 3 pilot
couldn’t agree more with him. It changed the
way we live. Are there any questions? … Thank 3 1 to 2 up 3 with 4 in 5 at
you for listening.
4 1 must 3 couldn’t 5 might
2 mustn’t 4 shouldn’t
5 a) To present the value of Creativity
• Give Ss time to read the quotation and 5 1 bigger 4 the most popular
discuss it in small groups. 2 the busiest 5 quicker
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. 3 more interesting
Suggested Answer Key
A: I think the quotation means you have to be 6 1 alien 4 completely new
brave to create new things. 2 name 5 House
B: I agree. New ideas can go wrong, or other 3 July
people might think they're silly or not
understand them. So, you have to be brave 7 1 W 2 DS 3 R 4 R 5 W
to try something new.

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Module 4
8 Posted by: John_16, 31st January, 13:12 pm
My favourite computer game is Minecraft. It's a
problem-solving game. You can play it on your
own or make a team with friends. The main
characters are Steve and Alex. Steve has got
brown hair and Alex has got fair hair, but they
are both creative and good at building things.
Minecraft hasn't got a complicated story – it's
a very simple game. The idea is just to build.
You can make anything from a tiny house to a
huge city. You can play in Sandbox Mode and
nothing can happen to you, but in Survival
Mode, you have to make a house before it
gets dark, because Creepers, Skeletons and
Blazes come out and hunt you! It’s lots of fun
so make sure you check it out!

9 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 d

Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the
module according to how competent they feel for
each of the listed activities.

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Be green Module 5
Topic 5e Grammar 86-87
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of the Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise the future
environment: problems and solutions, green tenses: will – be going to – present continuous/
activities and wild animals. present simple (with future meaning)
Module page 78-79 5f Across Cultures 88-89
Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for key
module, to talk about environmental problems & information, to read for specific information
solutions (multiple choice), to learn phrasal verbs with look,
Vocabulary: Problems (endangered animals, to listen for specific information, to write an email
deforestation, air pollution, rubbish); Solutions (walk about a volunteering holiday
or ride a bike, recycle or reuse, adopt an animal, Vocabulary: Chores (set the table, clear the table,
plant trees) do the washing-up, help in the kitchen, tidy the
room, take out the rubbish, do the laundry, clean
5a Reading 80-81 the bathroom); Nouns (volunteer, bank, path);
Lesson Objectives: To scan a text, to listen and Phrasal verb (pick up)
read for specific information (R, W, DS), to make
suggestions, to learn prepositions, to compare
5 CLIL (PSHE) 90
schools, to prepare a poster about making your Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to read for
school more eco-friendly cohesion and coherence (gap fill), to talk about
Vocabulary: Green activities (start a recycling green living, to prepare a leaflet about green living
club, grow organic fruit & vegetables, create art Vocabulary: Phrases (running water, full load, cloth
from recycled materials, build a birdhouse, do bag); Verb (degrade)
environmental projects, organise a clean-up day);
Nouns (bin, corridor, bulb, compost, greenhouse, Flash Time 5 91
bucket); Adjective (organic); Phrase (food waste) Lesson Objectives: To create an advert, to give a
presentation on a nature reserve in one’s country,
5b Grammar 82-83 to learn about/discuss the value of learning from
Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise the countable/ nature
uncountable nouns, quantifiers and some/any/no/
every & compounds Progress Check 5 92-93
Lesson Objectives: To test/consolidate vocabulary
5c Vocabulary 84 and grammar learnt throughout the module; to
Lesson Objectives: To learn about wild animals, to write an email, to read for specific information, to
categorise animals, to design a poster listen for specific information, to practice everyday
Vocabulary: Wild animals (butterfly, dolphin, wasp, English
chameleon, monkey, tortoise, tiger, crocodile,
beetle, salamander, frog)

5d Everyday English 85
Lesson Objectives: To read for gist, to listen and
read for cohesion & coherence, to role play a
dialogue accepting or rejecting an invitation, to
learn the pronunciation of /œ/, /´/

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Module 5
What’s in this module? Answer Key
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell 1 W (Every classroom in Lauren's school has
Ss that these are the topics, skills and activities this got energy-saving bulbs.)
module will cover. 2 DS
3 R
4 W (Ricky's school is going to try and get a
1 To present/match vocabulary for
Green Flag this year.)
environmental problems & solutions
5 DS
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
• Give Ss time to match the problems to the • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
solutions. words in the Check these words box.
• Play the recording for Ss check their answers. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their
Answer Key comments.
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B
3 To present/practise new vocabulary
2 To consolidate new vocabulary • Ask Ss to read out the words in the list, look
• Explain the task and read out the example. at the pictures and then fill in the
• Ss make sentences following the example. descriptions with the correct verbs.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
Suggested Answer Key answers.
To save endangered animals, we can adopt Answer Key
an animal. 1 start 3 create 5 do
To reduce deforestation, we can plant trees. 2 grow 4 build 6 organise
To reduce rubbish, we can recycle or reuse.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their 4 To make suggestions
comments. • Ask Ss to act out similar dialogues in pairs
using the useful language in the Note box
4a • Reading following the example.
• Monitor the activity around the class and
1 To scan a text
then ask some pairs to tell the class.
• Ask Ss to read through the text quickly and
Suggested Answer Key
find all the words related to school areas in
A: What about doing environmental projects?
the blog.
B: That's a good idea. Why don't we grow
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
organic fruit and vegetables?
Answer Key A: We haven't got a greenhouse. We could
school corridors, classrooms, canteen, organise a clean-up day.
(greenhouse) B: Yes, and let's build some birdhouses, too.
A: How about creating art from recycled
2 To read for specific information materials?
B: That's a cool idea.
• Play the recording. Ss listen to and read the
text and then read the statements and
mark them according to what they read. 5 To learn prepositions
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit corrections for • Explain the task and give Ss time to read the
the wrong statements. text and choose the correct prepositions.
• Check Ss’ answers.

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Module 5
Answer Key 5b • Grammar
1 by 2 by 3 on 4 to
1 To present/practise the countable/
uncountable nouns- quantifiers
6 To compare schools; to
• Ask Ss to read the cartoon. Direct Ss’
develop critical thinking skills
attention to the bold words in the cartoon
• Ask Ss to compare the schools in the blog (How many – interrogative – countable, lots
with their school in relation to any eco- of – positive – countable, a few – positive –
friendly activities they do. Ask Ss to use countable). Explain that some nouns can
linking words to join their ideas e.g. and, too be counted (e.g. egg, car, apple etc) these
to join similar ideas; but to join opposing are countable nouns. The uncountable
ideas. nouns are the nouns that can’t be counted
• Ask various Ss around the class to tell the (milk, water, coffee etc).
rest of the class. • Ask Ss to read the theory and complete the
Suggested Answer Key box with the Irregular plurals.
The schools in the blog are similar to my school Answer Key
because they both take part in the Eco- 1 men 5 feet
Schools Green Flag programme, and my 4 teeth 8 children
school does, too. My school has got lots of
recycling bins, like Lauren's school, but they are • Explain the task in Ex.1 and give Ss time to
inside the classrooms, not in the corridors. We complete it.
haven't got a 'Travel Smart Day,' but a lot of the • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
students at my school walk there anyway. We Answer Key
don't grow organic vegetables like Ricky, but Countable: phone, bike, bottle, chair, book,
we have got energy-saving bulbs in our school computer
like Lauren. Uncountable: rubbish, pollution, food, money,
paper, compost
7 To develop research skills; to prepare
a poster 2 To practise the countable/uncountable
nouns – quantifiers
• Give Ss time to research online for information
about eco-friendly activities and prepare a • Remind Ss that we use (how) many with
poster. countable nouns, (how) much with
• Tell Ss to use the example to help them and uncountable nouns and a lot (of)/lots (of)
then ask various Ss to present it to the class. with both.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
Suggested Answer Key
• Take reuseable water bottles to school. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Install lights in bathrooms that only turn on
Answer Key
when someone goes inside.
• Use recycled paper. 1 much 3 How much, a lot of
• Plant trees around the edge of the school 2 How many, a lot of 4 How many, many
• Make a Nature Garden with flowers that 3 To practise the countable/uncountable
bees like. nouns – quantifiers
• Remind Ss that we use (a) few with countable
nouns and (a) little with uncountable nouns.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
08 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 5.qxp_08 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 5 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 62

Module 5
Answer Key 2 To categorise animals
2 little 3 few 4 a few 5 a little • Ask Ss to read the definitions. Then they
copy the headings into their notebooks
4 To present/practise some/any/no/ and categorise the animals. Provide one
every & compounds example for each category.
• Ask Ss to read the cartoon. Direct Ss’ • Read out the example and then elicit
attention to the bold words in the cartoon further sentences from Ss around the class.
(everybody and something). Explain that Answer Key
these words are compounds and come amphibian: frog, salamander
from the determiners every and some. insect: butterfly, wasp, beetle
• Ask Ss to read the table. reptile: chameleon, tortoise, crocodile
• Ask Ss to read the Grammar box for more mammal: dolphin, monkey, tiger
information. Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task, read the example and give A dolphin is a mammal. It feeds its babies milk.
Ss time to complete it. A wasp is an insect. It's got six legs and wings.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. A chameleon is a reptile. It's a cold-blooded
Answer Key animal with scaly skin.
2 some 3 no 4 every 5 some A monkey is a mammal. It's warm-blooded
and it's got hair.
5 To practise some/any/no/every & A tortoise is a reptile. It's cold-blooded and lays
compounds eggs.
A tiger is a mammal. It's got hair and feeds its
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
babies milk.
A crocodile is a reptile. It's got scaly skin and
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
lays eggs.
Answer Key A beetle is an insect. It's got three main body
1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A parts.
A salamander is an amphibian. It spends part
6 To practise some/any/no/every & of its life in water and part on land.
compounds A frog is an amphibian. It spends part of its life
in water and part on land.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Design a poster (develop research skills)
Answer Key • Explain the task and ask Ss to work in small
2 Everyone/Everybody 6 no one groups.
3 every 7 any • Give Ss time to collect information about
4 somewhere 8 anyone various types of animals as well as pictures
5 some from a specific country. Decide on the
country for each group before they do their
5c • Vocabulary project so that the countries won’t be
1 To present new vocabulary • Tell Ss to classify them and label them.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to • Ask various groups to present their poster to
repeat chorally and/or individually. the class and then display them around the
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. class.
• Ss' posters should include pictures.

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Module 5
Suggested Answer Key A B
ANIMALS FROM INDIA Greet B. Ask how Greet A and
he/she is. respond what they
Mammals Reptiles
• common dolphin • green sea turtle
• sun bear • king cobra Tell B your plans. Respond and ask for
• Indian elephant • saltwater crocodile Invite B to come with the time.
Amphibians Say what time. Refuse A’s invitation.
• yellow frog Give justification.
• Asian common toad
Make another Accept.
5d • Everyday English Arrange where Agree. Say goodbye.
1 a) To read for specific information to meet up.
• Explain the task and allow Ss time to • Monitor the activity around the class. Then
read the dialogue. ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in
• Elicit answers from around the class. front of the class.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
Alex invites Sally to an Adopt an Animal event. A: Hi, Adam. How are you?
B: Hi, Albert. I'm fine. I'm looking at things to do
b) To complete a dialogue at the weekend.
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (A-E) and A: Well, I was thinking of going to a tree planting
choose the correct one for each gap. day on Saturday. Do you fancy coming with
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check me?
their answers. B: I'd love to. What time?
A: It's from 9 am until 3 pm.
Answer Key
B: Oh, I'm afraid I can't. I've got a dance
1 D 2 C 3 E 4 A 5 B
competition until 4.
A: Would you like to go on Sunday, then?
2 To act out a dialogue B: Sure! Sounds good.
• Ask Ss to take roles and act out the A: The event's in Greenwood Forest. I'll meet you
dialogue. at 8:45, by the gate to the West Forest Walk.
• Correct their pronunciation and intonation B: OK. See you then.
as necessary.
3 To role play a dialogue To learn the pronunciation of /œ/, /´/
• Explain the task and the situation. • Play the recording again with pauses for Ss
• Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue to repeat chorally and/or individually.
in Ex. 1 as a model. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Ask Ss to work in closed pairs. Answer Key
• Write this diagram on the board for Ss to
follow. \œ\ \´\ \œ\ \´\ \œ\ \´\
cat ✓ adopt ✓ statue ✓
afraid ✓ thanks ✓ about ✓

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Module 5
5e • Grammar Answer Key
1 is going to adopt
1 To present/practise will
2 are not/aren't going to travel
• Ss’ books closed. Say, then write on board: I’ll 3 Is Lydia going to organise
visit grandma later. Will you come? No, I won’t. 4 am not/'m not going to put
Elicit the forms will + bare infinitive (affirmative), 5 Are they going to walk
will not/won’t + bare infinitive (negative) and
will + personal pronoun + bare infinitive
3 To practise will – be going to
(interrogative). Draw Ss’ attention to the short
forms will = ’ll and will not = won’t. • Explain the task, read the example and give
• Say, then write on board: I think the new Ss time to complete it.
factory will pollute the river. – We don’t need • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
these lights on. I’ll switch them off. Elicit the Answer Key
use of will. (To make predictions about the 2 is going to 4 won’t
future based on what we think; to make on- 3 Are you going to 5 will
the-spot decisions).
• Ss’ books open.
3 To practise present continuous (with
• Ask Ss to read the cartoon. Direct Ss’
future meaning)
attention to the bold words in the cartoon
(’s going to rain – be going to,’ll ask – will • Ask Ss to read the Grammar box for more
and is going to drive – be going to). Explain information.
that these are future tenses. • Explain the task, read the example and give
• Ask Ss to read the theory. Ss time to complete it.
• Explain the task, read the example and give • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Ss time to complete it. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 1 is helping
Answer Key 2 isn't having, is meeting
1 will/’ll 3 will 5 will/’ll 3 is going
2 won't 4 won't 4 is taking, isn't watching
5 is doing

2 To present/practise be going to
5 To practice present continuous/
• Ss’ books closed. Say, then write on board:
present simple (with future meaning)
I’m going to visit Paris this summer. Elicit the
form be going to + bare infinitive. • Explain the task, read the example and give
• Say, then write on board: We’re going to join Ss time to complete it.
a conservation group. Look out! You’re • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
going to drop those boxes. Elicit the use of Answer Key
be going to. (To talk about plans and 1 is flying, lands 3 are going, arrives
intentions in the future; to make predictions 2 are visiting, leaves
on what we can see).
• Ss’ books open.
6 To practice future tenses
• Ask Ss to read the table and the Grammar
• Read out the question and give Ss time to
consider their answers.
• Explain the task, read the example and give
Ss time to complete it.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then
ask some pairs to tell the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.

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Module 5
Suggested Answer Key 3 To put information in the correct order
This summer I am going to travel to London. I and read for specific information
hope I will visit most of its tourist attractions like • Ss read the text and put the paragraphs in
the London Eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace the correct order.
and more.
Answer Key
Imagine you are on a desert island. What are A 3 B 1 C 4 D 2
you going to do there? • Ask Ss to read the questions and the answer
• Read out the question and give Ss time to choices.
consider their answers. • Give Ss time to read the text again and
• Ask various Ss to tell the rest of the class. choose their answers.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
The first thing I am going to do is to find shelter Answer Key
or make something to sleep in. Then I am 1 C 2 A 3 B
going to search for food. I think I will go fishing
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
in order to catch something to eat. Then will try
words in the Check these words box.
to find a way to start a fire in order to keep wild
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
animals away and to cook my meals.

5f • Across Cultures 4 To develop critical thinking

1 To introduce the topic creating
• Play the recording. Ss listen and think about
mental images
what makes Wendy an eco-teen.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and think about • Explain/Elicit the meaning of ‘eco-teen’.
what images come to mind. • Give Ss time to consider their answers and
• Elicit answers to the questions from various then elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key Wendy is an eco-teen because she is
I'm in a rainforest. I can see tall trees all around volunteering to help the environment. She is
me, and strange insects and birds. I'm feeling trying to make the world a better place by
excited because I'm in a new place, and a bit giving her time and energy to look after it.
nervous because I don't know what I'll see in
the rainforest.
5 To talk about chores; to practise
adverbs of frequency
2 To predict the content of the text and
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen
read for key information
and repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what jobs you can do • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
as a volunteer in Yosemite Park. • Then explain the task and elicit answers
• Ss read to find out. from Ss around the class.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
A volunteer in Yosemite National Park can pick I always set and clear the table.
up litter, repair paths, do chores and take part I sometimes do the washing-up and I often
in the 'repeat photography' project. help in the kitchen.
I never do the laundry and I seldom clean the
I usually take out the rubbish in the evenings.

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Module 5
6 To learn/practice phrasal verbs with national park in their country. Ask Ss to present
look them to the class.
• Ask Ss to read the Phrasal Verbs box and Suggested Answer Key
then give them time to complete the Maramures‚ ului Mountains Natural Park is the
sentences. largest national park in Romania. People can
• Check Ss’ answers. see eagles, hawks, otters and even wolves there.
Answer Key There is a large number of endangered animals
1 out 2 into 3 after that are protected by law in Romania like the
Carpathian bear, mink, trout and even many
plant species. Visitors can explore the park by
7 To listen for specific information hiking, cycling or kayaking, and they can stay in
• Explain the task and ask Ss to read the tourist shelters or in tents. The area also has
questions. more than 30 caves and a few waterfalls.
• Play the recording and ask Ss to answer the
questions with Yes or No. 5 • CLIL (PSHE)
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 1 To identify type of text and read for
1 No 2 Yes 3 No 4 No
• Explain the difference of each type of text
(email, leaflet and blog entry).
8 To write an email
• Ask Ss to identify the type of text and elicit
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write an Ss’ guesses as to what way they can help
email following the directions and including the environment in their daily lives.
all the points mentioned. Discuss possible • Give Ss time to read through the text and
ideas Ss can use in their email. Elicit opening/ answer the questions.
closing remarks. (Hi, Write back soon)
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
The text is a leaflet about how to live in a way
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and
that doesn’t harm the environment. Some of
check Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
the ways we can help the environment in our
Suggested Answer Key daily lives are: saving water, using less electricity
Hi Matt! and not using plastic bags.
Guess what! I'm going on a teen volunteering
holiday in the Lake District National Park. It's
2 To read for cohesion and coherence
the largest national park in England!
I'm going there to stay with a group of other • Ask Ss to read the text again and think of
teenagers in tents in the park and do a lot of appropriate words to fill in the gaps (1-6). Ask
different activities. We're going to repair fences Ss to pay attention to the words before/after
and signs, pick up litter and do wildlife surveys. each gap as they will help them do the task.
I'm very excited! Ask Ss to read the whole text once completed,
I've already got a raincoat, but I need a pair of to see if it makes sense.
walking boots. I'm going shopping tomorrow to • Check Ss’ answers.
look for some. Do you want to come with me? Answer Key
Let me know, 1 it 3 them 5 take
Tom 2 take/have 4 more 6 go
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
Culture Spot (develop research skills)
words in the Check these words box.
Read out the Culture Spot box and then give Ss • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
time to research online and find the largest
08 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 5.qxp_08 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 5 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 67

Module 5
3 To talk about green living; to develop 5 • Flash Time
thinking skills
1 To create an advert
• Play the recording. Ss listen to and read the
• Give Ss time to research online for information
text again. Then ask Ss to talk in pairs about
about a nature reserve in their country and
which tips they already do and which they
make notes under the headings provided.
plan to do in the future.
• Then give Ss time to use their information to
• Monitor the activity around the class and
create an advert.
then ask some pairs to tell the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
Visit Retezat National Park
I already turn off the tap while brushing my
Find us in the western part of the southern
teeth, but I have a lot of baths. In the future, I'm
Carpathian Mountains
going to take showers instead. I switch off the
lights and the TV when I'm not using them, but I
nearly 55 species of mammals, 120 species of
always forget to take a cloth bag with me
when I go shopping. In the future, I'm going to
some of the rarest plant species in the world.
try and remember to take one.
bird watching or hiking along some of the
4 To develop research skills; to prepare most picturesque trails.
a leaflet Stay
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and give in tents at campsites across the park or stay in
them time to research online and find more guest houses in the nearby villages.
tips about green living.
• Give Ss time to use the information to 2 To give a presentation on a nature
prepare a leaflet. Display their leaflets reserve
around the class. Point out that Ss need to
• Explain the task and ask Ss to use their
give their leaflet a heading then present the
research from Ex.1 to prepare a presentation
tips using subheadings and visuals.
to give to the class.
Suggested Answer Key • Ask various Ss to present their nature reserve
Green Living Tips to the class adding slides if they wish.
Save ... Suggested Answer Key
water by collecting rainwater in Good morning, everyone. Have you ever been
buckets and using it to water to a National Park? It’s a huge area in the
your garden. countryside that is protected by the government
paper by only printing what you and is open to visitors at any time. Here in
have to and using both sides of Romania, the Retezat is one of the most
a piece of paper. beautiful National Parks of the country.
This beautiful National Park is located in the
Reuse ...
western part of the southern Carpathian
paper at home and at school.
Mountains. It has nearly 20 mountain peaks
fruit and vegetable peelings by
reaching the height of 2000m. Visitors can also
composting them and turning
see a lot of different birds in the park – there are
them back into soil.
120 different bird species – and go hiking along
Recycle ... the trails. If you like plants, you will be able to
paper at home and at school. find nearly 1200 plant species here and around
fruit and vegetable peelings by 130 of them are rare and endangered.
composting them and turning
them back into soil.
08 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 5.qxp_08 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 5 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 68

Module 5
Retezat National Park is quite a long way from 5 1 many 3 a lot of 5 little
here, but don't worry! You can stay in tents at 2 few 4 much
camp sites around the park or if you just want
to relax and take small hikes, you can stay in 6 1 anything 4 no
guest houses in the nearby villages. It's fun, 2 someone 5 everyone
and definitely worth a visit!!! 3 anywhere
Are there any questions?
7 1 will 4 won't
3 To present the value of learning from 2 are visiting 5 Are you going to
nature 3 is going to

• Ask Ss to read the two lists of sentences.

8 Hi Claudia!
Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown
How are you? I'm excited because I'm going to
words and then give Ss time to match the
Retezat National Park this weekend and I can't
wait! It's in the western part of the southern
• Check Ss’ answers.
Carpathian Mountains of Romania and I'm
Suggested Answer Key driving there with my parents.
1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c We're going to go up in the mountains and
explore the park by hiking along the trails. I
4 To discuss the value of learning want to go bird watching, too. I hope I'll see
from nature one of the golden eagles in the forest, but I
don't want to see a wolf up close! I'm going to
Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
take my smartphone and I hope I'll get some
Suggested Answer Key good photos of the butterflies in the park!
Nature teaches us that everything changes I'm really looking forward to this trip. I love
and we can't control it, but that isn't a bad nature and I know I'll have a great time at
thing because what looks like an end can be Retezat!
a new beginning. Nature also teaches us that I'll send you some photos when I get back,
even tiny things matter. For example, people Angela
can't exist without little bees. In the same way,
every person on Earth is important, even 9 1 W 2 DS 3 R 4 W 5 R
though there are seven billion of us.
10 1 Friday 4 plastic bottles
Progress Check 5 2 12:00/noon 5 library
1 1 deforestation c 3 global warming
2 pollution d
3 endangered b 11 1 d 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 c
4 rubbish a
2 1 start 4 building Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the
2 doing 5 creates module according to how competent they feel for
3 grow 6 organising each of the listed activities.

3 1 tiger 3 crocodile
2 butterfly

4 1 out 2 to 3 after

09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 69

Arts & Festivals Module 6

Topic 6e Grammar 102-103
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of festivals Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise adverbs, to
& events, places of entertainment, areas in the learn/practise adjectives and order of adjectives
theatre, types of music and types of books. and to learn/practise question tags

Module page 94-95 6f Across Cultures 104-105

Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to
module, to learn vocabulary for festivals & events, read for specific information (R, W, DS), to talk about
to talk about festivals & events activities, to learn phrasal verbs with turn, to listen
Vocabulary: Festivals & Events (TV viewers, art for specific information (multiple choice), to write
lovers, comic book readers, music lovers, food an email about your weekend plans
fans); Phrasal verb (take place); Verbs (prepare, Vocabulary: Adjectives (outdoor, life-sized); Nouns
win, use, visit) (track, session, rate)

6a Reading 96-97 6 CLIL (Literature) 106

Lesson Objectives: To listen for gist, to read for key Lesson Objectives: To learn vocabulary for types of
information (multiple matching), to learn books, to listen and read for gist
prepositions, to present an amusement park, to Vocabulary: Nouns (adventure, wizard); Adjective
write a text message (magic)
Vocabulary: Places of entertainment (amusement
park, concert hall, circus, exhibition centre, theatre, Flash Time 6 107
stadium); Nouns (speed, motor racing, bend, track, Lesson Objectives: To give a presentation on a
length); Verbs (measure, last, vanish) character from a film, to create a film character, to
learn about/discuss the value of heroism
6b Grammar 98-99
Lesson Objectives: To learn/practise subject- Progress Check 6 108-109
predicate agreement and conditionals type 1 Lesson Objectives: test/consolidate vocabulary
and grammar learnt throughout the module; to
6c Vocabulary 100 practice everyday English, to read for cohesion &
Lesson Objectives: To learn vocabulary for areas in coherence, to listen for key information, to write an
a theatre, to learn vocabulary for types of music email
Vocabulary: Parts of a theatre (stage, row, aisle,
box, curtain, balcony, stalls); Types of music (heavy
metal, classical, hip hop, rap, reggae, pop, blues,
electronic, opera, latin)

6d Everyday English 101

Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information,
to role play a dialogue booking tickets for a
performance, to learn the pronunciation of /i…/, /I/

09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 70

Module 6
What’s in this module? B: It takes place from 23rd to 27th June.
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell A: Where does Comic-Con International take
Ss that these are the topics, skills and activities this place?
module will cover. B: It takes place in San Diego, USA.
A: When does the Qatar International Food
Festival take place?
1 To present/practise vocabulary
B: It takes place from 28th March to 8th April.
relating to festivals & events
A: Where does Sherlocked take place?
• Ask Ss to look at the tickets. B: It takes places in Birmingham, England.
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown
words and then elicit which type of person
4 To express a preference
would like to go to which festival event from
Ss around the class. Give Ss time to consider their answers and
then elicit a variety of answers from Ss around
Answer Key
the class.
Sherlocked is for TV viewers.
Suggested Answer Key
The Sand Sculpting Championships are for art
lovers. I'd like to visit the Qatar International Food
Comic-Con International is for comic book Festival because I love food. Also, I don't know
readers. anything about traditional Qatari dishes, so I'd
Glastonbury Festival is for music lovers. like to try some.
The Qatar International Food Festival is for food
fans. 6a • Reading
1 To listen and read for gist
2 To read for cohesion & coherence • Ask Ss to look at the text and elicit the top
• Explain the meanings of any unknown attraction in each place.
words in the list and then give Ss time to • Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find
read the tickets and complete the gaps. out.
• Check Ss’ answers. Answer Key
Answer Key The top attraction at Ferrari World is the
1 use 3 Win 5 visit Formula Rossa roller coaster. The top attraction
2 takes place 4 prepare at Cosmo World is the Vanish roller coaster.

• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments

at the end. 2 To read for specific information
• Give Ss time to read the text again and
3 To talk about festivals & events match the roller coasters to the sentences.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Read out the Grammar box.
• Ask two Ss to model the example and then Answer Key
ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs using the 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A
festivals & events in the tickets, following the • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
example. words in the Check these words box.
• Monitor the activity around the class and • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
then ask some pairs to ask and answer in
front of the rest of the class.
3 To read for specific information
Suggested Answer Key
• Give Ss time to read the text again and find
A: When does the Glastonbury Festival take
what the numbers represent.
• Check Ss’ answers.
09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 71

Module 6
Answer Key • Then elicit answers to the questions.
240 – the top speed of Formula Rossa in Suggested Answer Key
kilometres per hour 1 Herastrau Park is popular with teens in my
1 – Formula 1, the race riders of the Formula area.
Rossa roller coaster feel like they're in 2 Superland is an amusement park near my
32 – the number of attractions at Cosmo World city. It's famous for its slides and 3D games.
2,440 – the length of Vanish's track in feet 3 I really like visiting amusement parks.
2 – the length of time a ride on Vanish lasts 4 I'm not afraid of going on roller coasters – I
love them!
4 To present new vocabulary
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. 7 To present an amusement
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to park; to develop public speaking skills
repeat chorally and/or individually. • Ask Ss to work in small groups and think
• Check Ss’ intonation and pronunciation. about an amusement park that they like
and make notes about it under the
5 To match places to activities headings.
• Ask Ss to read the list of activities. Explain/ • Then give Ss time to use their notes to
Elicit the meanings of any unknown words. prepare a presentation.
• Read out the example and ask Ss to tell • Ask various groups to present their
their partner what they can do in each of amusement park to the class.
the places in Ex. 4 following the example. Suggested Answer Key
• Monitor the activity around the class and My favourite amusement park is Superland. It's
then ask some Ss to tell the class. in Romania, near Brasov. It's open every day of
Answer Key the week, from 10 am until 10 pm. The special
You can listen to classical music at a concert attractions include bumping cars with laser
hall. guns, this way you can drive and play laser
You can see clowns and acrobats at a circus. tag; it's amazing! The roller coaster is popular,
You can see a robotics exhibition at an too. It's long and very fast! There are also many
exhibition centre. slides for any age!
You can attend a performance at a theatre. Tickets for Superland are cheap, they only cost
You can see a sports event at a stadium. 10 ron.

What are you doing this weekend? 8 To match abbreviations to definitions

Explain the task and give Ss time to talk about • Read out the Note box. Then read out the
their plans for the weekend. abbreviations often used in text messages
Suggested Answer Key and elicit which ones Ss are familiar with.
I am going to listen to classical music at the • Give Ss time to match the abbreviations (1-6)
concert hall this weekend. to their definitions a-e.
• Check Ss’ answers.
6 To learn prepositional phrases Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c
• Check Ss’ answers. 9 To write a text message
Answer Key • Explain the situation and give Ss time to
1 with 2 for 3 of 4 of complete the task including all the points.
• Check Ss’ answers.
09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 72

Module 6
Suggested Answer Key • Give Ss time to make sentences.
Hi! At Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi with my • Check Ss’ answers.
parents. Amazing! Going on Formula Rossa Answer Key
again. Really fast roller coaster! TTYL! 2 If you don't go to bed, you'll be tired tomorrow.
3 If we don't leave now, we'll miss the film.
6b • Grammar 4 If you don't wear a coat, you'll be cold.
1 To present/practise subject- predicate 5 If you don't visit the doctor, you won't feel
agreement better.

• Read the theory and the Grammar box.

• Elicit the uses in the cartoon. 5 To practise conditionals with unless/if
Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
1 are 3 are 5 is 7 Is it.
2 are 4 have 6 was 8 likes • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
2 To practise subject-predicate 2 Unless you go to bed, you'll be tired tomorrow.
agreement 3 Unless we leave now, we'll miss the film.
4 Unless you wear a coat, you'll be cold.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to
5 Unless you visit the doctor, you won't feel
complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
6 To practise conditionals (Types 0-1)
1 plays 5 are going
2 is 6 are • Give Ss time to complete the sentences with
3 are wearing 7 are the correct forms of the verbs in brackets
4 is coming and identifying the type of conditional.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
3 To present/practise conditionals
(Type 1) 2 catch, will arrive – 1
3 go, will be – 1
• Read the cartoon aloud. Elicit the type of
4 rains, always flood – 0
conditionals (is, I’ll go- making a promise).
5 will meet, attend – 1

with if/when + present simple → will/can/

• Explain/Elicit that we form type 1 conditionals
Continue the story.
may/might + infinitive without to. Elicit use. Give Ss time to complete the sentences.
• Go through the table and explain any Suggested Answer Key
points Ss are unsure of.
If I have some free time, I’ll go to the mall.
Answer Key If I win the lottery, I’ll travel to New York.
We form the type 1 conditional with an if- If I fail my exam, I won’t go to the party. etc
clause (if/unless + present simple) and a main
clause (future simple). We use the type 1 6c • Vocabulary
conditional for things real or likely to happen in 1 To present vocabulary relating to the
the future, and for offers and promises. We can theatre
use unless instead of if... not in the if-clause.
• Ask Ss to look at the diagram of the theatre.
• Read out the words in the list and give Ss
4 To practise type 1 conditionals time to use them to complete the labels.
• Read out the Note box. • Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
• Explain the task and read the example. their answers.
09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 73

Module 6
• Then play the recording again with pauses Suggested Answer Key
for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually. The Lion King would be a good choice for a
Answer Key theatrical performance. We will need animal
1 curtain 4 stage 7 aisle costumes and we can use the songs from the
2 box 5 row musical in our performance. The students in
3 balcony 6 stalls our class are enough for the main roles and
our drama teacher can be the director.

2 To practise vocabulary relating to the

6d • Everyday English
Give Ss time to complete the sentences using 1 a) To present situational language for
the words from Ex. 1 and then check their booking tickets for a performance
answers. • Ask Ss to read the sentences and guess
Answer Key who says each one.
1 curtain 3 box 5 aisle • Play the recording. Ss listen and check
2 row 4 stage their answers.
Answer Key
3 To present vocabulary for types of 1 ticket clerk 3 ticket clerk
music 2 customer 4 customer

• Ask Ss to read the types of music in the list.

• Play the recording. Ss listen and identify the b) To complete a dialogue
types of music they hear. • Ask Ss to read the sentences (A-E) and
• Check Ss’ answers. choose the correct one for each gap.
Answer Key • Play the recording. Ss listen and check
1 blues 4 reggae their answers.
2 heavy metal 5 hip hop Answer Key
3 classical 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D

4 To talk about music taste 2 To read for specific information

• Explain the task and read out the list of Give Ss time to read the dialogue again and
adjectives. Explain/Elicit the meanings of then elicit answers to the questions.
any unknown words. Answer Key
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs about their favourite/ Alice is going to watch The Phantom of the
least favourite type of music following the Opera. She gets tickets for the 2:30 performance.
example. Her seats are in the middle next to the aisle, in
• Monitor the activity around the class and row M.
then ask some Ss to tell the class.
Suggested Answer Key
3 To act out a dialogue
I like heavy metal because it's exciting. I don't
• Give Ss time to take roles and read out the
like opera because it's boring.
dialogue in closed pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class. Pay
Imagine you are putting up a attention to Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
theatrical performance. Decide on the play,
costumes, music, roles, directing. Present your
proposal to the class.

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Module 6
4 To role play a dialogue booking B: Can I have the ones next to the aisle,
tickets for a performance please?
• Explain the task and tell Ss to use the poster A: Certainly.
to help them complete the task. B: How much are the tickets?
• Write this diagram on the board for Ss to A: They're £50 each, so that's £100, please. Will
follow. you pay in cash or by card?
B: Card, please.
A B A: OK, show this receipt to collect your tickets
Ask B if they Ask A about tickets at the box office half an hour before the
need help. to a performance. show starts. Enjoy the show!
Ask which Ask A for tickets to
performance B the later show.
would like to see. To learn the pronunciation of /i…/, /I/
Tell B that the later Ask A about tickets • Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and
show is sold out. to the earlier show. tick the sounds they hear.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Tell B what seats Tell A what seats you
Answer Key
are available. would like.
\i…\ \I\ \i…\ \I\
Confirm. Ask A what the ticket seat enjoy
✓ ✓
price is.
ticket ✓ critic ✓
Tell B the price of Confirm and pay.
\i…\ \´\
the tickets and ask
feel ✓
how they would like
team ✓
to pay.
Explain to B when/ • Play the recording again with pauses for Ss
where they can pick to repeat chorally and/or individually.
up the tickets. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Then elicit more words with these sounds.
• Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue
Suggested Answer Key
in Ex. 1 as a model.
• Ss complete the task in closed pairs. \i…\ cream, seem;
• Monitor the activity around the class and \i\ itch, stitch
ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in
front of the class. 6e • Grammar
Suggested Answer Key 1 To present adverbs
A: Good morning. How can I help you? • Ask Ss to read the theory.
B: I’d like two tickets for this Saturday for School • Explain the different type of adverbs
of Rock, please. (manner, time, place, frequency, degree)
A: Is that for the 2:30 pm performance or the and explain how we form them (we usually
7:30 pm? add -ly/-ily to the adjective). Ask Ss to find
B: The later show, please. an example in the cartoon (last summer).
A: Let me see... I'm sorry, but it's sold out. • Explain the task and read out the example.
B: I see. What about the one at 2:30 pm, then? Give Ss time to complete the task.
A: Let me check. Yes, there are just four seats • Check Ss’ answers.
left; two at the front and two in the middle
next to the aisle, row L.

09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 75

Module 6
Answer Key auxiliary/modal verb from the sentence
2 manner 5 frequency and an appropriate subject pronoun.)
3 place 6 time • Explain that when the sentence is positive
4 degree the question tag is negative and when the
statement is negative the question tag is
2 To practise adverbs
• Explain that when we know the answer to
• Explain the task and read out the example. the question we use a descending intonation
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then in the question tag and when we don’t
check their answers on the board. know the answer to the question we use a
Answer Key rising intonation in the question tag.
2 calmly 4 quietly • Read the cartoon aloud. Elicit what intonation
3 happily 5 angrily is used in each of the question tags in bold.
(haven’t they – asking for information, aren’t
3 To present and practise order of they – asking for confirmation).
adjectives • Explain the task and give Ss some time to
complete it. Play the recording. Then check
• Go through the theory box with Ss. Write this
Ss’ answers.
on the board: (N)OSASCOM. Explain that
each letter stands for a category and then Answer Key
complete the task. (Number) Opinion –
Size – Age – Shape – Colour – Origin – 2 don’t you ✓
Material – Noun. This will help Ss remember 3 isn’t she ✓
the order of adjectives. Ask Ss to read the
4 aren’t you ✓
cartoon and identify the type of adjective
beautiful (opinion), brown (colour), wooden 5 is it ✓
(material). 6 shall we ✓
• Explain the task and read out the example. 7 did he ✓
Give Ss time to complete the task. 8 isn’t it ✓
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
5 To practise question tags
2 beautiful, ancient, Greek
3 new, green, Italian • Tell Ss to use the poster to help them
4 expensive, oval, leather complete the task.
5 amazing, huge, black • Explain that Ss should make questions
using question tags.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Find pictures of objects related to festivals.
Describe them to the class. Answer Key
Bakken Amusement Park opened in 1583, didn't
Explain the task and give Ss time to research
for pictures and then tell the class.
It has got 33 rides, hasn't it?
(Ss’ own answers) It has over 2.5 million visitors a year, doesn't it?
It is the oldest theme park in the world, isn't it?
4 To present and practise question tags
• Read out the theory and explain the form
and use of question tags. (We use question
tags at the end of sentences to ask for/
confirm information. We form them with the
09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 76

Module 6
6f • Across Cultures B: Sure, why not?
A: Would you like to go roller skating at the
1 To identify text types, to listen and weekend?
read for gist B: That's a great idea.
Ask Ss to look at the texts and try to identify
which one is an advert and which one is an
5 To learn/practice phrasal verbs with
email. Elicit their answers.
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the Phrasal Verbs box and
Text B is an advert. Text A is an email. Text A is then give them time to complete the
about mini-golf course with a dinosaur theme. sentences.
Text B is about a go-karting track. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
2 To read for specific information 1 out 2 into 3 down
• Give Ss time to read the text again and
then read the statements and mark them
6 To listen for specific information
according to what they read.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Ask Ss to read the questions and answer
choices and underline the key words. Elicit
Answer Key
what the recording will be about.
1 W 2 DS 3 R 4 W 5 DS 6 R
• Then play the recording, twice if necessary.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the Ss listen and choose their answers.
words in the Check these words box. • Check Ss’ answers. Play the recording with
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their pauses for Ss to check their answers.
comments. Answer Key
1 C 2 B 3 C
3 To express an opinion; to
develop critical thinking skills 7 To write an email about your weekend
Give Ss time to prepare their answers and then plans
elicit answers from Ss around the class. • Explain the task and give Ss some time to
Suggested Answer Key complete it referring back to the text as
I’d like to visit Capital Karts because it sounds necessary and covering all the points in the
exciting. I like go-karting, and I'd like to try the rubric.
longest indoor go-karting track in the UK. I • Check Ss’ answers.
wouldn't like to visit Jurassic Falls Adventure • Alternatively, assign the task as HW.
Golf because I think mini-golf is a bit boring. Suggested Answer Key
Hi Bella,
4 To talk about activities
Hope you're well! On Sunday, I'm going to
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs and invite – accept/ Capital Karts with my cousins. It's the longest
refuse using the activities as well as their go-karting track in the UK and you can drive at
own ideas and following the example. speeds of up to 45 miles per hour! We're going
• Monitor the activity around the class and into Barking afterwards to have some lunch.
then ask some pairs to ask and answer in Are you doing anything on Sunday? Why don't
front of the class. you join us? We'll pick you up at around 11
Suggested Answer Key and bring you back afterwards. I hope you'll
A: Would you like to go windsurfing this Sunday? be able to make it. It's going to be great!
B: I'd love to, but I can't. Let me know soon,
A: Would you like to have a games night tonight? Adam
09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 77

Module 6
Culture Spot (develop research skills) Suggested Answer Key
Read out the Culture Spot box and then give Ss heroes: Frodo Baggins (brave)
time to research online and find a place teens like villain: Sauron (evil)
visiting in their city. Ask Ss to present them to the supporting characters: Gandalf (clever), Sam
class. (reliable)

(Ss’ own Answers) 6 • Flash Time

1 To research and write about film
6 • CLIL (Literature)
1 To introduce vocabulary for types of • Give Ss time to research online for information
books about the film characters in the pictures.
Read out the types of books and elicit which • Then give Ss time to use the information to
ones Ss enjoy reading the most from various Ss complete the table.
around the class. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key

Actor Character
I enjoy reading science fiction books because
I like technology and space. I also like reading Harry Potter
about how different writers imagine the future.

Daniel Radcliffe
2 To listen and read for gist
• Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the
Personal qualities

title of the book. Elicit what type of book they


think it is.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find Black hair, green eyes, quite short, glasses,
out. brave, curious

Answer Key
The Lord of the Rings is a fantasy book.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
words in the Check these words box. • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their (2002)
comments at the end. • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Name of film(s)

• Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
3 To develop critical thinking • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
skills, to understand types of characters in a (2007)
story • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
• Read out the adjectives in the list and • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1
explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown (2010)
words. • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
• Give Ss time to consider their answers and (2011)
then ask various Ss to describe the
Type of

characters using the adjectives. fantasy

09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6.qxp_09 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw Mod 6 5/8/19 3:32 PM Page 78

Actor Character Module 6

Actor Character
James Bond Katniss Everdeen

Daniel Craig Jennifer Lawrence

Personal qualities

Personal qualities

Long dark hair, blue eyes, quite tall, clever,
Fair hair, blue eyes, tall, clever, brave
brave, reliable

Name of film(s)
• Casino Royale James Bond (2006) • The Hunger Games (2012)
Type of Name of

• Quantum of Solace James Bond (2008) • The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
• Skyfall James Bond (2012) • The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1
• Spectre James Bond (2015) (2014)
• The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2

action & adventure (2015)

Type of

action & adventure, science fiction

Actor Character

The White Witch

2 To give a presentation on a film
Tilda Swinton • Explain the task and ask Ss to use their
research from Ex. 1 to prepare a presentation
Personal qualities

to give to the class.


• Ask various Ss to present their film characters

Long blonde hair, brown eyes, tall and slim, to the class.
evil, clever Suggested Answer Key
Katniss Everdeen appears in all four of the
Hunger Games films: The Hunger Games,
Catching Fire, and Mockingjay Parts 1 and 2.
Name of film(s)

• The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch

and the Wardrobe (2005) They are science fiction films, with lots of action
• The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and adventure. In the films, Jennifer Lawrence
(2008) plays Katniss. She looks like the character from
• The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the the books. She is quite tall, with long dark hair
Dawn Treader (2010) and blue eyes. Katniss is a popular character
because she is clever and she can look after
Type of

fantasy herself. She is also brave and reliable. She risks

her life to save her sister and her friends, and I
think this is what makes people like her.

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Module 6
3 To create a film character 4 1 is wearing 4 is
2 are 5 are leaving
• Give Ss time to consider their answers and
3 wants
create a film character taking all the points
listed into consideration.
5 1 quickly 3 loudly 5 well
• Ask various Ss to present their film
2 early 4 happily
characters to the class.
Suggested Answer Key 6 1 interesting Italian 4 didn't you
Mike Franklin appears in action and adventure 2 shall we 5 huge steel
films about a police officer. He's tall and strong, 3 scary old
with brown hair and eyes. He is clever and
curious and he's good at getting into trouble – 7 1 d 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b
and out of it again!
8 1 R 2 DS 3 R 4 W 5 W
4 a) To present the value of heroism
9 Hi Anna,
• Give Ss time to read the quotation and
Hope you're well! This summer, I'm going to go
discuss it in small groups.
to Aquatic Paradise in Brașov, Romania with
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
my parents. It's a great place for holidays!
Suggested Answer Key We're going to stay in a hotel close to the
A: I think the quotation means heroes are waterpark. It's got swimming pools and water
people that work to achieve very important slides! You can also play sports and do water
things. sports there.
B: Yes, and they think those things are more What are you doing this summer? Why don't
important than their own lives. you join us? We're going to go for two weeks in
July. We can pick you up from the airport and
b) To discuss the value of drop you back there afterwards. I hope you'll
heroism be able to make it. It's going to be great!
Ask Ss to discuss the question in pairs and Let me know soon,
then ask various Ss to share their answers Marta
with the class.
10 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B
Suggested Answer Key
We can be heroes in daily life by always doing Competences
the right thing. We can stand up for our
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the
classmates when others bully them and
module according to how competent they feel for
always follow the rules.
each of the listed activities.
Progress Check 6
1 1 theatre 4 stadium
2 exhibition centre 5 amusement park
3 concert hall

2 1 stage 3 row 5 aisle

2 curtain 4 balcony

3 1 out 2 down 3 with 4 of

10 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WorldTal.qxp_10 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WorldTal 5/8/19 3:33 PM Page 80

World Tales
(pp. 110–111) b) To develop critical thinking
1 To introduce the topic; to read for
specific information • Explain the task and the adjectives.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the
• Elicit what Ss know about Sir Arthur Conan questions from Watson’s point of view.
Doyle and the famous character he created.
• Monitor the activity around the class.
• Ask Ss to read the biography and elicit • Ask some pairs to present their answers to
answers around the class.
the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer born in
I feel very impatient when I am waiting outside
1859. He created the famous detective Sherlock
the house, because the fog could ruin Holmes’
I feel really scared when I hear the noise in the
2 To read for specific information fog. I don’t know what it is and this is very
• Explain that the plot of a book/film is the frightening. When I see the hound, I feel terrified
series of events that make up the story. because it is huge, there is fire in its mouth and its
• Allow Ss time to read the plot and answer the eyes are burning in the darkness.
• Elicit answers around the class. 5 To consolidate and classify new
Suggested Answer Key vocabulary
The Hound of the Baskervilles is about a family • Explain the task and explain the meaning of
who are threatened by an enormous dog. One noun, adjective, verb and adverb.
member of the family is killed, and his nephew is • Say or write on the board: The beautiful girl
in danger. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson try to speaks quickly. Elicit the parts of speech, e.g.
find out if the legend is true and solve the mystery A noun is a thing (e.g. chair, girl, etc). An
of who is trying to kill the nephew. adjective describes a thing (e.g. beautiful,
It is a detective story. happy, etc). A verb is what we do (e.g. eat,
speak, run, etc) An adverb modifies a verb
3 To read for specific information (e.g. He runs quickly, he eats slowly, etc). Elicit
• Explain the task. more examples from Ss.
• Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what happens. Play the • Allow Ss time to decide which part of speech
recording. Ss listen and read the text to find out. each word in bold is.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
I think that on the way back to his house, an Answer Key
enormous hound chases Sir Henry. Noun Adjective Verb Adverb
ground dense leaping impatiently
4 a) To read for specific information silence dreadful
• Explain the task. horror enormous
• Allow Ss time to read the text again and
complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. 6 To present narrative point of view
Answer Key • Read the Note box aloud. Elicit further
1 R 2 DS 3 R 4 W 5 DS 6 R examples of first – and third – person narrative
from Ss.
• Give Ss time to look up the words in the
Check these words box and elicit their
10 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WorldTal.qxp_10 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw WorldTal 5/8/19 3:33 PM Page 81

World Tales
• Allow Ss time to read the text again to find the b) To listen and watch for confirmation
narrative point of view and who the narrator is. Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments
• Check Ss’ answers. about whether their guesses were correct.
Answer Key
(Ss’ own answers)
The story uses first-person narrative.
Dr Watson is the narrator.
9 To design a book cover

7 To summarise a text and consolidate • Explain the task. Ss work in groups to design
vocabulary and draw a book cover for the story.
• Alternatively, the task can be completed as
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and summarise the text
using the phrases provided.
• Ask Ss to present their covers to the class or
• Monitor the activity around the class.
display them on the board and explain what
• Ask some Ss to present their answers to the
their cover shows and why.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
The cover can have a hound on it, and pictures
A dense white fog hung over the moor. It was
of Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson or Sir Henry. It can
moving towards Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.
show a man in the fog. etc
Sir Henry’s life was in danger. He needed to come
out of the house before the fog was on the path.
Dr Watson suggested that they move to higher 10 To write a short paragraph for the back
ground. The sound of quick steps broke the of a book
silence of the night. Sir Henry didn’t see Sherlock • Explain the task. Allow Ss time to write their
Holmes or Dr Watson even though he was quite texts. Ss can work in closed pairs.
near them. Suddenly, an enormous coal-black • Ss present their answers to the class.
creature appeared out of the fog. It was a huge Suggested Answer Key
hound. Fire burst from its open mouth and its Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are waiting in
eyes were burning. It was leaping down the track the fog on the moor. They are scared that
at Sir Henry. Sir Henry’s face was white and he someone wants to kill Sir Henry Baskerville. A
raised his hands in horror when he saw the terrifying hound leaps out of the fog and chases
hound was chasing him. Sir Henry. Can Holmes and Watson solve the
mystery of the Hound of the Baskervilles? Read on
8 a) To predict the outcome of a and find out!
• Divide the class into small groups and ask (pp. 112-113)
them to discuss what they think will 1 To introduce the topic; to read for
happen next in the story. specific information
• Monitor the activity around the class.
• Ask groups to present their answers. Elicit what Ss know about H.G. Wells and the
stories he wrote. Allow time for Ss to read the
Suggested Answer Key
biography and then elicit answers around the
We think that the hound will attack Sir Henry, but class.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson will save him,
Suggested Answer Key
and they will scare away the dangerous hound.
After that, Sherlock Holmes will follow the hound H.G. Wells was a British writer born in 1866. He
and he will find out that it is not a ghostly hound, wrote science-fiction stories.
but a dog that someone is using to scare Sir
Henry. Sherlock Holmes will find the criminal and
send him to jail.
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World Tales
2 To predict the content of a text; to listen • Elicit answers from Ss about how they feel
and read for confirmation about the Morlocks.
• Ask Ss to give reasons for their answers.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and elicit Ss’
guesses as to what happens in the extract. Suggested Answer Key
• Ss read and listen to the text to find out. I don’t feel sorry for the Morlocks, because even
• Check Ss’ answers. though they were forced to live under the ground
Suggested Answer Key they didn’t have to hunt the Eloi.
The Time Traveller and Weena are walking in the
garden. A Morlock appears and the Time Traveller 5 To summarise a story
follows it down a well. He finds a lot of Morlocks • Decide whether Ss will say or write the task
under the ground. He lights a match and and then allow Ss time to write or say the story
discovers that the Morlocks are afraid of the light. around the class using the pictures in Ex. 2 to
He is frightened when they start to follow him and help them.
he climbs out of the well. • Ss prepare their answers.
• Monitor the activity around the class.
3 To read for specific information • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and have
the students present their answers in the next
• Ask Ss to read the questions and the answer
• Allow Ss time to read the text again and Suggested Answer Key
complete the task. The Time Traveller quickly became friends with
• Check Ss’ answers. Weena. They were in a beautiful valley one day
Answer Key when they saw a Morlock. The Time Traveller saw
that Weena was frightened and he wanted to find
1 B 2 C 3 A
out more about the Morlocks. He went down the
well after the Morlock. He lit a match and saw
4 a) To read for gist/specific information three Morlocks. They were afraid of the light. He got
• Explain the task. back to the top and Weena explained that the
• Elicit answers to the questions from Ss Eloi made the Morlocks live underground. Now the
around the class. Morlocks hate the light and they hunt the Eloi.
Suggested Answer Key
1 The Time Traveller thinks Weena is nice, 6 a) To predict the outcome of a
because they quickly became friends and she story
cares for him. • Divide Ss into small groups and ask them
2 The Morlocks look like white apes with greyish- to predict what will happen in the story.
red eyes. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
3 The Time Traveller goes down the well to find
Suggested Answer Key
out about the Morlocks.
I think the Time Traveller will try to talk to the
4 The Eloi are afraid because the Morlocks have
Morlocks. He will then try to help the Eloi and the
the power and hunt them.
Morlocks become friends and get them to share
• Give Ss time to look up the words in the their world.
Check these words box and elicit their
b) To watch for confirmation
Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments
b) To express a personal opinion about whether their guesses were correct.
• Explain the task.
(Ss’ own answers)

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World Tales
7 To develop and personalise the topic Suggested Answer Key
• Put Ss into groups or have them choose their We went back in time to ancient Greece. The
own groups. people there wore long flowing clothes. Some
• Explain the task and direct Ss’ attention to the people wore sandals, but others didn’t have
prompts. anything on their feet. They were very friendly and
• Tell Ss that they need to use the simple past to really clever. Some of them worked as farmers or
describe what happened. shepherds and some were philosophers. While
• Allow Ss time to draw their time machines and we were there, we saw the building of the
complete their descriptions in class or, Parthenon in Athens. It was amazing!
alternatively, as HW.
• Have Ss present their time machines and
descriptions to the rest of the class. Display Ss’
drawings in the classroom.

11 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw PresentSkillsKey.qxp_11 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw PresentSkillsKey 5/8/19 3:34 PM Page 84

Presentation Skills Key

1 • Present an ideal neighbourhood people enjoy walking or reading their favourite
book there in the mornings. There are cafés and
1 1 a rhetorical question restaurants where people meet to have a meal
2 setting the scene or just chat over a coffee. Police officers patrol my
3 a poem (this one is irrelevant, as it’s about the neighbourhood so everyone feels safe, and
speaker’s present home, not ideal there’s a hospital nearby.
neighbourhood) Wouldn’t you like to live in my ideal neighbourhood?
I know I would! Thanks for listening.
2 1 a statement (this one is irrelevant, since it’s
about moving to a different but real 2 • Present an achievement
neighbourhood, not an ideal one)
2 a rhetorical question 1 1 a personal letter
3 humour 2 a newspaper article
3 an encyclopaedia
3 location village in a forest, big city,
small town next to the sea 2 The encyclopaedia entry (3) contains accurate
information. The opinions expressed in the letter
streets wide streets, country lanes, about the size of the aeroplane and the danger
quiet roads turned out to be false, since Earhart was
buildings houses with gardens, blocks successful. The newspaper article gives wrong
of flats, skyscraper information about the length of the flight (just
transport bus, underground train, tram under 15 hours).

shops supermarket, post office, 3 2 and 4 give reasons.

department stores
services & gym, museum, cinema, 4 name: Amelia Earhart
facilities art gallery date/place of birth: 24th July 1897/Atchison,
outdoor play in the park, hiking in the
achievement: first woman to fly solo across the
activities forest, swimming at the beach
Atlantic Ocean in 1932
environment sea breeze, full of life, fresh air date/place of death: 2nd July 1937/disappeared
safety ambulance, hospital, police somewhere across the Pacific Ocean
officers, firefighters
5 Suggested Answer
Every century has its firsts, doesn’t it? Amelia
4 Suggested Answer Earhart was born 24th July 1897 in Atchison,
Have you ever thought about what your ideal Kansas. Well, one of the greatest achievements of
neighbourhood would look like? I do it all the the 20th century was when Amelia Earhart
time! became the first woman to fly solo across the
My ideal neighbourhood is in a big city. I live in a Atlantic Ocean in 1932.
flat at the top of a skyscraper and there’s a gym Before the flight, Earhart was a well-known pilot,
in my building! There are wide streets, beautiful but no one thought it was possible for her to fly
buildings and it’s easy to get around because on her own across the Atlantic. Most people in
there are buses and an underground train. There those days didn’t think a woman had the
are lots of facilities such as a supermarket, a strength or ability for such a long flight. But
department store, a library and two museums. Earhart didn’t listen to the critics. She set off on
There are also many art galleries and cinemas. her journey from Harbour Grace in Newfoundland,
It’s full of life and even though it’s a city, people Canada. She had been flying for 14 hours and 56
are friendly. Children play in the park while older minutes when she landed in a field in Culmore,
11 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw PresentSkillsKey.qxp_11 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw PresentSkillsKey 5/8/19 3:34 PM Page 85

Presentation Skills Key

Northern Ireland. It was an amazing achievement Now that we’ve talked about what you should do
and Earhart became a celebrity around the to stay healthy, I’m going to mention a few things
world. Her achievement was especially important you shouldn’t do. First of all, I’ve already
in the fight for women’s rights, especially in the mentioned what you should be eating: lots of
USA. After her incredible bravery and skill at flying fruit and vegetables. But what foods shouldn’t
a small plane, no one could say that women you eat? It’s best to avoid sweets, because they
could not do these things anymore. Unfortunately, are full of sugar. Also, you really shouldn’t spend
she disappeared somewhere across the Pacific too much time watching TV because it means
Ocean on 2nd July 1937. less time for exercise and, as I told you earlier,
I think it’s fair to say that Amelia Earhart gave exercising regularly is important.
women ‘a flying start’ in the 20th century! Thank To conclude, eating healthily, reducing stress and
you for listening. keeping your body strong, relaxed and at an
ideal weight are all important ways to stay
3 • Present a healthy lifestyle healthy. And we all want to keep our bodies
physically fit so we can be our best selves, don’t
1 Beginning 2 uses a proverb related to a healthy we? Now, are there any questions? … Thank you
lifestyle. all very much.

2 1 First 3 Finally 5 as 5 (Ss’ own answers)

2 Also 4 This means
4 • Present an invention
3 The phrases that recap the main points of the
presentation are: 1 1 asks a series of questions
Now that we’ve talked about what you should do 2 a hook statement
to stay healthy,
I’ve already mentioned that you should be 2 B is speaker notes and A is the actual wording of
eating lots of fruit and vegetables, the presentation.
Also, as I told you earlier, exercising regularly is B only has key words/phrases, connected to the
important. contents of slide 1.

4 Suggested Answer 3 Information to use:

Hello, everyone, and happy World Health Day! 1972
Every year on World Health Day, I think of the • first email program

Arabic proverb that goes: “He who has health • NCP introduced
has hope; and he who has hope has everything.”
Today, I would like to tell you a few of the best Speaker Notes:
ways you can stay healthy – and some things 1972
you should avoid too! • first email program (Ray Tomlinson)
In the first place, it’s important to eat at least five • NCP (Network Control Protocol) introduced –

• ARPA → DARPA (end of year – D stands for

portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Experts allows computers to communicate
recommend this number so that you can
consume the nutrients you need to stay healthy. ‘defense’)
Another good idea is to meditate. It’s a good
idea to spend some time outdoors every day to 4 Suggested Answer
get some fresh air and reconnect with nature. Good morning, everyone. When you think about
This is very good for your health and general well- an invention of the 20th century which changed
being. It also relaxes the mind and is a good way the lives of people, what comes to mind? …
to combat stress. Perhaps the computer? … Maybe the mobile
phone? Well, I think of the Internet, because
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Presentation Skills Key

without it, you wouldn’t care about the other two. 4 Suggested Answer
The start of the Internet can be traced back to Hello everyone, and welcome to Romania. I’m
the year 1969, when the Advanced Research sure there are a lot of places which you’d like to
Projects Agency of the Department of Defence in visit during your time here, but I highly
the USA created ARPANET, a time-sharing network recommend that you visit Calimani National Park.
of computers. This led to what we now know as This nature reserve is in north Romania and it’s a
the Internet. In 1972, Ray Tomlinson wrote the first beautiful place of unspoilt nature.
email program and a few months later, NCP or In Calimani National Park, you can see a huge
Network Control Protocol was introduced. This variety of landscapes, from waterfalls to forests,
allowed computers to communicate with one and you can spot a wide range of wildlife. The
another. park is also great for bird-watching, with
At the time, not a lot of people realised how the countless European deer, wolves and, of course,
Internet would change the way people lived. In the famous Carpathian brown bear. There is also
fact, Clifford Stoll, an American astronomer, said a big variety of plant species. All in all, a trip to
the Internet wouldn’t change anything. He was, Calimani National Park is an unforgettable
of course, totally wrong because the Internet has experience. You’ll learn a lot about ecology and
changed everything. It has allowed people to experience nature at its most beautiful!
access and share information around the world You don’t want to go home without seeing such
at the click of a button. It has also revolutionised a beautiful place, do you? Are there any questions?
communication, so distance is not an issue and Thank you for listening.
working from home or even in another country is
possible. There are also many more educational 6 • Present a film character
opportunities because of it. The Internet, without
a doubt, has changed our lives greatly and has 1 1 The speaker asks questions about the character.
made the world a lot smaller. As the American 2 The speaker gives a series of statements about
author Dave Berry once said, “The Internet is the the character.
most important single development in the history
of human communication”. I couldn’t agree 2 (Ss’ own answers)
more. Are there any questions? Thank you for
listening. 3 1 Slide B is more effective as it shows Sean
Connery playing Bond and one of Bond’s
5 • Present a nature reserve most unforgettable lines.
2 Slide A is more appropriate as it has the
1 1 touch 3 taste 5 sight information in brief, and the fonts and bullet
2 smell 4 hearing points help the reader.

2 1 clear 3 unique 4 Character: James Bond

2 bright 4 amazing Actors: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger
Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel
3 1 warm Craig
2 sweet-smelling Appearance/Personal qualities: tall, athletic,
3 huge handsome with short hair, smartly dressed;
4 unforgettable sensible, calm and independent
the feeling of the warm sun on your skin (touch) Name of film(s): over 25, including Casino Royal,
the scent of sweet-smelling wildflowers (smell) Quantum of Solace, Skyfall and Spectre
you can also see a huge variety of wildlife Types of film(s): spy, adventure, action

11 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw PresentSkillsKey.qxp_11 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw PresentSkillsKey 5/8/19 3:34 PM Page 87

Presentation Skills Key

5 Suggested Answer to create several plans to achieve his goals. He
He is always well-dressed and he is a gentleman. can speak a lot of languages and is quite
His accent is typically British, but he speaks at athletic. He’s very skilful at martial arts and
least seven languages. He has travelled the world appears to be sensible, calm and independent.
and he has a licence to kill. His code name is 007. His films are all quite memorable as he is a brave
That’s right, the name’s Bond, James Bond. and adventurous character who always gets out
Ian Fleming created this character in 1952. He of difficult spots and saves the day!
has appeared in 12 novels and two short story All in all, James Bond is one of the best
collections. characters in film and I think anyone would really
James Bond is one of cinema’s most popular enjoy the James Bond films. After all, who doesn’t
characters, too. In fact, he has appeared in over enjoy a film full of action, adventure and
25 films! They are spy and adventure films with a excitement? Are there any questions? Thank you
lot of action. Several different actors played for listening.
James Bond, including Sean Connery, George
Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce
Brosnan and Daniel Craig. Daniel Craig
appeared in Casino Royal in 2006, Quantum of
Solace in 2008, Skyfall in 2012 and Spectre in
2015. Commander James Bond – code name
007 – is a tall, handsome secret agent with short
hair. He usually wears a suit. He’s clever and able

12 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw FunTime&SongsKey.qxp_10 ROM gr 7 L1 Ts bw FunTime&SongsKey 5/8/19 3:34 PM Page 88

Fun Time & Songs Key

Fun Time 1 (p. 128) Fun Time 2 (p. 130)
1 The school is never open on Sunday. 1 (Suggested Answer) flood, tornado
2 b 2 tired
3 How often do you go shopping? I go shopping 3 windy
every Saturday. 5 surprised
5 a 6 (Suggested Answer) played, danced
6 b 7 was surfing
7 I always brush my teeth. 8 rain
9 beach 10 (Suggested Answer) fog, snow
10 a 12 was cooking
11 Are they visiting the museum now? No, they aren’t. 13 scared
13 Does Betty go to the gym every day? No, she 14 (Suggested Answer) stone, marble
doesn’t. 15 foggy
14 desert 16 (Suggested Answer) yesterday, ago
15 b 18 (Suggested Answer) I did my homework.,
16 for I watched TV.
17 a 19 Did Ancient Romans grow
19 surf 20 (Suggested Answer) drank, swam
20 b 21 boring
22 with 22 wrote
23 cave 23 (Suggested Answer) I was reading a book.,
24 a I was listening to music.
25 a 25 (Suggested Answer) I went to the cinema.,
27 Do your grandparents live in the countryside? Yes, I visited my grandparents.
they do. 26 Was Cindy doing
28 b 27 Were you watching/No, I wasn’t.
28 sang
Song (p. 129) 29 (Suggested Answer) I travelled to Spain.,
1 Suggested Answer I went swimming every day.
I think I’m going to hear words/phrases of daily 30 didn’t have
routines and everyday activities: take a shower,
eat breakfast/dinner, etc. Song (p. 131)
1 1 last 2 day 3 today 4 away
2 Suggested Answer
The song uses present tenses because it is about 3 Suggested Answer
daily routines and everyday activities. A: I think the quote means that the past can
teach us a lot.
3 Suggested Answer B: I agree. I think we can learn from our past
A: My life is the same as the singer’s because I mistakes so we don’t make them again in the
get up and get ready for school every future.
morning. I also walk to school with my friends.
B: My life is a bit different from the singer’s because Fun Time 3 (p. 132)
I take the bus to school, but in the evening, I (from left to right & top to bottom)
have dinner with my family like the singer does. • use a nasal spray
A: Yeah, me too. • been
• play online/video/computer games
• Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments. • Have you finished
• take

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Fun Time & Songs Key

• didn’t watch Fun Time 4 (p. 134)
• have 1 send
• play laser tag 2 drone
• ago 4 mustn’t
• a runny nose 5 Chat
• has sent 6 taller
• do parkour 7 pilot
• do gymnastics 8 like
• made 9 (Suggested Answer) action, simulation, strategy
• do 10 couldn’t
• gone 11 Speak
• go go-karting 13 easier
• haven’t written 14 should
• lived 16 share
• (have) a headache 17 expensive
• ate 18 dentist
• (play) escape games 20 chats
• never 21 upload
• (have) a lozenge 22 faster
• go bowling 24 best
• has tried 25 (Suggested Answer) artist, doctor, photographer
• have 26 Can
• travelled 28 tap on
• go rollerblading 29 (Suggested Answer) better
• since 30 Select
• haven’t eaten 31 smartphone
• drink (mint) tea 33 Send
• Did you visit 34 make
• make
• had Song (p. 135)
• (have) a sore throat
1 Suggested Answer
send, download, type, click, stream, print, delete,
Song (p. 133)
update, check, post, etc
1 Suggested Answer
body, food, health, exercise, sport, fruit, fit, 2 Suggested Answer
vegetables, water, sleep etc click, send, stream, update, post, print, delete

2 Suggested Answer 3 Suggested Answer

body ✓, food, health ✓, exercise ✓, sport ✓, fruit, I would watch TV, read a book or go outside and
fit ✓, vegetables, water, sleep ✓ play with my friends. I would also spend more
time with my family.
3 Suggested Answer
Make healthy choices every day Fun Time 5 (p. 136)
Because this is the best way
To keep your body strong and fit
So take good care of it, it, it 1.1 Everybody
1.2 deforestation
1.3 will/’ll pass

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Fun Time & Songs Key

1.4 Do Fun Time 6 (p. 138)
1.5 grow organic fruit & vegetables
(Suggested Answer)
2.1 are/’re going to cut
2.3 is/’s travelling Festival
2.4 a lot of
2.5 people SA: OK, so this is an event. It can last from one day to
2.6 wasp many days. Lots of people go there. It’s usually
3.1 build a birdhouse outdoors. There are things to eat and drink and
3.2 many everyone has a lot of fun.
3.3 anything SB: A festival!
3.4 am/’m going to make SA: Correct! etc
3.5 air pollution
3.6 is/’s going to wear Song (p. 139)
4.2 will/’ll make 1 1 now 3 loud 5 stage
4.3 chameleon 2 shout 4 crowd 6 smile
4.4 will help
4.6 little 2 Suggested Answer
5.1 many I can picture myself on a stage ready to perform
5.2 rubbish in front of a big audience. The crowd dances to
5.3 is/’s going to study the music and I rock the stage.
5.4 butterfly
5.5 no one 3 Suggested Answer
5.6 is/’s going to rain I think the singer means that we only get one life
6.1 tortoise to live and we should make the most of it.
6.3 anyone
6.4 organise a clean-up day • Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments.
6.5 will not/won’t see
6.6 oxen

Song (p. 137)

1 1 home 4 needs 7 waste 10 seas
2 only 5 car 8 Save
3 takes 6 cut 9 need

2 Suggested Answer
This is a picture that shows deforestation. Trees
clean the air we breathe. If we cut them down,
we won’t have enough clean air to survive. Also,
many animals will lose their homes. We should
all do something to reduce deforestation!

• Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments.

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Going Green
Starter – Reduce Waste at School 5 Project: To research and present other
1 To revise vocabulary ways to reduce waste at school or at home

Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Elicit the meaning • Ss discuss the task in pairs. Elicit a variety of
of unknown words (recycled, refillable). Ss answer ideas and write them on the board. Ss can
the question. use the Internet as well as magazines to
collect information and complete the task.
Suggested Answer Key
Encourage Ss to present the information as a
At school I use a refillable pen and pencil and a poster with pictures.
lunch box. • Choose some Ss to present their work to the
class. Ss may vote for the ones they like the
2 To predict content best.
• Read the title aloud. Mime the idea of ‘waste’ (Ss’ own answers)
(e.g. pretending to throw things such as paper
in the bin). Module 1 – Ecosystems
• Elicit what the title means.
• Ss in pairs try to guess the relationship between 1 To introduce the topic
the title and the pictures. Check in open pairs. • Refer Ss to the definition of an ecosystem and
Suggested Answer Key ask them to name some general living and
I think that the text gives us information on how non-living elements in order to check
we can have less rubbish at school. understanding (e.g. insects, fish, rocks, soil,
• Allow time for Ss to identify the ecosystems in
3 To read for specific information
the pictures and to think about what
• Allow Ss three minutes to read the text silently creatures they associate with each. Discuss
and complete the sentences. Ss discuss answers with the class.
answers with their partners.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
coral reef – coral, sponges, sea urchins, etc
Answer Key
ocean – lobsters, dolphins, whales, tuna fish,
1 ... ask your teacher if you can hand in your swordfish, plankton, etc
homework on a disk. grassland – grass, shrubs, rabbits, grass snakes,
2 ... use it for a long time. bees, grasshoppers, etc
3 ... much as you want to eat. river – trout, reeds, pike, swans, ducks, beavers,
4 ... recycling bins. otters, frogs, etc
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. swamp – alligators, crocodiles, ferns, mosquitoes,
4 To talk about what you learnt desert – cactuses, camels, scorpions, snakes, etc
rainforest – trees, monkeys, frogs and toads, bats,
• Allow Ss two minutes to look over the text. Ss
centipedes, snakes, etc
close their books and tell their partner three
things they remember from the text.
• Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the 2 To use previous knowledge of a subject
class. to predict answers
Suggested Answer Key • Explain that thinking about what Ss know
• use less paper about the topic before they read can help
• use refillable pens and pencils them understand the text. However, they
• recycle paper and cans should only use information given in a text to
answer questions about the text.

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Going Green
• Ss talk about possible answers to the Answer Key
questions in pairs. Discuss suggestions with keep – maintain
the class, but do not confirm answers at this depend on – rely on
stage. work together – interact
• Ss read the text. Allow time for Ss to modify disturb – upset
their predicted answers if necessary and then eat – feed on
check answers with the class.
Suggested Answer Key 5 To describe a picture and reading for
1 There is a mixture of different living and non- specific information
living things in an ecosystem. Ask various Ss to say what they can see in the
2 All the parts interact to maintain the balance picture (a bird making a nest, a tree, a rabbit,
in the system. green grass, a grasshopper, etc). Ask Ss to read
3 If something changes in an ecosystem, then it the text again and elicit the answer to the
affects the whole ecosystem. question in the rubric.
Answer Key
3 To develop vocabulary Paragraph 3.
• Ss use contextual clues to explain the words
• Elicit what living and non-living elements are
in bold. Alternatively, they may use their
in the ecosystem in the drawing (living: grass,
dictionaries to look up the meanings of words
tree, bird, rabbit, grasshopper; non-living: air,
they do not know.
heat, soil and light).
• Check answers with the class.
• Conduct a brief classroom discussion on how
Suggested Answer Key this ecosystem might work.
grow up: gradually change from being a child
Suggested Answer Key
into being an adult
The sun helps the grass grow. The grasshoppers
habits: actions people do often or regularly
eat the grass and the birds eat the grasshoppers.
survival: ability to stay alive
The bird uses the tree and the grass to make its
soil: earth in which plants grow
home and the rabbit uses the soil and the grass
fungi: type of plant, including mushrooms
to make its home. The animals use the air to
bacteria: microscopic organisms
breathe and the sun for heat and light.
imaginary: not real
web: a complicated pattern of connections and • Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments.
countless: so large that the number cannot be 6 Project: To describe a local ecosystem
measured • Explain the task and answer any questions Ss
produce: make, manufacture may have. Allow time for Ss to discuss their
energy: the power that enables plants and research and write about their ecosystems.
animals to do things Alternatively, assign the task as H/W.
nest: the home of a bird; where it lays its eggs • Display Ss’ work in the class.
delicate: sensitive, easily damaged • Offer individual and class feedback on Ss’
balance: situation in which all the parts are of achievements.
equal strength
(Ss’ own answers)

4 To identify synonyms
Module 2 – Earth Day
Allow time for Ss to complete the matching task
1 To match a saying to its definition
and then compare answers with a partner.
Check answers with the class. • Read out the saying and explain any unknown
words in the saying or explanations (a-c).
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Going Green
• Ss match the saying to the correct explanation. • Draw a table on the board with the headings
• Check answers. fresh, frozen, lots of wrapping, organic. Ss
Answer Key copy it into their notebooks and put the foods
b from their lists under the right heading. Elicit
answers from around the class to complete
the table on the board. Discuss the results as
2 To read for detailed understanding a class.
• Preteach any unknown words (e.g. senator – Suggested Answer Key
a politician responsible for making laws).
• Ss read the text and fill in the missing sentences. Fresh Frozen Lots of Organic
• Check answers. Then have Ss read out the wraping
completed text. Assign one paragraph to milk, eggs, fish, cereal, broccoli,
each volunteer. bananas, meat, biscuits, carrots,
• Ask questions to ensure that Ss have
cheese, etc etc etc apples, etc
understood the text (e.g. What was Senator
Nelson worried about? When and why did he
create Earth Day? How is the saying in Ex. 1
3 To predict the content of a text
related to Senator Nelson’s concerns?).
• Read out the words in the list and elicit/
Answer Key
explain their meanings. Ask Ss to predict what
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 e
the text is going to be about.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. • Ss read the text and check their predictions.
Suggested Answer Key
3 Project: To make a pine cone bird The text is about food, how production methods
feeder, experiential learning and packaging harm the environment and
Read and explain the instructions and bring the things we can do to help the environment.
materials needed to class. Give out the materials
to Ss. Ss make their pine cone bird feeders and 4 To read for specific information, gap
hang them on branches of trees in the school filling
yard or in their garden. • Focus Ss’ attention on the gaps in the text.
Point out that the words that are missing are
Module 3 – Food for Thought function words (i.e. prepositions, conjunctions,
1 To talk about shopping for food quantifiers) and that Ss must read the text
and use the context and the words before
Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from
and after the missing word to work out what
various Ss around the class.
the missing word is. Do the first item with Ss to
Suggested Answer Key model the task.
I go shopping for food once a week with my • Check answers with the class and ask some
mum. We shop at the local supermarket and we Ss to read the completed text out loud.
get the things we need for the week. We buy fruit
Answer Key
and vegetables, meat and fish, bread and
1 and 3 of 5 any/the
cereal, snacks, etc.
2 as 4 more

2 To categorise • Ss explain the words in bold, using a dictionary

when necessary.
• Elicit/Explain the meanings of any unknown
words in the rubric. Ss make a list of the food
they often buy.

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Going Green
Suggested Answer Key We can ask for paper bags instead of plastic
transporting: moving people or goods from one ones when we go shopping so we can recycle
place to another them. We can also use our own bags when we
exhaust fumes: the waste gas from a vehicle’s go shopping. That way we don’t collect loads of
engine plastic bags.
organically grown produce: plants that are
grown without the use of chemicals 4 a) To present and practise vocabulary
chemicals: substances that are produced by
• Focus Ss’ attention on the pictures. Ask Ss:
chemistry, artificially
Which of the appliances have you used
pesticides: chemicals that are used to kill insects
today? How did you use it/them? How
that harm plants
does each one work? etc. Ss answer the
packaging: the paper, box etc that sth is wrapped
questions in pairs.
in so that it can be sold or sent somewhere
• Monitor Ss’ performance offering assistance
bin: a container that is used to put waste in
as necessary.
refrigerator: fridge; a large metal container that
uses electricity to keep food cool and fresh Suggested Answer Key
You can find a fridge, a kettle, an iron and a
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. toaster in the kitchen.
You can find a telephone, a lamp and a
5 To talk about what you learnt television in the living room.
• Allow Ss two minutes to look over the text. Ss You can find a hair dryer in the bedroom.
close their books and tell their partner four We use a fridge to keep food cool. Sometimes
things they remember about the text. there is a part that keeps food frozen.
• Elicit various answers around the class. We use a telephone to talk to people who are
not in the same place as we are.
(Ss’ own answers) We use a lamp to light up a small area.
We use a hair dryer to dry our hair after we have
6 Project: To research and give a washed it.
presentation about how to be environmentally We use an iron to press clothes.
friendly when it comes to food We use a toaster to toast bread, crumpets,
• Explain the task. Ss do research on the bagels, etc.
Internet on other things we can do to be We use a kettle to boil water for tea and coffee.
environmentally friendly when it comes to We use a television to watch programmes.
food. Ss organise the information they We use an air conditioner to keep a room cool in
collected and give a five minute presentation hot weather.
to the class. They all use electricity to function.
• Tell Ss to pay special attention to the
presentations and say two new ways they b) To understand a dictionary entry
learnt about how to be environmentally • Read the dictionary definition aloud.
friendly when it comes to food. Check that Ss understand the definition.
Suggested Answer Key • Elicit answers to the question from different
We can buy less processed food. For example, Ss. Encourage Ss to disagree/agree with
buy food such as raw cane sugar and their classmates’ answers. Discuss as a
unbleached flour. This would save energy and class.
would be more healthy too. Suggested Answer Key
We can buy foods that come in recyclable All the appliances have the potential to be
packaging. This saves on waste. vampire devices if we never unplug them.

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Going Green
2 To talk about the ways we waste energy Wednesday
in the house Asked Dad to replace the washer on the bathroom
• Elicit ways to save energy in the home and tap because it was leaking.
write them on the board. Thursday
• Focus Ss’ attention on the picture on p. 149. Stayed five minutes less than usual in the shower
What rooms can they see? (kitchen, bedroom, and saved water.
bathroom and living room).
• Ask Ss to talk the ways people waste energy in Module 5 – Traded Dead or Alive
the house. 1 To describe a picture; to infer meaning
Suggested Answer Key and relate it to a title
In the kitchen, people sometimes leave the • Focus Ss’ attention on the picture.
fridge open. • Ss, in small groups, brainstorm for the answers
In the bedroom, people sometimes don’t turn off to the questions.
the light when they leave the room. • Elicit answers for each question from several
Ss and initiate a class discussion.
3 To talk about how to save energy;
Suggested Answer Key
to read for confirmation
The picture shows various African wild animals
• Ask Ss to look at the drawing on p. 149 to get including a tiger, a zebra, an antelope, a
ideas on how we can save energy at home. leopard and an elephant lying together on an
Elicit answers (not leave lights on if we don’t airport baggage carousel. They are all dead.
need them, etc). Ss talk in pairs. Some are whole and others are in pieces.
• Ss read to check their answers. The place is the baggage claim area of an
• Elicit how many things they mentioned in the airport.
reading and how many things they didn’t The whole scene is strange and shocking.
mention. Also ask several Ss which of the These and other animals are traded illegally
energy wasting devices wastes the most either alive as exotic pets or dead as tourist
energy and why. souvenirs because many people on holiday buy
Suggested Answer Key souvenirs made of animal parts.
Close all doors and windows to keep in the heat.
Turn off all electrical appliances when not in use. 2 To practise vocabulary related to
Turn off lights when you don’t need them. souvenirs
Don’t waste water.
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. words.
• Focus Ss’ attention on the six pictures on p. 151.
4 Project: To keep a log about saving
Read the example aloud.
• Ss do the task in pairs.
• Explain what a log is. Explain the task. Give Ss • Check answers with the class.
an example of how to do it. (See Suggested
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key)
They used tiger fur to make the coat.
• Check and mark Ss’ logs every Friday for the
They used snakeskin to make the belt.
They used coral to make the necklace.
Suggested Answer Key They used tortoiseshell to make the hair pins.
Week 1 They used macaw feathers to make the fan.
Turned off the light and the computer in my
brother’s room. My brother was out for the evening.

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Going Green
3 To predict the content of a text 6 Project: To make a poster to help
• Ask Ss to brainstorm what they expect the text protect endangered animals from illegal trade
to be about. Write some suggestions on the • Explain the task.
board. • Ss research online and collect the information
• Ss read the text and check their predictions. that they need.
• Check answers with the class. • Ss then make a poster to help protect
Suggested Answer Key endangered animals from illegal trade.
The text is about the illegal trade in animal parts • Encourage Ss to find examples of other illegal
of endangered species and gives advice on how tourist souvenirs made from endangered

οn their posters.
to avoid buying these kinds of souvenirs. species and to stick pictures of the animals

4 To complete an open cloze text (Ss’ own answers)

• Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss continue in pairs or
small groups and fill in the remaining gaps Module 6 –Why do leaves fall?
with the missing word. 1 To present new vocabulary
• Check and discuss answers with the class.
• Ss match the leaves to the descriptive
Answer Key
adjectives individually and then compare
1 most 4 or 7 will answers with a partner.
2 going 5 them 8 them • Check answers with the class.
3 the 6 If
Answer Key
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
1 heart-shaped 3 prickly
5 Role play, to talk about safe souvenir 2 hairy 4 slender
• Divide Ss into small groups. 2 To predict text content
• Allow Ss time to go through the text and take • Ask Ss to look at the title of the text and then
notes. Ss then imagine that they are tour go through the list of prompts with the class to
guides and take it in turns to speak to their check understanding. Invite Ss to suggest
groups about safe souvenir shopping. what the text might be about.
• Monitor the task helping Ss as necessary. • Ss read the text and check their predictions.
• Ask some Ss to act out their talk in front of the Suggested Answer Key
class. The text describes the life cycle of a leaf and how
Suggested Answer Key trees use energy from sunlight to produce food.
I’d like to talk to you about what souvenirs you
should and shouldn’t buy. A lot of animal 3 To complete sentences based on
poachers continue to do their cruel work in information in a text
Africa. These people kill animals illegally – often
• Explain the task, checking that Ss understand
endangered animals – and trade in their animal
they should complete the sentences using
parts. It is therefore illegal to buy anything that
information from the text but in their own
they made from ivory, coral, macaw feathers,
words, i.e. paraphrased.
tortoiseshell, animal fur or snake skin.
• Ss complete the sentences individually and
Be especially careful when it comes to bags,
then compare answers with a partner. Invite a
belts, ornaments and jewellery. If you do buy
few Ss to read out their sentences to the class
these things either on purpose or by accident,
to check answers.
customs officers will take them away from you
and fine you. If you are uncertain about what
they used to make something, don’t buy it!
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Going Green
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 ... trees and plants the energy they need to My life begins in spring when the trees come to
make food. life again and produce new leaves like me. Until
2 ... cannot make as much food as the tree the end of summer, I use the sun’s energy and
needs. the chlorophyll in my leaves to change carbon
3 ... the chlorophyll in the leaves changes. dioxide from the air and water into food that
4 ... protect and feed the roots of the tree. helps the tree grow. When autumn comes, there
is not enough sunlight for me to keep producing
4 To identify trees in different seasons the tree’s food and I start to change colour and
die. When I die, I fall to the ground where I keep
Refer Ss to the pictures of the four trees and their
the roots of the tree warm. Then I rot and feed
colours. Elicit what the season is.
the roots.
Answer Key
A summer C winter 6 To create a leaf rainbow
B autumn D spring
• Ss can collect leaves for this task. Alternatively,
they may make leaves from pieces of paper
5 To personalise information
or print pictures of leaves that they find on the
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs. Ss Internet.
take turns to describe their life as a leaf to • Display some of the finished rainbows around
each other. the class.
• Monitor pairs as they work on the activity,
(Ss’ own answers)
providing assistance where necessary.
• When pairs complete the task, invite a few
individual Ss to describe their life cycles as
leaves to the class.

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Evaluations Key
Evaluation 1 (Modules 1-2) 3 1 upload 3 tweet/retweet 5 like
1 1 snowing 4 cloudy 2 send 4 share
2 windy 5 thunderstorm
3 sunny 4 1 has gone 3 has gone 5 have gone
2 have been 4 has been
2 1 beach 3 valley 5 cave
2 lake 4 desert 5 1 for 3 yet 5 just
2 never 4 ever
3 1 fresh 4 friendly 7 heavy
2 tall 5 nervous 8 clean 6 1 haven’t finished 4 Have you ever tried
3 tired 6 boring 2 has been waiting 5 have been playing
3 has never done
4 1 is Kevin travelling 4 doesn’t like
2 is never 5 always reads 7 1 mustn’t 3 could 5 might
3 is lying 2 must 4 May

5 1 to travel 3 buy 5 shopping 8 1 more comfortable 4 shorter

2 seeing 4 to cook 2 the biggest 5 the friendliest
3 the worst
6 1 Did Alex buy, did
2 Did Daniel learn, didn’t 9 1 The Globe Theatre is cheaper than the Tower
3 Was Mary, wasn’t of London, but the Natural History Museum of
4 Did Helen play, did London is the cheapest of all.
5 Did Claudia take, did 2 The Globe Theatre is older than the Natural
History Museum of London, but the Tower of
7 1 When was it raining? London is the oldest of all.
2 Who watched a film two days ago? 3 The Globe Theatre is more expensive than the
3 What stroke Italy in 2009? Natural History Museum of London, but the
4 Where did Iacob go yesterday? Tower of London is the most expensive of all.
4 The Tower of London is more popular than the
8 1 was surfing, was listening Globe Theatre, but the Natural History
2 fell off, broke Museum of London is the most popular of all.
3 wasn’t sleeping, rang
4 were driving, started 10 1 up 3 in 5 back
5 Did you have, were 2 on 4 off

9 1 across 3 off 5 out 11 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D

2 on 4 up with
Evaluation 3 (Modules 5-6)
10 1 C 2 E 3 B 4 A 5 D 1 1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 c

Evaluation 2 (Modules 3-4) 2 1 theatre 3 row 5 balcony

1 1 take 3 have 5 play 2 stage 4 aisle
2 make 4 do
3 1 reggae 3 blues 5 classical
2 1 dentist 3 artist 5 secretary 2 electronic 4 opera
2 mechanic 4 nurse

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Evaluations Key
4 1 many 3 a lot of 5 a little
2 few 4 much

5 1 something 4 Someone/Somebody
2 no 5 everyone/everybody
3 anywhere

6 1 won’t go 5 leaves
2 will win 6 is going to rain
3 miss 7 is travelling
4 are going to spend 8 will stay

7 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C

8 1 out 3 after 5 down

2 into 4 into

9 1 E 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 C

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Student’s Book Audioscripts

Module 1 – Our World You can find something to do in Mexico City at any
1a – Exercise 5 (p. 17) time of the day or night. That’s why people also call it
‘The City That Never Sleeps’!
A: What’s that graph about, Daniel?
B: Oh, hi, Mum. It’s the results of a survey. It’s about
Flash Time 1 – Exercise 2 (p. 27)
free-time activities.
A: Oh, that’s interesting. So, how do your classmates Speaker 1
like spending their free time? What does your ideal neighbourhood look like? Are
B: Well, 86% like surfing the Net – that is the most there nice houses with gardens and quiet streets?
popular activity – and 70% like playing video My ideal neighbourhood is a place in the city where
games. I can really feel comfortable and safe. It’s a place with
A: I see. And what about spending time with family wide streets and pavements where I can walk safely.
and friends? Is that a popular activity? And there are lots of car parks so that people can
B: Yes, of course. 62% say they like doing that. And find parking easily. Also, police officers patrol the
another interesting result was that 57% like streets and make people feel safe. Older people can
playing sports. spend their mornings in the park while younger ones
A: OK, and what about your favourite activity – can jog there. Children can walk or cycle to school.
going to the cinema? Do any of your classmates There are shops for people to do their shopping and
like doing that? great restaurants to enjoy a meal.
B: Yes, of course, 43% of them do. But more people How does my ideal neighbourhood sound to you?
like listening to music – half of the class, actually. Would you enjoy living there? I would!
A: 50%? That’s a lot. So, which activities are not so Speaker 2
popular with your classmates? What does your ideal neighbourhood look like? Is it in
B: Well, 32% of them like going to amusement parks a busy city or in a quiet village?
and just 15% like reading books. My ideal neighbourhood is a quiet place in a village.
A: Really? That’s a pity – reading is my favourite There are small cottages with beautiful gardens. There
activity. Is that the activity that has the lowest are lots of trees and flowers along the streets. It is a
percentage? place where neighbours know each other and talk to
B: No, just 5% of classmates like going shopping. I each other on the street. Children play happily in the
guess they think it’s really boring. streets or at the school playground, or go swimming in
A: Hmm. That’s interesting. the lake. There’s a main street with nice little shops, a
small café and a pizza house. The nearest city is a
1f – Exercise 5 (p. 25) 15-minutes’ drive.
We love Mexico City So, what do you think? Would you live in my ideal
You can find Mexico City in the centre of Mexico. It’s neighbourhood?
the biggest city in the country with around 8.5 million
people. Its nickname is ‘The City of Palaces’. Progress Check 1 – Exercise 7 (p. 28)
Mexico City is a great place to go sightseeing. You
Visitors to Italy should not miss a trip to Pisa to see its
can visit the famous Angel of Independence in the
famous leaning tower. Pisa is a city on the west coast
centre or see sculptures and paintings at the Palace
of Italy with nice shops, friendly locals and, of course,
of Fine Arts.
historic buildings. Most people visit the Leaning Tower
Mexico City has plenty of activities to keep you
of Pisa. The original height of the tower was 60 metres,
entertained during your visit. There are countless art
but now it’s under 57 metres. Don’t worry, though; it’s
galleries and museums, you can pick up some
safe to climb the 294 steps and the view from the top
fantastic bargains and souvenirs in the traditional
is breathtaking. Because of all the tourists who want to
markets downtown. Also there are a lot of theatres
enter the tower, you only have 30 minutes to go up
and concert halls to enjoy live entertainment and
and down, but that’s more than enough time.
after that you can stay up to enjoy the lively nightlife.

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The cheapest ticket costs 18 euros when you buy it at 2c – Exercise 3 (p. 36)
the tower, but you can find better deals online. The Recording 1
website of the city also lists the opening times, so This is Ned Monkton reporting from Kent city centre.
check it out before your visit. Please note that children This heavy rain doesn’t seem to be stopping, and
under the age of 8 cannot enter the tower and those some streets in the city are completely covered in
between the ages of 8 and 18 need to have an adult water. It’s a very serious situation, and the police are
with them. asking many families to leave their homes. They also
want people around the city to avoid driving,
Module 2 – Truth or Legend? especially in the city centre.
Exercise 2 (p. 31)
Radio Presenter: … and now for today’s quiz on Truth Recording 2
or Legend we have Janine Potter from Manchester on A: Now, we’ve got some news from that terrible
the line. Good morning Janine. Are you ready? You disaster in Thailand. Our reporter Kelly Jones is on
have five statements and all you have to do is say the line from Krabi in the south of the country.
whether they are true or false. Kelly, what can you see right now?
Janine: Yes, I’m ready! B: I’m on high ground right now, Bill, looking at the
Radio Presenter: OK, Janine. First statement; the Moai terrible damage that these giant waves caused
of Easter Island are over a thousand years ago. on this quiet tourist town. It was lucky that
Janine:I don’t think that’s true. They’re not as old as everyone survived, but the waves destroyed
that. That’s false. many hotels and shops. And it all happened so
Radio Presenter: Congratulations! You’re right. The quickly.
islanders made them between 1250 and 1500 AD.
Let’s move on to the next question. The designer of the Recording 3
Parthenon, the ancient Greek temple, was Phidias. A: Did you feel the ground shaking yesterday
True or False? evening, Ann? It was very scary!
Janine: It’s true! Phidias was the designer and B: Yes, of course. It was lucky we were far away from
Callicrates and Ictinos were the architects. the centre of it, though. There was a lot of
Radio Presenter: Well done. Now, Janine, the ancient damage in Trenton, around 500 miles to the
Persians made buildings in which they kept ice frozen north.
even in the middle of summer. A: Yes, I heard about that. Some buildings fell, but
Janine: Er … true. nobody was injured.
Radio Presenter: Well done, Janine. They stored ice
and sometimes food in these buildings as well. Next 2f – Exercises 6a & 6b (p. 41)
question. We know that Emperor Trajan built his Paul and his parents were on holiday. One day, they
market around 100 AD, but is Trajan’s Market the were walking along the beach. It was a sunny day
world’s very first shopping mall? and they were talking happily.
Janine: That sounds to me like it’s false. Suddenly, they heard people screaming. They looked
Radio Presenter: Correct! They first used the space for up and saw the sea was coming in very fast. “It’s a
offices. Janine, you need just one more correct tsunami!” said Paul’s mum. They ran towards their hotel.
answer to win. Here we go. The Maya built their They made it to their room just in time. From their
amazing temples with metal tools. True or False? balcony, they saw the sea cover the land. Houses and
Janine: I think that’s false. boats went past the hotel. They were very scared.
Radio Presenter: You’re right again! They used stone Finally, a helicopter arrived and they climbed into it. As
and wooden tools. You really know your history! You they were flying away, Paul looked down. The tsunami
got five out of five right and that means you win this destroyed nearly everything. He felt lucky to be alive.
week’s star prize …

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Progress Check 2 – Exercise 7 (p. 44) where some aliens took her to another planet and
Interviewer: Welcome back to the show. Now, I’m with she needed to find her way back to Earth in a
a local man Tom Smith. Tom claims that he saw the spaceship!
Loch Ness Monster. Tom, can you tell us when and Jessica: I don’t know… as long as it makes sense
where the sighting took place? within the room, I don’t mind. I mean, if you’re in a
Tom: It was last week, on June 13th exactly. I  was in pyramid in ancient Egypt, like the one Andy did, and
Scotland on holiday. I knew so much about the monster there’s a mummy in there with you, that makes sense.
that I thought I’d visit the lake to try and get a photo of it. But, if you’re in prison in a medieval castle and a
Interviewer: What was the weather like? pirate appears out of nowhere, then that’s silly.
Tom: It was raining in the morning, but when I arrived, Sam: You’ve got a point.
the sun was shining. Then, around half an hour after
I arrived, I spotted the monster. It was quite late at that 3f – Exercise 4 (p. 57)
time, so I was the only one there. Good morning everyone. Here's an announcement
Interviewer: So, what did it look like? about a day we have all been waiting for. It's our
Tom: It had a long neck and its head looked like the annual sports day. This year it's on the 8th of June.
head of a dinosaur. It was swimming really fast across That's on a Wednesday. It's the 21st sports day we've
the lake! had here since the school opened and every year it's
Interviewer: And what did you do? bigger and better. Events begin at 9:30, but everyone
Tom: Well, I tried to get my phone out of my pocket to needs to be at school at the normal time – 8:45. Do
take a photo, but I was so excited that I dropped it on not be late! We want all our pupils to get involved, so
the ground. there are a variety of events. Last year we had 12
Interviewer: What happened then, Tom? different events, but this year we're having 16. We have
Tom: Well, seconds later, the monster dived under the something very special at the end of the day. Paul
water and I didn’t see it again. I felt really disappointed Abbott, the kickboxing champion, is coming to hand
because I didn’t take a picture. Now, I only have my out the medals.
word and a lot of people don’t believe me, to be There is also a special prize of a skateboard, thanks to
honest. Taylor's Sports Shop, for the pupil who tried their best
Interviewer: Well, I suppose that’s understandable. in all events. Our annual sports day is always a great
Most people think it doesn’t exist. day and I'm looking forward to seeing you all!
Tom: That’s true, but I’m sure I saw something strange
in the lake that day. Progress Check 3 – Exercise 8 (p. 60)
Are you looking for something exciting to do in Dewey?
Module 3 – Fit for life Then book a slot at the new Dewey Escape Rooms, 115
3a – Exercise 7 (p. 49) Carnival Way, Dewey! We're open now, every day from
Sam: Hi, Jessica! How was the escape room? Monday to Sunday, 12 noon until midnight!
Jessica: Hey, Sam! It was really good, actually. Plenty Team up with your friends and take on one of our
of mystery. It was spooky. escape room challenges. You could be pirates trying
Sam: I’m sure that was the idea. Mine was a great to escape a sinking ship, people stuck in a prison cell,
adventure. But next time, I’m going on a nice simple or astronauts trapped on board a space station. You
detective one. Solve the crime and get out of the room. need to solve the clues and find your way out – but
Jessica: Oh, I don’t know… aren’t they a bit boring you've only got 60 minutes to do it, or you lose the
now? Kevin did an escape room in London where he game!
was in a submarine with his team and they needed to Book your escape room experience today for a
get out before the oxygen ran out. Now that sounds special price. Only £15 for groups of 2 to 4 people,
fun! and £20 for groups of 5 or more! Visit our website,
Sam: It does, actually. I think it’s because it could, for more details, but
really happen to you. Not like that one Tracy did, hurry: the clock is ticking!

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Student’s Book Audioscripts

Module 4 – In the news that is that your character must be completely new. It
Exercise 2 (p. 63) can’t be a drawing of an old character from another
game.You can send your entries by email or post them
Yesterday afternoon, a small accident stopped traffic
to DigiFan’s offices at 43 Holt House, Brentford. So get
in Hereford city centre. It happened when a public bus
creative, gamers, and you could see your character in
crashed into a parked taxi on the corner of Kent Street
newsagents across the country.
and Oak Road. Nathan Hayes, the driver of the taxi,
was very angry. “I wanted to send that bus driver back
Module 5 – Be Green
to driving school,” he said. “But there was no one in the
driver's seat!” The bus is one of five new self-driving 5f – Exercise 7 (p. 89)
buses in Hereford City Centre. They have been on the Good afternoon. My name’s Jack Moon and I work as
streets since Monday and our city is still testing them. a ranger for the Lake District National Park. It’s
Now some people say they aren't safe. Mayor Philippa England’s most popular national park with around
Sutton disagrees, however. “The taxi driver parked 15 million visitors each year, but we need your help to
badly,” she said. “I still think these buses are 100% safe protect the park and keep it beautiful. So, this summer,
and are helping Hereford become a greener city.” we’re organising special volunteering holidays!
They’re for teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18.
4f – Exercise 7 (p. 73) You’ll join a group of around 15 other volunteers, and
Morning, listeners. Here’s an announcement for all fans you’ll stay for five nights in tents in the park. We’ll also
of video games. PinPals is having a competition this give you three meals every day.
Saturday, 14th June, to celebrate ten years of being So what does the work involve? Well, volunteers will
the number one video games shop in town. All you spend their time doing various jobs around the park.
have to do is come along dressed as your favourite You’ll repair fences and signs so that visitors keep to
video game character! We want to see lots of Links, the trails. Also, you’ll pick up litter and do surveys of the
Lara Crofts, Nathan Drakes and Sonics, but feel free to wildlife around the park.
come as anyone you want. The shop is open as usual We’ll provide most of the things you’ll need during
from 9 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon, but get your stay – such as tools and camping equipment –
there by 10:30 because the competition is at 11. The but you should bring good walking boots and a
top prize is a fantastic games console. Other prizes raincoat.
include video games and T-shirts. Snacks are available To apply, email [email protected] before 21st May.
all day and you can hear music from local bands. So The first group will get together on 1st June and we’ll
dress up, come along and you could win! Whatever run the programme until 31st August.
happens, you’re going to have a great time at PinPals!
Progress Check 5 – Exercise 10 (p. 93)
Progress Check 4 – Exercise 6 (p. 76) Good morning, students. This is your headmaster, Mr
Next on the show, we have something for video game Franklin, speaking. As I’m sure you all know, this
fans. DigiFan, the magazine for gamers, is having a Saturday 22nd April is Earth Day and, like every year,
competition for all its readers. All you have to do to win we’re going to celebrate it here at school – but don’t
10 video games is create your own video game worry, you don’t have to come to school at the
character. It can be anything you want: a person, an weekend! Instead, we’re going to have some activities
alien from another planet, or a monster. You can draw on Friday. We’ll have classes as usual from 9 am, but
your character or make a digital image of it. Just make we’ll stop them at noon to do Earth Day activities for
sure it has a name and also tell us the character’s story. the rest of the day!
Entries have to be in before the 31st of July and you Firstly, we’re going to go outside to plant some trees.
can find the results online from the 31st of August. You Already, the seeds we planted last year beside the
can see a professional artist’s drawing of the winning football pitch are starting to grow, and this year we’re
design on the front of the November issue of DigiFan going to plant more next to the tennis court. Then, at
magazine. There’s only one rule in the competition and around half one, we’re going to the assembly hall to

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Student’s Book Audioscripts

hear a talk on global warming from the TV weather Progress Check 6 – Exercise 10 (p. 109)
forecaster Brian Howard. I’m sure that will be very Julia: Hi, Ben! Did you have a good time at Adam’s
interesting. And finally, from half past two until the end sleepover last night?
of the day, Ms Jenkins is going to teach us how to Ben: Hi, Julia! We didn’t have a sleepover, actually – it
make art from recycled materials. was a games night. It was fun!
For the tree planting, please bring a pair of work Julia: Cool! What are you doing tomorrow?
gloves with you from home, and for the art class bring Ben: Nothing much.
empty plastic bottles. Ms Jenkins will supply glue and Julia: Would you like to go paintballing with me and
any other materials you might need. And one last my brothers?
thing – the school’s environmental club are organising Ben: Sure! What time?
a clean-up day on Saturday at noon. You can sign up Julia: Well, we’ve booked a session from 11 o’clock
for the event on a sheet outside the library. Have a until 12, so we’ll pick you up from your house at 10:30.
good day everyone! Ben: Who’s taking us? Your dad?
Julia: No, my brother James. He passed his driving test
Module 6 – Arts & Festivals a month ago. He hasn’t got a car yet, but he’s
6f – Exercise 6 (p. 105) allowed to drive my mum’s.
Ben: Great! How much does paintballing cost, by the
John: Hi Sue. Are you free this Saturday?
Sue: Well, I have a tennis match in the morning, and
Julia: Well, it’s usually £50 a session, but James’s best
then at noon I have to go to a birthday party. But I’m
friend works there, so he got a £20 discount.
free in the evening.
Ben: So that’s £30 between five people ... . I’ll give you
John: OK, great. My sister and I are going to an
£6 tomorrow.
escape room at 7 pm in the evening. Do you want to
Julia: It’s OK, don’t worry about it. You can buy the
come along?
snacks afterwards!
Sue: Oh, I’ve heard about them. They are rooms that
Ben: OK! See you tomorrow, then!
you have to escape from by solving puzzles, right? You
Julia: Bye!
can definitely count me in!
John: I love escape rooms. Last month, I went to one
which looked like a room in a spaceship, and the one
we’re going to on Saturday has a medieval castle
Sue: Wow! I thought they all were all just set in normal
houses. So, is it the escape room opposite the post
office? My brother went there once with some friends
from his office.
John: No, that one’s closed. We’re going to a new one
next to the library.
Sue: OK, I see. And do you know how much it costs?
I’ve just got £10 left from my pocket money for this
John: Don’t worry – it’s just £5. It’s a good price because
entry to most escape rooms costs around £15.
Sue: OK, great! Do you want to meet outside the
escape room at 7 pm, then?
John: Let’s meet a bit earlier. Is 6:45 OK with you?
Sue: That’s fine. I guess I’ll leave my house at around
6:30, then.
John: OK, see you later, Sue!

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Formative Evaluation Chart

Name of game/activity: ..................................................................................................................

Aim of game/activity: .....................................................................................................................
Module: ................................................ Unit: ................................ Course: .................................

Students’ names: Mark and comments


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Cumulative Evaluation
Student’s Self Assessment Forms


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self-Assessment Form Module 1

Go through Module 1 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about nature curiosities
• read for specific information
• talk about free-time activities
• talk about life in the countryside/city
• role play a dialogue making plans
• make suggestions
• pronounce 3-syllable word stress
• read for specific information
• listen for specific information
• talk about a city
• read for gist
• present ideal neighbourhoods
• talk about the value of cooperation

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a short paragraph analysing findings from a survey
• write a blog entry about a city
• write a leaflet suggesting ways to make neighbourhoods green

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**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self-Assessment Form Module 2

Go through Module 2 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about landmarks & materials
• read for specific information
• talk about the weather
• describe natural disasters and feelings
• role play a dialogue narrating an experience
• learn intonation in expressing shock/surprise
• read for key information
• listen for specific information
• narrate a story
• listen and read for specific information
• present an achievement
• talk about the value of achievement

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a short text of a myth related to weather in my country
• write a story
• write a text on achievements of ancient Greece

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**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self-Assessment Form Module 3

Go through Module 3 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about activities & sports
• read for specific information
• talk about escape rooms
• listen for specific information
• talk about health problems & what to do
• role play talking about health
• pronounce silent letters
• read for specific information
• present a sports event
• listen for specific information
• read and identify reference
• create a poster about germs
• present healthy lifestyles
• talk about the value of health

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a comment on a blog about an escape room
• write a blog entry about a sports event

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**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self-Assessment Form Module 4

Go through Module 4 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about modern technology
• read for specific information
• design and present my own droid for a science-fiction film
• talk about using social media & means of communication
• role play giving instructions
• pronounce /I/, /aI/
• read for specific information
• talk about video/mobile games
• listen for key information
• create and present my own video game character
• read for specific information
• talk about the dos & don’ts of using the internet
• present a 20th century invention
• talk about the value of creativity

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write an article about a film with a robot
• write a forum entry about a video game/character

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**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self-Assessment Form Module 5

Go through Module 5 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about the environment: problems & solutions
• scan a text
• listen and read for key information
• make suggestions about green activities
• compare schools
• design a poster about animals in a country
• role play inviting – accepting/rejecting
• pronounce /œ/, /´/
• read for specific information
• talk about chores
• listen for specific information
• read for cohesion and coherence
• talk about green living
• present a national park in my country
• talk about the value of learning from nature

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• create a poster about making my school more eco-friendly
• write an email about a volunteering holiday
• create a leaflet related to green living

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**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self-Assessment Form Module 6

Go through Module 6 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about festivals & events
• read for key information
• talk about places of entertainment
• present my favourite amusement park
• talk about areas in a theatre
• talk about types of music
• role play booking tickets for a performance
• pronounce /i…/, /I/
• read for key information
• talk about weekend activities/plans
• listen for specific information related to weekend activities/plans
• talk about types of books
• read for specific information
• present film characters
• create and present a film character
• talk about the value of heroism

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a text message
• write an email about my weekend plans

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Progress Report Cards

Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 1

very well OK not very well

talk about nature curiosities

read for specific information

talk about free-time activities

talk about life in the countryside/city

role play a dialogue making plans

make suggestions

pronounce 3-syllable word stress

read for specific information

listen for specific information

talk about a city

read for gist

present ideal neighbourhoods

talk about the value of cooperation

write a short paragraph analysing findings from a survey

write a blog entry about a city

write a leaflet suggesting ways to make

neighbourhoods green

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Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 2

very well OK not very well

talk about landmarks & materials

read for specific information

talk about the weather

describe natural disasters and feelings

role play a dialogue narrating an experience

learn intonation in expressing shock/surprise

read for key information

listen for specific information

narrate a story

listen and read for specific information

present an achievement

talk about the value of achievement

write a short text of a myth related to weather in your


write a story

write a text on achievements of ancient Greece

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Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 3

very well OK not very well

talk about activities & sports

read for specific information

talk about escape rooms

listen for specific information

talk about health problems & what to do

role play talking about health

pronounce silent letters

read for specific information

present a sports event

listen for specific information

read and identify reference

create a poster about germs

present healthy lifestyles

talk about the value of health

write a comment on a blog about an escape room

write a blog entry about a sports event

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Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 4
very well OK not very well

talk about modern technology

read for specific information

design and present your own droid for a

science-fiction film

talk about using social media & means of


role play giving instructions

pronounce /I/, /aI/

read for specific information

talk about video/mobile games

listen for key information

create and present your own video game character

read for specific information

talk about the dos & don’ts of using the internet

present a 20th century invention

talk about the value of creativity

write an article about a film with a robot

write a forum entry about a video game/character

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Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 5

very well OK not very well

talk about the environment: problems & solutions

scan a text

listen and read for key information

make suggestions about green activities

compare schools

design a poster about animals in a country

role play inviting – accepting/rejecting

pronounce /œ/, /´/

read for specific information

talk about chores

listen for specific information

read for cohesion and coherence

talk about green living

present a national park in your country

talk about the value of learning from nature

create a poster about making your school more


write an email about a volunteering holiday

create a leaflet related to green living

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Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 6

very well OK not very well

talk about festivals & events

read for key information

talk about places of entertainment

present your favourite amusement park

talk about areas in a theatre

talk about types of music

role play booking tickets for a performance

pronounce /i…/, /I/

read for key information

talk about weekend activities/plans

listen for specific information related to weekend


talk about types of books

read for specific information

present film characters

create and present a film character

talk about the value of heroism

write a text message

write an email about your weekend plans

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Workbook Key
Welcome back 10 1 film 3 concert
(pp. 4-7) 2 ballet 4 sports match

1 1 gets 5 go 9 chats
11 1 tall 3 long 5 scarves
2 at 6 has 10 In
2 slim 4 hats 6 big
3 On 7 do 11 watches
4 do 8 takes 12 at
12 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b

2 1 How old is Lisa?

Module 1 • Our World
2 Where does Lisa live?
3 When does Lisa catch the bus to school? (p. 8)
4 What does Lisa do on Saturday mornings? 1 1 beach 3 cave 5 river
5 How often does Lisa go to the cinema? 2 desert 4 valley 6 lake

3 1 read books 4 surf the Net 2 1 valley 3 lake 5 cave

2 play video games 5 go to the cinema 2 river 4 beach 6 desert
3 listen to music 6 go shopping
3 1 surfing 3 going 5 shopping
2 reading 4 playing 6 listening
4 1 your, my, its
2 Katy’s, her, her
1b • Grammar
3 children’s, their, ours
(p. 9)
4 Paul and Jenny’s, his
5 yours, Claire’s and Simon’s 1 1 leaves 3 don’t 5 watch
2 work, does 4 doesn’t
5 1 nuts 3 cabbage
2 1 The library is never open on Sundays.
2 spinach 4 mushroom
2 We don’t always visit our grandparents at
6 1 a carton of, U
3 Does Zach often meet his friends?
2 (a packet of) biscuits, C
4 Charles is sometimes late for work.
3 (a jar of) olives, C
4 a cup of, U 3 1 Is Emma talking
5 a bowl of, U 2 is/’s smiling
6 a slice of, U 3 are not/aren’t walking
7 potatoes, C 4 are/’re always using
8 a jar of, U
9 strawberries, C 4 1 are/’re thinking, sounds
10 a cup of, U 2 do you usually do, meet, play
3 does not/doesn’t like, prefers
7 1 florist’s 5 bank 4 Is Helen studying, is/’s having
2 newsagent’s 6 post office
3 baker’s 7 supermarket 1c • Vocabulary
4 butcher’s 8 library (p. 10)
1 1 CT 2 CT 3 CS 4 CT
8 1 out of 3 over 5 between
2 along 4 into 6 opposite
2 a) 1 e 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 c

9 1 cycling 3 martial arts

2 snowboarding

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Workbook Key
b) 1 heavy traffic 2 1 brick 3 concrete 5 stone
2 good public transport 2 marble 4 metal
3 tall buildings
4 clean air 3 1 windy 4 snowing
5 friendly people 2 cloudy 5 thunderstorm
3 foggy 6 sunny
3 1 relaxing 3 stressful 5 boring
2 healthy 4 exciting 2b • Grammar
(p. 15)
1d • Everyday English 1 1 built 4 used 7 knew
(p. 11) 2 cried 5 became 8 stopped
1 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a 3 rang 6 enjoyed 9 drove

2 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 2 1 used 3 enjoyed 5 became

3 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 d 5 b 2 built 4 rang

1e • Grammar 3 1 left, arrived 4 did Machu Picchu win

(p. 12) 2 did not/didn’t go 5 did not/didn’t like, was
3 sent
1 1 to send 3 to see 5 to visit
2 install 4 be
4 1 What did she open?
2 Who could ride a horse when he was seven?
2 1 to become 3 to get 5 to stay
3 What did the earthquake destroy?
2 help 4 use
4 Whose car broke down last night?
5 Who did Jill invite to the party?
3 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 C
2c • Vocabulary
4 1 ordering 3 eating 5 flying
(p. 16)
2 to help 4 wear
1f • Across Cultures 2 TSUNAMI 4 TORNADO
(p. 13)
1 1 W 2 DS 3 DS 4 R

2 1 She has two best friends, Matilda and Lisa.

2 1 tornado 3 flood 5 fire
2 They like playing sports and going shopping
2 earthquake 4 tsunami
3 Alex’s friend lives next door.
4 They’re going to an amusement park.
3 1 terrible 3 brave 5 nervous
2 bored 4 scared
3 1 Who are Bea’s friend?
2 When does Bea see her friends?
2d • Everyday English
3 What do Alex and Emma do every day?
(p. 17)
4 Where do Alex and Emma love going?
1 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b
Module 2 • Truth or Legend?
2 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b
(p. 14)
1 1 STONE 3 MARBLE 5 METAL 3 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d
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Workbook Key
2e • Grammar Module 3 • Fit for life
(p. 18) (p. 20)
1 1 was walking 1 1 parkour 3 gymnastics 5 rollerblading
2 were going 2 go-karting 4 laser tag
3 was not/wasn’t watching, was reading
4 was getting 2 1 playing 3 play 5 went
5 were you doing 2 do 4 going
6 was swimming, was lying
3 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b
2 1 A: Was Mr Foley watching TV?
B: No, he wasn’t. He was cooking dinner. 1 make a mess 3 do ... chores
2 A: Were Janet and Peter doing their 2 take photos 4 Have fun
B: No, they weren’t. They were playing video 3b • Grammar
games. (p. 21)
3 A: Was Mrs Foley walking the dog?
1 1 has/’s broken 4 has/’s won
B: No, she wasn’t. She was working on her
2 have not/haven’t met 5 have/’ve done
3 has not/hasn’t travelled
4 A: Was Granddad Foley talking on the phone?
B: No, he wasn’t. He was reading a
2 1 has gone 3 have gone 5 has been
2 have been 4 have gone
5 A: Was Grandma Foley washing the dishes?
B: No, she wasn’t. She was sleeping.
3 1 Have you seen, I have
2 Have your friends ever tried, they haven’t
3 1 were driving 7 got
3 Has Tom driven, he has
2 started 8 stood
4 Have you ever swum, I haven’t
3 saw 9 stopped
5 Has Ann planned, she has
4 told 10 was
5 tried 11 were sleeping
3c • Vocabulary
6 wasn’t working 12 arrived
(p. 22)
2f • Across Cultures 1 1 a sore throat 4 a headache
(p. 19) 2 a cold 5 a temperature
3 backache
1 1 R 2 DS 3 W 4 W

2 1 backache 3 temperature
2 1 Peter and his family/They stayed at the
2 sore throat 4 cold
Calampiso seaside resort.
2 Peter looked out of the window because he
3 1 painkiller 3 nasal 5 drops
heard sirens in the street below.
2 mint 4 lozenge
3 A fisherman rescued Peter’s family.
4 He was glad they were alive.
3d • Everyday English
(p. 23)
3 1 When was Peter on holiday in Sicily?
2 What did he see around the hotel? 1 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c
3 Why were the hotel guests running to the beach?
4 Where did Peter and his family spend the night? 2 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b

3 1 d 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 c

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Workbook Key
3e • Grammar 3 1 shop assistant 6 pilot
(p. 24) 2 sells 7 repair
3 waiter 8 mechanic
1 1 never 3 just 5 since 4 serves 9 photographer
2 for 4 yet 5 flies 10 takes

2 1 haven’t visited 4 haven’t spoken 4b • Grammar

2 went 5 took (p. 27)
3 Did Peter move 1 1 could 3 Could 5 couldn’t
2 can’t 4 might 6 May
3 1 has been baking
2 have you been training 2 1 You should drink a lot of water, when you
3 has been looking exercise.
4 haven’t been sleeping 2 You mustn’t take photos in the museum.
5 have been practising 3 They might win the game.
4 You must talk to your sister.
4 1 has been exercising 5 May I use your laptop?
2 Have you known, have been playing
3 have you been doing, have been jogging 3 1 shouldn’t 3 shouldn’t
4 haven’t been waiting 2 should 4 should

3f • Across Cultures 4 1 must 3 must

(p. 25) 2 mustn’t 4 mustn’t
1 1 W 2 R 3 R 4 DS
4c • Vocabulary
2 1 Her Mum told her about the summer camp. (p. 28)
2 In the mornings, they got up at 7:30 and had 1 1 upload 2 like 3 tweet 4 send
3 They learnt Star Wars songs and a lot of other 2 1 view 3 retweet 5 share
new skills. 2 send 4 download
4 The summer camp ended with a concert.
3 1 speak 3 make 5 chat
3 1 Where were Ann and her brother last week? 2 send 4 go
2 When did they watch DVDs?
3 What did the instructors show the children? 4d • Everyday English
4 What was Ben playing in the concert? (p. 29)
1 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b
Module 4 • In the news
(p. 26) 2 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a
1 1 welcomes, c 4 train, b
2 takes, e 5 fits, a 3 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 d
3 brings, d
4e • Grammar
2 ACROSS DOWN (p. 30)
1 DENTIST 1 DOCTOR 1 1 as 3 so 5 new
3 PHOTOGRAPHER 2 NURSE 2 better 4 more expensive

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Workbook Key
2 1 more dangerous 3 quicker 5 slimmer 4 1 Everyone/Everybody 4 something
2 easier 4 more 2 anywhere 5 some
3 no
3 1 the worst 4 the biggest
2 the most modern 5 the most talented 5c • Vocabulary
3 the funniest (p. 34)
4 1 the most exciting 4 cheaper
2 worse 5 most popular
3 the simplest
4f • Across Cultures
2 1 land 4 reptile 7 milk
(p. 31)
2 amphibian 5 legs 8 mammal
1 1 R 2 W 3 DS 4 W 3 skin 6 insect
2 1 Kelly/She wore the costume of Sonic the
5d • Everyday English
Hedgehog at the parade.
(p. 35)
2 The first London Games Character Parade was
in 2016. 1 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c
3 Kelly/She saw many Marios and Luigis, Pac-Man
and many superheroes and other characters. 2 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b
4 They moved slowly because they were wearing
heavy costumes. 3 1 d 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 c
3 1 When did Kelly go to the parade?
2 What were people doing as she was walking 5e • Grammar
in the street? (p. 36)
3 How often does the parade happen? 1 1 we will/’ll raise 3 I will/’ll order
4 Why was being Sonic difficult for Kelly? 2 will not/won’t survive 4 Will you help

Module 5 • Be green 2 1 ’s going to 3 will

(p. 32) 2 won’t 4 are you going to
1 a) 1 air pollution 3 rubbish
3 1 is/’s going to jump 4 starts
2 deforestation 4 endangered animals
2 is/’s building 5 will adopt
b) 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 3 will you be

2 1 do 3 grow 5 organise 4 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b
2 create 4 build 6 start
5f • Across Cultures
5b • Grammar (p. 37)
(p. 33) 1 1 R 2 R 3 DS 4 W
1 1 a lot of 3 a little 5 much
2 many 4 lots of 6 a few 2 1 Ben/He is in Bali.
2 No, it’s different from any other school in the
2 1 little 3 a lot of 5 few world.
2 much, much 4 many 3 The students do lots of environmental projects
like making art from recycled materials.
3 1 everywhere 3 anything 5 Every 4 Ben likes helping in the kitchen and doing the
2 anyone 4 somebody 6 something laundry.
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Workbook Key
3 1 Where does Ben live? 6e • Grammar
2 Who created the Green School? (p. 42)
3 How many students does the school have now? 1 1 beautifully 3 fast 5 heavily
4 What school subjects do students do at school? 2 easily 4 well

Module 6 • Arts & Festivals 2 1 white, Chinese, porcelain

(p. 38) 2 big, fresh, chocolate
1 1 use 3 takes place 5 visit 3 antique, rectangular, wooden
2 win 4 prepare 4 lovely, small, grey

3 1 wasn’t she 3 shall we 5 isn’t it

2 a) 1 stadium 4 concert hall
2 do you 4 has he 6 have they
2 amusement park 5 circus
3 theatre 6 exhibition centre 4 1 didn’t she 3 will they 5 are we
2 can’t we 4 aren’t I 6 doesn’t he
b) a 4 b 6 c 1 d 5 e 3 f 2
6f • Across Cultures
6b • Grammar (p. 43)
(p. 39)
1 1 R 2 W 3 W 4 DS
1 1 watches 3 is 5 is
2 hasn’t 4 Has 6 are 2 1 There are over 80 million items.
2 Visitors/They can see giant dinosaurs, examples
2 1 hurries, ’ll miss 4 doesn’t rain, ’ll go of what humans looked like in the past and
2 won’t go, are 5 ’ll love, like other exhibits from the natural world.
3 visits, ’ll order 3 The Science Museum/It shows the latest
achievements in Physics, Chemistry and
3 1 goes – Type 1 4 ’ll come – Type 1 Engineering.
2 get – Type 0 5 watch – Type 0 4 There are items from the history of science, like
3 won’t pass – Type 1 the first train, to modern technology, like robots.

6c • Vocabulary 3 1 Where can you learn about Biology?

(p. 40) 2 What can visitors to the Natural History Museum
do in the evening?
1 1 balcony 3 row 5 stalls
3 How many items does the Science Museum
2 stage 4 aisle
4 How tall is the cinema screen in the Science
2 1 d 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b

3 1 sad 3 relaxing 5 exciting

Project 1
2 happy 4 boring
(pp. 44-45)
6d • Everyday English Student’s own answers.
(p. 41)
1 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b Project 2
(pp. 46-47)
2 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a
Student’s own answers.
3 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c

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