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Cafeteria Management System is computer system that will help cafeteria

manage their cafeteria dairy process, such as order, reservation, redemption
and etc. The entire system consists of back end and front end, where back end
would be an offline application and front end would be a web site. The offline
application will allow cafeteria to manage the cafeteria information and
manage the dairy process such as seat admission and order. The system will
allow cafeteria to manage their meal menu and promotion. And all the updated
meal menu and promotion will be shown on the web page automatically upon
the completion of update.

Cafeteria Management System is developed by using Microsoft Visual 2010.

The offline application is developed by using with object-oriented
programming method, and the web site is developed by using c#. The
database is design and managed by using Microsoft SQL 2007.

The current cafeteria is currently working by using manual way which means
fully paperwork, which consist a lot of man power and time in managing the
record and dairy process. And human mistake is unavoidable while the
workload is increasing. Therefore we came up with the development of
Cafeteria Management System, which would make their dairy process form
of paperwork into automated system. Cafeteria Management System would
replace their manual dairy work such as enter order, make reservation and
payment, also including new function such as online reservation and ordering,
online meal and promotion viewing, report generating and reservation

With the development of Cafeteria Management System, it will increase the

efficiency of Cafeteria and improve the service, automate system process
which will reduce dairy work error, also save time and cost in long term.


The college break, many students flow in and the numbers keep increasing day by day. Work load has also
increased and expectations of customers flowing in the hotel are so high. They expect super quality service
from the Hotel. Due to this it has come to the realization that in order to maintain the high standards of the hotel
and its reputation, there must be an adoption of a system that will help the hotel maintain a healthy competition
in the market. A cafeteria management system in place would ensure that the hotel survives in the market very

2.1 General Review.

Building of Cafeteria Management Information System started years back. During those times they were no
serious management systems that could organize the task well enough according to the growing population.
Many researchers came in the field to try and come up with new advanced systems to cater for the large
population in the restaurants but it was all in vain. Some tried and came up with a lot of theories Which will be
included below.

2.2 Logistic Management theory.

This focus worked well until the mid-1900s, In her article Marerro(1993), " according to Theodore Stank,
associate professor of logistics and supply chain management at Michigan State University, "when people
started thinking about logistics in the context of systems theory. Systems logistic theory espouses managing an
enterprise or organization as an integrated whole for total optimal performance—lowest total costs and
optimum service level, for example—as opposed to managing discrete functions individually for lowest costs.

According to Evers(1999), "When you minimize cost in one area, they often go up somewhere else. If you ship
by rail, you may reduce your transportation costs, but your inventory carrying and packaging costs go up."

This kind of sub-optimization is a by-product of a functional orientation, explains Ed Marien, professor and
program director, Executive Education, School of Business, University of Wisconsin.

At the same time, a major shift in how organizations viewed customer service began to take hold. Companies
started to compete on the basis of customer service, and logistics naturally played a vital role in making such
service both possible and profitable. Businesses learned that by combining the two approaches effectively, they
could offer competitive service at a lower total cost than their competitors, and thus gain an advantage.

In today’s changing business environment, there is an increased focus on delivering value to the customer at the
cheapest possible costs Hotel companies, both big and small, must focus on how to offer products and services
while keeping costs low. The current recession has affected businesses from all over the world, including the
hotel industry (Brodsky 2009). A well established logistics and supply chain management system can help the
hotel industry give individual hotel companies a sustainable competitive advantage. The use of the right
logistics and supply chain strategies helps not to only improve the quality and service of the hotel company, but
drive down costs.

Companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart, two of the world's largest retailers, continue to grow due to the way
they use their logistics and supply chain management to reduce costs and in turn to provide products and
services at a lower cost to customers(Bonney, 2012). Both companies continue to thrive while their competitors,
such as Best Buy and Sears struggle to stay alive.

This research will focus on the role logistics and supply chain management plays in the

Hotel industry and the impact its practices have on the performance of hotel companies through

Costs reduction practices and properly managing its logistics and supply chain.

For example Hilton Hotels have implemented logistics and supply chain practices in the company’s operations
to help save costs. According to Don Miller, regional director of supply management for Hilton, “Ten years ago,
we were behind the curve compared to other hotel companies” (Terry, 2007,p.2). Hilton was typically faced
with the challenge of dealing with different suppliers and distributors in their operations. Logistics and supply

management are usually used at operational, tactical, and strategic levels in the retail, automotive, health care
and manufacturing industries. The hotel industry can benefit

from the comprehensive and integrated practices of logistics and supply chain management, by delivering a
consistently reliable and high quality service at the best costs

2.3 Electronic Billing theory.

Electronic billing services are one of the most promising new tools of business-to-business electronic
commerce (Haschka, 2002). Seeing that today’s business leaders are more compelled than ever to streamline
their business processes in order to cut costs and improve efficiencies across all parts of their business
according to Ulrich (2002). The primary focus has been on improving internal business processes while the
next wave of process improve meant focus on the inefficiencies surrounding the transactions and information
exchange between companies. Effective connections between a company’s internal business process and their
business partners will realize dramatic improvements in business performance, reducing paperwork while
increasing access to valuable information.

Gurau, Ranchhod and Hackney (2001) establish that the introduction of new computer technology and e-
commerce have made it possible to improve many processes in companies. E-commerce is expected to cause
far reaching changes in the way business is conducted and the way companies interface with their customers
according to Andrieu (2001). Gurau et al.

(2001) explains that the Internet can work as a source of information, a communication tool and a distribution
channel for products and services. Moreover, the Internet is considered a revolutionary tool for the
development of commercial transactions based on its advantages of

increased speed, interaction and flexibility. Additionally, buyers and sellers can access and contact each other
directly, potentially eliminate some of the marketing costs and constraints imposed by such interactions in the
earthly world. This may also have effect of shrinking the channel and thereby reduce the time it takes to
complete business transactions. To ensure the future of e-commerce, secure electronic payments system and
online banking facilities needs to be developed (Andrieu, 2001). Andrieu (2001) maintain secure online
payment systems to be the single most important element of the e-commerce infrastructure. Hence, without
electronic payments, e-commerce is unlikely to take off.A transformation is taking place as the world is
changing from a paper-based money world to an electronic money world. Nevertheless, even though the largest
part of money is held in electronic form, consumers as well as a majority of businesses still rely on paper
money for most of their daily transactions.

This theory helps us understand that there is an incorporation of a host of features for a variety of businesses
like hotels, petrol pumps, groceries, bakeries, etc.

It will give you the high performance and reliability on a state of the art hardware platform and lets you
automate your business with ease. Electronic cash registers offers the Hotel or Cafeteria numerous benefits
including tracking customer transactions and speeding checkout time.. Even low-cost cash registers include
functions to record sales, calculate change, provide price look-ups and print customer receipts. Generally,
electronic cash registers include software in the basic cost that allows you to charge the correct sales tax, run
reports and identify sales by employee. Those that offer more advanced options often require you to purchase a
separate software program depending on what type of records your business keeps. Security is another
advantage. The cash drawer on an electronic cash register automatically locks, allowing only authorized users
to log in with a password. In this context it will Help the Cafeteria Credit Score. When your bills are set up
to be automatically paid, you should rarely miss a payment or be delinquent. These are two things that can
majorly hurt the cafeteria credit score. In fact, when credit scoring agencies see that your bills are always paid on
time, it helps your credit score by keeping it high or boosting it to a higher bracket.

2.4 Financial reporting Theory.

Accounting theory is a material field in Accounting. Historically, accounting predates monetary economy. This
was precisely, in the era of barter economy (i.e. exchange of goods for goods) when transactions were not only
pre-determined by measurement but also by exchange values. The Trade by barter period was characterized by
measurement inequality, cumbersome in terms of production variety and coupled with the problem of
coincidence of wants, were all-inherent in barter economy.

However, the development of accounting theory was to ameliorate the inherent problems encountered in barter
economy,unlike monetary economy. It is pertinent to understand the meaning, scope and application of a theory
in humanities and management sciences in order to appreciate the work of accounting theory.

According to American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), (1970) is a structure that unifies the
underlying logic or system of reasoning. Such theoretical structure, though abstracts from the complexities of
the real world is designed to achieve a level of simplicity necessary for analysis.

Osuala (2005), like Okoye (2003) views the financial theories as an attempt at synthesizing, interacting and
integrating empirical data for maximum clarification and unification.

Dr. Theodore Osuala added that every individual has a number of personal theories based on postulates and
assumptions of varying degrees of adequacy and truth from which he makes deductions of various degrees of
crucially and of course of accuracy. It will be useful to state that the word 'theory' is used at different levels
even in the history of accounting. Accounting theory may mean purely speculative interpretations or empirical
explanations of events for economic decisions. Accounting theory is defined as a cohesive set of conceptual,
hypothetical and pragmatic proposition explaining and guiding the accountant’s actions in identifying,
measuring and communicating economic information to users of financial statement, (American Accounting
Association (A.A.A). 1966).Wolk, Dodd and Rozycki (2008) state that accounting theory consist of the basic
assumptions, definitions, principles and concepts and how they are derived.

Financial Reporting provides financial information for external users and the wider stakeholders of financial
statements, enabling them to assess the risks and returns of investment opportunities, in order to make
economic decisions. This research will explore financial accounting principles that support the international
accounting standards on which financial statements are prepared; whilst the significance of the fundamental
principles that underpin the drafting and revision of appropriate international accounting standards will be

2.5 Proprietary theory

Two forms of proprietary theory are the traditional proprietary view and the residual equity view. Proprietary
theory sees the main functions of financial accounting as the determination of the increase in the shareholders
or residual equity holders’ wealth and providing information to equity holders more than to any other possible

By following basic accounting principles, hotel owners and managers have the information they need to
identify trends before they can have a negative impact on the business. They can reduce expenses, readily
accommodate anticipated peak business times, and scale back operations during slow periods. Rather than
relying on intuition and reacting to events, successful owners have the financial facts they need on a daily basis
to proactively make the right decisions at the right time.Staying on top of the hotel financials also provides an
accurate measurement of management performance in every operational area and gives owners a mechanism to
see where they stand against the competition.

The keys to financial success include an annual budget, detailed financial tracking model, ongoing audits, and
reporting structure that keep profit and loss information at the manager's fingertips. Financial success is also
driven by accountability, making employees and managers responsible for achieving financial goals in their
respective functional area. Owners must have in place the personnel capable of dissecting the financial
information and acting on it in a timely and proficient manner. Without this information, it is quite possible to
have an area of deficient performance that goes unrecognized and creates a drain on profits.Van Mourik, Carien
(2010). Equity theories and financial reporting: past, present and future. In: 22nd Annual Conference on
Accounting, Business & Financial History, 6-7 September 2010, Cardiff.
2.6 Operations management Theory.

Theory of constraints (TOC).

This is a management paradigm that views any manageable system as being limited in achieving more of its
goals by a very small number of constraints. There is always at least one constraint, and TOC uses a focusing
process to identify the constraint and restructure the rest of the organization around it.

The Theory of Constraints is a methodology for identifying the most important limiting factor (i.e. constraint)
that stands in the way of achieving a goal and then systematically improving that constraint until it is no longer
the limiting factor. In manufacturing, the constraint is often referred to as a bottleneck.

Eliyahu Moshe Goldratt authored several business novels one which included: Theory of Constraints
Handbook(1994), mainly on the application of the theory of constraints to various manufacturing, engineering,
and other business processes. Dr. Goldratt created and developed the Theory of Constraints (TOC), an overall
framework for helping organizations and individuals to determine:

 What to change- find the average point

 What to change to – create the simple , practical solutions
 How to cause the change- build a secure and stable improvement environment.

In the past two decades (Since 1995), hotel managers have made money differently than other businesses.
Lodging is an industry that has benefited from its ability to increase prices to offset sharp gains in operating
expenses. Therefore, if revenues are going to grow at a more modest pace, operators must begin to pay
attention to the cost side of the equation to generate profits. Managers no longer will have the luxury of
covering rising operating costs with extraordinary increases in revenue.


3.1 Introduction.

This chapter discusses the research methodology that will be used to implement this study. It includes research
design ,target population ,data collection and analysis of data collection tools.

3.2 Methodology: Waterfall

The waterfall model is a popular version of the systems development life cycle for software engineering. It is
comprised of a series of very definite phases, each one is run and is intended to be started sequentially only
after the last has been completed, with one or more tangible deliverables produced at the end of each phase. It
places emphasis on documentation as well as source code. In less thoroughly designed and documented
methodologies, knowledge is lost if system developers leave before the project is completed, and it may be
difficult for a project to recover from the loss. The water fall model describes a development method that is
linear and sequential.
3.3 Waterfall Methodology.


3.4 Justification.

Some waterfall proponents prefer the water fall model for its simple approach and that it is more disciplined.
The water fall model provides a structured approach;the model itself progresses linearly through discreet, easily
understandable and explainable phases and thus is easy to understand. It also provides easily identifiable
milestones in the development process. It is for this reason that water fall model was used as the development
model in this project that developed the cafeteria management system.

Essentially, it’s a framework for software development in which development process sequentially through a
series of phases ,starting with the system requirements analysis and leading up to product release and
maintenance .Feed back loops exists between each phase so that as the new information is uncovered or
problems are discovered, it is possible to “go back” a phase and make appropriate modification .Progress flows
from one stage to the next, much like the waterfall that gives the model its name.
3.5 Research design.

The research design that was used in the study is a case study.

3.6 Target population.

Total population under research comprised of 10 people working in the cafeteria .They comprise of the
following.1(one) manager,2(two)assistants,1(one)accountant,1(one)cashier,5(five)service people.

Table 3.6.0 Target population.

Category Frequency

Managers 1

Assistants 2

Accountant 1

Cashier 1


3.7 Sample design and procedure.

To enable researcher select a sample the researcher will use stratified random procedure to collect data. A
sample of 10 respondents will be used to provide the information required.

3.8 Developement tools.

 C sharp

System Requirements

 Win 7
 Ram minimum 2Gb
 Processor speed 1.7GHZ

3.9 Data collection instruments and procedure

Various fact finding methods shall be used to collect required facts. The process shall involve the staff
members of the College Canteen. Data collection will be done through administering questionnaire ,face to
face interview and observations. The questionnaires will be close ended with a yes or no response which will
deduce the outcome of the study.
4.0 Data analysis and reporting.

The data collected through questionnaire, interview and personal observation was summarized in descriptive
method and analyzed.


4.1 Requirements Analysis

This chapter is going to analysis the requirement of the system and what
function the system shall be able to provide in order to fulfill the user need.
Fact will be collect and gather by understanding the user need.
4.1.1 Fact Gathering

College Cafe is currently using the old type of management way, this is
though paper work. Everything is done manually by using paper recording
including order, reservation, payment, staff and member information
recording. And that’s no personal web site for cafeteria.

Because everything thing is done by using manual work, which is merely

using pen to record on book or paper, therefore more manpower and time
will be consume. And manual paper-work may cause more mistake compare
to automate system method. And cafeteria staff had to always aware of the
order and reservation list, to make sure every reservation and order will de
deliver on time, without the help of auto notification.

And information maintenance will be hard when information is recorded in

paper work. Paper-work information storing require more and more space
while the business size is becoming bigger, and will be time-consuming and
difficult to retrieve information from a pile of paper work.

Therefore, a system that able to solve the current problem is require, which
mean a system that able to provide easier information maintenance, order
and reservation management, and also include external function such as
report generating
4.1.2 Background Reading

It’s a process to gain more understanding about our customer such as their
company background, objective, business core and so on. By gaining the
understanding of their company such as company policy and company rules, it
eases developer to building up the business rules when designing the database
and coding. Through the reading, we understanding all their business need and
also find out that they are actually using manual paperwork for management

4.1.3 Interview

Though the interview, we gather all problems that’s facing by their current
management, such as troublesome in maintenance the old record, high error
rate on documentation, time consuming and so on. In order to gain more
understanding about the need of system,we collected information from
cafeteria staff by using questionnaire technique. Other than understanding the
current problem facing by the current management in the interview, we also
discuss about the new function request by them such as redemption module
and online menu viewing.
4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

 Product Requirement

 Efficiency Requirement

The overall response of the system is satisfies, system will response to user
action within few seconds. The modification of meal and promotion
information will be updated directly on webpage.

 Reliability Requirement

That’s no system error so far from system testing, therefore the system is reliable.
All information modified or uploaded by user didn’t lead to any conflict or error.

 Portability Requirement

The system is able to run on different platform as long as operating system is installed.
 Usability Requirement

The system is design as simple as possible without removing any requires function.
Every single function could be complete in one form to avoid user confusion.
And every upon every completion of action, proper message will be shown to
inform user.

 Organization Requirement

 Delivery Requirement
 Order is only allowed upon the completion of reservation.
 Only member is allowed to make reservation.
 External Requirement

 Legislative Requirement

The system is developed within the scope of law and regulations. User and
staff information in the system will not disclose to any unrelated person.

 Ethical Requirement

The offline application is designing according to the need of cafeteria staff

requirement, and the web application is design in the manner where every
general public user able to adapt, since public user is able to register and make
reservation and order via the web application.
4.3 Functional Requirements

 Meal Module

This module allow cafeteria to manage their meal menu, function included edit,
delete and add, by using offline application. Photo is allowed to upload. Updated
menu list in the offline application will update the menu list on the web page as
well. And member of cafeteria is able to view all updated meal menu at their web

 Promotion Module

This module allow cafeteria to combine the existing meal to become a

promotion menu, function are included edit, delete and add via the offline
application. Photo is allowed to upload. Updated promotion list in the offline
application will update the promotion list on the web page as well. And member
of cafeteria is able to view all updated meal menu at their web page.
 Table Reservation Module

This module allows seat reservation to be made, either by staff or customer.

Staff can help customer to reserve seat via the offline application, or customer
could reserve in cafeteria webpage after register as member.

 Order Module

This module allows order to make. Order make is allowed to edit as long as the
payment haven’t being made. Meal ordering are allowed by member after
reservation had been make online, or by staff after a walk-in customer has
choose a table. 20% of deposit of the subtotal of meal ordered need to be by
credit/debit card if the order is make online. And order information will pass to
payment module to generate payment process.

 Report Module

This module allows the cafeteria to generate and view report. The reports included
are Order Report and Reservation Report.

 Seat Admission Module

This module allow cafeteria to monitor the current seat situation of the restaurant.
Which table, or how many table is available or not available. And each table
will be bound to one order and one member once occupied.

 System D

Usernam Usernam
User e I-lunch e Admin
Password passwor

School Parents Admin

AddCafeteria Select Food Displaydb

Manage_school feedback Logout

Announcement Logout



 Zero Level DFD

Request Request

School School
Response Response

Request Registration Request


 DFD For School

Login Dis_reg_sc








 DFD For Parent





E-R Diagram:


 Developing Requirement:

 Hardware

 intel core i3 processer

 minimum 1GB RAM
 Other regular hardware devices

 Software

 Windows Xp Operating system

 Dreamweaver 8
 Php MyAdmin (backend)
 Apache server version 2
 Client side Requirement

 Client side Requirement:

 Hardware

 intel core i3 processer

 minimum 1GB RAM
 Other regular hardware devices

 Software

 Any Operating System

 Browser(any browser like)
 I.E. (Microsoft Internet Explorer)
 Mozilla firefox
 Google crome
 Other


6.1 Conclusion:

The main objective of the application is to help Computer Science students understands
the basics of Java, JavaScript and HTML. The following results have been achieved after
completing the system and relate back to the system’s objective.

• Should allow Computer Science students to browse through the code and application:
This can be achieved when students are able to run and install the application. When they
run the application, they can browse through the implementation of different objects.

• Should allow users to browse through different product categories: This is achieved
through an easy to use graphical interface menu options.

• Should allow users to save items to the cart and view detailed information about the
order: The users can add any number of items to the cart from any of the available food
categories by simply clicking the Add to Cart button for each item. Once item is added to
the cart, user is presented with detailed order to review or continue shopping.

• Should allow the user to CheckOut the item(s): This is achieved using the “Proceed to
checkout button” in the cart initially and then “CheckOut” button at last step after “review
Order” step.. Button is disabled when there are no items in the cart.

• Should allow the user to process the payment: This is achieved when user selects
“Processed to Checkout” button and fill up the Payment information details.

• Should allow the user to see Success message after placing an order: This is achieved
when user successfully places an order. The user is given the order conformation number
along with success message.

6.2 Future Work:

The following section describes the work that will be implemented with future releases of
the software.

• Customize orders: Allow customers to customize food orders

• Enhance User Interface by adding more user interactive features. Provide Deals and
promotional Offer details to home page. Provide Recipes of the Week/Day to Home Page

• Payment Options: Add different payment options such as PayPal, Cash, Gift Cards etc.
Allow to save payment details for future use.

• Allow to process an order as a Guest

• Delivery Options: Add delivery option

• Order Process Estimate: Provide customer a visual graphical order status bar

• Order Status: Show only Active orders to Restaurant Employees.

• Order Ready notification: Send an Order Ready notification to the customer

• Restaurant Locator: Allow to find and choose a nearby restaurant

• Integrate with In store touch screen devices like iPad


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