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Selected Sport Education Publications

Brock, S.J. (March, 2003). Students' conceptions of fair play in sport education.
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74(Suppl), A37-38

Browne, T. (September, 2000). Implementing a games sense approach to teaching

invasion games in a sport education setting. In Sports Medicine Australia, Book
of abstracts: 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sport
Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education (p.289). Brisbane, Australia.

Browne, T.B.J., Carlson, T.B., & Hastie, P.A. (September, 2000). Traditional and sport
education seasons (rugby union): A comparison of formats. In Sports Medicine
Australia, Book of abstracts: 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress; International
Congress on Sport Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education (p.105).
Brisbane, Australia.

Cowley, V. (September, 2000). Sport education in the New Zealand primary school: an
integrated approach. In Sports Medicine Australia, Book of abstracts: 2000 Pre-
Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sport Science, Sports Medicine
and Physical Education (p.291). Brisbane, Australia.

Hastie, P.A. (September, 2000). Sport education as a site for the development of positive
social behaviours. In Sports Medicine Australia, Book of abstracts: 2000 Pre-
Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sport Science, Sports Medicine
and Physical Education (p.291). Brisbane, Australia.

Kang, S., Moon, H.J., & Kim, B.J. (September, 2000). A sport education curriculum
model for teaching physical education in a Korean secondary school. In Sports
Medicine Australia, Book of abstracts: 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress:
International Congress on Sport Science, Sports Medicine and Physical
Education (p. 289). Brisbane, Australia.

MacPhail, A., Kirk, D., & Kinchin, G. (July, 2002). Sport education: Promoting team
affiliation through physical education. In 12th Commonwealth International
Sport conference, Aabstract book (p. 236). Association of Commonwealth
Universities: London.

Mohr, D.J., Townsend, J.S., Rairigh, R., & Mohr, C. (March, 2003). Students'
perceptions of sport education when taught using the pedagogical approach to
sport education (PASE) planning and instructional framework. Research
Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74(Supplement), A51-52.

Ormond, T., De Marco, G., Smith, R., & Fisher, K. (1995). Comparison of the sport
education model and the traditional unit approach to teaching secondary school
basketball. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 66(Supplement) A-66.

Reaburn, P. (July, 2002). Who's looking after the bush? Developing sport education
opportunities for rural & regional Australia – Abstract Book. Queensland,
Australia: School of Health & Human Performance, Central Queensland
University Rockhampton, Qld., 2002, iv, 37 p.

Strikwerda-Brown, J. (September, 2000). No longer voiceless and exhausted: sport

education and the non-sporty teacher. In Sports Medicine Australia, Book of
abstracts: 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sport Science,
Sports Medicine and Physical Education (p.292). Brisbane, Australia.

Taggart, A., & Brooks, C. (September, 2000). Howzat! Taking sport education in
Australian schools beyond implementation. In Sports Medicine Australia, Book
of abstracts: 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sport
Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education (p.290). Brisbane, Australia.

Application Articles
Alexander, K. (1994). Developing sport education in Western Australia. Aussie Sport
Action, 5(1), 8-9.

Alexander, K., Taggart, A., & Luckman, J. (1998). Pilgrims progress: The sport
education crusade down under. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, &
Dance, 69(4), 21-23.

Bell, C. (1998). Sport education in elementary school. Journal of Physical Education,

Recreation, & Dance, 69(5), 30-36.

Bechtel, P. A., O’Sullivan, M., & Oliver, R. M. (2001). Implementing sport education:
Staying sane when making change. Strategies, 15(2), 19-24.

Bennett, G. (2000). Sport education as an alternative for the basic instruction program.
Chronicle of Physical Education in Higher Education, 11(3), 3;9-10.

Bennett, R. G., & Hastie, P. A. (1997). A sport education curriculum model for a
collegiate physical activity course. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation,
and Dance, 68(1), 39-44.

Collier, C.S., & Webb, W. (1998). Ideas for curricular change: Inside a sport education
season. Strategies, 11(3), 22-26.

Collier, C.S. (1998). Sport education and preservice education. Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation & Dance, 69(5), 44-45.

Grant, B. (1992). Integrating sport into the physical education curriculum in New
Zealand secondary schools. Quest, 44(3), 304-316.

Grant, B.C., Tredinnick, P., & Hodge, K.P. (1992). Sport education in physical education.
New Zealand Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 25(3), 3-6.

Graves, M.A., & Townsend, J.S. (2000). Applying the sport education curriculum model
to dance. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 71(6), 50-54.

Hastie, P. A. (1998). Applied benefits of the sport education model. Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation, & Dance, 69(4), 24-27.

Jenkins, J.M. (2004). Sport education in a PETE program. Journal of Physical

Education, Recreation & Dance, 75(5), 31-36.

Jones, D., & Ward, P. (1998). Changing the face of secondary physical education through
sport education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 69(5), 40-

Kahan, D. (1997). Let's play team handball: The sport education way. Teaching
Secondary Physical Education, 3(3), 23-24.

Kinchen, G. D. (2001). Using team portfolios in a sport education season. Journal of

Physical Education, 72(2), 41-44.

Kinchin, G.D., Penney, D., & Clarke, G. (2001). Teaching the national curriculum
physical education: Try sport education? British Journal of Teaching Physical
Education 32, 41-44.

Kinchin, G.D., Quill, M., & Clark, R.G. (2002). Focus on sport education in action.
British journal of teaching physical education, 33(1), 10-12.

Knop, N., & Pope, C. (1998). Design, redesign, and dissemination. Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation, & Dance, 69(5), 46-47.

MacDonald, D. (1994). Federal governments response to the physical and sport
education report. Active & Healthy Magazine, 1(2), 13.

Mohr, D. J., Townsend, J. S., & Bulger, S. M. (2001). A pedagogical approach to sport
education season planning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance, 72(9), 37-37-45.

Mohr, D.J., Townsend, J.S., & Bulger, S.M. (2002). Maintaining the PASE: A day in the
life of sport education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance,
73(1), 36-44.

Pike, S. (2000). Hip hop sport education. Teaching Elementary Physical Education. 19-

Salter, D.G. (1999). Teaching games and sport in New Zealand Health and Physical
Education curriculum. Journal of Physical Education New Zealand, 32(1), 17-20.

Sandiford, D., & Lind, N. (2001). Sport education: Connecting through the middle
years. Teacher Learning Network, 8(2), 15-17.

Savard, C. (2000). The "sport education" approach: A better way of teaching physical
education. Olympic Review, 33, 8-12.

Siedentop, D. (1996). Sport education: A curricular success story. Teaching Secondary

Physical Education, 2, 8-9.

Siedentop, D. (1998). What is sport education and how does it work? Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation, & Dance, 69(4), 18-20.

Sotgiu, P. 1992). La formazione sportiva giovanile: attivit ludico-motoria o attivita

agonistica?. (Sport education for youngsters: play or competition?) [Italian].
Didattica del movimento, 83, 3-5.

Sweeney, J., & Tannehill, D., (1992). Team up for fitness. Strategies, 5(6), 20-23.

Taggart, A., & Alexander, K. (1994). Sport education in physical education. Active &
Healthy Magazine, 1(4), 3-4.

Tannehill, D. (1998). Introduction: Sport education. Journal of Physical Education,

Recreation, & Dance, 69(4), 16.

Siedentop, D. (1994). Sport Education: Quality PE through positive sport experiences.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Siedentop, D., Hastie, P. A., & van der Mars, H. (2005). Complete guide to Sport
Education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics

Townsend, J. S., Mohr, D. J., Rairigh, R. M., & Bulger, S. M. (2003). Assessing student
outcomes in sport education: A pedagogical approach. NASPE Assessment
Series. Reston, VA: AAHPERD Publications.

Book Chapters
Hastie, P. A. (2003). Sport education. In A. Laker (Ed.), The future of physical education:
Building a new pedagogy. London & New York: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis.

Hastie, P. A. Teaching sport within physical education. In S. Silverman & C. Ennis (Eds.),
Student Learning in Physical Education: Applying Research to Enhance
Instruction (p-p. . Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Siedentop, D. (1987). The theory and practice of sport education. In G. Barrette, R.

Feingold, R. Rees, & M. Pieron (Eds.), Myths, models, and methods in sport
pedagogy. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Siedentop, D. (1992) Movement and sport education: Current reflections and future
images. In M. L. Howell & J. E. Saunders (Eds.), VII Commonwealth and
International Conference on Sport, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance,
6, 3-16. Brisbane: University of Queensland.

Siedentop, D. (1996). Physical education and education reform: The case for sport
education. In S. Silverman & C. Ennis (Eds.), Student Learning in Physical
Education: Applying Research to Enhance Learning (pp. 247-267). Champaign,
IL: Human Kinetics.

Alexander, K. & Taggart, A. (1995). Sport education in physical education (SEPEP).
Belconnen, AUSTRALIA: Australian Sport Commission.

Grant, B., Sharp, P., & Siedentop, D. (1992). Sport Education in Physical Education: A
Teacher’s Guide. Wellington, New Zealand: Hillary Commission.

Research Articles
Alexander, K., & Luckman, J. (2001). Austalian teachers’ perceptions and uses of the
sport education curriculum model. European Physical Education Review, 7, 243-

Alexander, K., & Taggart, A. (1994). Sport education in physical education. Aussie Sport
Action, 5, 5-9.

Alexander, K., Taggart, A., & Medland, A. (1993). Sport education in physical
education: Try before you buy. The ACHPER Journal, 16-23.

Alexander, K., Taggart, A., & Thorpe, S. (1996). A spring in their steps? Possibilities for
professional renewal through sport education in Australian schools. Sport
Education and Society, 1(1), 23-46.

Andreou, N., & Tsangaridou, N. (2001). The procedure and the knowledge from the
application of the sport education model in elementary school [Greek]. Athlitiki
Psychologia, 12, 49-59

Brunton, J.A. (2003). Changing Hierarchies of Power in Physical Education Using Sport
Education. European Physical Education Review, October 2003, 9(3), 267-284.

Carlson, T. B. (1995). Now I think I can: The reaction of eight low-skilled students to
sport education. ACHPER Health Lifestyles Journal, 42(4), 6-8.

Carlson, T. B., & Hastie, P. A. (1997). The student social system within sport education.
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 14, 467-477.

Clarke G., & Quill M. (2003). Researching sport education in action: A case study.
European Physical Education Review, October 2003, 9(3), 253-266.

Curnow, J. & MacDonald, D. (1995). Can sport education be gender inclusive: A case
study in an upper primary school. ACHPER Health Lifestyles Journal, 42(4), 9-

Dyson, B., Griffin, L, & Hastie, P.A. (2004). Sport education, tactical games, and
cooperative learning: Theoretical and pedagogical considerations. Quest, 56, 226-

Evans, J. (1990). Sport education: Is it physical education by another name? ACHPER

National Journal, 127, 12-15;18.

Grant, B., Tredinnick, P., & Hodge, K. (1992). Sport education in physical education.
New Zealand Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 25(3), 3-6.

Hastie, P. A. (1996). Student role involvement during a unit of sport education. Journal
of Teaching in Physical Education, 16, 88-103.

Hastie, P. A. (1988). Skill and tactical development during a sport education season.
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69, 368-379.

Hastie, P. A. (1998). The participation and perceptions of girls within a unit of sport
education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 17(2), 157-171.

Hastie, P. A. (2001). An ecological analysis of a sport education season. Journal of

Teaching in Physical Education, 19, 355-383.

Hastie, P. A., & Buchanan, A. M. (2000). Teaching responsibility through sport

education: Prospectus of a coalition. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,
71, 25-35.

Hastie, P. A., & Carlson, T. B. (1998). Sport education: A cross cultural comparison.
Journal of Comparative Physical Education and Sport, 20(2), 34-43.

Hastie, P. A., & Sharpe, T. (1999). Effects of a sport education curriculum on the positive
social behavior of at-risk adolescent boys. Journal of Education for Students
Placed at Risk, 4, 417-430.

Hastie, P.A., & Trost, S.G. (2002). Student physical activity levels during a season of
sport education. Pediatric Exercise Science, 14, 64-74.

Kinchen, G. (2001). A high-skilled pupil’s experiences with sport education. ACHPER

Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 48, 5-9.

Kirk D. (2003). Guest Editorial: Special Issue: Situated Learning in Physical Education:
Explorations of the Sport Education Model. European Physical Education
Review, October 2003, 9(3), 219-219.

Kirk D., & Kinchin G. (2003). Situated learning as a theoretical framework for sport
education. European Physical Education Review, October 2003, 9(3), 221-235.

MacPhail A., Kinchin G., & Kirk, D. (2003). Students’ conceptions of sport and sport
education. European Physical Education Review, October 2003, 9(3), 285-299.

MacPhail, A., Kirk, D., & Kinchin, G. (2004). Sport education: Promoting team
affiliation through physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical
Education, 23, 106-122.

Medland, A., & Richards, K. (1993), spring/summer). Sport education: A first for W.A.
ACHPER West, 14-21.

O’Donovan T.M. (2003). A Changing Culture? Interrogating the Dynamics of Peer
Affiliations Over the Course of a Sport Education Season. European Physical
Education Review, October 2003, 9(3), 237-251.

Oslin, J. (2002). Sport education: Cautions, considerations, and celebrations. Journal of

Teaching in Physical Education, 21, 419-426.

Reid P. (2003). More than a Game? The Role of Sports Governing Bodies in the
Development of Sport Education Programmes. European Physical Education
Review, October, 9(3), 309-317.

Penney D. (2003). Sport education and situated learning: Problematizing the Potential.
European Physical Education Review, 9(3), 301-308.

Penny, D., Clarke, G., & Kinchen, G. (2002). Developing physical education as a
‘connective specialism’: Is sport education the answer? Sport, Education and
Society, 7(1), 55-64.

Pope, C., & Grant, B. C. (1996). Student experiences in sport education. Waikato
Journal of Education, 2, 103-118.

Shehu, J. (1998). Sport education: Ideology, evidence and implications for physical
education in Africa. Sport, Education and Society, 3, 227-235.

Siedentop, D. (1995). Improving sport education. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal,

42(4), 22-23.

Siedentop, D. (2002). Sport education: A retrospective. Journal of Teaching in Physical

Education, 21, 409-418.

Strikwerda-Brown, J., & Taggart, A. (2001). No longer voiceless and exhausted: Sport
education and the primary generalist teacher. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles
Journal 48(3-4), 14-17.

Taggart, A., & Alexander, K. (1993). Sport education in physical education. Aussie Sport
Action, 5(1), 5-6..

Taggart, A., Browne, T., & Alexander, K. (1995). Three schools' approaches to
assessment in sport education. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 42, 12-15.

Taggart, A., Medland, A., & Alexander, K. (1995). 'Goodbye superteacher’: Teaching
sport education in the primary school. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 42,

Taplin, L. 2002). Sport education in action: The case of St. Michael's School.
British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 33, 16-17.

Tinning, R. (1995). The sport education movement: A phoenix, bandwagon, or hearse for
physical education. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 42(4), 19-21.

Turnbull, J. (1995). The senate inquiry and government response: Two years on and
"little real action". ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 42(2), 15-20.

Tsangaridou, N., & Andreou, N. (2001). The model of sport education: An alternative
teaching model of physical education [Greek]. Athlitiki Psychologia, 12, 37-48.

Research Reports
Medland, A. (1995a). Sharing teachers' stories of sport education: A summary of
findings from the 1994 national SEPEP trials. Perth, Australia: SEPEP.

Medland, A. (1995b). Sport Education in Physical Education Project (SEPEP):

Introducing the findings from the 1994 national SEPEP trials: Executive
summary. Perth, Australia: SEPEP.

From Complete Guide to Sport Education by Daryl Siedentop, Peter A. Hastie,

and Hans van der Mars, 2004, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

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