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Author: KRISHNA 1 Error! No bookmark name given.


Sl.No. Subject Page No.

01. Introduction 03
02. Access FLM 03
03. Types of files and basic definitions 07
04. Setting Work Area 12
05. Searching file 18
06. Creation of new file 22
07. File attachments 27
08 Creation of workflow 41
09. Print file 61
10. Processing INTRAY file 67
11. Creation of files other than Note and Continuation 75
12. Digital Signature 86
13. Transaction codes, FAQs 93
14. Contact details 96

Author: KRISHNA 2 Error! No bookmark name given.


APTRANSCO introduced FLM application to conduct all its office correspondence in

electronic form duly avoiding paper correspondence to have transparency, speed in
decision making, avoid red tape, save bundles of paper etc..
FLM is already under implementation in Corporate office, Vidyut Soudha, Vijayawada
from 24-06-2017 and in field offices from 23-10-2017.
 File Lifecycle Management:
It is the application which deals with file management such as creation of file,
tracking movement of the file and retrieve it at times it was asked, thus managing the
file life cycle. SAP FLM application is customized to suit AP Transco office needs.


 Browser : Use only Mozilla’s Firefox.

 Install ‘Any Desk’ App to provide remote access, to resolve functional issues if any
by core team members remotely.

Type URL in the address bar.

Screen appears as follows.

Author: KRISHNA 3 Error! No bookmark name given.

Go to AP transco official website

Click on SAP file life cycle management.

Login screen appears as follows.
Book mark this IP address in the Firefox browser.

Access the URL then you will be moved to the above screen.
(Save this IP address as book mark on your browser for speedy access)
Enter details such as User and Password. User is the ‘employee ID’. Press ‘Enter’ or
click on “Log on”.
FLM main screen appears as shown below .

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One ‘tile’ named as FLM ‘Office Intray’ appears, click on the tile, next screen appears
as follows.

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Default selection is on ‘INTRAY’.

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Types of files and basic definitions

 File:
It is a written communication whether it is in draft format or approved letter

What are various types of files in FLM.

1. Draft file : It is a “Draft for approval”. It may be a note or
Letter or Memo etc.. which are in draft stage.
2. Letter
3. Memo
4. Note
5. Continuation note
6. U.O.Letter
7. Inward Daak
8. Outward Daak
9. T.O.O.
10. D.O.Lr

A unique seven digit number is generated to each file. Each file number begins with as

Sl.No Name of the file File number begins with

01. Draft file 1
02. Letter 2
03. Memo 3
04. Note 4
05. Continuation Note 5
06. U.O.Lr 6
07. Inward Daak 7
08. Outward Daak 8
09. T.O.O. 9

 Initiator of a file: Any officer who creates and initiates file is called “Initiator”
of that particular file. Generally initiator is the lowest possible officer such as AE,
JAO,JPO etc.. Sometimes file initiator may be ADE, DE, SE or CE depending
upon the situation.

Author: KRISHNA 7 Error! No bookmark name given.

Note or Continuation Note are generally used in Vidyut Soudha offices. Consequence
of Note or Continuation Note may be a Letter, Memo, or U.O.Lr..

Inward Daak and Outward Daak are used for external communication only (not for AP
Transco internal communication) such as with State government, Government
agencies, statutory bodies, companies, Contractors etc..

Inward Daak : If any outsider writes a letter to any AP Transco office such as
CMD office, JMD Office or CE/Construction office or CE/Zonal office etc., that letter
is scanned and created as Inward Daak by the concerned office peshi incharge and that
Inward Daak is sent to the concerned HoD. HoD again sends to whom the subject
matters. Then the concerned will resort to action by opening required file type such as
Note or Letter or Memo etc.. Inward Daak replaces to some extent our olden days
Inward register.

Outward Daak : If any AP Transco officer, want to write a letter to the Outsider of
AP Transco, as per our general procedure file will be already approved. That approved
letter is saved as PDF. Outward Daak is created and saved PDF copy is attached to the
outward daak and the original letter is sent through post. Outward Daak replaces our
olden days outward register to some extent.

Definitions, Tabs and their functions:

1) Send file/Daak: File will be sent to the next approver in the workflow.

2) Send back : File will be sent back to the immediate previous approver from
whom the file received presently.

3) ‘Send for response’ in Daak: It is sending back to the immediate previous processor
in the workflow.

4) Move to cabinet : It is just putting the file in abeyance/Put on hold/ Lie over. File
will be kept idle for specified period and it will directly appear in the file “Intray” on
the Resubmission date.

5) Close file : File will be closed permanently and it will not appear in any folder, no
action can be taken further. But it can be viewed through ‘Search’ option. File can only
be closed by the officer who created that file and also it can be closed when the file is
in the ‘Intray’ of the ‘creator’.

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6) Add Initiator: If we click on this tab, creator/ Initiator of that file will be added in
the workflow immediately below the current user.

7) Add template : It is predefined processors of workflow. By clicking on it, it will

add a default workflow, a list of predefined officers. This list can be edited.
Users can create their own ‘Template’ through SAP GUI using the T-code

8) Track : It shows the current position of a file.i.e with whom the file is available.

9) Workflow : It is hierarchy of officers arranged, though which the file moves for
processing and approval.

10) Save : Action can be saved only by clicking SAVE button in the bottom
right of the FLM screen.(Ctrl+S cannot work, So avoid it).

1.1.1. FLM ACCESS CONTINUED in a Flow chart.

(1) Enter in the address bar and press enter.

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1.1.2. Logon to FLM

(1) Enter EMPLOYEE ID & Password

(1) Click .

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(1) Click Office Intray TILE

1.1.4. File Life Cycle Management - Know USER name.

(1) Click . To check your name

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1.1.5. Setting “Work Area”

(1) Click on setting symbol . To set the work Area

(1) Click on .

(1) Click . Search Symbol

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(1) Click on APTRANSCO RMS ID.

(1) Click .

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(1) This is .
INTRAY folder, which contains files to be processed. It is like an INBOX in e-

(1) .This is DRAFT Folder. Which contains Files created but not sent.

Author: KRISHNA 14 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) This is CABINET FOLDER . Which is used to move some files from
INTRAY, for different reasons like not urgent, information files, lie over files, etc....

(1) This is SUBSTITUTE FOLDER This folder contains the files of

INCHARGE Post, if you are assigned an additional post.

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(1) This is SENT FOLDER . Which contains files that you have sent to superior or
subordinate or anybody else

(1) This is TRACKED FOLDER . In this folder you can see the CURRENT
LOCATION of the file.

To Get the file in any of the above folders INTRAY, DRAFT, CABINET, etc.…..

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(1) Click here and enter File number or any word in the Subject of the file to get
that file.

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1.1.7. SEARCHING a file

(1) Click . to view or print the entire file after the file has been


(1) Click . drop down, to search the file with any word in the subject.

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(1) Click .

(1) Enter the search key word in the subject.

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(1) Press search to get all the files with that key word.


(1) Click . drop down box of file number and select contains - to search the files
with file number.

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(1) Enter the file number or part of the file number and press search button.

(1) Press search button to get the files with the given search criteria.

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(1) Click . For initial screen.

1.1.8. CREATION of new FILE.

(1) Click CREATE to create a new file.

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(1) Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Click on Required type of file.

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(1) Enter Subject of the file, if it is a NOTE or CONTINUOUS NOTE type files.

(1) Click . to get the file number.

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NOTE: Please save the file after entering the subject. Without generating File number,
do not enter main content in the DESCRIPTION area.

(1) Type or copy & Paste main content of the file in the DESCRIPTION area after file
number has been created.

(1) Example of typing or pasting the content in the description part.

(2) Edit the content if format is uneven. Before Clicking on SAVE button, put

Author: KRISHNA 26 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click .

(1) Click Symbol to attach the files.

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(1) Click . If it is a normal word, pdf,jpeg etc files which are to be
attached from the your system.

(1) Give a number or name to the attachment.

Attachment will be displayed with this name.
NOTE: This field will not allow spaces, please use colon,dash,slash etc instead of

Author: KRISHNA 28 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click . to navigate to file location in the computer.

(1) Example for attaching the file,

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(1) Click .

(1) Click and attach PDF file only to get Digital Sign on that file. If DIGITAL
SIGN needed on WORD or EXCEL file, convert that file to PDF format and attach it.
In the same way, one can attach any number of attachments for normal or for Digital

Author: KRISHNA 30 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click .

FLM generated file attachment.

(1) Click attachment symbol and click . to attach a FLM file which is
already processed.

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(1) Give file number and click OK - if the file number is known

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Enter Key word in the Subject

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Double click on required file.

(1) Click .

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(1) File attached. click on the attached file number to view the complete file.

(1) Click . to delete any attached file.

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(1) Click .

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1.1.10. Recording the ‘NOTINGS’

(1) Enter comment/opinion/approvals on the file in the NOTINGS box.

(1) Click . to post comment/opinion/approval

Author: KRISHNA 39 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Comment/opinion/approval will be posted like this, with name, date and time.

To edit the posted Comment/opinion/approval,

click the pencil symbol then text will be added to the NOTINGS box area - then edit
and post again.

Author: KRISHNA 40 Error! No bookmark name given.

1.1.11. Creation of WORKFLOW

Workflow is arrangement of chain of officers in sequence or parallel or

sequence/parallel by whom the file to be processed. Workflow can be edited at any
level (add/delete a processor) subject to the availability of file.

(1) Click . For adding processors in the workflow.

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .(Check box)

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(1) Click .

(1) Select Position from the drop down, and Click .

(1) Enter either name or designation and press ENTER to select the processor.

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(1) Example .

(1) is now selected.

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(1) Click . to uncheck

(1) Click . check this box - to add the processor next to the existing processor.

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Type either designation or name, and enter to select the processor

(1) Example .

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(1) Select activity from drop down if necessary then click

(1) Click .

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(1) Click . Check the required processor to delete from the workflow.

(1) Click . selected processor will be deleted.

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(1) After adding all processors Click .

(1) Click . check the box again to add any other processor. (Note: processor
will be added after the selected processor)

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Type required processor by name or designation and enter.

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(1) Click .

(1) is now selected.

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(1) Click select the box and click delete option to delete the processor.
(2) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Check box one processor to add another processor in parallel.
NOTE: To add parallel processors, add at least one processor in sequence first, then
check box that processor and click add in parallel option. Otherwise add in parallel
option will not be enabled.

(1) Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Click .

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(1) Example .

(1) is now selected.

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(1) is now selected.

(1) Click . ARROW symbol to see all parallel processors.

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1.1.12. PRINT a file.
Open the required file, Click on PRINT.

(1) Click Print and click . - To print the file.

(This will be opened in next TAB)

(1) Check all the signatures and designations. Then press "CTRL + P" to print the file.
NOTE: -Close the tab after printing the FILE.

Author: KRISHNA 61 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click Close . Close the tab after print the file.

1.1.13. SEND file.

(1) Check all entries then, Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Check the processor and click OK to send the file to that Processor.
NOTE: If the processor is wrong then click CANCEL and check the workflow
processors. Do the changes and carryout.

Author: KRISHNA 63 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click .

(1) Click SENT Folder . to check the file sent or not.

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(1) Check the processor in SENT Folder.

(1) Click .

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(1) Click SIGN OUT.

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1.1.14. PROCESSING ‘INTRAY’ file.

(1) Click anywhere on the row to open the INTRAY file.

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6 tabs are available in the file.
1. Basic Information.
2. Notings & Attachments.
3. Workflow.
4. Attribute history
5. Notings & Basic Description.
6. Workflow Log.

(1) In the Basic Information: File Creator, created date, subject of the file, content of
the file etc… available.

Author: KRISHNA 68 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) In Tab- Comments of the processors and attachments related
to that file are displayed.

(1) Attachment can be download by clicking on its name.

Can read, make changes and edited copy can be attached again as new Version
document under the tab ADD NEW VERSION.

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(1) This is the Comment of the previous processor.

(1) All the processors of the file are available in the workflow tab.
It can be modified.

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(1) 1. Processor can be added by Clicking this small square . Click this square box
and click ADD IN WORKFLOW ICON above.
2. Same way processor can be deleted.
(Add/delete processors PROCESS explained above)

(1) Notings & Basic Description tab contains Comments of the processors and Main
content of the file side by side.

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(1) Added/Deleted processors and by whom they have been Added/deleted information
is available in Workflow Log tab.

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(1) To post a comment/suggestion/approval etc on a file, Type in NOTINGS area and
click POST.

(1) Click

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(1) To Edit the posted comment, click symbol, existing comment will be added to
the NOTINGS Area. Then change it and post again.

Then Send the File to the next processor.

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1.1.15. Creation of Files Other than Note & Continuation Note file types.

(1) Click Create

(1) Click .

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(1) Click .

(1) Click . to create a letter type file.

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(1) Fill all three fields OFFICE, DEPARTMENT,F.No - as per requirement of dispatch

(1) Example

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(1) Example.

(1) Enter Subject of the file then SAVE first, then File number will be created with the
inputs given in above fields. (Office, Department &
Note: Don't Write or copy paste in the description without generating the FILE

Author: KRISHNA 78 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click .

(1) File number created in this format. .

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(1) Now Type or copy & paste the content of the letter in the description area.

(1) Type
in the description where ever the dispatch number required.
NOTE: No need to type the dispatch number like Lr.No.Ce./ADE.T etc............

Author: KRISHNA 80 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) type
//dispatch// where dispatch number to be placed.
//signature// in the description wherever the signature is required.

(1) Click .

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(1) Click to attach the files.

(1) Click . of File User Status field in the Basic Information Tab, to change the
status as FINAL SIGNATURE. This will get the signature of the current processor
(i.e Who has changed this status to final signature in their LOGIN), and print on the

Author: KRISHNA 82 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click .

(1) Click .

Author: KRISHNA 83 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click .
If Processor is not the signatory then click cancel. Change the FILE USER STATUS to
submitted, then save.

(1) Click Print and click .

to check the Content, Dispatch number and signature.

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(1) Example.

(1) Click . and add processors if required - as explained above.

Attach required attachments if required and send the file.

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Digital signature can be done only by the valid Digital Key holders.
Presently digital keys are issued to CE & above cadre.

Go to Home screen.
DSC register tile will appear.

(1) Click DSC Register Tile, to switch on the DSC certificate.

Author: KRISHNA 86 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) By default, Digital sign attribute is OFF, hence it is showing no active certificate. -
Click .
1.1.16. Digital Key Registration process

(1) Click . then it will change to ON.

Author: KRISHNA 87 Error! No bookmark name given.

(1) Click .

(1) Connect DIGITAL KEY in the USB port then Click .

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(1) Select the required certificate.

(1) Click .

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(1) Then certificate will be displayed in "Serial Number Field".

(1) Then Click Home Button .

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(1) Go to regular FLM TILE.

(1) Go to required file to be signed digitally.

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(1) Click .

(1) The Notings will be displayed with this "GREEN TICK", If it is posted with DSC

Author: KRISHNA 92 Error! No bookmark name given.

Note: All digital keys must be purchased from M/s APTS and that Key should be e-
Mudra compatible.

Digital signature can be done on PDF attachments.

Digital signature is not like a physical signature. It is just an image showing “Digitally
signed by (officer name)”.

Transaction codes

1. zflm_substitute :

2. Zflm_substitute_del :

3. Zflm_bulk :

4. Zflm_wftmp :


1. What is FLM in AP TRANSCO?

It is a software application customized to handle day to day office
correspondence in E-format in APTRANSCO.

2. What is a file and What are the types of files that can be created using FLM?
Any written E-communication whether it is in draft format or approved format is
called a file.
i. Draft file
ii. Letter
iii. Memo
iv. Note
v. Continuation Note

Author: KRISHNA 93 Error! No bookmark name given.

vi. U.O.Lr
vii. Inward Daak
viii. Outward Daak
ix. T.O.O

3. What are credentials shall I enter to access my FLM account?

Employee ID and Password.
What shall I do if I am unable to access my account or my account was locked?
To unlock password or to reset password, Contact SAP BASIS team or write E-
mail to : [email protected]

4. Even after Login into FLM account, if blank screen appears, what shall be done?
If blank screen appears, it means roles are not properly assigned to your ID or
date not properly maintained. Please contact basis team.

5. How to set WORK AREA?

At top right corner of second screen of FLM, settings symbol can be found.
Click on settings→Set workarea→AP Transco RMS ID→SAVE.
Now work area is set.

6. How can a file be identified?

After creation of any file, system generates a unique file number depending
upon the type of file.

7. What precautions shall I take when I am working with a file?

SAVE your action at regular intervals. Click on Refresh button when needed.
Clear Cache/Browser History frequently. Sign-out when you leave your Desktop.

8. What happens to the files that I created if system turn off or connection terminated?
Unsaved data will erase, saved files will be available in DRAFT or INTRAY

9. How can I process files if I was assigned two or more posts?

After Login, Original post files are displayed in INTRAY and any other
additional post files will be available in SUBSTITUTE folder.

10. How to assign substitute?

Login into SAP GUI with FLM login credentials. Enter T.code zflm_substitute.
Fill data. Then substitute is set.

Author: KRISHNA 94 Error! No bookmark name given.

11. How to delete SUBSTITUTE?
Login into SAP GUI with FLM login credentials. Enter T.code
zflm_substitute_del. Fill data. Then substitute is deleted.

12. How can I search files/Daak?

Any file or Daak can be searched through search criterion using any tag such as
Subject, File
number, Created by User, file type, Created date, etc…

13. Which files can I access?

Those files which you created or in which you also one processor.

14. How SENT file can be accessed?

Just note SENT file number and search it with SEARCH criterion.

15. How the current location of a file be known?

Click on TRACK folder. Refresh the screen or Browser. Then current location
of a file appears in TRACK folder.

16. What is workflow?

It is chain of officers arranged in ‘Sequence’ or ‘Parallel’ or partly sequence or
partly parallel for processing a file.

17. From where can I select processors to insert in workflow?

You can select by clicking on ‘Add template’ or by clicking on “Add new
workflow”, you can select any processor using POSITIO and SAP USER I.e by
designation and employee name/employee ID respectively.

18. What is DAAK and when it should be used?

Daak is a letter received from or wrote to the external entity or person.
Inward Daak is created when a letter received from the external body or person
(Other than AP Transco employee).
Outward Daak is created whenever to write a letter to the entity or person
outside AP Transco.

19. How can I access the files of my new post when I am transferred?
Your superior officer who arranged your relief have to intimate immediately to
the HCM team to delink your employee ID from the relieved post position. Same
way, your superior officer who accepted your joining have to intimate to HCM team to

Author: KRISHNA 95 Error! No bookmark name given.

link your employee ID to your new post position. Then you can access the files
assigned to your new post.
If your previous post files still appear in your INTRAY even after joining to new
post, transfer all those previous files to the successor using the T.code
ZFLM_BULK as it was done in case of setting a SUBSTITUTE. Prior
authorization from BASIS team is necessary to operate T.code ZFLM_BULK.

20. Can I attach to my file such as purchase order or sale order or any financial
transaction or APED manual or SoR or anything from other SAP modules?
It cannot be attached directly. One can access it by using the link provided in
place of attachment. (You will be redirected)

21. What is C-folder?

These are user defined files/folders unique to each user.

22.What shall I do if I am unable to access my account or my account was locked?

Contact BASIS team numbers or write E-mail to : [email protected].

23.Whom to contact when unable to work with FLM even after Login?
Contact FLM team numbers or write E-mail to : [email protected].

Author: KRISHNA 96 Error! No bookmark name given.

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