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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Catbalogan city

Detailed Lesson Plan in HEALTH

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson 100% of the students must be at least 75% level of proficiency to;

a. Discuss First aid.

b. Demonstrate First aid through role play.
c. Appreciate the importance of first aid.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: First Aid

Reference: MAPEH 9 by Wilma V. Perez
Materials: Manila Paper, Cartolina, Pentelpen, Power point Presentation

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer
2. Greeting the Class
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
We will have an activity called “toss info”,
I have here candies, some of these contains
situation written on a piece of paper. I’ll
toss these candies and you need to catch
one only per students. At the count of three
open the candies that you got and read the
situation written inside. Yes Sir!
Do I make myself clear?

Ok let’s start.
(teacher will toss the candies)
Who among you got the candies with
situational questions inside? Will you read
the situation and answer the question?

1. You and your friends went for an

outing in a beach resort, while
having a swimming; you noticed
that one of your friends is
drowning. You quickly swim
towards him and brought him to the
shore. The victim is unconscious
and he needs to be given first aid as
soon as possible.
Observe the victim and perform rescue breaths and
Question: What do you think are the if necessary.
first aid commonly applied on that kind
of situation?
2. While on the street you noticed a
boy biking then suddenly his bike
was out of control and the boy fell
on the rough floor. His knees bleed.
Clean his knees and put bandage
Question: what do you think think are
the first aid commonly applied on that
kind of situation?

3. Together with your family, you

went on a hiking, while walking
your sister got bitten by an insect.

Question: What do you think are the

first aid commonly applied on that kind
of situation?

Very good!
You want more?

2. Lesson Proper

Activity Yes sir!

Directions: Group yourselves by color
you’ve picked (Pink, Green, Yellow) and
select a leader each group. Arrange the
jumbled letters posted on the board. Each
group will be given cartolina and pentelpen
to write their answers. The first group to
post their answers will be given additional
3 points, 2 points for the second group and
1 point for the last group.



Ok let’s check.
Very good! You’ve got all perfect!
Based on the activity that we played, what Sir, About first aid
do you think it’s relation to our lesson for

Ok, first aid is exactly what the word
means, first aid or help given. It is both
immediate and temporary and is often the
difference between life and death. First aid
is the immediate care given and generally
needed by anyone who is injured or gets
suddenly ill.

What will you do if you encounter Help the person sir!

someone who is injured?
What help would you give? First aid.
If someone is injured you should:
 first check that you and the casualty
aren't in any danger, and, if
possible, make the situation safe
 If a person is unconscious but
breathing, and has no other injuries
that would stop them being moved,
place them in the recovery position
until help arrives.
 Keep them under observation to
ensure they continue to breathe
normally, and don't obstruct their
 If a person isn't breathing normally
after an incident, call an ambulance
and start CPR straight away. Use
hands-only CPR if you aren't
trained to perform rescue breaths.

The three priorities when dealing with a

casualty are commonly referred to as ABC,
which stands for:
 Airway
 Breathing
 Circulation

Any student to come in front for
I sir! (One student come in front)
 To open the airway, place one hand
on the casualty’s forehead and
gently tilt their head back, lifting
the tip of the chin using two
fingers. This moves the tongue
away from the back of the throat.
Don't push on the floor of the
mouth, as this will push the tongue
upwards and obstruct the airway.

To check if a person is still breathing:

 look to see if their chest is rising

and falling
 listen over their mouth and nose for
breathing sounds
 feel their breath against your cheek
for 10 seconds
 If they're breathing normally, place
them in the recovery position so
their airway remains clear of
obstructions and continue to
monitor normal breathing. Gasping
or irregular breathing is not normal

 If the casualty isn't breathing
normally, call an ambulance then
you must start chest compressions
or CPR immediately.

Hands-only CPR (cardiopulmonary

To carry out a chest compression:

 Call 911 or an ambulance for help

 Place the heel of your hand on the
breastbone at the center of the
person’s chest. Place your other
hand on top of your first hand and
interlock your fingers
 Position yourself with your
shoulders above your hands
 Using your body weight (not just
your arms), press straight down by
5-6cm (2-2.5 inches) on their chest
 Keeping your hands on their chest,
release the compression and allow
the chest to return to its original
 Repeat these compressions at a rate
of 100 to 120 times per minute until
an ambulance arrives or you
become exhausted

If someone is bleeding heavily, the main

aim is to:
 Prevent further blood loss and
minimize the effects of shock.
 Check if there's nothing embedded
in the wound. If there is, take care
not to press down on the object.
Instead, press firmly on either side
of the object and build up padding
around it before bandaging, to
avoid putting pressure on the object
Sir, what if nothing is embedded?
If nothing is embedded:
 apply and maintain pressure to the
wound with your gloved hand,
using a clean pad or dressing if
possible; continue to apply pressure
until the bleeding stops
 use a clean dressing to bandage the
wound firmly
If someone has a nosebleed:
 let the person sit up straight and
lean forward slightly. Don't have
the person lie down or tilt the head
 With thumb and index finger,
firmly pinch the nose just below the
bone up against the face.
 Apply pressure for 5 minutes. If
bleeding continues, repeat the

If you think a person has had a stroke, use

the FAST guide:
But before that let us know first what is
stroke. A stroke is a medical emergency
that happens when the blood flow to your
brain is interrupted.
There are three main types of stroke:
transient ischemic attack, ischemic stroke,
and hemorrhagic stroke
 Transient ischemic attack
-is a warning or ministroke.
 Ischemic stroke
-it occurs when a blood clot keeps
blood from flowing to your brain.
 Hemorrhagic stroke
-results when a blood vessel in your
brain ruptures or breaks, spilling
blood into the surrounding tissues.
Ok! How can we know if the casualty are
being attack by a stroke?
The FAST guide is the most important
thing to remember when dealing with
people who have had a stroke. The earlier
they receive treatment, the better.

 Facial weakness – is the person

unable to smile evenly, or are their
eyes or mouth droopy?
 Arm weakness – is the person only
able to raise one arm?
 Speech problems – is the person
unable to speak clearly or
understand you?
 Time to call for emergency help if a
person has any of these symptoms
and don’t let the patient sleep.
Instead, encourage them to talk
until an ambulance arrives.
No more questions? None so far sir!
Ok! Are you ready for your activity
Activity: Role playing
Directions: Group yourselves into two (2).
Select a leader to organize each group. You
are going to roleplay about first aid.
Choose among the different injuries we
discussed as your bases. SCORING RUBRICS
Multiple choice: Choose the correct

1. It is the immediate care given and

generally needed by anyone who is
injured or gets suddenly ill.
a. Injuries
b. First aid
c. First aider
d. accident

2. The three priorities when dealing

with a casualty are commonly
referred to as ABC, which stands
for except:
a. Airway
b. Breathing
c. CPR
d. Circulation

3. If someone is bleeding heavily, the

main aim is to:
a. Prevent further blood loss and
minimize the effects of shock.
b. Apply and maintain pressure to
the wound with your gloved
c. look to see if their chest is
rising and falling
d. put them into the recovery
position with their head lower
than their body

1. Assignment

Research about intentional and

unintentional injuries and write it in a one
whole sheet of paper.

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