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7 Authentic Ways to Spot

a Fake Nike, Reebok,

Puma and Adidas –
4 years ago


Differentiating between Original and

Fakes is pretty tricky. But, these tips will

Brands like Adidas, Reebok, Puma, and

Nike are truly world-class.

They are a symbol of class and


This is the reason why there are a

significant number of fakes in the market.

Today, rogue manufacturers have become

experts in producing near-identical fakes.

Yet, they can’t reach the quality and class

of original products.

So, if you keep an eye out for fakes,

probably, you won’t get cheated!

Spot a Fake Nike, Reebok,

Puma and Adidas

Image Source

1. Ridiculously Cheap?

If you can’t believe the deal you’re

getting, you probably shouldn’t.

You should always be realistic about the

price. A reasonable discount is fine, but
avoid products that are priced far below
their normal value.

Ask yourself how can someone sell

products at such throw-away prices?

Remember, there are deals, good deals

and great deals. And then there are too-
good-to-be-true deals, it is these deals
that one needs to be careful about as the
chances of it being fake are high.

2. Brands come well Packed

Reputable brands typically take great

care in packaging their products.

Beware of poor packaging with

substandard material, or packages that
appear to have been opened.

An online search can show you more

about how the brands do the packaging
for their various products.

For example, take a look at the shoe box

packing of different brands.

(color and design may vary by year)

Packaging is usually a dead giveaway to

identify fake products.

3. Is the Logo right?

Take a close look at the logo of the


Sometimes it is like this:

Did you notice? That’s a Jaguar! Not a


And sometimes, it’s even like this:

That’s a real cat, for God’s sake.

4. Read the Tags & Labels with Care

Take a moment to read the labels.

Most product labels these days have a

whole host of information printed on them
like serial number, bar codes, size,
trademark and patent information,
country of manufacture, recycling
symbols etc.

Counterfeiters often don’t want to spend

the time to reproduce every detail, so
they’ll likely leave some of this stuff off.

Also, carefully examine the tags. You will

surely get a good perspective on the

5. Verify with the Official Website

Look at the brand’s official website to see

the range of colors and styles they offer.

Make sure the model of your product

really exists.

Carefully compare and verify the product.

A strange shape, ugly stitching and

different materials than what has been
used in the original are all signs of a
counterfeit product.

6. Finest Finish

Big brands like Nike, Puma, Reebok and

Adidas pay great attention to the finishing
of their product.

You can’t see a single extra thread

unfinished. They will have fine stitching
that is evenly spaced and flawless.

Quality control is often absent in

counterfeiting operations, so you may be
able to easily spot a counterfeit simply
based on its workmanship.

Super Tip:

Now, this is the most easy way to

authentically spot a fake!

Go to the most popular showroom of the

respective brand nearest to your place.

Complain to them that one of your dear

ones bought this product from their store
and it’s troubling you.

Ask them to inspect the product. If it’s a

fake, they will tell you immediately.

nice cute wink gif

Image Source

Tips to Avoid Fakes When Buying


According to a report published on DNA,

25% of fake goods are sold through
online shopping portals. So, you need to
be more careful before buying stuff

Image Source

1. Reputed e-Commerce Sites are


Always buy products from the top e-

Commerce websites.

They usually provide their customers with

a return policy, even if the seller is a third-
party on the site.

Some sites even have an Anti-

Counterfeiting Policy to ensure you are
protected from fraud.

2. Check Seller Feedback & Ratings

Look for sellers with lots of good

feedback. Make sure that the seller is

Avoid sellers with negative or zero


You can even try to contact the seller and

ask questions about the product.

Also, you can ask for the seller’s address

and phone number; if they won’t give it to
you, there may be something amiss.

On some websites like eBay, for example,

ask the seller to take a photo of the
product next to today’s newspaper to
determine the authenticity of the photos
of the product.

3. Beware of Discounts

Once again, whether you’re shopping

online or at the corner store, be wary of
deep discounts.

4. Avoid buying from Auction Sites

Online auction sites are rife with

counterfeits, and since you can’t inspect
the goods first, it’s hard to tell what
you’re buying.

5. Spam Emails

Spam emails will almost always direct you

to illegitimate sites. If you order from one
of these sites, chances are you’ll get fake

Also Read: Detective Style: Identify a

Fake Review Online

Tips to Avoid Fakes When Buying

at Stores

1. Always shop from Official Outlets. You

will never have to worry about the
authenticity here.

2. Less reputable retailers are far more

likely to sell fake products.

3. Discount retailers, such as “Dollar

Stores,” are easy targets for suppliers of
counterfeit goods as they usually cater to
customers who are very price-conscious.

4. Beware of Small stores that sell an

array of multi-branded products as they
are also the prime outlets for counterfeits.

Never Get Ripped Again!

You are the best protection you have

when it comes to avoiding fraud.

One important thing that you can do is to

report and share your feedback when you
come across a fake product. This will go a
long way in eliminating dubious sellers
and clean up the market!

You can contact the respective brand

manufacturer whose product has been
counterfeited, or report the suspected
counterfeit to your local authorities.

Hope these tips to identify a fake Nike,

Reebok, Puma and Adidas products will
help you avoid getting ripped off your
hard-earned money.

Also, these tips can come in handy with

various other brands like Fila, UCB,
Mango, Jack N Jones, Superdry, Tommy
Hilfiger, Gas, Diesel etc.

How do you spot a fake? Do let us know

from the comments section below.


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