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M y Reflection about Philippine Literature this can become a reality for people around the world,

including those in underdeveloped countries.

In Philippine literature it deals with ideas, thoughts and
emotion of man. We study literature so that we can better The social media revolution embodied by Facebook, Twitter,
appreciate our literary heritage. Through a study of literature and Tencent has given everyone a voice and a way to
we can trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down to us communicate instantly across the planet. Today, more than
from our for fathers and we can understand ourselves better 30% of the people in the world use social media services to
and take pride in being Filipino. communicate and stay on top of world events.

These innovations can create a true global village, bringing

Philippine Literature is important in our life, as Filipinos billions more people into the global economy. They can bring
who truly love and take pride in our culture,we have to access to products and services to entirely new markets.
manifest our deep concern for our own literature and this we They can give people opportunities to learn and earn in new
can do by studying the literature of our country. We need to ways, and they can give people new identities as they see
understand that we have a great and noble Tradition which potential for themselves that wasn’t previously available.
can serve us the means to assimilate other culture. We also
learned about the Propagandist and heroes like Jose Rizal “The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change
that he compose a poem to the Filipino youth, he wanted not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect
the Filipino to use their abilities and skills for the success of our identity and all the issues associated with it: our
our country,and also about the countries that invade our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our
country but lastly we have freedom for the help consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and
leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our
of Americans and they give us education for our better
skills, meet people, and nurture relationships.” —Klaus
Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution

We Filipino must have unity and be responsible especially to Online shopping and delivery services—including by drone—
the Filipino Youth to have peace and order and we must be are already redefining convenience and the retail
proud in our culture. experience. The ease of delivery can transform
communities, even in remote places, and jumpstart the
economies of small or rural areas.

Understand the Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on In the physical realm, advances in biomedical sciences can
Society and Individuals lead to healthier lives and longer life spans. They can lead to
Learning Objectives innovations in neuroscience, like connecting the human
brain to computers to enhance intelligence or experience a
After completing this module, you’ll be able to: simulated world. Imagine all that robot power with human
problem-solving skills.

 Describe how the Fourth Industrial Revolution Advances in automotive safety through Fourth Industrial
impacts individuals and societies. Revolution technologies can reduce road fatalities and
 Describe the path forward to ensure that the insurance costs, and carbon emissions. Autonomous
Fourth Industrial Revolution is a force for good. vehicles can reshape the living spaces of cities, architecture,
and roads themselves, and free up space for more social
Our Values and human-centered spaces.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing how we live, Digital technology can liberate workers from automatable
work, and communicate. It’s reshaping government, tasks, freeing them to concentrate on addressing more
education, healthcare, and commerce—almost every aspect complex business issues and giving them more autonomy. It
of life. can also provide workers with radically new tools and
insights to design more creative solutions to previously
insurmountable problems.
In the future, it can also change the things we value and the
way we value them. It can change our relationships, our
opportunities, and our identities as it changes the physical Changes for Worse
and virtual worlds we inhabit and even, in some cases, our
bodies. However, while the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the
power to change the world positively, we have to be aware
Changes for Better that the technologies can have negative results if we don’t
think about how they can change us.

New technologies can be powerful agents for good.

We build what we value. This means we need to remember
our values as we’re building with these new technologies.
Education and access to information can improve the lives of For example, if we value money over family time, we can
billions of people. Through increasingly powerful computing build technologies that help us make money at the expense
devices and networks, digital services, and mobile devices, of family time. In turn, these technologies can create
incentives that make it harder to change that underlying is increasing rapidly and facilitating extraordinary levels of
value. innovation. And as we know, more people and things in the
world are becoming connected. But that doesn’t necessarily
pave the way for a more open, diverse, and inclusive global
People have a deep relationship with technologies. They are
society. The lessons of previous industrial revolutions
how we create our world, and we have to develop them with
include the realization that technology and its wealth
care. More than ever, it’s important that we begin right.
generation can serve the interests of small, powerful groups
above the rest. Powerful new technologies built on global
We have to win this race between the growing power of digital networks can be used to keep societies under undue
the technology, and the growing wisdom with which we surveillance while making us vulnerable to physical and
manage it. We don’t want to learn from mistakes. —Max cyberattacks. These are the challenges we can face to make
Tegmark, Life 3.0 sure the combination of technology and politics together
don’t create disparities that hinder people.
Biotechnology can lead to controversial advances such as
designer babies, gene drives (changing the inherited traits of According to the World Economic Forum Global Risks
an entire species), or implants required to become Report 2017, “the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the
competitive candidates for schools or jobs. Innovations in potential to raise income levels and improve the quality of life
robotics and automation can lead to lost jobs, or at least jobs for all people. But today, the economic benefits of the Fourth
that are very different and value different skills. Industrial Revolution are becoming more concentrated
among a small group. This increasing inequality can lead to
political polarization, social fragmentation, and lack of trust in
Artificial intelligence, robotics, bioengineering, programming institutions. To address these challenges, leaders in the
tools, and other technologies can all be used to create and
public and private sectors need to have a deeper
deploy weapons. commitment to more inclusive development and equitable
growth that lifts up all people.”
Social media can erase borders and bring people together,
but it also can also intensify the social divide. And it gives Many people around the world haven’t yet benefited from
voice to cyber-bullying, hate speech, and spreading false previous industrial revolutions. As the authors of Shaping the
stories. We have to decide what kind of social media rules Fourth Industrial Revolution point out, at least 600 million
we want to create, but we also have to accept that social people live on smallholder farms without access to any
media is reshaping what we value and how we create and mechanization, living lives largely untouched by the first
deploy those rules. industrial revolution. Around one-third of the world’s
population (2.4 billion) lack clean drinking water and safe
In addition, being always connected can turn into a liability, sanitation, around one-sixth (1.2 billion) have no electricity—
with no respite from the continuous overload of data and both systems developed in the second industrial revolution.
connections. And while the digital revolution means that more than 3
billion people now have access to the Internet, that still
leaves more than 4 billion out of a core aspect of the third
Changes in Employment industrial revolution.

Artificial intelligence is unleashing a whole new level of The means that as we appreciate and engage with the
productivity and augmenting our lives in many ways. As in exciting technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we
past industrial revolutions, it can also be a disruptive force, must work to ensure that the opportunities they bring are
dislocating people from jobs and surfacing questions about well-distributed around the world and across our
the relationship between humans and machines. communities. In particular, we must help those who missed
out on the huge increases in quality of life that the first,
It’s inevitable that jobs are going to be impacted as artificial second, and third industrial revolutions provided.
intelligence automates a variety of tasks. However, just as
the Internet did 20 years ago, the artificial intelligence “Let us together shape a future that works for all by
revolution is going to transform many jobs—and spawn new putting people first, empowering them and constantly
kinds of jobs that drive economic growth. Workers can spend reminding ourselves that all of these new technologies
more time on creative, collaborative, and complex problem- are first and foremost tools made by people for people.”
solving tasks that machine automation isn’t well suited to —Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Changes in Privacy
However, workers with less education and fewer skills are at
a disadvantage as the Fourth Industrial Revolution
progresses. Businesses and governments need to adapt to We value the ability to control what is known about us, and
the changing nature of work by focusing on training people yet we are living in a world where tracking every individual’s
for the jobs of tomorrow. Talent development, lifelong personal information is key to delivering more intelligent,
learning, and career reinvention are going to be critical to the personalized services. For example:
future workforce.
 Facebook tracks what you do so that it knows
Changes in Equality which content and advertisements are most
relevant to you.
People are asking whether the Fourth Industrial Revolution
is the road to a better future for all. The power of technology
 Smartphones track your location, and you can potentially enable law enforcement agencies to track
share that information with apps that recommend suspected terrorists by analyzing social networks,
places to eat or shop. government records, and other data.
 Retailers analyze your purchase history to
recommend products and offer coupons to In the future, billions of 3D-printed “smart dust” cameras
stimulate more sales. floating in the air can monitor the activities of humans. From
traffic reports to natural disasters, such technology can keep
us safer. But it also can watch us when we do not want to be
In the future, you’ll walk into a store and the salesperson will
immediately have your name, credit rating, marital status,
and past purchases flashed to their augmented-reality virtual
screen. For consumers, businesses that are transparent about their
data collection practices and that prioritize consumer privacy
can win our loyalty.
Technological advances are also broadening the scope of
surveillance. In the UK today, an estimated 6 million CCTV
cameras are recording activity all over the country.
Advances in computing power and artificial intelligence can
Changes in Trust better, or are they going to be fearful of the machines and
those who control them? Are citizens going to trust the
institutions and service providers who collect and maintain
Public trust in business, government, the media, and even
their data?
technology is falling. This is a crisis that is dividing societies
and creating instability around the world.
For the Fourth Industrial Revolution to generate trust,
everyone contributing to it (including you) must collaborate
and feel a connection to common objectives. More
transparency into how we govern and manage this
The technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technology is key, as are security models that boost our
themselves are neutral, but are they being applied in ways confidence that these systems won't be hacked, run amok,
that build trust? Are consumers going to trust that new or become tools of oppression by those who control them.
artificial intelligence and robotic systems can make their lives
Bringing It All Together what you value as this revolution unfolds is essential. The
world we create through technologies can shape our lives
and is the one we pass on to the next generation.
The innovations in artificial intelligence, biotechnology,
robotics, and other emerging technologies are going to
redefine what it means to be human and how we engage “The Fourth Industrial Revolution can compromise
with one another and the planet. Our capabilities, our humanity's traditional sources of meaning—work,
identities, and our potential will all evolve along with the community, family, and identity—or it can lift humanity
technologies we create. into a new collective and moral consciousness based on
a sense of shared destiny. The choice is ours.” —Klaus
Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution
In the coming decades, we must establish guardrails that
keep the advances of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on a
track to benefit all of humanity. We must recognize and Resources
manage the potential negative impacts they can have,
especially in the areas of equality, employment, privacy, and
trust. We have to consciously build positive values into the  We must ensure the Fourth Industrial Revolution is
technologies we create, think about how they are to be used, a force for good
and design them with ethical application in mind and in  Technology can reinforce the global divide. Let’s
support of collaborative ways of preserving what’s important use it to bridge the gap
to us.  The moral dilemmas of the Fourth Industrial
This effort requires all stakeholders—governments,  The Fourth Industrial Revolution
policymakers, international organizations, regulators,  This is when robots will start beating humans at
business organizations, academia, and civil society—to work every task
together to steer the powerful emerging technologies in ways
that limit risk and create a world that aligns with common  7 ways the Fourth Industrial Revolution can help
goals for the future. the planet
 What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution
You, as a person, citizen, employee, investor, and social
influencer, are a critical stakeholder in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Sharing your thoughts on the technologies and
Life During Japanese Occupation
the Maria Hertogh Riot, because there was a lack of
Friday, June 27, 2014
sensitivity between the Westerners and the Malays. I have

Individual reflection also learnt that everyone has to be responsible so that there
CHAN JOEY (02) will be no conflicts. People tend to express their views on the
I learnt that to have a peaceful and secure country, mindset Internet a lot, however, some people tend to do that without
is very important and everyone should also play their part. giving it much thought. Small little comments may also cause
Soldiers should always be ready to fight for their country and a big uproar due to certain matters. Hence, people must
homeland, they should also be willing to sacrifice themselves think twice and be responsible for their comments on the
for the country. Soldiers should train well and protect the Internet.
country when there is a war, students should study well and
work for the country when they grow older, neighbours
should respect and help each other, people using internet
should be responsible for what they say and avoid offensive I learnt that having discernment and being determined is the
comments. Just like Lim Bo Seng, he did not give out the way to respond in times of crisis. During the learning
names of the other members of Force 136 despite being journey, I have learnt that Lim Bo Seng showed discernment
tortured, his mindset and determination is admirable. He by not betraying his Force 136 members. Although he was
also did his part as the leader of Force 136 by not betraying badly tortured, he did not reveal the names of the other
the group. Force 136 members, unlike Lai Teck and a few other
members who betrayed Force 136. Elizabeth Choy was
I also learnt that determination and humbleness is important determined to help others even through she knew the risk
when responding in time of crisis. Without determination, involved. These war heroes' state of mind are admirable and
we will not be able to succeed in everything we do because are very good role models. During times of crisis, everyone
we will give up whenever things get tough and does not go as should help each other and not be selfish.
smoothly as planned. During World War II, the reason why
we fell to the Japanese was because the British was not I learnt that many people have actually worked very hard to
keep our country peaceful during the Japanese Occupation ,
humble and thought that the Japanese will not be able to hence we must learn to cherish the country we live in now. At
first, i only knew of a few heroes who helped protected
attack from the North because it was covered with dense
Singapore during the Japanese Occupation, it was only
jungle, so their defense was all built facing the sea and left through this Learning Journey that I realised that there were
many other people who also helped to protect Singapore
the North almost defenseless. Another reason was because during the World War 2. From then I realised that if
everyone worked together, protecting Singapore would be
the British were not determined enough to fight the much easier and Singapore can continue to be a secure
Japanese. The soldiers did not have the morale to fight until country. I have also learnt that it takes bravery to stand up
and help to protect Singapore after learning about the
the end and wanted to surrender after suffering heavy torturous road those war heroes had endured during the
Japanese Occupation at the Changi Museum.
casualties from a fight on February 13. They neglected the
fact that not only did they suffer heavy casualties, the
One value that I have learnt during the Learning Journey is
Japanese did as well. If they had the determination to
that everyone should help out together when responding in
continue fighting, the Japanese's resources will also run out
times of crisis. one example is from the art piece "Two
and they will also have to surrender in the end.
Malarias and a Cholera" displayed in the Changi museum,
CLAIRA NG (04) which show the sick prisoners-of-war helping to carry each
I learnt that understanding between different races is very other so that all of them can receive medical attention.
important for a country to be peaceful internally. If there is During the Japanese Occupation, everyone also helped out
understanding and sensitivity between different races, race
riots can be avoided. There were race riots in the past such as
of the country can also play their part in defending the
so that radios could be smuggled in to allow other people to country too by joining the civil defense force when they grow
listen to information about the war at their hometown. up after studying hard. They should also help out with one
another and get together no matter if there is a crisis.

TAN YI ZHEN (36) I have also learnt that adamancy and indomitable are
important. For example, war hero Lim Bo Seng did not give
Through this trip, i have learnt firstly, more information the names of the people, the members of force 136 who
about World War 2 in Singapore, secondly, how the people fought the Japanese with him although he was tortured. It
shows that he was a loyal person. Another example is
felt about their problems then, such as not having enough Elizabeth Choy, the war heroine who refused to confess even
if she was subjected to torture. They are not subdued or
food and feeling inferior to the Japanese. Thirdly, how did daunted by the Japanese as they have the indomitable
they manage to keep positive and overcome all of their
One value I have learnt about responding in times of crisis is
to not be complacent. When Singapore was under the British
and Japan started attacking Asia, the citizens of Singapore
This learning journey has also affected my view about what is
were confident that the Japanese would not defeat the
needed to have a secure and peaceful country. If we want a British and they thought Singapore was an ‘impregnable
fortress’ too as they thought Singapore was protected from
safe country, we cannot just rely on the government and the the north and there were bombers, cannons and warships in
the vincinity. However, the 2 warships, the HMS Prince of
Civil Defense Force or the workforce, even the smallest Wales and HMS Repulse were destroyed by the Japanese.
people can make a difference, for example, a student could The British had also assumed that the Japanese army,
airforce and navy were all inferior and did not expect the
study hard and help the country in the future, the public, Japanese to enter Singapore through the jungles of Malaya
by cycling as they believed that the jungles were barriers and
including people using internet, could prevent making were difficult to penetrate. They also did not think the
Japanese would attack from the north of Singapore, hence
unnecessary comments in the internet. Everyone plays a part
the British were not well-prepared for a landward attack
in keeping our country safe and sound, Singapore is a from the Japanese. Eventually, Singapore fell to the
Japanese as the British surrendered.
harmonious country and we should keep it that way.

This learning journey also taught me one value as in how to

respond to times of crisis, it is to stay determined and strong.
Even though staying determined cant do anything to help us
with survival but dealing with this, a good state of mind
would. For example, war heroes and heroins like Lim Bo
Seng and Elizabeth Choy suffered much torture and pain but
they stayed persistent in helping others. Singapore may not
be the same as now without these people's contribution and
they are good role models to follow when it comes to staying
determined in times of crisis.

Most importantly, i have gained more understanding and

everyone has to do their part in keeping our country unified.


I learnt that in order to have a secure and peaceful country,
the country must have a strong defense force to ensure the
safety of the citizens as well as fighting the enemies if a war
broke out. The soldiers of the army must also be well-
trained, experienced, courageous, capable and well-equipped
with good weapons to defeat the enemy and protect their
homeland. The government and the army should also work
closely together to think of good war strategies to prevent the
country from falling into the hands of the enemies. Citizens

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