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Math - Problem Solving : POLYNOMIAL

Teacher Name: Mr. howlader


Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Mathematical Uses complex and Uses effective Some evidence of Little evidence of
Reasoning refined mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
reasoning. reasoning reasoning. reasoning.

Strategy/Proced Typically, uses an Typically, uses an Sometimes uses an Rarely uses an

ures efficient and effective effective strategy to effective strategy to effective strategy to
strategy to solve the solve the problem(s). solve problems, but solve problems.
problem(s). does not do it
Completion All problems are All but one of the All but two of the Several of the
completed. problems are problems are problems are not
completed. completed. completed.

Explanation Explanation is detailed Explanation is clear. Explanation is a little Explanation is difficult

and clear. difficult to to understand and is
understand, but missing several
includes critical components OR was
components. not included.
Neatness and The work is presented The work is presented The work is presented The work appears
Organization in a neat, clear, in a neat and in an organized sloppy and
organized fashion that organized fashion that fashion but may be unorganized. It is hard
is easy to read. is usually easy to read. hard to read at times. to know what
information goes

Date Created: Oct 17, 2019 10:47 pm (CDT)


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