Gateway B2 Test 5A

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Unit 5 Test A Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

3 Complete the second sentence so it

Use of English: Grammar means the same as the first, using the
word given. Do not change the word
1 Complete the sentences with the correct given. Use between two and five words.
alternatives. 1 Janet is definitely in New York now because
1 You ought/had better to put some of your her flight only took four hours.
earnings into a savings account. MUST
2 You mustn’t/don’t have to wait for an Janet ____________________________ now
appointment with the bank manager. You can because her flight only took four hours.
go in and ask to see him. 2 They didn’t give us permission to go backstage
3 I didn’t need to take/needn’t have taken all this after the play.
money out of my bank. I know I’ll just spend it NOT
shopping! We _________________________ to go
4 I didn’t need to fill/ought not to have filled in backstage after the play.
many forms to open the account. It was really 3 It’s a good idea to change your money before
quite quick. you go on holiday.
5 I don’t have to/can’t take out any more money HAD
because my overdraft is too big.
You _______________ change your money
before you go on holiday.
/5 4 It’s quite possible that Mike missed the train
because he left work very late.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct MIGHT
form of must, can or might and these Mike _______________________________
verbs. because he left work very late.
5 It wasn’t necessary to type out the essay but it
work write go be read is easier to read.
1 It __________ a boring job, sitting in an office TYPED
all day and just doing lots of paperwork. You ________________________, but it is
2 Shelly __________ to town. I know she was easier to read.
thinking about going earlier.
3 Fred __________ my email yet. He hasn’t /5
phoned me and I asked him to.
4 Jackie __________ late tonight. She asked me
to tell you.
5 Grant __________ this note. It looks like his
writing, but I’m not sure.


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4 Complete the text with one word in each

Use of English: Vocabulary
A friend of mine, Suzanne, recently told me about 5 Complete the sentences with the correct
her unusual hobby, which is called ‘comping’. I words.
had no idea what ‘comping’ was, but it seems
(1) __________ a lot of people do this and they 1 Can I exchange this shirt if I have lost the
can earn huge amounts of money from it. Comping __________?
is the hobby of finding and entering lots and lots of 2 I’m sorry, I haven’t got any __________ for the
competitions. What you do is look in parking meter. Have you?
supermarkets, magazines, radio or TV guides, 3 There’s a __________ on at the computer store.
newspapers and online, (2) __________ they are Do you want to go? We might get some cheap
always advertising competitions of some sort or software.
another. Then you enter each competition you find. 4 It’s much better to buy things online because
Suzanne says you (3) __________ enter one you usually get good __________ for money.
competition many times but it’s a good idea to
5 If you order tennis rackets through the tennis
enter lots of different competitions just once. She
club, it’s cheaper because you get a special
also recommends choosing the least popular
competitions as then with fewer entries you will
have a better chance. Or you could go for the
(4) __________ with lots of prizes rather than just /5
one big one, as you’re more likely to win
something. She has been doing this for years now
and she must have won several thousand pounds! 6 Complete the sentences with these
It’s crazy but it certainly seems to be a profitable words.
hobby. However, according to Suzanne you
(5) __________ to keep a close eye on how much charges withdraw debt interest overdraft
you spend on stamps and envelopes because the
costs can quickly add up. She advises setting a 1 If you don’t pay back the money soon, you’ll
limit each month. Some people have actually have to pay extra in __________.
become addicted to ‘comping’, so you need to be 2 Most students get into __________ while they
very careful. are at university because of the fees and the
cost of accommodation.
/5 3 Can we stop at the bank? I need to __________
some money to go shopping.
4 I’m going to change my bank because of the
high bank __________ I have to pay at this
5 While I was at university, I only went into my
__________ once and that was only for a few


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7 Complete the second sentence so it 8 Complete the text with words formed
means the same as the first, using the from the words given.
word given. Do not change the word
I know the (1) __________ (economy) recession
given. Use between two and five words.
has caused a lot of difficulties for everyone and
1 We’re not spending much money so that we can that the government has to make cut backs to save
go to Paris next month. money. However, I think it’s short-sighted to make
UP (2) __________ (reduce) in spending on
education. Children need a good, strong education.
We _______________ to go to Paris next
Cut backs will mean larger classes, fewer teachers
and less equipment for sports and other extra-
2 I spent a lot of money on a new pair of curricular (3) __________ (active). They will also
expensive shoes last week. mean that schools will be unable to keep up with
OUT their plans to equip all classrooms with computers.
I _______________ a new pair of expensive As well as affecting what goes on in classrooms,
shoes last week. the cuts will have another effect. Many school
buildings need significant repairs, and there was an
3 If you look carefully, you can sometimes find
allocation of funds for this when the previous
some real bargains in antique shops.
(4) __________ (govern) was in power. Now, the
UP repairs are being stopped because there is
If you look carefully, you can sometimes insufficient money to continue. Our children will
_______________ some real bargains in be studying in (5) __________ (safe) buildings
antique shops. with leaking roofs and broken windows. This is
4 I’m afraid I won’t be able to return the money not good enough. I ask the government to rethink
until the end of the month. its plans.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to _______________
the money until the end of the month.
5 There aren’t any more concert tickets for sale at
the ticket office.
The ticket office _______________ concert


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Reading The scam that I think is really terrible is one

that’s been highlighted recently on television. It’s
when people (mainly women) meet someone on a
9 Read the text about three people’s
dating website and that person later gets them to
opinions on a website about scams.
send him or her a lot of money. Apparently, there’s
Match the people A–C with the questions
a whole system at work here, not just nasty
individuals. The organisation they showed on
1 Which person gives some advice on avoiding a television operates from a country in Africa, and
scam? Person ___ the men who email the women often pretend to be
2 Which person was extremely surprised to learn American soldiers. Because they live in another
about a particular scam? Person ___ country it’s unlikely that they will ever be asked to
meet up, so they can keep pretending for a long
3 Which person has personal knowledge of
time. They develop a romantic relationship with
someone who has lost money in a scam? Person
the woman and then, after a few months, invent
some story where they need some money. Some
4 Which person says that the people targeted by a women have sent up to 50 thousand pounds to a
scam don’t want to tell anyone about it? Person person like this! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I
___ saw the programme. Of course, when they finally
5 Which person talks about a scam that uses the discover the truth the women are so ashamed that
postal service? Person ___ they don’t report the theft and just hide what’s
happened, so it happens again and again. I don’t
understand how people can play with someone’s
emotions like that. These women must be
I, personally, have never been the victim of a absolutely devastated afterwards and never trust
scam, at least as far as I know, but I know someone anyone again.
who has, and it’s such a sad story. The person I’m
talking about is an old lady who lives near my
parents. She lives alone and only has a daughter We are warned often enough about online
who goes to visit her from time to time. One day, fraud, but it is still happening, and these scams can
the daughter found a huge pile of letters in the cost people huge amounts of money. It’s difficult
lady’s bedroom, and they were all scam letters to choose one to talk about because there are so
saying that she’d won something in a lottery or a many, but I think one of the most dangerous is the
competition. Apparently, the old lady had replied one involving banks. I have a couple of friends
to many of them and even sent money to pay what who have received emails from what they thought
the scammers called ‘the insurance on her was their bank. The address and logo were
winnings’. When the daughter investigated further, identical and the emails looked official and
she found that the old lady had lost thousands and genuine. They asked the recipient to update their
thousands of pounds! I think it’s terrible that these personal information, so my friends were supposed
scammers target older people who don’t really to type in their account details, addresses,
realise what lies these people are telling them. passwords, etc. In fact, the emails weren’t from the
They’re from a generation who believed that most banks but were very clever copies. My friends are
people were basically honest. So, if someone tells on the look-out for online scams and know as well
them that they’ve won a large amount of money in as I do to be very careful replying to emails that
a Canadian lottery, they don’t immediately think ask for personal information like that, but there are
‘how could I have won money from a lottery that I a lot of people out there who are unsuspecting. The
never entered?’. They do what they’re asked to do. scammers can get their hands on information that
They send money and then never hear from these they can use to make themselves a lot of money.
people again. It’s appalling. Any online users must be sure to update their
security and never give information like this unless
they are very sure that the request is genuine.
Banks actually say that they would never ask for
information in this way, so the easy rule is NEVER

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11Read this situation:

Listening You recently ordered some computer games

online from a large, reliable company. When the
games arrived, they were ten days late. Also, the
10 You are going to hear part of a radio packaging was damaged and not all the games had
programme about how a young person been sent.
made some money. Listen and decide if
the statements are true (T) or false (F). Write a formal letter of complaint to the
company and demand a solution.
1 The presenter thinks it’s a good idea T/F
to make money from savings Write 120–160 words.
2 Kyle MacDonald is from the UK. T/F _____________________________________
3 Kyle started his own business by T/F _____________________________________
buying some paperclips. _____________________________________
4 Kyle needed the Internet to make his T/F
project successful. _____________________________________
5 Some people thought he shouldn't T/F
have accepted the snow globe.
/5 _____________________________________



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