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IBA Sixty Years On


International Bartenders Association

Established: in Torquay, UK in 1951.

The IBA is a non-profit society currently registered in Singapore since March 2006.

Registered Number with Registry of Societies, Singapore: T06SS0054C.

Head office: 58 Lowland Road, Singapore 547453.

Status: IBA is an association of National Bartenders Guilds from around the world.

Membership Status:
56 Member Countries (one association per Country).
8 Countries with Observing status.
39 Associate Members.

• To promote and maintain International Relations among the Guild Members.
• To make the opportunity available for the exchange of news, views, proposals and ideas between
Guild Members to encourage a high standard of competence and conduct for the benefit and
advancement of the profession of Bartending.
• To promote a close relationship and liaison between the Guild Members and the kindred
industry throughout the world.
• To promote customer service and encourage the knowledge of the ‘International Guests’, habits
and customs in relation to drinking.
• To encourage the standardization of mixed drinks recipes.
• To organize and promote International Mixed Drink Competitions.
• To promote educational facilities for the bartenders of the IBA.

1. Convention, Symposium of Bar Business.
2. World Cocktail Championship, yearly with 60 countries competing.
3. Education Courses for Bartenders & Mixologists in Guild Countries.
4. The Elite Bartenders Course held in Europe (Italy), Far East (Singapore) and South America
5. Other (international) competitions.


2 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

Foreword by the
IBA President
his magazine is a compilation of the sixty years of the members who enroll on the course. A hallmark of the IBA
International Bartenders Association (IBA), starting authority!
with seven countries (founding members) to 56
countries spanning across the globe. We are in the digital age, which is also the age of borderless
travel. Reaching out to each other is a click on the keyboard’s
The year 1951 marked the beginning of the IBA in Torquay, button, and commuting is hopping on a budget plane
England. The IBA is a non-profit society whose members are with ease. Information flows is tremendous, bartenders are
registered associations in their own countries. With passion becoming more and more knowledgeable, infusing technique
for the bartending fraternity, it began to spread and more of food technology in molecular mixology. Societies for
countries were admitted. bartenders become less and less important as one can easily
reach for information through networking platforms.
We are proud to be ‘The Leader in Professional Bartending’. Nevertheless, the IBA survived and continues to grow with
This accolade signals the strength of bartenders and its many aspiring members waiting to be admitted. The IBA
profession. This is further testified by the entire IBA will definitely be around for many more years, and will
membership and her Board Members who are all on honorary certainly be celebrating its centenarian.
positions - with an aspiration to contribute.
The world is changing rapidly, so does the bartending industry,
The IBA is fortunate enough to have the support of the but the basics remain the same - skills, quality and integrity.
industry, government agencies in some countries, and The IBA’s most valuable asset is bartenders. Towards this, we
liquor producers who became our Associate Members for a aspire to continue to enhance the profession.
good cause - to assist the IBA to promote the trade through Cheers!
sponsorship of courses and competitions, thus helps create a
more knowledgeable and skilled workforce.

In year 2006 the IBA embarked on a global certification for

bartenders, a certificate that is endorsed by the membership
of 56 countries without border. This 40-hour Certificate in
Bartending course is currently recognised by some government Derrick Lee
bodies with sponsorship of course fee and absentee payroll for IBA President

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 3



IBA: 60 Years On, anniversary magazine

Text & content

Ron Busman

Print & Lay-out

Just Print It, Heerhugowaard (Netherlands)
Marcelis-van der Lee-Adu, Heerhugowaard

Photographer: Patrizia Bevilacqua
Lady Bartender: Ermelinda Martino

Mirco Toffolo

Glass supply
Anne-Cécile Wuillaume, Durobor S.A. (Belgium)
Rachid Rami, Libbey Europe (Netherlands)

IBA Official Drinks, compilation & research

Don Costa & Giorgio Fadda

Team Venice
Photography: Mirco Toffolo

Cocktail Design: Giorgio Fadda

Garnish Design: Diego Lombardo

Unit assistance: Rosa Indirli

Support: The Westin Europa & Regina,

Venice (Italy)

4 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©


he International Bartenders Association (IBA) was
founded in 1951, on the 24th of February. Location:
The Grand Hotel, Torquay (a seaside resort in the
South of England) where seven European countries were
represented by their Presidents or international delegates
(observers), being: DBL (Denmark), (G)ABF (France),
AIBES, Italy), NBC (Netherlands), SBG (Sweden), SBU
(Switzerland) and UKBG (United Kingdom).
On Wednesday 21st of February 1951, a European Cocktail
Competition was held at the Grand Hotel, with competitors
from Denmark, England, France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden
and Switzerland.
Following, on Saturday February 24th, 1951, the foundation
of IBA took place, twenty-one bartenders being present at
this historic occasion: A HISTORIC MOMENT
Around the table from left to right Mr. P. Melin (Sweden),
From DBL, Denmark: Mr. Londahl, President, Mr. V. Mr. J. Londahl (Denmark), Mr. G. Sievi (Switzerland), Mr.
Christensen, Vice President and Mr. V. Sørensen, Secretary A. Combettes (France), Mr. Theo Rijken (Netherlands, Mr.
From (G)ABF, France: Mr. A. Combettes and Mr. R. Slavik Angelo Zola (Italy), center front left W. J. Tarling (England),
From AIBES, Italy: Mr. R. Benedetti, Mr. Luigi Parenti, and 1st IBA President and center front right Mr. H. Roberts
Mr. Angelo Zola (England).
From NBC, Netherlands: Mr. Theo Rijken
From SBG, Sweden: Mr. P. Melin
From SBU, Switzerland: Mr. G. Sievi, Treasurer THE FIRST IBA BOARD
From UKBG, United Kingdom: Mr. W. J. Tarling, President, President: Mr. W. J. Tarling (England), from 24 Febuary
Mr. B. Paul, past President, Mr. H. W. Roberts, Conference 1951 till July 1952
Secretary, Mr. J.P. Finney, Esq. Trustee, Mr. C. Chriswell, Mr. Vice President: Mr. R. Slavik (France)
S. Cox, J.O. Furrell, Mr. A. Krakeel, Mr. L. Miller and Mr. Secretary: Mr. J.P. Finney (England)
C. Manuel Treasurer: Mr. H.W. Roberts (England)
Eight delegates were chosen to attend to the meeting:
• Mr. A. Combettes, (G)ABF, France
• Mr. Londahl, DBL, Denmark
• Mr. P. Melin, SBG, Sweden
• Mr. Th. Rijken, NBC, Netherlands
• Mr. W. Roberts, UKBG, England
• Mr. G. Sievi, SBU, Switzerland
• Mr. W.J. Tarling, UKBG, England


“Well, the IBA founding is done. In this historical moment for barmen-activities we are happy to see around the table barmen
of seven countries. If only we will not be too pretentious, the future generations will, with the help of the Associations, have
grounds for positive technical satisfactions and professional prestige and better possibilities for mutual friendship and help”.

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 5

IBA 1st President:
Mr. W.J. Bill Tarling, UKBG

(Great Britain)
Elected upon foundation of
the IBA at the Grand Hotel in
Torquay, England, February

since 1951 1951

2nd President:
Mr. George A. Baker, UKBG
(Great Britain)
Taking over the Presidency from
Mr. Bill Tarling in 1952

3rd President:
Mr. George Sievi, SBU
Elected in October 1954

4rd President:
Mr. Pietro Grandi, AIBES
Elected in October 1957

5th President:
Mr. Angelo Zola, AIBES (Italy)
Taking over the Presidency from
February 1959 till November
1960 from
Mr. Pietro Grandi

Elected in November 1963

Re-elected in November 1966

Re-elected in November 1969
Re-elected in November 1972
Re-elected in November 1975

6 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

6th President:
Mr. Kurt Sorensen,
DBL (Denmark)
Elected in November 1960

7th President:
Mr. Stefano Preti, AIBES (Italy)
Taking over the Presidency from
Mr. Angelo Zola in November
The term of office for newly-
elected President is four years

8th President:
Mr. Michel Bigot, ABF (France)
Elected in October 1981
Re-elected in October 1984

9th President:
Mr. Umberto Caselli,
AIBES (Italy)
Elected in November 1987
Re-elected in October 1990

Blue Bird
Elected in October 1999
Re-elected in October 2002

10th President:
Mr. Jan van Hagen, NBC Signature Cocktail by the 1st IBA President,
(Netherlands) Mr. Bill Tarling
Elected in November 1993
Re-elected in October 1996

4 cl Vodka
2 cl Triple sec
2 cl Lemon juice, fresh
11th President: 3 dashes Maraschino
Mr. Derrick Lee, ABSS 3 dashes Blue extract
(Singapore) Shaker
Elected in October 2005
Re-elected in October 2008

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 7

IBA board
Vice President - Europe
Mr. Ron Busman
Buurt II nummer 20 1156 BC
Honorary President Marken, Netherlands
Umberto Caselli Phone +31 299 601318
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected] Skype iba-vicepresident

President Vice President - North America

Derrick Lee Mr. Jose Ancona
58 Lowland road 3724 Spencer St, (#310)
Singapore 547453 Torrance, CA
Phone + 65 90121309 90503 USA
Fax + 65 62340032 Phone +1 310 5424177
Email [email protected] Fax +1 310 542 4991
Skype iba-president Email [email protected]

Secretary Vice President - South America

Albert Ong Mr. Nepomuceno Ramirez Gonzalez
c/o ITE College West CALLE 4 carerra 1, numero 1-20
1 Choa Chu Kang Grove urbanizacion Nueva, Segovia
Singapore 688236 Barquisimeto 3001
Phone + 65 97430804 Phone +58 (416) 6561382
Fax + 65 62340032 Fax +58 (251) 2548367
Email [email protected] Email [email protected]

Treasurer Vice President - Far East

Peter L. Jansen Mr. Kuo Chao Kun
Boelenspark 23 5F-3 No 163 Lin Shen First Road
1131 PZ Volendam, Netherlands Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.C.
Phone + 31 654941956 Phone +886 7 2518976
Fax + 31 299743177 Fax +886 2 2710426
Email [email protected] Email [email protected]
Skype twbartenders

Honorary Member Vice President - Southern Hemisphere

Jürgen E. Falcke Mr. Alex Beaumont
Kottwitzstrasse 11 Level 4, 362, Kent Street, Sydney, 2000,
20253 Hamburg, Germany N.S.W. Australia
Phone + 49 404209755 Phone +61 29 262 2119
Fax + 40 404209755 Fax +61 247 354 933
Email [email protected] Email [email protected]
Skype jefalcke Skype beaukid

8 International
InternationalBartenders Association2011
Bartenders Association 2011
IBA, European Countries
ÖBU - Austria (Österreichische Barkeeper Union) EBA - Estonia (Estonian Bartenders Association)
PRESIDENT Mr. Alexander Radlowskyj PRESIDENT Mr. Tarmo Kiudorv
ADDRESS Tigergasse 6/2 ADDRESS Masina 11
CITY 1080 Vienna CITY 10144 Tallinn
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]

UBB - Belgium (Union of Belgium Barmen) FBSK - Finland

PRESIDENT Mr. Serge E. Guillou (Finlands Bartenders och Supporters Klubb)
ADDRESS Leuvensesteenweg 45 PRESIDENT Mr. Juha Heusala
CITY B-3080 Tervuren ADDRESS Hämeentie 155 C, 6. krs.
E-MAIL [email protected] CITY 00560 Helsinki, Finland
E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE fbskwebmaster

BAB - Bulgaria (Bulgarian Association of Bartenders) ABF - France (L’Association des barmen de France)
PRESIDENT Mr. Pencho Penchev PRESIDENT Mr. Guy Musart
ADDRESS 25, Dragoman Str. 9000 ADDRESS 4 Rue Villebois Mareuil
CITY Varna CITY 75017 Paris
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]

HUB - Croatia D.B.U. e.V. - Germany (Deutsche Barkeeper Union)

PRESIDENT Mr. Frano Stjepovic PRESIDENT Mr. Bernhard Stoehr
ADDRESS I. Vojnovića 32 ADDRESS Kottwitzstraße 11
CITY 20 000 Dubrovnik CITY 20253 Hamburg
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]

CYBA - Cyprus (Cypriot Barmen Association) UKBG - Great Britain

PRESIDENT Mr. Costas Pishias (United Kingdom Bartenders’ Guild)
ADDRESS P.O. Box 33116, 5311 PRESIDENT Mr. Daniel Crebesse
CITY Paralimni ADDRESS Rosebank, Blackness
E-MAIL [email protected] CITY EH49 7NL, Linlithgow, Scotland
E-MAIL [email protected]

CBA - Czech Republic (Czech Bartenders Association) HBA - Greece (Hellenic Barmen Association)
PRESIDENT Mr. Aleš Svojanovský PRESIDENT Mr. Konstantinos Stefanakidis
ADDRESS Simackova 147 ADDRESS P.O. Box 4117, Athens
CITY 628 00 Brno Czech Republic CITY GR- 10210 Athens
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE konstantinostefanakidis

DBL - Denmark (Dansk Bartender Laug) SBH - Hungary (Section of Barmen in Hungary)
PRESIDENT Ms. Maria Magdalena Watzl PRESIDENT Mr. Attila Kotai
ADDRESS P.O. Box 230 DK 1502 ADDRESS Batthyany Str. 29/ I/1.
CITY Copenhagen CITY H 1015 Budapest
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE kotai.attila

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 9

BCI - Iceland (Bartenders Club Island) MBA - Malta (Maltese Bartenders Guild)
PRESIDENT Ms. Jónína Unnur Gunnarsdóttir PRESIDENT Mr. Joseph Farrugia
ADDRESS Post Box 8556 ADDRESS P.O. Box 368
CITY 128 Reykjavik CITY Valletta CMR 01
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]

BAI - Ireland (Bartenders Association Ireland) BARSA - Moldavia

PRESIDENT Mr. Declan Byrne PRESIDENT Mr. Igor Nitkin
ADDRESS 104 Calderwoord Rood, Griffith Avenue ADDRESS 32/2 Zelinschii Street
CITY Dublin 9 Ap. 89
E-MAIL [email protected] CITY Chisinau
E-MAIL [email protected]

IGBS - Israel UBCG - Montenegro

PRESIDENT Mr. Yoav Sukari PRESIDENT Mr. Rajko Mijac
ADDRESS 22 Eilat street ADDRESS Ville Oliva Hotel, 85300
CITY Tel-Aviv 66846 CITY Petrovac NA Moru
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL bartenders [email protected]
SKYPE yoav1705

AIBES - Italy ABM - Monaco (Association Barmen Monaco)

(Associazione Italiana Barmen e Sostenitori) PRESIDENT Mr. Giovanni Speziale
ADDRESS Via Baldissera 2 98000 Monaco
CITY 20129 Milano Principaute de Monaco
E-MAIL [email protected] CITY Monte Carlo
E-MAIL [email protected]

ALB - Luxembourg NBC - Netherlands (Nederlandse Bartenders Club)

(Association Luxembourgeoise des Barmen) PRESIDENT Mr. Nico Kager
PRESIDENT Mr. Bertrand Barboux ADDRESS Damloperwerf 43
ADDRESS 23 rue Saint Ulric CITY 2317 DT Leiden
CITY L- 2651 Luxembourg E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]

ABM - Macedonia NBF - Norway (Norsk Bartender Forening)

(Association of Bartenders of Macedonia) PRESIDENT Mr. Rune Kaarbo
PRESIDENT Mr. Darko Angeleski ADDRESS Tollbodgt. 5 Pb 77.
ADDRESS St. Dragisha Mishovic 5/1-6 Karpos 3 CITY 4662 Kristiansand
CITY Skopje E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]

10 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

PBA - Poland (Polish Bartenders Association) DBS - Slovenia (Drustvo barmanov Slovenije)
PRESIDENT Mr. Ryszard Berent PRESIDENT Mr. Aleš Ogrin
ADDRESS Wielkokacka 5 ADDRESS Vosnjakova 1, Hotel Lev
CITY 81-611 Gdynia CITY 1000 Ljubljana 
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE ryszard.berent SKYPE ogrina88

ABP - Portugal (Associacao Barmen De Portugal) ABE - Spain (Asociacions de Barmans de Espanoles)
PRESIDENT Mr. José Vaz Oliveira PRESIDENT Mr. Pepe Dioni
ADDRESS Avenida Engenheiro Adelino Amaro da ADDRESS San Roque 86, 2 D;
Costa, Edifício Central Office, 2º Piso, CITY 20.009 San Sebastián
Escritório 11 E-MAIL [email protected]
CITY 2750-277 Cascais 
E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE abp-algarve

ABPR - Romania SBG - Sweden (Sveriges Bartenders Gille)

(Asociatia Barmanilor Profesionisti Din Romania) PRESIDENT Mr. Martin Bergqvist
PRESIDENT Mr. Bogdan Gheorghiu ADDRESS Gavlegatan 25
ADDRESS 9-11 Stelari Str. Floor 3 CITY 113 30 Stockholm Sweden
CITY Bucharest, District 3, 030068 E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]  

ARBA - Republic of Armenia SBU - Switzerland (Swiss Barkeeper Union)

(Armenian Bartenders Association) PRESIDENT Mrs. Kathrin Leisi
PRESIDENT Mr. Tigran Avetisyan ADDRESS Route du lac 264,
ADDRESS 22 Moldovakan Str., Apt. 36 CITY CH-1787 Môtier
CITY Yerevan E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]  

BAR - Russia (Bartenders Association Russia) TBD - Turkey (Turkey Bartender’s Association)
PRESIDENT Mr. Sergei Tsyro PRESIDENT Mr. Ilhan Oner
ADDRESS 127055 Lesnaya St. ADDRESS Cihannuma Mahalessi Ressam Hamdi
CITY 55 Moscow  Bey Sok. No: 5
E-MAIL [email protected] CITY 80690 Istanbul
SKYPE Bar E-MAIL [email protected]

BAS - Serbia (Barmen Association Serbia) AUBA - Ukraine (All-Ukranian Bartender Association)
PRESIDENT Mr. Djordje Matic PRESIDENT Mr. Kodatskyy Sergiy
ADDRESS Kralja Petra 59 ADDRESS Kiev 128, mailbox 45
CITY Belgrade  CITY Kiev
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]

SKBA - Slovak Republic

(Slovak Republic Bartenders Association)
PRESIDENT Mr. Jozef Roth
ADDRESS L. Fullu 26
CITY 841 05 Bratislava
E-MAIL [email protected]

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 11

IBA, North American Countries
ACC - Cuba (Asociacion de Cantineros de Cuba) PRBA - Puerto Rico
PRESIDENT Mr. Pedro Medina Borges (Asociacion de Bartenders de Puerto Rico)
ADDRESS Calle A #309, e/13 y15, Vedado PRESIDENT Mr. Jorge A. Lopez Albarran
CITY Cwdad Habana, Cuba ADDRESS P.O. Box 16575
E-MAIL [email protected] CITY 00908-6575 San Juan
E-MAIL [email protected]

AMB - Mexico (Association Barmen de Mexico) (2nd Year) USBG - United States of America
PRESIDENT Mr. Eduardo Adrian Juarez (United States Bartenders’ Guild)
ADDRESS Jose Vasconcelos PRESIDENT Mr. David Nepove
83 Colonia San Miguel Chapultepec ADDRESS P.O. Box 80687
Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo CITY Las Vegas NV 89180
CITY Mexico City E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]

12 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

IBA, South American Countries
AMBA - Argentina APB - Peru (Asociacion Peruana de Barmen)
(Asociación Mutual de Barmen y Afines) PRESIDENT Mr. Guillermo Osorio Romero
PRESIDENT Mr. Marinoni Ricardo ADDRESS Calle Santa Luisa 265, San Isidro
ADDRESS Av. Juan de Garay 1927 CITY Lima
CITY CL256AAB Buenos Aires E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE barargentina

ABB - Brazil (Associaçião Brasileira de Bartenders) AUDEB - Uruguay (Asociación Uruguaya de Barmen)
PRESIDENT Mr. Nilson Vianna Candido PRESIDENT Mr. Ruben Basedas
ADDRESS Av. Senador Queiroz 605-5° Andar ADDRESS Pablo de María 1587
Conj. 517 Santa CITY Montevideo
Efigenia 01026-901 E-MAIL [email protected]
CITY São Paulo - SP
E-MAIL [email protected]

ABEC - Ecuador AVB - Venezuela

(Asociacion de Bartenders de la Republica del Ecuador) (Association de Bartenders de Venezuelana)
PRESIDENT Mr. John Alexander Barreno Escobar PRESIDENT Mr. Nepomuceno Ramirez Gonzalez
ADDRESS Javier Espinoza 1-38 ADDRESS Calle 4 carerra 1 numero, 1-20
e Isidro Ayora (Sector La FAE) Urbanizacion Nueva Segovia
Latacunga CITY Barquisimeto EDO LARA
CITY Cotopaxi E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 13

IBA, Far East Countries
ABC - China (Association of Bartenders China) PBL - Philippines (Philippines Bartenders League)
PRESIDENT Mr. Frank Lee PRESIDENT Mr. Mutley Matilla
ADDRESS Beijing Wanda Plaza ADDRESS Rm 3, 2nd Floor Remedios cor
Building 3, Rm 3002, No 93 P.H. Lim sts.
Jian Guo Road Chao Yang District CITY Malate, Manila
CITY Beijing E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]

HKBA - Hong Kong-China ABSS - Singapore

(Hong Kong Bartenders Association) (Association of Bartenders & Sommeliers Singapore)
PRESIDENT Mr. Neil Wong PRESIDENT Mr. Michael Cheng
ADDRESS P.O. Box 91414, TST Post Office ADDRESS c/o SHATEC, 21 Bukit Batok, Street 22
CITY Kowloon CITY Singapore 659589
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE iba-abs

NBA - Japan (Nippon Bartenders Association) BAT - Taiwan Republic of China

PRESIDENT Mr. Shojiro Sato (Bartender Association Taiwan, R.O.C.)
ADDRESS Masuya Bldg. 9 F, PRESIDENT Ms. Hsieh Mei Mei
2-3-6 Yuraku-Cho-Chiyoda-Ku ADDRESS 5F-1 No. 163 Lin Sheng First Rd
CITY Tokyo 100-0006 CITY 800 Kaohsiung
E-MAIL [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected]
SKYPE tvbartenders

KBG - Korea (Korea Bartender Guild) (2nd Year) SBSG - Vietnam

PRESIDENT Mr. Max Kim (Saigon Bartenders & Sommeliers Guild)
ADDRESS 903 Lotte Goldrose 889-53 PRESIDENT Mr. Vo Tan Si
Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu ADDRESS 02 Mai Thi Luu Street
CITY Seoul 135-280 Ward DaKao, District 1
E-MAIL [email protected] CITY Ho Chi Minh City
E-MAIL [email protected]

14 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

IBA, Southern Hemisphere
ABG - Australia (Australian Bartenders Guild) SABA - South Africa
PRESIDENT Mr. Andrew Lee (South African Bartenders Association)
ADDRESS 2, 23 Wentworth Street PRESIDENT Mr. Etienne Schlechter
CITY Parramatta 2150 NSW Australia ADDRESS 130 Waterkant Street, Green Point
PHONE +61 96892949 CITY Cape Town
FAX +61 296892177 E-MAIL [email protected]
E-MAIL [email protected]

NZBG - New Zealand (New Zealand Bartenders Guild)

PRESIDENT Mr. Larry Naylor
ADDRESS P.O. Box 14 Cromwell
CITY Central Otago
E-MAIL [email protected]

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 15

Year Guilds
admitted to IBA

DBL, Denmark Torquay, England Founder
UKBG, England Torquay, England Founder
GABF, France Torquay, England Founder (ABF as of 1965)
AIBES, Italy Torquay, England Founder
NBC, Netherlands Torquay, England Founder
SBG, Sweden Torquay, England Founder
SBU, Switzerland Torquay, England Founder

OBC, Norway London, England Becoming NBF in 1960

DBU, Germany Venice, Italy

FBSK, Finland Amsterdam, Netherlands
 LBU, Luxembourg Amsterdam, Netherlands Leaving IBA in 1977

AMBA, Argentina London, England
AUDEB, Uruguay London, England Leaving IBA in 1960

ÖBL, Austria Milan, Italy 
BLBU, Belgium-Luxembourg Milan, Italy Newly formed twin-guild

ANBA, Japan Copenhagen, Denmark Becoming NBA in 1987
AVB, Venezuela Copenhagen, Denmark 

UBB, Belgium Gausdal, Norway Independent guild
CBG, California-USA Gausdal, Norway Becoming USBG, USA in 1970
Becoming USBA, USA in 1984
Becoming USBG, USA in 1991

BCI, Iceland St. Vincent, Italy 

ABE, Spain Edinburgh, Scotland

ABG, Australia Geneva, Switzerland

16 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©


SBY, Yugoslavia Mallorca, Spain Becoming DBS in 1978
In 1991 Slovenia ex Yugoslavia

BAC, Canada Paris, France

ABM, Mexico Tokyo, Japan 
CBP, Portugal Tokyo, Japan Becoming ABP in 1975

ABB, Brazil Stockholm, Sweden
BAI, Ireland Stockholm, Sweden 

KBA, Korea Copenhagen, Denmark 

MBG, Malta St. Vincent, Italy In 1976 Maltese changed in Mutual
Currently: MBA, Maltese Bartenders Association

SBH Hungary Opatija, Yugoslavia 

ALB, Luxembourg Amsterdam, Netherlands New formed guild

HKBA, Hong-Kong Rome, Italy
ABSS, Singapore Rome, Italy 

APB, Peru Helsinki, Finland

CSVTS, Czechoslovakia Mexico City, Mexico Czech Republic 1n 1993

PRBA, Puerto Rico Toronto, Canada 

GBA, Greece Vienna, Austria 
AUDEB, Uruguay Vienna, Austria Re-admitted (reformed assoc.)
KBA, Korea No show since 1993

PBA, Poland Montegrotto Terme, Italy

NZBG, New Zealand Toronto, Canada 
BAT, Taiwan Toronto, Canada 
TBD, Turkey Toronto, Canada 

HSB, Croatia Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
BAR, Russia Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic 
SKBA, Slovak Republic Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic 

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 17


PBL, Philippines Lisbon, Portugal 

EBU, Estonia, Gothenburg, Sweden 
LBA, Latvia Gothenburg, Sweden 

BAB, Bulgaria Singapore 

ACC, Cuba Bled, Slovenia
UBCG, Montenegro Bled, Slovenia 
SABA, South Africa Bled, Slovenia

IGBS, Israel Seville, Spain
BAR, Serbia Seville, Spain

ARBA, Republic of Armenia Helsinki, Finland
ABP, Peru Helsinki, Finland Suspended

CYBA, Cyprus Porto Carras, Greece
AUBA, Ukraine Porto Carras, Greece
BAC, Canada Porto Carras, Greece Suspended
APB, Peru Porto Carras, Greece Suspension lifted

ABM, Macedonia Berlin, Germany
ABPR, Romania Berlin, Germany
SBSG, Vietnam Berlin, Germany

ABC, China Singapore
ABEC, Ecuador Singapore
LBA, Latvia Singapore Expelled

Joining in 2012
KGB, Korea Warsaw, Poland
BAM, Mexico Warsaw, Poland
AMB, Monaco Warsaw, Poland

Joining in 2014
BARSA, Moldavia
ACBAR, Colombia
UNABAR, Dominican Republic

Possible options for future joining, as of 2015

Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia, Canada, Dubai, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania,
Malaysia, Morocco, Nicaragua and Thailand.

18 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©


66 Liquid Highlights
Prior to the Foundation of the IBA (Torquay, Wednesday 21 From 1973 till 1996 the ICC took place once in every three
February 195) a European Cocktail Competition was held at years.
The Grand Hotel, with competitors from Denmark, England, From 1997 on the ICC was again organized on a yearly basis
France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. in three following years and in three different categories: Pre
A bartender from UKBG, Mr. Raozuaieff, at that time Dinner Cocktail, After Dinner Cocktail and Longdrink.
working at L’Aperitif Grill in London, won this competition. In 1999 the name International Cocktail Competition was
Rye Lane was the name of his winning cocktail: transformed into World Cocktail Competition (WCC).
The year 2000 showed the introduction of a new phenomenon
in the world of cocktails and mixology: Flairtending. As of
RYE LANE 2000 the WCC then runs in two formats, Classic Mixing &
2 cl Canadian Club Flairtending.
2 cl Pollen White Curaçao
2 cl Orange squash By 2005 a fifth category was introduced: Fancy Cocktail.
2 dashes De Kuyper crème de noyaux Then, in 2008 a new set-up was initiated for WCC: Open
Shaker Category, offering contestants freedom to choose and
Cocktail glass compete with cocktails out of any of the four categories as
previously known.
By this time the IBA Board starts looking out to re-orchestrate
IBA launched the first International Cocktail Competition the WCC, in order to contribute in boosting the global
(ICC) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on 7 & 8 October 1955. cocktail culture and raising a greater visibility of its World
Giuseppe Neri, bartender from Excelsior Hotel (Palermo, Champions and furthermore raise visibility of the sponsor
Italy) became the first winner of ICC in the history of IBA. brands.
Being one of the most striking activities of IBA through its
history, initially the ICC started as an annual competition,
then to become biennial.

Impression from the International Barmen Championship 1951, held in Paris, left front Mr. Pietro Grandi, Italy (past IBA President),
Mr. Roger Lebet, Switzerland (past IBA Treasurer) and Mr. George Sievi, Switzerland (past IBA President).

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 19

Advised by its sponsor group, the IBA Associate Members, it was decided to create one name for the WCC Finals, to bring
together Classics and Flair, transforming the Final into a one-day super-event (Super Final). In addition to a big significant name
a new logo was thought to be necessary, to strengthen the importance of the event and this logo to be registered as a brand.
Therefore, as of 2011 the WCC will be presented as World Cocktail Championship, introducing six individual competitions:
Flairtending, Before Dinner Cocktail, Sparkling Cocktail, Fancy Cocktail, Longdrink and After Dinner Cocktail.
After the Preliminary Finals, winners of all six competitions shall compete in the Super Final, its winner being the creator of
the “IBA Cocktail of the Year”.
The winner of the WCC Super Final shall receive an invitation (including flight ticket and pocket money) to be present at the
Super Final of next years’ WCC. During his or her presence the winner of the Super Final of previous year will be shaking up
the IBA Cocktail of the Year, then being served as the Welcome Cocktail.


1955 Amsterdam

Giuseppe Neri - Italy

4/8 Gordon’s Gin

1/8 De Kuyper Cherry Brandy
1/8 Bols Triple Sec
1/8 Bols Maraschino
1/8 Cinzano White Vermout

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Orange peel (squeeze)

Conca d’Oro
CARDICAS ½ Bacardi Rum White Method: Shaker
¼ Cointreau Glass: Cocktail
1956 London ¼ White Port
(Great Britain)

Jari Ahvenainen - Finland

20 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

CARIN ½ Gordon’s Gin
¼ Mandarine Napoleon
1958 Brussels (Belgium) ¼ Dubonnet

George de Kuypers - Method: Mixing glass

Belgium Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Lemon peel (squeeze)

PETITE FLEUR ½ Bacardi Rum White

¼ Cointreau
1959 Copenhagen ¼ Grapefruit juice
Method: Shaker
Dieter Waidmann - Glass: Cocktail
Germany Garnish: Cocktail cherry

SWEET MEMORIES 1/3 Bacardi Rum White

1/3 Cusenier Orange Curaçao
1961 Oslo (Norway) 1/3 Noilly Prat Dry Vermouth

Egil Moum - Norway Method: Shaker

Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry


1962 Hamburg

Hans Dürr - Switzerland

3/10 Dewar’s White Label

Scotch Whisky
2/10 DOM Bénédictine
2/10 Bols White Curaçao
3/10 Cinzano Dry Vermouth

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 21
ROBERTA 1/3 Smirnoff Vodka
1/3 Cherry Heering
1963 St. Vincent 1/3 Cinzano Extra Dry vermouth
(Italy) 2 drops Bols Crème de Bananes
2 drops Campari
Pietro Cuccoli - Italy
Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Orange peel (twist)


1964 Edinburgh
(Great Britain)

Enzo Antonetti - Argentina

4/8 Hiram Walker Gin

1/8 DOM Bénédictine
3/8 Martini Dry Vermouth

Mar del Plata

1 dash Grand Marnier

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Lemon peel (squeeze)


1965 Buenos Aires 1967 Mallorca (Spain)

Enrique Bastante -
Raul J.R. Echenique - Spain

4/10 Old Smuggler Finest Scotch Whisky 3/6 Estelar Pampero Rum
3/10 Estelar Pampero Rum Palo Añejo 1/6 Bols Crème de Bananes Bols
1/10 Cointreau 1/6 Drambuie
2/10 Cinzano Red Vermouth 1/6 Cinzano Extra Dry Vermouth

Method: Mixing glass Method: Shaker

Glass: Cocktail Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry & lemon (squeeze)

22 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

TUTTOSI 4/10 Canadian Club Whisky
2/10 Royal Stock Brandy
1969 St. Vincent (Italy) 1/10 Galliano
1/10 Mandarinetto Isolabella
Elio Cattaneo - Italy 2/10 Martini Red Vermouth

Method: Mixing glass

Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Orange peel (squeeze)

LENA 5/10 Old Grand Dad Bourbon

1971 Tokyo (Japan) 1/10 Galliano
2/10 Martini Red Vermouth
Alberto Chirici - Italy 1/10 Campari
1/10 Gancia Dry Vermouth

Method: Mixing glass

Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry


1973 Los Angeles (USA)

Bjarne Eriksen - Norway

1/3 Smirnoff Vodka

1/3 Grand Marnier
1/3 Cinzano Bitter

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Orange peel

GLORIA ¼ Old Crow Bourbon Whiskey
¼ Royal Stock Brandy
1976 St. Vincent (Italy) ¼ Campari
1/8 Carpano White Special
Giorgio Guida - Italy Vermouth
1/8 DiSaronno

Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail

Method: Mixing glass
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry &
lemon (peel)

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 23

ELISA 2/4 Havana Club Rum White
1/8 Averna Amaro
1976 St. Vincent (Italy) 1/8 SIS Apricot Brandy
Aldo Ferrier - Italy 1/8 Torino Vermouth
1/8 Gancia Brut Spumante

Category: After Dinner Cocktail

Method: Mixing glass
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry & orange (squeeze)

1979 Opatija (Yugoslavia)
Sven Aage Jonsbraaten - Norway

2,5 cl Cossack Vodka

1 cl Bols Crème de Bananes
0,5 cl Bols Green Curaçao
1,5 cl Lemon juice, fresh & sweetened
0,5 cl Grapefruit juice, fresh

Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail

Garnish: Cocktail cherry (green & red)


1976 St. Vincent (Italy)

Fred Falkenberg - Canada SUNNY DREAM

1979 Opatija (Yugoslavia)
Mark Douglas Wood - Canada
1 ¼ oz Bacardi Rum White
½ oz Galliano 3/14 Henkes Apricot Brandy
2 oz Lime juice, fresh 1/14 Cointreau
8/14 Silverwood’s Soft Ice cream
Category: Longdrink 2/14 Orange juice, fresh
Method: Shaker
Glass: Tumbler Category: After Dinner Cocktail
(filled with crushed ice) Method: Bar blender
Garnish: Cocktail cherry & lime Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Orange (five slices in a pin-wheel
design, floating in centre of drink)

24 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

ALELUIA 4/10 Mariachi Tequila Category: Longdrink
2/10 Bols Blue Curaçao Method: Shaker
1979 Opatija (Yugoslavia) 2/10 Bols Maraschino Glass: Highball
2/10 Lemon juice, fresh Garnish: Cocktail cherry (2),
Antonio Teixeira de Jesus - 1 dash egg white lemon (slice), orange
Portugal Schweppes Lemonade (peel) & mint

InesINES 3/10 Gordon’s Gin

1/10 DiSaronno
Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
1982 Albufeira (Portugal) 3/10 Martini Dry Vermouth Garnish: Stuffed olive
3/10 Martini Rosé Vermouth
Alain Nevers - France
Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail


1982 Albufeira (Portugal) 1982 Albufeira (Portugal)

Daniel Pion - France Johnny Johnston - Ireland

1/10 Hennessy VSOP 2/5 Cork Dry Gin

2/10 Mandarine Napoleon 1/5 Bols Blue Curaçao
1/10 Canadou Gomme Syrup 1/5 Cointreau
4/10 Balão coffee (black & hot) 1/5 Pineapple juice
2/10 Fresh cream Schweppes lemonade

Category: After Dinner Cocktail Category: Longdrink

Method: Build, Mixing glass & Method: Shaker
Shaker Glass: Tumbler
Glass: Cocktail Garnish: Cocktail cherry (green) &
Garnish: Mandarin (twist) & pineapple (wedge)
orange (peel)

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 25

RHEINGOLD 5/10 Gordon’s Gin
3/10 Cointreau
1984 Hamburg 1/10 Campari
(Germany) 1/10 Martini Dry Vermouth

Rocco Di Franco - Italy Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail

Method: Mixing glass
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Orange (twist)

IZCARAGUA ¼ Buchanan’s Scotch Whisky

¼ Bols Crème de Bananes Bols
1984 Hamburg (Germany) ¼ Cinzano Extra Dry Vermouth
¼ DiSaronno
Paolo Tomaso Monaco -
Venezuela Category: After Dinner Cocktail
Method: Mixing glass
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Lemon (peel)

LADY KILLER 2/10 Burnett’s Gin

1/10 Bols Apricot Brandy
1984 Hamburg 1/10 Cointreau
(Germany) 3/10 Passion fruit juice
3/10 Pineapple juice
Peter Roth - Switzerland
Category: Longdrink
Method: Shaker
Glass: Tumbler
Garnish: Mirabelle (green),
orange (spiral) & mint


1987 Rome (Italy)

Frank McDermott - Australia

Olé International Bartenders Association 2011 ©
3 cl El Toro Tequila
3 cl Suntory Banana Liqueur
1 cl Bols Blue Curaçao (float)

Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail

Method: Mixing glass
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Lime & rockmelon
MAGIC STAR 3/10 Neto Costa Crème de Category: After Dinner Cocktail
Cacao White Method: Shaker
1987 Rome (Italy) 3/10 Pisang Ambon Glass: Cocktail
2/10 Kibowi Garnish: Cocktail cherry,
Anacleto José Abreu - 2/10 Fresh cream powdered chocolate
Portugal 3 dashes Neto Costa & crystallized fruit
Grenadine (star shape)

¼ Anis liqueur Category: Longdrink VIOLETTA
¼ Parfait Amour Method: Shaker
Bols Glass: Collins 1987 Rome (Italy)
½ Pineapple juice Garnish: Cocktail cherry,
1 dash Grenadine orange & mint Matti Harju - Finland


1990 Mexico City 1990 Mexico City (Mexico)

(Mexico) José Manuel Jardim -
Yasushige Mori - Japan Portugal

5/10 Tequila José Cuervo 4/10 Vodka Koskenkorva

4/10 De Kuyper Peachtree 2/10 Marie Brizard Parfait Amour
1/10 Cusenier Freezomint 2/10 Bols Blue Curaçao
White 1/10 Peter Heering Cacao
1 teaspoon Lemon juice, 1/10 Fresh Cream
Category: After Dinner Cocktail
Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail Method: Shaker
Method: Shaker Glass: Cocktail glass
Glass: Cocktail Garnish: Cocktail cherry, orange (peel, heart-
Garnish: Cocktail cherry shaped), powdered chocolate & mint

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 27

MESSICANO 3/10 Beefeater Gin Category: Longdrink
1/10 DiSaronno Method: Shaker
1990 Mexico City 2/10 Vaccari White Peach Glass: Highball
(Mexico) 1/10 Boero Strawberry Garnish: Cocktail cherry, lime,
3/10 Orange juice (top-up) orange (spiral) &
Eros del Priore - Italy mint

GOLDEN TEAR 4/6 Absolut Citron Vodka Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail
1/6 Bols Gold Liqueur Method: Mixing glass
1993 Vienna (Austria) 1/6 Martini Dry Vermouth Glass: Cocktail
1 kumquat (squeeze, on top) Garnish: Kumquat, lemon
Bardur Gudlaugsson - (peel) & orange (peel)

Royal Temptation
4/10 DiSaronno Category: After Dinner Cocktail ROYAL TEMPTATION
3/10 Kahlúa Method: Shaker & mixing glass
2/10 Midori Glass: Cocktail 1993 Vienna (Austria)
1/10 Fresh cream Garnish: Orange (zest), mint & chocolate
flakes (brown & white, rim) George Liddle -
Great Britain

RED HOPE 5/28 Beefeater Gin Category: Longdrink

1/14 Bols Crème de Bananes Method: Bar blender
1993 Vienna (Austria) 1/28 Marie Brizard Apry Glass: Collins
10/14 LC Mix Special Lemon Garnish: Lime, strawberry,
Jahn Nesset - Squash mint & sugar
Norway 1 dash Monin Strawberry

28 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

LADY SCARLETT 2 cl Gilbey’s Gin
2 cl Cointreau
1996 Tokyo (Japan) 1 cl Cinzano Extra Dry Vermouth
1 cl Monin Bitter
Jaroslav Kratky - 1 cl Monin Lime Juice Cordial
Czech Republic
Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail
Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry &
lemon (peel)

SWEET HEART 2 cl Bols Parfait Amour

1,5 cl DiSaronno
1996 Tokyo (Japan) 1,5 cl Monin Vanilla
0,5 cl Marie Brizard Red
Kazuhiro Takagai - Japan Curaçao
1,5 cl Fresh Cream

Category: After Dinner Cocktail

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry, lemon (peel), mint & cinnamon


1996 Tokyo (Japan)

Hisashi Kishi - Japan

3 cl Bacardi Rum White
3 cl Beefeater Gin
3 cl DiSaronno
1 cl Greizer Strawberry Liqueur
1,5 cl Monin Strawberry
3 cl Pineapple juice, fresh (fill up)

Category: Longdrink
Method: Shaker
Glass: Highball
Garnish: Apple, lemon & pineapple (leaves)

PASSIONE 1,5 cl Bacardi Limón

1,5 cl Beefeater Gin
1997 Karlovy Vary 2 cl De Kuyper Peachtree
(Czech Republic) 1,5 cl Cinzano Rosé Vermouth
1 dash Lime juice, fresh
Angelo Ganner - Austria
Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail
Method: Mixing glass
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cape Gooseberry &

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 29

Blue Temptation
BLUE TEMPTATION 0,5 cl Absolut Vodka
2,5 cl Bols Blue Curaçao
1998 Lisbon (Portugal) 2 cl Pisang Ambon
1 cl Bols Crème de
Ricardo J. Serrão Severim - Bananes
Portugal 1 cl Fresh cream

Category: After Dinner Cocktail

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry, orange
(spiral, around glass stem) & mint

MADAM 2 cl Türi Vodka

2 cl Absolut Citron Vodka
1999 Göteborg (Sweden) 2 cl De Kuyper Melon
2 cl Marie Brizard Lime Citron
Annelie Karlsson-Ingelsen 12 cl Exotic Nectar juice
- Sweden
Category: Longdrink
Method: Bar blender
Glass: Highball
Garnish: Lime (spiral, around the
glass), orange & mint

BACARDI SYMPHONY 3 cl Bacardi Rum White

1,5 cl Martini Bitter
2000 Singapore 1,5 cl Martini Dry Vermouth
0,5 cl Galliano
Ales Ogrin - Slovenia 0,5 cl Grand Marnier Cordon

Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail

Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry, lime
(wheel) & orange (peel)

WILD PASSION 3 cl Finlandia Vodka

1,5 cl Marie Brizard Crème
2000 Singapore de Fraises
1 cl Galliano
Loy Catada - Australia 2 cl Monin Mandarine
11,5 cl Ocean Spray Pink
Grapefruit juice
2 teaspoons Passion fruit (pulp)

Category: Flairtending
Method: Shake
Garnish: Blueberry & starfruit

30 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

SUMMER QUEEN 3 cl De Kuyper Blueberry
2 cl Grand Marnier Cordon
2001 Rio de Janeiro Rouge
(Brazil) 0,5 cl Baileys
1 cl Monin Coconut
Jaap van Worcum - 0,5 cl Strawberry (fresh)
Category: After Dinner Cocktail
Method: Bar blender
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry, apple &

GREEN PARROT 3 cl Bacardi Superior Rum

1 cl Galliano
2001 Rio de Janeiro 1 cl Monin Banana
(Brazil) 1,5 cl Lime juice, fresh
Pineapple juice (top up)
Eugeniusz Dytko - Poland
Category: Flairtending
Method: Shake
Garnish: Cocktail cherry &

SMILE 3 cl Absolut Mandrin Vodka

2 cl Charleston Folies
2002 Bled (Slovenia) 2 cl Cinzano Extra Dry
Jorge Alberto Soratti - 1 cl Monin Strawberry
Italy 12 cl Pineapple juice (fresh)

Category: Longdrink
Method: Shake & build
Glass: Highball
Garnish: Apple, pineapple &


2002 Bled (Slovenia)

Levent Yilmaz - Germany

3 cl Bacardi Superior Rum Category: Flairtending

1,5 cl Aperol Method: Shake
0,5 cl Giffard Cocogif Garnish: Cape Gooseberry & cocktail cherry
1 cl Grapefruit juice
1 cl Pineapple juice

Mabuhay Bagiba
International Bartenders Association 2011 © 31
ADAM Y EVA 2,5 cl Havana Club Rum 7 Años
2 cl Védrenne Manzana Verde
2003 Seville (Spain) 2 cl Martini White Vermouth
0,5 cl Campari Bitter
Sergio Seranno Rivero -
Cuba Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail
Method: Mixing glass
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Apple, green (two slices,
heart shaped)

VICTORYTINI 3 cl Vodka Danzka

1 cl De Kuyper Blueberry
2003 Seville (Spain) 1 cl D
 e Kuyper Sour Apple Pucker
2 cl Cherry juice
Alexander Rodoman - 0,5 cl Lime juice, fresh
Category: Flairtending
Method: Shaker
Garnish: Apple, currant & tea rose

RECALL 2 cl Türi Vodka

1 cl De Kuyper Apricot Brandy
2004 Las Vegas (USA) 1 cl Monin Grenadine
1 cl Monin Passion fruit
Neville Azzopardi - 2 cl Orange juice, fresh
Category: After Dinner Cocktail
Method: Shaker
Glass: Cocktail
Garnish: Cocktail cherry, apple,
kiwi & mint


2004 Las Vegas (USA)

Danilo Oribe - Uruguay

3 cl Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial

2 cl Bacardi Superior Rum
2 cl Bols Strawberry
1 cl Monin Peach
5 cl Orange juice, fresh
5 cl Pineapple juice, fresh (blended)

Category: Flairtending
Method: Shaker
Garnish: Cocktail cherry &

Shaking Vegas

32 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

STRAWBERRY NIGHT 2 cl Absolut Vanilla Vodka Category: Fancy Cocktail
2 cl De Kuyper Passion fruit Method: Shaker
2005 Helsinki (Finland) 1 cl Manzanita Marie Briard Glass: Libbey Elan 15810
1 cl Monin Gomme Garnish: Cape Gooseberry.
Sergio Pezzoli - Belgium 4 cl Strawberry juice, fresh kumquat, pineapple
1 cl Passion fruit juice (leaves) & vanilla bean

SHAKER REINDEER 2 cl Finlandia Vodka Category: Flairtending

3 cl Cointreau Method: Shaker
2005 Helsinki (Finland) 2 cl Midori Garnish: Cocktail cherry, melon &
1 cl Monin Passion fruit orange
Danilo Oribe - Uruguay 7 cl Orange juice
3 cl Strawberry juice


2006 Thessaloniki 2006 Thessaloniki

(Greece) (Greece)
Miss Kung Hui Chun -
Taiwan Levent Yilmaz - Germany

3 cl Bacardi Superior Rum 3 cl Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial

3 cl Amadé ChocOrange 4 cl Bacardi Superior Rum
3 cl Monin Mojito Mint 1 cl Bols Maraschino
7,5 cl Orange juice, fresh 5 cl Blueberry juice
1,5 cl Lemon juice, fresh Passion fruit juice (top up)

Category: Longdrink Category: Flairtending

Method: Shaker Method: Shaker
Glass: Highball Garnish: Blueberry & lemon grass
Garnish: Cocktail cherry, lemon & mint

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 33

Golden Autumn
2 cl Nemiroff Original Vodka Category: Pre Dinner Cocktail GOLDEN AUTUMN
2 cl Martini Extra Dry Vermouth Method: Shake
1 cl Monin Green Apple Glass: Cocktail 2007 Kaohsiung
1 barspoon DiSaronno Garnish: Apple (star-shaped) & (Taiwan)
2 barspoons Monin Lime Juice blueberry (stems) Miss Krista Meri -
Cordial Estonia

TAIWAN VICE 3 cl Matrioshka Vodka Category: Flairtending

0,75 cl Galliano Method: Shaker
2007 Kaoshiung 0,75 cl Campari Bitter Glass: Durobor Saturne
(Taiwan) 6 cl Grapefruit juice, fresh Garnish: Apple (red & green)
1 cl Lime juice, fresh
Danilo Oribe - Uruguay Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial
(top up)

GOLDEN RICO 2 cl Matrioshka Lux Vodka Category: Open Classic Mixing

1,5 cl Amadé ChocOrange Method: Shake
2008 San Juan (Puerto 1 cl Monin Vanille Glass: Libbey Vinal Martini
Rico) 4 cl Caraïbos Orange juice Garnish: Kumquat, lemon,
pineapple (leaves) &
René Hetzlinger - Austria cinnamon

THE LATIN 3,5 cl Matrioshka Honey Vodka Category: Flairtending

CANDOMBE 2 cl Midori Method: Shaker
1 cl Campari Glass: Durobor Saturne
2008 San Juan 7 cl Caraïbos Pineapple juice Garnish: Watermelon, thyme
(Puerto Rico) & nutmeg

Oscar Perez - Uruguay

34 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

SWEET ROAD 3 cl Absolut Raspberri Vodka Category: Open Classic Mixing
1,5 cl Monin Crème de Cassis Method: Shake
2009 Berlin (Germany) Liqueur Glass: Libbey Bravura
1 cl Monin Strawberry Garnish: Cacao powder
Vladimir Banák - 1 cl Monin Vanilla
Slovak Republic 1,5 cl Fresh cream (float)

ABSOLUTLEY 3,5 cl Absolut Vodka Category: Flairtending

ROCKING 2 cl Monin Vanilla Method: Shake
2 cl Finest Call Mango Puree Garnish: Apple (fan), lime
2009 Berlin (Germany) Mix (wedge), red currant
Gianluigi Bosco - 3,5 cl Caraïbos Apple juice & spice rim
Great Britain 2 cl Lemon juice, fresh


2010 Singapore

Mario Hofferer -

2,5 cl Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge

1,5 cl Kahlúa
0,5 cl Mozart Amadé ChocOrange
1 cl Monin Lychee
2 dashes Bacardi Superior Rum
1 cl Fresh cream (float)

Category: Open Classic Mixing

Method: Mixing Glass
Glass: Libbey Z Stem Martini
Garnish: Cape Gooseberry, orange (peel), chocolate,
cacao powder & edible gold

MODERN TIMES 4,5 cl Absolut Vodka Category: Flairtending
1,5 cl Mozart Amadé Method: Shaker
2010 Singapore ChocOrange Glass: Durobor Energy
1,5 cl Monin Mango Garnish: Cocktail cherry &
Juan Pablo Santiago - 1,5 cl Monin Passion fruit orange
Uruguay 6 cl Caraïbos Orange juice

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 35

IBA World Rankings 1955-2010
Top 27 Rankings as of November 2010
The IBA World Rankings is a ranking system for member countries affiliated with IBA. In these rankings price winning
results from the International Cocktail Competition (1955-2000), as well as results from the Word Cocktail Competition
(2000-2010) are implemented. The IBA World Rankings are based on results from the most successful competitors in the
International Cocktail Competition and World Cocktail Competition since 1955. In the overall results second and third places
are implemented. As the Challenge Cup (the IBA Prize for the best team) was not awarded for a number of years, listings for
results in the Challenge Cup are not transformed into scoring points, but may be used to decide upon positions in the IBA World
Rankings in case of a tie. The same approach was used for the results in Efficiency Prize, later transformed into Technical Prize.

The IBA World Rankings were first introduced in November 2011 and may be subject to adjustments in the years following,
as certain historic details may be missing in the IBA-files. The IBA World Rankings is currently led by AIBES, Italy. Being
the winner of the first International Cocktail Competition in 1955 (Amsterdam), AIBES has held the top position ever since.

IBA World Rankings, building-up positions

For the World Rankings, a point system is used, with points being awarded based on the results ever since 1955. In order to
prevent countries with numerous 2nd and 3rd places to overtake countries with less extensive 1st place rankings - first places,
World Champion titles, to be of the upmost importance points in the IBA World Rankings - the actual rankings are based
on 1500 points for 1st places, 200 points for 2nd places and 100 points for 3rd places. Achievements in Technical Prizes and
Team Prizes are not subject to additional point rewarding, but results in these listings can and will be used in a case of a tie in
the overall ranking.

Missing information in November 2011, subject to possible adjustment of the World Ranking:
1956: 2nd Place, 3rd Place & Team Prize, 1st Position
1964: Team Prize, 2nd Position
1965: Team Prize, 2nd & 3rd Position
1971: 3rd Place
1973: 2nd Place & 3rd Place
1976: 2nd Place
1987: 2nd Place, Pre Dinner Cocktail
1990: 3rd Place, After Dinner Cocktail
1997: 2nd & 3rd Place
1998: 2nd & 3rd Place
1999: 2nd & 3rd Place
2000: 2nd & 3rd Place
2000: 2nd & 3rd Place (Flairtending)
2001: 3rd Place (Flairtending)
2002: 2nd Place (Flairtending)
2006: 2nd & 3rd Place
2006: 2nd & 3rd Place (Flairtending)
2008: 3rd Place
2008: 2nd & 3rd Place (Flairtending)
2009: 2nd & 3rd Place
2009: 2nd & 3rd Place (Flairtending)
2010: 3rd Place

The IBA Team Prize was re-named Challenge Cup in 1963, the Challenge Cup being introduced by the Cinzano Group. The first
country to ever win this prestigeous trophy was Sweden. The Swedish winning team of SBG shows Sven-Erik Winhult, Stig Rundqvist,
Thure Persson & Åke Aronsson.

36 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©


1st Italy AIBES 1st Place ICC 1955 14100

1st Place ICC 1963
1st Place ICC 1969
1st Place ICC 1971
1st Place ICC 1976, Pre Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1976, After Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1984, Pre Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1990, Longdrink
1st Place WCC 2002, Longdrink
2nd Place WCC 2007, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1959
3rd Place ICC 1987, Longdrink
3rd Place ICC 1999, Longdrink
3rd Place WCC 2003, Pre Dinner Cocktail

1st Position ICC 1959 – Team Prize
1st Position ICC 1976 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

2nd Position ICC 1955 –Team Prize
2nd Position ICC 1963 ­– Challenge Cup (Best Team)
2nd Position ICC 1990 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
3rd Position ICC 1969 – Challenge Cup (Best Team, tie)

2nd Uruguay AUDEB 1st Place WCC 2004, Flairtending 7500

1st Place WCC 2005, Flairtending
1st Place WCC 2007, Flairtending
1st Place WCC 2008, Flairtending
1st Place WCC 2010, Flairtending

3rd Norway NBF 1st Place ICC 1961 6800

1st Place ICC 1973
1st Place ICC 1979, Pre Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1993, Longdrink
2nd Place ICC 1971 (tie)
2nd Place WCC 2002, Longdrink
3rd Place ICC 1958
3rd Place ICC 1979, After Dinner Cocktail (tie)
3rd Place ICC 1982, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1993, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Position ICC 1956 – Team Prize

1st Position ICC 1961 – Team Prize

1st Position ICC 1962 – Team prize
1st Position ICC 1971 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
1st position ICC 1973 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

4th Portugal ABP 1st Place ICC 1979, Longdrink 6700

1st Place ICC 1987, After Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1990, After Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1998, After Dinner Cocktail
2nd Place ICC 1982, Longdrink
2nd Place ICC 1984, Longdrink
3rd Place ICC 1987, Longdrink
3rd Place ICC 1993, Longdrink

3rd Place ICC 1996, Longdrink

1st Position ICC 1990, Technical Prize
1st Position ICC 1987 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
2nd Position ICC 1973 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 37


5th Austria ÖBU 1st Place ICC 1997, Pre Dinner Cocktail 5300
1st Place WCC 2008, Open Category
1st Place WCC 2010, Open Category
2nd Place ICC 1990, Pre Dinner Cocktail
2nd Place WCC 2006, Longdrink
2nd Place WCC 2007, Flairtending
3rd Place WCC 2002, Flairtending
3rd Place WCC 2004, Flairtending

3rd Position ICC 1962, Team Prize

6th Japan NBA 1st Place ICC 1990, Pre Dinner Cocktail 5000
1st Place ICC 1996, After Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1996, Longdrink
2nd Place ICC 1971 (tie)
2nd Place ICC 1976, After Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1996, Pre Dinner Cocktail
1st Place ICC 1967 – Technical Prize

1st Position ICC 1971 – Technical Prize

1st Position ICC 1996 – Technical Prize
1st Position ICC 1996 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
2nd Position ICC 1971 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

7th Switzerland SBU 1st Place ICC 1962 5000

2001 Flair
Flair 1st Place ICC 1984, Longdrink
2nd Place ICC 1955
2nd Place ICC 1963
2nd Place ICC 1965
2nd Place ICC 1967
2nd Place ICC 1982, Pre Dinner Cocktail
2nd Place ICC 1993, Longdrink
2nd Place WCC 2001, Flairtending
2nd Place WCC 2002, Flairtending
3rd Place ICC 1982, Longdrink
3rd Place WCC 2002, Longdrink
3rd Place WCC 2003, Flairtending
3rd Place WCC 2005, Flairtending
3rd Position ICC 1955 – Team Prize

3rd Position ICC 1963 – Team Prize

3rd Position ICC 1964 – Team Prize
3rd Position ICC 1964 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
3rd Position ICC 1967 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

8th Great Britain UKBG 1st Place WCC 1993, After Dinner Cocktail 3900
1st Place WCC 2009, Flairtending
2nd Place ICC 1958
2nd Place ICC 1964
2nd Place ICC 1993, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1979, After Dinner Cocktail (tie)
3rd Place ICC 1984, After Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1990, After Dinner Cocktail
1st Position ICC 1958 – Team Prize

1st Position ICC 1958 – Team Prize

2nd Position ICC 1959 – Team Prize

38 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©


9th Finland FBSK 1st Place ICC 1956 3700

1st Place ICC 1987, Longdrink
2nd Place ICC 1984, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1962
3rd Place ICC 1964
3rd Place ICC 1976
3rd Place WCC 2005, Fancy Cocktail
3rd Place WCC 2006, Longdrink
2nd Position ICC 1956 – Team Prize
1st Position ICC 1962 – Team Prize
1st Position ICC 1964 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
1st Position ICC 1996 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
1st Position WCC 2005 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

10th Germany DBU 1st Place ICC 1959 3400

1st Place WCC 2002, Flairtending
2nd Place WCC 1996, Longdrink
3rd Place ICC 1965
3rd Place WCC 2001, After Dinner Cocktail
1st Position ICC 1995 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
3rd Position ICC 1959 – Best Team

11th Canada BAC 1st Place ICC 1976, Longdrink 3400

1st Place ICC 1979, After Dinner Cocktail
2nd Place ICC 1982, After Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1976, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1987, After Dinner Cocktail

12th Argentina AMBA 1st Place ICC 1964 3200

1st Place ICC 1965
2nd Place ICC 1962
1st Position ICC 1965 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
2nd Position ICC 1964 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

13th Australia ABG 1st Place ICC 1987, Pre Dinner Cocktail 3300
1st Place WCC 2000, Flairtending
2nd Place ICC 1984, After Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1976, After Dinner Cocktail

14th Belgium UBB 1st Place ICC 1958 3200

1st Place WCC 2005, Fancy Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1961
3rd Position ICC 1969 – Challenge Cup (Best Team, tie)

15th France ABF 1st Place ICC 1982, Pre Dinner Cocktail 3000
1st Place ICC 1982, After Dinner Cocktail

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 39


16th Sweden SBG 1st Place WCC 1999, Longdrink 2600

2nd Place ICC 1961
2nd Place ICC 1976, Pre Dinner Cocktail
2nd Place ICC 1990, After Dinner Cocktail
2nd Place WCC 2005, Fancy Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1955
3rd Place ICC 1963
3rd Place ICC 1979, After Dinner Cocktail (tie)
1st Place WCC 2005 – Technical Prize
1st Position ICC 1955 – Best Team
1st Position ICC 1963 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
2nd Position ICC 1961 – Team Prize
2nd Position ICC 1976 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
3rd Position WCC 1958 – Team Prize
3rd Position ICC 1990 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

17th Netherlands NBC 1st Place WCC 2001, After Dinner Cocktail 2600
2nd Place ICC 1959
2nd Place ICC 1976, Longdrink
2nd Place ICC 1979, Longdrink (tie)
2nd Place WCC 2004, After Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1969
3rd Place ICC 1979, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1984, Longdrink
1st Place ICC 1982 – Technical Prize
1st Position ICC 1969 – Challenge Cup (Team Prize, tie)
2nd Position ICC 1979 – Challenge Cup (Team Prize)

18th Venezuela AVB 1st Place ICC 1984, After Dinner Cocktail 1900
2nd Place ICC 1969
2nd Place WCC 2010, Flairtending
1st Position ICC 1969 – Challenge Cup (Best Team, tie)

19th Spain ABE 1st Place ICC 1967 1800

2nd Position ICC 1967 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
3rd Position ICC 1971 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

20th Slovenia DBS 1st Place WCC 2000, After Dinner Cocktail 1700
2nd Place, ICC 1996, After Dinner Cocktail 199
1st Position WCC 1999 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

21st Czech Rep. CBA 1st Place ICC 1996, Pre Dinner Cocktail 1700
2nd Place WCC 2008, Open Category
Ireland BAI 1st Prize ICC 1982, Longdrink 1700
2nd Prize WCC 2001, After Dinner Cocktail
Malta MBA 1st Prize WCC 2004, After Dinner Cocktail 1700
2nd Prize ICC 1987, Pre Dinner Cocktail
Slovak Rep. SKBA 1st Place WCC 2009, After Dinner Cocktail 1700
2nd Place WCC 2003, Pre Dinner Cocktail
Taiwan BAT 1st Place WCC 2006, Longdrink 1700
3rd Place WCC 2007, Flairtending
3rd Place WCC 2010, Flairtending
1st Position WCC 2009, Technical Prize
Turkey TBD 1st Place WCC 2006, Flairtending 1700
2nd Place ICC 1996, Pre Dinner Cocktail

40 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©


22nd Poland PBA 1st Place WCC 2001, Flairtending 1500

1st Position WCC 2010, Technical Prize

23rd Cuba ACC 1st Place WCC 2003, Pre Dinner Cocktail 1500
Estonia EBA 1st Prize WCC 2007, Pre Dinner Cocktail 1500
Iceland BCI 1st Prize ICC 1993, Pre Dinner Cocktail 1500
Russia BAR 1st Place WCC 2003, Flairtending 1500

24th USA USBG 2nd Place WCC 2003, Flairtending 900

2nd Place WCC 2004, Flairtending
2nd Place WCC 2005, Flairtending
3rd Place ICC 1967
3rd Place ICC 1984, Pre Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1993, After Dinner Cocktail
1st Position ICC 1967 – Team Prize
1st Position ICC 1967 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

25th Yugoslavia DBS 2nd Place ICC 1979, Pre Dinner Cocktail 700
2nd Place ICC 1987, After Dinner Cocktail
2nd Place ICC 1979, Longdrink (tie)
3rd Place ICC 1990, Pre Dinner Cocktail
1st Position ICC 1979 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)

26th Denmark DBL 2nd Place ICC 1979, After Dinner Cocktail 600
2nd Place ICC 1993, After Dinner Cocktail
3rd Place ICC 1990, Longdrink
3rd Place ICC 1996, After Dinner Cocktail

27th Luxembourg ALB 2nd Place WCC 2008 Puerto Rico 200
2nd Position ICC 1958 – Team Prize
2nd Position ICC 1962 – Team Prize
3rd Position ICC 1961 ­
1961 –­ Team Prize

28th Peru APB 2nd Place ICC 1990, Longdrink 200

1st Position ICC 1990 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
Brazil ABB 3rd Place ICC 1982, After Dinner Cocktail 200
3rd Place ICC 1987, Pre Dinner Cocktail
1st Position ICC 1982 – Challenge Cup (Best Team)
Greece HBA 2nd Place WCC 2010, Open Category 200

29th Bulgaria BAB 3rd Place WCC 2010, Open Category 100
Hungary SBH 3rd Place WCC 2004, After Dinner Cocktail 100
Latvia LBA 3rd Place WCC 2007, Pre Dinner Cocktail 100

30th Croatia HUB 1st Place WCC 2002, Technical Prize

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 41


ALEXANDER 3 cl (1 oz.) Cognac

3 cl (1 oz.) Crème de Cacao (brown)
Category: 3 cl (1 oz.) Fresh cream
All Day Cocktail
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Sprinkle with fresh ground nutmeg.

AMERICANO 3 cl (1 oz.) Campari

3 cl (1 oz.) Red Vermouth
Category: A splash of soda water
Before Dinner Cocktail
Mix the ingredients directly in an old-fashioned glass filled
with ice-cubes, add a splash of soda water and garnish with
half orange slice.

ANGEL FACE 3 cl (1 oz.) Gin

3 cl (1 oz.) Apricot brandy
Category: 3 cl (1 oz.) Calvados
All Day Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice.
Shake. Strain into a cocktail glass.

AVIATION 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Gin

1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Maraschino
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

BACARDI 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Bacardi Rum White

2 cl (2/3 oz.) Lime juice, fresh
Category: 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Grenadine
Before Dinner Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into shaker with ice cubes, shake well,
strain into chilled cocktail glass.

42 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

BETWEEN THE 3 cl (1 oz.) White Rum
SHEETS 3 cl (1 oz.) Cognac
3 cl (1 oz.) Triple Sec
Category: 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into shaker with ice cubes, shake,
strain into chilled cocktail glass.

CASINO 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Old Tom Gin

1 cl (1/3 oz.) Maraschino
Category: 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Orange Bitters
All Day Cocktail 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh

Pour all ingredients into shaker with ice cubes, shake well,
strain into chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a lemon
twist and a maraschino cherry.

CLOVER CLUB 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Gin

1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Raspberry syrup
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lemon Juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail Few drops of Egg White

Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.

Shake well.
Strain into cocktail glass.

DAIQUIRI 4,5 cl (1,5 oz.) White rum

2,5 cl (3/4 oz.) Lime juice, fresh
Category: 1,5 cl (0,5 oz.) Simple syrup
Before Dinner Cocktail
Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

DERBY 6 cl (2 oz.) Gin

2 Drops Peach Bitters
Category: 2 Fresh mint leafs
All Day Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice.
Strain into a cocktail glass.
Garnish with a fresh mint leaves in the drink.

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 43


DRY MARTINI 6 cl (2 oz.) Gin

1 cl (1 oz.) Dry Vermouth
Before Dinner Cocktail Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes.
Stir well.
Strain in chilled martini cocktail glass.
Squeeze oil from lemon peel onto the drink,
or garnish with olive.

GIN FIZZ 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Gin

3 cl (1 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
Category: 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Sugar syrup
Longdrink 8 cl (2 2/3 oz.) Soda water

Shake all ingredients with ice cubes, except soda water.

Pour into highball glass.
Top with soda water.
Garnish with lemon slice.

JOHN COLLINS 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Gin

3 cl (1 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Sugar syrup
Longdrink 6 cl (2 oz.) Soda water

Pour all ingredients directly into highball filled with ice.

Stir gently.
Garnish with lemon slice and maraschino cherry.
Add a dash of Angostura bitters.
(Note: Use Old Tom Gin for Tom Collins)

MANHATTAN 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Rye Whiskey

2 cl (2/3 oz.) Red Vermouth
Category: 1 dash Angostura Bitters
Before Dinner cocktail
Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes.
Stir well.
Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with cocktail cherry.

MARY 6 cl (2 oz.) White Rum

PICKFORD 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Maraschino
6 cl (2 oz.) Pineapple juice, fresh
Category: 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Grenadine syrup
All Day Cocktail
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

44 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

MONKEY GLAND 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Gin
3 cl (1 oz.) Orange juice
Category: 2 drops Absinth
All Day Cocktail 2 drops Grenadine

Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

NEGRONI 3 cl (1 oz.) Gin

3 cl (1 oz.) Campari
Category: 3 cl (1 oz.) Sweet Red Vermouth
Before Dinner Cocktail
Pour all ingredients directly into old-fashioned glass filled
with ice.
Stir gently.
Garnish with half orange slice.

OLD FASHIONED 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Bourbon or Rye whiskey

2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
Category: 1 sugar cube
Before Dinner Cocktail Few dashes plain water

Place sugar cube in old-fashioned glass and saturate with

bitters, add a dash of plain water.
Muddle until dissolve.
Fill the glass with ice cubes and add whisky.
Garnish with orange slice and a cocktail cherry.

PARADISE 3,5 cl (1 1/4 oz.) Gin

2 cl (2/3 oz.) Apricot Brandy
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Orange juice
All Day Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake and strain into chilled cocktail glass.

PLANTERS 4,5 cl (1 ½ oz.) Dark rum

PUNCH 3,5 cl (1 ¼ oz.) Orange juice, fresh
3,5 cl (1 ¼ oz.) Pineapple juice, fresh
Category: 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
Longdrink 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Grenadine
1 cl (1/3 oz.) Sugar cane syrup
3,4 dashes Angostura bitters
Pour all ingredients, except the bitters, into shaker filled with ice. Shake well. Pour into
large glass, filled with ice. Add Angostura bitters, “on top”.
Garnish with cocktail cherry and pineapple.

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 45


PORTO FLIP 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Brandy

4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Red Port
Category: 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Egg yolk
After Dinner Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake well.
Strain into cocktail glass.
Sprinkle with fresh ground nutmeg.

RAMOS FIZZ 4,5 cl (1,5 oz.) Gin

1,5 cl (0,5 oz.) Lime juice
Category: 1,5 cl (0,5 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
Longdrink 3 cl (1 oz.) Sugar syrup
6 cl (2 oz.) Cream
1 Egg white
3 dashes Orange flower water
2 drops Vanilla extract
Soda water

Pour all ingredients (except soda) in a mixing glass, dry

shake (on ice) for two minutes, add ice and hard shake for
another minute.
Strain into a highball glass without ice, top with soda.

RUSTY NAIL 4,5 cl (1,5 oz.) Scotch whisky

2,5 cl (3/4 oz.) Drambuie
After Dinner Cocktail Pour all ingredients directly into old-fashioned glass filled
with ice.
Stir gently.
Garnish with lemon twist.

SAZERAC 5 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Cognac

1 cl (1/3 oz.) Absinthe
Category: 1 sugar cube
After Dinner Cocktail 2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters

Rinse a chilled old-fashioned glass with the absinthe, add crushed ice and set it aside. Stir
the remaining ingredients over ice and set it aside. Discard the ice and any excess absinthe
from the prepared glass, and strain the drink into the glass. Add the Lemon peel for garnish.
Note: The original recipe changed after the American Civil War, rye whiskey substituted
cognac as it became hard to obtain.

46 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

SIDECAR 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Cognac
2 cl (2/3 oz.) Triple Sec
Category: 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail
Add all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake well and strain into large cocktail glass.

STINGER 5 cl (1 3/4 oz.) Cognac

2 cl (3/4 oz.) Crème de Menthe (white)
After Dinner Cocktail Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice.
Strain into a cocktail glass.

WHISKEY SOUR 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Bourbon Whiskey

3,0 cl (1 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Sugar syrup
Before Dinner Cocktail
Dash egg white (Optional: if used shake little harder to
foam up the egg white).
Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake well. Strain in cobbler glass. If served ‘On the rocks’,
strain ingredients into old-fashioned glass filled with ice.
Garnish with half orange slice and maraschino cherry.

WHITE LADY 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Gin

3 cl (1 oz.) Triple Sec
Category: 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail
Add all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake well and strain into large cocktail glass.

TUXEDO 3 cl (1 oz.) Old Tom Gin

3 cl (1 oz.) Dry Vermouth
Category: 1/2 bar spoon Maraschino
All Day Cocktail 1/4 bar spoon Absinthe
3 dashes Orange Bitters

Stir all ingredients with ice and strain in to a cocktail glass.

Garnish with a cocktail cherry and a lemon zest twist.

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 47


BELLINI 10 cl (3 1/3 oz.) Prosecco

5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Peach puree, fresh
Sparkling Cocktail Pour peach puree into chilled glass and add sparkling wine.
Stir gently.
Variations: Puccini (fresh mandarin juice), Rossini (fresh
strawberry puree) and Tintoretto (fresh pomegranate

BLACK RUSSIAN 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Vodka

2 cl (2/3 oz.) Coffee liqueur
After Dinner Cocktail Pour the ingredients into the old fashioned-glass filled with
ice cubes.
Stir gently.

WHITE RUSSIAN Float fresh cream on the top and stir in slowly.

BLOODY MARY 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Vodka

9 cl (3 oz.) Tomato juice
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lemon juice
Longdrink 2,3 dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
Celery salt

Mixing glass. Stir gently, pour all ingredients into highball

glass. Garnish with celery and lemon wedge (optional).

CHAMPAGNE 9 cl (3 oz.) Chilled Champagne

COCKTAIL 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Cognac
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
Category: 1 sugar cube
Sparkling Cocktail
Pour gently chilled champagne.
Garnish with orange slice and maraschino cherry.

CUBA LIBRE 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) White Rum

12 cl (4 oz.) Cola
Category: 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Lime juice, fresh
Build all ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice.
Garnish with lime wedge.

48 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

GOLDEN DREAM 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Galliano
2 cl (2/3 oz.) Triple sec
Category: 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Orange juice, fresh
After Dinner Cocktail 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Fresh cream

Pour all ingredients into shaker filled with ice.

Shake briskly for few seconds.
Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

GRASSHOPPER 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Crème de cacao (white)

2 cl (2/3 oz.) Crème de menthe (green)
Category: 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Fresh cream
After Dinner Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into shaker filled with ice.
Shake briskly for few seconds.
Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

FRENCH 75 3 cl (1 oz.) Gin

1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
Category: 2 dashes Sugar syrup
Sparkling Cocktail 6 cl (2 oz.) Champagne

Pour all the ingredients, except champagne, into a shaker.

Strain into a champagne flute.
Top up with champagne.

HEMINGWAY 6 cl (2 oz.) White Rum

SPECIAL 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Grapefruit juice
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Maraschino
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lime juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice.
Strain into a double cocktail glass.

HORSE’S NECK 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Cognac

12 cl (4 oz.) Ginger Ale
Category: Dash of Angostura bitters (optional)
Pour brandy and ginger ale directly into old-fashioned
glass with ice cubes.
Stir gently.
Garnish with rind of one lemon spiral.
If required, add dashes of Angostura bitters.

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 49


IRISH COFFEE 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Irish whiskey

9 cl (3 oz.) Hot coffee
Category: 3 cl (1 oz.) Fresh cream
Hot Drink 1 teaspoon of brown sugar

Pour into the glass (for hot drink) hot coffee, Irish whiskey,
and add a teaspoon of sugar. Warm the mixture over a
burner. Do not boil the mixture. Float Cream on top.
Suggested to use a coffee spoon, place near the surface of

KIR 9 cl (3 oz.) Dry White Wine (Bourgogne Aligoté)

1 cl (1/3 oz.) Crème de Cassis
Before Dinner Cocktail Poor Crème de Cassis into glass, top up with white wine.

KIR ROYAL Use champagne instead of white wine.

LONG ISLAND 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Tequila

ICED TEA 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Vodka
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) White Rum
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Triple sec
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Gin
Longdrink 2,5 cl (1 3/4 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
3 (1 oz.) Gomme syrup
1 dash of Cola

Add all ingredients into highball glass filled with ice.

Stir gently. Garnish with lemon spiral. Serve with straw.

MAI-TAI 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) White Rum

2 cl (3/4 oz.) Dark Rum
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Orange Curaçao
Longdrink 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Orgeat
1 cl (1/3 oz.) Lime juice, fresh

Shake and strain into highball glass.

Garnish with pineapple spear, mint leaves and lime peel.
Serve with straw.

MIMOSA 7,5 cl (2 1/2 oz.) Champagne

7,5 cl (2 1/2 oz.) Orange juice, fresh
Sparkling Cocktail Pour orange juice into flute and gently pour Champagne
Stir gently.
Garnish with orange twist (optional).
For all intents and purposes, a Buck’s Fizz and a Mimosa
are the same drink.

50 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

MOJITO 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) White Cuban Rum
3 cl (1 oz.) Lime juice, fresh
Category: 6 Mint sprigs
Longdrink 2 teaspoons white sugar cane
Soda water

Muddle mint springs with sugar and lime juice.

Add splash of soda water and fill glass with cracked ice.
Pour rum and top with soda water. Garnish with spring of
mint leaves and lemon slice. Serve with straw.

MOSCOW MULE 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Vodka

12 cl (4 oz.) Ginger beer
Category: 0,5 cl Lime juice, fresh
1 slice lime in a highball glass, combine the vodka and
ginger beer.
Add lime juice.
Garnish with a lime slice.

MINT JULEP 6 cl (2 oz.) Bourbon whiskey

4 fresh mint sprigs
Category: 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
Longdrink 2 teaspoons water

In a highball glass gently muddle the mint, sugar and

Fill the glass with cracked ice, add the Bourbon and stir
well until the glass frosts.
Garnish with a mint spring.

PIÑA COLADA 3 cl (1 oz.) White Rum

9 cl (3 oz.) Pineapple juice
Category: 3 cl (1 oz.) Coconut milk
Blend all the ingredients with ice in a electric blend, pour
in a large goblet or Hurricane glass and serve with straws.
Garnish with a slice of pineapple with a cocktail cherry.

ROSE 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Kirsch

4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Dry Vermouth
3 dashes Strawberry syrup

Stir all ingredinets with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 51


SEA BREEZE 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Vodka

12 cl (4 oz.) Cranberry juice
Category: 3 cl (1 oz.) Grapefruit juice
Build all ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice.
Garnish with lime wedge.

SEX ON THE 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Vodka

BEACH 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Peach schnapps
4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Cranberry juice
4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Orange juice
Longdrink Build all ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice.
Garnish with orange slice.

SINGAPORE 3 cl (1 oz.) Gin

SLING 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Cherry liqueur
12,0 cl (4 oz.) Pineapple juice
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lime juice
Longdrink 07,5 cl (1/4 oz.) Cointreau
07,5 cl (1/4 oz.) DOM Bénédictine
1 cl (1/3 oz.) Grenadine
1 dash Angostura bitters

Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice

Shake well.
Strain into highball glass.
Garnish with pineapple and cocktail cherry.

TEQUILA 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Tequila

SUNRISE 9 cl (3 oz.) Orange juice
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Grenadine
Longdrink Pour tequila and orange juice directly into highball with
ice cubes.
Add a splash of grenadine to create chromatic effect
(sunrise), do not stir.
Garnish with orange slice and cherry.

52 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

BARRACUDA 4,5 cl (1,5 oz.) Gold rum
1,5 cl (1,5 oz.) Galliano
Category: 6 cl (2 oz.) Pineapple juice
Sparkling Cocktail 1 dash Lime juice, fresh

Top with Prosecco

BRAMBLE 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Gin

1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Fresh Lemon Juice
Category: 1 cl (1/3oz.) Sugar syrup
All Day Cocktail 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Blackberry liqueur

Build over crushed ice, in a whisky glass.

Stir, then pour the blackberry liqueur over the top of the
drink, in a circular fashion.
Garnish with a lemon slice, and two blackberries.

DARK ‘N STORMY 6 cl (2 oz.) Gosling’s Black Seal Rum

10 cl (3 1/3 oz.) Ginger Beer
Longdrink In a highball glass filled with ice add 2 oz.
Gosling’s Black Seal Rum and top with ginger beer.
Garnish with lime wedge.

DIRTY MARTINI 6 cl (2 oz.) Vodka

1 cl (1/3 oz.) Dry Vermouth
Category: 1 cl (1/3 oz.) Olive juice
Before Dinner Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes.
Stir well.
Strain in chilled martini cocktail glass.
Garnish with green olive.

ESPRESSO 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Vodka

MARTINI 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Sugar syrup
1 cl (1/3 oz.) Kahlúa
Category: 1 short strong Espresso
After Dinner Cocktail
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

International Bartenders Association 2011 © 53


FRENCH 4,5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Vodka

MARTINI 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Raspberry liqueur
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Pineapple juice, fresh
Category: Lemon peel, twist
Before Dinner Cocktail
Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes.
Stir well.
Strain in chilled cocktail glass.
Squeeze oil from lemon peel onto the drink.

KAMIKAZE 3 cl (1 oz.) Vodka

3 cl (1 oz.) Triple sec
Category: 3 cl (1 oz.) Lime juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

LEMON DROP 2,5 cl (3/4 oz.) Vodka Citron

MARTINI 2 cl (2/3 oz.) Triple Sec
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lemon juice, fresh
All Day Cocktail Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass, rimmed with
sugar, slice of lemon on float.

PISCO SOUR 4,5 cl (1,5 oz.) Pisco

3 cl (1 oz.) Fresh lemon juice
Category: 2 cl (3/4 oz.) Sugar syrup
All Day Cocktail 1 raw egg white, from a small egg

Angostura bitters, as an aromatic garnish.

Shake and strain into a chilled champagne flute.
Dash some Angostura bitters on top.

RUSSIAN SPRING 2,5 cl (1 3/4 oz.) Vodka

PUNCH 2,5 cl (1 3/4 oz.) Lemon Juice, fresh
1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Crème de Cassis
Category: 1cl (1/3 oz.) Sugar Syrup
Sparkling Cocktail
Shake the ingredients and top with Sparkling wine.
Garnish with a lemon slice and a blackberry.

54 International Bartenders Association 2011 ©

SPRITZ 6 cl (2 oz.) Prosecco
VENEZIANO 4 cl (1 1/3 oz.) Aperol
Splash of Soda water
Sparkling Cocktail Build into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice.
Top with a splash of soda water.
Garnish with half orange slice.

TOMMY’S 4.5 cl (1 1/2 oz.) Tequila 100% Agave

MARGARITA 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Fresh hand-squeezed lime juice
2 bar spoons of Agave nectar
All Day Cocktail Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

VAMPIRO 5 cl (1 2/3 oz.) Tequila (silver) Half slice onion,

7 cl (2 1/3 oz.) Tomato juice finely chopped
3 cl (1 oz.) Orange Juice, fresh Few slices fresh red hot
1 cl (1/3 oz.) Lime juice, fresh chili peppers
1 teaspoon clear honey Few drops
Worchestershire sauce

Pour all ingredients into a shaker, filled with ice. Shake well, to relaese the flavour of the chili.
Strain into a highball glass, filled with ice. Garnish with a wedge of lime and a chili (green or red).

VESPER 6 cl (2 oz.) Gin

1,5 cl (0,5 oz.) Vodka
Category: 0,75 cl (0,25 oz.) Lillet Blonde
Before Dinner Cocktail Lemon, twist (garnish)

Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Add the garnish.

YELLOW BIRD 3 cl (1 oz.) White Rum

1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Galliano
Category: 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Triple sec
All Day Cocktail 1,5 cl (1/2 oz.) Lime juice

Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

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International Bartenders Association:
The World in a Glass

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