Round 7 Rapid Fire: 3. What Is The Name of The First Chapter: Arjuna Vishada Yoga

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Bhagawat Geeta Quiz - Final Round - Seven

Round 7
Rapid fire

1. Number of shlokas in the Bhagawad Geeta: 701/700
2. Grandsire of the Kuruvamsha: Bheeshma.
3. The motto of the Chyk ‘Nahi jnanena sadrisham, pavitramiha vidyate’ appears in the Bhagawad
Geeta. Name the chapter number. chapter 4, 38th verse
4. Chapter 1 has got 42 shlokas. True or False? : False 47 shlokas
5. The bow of Arjuna was called : The Gandeeva
6. The word Arjuna means: straightforwardness
7. Name the three gunas: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
8. State the Number of times ‘Arjuna Uvaca’ occurs in chapter 3: 2 times
9. In chapter two the man of steady wisdom is called as: Sthitaprajna
10. In which chapter do we have the description of the Vishwarupa: chapter 11
11. The number of chapters in the Bhagawad Geeta is 19. True of False: False, 18
12. Gita Rahasya the famous commentary of on the Geeta was written by: Lokamanya Tilak

1. Who is the guru of the Pandavas and the Kauravas: Dronacharya
2. How many verses are there in chapter 11: 55
3. What is the name of the First chapter: Arjuna vishada Yoga
4. The first person to blow the conch in the Mahabharata war was: Bheeshma
5. The motto of the ‘Life Insurance Corporation’ – Yogakshemam vahamyaham is found in the
chapter: chapter 9, verse 22
6. In chapter 7, Prakriti or nature is divided into how many types and name them. 2, Para and Apara
7. The two paths of Uttarayana (Northern Path) and Dakshinayana (Southern Path) finds mention in
which chapter: chapter 8
8. The famous shloka ‘Ya nisha sarva bhootanam – that which is night for all beings is day for a wise
man’ is found in which chapter : chapter two
9. How many times does Arjuna Uvacha occur in chapter 7: None
10. The metaphor of the ‘Tree of Samsara’ appears in chapter 12. True or false: False, occurs in
chapter 15
11. The Prasthana Traya is the name given to the three courses that form the literary basis of the
Vedanta. Two are Upanishads and Brahma Sutra. Name the third. Bhagawad Geeta

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Bhagawat Geeta Quiz - Final Round - Seven

12. Whose commentary on the Geeta was titled, ‘Anasakti Yoga’ ? Mahatma Gandhi

1. Who was the son of Dronacharya: Ashvatthama
2. The number of verses in chapter 9 is: 34
3. Karmasannyasa Yoga is the name of which chapter: chapter 5
4. The commander in chief of the Kaurava Army was: Bheeshma Pitamaha
5. The description of the Gunateeta- the one who has transcended the Gunas occurs in chapter: 14
6. The word Gudakesha means one who has transcended sleep. True of False: True
7. Chapter 4 mentions that Vivasvan, Lord Son,( or is it Sun God or Lord Sun?) gave the knowledge of
the Self to : Manu
7. The famous shloka ‘Idam sareeram Kaunteya, Kshetramit-yabhidheeyate’ comes in chapter:
chapter 13
8. How many times does Dhritarashtra Uvacha occur in chapter 2: None
9. A Jnani is described as one who can withdraw his senses effortlessly like a tortoise withdrawing its
limbs. Where do we find this description: chapter 2
10. The Bhagawad Geeta occurs in the famous Epic: Mahabharata
11. Four types of Bhaktas are mentioned in the Geeta. Three are Arta, Jignasu, Artharthi. Name the
fourth. Jnani

1. How many times does Dhritarashtra Uvacha occur is the entire Bhagawad Geeta: Once
2. Jnaneshwari is the famous commentary on the Bhagawad Geeta by : Sant Jnaneshwar
3. Pritha is the name of Kunti. True or False: True
4. The charioteer of Dhritarashtra: Sanjaya
5. The smallest chapter of the Bhagawad Geeta: 12th or 15th
6. What is the title of chapter 6: Dhyana Yoga or Atmasamyama Yoga
7. Who is the author of the Bhagawad Geeta: Shri Veda Vyasa
8. The conch of Lord Krishna: Panchajanya
9. The popular shloka ‘Patram Pushpam Phalam toyam’ occurs in chapter: chapter 9.
10. The colour of Arjunas horses: white
11. The motto of the Tapovan Prasad- ‘Na me Bhaktah pranashyati’ is from chapter 11. True or False:
False, chapter 9.
12. Sri Shankarachaya starts his commentary on the Geeta from chapter 2. Name the verse with which
he begins: verse 11

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