Khairunisa Rahmadayanti: Di Buat O L E H

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Di buat

 Khairunisa Rahmadayanti

A.Factual Conditionals-English Grammar Lesson
Factual Conditionals

When speakers present an action or state in factual conditional terms, they are stating that they
accept that action or state as reality .

She said “How well do you know yourself?”

She want to take a quiz to find out a little bit about the kind the person you are .
In the video have six a question between are ;
1. If u see a large insect In the house,do you scream?
2. If u have friends over for dinner, do you cook most of the food or order from the restaurant?
3. If you have a lot of work,do you do it right away or leave most of it for the next day?
4. Do you keep a secret from a friend asks to you?
5. Do you laugh if you make a silly mistake?
6. If you have a choice,what kind of movie do you prefer to watch?
The Answer from that question is
1. Not Brave!
2. I like to cook most of the food (love to cook)
3. I try to the most of it the same day (hard-working)
4. I keep the secret if a friends asks me (trustworthy)
5. I usually laugh if I silly a mistake (able to laugh at myself)
6. If I have choicei prefer to watch a comedy movie sometimes I watch a sad movie for a good
cry but usually I prefer a comedy (enjoy laughter and tears)

If statements conditionals
Note : there are other ways of making conditionals without “if”
2 parts of an “if” statement= 1.(the condition)
2. (the result) cannot exist without the condition

B.Past Unreal Conditionals-English Grammar

What other modals can we use in the result clause ?
The result clause other modal’s can be used and she like to share couple used and she’d like a
couple examples .
In the result clause I used might have plus the past participle and it expresses a possibility might
have plus the past participle.

Could Have + Past Participle = Possibility or ability

Unreal Conditionals In the past

These statements show situations that are :
• untrue (never happended)
•unreal ( imaginary )
•disappointing (regrettable)

•Untrue Situations
You want to emphasize the connection between two events .
• If I hadn’t worked on that cruise ship, I wouldn’t have spent time in Bahamas

•Unreal Situations
You want to imagine another possibility.
•If my Chillhood home had been buckingham palace, I would have had few friends but a lot of room to
play .

•Disappointing Situations
You want to express a regret .
•If I had known spanish, I would have had more conversations with Mexicans during my trip .

Verbs In the Result Clause

Most often we use [would have + past participle]
•I would have learned more japannese i had lived in Japan

Might have + past participle

Expresses an unlikely but possible result .
•I might have enjoyed myself more in France if I had learned to speak better French.

3. Present Unreal Conditionals

Use the present unreal conditional to talk about what you would do in an unreal, or imaginary
situation. If A happened, B would happen. For example, "If I were you, I would take the job." The key
word is would; it makes the conditional unreal.

Video ke 2
Unreal conditional in the past
What other modals can we use in the result clause??
Could have + past participle = possibility or ability
Unreal conditional in the past
These statements show situation that are
Unreal conditionals in the past
 Untrue(never happened)
 Unreal(imaginary)
 Disappointing(regrettable)

 You want to emphantize the connection between two events.

If hadn’t seen the ad, I wouldn’t have found work on a cruise ship

 If I hadn’t worked on that cruise ship, I woulnd’t have spent time in the Bahamas

Untrue situations
You want to imagine another possibility.
If my childhood home had been Buckingham palace, I would have had few friends but a lot of room to
You want to exspress a regret.
Disappointing situations
If a had known Spanish, I would have had more conversations with Mexicans during my trip.
Order of clauses
The “if” clause can come first in a statement or it can follow the result:

*If hand’t gone to Russia, I wouldn’t have met my husband.

*I wouldn’t have met my husband if I hand’t gone to Russia

Use the past perferct in the “if” clause:
If I hadn’t gone to Russia
If I had lived in japan

Verbs in the result clause

Most often we use
[would have + past participle]
 If I hadn’t gone to Russia, I wouldn’t have met my husband.
 I would have learned more japanse if I had lived in japan.
[might have + past participle]
Express an unlikely but possible result.
- I might have enjoyed myself more in france if I had learned to speak better French.
[could have + past participle]
Express either a possible result or someone’s ability.
- I could have seen more of Canada if I had had more money.
Progressive verbs in the “if” clause
if it hadn’t been raining,we wouldn’t have shared a pleasant walk under the same umbrella.
[if + past perfect progressive]
If Samuel morse ….. (not invent) the telegraph,other inventors…… (might not create) the radio
,telephone,or television.
(a) Hadn’t invented
(b) Might not have created

Conditional sentences in English

*Conversational expressions for making request

 I’d really appreciate it if you…..
 Would you mind if…?
purpose of conditional sentences to imagine a situation in the present or future we use.
[If + simple present]
How much variation is acceptable?
I would really appreciate it if you corrected my sentences and mentioned my name
again.would you mind if I invited(joined)you for lunch.
Bonus task: 1) I’d really appreciate It if you considered my marriage offer.2) would you mind if I come
over to your place tonight and have dinner with you.
1) I’d really appreciate It if you would considermy marriage offer
2) would you mind if I came over to your place tonight for dinner ?
I’d appreciate it
- If you + simple past
- if you didn’t tell anyone.
- if you + would/could
- if you couldhelp me
would you mind
- If I + simple past
- If I sat here?

What’s the difference between these sentences?

1.if I’m invited to meet Hollywood celebrities, I’ll take a lot of selfies.
2.if I were invited to meet Hollywood celebrities.i’d take a lot selfies.
3.if I had been invited to meet Hollywood celebrities, I’d have taken a lot of selfies.
The first sentences is in the first conditional it describes something which might happen in
the future.
The second sentences is in the second conditional. It describes something in the present
which is not true or unlikely to happen .
The Third sentence is in third conditional. It describes a situation that didn’t happen,and to
imagine the result of this situation (impossible to happen because we’re talking about the past and it
hard alfready gone).

Example of an unreal past condtional

If I’d been invited to meet Hollywood celebrities.
I’d have taken a lot of selfies.
If + past perfect
Would have + past participle
If I had seen celebrities on my trip.
I would have taken photos.
If + past perfect
TASK: report these two statements
a) The teacher said, “If you finish the tasks in class, you won’t have any homework.”
b) The teacher said, “ if you had finished your work on time,

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