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Vijayawada -52008

1. ----------------channel of communication called the grapevine

a)Formal b) Informal
c)Horizontal d) Vertical
Answer: B
2. The downward communication flow from _______
a)a subordinate to a superior b) a subordinate to a sub ordinate
c)a superior to a superior d) a superior to a sub ordinate
Answer: D
3. Examples of oral communication _________
a)Letter b) E-mail
c)Telephone d) Fax
Answer: C
4. Written communication includes ________
a)Reports & forms. b) Interviews
c)Film d) Speaking
Answer: A
5. Reports from the subordinates to the superiors take the form of
a)upward communication b)downward communication
c)Face-to-face communication. d)Person to person communication
Answer: A
6. Grapevine communication is associated with _________
a)Formal b) Informal
c)Horizontal d) Vertical
Answer: a
7. Informal communication is otherwise known as __________
a)Grape vine b) Lateral
c)Visual d) Horizontal
Answer: a
8. Horizontal communication flows through __________
a)Face to face discussion b) Telephonic talk
c)Periodical meeting d) All the above
Answer: D
9. Communication network in any organization is ____
a) internal & external b) verbal & written
c) oral & non-verbal d) feedback
Answer: a
10. Informal communication is otherwise known as ___________
a) person to person communication b) internal communication
c) external communication d) Authoritative communication
Answer: B
11. Communication in an organization should ideally flow
a) From top to bottom b) From bottom to top
c) Both ways d) Horizontally
Answer: A
12. Informal communication network within the organization is
known as_________
a) interpersonal communication b) intrapersonal communication
c) mass communication d) Grapevines.
Answer: D
13. Communication network in any organization is
a) Internal and external b) Verbal and Non verbal
c) Oral and non verbal d) Verbal and written
Answer: A
14. Information must be _______
a)Accurate, complete, recent. b) Inaccurate, incomplete
b)Irregular d)Clear
15. The information the receiver gets is called ________
a) Message b) Output
c) Input d) source.
Answer: a
16. Information about its products is _______ information.
a) External b) Internal
c) Planning d) Deciding
Answer: b
17. A business letter serves as a record for ________ reference
a) past b) Present
c) Future d) Both (2) & (3).
Answer: d
18. _______ is the essential aspect of communication
a) Enclosure b) Letter
c) Telephone d) Feedback
Answer: d

19. ______ is the process of arriving at agreement through

a) Consensus b) horizontal
c) Vertical d) upward
Answer: A
20. Effective communication can only be achieved when
a) the audience is understood b) feedback is encouraged
c) thoughts are organized d) systematic delivery of
Answer: A

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