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Nokia Siemens Networks

Service Provider Enterprise Architecture Vision Project (SEAV)

Service Provider Enterprise Architecture Vision Project (SEAV)

Business Transformation
of the Provisioning Process
for Embedded Mobile
Enabling Highly Scalable Provisioning in
the Embedded Mobile Market
January 2011
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Embedded Mobile

Copyright 2011 Nokia Siemens Networks.

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With a very wide variety of potential applications, the market for embedded mobile (EM)
connectivity (sometimes referred to as EM or machine-to-machine) is one of the main growth
areas in telecommunications and associated vertical industries. There are several major
differences between the embedded domain and traditional subscriber-centric mobile
communications. Chief among these is the way in which embedded services are provisioned
(the process of connecting EM devices to wide-area wireless networks) and the life-cycle
management of embedded mobiles.
This report describes the results of a project by Nokia Siemens Networks and the GSMA
designed to identify how mobile operators need to transform the provisioning process to serve
the emerging embedded mobile market. The project used the SEAV (Service Provider
Enterprise Architecture Vision) methodology to map out the existing provisioning landscape and
transformational requirements. SEAV, which is based on the generic Enterprise Architecture
methodology, was developed by Nokia Siemens Networks as part of a previous research
The value of the SEAV approach lies in combining the findings from different stakeholder
interviews to produce a holistic view of the business challenges and the organizing logic
necessary to meet large-scale EM deployments. This approach is superior to traditional
analyses in which only selective views of the issues are provided and discussed.
For this study, the project team conducted structured interviews with major stakeholders within
the EM domain. These interviews were used to help develop an industry vision and strategy for
the EM provisioning process, which is outlined in the executive summary below.
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Executive Summary
The joint GSMA – Nokia Siemens Networks project represents the first attempt to examine the
requirements for a scalable and cost-effective EM (Embedded Mobile) provisioning process
across multiple entities as distinct from taking the view of a single entity in the value chain.
The study was carried out using an Enterprise Architecture (EA) methodology in conjunction
with interviews involving organisations from different parts of the EM value chain. The practical
application of the methodology drew on some 275 observations from these interviews and other
research sources.
The first finding from this work is that in the initial stages of deployment, EM services are
expected to exploit synergies with existing processes and infrastructure. In the longer term,
however, mobile operators will need to develop a dedicated provisioning process specifically
designed to deliver large-scale EM services. This will entail a set of strategic transformations
that will affect enterprise-level business processes, IT applications, data stores and
In order to define these transformations in a systematic manner, NSN applied a particular
variant of the EA methodology – the Service Provider Enterprise Architecture Vision (SEAV)
approach - to the findings of the interviews. Through this process, the following five initiatives for
the transformation of the existing provisioning process:
• Provide open process interfaces enabling multi-party access and co-operation.
• Modularize processes.
• Automate and integrate process modules.
• Optimize process design to lower costs.
• Build governance concept for EM provisioning.
The findings of the study highlight the need for mobile operators and their partners to establish
a clear governance framework to ensure the efficient collaboration of the various organizations
in the EM value chain. This framework should define access rights to data and assets through
all phases of the provisioning process. Security is a generic requirement for the provisioning
process and should not be compromised at any stage of the transformation.
The new provisioning process will need to be modular so that component processes can be fully
integrated across different supply-chain partners and are transferable from one industry vertical
to another.
Finally, greater levels of automation and integration will also be necessary to minimize costs,
especially if applications with low revenue per single device dominate the embedded mobile
subscription mix.
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Table of contents
Executive Summary...............................................................3
1. The market context .....................................................5
1.1 EM business is different from the traditional handset business...........5
1.2 Successful Embedded Mobile business calls for a new approach ......6
1.3 The Embedded Mobile provisioning challenge ...................................6
2. The Enterprise Architecture approach.........................7
2.1 The Enterprise Architecture method can be used to develop a
coherent IT strategy across the EM ecosystem ..................................7
2.2 The objectives and scope of this study...............................................8
3. Key findings from interviews with stakeholders ...........9
3.1 Promotion of asset re-use ..................................................................9
3.2 Modular and flexible process design ................................................10
3.3 Application of new business models.................................................10
3.4 Continue to leverage existing security capabilities............................11
4. The Enterprise Architecture Vision and Strategy.......12
4.1 Enterprise Architecture Vision View Reference Diagram ..................14
4.2 Enterprise Architecture Strategy View Reference Diagram ..............16
4.3 Relation of the two views..................................................................17
4.4 Enterprise Architecture Delivery View ..............................................17
5. Conclusion................................................................20
A ANNEX .....................................................................21
A.1 SEAV Reference Diagram method...................................................21
A.1.1 What are SEAV and Reference Diagrams?......................................21
A.1.2 Considerations for adapting and applying SEAV for the EM
provisioning problem ........................................................................23
A.1.3 Building the Reference Diagrams.....................................................24
A.1.3.1 How the interviews were carried out.................................................25
A.1.3.2 How the vision view was built ...........................................................25
A.1.3.3 How the strategy view was built .......................................................28
B References ...............................................................29
C Abbreviations............................................................30
D List of Authors...........................................................30
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1. The market context

Daily life is being “digitized” at an ever increasing pace. We are increasingly making use of
appliances, control elements, meters and other digital devices to enrich our lives and become
more productive and efficient. Connecting these “smart objects” with each other and with
computer servers will be one of the biggest areas of technical innovation in the near future.
As owners of the network infrastructure, mobile operators will have a central role in the
development of this major growth area which is generally referred to as embedded mobile1 or
machine-to-machine (M2M)1. The process of connecting devices to cellular, or other wide-area
wireless, networks and managing their life-cycle in a manner that minimizes the burden on end-
users will be critical to the development of this market – we refer to this as the end-to-end
provisioning process and this area is the focus of this report.

1.1 EM business is different from the traditional handset business

There are clear differences between the EM domain and traditional voice and data services
consumed by human subscribers:
• EM encompasses different sectors, each with its own specific requirements -
Embedded Mobiles can be used in many different ways across many different vertical
sectors of the economy. Each vertical has specific requirements in terms of reliability,
security, privacy protection, robustness, life-cycle, connectivity, traffic patterns, and data
rates. Location independence, for instance, is required within the automotive or logistics
industry, whereas it is less relevant in the utility sector.
• Higher fragmentation of the value chain - The complete EM value chain extends well
beyond operation of a communications network and the supply of associated devices.
Device applications, ongoing provisioning services, device management services,
systems integration, logistics and other value-added services may be required for many
EM applications.
• Different user-to-device constellation - Whereas conventional mobile subscriptions are
bound to a person and are more or less device-independent, the constellation in the EM
domain is in most cases quite different. A device might be owned and used by different
persons, and the user might change without a corresponding change in the subscription.
Furthermore, enterprise customers, who want to connect a large number of embedded
modules, might require tailored Service Level Agreements from mobile operators in order
to meet their industrial-grade operational requirements. These agreements will dictate the
provisioning process.
• Different lifecycle characteristics - In some EM domains, an embedded mobile device,
such as a smart meter measuring energy consumption, could remain in operation for 20
years or even longer. The device will have to remain compatible with the infrastructure
and related protocols and processes over the duration of its lifespan. Therefore, the pro-
visioning process has to support the management of the prolonged lifecycle.

“Embedded mobile” (EM) refers to embedding cellular mobile technology into a diverse range of
products and services, not only the traditional machine to machine (M2M) applications, but also
beyond into new vertical services.
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1.2 Successful Embedded Mobile business calls for a new approach

Developing an efficient EM business will often require mobile operators to develop new
business models for the following reasons.
• The number of connected devices is potentially much larger than the existing handset
business. Mobile operators, therefore, may need to handle higher rates of growth, larger
device populations (resulting in unusually concentrated volumes for initial provisioning
and remote device management) and the absence of human intelligence at the device
end to support troubleshooting.
• The average revenue per single embedded mobile is often far less than that generated by
regular voice/ data services. To become economically viable, the cost of connectivity
must remain modest and consequently, mobile operators must bring down their own
operating costs.
• Mobile operators’ EM customers are typically organizations, such as utilities or logistics
companies, which are running specific applications, such as energy metering or traffic
management. In these cases, mobile operators need to ensure their own business
processes can work with the business processes of their EM customers in a flexible
• Mobile operators’ EM emerging business will co-exist with their well-established voice
and data businesses and there must be scope for potential synergies between the
traditional and the new business domains.
In order to address the ecosystem issues, mobile operators will need to undertake a thorough
analysis and optimization of key business processes. This calls for a holistic approach towards
business transformation to fully address the Embedded Mobile opportunity and the role of
extended partners in the ecosystem.

1.3 The Embedded Mobile provisioning challenge

In most vertical industry sectors, services and component parts will be provided by an array of
different stakeholders, requiring the responsibilities of the parties in the value chain to be clearly
defined and accepted.
Moreover, mobile operators’ EM services need to be able to address the diverse requirements
of a range of heterogeneous vertical markets and devices, industries, which makes it difficult to
create a cost-optimized and versatile provisioning process. Therefore, a key challenge is to:
Provide a high-level integrative visualization and description of the transformation
requirements for the provisioning process in the EM domain, which can be used by all
stakeholders participating in the value chain.
The Enterprise Architecture methodology, which is based on John Zachman’s Zachman
Enterprise Framework [1], can be used to meet this challenge. Designed to address co-
operation, exchange and overall process optimization requirements, the Enterprise Architecture
methodology has been widely adopted by the IT industry to analyze software systems with
levels of complexity, which could not be handled by previously established methods, but
required an over-arching structure and organizational logic.2

Enterprise frameworks include TOGAF [2] , TM Forum Frameworx [3], DODAF [4], and Zachman Enterprise
Framework [1]
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2. The Enterprise Architecture approach

2.1 The Enterprise Architecture method can be used to develop a

coherent IT strategy across the EM ecosystem
The Enterprise Architecture (EA) methodology is designed to capture business transformation
requirements in a structured manner. EA’s organizing logic for business processes is widely
used in enterprises’ IT departments as it facilitates the optimization of IT solutions to business
requirements. EA also provides a complete framework under which an architecture and
technical solution can be defined.
The methodology used in this study is called the Service Provider Enterprise Architecture Vision
(SEAV). It is inspired by Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Core Diagram concept
[5] and is compliant with the industry standard TOGAF framework [2]. SEAV is both a facilitating
guide to capture the transformation drivers and a way to encapsulate these drivers in the form
of goals and objectives. The SEAV methodology provides a comprehensive and stable overall
picture and a common guide for aligning the efforts of the different stakeholders. Details about
the methodology are provided in Annex A of this report.
The SEAV methodology is typically used to identify, analyze, define and describe the full logical
path from vision and strategy to deployment and business execution. The method starts with a
set of structured interviews with management level stakeholders in order to discuss and develop
an over-arching and common-held vision of the proposed enterprise. It continues with the
definition and analysis of a suitable strategic transition, presenting the results in the form of a
set of concise reference diagrams.

Develop Define
Key Findings Identify
Enterprise Enterprise
1 from Stakeholder
2 Architecture 3 Strategy
4 Architecture
Vision Delivery View
• Asset re-use • Business perspective • Stakeholders involved • Not in scope of this project
• Process design • Stakeholder perspective • Provisioning process
• New business models • Asset perspective • Related processes
• Security capabilities • Operational perspective • Underlying assets
• Transformation initiatives

Figure 1 Overview of Enterprise Architecture work-plan

The SEAV methodology generates an Enterprise Architecture Vision Diagram that consolidates
key perspectives on business, stakeholder, asset and process issues. The EA vision can then
be translated into an Enterprise Architecture strategy, which specifies a set of key
transformation initiatives that take into account the stakeholders, processes and assets
involved. The transformation initiatives can then be used to develop a “delivery view” which
depicts the logical arrangement of run-time processes and respective applications, data
storages and infrastructure.
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2.2 The objectives and scope of this study

The objective of this study is to apply the full SEAV methodology to generate initial business
transformation recommendations. The study does not extend to all stages of the design and
implementation process, as it focuses on the requirements capturing phase of the EA
methodology, encompassing the vision and strategy views, but not the delivery view (see Figure
The inputs to the study draw on Nokia Siemens Networks’ internal operational and network
infrastructure expertise as well as information gathered through interviews with several
stakeholders in the EM value chain. The questionnaires used in the interviews were each
customized for the specific role (function) of the interviewee and their position in the value
chain. Interviews were conducted with:
• A supplier of provisioning solutions and related software products.
• A UICC/SIM manufacturer and EM/M2M solution provider.
• EM/M2M business managers and provisioning technical specialists in mobile operators.
The scope of the interviews was intentionally limited to the end-to-end provisioning process and
to suggested optimizations of the corresponding business processes as described below.

Pre-assignment Initial-activation

Manufacturing Billing and

and delivery personalization

Figure 2: Scope of End-to-End Provisioning Process

As shown in Figure 2, the end-to-end provisioning process consists of three native elements
which correspond to the Pre-Provisioning, Provisioning, and Lifecycle phases, as defined in the
Embedded Mobile Guidelines Rel1 published by the GSMA EMP program [6]:
• Pre-assignment: Preparing the device with integrated Universal Integrated Circuit Card
(UICC) and configuring the network so they are ready for activation and operation.
• Initial activation: First time assignment of all parameters necessary to put the device
into a commercial service.
• Life-cycle management: Managing the subscription profiles and the device and UICC
configuration during the full life-cycle, right through to de-activation.
These phases interact with two other phases of the device provisioning process -
manufacturing and delivery and billing and personalization. In Figure 2, the gaps between
the phases highlight how each phase is triggered by independent events rather than the
previous phase.
This description of end-to-end provisioning is not only relevant to mobile operators, which need
to adapt their processes to the specifics of the EM business, but also to other members of the
value chain, such as application providers or module vendors, whose business processes need
to seamlessly interact with those of a mobile operator.
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3. Key findings from interviews with stakeholders

The findings from the interviews can be summarized as follows:
• Promotion of asset re-use: In the initial phase of the EM market’s development, existing
provisioning processes should be reused as far as possible. This approach enables
synergies with the underlying infrastructure environment and applications to be
• Modular and flexible process design: Analysts’ forecasts for the EM market point to a
sizeable opportunity. As demand grows and the EM market gains scale, the provisioning
process needs to be transformed into a cost-optimized flexible process, providing a
higher degree of agility. Access to data and control of functions needs to be both time and
location independent.
• Application of new business models: The business model for EM services is typically a
Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B-to-B-to-C) model. As the provisioning process
involves an extended value chain, it needs a clean governance model and potentially a
new approach to partnering (e.g. with support for automated SLAs).
• Continue to leverage existing security capabilities: Tamper-proof security is required
throughout all phases of the provisioning process. The level of security achieved in
networks based on 3GPP standards serving individual subscribers should be maintained.
We’ll now look at each of these findings in more detail.

3.1 Promotion of asset re-use

The huge expectations around the EM market are accompanied by significant uncertainties due
in part to the relatively high degree of fragmentation in the EM value chain.
In order to mitigate the risks and uncertainties in the early phase of the development of the EM
market, mobile operators should reuse their existing IT infrastructure as far as possible. In
general, best practices and learning from the current cellular ecosystem should be applied.
Reusing existing assets and processes lowers risk exposure by requiring only a marginal
investment in new equipment, while sustaining a high level of security for EM. This aspect is
addressed in section 3.4 in more detail.
In general, mobile operators will need to maintain the same data models for subscription
profiles, attributes, and other parameters relevant to the provisioning process for EM
connections as they do for conventional subscribers. Potential extensions of the data structures
will depend on additional attributes related to services and solutions specific to industry
verticals, such as e-Health or others.
A mobile operator’s customer relationship management (CRM) database, which currently has
the role of a master database, should also be used to serve EM subscriptions with related data
structures. It should be kept as the master database.
By utilizing the existing equipment and infrastructure, which in most cases is already quite
evolved and integrated into the process and application landscape, a mobile operator can enter
the EM business with marginal cost exposure. At the same time 3GPP’s proven and
standardized security mechanisms, such as GBA/GAA, can be leveraged.
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3.2 Modular and flexible process design

Since in some vertical domains the revenue per single device (EM) will be significantly lower, it
requires very efficient solutions that have much lower operating costs than existing processes.
The key to cost optimization is the flexibility, integration and automation of the provisioning
The provisioning process, and other processes in the EM domain, need to be flexible in terms of
integration over a relatively fragmented value chain, and in terms of the design, test,
deployment and launch of new EM services.
To achieve this flexibility it is necessary to follow design principles similar to the ones used for
the development of software, such as modularity and reusability.
The provisioning process also needs to be flexible enough to handle high volumes of
subscriptions as well as small-scale entry deployments cost efficiently. Peak load scenarios,
such as the mass activation of SIM cards, have to be supported.
The second major requirement is that the provisioning process should be completely-
integrated (“straight through processing”) and automated (“zero touch”). Furthermore, it should
be structured into appropriate phases, providing defined entry and exit points, so as to ease the
integration with the related business processes of different parties in the value chain. Again, this
can be achieved by building the provisioning process using independent and reusable modules.
For example, embedded mobile services will need to be easily integrated into industrial product
manufacturing, both at a production process level and at a technical level. The provisioning
process should enable the automated testing of the SIMs (i.e. network access), the modules
(i.e. data bearer services), and the final product testing (i.e. system applications) at various
stages of the product process. Many industrial customers also require mobile operators to
provide exact on-time billing for the activated services, as there can be several months of delay
between setting up an embedded mobile subscription and finally taking the product into service.
One of the proposals raised in the interviews was the development of a standardized and open
provisioning process framework and standardized modules, which would enable even more
flexibility between companies as well as cost savings. These modules could be pre-packaged,
requiring only a small degree of customization for particular application cases.
Another major requirement is the so-called late binding of data and attributes to a particular
resource, which has several benefits. This approach ensures that resources are used efficiently
when the provisioning workflow is distributed (by time and location) across different contributing
parties. For example, it is more efficient to associate a device’s IMSI to a SIM card towards the
end of the manufacturing process, when the final destination countries for the devices are
The mobile operator also needs to be able to expose dedicated views and access rights to
profile data and attributes to support additional roles and stakeholders in the value chain.
Finally, there also needs to be scope for a EM service to be transferred from one mobile
operator to another without the need to manually interact with the related devices.

3.3 Application of new business models

The EM market is typically structured differently to the traditional mobile subscriber market, in
which the subscriber owns the device, and pays the mobile operator for the related service. In
some EM scenarios, the end user might not have a relationship with the mobile operator or
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even be aware of the operator’s contribution to the service delivery (for example, in the case of
a remote metering reading service provided by a utility).
A mobile operator’s EM customers are typically enterprises, such as application service
providers (ASPs) or device manufacturers, leading to a B-to-B or B-to-B-to-C business model,
where the first B represents the mobile operator, the second B stands for the ASP or device
manufacturer and the C represents the end user of the service.
The EM ecosystem is more complex than the conventional cellular ecosystem across two
Firstly, the B-to-B-to-C business model leads to a fragmentation of the value chain and
introduces new roles and parties. This fragmentation requires an appropriate governance model
defining the distribution and allocation of processes and capabilities, as well as “the rules of
engagement” among the partners. In this context, innovative approaches, such as pre-agreed or
even automated service level agreement (SLA) management, will play an increasingly important
Secondly, EM services and solutions span many diverse industries, such as healthcare, energy
and the automotive industry. Each of these verticals is likely to adopt an array of different EM
services delivered by an array of different providers, so partnering and collaboration will play an
important role in the EM ecosystem.
In order to support the different roles and players in the value chain, mobile operators will need
to provide third parties with access to EM subscriber profile databases, depending on the
design of the provisioning process.

3.4 Continue to leverage existing security capabilities

Throughout the interviews, security was consistently mentioned as a high priority requirement.
In the conventional mobile phone business, existing SIM cards provide a robust security
mechanism that has been developed and proven over many years. The interviewees stated the
need to maintain a high level of security, reusing as much as possible the existing and well
established processes and applications, which are typically security “hardened”. Existing
provisioning mechanisms are field proven and operationally stable. Moreover, they are
compliant with legal regulations and privacy requirements.
Still, the complexity of the EM value chain has security implications. The more players that have
a stake in the EM value chain the more complex compliance with security requirements will be.
Thus security always has to be considered from a holistic perspective covering all processes
and applications provided by different players and partners.
The Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (OMA DM) standards, which are protocols for
software upgrades of mobile terminals and data synchronization applications and mobile
terminals, are not yet widely accepted as they do not provide the necessary level of security,
lacking end-to-end security in the access channels to devices and SIM. Moreover, there are
already established and standardized protocols fulfilling these requirements, such as the
ETSI/3GPP OTA protocol.
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4. The Enterprise Architecture Vision and Strategy

This chapter describes how the Enterprise Architecture methodology was applied to identify the
transformation requirements necessary to implement scalable EM provisioning processes.
An important feature of the methodology is that it takes a holistic view of the business
challenges, looking beyond the boundary of a single firm in the value chain, to focus on the
organizing logic that binds different organizations in the service delivery value chain.
The first two steps in applying this methodology involve the development of the Enterprise
Architecture Vision and the Enterprise Architecture Strategy viewpoints to analyze the way an
enterprise conducts its business and operations.
• The Enterprise Architecture Vision is presented as a Reference Diagram that considers
the Business, Stakeholder, Asset and Process perspectives in order to define a set of
business objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs).
• The business objectives that result from the Enterprise Architecture Vision are then
translated into a set of Enterprise Architecture Strategy Initiatives (SI) and Business
Directives (BD) which can be attained through delivery-oriented transformation initiatives.
These viewpoints form the basis for designing transformation initiatives that are linked in a
logical and coherent manner to the business processes, IT applications, data stores and
infrastructure of a given enterprise.
The practical application of the Enterprise Architecture methodology for this study involved an
examination of some 275 observations noted during the course of the structured interviews with
cross-industry stakeholders and other research sources. From this analysis, the following five
transformation initiatives were distilled:

Initiative #1: Provide open process interfaces for multi-party access and co-operation
The provisioning process needs to expose its capabilities and the underlying enabling
services to third-parties via well defined interfaces, thereby enabling the provisioning process
to be extended to address a diverse range of EM services.

Initiative #2: Modularize processes

The provisioning process needs to be structured in modular, independent and reusable
building blocks with lean interfaces, enabling a high level of scalability and performance. For
example, there should be distinct modules for SIM provisioning or device deactivation. It
should also be possible to manage service and subscription profiles and associated attributes
in a flexible way, for example, with regard to binding of this data to particular resources.

Initiative #3: Automate and integrate process modules

The degree of automation and integration of processes is frequently used as a KPI to reflect
the maturity of the Enterprise Architecture of a particular company. Ideally, manual
intervention of dedicated modules and functions should be minimized ("zero touch").
To achieve "straight through processing" or complete integration, the provisioning process
needs to be integrated with other process steps both inside and outside the mobile operator,
so that provisioning can automatically trigger billing, charging, barring and SLA management,
for example. The provisioning process could also trigger the automated testing of devices.
Conversely, the provisioning process might be automatically triggered (auto-provision) by
external processes such as the manufacturing/testing process.
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Initiative #4: Optimize process design for lower costs

Reflecting the low revenue per single device generated by EM services, the provisioning
process needs to be designed to minimize operating costs. One way to meet this requirement
is to use mainly COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) products with open and standardized
interfaces which can be adapted and upgraded cost-effectively and typically perform better
than specific and proprietary solutions. Automation and integration, as described above, will
also reduce the operating costs associated with the provisioning process.

Initiative #5: Build governance concept for EM provisioning

Since the integrated provisioning process needs to span several stakeholders in the value
chain, there is a need for clear definitions of roles, responsibilities and duties. These
definitions should encompass which entity owns the control over the process, access to data,
and hand-over of control between stakeholders depending on state of the process and time.
For example, there needs to be clear definitions of the policy, rules and roles for specific
access to embedded SIMs and devices.

In the following sections, we provide additional detail for each of the analytical steps and how
the findings from each step culminate in the five key transformation initiatives and the respective
Enterprise Architecture Vision and Strategy reference diagrams.
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4.1 Enterprise Architecture Vision View Reference Diagram

A combination of four perspectives, derived from our analysis of the stakeholder interviews
defines the Enterprise Architecture Vision. For each perspective, we define a specific goal, a
business objective and an associated key performance indicator (KPI).

Business Perspective Stakeholder Perspective Asset Perspective

Stakeholders Offer secure
Vibrant marketplace Asset investments preservation
collaborate effectively to support in-time EM services with secure access to
for provisioning capabilities as modular and leveraging for both
development and launching of new devices and SIMs, while complying
services (service portfolio) existing businesses and EM
products & services (time-to-market) with regulations (Security)

Provisioning process Integration with

extendable to address related business Reuse assets with
capabilities, Maintain a secure
diversity of EM processes both domain specific
interfaces end-to-end channel
services inside and outside adaptations
and protocols
cross-industry the own company

Average Average
Cost of
time & cost time & cost Reuse Security
adaptations and
for launching for process Grade Certification
new service integration

Process Perspective
Allow flexible,
Minimize TCO for the
reliable, scalable, performing provisioning
provisioning process (low-cost)
process (performance-scalable-reliable)

Internal Scalable and Provisioning

Integration or Performing Process
for cost
Straight through By modular & independent of
processing reusable blocks related processes

Number of
Average total Waiting # of devices
Provisioning cost time between being provisioned
to/from other
Per device processes per time frame

Legend Key
Goal Performance

Figure 3 Vision View Reference Diagram

Figure 3 should be interpreted as follows:

Business Perspective
Goal: Establishment of a vibrant business ecosystem for provisioning capabilities as modular
The provisioning process should enable the development of a marketplace for EM services
specific to different industry sectors. Above all, this goal requires a flexible and extendible
provisioning process in order to address the different requirements of different vertical sectors
at low cost.
A good approach for achieving such a marketplace is to analyze both the business models
and the constraints of the industrial sectors to be addressed. The identification of their
requirements and differentiating features will help to form the provisioning process with
appropriate requirements and priorities.
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Stakeholder Perspective
Goal: Stakeholders collaborate efficiently to support short-cycle development and the launch
of new products & services
The goal is to achieve an efficient collaboration between the business partners in the EM
value chain to minimize the time to market for new services. This can be done on the basis of
already existing capabilities, interfaces, protocols and other standards, together with the
timely and cost-efficient integration of the provisioning process with internal and external
business processes.
EM providers should also factor in the end-to-end time to launch a product or service into its
design decisions/IT architecture/operational processes, as well as the necessary interactions
with the process partners. Consequently, the relevant KPIs are the time-to-market for new
services and the time needed to integrate a process for automated operation.

Asset Perspective
Goals: Preserve the value of existing assets and leverage these assets to support existing
and emerging EM lines of business. EM services should also adhere to proven SIM-
management standards and comply with relevant regulations.
The re-use of existing assets can be achieved by exploiting synergies with deployed systems
and applications complemented by domain-specific extensions. The degree of asset re-use is
the KPI for this business objective. As a first step, mobile operators should review their
existing process for provisioning embedded mobiles: What already works in an optimal way
and where are the synergies with existing processes?
Existing security capabilities and mechanisms are the second big asset that mobile operators
need to consider in the provisioning process. Security needs to comply with regulations and
has to support the entire service delivery, from the actual service through to the device and
the SIM. This goal can be achieved by maintaining the high level of existing security
standards within the new embedded mobile segments, while accommodating their special
characteristics. The level of security should be measured by dedicated security approvals
and related certifications.

Process Perspective
Goals: Allow flexible, reliable, scalable, performing provisioning process. Minimize costs for
the provisioning process.
From an operational point of view, a highly cost-effective provisioning process is one of the
key goals. The corresponding business objectives are to achieve the highest possible level of
automation and a cost-focused approach to process design, combined with “straight through
processing” (end-to-end process integration and automation). The KPI should be average
cost of provisioning of an embedded module.
Moreover, modularity is key to enabling scalability. Location independence (independence
from a specific mobile operator’s network) and flexibility is also important. It should be
possible to trigger the different states of a device in the process at any time. Modeling in
advance of the whole process, and potential variants, using an appropriate software tool
helps to identify relevant cost factors very early and improve optimization.
The provisioning process has to support all kinds of devices, all kinds of SIM card form
factors, and the bulk activation of devices over a short period of time. The corresponding KPI
is the number of devices that can be provisioned during a specific period of time.
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4.2 Enterprise Architecture Strategy View Reference Diagram

The Vision View described above feeds into the Strategy View Reference Diagram (shown in
Figure 4). The main purpose of the strategy view is to visualize the strategy initiatives necessary
to achieve the business objectives summarized in the Vision view. By adding information on
how the business objectives can be achieved and on the areas on which stakeholders need to
concentrate, the required initiatives and actions, which form the overall strategy, become clearly
visible. The strategic transformation initiatives are shown in the left-hand box of the diagram.

Strategic Transfor- Generic and Flexible Provisioning Process

mation Initiatives
Provide open process Pre-assignment Initial-activation
interfaces for multi-
party access and co-
operations Manufacturing Billing and
and delivery personalization

processes Integrative View Across Eco-system Participants
SIM Device
manufacturer manufacturer
Automate and
integrate process
modules Comply with Regulatory Stipulations

Optimize Existing Assets to be Leveraged

process design
for lower costs Data and resources
Applications management
Security mechanisms
integrated with
and best practice <Late Binding of resources>
standard Interfaces
<Vertical specific attributes>
Build governance
concept for EM Network infrastructure
<Scalability, balancing & redundancy rearrangements>

Provisioning Related Assets
sub-process process <Adaptations> Transformation

Figure 4 Strategy View Reference Diagram

The application of the SEAV method to the findings from the structured interviews has led to the
development of five strategic transformation initiatives. The strategic transformation initiatives
are intended to realize the goals of the vision as described in Table 1.
There are certain dependencies between the transformation initiatives, e.g. the automation and
integration initiative typically requires the modularization as a prerequisite, whereas the
automation and integration initiative makes an important contribution to cost optimization.
The concrete definition and design of the strategic transformation initiatives are addressed in
the Enterprise Architecture Delivery View.
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4.3 Relation of the two views

The table below (Table 1) summarizes the findings at each step in the process – EA Vision and
EA Strategy – culminating with the key transformation initiatives. This table represents the
result and the relations in one view, while the derivation of these relations is described in
another table in the annex (A.1.3.2).

Enterprise Architecture Vision Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Key Goals Strategy Initiatives & Visualization in

Perspectives Business Directives Strategy View Diagram
Business Service portfolio SI - Provisioning process Initiative # 1:
perspective Vibrant business extendable to address Provide open process
Reflects overall ecosystem for diversity of EM services interfaces for multi-party
industry expectations provisioning capabilities across industries access and co-operations
for the provisioning provided as modular
process in order for services
BD - flexible support of Initiative # 2:
the EM business to
business models, Modularize processes
mature more quickly.
especially B-2-B-2-C

BD - Look for open Initiative # 1:

technology ecosystem Provide open process
interfaces for multi-party
access and co-operations

Stakeholder Time to market SI - Standard/COTS (Implicitly reflected in the asset

perspective Stakeholders products capabilities, box of strategy view)
Participants in today’s collaborate effectively to interfaces and protocols.
fragmented value support in-time
chain comment on development and SI - Integration with Initiative # 2:
the importance of launching of new related business Modularize processes
collaboration. products & services processes both inside and
outside own company

BD - Build governance Initiative # 5:

concept for EM Build governance concept for
provisioning EM provisioning

Regulations BD - Regulatory Explicitly reflected in the

Regulatory Compliance stipulations compliance integrative view of the

Process perspective Performance, scalable SI - Scalable and high Initiative # 2:

Addresses EM and reliable performance modular & Modularize processes
provisioning Allow flexible, reusable blocks
operations with reliable, scalable,
particular emphasis performing SI - (Operational Flexibility)
on boundaries implied provisioning process Activation independent of
by “internal time and location
processes”. This
perspective also SI - Provisioning Process
highlights quality independent of related
aspects that support processes
the capitalization of
EM services and the BD - Flexible service Explicitly reflected in the data
demand for QoS. profile attributes and and resource management
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Enterprise Architecture Vision Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Key Goals Strategy Initiatives & Visualization in

Perspectives Business Directives Strategy View Diagram
decoupled binding of box

Low cost SI - Designed for cost Initiative # 4:

Minimize total cost of (cost-optimized) Optimize process design for
ownership for the
lower costs
provisioning process
SI - Consolidated and Initiative # 3:
minimal manual Automate and integrate
interventions (automated) process modules

SI - Internal integration or
Straight through

Asset perspective: Investments SI - Reuse assets with Implicitly reflected in the asset
addresses current Asset investments pre- domain specific box of strategy view
and future asset served and leveraged for adaptations
investment both existing businesses
requirements. and EM
Security SI - Maintain a secure end- Implicitly reflected in the asset
Offer secure EM services to-end channel box of strategy view
with secure access to
devices and SIMs, while BD - Role specific access Implicitly reflected in the asset
complying with rights box of strategy view

Table 1: Relationship of Vision and Strategy elements

4.4 Enterprise Architecture Delivery View

The steps we have followed in applying the EA methodology to the EM provisioning process
have considered a generalized end-to-end process. In this study, we have stopped short of
defining a delivery view and changes to specific processes, network elements and IT
Still, by combining all elements of the reference diagrams, the strategy to transform the
provisioning process according to the emerging requirements of the embedded mobile domain
can be summarized by the following overarching delivery principles:
• Start with a generic and reusable provisioning process, supported by the existing process
and infrastructure, enabling the exploitation of synergies.
• Lower cost of provisioning through automation and standardization. Provide the ability to
integrate the provisioning process with related processes across the value-chain through
a modular design and well-defined interfaces. This approach enables collaboration across
the value chain to build a commonly-supported process that enables in-time development
and the launch of new products and services.
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• The provisioning process needs to be guided by a governance structure that organizes

the interaction of the partners. Ensure that cross-industry and diverse requirements for
provisioning are satisfied.
• Preserve the level of network access security by relying on existing assets and address
industry sector-specific demand for higher security levels.
Of course, the actual validation of the transformation initiatives and these delivery strategy
principles will involve the application of the SEAV methodology to a specific vertical segment
and groups of eco-system partners.
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5. Conclusion
This report identifies the necessary transformation requirements for the provisioning process for
a mobile operator to successfully enter the emerging embedded mobile market segment. A key
tool in achieving this objective was the application of the SEAV (Service Provider Enterprise
Architecture Vision) methodology in order to map out the existing provisioning landscape and
transformational requirements.
While the particular business objectives and requirements depicted in the reference diagrams in
this report are not necessarily new, the value of the SEAV approach lies in combining the
findings from different stakeholder interviews to produce a holistic view of the business
challenges and the organizing logic necessary to deliver scalable EM services. We
believe this approach is superior to traditional analyses that only provide and discuss selective
views on the issues.
The Enterprise Architecture Vision and Strategy reference diagrams can be used as navigation
and organizing guidelines for the coordinated implementation of an effective provisioning
process in the EM ecosystem.
Through the structured interviews with the stakeholders, the following four key findings
concerning the provisioning process were identified:
1. Leverage synergies with existing processes and infrastructure in the early market phase.
2. Prepare and implement the transformation of the provisioning process towards a cost-
optimized, scalable, and agile process.
3. Draw up a common governance model and partnering approach to facilitate the process
interaction between the stakeholders in the EM value chain.
4. Sustain security at high level for all phases of the EM process.
By applying the SEAV methodology, the following five initiatives for the transformation of the
provisioning process have been defined:
• Provide open process interfaces to enable multi-party access and co-operation
• Modularize processes
• Automate and integrate process modules
• Optimize process design for lower costs
• Build governance concept for EM provisioning
Although the delivery view was out of the scope of this generic project, it would be helpful to
build the delivery view for specific implementations. To that purpose, the Enterprise Architecture
Delivery View Reference Diagram can be used to present the case-specific contextualization of
the transformation, defining what tangibles to consider and what changes are required.
Moreover, the delivery view is useful to identify the time frame for the transformation
The Delivery View Reference Diagram also enables the transition to the design and
implementation phase by identifying distinct specifications for the architecture for business
processes, for information, for applications and for integration.
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A.1 SEAV Reference Diagram method
The Service Provider Enterprise Architecture Vision (SEAV) is a method to identify, analyze,
define and describe the full logical path from vision and strategy to deployment and business
execution. The method starts with a set of interactions with management level stakeholders in
order to discuss and build an overall and common picture of the envisioned enterprise. And it
continues with the analysis and definition of the suitable strategic transition, presenting the
results in the form of a set of concise reference diagram views.
In sum, the SEAV method is a facilitator for applying an enterprise view to the EM problem and
defining the architecture that will consolidate the range of solutions as a synergetic working
foundation. Without an Enterprise Architecture approach, the set of solutions built to address
the EM provisioning problem would probably lack completeness and coherence.
Thus, the SEAV method is a valuable tool for addressing problems, such as EM provisioning.
SEAV is a facilitating guide to capture the transformation drivers and a way to emphasize these
in the form of goals and objectives. This provides an overall picture that is both comprehensive
and stable and is a common guide for aligning the efforts of the different stakeholders. In
addition, it helps to have full visibility of the linkages between the vision and the set of strategies
that will be used to achieve the vision. It does this by utilizing the concept of “strategic initiative”,
which enables the path from vision to strategy execution. Each view summarizes a large
amount of information used to make decisions and guide the actions of stakeholders at different
enterprise levels. And as a whole, the set of reference diagram views help bring together the
entire enterprise (in our case the EM domain) as an efficient and effective working unit, with a
coherent and synergetic set of transformation projects.
Strategic initiative is a strategic transition topic that concretely specifies the changes
required in core business processes and key assets to contribute to a business objective, in
order to respond to an underlying business issue or opportunity.
This logic is detailed in this annex, which is structured in three sections.
• The first section explains further the reference diagram views and their value for
addressing the EM provisioning problem statement.
• The second section describes the considerations and adaptations required for applying
the SEAV method to this case.
• The third section details further how the SEAV method was followed to build EM
provisioning reference diagrams.

A.1.1 What are SEAV and Reference Diagrams?

“SEAV is the overall organizing logic for the Enterprise Architecture model for a business issue.”
Harald Bender, Nokia Siemens Networks
The SEAV method covers the different aspects of the transformational business challenge, from
the different architectural dimensions and stakeholder viewpoints. It follows a logical set of steps
to unfold the underlying transformation drivers, the envisioned state of the enterprise, the
corresponding strategies and the strategic transitions to drive the strategy execution.
The steps are organized in three main phases - Vision, Strategy and Delivery. Each phase will
result in a corresponding reference diagram view.
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Typically, each phase undergoes a number of iterations and the phases overlap in time,
providing feedback and alignment to the work done in the previous phase. Additionally, a
number of supporting artifacts are used to build each view and they are all organized using a
structured repository tool. A specification document consolidates these artifacts and the views.
This constitutes the end result of the SEAV method, concisely explaining the overall logic and
intermediate steps. The three views are depicted in the graphic below, followed by an
explanation of their purpose, value and applicability to the EM provisioning process.

The vision business
view values and The scope
benefits of
transformation of the
How the values and The scope of the
The strategy benefits are characterized reference diagram
view in terms of
business processes and key assets

The delivery What is the logical delivery view of the

business processes and respective application,
view data storages and infrastructure

The implementation
The physical instances and product implementations projects that are
that reflect to the logical view
utilizing the above

Figure 5 Main elements of the Reference Diagram

As a whole, three diagram views provide an overall view of the way an enterprise is conducting
its business and operations. They are a vehicle for opportunity characterization and they evolve
during the execution of the EA transformation. Individually, each EM provisioning reference
diagram view has its own value as well:
a) Vision View
The vision view states the core content and motivation for transformation, consisting of
the identified business values and benefits of transformation. The main audience of the
vision diagram are the executives in charge of business management and strategy
development. In the case of the EM provisioning problem, the vision view depicts the
envisioned changes needed to meet the new provisioning requirements. It does that from
a neutral perspective, reflecting the goals of the different participants of the EM
provisioning process.
b) Strategy View
The strategy view indicates how the values and benefits are characterized, through
strategic transitions, in terms of business processes and key assets. The main audience
is business development, operations management, product owners and process owners.
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In the case of the EM provisioning problem, the strategy view highlights the quality
attributes that the provisioning process and supporting assets need to have to achieve
the vision. Moreover, it helps to identify the most effective strategic initiatives, which are
the bridge towards alignment of strategy and its execution.
c) Delivery View
The delivery view depicts the logical arrangement of run-time business processes and
respective applications, data storages and infrastructure. It serves as the framework for
describing what the relevant aspects are when the strategic transformation projects are to
be undertaken. The audience is usually the process owners and solution development
teams, which are in charge of implementing the required transformation. The delivery
view was out of the scope of this project, however it would be useful to build this view to
present the case-specific contextualization of the transformation, defining what tangibles
to consider and what change is required. Moreover, this view is useful to identify the time
frame for the transformation implementations.
To facilitate the construction of the reference diagrams, the SEAV method includes a template
for both a specification document and the reference diagram views. The first one is a guiding
document with a set of placeholders for the different artifacts that are used during each of the
three phases. The later ones are examples of what a reference diagram can look like; they
present placeholders for the different diagram elements to consider in an instantiated diagram.
Nevertheless, the reference diagrams are case-specific; not only the elements, but also the
layout and appearance are customized to the particular problem and context at hand. Thus the
templates are mere facilitators for the actual consultative work, and they have to be tailored. For
this purpose, it should be taken into consideration the characteristics of the problem, context
and stakeholders as described in the next section.

A.1.2 Considerations for adapting and applying SEAV for the EM provisioning
The SEAV method was tailored to be used in addressing the EM provisioning problem. Since
the EM provisioning problem involves different value chain players and it is closely related to
other processes, such as testing and billing, the definition of enterprise and the architecture
scope were customized. In addition, the method phases and corresponding artifacts were
customized according to the availability of project resources and time, as well as the targets and
objectives of the project. These adaptations are detailed below:
• The definition of enterprise
The enterprise refers to the different value chain stakeholders that participate in the EM
provisioning process - the whole EM domain. This enterprise view includes cross-industry
participants, such as manufacturers, operators, vendors, service providers and
• The scope of the architecture segment
To keep it manageable, the scope of the architecture is focused on the provisioning
process, its participants and supporting assets. Thus topics related to the overall EM
business and architecture dimensions of business services and infrastructure technology
are excluded.
• The data collection approach (interviews)
For this project, the most suitable and manageable approach for interacting with the
relevant stakeholders was to use a number of structured interviews, as opposed to
undergo a larger number of individual interactions.
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• The target audience and context of the problem

The resulting reference diagrams served as input for this report, which is intended to be
used by the mobile industry and other parties interested in the SEAV approach to
provisioning. Thus, when building the reference diagrams it was important to keep the
terminology understandable, to take a neutral perspective (as opposed to the perspective
of a value-chain player) and to define a neutral level of granularity and abstraction.

A.1.3 Building the Reference Diagrams

While taking into account the considerations of the previous section, the project spanned three
phases: the interview work, the vision view work and the strategy view work phases. The
phases overlapped in time, following an iterative approach with intermediate quality
assessments for ensuring clarity and coherence.
In the interview phase, the main requirements and transformation drivers were gathered. This is
a critical success factor in the SEAV method, the involvement and input from the relevant
stakeholders is used as the main input for building the reference diagram views. The vision view
work phase consists of defining the goals and objectives, inducted from the transformation
drivers. The strategy view work defines the transition from vision to the visualized target state.
The following concept map depicts the workflow of the three SEAV phases of this study. Finally,
the last part of this section details the work done in each of these phases.

Figure 6 Concept Map (Sub-set of concepts used in the SEAV method)

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A.1.3.1 How the interviews were carried out

Executives from several mobile operators and vendor organizations were interviewed for this
study. In each interview, colleagues of the organization participated in an open dialog, guided
by a moderator from the SEAV team, with the support of a secretary and an EM expert. The
secretary made the annotations and asked for clarifications when required. The EM expert
asked more specific questions to obtain complementary information. Furthermore, to better
support the SEAV method, an interview framework was built to capture the main requirements
and transformation drivers for EM provisioning. The framework consisted of a generic
questionnaire, four tailored questionnaires and two tables for consolidating the interview results
and aggregating them into requirements and high-level requirements. All the three components
were managed with a knowledge base repository in a structured fashion.
First, preparation work was carried out to capture the problem statement aspects and to build a
generic questionnaire that spanned three main dimensions:
• the different steps of the EM provisioning process,
• the relevant set of supporting assets,
• and, the different perspectives of the stakeholders involved.
In addition, the questions were cross-checked to be relevant for the purposes of SEAV method
and the topics discussed within the GSMA.
Second, the customized questionnaires were built by extracting and adapting a set of 10 to 15
questions from the generic questionnaire, tailored to the company value chain role and
interviewee role. The criteria for this selection included keeping balance and relevancy of topics,
and optimizing the time available to perform the interview. Following the first interview,
subsequent interviews considered the lessons learned from previous interviews, reflecting the
iterative and incremental approach of the SEAV method.
And third, the procedure for analyzing the interview results was supported with two tables. One
table kept the statements that were captured during the interview, this served to make sure all
the information was considered. This table included a total of 275 entries, with references to the
interviewee and the question that was asked to be able to trace back the corresponding source.
The second table aggregated the rows in the first table in the form of requirements and
furthermore in high-level requirements. This table included a total of 30 requirements that were
further aggregated into 18 high-level requirements, which are presented as part of the next

A.1.3.2 How the vision view was built

The SEAV vision view work is based on best practices from strategic alignment [8] and
modeling [7]. It uses a categorization based on four perspectives. These key perspectives are
defined below:
• Business perspective: this reflects overall industry expectations for the provisioning
process in order for the EM business to mature more quickly.
• Stakeholder perspective: participants in today’s fragmented value chain comment on
the importance of collaboration.
• Asset perspective: addresses current and future asset investment requirements.
• Process perspective: this addresses EM provisioning operations with particular
emphasis on boundaries implied by “internal processes”. This perspective also highlights
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quality aspects that support the commercialization of EM services and the demand for
Using a bottom-up approach, the vision view work included the definition and alignment of the
following type of concepts:
• High Level Requirement - Using the table of 18 transformation requirements, an
assessment was made to decide whether it was a business objective, defining the
target state, or a business directive, governing the strategic transition [7].
• Business Objectives or Business Directive - Business objectives were included in the
vision view, and business directives were considered as part of the strategic transition in
the strategy view.
• Key Performance Indicator (KPI) - A mechanism used for validating well defined
business objectives was the definition of KPIs, which could also serve as a linking
mechanism for ensuring that transformation projects contribute to achieving the
• Business Goal – The next step was to induct a reduced set of goals covered the
complete set of objectives, and served as base to categorize them. These goals were the
main themes for defining the strategy in the next SEAV phase.
The following table summarizes the result of the vision view work, organized by the key
perspectives. The first column includes the set of business goals, indicating in parenthesis a key
word that was used as short identifier. The second column shows the 18 high level
requirements from the previous phase. These were analyzed and derived into business
objectives as shown in the third column. Finally, a sanity check was performed on the objectives
to define KPIs. Note, however, that some business directives do not have an associated KPI.

Business High Level Requirement Objectives or Directive KPI


Business Perspective

Service portfolio External integration with related Objective - Integration with Average time & cost
business processes inside and related business processes both for process
outside the own company. (..) inside and outside the own integration
Exposure of provisioning Objective - Provisioning process Cost of adaptations
capabilities and their supporting extendable to address diversity of and extensions
services to third parties. EM services cross-industry

Ability to switch the network and Directive - Look for open N/A
operator without swapping the technology ecosystem
Flexible support of business Directive - Flexible support of N/A
models, esp. B-2-B-2-C business models, esp. B-2-B-2-C

Stakeholder Perspective

Time-to-market Standards and COTS of Objective - Standard/COTS Average time & cost
provisioning products, including products capabilities, interfaces for launching new
their capabilities, interfaces and and protocols. service
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Business High Level Requirement Objectives or Directive KPI


Investments Reuse of existing business Objective - Reuse assets with Reuse grade
process run-time environment domain specific adaptations
with domain specific
Regulations Comply with (country-specific) Directive - Regulatory stipulations N/A
regulatory requirements compliance
regarding privacy, role
responsibilities and data
Build governance concept for Directive - Build governance N/A
EM provisioning concept for EM provisioning

Operational Perspective

Low-cost Automated: minimized manual Objective - Consolidated and Average total

steps by automated activation minimal manual interventions provisioning cost
of services. per device
Designed for cost (cost efficient Objective - Designed for cost
and optimized) (cost-optimized)
Internal integration: segment Objective - Internal integration or Waiting time
wise integration of modules with Straight through processing between processes
defined entry- and exit points

Performance- Scalable and high-performance Objective - Scalable and high # of devices being
scalable-reliable through modularity and performance by modular & provisioned per time
optimized blocks (..) reusable blocks frame

Operational flexibility regarding Objective - (Operational Number of

time and location (..) Flexibility) Activation independent dependencies
of time and location to/from other
Automated testing of devices Objective - Provisioning Process
and independent of subscription independent of related processes
Managing (flexible) service Directive - Flexible service profile N/A
profile attributes and flexible attributes and decoupled binding
binding of resources (..) of resources

Configurable provisioning Directive - Standard set of N/A

services: Have modular optimized provisioning profiles and
hierarchy or services, with their a configurable provisioning with
preconditions and restrictions. simplified interfaces

Asset Perspective

Security Secure access to embedded Objective - Maintain a secure Security

devices and SIM cards for end-to-end channel Certification
provisioning using standardized
interfaces and protocols
Managing role specific access Directive - Role specific access N/A
rights to embedded devices and rights
SIM cards
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Once all the information required to build the vision view had been obtained, the modeling task
was straightforward. The main layout was designed using the four main perspectives and
following a top-down approach, with the goals, objectives and KPIs placed in logical clusters as
per the strategy themes. The resulting diagram was included as part of chapter four of this
report, and it was the basis for the construction of the strategy view, as described below.

A.1.3.3 How the strategy view was built

For this study, the SEAV method ended with the strategy view phase and the corresponding
diagram. The strategy view diagram is the logical continuation of the vision view. This is
observed at two levels. On one hand, for each goal of the vision view diagram, one strategy was
defined to individually contribute strongly to the achievement of the corresponding goal. The
complete set of strategies (listed in chapter 4) constitutes the pillars of a consolidated
foundation for executing business transformation in EM provisioning. On the other hand,
strategic initiatives were drawn from the strategies, thus a strategy is a compound of more
concrete initiatives. Finally, strategic initiatives have a strong binding to the specific business
objectives, thus closing the loop as indicated by the green arrow in the concept map (at the
beginning of this section).
Having defined the supporting information, the next step to build strategy view was creating a
layout that reflected the strategy captured during this study, and described in chapter 4. For this
purpose, an analysis of the envisioned operating model was the approach, proposed by Ross,
J. et. al. [5]. As a result, the strategy view has two main sections, core processes and key
assets. These sections reflect an operating model based on the coordination of stakeholders, to
execute an integrated provisioning process, and to reuse the existing base of provisioning
assets after making the necessary adaptations for EM requirements.
Next, a number of alternatives were proposed to produce an arrangement of processes and
assets that best reflected the strategies and linked to the vision. This required several iterations
to refine the strategy view elements, symbols, colors and terminology. The final version of
strategy view diagram (included in chapter 4) was obtained taking into consideration criteria
such as clarity, coherence and completeness. Finally, the strategy view diagram was completed
by depicting each strategy initiative in the corresponding section, either explicitly or implicitly.
The table included in chapter 4 summarizes the set of initiatives and how they are shown in the
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B References
(Given web links were valid on January 5, 2011)

[1] Zachman Enterprise Framework. Available at

[2] The Open Group Architecture Framework. Available at
[3] TM Forum Frameworx. Available at
[4] Department of Defense Architecture Framework. Available at
[5] Enterprise Architecture as strategy: Creating a foundation for execution. Ross, Jeanne W.,
Well, Peter & Robertson, David C. Harvard Business School Press,2006. ISBN 1-59139-
[6] Embedded Mobile Whitepaper Embedded Mobile Guidelines,Version 1.0, GSMA, March
2010. Available at
[7] The Business Motivation Model: Business Governance in a Volatile World. Release 1.3,
The Business Rules Group, September 2007. Available at
[8] Strategy maps: Converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes. Kaplan, Robert S., &
Norton, David P., Harvard Business School Press (2004). ISBN: 1-59139-134-2.
30/30 Business Transformation of Report
the Provisioning Process for January 14, 2011
Embedded Mobile

Copyright 2011 Nokia Siemens Networks.

All rights reserved.

C Abbreviations
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
B-2-B Business-to-Business
B-2-C Business-to-Consumer
BD Business Directive
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
EA Enterprise Architecture
EM Embedded Mobile
EMP Embedded Mobile Programme
GAA Generic Authentication Architecture
GBA Generic Bootstrapping Architecture
GSMA GSM Association
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IT Information Technology
KPI Key Performance Indicator
M2M Machine-to-Machine
NSN Nokia Siemens Networks
OTA Over the Air
QoS Quality of Service
SEAV Service Provider Enterprise Architecture Vision
SI Strategic Initiative
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SLA Service Level Agreement
TOGAF The Open Group Architecture Framework
UICC Universal Integrated Circuit Card

D List of Authors

Nokia Siemens Networks

Harald Bender, Gerald Lehmann, Janne Parantainen, Markus Staufer, Marcos Tong.

Review and comments provided by:

Ken Figueredo, Ventura Team
Svetlana Grant, GSMA Association

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