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Augmenting Compatibility and Competition by

Enabling Service Switching (ACCESS) Act

Section-by-Section Summary
Section 1 – Short Title
Section 2 – Definitions
 Commission
 Communications Provider
 Competing Communications Provider
 Competing Communications Service
 Custodial Third-Party Agent
 Interoperability Interface
 Large Communications Platform
 Large Communications Platform Provider
 User Data
Section 3- Portability
 Large communications platform providers – i.e. providers operating communications
platforms with over 100 million monthly active users in the U.S. – must operate
transparent, third-party accessible interfaces that allow users to safely transfer their data
(directly to the user or to a competing communications provider acting at the direct of a
 Competing providers that receive ported data must properly secure ported data
 Products or services that do not generate income from the collection, use, or sharing of
user data are exempt from the Act’s portability obligation
Section 4 – Interoperability
 Large communications platform providers must operate transparent, third-party
accessible interfaces (“interoperability interfaces”) that facilitate and maintain compatible
communications with competing providers
 Competing providers that receive data through an interoperability interface must properly
secure all data accessed via that interface
 The bill sets forth terms of service under which a large communications platform
provider must maintain interoperability, including:
o non-discrimination, by which a platform provider must facilitate interoperability
based on fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory terms
o reasonable fees and access terms, by which a platform can:
 establish reasonable thresholds on the frequency, nature, and volume of
requests, including assessing a reasonable fee for such access
 establish reasonable usage expectations to govern access by competing
 provide advanced public notice of any fees, penalties, or usage
expectations associated with access (or changes) to an interoperability
o privacy and security standards, which a platform provider must set consistent with
industry best practices, as well as an obligation to report suspected violations to
the Federal Trade Commission
o prohibiting changes to interfaces, or to terms of use, which would undermine
interoperability by competing communications services
 If a large communications platform provider uses an interoperability interface between its
own platforms and services, it must offer an equivalent interface to competitors
 In the context of communications between a user of a large communications platform
provider and a user of a competing communication provider, neither provider may
collect, use or share the data associated with the other service provider’s users
 Products or services that do not generate income from the collection, use, or sharing of
user data are exempt from the interoperability obligation
Section 5 – Delegatability
 Users of a large communications platform may delegate the management of their online
interactions, content, and account settings to a custodial third-party agent
 The FTC must establish rules to authenticate access by custodial third-party agents
 Custodial third-party agents must register with the FTC and abide by a list of rules
governing their access to large communications platforms. If custodial third-party agents
do not, they are subject to a range of penalties, including revocation of access rights
 Custodial third-party agents:
o must reasonably safeguard the privacy and security of any user data provided by a
user or accessed on a user’s behalf
o may not collect, use, or share user data for the commercial benefit of the custodial
third-party agent
o do not gain greater access rights than the user has to a large communications
platform, and
o cannot access or manage user’s online interactions in any way that:
 benefits the third-party agent and harms the user,
 will result in foreseeable harm to the user, or
 is inconsistent with the directions or reasonable expectations of the user
Section 6 – Implementation and Enforcement
 The FTC must promulgate regulations no later than 1 year after the enactment date
 No later than 180 days after enactment, the FTC, in consultation with industry
stakeholders, shall establish rules for verifying user portability and interoperability
 No later than 180 days after enactment, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology must develop and publish model technical standards for interoperability
among popular services, including:
o online messaging,
o multimedia sharing, and
o social networking
 Large communications providers who maintain interoperability through open standards,
such as those established by NIST, are entitled to a rebuttable presumption of providing
access on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms
 The FTC must regularly assess compliance by large communications platform providers
 The FTC will establish procedures so users and competing platform providers may file
complaints alleging that a large communications provider, competing provider, or third-
party agent has violated this Act
 The FTC is empowered to treat violations of the Act as violations of a rule defining an
unfair or deceptive act or practice – allowing the FTC to directly assess fines or related
penalties for violations
 The Act shall supersede conflicting state laws and regulations
Section 7 – Relation to Other Laws
Nothing in the Act modifies, limits, or supersedes the operation of any privacy or security
provision in—
 the Privacy Act of 1974;
 the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978;
 the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act;
 the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998;
 title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act;
 chapters 119, 123, and 206 of title 18, United States Code;
 the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974;
 section 445 of the General Education Provisions Act;
 the Privacy Protection Act of 1980;
 the regulations promulgated under section 264(c) of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C. 1320d–2 note), as those regulations relate to—
o a person described in section 1172(a) of the Social Security Act; or
o transactions referred to in section 1173(a)(1) of the Social Security Act;
 the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act;
 sections 222 and 227 of the Communications Act of 1934; or
 any other privacy or security provision of Federal law

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