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Certified HR Associate

World Academy for Research & Development has gladly launched this global
standard HR Certification program in partnership with HR Educators’
Association, Philippine
Certified HR Associate [CHRA]
Certified HR Associate [CHRA]

The field of Human Resources are getting more and more importance in the Corporate world in
Bangladesh. Now a days all organizations are interested to have independent HR department. Even the
HR professionals are also being invited and incorporated in different business issues and decisions. So
the opportunity of HR professionals are increasing day by day.
Considering this issue Human Resource Educators’ Association, Philippine & WARD-Bangladesh are
introducing market demanded complete course for being competent in HR function. This course will give
the participants adequate knowledge in different section of HR, updated Tools and Techniques for
performing HR functions, readily available formats [soft copy] for using day to day operation, scope for
sharing with Industry experts.

This course has been designed on 5 Competencies for making young HR professionals competent and
standard practitioner.

After attending the session, participants will:

1. Internationally recognized Professional Certification
2. Feel confident to face Interview Board
3. Feel competent in performing their jobs
4. Be updated about the Modern Practices of HR
5. Be skilled in using updated tools and formats in HR Operations
6. Be resourceful by having some reference material and formats
7. Be able to connect through network
8. Have a valued Certificate which can be mentioned in the CV

Competency Framework: Registration:

 Personal Mastery
 Interpersonal Relationship Cell: +8801753881177
 Functional Expertise
 Documentation & Reporting Excellence
[email protected]
 Fast Learning & Future Potentiality
Brief Contents
Module-1: HR as Profession and Career in HR
 Functions of HR
 Organizational structure
 Role of HR Department
 HR Networking
 HR Terminology
 Career in HR: Past-Present-Future
 Personal Mastery as HR Professional
 Interpersonal Credibility II Cell: 01753881177 II [email protected]

Certified HR Associate [CHRA]
Module-2: Interview for HR career and its preparation
 Preparation for Interview
 Sector-wise difference in Interview preparation
 Resume for HR Career
 Facing Interview: Tips and Tricks
 Negotiation for Terms and condition in the interview board

Module-3: First 90 days in office

 Challenges for first 90 days at office for fresher
 Challenges for first 90 days for experienced people
 Action plan for first 90 days
 Building Relationship with colleague
 Building relationship with Management/ Reporting Boss

Module- 4: HR Planning
 Concept of HR Planning
 Importance of HR Planning
 Mostly used Methods of HR Planning
 Tools & Techniques of HR Planning

Module- 5: Job Analysis

 Basic about Job Analysis
 Components of Job Analysis
 Procedures and Tools for Job Analysis
 Job Analysis information collection methods
 Writing Job Description and Job Specification

Module- 6: Recruitment, Selection & Placement

 Standard Recruitment Process
 Sources of Recruitment
 Selection Methods: Interviewing and Testing
 Documentation regarding Recruitment & Selection
 Tools & Formats used in Recruitment & Selection
 Joining Formalities
 After joining communication
 Preparation of Personal File
 Employee Socialization
 Importance of Induction and Placement

Module- 7: Performance Management System

 Importance of Performance Management
 Methods of Performance Appraisal
 Tools & format used in Performance Appraisal
 Steps in Performance Appraisal II Cell: 01753881177 II [email protected]

Certified HR Associate [CHRA]
 Summary of Performance Appraisal
 Documentation for Performance Appraisal

Module- 8: Training & Development

 Modern Approaches of Training and Development
 Training Need Assessment
 Role & Function of Training Coordinator
 Pre-during-post training activities
 Documentation of Training
 Training Reporting

Modue-9: Compensation & Benefit Management

 Types of compensation benefits
 Payroll format & its design
 Different incentive plan
 Salary Certificate
 Bank Account Opening & other Banking communication
 Documentation regarding Compensation

Module-10: Basic about Labor Law, HRIS & Disciplinary Procedure

 Basic Clauses about Labor Law
 Concept of HRIS
 Importance in HRIS
 HRIS Practice in Bangladesh
 Disciplinary procedure as per law

Module-11: Leave Management

 Types of Leave
 Clause related with Leave
 Leave approval process
 Leave form
 Leave Register/ data
 Maternity leave calculation
 Earn Leave Calculation
 Medical Leave documentation
 Leave Reporting

Module-12: Attendance Management

 Daily attendance record
 Attendance Register
 Working hour
 Attendance System
 Attendance Record keeping
 Attendance Monitoring II Cell: 01753881177 II [email protected]

Certified HR Associate [CHRA]
 Attendance Reporting
 Over Time Management

Module-13: Personal File Management

 Personal File preparation and update
 Documents for Personal File
 Maintenance of Personal File
 Employee information update in software or employee database

Module-14: HR Communication
 Initiate Note/Memo/Circular
 Write letter
 Prepare different Bill/ Voucher/ Document etc
 Checking of different documents

Module-15: Customer Support:

 Customer Centric Mentality
 Customer Focused Behavior
 Customer Friendly Process
 ID Card/Visiting Card management
 Sim card/ Mobile set management
 Employee Group Insurance Management
 Stationary, IT Accessory, Email, Internet facility management

Module-16: Information Management

 Receiving Information
 Filtering Information
 Molding Information
 Absorbing Information
 Sharing Information
 Documenting Information

Module-17: Documentation & Reporting

 Types of reporting
 Reporting Formats
 Report Analysis
 Software Data entry

Target Participants:
1. Fresh Graduate looking for HR Job
2. Working in HR [0-2 years]
3. Midlevel cross functional people II Cell: 01753881177 II [email protected]

Certified HR Associate [CHRA]
Type Test Detail Marks
Short type 5 @ 2 lectures 150
Assignment/Activity 5 @ 50 Marks 250
Final Exam 2 hour 100
Total 500
After successful completion of the course and examination, the participants will be awarded Certified
Human Resource Associate [CHRA] jointly by HR Educators’ Association Philippine & WARD.

Program Administration:
Total Duration: 4 Months
Method: Fully Online

Assessment Areas:
1. Clarity about Concept: Clear understanding about different functional area of HR
2. Understanding Method/ Process: Clear understanding about different process and procedure of
different functions of HR
3. Capability to implement the learning: Capacity to apply learning in different practical areas in
4. Capability to transfer the learning: To make other people understand about different functions
of HR
5. Capability to analyze the challenges & overcome those: Analyze and overcome the challenges
for implementing different HR functions smoothly in the organization
Pre-requisite: Graduate

Pre course Activity:

1. Self Assessment
2. Self study of article and materials to clear the concept
Post Course Activity: Assignment, Awareness Presentation, Application Action Plan
Fees: Regular: USD 275 [Special rate: USD 195]
Assessment Method:
 Post Course Examination
 Post Course Assignment & Presentation

Contact for Registrtion: or [email protected] or [email protected]
Cell: +8801753881177 [GSM/Viber/Whatsapp] II Cell: 01753881177 II [email protected]

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