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Filing # 97028775 E-Filed 10/10/2019 10:49:30 AM





CARMELO DE GRAZIA, an individual,

LEVIN DE GRAZIA, an individual, and
BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC a Florida limited
liability company,


v., an anonymous website;, an anonymous website;
expresa_me, an anonymous website;
an individual, CESAR GONZALEZ, an
individual, and GERARDO JOSE GILS
DAMS, an individual,



Plaintiffs, CARMELO DE GRAZIA, an individual, LEVIN DE GRAZIA, an

individual, and BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC, a Florida limited liability company, sue

Defendants,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous

website,, an anonymous website, ANGELICA BIANCO a/k/a ANGIE PEREZ,

an individual, CESAR GONZALEZ, an individual, and GERARDO JOSE GILS DAMS, an

individual for injunctive relief and damages, and alleges:


1. This is an action for injunctive relief and for damages in excess of $15,000.00,

exclusive of interest, costs, and attorney’s fees.

2. Plaintiff, CARMELO DE GRAZIA is an adult individual residing in Caracas,

Venezuela and otherwise sui juris. Plaintiff C. de Grazia is an owner and operator of several

restaurants in South and Central Florida operating under the name “Bocas House”. Plaintiff C.

de Grazia is not a public figure.

3. Plaintiff, LEVIN DE GRAZIA is an adult individual residing in Miami-Dade

County, Florida and otherwise sui juris. Plaintiff L. de Grazia is an owner and operator of

several restaurants in South and Central Florida operating under the name “Bocas House”.

Plaintiff L. de Grazia is not a public figure.

4. Plaintiff, BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC (“Bocas Group”) is a Florida limited

liability company, with its principal place of businesses in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Bocas

Group is the ultimate owner of several restaurants in South and Central Florida. Bocas Group is

also the owner of the trademark identified as:

(the “Trademarked Image”).

5. Defendant is an internet page run by an anonymous person or

groups of persons for the purpose of disseminating information regarding Venezuelan politics

and Venezuelan citizens. Defendant was created on April 19, 2019. Its

dissemination of information is not limited to public figures. Upon information and belief, is owned and/or controlled by Defendant Dams.

6. Defendant is an internet page run by an anonymous person or

groups of persons for the purpose of disseminating information regarding Venezuelan politics

and Venezuelan citizens. Defendant was created on May 20, 2019. Its

dissemination of information is not limited to public figures. Upon information and belief, is owned and/or controlled by Defendant Dams.

7. Defendant is an internet page run by an anonymous person or groups

of persons for the purpose of disseminating information regarding Venezuelan politics and

Venezuelan citizens. Defendant was created in April 2019. Its dissemination of

information is not limited to public figures. Upon information and belief, is owned

and/or controlled by Defendant Dams.

8. Defendant ANGELICA BIANCO a/k/a ANGIE PEREZ is an adult individual

residing in Miami Dade County, Florida, is otherwise sui juris, and is subject to this Court’s

personal jurisdiction. Defendant Perez owns and operates an Instagram® page identified as

@angieepereztv and boasts of having approximately 400,000 followers. Defendant Perez claims

to be a Venezuelan journalist, blogger and interpreter. However, Defendant Perez is more well-

known for using her public Instagram® profile to unjustly accuse Venezuelan citizens of being


9. Defendant, CESAR GONZALEZ, (“Gonzalez”) is an adult individual, residing

in Miami-Dade County, is otherwise sui juris, and is subject to this Court’s personal jurisdiction.

Prior to 2018, Gonzalez was a part owner in the restaurants owned by Plaintiff Bocas Group and

operated by the individual Plaintiffs. Prior to January 2018, Gonzalez was also the co-manager

of Bocas House Coral Gables, one of the restaurants owned by Plaintiff Bocas Group and

operated by the individual Plaintiffs. Gonzalez is better known as “Co_cinero”. 1

10. Defendant, GERARDO JOSE GILS DAMS (“Dams”) is an adult individual,

residing in Miami-Dade County, is otherwise sui juris, and is subject to this Court’s personal

jurisdiction. Dams operates and/or controls a series of web pages which publish unsupported

and untruthful claims about Venezuelan ex-patriates among others.

11. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants pursuant to Section 48.193,

Fla. Stat because Defendants reside in Florida, committed the acts alleged herein with the State

of Florida and/or engaged in substantial and not isolated activity within this State, where such

In or around late 2018, Defendant Gonzalez was bought out of the Bocas House restaurant enterprise and relieved
of all his duties due to his fraudulent conduct as set forth in the complaint captioned, Bocas House of Coral Gables,
LLC, a Florida limited liability company, et al. v. Gonzalez, 11th Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County,
Florida, Case No. 2019-029718-CA-01.
activity is wholly interstate, intrastate or otherwise, and are therefore subject to the jurisdiction of

the courts of this state, whether or not the claim arose from that activity, and/or because

Defendants have submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of this Court.

12. Venue is proper in Miami-Dade County, Florida because it is where the cause of

action accrued and where the defendants reside.


A. Plaintiffs create Bocas Food Group and the Bocas House Concept

13. In or around November 2014, L. de Grazia and Gonzalez began discussing the

possibility of opening and operating a series of restaurants throughout Florida. The restaurants

would serve Latin American contemporary food based upon traditional Latin American cooking,

colors, roots, aromas and ingredients. The restaurants would be marketed to the Venezuelan ex-

patriate community in South and Central Florida.

14. As a result, on or about 2015 the first Bocas Group restaurant was opened in

Miami, Florida.

15. The restaurant enjoyed great success and led to the opening of similar restaurants

throughout South and Central Florida.

16. As of the filing of this complaint, Bocas Group operates restaurants in Doral,

Miami (Brickell), Weston, Coral Gables and Orlando, Florida.

B. Defendant Gonzalez Commits Fraud and is Bought Out of Bocas Group’s

Enterprise and Removed as a Manager of the Operating Entities
17. As part of the Bocas Food Group business plan, and based upon his experience in

marketing, Plaintiffs and Defendant Gonzalez agreed that Defendant Gonzalez would be

responsible for all traditional and digital marketing related to Bocas Group.

18. In that capacity, Gonzalez coordinated the social media based advertisement for

Boca Group.

19. For example, Gonzalez would design and control the content advertised on

Facebook®, for which Facebook charges the customer (i.e. Bocas Group) a monthly amount

depending on how many “likes” are received with respect to the advertisement.

20. Gonzalez would then forward the Facebook® invoices to Bocas Group for


21. Gonzalez performed in accordance with the Bocas Group business plan for

calendar years 2015, 2016 and 2017.

22. However, in or around November 2017, Bocas Group discovered that the invoices

being presented by Gonzalez as the costs for the social media campaign were not accurate and

were actually inflated by Gonzalez for submission to Bocas Group.

23. Bocas Group’s investigation of the inflated invoices revealed that Gonzalez had

been intentionally altering invoices since 2015 in order to steal funds from Bocas Group.

24. As a result, in January 2018, Gonzalez was bought out and removed from Bocas


C. Defendants Commence Their Defamatory Campaign Against Bocas Food Group

and its Owners
25. On August 30, 2019, Defendant launched an article titled

“Restaurant Property of Carmelo, Horacio and Levin de Grazia Serves as a Money Launderer In


26. On the same date, Defendant, through its Twitter® account

@UltimaHora24 published said article and accompanied the post with the Trademarked Image.

See Exhibit A

27. The statements contained in the article and Twitter® posting

are false.

28. The statements made by Defendant are published on various

internet sites and are open to the general public to read.

29. The next day, Defendant Perez published on her Instagram® page a link to an

article with the headline: “Carmelo, Horacio and Levin de Grazia Utilize Chain of Restaurants to

Launder Money of Narcochavistas”. See Exhibit B. Defendant Perez then proceeded to

comment on her own post, labeling Plaintiffs as criminals and claiming that the only reason

Plaintiffs’ business was successful was because they were laundering money.

30. The very same day, Defendant Perez published on her Instagram page® a picture

of a Learjet, stating that it was the private aircraft of L. de Grazia and located at the Opa Locka

airport. See Exhibit C. Defendant Perez continued to state that the plane was registered to an

entity in Delaware and described Delaware as a “fiscal paradise.”

31. The statements contained in Defendant Perez’s Instagram® postings are false.

32. The statements made by Defendant Perez are published on various internet sites

and are open to the general public to read.

33. Shortly thereafter, Defendant published links to the posts

created by its co-defendants in order to create internet traffic to the articles and their defamatory

and extortionate content. See Exhibit D. also proceeded to publish parts of the article into other articles and agree with the reports. Id.

34. The statements made by are false.

35. The statements made by are published on various internet site

and are open to the general public to read.

36. Shortly thereafter, Defendant published links to the posts created by

its co-defendants in order to create internet traffic to the articles and their defamatory and

extortionate content. also proceeded to publish parts of the article

into other articles and agree with the reports. Id.

37. The statements made by are false.

38. The statements made by are published on various internet site and are

open to the general public to read

39. The unsubstantiated and false allegations made by Defendants were picked up by

several alleged news organizations including but not limited to the following Twitter® accounts:

@BTeamhdp; @Annieumis, @abogadosvenezu1, @angiepereztv, @ThePinguinHDP,

@pepueblo, @raulchorin, @URlibre , @expresa_me and @ultimahora24_ among others.

D. Defendants’ Extortionate Campaign is Revealed

40. On September 2, 2019, L. de Grazia received a message from an unknown person

(Witness #1) stating that another individual could resolve and remove all references throughout

the internet to any allegation that Plaintiffs were money launderers or otherwise involved with

the Venezuelan Government.

41. On the same date, L. de Grazia made contact with the individual referred to by

Witness #1 aa the person who could resolve these issues. During said conversation, Witness #2

proceeded to state that he could control the release of defamatory statements and make sure that

no further articles, statements or posts about Plaintiffs were made. Witness #2 assured L. de

Grazia that if Plaintiffs agreed to pay the sum of $70,000, Witness #2 would erase all defamatory

content about Plaintiffs from the World Wide Web.

42. In an effort to discover the root of the defamatory campaign, on September 3,

2019, L. de Grazia advised Witness #2 that the payment of $70,0000 had been approved by

Plaintiffs. L. de Grazia requested details regarding how to make the payment and was advised

by Witness #2 that a third person would make contact in order to coordinate the payment

43. Shortly thereafter, a third person (Witness #3) made contact with L. de Grazia

and provided wire coordinates for a bank account in Miami, Florida.

44. On September 3, 2019, the funds were transferred to the bank account.

45. The very same day, the individual Plaintiffs requested a meeting with Witness #2

in Caracas, Venezuela to discuss the steps for removing the defamatory statements. The

individual Plaintiffs also sought to obtain information regarding the extortionate and defamatory

campaign launched against them. C. de Grazia attended said meeting in person, as did Witness

#2 and Witness #3.

46. During said meeting, Witness #2 disclosed that the entire defamatory campaign

had been created and funded by Defendant Gonzalez. Witness #2 provided proof of same by

showing C. de Grazia a series of messages by and between Gonzalez and other members of the

defamatory and extortionate conspiracy. The messages included a draft of the defamatory
statements to be made. The draft is wholly consistent with the information published by

Defendants through multiple internet based media, including but not limited to Twitter®,

Instagram®, and Facebook®.

47. During the meeting, Witness #2 called Defendant Dams to inform Defendant

Dams that Plaintiffs had made the payment and that Defendant Dams could remove the

defamatory content from all web pages, Twitter® accounts, Instagram® pages and Facebook®

pages operated and/or managed and/or controlled by Defendant Dams.

48. Defendant Dams agreed to remove the defamatory content and prevent any future


E. The Defamatory Campaign Continues

49. Despite Defendant Dams’ agreement, the defamatory campaign led by Defendant

Gonzalez continued.

50. On October 5, 2019, Defendant Perez published on her Instagram® page a series

of pictures, including one representing the opening of Bocas Group Weston location. See

Exhibit E. Defendant Perez then proceeded to comment on her own post that a certain former

Venezuelan judge had purchased a franchise of the Bocas Group and was an associate of L. de


51. The statements contained in Defendant Perez’s September 12th Instagram® posts

are false.

52. The statements made by Defendant Perez are published on various internet sites

and are open to the general public to read.

F. Plaintiffs and Their Business is Marketed to and Relies Upon a Venezuelan

Customer Base
53. Plaintiffs’ business relies heavily on the Venezuelan ex-patriates currently

residing in Florida.

54. Plaintiffs’ advertisements and publicity are mainly aimed at the Venezuelan ex-

patriates residing in Florida.

55. Defendants’ defamatory campaign, commenced during the last quarter of 2019 is

intended to disrupt the Plaintiff’s business during the height of the season.

56. As a result of Defendants’ defamatory campaign, Plaintiffs’ business has suffered

a 30% downturn in the locations operated in cities with a significant Venezuelan population, to

wit: Miami (Brickell), Orlando Weston and Doral.

57. Defendants’ goal is to cause Plaintiffs to suffer irreparable harm to their business,

their reputations and to their advantageous business relations, and to be placed in a state of fear

so they will pay Defendants to leave them alone.

58. Plaintiffs have retained the undersigned attorneys to represent them in this action

and are obligated to pay them reasonable fees in exchange for their services.

59. All conditions precedent to bringing this action have occurred, have been waived,

or have been otherwise satisfied.

60. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 59

as set forth full herein.

61. At the times material, Plaintiffs were not public figures.

62. Defendants published false, libelous and unprivileged statements about Plaintiffs

to a third parties, to wit: Defendants published a series of false, libelous and unprivileged

statements on their social media and/or on web pages owned and/or controlled by Defendants

that described Plaintiffs as money launderers and conspirators in aiding and abetting the

violation of U.S. Department of Treasury sanctions.

63. Defendants also published false, libelous and unprivileged statements and remarks

about Plaintiffs regarding their business and commercial activities.

64. Defendants also urged third parties to cease and desist from conducting business

with Plaintiffs.

65. The false and malicious statements posted by Defendants are published on

various internet site and are open to the general public to read.

66. The false, libelous and unprivileged statements about Plaintiffs have the tendency

to injure Plaintiffs in their trade or profession and subject Plaintiffs to hatred, distrust, ridicule

contempt or disgrace.

67. Defendants’ statement are false.

68. Defendants’ statements constitute defamation per se.

69. As a result of Defendants’ defamation per se, Plaintiffs have suffered and

continue to suffer damages.

70. Further, Defendants’ actions are intentional, willful, wanton, malicious, and

performed with a reckless disregard for Plaintiffs’ rights and, therefore, Plaintiffs reserve the

right to amend this complaint to seek punitive damages against Defendants pursuant to Section

768.72, Fla. Stat.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, CARMELO DE GRAZIA, an individual, LEVIN DE

GRAZIA, an individual, and BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC, a Florida limited liability

company, respectfully requests that this Court enter judgment against Defendants,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous website, ANGELICA BIANCO a/k/a ANGIE PEREZ, an

individual, CESAR GONZALEZ, an individual, and GERARDO JOSE GIL DAMS, an

individual for compensatory damages, costs, and interest and such other further relief or recovery

this Court deems just and proper.

71. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 59

as set forth full herein.

72. At the times material, Plaintiffs were not public figures.

73. Defendants published false and defamatory statements about Plaintiffs to third

parties, to wit: Defendants published a series of false statements on their social media and/or on

web pages owned and/or controlled by Defendants that described Plaintiffs as enemies of the

Venezuelan people and business associates of well-known Chavista politicians. These

statements were reproduced by several Twitter® accounts, including but not limited to

@BTeamhdp; @Annieumis, @abogadosvenezu1, @angiepereztv, @ThePinguinHDP,

@pepueblo, @raulchorin, @URlibre , @expresa_me and @ultimahora24_ among others.

74. Defendants’ statement are false and were false when made and Defendant knew

that the statements were false at the time they were published or Defendants made the statements

with reckless disregard for their truth or falsity and with reckless disregard for their adverse

effect on Plaintiffs’ reputation and/or their business and/or their commercial activities.

75. As a matter of fact, Defendants published said statements at the urging and

instruction of Defendant Gonzalez, who Defendants knew or should have known had been

removed from Plaintiffs’ business due to his fraudulent conduct.

76. Defendants’ false and defamatory statements were made intentionally and were

designed to bring Plaintiffs’ business reputation into disrepute.

77. The false and malicious statements posted by Defendants are published on various

internet site and are open to the general public to read.

78. As a result of Defendants’ actions Plaintiffs have suffered and continue to suffer


79. Further, Defendants’ actions were intentional, willful, wanton, malicious, and

performed with a reckless disregard for Plaintiffs’ rights and, therefore, Plaintiffs reserve the

right to amend this complaint to seek punitive damages against Defendants pursuant to Section

768.72, Fla. Stat.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, CARMELO DE GRAZIA, an individual, LEVIN DE

GRAZIA, an individual, and BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC, a Florida limited liability

company, respectfully requests that this Court enter judgment against Defendants,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous website,

35880306.1, an anonymous website, ANGELICA BIANCO a/k/a ANGIE PEREZ, an

individual, CESAR GONZALEZ, an individual, and GERARDO JOSE GIL DAMS, an

individual for actual and compensatory damages, costs, and interest and such other further relief

or recovery this Court deems just and proper.

80. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 59

as set forth full herein.

81. Plaintiffs have advantageous business relationships with customers for the sale of

food and beverages at multiple locations in South and Central, Florida. The crux of Plaintiffs’

business is aimed at the Venezuelan ex-patriate community.

82. Defendants knew of the existence of these advantageous business relationships.

83. Defendants have intentionally and without justification interfered with Plaintiffs’

business relationships through their social media campaign and postings on web pages owned

and/or controlled by Defendants. Defendants have urged multiple persons to stay away from

Plaintiffs’ businesses.

84. As a result of Defendants’ actions, Plaintiffs have suffered and continue to suffer


85. Further, Defendants’ actions were intentional, willful, wanton, malicious, and

performed with a reckless disregard for Plaintiffs’ rights and therefore, Plaintiffs reserve the right

to amend this complaint to seek punitive damages against Defendants pursuant to Section

768.72, Fla. Stat.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, CARMELO DE GRAZIA, an individual, LEVIN DE

GRAZIA, an individual, and BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC, a Florida limited liability

company, respectfully requests that this Court enter judgment enter judgment against

Defendants,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous

website,, an anonymous website, ANGELICA BIANCO a/k/a ANGIE PEREZ,

an individual, CESAR GONZALEZ, an individual, and GERARDO JOSE GIL DAMS, an

individual for actual and compensatory damages, costs, and interest and such other further relief

or recovery this Court deems just and proper.

86. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 59

as set forth full herein.

87. Defendants have been interfering and continue to interfere with Plaintiffs’

advantageous business relationships

88. Plaintiffs will suffer immediate and irreparable damage not adequately

compensable at law unless this Court grants preliminary and permanent relief enjoining and

restraining Defendants (and any other person or entity acting on their behalf or in conjunction

with Defendants) from posting any content on the websites and/or social media that tortiously

interferes with Plaintiffs’ advantageous business relationships, (b) ordering Defendants to

remove from their websites and social media, all content regarding Plaintiffs that is defamatory

and/or constitutes tortious interference; and (c) ordering Defendants to instruct all websites and

social media that are reposting and or hosting Defendants’ defamatory content regarding to

remove said content.

89. The harm to Plaintiffs if injunctive relief is not entered outweighs any harm to

Defendants that an injunction may cause to Defendants.

90. Such injunctive relief, if issued, will not disserve the public interest but, to the

contrary, will serve the public interest by ensuring that Defendants cease engaging in unlawful


WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, CARMELO DE GRAZIA, an individual, LEVIN DE

GRAZIA, an individual, and BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC, a Florida limited liability

company, respectfully requests that this Court enter judgment as follows:

(a) preliminary and permanent injunctive relief directing Defendants,

35880306.1, an anonymous website,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous website, ANGELICA BIANCO a/k/a ANGIE PEREZ, an

individual, CESAR GONZALEZ, an individual, and GERARDO JOSE GIL DAMS, an

individual, to (i) immediately remove any statements that tortiously interfere with Plaintiffs’

advantageous business relationships from web pages, Twitter® accounts, Instagram® pages and

Facebook® pages operated and/or managed and/or controlled by any of the Defendants; (ii)

immediately cease and desist from posting any statements that tortiously interfere with

Plaintiffs’ advantageous business relationships on web pages, Twitter® accounts, Instagram®

pages and Facebook® pages operated and/or managed and/or controlled by any of the

Defendants and (iii) immediately instruct all websites and social media that are reposting and or

hosting Defendants’ defamatory content regarding Plaintiffs and their business to remove said

content; and

(b) awarding such other further relief or recovery this Court deems just and proper.

91. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 59

as set forth full herein.

92. Defendants have, by concerted action, acted to accomplish an unlawful purpose or

to accomplish a lawful purpose by unlawful means.

93. Specifically, Defendants have worked together to create and publish a series of

false, libelous and unprivileged statements and remarks about Plaintiffs which attribute criminal

activity to Plaintiffs and cause damage to Plaintiffs and their business.

94. Defendants have also worked together to create and publish a series of false,

libelous and unprivileged statements and remarks about Plaintiffs regarding their business and

commercial activities in order to cause damages to Plaintiffs and their business.

95. Defendants are pursuing this unlawful goal in an effort to destroy Plaintiffs’

business and/or to unlawfully extract money from Plaintiffs in order to make Defendants’ stop

their campaign.

96. Defendants have committed overt acts in furtherance of their conspiracy by

publishing the posts, disseminating the posts on multiple web pages, and employing search

engine optimization techniques that result in their posts being predominately listed on a search

for Plaintiffs on the World Wide Web. Defendants have also committed overt acts in furtherance

of their conspiracy by ensuring that their posts are available to the general public and to those

with whom Plaintiffs have advantageous business relations. Defendants have also committed

overt acts in furtherance of their conspiracy by demanding money from Plaintiffs in order to stop

their campaign.

97. As a result of Defendants’ actions Plaintiffs have suffered and continue to suffer


98. Further, Defendants’ actions were intentional, willful, wanton, malicious, and

performed with a reckless disregard for Plaintiffs’ rights and, therefore, Plaintiffs reserve the

right to amend this complaint to seek punitive damages against Defendants pursuant to Section

768.72, Fla. Stat.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, CARMELO DE GRAZIA, an individual, LEVIN DE

GRAZIA, an individual, and BOCAS FOOD GROUP LLC, a Florida limited liability

company, respectfully requests that this Court enter judgment against Defendants,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous website,, an anonymous website, ANGELICA BIANCO a/k/a ANGIE PEREZ, an

individual, CESAR GONZALEZ, an individual, and GERARDO JOSE GIL DAMS, an

individual for compensatory damages, costs, and interest and such other further relief or

recovery this Court deems just and proper.


Plaintiffs demand a jury on all issues so triable.

Dated: October 10, 2019

Counsel for Plaintiffs
200 S. Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 3600
Miami, Florida 33131
Telephone: 305-374-3330
Facsimile: 305-374-4744
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]

By: /s/Hilda Piloto

Hilda Piloto
Florida Bar No. 0154120


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