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The Edaphic Factor in the Origin of Plant Species

Article  in  International Geology Review · May 2004

DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.46.5.471


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1 author:

Nishanta Rajakaruna
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo


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International Geology Review, Vol. 46, 2004, p. 471–478.
Copyright © 2004 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Edaphic Factor in the Origin of Plant Species

Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-5020


Although speciation has been a central focus in evolutionary biology for more than a century,
there are very few case studies where we have a good understanding of the exact forces that may have
acted in the diversification of a group of organisms. In order to examine such forces, botanists have
often focused on closely related plants that are found under contrasting soil conditions. The study of
such edaphically differentiated plants has provided valuable insight to the role of natural selection
in evolution. This paper discusses several key studies that have appeared in the literature in the last
half century emphasizing the role unusual soil conditions—such as those found on serpentinite out-
crops, mine tailings, guano deposits, and salt flats—can play in the diversification of plant species.
Many of these studies have not only shown adaptive differentiation in response to various edaphic
features, but have also attempted to examine the link between adaptive traits and traits that are
directly responsible for reproductive isolation between the divergent taxa. With the advent of novel
genetic techniques and an increased understanding of the genetic architecture of various adaptive
traits dealing with substrate tolerance, it will soon be possible to demonstrate the central role of the
edaphic factor in plant evolution.

Introduction mineral nutrients and much of its water supply. It

involves physical, chemical, and biological proper-
The red-rock forest may seem hellish to us, ties of soils (Mason, 1946a, 1946b). When physical
but it is a refuge to its flora.… it is the obdu- and chemical properties of substrate are arrayed
rate physical (and chemical) adversity of discontinuously, opportunities for colonization by
things such as peridotite (ultramafic) bedrock different species as well as events leading to specia-
which often drives life to its most surprising tion can occur (Kruckeberg, 1986).
transformations. Edaphic islands such as serpentinite and lime-
—D. R. Wallace (1983) stone outcrops, guano deposits, and mine tailings
give rise to localized patterns of plant distributions,
PLANTS WITH UNUSUAL or localized distribution and provide a model setting to study the role of the
patterns have always fascinated botanists and other edaphic factor in plant evolution. Closely related
natural historians. The study of such plants has pro- taxa in many cases are distinguished by their dis-
vided information on the history and evolution of tinct edaphic tolerances (Macnair and Gardner,
certain regions and their floras. Further, these 1998; Rajakaruna and Whitton, 2004). Populations
plants have provided opportunities to investigate of certain taxa may have the genetic preadaptedness
aspects of evolutionary ecology and population to venture successfully onto soils that are edaphi-
dynamics unique to such plant populations (Liu and cally extreme: a few preadapted genotypes could
Godt, 1983; Linhart and Grant, 1996). become founders of a tolerant population. Genetic
Climate sets the limits for biota; however, geol- accommodation to extreme edaphic conditions can
ogy enriches discontinuity and habitat diversity take place quite rapidly and, in the case of heavy
(Jenny, 1941). The classic generalizations on the metals, even within a few generations (Antonovics et
distribution of plants (Cain, 1944) place the edaphic al., 1971; Bradshaw and McNeilly, 1981; Shaw,
factor second only to climate as the major environ- 1990; Al-Hiyali et al., 1993). Hence, edaphic con-
mental determinants of plant distribution. The ditions, when manifested in extreme form, can be
edaphic factor pertains to the substratum upon potent agents of natural selection.
which the plant grows and from which it derives its Several modes of origin of edaphically special-
ized taxa have been proposed: biotype depletion,
1Email: [email protected] drift, catastrophic selection and saltational specia-

0020-6814/04/737/471-8 $25.00 471


tion, standard allopatric speciation with ecogeo- How this occurs, in the absence of an extrinsic bar-
graphic specialization, ecotypic differentiation, and rier to gene flow between two contiguous popula-
hybridization with or without allopolyploidy are tions (i.e., races, ecotypes) is a fundamental
some modes of origin presented to explain edaphic question in speciation research.
specialization or endemism (Stebbins, 1942, 1980;
Stebbins and Major, 1965; Proctor and Woodell,
Case Studies of Endemism
1975; Raven and Axelrod, 1978; Kruckeberg, 1984,
1986; Kruckeberg and Rabinowitz, 1985). Using Several important studies from 1960 to the
serpentinite soils as an example of a challenging present have focused attention on the role of
edaphic situation, Kruckeberg (1984, 1986) edaphic factors in the process of plant speciation.
described a set of stages that may lead to the estab- These studies not only characterize adaptations to
lishment of an edaphically endemic species. Firstly, unusual soil conditions but also demonstrate a
there exists preadaptedness for serpentinite toler- direct or indirect effect of those particular adapta-
ance in nonserpentinite populations. Then, disrup- tions on reproductive isolation. These include the
tive selection, catastrophic selection (Lewis, 1962; series of classic papers by Bradshaw and colleagues
Raven, 1964), or gradual divergence effectively entitled “Evolution in closely adjacent plant popu-
separates the species into serpentinite-tolerant and lations” (McNeilly, 1968; McNeilly and Antonovics,
-intolerant gene pools. Further genetic divergence 1968; McNeilly and Bradshaw, 1968; Antonovics
in structural and functional traits occurs within the and Bradshaw, 1970). Their work is perhaps the
serpentinite-tolerant part of the effectively discon- most-cited series of studies showing the power of
tinuous populations. As a result, isolation between natural selection driven by edaphic features in the
serpentinite-tolerant and -intolerant populations process of plant speciation.
becomes fixed, and the two populations are unable In their work on two grass species growing on and
to exchange genes. Further divergence of the off mine tailings in Europe, Bradshaw and
serpentinite ecotype leads to an edaphically colleagues were able to demonstrate that the metal-
endemic species. This sequence encompasses an tolerant and -intolerant individuals of these grasses
evolutionary history from the initial tolerance of the are better adapted to their distinct microedaphic
habitat by certain preadapted variants to clear-cut habitats and are also reproductively isolated. Their
species formation. These stages can be appropri- work suggests that prezygotic isolating mechanisms,
ately applied to other forms of geoedaphic chal- both flowering-time differences and a shift toward
lenges—mine soils with heavy metals (Antonovics increased selfing, are primarily responsible for the
et al., 1971; Bradshaw et al., 1990), guano (Gillham, isolation observed between the edaphically diver-
1956; Ornduff, 1965; Vasey, 1985), vernal pools gent populations. Flowering time differences are
(Holland and Jain, 1977, 1981), granite outcrops simple yet effective means of isolating populations
(Wyatt and Fowler, 1977; Ornduff, 1986), salt (Antonovics, 1968; Stam, 1983). However, whether
marshes (Flowers et al., 1986), gypsum (Turner, flowering-time differences arise as a direct effect of
1973; Turner and Powell, 1979), dolomite (Mooney, selection for reduced gene flow to avoid maladaptive
1966; Lloyd and Mitchell, 1973), and limestone hybridization (i.e., reinforcement) or as a by-product
(Baskin and Baskin, 1988; Quarterman et al., of a physiological adaptation to distinct soil condi-
1993)—also leading to the formation of edaphically tions, specifically drought, are often debated (Mac-
endemic taxa. nair and Baker, 1994). In the case of these grasses,
While the stages illustrated by Kruckeberg McNeilly and Antonovics (1968) implied reinforce-
(1986) may represent more or less an accurate ment for the observed differences, but suggest that
description of the steps through which evolution part of the isolation may arise from temperature dif-
proceeds from tolerant genotype to ecotype to an ferences in the microedaphic habitats of the distinct
edaphic endemic, it does not indicate why some populations. In addition, Antonovics (1968) showed
genotypes evolve through all the steps and others do that isolation has also come about by a shift toward
not. The crucial step differentiating an ecotype from increased selfing in the metal-tolerant populations,
an endemic is likely to be the acquisition of com- further reducing opportunities for gene exchange
plete reduction in gene flow between the ancestral between metal-tolerant and -intolerant individuals.
population and ecotype, allowing an independent The next two case studies that show the role of
gene pool to develop (Macnair and Gardner, 1998). edaphic factors in speciation come from the sun-

flower family (Asteraceae). The genus Lasthenia is increased selfing) leading to isolation of edaphically
endemic to the Californian Floristic Province and divergent taxa, but also possible post-zygotic barri-
consists of several edaphically restricted taxa ers (i.e., reduced hybrid fitness in the parental hab-
(Rajakaruna, 2003). The first example deals with itats) allowing the ecological divergence of these two
the closely related species pair consisting of taxa.
L. minor and L. maritima. Lasthenia minor (DC.) The physiological basis for the substrate toler-
Ornduff occurs in a variety of habitats such as alkali ance in L. maritima is not known. Current work
flats, coastal bluffs, sand dunes, pond margins, and (Rajakaruna, Okamoto, and Vasey, in progress) is
disturbed sites, whereas L. maritima (A. Gray) directed toward assessing mechanisms of tolerance
M. Vasey is restricted almost exclusively to islands to guano soils. Once trait differences are established
and offshore rocks harboring seabird nesting and between the two species and their adaptive signifi-
roosting sites (Ornduff, 1965, 1966; Vasey, 1985). cance determined, it will be possible to examine
The soils on these sites are high in nitrogen, low in their genetic basis. Whether traits contributing to
pH, and highly disturbed from the activities of the adaptation to guano soils also contribute to isolation
birds (Vasey, 1985). In addition, exposure to con- (i.e., self-compatibility or reduced hybrid fitness)
stant wind and salt spray makes guano deposits an can then be examined.
outright hostile environment. Preliminary studies by Lasthenia californica sensu Ornduff (Aster-
Vasey (1985) showed that L. minor is not tolerant of aceae), the common goldfields of California, is
guano-modified soils. another species complex that is ideally suited for the
Ornduff (1966) considered the self-compatible study of various factors and mechanisms that are
L. maritima to be a recent descendent from the self- involved in the process of speciation driven by
incompatible L. minor. An electrophoretic study edaphic forces (Rajakaruna, 2003). A recent molec-
(Crawford et al., 1985) further supported this ular phylogenetic study documented that L. califor-
hypothesis, and suggested that speciation probably nica sensu Ornduff consists of two cryptic species,
involved a switch to self-compatibility, development L. californica subsp. californica DC. ex Lindl. and
of autogamy (i.e., the process of self-fertilization), L. gracilis (DC) Greene (Chan et al., 2001, 2002).
and subsequent divergence driven by edaphic fac- Previous research had shown that there are two
tors. Given that variation for tolerance is first edaphic races within this complex, with one race (A)
required to colonize the extreme guano habitats, it is occupying ionically extreme soils such as serpen-
likely that self-compatibility arose post-coloniza- tinite outcrops, coastal bluffs, alkaline flats, and the
tion, and that the origin of L. maritima represents other (C), occupying ionically moderate yet water-
another classic example of an edaphically driven stressed soils (Rajakaruna and Bohm, 1999).
event of speciation. Whether the switch to self-com- Genetic studies have confirmed that the two races
patibility arose as a by-product of an adaptation to are found in both species of the complex, and that
guano or is directly linked to genes conferring adap- race C has evolved multiple times from race A
tation is not known. (Rajakaruna and Whitton, 1994; Rajakaruna et al.,
A recent phylogenetic study (Chan et al., 2001) 2003a). Greenhouse studies showed that both races
shows a close relationship between the two species, are physiologically differentiated and perform better
but does not conclusively support Ornduff’s (1966) under conditions that match their native habitats.
and Crawford et al.’s (1985) proposed ancestor- Race A has a 20-fold higher sodium ion uptake
descendent relationship. Nevertheless, the close rate, as well as a twofold higher uptake rate for both
relationship between the two species is reflected by calcium and magnesium, ions that predominate in
the high fertility of artificial crosses (Ornduff, their habitats. Measures of germination, survivor-
1966). However, Vasey (1985) reported that at the ship, and root length also suggested that tolerance to
only truly sympatric site known for the two species, ionic stresses by race A plants is not based upon ion
only a few plants appear to be intermediates. Exam- exclusion, pointing to internal mechanisms of toler-
ination of parapatric populations of the two species ance (Rajakaruna et al., 2003c). In contrast, race C
at three localities failed to reveal any indication of is better adapted to drought, and avoids drought by
natural interspecific hybridization (Vasey, 1985) faster growth to reproductive maturity and by
suggesting that strong ecological selection is likely allocating relatively more biomass to reproduction
responsible for limiting introgression. Here is an (Rajakaruna et al., 2003b). Crossing studies
example of not only prezygotic barriers (i.e., showed that reproductive isolation via pollen

incompatibility is stronger between populations of whereas M. cupriphilus Macnair and an ecotype of

the two races than between populations of the same M. guttatus are restricted to copper-rich mine tail-
race, even though race C populations have had dis- ings (Macnair and Gardner, 1998). All four edaphi-
tinct origins (Rajakaruna and Whitton, 2004). Fur- cally specialized taxa flower prior to normal
thermore, in the only known parapatric location of populations of M. guttatus, providing a potent bar-
the two edaphic races (serpentine outcrop at Jasper rier to reproduction. Secondly, there are pollinator
Ridge Biological Preserve, San Francisco Penin- differences between the presumed progenitor and
sula, California), flowering times between the races the edaphically restricted taxa, resulting primarily
differ by 7–10 days, providing an effective barrier to from differences in flower size (Gardner and Mac-
reproduction (Rajakaruna and Bohm, 1999). These nair, 2000). Thirdly, while M. guttatus is an out-
findings suggest that traits bringing about reproduc- crosser, both M. pardalis (serpentinite endemic) and
tive isolation may have accompanied adaptive traits M. cupriphilus (copper mine endemic) are self-com-
that are likely involved in the ecological divergence. patible, again reducing opportunities for gene flow
Although it is possible that both enhanced pollen between the progenitor and the derived species.
incompatibility and the flowering time differences Searcy and Macnair (1990) have also shown pollen
are both under direct ecological selection (Searcy incompatibility reactions between the copper toler-
and Macnair, 1990; McNeilly and Antonovics, ant and intolerant individuals of M. guttatus, similar
1968), it is more likely that these prezygotic barriers to the case in the L. californica complex. However,
have come about as by-products of divergence under they provide evidence to suggest that the concentra-
ecological selection (Rajakaruna and Whitton, tion of copper in the pistil can contribute toward the
unpubl. manuscript). The system is unique in that it level of isolation observed. This would mean that
is one of the better documented cases to date of par- edaphic conditions, specifically the level of copper
allel speciation under the edaphic influence—i.e., that is available for plant uptake and translocation
the parallel evolution of both adaptive traits and to the pistil, may have a more direct effect on repro-
traits that bring about reproductive isolation in ductive isolation between these distinct individuals
edaphically divergent populations belonging to than previously thought.
closely related species. Future research will be Although all these mechanisms can provide
directed at determining the genetic basis for traits effective prezygotic barriers against gene flow, Mac-
that are involved in adaptation (salt tolerance, nair and colleagues have elegantly demonstrated
drought tolerance) and reproductive isolation (flow- that a potent post-zygotic barrier to reproduction
ering time differences) in order to better understand also exists between the normal M. guttatus individ-
the relationship between adaptation to substrate and uals and the copper-tolerant individuals of this spe-
diversification in this group. cies (Macnair and Christie, 1983). They have shown
The final and perhaps the best-studied example that the linkage block associated with copper toler-
involving the role of the edaphic factor in diver- ance in the ecotype also produces hybrid inviability;
gence comes from the long-term studies by Macnair however, it is unclear if inviability is achieved via
and colleagues at the University of Exeter, United pleiotropy or hitchhiking. Subsequent work by this
Kingdom (Macnair and Christie, 1983; Christie and group (Christie and Macnair 1984, 1987) and previ-
Macnair, 1987; Macnair et al., 1989; Macnair and ous work by Vickery (1978) have shown that both
Gardner, 1998; Gardner and Macnair, 2000) on the copper tolerance and hybrid inviability genes are
Mimulus guttatus complex (Phrymaceae). Their commonly segregating in normal populations of this
work clearly suggests that reproductive isolation can species, suggesting that hitchhiking is probable.
be achieved as a by-product of a physiological adap- Nevertheless, this work has clearly documented that
tation to unusual soil conditions. Mimulus guttatus natural selection for a clearly adaptive trait (copper
DC (seep monkeyflower) is a widespread and highly tolerance) has caused a gene for post-zygotic isola-
polymorphic species found throughout western tion to spread through the population (Macnair and
North America (Vickery, 1959, 1978; Allen and Christie, 1983; Christie and Macnair, 1987), provid-
Sheppard, 1971). Mimulus guttatus is the probable ing strong evidence for the direct relationship
progenitor of a number of taxa that are restricted to between adaptation to substrate and reproductive
unusual soil conditions: M. nudatus E. Greene and isolation, i.e., the direct role of the edaphic factor in
M. pardalis Pennel are serpentinite endemics, plant evolution.

Discussion lished (Hodges et al., 2002). It is evident that traits

for pollinator preference are often closely associ-
Although the case studies above provide evi- ated, indicating that either pleiotropy or linkage
dence for mostly prezygotic and some postzygotic causes some of this integration. In both these QTL
barriers affecting gene flow between the edaphically studies, reproductive isolation is a by-product of
divergent taxa, other mechanisms can also provide adaptation to pollinators, thus providing a genetic
effective barriers to reproduction between such taxa. link between adaptation and speciation.
Perhaps a fascinating example yet to be demon- Similarly, in the case studies dealing with edaph-
strated lies in the species pair of Layia glandulosa ically mediated selection one could find comparable
and its derived serpentinite endemic, L. discoidea associations. In fact, the genetic basis for many of
(Gottlieb et al., 1985; Gottlieb and Ford, 1987; Ford the traits discussed above—salt tolerance (Hurk-
and Gottlieb, 1989, 1990). Complete fertility exists man, 1992; Taeb et al., 1992; Quesada et al., 2002),
between artificial crosses of these two species, but drought tolerance (Teulat et al., 1997; Haake et al.,
natural hybrids are not found in nature. This sug- 2002; Hsieh et al., 2002), copper tolerance (Mac-
gests that partially or completely reduced hybrid fit- nair, 1983; Fogel et al., 1988), and flowering-time
ness in one or both parental habitats may be differences (Law and Worland, 1997; McKay et al.,
responsible for the diversification in this group. 2003)—have already been investigated in wild or
Ecological and genetic studies are now under way to
model plant species such as Arabidopsis thaliana
explore the role of serpentinite tolerance in the
and cereal crops or in yeast, and it will only be a
diversification of this species pair (Rajakaruna,
matter of time before investigators apply this knowl-
Baldwin, and Gottlieb, in progress).
edge to their research species. Further, the genetic
Edaphically restricted species provide fascinat- architecture of serpentinite tolerance is now being
ing examples for the study of plant speciation. The investigated by several groups (Bradshaw, Schem-
study of factors contributing to the evolution of ske, and colleagues; Bratteler et al., 2002) and will
edaphically endemic species can shed light on the no doubt soon provide a much persuasive picture of
relationship between adaptation and reproductive the role of the edaphic factor in the diversification of
isolation. Although speciation is not a uniform pro- plant lineages.
cess that always follows the same steps, the case
studies provided above show that either directly or
indirectly adaptation to a specific soil condition can Acknowledgments
lead to diversification within taxa. Further, studies
of multiple or repeated origins of serpentinite toler- I thank to Natural Sciences and Engineering
ance (Raven and Axelrod, 1978; Kruckeberg, 1986, Research Council (NSERC) Canada and my post-
1991; Mayer et al., 1994; Mayer and Soltis, 1994; doctoral supervisor, David Ackerly, for financial
Patterson and Givnish, 2002, 2004) or tolerance to support during the current post-doctoral tenure at
other edaphic extremes (Gregory and Bradshaw, Stanford University. I also wish to thank Drs. David
1965; McNeilly and Bradshaw, 1968; Rajakaruna et Ackerly, Susan Harrison, and Jeannette Whitton for
al., 2003a) suggest that tolerance may come about useful comments on the manuscript.
with relative ease due to changes in only a few loci.
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