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What is MDM?
Use of MDM
MDM Hub Implementation Style
Transaction Style Implementation
MDM Reference Architecture
Key Components of the Reference Architecture
Large Scale and High Performance MDM based on Talend
Contact Details

What is MDM?
Entities like Customer, Product, Accounts, Suppliers, and Locations etc. are key
ingredients that fuel the enterprise engine. The processes used to operate the
enterprise depend on these entities and their quality (to what extent can these
entities be trusted). These key entities are referred to as ‘Master Data’.

Most enterprises are slowly realising the importance of improving the quality of
their master data and managing its lifecycle more efficiently to optimise business
and operations. The discipline/ capability (people, process and technology) of
managing the master data within an organisation is called Master Data

Investment in maturing the Master Data Management capability provides the

following benefits to the enterprise:

Provides a source of master data that can be trusted to be correct and

authentic by systems and people within an organisation.

Improved data governance by establishing data principles, policies and

standards, thereby improving the quality of data.

Reduces fragmentation of the data entities (copies of master data stored at

multiple locations while keeping validity and consistency).

Use of MDM
IBM in their book ‘Enterprise Master Data Management’ describes three patterns Figure 1:
how the managed master data entities can be used: Use of MDM
Colla borative
Collaborative Use: Us e

In this pattern of use, different business functions or teams of people collaborate Master Data
to manage the lifecycle of the master data. Defined workflows ensure adherence management
to processes and that the right approvals are sought. Role-based access control Use of
determines which roles can manage which aspect of the master data attributes.
Typically, in this pattern of use, the MDM system broadcasts the master data to
the transactional system(s). Managing catalogues of products is an example of this
Tra ns a ction
pattern of use.
Us e

Transaction Use:
Updates of
In this pattern of use the MDM system participates in end-to-end business Master
Ana lyti ca l Dat a Entit y
transactions. Multiple applications and users need quick access in order to read Us e
and update the master data entity; to initiate and complete business transactions
Initiation of
such as orders and payments etc. Here the MDM system exposes data services Busines s
that can participate within an orchestrated business process. MDM systems Transaction

supporting this method of use might have the need to support several hundred Management
transactions per second on millions of master data records. Information reports Cempletion of
Busines s
Analytical Use:
Dat a for Analytical
In this pattern of use, the role of MDM is to produce Management Information
(MI) reports or to provide data to an analytical application such as a Data
Warehouse (DWH).

MDM Hub Implementation Style
When implementing an MDM system one of the key decisions to be made is the Transaction Style
choice of MDM Hub architecture. Gartner and others describe three styles of
MDM Hub and choice depends on multiple considerations, such as: MDM systems implemented using this style enable read/write operations on the
master data. In this architecture style the Hub stores and manages all attributes
Time and budget available
that define the master data entity. The Hub is regarded as the single, authoritative
Read or Read/Write capability on Master Data source of the master data. Changes to the master data are enriched, cleansed,
de-duplicated and pushed by the Hub to the various source systems.
Data consistency

Data fragmentation This architecture style is more expensive and time consuming compared to the
Registry style. In addition, it directly impacts source systems as these need to
change to either implement a two-way synchronisation to maintain consistency of
Registry Style master data, or devolve responsibility of the master data entities by sourcing the
data directly from the MDM Hub.
MDM systems implemented using this style provide a read-only view of the
master data for downstream systems. Here the MDM Hub stores only a thin slice
of the MDM Data (Source System Identifiers, Foreign Key Identifiers, key
attributes needed for matching). Other data attributes that make up the master
data entity are spread across multiple business systems. The Hub is responsible for
cleansing and de-duplicating the master data entity and maintaining a reference to
source master data attributes that it does not manage from the other business

The main advantage of this architecture style is the low time and cost required to
implement an MDM solution as well as the reduced impact on the source data

The key disadvantage is performance: the time required for the registry Hub to
aggregate data from multiple source systems and provide a complete master data

Transaction Style Implementation
Transaction Style can be implemented as: Figure 2:
Transaction Style Implementation

Master data entities co-exist in both the Hub and the source systems with a two
way synchronisation between the two. Master data entities can be created/
updated either in the MDM Hub or the source system. The MDM Hub
standardises, cleanses, enriches and de-duplicates the master data and pushes the
data back to the source systems to rationalise the master data they hold. Transaction
Centralised Implementation

Here the Master data entity is stored and managed solely within the MDM Hub.
Creation and update of master data entity is only done via the MDM system.
Source systems interact with the MDM system when they require the master data Co-Ex is tence Hybrid Centra lis ed


This is the ‘Goldilocks’ or hybrid architecture style. Here the Hub does not store all
attributes that define the master data as in Transaction Style but stores more than
the Registry Style. The main aim of the Hybrid is to resolve performance issues
faced by the Registry Style.

MDM Reference Architecture
The MDM Reference Architecture is a vendor-neutral, product-agnostic Refer-
ence Architecture that supports multiple methods of MDM use, and multiple
architecture styles. It aims to define the key architecture building blocks (ABB)
that will enable an organisation to govern and maintain accurate master data for
all users and applications.

Architecture Principles Reference Architecture

The proposed Reference Architecture is guided and influenced by the following The Reference Architecture illustrated in Figure 3: MDM Reference Architecture
principles: provides architecture building blocks that can manage the lifecycle of master data
as well as the quality and integrity of the data, making master data actionable and
Securely managing complete lifecycle of the managed master data entity. providing data services to enable the consumption and distribution of data. The
The data must be managed in line with prevailing privacy and data protec- design is guided by the principles outlined above.
tion legislation.

Being the single authoritative source for the managed master data, assuring
the integrity, quality and uniqueness of the master data record.

Decoupling master data from enterprise applications ensuring the master

data record can be accessed by the business applications in a performant
Being a flexible data hub that can be extended to support changing business
requirements and/ or regulations.

MDM Reference Architecture
Figure 3:
MDM Reference Architecture

E xter n al Interna l
Sou rce s Applications

Pub / Sub Mediation

Integration Data
Platform Respitory
Transport Routing

& Data
Stewardshipp Data
MGT Master Dat a Inform ation
Man age m ent Integ rati on
Master Data
Event MGT

Lifecycle Data Data

Authorising ETL
MGT Services Integrity
Hiererchy Data
Foundation & relationship
Services Visualization

Key components of the Reference Architecture:
Transaction Systems and Data Sources Figure 4:
Information Integration - Data Integrity Services
These are internal and external transactional systems that interact with the master
data management system to request the master data entities or enrich the master
data entities. These systems may, in addition, store the master data information in a
Data Integrity Services
registry or Co-existence Style implementation.

Integration Platform

The integration platform enables the Transaction Systems and Data Sources to interact Data Analytics Cleansing Data Matching
with the Master Data Management system. Profiling Standardisation Services

Understanding Quality & Consistency

Information Integration

The Information Integration component provides Data Integrity Services, Extract,

Transform, Load (ETL) services and Data Virtualisation services. Data Integrity Services
include data profiling, analysis, cleansing, data standardisation, and matching
services. Data profiling and analysis services are critical for understanding the quality
of master data across enterprise systems, and for defining data validation, data cleans-
ing, matching, and standardisation logic required to improve master data quality and
consistency. ETL services support the initial and incremental extract, transform, and
load of data from one or more source systems to populate the MDM system. It also
helps to load data from the MDM system to analytical platforms such as Data Ware-
house in batch mode. The Data Virtualisation services enables access to data distribut-
ed across multiple data sources abstracting details from the data requestor.

Key components of the Reference Architecture:
Master Data Management Authoring:
Subcomponent to author, approve, manage, customise, and extend the definition
The Master Data Management component comprises of the following subcompo- of master data. This subcomponent supports the collaborative style of MDM use
nents and can be invoked as part of a workflow process that creates, updates and
approves master data.
Data Services:
This sub component provides a service interface to access the master data entities Data Quality Management:
managed by the MDM system. The service interface support techniques such as This subcomponent works with the data integrity service to validate, standardise
messaging, method calls, web services, and batch processing. and enforce data quality rules.

Lifecycle Management: Foundation:

This subcomponent manages the lifecycle of the managed master data. Data This subcomponent provides foundation services of security, search, privacy,
Quality Management Services are called on by Lifecycle Management to enforce audit logging, versioning and workflow.
data quality rules and perform data cleansing, standardisation, and reconciliation.
MDM Event Management Services are called on to detect any actions that should Hierarchy & Relationship Management:
be triggered based upon business rules or data governance policies. Master data This subcomponent manages master data hierarchies, groupings and relation-
entities will be archived or deleted depending on privacy and data protection ships.
Survivorship & Data Stewardship:
MDM Event Management: This subcomponent resolves conflicts when duplicate master data entities are
This subcomponent triggers actions based upon changes to attributes of the identified by executing survivorship rules or pushing to a data steward for
master data. Business systems can subscribe to these events and take appropriate manual resolution.
action. The MDM Event Management enables business systems to listen to data,
change events and synchronise data to ensure consistency. MDM Event manage- Master Data Repository:
ment can also trigger notifications to data stewards advising them to approve Repository that stores master data, both instance and master data definition,
master data changes as part of data governance. metadata for the MDM System, and history data that records changes to master

Large Scale and High Performance MDM based on Talend
How does one instantiate the logical Ref-
erence Architecture, composed of archi-
Enterprise Data Sources
tecture building blocks listed above, to
CRM Sales & Enrichment Data
provide a high performing and scaleable Ecommerce Data Source Lake
Master Data Management platform?

Figure 5:
Highly scaleable, Performant MDM Elastic Talend ESB Talend MDM Talend Data MGT Analytics
Search Platform
Lifecucle Data Rules
Key: Routing
MGT Profiling Repository
Data Data
Matching Data Data Warehouse
Mediation Integration Matching &
Enterprise Event MGT
(ETL) Survivorship

Talend MDM Service Active Data Data Talend Data

Integration Model Cleansing
Talend WEB UI Stewardship
Data Data
Elastic Services Stewardship


Mongo DB

Studi Admin Monitoring Metadata Connectors
Console Console MGT

Large Scale and High Performance Customer MDM
Talend MDM Platform: Elastic
Elastic Search:

The Talend MDM platform is comprised of three pre-integrated components:

Talend ESB: Elasticsearch enables high performance, distributed search supporting a two-step
Providing Integration and Data Services matching process. The first step of the matching process performs a
coarse-grained match followed by a fine-grained match using Talend Data Man-
Talend Data Management: agement's matching component.
Providing Data Integration and Integrity services

Talend MDM: Mongo DB:

Managing the master data entities, their hierarchies & relationships and pub-
lishing events when they change. It also provides authoring and data stew-
ardship services.

The three pre-integrated components are underpinned by a common foundation

providing metadata management, am Administration and Monitoring console, a A NoSQL database enabling high performance create, read, update and delete
studio for design and development, and connectors to integrate with a diverse (CRUD) operations for hierarchal master data entities.
suite of enterprise data sources.

Contact Details

Onepoint Consulting Limited

Alpha House, Unit 14, 100 Villiers Road, London NW2 5PJ
+44 (0) 203 198 6699
[email protected]

Thank you
Lancy Mendonca – Enterprise Architect

A Computer Science grad with a BSc in Physics, Lancy Mendonca has well over two
decades of experience in creating and contributing to IT architectures for the telecom
and healthcare industries.

Lancy is a TOGAF-certified Enterprise/ Solution Architect and a certified Java

developer with an acute understanding of Enterprise Java and associated frameworks.
He specialises in enterprise architecture, enterprise integration, solution architecture,
technology governance, data strategy and architecture and TM Forum Frameworx.

After leading roles at Tech Mahindra, British Telecom and Carphone Warehouse, Lancy
was appointed to head up the Solution Architecture and Design team at TalkTalk.
There, he was on point in the delivery of a multi-million pound business
transformation project for TalkTalk’s fixed line business. After five years at TalkTalk,
Lancy took on the Business Support Systems brief at Tesco Telecoms. He later helped
to shape Truphone’s Enterprise Application strategy.

Lancy joined Onepoint in 2013, bringing his unrivalled knowledge of Enterprise

Architecture and Telecoms to multiple clients including UK Broadband, SITA, Travis
Perkins and Network Rail Telecom. But with his keen mind, and an instinct for
identifying and solving business problems, Lancy’s skills and experience benefit
Onepoint collaborators across the industry piste.

An avid reader, a dedicated supporter of church charities, and someone who donates
his time to supporting young learners, Lancy is passionate about many things, but
particularly the future of data and the possibilities it offers to modern businesses.

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