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Practice Workbook

This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (

This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

Modeling Finite Elements

This workbook contains exercises to practice modeling plate elements in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.


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Section 1: Creating Individual Plates

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to model individual plate elements in STAAD.Pro.

Skills Taught
 Modeling Quadrilateral and Triangular Plates

 Modeling Plates in a Floor Grid

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Model Quadrilateral or Triangular Plates
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a single finite element (plate) using the Add Plate command:

 Add Quadrilateral Plates: Used to model quadrilateral plate elements.

 Add Triangular Plates: Used to model triangular plate elements.

1. Open FEM_1.std {FEM_1M.std} in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.

2. In the Workflow Page Control, click on the Geometry page.

3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Add Quad Plate icon.
4. In the View Window, click on the node indicated below (Node #1):


Then, click on the nodes in the following order:

 Node #2

 Node #3

 Node #4

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5. In the View Window, use the Add Quad Plate tool to create the rest of the walls. (Be sure to select the nodes in either a clockwise or
counter-clockwise order. Nodes selected out of order will result in warped plates.)

6. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Model Plates in a Floor Grid
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a group of plate elements using the following command:

 Fill Floor Grid with Plates command: Used to automatically generate plates from a selection of beams bounding panels. Typically
used for floor slabs, this method significantly reduces the modeling time for generation of floor slabs in multi-storied framed

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Beam Cursor icon.
3. In the View Window, hold down the Ctrl key and select all of the beams at the roof level.

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4. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Add Plate > Infill Plates icon.
5. In the STAAD.Pro dialog, click OK.

6. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Section 2: Generating a Finite Element Mesh

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to generate a finite element mesh in STAAD.Pro.

Skills Taught
 Generating a Plate Mesh

 Generating a Surface Mesh

 Using the Structure Wizard

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Generate a Finite Element Mesh
In this exercise, you will learn how to generate a finite element mesh using the following command:

 Generate Plate Mesh command: Used to generate a polygonal or quadrilateral finite element mesh for an existing plate element.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Select Plate Parallel > To XZ icon.
3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Generate Mesh > Plate Mesh icon.
4. In the Meshing Division and Biasing dialog, enter the following parameters:

Bias. Divn.
AB: 1 3
BC: 1 10
CD/CA: 1 3
DA: 1 10

Then, click OK.

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5. In the Choose Meshing Type dialog, select the Quadrilateral Meshing radio button and then click OK.

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6. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Beam Cursor icon.
7. In the View Window, select any of the beam members at the roof level.

Notice that the beam members have been split and now share nodes with the plate elements. This will ensure proper force transfer and
will simulate monolithic action for concrete structures.

8. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Generate Surface Meshing
In this exercise, you will learn how to generate a finite element mesh using the following command:

 Generate Surface Meshing command: Used to generate a polygonal or quadrilateral finite element mesh.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Generate Mesh > Surface Mesh icon.
3. In the View Window, click on the node indicated below (Node #1):


Click on the nodes in the following order:

 Node #2 - Node #3 - Node #4

Then, right-click to close the polygon.

4. In the Choose Meshing Type dialog, select the Polygonal Meshing radio button and then click OK.

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5. In the Define Mesh Region dialog, enter the following parameters:

X Y Z Divn. Bias
30 ft {9 m} 11 ft {3 m} 90 ft {27 m}
60 ft {18 m} 11 ft {3 m} 90 ft {27 m} 9 1
60 ft {18 m} 11 ft {3 m} 120 ft {36 m} 9 1
30 ft {9 m} 11 ft {3 m} 120 ft {36 m} 9 1
30 ft {9 m} 11 ft {3 m} 90 ft {27 m} 9 1

6. In the Define Mesh Region dialog, select the HOLES option in the left pane. Then, click on the Add New Hole icon.
7. In the Define Mesh Region dialog, enter the following parameters to define the hole:

Region Type: Circle

Origin: X Y Z
40 ft {12 m} 11 ft {3 m} 110 ft {33.5 m}
Radius of Circle: 5 ft {1.5 m}
Division Along Periphery: 10

Then, click OK.

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8. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Use the Structure Wizard
In this exercise, you will learn how to generate a finite element mesh using the Structure Wizard:

 Structure Wizard: Offers a library of pre-defined structure prototypes. The Structure Wizard may parametrically generate a
structural model and then transfer and superimpose it on the current structure.

1. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the File tab and then click New. Then, enter the following information:
 File Name: FEM_2.std

 Location: (navigate to the dataset folder that was supplied with this training)

 Type: Analytical

 Units: English

Then, click on the Create button.

2. In the Snap Node/Beam dialog, click on the Close button.

3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Structure Wizard icon.
4. In the Structure Wizard, enter the following parameters:
 Prototypes Models: (selected)

 Model Type: Surface Plate Models

 Surface Type: Double-click on the Cylindrical Surface

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5. In the Select Parameters dialog, enter the following information:
 Length: 10 ft {3 m}

 Start Radius: 5 ft {1.5 m}

 End Radius: 5 ft {1.5 m}

 Sweep Angle: 360 deg

 Divisions along Length: 20

 Divisions along Periphery: 30

 Generate Triangular Elements: (unchecked)

Then, click on the Apply button.

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6. In the StWizard menu bar, click File > Merge Model with STAAD.Pro model.
7. In the StWizard dialog, click Yes.
8. In the Paste Prototype Model dialog, enter the following parameters:
 By the Following X, Y, and Z values: (selected)

 X: 0 ft {0 m}

 Y: 0 ft {0 m}

 Z: 0 ft {0 m}

Then, click OK.

9. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Section 3: Using Parametric Models

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to create a finite element mesh using parametric models.

Skills Taught
 Creating Parametric Models

 Controlling the Mesh Nodes

 Merging the Mesh

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Create a New Parametric Model
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a finite element mesh using parametric models. Parametric Models are used to preview
the final meshed state of a wall, slab, or panel before it is committed to the full model. Different trials or prototypes can be visually
examined to find the most suitable mesh.

1. Open FEM_3.std {FEM_3_M.std} in STAAD.Pro.

2. In the Workflow Page Control, click on the Geometry page.
3. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Parametric Models icon.
4. In the Parametric Models dialog, click on the Add... button.
5. In the New Meshed Surface dialog, enter the following information:
 Name: Meshed Surface 1

 Type: Slab

 Use Nodes and Beams that Occur on or Inside the Outer Boundary as Additional Density Points and Lines: (checked)

Then, click OK.

Parametric Models allow you to use nodes and beams

that occur on or inside the boundary as additional
density points and lines. This will allow us to generate
the mesh over the entire floor in one step. The Generate
Surface Meshing command would require you to model
each bay individually in order to connect the finite
element mesh to the interior beams and columns.

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6. In the View Window, click at the nodes in the order indicated below:


3 9


After clicking on the 12th node, right-click to close the polygon.

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7. In the Mesh Parameters dialog, enter the following parameters:
 Meshing Method: Standard

 Element Type: Quad

 Boundary Connectivity: Divide Boundary Segments to Optimize Mesh Quality

 Target Element Size: 24 inches {600 mm}

 Default Number of Divisions of Boundary Edges: 0

Then, click OK.

8. In the STAAD.Pro dialog, click Yes to add and opening.

9. Keep the Select Opening Type dialog open for the next exercise.

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Model the Openings
In this exercise, you will learn how to incorporate an opening into a parametric model.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Select Opening Type dialog, select the Polygonal Opening radio button and then click OK.
3. In the Snap Node/Panel dialog, check the Slab (Linear) checkbox and then click OK.
4. In the View Window, use the following procedure to create the hole in the slab:
 Hold down the Ctrl key and then click on grid intersection X30-Z22.

 Release the Ctrl key and then click on grid intersection X40-Z22.

 Click on grid intersection X-40-Z27.

 Click on grid intersection X30-Z22.

 Click on grid intersection X30-Z22.

5. Keep this model open for the next exercise.

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Edit the Parametric Model Parameters
In this exercise, you will learn how to modify the parametric model parameters after the initial mesh is created.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Parametric Models dialog, highlight the Meshed Surface 1 [SLAB] item and then modify the following parameters:
 Target Element: 10 ft

 Mesh the Selected Plate Element: Triangular

 Meshing Method: Basic

Then, click on the Apply button.

3. Keep this model open for the next exercise.

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Add Density Points/Lines
In this exercise, you will learn how to add density points or lines to the parametric model.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Parametric Models dialog, highlight the Density Lines item and then click on the Add... button.
3. In the Snap Node/Panel dialog, check the Slab (Linear) checkbox and then click OK.
4. In the View Window, use the following procedure to create a density line on the slab:
 Click on grid intersection X20-Z62.

 Click on grid intersection X50-Z62.

5. Keep the model open for the next exercise.

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Merge the Model with STAAD.Pro
In this exercise, you will learn how to generate the finite element mesh in the main STAAD.Pro model using the parametric model.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Parametric Models dialog, click on the Merge Mesh button.

3. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Section 4: Specifying Plate Properties

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to specify plate properties in STAAD.Pro.

Skills Taught
 Modifying Plate Orientation

 Assigning Plate Properties

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Modify the Plate Orientation
In this exercise, you will learn how to re-orient plates using the following command:

 Plate Reference Point command: Used to specify options for determining the general direction of the local Z axis of elements.

1. Open FEM_4.std in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the View tab and then click on the Label Settings icon.

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3. In the Diagrams dialog, select the following check boxes:
 Plate Orientation (T): (checked)

Then, click OK.

BASE OF THE STRUCTURE: Notice that the local Z axes for the
horizontal plate elements at the base of the structure are pointing
down. When plate elements are analyzed in STAAD.Pro, the
stress at the “top” and “bottom” of the plate will be reported. The
side of the plate elements pointing in the direction of the positive
Z local axis will represent the “top” of the plate when the results
are reported. For this reason, we will reorient the plates so that
the local Z axis is pointing up.

WALL OF THE TANK: Notice that the local Z axes for some of the
vertical plate elements in the wall of the tank are pointing towards
the center of the tank while other plates are pointing towards the
outside of the structure. To facilitate other operations, such as
adding pressure loads to the tank structure, we will reorient the
plates so that the local Z axis for all of the plates points towards
the center of the tank.

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4. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Select Plates Parallel > To XZ.
5. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Specification tab and then click on the Plate > Plate Reference Point icon.
6. In the Plate Reference Point dialog, enter the following information:
 X: 0 ft {0 m}

 Y: 20 ft {6 m}

 Z: 0 ft {0 m}

 Local Z Axis: Towards Ref. Point

 Assign: To Selection

Then, click OK.

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7. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the View tab and then click on the Left View icon.
8. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Plate Cursor icon.
9. In the View Window, use the Plates Cursor to select all of the plates that represent the “walls” of the tank.

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10. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Specification tab and then click on the Plate > Plate Reference Point icon.
11. In the Plate Reference Point dialog, enter the following information:
 X: 110 ft {33.85 m}

 Y: 0 ft {0 m}

 Z: -10 ft {-0.5 m}

 Local Z Axis: Towards Ref. Point

 Assign: To Selection

Then, click OK.

12. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Assign Plate Properties
In this exercise, you will learn how to assign properties to plate elements using the following command:

 Plate Thickness command: Used to specify the thickness and material for plate elements.

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Input Units icon.
3. In the Set Input Units dialog, enter the following parameters:
 Length Units: Inch {Millimeter}

Click OK.

4. In the Workflow Page Control, click on the Properties page.

5. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the View tab and then click on the Left View icon.
6. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Plate Cursor icon.

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7. In the View Window, use the Plates Cursor to select all of the plates that represent the “roof” of the tank.

8. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Specification tab and then click on the Plate Thickness icon.
9. In the Plate Element/Surface Property dialog, select the Plate Element Thickness option and then enter the following parameters:
 Node 1: 0.5 in {12 mm}

 Node 2: 0.5 in {12 mm}

 Node 3: 0.5 in {12 mm}

 Node 4: 0.5 in {12 mm}

 Material: STEEL

Click on the Assign button. Then, click on the Close button.

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10. In the View Window, use the Plates Cursor to select all of the plates that represent the “walls” of the tank.

11. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Specification tab and then click on the Plate Thickness icon.
12. In the Plate Element/Surface Property dialog, select the Plate Element Thickness option and then enter the following parameters:
 Node 1: 0.75 in {20 mm}

 Node 2: 0.75 in {20 mm}

 Node 3: 0.75 in {20 mm}

 Node 4: 0.75 in {20 mm}

 Material: STEEL

Click on the Add button. Then, click on the Close button.

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13. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Select Plates Parallel > To XZ.
14. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Specification tab and then click on the Plate Thickness icon.
15. In the Plate Element/Surface Property dialog, select the Plate Element Thickness option and then enter the following parameters:
 Node 1: 18 in {450 mm}

 Node 2: 18 in {450 mm}

 Node 3: 18 in {450 mm}

 Node 4: 18 in {450 mm}

 Material: CONCRETE

Click on the Assign button. Then, click on the Close button.

16. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Geometry tab and then click on the Input Units icon.
17. In the Set Input Units dialog, enter the following parameters:
 Length Units: Foot {Meter}

Click OK.

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18. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the View tab and then click on the 3D Rendering icon.

19. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Section 5: Modeling Plate Loads

Section Description
In this section, you will learn how to model plate loads in STAAD.Pro.

Skills Taught
 Modeling Plate Loads

 Modeling Hydrostatic Plate Loads

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Model Plate Loads
In this exercise, you will learn how to model plate loads in STAAD.Pro, which can be defined as one of the following:

 Pressure on Full Plate: Used to define a pressure load that acts on the full surface of an element.

 Concentrated Load: Used to define a concentrated load that acts at a specific point within the boundary of an element.

 Partial Plate Pressure: Used to specify a uniform pressure load on the entire element or on a portion of the element.

 Trapezoidal: Used to specify a trapezoidally varying pressure load on a plate.

Pressure on Full Plate Concentrated Load Partial Plate Pressure Trapezoidal

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Load & Definition dialog, highlight the 2: LIVE LOAD case and then click Add...
3. In the Add New: Load Items dialog, select the Plate Load > Pressure on Full Plate item in the left pane. Then, enter the following

 W1: -0.05 kip/ft2 {-2.35 kN/m2}

 Direction: GY

Click Add. Then, click Close.

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4. In the Load & Definition dialog, highlight the PR GY -0.05 kip/ft2 {PR GY -2.35 kN/m2} load item.
5. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the View tab and then click on the Left View icon.
6. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Plate Cursor icon.
7. In the View Window, use the Plates Cursor to select all of the plates that represent the “roof” of the tank.

8. In the Load & Definition dialog, click on the Assign to Selected Plates radio button and then click on the Assign button.

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9. In the STAAD.Pro dialog, click Yes to confirm the assignment.

10. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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Model Hydrostatic Plate Loads
In this exercise, you will learn how to model the following types of hydrostatic loads:

 Hydrostatic Plate Load: Used to model loads due to hydrostatic pressure on one or more adjacent elevations. The hydrostatic load
is converted to trapezoidal loads on the elements and the load is applied over the entire area of the element.

Hydrostatic Plate Load

1. Continue with the model from the previous exercise.

2. In the Load & Definition dialog, highlight the 3: FLUID LOAD case and then click Add...
3. In the Add New: Load Items dialog, select the Plate Loads > Hydrostatic item in the left pane. Then, click on the Select Plate

4. In the Ribbon toolbar, select the Select tab and then click on the Plate Cursor icon.

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5. In the View Window, use the Plates Cursor to select all of the plates that represent the “walls” of the tank.

6. In the Select Items dialog, click on the Done button.

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7. In the Add New: Load Items dialog, enter the following parameters:
 W1 (Min Global Axis): 0.08 kip/ft {1.2 kN/m}

 W2 (Max Global Axis): 0.02 kip/ft {0.30 kN/m}

 Interpolated along Global Axis: Y

 Direction of Pressure: Local Z

Click Add. Then, click Close.

For this structure, the local Z axis for each

plate element is pointing towards the
center of the structure, which will allow us
to apply pressure or suction loads easily.

8. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save icon.

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