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Public Services – The Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service Rules,1998

– Amendments - Orders – Issued.


G.O.Ms.No. 738 Dated:22/12/2008

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No.261, G.A.(Ser.B) Department, Dated 14.7.1998.

2. G.O.Ms.No.515, G.A.(Ser.B) Department, Dated 4.12.1999.
3. G.O.Ms.No.286, G.A.(Ser.B) Department, Dated 22.6.2002
4. G.O.Ms.No.298, G.A.(Ser.B) Department, Dated 9.10.2003.
5. G.O.Ms.No.365, G.A.(Ser.B) Department, Dated 17.8.2005.
6. Representation from the A.P.Class-IV Employees Joint
Action Committee, dated 22.7.2006.
7. From the Secretary, APPSC Lr.No.880/RR/2008,
O R D E R:

In G.O.fifth read above, the following amendment was issued to

Note (17) under rule 3 of the A.P.Ministerial Service Rules, 1998

“In the cycles mentioned in Notes (5) and (14) in

respect of the appointments to the categories of Junior
Assistants, Assistant-cum-Typists, Junior Stenographers and
Typists/ L.D. Typists from the feeder category of Record
Assistants and equivalent categories in Andhra Pradesh
General Subordinate Service Rules and Attenders and other
categories in Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Service Rules, the
eligible person from the category of Record Assistant and
equivalent categories in Andhra Pradesh General Subordinate
Service Rules shall be considered first for appointment by
transfer to the categories mentioned in note (5) and (14) and
when suitable persons in the categories in Andhra Pradesh
General Subordinate Service Rules are not available, the
Attenders and other categories in Andhra Pradesh Last Grade
Service Rules have to be appointed by transfer to the
categories mentioned in note (5) and (14).”

2. The Andhra Pradesh Class IV Employees Joint Action

Committee in their representation sixth read above have represented
that prior to 17.8.2005, there was a provision to Last Grade Service
Employees to get promotion directly to the post of Junior Assistant,
Assistant cum Typist as well as Junior Stenographer. Due to the
above amendment the eligible Class IV employees having
appropriate educational qualification etc. are not getting promotion to
the post of Junior Assistant etc. They have therefore requested to
cancel the G.O. Ms. NO. 365 G.A. (Ser.B) Dept. dt. 17.8.2005 and to
restore the Note (17) of rule (3) of Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service
Rules, 1998 existing prior to 17.8.2005.

:: 2 ::
3. Government after careful examination of the matter, decided to
restore the provisions existing prior to issuance of G.O.Ms.No.365, GA
(Ser.B) Deptt., Dt.17.8.2005 by taking the qualifying service both in
the categories of Record Assistant etc., in Andhra Pradesh General
Subordinate Service Rules and Office Subordinate etc., in Andhra
Pradesh Last Grade Service Rules together as 5 years for considering
appointment by transfer to the post of Junior Assistant etc.

4. Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the

Andhra Pradesh Gazette:-
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article
309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto
enabling, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following
amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service Rules, 1998
issued in the G.O.Ms.No.261, General Administration (Services.B)
Department, dated 14th July, 1998 as subsequently amended.
In the said rules,
(1) in rule 3, for Note (17), the following shall be substituted,
“Note (17) In the cycles mentioned in Notes (5) and
(14) in respect of the appointments to the categories of
Junior Assistant, Assistant-cum-Typist, Junior
Stenographer and Typists from the feeder category of
Record Assistants and other equivalent categories in the
Andhra Pradesh General Subordinate Service and Office
Subordinate and other categories in the Andhra Pradesh
Last Grade Service, eligible persons from these
categories shall be divided into three groups as indicated
below and the appointments as between the groups I, II
and III shall be in the ratio of 1:2:7 respectively, in a unit
of 10 vacancies:

GROUP-I: Lift Operators, Motor Cycle Messengers, Drivers,

Xerox Operators and Shroffs including cashiers;

GROUP-II: Record Assistants, Roneo Duplicating Operators;

GROUP-III: Office Subordinates, Chowkidars, Sweepers,

Scavengers, Cycle Orderlies and other categories
in the Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Service.

Appointment to the posts of Junior Assistants, Assistant-cum-

Typist, Junior Stenographers and Typists shall be made from among
the above three groups, in the order of rotation specified below, in
every cycle of ten vacancies:-

1st Vacancy Group-I

2nd Vacancy Group-II
3rd Vacancy Group-III
4th Vacancy Group-III
5th Vacancy Group-III
6th Vacancy Group-II
7th Vacancy Group-III
8th Vacancy Group-III
9th Vacancy Group-III
10th Vacancy Group-III
:: 3 ::

(2) In rule 6-,

(i) in sub-rule (3), after the first proviso the following shall
be inserted, namely,-

“Provided further that service rendered in the category of

Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Service shall also be taken as
qualifying service of five years to the categories of Record
Assistant and members of equivalent categories in other
service for appointment to the post of Junior Assistant or

(ii) in sub-rule (4), after the first proviso the following shall be
inserted, namely,-

“Provided further that service rendered in the category of

Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Service shall also be taken as
qualifying service of five years to the categories of Record
Assistant and members of equivalent categories in other
service for appointment to the post of Junior Assistant,
Assistant-cum-Typist, Typist and Junior Stenographer”


The Commissioner of Printing & Stationary and Stores
Purchases, A.P., Hyderabad – for publication in the
All Departments in Secretairat.
All Heads of Departments.
All District Collectors.
All District Judges.
Copy to; The Chairman, A.P.Class-IV Employees Joint Action
Committee, Hyderabad.
The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
All Administration Sections and Service Sections in GAD.
The Secretary,A.P.Public Service Commission, Hyderabad(10 copies)
The Law (Scrutiny) Department.



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