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Energy Economics - Theory and Applications

Book · March 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-53022-1


10 12,028

3 authors, including:

Peter Zweifel Georg Erdmann

University of Zurich Technische Universität Berlin


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P. Zweifel, A. Praktiknjo, G. Erdmann
Energy Economics
Theory and Applications

Series: Springer Texts in Business and Economics

▶ Explains the economic foundations as well as empirical methods

necessary to understand energy markets
▶ Covers all types of energy markets including those for liquid, gaseous
and solid fuels, as well as electricity
▶ Provides comprehensive references to data sources that allow
readers to carry out their own empirical analysis

This book provides an introduction to energy economics. It shows how to apply general
economic theory as well as empirical and advanced econometric methods to explain
the drivers of energy markets and their development. Readers learn about the specific
properties of energy markets as well as the physical, technological, environmental, and
1st ed. 2017, XX, 324 p. 73 illus. geopolitical particularities of energy sources and products. The book covers all types of
energy markets, ranging from liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, and solid fuels to electricity.
It also addresses emission allowances, energy efficiency, and nuclear risks. The authors
Printed book discuss the engineering properties of energy technologies including renewables, the
Hardcover economics of natural resources and environmental protection, market liberalization, and
▶ 64,99 € | £48.99 | $79.99 energy trade as well as the experience of the German energy transformation. This book
▶ *69,54 € (D) | 71,49 € (A) | CHF 71.50
will serve students as a textbook and practitioners as a reference for their understanding
of energy markets and their development

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